



2024年广西南宁二十六中中考数学模拟试卷(6月份)一、选择题(共12小题,每小题3分,共36分,在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合要求的,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.)1.(3分)﹣2024的绝对值是( )A.2024B.﹣2024C.D.2.(3分)下列四幅作品分别代表“清明”、“谷雨”、“白露”、“大雪”,其中是中心对称图形的是( )A.B.C.D.3.(3分)某校即将举行田径运动会,“体育达人”小明要从“跳高”、“100米”、“400米”三个项目中,随机选择一项,则他选择“100米”项目的概率是( )A.B.C.D.4.(3分)长征二号丁遥四十五运载火箭在太原卫星发射中心点火升空,成功将高光谱综合观测卫星送入预定轨道,该卫星搭载的可见短波红外高光谱相机最高光谱分辨率达到0.0025μm.数据0.0025用科学记数法表示为( )A.0.25×10﹣1B.2.5×10﹣2C.2.5×10﹣3D.2.5×1035.(3分)若分式有意义,则x的取值范围是( )A.x=1B.x≠1C.x=0D.x≠06.(3分)下列运算一定正确的是( )A.2a+2a=2a2B.a2•a=a3C.(﹣a)2=﹣a2D.(a﹣1)2=a2﹣17.(3分)如图,a,b是两条平行线,三角板的直角顶点在直线b上,则∠2的度数是( )A.37°B.47°C.53°D.与三角板形状有关8.(3分)如图,一辆货车,为了方便装运货物,使用了三角形钢架,已知∠BCA=90°,∠BAC=α,BC=h,则AB的长为( )A.B.C.h sinαD.h cosα9.(3分)一元二次方程2x2﹣3x+1=0根的情况是( )A.没有实数根B.有两个相等的实数根C.有两个不相等的实数根D.无法确定10.(3分)我国古代数学名著《张丘建算经》中记载:“今有清酒一斗直粟十斗,醑酒一斗直粟三斗,今持粟三解,得酒五斗,问清、醑酒各几何?”意思是:现在一斗清酒价值10斗谷子,一斗醑酒价值3斗谷子.现拿30斗谷子,共换了5斗酒,问清、醑酒各几斗.设醑酒x斗,清酒y斗,则可列方程组为( )A.B.C.D.11.(3分)以下尺规作图能得到OP平分∠AOB的是( )A.只有①B.只有②C.①②D.①②③12.(3分)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,△AOB的边OB在y轴上,边AB与x轴交于点C,且BC=2AC,反比例函数,的图象经过点A,若S△OBC=8,则反比例函数表达式为( )A.B.C.D.二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分,)13.(2分)比较大小,﹣4 3(用“>”,“<”或“=”填空).14.(2分)分解因式:xy﹣y= .15.(2分)如图,四边形ABCD内接于⊙O,E为BC延长线上一点.若∠A=150°,则∠DCE的度数为 .16.(2分)甲、乙、丙三人进行射击测试,每人10次射击成绩的平均数(单位:环)都是8.9,方差(单位:环2)分别是S甲2=0.45,S乙2=0.42,S丙2=0.51,则三人中成绩最稳定的是 .17.(2分)如图,二次函数y=ax2+c的图象与一次函数y=kx+c的图象在第一象限的交点为A,点A的横坐标为1,则关于x的不等式ax2+c<kx+c的解集为 .18.(2分)如图,在边长为2的正方形ABCD中,点E在正方形内部且∠CED=90°.连接BE,以BE、DE为边构造▱BEDF,连接CF,则线段CF的最小值为 .三、解答题(本大题共8小题,共72分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)19.(6分)计算:.20.(6分)先化简,再求值:(x+1)2﹣x(x﹣1),其中x=.21.(10分)如图,在正方形网格中,每个小正方形边长均为1个单位,建立坐标系后,点C坐标为(0,1).(1)请在图中画出△ABC关于x轴对称的△A1B1C1;(2)线段AA1的长度为 ;(3)求直线A1C的解析式.22.(10分)自2024年起,广西普通高考将实行“3+1+2”模式,即3门统考科目(语文、数学、外语)+1门首选科目(2选1,即在物理、历史中选1门)+2门再选科目(4选2,即在思想政治、地理、化学、生物中选2门)为便于统计,将语文、数学、外语、物理、历史、思想政治、地理、化学、生物简称为语、数、外、物、史、政、地、化、生.随机抽取部分高一新生,并让其进行预选,预选出的结果有五种,分别为“物化生”“史地政”“物化政”“物化地”“史政生”,并将调查结果绘制成下面两幅不完整的统计图.请你分析统计图提供的信息,并解答下列问题:(1)本次抽取的总人数是 人,并补全条形统计图;(2)求“物化政”所对应的圆心角的度数;(3)根据学生的预选情况,你能得到什么结论.(写出一个即可)23.(10分)如图,在△ABC中,以边AC上一点O为圆心,OA为半径作⊙O,与AB相切于点A.作CD⊥BO交BO的延长线于点D,且∠CBD=∠DCO.(1)求证:BC是⊙O的切线;(2)若AB=5,BC=13,求⊙O的半径.24.(10分)某商店准备购进甲、乙种洗手液,已知甲种洗手液的进价比乙种的进价每瓶多4元,用1000元购进甲种洗衣液和用800元购进乙种洗手液的数量相同.(1)甲、乙两种洗手液每瓶进价各是多少元?(2)该商店计划用不超过1450元的资金购进甲、乙两种洗手液共80瓶,甲、乙两种洗手液的每瓶售价分别为28元和20元.若这两种洗手液全部售出,则该商店应如何进货才能获得最大利润?最大利润是多少?25.(10分)开封黑岗口引黄调蓄水库上的东京大桥,又名“彩虹桥”.夜晚在桥上彩灯的映衬下好似彩虹般绚丽.主景观由三个抛物线型钢拱组成(如图①所示),其中最高的钢拱近似看成二次函数的图象抛物线,钢拱最高处C点与路面的距离OC为50米,若以点O为原点,OC所在的直线为y轴,建立如图②所示的平面直角坐标系,抛物线与x轴相交于A、B两点,且AB两点间的距离为80米.(1)求这条抛物线的解析式;(2)钢拱最高处C点与水面的距离CD为72米,请求出此时这条钢拱之间水面的宽度;(3)当-32<x<16时,求y的取值范围.26.(10分)【定义新知】如图1,在Rt△ABC中,点D、E分别在直角边AB,AC上,连接DE,若BD2+CE2=DE2,则称DE 为Rt△ABC的“勾股线”.【初步探究】(1)如图1,在Rt△ABC中,若点D,E分别是AB,AC的中点,连接DE,则DE Rt△ABC 的“勾股线”;(填“是”或“不是”)(2)如图2,已知△ABC是等腰直角三角形,∠A=90°,点D、E分别在直角边AB、AC上,若DE 是Rt△ABC的“勾股线”,AE=3,DE=5,求BC的长;【问题解决】(3)碳纤维板是将同一方向排列的碳素纤维使用树脂浸润硬化形成碳纤维板材,在多个领域都有应用,常用的有宇航、体育器材、工业、消防等.如图3,四边形ABCD是某机械厂的一块碳纤维板,∠A=∠ABC=90°,点E、F分别在边AD、AB上,且EF是Rt△ABD的“勾股线”,,,BC足够长.工人王师傅想要以EF为直角边、点F为直角顶点在这块碳纤维板中裁出一块直角三角形的部件EFN(点N在BC上).王师傅作法如下:在BD上确定一点M,使得,连连接EM,并延长EM交BC于点N,连接FN,则△EFN即为所裁部件.判断王师傅裁出的△EFN部件是否符合要求(即△EFN是否是以点F 为直角顶点的直角三角形),若符合要求,请你求出的值,请说明理由,2024年广西南宁二十六中中考数学模拟试卷(6月份)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(共12小题,每小题3分,共36分,在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合要求的,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.)1.【答案】A【解答】解:﹣2024的绝对值是2024.故选:A.2.【答案】D【解答】解:选项A、B、C都不能找到这样的一个点,所以不是中心对称图形.选项D能找到这样的一个点,使图形绕某一点旋转180°后与原来的图形重合.故选:D.3.【答案】B【解答】解:∵小明要从“跳高”、“100米”,随机选择一项,∴他选择“100米”项目的概率是,故选:B.4.【答案】C【解答】解:0.0025=2.7×10﹣3,故选:C.5.【答案】B【解答】解:根据题意得x﹣1≠0,解得x≠6,故选:B.6.【答案】B【解答】解:A、2a+2a=5a;B、a2•a=a3,故B符合题意;C、(﹣a)4=a2,故C不符合题意;D、(a﹣1)3=a2﹣2a+6,故D不符合题意;故选:B.7.【答案】A【解答】解:∵a∥b,∴∠3=∠1=53°,∴∠4=180°﹣53°﹣90°=37°.故选:A.8.【答案】A【解答】解:在Rt△ABC中,∠BCA=90°,BC=h,∴AB==,∴AB的长为,故选:A.9.【答案】C【解答】解:∵a=2,b=﹣3,∴Δ=b8﹣4ac=(﹣3)5﹣4×2×5=1,∴Δ>0,∴该方程有两个不相等的实数根,故选:C.10.【答案】D【解答】解:∵共换了5斗酒,∴x+y=5;∵一斗清酒价值10斗谷子,一斗醑酒价值4斗谷子,∴3x+10y=30.∴所列方程组为.故选:D.11.【答案】D【解答】解:如图,根据作图,PD=PC,∴△POD≌△POC(SSS),∴∠POD=∠POC,即OP平分∠AOB,故①正确;如图,根据作图,∠EOH=∠FOG,∴△EOH≌△FOG(SAS),∴∠PHF=∠PGE,∵OE=OF,OH=OG,∴EG=FH,∵∠GPE=∠HPF,∴△EPG≌△FPH(AAS),∴PE=PF,∵OE=OF,PE=PF,∴△POE≌△POF(SSS),∴∠POE=∠POF,即OP平分∠AOB,故②正确;如图,根据作图,∴PM∥OA,∴∠AOP=∠OPM,∵OM=MP,∴∠MOP=∠OPM,∴∠MOP=∠AOP,即OP平分∠AOB,故③正确;故选:D.12.【答案】B【解答】解:作AH⊥x轴,垂足为H,∵AH∥OB,∴△AHC∽△BOC,∵BC=2AC,且S△OBC=8,∴S△AHC==4,S△ACO==4,∴S△AHO=2+8=6,∵点A在反比例函数图象上,∴丨k丨=2S△AHO=12,∵反比例函数图象在第二象限,∴k=﹣12.∴反比例函数解析式为y=﹣.故选:B.二、填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分,)13.【答案】见试题解答内容【解答】解:﹣4<3.故答案为:<.14.【答案】见试题解答内容【解答】解:原式=y(x﹣1).故答案为:y(x﹣1).15.【答案】150°.【解答】解:∵四边形ABCD内接于⊙O,∴∠DCE=∠A=150°.故答案为:150°.16.【答案】乙.【解答】解:∵S甲2=0.45,S乙8=0.42,S丙2=6.51,∴S乙2<S甲2<S丙6,∴三人中成绩最稳定的是乙,故答案为:乙.17.【答案】0<x<1.【解答】解:由题意得,二次函数y=ax2+c的图象与一次函数y=kx+c的图象都经过点(0,c),∵点A的横坐标为5,∴关于x的不等式ax2+c<kx+c的解集为0<x<8.故答案为:0<x<1.18.【答案】.【解答】解:连接AF和BD,∵四边形ABCD是正方形,∴AB=CD,∠ABD=∠CDB,∵四边形BFDE是平行四边形,∴BF∥DE,BF=DE,∴∠FBD=∠EDB,∴∠ABD﹣∠FBD=∠CDB﹣∠EDB,∴∠ABF=∠CDE,在△ABF和△CDE中,,∴△ABF≌△CDE(SAS),∴∠AFB=∠CED=90°,∴点F在以AB为直径的圆上运动,圆心O为AB的中点,如图所示,OF+CF≥CO,∴当且仅当C、F、O三点共线时,∴CF=CO﹣OF,在Rt△OBC中,,BC=2,∴,∴,故答案为:.三、解答题(本大题共8小题,共72分,解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)19.【答案】1.【解答】解:原式=1+1﹣5×=6+1﹣1=4.20.【答案】见试题解答内容【解答】解:(x+1)2﹣x(x﹣6)=x2+2x+3﹣x2+x=3x+8把x=代入+1=3.21.【答案】(1)见解析;(2)6;(3)y=2x+1.【解答】解:(1)如图,△A1B1C5即为所求;(2)AA1=6.故答案为:6;(3)设直线A1C的解析式为y=kx+b,∵A1(﹣5,﹣3),1),∴,解得,∴直线A1C的解析式为y=3x+1.22.【答案】(1)50;补全条形统计图见解答;(2)50.4°;(3)见解答(答案不唯一,合理且符合题意即可).【解答】解:(1)本次抽取的总人数是:11÷22%=50(人),物化生人数:50×48%=24(人),补全条形统计图如下:;故答案为:50;(2)=50.4°;答:“物化政”所对应的圆心角的度数为50.2°;(3)从预选情况来看,学生选择“物化生”与“史地政”这两种组合的人数较多,但每种组合,合理且符合题意即可).24.【答案】(1)甲种洗手液每瓶进价为20元,乙种洗手液的每瓶进价为16元;(2)购进甲种洗手液42瓶,乙种洗手液38瓶,能获得最大利润为488元.【解答】解:(1)设乙种洗手液的每瓶进价为x元,则甲种洗手液每瓶进价为(x+4)元,根据题意,得=,解得x=16,经检验,x=16是原方程的解且符合题意,答:甲种洗手液每瓶进价为20元,乙种洗手液的每瓶进价为16元;(2)设购进甲洗手液m瓶,乙种洗手液(80﹣m)瓶,则20m+16(80﹣m)≤1450,∴m≤42.5,且m为整数,W=(28﹣20)m+(20﹣16)(80﹣m)=4m+320,W为关于m的一次函数,k=4>5,∴W随m的增大而增大,∴当m=42时,W有最大值488,∴购进甲种洗手液42瓶,乙种洗手液38瓶.25.【答案】(1)(2)96m;(3)18<y≤50.【解答】解:(1)∵OC=50m,AB=80m,∴C(0,50),0),2),设抛物线解析式为y=a(x﹣40)(x+40),把C(0,50)代入得:50=a×(﹣40)×40,解得:,∴抛物线解析式为.(2)∵CD=72m,OC=50m∴OD=CD﹣OC=22m,∴D(6,﹣22),把y=﹣22代入得:,解得:x1=48,x5=﹣48,∴此时这条钢拱之间水面的宽度为48﹣(﹣48)=96(m);(3)∵,∴抛物线的顶点坐标为(3,50),∴当x=0时,y取最大值50,∵,∴抛物线开口向下,则离对称轴越远,∵﹣32<x<16,∴当x=﹣32时,y取最小值,,∴当﹣32<x<16时,18<y≤50.26.【答案】(1)是;(2);(3)王师傅裁出的△EFN部件符合要求,且.【解答】解:(1)∵∠A=90°,∴AD2+AE2=DE5,∵点D,E分别是AB,∴AD=BD,AE=CE,∴BD2+CE2=DE8,∴DE为Rt△ABC的“勾股线”故答案为:是,(2)∵∠A=90°,AE=3,∴.∵△ABC是等腰直角三角形、∠A=90°,∴AB=AC.设AB=AC=x,则BD=x﹣4.∵DE是Rt△ABC的“勾股线”,∴BD5+CE2=DE2,即(x﹣2)2+(x﹣3)3=25,解得x=7或x=0(舍),∴AB=AC=4,∴.(3)王师傅裁出的△EFN部件符合要求.理由嫣:如图,设AE=a,则BF=2a,,∵EF是Rt△ABD的“勾股线”,∴,.∵∠A=∠ABC=90°,∴AD∥BC,∴∠MBN=∠MDE.又∵∠BMN=∠DME,∴△BMN∽△DME,∴,∴.∵∠A=∠ABC=90°,,∴△AEF∽△BFN,∴,∠AEF=∠BFN.∵∠AEF+∠AFE=90°,∴∠BFN+∠AFE=90°,则∠EFN=90°,∴△EFN是以点F为直角顶点的直角三角形故王师傅裁出的△EFN部件符合要求,且.。



天学网听力培优套题晋级高级模拟试题二十六答案录音文字稿一、1.swing 2.skate 3.work ugh5.flower6.triangle7.mouth8.beside二、1. Your coat is very nice.2. What do you need?3. What’s on the sofa?4. How many squares are there in the picture?5. What do you like?6. What are you doing?三、1. Our new house is beside the garden.2. Mrs Brown is looking for Mike.3. There are some flowers in the vase.4. What shape is the tent?听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

1. A. say B. swing C. song2. A. ski B. start C. skate3. A. walk B. wall C. work4. A. large B. laugh C. lantern5. A. floor B. follow C. flower6. A. rectangle B. triangle C. diamond二、听录音,选出正确答语。

1. A. Thank you. B. It’s not nice. C. That’s OK.2. A. I have some candles.B. We need some candles.C. They need some candles.3. A. There are some magazines.B. Yes, they’re magazines.C. They’re on the desk.4. A. They’re five squares.B. There are five squares.C. I can see some squares.5. A. Yes, I do. B. I like ducks. C. We have ducks.6. A. We like playing with marbles.B. We are playing with marbles.C. We can play with marbles.三、听录音,在空格内填入你所听到的单词。











专业英语八级分类模拟题阅读理解(二十六)READING COMPREHENSIONTEXT ACredit card rewards programs have traditionally featured airline miles, gift certificates, and cash back for customers who spend enough on their cards to rack up points. But recently, credit card companies have started offering a different kind of gift: They1 re handing out lower interest rates, refunding interest payments, and using other strategies to provide incentives for cardholders to pay down their debt and make on-time payments • The deals, however, don11 always work in consumers 1 favor.The new Citi Forward card gives cardholders points and reduces their annual interest rate for making on-time payments and for staying under their credit limit. TD Bank1s Simply Flexible card changes customers1interest rates depending on how much of their balance they pay off . If they pay off 10 percent or more of their balance, then they get the lowest available interest rate;paying between the minimum payment and 5 percent of the balance gets them the highest interest rate. And Discover1s Motiva card gives cardholders one month1s worth of interest back after six consecutive on-time payments•Card companies say the idea behind the new rewards is to help customers get on top of their finances. n It1s all about promoting financial fitness and giving customers the choices they need to help them manage their debt, n says Michael Copley, senior vice president of retail lending for TD Bank• He says he thinks the Simply Flexible card motivates cardholders to pay off more of their debt and attributes the companys relatively low delinquency rate to the product•Because of the continuing recession, companies have an incentive to keep their customers from sliding further under water. "This is in response to recognition on the part of issuers that they have to help their cardholders do a better job of managing their money, so customers keep those cards for a long time,n says Ron Shevlin, senior analyst at Aite Group, a research and advisory firm. The challenge for companies, he says, is to balance the profitability of consumers who maintain a balance, and therefore pay interest fees each month, against the increased risk that those cardholders pose because they are more likely to default on their debt. Rewards programs that encourage customers to maintain a balance while paying on time, such as the Motiva card, may help them strike that balance.According to consumer advocates and credit card experts, consumers who carry a balance may be better off selecting a card with the lowest interest rate rather than participating in one of these rewards programs, although they can help consumers improve their credit. H In general, I think these cards are great for people who don 11 have great credit and regularly carry a balance on their cards,n says Adam Jusko, founder of www. . Customers who only occasionally carry a balance, on the other hand, would be better off finding a card with a more appealing rewards program, he adds.TD Bank1s Copley says it1s up to the customer to make the decision as to whether or not the card is a good idea • n 1 We wouldn11 approve them unless we knew they could pay the minimum, H he says, adding, n Whether or not they want to pay more than the minimum payment is their call. nThe recent credit card rewards programs includeA.air miles•B.gift certificates.C.cash back•D.lower interest rates.2、 A cardholder of Simply Flexible Card will get the lowest interest rate if heA.makes six successive on-time payments.B.pays off the balance on time and stay under his credit limit.C.pays off 15 percent of his balance.D.pays off 5 percent of his balance.3、Michael Copley holds that rewards programsA.don11 always work in customers 1 favor.B.can help the customers pay off more of their debt•C.will help the cardholders manage their finance.D.can result in a relative low delinquency rate to the credit card.4、The phrase n to keep.・.from sliding further under water n (Para. Four) implies thatA.the companies aim to help their customers during the recession.B. the companies are g oing to manage the money of their cardholders•C.the companies help the customers manage their finance better so they keepthe cards longer.D.the companies want to give the customers more choices in the recession.5、The consumer advocates and credit card experts suggest thatA.the lowest interest card is a better choice for those who carry a balance .B.the customers who pay off the balance should not participate in any rewards program.C.it is better for those who pay off the balance to select a lower interest card.D.customers who carry a balance should select a card with some rewards programs.TEXTBAs a young child, Buffett was pretty serious about making money. He used to go door-to-door and sell soda pop. He and a friend used math to develop a system for picking winners in horseracing and started selling their l!Stable-Boy Selections11 tip sheets until they were shut down for not having a license. Later, he also worked at his grandfather1s grocery store. At the ripe age of 11, Buffett bought his first stock•When his family moved to Washington, D. C. , Buffett became a paperboy for The Washington Post and its rival the Times-Herald. Buffett ran his five paper routes like an assembly line and even added magazines to round out his product offerings. While still in school, he was making $175 a month, a full-time wage for many young men.When he was 14 z Buffett spent $1,200 on 40 acres of farmland in Nebraska and soon began collecting rent from a tenant farmer• He and a friend also made $50 a week by placing pinball machines in barber shops • They called their venture Wilson Coin Operated Machine Co.Already a successful albeit small-time businessman, Buffett wasn1t keen on going to college but ended up at Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania — his father encouraged him to go . After two years at Wharton, Buffett transferred to hisparents 1 Alma Mater, the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, for his final year of college. There Buffett took a job with the Lincoln Journal supervising 50 paper boys in six rural coun ties•Buffett applied to Harvard Business School but was turned down in what had tobe one of the worst admissions decisions in Harvard history. The out-come ended up profoundly affecting Buffett1 s life, for he ended up attending Columbia Business School z where he studied under revered mentor Benjamin Graham, the father ofsecurities analysis who provided the foundation for Buffett1s investment strategy.From the beginning, Buffett made his fortune from investing. He started withall the money he had made from selling pop, delivering papers, and operating pinball machines . Between 1950 and 1956, he grew his $9,800 kitty to $140z 000 . From there, he organized investment partnerships with his family and friends z and then gradually drew in other investors through word of mouth and very attractive terms.Buffett1 s goal was to top the Dow Jones Industrial Average by an average of 10% a year. Over the length of the Buffett partnership between 1957 and 1969, Buffett1 s investments grew at a compound annual rate of 29.5%, crushing the Dow1 s return of 7.4% over the same period.Buffett1 s investment strategy mirrors his lifestyle and overall philosophy. He doesn11 collect houses or cars or works of art, and he disdains companies that waste money on such extravagances as limousines z private dining rooms,7、8、Buffett1s critical view of inheritances.Buffett1s lifestyle and overall philosophy.Buffett1s evaluations of philanthropy• Benjamin Graham1s investment conception.the 4th generalizes and the 5th gives an example. each presents one stage of the development.the 5th is the logical result of the 4tb.both illustrate Buffett1s academic life.9、Which of the following is INCORRECT, according to the passage?People usually tend to think of inheritances as being normal.Buffett1s three kids are kept from leading normal, independent lives. Buffett has strict standards for using the money of his Foundation. The Foundation has been intended to grow beforeA.B.C.D.10、According to the passage, BuffettA.B.C.D. wise investor with an unchanged wise investor who gave away all talentedinvestor with a simple talented investor who views charity low.Buffett1s death. is best described as a portfolio. his money.lifestyle.and high-priced real estate • He is a creature of habit — same house, same office, same city, same soda — and dislikes change. In his investments, that means holding on to "core holdings11 such as American Express, Coca-Cola, and The Washington Post Co • n forever11 .Buffett1s view of inherited money also departs from the norm^ Critical of the self- indulgence of the super-rich, Buffett thinks of inheritances as n privately funded food stamps11 that keep children of the rich from leading normal, independent lives • With his own three kids, he gave them each $10,000 a year —the tax-deductible limit —at Christmas. When he gave them a loan, they had to sign a written agreement. When his daughter, also named Susie like her mother, needed $20 to park at the airport, he made her write him a check for it.As for charity, Buffett1s strict standards have made it difficult for him to give much away. He evaluates charities the same way he looks for stocks : value for money, return on invested capital. He has established the Buffett Foundation, designed to accumulate money and give it away after his and his wife1s deaths —though the foundation has given millions to organizations involved withpopulation control, family planning, abortion, andbirth control. The argument goes that Buffett can actually give away a greater sum in the end by growing his money while he1s still alive•6、According to the passage, BuffettA.started to make money as a child working at his grandfather 1s grocery store .B.had already started to run his own business with his friend at the age of 14 ・C.worked full time as a paperboy for two rival newspapers in WashingtonD. C.D.developed the “Stable-Boy Selections11 tip sheets with his friend at age 11.Buffett1 s investment strategy seems to reflect all of the following EXCEPTA.B.C.D.The relationship between the fourth and fifth paragraphs is thatA.B.C.D.TEXTCA night out at the opera to see an adaptation of an obscure 17th-century English play may sound like an expensive nap. But what if audience members were handed Venetian masks and invited to wander around the theater as the action unfolded? That1s exactly what the London-based theater company Punchdrunk and the English National Opera have done with The Duchess of Malf i, which opened July 13 in an empty office complex outside the city. With dancers z opera singers z and musicians roving throughout the three-story building, the audience is turned loose to explore an elaborate set that includes Victorian sitting rooms, rustic teahouses —which offer actual cocktails — a ghostly forest, and macabre offices . Along the way, viewers stumble upon random scenes, which they must piece together before everyone gathers in a warehouse for the grand finale•A.TheyB.TheyC.They They14、own15>What does the last sentence "get your mask at the door, but bring your helmet" of the passage imply?A.B.C.D.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A.B.C.D.iiImmersiveImmersiveImmersiveImmersivetheater requires the goers to wear a helmet. theater1s security has not been perfect.theatergoers need to pay attention to safety• theatergoers must obey the theater1s rules.Immersing Oneself in the Drama.Going to the New-style Theater.Theaters Add More Fun.Two Sides of Immersive Theater.The show, which immediately sold out, is just London1s latest example ofimmersive theater, a popular new genre that blends high drama with haunted-house theatrics in a strange mashup of acting, performance art, and choose-your-own-adventure storytelling. n It1s a combination of spectacle and intimacy, 11 says Felix Barrett, Punchdrunk 1s artistic director, who believes the hunger for deeper, more personalized theater experiences reflects a backlash against the shallow immediacy of today1s Internet culture. H Some people have gotten lazy. And The Duchess of Malfi is something that, really, you have to work for. It1s a theatrical puzzle the audience needs to solve themselves. n For David Jubb, the artistic director at London1s Battersea Arts Centre, who has worked closely with Punchdrunk on past productions, having participants construct their own narrative is part of the 11 democratization H of the art form. n Too often, theater is something where you sit, and could happen if you were there or not, H he says. 11It1s an experience that needs to catch up with the times.nAs with any democracy, participation is key, which is why Jubb is staging a One-on- One Festival this month showcasing a variety of short works performed for one viewer at a time. In most of them, all that1s required is a good-natured willingness to play along. For example, in Rotating in a Room of Images, by the group Lundahl & Seitl, audience members wear headphones while a whispering voice and delicate hands guide them alone through dark rooms, past haunting scenes resembling Dutch Renaissance paintings.Immersive moments are also making their way into more standard fare • Some of the best are the least expected• At a staging of La Bohegraveme at the Cock Tavern Theatre in North London earlier this year, ticketholders filed down to the pub at intermission only to be surprised by a song-and-dance routine performed by actors pretending to be patrons sipping their beers•Encouraging audience participation has its risks. n If you are blurring the boundaries between artist and audience, that will lead to moments when your audience is doing things you did not expect, n says Jubb. Blood has even been spilled. During a performance of Money — a piece by the theater company Shunt that takes place on a dystopian, machinelike stage set — an overzealous audience member head-butted one of the actors midscene . Rule No. 1 in immersive theatergoing: get your mask at the door, but bring your own helmet.11> What can we learn about traditional theaters according to the passage?A.Traditional theaters put on performances in the evening.B.Most people could not afford to go to the theaters.C.Sometimes audience was invited to join the play.D.Modern people become uninterested in old-time theaters• 12> Which of the following is true about immersive theater?A.People are reluctant to buy the tickets of such theater.B.It1s more popular than today1s Internet culture.C.The audience needs to participate in the theater.D.Often it can happen whether the audience is there or not.13> What is generally required of audience to join the short works performed on Jubb1s One-on-One Festival?should have experiences of performance before.are willing to play in the short works with actors. had better have learned courses about acting.must have enough courage to join the play.TEXTDForced to pay for once-free sandwich toppings and twice as much for some steak cuts, shoppers are wondering whether higher grocery bills and restaurant tabs trulyreflect the trickle down of a global rise in food prices.Veronica Banks, who lives outside St. Louis, said she suspects thatneighborhood corner stores are charging more for many items under the assumptionthat customers won11 pay the bus fare to go bargain hunting.Without a doubt, basic economic principles account for most of the increase in the wholesale cost of food worldwide • Bad weather has hurt crops. Economic prosperity has driven up demand in developing countries. And soaring fuel prices have raised transportation costs. Mix in investors betting on continued food-price inflation, and you have a recipe for a run-up.Foodstuffs from rice to steak cost more than a year ago —so much, in fact, that some consumers don11 quite believe it all adds up. But food retailers say that consumers 1suspicions of gouging are unjustified and that, if anything, they have refrained from passing along their extra costs.11 People have told me I nickel-and-dime them, n said Kate Oncel, director of operations at the Brown Bag, a deli in Washington. 11 They don11 understand the position we 1re in” of paying dramatically more for meat, produce, bread, packaging and deliveries•Retailers raising prices and shoppers, in turn, raising eyebrows are reasonable and established responses, say economists and historians. While competitivepressures keep most businesses from taking advantage of their customers, some see an opportunity to push prices beyond justified levels.Forgoing pricier items are adjustments many Americans can afford and stomach, especially relative to the crises in the more than 30 countries where food protests have raged.But in the U.S., customers notice when the grocery bill stays the same but the take- home haul lightens. Conversely, most remain quiet when prices stay the same or drop. 111 get upset thinking about bow much we have to pay for things, but then I feel guilty when I see other nations that are dealing with horrible poverty, 11 Helen Strouss of La Mirada, California, said last week at an Albertson1s grocery store.Consumers forking over more to fill their gas tanks and stomachs may feel like they1 ve been hit with an unprecedented one-two punch. But the food-fuel wallop has landed before, said David Hackett Fischer, a professor of history at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. In the 13th century, demand for firewood and grain led to broader price hikes. And sellers have taken advantage of the system throughout the 20th century as free market ideas removed many price controls, he said.The nation1 s 945,000 restaurants expect to set a sales record of $558 billion this year, said Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of research at the National Restaurant Association. Restaurants probably will make some changes on the plate, rej iggering portions, and on the restaurant floor, using more technology to gain efficiency and training programs to bolster sales, Riehle said.At the Brown Bag, where cucumber toppings now cost 50 cents z Oncel has not raised the overall price of sandwiches and salads but said she will if food commodities and gas prices don't fall.At nearby TJ 1s Gourmet Dell, owner Terry Chung said customers can expect to pay 30 cents more per sandwich and up to 4 0 cents more per pound on the salad bar if economic conditions don11 change• His profits are down about 25 percent in recent months, with the biggest cost increase coming in delivery fuel surcharges, which have roughly doubled to $4.50 per order.The hesitancy to raise prices unnecessarily is rooted in competition, said Ann Owen, an economics professor at Hamilton College in Clinton New York, and a former economist at the Federal Reserve. But if the cost increases are more permanent, retailers can confidently raise prices z she added. But that can11 insulate them from skeptical shoppers who see overblown hikes and a panic-hungry media.16、Which of the following is NOT the factor that accounts for the rise of the food price?A.Disadvantageous cultivating environment.rge food demand in developing countries.A. to B ・to C ・to D ・to 19、 WhatC. The operation of basic economic principles.D. The increasing price of fuel and transportation.17> Facing the suspicion from customers, the retailersA. are not concerned with customers 1 suspicion and still raise the price asplanned.B. feel rather uncomfort able to customers 1 suspicion but they won 11 raise theprice•C. complain of being misjudged but they actually take advantage of thecustomers.D. complain of being misunderstood but will still pass the extra cost to customers.18、 The phrase ,f nieke 1 -and-dime n in Paragraph Five meanstake advantage of someone little by little.spend one 1s money frugally. spend as little money as possible. accumulate treasure little by little.is the relationship among the last three paragraphs?A. Paragraph Eleven and Paragraph Twelve provide supportingevidences for Paragraph Thierteen.B. Paragraph Thirteen concludes and provides further explanation for ParagraphsEleven and Twelve.C. The last three paragraphs conclude the whole passage from three perspectives.D. Paragraph Twelve and Paragraph Thirteen provide supporting evidences forParagraph Eleven.20、 The main idea of the passage is thatA. increasing food costs cause business adjustment.B. higher food costs cause customers 1 suspicion•C. a number of factors lead to the rise of food costs.D. higher food prices lead to social crisis.答案:READING COMPREHENSIONTEXT A1> D[解析]事实细节题。



冀教版2019-2020年英语中考英语模拟试卷(二十六)A卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、阅读理解 (共5题;共35分)1. (8分) A small plane had some trouble with its engine while it was in the high sky. The pilot knew that there was nothing he could do to keep the plane long in the air, so he rushed back to where his three passengers sat and explained the dangerous situation. At last he said, "I am a married man with three children. I am sorry to tell you that there are only three parachutes aboard. " With that he took up one and jumped out.One of the passengers reacted quickly. “I am a great man, I am the smartest man and the world can not do without me. "With that he too jumped out.The other two passengers, an old man and a young soldier, were quiet for a moment. At last the old man said, “Son, I'm old and have lived a full life. I am ready to meet my God.”“You will have to give up that,”the young man said, smiling,“The world's smartest man just jumped out with my backpack.”(1)There was something wrong with the plane when _________.A . it was at the airportB . it was taking offC . it was flying in the skyD . it was landing(2)How many people were there in the pilot family?A . Four.B . Five.C . At least four.D . Three.(3)The word “pilot”in this passage means a man who ___________.A . repairs a planeB . is on watch at the airportC . travels on a planeD . flies a plane(4)By saying I am ready to meet my God,“the old man” means ____________.A . he wanted the young man to use the last parachuteB . he wanted to meet someone named GodC . he wanted to kill himselfD . he wanted the young man to give him the parachute(5)Who was sure to die?A . The pilot.B . The old man.C . The world's smartest man.D . The young man.2. (8分) James is a good student and he has lots of friends,but he also has a problem.Some older boys are bullying(欺负)him at school.James is very unhappy and he doesn't know what to do about it.Here are some suggestions to him and other teenagers in this situation.Don't feel worried.It's not your fault(过错)! Being bullied can make you feel very lonely and angry,but you are not alone.Don't feel that you have to hide the problem.You should find a person you can trust,and tell them.It might be your teacher,your parents,or even your friend's parents.After you tell someone,you will get some support and feel some relief(解脱).Speaking to an adult might make you nervous,but here are other things you can do.Some people express their feelings more easily on paper.Write a letter to someone or keep a diary.Include all the details(细节)about what the bullies do, as well as when and where the bullying happens.You can use it as proof to show what is going on.And it is a wonderful idea toshow your letter or diary to a teacher or another responsible adult.Then the bullies will feel very afraid if their names appear in a letter!Also,don't show you are sad and don't try and fight with the bullies. You could get in trouble yourself. Ignore them and just walk away. The bullies will soon stop.(1)What do you think the text is trying to tell us?A . What to do about being bullied.B . How to be a good student at school.C . What to write well in a diary.D . How to give suggestions to teenagers.(2)Why does the text advise you not to feel worried if bullied?A . Because you are not alone.B . Because it is not your fault.C . Because someone has known about it.D . Because you' re doing something wrong.(3)You'd better go and find a person you can trust and ____.A . know what happensB . learn from themC . ask for helpD . make them lonely(4)If you remember and follow the suggestions above, ____.A . nobody will speak to the bulliesB . everybody will feel some reliefC . someone will express their feelingsD . the bullies will soon stop(5)What does the underlined word "ignore" mean in the text?A . take no notice ofB . take care ofC . make full use ofD . get more help from3. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。



春季高考语文模拟题(二十六)第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共50分)一、选择(共10小题,每题2分)1. 下列句子中,没有错别字的一项是( )A.平日里,我们尚要珍惜一粒米、一叶菜,难道可以对亿万粒菽粟亿万滴甘露儒养的万物之灵,吊以丝毫的轻心吗?B.与朋友相处,多年的相知,使我们仅凭一个微蹩的眉间、一次捷毛的抖动,就可以明了对方的心情。



2.下列词语中,加点字注音完全正确的一项是()A、承载.(zài) 裸露.(lù)命运不济.(jì)急促.(zù)B、琴弦.(xuán)怪癖.(pǐ) 不可胜.记(shēng) 夭折.(zhé)C、憎(zēnɡ)厌甫.(pǔ)健嗤.笑(chī) 殡.仪馆(bìn)D、摭.拾(zhí)刹.那(chà)菽粟.(sù)论.语(lún)3.依次填入下列句子横线处的词语,正确的一项是( )①昨日,央视《新闻联播》《朝闻天下》和《新闻直播间》栏目三度聚焦助残犟妈易勤的故事,神州大地到处______易勤8年助残扶残、坚守良心的感人事迹。


③________目前对于地球磁场的变化和倒转提出了不少理论或模型, ________基本上都处在假设和推测阶段,并没有一个十分成熟的理论。

A.传颂流传尽管但 B.传颂留传尽管但C.传诵流传即使也 D.传诵留传即使也4.下列句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )A.离开校园之后,这种感情与日俱增....B.金穗高粱成熟期参差不齐....,多次分别收获,很不方便。




2014年中职生对口升学考试模拟测试卷(二十六)解剖学基础(90分)一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.人体结构和功能的基本单位是()A.细胞B. 细胞核C. 组织D.系统E. 器官2.间皮主要的分布在()A.血管内壁B.心腔内壁C.淋巴管内壁D.腹膜、胸膜及心包等处E.以上都是3.内皮主要分布在()A. 心、血管、淋巴管的内壁B. 腹膜C. 胸膜D.心包膜E.以上都是4.变移上皮主要分布在()A.输尿管和膀胱等处的内面B.皮肤的表层及口腔、食管、肛门和阴道的内面C.呼吸道的内面D.胃肠道等处的内面E.小叶间胆管及肾小管等处5.以下不属于结缔组织特点的是()A.细胞种类多、数量少,细胞的分布稀疏B.细胞间质多,有基质和纤维C.结缔组织的形态多样 E.以上都不是6.血液是红色液体,占体重7﹪~8﹪,正常成人的血量为()A. L 3000~4000MLB. 4000~5000MC. 4500~5500ML D 5000~6000ML E. 6500~7000ML7.关于红细胞的形态描述错误的是()A.成熟的红细胞呈双面微凸的圆盘状B. 直径7.5umC. 无细胞器及细胞核D细胞质内含有大量的血红蛋白 E. 具有运输氧和二氧化碳的功能8.肌原纤维的结构和功能单位是()A.横小管B. 终池C. 肌浆网D肌节 E.都不是9.根据神经元的形态,神经元可以分为三类()A.多极、双极、假单极神经元B.感觉、运动、联络神经元C.胞体、树突和轴突D传入、传出、中间神经元 E.都不是10.不属于化学突触结构的是()A.神经递质B. 突触前部C. 突触后部D突触间隙 E.突触前、后膜二、多项选择题(每小题3分,共30分)11.典型神经元的胞体上一般都有()A. 多个轴突B. 一个轴突C. 多个树突D. 一个树突E. 一个或多个树突12.不是毛发生长点的是()A.毛干B.毛根C.毛囊D.毛球E.立毛肌13.属于长骨的骨是()A.肱骨B.豌豆骨C.股骨D.胫骨E.指骨14.胸椎的特点是()A.棘突末端分叉B.棘突细长C.有上下关节突D.有与肋相连的关节面E.椎体最大15.属于连结椎骨的韧带是()A.前纵韧带B.后纵韧带C.棘上韧带D.黄韧带E.棘间韧带16.以下属于脑颅骨的骨是()A.额骨和枕骨 B.蝶骨和筛骨 C.颞骨和顶骨 D.鼻骨和泪骨 E.颧骨和颚骨17.翼点是四块骨的会合处,四块骨分别是()A.额骨 B.顶骨 C.颞骨 D.蝶骨 E.颧骨18.对于肱骨描述正确的是()A.上端有朝向内上方的半球形的肱骨头B.肱骨上端与肱骨体交界处稍细,称外科颈,易骨折C.肱骨体中部外侧面有三角肌粗隆D.肱骨体后面中部有自内上斜向外下的桡神经沟E.肱骨下端内侧部的前面是肱骨小头,外侧部有肱骨滑车19.大、小骨盆以界线为界,界线的构成是()A.骶骨的岬B.弓状线C.耻骨梳D.耻骨结节E.耻骨联合上缘20.骨骼肌按形态可以分为()A.长肌和短肌B.阔肌和轮匝肌C.屈肌和伸肌D.内收肌和外展肌E.旋内肌和旋外肌三、判断题(每小题2分,共10分)21.黄骨髓终生不能造血。

【推荐】2019年注册会计师考试考前模拟押题练习第二十六章 企业合并(附习题及答案解析)

【推荐】2019年注册会计师考试考前模拟押题练习第二十六章 企业合并(附习题及答案解析)



重大资产重组方案为:A公司向B公司发行4亿股普通股股份,购买B公司持有的C 公司100%的股权(C公司为B公司五年前设立的全资子公司),同时将A公司持有的D 公司30%的股权出售给B公司下属另一子公司。











截至2×17年12月31日,B 公司投入的15家子公司全部办妥变更后的企业法人营业执照,股东变更为A公司。

2×17年12月30日,双方签订移交资产约定书,约定自2×17年12 月30日起B公司将标的资产交付上市公司,同时,A公司自2×17年12月31日起接收该等资产与负债并向这些子公司派驻了董事、总经理等高级管理人员,对标的资产开始实施控制。



化学竞赛初赛模拟试卷第一题(11分)碘代苯C 6H 5131I 能发生β蜕变。

1.写出蜕变产物A 的结构简式。

2.A 是否稳定?若不稳定,其分解产物是什么?写出其化学反应方程式。

3.A 与ClO 4-或SO 42-结合,哪一个更稳定?为什么? 4.化学家研究了(C 6H 5)2IClO 4在HClO 4浓度或pH 介质中转化为AClO 4的转化率。

其结果如右表:上表数据说明了什么问题?为什么?第二题(11分)元素X 、Y 和Z 属于同一族元素,元素X 的原子序数介于Y 和Z 之间。

Q 为卤族元素。

其中YQ n 和ZQ n 在固态时存在着阴阳离子,且有二聚趋势,而XQ n 则相对较难。

二聚分子E 2Q 2n中存在着EQ n -1+和EQ n +1-,其中阳离子EQ n -1+中Y 元素的质量分数为17.93%,阴离子EQ n +1-中Q 元素的质量分数为87.29%,分子Z 2Q 2n 中Z 元素的质量分数为40.72%。

1.试通过计算确定X 、Y 、Z 和Q 元素。

2.指出YQ n -1+和YQ n +1-中心原子的杂化形态和构型。

指出固态YQ n 分子中存在着几种类型的Y -Q 键?第三题(6分)从某些性质看,NH 3和H 2O ,NH 4+和H 3O +,OH -和NH 2-,NH 2-和O 2-两两相似。


在水溶液中CH 3COOH −−−→电解CH 4+CO 2,则乙酸在液态氨中的相应反应的方程式为________________。

2.在液态氟化氢中,SbF 5成为导电强的溶液,其离子方程式为____________,生成的两种物质的几何构型为______________,__________________。

第四题(9分)试根据下面HX 的结晶水合物的图像,回答下列问题:。




1.It is _____to see a monkey _______the bicycle.A .fun, be riding B. a fun, riding C. funny, rode D. fun, riding2.-How about his design?-Well, to tell the truth, it is______ but satisfactory.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing3.Maintaining (维持) peace and stability of the South China Sea and the East China Sea will certainly ____ a more prosperous Asian-Pacific area.A. contribute toB. respond toC. belong toD. appeal to4.-- Who do you think _____ such a foolish thing?-- It _____ Tom, but I’m not sure.A. could have done; may have beenB. could have done; must have beenC. should have done; may beD. must have done; might have been5.I wonder if this red dress is ___________ in a larger size. This one is too tight.A. possibleB. acceptableC. availableD. fashionable6.The equipment for disabled people should be ______ easy reach in public places.A. beyondB. nearC. withinD. around7.____ you call me to say you are not coming, I will see you at the theatre at five thisafternoon.A .Though B.Whether C.Unless D.Until8.My father served in the army in _______ when he was in _____.A. 1950’s; twentiesB. the 1950s; his twentiesC. the 1950’s; the twentiesD. 1950’s; the twenties9.Don't touch ______ live wire, or you will get ______ shock.A. the ; theB. / ; aC. the ; aD. / ; /10.He pretended ______ the problem, but he ______.A. to solve; layB. to have solved; liedC. to have solved; laidD. to solve; lied11.______ the warning message, more visitors might have been trapped in the flood.A. Apart fromB. Regardless ofC. Other thanD. But for12.In order not to _____ in front of the audience, the speaker spent many hourspreparing his speech.A. lose his facesB. lose a faceC. lose the faceD. lose face13.—Would you mind if I set out earlier tomorrow morning?— Well, I’d rather you _______.A. don’tB. didn’tC. won’tD. wouldn’t14.The New York Times ______ a wide circulation in that town and that people each______ a copy in the subway is a common occurrence.A. has; readsB. have; readC. has; readD. have; reads15. We are confident that the environment ______by our further efforts to reduce pollution.A. had been improvedB. will be improvedC. is improvedD. was improved二、完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。











A.正台阶法B. CRD法c.CD法D.双侧壁导坑法7.浅埋暗挖法的主要开挖方法中沉降较大的是()。

A.正台阶法B. CRD法c.CD法D.双侧壁导坑法8.以下关于各种开挖方法中错误的是()。










参考答案:An annual Chinese speech contest for foreigners was held in Changsha this year, which proved to be a good way of promoting the cultural communication between China and other areas of the world. It offered young people around the world a good opportunity to learn better about China. A total of 126 contestants from 87 countries gathered in the capital of Hunan Province and took part in both the semi-final and the final from July 6 to August 5. The competition was not the only activity. The contestants also got chances to visit the famous scenic spots and historical resorts in other parts of China.答题解析:1.翻译第一段第一句时,注意“举行了……比赛”可译为被动结构,需要用be held结构表示“举行”;此外,“一年一度”英译时用annual表示即可;“外国人汉语演讲比赛”切不可按照中文语序直接翻译,需要先译“汉语演讲比赛”,再译“外国人”。



初中物理竞赛模拟试题(26—30)初三物理竞赛模拟试题⼆⼗六满分100分考试时间90分钟⼀、选择题(共26题,每题2分,共52分)1.如图所⽰,某⼀实验室内有⼀宽度为d 的跑道,假设有⼀连串玩具车沿着同⼀直线以相同的速度v 鱼贯驶过,玩具车的宽度为b ,前后两车的间距为a ,某智能机器⼈⽤最⼩的速度沿着直线匀速安全穿过跑道,则智能机器⼈穿越跑道的时间为()A .bv ad B.av b a d 22+ C. bvb a d 22+ D.abv b a d )(22+第1题图第3题图 2.轿车以5⽶/秒速度匀速⾏驶,车前窗倾斜⾓为37°,车前窗和车顶部⾯积相同,⾬滴竖直落下速度为2.5⽶/秒,则车窗和车顶部承受的⾬量之⽐为() A 、4:1 B 、3:1 C 、2:1 D 、1:13.如图所⽰,⾯积较⼤的⽔池内⽔深为H ,⽔⾯上浮着⼀边长为a 、质量为m 的正⽅体物块,物块的⼀半体积浸在⽔中。

现⽤⼒将⽊块缓慢地压⼊⽔中直到池底,则从⽊块刚好浸没⽔中开始到最终压在池底的过程中,池中⽔的能量增加了()A 、2mg(H-a)。

B 、mg(H-a)。

C 、mg(H-a/2)。

D 、mg(H-a/2)。


该同学对故障作了下列四种判断,其中正确的是:()A 进户⽕线断路B 进户零线断路C 灯泡全部烧坏了D 室内线路某处短路5.如图所⽰,甲,⼄,丙为三个光滑线型轨道,带孔的光滑⼩球套在光滑轨道上,并沿轨道的顶端滑动。


将⼩球从轨道的顶端由静⽌开始释放,经过时间t 滑到轨道的底端,则关于时间t 的⼤⼩,下列说法中正确的是:()A 甲图中⼩球所⽤时间最少。

B ⼄图中⼩球所⽤时间最少。

C 丙图中⼩球所⽤时间最少D 甲、⼄、丙三图中⼩球所⽤的时间相同。

第5题图第6题图6.如图所⽰,扶梯的A 端只能沿墙⾯⽆摩擦上下滑动,开始时扶梯与墙⾯的夹⾓为30°。



国家公务员考试行测模拟题之数字推理题库(二十六)【426】0, 7, 26, 63,()A.89;B.108;C.124;D.148;分析:选C。

13-1=0;23-1=7;33-1=26;43-1=63;53-1=124 【427】5,4.414,3.732,()A、2;B.3;C.4;D.5;分析:选B。


思路一:二级等差(即前后项作差2次后,得到的数相同)思路二:2=12,12=26,36=312,80=420,150=530,?=642 ?=252,其中1,2,3,4,5,6;4,6,8,10,12等差思路三:2=1的立方+1的平方;12=2的立方+2的平方;36=3的立方+3的平方,最后一项为6的立方+6的平方=252,其中1,2,3,6,分2组,每组后项/前项=2【429】16,27,16,(),1A.5;B.6;C.7;D.8;分析:选a。

16=24;27=33;16=42 空缺项为51 1=60【430】8,8,6,2,()A.-4;B.4;C.0;D.-2;分析:选A。

前项-后项得出公差为2的数列【431】12,2,2,3,14, 2, 7,1,18,1,2,3,40,10,(),4A.4;B.2;C.3;D.1;分析:选D。



【433】2,3, 13,175,()A.30625;B.30651;C.30759;D.30952;分析:选B。







1. 壶穴形成的季节是A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季2. 图中壶穴形成的过程是A. 甲乙丙B. 丙乙甲C. 乙甲丙D. 乙丙甲3. 壶穴形成过程中,作用最小的因素是A. 气温B. 降水量C. 地势D. 基岩性质“秘色瓷”是中国古代越州(今浙江一带)名窑进贡朝廷的一种精品瓷器,具有质地纯正、釉色清莹,烧制难度极大,生产成本高的特点。




4.由明州北上至登州的海上贸易时段多选择夏季,这是为了A.规避海上风浪 B.避开暴雨侵袭 C.便于获得物资补给 D.缩短运输时间5.越窑生产的“秘色瓷”较少在国内市场销售,大规模出口国外的原因是A.交通条件改善 B.国内市场需求小C.传播陶瓷文化 D.获取更多经济利益6.“秘色瓷”受到贸易对象国家的欢迎,这是由于“秘色瓷”具有较高的A.实用价值 B.收藏价值 C.经济价值 D.艺术价值下图是昆明市宜良县城通往靖安哨村的盘山公路。




7.推测当时该公路选建在山脊上是考虑A.山谷施工难度较大 B.少占耕地和节省资金C.山谷地质灾害频发 D.沿途居民点分布密集8.该公路能吸引赛车手的主要原因是A.平直开阔,能见度较好 B.坡陡险峻,风景较壮观C.地质坚硬,不容易塌陷 D.弯多密集,极具挑战性9.该公路的修建,最初是为了A.村民出行提供方便 B.通过旅游加快脱贫C.吸引高新技术产业 D.增加矿产资源外运集成电路(简称IC)又称芯片,大量应用于计算机、手机、汽车、家电等智能产品和智能制造、通信设备中。







一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.如图,在ABC ∆中,90C =∠,6AB =,3AC =,以点A 为圆心,小于AC 长为半径画弧,分别交AB ,AC 于点E F ,,为圆心,大于EF 长为半径画弧,两弧交于点G ,作射线AG ,交BC 于点D ,则D 到AB 的距离为()A .32B C .3D .3322.如图,△ABC 的外角∠ACD 的平分线CP 与∠ABC 平分线BP 交于点P ,若∠BPC=40°,则∠CAP 的度数是()A .30°;B .40°;C .50°;D .60°.3.如图,在△ABC 中,AD 为BC 边上的中线,DE 为△ABD 中AB 边上的中线,△ABC 的面积为6,则△ADE 的面积是()A .1B .32C .2D .524.如图,边长为(m+3)的正方形纸片剪出一个边长为m的正方形之后,剩余部分可剪拼成一个矩形(不重叠无缝隙),若拼成的矩形一边长为3,则另一边长是()A.m+3B.m+6C.2m+3D.2m+65.陈老师打算购买气球装扮学校“六一”儿童节活动会场,气球的种类有笑脸和爱心两种,两种气球的价格不同,但同一种气球的价格相同,由于会场布置需要,购买时以一束(4个气球)为单位,已知第一、二束气球的价格如图所示,则第三束气球的价格为()A.19B.18C.16D.152,则x的值为()A.4B.8C.﹣4D.﹣57.如图,已知△ABC,按以下步骤作图:①分别以B,C为圆心,以大于12BC的长为半径作弧,两弧相交于两点M,N;②作直线MN交AB于点D,连接C D.若CD=AC,∠A=50°,则∠ACB的度数为()A.90°B.95°C.105°D.110°8.如表记录了甲、乙、丙、丁四名跳高运动员最近几次选拔赛成绩的平均数与方差:甲乙丙丁平均数(cm)185180185180方差 3.6根据表数据,从中选择一名成绩好且发挥稳定的参加比赛,应该选择()A .甲B .乙C .丙D .丁9.一个多边形的外角和等于它的内角和的12倍,那么这个多边形从一个顶点引对角线的条数是()条A .3B .4C .5D .610.下列各组数中,是方程2x-y=8的解的是()A .1,2x y =⎧⎨=-⎩B .2,0x y =⎧⎨=⎩C .0.5,7x y =⎧⎨=-⎩D .5,2x y =⎧⎨=-⎩二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分)11.在△ABC 中,∠A :∠B :∠C =2:3:4,则∠C =_____.12.如图,在△ABC 中,AD ⊥BC 于D ,BE ⊥AC 于E ,AD 与BE 相交于点F ,若BF =AC ,则∠ABC =_____度.13.请写出一个3-到2-之间的无理数:_________.14.当a =____________时,分式44a a --的值为零.15.已知()()24936x x x mx +-=+-,则m 的值为__________.16.若等腰三角形的一个内角比另一个内角大30︒,则等腰三角形的顶角的度数为________.17.一组数据1,2,a 的平均数为2,另一组数据,1,,1,2a -的中位数为___________.有意义,则x 的取值范围是__________三、解答题(共66分)19.(10分)如图,在正五边形ABCDE 中,请仅用无刻度的直尺........,分别按下列要求作图。

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这段话主要支持了这样一种论点,即能源技术( )。















A.受火的损坏少于受金属支撑物坍倒的损失B.可能会遭到火的严重破坏C.拥有特殊结构的走廊和门厅D.对建筑物内各种设施的保护不如一般建筑10. 来到镇江,蟹黄汤包不能不吃。












这段话主要支持这样一种观念,即( )。








A.必须限制退休后的官员们利用余威胡作非为B.必须给退休后的官员们一点限制,以避免其利用原先在位的余威C.须给退休后想“下海”的官员们以一定的过渡期,由此限制其利用余威D.必须给退休官员们从商行为进行严格限制,禁止其利用余威来进行腐败15. 反伪斗士何祚庥院士说:“多莉死了,但还有许多克隆牛羊没有死,凭什么就怀疑克隆技术?——两性生殖的小孩还有夭折的呢!”这段话的意思是()。



