



事无 成 没 能实 现 自己 的美 国梦 . 他 除非 有人 认 为
他 的死 也是 一种美 国梦 的实现 也有 评论 家认 为伯纳
德 没 有 获 得 成 功 . 为 他 并 没 有 完 成 自 己 的 目标 — — 因
员 威利坚信只要受欢迎被尊重 . 那么工作做 得是 否 出
色便不再重要 。这一观念第一次 出现是在 故事 的开头 。 伯纳 德通知威利 . 比夫数学 成绩不 及格 . 利完全 不理 威
萌 芽—— 美 国要给 这个 世界 人人 平等 的机 会 , 只要 肯
努 力 争取 . 论 阶级 与 身 份背 景 . 个 人 都能 实 现 自 不 每
相 反 . 纳 德认 为 想 要实 现 美 国梦 , 须 在 学术 伯 必 和事业 两方 面都 取得 成功 。 同样对 比夫 有着极 高 的 他
《 推销 员之死 》 却 向人 们宣 告 了美 国梦 的破灭 。 ,
14 9 9年 米 勒 花 了 一 个 半 月 时 间 写 出 的 《 销 员 推
之死 》 被誉 为 “ 国梦不 再 ” , 美 的代 表作 。剧 中主 角威
对 待学业 的懒 散态 度 , 开始指 责威 利 。伯纳德 告诉 威 利. 只有 努力 工作 和无 私奉献 才 能获得 成功 评论 家 对威 利和伯 纳德 有两 种截然 不 同的观 点
因 为他 明 白现 实生 活 中文凭 的重要性 。 伯纳德认 为要
想获 得事业 的成功 首先 应该 在学业 上取 得成 功 。威 利在 他父 亲 的公 司偶 遇伯 纳德 . 伯纳 德 正要前 往华 盛 顿. 到最 高法 院去 陈述案 情 威利 告诉 伯纳德 关 于 比
夫 和 他 最 近 的 工 作 机 会 之 后 , 纳 德 就 比 夫 的 无 能 和 伯



动作用 , 也成为美国文学中一个反复出现的文学主题。

“ 国 梦 ” 内涵 与 发 展过 程 美 的
“ 国梦 ” 内涵 可 以分 为 广 义 和 狭 义 两 个 方 面 来 理 解 。从 广 义 讲 , 美 的

它指作为 “ 民主 、 自由、 平等” 的国家理想 ; 狭义讲 , 美 国梦” 从 “ 是指在美 国, 一个人只要 自己努力工作就能达到 自己的梦想 , 是一种相信 只要经过 不懈奋斗便能获得更好 生活的理想 。对 于民众 , 美 国梦” 常具体 , “ 非 指 和成功、 幸福联系在一起 的一 切具体 目标——享受高等教 育和获得较 高 的社会地位 , 有幸福的家庭 、 可爱的孩子 、 昂贵 的汽车和豪华 的住宅等 等。 从美国的社会发展来看, 似乎广义的“ 国梦” 美 实现的更加成功。 最早 的 “ 国梦 ” 于 最初 来 到这 片土 地 的 殖 民 者 的 梦 想 , 们 有 的 美 源 他 是 以 发 财致 富为 目的 的 冒 险家 , 的 是 为 逃 避 宗 教 迫 害 而 追 求 精 神 自 由 有 的 新 教徒 。来 到 这块 广袤 无 垠 、 沃 富 饶 的 土 地 后 , 险家 开 始 了拓 荒 , 肥 冒 与恶劣的 自然环境作斗争 , 消灭土著印第安人 , 稳稳地 占据了新大陆 。 第二 阶段是 自由梦和 民主梦。17 7 6年 《 独立宣 言》的提 出是 “ 国 美 梦” 的精神支持 , 它以追求 自由、 民主的理念激励着所有为 独立而战 的美 国人民, 催生 了新型的美利坚合众国。南北战争时期 , 亦是这样一种理想 号 召 美 国人 民废 除 奴 隶制 , 取 自由 。 争 接下 来 的两 个 世 纪 , 美 国 梦 ” 现 为 新 型 民族 的 强 国 梦 。 美 国在 国 “ 体 际舞台上 的声音越来越高, 开始广泛地 插手到世界事务 中。两次世界大 战 的 巨大 收 获 与 巧取 豪 夺 , 上 美 国人 民 的奋 发 图 强 , 短 时间 内成 为 世 加 短 界头号强 国, 无可匹敌。可以说 , 美国历史 深深地打 上了 “ 国梦”的烙 美

(完整版)论《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的破灭 英文

(完整版)论《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的破灭 英文

The Disillusion of American Dream in The Great Gatsby The American Dream is the dream of a land in which life should be richer and better for everyone, providing them with opportunities according to their abilities or achievements。

It encourages people to work through efforts, courage, creativity and determination to move towards prosperity, rather than rely on any other forces. In one time, it did help some people to fight for success. But as time flew, the American dream went to the other side。

So in this case, the essay aims to discuss the disillusion of the so—called American Dream—- also the theme of The Great Gatsby, with the analysis of the tragedy of its main character-- Gatsby。

In the novel, Gatsby’s American Dream is not material possession. He only comes into riches so that he can fulfill his true dream———— to reunite with Daisy。







[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2017)-09--01美国梦是世世代代美国人普遍的信仰,他们相信只要通过自身的努力和不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活,这个从美国殖民时期就出现的美国梦,不仅激励着美国人民为了获得更好的生活而奋斗,也始终贯穿在美国文学的发展进程中。









用。《推 销 员之 死》是他 最具代表性 的作 品 ,也是 一部 最具 深远影 响 的“战后 美 国最伟 大 的剧 作 ”。米勒通 过
创作《推 销 员之 死》,表 达 了对“美 国梦”的理 解。时至今 日,该剧 所 体现 的 美 国社 会 最致 命 的矛 盾依 然存 在。 《推销 员之 死》当 中关 于美 国梦 的思考 ,关于人 类 永恒追 求 的 东西—— 人性 、道德 、思想 以及 它赋 予戏剧 的责
(二 )威利 ·洛曼及其 美 国梦 米勒 的创作接 近 现实 主义 ,他注 重人 文 关怀 以 及对 人生境 遇和精 神状 态 的剖 析 ,他 的笔 触 也更 多 地指 向在精 神上饱 受压 抑 ,或遭 到主 流社 会 排斥 的 底层人 物 。《推销员 之死》中的主人公威 利正是这样 一 个小 人物 。他是个 十分普 的美 国推销 员 ,把 自 己的一 生都执著 于他 所认 知 的 “美 国梦 ”,并 不 懈地 为之付 出 。他把 自己 的生 活建 立在 梦 想之 上 ,把幻 想当作 现实 。而他 在 生 活 陷入 困境 时 ,虽然 也 尝试 认 清 问题 ,却 由于对 心 中梦想 的强烈渴望 ,而使 自己
Aug.2OO9 Vo1.23 N0.4
从《推销 员之 死》看 阿瑟 ·米勒 对 “美 国梦 ’’的 阐释
尹 露
(中原 工 学院 信 息 商务 学 院 ,河 南 ,郑 州 ,450007)
摘 要 :作 为一位 伟 大的 美 国现 实主 义 剧作 家 ,阿 瑟 ·米 勒一 直 关 注戏 剧 的社 会 功 能 和道 德 的教 谕 作
而 获 得 成 功 的 梦 想 。 “美 国梦”吸引 了世 界 各地 的移 民 ,许 多 移 民都
是抱 着 “美 国梦”的理 想 前往 美 国 的。人 们相 信 ,在 美 国 ,只要 经 过个 人 的努 力 不 懈 地 奋 斗 ,只 要 有 勇 气 、创 意和决 心 ,便 能获 得 美好 生 活 ,而不 依 赖特 定 的社 会地位 和他人 的援助 。







【关键词】《美国悲剧》“美国梦” 腐蚀作用一、“美国梦”美国的历史不长,自1776年建国以来只有二百多年的历史。












和很多美国人一样,威利·洛曼认为不管自 己是个多么普通的小人物,只要自己努力干,就 会成功,就会发财,就会成为一个了不起的人 。 “只要努力,上帝就会帮助你,就会有好房子、好 汽车,你的孩子就会前途无量,反之,上帝就会 离你而去”。这种信念已经成了美国文化的一个 组成部分,也就是我们所说的美国梦。美国梦是 一条横穿全剧的线索,对 它的追求、实现、幻灭 和丧失构成了洛曼一家一幕幕的悲喜剧。这部 剧中出现了三代人:威利的父亲、威利和他的哥 哥本、威利的儿子比夫和哈比。从第一代梦想的 实现到第三代梦想的完全幻灭,威利一家也逐 渐走向了衰落。米勒以其平实、深刻的笔触揭开
和父兄不同,威利拒绝了和哥哥同去阿拉 斯加,选择留在了高楼林立的都市来实现自己 的梦想。第一幕开启,读者被引入到一幅优美的 图画中:悠扬的笛声、树林 、青草、地平线,一切 都如梦似幻,就如同威利美丽的梦想。但现实是 残酷的,当清晨的薄雾散去,我们看到 :四 周林 立的高楼遮去家里所有的阳光;曾经紫藤丁香 盛开的小院,如今寸草不生;红色的雪弗莱是威 利过往的骄傲,如今的座驾已破烂不堪;秋千架 上纯 真优秀的儿子,如今一无所长,居无定所。 这出戏描写了威利人生中的最后两天,他徘徊 在过去和现在、幻想和现实之间,已处于崩溃的 边缘。
威利更是一名失败的父亲。大儿子比夫曾 经是他的骄傲。高中时的比夫是橄榄球明星,三 所大学愿意为他提供奖学金,前途一片光明。然 而比夫却在高考数学考试中失败。失望的比夫 并没有因此沮丧,他前往波士顿寻找父亲。他认 为他一直崇拜的父亲只要和老师谈一谈,就可 以解决一切问题,因为父亲是那么讨人喜欢,老 师一定会被他说服。没想到,却发现父亲和情妇 在一起,父亲的崇高形象顿时坍塌。比夫从此一 蹶不振,他放弃了补习班,放弃了大学,甚至是 放弃了他自己。 三十来岁了,比夫还在四处游 荡,一事无成。








1.阿瑟·米勒戏剧《推销员之死》中美国梦的体现 [J], 游航
2.简析阿瑟·米勒《推销员之死》中的美国梦 [J], 王子慕;
3.从《推销员之死》看阿瑟·米勒对"美国梦"的阐释 [J], 尹露
4.美国梦的悲剧--浅析阿瑟·米勒的《推销员之死》 [J], 孙章萍
5.亦真亦幻美国梦,孤心飘荡不归路-阿瑟·米勒《推销员之死》赏析 [J], 许俊农;朱耀武



推销员之死英文读后感英文回答:Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller is a profound and moving play that explores the themes of the American Dream, identity, and the pursuit of happiness. Willy Loman, the protagonist, is a struggling salesman who desperatelyclings to his fading sense of worth and importance. As the play unfolds, we witness Willy's descent into despair as he grapples with the harsh realities of life and the unattainability of his dreams.Miller's masterful storytelling and character development create a deeply empathetic portrayal of Willy Loman's struggles. The playwright's use of flashbacks and dream sequences allows us to delve into Willy's past and understand the formative experiences that shaped his present. Through Willy's interactions with his wife, Linda, and his sons, Biff and Happy, we see the profound impact of family dynamics on his sense of self.The play deftly exposes the flawed and often elusive nature of the American Dream. Willy's unwavering belief in the promise of financial success and social status blinds him to the true meaning of happiness. As a result, he sacrifices his integrity and relationships in the pursuitof an unattainable ideal. Miller's critique of capitalism and the societal pressures it imposes on individuals isboth poignant and thought-provoking.Moreover, Death of a Salesman raises importantquestions about identity and the search for meaning in life. Willy's struggle to define his worth outside of his workand his desire to leave a lasting legacy highlight the existential angst that many people experience. Miller's exploration of the themes of regret, acceptance, and the importance of living an authentic life resonates deeplywith audiences.In conclusion, Death of a Salesman is a timeless masterpiece that offers a profound meditation on the human condition. Through Willy Loman's tragic journey, Millerpoignantly examines the complexities of the American Dream, the challenges of identity formation, and the enduring search for happiness. The play's powerful storytelling,rich characterization, and incisive insights continue to resonate with readers and audiences alike, making it a enduring work of American literature.中文回答:《推销员之死》是阿瑟·米勒的一部深刻感人的戏剧,探讨了美国梦、身份认同以及追求幸福的主题。



American Dreams in Death of a SalesmanAbstract:With money as the theme of “American Dream”in Arthur Miller’s masterpiece Death of a Salesman is fully reflected. The tragedy death of leading character stands for the broken of American Dream. Willie’s twisty character is the main reason for his tragedy fate, while his social rules are the primary cause. These two reasons lead the broken of American Dreams.Key words: Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman, American DreamsAfter the masterpiece Death of a Salesman came out by contemporary author Arthur Miller, it caused a big sensation among American playdom. Arthur Miller was praised as a social philosophical dramatist. His art achievement reached peakedness by his masterpiece Death of a Salesman. Willy Loman who was a salesman believed American Dreams with no doubt thought only he worked hard and kind to people then he could get into the upper class. In this way, he could become rich and respect by people. Willy’s sons, Buf and Habbie, were controlled by American Dreams like their father. But unfortunately, they became victims of it. American Dreams is a kind of fairy tale in contemporary American society.American Dreams in American literatureEvery country and ethnic literature with unique tradition has its own emotion. For American literature, this kind of emotion is the “American Dreams”. Throughout the American literature of the 20th century, we can find a forever theme; this is the "American Dreams" of weight loss and prospects of persistent pursuit. The "American Dreams" is throughout the history of the United States, the most can reflect the ideal of American way of life and national spirit is the equality, freedom, tolerance, enterprising and idealistic belief of success, is the everyone has equal opportunity to succeed the hope and the possibility of miracles optimistic self-confidence. It is this "American Dreams", as it were, embodied the American spirit, embodies the American traditional value concept. The immersion in the American psyche of the "American Dreams" complex originated from immigration, Wild West. Early European settlers, who arrived in America with great vision and imagination to develop the new world, they overcome the bad natural environment, conquered the resistance of the native Indians, the establishment of a happy home in the new world. In this vision, fantasy, and gave birth to the embryo of the "American Dreams" of success. Religious propaganda tell people to success is a industry city people's gift of god, and secular literature is filled with "from rags to the millionaire's" dream of success. Later in the process of "gold rush" of western development, there are many adventurers overnight become wealthy upstart, is the "golden dream into a reality."All this has stimulated the "American Dreams" the growth of the uniquely American monsters. Americans are generally thought that as long as their hard work hard workhard struggle will be able to succeed, to happiness. Spread the concept of the long and deep influence, is arguably accumulates deeply in the American collective unconscious psychological level, dominated the American behavior and life. And then the high-speed development of economy makes people full of confidence for the realization of the "American Dreams". Until the middle of the 19th century, American literature, especially the Walt Whitman as representative of romantic literature, with lofty sentiments and warm dream ruggedly sing of American democracy and freedom."Naive age" is over, however, stepped into the 20th century American literature finally refining device smile meditation. The American writers of the new century is no longer addicted to about the "myth" of American success, turned to the "American Dreams" to conduct a comprehensive reflection and criticism. The theme "war" on late for the first line, the early main performance from the Angle of social crisis the disillusionment of "American Dreams", the late mainly from individual existence crisis performance criticism of the "American Dreams".Analysis for American Dreams in Death of a SalesmanIn "Death of a Salesman" in the American Dreams of success is never forgotten Willy's brother, Ben. The age of seventeen, went to the African jungle, by means of competition comes out at the age of 21 became a millionaire with diamonds. His brother for Willie this from the start of his own fate is very sure, that I will become a rich man. This image, the embodiment of the American Dreams like ghosts always linger in his mind, Willie heart around all the time. Willy Roman life abides by the law of "success", his entire body and mind, enthusiasm, dedication, and even life are poured on the pursuit of success. Life ups and downs, poor management, by now, are old, still helpless and golden "American Dreams" for he is like a castle in the air. He hopes the success two sons, was to educate them to be thought, however, biff, as father wandering for many years, career achievements. All this to Willy Roman's great stimulation and mental anguish, because failure means that the library of his life struggling to pursue.And Willy Roman career in stark contrast to the failure of the Willie is a modern man, embrace the American Dreams dreamed to get rich. As a good salesman, a good father, a good husband, loyal to his wife's widely revered. The harsh reality, however, far from it. Willy crisscrossed 36 years for the company's marketing work, at the age of more than 60 companies nor guaranteed salary for him, only to give him the sales, and have association with his client not retirement has been to the deceased. When Willie out marketing drive seven hundred miles but can't take home a money, but for the sake of self-esteem, nor of his wife the truth, only friend Charlie borrow fifty dollars a week to pay installment, even say oneself earn, this kind of work pressure.Willy Roman is the victim of the "American dream". Like many Americans, he think that no matter how much he is a ordinary little people, as long as their efforts, god will help you, there will be a good house, good car. On the contrary, god will leave you. This belief has become a part of American culture. Times have changed, Dave Sigman told the wonderful memories can only is memory. In the materialisticsocial reality, no warmth between people, "this is a heartless world. Willy's philosophy of success homes in the presence of this fact.Finally, when realized thoroughly realize the American dream hopes, and his son biff has break with him in the thoughts, no longer believe the American dream, Roman helplessly on the point of no return. He is full of hope, for another version of the American dream and died. A sad thing, he is a failure. His wife can't get a $twenty thousand in compensation from the insurance company. Roman became victims of the American dream. He seems to be for the American dream is born, die for the American dream.SummaryDeath of a Salesman shows an ordinary American’s life for us. It tells a sad story of a failure. Willy’s tragedy is in his extreme superstition for American Dream. Just like crazy for religion, this kind of superstition erosions his age and life and twists his human character. At the beginning, he was just confidence blindly. Then following was disappointed and loneliness. At last, he lost his motivation for life. The process of failure is the process of Willy’s American Dreams’ broken.参考文献:亚瑟米勒《推销员之死》中国对外翻译1999。



















中图分类 号 :I106.3(712)
文献 标识 码 :A
“美 国 梦 ”一 词 最 早 是 由 詹 姆 斯 ·特 拉 斯 洛 ·亚当斯 在他 的著 作 《美 国史 诗》中提 到 的。 他指 出 :“美 国 梦 是 ‘梦 想 的 土地 ,每 个 人 都 会 有 更 好 、更富 有 和更 充实 的 生活 ,并且 那些有 能 力或 成就 的人 总是 充满 机 会 。这是 一个 让欧洲 上 层 阶 级 无法 完全 理 解 的 梦 想 ,甚 至 我 们 国家 中 的大 部 分人对它感到厌倦和不信任 。这不仅仅是关于汽 车 和高 薪水 的 梦想 ,更 是 对 一 种社 会 良好 秩 序 的 梦 想 。在 这个 社 会 里 ,每 个男 人 和女 人 无 论 出身 贵 贱 、地 位高 下 ,都 能够 达到 其天 赋 能力 范 围 内所 允许 的最 高 成 就 ,并 得 到 他 人 的认 可 。”【3 J‘‘美 国 梦 ”这 一 概 念 常 常 和 “自由 ”、“民 主 ”、“机 会 ”、 “成功 ”以及 “无 限 可 能性 ”等 字 眼 联 系在 一 起 。 在 1776年美国《独立宣言》中,“美国梦”又有 了 更确切 的含义 ,创始者提到 :“……坚持某些真理 是 不 言 自明 的 ,所 有 人 ,生 而平 等 ,他 们被 造 物 主 赋予某些不可剥夺的权利 ,这其 中包括生命权、自 由权 和追 求 幸 福 的权 利 。”戏 剧 《推 销 员 之 死 》既 是 主人 公 威 利 ·洛曼 梦想 破 灭 的 悲剧 ,也 是 “美 国梦”的深刻体现与诠 释。该剧 自1949年在美国 首次 公演 以后 便在 戏 剧界 引起 了强 烈轰 动 。阿瑟 · 米勒通过描写威利 ·洛曼的一生把美 国普通民 众生活的悲剧性赤裸裸地展现在舞 台上 ,引起第 二次世界大战后美 国人民的共鸣。推销员威利 ·



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 欧内斯特.海明威《雨中猫》和田纳西.威廉斯《热铁皮屋顶上的猫》中的女主人公的对比分析2 The Influence of Bob Dylan and His Works on American Social Movements3 中国大学机构名称汉英翻译策略研究4 An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and Sensibility5 广告语的特点及其翻译技巧6 从跨文化角度谈英语词汇的教与学7 爱的缺失:班吉康普森的痴人说梦—《喧哗与骚动》班吉叙述视角研究8 英语听力理解障碍及应对策略9 人文主义的悲壮颂歌——哈姆雷特与古典人文主义研究10 英语广告语中双关语的运用及翻译11 基督教在中国的发展与中国文化的融合12 浅析英语专业学生在听力理解中的策略运用13 试论英语中的歧义与翻译14 《推销员之死》中主角威利的性格分析15 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征手法16 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved17 浅析《飘》中的女性意识18 试论提高初中英语作业的效果19 会话含义理论在英文广告中的应用20 探讨图式理论对英语专业四级阅读中的指导作用21 论英语写作中中式英语的成因及解决策略22 Effects of Chinese Culture on Promotion of Automobiles--Traditional Cultural Elements23 广播英语的语言学分析24 试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信25 苔丝形象浅析26 从《无名的裘德》看哈代的现代性意识27 英文商务信函的语言特点和写作原则28 从《功夫熊猫》中试析中美文化的碰撞与融合29 论《飘》中思嘉丽的性格特征30 美国电影与文化霸权—以好莱坞大片《阿凡达》为例31 魔幻现实主义在《所罗门之歌》中的应用32 Cultural Connotation of Color Words in Chinese and Western Culture33 文化负载词的翻译策略34 中西方思维方式对比研究及其在广告中的体现35 论杰克.伦敦的个人经历和信仰对《野性的呼唤》主人公巴克命运的影响36 浅析《飘》中女性人物形象37 分析阿加莎克里斯蒂在其侦探小说《阳光下的罪恶》中的写作手法38 论《宠儿》中社区与逃离的关系39 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names40 An Analysis of Tess’s Tragic Fate and the Realization of Hardy’s Fatalism41 A Comparison Between the History of Development of Law in Western Countries and China42 企业文化构建的话语分析路径43 英汉禁忌语对比分析44 论“迷惘的一代”--以海明威为个案45 《暮色》两中译本中文化缺省重构的对比研究46 论广告英语的语言特色47 《金色笔记》中的女性主义解析48 浅析《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中渐渐消失的玫瑰49 马克.吐温悲观主义及其产生原因初探50 论《红字》的模糊性51 中英文数字文化对比及其翻译52 霍克斯《红楼梦》英译本中委婉语的翻译策略研究53 工业化进程中的人性异化——解读wrence《儿子与情人》54 《宠儿》中塞丝的性格特征分析55 从功能对等理论看“赶”的英译56 从语境视角分析电影字幕英译中翻译57 Translation Strategy on Culturally-loaded Expressions in Prison Break58 An Analysis of “The Cask of Amontillado”59 英语动物习语的研究及翻译60 女性形象下的女权主义思想——浅析汤亭亭小说《女勇士》61 爱恨共辉煌——浅析《呼啸山庄》中的男主人公62 模糊限制语的语用功能及在广告中的应用63 滑稽背后的严肃--浅析王尔德喜剧《认真的重要性》中人物话语特征64 A Feminist Narratological Analysis of the Tess of the D’Urbervilles65 英语委婉语及其语用学原则66 论英语专业八级口语测试的内容效度67 《麦田里的守望者》的文体特色分析68 The Analysis of the Gothic Features of Wuthering Heights69 中西方身体语言的差异的研究70 五官习语的翻译71 小议非语言交际中的身体语言72 《永别了,武器》的存在主义解读73 歇斯底里的舞台自语者——《寻找格林先生》主题解读74 交际法在大学英语教学中的现状探究75 教师的态度对初中学生英语学习的影响76 爵士时代美国东西部的差距在盖茨比的人生悲剧中所扮演的角色77 论《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物悲剧的必然性78 他者形象:最逆来顺受与最狂野的—中国女性在西方电影中的形象79 “It be Adj of sb to do sth”中形容词语义的构式语法研究80 论《永别了,武器》的写作风格81 世纪美国男权社会下女性的成长——解读《觉醒》中埃德娜的觉醒过程和原因82 An Interpretation to The Characters in Nella Larsen’s Novel—Passing83 浅析以学生为中心的中学英语口语教学84 永不凋落的玫瑰—从女性主义分析《红字》中的海斯特85 浅析《看不见的人》中看得见的种族歧视86 从《宠儿》的人物形象中分析莫里森的种族观87 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译88 Approaching English V ocabulary Teaching—a Lexicological Perspective89 论《兔子归来》中黑人民权意识的觉醒90 Two Different Images of the Heroines in the Novel the Age of Innocence91 英语新闻标题中的修辞及其翻译92 A Comparative Analysis of English V ocabulary Teaching between China and America at the Primary and Secondary School Level93 卡特福德的等值翻译理论与名词化翻译——以《入乡随俗》英译汉为例94 A Freudian Psychoanalytical Interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights95 中西方商务礼仪的差异96 语篇分析在阅读教学中的运用97 商务英语的词汇特征及翻译策略98 悖论式的唯美主义--论王尔德的《道连.格雷的画像》99 威廉·戈尔丁《蝇王》中的写作艺术100 A Pragmatic Analysis of Oxymoron in Advertising101 浅析如何通过英语原版电影学习英语102 分析简.奥斯汀的作品《爱玛》中的理性主义103 论象征主义在《喜福会》中的体现104 修辞在政治演讲中的作用--以奥巴马获胜演讲为例105 反译法在英译汉中的应用106 Resonant Effect of Dialogues in Lolita on Readers107 A Feminist Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen108 从E.B.怀特与秦文君的儿童文学作品看中西方价值观之比较109 An Analysis of the Religious Elements in Robinson Crusoe110 On the Chinese Loanwords from English111 论文化背景对跨文化英语口语交际效果的影响112 A Research on University Students’ L Learning Motiva tion113 从《蝇王》中的象征看人性的恶114 合作原则在动画中的应用115 法律英语词汇的特点及其翻译116 文化差异对英语学习的影响117 母语在第二语言习得中的迁移118 The Social Significance of The Merchant of Venice from the Perspective of Modern Society 119 言语行为理论视角下口语交际误解现象120 英汉语言中红色联想意义的比较121 模糊语在商务英语谈判中的语用研究122 重复在儿童英语教学中的重要性123 相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较124 隐喻视角下的方位词研究--以方位词in和up为例125 Reconstruction of Black Identity in Toni Morrison’s Beloved126 中英文商标翻译的问题及其解决方法127 汉英语言中动物名称文化内涵对比分析128 英汉语复合词结构特征比较探析129 试析《远大前程》中匹普性格发展与社会环境的关系130 论内莉丁恩在《呼啸山庄》中的作用131 圣诞节对大学生的影响的调查研究132 英语中的女性歧视133 英语委婉语的表达模式和应用134 浅析《红字》中的女性意识135 中英颜色词内涵对比分析——《骆驼祥子》个案分析136 论翻译的艺术137 高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策138 从关联理论看科技英语的翻译139 环保宣传语翻译中的文化介入140 论企业对员工过度压力的管理141 从归化策略视角看中医药说明书的翻译142 世纪以来英汉委婉语的语义变迁143 浅谈一些英美文学作品中的猫形象144 残酷的现实与审美愉悦——论《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的崇高美145 商务英语交流中委婉语的语用功能研究146 英汉死亡委婉语的文化差异及其分类对比147 The Research of Chinese and Western Names in Cross-cultural Communication 148 跨文化交际中的中西方时间观念149 性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现150 从后现代主义视角解读《第二十二条军规》的无秩序性151 从《大卫科波菲尔》的女性人物塑造看现实主义与浪漫主义的结合152 李尔王和格勒旺布王比较研究153 《呼啸山庄》和《暮色》系列的对比研究:《呼啸山庄》再次热销引发的思考154 Study of English Borrowing from Chinese155 英汉称呼语的对比研究156 中美时间观差异对跨文化交际的影响157 梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》和道家思想在自然观上的比较158 An Analysis of Waiting for the Barbarians from the Perspective of Spatial Theory 159 The Goth ic Elements in Edgar Allan Poe’s Works160 《傲慢与偏见》中的灰姑娘情节161 论广告翻译中的跨文化因素162 从精神分析法解读《追风筝的人》的主题163 旅游资料翻译中文化因素的处理164165 论《劝导》中女性角色的地位166 《野性的呼唤》中的人性和野性167 An Analysis of Oscar Wilde’s Subversion of Traditional Fairy Tales168 《野性的呼唤》中巴克形象分析169 完美女性与准则英雄—论《永别了,武器》中的凯瑟琳170 古诗英译中意象与意境的处理171 电影《纳尼亚传奇》中的圣经意象172 走出精神的困境:论托尼.莫里森小说《爵士乐》中维奥莱特的自我救赎173 从模因论角度下谈广告语的仿译174 透过《傲慢与偏见》中四位女性的性格分析她们的不同婚姻175 英语新闻标题的前景化176 生态视角下解读《荒野的呼唤》177 金庸武侠英译中的文化传递178 中美大学生课堂讨论话语性别差异对比179 从功能对等的角度分析《红楼梦》中的习语翻译180 从中英语言中的幽默表达看中西方思维差异181 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性形象182 浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用183 中英称谓语的差异184 On Chinese-English Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory 185 论《冰与火之歌》中角色视点手法的运用186 课后练习在初中英语课堂教学中的作用187 对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析188 梭罗《瓦尔登湖》中的“简单”原则189 论翻译单位190 通过姚木兰和斯嘉丽形象的对比看中西文化的异同191 论华兹华斯的自然观192 小学英语课堂教学氛围调查研究193 如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能194 运用弗洛伊德人格理论解读《吸血鬼日记》中的吸血鬼形象195 The Travel of Freedom—An analysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn196 凯瑟琳.曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》反映的人性创伤分析197 英汉双语词典中的语用信息198 中英婚姻观对比199 从婚礼仪式浅谈中西方文化的冲突和交融200 从顺应论角度看英汉称谓语的翻译。



1. IntroductionFor the 1948-1949 theatrical season Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman won the coveted Pulitzer Prize. It also received the New York Drama Critics’ Circle Award, the Antoinette Perry Award, as well as general critical acclaim. His play have long been examined from the perspective of social criticism, realism, politics, and psychology, but later critics focus their attention on analyzing his work from feminist and cross-cultural perspectives and on exploring their theatrical innovation and figurative language.A half century after it was written, Death of a salesman remains a powerful drama. Its indictment of fundamental American values and the American Dream of material success may seem somewhat tame in today’s age of constant national and individual self-analysis and criticism, but its challenge was quite radical for its time. After World War II, the United States faced profound and irreconcilable domestic tensions and contradictions.This paper looks at how Arthur Miller’s play of 1949, Death of a Salesman, offers a strong commentary on capitalism’s expectation that all persons can and will participate strongly in a capitalist environment. It discusses how some personalities are not at all suited to this range of activities and also, how capitalism will always leave behind some persons who for whatever reason cannot compete ably, or cannot summon all of their resources for the very competitive approach that is required. Death of a Salesman also poses questions about the basic relationship between man and his social environment, specifically the individual entrepreneur and the sea of competition to achieve the ―American Dream.‖The tragedy of Willy’s death made people mourn for him and simultaneously it was the social system he was in that caused his death. In capitalist society, everybody was controlled under a law—law of success. Willy’s tragic mistake, according to Miller, was that he broke the unwritten but very powerful ―law of success,‖which declared, ―that a failure in society and in b usiness had no right to live.‖ (Miller 120) This play happened almost in 1940s, a social revolution unnoticeably broke out. The whole society was running for money and wealth. Such social system forcedpeople to produce more profit and keep on working, jus t like machines with all day’s working but without thinking and desire to receive other people’s admittance. The social system rightly collided with human being’s innate capacity—desires to receive other’s recognition. However, with the development of the society, people slowly changed this capacity and changed to be more biddable to this system.Willy, on the contrary, still held his notion, and never wanted to accept that change, even was eager to persuade others to follow his thought. Nevertheless, human beings could never win social force. Consistent confusion, which resulted from the collision between reality and his thought, leaded to his ultimate death. So Willy’s death was, in fact, caused by the conflict between the social system or capitalism and individual belief.2. Changes in living conditionsTechnical advances like the car and the refrigerator made life easier and comfortable. But ant the same time there are feelings of anxiety and disquiet.2.1 Country versus cityNineteenth-century Romantic poets, such as William Wordsworth, wrote that those who lived in the country, close to Nature and its wonders, were likely to be happier, nobler people than those who forced to endure the ugliness of crowded cities.When the younger Willy and Linda first started making payments on their Brooklyn house, it was in a pleasant semi-rural area with grass and flower gardens, Vegetables, too, were grown in the back yard. Since then, however, tall apartment houses have been built that shut out the light so that plants will not grow and substitute unpleasant odors for the fragrance of lilac and wisteria:WILLY. Gee, on the way home tonight I’d like to buy some seeds.LINDA. (laughing) That’d be wonderful. But not enough sun gets backthere. Nothing’ll grow any more. (Luo Xuanmin 512)Willy’s little house and the hammock he and Biff swung between the elms thus becomes the symbol of an earlier, more individualistic, more easy-going America. The big apartments in turn suggest to Willy a population ―out of control‖and the new ―madd en ing‖ competition. Only a few buildings in a small area are involved here, but the playwright seems to suggest that the changes may be more or less typical in America.2.2 The hard struggle of the average familyThere is much detailed reference to nagging bills for car, roof, and household appliances. Much is made of the painfully slow business of paying on the installment plan for household appliances and the car and keeping everything in repair. Insurance premiums must be met before the grace period expires, and mortgage payments must be met over a quarter of a century:LINDA. And you got one more payment on the refrigerator…WILLY. I’m always in a race with the junkyard! I just finished paying for the car and it’s on its last legs. The refrigerator consumes beltslike a goddam maniac. They time those things. They time them sowhen you finally paid for them, they’re used up.LINDA. (buttoning up his jacket as he unbuttons it) All told, about two hundred dollars would carry us, dear. But that includes the lastpayment on the mortgage. After this payment, Willy, the housebelongs to us.WILLY. It’s twenty-five years!WILLY. To weather a twenty-five years mortgage is—LINDA. It’s an accomplishment. (Luo Xuanmin 514)From their conversation, we can learn that the average family always struggle hard for living.2.3 Lament for the pastThe tone of the play is often nostalgic. Willy looks back to better times when his house had a flourishing garden. He recalls how much admired the light-hearted Biff was as a boy and how beautiful the red Chevrolet looked when polished. The present, by contrast, is a time of darkness and suffocation, of weariness and bewilderment, of blighted hopes and bitter quarrels.3. Changes in business conditionsThe play suggests that modern business is so coldly competitive that decent human values are ignored.3.1 The reason for being a salesmanAs Willy said that their family had a little a streak of self-reliance, he want to approve himself that he had the ability to achieve success through another way different from his brother. Maybe it was Willy’s destination that he happened to hear from a story about a salesman—David Singleman:WILLY. And he was eighty-four years old, and he’d drummed merchandise in thirty-one states. And old Dave, He’d go up to his room,y’understand, put on his green velvet slippers—I’ll never forget—andpick up his phone and call the buyers, and without ever leaving hisroom, at the age of eighty-four, he made his living. When he died—andin the way he die the death of a salesman, in his green velvet slippers inthe smoker of the New York, New Haven and Hartford, going intoBoston—when he died, hundreds of salesman and buyers were at hisfuneral. Things were sad on a lotta trains for months after that. (LuoXuanmin 524)When he saw that, he realized that selling was the greatest satisfying than to be able to go. In his own words, that was ―selling was the greatest career a man could want.‖ Thus, he decided to be a successful salesman.3.2 The earlier accomplishments of WillyWhen Willy began selling for the Wagner Company, he virtually ―discovered‖New England for them. As a young man he opened up whole new territories and was properly commended by his employer, a ―prince,‖ who was ―masterful.‖WILLY. I averaged a hundred and seventy dollars a week in the year of 1928! (Luo Xuanmin 523)He was an excellent salesman at that time and had the warm association between himself and Howard’s father. Howard, senior, came to him the day Howard was born and asked him what he thought of the name of Howard.3.3 Corruption in modern businessWilly has worked for almost thirty-six years for the company. During that time he has opened up new markets and served them faithfully. The company, however, shows no gratitude. As his production slows up with increasing age, he is deprived of a steady salary and put back on straight commission like a beginner.WILLY. (stopping him)I’m talking about your father! There were promisesmade across this desk! You mustn’t tell me you’ve got people to see—Iput thirty-four years into this firm, Howard, and now I can’t pay for myinsurance! You can’t eat the orange and throw the peel away—a man isnot a piece of fruit! (Luo Xuanmin 519)To Howard, ―business is business,‖ he will talk pleasantly enough to employees. But if they do not bring in profits, they are expendable. He has no interest whatsoever in Willy’s past record, his association with Wagner, senior, of with pledges made years ago. Nor does he care how much Willy needs to feed his family. Willy’s problems are his own affair. Howard’s only concern is with the efficient operation of his firm. His total absorption in the tape recorder and his running off from the excited Willy suggest a shallow. Rather immature man. But essentially he represents the cold, practical impersonality of modern business.The treatment, as Linda sees it, is inhuman and plays havoc with a man’s self-respect. Linda also notes the lack of the personal element in business now. In the past old friends used to help Willy with an occasional extra order. Now he is neither known nor welcomed.The play takes issue with those in America who place too much stress upon material gain, at the expense of other, more admirable human values. There are, for instance, several angry comments on the company’s callous disregard for the welfare of Willy, who has served it steadily for over thirty years. Linda speaks with anger of his being taken off salary and both boys think this an outrage. Biff later talks of his father as having ―landed in the ash can‖and suggests that this is all that a ―hard-working drummer‖can expect. But the most scathing indictment is actually delivered by means of the portrayal of Howard in the office scene. Howard is so engrossed in his new toy, the mechanical gadget, the tape recorder, that he cannot pay much attention to the human being, Willy. His brusqueness, his impatience, and then his coldly unconcerned notice of dismissal—all support Willy’s own contention that the business world has lost all respect, comradeship and gratitude, and is now merely―cut and dried.‖ The picture, as so often in Miller plays, is not wholly bleak. Charley, after all, is a fairly successful businessman who behaves with very human generosity. But the discharging of Willy is still a harsh commentary on all who think of men only as income-producing machines, those who, as Willy says, will ―eat the orange and throw the peel away.‖4. Changes in morality and valuesThe different values between Willy and other have triggered his death. The conflict between his values and others’distorted his psychology and leaded to his death.4.1 Questionable moralityEssentially, Miller criticizes first of all the sort of family-oriented morality that causes Americans to lose sight of their responsibilities to the larger social groups of which they are also members. Willy Loman would not presumably steal from his sons, Biff and Happy. But he is tolerantly amused when they appropriate footballs or building materials that belong to others. He is not at all emphatic about the need for personal integrity. When he learns that Biff has taken the football, he tells him to return it. But he is laughing at the time and is clearly not much upset about the theft and tends to condone his action. For one thing, Biff needs the ball for his practicing, and the coach will hardly disapprove. Secondly, the theft showed independence or daring. The coach will understand Biff’s ―borrowing‖of the football and will even commend his ―initiative.‖Finally, others might be censured, but Biff can get away with it because the coach has a high opinion of him. Subsequently, Biff declares he will make a special touchdown for Willy.Biff. I got it, pop. And remember, pal, when I take off my helmet, that touchdown is for you. (Luo Xuanmin 530)According to Happy, Biff is not supposed to do this. He has been instructed to pass. But again Willy is delighted with the intended gesture. If the boys are being given values by Willy, they are not being taught to respect the property rights or authority of others. Later we will find that Biff goes on stealing and that Happy accepts sizable bribes. In Act II Scene 13, Biff blames Willy for having given him false teaching:BIFF. You know why I had no address for three months? I stole a suit in Kansas City and I was in jail.WILLY. I suppose that’s my fault!BIFF. I stole myself out of every good job since high school!WILLY. And whose fault is that?BIFF. And I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air I could never stand taking orders form anybody! That’s whose fault it is!(Huang Jiaxiu 453)4.2 The overemphasis on popularityThe work takes issue with exaggerated emphasis on personal charm rather than upon more solid character traits. Biff and Happy’s futures when they were small all depended on the way they were brought up. Willy was the only one with any say in the way the kids were brought up. Linda went along with whatever Willy said. Willy taught them that if they were handsome and successful, opportunity will come to you. Happy learned nothing from Willy’s demise but insists that his father had ―the only dream you can have- to come out number-one man.‖ Biff and Happy idolized their father when they were young. The stories they were told made them picture their father as a popular, successful, well-known salesman.Willy instilled his principal of dealing with people into Biff’s young heart. He said ―be liked and you will never want.‖ In hi s mind, one who wanted to pursue his success must have good relationship—be widely accepted:That funeral will be massive. They’ll come from Maine, Massachusetts,and Valmont, New Hampshire! All the old –timers with the strangelicense plates… that boy w ill be thunder struck, Ben, because he neverrealized… I am known! Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey… I amknown, Ben, and he will see it with his eyes once and for all. He will seewhat I am, Ben! He is in for a shock, that boy! (Miller 330, 332)It was such values, which focused on more superficial appearance rather than deep essence, interests that are more material rather than moral values, that made his two sons blindly believed so-called personal charm and cannot make an objective judgment on themselves and reality. Moreover, it did not help them master any artisanship to survive in this crucial environment but foster their theft and self-deception. Besides, he inculcated his illusory dream upon his two sons, which affected their thought:Like a young god Hercules, something likes that. And the sun all aroundhim. Remember how he waved to me? Right up from the field, with therepresentatives of three colleges standing by. And the buyers I brought,and the cheers when he came out… Lowman, Lowman! Go d Almighty,he’ll be great yet. A star like that, magnificent can never fade away!(Miller 168)It is just under his father’s continuous showing off that Biff was engrossed inself-delusion that he was superior to others. However, so many years later, a grown-up Biff realized the truth, which his egoism was overbuilt by Willy.I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air. I couldnever stand taking orders from anybody! (Miller 346)In contrast, Charley is Willy’s opposite in many ways in the play. He did not smother his son with attention the way Willy did Biff. He sends Bernard off to Washington with a friendly wave and a man-to-man gift of bourbon. Yet he takes issue with Willy’s insistence upon being well liked. Salesman, he says, sell products, not themselves, and successful men are not always the most lovable types.4.3 In favor of more “respectable” white-collar jobsThe drama seems to hint that too much stress upon certain types of white-collar work has driven those into it who would be better off working with their hands. Willy would enjoy working with his sons out in the open in the Alaskan timberlands, but he thinks that the outdoor work he likes offers no security and no future. We can know that from the following dialogue:BIFF. There were a lot of nice days. When he’d come home from a trip or on Sundays, making the stoop; finishing the cellar; putting on the newporch; when he built the extra bathroom; and put up the garage. Youknow something, Charley, there’s more of him in that front stoop thanin all the sales he ever made.CHARLEY. Yeah. He was a happy man with a batch of cement.LINDA. He was so wonderful with his hands. (Huang Jiaxiu 459)At the end of the story when Linda says they we free, Biff is free to realize his dream of owning a ranch out West where he can live close to the natural world. When he runs down eleven flights with a pen in his hand, suddenly he stopped in the middle of that office building and he saw the sky. He saw the things that he loves in this world, the work and the food and time to sit and smoke.ConclusionDeath of a Salesman was considered to be one of the best modern tragedies in the 20th century. In addition to a number of central and significant themes being developed with the aid of Art hur Miller’s skillful use of techniques, the impact it has had on readers was derived from the author’s unique views on modern tragedy. Death of a Salesman is a thoughtful criticism of the moral and social standards of contemporary America and the confusion it infuses in its citizens. Willy who was under the influence of American dream chose his death as a way to realize his illusory success. The deep reason was the capitalist system, which asked people to keep on working without desiring any recognition from the society just like machines. Willy Loman is simply a victim of the deterioration thereof.Works CitedBrooks, Van Wyck. America’s Coming of Age. New York Amereon Ltd, 1915. 2-70 Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. New York: Penguin Books Ltd,1976.Nourse, Joan Thellusson Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman and All My Sons Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1997. 1-78.黄家修. 美国文学阅读与欣赏[M]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2006.吕方源. 论《推销员之死》的悲剧性(英文)[J]. 科技信息(学术研究),2007,(15):113-116.刘瑞敏. 《推销员之死》中的美国社会[J]. 沈阳教育学院学报, 2006,(03):23-25.罗选民. 英美文学赏析教程(小说与戏剧) [M]. 清华大学出版社, 2006. 508-23王芳. 美国文学与美国梦[J]. 内蒙古大学学报, 2002,(2): 40-43.朱永涛. 美国价值观----一个中国学者的探讨[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.苏友芬. 美国文学导读与应试指南[M]. 上海:上海世界图书出版公司, 2005.6.。



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最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 Cultural Connotation and Translation of Animal Words in Chinese and English2 An Analysis of the Fool in King Lear from the Perspective of New Historicism3 日常生活中手势语的应用4 从功能对等的理论看英语歌词的翻译5 论《愤怒的葡萄》中的生态批评思想6 哲学视角下的中英数字对比研究7 模糊语言在商务英语沟通中的语用功能8 从功能翻译理论看《功夫熊猫》电影字幕翻译9 从《傲慢与偏见》两个汉译本看翻译策略的选择10 《儿子与情人》恋母情结分析11 英语长句的理解和翻译12 《彼得潘》中的“成长”主题13 浅析《恋爱中的女人》中劳伦斯的爱情观14 痴情动因的解析——《一个陌生女人的来信》的精神分析15 从生态批评角度看艾米丽狄金森的诗歌16 沃尔特·惠特曼及其诗歌研究17 浅谈《当幸福来敲门》中的美国个人主义18 Euphemistic Expressions in Business Correspondences19 英文电影对英语学习的影响20 浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突21 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的圣经原型人物解析2223 《荒原》中的神话溯源24 交际教学法在高中英语语法教学中的研究25 浅析科技英语的文体特点26 浅析莫里森名作《最蓝的眼睛》中查理的性格特点27 《小镇畸人》中的空间形式分析28 从模因论角度下谈广告语的仿译29 A Probe into Charles Dickens’ Family Values Reflected in A Ch ristmas Carol30 A Tentative Study of Affective Factors in Second Language Acquisition31 试论《武林外传》与《老友记》中的中美文化差异32 论谭恩美《喜福会》中文化身份迷失与探寻33 A Study on Humanity——Based on the Analysis of David Copperfield34 浅析中西方饮食文化差异35 性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现36 论英美文学作品中的人名寓意及翻译37 从饮食的角度看中西文化差异38 论接受理论对儿童文学作品的影响——以《快乐王子》中译本为例39 Western Women’s View on Love in The Thorn Birds40 中西方传统女权主义思想异同比较——王熙凤与简爱之人物性格对比分析41 A Linguistic Analysis of Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech42 中学生英语互助学习研究43 硬汉形象-浅析厄内斯特•海明威《杀人者》44 浅析美国俚语及其折射出的美国亚文化现象45 回译在翻译教学中的作用46 浅析奥斯卡王尔德童话作品中的唯美主义思想47 埃兹拉•庞德意象派诗歌解析:以《在地铁站里》为例48 Paradox in American Culture: Mainstream and the Trend of Multiculturalism49 A Miniature of Ambivalence and Self-Discovery as Reflected by Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club50 美国基督新教与中国儒家的伦理道德的比较51 萨克雷眼中的女性---文本分析名利场中的女性52 透过七夕和情人节看中西文化差异53 从女性主义翻译理论比较《名利场》两种中译本的翻译54 支付宝-淘宝的成功之道55 中国文化特色词的英译——以《阿Q正传》的两个译本为例56 商标翻译及商标翻译中的文化禁忌57 海明威《雨中猫》的文体分析58 语境理论在初中英语词汇教学中的应用59 网络英语的缩略词的构成特征及其应用研究60 浅谈奥巴马演讲中的语用策略61 英语新闻的互文性研究62 任务型教学模式在初中英语课堂教学中的现状分析--以xx学校初一学生为例63 从生态女性主义角度解读《苔丝》64 《恋爱中的女人》欧秀拉和古迪兰的性格对其爱情观的影响65 浅析英语中的性别歧视66 母语正迁移在初中英语教学中的研究与应用67 《野性的呼唤》中巴克的性格形成过程分析68 对小妇人心灵成长历程的探索69 论环境和社会制度对人的行为和品格的影响——以《雾都孤儿》中南希的形象分析为例70 路易斯——现实世界在非现实世界的投影——解读《夜访吸血鬼》的现代性71 李尔王和格勒旺布王比较研究72 《乱世佳人》中的清教主义思想解析73 浅析“Warming-up”在初中英语学习中的功能74 解析《爱玛》中女主人公的形象75 《太阳照常升起》中科恩屡遭排斥的根源分析76 在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生77 星巴克营销策略研究78 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用与作用79 普通话对英语语音的迁移作用80 维多利亚时代的乡村图景——小说《德伯家的苔丝》展现的威塞克斯农业社会81 The Application and V alue of Formative Assessment to English Teaching and Learning (ETL) in Middle Schools82 中英诗歌及时行乐主题比较83 在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生84 中西方文化差异对习语学习的影响85 《儿子与情人》与《雷雨》中母子关系的对比86 从文化价值观对比研究中美企业管理模式的差异87 On Womanism in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple88 《雾都孤儿》中的女人们——试析狄更斯的女性观89 论《蝇王》中人性的泯灭和救赎的无力90 从关联理论解读《家庭战争》的幽默91 《道连·格雷的画像》中意识与潜意识的对抗与结合92 英文歌词翻译探究93 国际货物销售合同的文体特征及翻译94 论莎士比亚十四行诗的特征95 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新96 从凯鲁亚克的《在路上》看“垮掉的一代”97 游戏在小学英语词汇学习中的运用98 商务英语信函词汇的特征99 国际商务合同的用词特点及翻译100 论《小妇人》中女性人物塑造的两重性101 论《都柏林人》中的情感瘫痪102 浅析艾米莉•狄金森诗歌中的认知隐喻103 论《梅丽迪安》中主人公梅丽迪安的觉醒104 中美大学生请求语策略对比研究105 “黑尔舍姆”教育尝试的失败—析石黑一雄小说《别让我走》106 浅析《黑暗的心》女性形象的作用107 论《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂康普生的悲剧108 从关联理论解读《家庭战争》的幽默109 On the Translation of Children’s Literature in the Light of the Skopostheory:A Case Study of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer110 从CIF与CIP的比较看CIP的优势111 浅析《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物“善”与“恶”的转变112 《汤姆索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中人物形象的对比分析113 中西亲子关系对比性研究114115 中西方文化差异对商务谈判的影响116 浅谈高中英语练习课教学117 社会语言学视角下女性语言的特点118 从生态女性主义角度解读朱厄特的《白苍鹭》119 海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例120 从文化角度看中英房地产广告差异121 情感教学在初中英语课堂中的理论和实践122 《宠儿》中塞丝的性格特征分析123 从精神分析学角度看哈姆莱特的性格变化124 语言变体的翻译——《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的两汉译本的比较125 The Archetype of the Ugly Duckling in The Secret Garden126 中美饮食文化差异及其相互影响127 英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析128 论英语中的汉语借词(开题报告+论)129 关联理论在中餐菜单英译中的应用130 浅析《红字》中女性主义的具体体现131 莎士比亚:男权神话的守望者—莎士比亚戏剧的女性主义解读132 论汉语成语中数字英译的语用等效性133 An Analysis of Youth Subculture through the Movie--Trainspotting134 《傲慢与偏见》中的女性意识分析135 论英语写作中中式英语的成因及解决策略136 An Analysis of the Distorted Male and Female Relationships in Sons and Lovers 137 浅析《麦田守望者》主人公霍尔顿138 从《远离尘嚣》看托马斯哈代的生态自然观139 高中英语教学过程中实施情感教育的研究140 论《小镇畸人》中人物的怪诞性141 浅谈中西方价值观差异及对商务谈判的影响142 透析《洛丽塔》中的性143 浅析中学生英语学习中的情感因数144 礼貌原则视角下奥巴马演讲技巧的分析145 经贸英语中的缩略语现象及其应用146 论《呼啸山庄》中耐莉•丁恩的作用147 关联理论视角下《生活大爆炸》中言语幽默的汉译148 《都柏林人》——一座城市的精神瘫痪149 On the Absurdity in Waiting for Godot150 论《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的悲剧之源151 A Preliminary Survey of Translating San in Chinese Idioms152 英汉习语文化差异之原由153 从及物性角度分析童话的文体特征154 人文主义思想在《皆大欢喜》中的运用155 论《呼啸山庄》中的象征主义运用156 《雾都孤儿》中的批判现实主义157 Translation of Advertising Slogans from Newmark’s Communicative Theory 158 《善良的乡下人》中的女性形象分析159 嘉莉悲剧的原因探析160 跨文化交际中的语用失误与避免方法161 On Michael Moore's Fahrenheit / From the Rhetoric Perspective162 从语境角度分析英语歧义163 试析文化语境对大学英语阅读的影响164 宗教在世界战争史中扮演的角色165 从托妮莫里森透析世纪黑人民族意识演变166 简析《雾都孤儿》中善与恶在人物塑造上的体现167 中西方空间观对比研究168 《大衣》中定语从句的翻译策略169 从希斯克利夫的悲剧人生看“如何被逼出邪恶的人性”170 从Hofstede的文化维度角度解析中美家庭教育的差异171 残酷的现实与审美愉悦——论《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的崇高美172 中英死亡委婉语对比分析173 论《飘》与《傲慢与偏见》中女性追求幸福的不同方式174 论电影片名翻译的“忠实性”175 中西饮食文化的差异176 英汉动物词汇的文化内涵对比及其翻译177 论简•奥斯丁《理智与情感》中两姐妹的成长178 从制度文明起源的角度浅谈中西方家庭观念的差异179 比较分析《野草在歌唱》与《倾城之恋》中女性的爱情婚姻观180 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved181 中西方语言和文化间的相互影响182 分析《悲惨世界》中冉•阿让的人物形象183 浅谈文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响及对策184 Love and Death in The Awakening185 《论自然》—浅析爱默生的超验主义自然观186 从跨文化的角度看翻译的归化与异化187 中西方跨文化商务活动中礼貌的语义差别188 礼貌原则之于商务信函的翻译189 从颜色词看中西方的文化差异190 An Insight into Cause for Feminine Tragedy--A Case Study of A Rose for Emily191 从电影《国王的演讲》看平民情结192 How to Avoid Chinglish on English Writing of Senior High School Students193 从《一间自己的房间》分析弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫的女性主义思想194 论《爱玛》中简奥斯丁的社会理想195 朗读在中学英语教学中的作用196 《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的生态思想197 从跨文化角度论谚语中的比喻与翻译198 《推销员之死》中美国梦破灭的主要原因199 米字旗下的荣耀与忐忑——论维多利亚时代英国人的社会价值观200 The Comparison of the Two Main Characters in Daniel Defoe’s Roxana and Emily Zola’s Nana。



















关键词:阿瑟·米勒;《推销员之死》;美国梦;幻灭AbstractArthur Miller is an influential realistic playwright in contemporary American literature. Death of a Salesman, one of his representative plays, was an immediate success after its first performance in New York in 1949. It won both a Pulitzer Prize and a Drama CriticsCircle Award. It also made him accepted as one of the three greatest American dramatists in the 20th century, along with Eugene O’Neill and Tennessee Williams.Profoundly influenced by the Depression and the war that immediately followed it, Miller managed to use a more practical and vigorous way to portray the working class and their lives. Death of a Salesman successfully unfolds the social problems and family crisis in the period of the Great Depression, shows the common people’s problems, and arouses resonance of those Americans who have suffered from the Great Depression and the failure of the American Dream.Death of a Salesman tackles large issues regarding American national values. It examines the cost of blind faith in the American Dream. Miller charges America with selling a false myth constructed around a materialism nurtured by the postwar economy. The American Dream under materialism misled individual ideals and morality of ordinary people. This play explicitly demonstrates that he, who is deluded by the materialistic American Dream, is bound to be sucked in and reduced to a victim of consumable merchandise and false values. The play examinesthe living plight of common Americans in modern society. It provides readers with contradictory conflicts and revelation of serious social problems in modern western civilization.This paper consists of five parts. Chapter One provides a brief introduction of Arthur Miller and the researches on Death of a Salesman. Chapter Two describes the social background of the American Dream and the influences of Miller’s growing background on this play. Chapter Three demonstrates the origin and development of the American Dream together with its reflection in this play. In Chapter Four, the author analyzes the reasons of the disillusionment of Willy’s American Dream from different roles he pla ys in society. Fina lly, this paper confirms Arthur Miller’s position and his great contributions to American literature and summarizes the social significance of the disillusionment of the American Dream and its enlightenment to people.Key words: Arthur Miller; Death of a Salesman; American Dream; disillusionmentContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1Chapter 2 Backgrounds of Death of a Salesman 32.1 Growing Background of Arthur Miller 32.2 Social Background of Death of a Salesman 4Chapter 3 The American Dream in Death of a Salesman 63.1 The Origin and Development of the American Dream 63.2 Willy’s American Dream 73.3 Biff’s American Dream 83.4 The Essence of the American Dream 9Chapter 4 Reasons of the Disillusionment of Willy’s American Dream 10 4.1 Willy’s False Values 104.2 Willy’s Failure as a Salesman 114.3 Willy’s Failure as a Father 124.3.1 False-teaching as a father 124.3.2 Biff’s failure 13Chapter 5 Conclusion 14Notes 15Bibliography 16Acknowledgements 17。





















Name: Student number:Course: A Journey in English Literature Instructor: June.10, 2011_______________________________________________________________________________Abstract:Death of a Salesman is a great tragedy which was written by Arthur Miller, an American dramatist .It is different from classical tragedy. It is a story about an ordinary sales man .Salesman Willy Lowman has worked thirty six years for a company. He believes that a man with a well liked job can be successful through persistent hard work. However, everything goes against his wishes. As he could not sell the product well, the boss in the company fired him without showing any sympathy for him. Willy’s dream o f success was shattered. The play has profound social significance, because it comes from the real life and authentically reflects the tragedy of the ordinary people America.Title:The exhortation from Willy’s American dreamKey Words: the death of salesman exhortation American DreamIntroductionAs a great American realistic dramatist, Arthur Miller paid always attention to the moral and educative functions of dramas. Death of a Salesman is his most representational work and also an influential “most great drama in America after the War” (尹露,2009)Willy is anordinary salesman, he was struggling for his unrealistic dream all the time, but he failed .I think it is completely unavoidable, because he picked the wrong way. The tragedy of Willy also indicated the burst of the American Dream, I think , we should have a great exhortation from him.American realist playwright Arthur Miller is a contemporary American theater, and one of the most famous playwright.” Death of a Salesman" is the late representative works of Arth urMiller. Miller in the play not only condemned the American business system, but also revealed the illusion of the American dream from the tragic fate of salesman Willy Loman, and it further revealed the unrealistic nature of the American dream, which is rooted in the American soul. It's durable and disillusionment is the sick show under the cover of American social and economic prosperity."Death of a Salesman," Willy, the hero is such an ordinary people. He is a very average American salesman and he dedicated to his perceived "American Dream" in his own life, and make Unremitting efforts for it. He built his life on top of his dream, and treated the fantasy as reality. When he was in trouble in life, although he tried to identify problems, because of a strong desire to his dream in mind, he was leaving the dream deceived himself. He lived in his own world with naive, never considered whether the dream can realize or not in the business world.Willy's dream has different expression and continuity on his two sons. He tried to indoctrinate his son's success principles, resulting the eldest son Biff can not correctly understand of himself in long-term, and he can do nothing. The little son Happy was holding the same beliefs with Willy all along, he is the victim of Willy’s philosophy. Until the end of the play he also believes he will be able to success as long as following the footsteps of his father. Miller revealed the universality and continuity of the "American dream" in the lives of ordinary people. On the success of shaping the character, as well as his confusion between reality and dream, it reflected ordinary people in American society longing for a dream and struggle for life. He vividly depicts a typical "American Dream of "the tragedy of shattered. The performance of the tragedy, on the one hand reveals weakness in the character of ordinary people, the other major expose the shortcomings of American society itself(杜新宇,2007)."Death of a Salesman," which on the "American Dream" lasting and disillusion of thinking, still worth thinking deeply and reflect on later."Death of a Salesman" is a classic modern tragedy. It exposes some of the ills of American society, shattered the myth "everyone can succeed". Willy's life is the process "American dream" shattered; is a true reflection of objective reality for American dream. Sadly, Willy did not see this until died, his death should make people blind in dream do a deep reflection.The real source of Willy’s tragedy is that he can not distinguish fantasy and reality, can not be unified harmony his own dreams and responsibilities. If Willy can understand the illusory dreams and hard realities, he would not be abandoned by the society.It should be said, while adhering to their own dreams, Willy is a brave man. If he choose another dream, he will be very easy to achieve happiness. Because his family has a self-reliant feature. He has strange skillful hands. If he chooses a job in the field, Willy will do well, but he chose to sell the business. Willy chooses to commit suicide after the failure, is the last struggle to re-establish their self-confidence and prestige of the family. Yes! They can get twenty thousand dollars! Twenty thousand is quite visible and tangible hard goods. Willy naively believe that Biff units to be happy if he has the twenty thousand. In this way, he walked to the valuable, great death which he considered with his dream that his son can success at last. Dreaming is not wrong. Willy’s mistake is he made a dream she should not do. Willy’s biggest tragedy is that he put his own life to this dream, but he did not understand this dream is wrong, it is impossible to achieve, until his death. People is in pursuit of status, money, but not popular and personal charm in that society. Western values represented by Willy’s American dream can only to burst.If your destination is the top, and the road you choose is leading to the abyss, then, in any case, you will not get the place you want to. Well begun is half done, if you start in the wrong direction, how can you success? There is no doubt that Willy had made the wrong direction .He made a dream is not his own, and he was unwilling to wake up. All of this led his tragedy with no doubts. It had aroused our awareness and thinking.ConclusionWe all have the right to dream. In the meanwhile, we must have a dream as our goal, as our life compass. But we should know what kind of dream we can do, what kind of dream we can not do here, we must understand that dream is not the dream we only can think Unrealistically all day , the difference between the two usually have a very worth pondering distance. The past is past, if you do not own dreams, then you should find one in a hurry .Because T. Jefferson Thomas Jefferson (3rd U.S. President)say that I do not recall the past history but Commit to the dreams of the future. -However, we should remember ,the one who want write their dreams should be clear more. Only like this they won’t go to the abyss like Willy. If you have own dreams relevant, hard work you should be pursued, eventually you will realize the dream that one day. Tennyson said: As long as a lasting dream, can become a reality. I hope that everyone can dream come true.Reference尹露,(2009年8月第四期)从《推销员之死》看阿瑟.米勒对美国梦的阐释,新乡学院学报杜新宇,(2007年1月第一期)《推销员之死》看西方价值观的破灭,工会论坛。

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