南开秋学期《房地产法》在线作业(Nankai autumn semester real estate law online homework)




试卷总分:100 得分:100
一、单选题(共20 道试题,共40 分)
1. 依据法律规定,下面有关房地产抵押的表述,哪一项是错误的?( )
A. 依法取得的房屋所有权连同该房屋占用范围内的土地使用权,可以设定抵押权
B. 以出让方式取得的土地使用权,可以设定抵押权
C. 房地产抵押,抵押人应与抵押权人订立书面的抵押合同
D. 、房地产抵押合同签订后,土地上新增的房屋不属于抵押的财产,不能对此处置
满分:2 分
2. 在我国现行法律制度下,对征收补偿形式()
A. 一概实行货币补偿
B. 当事人可以选择
C. 当事人原则上不可以选择
D. 主要实行产权置换
满分:2 分



(单选题) 1: 国有土地的范围不包括()。

A: 国家依法征用的土地B: 国家长期借用的农村集体土地C: 农民转为城镇居民的,原属于其成员集体所有的土地D: 农村中已经依法征购为国有的土地正确答案:(单选题) 2: 村办公共设施和公益事业建设占用本村集体所有的土地的,应对使用土地上属于个人的青苗及附着物()。

A: 作适当处理B: 进行妥善安置C: 给予双倍补偿D: 给予适当的补偿正确答案:(单选题) 3: 在物业管理的整个环节中,起主导作用的主体是()A: 开发商B: 物业管理企业C: 政府房地产管理部门D: 业主正确答案:(单选题) 4: 业主与物业管理企业间的物业管理关系基于()A: 双方的服务合同而产生B: 开发商的指定而产生C: 开发商的聘任而产生D: 政府的任命而产生正确答案:(单选题) 5: 房屋登记机构缮写并向权利人发放房屋权属证书,应该依据()记载的事项。

A: 申请书B: 证明材料C: 房屋登记簿D: 法律文书正确答案:(单选题) 6: 契税实行比例税率,税率为()。

A: 2.5%—5.5%B: 1%—5%C: 3%—5%D: 2%—5%正确答案:(单选题) 7: 下列事项不符合为公共利益而征收土地的是( )。

A: 能源、交通等基础设施建设用地B: 军事设施建设用地C: 廉租房、经济适用房建设用地D: 工业园区、经济技术开发区建设用地正确答案:(单选题) 8: 耕地占用税的纳税人为()A: 外商投资企业B: 单位和外商投资企业C: 个人和外商投资企业D: 占用耕地建房或者从事其他非农业建设的单位和个人正确答案:(单选题) 9: 王某与某房地产开发公司签订了房屋预售合同,合同规定房地产开发公司应在规定的时间内向王某交付房屋。

由于施工拖延,房地产开发公司未按期交付,王某作为预购人有权要求房地产开发公司()A: 排除妨害B: 恢复原状C: 赔偿损失D: 赔礼道歉正确答案:(单选题) 10: 根据法律规定,征收基本农田或者征收基本农田以外的耕地超过35公顷的,批准的国家机关是()A: 省级人民政府B: 县级人民政府C: 国务院D: 农业部正确答案:(单选题) 11: 依《城市房地产管理法》,未取得营业执照擅自从事房地产开发业务的,由县级以上人民政府工商行政管理部门责令停止房地产开发业务活动,没收违法所得,并可以处以罚款。


A. 张某无权要求王某拆除广告牌
B. 张某与王某间形成了建筑物区分所有权关系
C. 张某对楼顶享有共有和共同管理的权利
D. 张某有权要求与王某分享其购房后的广告收益
6. 完善房地产社会保障制度须遵循的原则()
A. 坚持城乡一体化原则
B. 尊重房地产社会保障权利原则
C. 房地产社会保障法治性原则
8. 房地产的法律特征包括()。
A. 永久性
B. 可再生性
C. 固定性
D. 稀缺性
E. 特定性
9. 下列行为不符合法律规定的有( )
A. 某房地产开发公司将已销售完毕的某小区绿地改为免费停车场,提供给本公司在附近新开发的小区的业主使用
B. 某小区北临一家综合的集贸市场,小区南面的居民习惯穿越小区到集贸市场购物,小区业主一致认为周围居民穿越小区的行为,既干扰了小区业主的正常生活,也造成安全隐患,遂集体决定禁止周围居民穿越小区,导致周围很多居民必须绕行较多路程才能到达集贸市场
A. 开发建设单位进行形式性投入的日期
B. 开发建设单位进行实验性投入的日期
C. 开发建设单位进行目的性投入的日期
D. 开发建设单位进行实质性投入的日期
29. 村办公共设施和公益事业建设占用本村集体所有的土地的,应对使用土地上属于个人的青苗及附着物()。
A. 作适当处理
B. 进行妥善安置
D. 同时参照当地的市场价格
17. 发包方将农村土地发包给本集体经济组织以外的的单位或者个人承包的,必须履行以下哪些程序?( )
A. 经本集体经济组织村民会议的2/3以上成员同意



一、单选题(共30 道试题,共60 分。

1. 房地产的()特性,使得房地产具有独占性
A. 不可移动
B. 供给有限
C. 价值量大
D. 用途多样
2. 某房地产总价180万元,分两期支付,首期付款60万元,余款在半年后一次付清,年利率6%,该房地产的实际价格为()万元
A. 180
B. 178.4
C. 183.5
D. 176.6
3. 某宗房地产交易合同中写明,买方付给卖方4982元/m?,买卖中涉及的税费均由买方负担。


A. 5190
B. 4700
C. 5300
D. 4790
4. 为了防范房地产信贷风险,要求评估的房地产抵押价值为()
A. 快速变现值价值
B. 谨慎价值
C. 在用价值
D. 残余价值
5. 某建筑物应有而没有电梯所造成的价值损失,称为()
A. 物质折旧
B. 外部性折旧
C. 经济折旧
D. 功能折旧
6. 由于房地产的不可移动、不可隐藏,流动性差,所以难以逃避未来制度、政策等变化的影响。

A. 不可移动性
B. 用途多样。

天大15秋季《房地产法》在线作业一 答案

天大15秋季《房地产法》在线作业一 答案

《房地产法》在线作业一一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。

)1. 划拨土地使用权在保留划拨的情况下,只有在经主管部门批准才可以转让、出租和抵押. 对. 错正确答案:2. 划拨土地使用权是土地使用者经县级以上人民政府依法批准,在缴纳补偿、安置等费用后取得的或者无偿取得的没有使用期限限制的国有土地使用权. 对. 错正确答案:3. 在我国,只有国家才有权力征收农村集体土地. 对. 错正确答案:4. 在房地产法律关系中,管理性的房地产法律关系属于(). 行政法律关系. 民事法律关系. 刑事法律关系. 宪法法律关系正确答案:5. 外资企业可以出让方式取得土地使用权,在出让年限内,出让土地使用权可转让、出租、抵押. 对. 错正确答案:6. 根据我国现行法律的规定,国家为了社会公共利益的需要,可以依法对集体所有的土地实行征用,征用后土地所有权的主体是(). 国家. 农民集体. 土地补偿的承担者. 建设工程的建造者正确答案:7. 下列各种中,属于房地产抵押人权利的是(). 对抵押房地产的占有、使用和获得收益权. 保持抵押房地产的价值权. 物上代位权. 优先受偿权正确答案:8. 出让后的商业用地的使用年限是()年. 40. 50. 60. 70正确答案:9. 依据《城市房地产管理法》的规定,适用划拨方式取得土地使用权的用地不包括(). 国家机关用地和军事用地. 城市基础设施用地和公益用地. 国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地. 商业用地正确答案:10. 在我国,目前法律对国有土地租赁未予以直接确认,只是在土地管理法中有相关规定. 对. 错正确答案:11. 划拨土地使用权转让时,有批准权的人民政府决定可以不办理出让手续的,转让方应按国务院的有关规定向国家缴纳(). 转让房地产收入. 转让房地产收益中的土地收益. 转让房地产的增值额. 转让登记费正确答案:12. 农村集体土地所有权的具体特征不包括(). 权利的平等性. 权利的私有性. 权利的身份性. 共有关系的恒定性正确答案:13. 房地产法律关系的客体是(). 国家机关. 企事业单位. 土地和房屋. 社会团体正确答案:14. 租赁国有建设用地使用权转租不仅应继续履行原国有土地租赁合同,而且还必须经土地所有人的同意. 对. 错正确答案:15. 在我国,土地实行公有制,任何人不能取得土地的所有权. 对. 错正确答案:16. 在下列国有企业改革方式中,对划拨土地使用权的处置,可以保留划拨方式的是(). 国有企业租赁经营的. 国有企业改组为国有独资公司的. 非国有企业兼并国有企业的. 国有企业改组为有限责任公司的正确答案:17. 在我国,城市土地根据用途的分类中不包括(). 居民用地. 商业用地. 公共和公益事业用地. 自留山正确答案:18. 在作价出资(入股)的模式下,企业对该地块上的建筑物、附着物不享有所有权,或者就其投入的建设成本仅享有部分所有权. 对. 错正确答案:19. 由于房地不可分性,私房宅基地使用权可以随房屋的转让、出租而进行转让、出租,但是不得独自流转. 对. 错正确答案:20. 目前我国国有土地的分散使用方式仅采取划拨方式. 对. 错正确答案:。






对此,下列哪一选项是正确的?( )A:买卖合同有效,房屋所有权未转移B:买卖合同无效,房屋所有权已转移C:买卖合同有效,房屋所有权已转移D:买卖合同无效,房屋所有权未转移参考选项:B工业用地土地使用权出让的最高年限规定为()。




A:土地使用权出让合同规定的使用期限届满B:国家因为社会公共利益的需要而提前收回土地使用权C:土地灭失D:土地使用者发生变更参考选项:D新建廉租住房,应当将单套的建筑面积控制在( )A:50平方米以内B:60平方米以内C:70平方米以内D:80平方米以内参考选项:A下列关于建筑物区分所有权的说法正确的是( )A:改建、重建建筑物及其附属设施,应当经专有部分占建筑物总面积半数以上业主的同意.(占总人数三分之二)B:业主可以自主决定将住宅用房改变为经营性用房。





选项A:国家依法征用的土地选项B:国家长期借用的农村集体土地选项C:农民转为城镇居民的,原属于其成员集体所有的土地选项D:农村中已经依法征购为国有的土地参考答案:B5.职工的住房公积金( )选项A:由职工家庭的节余开支中缴纳选项B:在职工及其家庭出现生活重大困难时可以启用选项C:由职工个人自愿缴纳选项D:可以用于职工及其家庭购买房屋参考答案:D6.下列房地产税中,外商投资企业应该缴纳的是()选项A:城镇土地使用税选项B:耕地占用税选项C:契税选项D:固定资产投资方向调节税参考答案:C7.未办理土地使用权抵押登记手续,将土地使用权进行抵押的()选项A:应解除抵押合同选项B:应认定抵押合同没有生效选项C:合同有效,应补办登记手续选项D:应签订补充协议参考答案:C8.房屋租金分为成本租金、商品租金和()选项A:协商租金选项B:市场租金选项C:合同租金选项D:私房租金参考答案:B9.在个人住房贷款中,贷款人发放个人住房贷款时,借款人必须()选项A:交纳保证金选项B:交纳定金选项C:提供担保选项D:交纳诚意金。




选项A:房屋所有权初始登记选项B:在建工程抵押权注销登记选项C:在建工程预售登记选项D:房屋销售预告登记参考答案:A3.地方权限范围内的征用土地批准权由( )选项A:中央人民政府行使选项B:省一级人民政府行使选项C:市一级人民政府行使选项D:县一级人民政府行使参考答案:B4.征收房屋的单位实施征收必须取得()选项A:房屋征收证明书选项B:房屋征收同意书选项C:房屋征收认可资格选项D:房屋征收许可证参考答案:D5.房屋征收的直接目的是获取旧房所占用土地的()选项A:所有权选项B:使用权选项C:继承权选项D:通行权参考答案:B6.《土地管理法》规定,省、自治区、直辖市划定基本农田保护区应占本行政区域内耕地的比例为()选项A:20%以上选项B:25%以上选项C:40%以上选项D:80%以上参考答案:D7.对前期物业管理企业的选聘,采用的方式一般是()选项A:招标投标选项B:协议选项C:招标投标与协议相结合选项D:由建设单位指定参考答案:A8.由于房屋改建致使部分房屋拆除的,房屋所有权人应当申请房屋所有权()选项A:更正登记选项B:注销登记选项C:变更登记选项D:撤销登记参考答案:C9.申请不动产登记时,下列哪一情形应由当事人双方共同申请?( )选项A:赵某放弃不动产权利,申请注销登记选项B:钱某接受不动产遗赠,申请转移登记选项C:孙某将房屋抵押给银行以获得贷款,申请抵押登记。



南开20秋学期(2009 )《房地产估价》在线作业注:本科有多套试卷,请核实是否为您所需要资料,本资料只做参考学习使用!!!一、单选题 (共 30 道试题,共 60 分)1.某建筑物应有而没有电梯所造成的价值损失,称为()/A.物质折旧/B.外部性折旧/C.经济折旧/D.功能折旧提示:题目难度适中,请学习本科目相关知识,并作出准确作答【参考答案是】:D2.房地产由于不可移动及变更用途困难,直接决定某一房地产价格水平高低的供求状况,是( )。









14秋学期《房地产法》在线作业包括本科在内的各校各科复习资料,可以联系屏幕右上的“文档贡献者”一、单选题1. 依《城市房地产管理法》,未取得营业执照擅自从事房地产开发业务的,由县级以上人民政府工商行政管理部门责令停止房地产开发业务活动,没收违法所得,并可以处以罚款。

其罚款额为违法所得的( )A. 三倍以下B. 五倍以下C. 十倍以下D. 二十倍以下得分:22. 土地物权变动时,其法定的成立要件是()。

A. 转让人与受让人订立变更物权的协议B. 双方到工商局备案C. 双方到公证处办理公证D. 双方到土地管理部门办理登记得分:23. 下列关于房屋租赁双方签订租赁合同的说法,不对的是()A. 出租人可以在租金之外收取少量的押金B. 出租人只能收取租金C. 承租人必须按合同交租D. 修缮出租房屋的义务一般由出租人承担得分:24. 当事人对人民政府有关土地权属争议的处理决定不服的,可自接到处理决定通知之日起()日内向人民法院提起诉讼A. 15日B. 20日C. 25日D. 30日得分:25. 房屋拆迁的直接目的是获取旧房所占用土地的()A. 所有权B. 使用权C. 继承权D. 通行权得分:26. 房地产开发用地是指开发用地的()。

B. 使用权C. 占有权D. 经营权得分:27. 根据我国《土地管理法》的规定,已经办理审批手续的非农业建设占用耕地,在法定期内未动工建设的,应按省、自治区、直辖市的规定缴纳闲置费。


A. 一年B. 二年C. 三年D. 四年得分:28. 耕地占用税的征税范围不包括()A. 菜地B. 园地C. 前三年内曾用于种植农作物的土地D. 荒山、荒坡得分:29. 村办公共设施和公益事业建设占用本村集体所有的土地的,应对使用土地上属于个人的青苗及附着物()。

A. 作适当处理B. 进行妥善安置C. 给予双倍补偿D. 给予适当的补偿得分:210. 国有土地使用权出让、土地使用权出售、房屋买卖,契税的计税依据为( )A. 成交价格B. 征收机关参照土地使用权、房屋的市场价格核定C. 土地使用权、房屋的交换价格的差额D. 交易双方申报的价格得分:211. 房屋转让时,根据有关法律规定,该房屋占用范围的土地使用权如何处置?()A. 原所有人仍可保留土地使用权B. 土地使用权与房屋一同转让给受让人C. 土地使用权由国家收回D. 土地使用权即可转让于受让人也可有原所有人保留得分:212. 计划单列市的土地利用总体规划需经()批准。



(单选题) 1: 房屋调换的实质是双方对房屋( )的互相转让A: 所有权B: 使用权C: 租赁权D: 抵押权正确答案:(单选题) 2: 资质一级的房地产专营企业,必须连续4年建筑工程质量合格率达到( )。

A: 80%B: 90%C: 99%D: 100%正确答案:(单选题) 3: 住宅房屋征收作价补偿的标准,当事人()A: 可以协商B: 不得协商C: 应当协商D: 自由协商正确答案:(单选题) 4: 依据法律规定,下面有关房地产抵押的表述,哪一项是错误的?( )A: 依法取得的房屋所有权连同该房屋占用X围内的土地使用权,可以设定抵押权B: 以出让方式取得的土地使用权,可以设定抵押权C: 房地产抵押,抵押人应与抵押权人订立书面的抵押合同D: 、房地产抵押合同签订后,土地上新增的房屋不属于抵押的财产,不能对此处置正确答案:(单选题) 5: 以下关于征收补偿说法正确的是()A: 只对被拆除的房屋进行补偿,而不对房屋的附属物予以补偿B: 对违章建筑给予适当补偿C: 拆除未超过批准期限的临时建筑,应给予适当补偿D: 必须采用货币补偿正确答案:(单选题) 6: 下列关于房地产开发的说法,错误的是()。

A: 房地产必须是国有土地B: 农村集体土地不能直接用于房地产开发C: 农村集体土地可以由镇、村决定用于房地产开发D: 农村集体土地须由国家征用转为国有土地后才能进行房地产开发正确答案:(单选题) 7: 征收房屋的单位实施征收必须取得()A: 房屋征收证明书B: 房屋征收同意书C: 房屋征收认可资格(单选题) 8: 关于租赁合同的变更、解除和终止,下列说法不正确的是()A: 当事人可以解除租赁合同的唯一情形是不可抗力导致合同无法继续履行B: 拖欠租金累计8个月,出租人可以收回房屋而终止合同C: 承租人经出租人同意,可以将租赁物转租给第三人D: 公有住宅用房无正当理由闲置1年,出租人可以终止租赁合同正确答案:(单选题) 9: 某房地产公司开发一幢大楼,实际占用土地的面积超出其依法获得的出让土地使用权面积,实际建筑面积也超出了建设工程规划许可证规定的面积。



(单选题) 1: 《城市房地产开发经营管理条例》规定,因政府或者政府有关部门的行为而不能如期开工的或中断建设()以上的,不征收土地闲置费。

A: 3个月B: 6个月C: 9个月D: 一年正确答案:(单选题) 2: 当事人对人民政府有关土地权属争议的处理决定不服的,可自接到处理决定通知之日起()日内向人民法院提起诉讼A: 15日B: 20日C: 25日D: 30日正确答案:(单选题) 3: 房屋调换的实质是双方对房屋()的互相转让A: 所有权B: 使用权C: 租赁权D: 抵押权正确答案:(单选题) 4: 国有土地使用权拍卖属于( )的一种方式。

A: 出让B: 租赁C: 作价出资D: 作价入股正确答案:(单选题) 5: 复垦的土地应当优先用于( )A: 国防建设B: 公用事业C: 农业D: 居民生活用地正确答案:(单选题) 6: ()是产权登记中最基本的一种登记。

A: 总登记B: 转移登记C: 变更登记D: 其他登记正确答案:(单选题) 7: 国有土地的X围不包括()。

A: 国家依法征用的土地B: 国家长期借用的农村集体土地C: 农民转为城镇居民的,原属于其成员集体所有的土地D: 农村中已经依法征购为国有的土地正确答案:(单选题) 8: 业主临时公约与正式的业主公约存在的主要差别是()A: 业主的共同利益B: 物业的使用、维护、管理C: 时间效力D: 业主应当履行的义务正确答案:(单选题) 9: 房地产相邻权的主体可能是( )A: 两个或两个以上房地产所有人B: 一个房地产所有人C: 一个房产所有人D: 一个地产使用人正确答案:(单选题) 10: 征收临时建筑()A: 不予补偿B: 应予补偿C: 应予适当的补偿D: 如果该临时建筑未超过批准期限,则应给予适当的补偿正确答案:(单选题) 11: 土地物权变动时,其法定的成立要件是()。

A: 转让人与受让人订立变更物权的协议B: .双方到工商局备案C: 双方到公证处办理公证D: 双方到土地管理部门办理登记正确答案:(单选题) 12: 下列关于房地产开发项目的原则,表述不正确的是()A: 房地产开发项目,应当符合土地利用总体规划B: 房地产开发项目,应当符合年度建设用地计划C: 房地产开发项目,应当符合房地产销售计划D: 房地产开发项目,应当坚持旧区改建和新区建设相结合的原则正确答案:(单选题) 13: 从国家土地所有权中分离出来的土地使用权,是一种独立的土地使用权,体现了土地使用权特征中的()特征。




A:国家依法征用的土地B:国家长期借用的农村集体土地C:农民转为城镇居民的,原属于其成员集体所有的土地D:农村中已经依法征购为国有的土地参考选项:B房地产金融市场的客体要素为( )。




A:登记机构B:异议登记申请人C:登记机构的经办人D:登记机构和申请人共同参考选项:B下列经营权,属于用益物权的是()A:经营权B:抵押权C:质权D:留置权参考选项:A房屋征收管理部门代管的房屋需要征收的,征收补偿安置协议的生效必须经过的特殊程序是( )A:经过公证机关公证B:经过房屋所在地政府房管部门认可C:经过被征收人所在单位批准D:将协议保存于人民法院参考选项:A下列关于征收人的正确表述是()A:征收人与被征收人是平等的法律关系B:征收人与被征收人是命令与服从的法律关系C:房屋征收管理部门可以作征收人D:房屋征收管理部门在拥有征收许可证的情况下可以作征收人参考选项:A召开业主大会会议( )A:应当于会议召开1个月前通知全体业主B:应当于会议召开15日前通知全体业主C:应当于会议召开15日前告知居民委员会D:每位业主应当作好业主大会会议记录参考选项:B如果土地使用权没有作为中国合营者投资的一部分,合营企业应当()A:向中国政府缴纳土地使用费B:向中国政府缴纳土地保证金C:向中方合营者缴纳土地使用费D:向地方政府申请免交土地使用费参考选项:A。

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南开13秋学期《房地产法》在线作业(Nankai 13 autumn semester real estate law online homework)13 autumn semester "real estate law" online homeworkFirst, radio questions (30 questions, 60 points)1. in the following statement on the transfer of land contractual management right, the correct is ()A. where the contracted management right of land is contracted or transferred, the contracting party must agree to itB. the right of land contractual management shall be registered, otherwise it will be invalidC. the contractor will land by others through not more than two years, no written contractD. where the right to contracted management of land is transferred by means of lease, it shall be submitted to the contracting party for archival filing2., according to the law, the following statements relating to real estate mortgage, which is wrong? ()A. in accordance with the law of housing ownership, together with the housing occupied land use rights, you can set mortgagesB. the right to the use of land obtained by way of transfer may be mortgagedC. real estate mortgage, the mortgagor should enter into a written mortgage contract with the mortgageeAfter the signing of the D. real estate mortgage contract, the newly added property on the land does not belong to the mortgaged property and can not be disposed of for it3., three links, one flat three pass means ()A. Road, power, communicationB. Road pass, upper and lower water through, gas throughC. Road pass, power transmission, water supply and drainage pipe throughD. road junction, electric road, heating pass4. a party concerned in the lease of foreign property shall notify the other party in writing when the party requests the termination of the contract. Commercial housing lease must be made in advance ()A. 1 monthsB. 2 monthsC. 3 monthsD. 6 months5. when the land property right changes, its legal establishment condition is ().A. agreement between the assignor and the assignee for the conclusion of the change of titleB. the two sides to the industrial and commercial bureau for the recordC. the two parties will go to the notary office for notarizationD. the two parties shall register with the land administration department6. in accordance with the "City real estate management law", engaging in real estate development business without obtaining a business license, the Administration Department of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be ordered to stop the development of real estate business activities, confiscate the illegal income, and may impose a fine. The amount of the proceeds of the offence is unlawfulA. three times belowB. five times belowC. ten times belowD. twenty times below7., according to the relevant laws and regulations, which of the following construction land projects can not be allocated land use rights? ()A. Liu Village township government office building land;B. red town reservoir construction landC. Nanshan military base leads to road construction sites in the urban areasD. South Lake City, a private school for the school district land8., the transfer of housing, according to the relevant laws and regulations, the housing occupied the right to use the land disposal? ()A. the original owner may retain the right to use the landB. land use rights are transferred to the assignee together with the houseC. land use rights are recovered by the stateD. the right to the use of land may be transferred to the assignee or retained by the original owner9., in our country, the fundamental difference between the lease of land use right and the transfer of land use right is mainly embodied in ()A. rent differenceDifferent ways of B.C. is the transfer of the rights and obligations of the original land user?D. differences in the assignee10., Wang and a real estate development company signed a housing pre-sale contract, the contract stipulates that the real estate development company shall be in the specified time to Wang housing delivery. As construction delays, the real estate development company did not deliver on schedule, Wang as a pre - buyer has the right to request real estate development company ()A. exclusionB. restitutionC. damagesD. apologizes11. the scope of the tax on cultivated land occupation tax does not include ()A. vegetable plotB. GardenC. was used for planting crops in the first three yearsD. of barren hills, wasteland12. () is the most basic registration of property rights registration.A. total registrationB. transfer registrationC. change registrationD. other registration13., narrow land-use rights include ()A. land contractual management rightB. the right to use land for the purpose of real estate development and constructionC. land lease rightsD. land usufruct14., the effective time of the real estate mortgage contract is ()A. when the mortgagor and mortgagee sign and seal themB. since the real estate mortgage contract completed mortgage registrationC. when the mortgagor and the mortgagee agree on itD. since the establishment of real estate mortgage contract15., the internal and external sales of foreign commodity real estate are not correctA. generally speaking, the domestic commodity real estate prices are lower, export commodity housing prices higherB. approved for domestic sale, not allowed to export without authorizationIf the C. is approved for sale in the domestic market, the new batch shall be reviewed and the VAT added shall be paidD. export ratio does not exceed the proportion of domestic sales16., the necessary condition for foreign enterprises to develop plots of land is ()A. acquires collective land use rights in the development areaB.Acquire ownership of state-owned land in development zonesC. acquires collective land ownership in the development areaD. obtained the right to use state-owned land in development zones17. according to the provisions of the "City real estate management law", the real estate developers sold more than the date of the contract for the development of full development has not started _____, may be levied equivalent to the leasing of land use rights _____ idle land fee. ()A. 6 months, less than 20%B. 1 years, less than 20%C. 6 months, more than 50%, less than 20%D. 1 years, more than 50%, less than 20%18., on the transfer of land use rights for the transfer of property, the correct judgment is ()A. must be approved by the land administration department of the people's Government of the province or the property management departmentB. land users must not be individualsThe C. must be in accordance with the provisions of the land use right transfer contract signed, to the local municipal orcounty people's government to do leasing or transfer, lease or mortgage proceeds in the leasing of land use rights of land use rightsD. in actual operation, the land use rights transfer procedures must be carried out19., if the property rights of housing and the use of two people, then when the house was demolished, the demolition needs and ()A. people were signed removal agreementB. has been relocated to sign the resettlement agreementC. people were signed removal agreement and resettlement agreementD. the owner of the property and the user respectively sign the compensation agreement and the placement agreement20. the management authority of property company comes from ()A. legal provisionsB. owners' entrustmentC. authority of owners' committeeD. developer's Commission21. narrow sense of the real estate law generally refers only to ()A. "urban real estate management law"B. laws and regulations governing the adjustment of real estate property rights and other social relations relating to real estateC. laws and regulations governing the development of real estate and other social relations related to real estateD. laws and regulations governing the management of real estate transactions and other social relations relating to real estate22. the scope of state owned land does not include ().Land requisitioned by the state of A.Rural collective land borrowed by B. countries for a long timeC. where peasants are converted into urban residents, belonging to the land collectively owned by their membersD. in the rural areas have to purchase state-owned land23., for the transfer of land use rights for the transfer of real estate should have the conditions, the following statement is correct ()A. has paid 80% of the land-use right in accordance with thecontract of assignmentB. in accordance with the leasing contract for investment development, belonging to housing construction projects, should be completed more than 35% of total investment developmentC. in accordance with the leasing contract for investment development, belongs to tracts of land development, should be formed in industrial land or other land conditionsD. when the transfer of real estate, housing has been completed, should assist the assignee to obtain housing ownership certificate24. the standard for the use of the site shall be determined by the location of the site, the geographical environment, the cost of land acquisition and relocation, and the requirements of the joint venture for the infrastructureA. municipal and County People's governmentsB. municipal and County People's government land administrative departments prescribedProvisions of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government of the C.D. regulations on the administration of foreign trade and economic cooperation25., if there is any dispute over the ownership of the land, if the land under dispute does not belong to the collective owned by the peasants, it belongs to ()A. peasant personal ownershipB. national ownershipC. real estate administrative departments allD. real estate development enterprises all26., the right to use state-owned land, the sale of land use rights, housing sales, tax deed tax basis for ()A. transaction priceB. levy organs refer to the land use rights, housing market prices approvedC. the difference in the exchange price of land use rights and housesD. transaction price declared by both parties27. as regards the protection of the right to contracted management of land, the following statement is correctWhere A. contracts are subject to natural disasters within a period of the contract, the contracting party may adjust thecontracted landDuring the contracting period of B., if the Contractor's family moves into a small town, he shall recover the right to contracted management of the contracted land in accordance with the lawC. the land to be returned by the contractor in accordance with the law and voluntarily shall be used for the adjustment of the contracted landD. the Contractor shall return the contracted land within the period of the contract and, after three years or more, may request the contracted land28., real estate development enterprise qualification level has ()A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 529., in the housing units promulgated by the housing units or the decision of the demolition period, the removal of people without reasonable reasons to refuse, the people's governments at or above the county level may decide ()A. fineB. administrative detentionC. ordered deadline demolitionD. compulsory demolition30. more than 1 years after the commencement date of the commencement of the contract for the assignment of the right to the use of land has not been commenced, it may ()A.Land use fees equal to 20% of the land use feesB. unpaid land use rightsC. levied land use rights equivalent to 20% of the following idle land costsD. is fined 20%13 autumn semester "real estate law" online homeworkTwo, (a total of 20 multiple-choice questions, a total of 40 points.)1., in accordance with the provisions of the land administration law of China, the conditions for the transfer of land use rights by the township enterprise in line with theoverall land use plan and the right to use the construction land in accordance with the law are as followsA. change directionB. has suffered losses year after yearC. was annexed by other enterprisesD. was declared bankrupt2. the scope of the rural land contract law includes ()A. farmers collectively owned landB. all land owned by farmers in accordance with the lawC. cultivated land, forest land, grasslandD. hills, ravines, hills and beaches3. which of the following circumstances can recover the right to use state-owned land allocated? ()A. needs land for the public goodB. in order to achieve urban planning for the transformation of the old city, the need to adjust the use of landC. the time limit for the use of the contract for the use of land, such as land transfer, has expired and the land user hasnot applied for renewal or has not yet approved the renewal of the applicationD. because of the cancellation or relocation of the unit, the state-owned land allocated by the original allocation is suspended4., the following real estate transactions, the two market is ()A. mortgage after land saleB. houses are leased after useC. real estate development and managementD. land use mortgage5. land certificate indicating land ownership includes ()A. state owned land use permitB. state owned land ownership certificateC. collective land certificateD. collective land use certificate6. the land use fees of foreign invested enterprises shall be paid, including ()A. personnel placement feeB. compensation for land acquisitionC. the cost of the investment that should be allocated directly to the foreign factory road for the foreign-invested enterprisesD. Educational Surcharges7. housing co ownership has the following characteristicsThe A. body has two or more than twoB. objects are the same propertyIn the C. foreign relations, the common people of the housing act as a single right subjectD. in the internal relationship, the common people in the house share or share the rights and share or share the obligations with each other8. in the following circumstances, the right to contracted land may be transferred, leased, held, mortgaged or otherwise transferred according to law ()A. contracted land management rights by way of household contractB. the land contractual right obtained by biddingC. land contract management rights obtained by auctionD. land contractual management rights obtained through public consultation9. narrow sense of the real estate industry, including ()A. urban real estate developmentB. urban real estate transactionsC. urban real estate protectionD. develops and operates tracts of land10. property management features ().A. socializationB. specializationC. modernizationD. Marketization11. the following land may belong to the rural collective ownership, including ()A. urban urban landB. land in the countrysideC. HomesteadD. plots of cropland and hilly land12., the way to compensate for housing demolition is ()A. property right exchangeB. pricing compensationCombination of C. compensation and property right exchangeD. move back13. according to the rural land contract law, what are the correct statements in the options? ()After the land contracted by the A. family, the ownership of the land shall not change, and the contracted land shall not be bought or soldB. of barren hills, wasteland should not be used in the form of household contract, can contract bidding, auction and public consultation etc.C. where the contractor of the cultivated land, forest land and grassland dies, his successor may continue to contract within the contract periodWhere the contractual right of the D. land is transferred by way of interchange, the people's government at or above the county level shall apply for registration, and if the registration is not made, the exchange act is invalid14., condominium ownership consists of three kinds of rights, that is, ().A. proprietary ownershipB. share the powers of separationC. membershipNeighboring rights of D.15., the nature of the administration of real estate relations, including unequal subjects, based on land and housing ()A. demolition relationshipB. expropriation relationsC. transfer relationshipD. land use control relationship16. which of the following ways can the land contract and management rights be transferred? ()A. subcontractB. rentalC. swapD. transfer17., a real estate development company through the transfer of land acquisition of a land use rights, the land on the land use rights transfer, which of the following statements about the situation is correct? ()The A. real estate development company must invest in accordance with the stipulations of the assignment contract, a housing construction project,More than 20% of the total investment is completedB. the real estate development company must have paid all the land transfer fees and obtained the land use right certificateC. the effect of the contract of sale entered into by the company shall vest in the transfer of the land subsequently acquired by the landWhere the transferee of the D. intends to change the land use stipulated in the contract for the transfer of the original land use right, it only needs the consent of the original transferor18., the establishment of real estate development enterprises must ()A. has more than 4 qualifications of the real estate professional, construction professional full-time technical staffB. has a registered capital of more than 1 million yuanC. to meet the qualification requirements, access to qualification certificatesD. within 30 days after receiving the business license, the registration office to the real estate development department for the record19., the guarantee methods in the practice of individual housing loan in our country have ().A. mortgageB. mortgage + insuranceC. pledgeD. guarantee20., the principles of the transfer of the right to contracted management of land shall be observed in the following principlesA. consultations on an equal footing, voluntary and paidThe agricultural use of the land changed by the B. must be agreed upon by both sides of the circulationC. the time limit for the transfer shall not exceed the remaining period of the contractD. under the same conditions, the members of the collective economic organizations shall have the priority。
