ABSTRACTMany have speculated about the current state of Internet advertising (IA), how it compares to advertising in general (GA), and its implications for traditional marketing models and practices. Although many estimates exist regarding who uses the Internet as well as guidelines about how best to design IA, little is known about Internet users’ attitudes toward IA, much less what characterizes these attitudes. To test this, a national sample of over 400 participants with at least some exposure to the Internet was surveyed. The results revealed no majority opinion of IA: approximately a third of respondents liked, disliked, and felt neutrally toward IA, respectively. A regression analysis indicated that enjoyment of looking at Internet advertisements, its informativeness, and its utility for making behavioral (purchasing) decisions contributed to participants’ attitudes toward IA. Enjoyment of looking at IA contributed the most to attitudes toward IA, yet at the same time appears to be one of IA’s weakest features. In order to assess whether attitudes toward and perceptions of IA might reflect attitudes toward advertising in general by this demographic group, rather than attitudes toward IA per se, responses were compared to those of a demographically weighted-to-match national sample of over 1,000 who answered similar questions in regard to advertising in general. The results indicate that more respondents found IA to be informative and trustworthy than a demographically similar sample found GA. Even though the attitudes and perceptions of IA and GA were significantly different, the structure of GA and IA attitudes was the same. Implications for the design of IA are discussed.The Internet as a marketing medium offers many unique challenges to marketers. To assist marketers in their venture on-line, comparisons and contrasts to existing marketing theory have been used to build a conceptual understanding of the current state of the Internet and its implications for consumer transactions (cf., Hoffman and Novak, 1996a;Hoffman, Novak and Chatterjee, 1995; Schlosser and Kanfer, forthcoming). To further understand the commercial possibilities of the Internet, several internet usage surveys have been conducted to document consumers’ behavior online (the most notable being GVU, 1999 and the HERMES project by Gupta, 1995; see Hoffman, Kalsbeek, and Novak, 1996, for a review). Yet, in terms of assessing the commercial effectiveness of the Internet and the value of Internet advertising, most research has concentrated upon the company’s rather than consumers’ point of view (Berthon, Pitt, and Watson, 1996). As a result, many decisions regarding Internet advertising(IA) are being made with relatively little specific knowledge about consumers’ attitudes toward IA and how the structure of these IA attitudes compare to the structure of attitudes toward advertising in traditional media. The aim of the current research is to examine consumers’ perceptions and judgments of IA.Consumers’ attitudes toward advertising have been considered important to track because they likely influence consumers’ exposure, attention, and reaction to individual ads (cf. Alwitt and Prabhakar, 1992) through a variety of cognitive and affective processes (Lutz, 1985). One fundamental difference between Internet and traditional advertising is the degree to which the consumer versus the company has control over advertising exposure. With traditional advertising, consumers play a relatively inactive role in exposure. Advertisements interrupt or intercept consumers’ attention to other information (e.g, a television program, a radio show, or traffic signs). In essence, advertisements are “pushed〞at them. With many forms of IA, however, the consumer has a great deal of control over advertising exposure. The company may request the consumers’ attention (e.g., through banner ads on others’ Web sites or through hyperlinks), but it is up to the consumer to seek additional commercial content. Consumers can select whether, when, and how much commercial content they wish to view. That is, consumers “pull〞for electronic advertising content. Because IA exposure is largely under theconsumer’s volition, it is particularly important to understand the valence and structure of one important driver of advertising exposure: attitudes toward IA.WHAT IS IA?According to consumers, IA includes many forms of commercial content from electronic advertisements that are similar to traditional advertisements (e.g., billboards, banner ads) to formats that are different from traditional advertisements, such as corporate Web sites (Ducoffe, 1996). Thus, it appears that there are idiosyncratic differences in consumers’ perceptions of what constitutes IA such that any specific definition of IA is likely to be a bad fit for measuring IA perceptions. Because the goal of the present research is to assess consumer perceptions of IA, IA is described broadly as any form of commercial content available on the Internet that is designed by businesses to inform consumers about a product or service. Hence, IA can be delivered via any channel (e.g., video clip, print or audio), in any form (e.g., an e-mail message or an interactive game), and provide information at any degree of depth (e.g, a corporate logo or an official Web site).BACKGROUND ON IADespite the limited understanding of how consumers judge IA, there has been substantial commercial growth on the Internet of many forms of advertising, resulting in an estimated 1996 revenue of $301 million, with a projected growth to $7.7 billion by 2002 (Jupiter Communications, 1997). Indeed, spending on IA totaled an estimated $129 million in the first quarter of 1997 (Cyberatlas, 1997), with an estimated 92% increase in IA spending for top 25 industries during the first quarter of 1998 (Cyberatlas, 1998). In addition to anticipating the monetary growth of the Internet, the majority of on-line businesses believe the Internet is here to stay and will generate sales in the future (Grant Thorton, 1997).Furthermore, the adoption curve for the Internet is quite steep, especially in comparison to other media introduced in this century (radio, television, cable; Morgan Stanley Technology research cited in Internet Advertising Bureau, 1997). Thus, as many have predicted, investment in IA is likely to escalate into the billions as we enter the next millennium (cf. Cyberatlas, 1997).Studies of consumers’ reactions to IA typically have quantified customers’ judgments of Web sites in terms of consumers’ behavioral traces at the site (i.e., counting the number of “clicks〞and “hits〞[cf. Berthon, Pitt, and Watson, 1996]). These measures have been shown to both overestimate and underestimate the number of visitors and exposures, however (cf. Internet Advertising Bureau, 1997; Riphagen and Kanfer, 1997). Moreover, the indirect nature of these methods makes it difficult to ascertain the meaning behind the results (e.g., whether clicking on a link was an accident or intended behavior, and whether the loaded site satisfied the consumer’s expectations). Coinciding with the growth in IA, there has been a plethora of guidelines about how to best reach and persuade the consumer market with the Internet (see, for review, Schlosser and Kanfer, 1999a). Many of these recommendations have been based upon assumptions (rather than actual assessments) of how consumers react to IA relative to GA. Relatively little is known about how consumers judge Internet advertising and which components make up these attitudes.ATTITUDESTOWARDS ADVERTISING IN GENERAL Public attitudes toward advertising in general have long been a focus of research (see Mittal, 1994; O’Donohoe, 1995; Pollay and Mittal, 1993; Zanot, 1984; Zanot, 1984 for reviews). According to Zanot (1981, 1984), the first large scale, national surveys of public opinion about advertising date back to the 1950s and 1960s (Bauer and Greyser, 1968; Gallup, 1959). Many recent studies have also been conducted (e.g., Alwitt and Prabhakar, 1992; Alwitt and Prabhaker, 1994; Andrews, 1989; Mittal,1994; Muehling, 1987; O’Donohoe, 1995; Reid and Soley, 1982; Sandage and Leckenby, 1980; ShavittLowrey and Haefner, 1998) but most of these have been more focused upon investigating the structure of advertising attitudes rather than the general ability of overall attitude favorability.Although the studies on advertising attitudes have varied widely in the types of samples used and the data collection methods employed, they have focused upon many of the same dimensions of judgment. Respondents typically have been asked not only about their overall attitudes toward advertisememts but also their perceptions of advertising’s trustworthiness, offensiveness, informativeness, entertainment value, and effect on product prices and value, as well as attitudes toward regulatory issues.Early surveys of advertising attitudes yielded somewhat favorable, albeit mixed, results. Gallup (1959) found that a majority of their respondents generally liked advertising and that most of those respondents liked it because they felt it was informative. They also found that a majority of respondents preferred advertised products over unadvertised products, although most also felt that advertising increased the cost of things they buy. Bauer and Greyser (1968) found that more people held favorable attitudes toward advertising than unfavorable attitudes and that a majority of respondents felt advertising was essential. Still, a majority of their respondents felt that advertisements were misleading and that they resulted in higher prices.Zanot (1981, 1984) argued that, beginning in the 1970s, attitudes toward advertising were becoming increasingly negative. For example, Harris and Associates (1976) found that a majority of respondents felt that most or all of television advertising was seriously misleading and favored a new federal government agency for consumer advocacy. More recent studies have generally focused on attitude structure and, thus, have used smaller and less nationally representative sampling frames to investigate specific hypotheses. These results have typically provided arather unfavorable assessment of public attitudes toward advertising (e.g., Alwitt and Prabhaker, 1992; Alwitt and Prabhaker, 1994; Andrews, 1989; Mittal, 1994; but see Shavitt et al., 1998, for a more favorable picture of public sentiment from a large, national sample).Although some of these studies have provided information about attitudes toward advertising in a particular medium (e.g., television: Alwitt and Prabhaker, 1992; Alwitt and Prabhaker, 1994; Mittal, 1994), none of them specifically addresses attitudes toward advertising on the Internet.CONSUMER RESPONSE TO INTERNET ADVERTISING Most of the direct-response measures administered to consumers have assessed consumers’ perceptions and usage of the Internet and its services. For instance, research has explored consumers’ attitudes toward on-line services (Miller, 1996) and purchasing online (Gupta, 1995; GVU, 1999); Web usage (Gupta, 1995; GVU, 1999; Hammonds, 1997; Hoffman, Kalsbeek and Novak, 1996) and recall of the sites visited (Diaz, Hammond and McWilliam, 1996); actions taken toward intrustive advertising or SPAM (GVU, 1999); effect of banner ads on brand judgments (Briggs and Hollis, 1997); attitudes toward Internet advertising policies (Gordon and De Lima-Turner, forthcoming); and awareness of the Internet itself (Fawcett, 1995). Yet, relatively less is known about consumers’ evaluations of IA specifically.In an important exception, Mehta and Sivadas (1995) assessed Internet user’s attitudes toward advertising on newsgroups and through e-mail. They found that consumers held negative attitudes toward newsgroup and e-mail advertising, even when the message was directly relevant to the special interests of the group. However, their sample was limited to those who posted messages to the group. Those who merely read messages were not included in the sample. As a result, it is possible that these unfavorable attitudes are due to this vocal sample’s perceptionthat they are competing with electronic advertisements for the group’s attention. In addition, attitudes toward newsgroup/e-mail advertising may not generalize to all forms of IA, including less intrusive ads (such as Web sites). Consequently, it is unclear whether the results would generalize to the entire Internet population’s attitudes toward IA in its many forms.Another notable exception is research conducted by Ducoffe (1996) studying the antecedents of consumer’s attitudes toward Web advertising. It was found that a sample of 318 business executives in New York City perceived Web advertising to be generally informative and entertaining, although more informative than entertaining. This is consistent with findings regarding people’s perceptions of the Web in general (Diaz et al., 1996). Furthermore, in contrast to attitudinal findings toward e-mail advertising (Mehta and Sivadas, 1995), the interviewed executives found Web advertising to be useful, valuable and important. Although these previous findings on attitudes toward e-mail and Web advertising shed light upon the Internet population’s attitudes toward specific types of IA, a larger and more representative sample as well as an examination of IA in general would be useful. Indeed, both Ducoffe (1996) and Mehta and Sivadas (1995) call for broader sampling framesUnderstanding the factors that underlie IA attitudes would also be important for both theory development and applied goals. Ducoffe demonstrated that entertainment, informativeness, and irritation influenced attitudes toward Web advertising. The idea that affective (entertainment, irritation) and cognitive (informativeness) experiences with Web advertising contribute to people’s judgments of Web advertising is consistent with other attitudinal models such as the tripartite theory of attitudes. Yet the tripartite theory proposes a third factor, behavioral experiences, which may contribute to people’s attitudes (Katz and Stotland, 1959; Rosenberg and Hovland, 1960; see Eagly and Chaiken, 1993, for a theoretical and historical overview of this model). Hence, theutility of IA for making decisions (a behavioral experience) may also drive people’s attitudes toward IA.Some have assumed that the underlying structure of IA attitudes reflects the structure of attitudes toward advertising in general (Ducoffe, 1995; Eighmey, 1997). Yet it is also plausible that the unique characteristics of the Internet might cause the underlying structure of attitudes toward IA and GA to differ. For instance, because it is used primarily as an information- providing medium (see Schlosser and Kanfer, 1999), IA might elicit attitudes that are mostly comprised of cognitive factors—especially in comparison with attitudes toward advertising in general. Such variations have implications for how practitioners alter Internet ads (as opposed to traditional advertising) in order to improve IA attitudes. Thus, one goal of the present research is to determine which dimensions underlie (and to what degree they explain variance in) attitudes toward IA.INTERNET USER DEMOGRAPHICS AND CONSUMERRESPONSE TOW ARD IADespite the lack of consistency across reports of the Internet population’s demographic profile, there appears to be consensus that the Internet population is predominantly male, young, well educated, and affluent (for a longitudinal study of Internet user demographics beginning in 1994, see GVU, 1999). Such demographic characteristics also appear to affect attitudes toward advertising. That is, previous research has demonstrated that gender, age (Shavitt, et al., 1998), education and income (Alwitt and Prabhaker, 1992; Shavitt et al., 1998) impact consumers’ judgments of and beliefs about advertising. For instance, according to a recent survey, better-educated, wealthier consumers hold less favorable attitudes toward advertising than less-educated, lower-income consumers do (Shavitt, et al., 1998). Based on demographics alone, this would suggest that the Internet population would judge advertising (in general andon the Internet) relativelyunfavorably.In order to gauge whether attitudes toward IA can be attributed to the unique demographic profile of Internet users rather than advertising on the Internet per se, IA judgments will be compared to the GA judgments of a sample weighted to match the demographics of the Internet respondents. If the results are due to the demographic composition of Internet users rather than how IA is uniquely perceived relative to traditional advertising, then the judgments and perceptions of IA and GA should be similar across these demographically matched samples.RESEARCH OBJECTIVESThe objectives of the present research are to address three questions: (1) What are consumers’ attitudes toward IA? (2) How does this compare to a demographically similar samples’ perceptions of advertising in general? and (3) Which dimensions underlie and to what degree do they contribute to IA attitudes? We address these issues with a large and representative (of an Internet population) national sampleMETHODOLOGYSampling ProceduresThe survey was conducted in the summer of 1996. Two nationally representative samples were drawn from a list balanced by estimated telephone households. The survey was conducted via a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) system. Prospective respondents were called back up to three times if they could not be reached initially. CATI technology provides a number of advantages in survey data collection, enabling the use of randomly ordered questions and complex skip patterns in the survey protocol (Sudman and Bradburn, 1982).Prospective respondents were screened for age and for media usage. Only those between the ages of 18 and 64 were surveyed. The samples were screened for their Internet access and usage. Prospectiverespondents in Sample 1 (N =201) were included if they indicated that they personally had access to and used the Internet or World Wide Web. In order to assure a substantial representation of regular Internet users, prospective respondents in Sample 2 (N =201) were included only if they further indicated that they frequently or regularly used the Internet or Web. Because there were no significant differences between the two samples in terms of how often they look at IA, how often they have used the computer in the week prior to the survey and whether they subscribe to an online service (all ts<1.10, n.s.), the two samples were combined for all analyses (N =402).While all respondents reported having access to and using the Internet, prospective respondents were not screened based on reported exposure to Internet ads. Thus, some survey respondents reported never looking at IA (12% of the sample).Survey ContentRespondents were queried about their IA-related attitudes, their media exposure patterns, and their demographic classifications. The questions asked of the two samples were identical with the exception that respondents in Sample 2, after being screened for their Internet usage, were asked two additional questions about which browsers and search engines they use.The attitudinal questions were next, and were prefaced with a statement defining the types of advertising to which the questions referred. The statement read:This is a survey of your thoughts and feelings about the advertisements you encounter every day. Many of these advertisements include ads you might see on the Internet or World Wide Web when you use a computer. When we ask you about ’advertising’ in this survey, we are only referring to what you see in these electronic ads on the Internet, and not to any other forms of advertising.Following this statement were 17 attitudinal questions. The first asked respondents about their overall evaluation of IA. The rest asked for their views about: (1) the enjoyment and the indignity they associate with IA, (2) the trustworthiness or usefulness of IA content, (3) IA effects on product prices and product value, and (4) the regulation of IA. The items covered several of the evaluative dimensions addressed in previous research, and the content of many of these items was adapted from previously publish edsurveys (see especially Bauer and Greyser, 1968). In an attempt to tap personal attitudes toward and confidence in IA, most of the attitudinal questions were worded to emphasize personal experiences with and reactions to IA. Thus, respondents were asked, for example, to consider how confident they generally feel using IA information to make a purchase decision, or how often they have felt misled by IA.摘要许多人推测网络广告的当前状态,它如何比拟一般广告,和它的含意为传统的营销形式和理论。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.The lady standing over there may be from the USA, _____ I guess has lost her way.A.whom B.whoC.which D.where2.______almost one hundred jin, the stone was moved by him alone.A.Weighed B.Weighing C.It weighed D.To weigh3.—I wonder why the thinnest plastics bags, though ________ , are still in use here.—Well, it’s no easy job to solve this problem effectively.A.banning B.banned C.to ban D.having banned4.--- My God! I haven’t prepared the files for the new project yet!--- _______. The boss won’t need it until next Friday.A.There’s no doubt B.There’s no panic C.Good luck D.Sounds good5.The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year, new figures show, _______ families saw a rise in female breadwinners.A.if B.asC.because D.though6.Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I ________ as well as her.A.dance B.will danceC.had danced D.danced7.Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students ________ what is bothering them.A.to talk over B.talked overC.talk over D.having talked over8.Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school, _____the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友)from home and abroad.A.Attend B.To attend C.Attending D.Having attended9.you start eating in a healthier way, weight control will become much easier.A.Unless B.AlthoughC.Before D.Once10.—The movie Till Death Do Us Part 《最爱》will be on at 8 pm.What about picking you up at 7pm?—All right.I will have come back from work by then, and I you at home.A.will be waiting for B.will wait for C.have been waiting for D.am waiting for11.To tell the truth, I didn’t expect that there were so many people ______ the idea.A.supported B.supporting C.to support D.having supported12.How could I lie to her she lived for the truth,whether it was found in music or people?A.unless B.whenC.while D.though13.It is beyond awkward when everyone around you ______________ laughing at a joke that you do not find funny, especially if it’s a joke told in a foreign language.A.run into B.bursts outC.yells out D.falls into14.I broke my relationship with Peter because he always found _______ with me.A.error B.failureC.mistake D.fault15.-- Are you happy with this laboratory?-- Not a little. We can’t have ________.A.a worse one B.a nicer one C.a worst one D.a nicest one16.—What’s that noise?—Oh,I forget to tell you.The new machine________.A.is testing B.was being testedC.is being tested D.has been tested17.--The weather is too cold ___ March this year.-- It was still ___ when I came here years ago.A.for; colder B.in; coldC.in; hot D.for; hotter18.Instead of making choices for their children, liberal parents usually say, “Go where you ________ .”A.will B.shouldC.can D.must19.Simply raise your hand,and a taxi appears ________A.at no time B.at one timeC.in no time D.for the time being20.If you can do what you’re weakest ______, you can handle any challenge.A.for B.atC.with D.to第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
放低姿态的英语一、单词1. humble- 英语释义:having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.- 用法:可作形容词,例如:He is a humble man.(他是一个谦逊的人。
)也可作动词,humble oneself表示“使自己谦卑”,例如:You should humble yourself before others.(你应该在别人面前放低姿态。
)- 双语例句:- A humble person is more likely to be liked by others.(一个谦逊的人更有可能被他人喜欢。
)- We should learn to humble our pride.(我们应该学会放下我们的骄傲。
)2. modest- 英语释义:not excessive or extreme; moderate.- 用法:形容词,例如:She has a modest attitude towards her achievements.(她对自己的成就持谦逊的态度。
)- 双语例句:- His modest behavior won him many friends.(他谦逊的行为为他赢得了很多朋友。
)- The actress is very modest about her beauty.(这位女演员对自己的美貌很谦虚。
)3. low - key- 英语释义:not elaborate, showy, or intensive; restrained.- 用法:形容词,常用来形容风格、态度等,例如:They had a low - key wedding.(他们举行了一场低调的婚礼。
)也可表示低调的态度,如:He kept a low - key attitude in the meeting.(他在会议上保持低调的态度。
2019版高考英语精准备考一轮讲义(译林版)必修四 Unit 1 Advertising Word版含答案
Unit 1Advertising社会生活之(一)——广告[一积词汇见多识广][课内单词回扣](一)阅读词汇写其义1.cheat v t.& v i.欺骗n.骗子2.trick n.骗局;玩笑;戏法v t.欺骗3.innocent adj.清白的;纯真的 4.amazed adj.大为惊奇5.purchase v t.购买n.采购 6.bargain n.便宜货;协议v i.讨价还价7.analysis n.分析,分析结果8.intelligence n.智力,才智;情报9.nationwide adj.& ad v.全国范围的(地),全国性的(地)(二)表达词汇写其形1.pleased adj.高兴,满意 ment n.& v i.评论,评价3.recommend v t.推荐;建议;介绍 4.aspect n.方面;层面5.cure v t.治愈;解决n.疗法;对策 6.aim v t.& v i.以……为目标n.目的7.senior adj.毕业年级的;级别高的n.高年级学生;上司;年纪较长的人(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.persuade v t.说服;使信服→persuasive adj.有说服力的;劝说的,劝诱的2.advertise v t.& v i.做广告,宣传→advertisement n.广告;广告宣传→advertising n.做广告;广告活动;广告业*3.benefit v t.& v i.使受益;得益于n.益处;救济金;奖金→beneficialadj.有益的,有帮助的*4.promote v t.推广,宣传;促销;促进,推动→promotion n.促进5.design v t.& n.设计→designer n.设计者*6.determine v t.确定,查明;决定;裁决→determined adj.坚决的,果断的,有决心的→determination n.决心,果断7.fool v t.欺骗,愚弄n.傻瓜→foolish adj.愚蠢的→foolishness n.愚蠢test adj.最新的→late adj.& ad v.晚的(地)→later ad v.后来*9.poisonous adj.有毒的→poison n.毒药v t.毒害10.urge v t.敦促,力劝;竭力主张n.强烈的欲望,冲动→urgent adj.紧急的,急迫的→urgency n.紧急的事*11.consult v t.咨询;请教→consultant n.顾问12.react v i.做出反应,回应→reaction n.反应;回应用上面加*号的单词的适当形式填空1.She is a determined girl, so we know that once she has determined to do something, she will make her dream come true with great determination.2.He tried to persuade her but failed. It appeared that what he said wasn't persuasive at all.3.Cycling is highly beneficial to our health. That is to say, we can get much benefit from cycling.4.We launched a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste, and the promotion succeeded at last. In return for our efforts, all the staff in our department were promoted.5.It is reported that some children were poisoned by the poisonous food.6.There are some consultants in our club. If you have any question, you can consult them without delay.[话题单词积累]1.display /dɪ'spleɪ/n.显示;陈列;炫耀2.direct /də'rekt/v t. 导演3.admission /əd'mɪʃn/n. 入会费;许可,入场4.registration /ˌredʒɪ'streɪʃn/注册5.recreation /ˌrekri'eɪʃn/n. 消遣;娱乐6.special /'speʃl/adj. 专门的7.require /rɪ'kwaɪə(r)/v. 要求,需要8.permit /pə'mɪt/v. 允许,许可n. 许可证9.download /'daʊnləʊd/v. 下载10.sightseeing /'saɪtsiːɪŋ/n. 观光11.attraction /ə'trækʃn/n. 吸引力12.label /'leɪbl/n. 标签13.type /taɪp/n. 类型14.commercial /kə'mɜːʃl/n. 商业广告15.style /staɪl/n. 风格;式样;类型16.product /'prɒdʌkt/n. 产品17.discount /'dɪskaʊnt/n. 折扣18.available /ə'veɪləbl/adj. 可利用的19.advantage /əd'vɑːntɪdʒ/n. 利益,好处20.brand /brænd/n. 品牌21.trademark /'treɪdmɑːk/n. 商标22.consumer /kən'sjuːmə/n. 消费者23.customer /'kʌstəmə/n. 顾客24.service /'sɜːvɪs/n. 服务25.coupon /'kuːpɒn/n. (购物)赠券26.summary /'sʌməri/n. 简介,概述27.creative /kri'eɪtɪv/adj. 有创意的28.fee /fiː/n. 费用29.information /ˌɪnfə'meɪʃn/n. 信息30.register /'redʒɪstə(r)/v. 注册31.range /reɪndʒ/n. 范围32.attractive /ə'træktɪv/adj. 吸引人的33.delivery /dɪ'lɪvəri/n. 运送34.brochure /'brəʊʃə(r)/n. 小册子35.agency /'eɪdʒənsi/n. 代理;代理处36.cheap /tʃiːp/adj. 便宜的;廉价的37.unique /ju'niːk/adj.独特的;独一无二的38.destination /ˌdestɪ'neɪʃn/n. 目的地;终点39.train /treɪn/v t. 训练,培训40.application /ˌæplɪ'keɪʃn/n. 申请[二积短语顿挫抑扬][课内短语回扣](一)根据汉语写出下列短语*1.be_meant_to旨在,目的是*2.fall_for受……的骗;爱上*3.play_tricks_on欺骗;捉弄*4.deal_with涉及,关于;处理,应付5.end_with以……结束6.up_to (数量、程度等)达到*7.figure_out_弄清楚,弄懂;计算出*8.appeal_to_ 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁9.be_concerned_with对……关心10.get_sth._across把……表达清楚11.put_sth._together组织;组装*12.die_from死于……13.even_if/though虽然,即使14.for_free免费15.fool_sb._into_doing_sth.欺骗某人做某事(二)用上面加*号的短语完成下列句子1.I think what appeals_to me about his painting are the colours he uses.2.She said that she would never fall_for that kind of trick.3.Children, as well as adults, usually play_tricks_on each other on Halloween. 4.The measures are_meant_to prevent the river from being polluted.5.A year ago, I was unemployed, and I was trying to figure_out where to find a job. 6.We knew we could depend on her to deal_with the situation.7.Ten passengers are reported to have died_from their serious injuries.[话题短语积累]1.a variety of 各种各样2.sign up for 报名参加3.public service 公共服务4.on sale 出售5.be popular with 受……欢迎6.be attractive to 对……有吸引力7.in public places 在公共场所8.delivery costs 运送费9.discount shopping coupons 优惠购物券10.membership card 会员卡11.at low prices 以低价12.attract one's attention 吸引……注意13.Publication Date 出版日期14.brand name 产品名称15.consumer advertising 消费者广告16.television advertising 电视广告17.consumer magazines 购物杂志[三积句式写作扮靓][课内句式仿写]1.even if引导让步状语从句[例句]Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent.[仿写] 即使期末考试快到了,我依然会设法挤出时间锻炼身体。
第一章测试1.福克斯( Fox ) 认为广告语言“本身就是折射( ) 的一面镜子” 。
故广告不仅为工商界推销产品之一种手段,实负有宣传文化与( )之使命也。
”A:发展经济B:教育群众C:促进改革D:娱乐大众答案:B3.1894年,被称为“美国现代广告之父”的Abert Lasker将广告称之为_____ 。
”( )A:信息传播的一种方式B:关于产品或者服务的消息C:广而告之,吸引注意D:印刷形态的推销手段答案:D4.美国广告协会(American Association of Advertising Agencies)对广告的定义是“广告是( )的大众传播,其最终目的是为了传递信息,改变人们对于所做广告的商品的态度,诱发其行动,而使广告主获得利益”。
A:付费B:自费C:有时需要缴费D:免费答案:A5.根据方梦之教授主编的《译学词典》的解释,“翻译”是按照( )、在具有不同规则的符号系统之间传递信息的语言文化活动。
A:社会生产生活需要B:社会认知需要C:语法规则D:语用规则答案:B第二章测试1.广告传播AIDA模式,是国际推销专家(Heinz M Goldmann)总结的推销模式,也是西方推销学中一个重要理论。
( )A:AdmirationB:AttentionC:AspirationD:Adoration答案:B2.广告创意ROI标准。
智慧树知到《跨文化商务沟通》章节测试答案第一章1、The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.culturecommunicationethnocentrismsender答案: ethnocentrism2、The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.intercultural communicationculturebusiness communicationfeedback答案: culture3、A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.ethnocentrismnoisecommunicationhorizontal communication答案: noiseand profits for both the individuals and organizations.lateral communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationintercultural communication答案: business communication5、The communication at the same level in an organization.horizontal communicationethnocentrismbusiness communicationlateral communication答案: horizontal communication6、When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as “ life way of a population” in its broad sense, meaning what characterizes the particular way of life of a population.对错答案: 错7、Cul ture is all men’s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.对错答案: 对8、The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels; a level of norms and values, or an invisible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.错答案: 错9、Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.对错答案: 对10、In the global village, neighbors communicate free of troubles and difficulties.对错答案: 错11、With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.对错答案: 错第二章1、A good mastery of grammar of one language can guarantee a successful communication.对错答案: 错2、Long before writing was developed,we learned to speak first.对答案: 对3、There should always be an attachment at the end of a business memo.对错答案: 错4、A recommendation report is to recommend something to others.对错答案: 错5、Which is not verbal communication?Chat with your leaders and colleaguesDiscuss an issue in a groupGreeting with a smileLeave a message答案: Greeting with a smile6、____ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.NoiseMessageSourceContext答案: Noise7、It is a universal truth that language is by culture and in turn it __ culture.influenced, reflectsdisplayed, influencesdetermined, reflectsshaped, influences答案: influenced, reflects8、Why should we take notes during a business call?Listen attentivelyServes as a record to take follow-up actionReport on the call to someone elseReflect on the call答案: Listen attentively,Serves as a record to take follow-up action,Report on the call to someone else9、How can you identify your audience in preparing a business presentation?AgeAppearanceInterestOccupation答案: Age,Interest,Occupation10、Before making a business call, what kind of questions can you reflect?Do you need to report to your boss?Do you need to get information?Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?person of an idea?,Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?第三章1、Nonverbal behavior reflects the speaker’s subconciousness.对错答案:A2、Depending on the culture,a smile can indicate joy and amusement, it can also indicate embarrassment.对错答案:A3、Posture is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.对错答案:对4、Intimate distance is most common when friends, old classmates, acquaintances and relativestalk.对错答案:错5、People in __ cultures usually view silence as lack of communication and are generally ____ with it.low context uncomfortablehigh context uncomfortablehigh context comfortable答案:low context uncomfortable6、Which of the following countries uses high-context language?CanadaGermanyJapanUnited States答案:Japan7、The function of nonverbal signs is sometimes indispensible. For example, placing your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying “Please calm down so that I can speak” is a case of ____.complementingrepeatingcontradictingsubstituting答案:substituting8、Which statements are correct about nonverbalcommunication?Nonverbal behavior is easily controlledA smile sometimes doesn’t mean a sincere smileNonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we derive from conversation.Nonverbal communication is more than the complement of verbal communication.答案:9、How does nonverbal behavior control the pace or flow of communication?Gesture of stoppingClap handsRaise voice答案:Be silent Gesture of stopping Clap hands Raise voice10、Which of the countries belong to individualistic culture?ItalyAmericaFranceGreece答案:Italy America France第四章1、Power distance is a conceptual was developed by Hofstede to describethe extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequallythe power of multinational organizationsthe power differential between developed and less developed countriesthe power difference between men and women答案:2、Hofstede’s _ index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally.value orientationcultural dimensionscultural valuespower distance答案:power distance3、These are the most significant studies of cultural values except ___.Hall's High- and Low- Context TheoryKluckhohn and Strodtbeck's five Value OrientationsFons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensionsGeert Hofstede's six Cultural Dimensions答案:Fons Trompenars’s model of culture with seven dimensions4、The opinion that everyone has a position and clearly defined privileges is____.a view of hierarchical structure of social relationshipa view of group orientation of social relationshipa view of individual orientation structure of social relationshipnone of the above答案:a view of hierarchical structure of social relationship5、Low-context communication is characterized by explicit speaking.对错答案:对6、Chinese culture is high-context in comparison to western culture.对错答案:对7、Cultures with a large power distance are hierarchical cultures.对错答案:对8、At the core of uncertainty avoidance is the idea that the future is predictable.对错答案:错9、Power distance in Hofstede's cultural dimensions is roughly similar to the value Kluckhohn calls hierarchy.对错答案:错10、In a culture emphasizing masculinity, it is more possible for men to play a nurturing role.对错答案:错第五章1、Etiquette is simply showing respect for others.对错答案:错2、Etiquette refers to the guideline for knowing how to behave appropriately in all situations.错答案:A3、Kiss greeting usually happen between two men in the United States.对错答案:错4、It’s OK to write on someone’s business card.对错答案:B5、A handshake should be friendly or respectful gesture, not a show of physical strength. So we should not squeeze other’s hand too hard.对错答案:A6、Before a dish is served, napkins can be placed either on the plate or on the left of forks.对错答案:A7、You’re invited to a business dinner. When do you take your napkin from the table and place it on your lap?Open it immediately.Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.Wait for the oldest person at the table to take his or hers.Wait for all the ladies to take theirs before taking yours if you are a gentle man.答案:Wait for the host to take his or her napkin before taking yours.8、Which of the following behavior is appropriate in a business dinner?Use the napkin to wipe your nose.Cut all the food in your plate into small pieces.Sip from the side of the spoon when eating soup.Use the knife with your right hand.答案:CD9、What are the benefits of humor in the workplace?Humor can reduce stress.Humor can block negative emotions.Humor can help people develop rapport with each other.Humor can help solve problems.答案:ABCD10、In many Asian countries, the way you treat someone’s business card is a reflection of:How serious you are about the outcome of the meeting.How much you respect them as a person.What you think of their country.company and title.答案:ABCD第六章and a potential cause of shame to the group.对错答案:A2、Whether an international business negotiation succeeds or not is not only determined by the strategies and skills used in formal negotiation, but also closely related to whether enough careful preparation has been made.对错答案:A3、In the opening phase, the atmosphere is the only factor we should consider.对错答案:错4、Bargaining strength refers to the degree of movement that is possible for each party with respect to individual issues on the agenda.对错答案:错5、In some Asian cultures, they will use communication to encourage harmony, preserve face, and develop ____ relationships.Short-termLong-termMiddle-termShort run答案:Long-term6、The purpose of bargaining is to settle the differences that stand in the way of an agreement. Settling the differences involves____.high-context and low-contextconcession andreappraisaladjustment and compromiseaims and objectives答案:adjustment and compromise7、The proposal should be based on a sound analysis of the buyer’s current situation, taking into account of ____ and ____ within which the transaction takes place.the commercial circumstances, the overall contextthe corporate credit, the bank accounting bookthe manager’s stability, the site selectionthe commercial invoice, the chief negotiator’s ability答案:the commercial circumstances, the overall context8、Differences in____, ____, and____ have a profound impact on how successfully the parties are able to negotiate or conduct business transactions.BehavingWays of thinkingManaging conflictHuman resources答案:9、The political system,____, and the counterpart may in some way determine the success or failure of the negotiation.The legal systemThe business systemThe financial systemInfrastructure and logistics system答案:ABCD10、The specific tasks of the opening phase are concluded: To explain the concrete issueTo create suitable atmosphereTo state proposal in opening phaseTodeclare for our intention。
英语专四常见短语搭配英语专四常见短语搭配1. preface to ……的前言,如:An essay written as a preface to a more detailed work.序言作为更为详细的作品的`序言而写的文章2. preparation for 准备,如:They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections.他们对即将到来的选举作了充分的准备。
3. preference to sth 优先,如:In considering people for jobs, we give preference to those with some experience.对于求职者,我们优先考虑有一定经验的人。
4. proposal for sth 建议,如:I reflected on this proposal for some time.这项建议我仔细想了一些时候。
5. prejudice against/ 对……的偏见,偏重,如:He has a prejudice against all foreigners.他对所有的外国人都有偏见。
6. protection for sb 保护,如:environmental protection for exploration engineering探矿工程环境保护7. protest against sth 抗议,如:The Russian team entered a protest against the tactics of American side.俄罗斯队提出正式抗议,反对美国队的战术。
8. ratio of sth to sth 比率,如:The ratios of 1 to 5 and 20 to 0 are the same.1与5之比和20与0之比相同.9. reaction to 对……的反应,如:A negative reaction to the new advertising campaign. 对新广告的宣传手法持反对立场10. reason for 原因,理由,如:Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.他们为什麽要做此事我仍莫名其妙.【英语专四常见短语搭配】。
早读英语精华以下为您生成 20 个早读英语相关的精华内容:---1. **单词**:abundant [əˈbʌndənt]- 英语释义:existing in large quantities; more than enough- 短语:abundant resources 丰富的资源- 用法:“abundant”常与“in”搭配,表示“在...方面丰富”- 双语例句:The country is abundant in natural resources. 这个国家自然资源丰富。
2. **单词**:accommodate [əˈkɒmədeɪt]- 英语释义:provide lodging or sufficient space for- 短语:accommodate sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物- 用法:可作及物动词和不及物动词- 双语例句:The hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 这家旅馆可容纳 500 位客人。
3. **单词**:acquire [əˈkwaɪə(r)]- 英语释义:gain sth. by one's own efforts, ability or behavior- 短语:acquire knowledge 获得知识- 用法:常用于正式语境- 双语例句:He acquired a good knowledge of English through hard work. 他通过努力学习获得了良好的英语知识。
4. **单词**:adapt [əˈdæpt]- 英语释义:change sth. to suit new conditions or uses- 短语:adapt to 适应- 用法:常与“to”连用- 双语例句:She adapted quickly to the new environment. 她很快适应了新环境。
网络英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What does the abbreviation "WWW" stand for?A. World Wild WebB. World Wide WebC. World War WebD. World Wonder Web2. Which of the following is the most common way to access the internet?A. RadioB. TelevisionC. Telephone lineD. Satellite3. The term "URL" refers to:A. Uniform Resource LocatorB. Unique Resource LocatorC. User Resource LocatorD. Universal Resource Locator4. What is the primary function of a search engine?A. To play musicB. To send emailsC. To find information on the internetD. To make online purchases5. Which of the following is not a social media platform?A. FacebookB. TwitterC. LinkedInD. Photoshop6. What is the full form of "HTTP"?A. HyperText Transfer ProtocolB. HyperText Transport ProtocolC. HighText Transfer ProtocolD. HighText Transport Protocol7. What is the purpose of cookies on the internet?A. To store user preferences and track browsing historyB. To send messages to friendsC. To play videosD. To make online reservations8. Which of the following is a type of malware?A. VirusB. EmailC. FirewallD. Antivirus9. What does "VPN" stand for?A. Virtual Private NetworkB. Very Personal NetworkC. Video Personal NetworkD. Virtual Programming Network10. Which protocol is used for sending emails?A. FTPB. SMTPC. TCPD. UDP二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the __________ protocol suite to link devices worldwide.12. When you want to download a file from the internet, you might use a __________ client.13. A __________ is a program that displays and runs documents written in HTML.14. The process of making a website accessible to users with disabilities is known as __________.15. The term "cyberbullying" refers to bullying or harassment that takes place __________.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Explain the difference between an intranet and an extranet.17. What are the benefits of using a cloud service for data storage?18. Describe the steps to create a new email account.19. What are some common security measures to protect personal information online?四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)20. Discuss the impact of social media on modern communication.21. Analyze the role of the internet in e-commerce and its implications for traditional businesses.五、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)22. 将以下句子翻译成英文:“网络改变了我们的生活和工作方式。
传媒英语 Unit 6
Unit 6 FilmContents:➢Key to the exercises➢Translation➢Supplementary ReadingPart One Key to the exercisesI. Understanding the text1. 1) How did the author prepare to be a screenwriter since her high school period.2) As a screenwriter the only thing that really matters is the quality of the writing.3) Only with a good command of the basic structure of a screenplay can a work be outstanding.4) What distinguish a great screenplay.5) What to write6) Whether to live in Los Angles or New York.7) Possibility of revision8) The quality of the work, not anything else, counts9) How to find a agent.10) How to keep productive as a screenwriter.2. Concentrating on writing quality scripts will give you the best chance for longevity as a screenwriter.3. Open.4. There are abundant Greek and Roman mythology, such as the Olympian Gods, Venus and Adonis, Hero and Leander, Tantalus, Sisyphus, the Seven against Thebes, Hector and Andromache, Perseus and Andromeda, Echo and Narcissus, Atlanta’s Race, etc. In reality, we call widely held but false notion myth.5. Carla Hacken had been upped to executive vice president for Fox 2000, and the promotion comes after Fox 2000 picked up an option on Hacken's original two-year contract, which began in January 1997. Hacken joined Fox 2000 from ICM, where she had served as talent agent for nine years. Since joining Fox 2000, Hacken has worked on such productions as "Ravenous," and the fall release "Anywhere But Here," which stars Susan Sarandon and Natalie Portman. Among the projects she is overseeing for the label are "The Virgin Mary," with Jennifer Aniston attached to star and produce; the Merrill Markoe-scripted "Me and My Boy," to be directed by Nora Ephron; "Shockproof Sydney Skate," written by W.D. Richter and to be directed by Michael Hoffman; "The Flying Dutchman," with Julie Taymor attached to direct; "Noel," with Antonia Bird attached to direct and Howard Rosenman producing; and "WASPS," to which Cameron Diaz attached to star. "Carla has been a terrific asset to the Fox 2000 team," said Fox 2000 topper Laura Ziskin in a statement. "I'm looking forward to continuing and enhancing our productive working relationship."6. Open.7. Open.I.TranslationA.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.1. 同样,出色的剧作家花费大量时间掌握了剧作的基本结构以后,才有本领突破常规的剧本创作,写出出类拔萃的作品。
AdvertiseAdvertising is an essential part of marketing strategy, which is a process that promotes and sells products and services through various techniques. Advertising can be done through different channels, such as print media, television, radio, billboard advertising, and digital media. The main aim of advertising is to create awareness of the brand and its products or services among the target audience. In this article, we will discuss the importance of advertising and its different types.Importance of AdvertisingAdvertising plays a vital role in the success of any business. It acts as a bridge between the brand and the audience, creating awareness, generating demand, and driving sales.Creating AwarenessAdvertising helps to create awareness of the brand and its products or services among the target audience. It introduces the brand to the audience, highlights its unique features, and communicates its value proposition.Generating DemandAdvertising is a powerful tool for generating demand for the brand and its products or services. It stimulates the audience’s interest in the brand, creating a desire to learn more about it. This, in turn, generates demand for the product or service.Driving SalesAdvertising plays a crucial role in driving sales. It creates awareness, generates demand, and motivates the audience to take action. By creating a sense of urgency, advertising can encourage the audience to purchase the product or service.Types of AdvertisingAdvertising can be done through different channels, and each channel has its unique advantages and disadvantages. Some of the common types of advertising are: Print AdvertisingPrint advertising includes newspapers, magazines, brochures, flyers, and other printed materials. It is a traditional form of advertising that is still widely used due to its ability to reach a targeted audience.Television AdvertisingTelevision advertising is a popular form of advertising that reaches a vast audience. It is an effective way to promote products and services to a broad audience, but it is also expensive.Radio AdvertisingRadio advertising is a cost-effective way to reach a large number of people. It is especially useful for reaching a local audience.Billboard AdvertisingBillboard advertising is a form of outdoor advertising that is used to promote products and services. It is a popular way to reach a large audience, especially in high-traffic areas.Digital AdvertisingDigital advertising includes various forms of online advertising, such as social media advertising, display advertising, search engine advertising, and email marketing. Digital advertising is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to target a specific audience and its cost-effectiveness.ConclusionAdvertising is an essential part of any marketing strategy. It helps to create awareness, generate demand, and drive sales. With the right advertising strategy, businesses can reach their target audience and achieve their marketing goals. By using different types of advertising, businesses can reach a broader audience and achieve better results. Hence, it is crucial to choose an appropriate advertising channel to reach the target audience effectively.。
佳能相机防抖技术,如同将运动中的被摄物体固定 佳能相机防抖技术 如同将运动中的被摄物体固定. 如同将运动中的被摄物体固定
UPS:幻影快递员 来自印度尼西亚 幻影快递员
你最喜欢的歌手被盗版 杀害:Rhythm House在 杀害 在 线音乐
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广告的特点 广告不同于一般大众传播和宣传活动,主要表现在: 广告不同于一般大众传播和宣传活动,主要表现在: 1.广告是一种传播工具,是将某一项商品的信息,由这项商品的生产或经 广告是一种传播工具, 广告是一种传播工具 是将某一项商品的信息, 营机构(广告主)传送给一群用户和消费者; 营机构(广告主)传送给一群用户和消费者; 2.做广告需要付费; 做广告需要付费; 做广告需要付费 3.广告进行的传播活动是带有说服性的; 广告进行的传播活动是带有说服性的; 广告进行的传播活动是带有说服性的 4.广告是有目的、有计划,是连续的; 广告是有目的、 广告是有目的 有计划,是连续的; 5.广告不仅对广告主有利,而且对目标对象也有好处,它可使用户和消费 广告不仅对广告主有利, 广告不仅对广告主有利 而且对目标对象也有好处, 者得到有用的信息。 者得到有用的信息。 Advertising features Unlike mass media advertising and promotional activities, mainly in: 1. Advertising is a communication tool, is the information of a particular commodity from the commodity production or business organizations (advertisers) to a group of users and consumers; 2. Advertising need to pay; 3. Advertising is the dissemination activities carried out with a persuasive; 4. Advertising is a purposeful, planned, and is continuous; 5. Advertising is not only beneficial to advertisers, but also good for the target object, which enables users and consumers receive useful information
小学上册英语第1单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What is the term for the effect of gravity on time?A. Time DilationB. Gravitational TimeC. Temporal DistortionD. Space-Time Continuum2.I always help my mom clean the ________ (厨房) after dinner. It’s our little________ (家庭时间).3.What is the term for a shooting star?A. MeteorB. CometC. AsteroidD. Satellite4.What is the capital of Spain?A. BarcelonaB. MadridC. ValenciaD. Seville5.My sister loves to __________ (帮助) with family projects.6.Metals are typically ______ conductors of electricity.7.__________ (病毒) can affect living cells and often require chemical treatments.8.What do we call the area of land that is covered by vegetation?A. FloraB. FaunaC. BiomeD. EcosystemC Biome9.Which of the following is a fruit?A. CarrotB. PotatoC. AppleD. LettuceC Apple10.What is the capital of Bangladesh?A. DhakaB. ChittagongC. SylhetD. KhulnaA11.What do we call the act of promoting a product?A. MarketingB. AdvertisingC. SellingD. PublicizingB12.Can you _____ me the ball? (throw/catch/read)13.I like to help my mom ________ (整理) my room.14.The sky is _______ (clear) and blue.15.My favorite toy has a special place in my heart because it was a gift from my ________ (亲人).16. A flame is a visible part of a ______ reaction.17.I can fold my ________ (玩具) into different shapes.18._____ (栽培技术) can improve harvest yields.19.How do you say "yes" in French?A. OuiB. SiC. JaD. Yes20.An indicator is a substance that changes color in response to _____.21.Animals that eat both plants and meat are called ______.22.We will have a ______ tomorrow. (party)23.Dogs are known for their _________ (忠诚).24.Which one of these is a primary color?A. GreenB. BlueC. PurpleD. Orange25.The _____ (大雁) flies in formation during migration.26.I like to _______ in the summer.27.What is the primary color that, when mixed with green, creates cyan?A. BlueB. YellowC. RedD. OrangeA28.What is the main purpose of a computer?A. To play gamesB. To browse the internetC. To process informationD. To print documentsC29.I want to _______ a new toy.30.What is the value of pi (π) approximately?A. 2.14B. 3.14C. 4.14D. 5.1431.The bus is _____ (full/empty) of people.32.My pet ___ (小仓鼠) sleeps in its cozy bed.33.The ancient Romans celebrated _______ to honor their gods. (节日)34.My mom _____ breakfast every morning. (prepares)35.The __________ (历史的激励作用) drive progress.36.The boy likes ________.37.What do you call a person who studies the universe?A. AstrophysicistB. AstronomerC. GeologistD. BiologistB38.The process of crystallization involves forming __________ from a solution.39.She has a beautiful ________ (声音).40.The beaver builds a dam with ____.41. A ______ is often used to represent the composition of a compound.42._____ (kelp) is a type of sea plant.43.What do you call a piece of furniture with drawers?A. TableB. ChairC. DeskD. DresserD44.The chemical symbol for aluminum is _____ (Al).45.The __________ (历史的书写) reflects the values of its time.46. A ____(stakeholder engagement) involves relevant parties in discussions.47.Which holiday is celebrated on February 14th?A. Valentine's DayB. ChristmasC. HalloweenD. Thanksgiving48.The _____ (植物健康) should be monitored regularly.49.I think it’s essential to take breaks. Taking time to relax helps recharge our minds and bodies. I like to __________ during my breaks to unwind.50.The dolphin plays with its _________. (朋友)51.I feed my dog _______ (狗粮) twice a day.52.My mom gives me __________ (建议) when I need help.53.The __________ is a famous national park in Wyoming. (黄石国家公园)54.I love the feeling of accomplishment. Completing a challenging task gives me a sense of pride. Recently, I finished __________, and it felt incredible!55.My sister loves to ________.56.The __________ (历史的交织) fosters collaboration.57.She is a talented ________.58.The _______ (小夜莺) sings beautifully at night.59.What do we call the westernmost continent?A. AsiaB. AfricaC. North AmericaD. South America60.The cake is ___. (sweet)61.What is the process by which plants absorb sunlight?A. PhotosynthesisB. DigestionC. RespirationD. GerminationA62.What is the opposite of "big"?A. LargeB. SmallC. HugeD. TinyB63.What is the name of the famous waterfall on the border of the USA and Canada?A. Niagara FallsB. Angel FallsC. Victoria FallsD. Yosemite FallsA64.The playground is ________ (安全).65.The freezing point of water is _______ degrees Celsius.66.What is the capital of Samoa?A. ApiaB. Savai'iC. UpoluD. ManonoA67.The library is full of _______ (books).68.My grandma loves to share her __________ (传统故事).69.What is the term for the effect of gravity bending light from distant stars?A. Gravitational LensingB. Light BendingC. Cosmic CurvatureD. Light Distortion70.The chemical formula for ascorbic acid is ______.71.I have a collection of __________ (玩具名) from __________ (地方).72.Do you know my _____ (表哥)?73.What is the capital city of Canada?A. TorontoB. OttawaC. VancouverD. Montreal74.What do you call a baby cat?A. PuppyB.KittenC.CubD.Calf答案:B75.The sun is very ________ today.76.The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is _______.77.What is the capital of Cuba?A. HavanaB. SantiagoC. VaraderoD. CamagüeyA78.What instrument do you use to measure time?A. StopwatchB. RulerC. CompassD. ScaleA79.The _____ (小草) adds beauty to the lawn.80.The process of fermentation converts sugars into ______.81.Mixtures that are uniform throughout are called ______.82.The _____ (kiwi) plant produces fuzzy fruit.83.Which animal has a long trunk?A. GiraffeB. ElephantC. ZebraD. LionB84.My favorite vegetable is ________.85.I enjoy ______ (学习) about space.86.What do we call a person who plays a musical instrument?A. MusicianB. ArtistC. ComposerD. PerformerA87.The milk is in the ___ (fridge/cupboard).88.What is the capital of the United States?A. New YorkB. Washington, D.C. C. Los AngelesD. Chicago89.What do you call a place where animals are kept for public viewing?A. ZooB. FarmC. SanctuaryD. AquariumA90.What do we call a place where you can see many books?A. LibraryB. StoreC. SchoolD. Office91.I enjoy visiting the ________ (艺术展) with my family.92.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?A. SugarB. CocoaC. MilkD. FlourB93.What do you call the device used to call someone?A. TelevisionB. PhoneC. RadioD. Computer94.What is the main ingredient in pizza?A. RiceB. DoughC. ChickenD. FishB95.What is the time if the clock shows 12:00 AM?A. NoonB. MidnightC. MorningD. EveningB96.What do you call a small, flying insect that is often a pest?A. MothB. FlyC. SpiderD. BeetleB97.I love visiting museums to see ________ (古董) toys from the past. They tell a ________ (故事).98.The rainbow trout is a popular ______ (鱼) for fishing.99.I have a toy ________ that spins.100.What is the name of the famous scientist known for his work in chemistry?A. Marie CurieB. Dmitri MendeleevC. Robert BoyleD. All of the above。
advertise系列单词速记loridic单词:advertise1. 定义与释义1.1词性:动词1.2中文释义:做广告,宣传,登广告1.3英文释义:To make (a product, service, etc.) known to the public through various media.1.4相关词汇:- 同义词:promote、publicize- 派生词:advertiser(广告商)、advertisement(广告)、advertising(广告业;做广告)---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:“advertise”来源于古法语“advertir”,而“advertir”又源于拉丁语“advertere”,表示“转向、注意”,最初的意义是引起人们对某事的注意,后来演变为通过宣传手段引起公众对产品或服务的注意,也就是做广告的意思。
---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:- advertise for:登广告征求(招聘等)+例句:They decided to advertise for a new secretary. 翻译:他们决定登广告招聘一名新秘书。
- advertise on:在……上做广告+例句:Manypanies choose to advertise on social media platforms. 翻译:许多公司选择在社交媒体平台上做广告。
- advertise oneself:自我宣传+例句:If you want to get this job, you need to learn how to advertise yourself better. 翻译:如果你想得到这份工作,你需要学会如何更好地自我宣传。
英语作文advertisingAdvertising is everywhere. You can't escape it even if you try. From billboards to social media, it's constantly bombarding us with messages to buy this or try that. It's like a never-ending cycle of persuasion and influence.The thing about advertising is that it's not always truthful. Companies will do whatever it takes to make their product look like the best thing since sliced bread.They'll use misleading images, exaggerated claims, and even celebrity endorsements to make you believe that you absolutely need their product in your life.But let's be real, most of the time we see through the smoke and mirrors. We know when we're being sold to, and we take everything with a grain of salt. That's the beauty of being a savvy consumer in a world of advertising madness.However, there are times when advertising does work its magic on us. Maybe it's a catchy jingle that gets stuck inour head, or a clever slogan that we can't shake. Before we know it, we're reaching for that product on the shelf without even realizing why.In the end, advertising is just a part of our everyday lives. It's up to us to decide how much we let it influence our choices. So, next time you see an ad trying to convince you that you need something, take a step back and ask yourself if it's really worth it. Don't let the flashy lights and persuasive words cloud your judgment.。
2023年青海省教师招聘考试《中学英语》模拟卷(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(35题)1.Without your help, I ________ such rapid progress.A.didn’t makeB.don’t makeC.would not makeD.would not have made2.We ′ll get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes ___________A.accessibleefulC.availableD.convenient3.It was 10 o′clock ___________ Jill arrived at the office, which made the boss annoyed.A.whenB.thatC.whichD.then4.As is known to us all, _______ lion is in _______ danger of becoming extinct.A.the, aB.the, 不填C.a, 不填D.不填, the5.--How do you know he will lend us money?___________ He ′ s a generous person.A.It's my guessB.By all meansC.Of course, you canD.That depends6.I've tried very" hard to improve my English. But by no means__________with my progress.A.the teacher is not satisfiedB.is the teacher not satisfiedC.the teacher is satisfiedD.is the teacher satisfied7. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, the only answer is that it is a(n)_____ for me.A.puzzleB.advantageC.challengeD.average8.The deserter was ______ of running awaywhen the enemy attacked.A.scoldedB.chargedC.consideredD.accused9.The smart phone benefits us a lot, but the bad effect __________ has on the youth can not be ignored.A.thatB.whichC.itD.one10.When his uncle returned from Hong Kong, the boy asked__________what present he would get.A.curiouslyB.fluentlyC.properlyD.consciously11.Until then, his family ____ from him for six months.A.didn't hearB.hasn't been hearingC.hasn' t heardD.hadn' t heard12.He didn’t make ________ preparations, or he would have succeeded in the job interview.A.vacantB.urgentC.adequateD.primitive13.To air these predicaments is notanti-medical spleen--a churlish ___________ against medicine for its victories,but simply to face the growing reality of medical power not exactly without responsibilitybut with dissolving goal.A.reprisalB.revengeC.retributionD.rapprochements14.The teacher__________ his lesson with pictures.A.illustratedB.explainedC.illustrationD.illuminated15.Most of them know they should resistthe temptation to spend more than they can earn, but knowing that isn′t muchhelp ____ it comes to shopping on line.A.beforeB.sinceC.whenD.after16.Can you tell me ________?A.who is that gentlemanB.that gentleman is whoC.who that gentleman isD.whom is that gentleman17.___of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.A.NoneB.BothC.NeitherD.All18.This kind of glasses manufactured byexperienced craftsmen ______ comfortably.A.is wornB.wearsC.wearingD.are worn19.In China, ______ private cars is gettingto be ______ popular means of transportation.A.the; aB./; aC.the; theD./; the20.As we all know, drinking too much__________ our health.A.harmsB.hurtsC.injuresD.destroys21.Her uncle′s health has greatly improved______ he stopped smoking.A.beforeB.sinceC.whenD.while22.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicleaschool bus.A.other thanB.rather thanC.or ratherD.or else23.Well, we′ ve come to a point ,__________we have to decide which job is the best choice for.A.whichB.whereC.whoseD.while24.Your hair wants______. You′d better haveit done tomorrow.A.cutB.to cutC.cuttingD.being cut25.Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his __________ to a certain book or article that has some beatingon the subject being studied.mentB.reactionC.impressionprehension26.I____in this factory since I graduated from the university.A.workB.workedC.have been workingD.am working27.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of __A.crisisB.emergencyC.urgencyD.emergence28.You'd better make a mark__________ you have any questions while you are reading thepassage.A.at whichB.in whereC.in the placeD.where29. Letterboxes are much more _______ in the UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead.monB.normalC.ordinaryual30.Digital content is so easily accessible nowadays that young people may just ________ books to be free and are not ready to pay for it.A.suggestB.assumeC.approveD.demand31.In Vietnam__________ motorcycle is __ popular means of transportation.A.the; aB.a; /C.the ; theD.a; the32.______ we shall bend this material intoa ring is not yet decided.A.WhichB.WhereC.WhyD.Who33.After hours′ drive, they reached ______theythought was the place they d been dreaming of.A.thatB.whereC.whatD.which34.Even when __________to such tough living conditions, the children would never have any complaint.A.exposingB.exposeDC.exposeD.to expose35.You will see this product ______wherever you go.A.advertisedB.advertisingC.advertiseD.to be advertised参考答案1.D根据句意,可知是发生的事情,因此选择情态动词+完成式。
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1.A. Because he found John was speeding.B. Because he found that John was drunk.C. Because he wanted to award John for safe driving.D. Because he wanted to check John's licence.2.A. To have a good dinner.B. To buy a new suit.C. To get a new car.D. To get a driver's licence.3.A. The car had broken down.B. The car was not John's.C. The car had been stolen before.D. The car couldn't go very far.4.A. He was going to a neighboring country.B. He was going to another city.C. He was going to the countryside.D. He was going to another state of America. 5.A. He told John to go away.B. He told John to get out of the car.C. He told John to give back the money.D. HQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1.A. Children know how to handle a real gun.B. Children are not interested in real guns.C. Children know not to touch a real gun.D. Children won't know where a gun is hidden.2.A. They are 3-7 years old.B. They are 5-9 years old.C. They are 8-12 years old.D. They are 10-14 years old.3.A. Only a few.B. Half of the children.C. All of the children.D. Most of the children.4.A. Children are well educated about gun safety.B. Children really know how to handle guns.C. Children can find guns wherever they are stored.D. It's important to keep children away from guns.5.A. Not to have a gun at home at all.B. To teach children how to handle a gun.C. To give children more gun-safety education.D. To observe children closely.When I tell people I am from New York City, they often ask me, "Have you ever been mugged?" The answer is no, but I may be a(n)1.been robbed of their wallet by someone with a pistol or knife, and some of them more than once. I don't think that this is because New York City is a more dangerous place than other cities. In fact, thereare other cities with higher crime 2.accurately, New York City is presently the 5th most likely major U.S.city in which to 3.public buses and trains are used a lot. 4.do a lot of walking between their home or work and the bus or trainand actually come in 5.probably 6.7.the street. Most other cities are places where people use personalcars to 8.contact with as many people on the streets. I think being part of a community and using public buses and trains is 9.with fewer robberies, it would probably mean living in a place where Iwould be driving a car more. 10.robbed on the way home, I would be 11.getting in a car accident.Anyway, I like to think I haven't been mugged because I have madegood 12.13.been fortunate in not having too many bad things 14.15.robbers attack their victims at night in 16.not lit well and lack other people. I do what I can to avoid this type of area. Also, when going out at night, I try to go out with other people.During the day, I don't go 17.am not familiar 18.that don't have a lot of people. When 19.parking lot, I try not to walk between parked cars. And finally, if something seems odd about a place or street, I go the other way.Those are the major things I do. It's 20.is probably just common sense.1.We were told that most of our luggage would be ________ bysea.A. approachedB. transportedC. handledD. communicated2.His letters ________ a different side of his personality.A. imagineB. advocateD. dominate3.He apologizes for his comments and says he had no intentionof ________ the community.A. robbingB. barkingC. collapsingD. offending4.When I'm going out in the evening I use the bike if I can,________ the car.A. regardless ofB. more thanC. other thanD. rather than5.Before a buyer can make an official offer to buy, he must havethe house ________.A. to be valuedB. being valuedD. valuing6.________ 25 years ago next month, the club is holding a partyfor past and present members.A. FormingB. Having formC. FormedD. To form7. A man walked in off the street and fell flat ________ his face,unconscious.A. forB. onC. againstD. in8.I've never heard of anyone ________ by a female.A. robbingB. being robbedC. to be robbedD. rob9.I had been self-employed for so long that I couldn't imagine________ for someone else.A. to have to workB. workingC. to workD. having worked10.He could remember ________ along the road just before theaccident happened but he couldn't remember the accidentitself.A. to have drivenB. drivingC. to driveD. having driving11.They were robbed ________ their wristwatches and shotduring the course of the robbery.A. ofB. fromC. byD. with12.It ________ that John works as a general manager.A. must be this factoryB. must be at this factoryC. might have been MaryD. can't this factory13.Little _______ we know his speech had made so deep animpression on his audience.A. haveB. didC. hadD. should14.We can't speak _______ our teacher.A. too highly ofB. too high ofC. highly of tooD. to highly of15._______ received law degrees as today.A. Never so women haveB. Never have so many womenC. The women aren't everD. Women who have never16.No one in our class _______ in sports than he.A. are more interestedB. are much interestedC. is much interestedD. is more interested17.The language _______ he wrote his poems was characteristicof the language used in the 16th century.A. whichB. by whichC. with whichD. in which18._______ is known to the world, Mark Twain is a greatAmerican writer.A. ThatB. WhichC. ItD. As19.One reason why Hamlet is such a successful play is that_______.A. it appeals different to peopleB. different people are appealedC. it appeals to different peopleD. people find it appealing to them very much20.He wondered _______.A. what will be his wife's reactionB. what would his wife's reaction beC. how would be his wife's reaD. what his wife's reactionQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. Danny hung his Boston University diploma below his cab license. After 17 years of education in the finest schools in America, he couldn't do very simple repairs or even locate the carburetor (化油器) in his car.Danny is an educated man. He is a master of writing papers, taking tests, talking, and filling out forms. He can analyze Freud from a Marxian viewpoint and he can analyze Marx from a Freudian viewpoint.In short, Danny is an unskilled worker, and he has a sociology degree to prove it. He is of very little use to American industry.This is nothing new. Colleges have been turning out unskilled workers for decades. Until five years ago, most of these unskilled workers took their degrees in sociology, philosophy, political science, or history and marched right into the American middle class. Some found work in business and government, but many, if not most, went into education, which is the only thing they knew anything about. Once there, they taught another generation the skills necessary to take tests and write papers.But the cycle broke down. Teachers are too common these days, college applications are down, plumbers are making $12 an hour, and liberal-arts graduates are faced with a choice: a graduate school or the taxicab.Danny chose the taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed. Danny refers to his job as "Real World 101". He has been beaten and shot at. But he has also acquired some practical skills: he can get his tickets fixed; he knows how to cheat the company out of a few extra dollars a week; and he found his carburetor and he can fix it.1.What did Danny study at college?A. Politics.B. Psychology.C. Sociology.D. Philosophy.2.The reason why Danny chose to be a taxicab driver after hegraduated from college is that ________.A. he wanted to get more experience in societyB. he didn't know how to repair a taxicab, so he wanted tolearn the skillC. taxi drivers can earn more money than middle classworkersD. he had no other skills but driving to support himself3.Which of the following statements is true?A. Most college graduates went on to graduate schools in thepast.B. Skilled workers make more money than college graduates.C. Several years ago a college degree ensured a place in theAmerican middle class.D. A college education is useless in America nowadays.4.What does the word "ticket" in the last paragraph mean?A. Label attached to something, giving details of its price, size,etc.B. A list of the candidates.C. Official notice of an offense against traffic regulations.D. A piece of paper that gives the holder a certain of right.5.What does the passage imply?A. College education is out of date nowadays in America.B. It's hard for new graduates from college who majored inarts to find a well-paid job in the U. S. A.C. The American education system isn't practical at all.D. One learns more from society than from college education.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog. Sylvester and I are watching television advertisements because we need information for a class research project. We have to discuss what is true and what is not true in television advertising, and so we are looking for examples of untruthful television commercials. The question we are asking is, "Is the commercial true to life, or does it offer an unreal picture of the product?"Sylvester is keeping track of the falsehoods, and he already has quite a long list. He says that all housewives seem to live in lovely homes, dress beautifully, and love their household chores, they smile and boast about floor cleaners and proudly display their dirty laundry, dusty tabletops, and unclean ovens. In addition, he has never seen men doing housework. Sylvester thinks that this view of family life is filled with distortions.I am keeping track of the people who appear in the advertisements.I have found handsome men chasing after the All-American Girl, and they are always recommending brand X toothpaste or brand Y cologne (科隆香水). I see teenagers and children surrounded by their friends, having a wonderful time at parties and at school, and they are usually enjoying large, friendly family gatherings. I think that these advertisements are also filled with fantasy.Sylvester and I have concluded that much of American life is pictured unrealistically in commercials. Teenagers do not always have fun at parties, and very few people love doing chores. People do have problems but few of these are ever shown in commercials. Instead, we watch Cinderella discover a miracle floor wax, finish the kitchen chores, and go dancing. Our heads are filled with these fantasies, and they also suggest that, for any problem, brand Z will provide the instant cure. Sylvester and I will have very few facts and a lot of fantasy to write about in our research reports.6.Judging from the context, the relationship between the authorand Sylvester is most probably that of ________.A. research workersB. a professor and a studentC. a father and a sonD. classmates7.According to Sylvester, what can be inferred abouthousewives in advertisements?A. They are sad and tired.B. They enjoy doing their housework.C. They always have their husbands help them.D. They never touch dirty things8.The author thinks that life of teenagers shown in commercialsis ________.A. incompleteB. unrealisticC. true to lifeD. boring9.Sylvester and the author have come to the conclusion thatcommercials ________.A. are just like American lifeB. are not interesting or entertainingC. are not much like American lifeD. are fun for children10.The most suitable title for the passage is ________.A. A Class Research Project on TVB. American Life to Be ShownC. Children Like to See AdvertisementsD. Distortions in TV Advertisingwould be ction。
(2021年)山东省莱芜市大学英语6级大学英语六级真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、1.Writing(10题)1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following line graph that shows the changes of the attendance in the reading room. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese with the title College Reading Room Phenomenon.College Reading Room Phenomenon1.描述图表中的两个循环(cycle)所反映的问题2.分析引起该变化的原因3.你的结论2. 1. 一些学生认为运动要以兴趣为中心2. 另一些学生认为运动要以健康为中心3. 你的看法Interest-oriented Or Health-oriented Sports3. 1. 假如你是李静,你想向校长申请参加西部大开发,你要给校长写一封信,信的内容包括:1.表达自己想要参加西部大开发的愿望;2.简要说明自己的理由。
4. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Write an English Diary. You should write at least 150 words.5. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a resume. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:假设你是李明——一名应届毕业生,在报纸上看到一则招聘广告,你想要到登广告的公司供职,请给该公司写一封求职信,内容应简要介绍自己的情况以及自己的经历等。
The Influence of Advertising on Consumer Behavior
The Influence of Advertising on Consumer BehaviorAdvertising is a crucial aspect of any business, and it is essential to understand its influence on consumer behavior. Advertising is a form of communication that aims to persuade an audience to take action, such as purchasing a product or service. The influence of advertising on consumer behavior is a complex issue that has been debated by scholars and practitioners for years. In this essay, we will explore the various perspectives on the influence of advertising on consumer behavior.One perspective is that advertising has a significant impact on consumer behavior. Advertising is designed to create awareness, generate interest, and influence purchasing decisions. Advertisements are created to appeal to consumers' emotions, desires, and needs, which can result in increased sales. For example, a car advertisement that highlights the safety features of a vehicle can persuade a consumer to purchase that car. The power of advertising is evident in the fact that it can create brand loyalty, which means that consumers will continue to purchase a particular brand even when other options are available.Another perspective is that advertising has a minimal impact on consumer behavior. This perspective argues that consumers are rational and make purchasing decisions based on their needs, preferences, and budget. Advertising may create awareness, but it does not necessarily influence purchasing decisions. For example, a consumer may be aware of a new product through advertising, but they may choose not to purchase it because it does not meet their needs or preferences. This perspective suggests that advertising may be more effective in creating brand awareness rather than influencing purchasing decisions.A third perspective is that advertising can have a negative impact on consumer behavior. This perspective argues that advertising can create unrealistic expectations, promote materialism, and encourage impulse buying. Advertisements often create an idealized version of reality that consumers may strive to achieve. For example, a fashion advertisement that features a model with a perfect body may create unrealistic expectations for consumers. This perspective suggests that advertising can be harmful tosociety by promoting materialism and encouraging consumers to make impulsive purchases that they may regret later.A fourth perspective is that advertising can have a positive impact on consumer behavior. This perspective argues that advertising can educate consumers about new products and services, promote healthy behaviors, and encourage social responsibility. For example, an advertisement that promotes healthy eating habits can educate consumers about the benefits of a healthy diet. This perspective suggests that advertising can be a powerful tool for promoting positive behaviors and attitudes.A fifth perspective is that the influence of advertising on consumer behavior depends on the individual. This perspective argues that different people are influenced by advertising in different ways. Some people may be more susceptible to advertising than others, depending on their personality, values, and beliefs. For example, a person who values environmental sustainability may be more likely to purchase products that are marketed as eco-friendly. This perspective suggests that advertising can be effective for some people but not for others.In conclusion, the influence of advertising on consumer behavior is a complex issue that is influenced by multiple factors. Advertising can have a significant impact on consumer behavior by creating awareness, generating interest, and influencing purchasing decisions. However, advertising may also have a minimal impact on consumer behavior, create unrealistic expectations, promote materialism, and encourage impulse buying. On the other hand, advertising can also have a positive impact on consumer behavior by educating consumers, promoting healthy behaviors, and encouraging social responsibility. Ultimately, the influence of advertising on consumer behavior depends on the individual and their values, beliefs, and personality.。
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Of the four methods of promotion directed at consumers, people are most likely to be aware of advertising because it is so visible and widespread. Over the last several years, advertisers have had to respond to criticism and consumer doubts about the usefulness of advertising and about its truthfulness and costs. According to one 1980 study, they have had some success: more than 60 percent of the consumers interviewed said advertising is becoming more informative. Nevertheless, 58 percent believed advertising makes false claims and is misleading; 61 percent said it promises more than the product delivers; and 61 percent felt advertising should be more closely regulated by the government.Does Advertising Raise Cost?In 1979, Noxell spent 22.3 cents of every dollar it took from the sales of its products on advertising. Some critics suggest that if such advertising expenditures were reduced, companies could afford to sell their products to the public at lower prices. Other critics emphasize another way in which advertising increases costs. Expensive nationwide advertising campaigns, when successful, can develop brand loyalty for a few brands. This loyalty can be so strong as to make it extremely difficult for newcomers, especially smaller companies, to enter the field. As a result, a few large companies can dominate the market, charging higher prices than they could in a more competitive situation.Many experts contend that these criticisms are unjustified and that advertising stimulates demand so that higher levels of production are possible. As a result, the unit cost is reduced.Does Advertising Inform?Almost everyone agrees that advertising performs useful informational functions. By advertising, a seller can inform a potential buyer of his existence, line of goods, and prices. Such advertising can reduce the time and effort spent by consumers in seeking out goods and services. It lets them know in advance what is available and where it can be bought.Advertising also performs a less obvious informational function: the dollars spent by advertisers subsidize the media we rely on for information and entertainment. An estimated 55 to 60 percent of the cost of periodicals, 70 percent of the cost of newspapers and 100 percent of the cost of commercial radio and TV broadcasting are paid for by advertising.Is Advertising Wasteful?Not all advertising informs or increases the demand for products. Instead, what many advertisements really do is to shift sales among firms. In addition, some ads allegedly create undesirable demand. Some people feel that demands for products like electric woks(电炒锅) and personal stereos(立体声) are fulfilled at the expense of greater social needs. Yet the defenders of advertising claim that judgments of need are a matter of personal choice. In a democratic society, they said, consumers have the right to decide for themselves what they need.1.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?A.The strength and Weakness of AdvertisingB.Arguments on AdvertisingC.Public Reaction to AdvertisingD.The Effect of Advertising2.Advertising is more useful in the promotion of a product because___.A.it can invite much criticismB.it requires little to advertiseC.it is far-reaching and easily noticeableD.it can be more informative3.According to the customers interviewed, who should be responsible for the falseclaims of advertising?A. Small companiesB. Big companiesC. ConsumersD. The government4.Advertising raises prices when _____.A.newcomers have entered the fieldB.customers have developed brand loyaltypetition is tensepanies have entered into a higher level of production5.Which of the following financially benefits most from advertising?A. PeriodicalsB. NewspapersC. Radio studiosD. Commercial radio and TV6.Which of the following statement is true according to many consumers?A.Advertising never increases the demand for product.B.Advertising means what it says.C.Advertising promises more than the product delivers.D.Advertising is not as informative as before.Advertising can legally include opinions and exaggeration which may be misleading. These “legal lies”are called puffs, because they puff up a product’s qualities and make it seem better than it really is. Learn how to spot advertising puff.Advertising is controlled by law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates the content of advertisements---what the manufacturer can and cannot say about its product. You as a consumer can protect yourself from misleading ads by learning how to recognize them.Misleading advertising often presents the seller’s opinion as if it were fact. “Zeno’s Cola is the finest soft drink.”“Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town.” When you see advertisements like this, ask yourself, “Who says so?” This is the type of advertising puff that reflects an opinion. The words “finest” and “most”show that a judgment is being made---a personal opinion, not a statement of fact. Of course the Zeno Company thinks their cola is the finest. They want you to think so too, so you’ll buy it.Some advertising puffs try to connect an unrelated quality to a product. Forexample, beauty and popularity are often linked with perfume, cars, mouthwash, or toothpaste. This kind of advertising is called “image making”. Will you really meet nicer people if you drive a Panther automobile? Will people think you’re sexier if you brush your teeth with Sparkle Toothpaste? Of course not. When you see these advertisements, remember that very few products will automatically make you a better or happier person. Some advertising puffs describe the product accurately but are still misleading. For instance, a leading hamburger is described as a quarter of a pound. This statement is true: the hamburger does weigh a quarter of a pound---before cooking. Since it’s purchased after being cooked, this claim may be classified as a puff.Check the frozen food aisle in your supermarket. A frozen pie is labeled as a “nine-inch pie”. This statement is true if you measure the pie from the outside of the rim on one side to the outside of the rim on the other side. The actual body of the pie is only 7.5 inches. If you buy a standard nine-inch pie plate for making your own pies, you’ll see that the nine-inch measurement is for the inside of the pie.You should always question the claims made by any advertisement. Ask yourself: will the product really do all of these things? Is it really the best? Who says so? Choose the best answer.1.What is the passage chiefly to discuss?a.Rules and regulations of advertisingb.Advertisementsc.Learning how to spot advertising puffsd.The agency regulating the content of advertisements2.These “legal lies”are called “puffs”, because they puff up a product’s qualitiesand make it seem better than it really is. The underlined part means _______.a.tell lies aboutb. speak too highly ofc.praised. evaluate3.Decide which of the following advertisements reflects/reflect only the seller’sopinion?a.“Acme Cars gives you the most comfortable ride in town.”b.“Use Sparkle Toothpaste to whiten your teeth.”c.“White Cat washes whiter.”d.All of the above.4.“Image-making” advertisements try to _______.a.exaggerate a product’s qualityb.over-praise a product’s qualityc.link an unrelated quality to a productd.make a true but not exact statement of product5.We can learn from the passage that the hamburger described as a quarter of apound is ______ a quarter of pound after being cooked.a.reallyb. heavier thanb.lighter than d. slightly heavier than6.In this passage puffs can include all of the following EXCEPT ____.a.advertisements that contain the seller’s opinion onlyb.advertisements that connect an unrelated quality to a productc.advertisements that compare the advertised product with other productsd.advertisements that seem to be facts but not exactly soNew York City---An Ideal Place for BusinessNo other city in America offers more financial incentives to expand and relocate your business.Every new business we attract to New York City brings with it more jobs, more money, more everything for the economic vitality of the city.That’s why we are offering the most comprehensive package of financial incentives of any city in America. Incentives can actually equal or exceed your capital investment.Up to 100% tax-exempt financingThe New York City Industrial Development Agency is empowered to offer qualified businesses that expand or relocate in New York City the availability of 100% tax-exempt financing. Plus substantial real estate tax abatements and other financial incentives.Substantial savings availableThe IDA package, including low-interest, tax-exempt financing, real estate tax abatements, certain sales tax exemption and numerous other benefits can lead to savings of 50% to 125% of your capital investment.The entire package can be wrapped and ready to go in 45 to 90 days Our people have one mission: to bring new businesses to New York City. They are informed, resourceful professionals who have the experience to help you achieve your objectives in as little time as possible.The most fertile business climate in the worldThere are over 190,000 businesses in New York City. Nowhere will you find a larger concentration of national and international buyers, sellers, customers and prospects than New York City, not to mention the largest financial community, the most extensive communications, shipping and service facilities, as well as a highly experienced and motivated labor force.Can you really afford to overlook New York City?It’s your moveJoin the many companies that have moved to New York City. Find out if your business qualifies for assistance under the New York City Industrial Development Agency Program.1. Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?A.An Introduction to New York CityB.The New York City Industrial Development AgencyC.New York City---An Ideal Place for BusinessD.How to Expand Your Business in New York City2. As far as expanding or relocating your business is concerned, New York City is offering ____.A. most financial incentivesB. more jobs and moneyC. 100% tax-exempt financingD. 50% to 125% of your capital investment3. Under the New York City IDA program, a qualified business in New York City can enjoy all of the following advantages EXCEPT__.A. reduced real estate taxB. reduced income taxC. tax exemption in certain salesD. low-interest, tax-exempt financing4. The purpose of the IDA package is to ____.A. help a business achieve its goal as soon as possibleB. provide a business with the most fertile business climateC. attract new businesses to New York CityD. provide a business with experienced personnel5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. New York City has the largest financing community.B. There are more national and international buyers, sellers and customers in New York City.C. Only in New York City can you find the most extensive communications.D. The total number of businesses in New York City is 190,000.。