



崇明县2016学年第一次高考模拟考试试卷数 学一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,其中1-6题每题4分,7-12题每题5分)【考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得满分,否则一律得零分.】 1.复数(2)i i +的虚部为 .2.设函数2log ,0()4,0x x x f x x >⎧⎪=⎨⎪⎩≤,则((1))f f -= .3.已知{}12,M xx x R =-∈≤,10,2x P x x R x -⎧⎫=∈⎨⎬+⎩⎭≥,则M P ∩等于 .4.抛物线2y x =上一点M 到焦点的距离为1,则点M 的纵坐标为 .5.已知无穷数列{}n a 满足1*1()2n n a a n N +=∈,且21a =,记n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,则lim n n S →∞= .6.已知,x y R +∈,且21x y +=,则x y ⋅的最大值为 .7.已知圆锥的母线10l =,母线与旋转轴的夹角30α=︒,则圆锥的表面积为 .8.若21(2)(*)n x n N x+∈的二项展开式中的第9项是常数项,则n = .9.已知A ,B 分别是函数2sin )(0()f x x ωω>=在轴右侧图像上的第一个最高点和第一个最低点,且2AOB π∠=,则该函数的最小正周期是 .10.将序号分别为1、2、3、4、5的5张参观券全部分给4人,每人至少1张,如果分给同一人的2张参观券连号,那么不同的分法种数是 .11.在平面直角坐标系中,横、纵坐标均为整数的点叫做格点.若函数()y f x =的图像恰好经过k 个格点,则称函数()y f x =为k 阶格点函数.已知函数:①2y x =;②2sin y x =;③1x y π=-;④cos 3y x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭.其中为一阶格点函数的序号为 (注:把你认为正确论断的序号都填上)12.已知AB 为单位圆O 的一条弦,P 为单位圆O 上的点.若()f AP AB λλ=-()R λ∈的最小值为m ,当点P 在单位圆上运动时,m 的最大值为43,则线段AB 的长度为 .二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分)【每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.】13.下列函数在其定义域内既是奇函数又是增函数的是A .tan y x =B .3xy =C .13y x =D .lg y x =14.设,a b R ∈,则“21a b ab +>⎧⎨>⎩”是“1a >且1b >”的A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既非充分又非必要条件15.如图,已知椭圆C 的中心为原点O ,(25,0)F -为C 的左焦点,P 为C 上一点,满足OP OF =且4PF =,则椭圆C 的方程为A .221255y x +=B .2213010y x +=C .213616y x 2+=D .2214525y x +=16.实数a 、b 满足0ab >且a b ≠,由a 、b 、2a b+、ab 按一定顺序构成的数列A .可能是等差数列,也可能是等比数列B .可能是等差数列,但不可能是等比数列C .不可能是筹差数列,但可能是等比数列D .不可能是等差数列,也不可能是等比数列三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分76分)【解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.】 17.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第(1)小题满分7分,第(2)小题满分7分. 在正三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,11,2AB BB ==,求: (1)异面直线11B C 与1A C 所成角的大小; (2)四棱锥111A B BCC -的体积.18.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第(1)小题满分6分,第(2)小题满分8分. 在一个特定时段内,以点D 为中心的7海里以内海域被设为警戒水域.点D 正北55海里处有一个雷达观测站A .某时刻测得一艘匀速直线行驶的船只位于点A 北偏东45︒且与点A 相距 402海里的位置B 处,经过40分钟又测得该船已行驶到点A 北偏东45θ︒+(其中26sin 26θ=, 090θ︒<<︒)且与点A 相距1013海里的位置C 处.(1)求该船的行驶速度(单位:海里/小时);(2)若该船不改变航行方向继续行驶.判断它是否会进入警戒水域,并说明理由.19.(本题满分14分)本题共有2个小题,第(1)小题满分6分,第(2)小题满分8分.已知点1F 、2F 为双曲线222:1y C x b-=(0)b >的左、右焦点,过2F 作垂直于x 轴的直线,在轴上方交双曲线C 于点M ,且1230MF F ∠=︒. (1)求双曲线C 的方程;(2)过双曲线C 上任意一点P 作该双曲线两条渐近线的垂线,垂足分别为1P 、2P ,求12PP PP ⋅的值.20.(本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第(1)小题满分4分,第(2)小题满分5分,第(3)小题满分7分.设12()2x x af x b+-+=+(,a b 为实常数).(1)当1a b ==时,证明:()f x 不是奇函数;(2)若()f x 是奇函数,求a 与b 的值;(3)当()f x 是奇函数时,研究是否存在这样的实数集的子集D ,对任何属于D 的、c ,都有2()33f x c c <-+成立?若存在试找出所有这样的D ;若不存在,请说明理由.21.(本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第(1)小题满分4分,第(2)小题满分6分,第(3)小题满分8分.已知数列{}n a ,{}n b 满足2(2)n n n S a b =+,其中n S 是数列{}n a 的前n 项和.(1)若数列{}n a 是首项为23,公比为13-的等比数列,求数列{}n b 的通项公式; (2)若n b n =,23a =,求证:数列{}n a 满足212n n n a a a +++=,并写出数列{}n a 的通项公式;(3)在(2)的条件下,设nn na cb =, 求证:数列{}n c 中的任意一项总可以表示成该数列其他两项之积.崇明县2016学年第一次高考模拟考试试卷参考答案及评分标准一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,其中1-6题每题4分,7-12题每题5分)1. 2;2. -2;3. 1-1,1];4. 34;5. 4;6. 18;7. 75π 8. 12; 9.833; 10. 24; 11. ; 12.423. 二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分)13. C; 14.B; 15.C; 16.B. 三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分76分) 17.解:(1)11//B C BC ,1BCA ∴∠是异面直线11B C 与1A C 所成角............................2分 在1BCA 中,111,5,5BC A B AC ===, 22211115cos 210BC CA BA BCA BC CA +-∴∠==⋅,........................5分 15arccos10BCA ∴∠= ∴异面直线11B C 与1A C 所成角大小为5arccos10................7分 (2) 11132ABC A B C ABCV SAA -=⋅=.......................................10分 111336A ABC ABC V S AA -=⋅=.........................................13分 所以11111133A B BCC ABC A B C A ABC V V V ---=-=...................................14分18.解:(1)因为090θ︒<<︒,26sin 26θ=, 所以2526cos 1sin 26θθ=-=....................................2分 由余弦定理,得222cos 105BC AB AC AB AC θ=+-⋅=,..........5分所以船的行驶速度为10515523=(海里/小时)..................6分 (2)如图所示,以A 为原点建立平面直角坐标系,设点B C ,的坐标分别是1122 B x y C x y (,),(,),由题意,得11cos 4540sin 4540x AB y AB =⋅︒=⎧⎨=⋅︒=⎩............................8分22cos(45)30sin(45)20x AC y AC θθ=⋅︒-=⎧⎨=⋅︒-=⎩..................................10分 所以直线BC 的方程为2400x y --=.........................12分 因为点055E -(,)到直线BC 的距离0022||357ax by c d a b++==<+所以船会进入警戒水域...............................14分19.解:(1)设2,F M 的坐标分别为220(1,0),(1,)b b y ++ 因为点M 在双曲线上,所以220211y b b+-=,所以22||MF b =...........2分12Rt MF F 中,因为1230MF F ∠=︒,所以21||2MF b =,...........5分由双曲线定义,得:211||||2MF MF b -==...........5分所以双曲线的方程为:2212y x -=...........6分 (2)由(1)知,双曲线的两条渐近线分别为12:20,:20l x y l x y -=+=.......8分 设11(,)P x y ,则P 到两条渐近线的距离分别为111|2|||3x y PP -=,112|2|||3x y PP +=.......10分设两条渐近线的夹角为,则两个向量夹角也为,其中1cos 3θ=..........12分 又点P 在双曲线2212y x -=上,所以221122x y -=所以12122||||cos 9PP PP PP PP θ⋅=⋅=..................................14分 20.解:(1)证明:511212)1(2-=++-=f ,412121)1(=+-=-f ,所以)1()1(f f -≠-,所以)(x f 不是奇函数............................3分 (2))(x f 是奇函数时,)()(x f x f -=-,即bab a x x x x ++--=++-++--112222对定义域内任意实数都成立即0)2(2)42(2)2(2=-+⋅-+⋅-b a ab b a x x ,对定义域内任意实数都成立...........................................5分所以⎩⎨⎧=-=-042,02ab b a 所以⎩⎨⎧-=-=21b a 或⎩⎨⎧==21b a .经检验都符合题意........................................8分(3)当⎩⎨⎧==21b a 时,121212212)(1++-=++-=+x x x x f ,因为02>x ,所以112>+x ,11210<+<x, 所以21)(21<<-x f .......................................10分 而4343)23(3322≥+-=+-c c c 对任何实数成立;所以可取D =R 对任何、c 属于D ,都有33)(2+-<c c x f 成立........12分当⎩⎨⎧-=-=21b a 时,)0211212212)(1≠-+-=---=+x x f xx x (, 所以当0>x 时,21)(-<x f ;当0<x 时,21)(>x f .............14分 1)因此取),0(+∞=D ,对任何、c 属于D ,都有33)(2+-<c c x f 成立. 2)当0<c 时,3332>+-c c ,解不等式321121≤-+-x 得:75log 2≤x .所以取]75log ,(2-∞=D ,对任何属于D 的、c ,都有33)(2+-<c c x f 成立.....16分21.(1)解:因为数列{}n a 是首项为23,公比为13-的等比数列 所以121()33n n a -=⋅-,11()32nn S --=.......................3分 所以2122n n n S b a ==+.......................................4分 (2)若n b n =,则2(2)n n S a n =+,所以112(1)(2)n n S n a ++=++ 所以112(1)2n n n a n a na ++=+-+,即1(1)2n n n a na +-+=........5分 所以212(1)n n na n a +++=+所以211(1)(1)n n n n na n a n a na +++--=+-所以212n n n a a a +++=.......................................7分 又由1122S a =+,得:12a =..............................8分 所以数列{}n a 是首项为2公差为1的等差数列所以1n a n =+.......................................10分(3)证明:由(2)知1n n c n+=, 对于给定的*n ∈N ,若存在k t n ≠,,且*t k ∈N ,,使得n k t c c c ⋅=,只需111n k t n k t +++=⋅.......................................12分 只需(1)n k t k n+=-......................................14分取1k n =+,则(2)t n n =+......................................16分 所以对于数列{}n c 中的任意一项1n n c n+=, 都存在121n n c n ++=+与2(2)2212n n n n c n n +++=+,使得1(2)n n n n c c c ++⋅=, 即数列{}n c 中的任意一项总可以表示成该数列其他两项之积................18分。











崇明县2016届第一次高考模拟考试试卷英 语(考试时间120分钟,满分150分。

请将答案填写在答题纸上)第Ⅰ卷 (共103分)I. Listening Comprehension Section ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Classmates. B. Husband and wife.C. T eacher and student.D. Manager andclerk.2. A. To go to the bank. B. To buy some books. C. T o have coffee.D.Todrawsome pictures.3. A. At a food shop. B. At a restaurant. C. At the airport. D. At the railway station.4. A. To read a book about radio.B. To listen to the radio.C. T o talk about a radio program.D. T o write a program.5. A. They don ’t like the second show.B. The people in line all have tickets.C. They won ’t have to wait much longer.D. They will have to go to a later show. 6. A. Boiling water. B. Taking a shower.C. The weather.D. A dying man.7. A. $200.B. $300.C. $400.D. $450.8. A. The article was actually longer. B. The article was not good enough. C. His publishing career has just begun. D. The newspaper printed his another article. 9. A. Typing a 24-page letter.B. Helping to press the buttons.C. Showing the operation steps.D. Presenting a marketing lecture.10. A. Remove George from the committee immediately. B. Tell George that his attendance problem is serious. C. T elephone George to come to the meeting right away. D. Offer to give George a helping hand during the meeting. Section B学校 班级 准考证号 姓名…………………密○……………………………………封○……………………………………○线……………………………Directions:In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked threequestions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will bespoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paperand decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. To increase people’s yearly income. B. To develop public transport.C. To improve people’s work efficiency.D. To decrease traffic on the streets.12. A. 12 Euros. B. 25 Euros. C. 50 Euros. D. 600 Euros.13. A. By collecting traffic tickets. B. By using a smartphone application.C. By reinvesting fines wisely.D. By employing 50 workers.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. A lawyer. B. A student. C. A teacher. D. A politician.15. A. T o be sold at a higher price. B. To meet the needs of different people.C. T o make people self-conscious.D. T o leave a deeper impression on readers.16. A. It’s good to read on public transport. B. It’s wrong to see what others are reading.C. Most people pretend to be an intellectual.D. Don’t judge a person by what he reads in public.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will beread twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blankswith the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Fable of the HedgehogIt was the coldest winter ever. Many animals died (25)_____ cold was the biggest enemy for the animals living in the forest. Many animals tried their best to get warm.The hedgehogs(刺猬), (26)_____(realize) the situation, decided to group together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves; but they forgot one important fact (27)_____ when they got together to warm each other, the quills(刚毛) of each one wounded their closest companions.After a while, they began to bleed, and they (28)_____ no longer bear the pain. They had no other good ideas, so they decided to distance (29)_____ one from the other. Under the cold circumstance, they began to die, alone and frozen. Day after day, more and more hedgehogs died in this cold winter. So they had to make (30)_____ choice: either accept the quills of their companions or disappear from the Earth.Wisely, they decided to go back to being together. They learned to live with the little wounds (31)_____ (cause) by the close relationship with their companions to receive the heatthat came from the others. This way they were able to survive.The best relationship is not the one that brings together perfect people, but when each individual learns to live with the imperfections of others and can admire other people’s good qualities.(B)Facebook’s Safety Check Lets Users Know about Friends after Paris Terror Attacks Facebook managed to put its vast number of user data to good use after Friday’s tragic terror attacks in Paris: the social network customized(定制) its safety check feature to let users know (32)_____ their friends and loved ones in Paris are safe.Users in the area (33)_____(alert) by Facebook’s mobile apps, asking them about their safety, and offering to check on any of their friends. The app also sends out alerts to anyone who has friends in Paris, (34)_____ Facebook’s website lets anyone check on the status and whereabouts(行踪) of their friends as well.It is probably the first time that most people (35)_____(see) Facebook’s safety check today, but the company actually launched it in response to the Nepal earthquake (36)_____ (early) this year. At the time, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote: “When disasters happen, people need (37)_____ (know) their loved ones are safe. At moments like this, (38)_____(be) able to connect really matters.”Facebook wasn’t the only technology company to reach out directly to its users in Paris after the terror attacks. AirBnB sent its customers in Paris an email (39)_____ advised them to stay in place and follow the directions from local authorities. Paris-based Twitter users tookinitiative into their own hands and quickly established a tag —#PorteOuverte, which translates to “open door”—to open up their homes (40)_____ temporary shelters to others caught up in the attacks.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.As further proof that you can now 3D-print anything, a company called Natural Machines has introduced a 3D printer for food.The “Foodini”, as it’s called, isn’t too different from a regular 3D printer, but instead of printing with plastics, it prints eatable ingredients 41 out of steel capsules(容器): “It’s the same technology,”says Lynette Kucsma, co-founder of Natural Machines, “but with plastics there’s just one42 point, while with food it has different temperatures and consistencies (粘稠度). Also,43works a little bit against us, as food doesn’t hold the shape as well as plastic.”At the Web Summit technology conference in Dublin, the Barcelona-based startup is showing off the machine, which it says is the only one of its kind capable of printing a wide range of dishes.“In fact, this is a mini food manufacturing plant 44 down to the size of an oven,”Kucsma said, pointing out that at least in the initial stage the printer will be 45 mostly at professional kitchen users, with a consumer version to follow.In principle, the Foodini sounds like the final 46 aid: press a button to print your food. But Natural Machines is quick to point out that it’s designed to take care only of the difficult and 47parts of food preparation that discourage people from cooking at home, and that it promotes healthy eating by requiring fresh ingredients prepared before printing.Nevertheless, the company is working with major food manufacturers to create pre-packaged plastic capsules that can just be loaded into the machine to make food, even though they assure these will be free of preservatives, with a shelf life 48 to five days.The printing process is slow, but faster than regular 3D printing. Other than being capable of creating complex designs, the Foodini can be useful for recipes that require accuracy and skillfulness, like homemade pizza or filled pasta.Currently, the device only prints the food, which must be then cooked as usual. But a(n) 49model will also cook the preparation and produce it ready to eat.The idea also comes with a social 50 too. “There’s a touchscreen on the front that connects to a recipe site in the cloud, so it’s an internet-of-things, connected kitchen appliance,”said Kucsma. Users will also be able to control the device remotely using a smartphone, and share their recipes with the community.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.As unemployment rates shrink, individual industries and job markets are heating up. According to the most recent numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in their biannual Occupational Outlook Handbook and Career Guide to Industries, the total number of Americans 51 will increase by 10.1 percent by 2018.While many jobs have opportunities for promotion, the following three 52 for unique reasons.IT SecurityAccording to the U.S. Department of Labor, computer-related 53 are on the rise. From 2012 to 2022, the number of computer systems analysts in the country is expected to increase by 25 percent, while computer support specialists will see demand increase by as much as 17 percent. These are clear indicators of the nation’s 54 focus on IT and cyber (网络的) security.However, it may be IT security specialists that see the biggest growth. As cyber 55 increases and computers become increasingly capable of storing more data, the emphasis on cyber security will become even more 56 . According to Anthony Sequeira of CBT Nuggets, a reputable IT training resource, “As we store more and more information in thecloud, the perceived (感知到的) gain and harm that can be done to individuals is greater and greater.”In 2013, the average IT security analyst made approximately $88,590 –with the 57 10 percent taking home as much as $138,780. Even the lower end is well above the national average, with the 58 starting salary somewhere around $50,430.Biomedical EngineeringIf you’re looking at the Occupational Outlook Handbook and Career Guide to Industries, the occupation with the highest expected growth rate from 2008 to 2018 is biomedicale n g i n e e r i n g.59 , there were only 16,000 biomedical engineers in 2008. A healthy 27,520 are expected to hold the title by 2018. That’s a 10-year growth rate of 72 percent.But why is this industry growing so 60 ? It’s likely due in part to the aging population and an increased focus on 61 issues. Naturally, health professionals and the general public will 62 to demand better and more superior medical equipment and devices for better healthcare. In 2008, the average annual salary for a biomedical engineer was $77,400. The current mid-career annual salary is somewhere around $97,800.AudiologyFor those who want to work directly with people but prefer low-pressure environments, audiology is an 63 career. “If you don’t like 64 but still want a career with good prospects and a decent salary, consider becoming an audiologist,”writes Alan Farnham of ABC News.Audiologists are professionals who treat patients with hearing needs. You’re now required to hold a clinical doctoral degree to be a qualified audiologist, but the 65 are worth it. Now an audiologist’s average annual salary is $63,579.51. A. dismissed B. employed C. promoted D. demanded52. A. drop in B. keep up C. take on D. stand out53. A. salaries B. players C. careers D. games54. A. enhanced B. shifted C. continued D. limited55. A. safety B. communication C. relationship D. crime56. A. impossible B. important C. reliable D. convenient57. A. last B. top C. remaining D. usual58. A. typical B. special C. dramatic D. appropriate59. A. Instead B. Besides C. Nevertheless D. Meanwhile60. A. steadily B. slightly C. differently D. rapidly61. A. health B. security C. life D. development62. A. fail B. pretend C. continue D. plan63. A. ideal B. independent C. interesting D. unusual64. A. restriction B. promotion C. excitement D. stress65. A. patients B. rewards C. hospitals D. pleasuresSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)A cannon (大炮) sounded as Jonny Fry took off on his horse through the streets of St. Joseph, Missouri. Crowds lined the streets, cheering and waving. Fry rode west for 90 miles at full speed. He then passed a leather bag full of letters to another rider. Eventually a chain of riders carried the letters across nearly 2,000 miles of wilderness, and the Pony Express was born.Between California and the rest of the U.S. lay a vast wilderness. Mail service was slow and often delayed. As war among the states seemed likely, people wanted news more quickly.In December 1859, William Russell, owner of a transport company, decided to meet that need. He and partners William Waddell and Alexander Majors worked constantly for months. They selected a route from St. Joseph, Missouri, to Sacramento, California. Then they purchased 400 horses, hired workers and set up relay stations (驿站) every 10 to 15 miles. Riders would change horses at these stations, and every 90 to 120 miles a new rider would take over.Shortly before Jonny Fry set out, another Pony Express rider set off from Sacramento for St. Joseph. These first deliveries reached their destinations in close to the 10 days Russell had promised.But the route was far from safe. On April 18, 1860, a rider’s horse stumbled (绊倒) and fell on the rider, killing him. Riders faced rivers, mountains, extreme temperatures—and veryunfriendly natives. In May 1860, tensions between the settlers and Native Americans turned into fighting. Native Americans attacked several Pony Express stations, forcing some of them to close temporarily.Despite the risks, the Pony Express lost only one delivery during its one and a half years in operation. And when Abraham Lincoln was elected president, the Pony Express carried the news to California in only five days. It also spread news of the beginning of America’s Civil War.The Pony Express service ended in October 1861 after a telegraph line across the U.S. was completed. Yet the riders’courage and accomplishments still hold a place in legend (传奇).66. The passage is mainly about the _____ of the Pony Express.A. functionB. influenceC. historyD. operation67. To _____,William Russell decided to set up the Pony Express.A. shorten the time of sending mailB. deliver mail farther and more safelyC. meet people’s different needsD. help people keep in contact in war68. What might Russell have promised about the first deliveries?A. To make the destinations closer.B. To make the deliveries within 10 days.C. To ensure the deliveries with two riders.D. To complete the deliveries before the war.69. What can be learned from the passage?A. The Pony Express had an insignificant position in the development of mail service.B. The fighting between the settlers and Native Americans ended the Pony Express.C. The Pony Express became successful as a result of the dangers on the route.D. The Pony Express not only delivered mail but spread news as well.(B)The following are some of the comments on Alberto Hernandez’s latest blog.70. In Marianne’s opinion, her boss is _____.A. a fantastic and helpful personB. trying to restrict their behaviorC. an irresponsible personD. trying to know them better71. How does Marcel most probably feel in his company?A. Thrilled.B. Proud.C. Disrespected.D. Unsuccessful.72. From the comments we can conclude that _____ must be an employer.A. AlbertoB. MarianneC. MarcelD. Robert73. What might be the topic of Alberto Hernandez’s latest blog?A. Workplace privacy.B. Management skills.C. Employment status.D. Information sources.(C)Thanks to smartphones, telling your partner “I love you”has never been easier. And, according to some new research, it’s probably making your relationship stronger, too.There’s no denying technology’s impact on modern relationships, just as there’s no denying technology’s impact on modern, well, everything. Websites and apps such as , OkCupid and Tinder have changed the way Americans meet and date. A 2013 study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that more than one-third of all U.S. marriages now begin through online dating, which has grown into a $2 billion-a-year industry, according to IBISWorld. And, of course, they’ve changed how we communicate. Facebook, Twitter, iMessage, WhatsApp, Snapchat and Instagram have replaced the Phone.For tech-savvy couples, the communication possibilities today are seemingly endless. Texting apps allow partners to communicate throughout the day regardless of where they are. And while there are some dangers that accompany regular texting with your partner, couples that exchange affectionate texts can actually enhance their relationships. A new report from the Pew Research Centre shows that 21 percent of people in committed relationships say they felt closer to their spouse or partner because of exchanges they had either online or via text message.“People will text no matter what—it’s too convenient,”says Lori Schade, Ph.D., a licensed marriage and family therapist in Salk Lake City, Utah. “But if they use text messages purposefully to put money in the relationship bank, so to speak, by being positive, they might be developing resilience (韧性) to weather future storms.”Meanwhile, several apps that are built specially for couples have begun appearing in app stores everywhere. Couple, an app that allows couples to communicate in their own, private channel, has been downloaded nearly 2.5 million times. The app lets you and your partner share messages and videos, build a private shared timeline recording your relationship, share to-do lists and even send “ThumbKisses”to one another.Some dating sites are figuring out ways to stay involved in couples’lives beyond the meeting period. HowAboutWe, which likes to call itself “The Online Dating Sites”, has a separate service for couples that offers pre-planned dates ranging from tickets to a Broadway show, to custom peanut butter sandwiches, to a robot-building workshop. Thecompany launched a new couples app called “You & Me”, which allows partners to cooperate on playlists, share photos and exchange private messages.So while there’s no substitution for actual face time in relationship, FaceTime is looking more and more like a good alternative to fill in the gaps.74. “Tech-savvy couples”in Paragraph 3 may refer to couples who _____.A. can save technologyB. have a good command of technologyC. communicate endlesslyD. work in the field of information technology75. In Lori Schade’s opinion, texting can _____.A. enable people to put money in the bankB. prevent partners being caught in stormsC. help people enhance their relationshipsD. expose people to more dangers76. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.A. actual face time is more important than online face timeB. actual face time will eventually give way to online face timeC. online face time makes relationships stronger than actual face timeD. online face time can make up for the disadvantages of actual face time77. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?A. Modern technology: Bringing people closerB. Modern technology: Recording relationshipsC. Modern technology: Changing everyday lifeD. Modern technology: Making communication easierSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete thestatements in the fewest possible words.A public elementary school in New York City has stopped giving its students homework.Public School 116 (P.S. 116) Principal Jane Hsu wrote a letter to parents last month detailing the decision, explaining that after more than a year of analyzing studies, the school had concluded that students’after-school time would be better spent on activities like reading at their own pace and playing rather than working on class assignments.Hsu’s letter says that many studies indicate that there is no connection between homework and academic success. Indeed, there are some studies that show that the link between homework and success is doubtful at the primary school level.A 1989 study on homework by Harris Cooper, a social psychologist who researches education, found that doing homework led students to perform better in school as they grew older. In later grades, students who did homework performed increasingly better than students who did not. In 2006, Cooper published a study that analyzed 15 years’worth of data on the effectiveness of homework. He found that homework had a more positive impact on students as they aged, and identified stronger link between homework and achievement for students in grades seven through twelve than for students in kindergarten through sixth grade.A 2012 study from the Indiana University School of Education on 10th-graders found little link between time spent on homework and better course grades, although it did find a positive link between homework time and standardized test performance.Some parents of P.S. 116 students are not happy with the decision to eliminate homework.“I think they should have homework—some of it is about discipline. I want my daughter to have fun, but I also want her to be working towards a goal,”Daniel Tasman, the father of a second-grader at the school, told DNAinfo.“You have to do homework in order to gain; you have to do homework because they may not be able to comprehend everything in school,”Sharon Blake, a grandmother of a P.S. 116 student, told ABC news.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. The passage is about a New York elementary school’s decision to _____.79. What did P.S. 116 do before it came to the decision at last?80. The studies in 1989 and in 2006 both found out that there was _____ when students wereyounger.81. Some parents of P.S. 116 students are against its decision because they hold thathomework can _____.第Ⅱ卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 你是否看过那篇有关幸福元素的文章?(element)2. 是我的志愿者经历让我被这所大学录取了。



高三历史试卷 共6页 第1页2017学年第一学期高三历史教学质量检测试卷考生注意:1.考试时间60分钟,试卷满分100分。





)1. 一般认为我国历史从“大同之世”进入“小康之世”是在A .尧舜禹时期B .夏朝建立后C .平王东迁后D .秦统一之后2. 图片中的历史事件发生在A .西周末期B .东汉时期C .北魏时期D .隋唐时期3. 关于夏朝至明清时期中国古代政治的表述中最贴切的一项是A .君主政治B .民主政治C .君主专制D .君主立宪4. “省”作为我国地方一级行政机构,始于A .魏晋B .隋唐C .元朝D .清朝5. “工部局“、“公董局”、“巡捕房”这些机构最早出现在近代中国的A .广州B .香港C .上海D .天津6. “中体西用”论渐趋沉寂大致在A .鸦片战争结束后B .太平天国运动失败后C .甲午战争结束后D .五四运动爆发后7. 康有为读到《天演论》译稿后称译者“为中国西学第一者也”,此处“第一者”是指A .达尔文B .林则徐C .严复D .李大钊8. 下列关于武昌起义爆发时间的表述中,不正确的一项是A.宣统三年B.辛亥年C.1911年D.民国元年9. 19世纪末20世纪之交,席卷欧美的“新史学”运动在中国的代表人物是A.司马光B.章学诚C.刘知幾D.梁启超10. 中国改革开放近四十年的起点是A.中共八大B.文革结束C.十一届三中全会D.中共十三大11. 日本明治维新的改革措施中,对社会进步和可持续发展最有利的是A.废藩置县,加强中央集权B.允许土地买卖,承认土地私有C.实行征兵制,宣扬武士道D.实行文明开化,发展近代教育12. 主张通过契约产生统治者,否定“君权神授”,支持君主拥有绝对的统治权。











高三历史 共8页 第1页崇明县2012学年第一学期期末考试试卷高 三 历 史考生注意:1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。





伊拉克人的祖先发明的文字是 ……………………………………………( )A .B .C .D .2、中国当代著名导演艺术家罗锦鳞先生在编导古希腊悲剧《安提戈涅》中直接写道:“你是君王,我是百姓,但是我们有同样的发言权。

”此语表明他侧重古希腊悲剧所展现的是( )A .戏剧情节B .等级观念C .人文素养D .民主精神3、有学者认为,《十二铜表法》的制定是古罗马平民阶层的胜利。

该学者的主要理由应该是 ………………………………………………………………………………………………( ) A .法典的制定,奠定了罗马公民法的基础 B .法典规定了债务法规,改善了奴隶的处境 C .与习惯法相比,该法典内容有大量的扩充D .法典明文公示,打破了贵族对法律知识的垄断4、中世纪欧洲人们“只知有教,不知有国”, 国家意识淡薄,12 世纪以后此种情况有所改变,英法等国王权呈加强之势,出现这种改变的主要原因是 ………………………………( ) A .国王军事实力的加强 B .基督教会威信的下降C .采邑制度的逐渐废除D .商品经济的不断发展5、著名史学家吕思勉把中国古代地方行政组织划分为先后相继的“部落时代”、“封建时代”、“郡县时代”。

其中与“封建时代”相对应的朝代是……………………………………( )A .西周B .秦朝C .西汉D .元朝6、春秋战国至秦汉时期,各种思想流派纷呈。


请按顺序指出它们分别代表哪一流 ……………………………………………………………………………………( )A .儒、道、法B .儒、法、道C .法、儒、道D .道、法、儒7、“臣愿陛下兴太学,置明师,以养天下之士;数考问以尽其材,则英俊宜可得矣。



















6 上海市崇明县2017届高三一模

6 上海市崇明县2017届高三一模


请将答案填写在答题纸上)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. A postwoman. B. A teacher. C. A journalist. D. A librarian.2. A. On a plane. B. On a train. C. At a restaurant. D. At a travel agency.3. A. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 15 minutes. D. 20 minutes.4. A. He spends too much money. B. He should watch more TV.C. He actually likes watching TV.D. He bought an expensive watch.5. A. The woman should get a new watch. B. The woman needs to buy another battery.C. He knows what is wrong with the watch.D. The store can probably fix the woman’s watch.6. A. He should work in the summer school. B. He shouldn’t go to New York in the summer.C.H e may not want to do so.D. He may have difficulty in doing so.7. A. Spend more time on the course. B. Turn to the graduate assistant for help.C. Drop the course as soon as possible.D. Help the graduate assistant with the course.8. A. They should buy a lot of coffee. B. The supermarket isn’t going to be closed.C. Coffee is out of stock in the supermarket.D. They should wait for a better deal on coffee.9. A. The final exam. B. A law school. C. A reference letter. D. The department policy.10. A. He wasn’t able to find a seat there. B. He had to wait a long time for a seat there.C. The seats there are uncomfortable.D. It provides reading materials for customers.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following news.11. A. 2. B. 18. C. About 125. D. Over 1,300.12. A. Helping good universities to enroll more students.B. Getting more financial support from foreign students.C. Encouraging more foreign students to travel around the UK.D. Attracting more excellent foreign students to work in Britain.13. A. He voted for Donald Trump. B. He did not vote in the presidential election.C. He made a political speech in the concert.D. He sang for only 40 minutes in the concert.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.高三英语共14页第1页14. A. They can play many kinds of games with snow.B. They can see the beautiful scenery of falling snow.C. They can have several days off from school if it snows.D. They can enjoy steaming hot chocolate on a snowy day.15. A. The building of snowmen for children B. The removal of snow off their driveway.C. The spread of salt mixed with sand.D. The low temperature that snow brings.16. A. Rare and exciting. B. Dangerous and challenging.C. Unusual but disappointing.D. Troublesome but interesting.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. It encourages wise consumption. B. It is impossible to get stolen.C. It makes it easier to pay off debt.D. It can be used in an emergency.18. A. It makes people feel safer. B. It prevents people from overspending.C. It enables people to get things cheaper.D. It helps people know more about money.19. A. Doing some shopping. B. Doing some reading.C. Opening an account.D. Taking a lesson.20. A. Shop owners prefer cash to credit cards.B. The woman pays part of his bill each month.C. Most people don’t choose to use credit cards.D. The man wasn’t persuaded by the woman at last.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.Suspended CoffeeHow about buying a cup of coffee for someone you’ll never meet?The idea, begun in Naples, Italy, and called “Suspended Coffee” — i.e., a customer pays for a coffee and “banks” it for someone (21)_____ (fortunate) —has become an international internet sensation(轰动) with coffee shops in Europe and North America (22)_____ (participate) in the movement. The Facebook page alone has more than 28,000 “likes.”The tradition of “suspended coffee” is a long-standing tradition in Italy (23)_____increased in popularity after the Second World War. Recently the practice was starting to take hold in other European countries (24)_____ (hit) hard economically.Homegrown Hamilton, a coffee chain of Canada, has decided to join the effort. “It’s a fantastic initiative (25)_____ we decided to help out. We had been doing it pretty much anyway, just not under a banner. During the winter, we were giving away coffee or soup to the homeless,” said manager Mike Pattison, “Staff members are always close to the coffeehouse’s front door, an d (26)_____ they see someone walking by who looks like they want a coffee but can’t afford it, they approach that person. If the offer (27)_____ (accept), they provide the coffee.”However, not everyone supports the idea.In a posting on the website, Consumerist, columnist Laura Northrup raises (28)_____ number of objections, including that coffee isn’t nutritious food for peop le who are hungry and (29)_____ the action could result in “greedy people” taking advantage of others’ kindness. He says people (30)_____ consider other ways to help.高三英语共14页第2页Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Directions MatterJet lag (时差感) may be the worst part of travelling, and it hits many people harder travelling east than west. Why they feel this way is 41 , but scientists recently developed a new model that provides an explanation for the mystery and insights on recovering from jet lag.The model imitates the way neuronal oscillator cells (神经振子细胞) 42 crossing time zones. These cells in our brains 43 our biological clocks. However, the cells don’t quite operate on a perfect 24-hour schedule. Instead, their activity follows a 44 that lasts slightly longer than that, about 24.5 hours. According to Michelle Girvan, an associate professor of physics at the University of Maryland and a co-author of the study, that means it’s 45 for us to extend the length of a day—for example, by flying west across time zones—than to shorten the day, by flying east.The scientists found that for 46 travel, a person who crossed three time zones would fully高三英语共14页第3页47 in a little less than four days. For six time zones, recovery would take about six days. For nine time zones, the recovery would take just less than eight days.However, when a person travel s eastward, the recovery time doesn’t match up as 48 . When a person crosses three time zones going east, it takes a little more than four days to recover. For six time zones, the recovery time 49 to more than eight days. And for nine time zones, the recovery period is more than 12 days.Girvan noted that not everyone has a biological clock of exactly 24.5 hours. 50 , it varies from person to person. The other factor to consider is 51 cues such as sunlight, Girvan added. How a person reacts to these cues can also 52 how quickly he or she will adjust to a new time zone.The scientists hope that their new model can be used in the future to figure out the best ways to 53 jet lag. For example, if you will be traveling six time zones eastward, start by setting your clock ahead an hour or two several days before you leave. And when you arrive in a new time zone, make sure that the outside cues you are exposed to 54 the new time zone. That means that if it’s daytime in the new time zone, expose yourself to sunlight. And if it’s nighttime, avoid artificial 55 , including those from smartphones and computers, to help your biological clock adjust.41. A. incredible B. apparent C. surprising D. unclear42. A. cope with B. account for C. respond to D. result in43. A. kick B. watch C. stop D. regulate44. A. cycle B. routine C. process D. pattern45. A. safer B. easier C. more dangerous D. more difficult46. A. eastward B. southward C. westward D. northward47. A. adjust B. understand C. prepare D. change48. A. relatively B. nicely C. classically D. awkwardly49. A. reduces B. jumps C. contributes D. leads50. A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. However D. Rather51. A. external B. verbal C. social D. chemical52. A. promote B. emphasize C. impact D. orient53. A. form B. endure C. shelter D. beat54. A. specify B. match C. shift D. destroy55. A. lights B. barriers C. flavours D. soundsSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)A woman standing over six feet tall and weighing about 200 pounds is bound to makean impression. But in Mary Fields’ case, these features were outmatched by a heart of goldthat made her legendary (传奇的).Born into slavery in Tennessee in 1832 or 1833, Mary had nothing, not even a date ofbirth. However, in her early years, she found something of truly lasting value—a friendnamed Dolly. In addition to friendship, Dolly also may have taught Mary to read and write,an invaluable advantage for slaves. At the end of America’s Civil War, Mary finally received her freedom and made her own way out into the world.高三英语共14页第4页Mary was employed on a steamboat as a maid when she received word from Dolly, now a nun (修女) in Ohio called Mother Amadeus. Mary a rrived in Ohio in 1878 and worked at Amadeus’ girls’ school, managing the kitchen and garden. She became known as a gun-carrying, cigar-smoking woman, but also as an example of kindness and reliability. After a few years, though, Amadeus was sent to another school out West in Montana, becoming the first black woman to settle in central Montana.When Mary was in her 50s, a sick Mother Amadeus called her West. So Mary made her way to the small town of Cascade, Montana, to nurse Amadeus to health. She did this and more, running supplies and visitors to St. Peter’s Mission where Amadeus lived. Once w hen her wagon (四轮马车) overturned, she guarded the delivery from wolves through the night.But Mary’s rough edges caused the local bishop (主教) to prohibit her from working at the mission. Mother Amadeus then set her up as the first African-American female employee of the U.S. Postal Service. Though in her 60s, Mary was such a dependable mail carrier that she earned the name “Stagecoach” Mary. She became a beloved figure in Cascade. She was the only woman allowed in the saloon (酒馆), was the baseball team’s big gest fan and was given free meals in the town hotel.Nearly 70, Mary quit delivering the mail but remained in Cascade. The town’s school closed to celebrate her unknown birthday twice a year. When she passed away in 1914, a simple cross was placed to mark her grave and her legend in the Wild West.56. What about Mary Fields impressed people most?A. Her tall and fat figure.B. Her reputation as an educated slave.C. Her friendliness and responsibility.D. Her habit of carrying a gun and smoking.57. Which of the following shows Mary’s life experience in the order of time?①Mary began to deliver mail in Cascade.②Mary worked in a school in Montana.③Mary was taught to read and write.④Mary took care of sick Amadeus.⑤Mary worked on a steamed boat.A. ⑤①③②④B. ⑤④②①③C. ②④⑤③①D. ③⑤②④①58. Mary became a mail carrier because _____.A. people in Cascade loved herB. she once worked at St. Peter’s MissionC. Mother Amadeus recommended herD. the US Postal Service needed a female employee59. In the last paragraph, “her legend” most probably refers to _____.A. her high social statusB. her unusual life as a pioneerC. her friendship with Amadeus.D. her role in the liberation of slaves(B)JENISON PUBLIC SCHOOLS高三英语共14页第5页Jenison International Academy is excited to offer online, nonessential courses to international students. Kindly view the online elective options, as well as the enrollment process, below. The application window for part time enrollments will close on Friday, December 30, 2016.Online Courses Offered Grades 1-12Elective OpportunitiesPlease click to view our Elective Course Offerings.Part Time Enrollment at JIAStudents participating in the program are allowed to enroll in up to 4 elective courses each semester, and have the option to take 100% of their courses online or create a schedule combination of online and on-campus courses at Jenison Public Schools, which may also include Tech Center, Co-op, and other qualified programs.Student Application ProcessSTEP 1: Online PreparationPlease review the following Interactive Online Readiness Criteria. Please keep this form for your own records.Online Readiness CriteriaSTEP 2: Submit Forms & DocumentationBy completing the Part Time Enrollment Application, applicants are fulfilling the Virtual Learning and District-Required Documentation.Printed ApplicationParents or guardians can download, print, and complete the JIA Enrollment paperwork & JPS District Application. Mail, scan or fax all completed paperwork using the contact information provided on the first page.Printed ApplicationAdditional Required Documentation can be found within the enrollment packet.An email will be sent to the parent or guardian email account when a completed application has been received. Upon review and approval, a welcome message and course selection email will be issued to the same address.60. The courses are designed for _____.A. high-level students who are studying in Jenison Public SchoolsB. international students whose parents work in Jenison Public SchoolsC. foreign students who can’t study full time in Jenison International AcademyD. graduate students who want a part-time job in Jenison International Academy61. To get enrolled, one should _____.A. prepare both online and offlineB. print the Online Readiness CriteriaC. contact JIA in person beforehandD. email the JIA Enrollment paperwork62. What can be learned from the webpage?A. The enrollment should be applied on December 30, 2016.B. The parent or guardian needs to have an email account.C. The students need to study at least 8 courses each year.D. The courses can only be learned online.(C)高三英语共14页第6页Two heads are better than one, according to the old saying. So why are groups with lots of “heads” known for making bad decisions? Why does “groupthink” immediately mean ineffectiveness and mistakes?These questions are answered in a fascinating new book called Wiser: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Smarter, written by Cass R. Sunstein, a former White House official, and Reid Hastie, an academic specialized in the psychology of decision making. Building on their combined experiences and research, Sunstein and Hastie analyze what goes wrong in group decision-making, and then offer clear-out solutions to overcome these problems.Group decision-making involves discussions among members of a group, each with their own skills, experience, ideas and information. Unfortunately, as the authors explain, there are two types of influence on group members—informational signals and social pressures—which skew (扭曲) the discussions. Informational signals cause people to keep information to themselves when it disagrees with information from others, especially leaders. Social pressures cause people to keep information to themselves to avoid punishment from leaders who are denied.These influences lead to four problems, the authors write: Instead of correcting the errors of their members, groups actually expand those errors; cascade effects(联级效应) take over when the group follows whomever spoke first or loudest; groups become more extreme in their ideas, as the internal discussions strengthen their predisposed (预先有倾向的) thoughts; and groups focus on shared information instead of unshared information.Having laid out the core problems, the authors offer solutions. They begin with a list of methods aimed at handling the four core problems, such as:Leaders have to keep quiet and convince group members that they sincerely want to hear all ideas.Group success should be rewarded. Group members must understand that if the group is right, everyone benefits; this will encourage them to ensure that they find the right answer instead of pushing their own ideas.Group members should be assigned specific roles, thus ensuring that everyone contributes.Either individuals or assigned teams should be tasked with acting as devil’s advocates (唱反调的人).Groups also fail, the author writes, because they don’t distinguish between the early rounds of discussions, in which all ideas must be allowed on the table, and the final rounds of discussions, in which groups must be tight and analytical as they seek the accurate solution. Successful groups will deliberately separate the two processes.In another approach, the authors demonstrate that the wisdom of crowds will often lead to the right answer if a majority of crowd members know their material. Decision-makers often prefer to rely on one single expert, but “chasing the expert” significantly reduces the probability of getting the decision right.Wiser is a quick, engaging and thoughtful read that convincingly argues that, with a few simple steps and open-minded leadership, group discussions can, indeed, lead to wiser decisions.63. The passage is mainly written to _____.A. make an advertisement for a new bookB. introduce the main points of a new bookC. prove that two heads are better than oneD. show how to make groupthink more effective64. According to the passage, groups sometimes make bad decisions because some members _____.A. are critical of othersB. are punished by the leaderC. disagree with the leaderD. do not share different ideas65. Which of the following can help improve the effectiveness of groupthink?A. An expert helps to make the final decision.B. Team success is advocated with positive measures.C. No one is allowed to put forward their disagreement.D. Leaders don’t express their own opinions in the process.高三英语共14页第7页66. What can be inferred from the passage?A. Wiser may be welcomed by decision-makers.B. Wiser can change decision-makers’ attitude towards work.C. The more people in the group, the better decision will be made.D. The final rounds of discussions are the most important in decision-making.Section CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentenceIt’s not piano lessons or dance lessons. Nowadays, the biggest extra-curricular activity in the West is going to a tutor. “I spend about 800 Canadian dollars a month on tutors. It’s costly,” says Pet, a mother in Canada. However, she adds, “after finding out half my daughter’s class had tutors, I felt like my child was going to fall behind because everyone else seemed to be ahead.”Shelley, a mother of three, also has tutors constantly coming in and out of her home. “When I used to sit down with my children, it was hard to get them focused. I was always shouting. When I got a tutor once a week, they became focused for one entire hour and could get most of their homework done.”Tutoring isn’t simply a private school phenomenon. 67 In Canada alone, seven percent of high school students reported using a tutor in 2010. That increased to 15 percent last year.Overall, parents hire tutors because they are worried schools are not meeting their expectations, but there is also a cultural shift. 68 As a large number of Asians emigrated to the West over the recent years, their attitudes towards education have had an impact.69 “A lot of parents just don’t have time to help their children with homework,” says Julie Diamond, president of an American tutoring company. “Others couldn't help their children after Grade 3.”There has been a shift in the attitudes, too. “Children used to get bullied (欺侮) for having a tutor,” Diamond says. “Now it’s becoming the norm to have one.”70 One parent feels surprised that so many of her child’s classmates have tutors. “For the amount we pay in tuition, they should have as much extra help as they need,” she says. Still, she’s now thinking of getting a tutor. Why? Her daughter has actually asked for one.IV. Summary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Gene Therapy高三英语共14页第8页“We used to think that our fate was in our stars, but now we know that, in large measure, our fate is in our genes,” said James Watson. Watson is a molecular (分子的) biologist and co-discoverer of DNA structure. Why? Scientists are seeing that gene therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of disease.In gene therapy, healthy genes are introduced into defective (有缺陷的) cells to prevent or cure disease. While much of the research is in the beginning stages, some successes point to the real benefit of the therapy. In Italy, doctors have recently treated one genetic disease with gene therapy. This disease most often begins to destroy the brain when children are between 1 and 2, stopping them from walking and talking. By inserting normal, healthy genetic material into a virus and then infecting the patients, scientists seem to be able to cure the disease. Although the children given the therapy still need follow-up treatments, they now lead a relatively normal life.Gene therapy has also been used to help older patients. These people suffer from a disease that causes slow movement and uncontrollable shaking because part of the brain dies. Those treated with gene therapy showed a 23.1 percent improvement when tested six months later.Gene therapy appears to be a more positive alternative to surgery or medicine and is an exciting new approach that is just making the news. Researchers hope that in the coming years, every genetic disease will have gene therapy as its treatment. But more research is needed to assure its safety.V. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 你是否赞成为贫困学生设立一项基金?(approve)73. 不可否认的是上海迪斯尼乐园每天人满为患。

上海市崇明区2019届高三等级考第一次模拟历史试题 Word版含答案

上海市崇明区2019届高三等级考第一次模拟历史试题 Word版含答案






”这段材料表明中国造纸术的西传A.促成了近代欧洲科学复兴B.改变了欧洲人阅读方式C.消除了人们对宗教的迷信D.促进了欧洲文化的发展7.新航路的开辟使世界各民族的发展逐渐融合为一部统一的人类历史,这种“融合”和“统一”实现的主要方式是A.正常的文化交流B.西方的殖民扩张和掠夺C.东方的借鉴学习D.东西方之间的政治交流8.下列哪位启蒙思想家曾经担任《百科全书》的主编20余年,宣传科学和理性,反对迷信和专制?A .狄德罗B .卢梭C .霍布斯D .伏尔泰9.有同学用下列示意图表示美国1787年联邦宪法有关三权分立的原则,图中缺失的一项是A .首相(军事)B .内阁(行政)C .总统(外交)D .总统(行政)10.下图体现了工业革命机器发明的递进状态。






















考古学者观察其间的变化,可以运用哪类发掘作为社会进步分期的历史标准A.遗址的周边环境 B.遗址动植物残留 C.发掘的人类遗骸 D.人类使用的工具2、根据考古学家的发掘,世界上最早的图书馆亚述的巴尼拔图书馆,里面藏有大量的泥版。

它位于今天的A.印度 B.中国 C.伊拉克 D.埃及3、帕特农神庙是雅典灿烂古文明的历史见证,它建成于下列时间轴的哪一阶段前2000年前1100年前800年前500年前330年A B C D4、对西欧中世纪城市市民与封建领主之间的关系表达得比较恰当的一项是A.两者始终处于对立状况 B.随城市发展而动态发展C.处于统治与被统治关系 D.前期协作后期转向对立5、公元745年,唐玄宗下诏:“波斯经教,出自大秦(罗马),传习而来,久行中国。


”诏书中所提到的“经教”属于A.道教 B.基督教 C.佛教 D.伊斯兰教6、“不慕古,不留今,与时变,与俗化。

”主张这一观点的最有可能是A.法家 B.道家 C.儒家 D.墨家7、公元前后,在下图中这条要道的东西两端各有一个重要的文明古国,它们分别为A.西汉和古罗马帝国 B.唐朝和天竺C.西汉和古希腊 D.元朝和意大利8、当我国处于右图所示的历史时期时,西欧社会正处于A.希腊“古典时代”B.罗马共和国时期C.即将步入中世纪D.文艺复兴时期9、历史上某些时期,国家制度发生重大变化,被称为“大变革”。

下列叙述中不能称为“大变革”的是A.商周之际,属国变为封国 B.三国时代,统一走向分裂C.春秋战国,分封变为郡县 D.清末民初,专制变为共和10、黄仁宇在《中国大历史》中曾说:“7世纪的初唐,是中国专制时代历史上最为灿烂光辉的一页。



崇明县 2016 学年第一次高考模拟考试一试卷历史考生注意:1.考试时间60 分钟,试卷满分100 分。


一、选择题(共40 分)(每题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1.在中国古代“家国一体”的社会中,忠孝看法积厚流光。

其源泉是A.宗法制 B .君主制C.分封制 D .郡县制2.中国古代儒家思想经过不停改造创新,成为封建社会的主流思想,这主要因为A.儒学反应了广大公众的利益和要求B.儒家思想是古代最进步的思想主C.佛、道与儒学较量退后出舆论阵地D.儒家汲取各派学说以适应统治需要3.研究因果关系是历史学习的重要技术。

依据所示,左表中应填入原由结果周王室式微,列国纷争中国历史前一次重士医生活跃,百花怒放大社会转型①使用铁器、推行牛耕,提高了生产力②少量民族政权入主中原③农民起义屡次④各国竞相实行富国强兵的改革A.①② B .②③C.③④ D .①④4.汉以来,形成了以中国文化为轴心的东亚(儒家)文化圈,此中儒家文化最初传入的国家是A.朝鲜 B .印度C.越南 D .日本5.以下哪一制度的运作是宰相没法专权,皇帝也不可以完整专制?A.三公九卿制 B .三省六部制C.行省制 D .阁制6.以下四幅领土图准时间先后次序摆列正确的选项是①②③④A.①②③④ B .②①③④C.③①②④ D .④①②③7.中国文化不单惠及近邻,并且泽被远西。

以下图对于“中国古代文化外传”的时间轴,“ ?”处应填入但斯之后,大食成立了中国本地之外第一个造作坊?9 世13 世欧洲人将指南可·波把宽泛用于航海中国用雕版印刷利将《》的来欧洲成拉丁文14 世15 世16 世A.唐三彩随遣唐使流入日本B.中国遇到古上人士喜C.火器随蒙古西征入欧洲D.瓷杯瓷随海禁的开放到菲律8.以下对于清朝置的机的特色,表述的是..A.:机构精B.开:决议开放性C.速:事高效D.:皇帝制独断9. 18 世法国启发思想家的共同点是A.都反封建制制度B.都主暴力革命C.都主撤消君主治 D .都主三分立10.“禁烟运了我一个争的时机⋯⋯能够使我于乘之余威,提出我自己的条件,迫中国接受。









”其主要观点是A.史学追求理论美观B.历史研究应为现实服务C .史学研究贵在傅古D .历史研究具有永恒价值8.《海国图志》记述“亚墨利加(即南、北美洲)一土,孤悬于内,亘古未通声息,英人于前明万历年间探得之”。

据此可知 A .魏源是“开眼看世界”的第一人 B .宣告了清朝闭关锁国政策的破产 C .对中国的封建君主制度提出质疑D .对美洲历史的认识了解尚存缺陷9.马克思说:“英国的大炮破坏了中国皇帝的权威,迫使天朝帝国与地上的世界接触。

”上述观点主要说明鸦片战争 A .冲击了君主专制制度 B .打破了闭关锁国局面C .破坏了中国领土主权D .改变了中国历史进程10.右面知识结构图反映的历史事件是A .洋务运动B .戊戌变法C .清末新政D .辛亥革命12.下图是中国历史演进示意图,其中“D ”处的社会政治主题是A .原始时代B .“封建时代”C .帝制时代D .共和时代13.1918年起,《新青年》完全使用白话文刊行。



2017年上海市崇明区高考数学一模试卷一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,其中1-6题每题4分,7-12题每题5分)【考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得满分,否则一律得零分.】1.(4分)复数i(2+i)的虚部为.2.(4分)设函数f(x)=,则f(f(﹣1))的值为.3.(4分)已知M={x||x﹣1|≤2,x∈R},P={x|≥0,x∈R},则M∩P等于.4.(4分)抛物线y=x2上一点M到焦点的距离为1,则点M的纵坐标为.5.(4分)已知无穷数列{a n}满足a n+1=a n(n∈N*),且a2=1,记S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,则S n=.6.(4分)已知x,y∈R+,且x+2y=1,则x•y的最大值为.7.(5分)已知圆锥的母线l=10,母线与旋转轴的夹角α=30°,则圆锥的表面积为.8.(5分)若(2x2+)n n∈N*的二项展开式中的第9项是常数项,则n=.9.(5分)已知A,B分别是函数f(x)=2sinωx(ω>0)在y轴右侧图象上的第一个最高点和第一个最低点,且∠AOB=,则该函数的最小正周期是.10.(5分)将序号分别为1,2,3,4,5的5张参观券全部分给4人,每人至少1张,如果分给同一人的2张参观券连号,那么不同的分法种数是.11.(5分)在平面直角坐标系中,横、纵坐标均为整数的点叫做格点.若函数y=f(x)的图象恰好经过k个格点,则称函数y=f(x)为k阶格点函数.已知函数:①y=x2;②y=2sinx,③y=πx﹣1;④y=cos(x+).其中为一阶格点函数的序号为(注:把你认为正确论断的序号都填上)12.(5分)已知AB为单位圆O的一条弦,P为单位圆O上的点.若f(λ)=|﹣λ|(λ∈R)的最小值为m,当点P在单位圆上运动时,m的最大值为,则线段AB的长度为.二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分)【每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.】13.(5分)下列函数在其定义域内既是奇函数又是增函数的是()A.y=tanx B.y=3x C.D.y=lg|x|14.(5分)设a,b∈R,则“”是“a>1且b>1”的()A.充分非必要条件 B.必要非充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既非充分又非必要条件15.(5分)如图,已知椭圆C的中心为原点O,F(﹣2,0)为C的左焦点,P为C上一点,满足|OP|=|OF|且|PF|=4,则椭圆C的方程为()A.+=1 B.+=1C.+=1 D.+=116.(5分)实数a,b满足a•b>0且a≠b,由a、b、、按一定顺序构成的数列()A.可能是等差数列,也可能是等比数列B.可能是等差数列,但不可能是等比数列C.不可能是等差数列,但可能是等比数列D.不可能是等差数列,也不可能是等比数列三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分76分)【解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.】17.(14分)在正三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,AB=1,BB1=2,求:(1)异面直线B1C1与A1C所成角的大小;(2)四棱锥A1﹣B1BCC1的体积.18.(14分)在一个特定时段内,以点E为中心的7海里以内海域被设为警戒水域.点E正北55海里处有一个雷达观测站A.某时刻测得一艘匀速直线行驶的船只位于点A北偏东45°且与点A相距40海里的位置B,经过40分钟又测得该船已行驶到点A北偏东45°+θ(其中sinθ=,0°<θ<90°)且与点A相距10海里的位置C.(Ⅰ)求该船的行驶速度(单位:海里/小时);(Ⅱ)若该船不改变航行方向继续行驶.判断它是否会进入警戒水域,并说明理由.19.(14分)已知点F1、F2为双曲线C:x2﹣=1的左、右焦点,过F2作垂直于x轴的直线,在x轴上方交双曲线C于点M,∠MF1F2=30°.(1)求双曲线C的方程;(2)过双曲线C上任意一点P作该双曲线两条渐近线的垂线,垂足分别为P1、P2,求•的值.20.(16分)设(a,b为实常数).(1)当a=b=1时,证明:f(x)不是奇函数;(2)设f(x)是奇函数,求a与b的值;(3)当f(x)是奇函数时,研究是否存在这样的实数集的子集D,对任何属于D的x、c,都有f(x)<c2﹣3c+3成立?若存在试找出所有这样的D;若不存在,请说明理由.21.(18分)已知数列{a n},{b n}满足2S n=(a n+2)b n,其中S n是数列{a n}的前n 项和.(1)若数列{a n}是首项为,公比为﹣的等比数列,求数列{b n}的通项公式;(2)若b n=n,a2=3,求证:数列{a n}满足a n+a n+2=2a n+1,并写出数列{a n}的通项公式;(3)在(2)的条件下,设c n=,求证:数列{c n}中的任意一项总可以表示成该数列其他两项之积.2017年上海市崇明区高考数学一模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、填空题(本大题共有12题,满分54分,其中1-6题每题4分,7-12题每题5分)【考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得满分,否则一律得零分.】1.(4分)复数i(2+i)的虚部为2.【分析】利用复数的运算法则、虚部的定义即可得出.【解答】解:复数i(2+i)=2i﹣1的虚部为2.故答案为:2.【点评】本题考查了复数的运算法则、虚部的定义,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于基础题.2.(4分)设函数f(x)=,则f(f(﹣1))的值为﹣2.【分析】直接利用分段函数化简求解即可.【解答】解:函数f(x)=,则f(﹣1)=,f(f(﹣1))=f()=log2=﹣2.故答案为:﹣2.【点评】本题考查分段函数的应用,函数值的求法,考查计算能力.3.(4分)已知M={x||x﹣1|≤2,x∈R},P={x|≥0,x∈R},则M∩P等于[﹣1,1] .【分析】化简集合M、P,根据交集的定义写出M∩P即可.【解答】解:M={x||x﹣1|≤2,x∈R}={x|﹣2≤x﹣1≤2}={x|﹣1≤x≤3},P={x|≥0,x∈R}={x|≤0,x∈R}={x|﹣2<x≤1},则M∩P={x|﹣1≤x≤1}=[﹣1,1].故答案为:[﹣1,1].【点评】本题考查了集合的化简与运算问题,是基础题目.4.(4分)抛物线y=x2上一点M到焦点的距离为1,则点M的纵坐标为.【分析】由题意可知:焦点坐标为(0,),准线方程为:y=﹣,由抛物线的定义可知:丨MF丨=丨MD丨=1,即y+=1,解得:y=,即可求得M的纵坐标.【解答】解:抛物线y=x2焦点在y轴上,焦点坐标为(0,),准线方程为:y=﹣,设M(x,y),过M做准线的垂直,垂足为D,由抛物线的定义可知:丨MF丨=丨MD丨=1,即y+=1,解得:y=,故答案为:.【点评】本题考查抛物线的标准方程,考查抛物线的定义,考查计算能力,属于基础题.5.(4分)已知无穷数列{a n}满足a n+1=a n(n∈N*),且a2=1,记S n为数列{a n}的前n项和,则S n=4.【分析】求出等比数列的公比,然后求出数列的和,求解数列的极限即可.【解答】解:无穷数列{a n}满足a n=a n(n∈N*),+1公比为:;a2=1,a1=2,记S n==4(1﹣).=4(1﹣)=4.S故答案为:4.【点评】本题考查数列的求和,数列极限的求法,考查计算能力.6.(4分)已知x,y∈R+,且x+2y=1,则x•y的最大值为.【分析】直接利用基本不等式的性质即可得出.【解答】解:x,y∈R+,x+2y=1,即1,当且仅当x=2y=时取等号.那么:,可得:xy.∴x•y的最大值为.故答案为:.【点评】本题考查了基本不等式的性质的运用,属于基础题.7.(5分)已知圆锥的母线l=10,母线与旋转轴的夹角α=30°,则圆锥的表面积为75π.【分析】先利用圆锥的轴截面的性质求出底面的半径r,进而利用侧面积的计算公式计算即可得出结论.【解答】解:如图所示:在Rt△POB中,r=sin30°×10=5,∴该圆椎的侧面积S=π×5×10=50π.∴圆锥的表面积为50π+π•52=75π故答案为:75π.【点评】熟练掌握圆锥的轴截面的性质和侧面积的计算公式是解题的关键.8.(5分)若(2x2+)n n∈N*的二项展开式中的第9项是常数项,则n=12.【分析】利用二项展开式的通项公式,求得第九项,再根据第9项是常数项,则求得n的值.【解答】解:∵(2x2+)n n∈N*的二项展开式中的第9项为•2n﹣8•x2n﹣24是常数项,∴2n﹣24=0,∴n=12,故答案为:12.【点评】本题主要考查二项式定理的应用,二项展开式的通项公式,求展开式中某项的系数,二项式系数的性质,属于基础题.9.(5分)已知A,B分别是函数f(x)=2sinωx(ω>0)在y轴右侧图象上的第一个最高点和第一个最低点,且∠AOB=,则该函数的最小正周期是.【分析】由题意利用勾股定理可得[+22]++22]=+42,由此求得T的值,可得结论.【解答】解:A,B分别是函数f(x)=2sinωx(ω>0)在y轴右侧图象上的第一个最高点和第一个最低点,且∠AOB=,由题意可得∠AOB=,∴由勾股定理可得[+22]++22]=+42,求得T=,故答案为:.【点评】本题主要考查正弦函数的周期性和最值,勾股定理的应用,属于基础题.10.(5分)将序号分别为1,2,3,4,5的5张参观券全部分给4人,每人至少1张,如果分给同一人的2张参观券连号,那么不同的分法种数是96.【分析】求出5张参观券全部分给4人,每人至少1张,如果分给同一人的2张参观券连号的组数,然后分给4人排列即可.【解答】解:5张参观券全部分给4人,分给同一人的2张参观券连号,方法数为:1和2,2和3,3和4,4和5,四种连号,其它号码各为一组,分给4人,共有4×=96种.故答案为:96.【点评】本题考查排列组合以及简单的计数原理的应用,正确分组是解题的关键,考查分析问题解决问题的能力.11.(5分)在平面直角坐标系中,横、纵坐标均为整数的点叫做格点.若函数y=f(x)的图象恰好经过k个格点,则称函数y=f(x)为k阶格点函数.已知函数:①y=x2;②y=2sinx,③y=πx﹣1;④y=cos(x+).其中为一阶格点函数的序号为②③(注:把你认为正确论断的序号都填上)【分析】①y=x2有无数个格点;②∵y=2sinx的函数值为整数的只有0,2,﹣2,只有0对应的x为整数,③∵π不是整数,故y=πx﹣1只过一个格点(0,﹣1);④函数y=cos(x+)的函数值取0.1.﹣1时对应的x均不是整数.【解答】解:①y=x2有无数个格点;②∵y=2sinx的函数值为整数的只有0,2,﹣2,只有0对应的x为整数,故只有一个,③∵π不是整数,故y=πx﹣1只过一个格点(0,0);④函数y=cos(x+)的函数值取0.1.﹣1时对应的x均不是整数,故没有格点,故答案为:‚②③ƒ【点评】本题考查了命题真假的判定,涉及到了函数的性质,属于基础题.12.(5分)已知AB为单位圆O的一条弦,P为单位圆O上的点.若f(λ)=|﹣λ|(λ∈R)的最小值为m,当点P在单位圆上运动时,m的最大值为,则线段AB的长度为.【分析】设λ=,则f(λ)=|﹣λ|=|﹣|=||,点C在直线AB上,故f(λ)的最小值M为点P到AB的距离,由此可得结论【解答】解:设λ=,则f(λ)=|﹣λ|=|﹣|=||,∵λ=,∴点C在直线AB上,∴f(λ)的最小值m为点P到AB的距离,∴m max=,∴||=2=,故答案为:,【点评】本题考查向量知识的运用,考查学生分析解决问题的能力,属于基础题.二、选择题(本大题共有4题,满分20分)【每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.】13.(5分)下列函数在其定义域内既是奇函数又是增函数的是()A.y=tanx B.y=3x C.D.y=lg|x|【分析】A:y=tanx在(kπ﹣+kπ),k∈z上单调递增,但是在整个定义域内不是单调递增函数;B:y=3x不是奇函数;C:y=奇函数,根据幂函数的性质可知,函数y=在R 上单调递增;D:y=lg|x|是偶函数【解答】解:A:y=tanx在(kπ﹣+kπ),k∈z上单调递增,但是在整个定义域内不是单调递增函数,故A错误B:y=3x不是奇函数,故B错误C:f(﹣x)==﹣,满足奇函数,根据幂函数的性质可知,函数y=在R 上单调递增,故C正确D:y=lg|x|是偶函数,不符合题意,故D错误故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查了函数的奇偶性及函数的单调性的判断,尤其y=tanx的单调区间是解答中容易出现错误的地方,要注意掌握.14.(5分)设a,b∈R,则“”是“a>1且b>1”的()A.充分非必要条件 B.必要非充分条件C.充分必要条件D.既非充分又非必要条件【分析】由题意看命题“a+b>2且ab>1”与命题“a>1且b>1”否能互推,然后根据必要条件、充分条件和充要条件的定义进行判断.【解答】解:∵a>1且b>1,∴a+b>2且ab>1,若已知a+b>2且ab>1,可取a=,b=8,也满足已知,∴“a+b>2且ab>1”是“a>1且b>1”的必要不充分条件,故选:B.【点评】本小题主要考查了命题的基本关系,题中的设问通过对不等关系的分析,考查了命题的概念和对于命题概念的理解程度.15.(5分)如图,已知椭圆C的中心为原点O,F(﹣2,0)为C的左焦点,P为C上一点,满足|OP|=|OF|且|PF|=4,则椭圆C的方程为()A.+=1 B.+=1C.+=1 D.+=1【分析】设椭圆的右焦点为F′,由|OP|=|OF|及椭圆的对称性知,△PFF′为直角三角形;由勾股定理,得|PF′|;由椭圆的定义,得a2;由b2=a2﹣c2,得b2;然后根据椭圆标准方程的形式,直接写出椭圆的方程.【解答】解:由题意可得c=2,设右焦点为F′,由|OP|=|OF|=|OF′|知,∠PFF′=∠FPO,∠OF′P=∠OPF′,所以∠PFF′+∠OF′P=∠FPO+∠OPF′,由∠PFF′+∠OF′P+∠FPO+∠OPF′=180°知,∠FPO+∠OPF′=90°,即PF⊥PF′.在Rt△PFF′中,由勾股定理,得|PF′|===8,由椭圆定义,得|PF|+|PF′|=2a=4+8=12,从而a=6,得a2=36,于是b2=a2﹣c2=36﹣=16,所以椭圆的方程为+=1.故选:C.【点评】本题属容易题,主要考查了椭圆的定义及其几何特征.对于椭圆标准方程的求解,关键是根据题设或图形的几何特征,列出关于a,b,c的三个方程,这样才能确定a2,b2,属于中档题.16.(5分)实数a,b满足a•b>0且a≠b,由a、b、、按一定顺序构成的数列()A.可能是等差数列,也可能是等比数列B.可能是等差数列,但不可能是等比数列C.不可能是等差数列,但可能是等比数列D.不可能是等差数列,也不可能是等比数列【分析】由实数a,b满足a•b>0且a≠b,分a,b>0和a,b<0,两种情况分析根据等差数列的定义和等比数列的定义,讨论a、b、、按一定顺序构成等差(比)数列时,是否有满足条件的a,b的值,最后综合讨论结果,可得答案.【解答】解:(1)若a>b>0则有a>>>b若能构成等差数列,则a+b=+,得=2,解得a=b(舍),即此时无法构成等差数列若能构成等比数列,则a•b=•,得=2,解得a=b(舍),即此时无法构成等比数列(2)若b<a<0,则有>a>>b若能构成等差数列,则+b=a+,得2=3a﹣b于是b<3a4ab=9a2﹣6ab+b2得b=9a,或b=a(舍)当b=9a时这四个数为﹣3a,a,5a,9a,成等差数列.于是b=9a<0,满足题意但此时•b<0,a•>0,不可能相等,故仍无法构成等数列故选:B.【点评】本题考查的知识点是等差数列的确定和等比数列的确定,熟练掌握等差数列和等比数列的定义和性质是解答的关键.三、解答题(本大题共有5题,满分76分)【解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.】17.(14分)在正三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,AB=1,BB1=2,求:(1)异面直线B1C1与A1C所成角的大小;(2)四棱锥A1﹣B1BCC1的体积.【分析】(1)由B1C1∥BC,知∠BCA1是异面直线B1C1与A1C所成角,由此能求出异面直线B1C1与A1C所成角大小.(2)四棱锥A 1﹣B1BCC1的体积V=,由此能求出结果.【解答】解:(1)∵正三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1,∴B1C1∥BC,∴∠BCA1是异面直线B1C1与A1C所成角,…(2分)在△BCA 1中,BC=1,,,∴cos∠BCA1==,…(5分)∴,∴异面直线B1C1与A1C所成角大小为arccos.…(7分)(2)∵正三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,AB=1,BB1=2,∴=S•AA1=,△ABC,﹣B1BCC1的体积V==.…(14分)∴四棱锥A【点评】本题考查异面直线所成角的大小的求法,考查四棱锥的体积的求法,是中档题,解题时要认真审题,注意空间思维能力的培养.18.(14分)在一个特定时段内,以点E为中心的7海里以内海域被设为警戒水域.点E正北55海里处有一个雷达观测站A.某时刻测得一艘匀速直线行驶的船只位于点A北偏东45°且与点A相距40海里的位置B,经过40分钟又测得该船已行驶到点A北偏东45°+θ(其中sinθ=,0°<θ<90°)且与点A相距10海里的位置C.(Ⅰ)求该船的行驶速度(单位:海里/小时);(Ⅱ)若该船不改变航行方向继续行驶.判断它是否会进入警戒水域,并说明理由.【分析】(1)先根据题意画出简图确定AB、AC、∠BAC的值,根据sinθ=求出θ的余弦值,再由余弦定理求出BC的值,从而可得到船的行驶速度.(2)先假设直线AE与BC的延长线相交于点Q,根据余弦定理求出cos∠ABC 的值,进而可得到sin∠ABC的值,再由正弦定理可得AQ的长度,从而可确定Q 在点A和点E之间,根据QE=AE﹣AQ求出QE的长度,然后过点E作EP⊥BC于点P,则EP为点E到直线BC的距离,进而在Rt△QPE中求出PE的值在于7进行比较即可得到答案.【解答】解:(I)如图,AB=40,AC=10,.由于0°<θ<90°,所以cosθ=.由余弦定理得BC=.所以船的行驶速度为(海里/小时).(II)如图所示,设直线AE与BC的延长线相交于点Q.在△ABC中,由余弦定理得,==.从而.在△ABQ中,由正弦定理得,AQ=.由于AE=55>40=AQ,所以点Q位于点A和点E之间,且QE=AE﹣AQ=15.过点E作EP⊥BC于点P,则EP为点E到直线BC的距离.在Rt△QPE中,PE=QE•sin∠PQE=QE•sin∠AQC=QE•sin(45°﹣∠ABC)=.所以船会进入警戒水域.【点评】本题主要考查正弦定理、余弦定理的应用.考查学生的运算能力、综合考虑问题的能力.19.(14分)已知点F1、F2为双曲线C:x2﹣=1的左、右焦点,过F2作垂直于x轴的直线,在x轴上方交双曲线C于点M,∠MF1F2=30°.(1)求双曲线C的方程;(2)过双曲线C上任意一点P作该双曲线两条渐近线的垂线,垂足分别为P1、P2,求•的值.【分析】(1)设F2,M的坐标分别为,求出|MF2|,Rt△MF2F1中,∠MF1F2=30°,求出|MF1|,利用双曲线的定义,即可求双曲线C 的方程;(2)求出两条渐近线方程,可得点Q到两条渐近线的距离,设两渐近线的夹角为θ,可得,利用向量的数量积公式,即可求•的值.【解答】解:(1)设F2,M的坐标分别为,因为点M在双曲线C上,所以,即,所以,在Rt△MF2F1中,∠MF1F2=30°,,所以…(3分)由双曲线的定义可知:故双曲线C的方程为:…(6分)(2)由条件可知:两条渐近线分别为…(8分)设双曲线C上的点Q(x0,y0),设两渐近线的夹角为θ,则点Q到两条渐近线的距离分别为,…(11分)因为Q(x0,y0)在双曲线C:上,所以,又cosθ=,所以=﹣…(14分)【点评】本题考查双曲线的标准方程,考查双曲线的几何性质,考查向量的数量积公式,考查学生的计算能力,属于中档题.20.(16分)设(a,b为实常数).(1)当a=b=1时,证明:f(x)不是奇函数;(2)设f(x)是奇函数,求a与b的值;(3)当f(x)是奇函数时,研究是否存在这样的实数集的子集D,对任何属于D的x、c,都有f(x)<c2﹣3c+3成立?若存在试找出所有这样的D;若不存在,请说明理由.【分析】(1)举出反例即可,只要检验f(﹣1)≠﹣f(1),可说明f(x)不是奇函数;(2)由题意可得f(﹣x)=﹣f(x),即对定义域内任意实数x 成立.整理可求a,b(3)当时,,由指数函数的性质可求f(x),由二次函数的性质可求,可求当时,,当x>0时,;当x <0时,,结合二次函数的性质可求c2﹣3c+3的范围,即可求解【解答】解:(1)举出反例即可.,,,所以f(﹣1)≠﹣f(1),f(x)不是奇函数;(4分)(2)f(x)是奇函数时,f(﹣x)=﹣f(x),即对定义域内任意实数x成立.(1分)化简整理得(2a﹣b)•22x+(2ab﹣4)•2x+(2a﹣b)=0,这是关于x的恒等式,所以所以或.经检验都符合题意.(3分)(3)(本小题评分说明:这里给出的是满分结论,对于写出部分解答的考生,应视答题正确程度适当给分,具体标准结合考生答题情况制订细则)当时,,因为2x>0,所以2x+1>1,,从而;(2分)而对任何实数c成立;所以可取D=R对任何x、c属于D,都有f(x)<c2﹣3c+3成立.(3分)当时,,所以当x>0时,;当x<0时,;(2分)1)因此取D=(0,+∞),对任何x、c属于D,都有f(x)<c2﹣3c+3成立.(1分)2)当c<0时,c2﹣3c+3>3,解不等式得:.所以取,对任何属于D的x、c,都有f(x)<c2﹣3c+3成立.(2分).【点评】本题主要考查了函数的奇偶性的判断,及奇函数性质的应用,指数函数、二次函数性质的综合应用是解答本题的关键21.(18分)已知数列{a n},{b n}满足2S n=(a n+2)b n,其中S n是数列{a n}的前n 项和.(1)若数列{a n}是首项为,公比为﹣的等比数列,求数列{b n}的通项公式;(2)若b n=n,a2=3,求证:数列{a n}满足a n+a n+2=2a n+1,并写出数列{a n}的通项公式;(3)在(2)的条件下,设c n=,求证:数列{c n}中的任意一项总可以表示成该数列其他两项之积.【分析】(1)通过数列{a n}是首项为,公比为的等比数列求出通项公式,然后求解.(2)若b n=n,通过a n=S n﹣S n+1,得到递推关系式,化简推出数列{a n}是首项为2公差为1的等差数列,求出通项公式.(3)由(2)知,对于给定的n∈N*,若存在k,t≠n,且t,k∈N*,使得c n=c k•c t,证明,构造,然后证明数列{c n}中的任意一项总可以表示成该数列其他两项之积.【解答】解:(1)因为数列{a n}是首项为,公比为的等比数列所以,…(3分)所以…(4分)(2)若b n=n,则2S n=(a n+2)n,所以2S n+1=(n+1)(a n+1+2)所以2a n+1=(n+1)a n+1﹣na n+2,即(n﹣1)a n+1+2=na n…(5分)所以na n+2+2=(n+1)a n+1所以na n+2﹣(n﹣1)a n+1=(n+1)a n+1﹣na n所以a n+a n+2=2a n+1…(7分)又由2S1=a1+2,得:a1=2…(8分)所以数列{a n}是首项为2公差为1的等差数列所以a n=n+1…(10分)(3)证明:由(2)知,对于给定的n∈N*,若存在k,t≠n,且t,k∈N*,使得c n=c k•c t,只需…(12分)只需…(14分)取k=n+1,则t=n(n+2)…(16分)所以对于数列{c n}中的任意一项,=与C n(n+2)=,使得c n=c n+1•c n(n+2),都存在C n+1即数列{c n}中的任意一项总可以表示成该数列其他两项之积…(18分)【点评】本题考查数列的递推关系式的应用,考查数列通项公式的求法,数列求和,考查转化思想以及计算能力.。

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崇明县2016学年第一次高考模拟考试试卷历 史考生注意:1.考试时间60分钟,试卷满分100分。



其源头是A .宗法制B .君主制C .分封制D .郡县制2.中国古代儒家思想经过不断改造创新,成为封建社会的主流思想,这主要由于A .儒学反映了广大民众的利益和要求B .儒家思想是古代最进步的思想主张C .佛、道与儒学较量后退出舆论阵地D .儒家吸取各派学说以适应统治需要3.探究因果关系是历史学习的重要技能。

根据所示,左表中应填入A .①②B .②③C .③④D .①④ 4.秦汉以来,形成了以中国文化为轴心的东亚(儒家)文化圈,其中儒家文化最先传入的国家是 A .朝鲜B .印度C .越南D .日本 5.下列哪一制度的运作是宰相无法专权,皇帝也不能完全独裁?A .三公九卿制B .三省六部制C .行省制D .内阁制6.下列四幅疆域图按时间先后顺序排列正确的是①②③④A .①②③④B .②①③④C .③①②④D .④①②③7.中国文化不仅惠及近邻,而且泽被远西。

下图关于“中国古代文化外传”的时间轴,“?”处应填入①使用铁器、推广牛耕,提高了生产力 ②少数民族政权入主中原 ③农民起义频繁④各国竞相实施富国强兵的变革原因结果周王室式微,列国纷争士大夫活跃,百家争鸣中国历史 上一次重 大社会转 型A .唐三彩随遣唐使流入日本B .中国丝绸受到古罗马上层人士喜爱C .火器随蒙古西征传入欧洲D .瓷杯瓷盘随海禁的开放传到菲律宾8.下列关于清朝设置的军机处的特点,表述错误..的是 A .简:机构精简 B .开:决策开放性强 C .速:办事高效D .专:皇帝专制独断 9.18世纪法国启蒙思想家的共同观点是A .都反对封建专制制度B .都主张暴力革命C .都主张取消君主统治D .都主张三权分立10.“禁烟运动给了我们一个战争的机会……可以使我们终于乘战胜之余威,提出我们自己的条件,强迫中国接受。


中国被迫接受他们的“条件”后发生的变化有①中国开始丧失内河航运权 ②列强获得在通商口岸设厂权利 ③中国开始丧失关税自主权 ④中国的社会性质开始发生变化A .①②B .①③C .②④D .③④11.“发昌机器厂位于虹口,最初只有一座打铁炉,四五个工人”若要补充文中“发昌机器厂”的介绍,正确的是A .该企业具有近代性质B .产品主要供应军队建设C .采用官督商办的形式D .后来发展成重工业企业12.有不少学者认为洋务运动、戊戌变法、清末“新政”和预备立宪均为清政府的自救运动。

上述历史事件的共同点是 A .均主张“中体西用” B .自救未成却促进社会进步 C .未能触及政治制度D .以政治制度的改革为核心 13.19世纪末为维新运动提供重要思想武器的西方社会学说是A .三权分立学说B .人民主权学说C .进化论学说D .阶级斗争论14.“西学东渐”激发了中国知识分子学习西学的兴趣,也造就了中国近代第一批数理专家,他们是:①李善兰 ②詹天佑 ③徐寿 ④傅兰雅 A .①②B .①③C .①④D .③④15.清代史学家章学诚在刘知己“三长”说的基础上提出“史德”,其标准是A .史学家应该要有叙述史事的能力B .史学家要对统治者负责C .史学家应具备职业道德心术端正D .史学家应该对时代负责16.法国历史学家雅克·勒高夫认为:“历史不仅是君主和大人物的历史,而且还是所有人的历史。

”但逻斯之战后,大食 建立了中国本土以外 第一个造纸作坊马可·波罗把 中国用雕版印刷欧洲人将指南针 广泛用于航海利玛窦将《论语》 9世纪13世纪14世纪15世纪16世纪与其持相近观点的史学著作是A.《史通》B.《资治通鉴》C.《文史通义》D.《中国史叙论》17.左图是中国近代哪一场战争的形势图?A.1840年鸦片战争B.1856年第二次鸦片战争C.1894年甲午战争D.1900年八国联军战争18.三民主义是资产阶级进行民主革命的政治纲领,其核心内容是A.驱逐鞑虏B.恢复中华C.建立民国D.平均地权19.一位学者对发生于近代重大的某一重大历史事件的评价是:“爱国”却“不爱”中国旧文化,“反帝”却崇拜帝国主义“文化”。














(2分)26.将下列人物与其相关的事件连线(在字母后面写序号,6分)A.颁布《临时约法》(1)李大钊B.创办《青年杂志》(2)胡适C.宣传马克思主义(3)孙文D.提倡改良中国文学(4)陈独秀E.制造“洪宪”帝制(5)梁启超F.发表《变法通议》(6)袁世凯26.A()B ()C ()D ()E()F()27.谈谈你对这两则材料显示的民国最初十余年间学生崇拜对象变化的认识。




可以作为本主题研究的原始史料是()(填写编号,2分),选取下列参考资料的原因分别是什么?(8分)崇明县2016学年第一次高考模拟考试试卷历史参考答案二、材料分析题(60分)(一)千年儒学(14分)21. 周公制礼作乐,倡导德治。








(2分)(三)民国初年学生崇拜的对象(16分)25.儒家学派(2分)26. (6分)A (3) B (4) C (1) D (2) E (6) F (5)27. (8分)上述材料显示的民国最初十余年间学生崇拜对象的变化折射了社会变革转型对青年学生的影响。







(2分)29. (10分)A(2分)卢梭是激进的启蒙思想家,《社会契约论》是卢梭的代表作(2分);启蒙思想传入中国,对戊戌变法、辛亥革命、新文化运动等产生重大影响(2分);启蒙运动是继文艺复兴后欧洲的第二次思想解放运动,继承发展了人文主义(2分);启蒙思想为美国独立战争、法国大革命提供了理论依据,《独立宣言》、《人权宣言》、《拿破仑法典》都体现了启蒙思想的主张。

