Molecular Imaging and Cancer
Pre-clinical molecular imaging
Tumor PET image (I-124 FIAU) (gene expressed) CT image FunctionalAnatomical coregistered PET/CT images
In Vivo Proof of Concept and Optimization
Estrogen receptor imaging of breast Cancer
Carcinoid 18F-DOPA
反义与基因显像 antisense & gene imaging
• 应用放射性核素标记人工合成的反义寡核苷酸 • 引入体内后与相应的靶基因结合 • 应用显像仪器观察其与病变组织中过度表达的目 标DNA或mRNA发生特异性结合过程 • 显示特异性癌基因过度表达的癌组织,从而达到 在基因水平早期、定性诊断 • 反义显像使肿瘤显像进入了基因水平,有可能成 为未来“分子影像学”的重要组成部分
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Imaging of tumor suppressor gene
未治疗的肿瘤动物 模型P53未激活
药物治疗后 P53激活
Reporter gene imaging and gene therapy monitoring
Early diagnosis, staging, recurrence and metastasis, efficacy
基于B7-H3靶点的分子影像技术在肿瘤诊断方面的研究进展①郑梦②王燕②傅丰庆③缪丽燕②(苏州大学附属第一医院,苏州 215006)中图分类号R392-33 文献标志码 A 文章编号1000-484X(2023)11-2439-07[摘要]寻找新的治疗靶点用于准确的癌症早期诊断是目前肿瘤精准治疗亟待解决的问题之一。
[关键词]B7-H3(CD276);分子影像;肿瘤;探针;靶向治疗;早期诊断Advances in molecular imaging of B7-H3-targeted in context of tumor diagnosticZHENG Meng,WANG Yan,FU Fengqing,MIAO Liyan. The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,Suzhou 215006, China[Abstract]Looking for a cancer therapeutic targeted used in diagnosis is in the spotlight as one solution in the precise fight against cancer. B7-H3 (CD276) was once known as a "tumor-associated antigen", which is aberrantly expressed in a high proportion of human malignancies but limited expression in normal human tissues, making it an ideal target for various contrast agents and cancer treatment. Molecular imaging with molecular imaging probes, noninvasively, demonstrate pathophysiologic features of cancer for diag‐nostic, treatment, and response assessment considerations for various targeted therapies, including immunotherapy. Herein, we review the latest developments in molecular imaging of B7-H3 targeted in the context of cancer diagnostic.[Key words]B7-H3(CD276);Molecular imaging;Tumor;Probes;Targeted therapy;Early detection癌症的发生率和病死率逐年上升,严重威胁人们的身体健康和生命安全。
F4/80MR分子靶向成像用于结肠癌巨噬细胞的活体检测张田园1ꎬ2ꎬ季伟伟2ꎬ王㊀芳2ꎬ王㊀青2(1.山东大学齐鲁医学院㊀山东㊀济南㊀250012ꎻ2.山东大学齐鲁医院放射科㊀山东㊀济南㊀250012)㊀㊀ʌ摘㊀要ɔ㊀目的㊀应用巨噬细胞特异性表面抗原F4/80靶向对比剂F4/80 ̄USPIO显示结肠癌动物模型中的肿瘤相关巨噬细胞ꎮ方法㊀构建结肠癌皮下移植瘤动物模型ꎮ通过免疫组化染色实验ꎬ显示F4/80在结肠癌组织内的表达率ꎮ测定USPIO及F4/80 ̄USPIO的基本理化特性ꎬ比较两者的T2弛豫率ꎮ对荷瘤小鼠行MRI扫描ꎬ测量注射F4/80 ̄USPIO前㊁后肿瘤的T2信号强度值变化ꎮ结果㊀F4/80 ̄USPIO的粒径约49.81nmꎬ弛豫率为0.0384mM ̄1s ̄1ꎬ高于USPIOꎻ免疫组化染色实验显示结肠癌组织内有大片区域F4/80受体阳性表达ꎻ小鼠结肠癌皮下移植瘤模型MR活体成像示F4/80 ̄USPIO降低了瘤灶的T2信号ꎮ结论㊀结肠癌动物模型中的肿瘤相关巨噬细胞可特异性摄取F4/80 ̄USPIOꎬF4/80 ̄USPIO可作为结肠癌T2阴性对比剂ꎮʌ关键词ɔ㊀结肠癌ꎻ巨噬细胞ꎻ超小型超顺磁氧化铁粒子ꎻ磁共振成像中图分类号:R735ꎻR445.2㊀㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀㊀文章编号:1006 ̄9011(2019)02 ̄0309 ̄05F4/80 ̄targetedMRmolecularimaginginmicewithcoloncancer:invivoMRdetectionoftumor ̄associatedmacrophagesZHANGTianyuan1ꎬ2ꎬJIWeiwei2ꎬWANGFang2ꎬWANGQing21.QiluMedicalCollegeꎬShandongUniversityꎬJinan250012ꎬP.R.China2.DepartmentofRadiologyꎬQiluHospitalofShandongUniversityꎬJinan250012ꎬP.R.ChinaʌAbstractɔ㊀Objective㊀Todetecttumor ̄associatedmacrophages(TAMs)inmicewithcoloncancerusingatargetedUSPIOcontrastagentF4/80 ̄USPIO.Methods㊀Asubcutaneoustransplantationtumormodelofhumancoloncancerwasestablishedu ̄singmice.TheexpressionrateofF4/80incoloncancertissueswasdetectedbyincubatingF4/80antibodieswithcoloncancertis ̄suesections.ThephysicochemicalpropertiesofF4/80 ̄USPIOandUSPIOweredeterminedꎬandT2relaxationratesofthemwerecompared.MRaxialT2WIplainscanandenhancedscanwereperformedrespectivelyinthetumorbearingmice.MeasurementofT2signalintensitychangeswereperformedrespectivelybeforeandafterinjectionofF4/80 ̄USPIO.Results㊀Theexperimentalre ̄sultsshowedthattheUSPIOconjugatedwithF4/80hadaparticlesizeofapproximately49.81nmꎬwithahighrelaxationrate(R2)of0.0384mM ̄1s ̄1.ImmunohistochemistryconfirmedbindingcharacteristicsofF4/80antibodiestomacrophagesꎬinotherwordsꎬF4/80 ̄USPIOcanbespecificallyuptakenbymacrophages.VivoserialMRimagingofsubcutaneoustransplantationtumormodelofcoloncancershowedlowsignalintensityonT2WIcausedbyF4/80 ̄USPIO.Conclusion㊀F4/80 ̄USPIOcanbespecific ̄allyuptakenbymacrophagesofsubcutaneoustransplantationtumormodel.ItwasconfirmedthatF4/80 ̄USPIOcanbeusedasT2contrastagentincoloncancer.ʌKeywordsɔ㊀ColoncancerꎻMacrophageꎻUltrasmallsuperparamagneticironoxideꎻMagneticresonanceimaging㊀㊀结肠癌是常见的消化道恶性肿瘤ꎬ像其他实体瘤一样ꎬ结肠癌的发生㊁发展与多种炎性细胞的介导相关ꎬ其中包括巨噬细胞[1]ꎮ肿瘤组织局部浸润的巨噬细胞称为肿瘤相关巨噬细胞ꎬ其所介导的炎性微环境在恶性肿瘤进展过程中起重要作用[1 ̄4]ꎮ因此ꎬ研究巨噬细胞在肿瘤进程中的功能状态和动态变化具有重要意义ꎬ有望成为肿瘤治疗的重要靶点ꎮ基金项目:山东省科技计划项目(编号:2013GSF11851)作者简介:张田园(1993 ̄)ꎬ女ꎬ山东德州人ꎬ山东大学硕士研究生在读ꎬ主要从事医学影像学诊断工作通信作者:王青㊀教授ꎬ博士生导师ꎬ主任医师㊀E ̄mail:wan ̄gqing663@163.com超小型超顺磁氧化铁粒子(ultrasmallsuperparamag ̄neticironoxideꎬUSPIO)是很好的磁共振T2加权对比剂ꎬ在静脉注射后易被巨噬细胞吞噬ꎬ以USPIO为核心的磁共振对比剂在肿瘤诊断方面具有独特的优势ꎮ本研究利用巨噬细胞特异性抗体F4/80耦联USPIO及分子成像技术检测活体肿瘤相关巨噬细胞ꎬ构建小鼠结肠癌动物模型ꎬ模拟人类结肠癌的发生演变ꎬ对于对比剂的成像效果进行研究ꎬ并优化MR成像方案ꎬ对结肠癌的诊断及治疗提供影像学方面的依据ꎮ9031㊀资料与方法1.1㊀实验材料实验动物:BALB/c雌性小鼠20只ꎬ6~8周龄ꎬSPF级(济南朋悦实验动物繁育有限公司)ꎮ细胞及试剂仪器:小鼠结肠癌细胞株CT26.WT(上海中乔新舟有限公司)ꎻF4/80 ̄USPIO溶液及USPIO溶液(含4mgFe/mlꎬ北京万德高公司)ꎻ人结肠癌标本(山东大学齐鲁医院普外科馈赠)ꎻ小鼠抗人F4/80抗体㊁大鼠抗小鼠F4/80抗体(Abcam有限公司)ꎻ3.0TMR扫描仪(美国GE公司)ꎻ70mm小动物线圈(苏州众志医疗科技公司)ꎮ1.2㊀实验方法1.2.1㊀磁共振分子探针F4/80 ̄USPIO弛豫率测定㊀分别配制含纳米铁0.4mg/ml㊁0.08mg/ml㊁0 04mg/ml㊁0.02mg/ml的F4/80 ̄USPIO溶液及US ̄PIO溶液各1.5mlꎮ采用GE3.0TMR扫描仪ꎬ将溶液按浓度梯度依次放置于8通道头部线圈ꎬ采用自旋回波序列(SE)采集T2弛豫率数据:TR3000msꎻTE10ꎬ20ꎬ40ꎬ60ꎬ80ꎬ100msꎮ使用T2Map测量不同浓度溶液所对应的T2值ꎬ通过1/T2与溶液浓度拟合浓度 ̄弛豫率曲线ꎬ斜率即为弛豫率r2ꎮ通过测定不同浓度F4/80 ̄USPIO与USPIO的弛豫率ꎬ比较纳米铁颗粒在与F4/80耦联前后弛豫率r的差异ꎮ1.2.2㊀结肠癌动物模型构建㊀取对数生长期的小鼠结肠癌细胞株CT26.WTꎬ调整细胞浓度至5ˑ106个/mlꎬ制备细胞悬液ꎮ消毒小鼠左侧腋窝ꎬ注射0 1ml结肠癌细胞悬液ꎬ定期观察小鼠状态及腋下肿瘤大小ꎮ1.2.3㊀荷瘤小鼠MR成像㊀小鼠肿瘤直径>1cm时ꎬ行MRI扫描ꎬ肿瘤最大直径约为3cmꎮ采用8通道小鼠专用MR线圈ꎬ采集横断位T2WI序列参数:TE13.4msꎬTR660msꎬFOV10ꎬ矩阵:512ˑ512ꎬNEX1ꎮ使用3%水合氯醛溶液腹腔麻醉小鼠ꎬ行颈胸部MRI检查ꎮ背部放置充满生理盐水的EP管ꎮ先行T2WI平扫ꎬ经小鼠尾静脉注射F4/80 ̄USPIO稀释溶液(含纳米铁剂量为6mg/kg)后1min行MRI扫描ꎬ序列参数同前ꎮ扫描结束后ꎬ对增强前后的图像进行数据测量分析ꎮ扫描结束后ꎬ立即处死小鼠ꎬ取皮下移植瘤作标本ꎮ1.2.4㊀免疫组织化学染色㊀标本置于10%福尔马林中性固定液中固定㊁制作组织切片ꎬ一抗(小鼠抗人F4/80㊁大鼠抗小鼠F4/80)稀释液及二抗(羊抗小鼠)孵育ꎬ显色后脱水透明封片ꎬ进行图像采集及分析ꎮ1.3㊀统计学分析使用SPSS23.0统计软件对所有数据进行统计学分析ꎬ采用配对t检验比较注射F4/80 ̄USPIO前后动物模型瘤灶处T2值的统计学差异ꎬ计量资料以 xʃs表示ꎬP<0.01被认为差异有统计学意义ꎮ2㊀结果2.1㊀F4/80 ̄USPIO的理化性质及弛豫率纳米铁颗粒呈均质纳米级球形颗粒ꎬ未经耦联的纳米铁颗粒粒径约为34.98nmꎬ与F4/80抗体耦联后ꎬ其粒径约为49.81nmꎮ在F4/80 ̄USPIO与USPIO的纳米铁颗粒均为0.4mg/ml㊁0.08mg/ml㊁0 04mg/ml㊁0.02mg/ml的浓度条件下ꎬT2Map测得不同浓度溶液所对应的T2值(图1A)ꎮ根据1/T2值及浓度拟合的F4/80 ̄USPIO及USPIO的浓度 ̄弛豫率方程分别为y=0.0384x ̄0.0005ꎬy=0.0011x+0.0002(图1B)ꎬ其斜率即为弛豫率r2ꎬF4/80 ̄US ̄PIO的弛豫率为0.0384mM ̄1s ̄1ꎬUSPIO的弛豫率为0.0011mM ̄1s ̄1ꎮF4/80 ̄USPIO比USPIO具有更高的弛豫率ꎮ2.2㊀免疫组化染色人结肠癌标本经F4/80抗体标记染色ꎬ大片区域显示F4/80表达(图2A)ꎻ荷瘤小鼠结肠癌皮下移植瘤标本ꎬ经大鼠抗小鼠F4/80抗体标记染色ꎬ部分区域显示F4/80表达(图2B)ꎮ2.3㊀结肠癌动物模型构建小鼠腋下皮下接种结肠癌细胞悬液后1周左右ꎬ接种部位小鼠皮下见类圆形结肠癌瘤灶形成ꎬ随时间增大ꎬ至2~3周时ꎬ瘤块直径长至2~3cmꎬ部分出现坏死或钙化(图3)ꎮ结肠癌动物模型诱导成功率约为90%ꎮ2.4㊀荷瘤小鼠MR成像及统计学分析小鼠T2平扫图像显示肿瘤位于左侧腋下皮下ꎬ信号均匀(图4A)ꎮ小鼠尾静脉注射F4/80 ̄USPIO后显示ꎬ肿瘤区T2信号轻度减低(图4B)ꎮ每只小鼠测3~4组数据ꎬ共测得注射F4/80 ̄USPIO前后肿瘤区T2值72组ꎬ注射前㊁注射后平均T2值分别为2531.76ʃ157.23㊁2209.26ʃ152.89(图4C)ꎮF4/80 ̄USPIO组肿瘤T2值较平扫组降低ꎬ差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)ꎮ3㊀讨论㊀㊀超顺磁性氧化铁粒子包括超小型超顺磁氧化铁粒子(ultrasmallsuperparamagneticironoxideꎬUSPIO)和超顺磁氧化铁粒子SPIO(superparamagnetic013图1㊀F4/80 ̄USPIO与USPIO的弛豫率测定ꎮ图1A相同浓度梯度下USPIO与F4/80 ̄USPIO的T2WI(F4/80 ̄USPIO与USPIO的浓度梯度为0.4mg/ml㊁0.08mg/ml㊁0.04mg/ml㊁0.02mg/ml)ꎮ图1B:F4/80 ̄USPIO与USPIO的横向弛豫率(1/T2)曲线ꎬ浓度 ̄弛豫率方程分别为y=0 0384x ̄0.0005ꎬR2=0.9881ꎻy=0.0011x+0.0002ꎬR2=0.9188㊀图2㊀人结肠癌标本与荷瘤小鼠结肠癌皮下移植瘤标本免疫组化染色(褐色区域为巨噬细胞特异性抗原F4/80阳性表达)ꎮ图2A人结肠癌标本F4/80抗体免疫组化图ꎮ巨噬细胞呈结缔组织区聚集㊁肿瘤细胞区散在分布ꎬ单个巨噬细胞呈外周深染㊁中心淡染ꎬ提示F4/80在细胞膜阳性表达ꎮ图2B荷瘤小鼠结肠癌皮下移植瘤标本F4/80抗体免疫组化图ꎮF4/80阳性表达状况与人结肠癌标本相似㊀图3㊀处死小鼠后取出的结肠癌标本㊀图4㊀荷瘤小鼠MR扫描成像ꎮ图4A平扫轴位T2WI成像ꎬ箭头处示小鼠左侧胸部皮下均匀低信号肿块ꎮ图4B静脉注射F4/80 ̄USPIO溶液后T2WI成像ꎬ箭头处示同一层面左侧胸部结肠癌皮下移植瘤ꎬ信号强度较平扫稍低ꎮ图4C荷瘤小鼠静脉注射F4/80 ̄USPIO溶液前后瘤灶区T2值分布ꎬ注射F4/80 ̄USPIO溶液后总体T2值较平扫呈降低趋势ꎬP<0.01ꎬ差异有显著性意义113ironoxide)[5]ꎮ超顺磁性氧化铁粒子因其具有MR高弛豫率ꎬ且具有相对较小的细胞组织毒性作用而备受研究者关注ꎬ成为MR分子成像对比剂材料的最优选择之一ꎬ已被广泛用于细胞标记和细胞成像的研究中ꎮ纳米粒子直径可决定其经哪种途径被清除ꎬ单核吞噬系统主要清除大于200nm的粒子ꎬ而小于5.5nm的粒子ꎬ主要经过肾脏排泄[6]ꎮUSPIO在静脉注射后不易向血管外弥散ꎬ主要分布在血池和网状内皮系统ꎬ可在数小时内使血管保持较高的浓度ꎬ从而与组织中巨噬细胞接触并被其吞噬[7]ꎮLinker等[8]研究结果显示纳米铁粒子在静脉注射24h后在巨噬细胞中的含量最高ꎬ可作为巨噬细胞成像的最佳时间点ꎮ本实验所用F4/80 ̄USPIO及USPIO的粒子直径均在10~100nm范围内ꎬ可保证其在体内维持一定的血药浓度ꎮ由于USPIO纳米粒子的腔隙性不均匀分布ꎬ造成局部的磁场不均ꎬ产生磁化率效应[5]ꎮ由于抗体特异性较高ꎬ可被用来作为对比剂的特定趋向载体[9]ꎮ有研究者通过使用经USPIO标记的单克隆抗体ꎬ成功的标记了在体特异性免疫细胞[10]ꎮ本实验中ꎬUSPIO与F4/80耦联后ꎬ弛豫率r2增加ꎬ表明F4/80 ̄USPIO比USPIO更适合作为T2对比剂ꎮ这可能与纳米粒子表面积和粒径增加有关ꎬF4/80 ̄US ̄PIO含有更多的亲水基团ꎬ在水中的弥散变快ꎬ与水相互作用时间变短ꎬ弛豫率r2越高ꎮUSPIO具有较好的生物相容性ꎬ进入机体后经生物降解为机体的储备铁ꎬ进入血红蛋白池代谢ꎮ然而ꎬ裸露的氧化铁纳米材料在生理PH值环境下容易聚集ꎬ容易被内皮网状系统吞噬[11]ꎮ因此ꎬ纳米材料必须用生物相容性材料包被增加其在血液中的循环时间[12]ꎮ常用的包被材料包括聚乙二醇(polyethyleneglycolꎬPEG)㊁葡聚糖㊁硅胶等[13]ꎮ本研究使用F4/80 ̄USPIO与USPIO均由PEG包被ꎬ生物相容性好ꎮ而与USPIO相耦联的F4/80为巨噬细胞特异性抗体ꎬ对组织细胞无毒性ꎮ因此ꎬF4/80 ̄US ̄PIO是一种安全无毒的对比剂ꎬ可用于活体内成像ꎮ免疫组化结果证实ꎬ结肠癌组织中存在大量的巨噬细胞F4/80受体ꎬ在结缔组织区呈聚集分布ꎬ在肿瘤细胞附近呈散在分布ꎬ且巨噬细胞DAB染色显示细胞外周深染㊁中心淡染ꎬ提示F4/80在细胞膜的阳性表达ꎮ这证明可通过F4/80 ̄USPIO在巨噬细胞的抗原抗体反应来对其进行标记ꎬ说明了F4/80 ̄USPIO分子探针能够在组织细胞水平与巨噬细胞表面的F4/80抗原特异性结合ꎬ具有靶向作用ꎬ从而使瘤灶信号强度减低ꎮ结肠癌移植瘤动物模型分为原位移植瘤模型和皮下移植瘤模型ꎮ皮下移植瘤动物模型以使用人源性肿瘤细胞接种裸鼠为多ꎬ且更符合人类肿瘤的基本特性ꎮ本次实验主要研究肿瘤内巨噬细胞的特性及摄取对比剂的能力ꎬ要求结肠癌动物模型具有正常的免疫功能ꎬ方可诱导肿瘤内巨噬细胞的产生ꎮ而裸鼠缺乏胸腺ꎬT淋巴细胞功能存在缺陷ꎬ对外来组织移植物不产生排斥ꎬ不能在肿瘤内诱导巨噬细胞产生ꎮ本研究所接种结肠癌细胞悬液为小鼠源性ꎬ在免疫功能正常的小鼠体内不会发生种属不同所致的排异反应ꎬ且因其免疫功能健全ꎬ可诱导肿瘤内巨噬细胞的产生ꎬ可模拟人类结肠癌中巨噬细胞的生理特性ꎮF4/80是巨噬细胞表面的特异性抗原ꎬ本研究制备巨噬细胞的靶向MR分子探针F4/80 ̄USPIOꎬ并注入肿瘤动物模型内ꎬ通过MRI成像对结肠癌动物模型中的巨噬细胞进行活体示踪ꎬ从而动态观测巨噬细胞在肿瘤生长中的变化过程ꎮ在活体成像中ꎬF4/80 ̄USPIO使瘤灶T2信号降低ꎬ与前期研究结果相一致ꎮ而对于巨噬细胞摄取USPIO的确切机制仍存在争议ꎮ本研究的局限性:单个瘤灶ꎬT2信号减低幅度较小ꎮ可能原因在于:纳米颗粒的 通透性及滞留性增高(EPR) 效应[6]ꎬ造成了F4/80 ̄USPIO在结肠癌内含量较少ꎬT2信号降低不明显ꎻ另外ꎬ本研究实验时间梯度设置不全面ꎬ导致结果可能出现偏差ꎮ总之ꎬ本实验从理化性质方面证实了F4/80 ̄USPIO可作为结肠癌弛豫率高㊁生物相容性好的T2阴性对比剂ꎮ通过免疫组化染色实验ꎬ证实了巨噬细胞可特异性摄取F4/80 ̄USPIOꎬ这为本研究在活体成像提供了在组织细胞层面可行的证据ꎮ在小鼠结肠癌皮下移植瘤模型的MR活体成像中ꎬF4/80 ̄USPIO在瘤灶中对T2信号的减低得到证实ꎬ能够实现F4/80 ̄USPIO在肿瘤组织内积累ꎬ达到靶向成像的目的ꎮ而未来高场强MR扫描仪及小动物专用MR设备的发展ꎬ有望提高对F4/80 ̄USPIO标记的巨噬细胞的检出率ꎮ参考文献:[1]王辉ꎬ王蓉ꎬ杨健ꎬ等.巨噬细胞MRI研究进展[J].中国医学影像技术ꎬ2013ꎬ20(7):1206 ̄1209.[2]NoyRꎬPollardJW.Tumor 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Development”、“Molecular Theranostic Approaches of
Cancers Using Kit Probes”等从基础到临床的转化研
了深层次的交流,他们很高兴看到中国的探针药物 为获奖选手颁奖并向各位表示热烈的祝贺。
年 第
Michael J. Welch 教授演讲,日本分子影像学会主 委员田嘉禾教授,美国 Texas 大学 M. D. Anderson
席、日本福井大学 Yasuhisa Fujibayashi 教授主持,内 癌症研究中心、美韩核医学会主席 E. Edmund Kim
容 为 “New Radiopharmaceuticals for PET: Current 教授等国际首席专家和有关单位领导出席了会议,
98 医院 PET-CT 中心主任孙达教授主持了表彰仪 的问候和祝贺。
本次会议共有 150 人参会 (中宾 24 人,外宾 学
荣誉奖,感谢他们为浙江省核医学事业作出的巨大 126 人),会议的主题为“从基础到临床的最新分子 术
激光生物学报ACTA LASER BIOLOGY SINICAVol. 31 No. 3Jun. 2022第31卷第3期2022年6月收稿日期:2022-03-02;修回日期:2022-03-28。
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(82127807);上海市分子影像学重点实验室建设项目(18DZ 2260400)。
* 通信作者:黄钢,教授,主要从事核医学分子影像方向的研究。
E-mail: huang 2802@ 。
小动物活体光学三维成像系统及其对乳腺癌的定量分析郑南南1,黄 钢2*(1. 上海理工大学健康科学与工程学院,上海 200093; 2. 上海健康医学院,上海市分子影像学重点实验室,上海 201318)摘 要:乳腺癌具有高转移率。
IVIS Spectrum 小动物活体光学三维成像系统同时具有高灵敏的生物发光、荧光、切伦科夫辐射二维成像及三维扫描重建功能,是小动物活体光学成像的顶级系统。
本文对人乳腺癌细胞(MDA-MB-231)进行慢病毒感染,在体外稳定表达荧光素酶后,选取重度联合免疫缺陷(SCID )小鼠进行原位乳腺癌模型的建立,通过IVIS Spectrum 小动物活体光学三维成像系统对小鼠进行生物发光二维成像,无创观测肿瘤的生长及转移情况。
本文的创新点是利用生物发光成像断层扫描技术对小鼠模型进行定量三维成像,使用系统自带的算法直接进行三维重建,同时结合鲸鱼优化算法(WOA )优化后的三维卷积的深度编码器-解码器的网络模型进行重建。
通过CT 图像验证两者的重建效果,得到肿瘤的深度信息,实现对乳腺癌的精准定量分析。
关键词:乳腺癌;荧光素酶;生物发光成像;信号源重建中图分类号:Q 631 文献标志码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1007-7146.2022.03.004Small Animal Living Three-dimensional Optical Imaging System and ItsQuantitative Analysis of Breast CancerZHENG Nannan 1, HUANG Gang 2*(1. School of Health Science and Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China; 2. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Imaging, Shanghai University of Medicine and Health Sciences, Shanghai 201318, China)Abstract: Breast cancer has a high metastasis rate. Quantitative analysis of breast cancer growth and metastasis by real-timeimaging using small animal imaging technology can help understand the disease mechanism and help drug research. Two dimen-sional imaging can not achieve high precision positioning and quantification of optical signals. With the progress of computer technology, it can realize the three-dimensional reconstruction of the collected images, accurately quantify the optical signals and obtain the three-dimensional information of spatial distribution. IVIS spectrum small animal in vivo optical three-dimensional imaging system has high sensitive bioluminescence, fluorescence, cherenkov radiation two-dimensional imaging and three-di-mensional scanning reconstruction functions. It is the top system of small animal in vivo optical imaging. In this study, human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) were infected with lentivirus. After stable expression of luciferase, the animal models of se-激光生物学报216第 31 卷乳腺癌位居全球女性常见癌症之首[1]。
【关键词】分子影像学分子生物学人类基因【中图分类号】R319 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2012)01-0064-02近年来,分子影像学的出现与迅速进展,是现代医学影像学发展的里程碑式的事件[1-3].作为一种技术手段,分子影像学在生物体完好无损的环境下,在分子或细胞水平对生物过程进行可视化、定性、定量研究,所获得的数据,与常规研究手段所得到的数据比较,更加接近机体的真实情况[2]。
1 分子影像学成像原理及核心分子影像学融合了分子生物化学、数据处理、纳米技术、图像处理等技术,因其具高特异性、高灵敏度和图像的高分辨率,因此今后能够真正为临床诊断提供定性定位、定量的资料。
常见摄取增高的关节: 肩关节、膝关节、 足小关节
耻骨联合及骶髂关节的摄取增 高,是分娩后女性常见改变。
腰椎呈“S”型弯曲,椎体边缘可见骨质变尖,部分椎 体可见骨赘形成,未见明确骨质中断破坏,椎小关节可 见骨质增生硬化,关节间隙变窄;椎旁软组织未见异常。
[ a]
[a]彭京京,骨科疾病核医学诊断图集[M]. 北 京: 人 民 卫 生 出 版 社,2010: 9.
原理也是通过对于局部骨骼的血流和成骨反应的活跃程度进行判断, 它主要沉积于骨转换活跃的部位,在骨表面与骨骼羟基磷灰石晶体的羟 基进行交换形成牢固的氟磷灰石。 显像剂:18F-NaF 设备:PET、PET/CT、PET/MR 特点:三维成像、假阴性率低、对于溶骨病灶优于99mTc-MDP 缺点:性价比低于99mTc-MDP 前景:更优的骨显像技术
IV期以及复发的患者在治 疗前,常规推荐全身骨显 像。
后续治疗的方案开始之 前推荐做一次全身骨显 像作为基准便于后续的 比较; 化疗每4个疗程复查; 内分泌治疗每4-6个月复 查; 在治疗当中进展需要重 新分期时复查。
有数据显示,54%-73%的乳腺癌死亡患者中存在骨转移。骨 转移在乳腺癌患者中常见。虽不是主要致死性的病因,但能反映疾 病的进展程度以及变化。
Rucci N,Sanità P,Delle Monache S,et al. Molecular pathogenesisof bone metastases in breast cancer: Proven and emerging therapeu-tic targets[J]. World J Clin Oncol,2014,5( 3) : 335 - 347.
关于癌症的未来英语作文Title: The Future of Cancer: Hope, Innovation, and Progress。
Cancer, once a formidable adversary, continues to be one of the most pressing challenges in healthcare globally. However, as we stand at the cusp of the future, there is reason for optimism. The convergence of groundbreaking research, technological advancements, and innovative therapies promises a brighter tomorrow in the fight against cancer.Firstly, advancements in genomic medicine are revolutionizing cancer treatment. With the advent of precision medicine, oncologists can tailor therapies to the unique genetic makeup of individual patients, maximizing efficacy while minimizing side effects. This personalized approach holds tremendous promise in improving patient outcomes and is poised to become increasingly prevalent in the future.Furthermore, the field of immunotherapy has emerged asa game-changer in cancer treatment. Harnessing the power of the body's immune system to target and destroy cancer cells, immunotherapy offers new hope for patients with previously untreatable forms of cancer. Ongoing research aims torefine existing immunotherapies and develop novelstrategies to overcome resistance, paving the way for even greater success in the years to come.In addition to treatment modalities, early detection remains paramount in the fight against cancer. Advances in screening technologies, such as liquid biopsies and molecular imaging, are enabling the detection of cancer at its earliest stages when treatment is most effective. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can anticipate a future where cancer is diagnosed swiftly and accurately, greatly improving prognosis and survival rates.Moreover, the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in oncology cannot be overstated. Machine learning algorithms are being employed to analyze vast amounts of patient data,identify patterns, and predict treatment outcomes with unprecedented accuracy. This marriage of AI and oncology not only enhances clinical decision-making but also facilitates the discovery of new therapeutic targets and biomarkers, driving innovation in cancer research.Looking ahead, collaboration will be key to accelerating progress in the fight against cancer. By fostering interdisciplinary partnerships between researchers, clinicians, industry leaders, and patient advocates, we can leverage collective expertise and resources to tackle this complex disease from all angles. Initiatives such as open-access data sharing and collaborative clinical trials will be instrumental in driving discoveries and translating research findings into clinical practice.Furthermore, addressing disparities in cancer care is essential to ensuring that all patients have equitable access to the latest advances in treatment and technology. By prioritizing health equity and investing in outreach efforts, we can reduce disparities in cancer outcomes andimprove survival rates across diverse populations.In conclusion, while the challenges posed by cancer remain significant, the future is filled with promise and potential. Through continued innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast commitment to improving patient care, we can transform the landscape of cancer treatment and ultimately conquer this disease. Together, we can build a future where cancer is no longer a feared diagnosis but a manageable condition, offering hope and healing to patients and families worldwide.。
ReviewOptical advances in skeletal imaging applied to bone metastasesT.J.A.Snoeks a ,⁎,A.Khmelinskii b ,B.P.F.Lelieveldt b ,E.L.Kaijzel a ,C.W.G.M.Löwik a ,⁎a Department of Endocrinology,Leiden University Medical Center,Leiden,The NetherlandsbDepartment of Image Processing,LKEB,Leiden University Medical Center,Leiden,The Netherlandsa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 6July 2010Accepted 28July 2010Available online 3August 2010Edited by:T.Jack MartinOptical Imaging has evolved into one of the standard molecular imaging modalities used in pre-clinical cancer research.Bone research however,strongly depends on other imaging modalities such as SPECT,PET,x-ray and μCT.Each imaging modality has its own speci fic strengths and weaknesses concerning spatial resolution,sensitivity and the possibility to quantify the signal.An increasing number of bone speci fic optical imaging models and probes have been developed over the past years.This review gives an overview of optical imaging modalities,models and probes that can be used to study skeletal complications of cancer in small laboratory animals.©2010Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.ContentsIntroduction ................................................................106Whole body optical imaging —tools and techniques ..............................................107(a)Bioluminescence imaging.......................................................107(b)Fluorescence imaging ........................................................107(c)Whole body optical imaging instruments ...............................................108Optical imaging of bone metastasis .....................................................108(a)Optical imaging of the skeleton....................................................108(b)Optical imaging of the tumor.....................................................110Functional imaging of biological processes involved inbone metastases ....................................111(a)Matrix degradation and in flammation.................................................111(b)Angiogenesis ............................................................112Conclusion and future directions ......................................................112Acknowledgments .............................................................113References ............................. (113)IntroductionX-rays dominated the field of skeletal imaging ever since Rontgen's publication of a photo of his wife's hand and various other shadow images in Science back in 1896[1–3].The subsequent work of people like Alessandro Vallebona and William Watson formed the basis of x-ray tomography.It is during the 1970s that X-ray-based imaging underwent revolutionary changes after advances in digital comput-ing enabled the development of computerized tomography (CT)by Godfrey Houns field [4,5].Nowadays,even specialized micro-CT scanners are available for small laboratory animals with resolutions up to 9μm per pixel.X-ray photos and μCT provide only structural information on calci fied tissue.Structural changes are often abundant in and around bone metastases.However,during metastatic tumor growth other processes such as angiogenesis,tumor –stroma interactions and the host immune response,are of great importance.In pre-clinical cancer research optical imaging modalities rapidly emerged and became a standard research tool over the past decade.There are a number of reasons why optical imaging gained so much importance,amongst which the fact that it provides real time functional and quantitative information on ongoing biological processes.These processes include tracking of tumor growth and metastasis,gene expression,angiogenesis,Bone 48(2011)106–114⁎Corresponding authors.T.J.A.Snoeks is to be contacted at Department of Endocrinol-ogy,Leiden University Medical Center,Building 1,C4-R67,Albinusdreef 2,2333ZA Leiden,The Netherlands. C.W.G.M.Löwik,Department of Endocrinology,Leiden University Medical Center,Building 1,C4-R86,Albinusdreef 2,2333ZA Leiden,The Netherlands.E-mail (T.J.A.Snoeks), (C.W.G.M.Löwik).8756-3282/$–see front matter ©2010Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bone.2010.07.027Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBonej o u r n a l h o me p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c om /l o c a t e /bo n ebacterial infection,local enzymatic activity(reviewed in[6–8]).Recent developments in optical imaging probes and models include tools to image bone and bone related processes.These developments introduced optical imaging as a new imaging platform to perform research on bone and bone related processes,providing functional information alongside the structural information acquired with x-ray-based techniques.All optical imaging is based on the detection of photons emitted from living cells,tissues or animals.Optical imaging can be divided in: bioluminescence imaging(BLI)andfluorescence imaging(FLI). Despite the similarities in their applications,each modality has its own characteristics with its strengths and weaknesses like differences in sensitivity,signal to noise ratio(SNR)and background emission from tissues.With the development offluorescence molecular tomography(FMT)and other3Dfluorescence and bioluminescence data capturing methods,it became not only possible to acquire3D optical data,but also to backproject these3D optical data sets on scans of different modalities(e.g.μCT,PET,SPECT,MRI).This review gives an overview of optical-based imaging models starting with an outlook at fluorescent and bioluminescent imaging.This is followed by a description of the tools and techniques used for preclinical imaging of the whole.We describe also how optical imaging may be used for the functional imaging of biological processes,such as angiogenesis and inflammation,that are involved in the development and growth of skeletal metastases.The articlefinishes with a summary and an outlook for future directions in skeletal imaging as applied to bone metastases.Whole body optical imaging—tools and techniquesOptical imaging of cancer presents a challenge because tumor cells usually do not have a specific optical quality that clearly distinguishes them from normal tissue.However,thefield of whole body optical imaging has been transformed over the last5years by improvements in camera detection systems as well as better tools for making clonal cell lines or transgenic animal models with light-generating capabilities.The choice of tools,such as whether to usefluorescence(FLI)or bioluminescence(BLI),is determined by the questions needing to be addressed,e.g.FLI allows total cells in vivo to be measured as well as in vitro and ex vivo analysis to be performed whereas BLI gives an indication of metabolizing cell activity.(a)Bioluminescence imagingAll bioluminescent reporter systems are based on the detection of photons produced in an enzymatic reaction in which a substrate,like luciferin or coelerentarazin,is oxidated by an enzyme,luciferase.There are many different kinds of luciferases occurring in nature and being adapted for research.The most commonly used luciferase for biolumi-nescence imaging purposes is the one extracted from the North Americanfirefly(e.g.Photinus pyralis;FLuc)emitting light with a broad emission spectrum and a peak around560nm.Other useful luciferases have also been cloned from corals(e.g.Tenilla),jellyfish(e.g. Aequorea),several bacterial species(e.g.Vibriofischeri and V.harveyi) and red or green click beetle(e.g.Pyrophorus plagiophthalamus).The green and red click beetle luciferases have been optimized to produce green-orange(544nm)or red(611nm)light after oxidizing luciferin[9].Recently,thermostable red and green mutants offirefly and click beetle luciferase have been developed as well.It has been demonstrated that it is possible to resolve the red and the green signal of these luciferase mutants both in vitro[10,11]as well as in vivo[12].All of the aforementioned luciferases are ATP dependent.Luciferases from the anthozoan sea pansy(e.g.Renilla reniformis)and the marine copepod(e.g.Gaussia princeps)react with coelenterazin in an ATP-independent manner to produce blue light with peak emission at approximately480nm.Despite the short emission wavelength of these enzymes,the limited biodistribution and rapid kinetics of coelerentar-azin in small animals,these luciferases have been proven very useful for in vivo applications for molecular imaging[13–16].Because the substrates luciferin and coelentarazin forfirefly luciferase(FFluc)and Gaussia luciferase(Gluc),respectively,show no crossreactivity,con-comitant imaging of distinct cell populations that either expresses FFluc or Gluc can be performed within the same animal.Gluc is secreted when expressed in cells,this in contrast to the other luciferases.This property can be used to follow the total tumor burden of an animal by biochemical analysis of a small volume of whole blood[17].Bioluminescent imaging has been used to follow metastatic spread of tumor cells after intracardiac injection.Minn et al.identified cell populations with a preference to spread to lung,bone or adrenal medulla using whole body BLI.They compared clonal subpopulations with different metastatic preferences using micro arrays.Doing so, several gene expression patterns were identified that correlated with organ specific metastatic spread[18].In conclusion,BLI reporter systems are especially suitable for biomedical research purposes due to the low background signal,high SNR,non-invasive character,short acquisition time(seconds to minutes)and the possibility to measure more animals at once(high throughput).(b)Fluorescence imagingIn contrast to BLI,FLI is not based on the production of photons by an enzymatic reaction.Instead,afluorescent compound(fluorophore) can be exited by photons of a certain wavelength from an external light source.Upon relaxation to its ground state,thefluorophore emits photons at a different wavelength.These emitted photons are the signal which is used for imaging.There is panoply offluorophores available,ranging fromfluores-cent dyes and nanoparticles,like quantum dots,tofluorescent pro-teins which can be expressed in transgenic models.Eachfluorophore has several characteristics amongst which the excitation wavelength, emission wavelength,quantum yield and brightness.The excitation wavelength is the optimal wavelength of external light to bring the fluorophore to its exited state.The emission wavelength is the wavelength of the photons emitted upon ually,the emitted photons have a longer wavelength than the photons used for excitation and thus,the emitted photons have a lower energetic value. The brightness or quantum yield of afluorophore is defined by the fraction of molecules that emit a photon after direct excitation by the excitation light source.In most cases this value is nearly the same value as the ratio between the number of photons emitted from a bulk sample and the total number of absorbed photons[19].All three of these properties,excitation wavelength,emission wavelength and quantum yield,have important implications for the use of a certain fluorophore for imaging[20].When usingfluorescence for in vivo imaging,tissue absorbance, scattering and auto-fluorescence can become a problem especially when imaging structures that are located deeper in the animal.Most auto-fluorescence occurs in the green part of the spectrum[20,21]. The amount of auto-fluorescence rapidly decreases when shifting towards a longer excitation wavelength,the red parts of the spectrum. Near infrared(IR)light causes hardly any auto-fluorescence[21–23]. Moreover,light penetration,tissue absorption and scattering are greatly reduced at the near infrared end of the spectrum compared to green light(Fig.1)[20,24].Fluorescent proteins with increasingly longer emission maxima (up to649nm)have been developed over the past years to reduce background auto-fluorescence and substantially increase tissue pen-etration.Examples of such proteins are the series of red shifted proteins obtained by mutating dsRed,i.e.,mFruits like mCherry, mTomato and mPlum[25,26],and the red-shifted proteins derived from the anemone Entacmaea quadricolor like Katushka and mKate [23].Moreover,the newest generation of mammalian expressed107T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone48(2011)106–114fluorescent proteins,based on bacterial phytochromes,enters the near infrared with emission spectra exceeding wavelengths of 700nm [27].The various fluorescent proteins and luciferases for BLI can be expressed in cells or animals using speci fic promoters to drive re-porter gene expression.Thus,these imaging modalities can be used not only for localization but can also provide functional information on gene activity.A fluorophore,quantum dot or fluorescent protein,can also be targeted by attaching it to a target speci fic ligand or antibody.This method is suitable for in vitro use,but can be used in vivo as well.In general these targeted active fluorescent probes tend to give a relatively high background signal in vivo due to circulating,unbound probe.The level of background signal is dependent on the af finity of the probe for its target.The SNR can be improved by prolonging the time between administering the probe and performing the actual imaging,due to clearance of the probe from the circulation.In contrast to targeted probes,enzyme activated probes or activity based “smart probes ”provide functional information on local enzymatic activity.These enzyme-activated probes consist of a peptide backbone structure with multiple fluorophores in close proximity to each other.Due to the structure and location of the fluorophores,the fluorophores are quenched and the substrate itself is not fluorescent.Once cleaved by proteases such as cathepsins and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs),the fluorophores become active and can be detected.Thus,these probes provide functional informa-tion on local protease activity.These probes give a very speci fic signal and very low background activity resulting in a favorable SNR [28].(c)Whole body optical imaging instrumentsIn the last decade there has been a rapid growth of optical imaging applications in small animal models driven by creative approaches to apply these techniques in biomedical research and also by the availability of innovative instruments.Most of the BLI imaging systems provide 2-dimensional planar information in small animals,showing the locations and intensity of light emitted from the animal in pseudo-color scaling.Nowadays,there are many commercial whole-body pre-clinical BLI systems on the market.BLI imaging systems that are able to image moving objects have been developed for experiments in which anesthesia is a problem.Examples of such real time imaging systems are the IVIS Kinetic (Caliper®Life Sciences)and the Photon Imager (Biospace Lab).These real time imaging setups require much higher signal strength and quanti fication is more dif ficult compared to BLI of anesthetized animals [29,30].In its planar projection form,BLI is semi-quantitative at best and its spatial resolution is relatively poor.Interestingly,recent develop-ments in bioluminescence tomography promise to provide three dimensional quantitative source information with improved spatial resolution [31–33].In analogy with BLI technology,the vast majority of applications of in vivo small animal fluorescence imaging are based on planar epi-illumination imaging.An important part of the research conducted in whole-body small animal imaging is concerned with the development of novel fluorescence tomography approaches pushing further the limits of the modality in terms of sensitivity,quanti fication and spatial resolution [34].Both the advances in 3D BLI and 3D FLI data capturing and subsequent reconstructions enable true multimodality approaches where datasets with detailed anatomical information (e.g.MRI and μCT)can be projected over datasets con-taining functional and molecular information (e.g.PET,SPECT,BLI and FLI).A recent example of multi-modality imaging is the work of Nahrendorf et al.on colon carcinoma.They showed that it is possible to combine PET,μCT and 3D FLI in order to image skeletal structures and tumoral integrins,cathepsin activity and macrophage content simultaneously [35].New FLI systems are able to capture spectral information of each pixel of an image.The spectral information can be umixed to reveal all the different spectra that,taken together,form the actual image.By doing so,it is possible to identify multiple fluorescent labels within an image and to remove background (auto-)fluorescence.This way of analyzing spectral data within fluorescence datasets is called spectral unmixing [36,37].Table 1gives an overview of the commercially available in vivo whole body fluorescence imaging systems and their main technical features.Optical imaging of bone metastasisThere are several processes that are crucial during the growth of bone metastases.These processes include tumor growth and tumor –stroma interactions (reviewed in [38,39]).The interactions and signaling between the tumor and its direct surroundings results in local pro-angiogenic signaling (reviewed in [40,41]),local activation and in filtration of the innate immune system and local suppression of the adaptive immune system (reviewed in [42]).All of these processes have a positive feedback on tumor growth.In addition,the skeletal metastatic sites are often characterized by a distortion of the delicate balance in bone turnover leading to osteolytic and/or osteoblastic lesions at the metastatic tumor site.This local increase and imbalance in bone turnover lead to a favorable environment for the growing metastatic tumor,a process well described as the vicious cycle of bone metastasis [43].Bone,tumor cells and tumor –stroma interactions,angiogenesis and pro-angiogenic signaling can all be studied using various speci fic optical imaging tools.(a)Optical imaging of the skeletonThere is a multitude of commercially available bone speci fic probes;OsteoSense ™(VisEn®Medical)[44],fluorescently labeled alendronate (Caliper®Life Sciences)and BoneTag ™(LI-COR®Biosciences)[45].Both OsteoSense and the fluorescently labeled alendronate are bispho-sphonates (pamidronate and alendronate,respectively)coupled to a fluorescent label whereas BoneTag consists of a fluorescently labeled tetracycline derivative.These bone probes are available with several different excitation (λex )and emission (λem )wavelengths:OsteoSense-680(λex 680nm –λem 700nm),OsteoSense-750(λex 750nm –λem 780nm),OsteoSense-800(λex 780nm –λem 805nm),Alendronate-680Fig.1.Main tissue constituents absorbing in the 600–1000nm spectral range.The curves refer to 100%water (▲),and lard (Δ),and to 100μM of oxy-(□)and deoxy-(■)haemoglobin.The near infrared optical window (λbetween 720nm and 920nm)with a relatively low absorption coef ficient is mainly de fined by the haemaglobin (λb 620nm)and water (λN 920nm)absorption spectra.Adapted with permission from Taroni et al.Photochem Photobiol Sci 20032:124–129[24].108T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone 48(2011)106–114(λex680nm–λem700nm),Bonetag-680(λex680nm–λem705nm)and BoneTag-800(λex774nm–λem789nm).Comparable with various radioactive bone tracers,all three of thesefluorescent bone probes are incorporated in the calcified bone matrix at spots with a high bone turnover.These active hotspots are, for instance,the basic multicellular units involved in normal physiological bone remodeling,sites of bone damage such as fractures and cancer induced osteolytic/-blastic lesions[46].The probes will remain incorporated in the bone matrix for days or weeks while the unbound fraction of the probes is cleared from the circulation within 24h.The result of these kinetic properties is a specificfluorescence signal at the active sites within the bone with a high bone turnover, which can be used for imaging.However,the long half-life of the probe bound to the bone matrix limits the possibility of repeated quantitative measurements.To demonstrate the linear uptake of OsteoSense-750in vivo, Kozloff et al.injected mice with various doses of OsteoSense.The meanfluorescence of the distal femur was linear from approximately 1/8th to1.5times the recommended imaging dose of100nmol/kg (Fig.2)[47].Major advantages of usingfluorescent probes over radioactive approaches are the shorter scan time possibility of storing the probe without deterioration of the probe quality due to radioactive decay and the fact that one does not need a hot lab and infrastructure for handling radioactive materials[46].(b)Optical imaging of the tumorAnimal models of metastasis are important tools for the identifi-cation of new drug targets and the development of new drugs[48–51].In vivo growth of luciferase positive cell lines can be followed and quantified at multiple time points with whole body BLI.BLI-based models allow regular monitoring of the development and progression of experimental bone metastases in living animals with high sensitivity[52–54].Wetterwald et al.estimated that the lowest detectable number of luciferase positive cells in the marrow cavity of the femur of mice is2×104cells with a total volume of the estimated lesion of0.5mm3[52].This study was published in2002;several technical advances have been made since.Nowadays,it is possible to image single,sub-cutaneous tumor cells due to new camera systems with increased sensitivity and the development of the improved,codon optimized,firefly luciferase Luc2[55,56].Most likely,this increased sensitivity will hold true for tumor cells located in the bone as well.The most straightforward method to obtain local tumor growth in bone marrow is the intra-tibial injection of tumor cells[52,57].This leads to immediate intra-osseous growth of tumor cells.BLI detectable tumors appear within a week after intra-osseous injection with the osteolytic MDA-MB231breast cancer cells(MDA-MB231-luc+), preceding the appearance of a radiological evident osteolytic lesions which are detectable after~2weeks[52].A3D reconstruction of BLI data combined with uCT of a typical tibial osteolytic lesion is depicted in Fig.3.Tumor cells can also be injected into the systemic circulation in order to develop distant metastases throughout the animal body.The site of injection largely defines the site to which metastases develop. Animals receiving lateral tail-vein injection with tumor cells will develop primarily pulmonary metastases.When tumor cells are injected via the portal vein or spleen,the animals will develop liver metastases.Finally,tumor cell injection into the left heart ventricle is a standard technique to induce bone metastasis.Introducing tumor cells to the arterial circulation leads to the colonization of cells to specific sites of the skeleton such as the spine and the upper part of the tibia[48].After intracardiac injection of luciferase-expressing human MDA-231-B breast cancer cells(MDA-231-B/luc+),very small amounts of photon-emitting tumor cells can be detected in bone marrow/bone within a few days,mimicking micro-metastatic spread.Thus, monitoring of small metastatic deposits in bone marrow at a stage largely preceding tumor-induced osteolysis is feasible with BLI.This may help to better identify situations at risk for bone metastasis and develop novel therapeutic strategies that could be extended to the clinic.There are various targetedfluorescent probes that can be used to label and image tumor cells in vivo.Two tumor cell specific,but not bone specific probes are IRDye®800CW EGF(EGF-800CW)[58]and IRDye®800CW2-DG(2DG-800CW)[59].Both probes can be used for imaging of developing metastases in bone as well as other tissues (Snoeks et al.unpublished data).EGF-800CW consists of an epidermal growth factor(EGF)recom-binant polypeptide(54amino acid residues,6.2kDa)conjugated to the near infraredfluorescent dye IRDye®800CW(λex774nm–λemFig.2.In vivo OSteoSense-750dose response.A:Femoral region of interest chosen for dose response measures of OsteoSense-750(FRFP)delivery.B:Bonefluorescence is linear with administered dose of OsteoSense-750(FRFP).Fluorescence was measured using the Maestrofluorescence imager(Cambridge Research&Instrumentation,CRi).Adapted with permission from Kozloff et al.J Bone Miner Res2010J Bone Miner Res.2010Feb8.[Epub ahead of print][47].110T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone48(2011)106–114789nm)[58,60].This probe selectively targets cells expressing the EGF receptor (EGFR).The EGFR is over-expressed in many different tumor cell types.These,and other tumor cell speci fic probes,allow in vivo FLI of tumors that do not express any genetic reporters [58,61].2DG-800CW works via a completely different mechanism.In this case,IRDye®800CW has been bound to 2-deoxyglucose (2DG)[59,60].Similar to deoxyglucose-based radioactive traces,2DG-800CW is taken up by cells by the glucose transporter-1(GLUT-1).After uptake 2DG-800CW can neither be further metabolized nor cross the cell membrane or leave the cell.Thus,2DG-800CW remains trapped within the cell.Together,this results in a tumor speci fic uptake and accumulation of 2DG-800CW because most tumor cell types are metabolically very active and express high levels of GLUT-1[59,62].Simultaneous capturing of multiple fluorescent signals can be used to follow and analyze multiple disease processes.Fig.4shows the longitudinal follow-up of PC3M-LN4tumor growth by weekly imaging using 2DG-800CW.Skeletal elements were imaged simulta-neously using BoneTag-680.Functional imaging of biological processes involved in bone metastasesThe key advantage of optical imaging is the ability to visualize functional processes.Matrix degradation,in flammation and angio-genesis all play a crucial role in cancer progression and metastasis.Thus,blocking any of these processes is potentially a universal approach to preventing tumor establishment and metastasis.(a)Matrix degradation and in flammationTransforming growth factor β(TGF β)has various roles during tumor progression and metastatic growth [63,64].In bone metastasis,TGF βsignaling is part of a vicious cycle in which it stimulates cancer cells to produce pro-osteolytic factors [65].TGF βsignaling can be imaged,real time,in vivo by using cell lines expressing a reporter (either fluorescent of luminescent)under control of a TGF βresponse element [66–68].In a multi-modality approach,combining BLI and FLI with PET and μCT Serganova et al .showed that,in this way,TGF βsignaling can be imaged with high sensitivity and reproducibility.It thereby provides the opportunity to assess the effect of novel treatments targeting TGF βsignaling [68].Other approaches to image matrix degradation and local in flam-mation aim on detecting local enzymatic activity.ProSense ™(VisEn®Medical)is an enzyme activated fluorescent agent.It is a macromol-ecule consisting of a poly-lysine backbone with a multitude of polyethylene glycol chains and several fluorophores in close proxim-ity to each other.The small distance between the fluorophores present on the macromolecule leads to quenching of the fluorescent signal.The fluorophores are released after enzymatic digestion of the macromolecule.The released fluorophores are no longer quenched and can be detected with fluorescence imaging equipment.ProSense is activated by several cathepsins (mainly cathepsin-B)but similar probes are available that contain a slightly different backbone or linker sequence resulting in speci ficity for other proteases.Cathepsin K (CatK)is expressed by active osteoclasts and involved in the breakdown of the bone matrix.Thus,CatK is highly present at osteolytic lesions and sites of osteoclastic bone resorption [69–71].Using a cleavable CatK probe that consists of an MPEG d-poly-lysine amino acid backbone chain functionalized with Cy5.5fluorophores through the CatK-sensitive link sequence GHPG-GPQGKC [72],Kozloff et al .were the first to demonstrate non-invasive visualization of bone degrading enzymes in models of accelerated bone loss [73].A similar cleavable probe is MMPSense ™(VisEn®Medical).This probe is mainly activated by MMP 2and 9[74].MMPs are important factors associated with remodeling of the tumor micro environment and local activation of the immune system [75].MMPSense has been used to visualize local proteinase activity and macrophage activation in cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis and aneurysm devel-opment [74,76–78].In short,imaging proteinase activated fluorescentFig.3.Multi-modality visualization of bone metastasis;BLI with μCT.MDA-231-B/luc +cells (2.5×105cells)were inoculated directly into the right tibia of a 6-week-old female nude mouse.Three weeks after tumor cell inoculation,bone metastases where analyzed with an IVIS 3D BLI Imaging system (Caliper®Life Sciences,Alameda,CA).The animal was subsequently scanned in a SkyScan 1076μCT scanner (SkyScan,Kontich,Belgium)in the same position as during the BLI measurement.A:The bioluminescent data captured from 8positions around the animal was reconstructed and projected back onto a CT reconstruction of the animal.B:Detail of the CT volume visualization of the right hind limb.The tumor induced osteolytic lesion is clearly visible.C:Detail showing the approximate localization of the BLI signal projected onto the CT re-construction.The source of the bioluminescent signal co-localizes with the osteolytic lesion site.Snoeks et al.unpublished data.111T.J.A.Snoeks et al./Bone 48(2011)106–114。
2024年原发性肝癌最新诊断方法英文版Latest Diagnosis Methods for Primary Liver Cancer in 2024Primary liver cancer, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. In 2024, there have been significant advancements in the diagnosis of primary liver cancer, leading to more accurate and timely detection of the disease.One of the latest methods for diagnosing primary liver cancer is through the use of advanced imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans. These imaging tests can provide detailed images of the liver, allowing doctors to identify any abnormal growths or tumors that may be indicative of HCC.Another innovative diagnostic method for primary liver cancer is the use of liquid biopsies. Liquid biopsies involve analyzing blood samples for the presence of circulating tumor cells or tumor DNA,which can provide valuable information about the presence and progression of liver cancer.In addition to imaging tests and liquid biopsies, doctors may also perform liver function tests to assess the overall health of the liver and look for any abnormalities that may indicate the presence of primary liver cancer. These tests can include measuring levels of certain enzymes and proteins in the blood that are associated with liver function.Furthermore, advancements in molecular diagnostics have led to the development of new biomarkers for primary liver cancer. These biomarkers can help doctors identify specific genetic mutations or protein markers that are associated with HCC, allowing for more precise and personalized diagnosis and treatment strategies.Overall, the latest diagnosis methods for primary liver cancer in 2024 offer a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to detecting and monitoring the disease. By utilizing a combination of imaging tests, liquid biopsies, liver function tests, and molecular diagnostics, doctorscan improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosing primary liver cancer, ultimately leading to better outcomes for patients.。
英语作文介绍科学家模板Title: Introduction to Scientists。
Scientists are individuals who engage in systematic and organized study of the natural world through observation and experimentation. They often work in various fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, and environmental science, among others. In this article, we will introduce the role of scientists, their contributions to society, and some famous scientists who have made significant impacts on the world.The Role of Scientists。
The role of scientists is to expand our understanding of the world around us. They conduct research to discover new knowledge, develop new technologies, and solve complex problems. Scientists often work in laboratories, research institutions, universities, and government agencies. They may also collaborate with other scientists and experts in their respective fields to address global challenges such as climate change, disease outbreaks, and food security.Contributions to Society。
514全氟化碳纳米粒在超声分子成像和治疗中的应用周裕卿1,2,彭玉兰1,杨林1,2,黄建波2,张旭辉1,2,徐金顺1,2*1.四川大学华西医院超声医学科,四川 成都 610041;2.四川大学华西医院超声医学研究室,四川 成都 610041;*通信作者 徐金顺 【基金项目】国家自然科学基金(81701797);北京市自然科学基金(7192200);四川省科技厅项目(2020JDRC0024);成都市科技局项目(2019-YF05-00376-SN ,2017-CY02-00027-GX );四川省卫生健康委员会项目(20PJ011)【摘要】超声分子成像是一种使声学造影剂主动结合到靶区进行特异性成像的技术。
近年来,全氟化碳(PFC )应用于超声分子成像的诊断和治疗中。
PFC 纳米粒具有无毒、体积小、低溶解度和低扩散率等特点,在超声成像和治疗中有巨大的潜能。
本综述重点介绍PFC 纳米粒在超声成像中的机制和在医学中的应用。
【关键词】全氟化碳;超声检查;分子成像;分子靶向治疗;纳米粒;综述 【中图分类号】R445.1 【DOI 】10.3969/j.issn.1005-5185.2022.05.021Application of Perfluorocarbon Nanoparticles in Ultrasound Molecular Imaging and TherapyZHOU Yuqing 1,2, PENG Yulan 1, YANG Lin 1,2, HUANG Jianbo 2, ZHANG Xuhui 1,2, XU Jinshun 1,2*1. Department of Ultrasound Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China;2. Institute of Ultrasound Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China; *Address Correspondence to: XU Jinshun; E-mail: 【Abstract 】Ultrasound molecular imaging is a specific imaging technology through active accumulation of target zone under mediation of acoustic contrast agents. Owning to the non-toxicity, small size, low solubility and diffusivity of the perfluorocarbon (PFC), PFC nanoparticles have been extensively used in the diagnosis and treatment of molecular imaging in recent years, demonstrating great potential in ultrasound imaging and therapy. This review focuses on the mechanism of perfluorocarbon nanoparticles in ultrasound imaging and applications in medicine.【Key words 】Perflurocarbon; Ultrasonography; Molecular imaging; Molecular targeted therapy; Nanoparticles; Review Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging, 2022, 30 (5): 514-517超声成像能够直观展示人体器官影像,且具有无创、安全、便携、实时等优点,已广泛用于各种疾病的早期诊断。
癌症筛查和癌症过度诊断的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cancer Screening and OverdiagnosisCancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, with millions of people diagnosed with the disease each year. In order to detect cancer at an early stage and improve the chances of successful treatment, cancer screening programs have been implemented in many countries. However, while early detection is important, there is growing concern about the issue of overdiagnosis in cancer screening.Overdiagnosis occurs when a screening test detects a cancer that would never have caused symptoms or harm during a person's lifetime. This leads to unnecessary treatment, which can have serious physical, emotional, and financial consequences for patients. In addition, overdiagnosis can also increase the burden on healthcare systems and divert resources away from patients who really need them.One of the main reasons for overdiagnosis in cancer screening is the sensitivity of screening tests. While these testsare designed to detect cancer at an early stage, they can also pick up abnormalities that are not cancerous or would never develop into cancer. This can lead to false positive results, unnecessary biopsies, and overtreatment.Another factor contributing to overdiagnosis is the lack of understanding among patients and healthcare providers about the risks and benefits of cancer screening. Many people believe that early detection is always beneficial, without considering the potential harms of overdiagnosis. Healthcare providers may also feel pressure to recommend screening tests, even when the benefits are uncertain.To address the issue of overdiagnosis in cancer screening, it is important to improve the communication of risks and benefits to patients. Patients should be informed about the possibility of overdiagnosis and the potential consequences of unnecessary treatment. In addition, healthcare providers should be educated about the limitations of screening tests and encouraged to have open and honest discussions with their patients.Research is also needed to develop better screening tests that can distinguish between cancers that require treatment and those that do not. This will help reduce the incidence of overdiagnosis and ensure that patients receive appropriate care.In conclusion, cancer screening is an important tool for detecting cancer at an early stage and improving patient outcomes. However, the issue of overdiagnosis is a significant concern that needs to be addressed. By improving communication and education, developing better screening tests, and conducting further research, we can reduce the harm caused by overdiagnosis and ensure that cancer screening programs benefit patients in a responsible and effective way.篇2Cancer Screening and OverdiagnosisIntroductionCancer screening is an important tool in the early detection of cancer and has the potential to reduce mortality rates by diagnosing the disease in its early stages when treatment is more effective. However, the widespread use of cancer screening tests has also led to concerns about overdiagnosis, where individuals are diagnosed with cancer that would never have caused symptoms or harm in their lifetime. This phenomenon has raised ethical and practical issues surrounding the benefits and risks of cancer screening programs.Benefits of Cancer ScreeningEarly detection through cancer screening has the potential to reduce mortality rates by detecting cancer in its early stages when treatment is more effective. For example, routine mammograms have been shown to reduce mortality from breast cancer by detecting tumors at a smaller size and earlier stage. Similarly, colonoscopy and fecal occult blood tests can identify precancerous lesions in the colon and rectum, preventing the development of colorectal cancer.Cancer screening also allows for the identification ofhigh-risk individuals who may benefit from preventive measures such as lifestyle modifications, chemoprevention, orrisk-reducing surgeries. For example, women with BRCA mutations who undergo regular screening with breast MRI may choose to undergo prophylactic mastectomies to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer.Challenges of Cancer ScreeningDespite its benefits, cancer screening programs are not without challenges. One of the main concerns is the risk of overdiagnosis, where individuals are diagnosed with cancer that would have never caused harm in their lifetime. This can lead to unnecessary and potentially harmful treatments such as surgery,radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, as well as psychological distress for patients.Overdiagnosis is particularly common in cancers with slow or indolent growth rates, such as prostate cancer and thyroid cancer. The increased use of advanced imaging technologies and molecular biomarkers has led to the detection of small, low-risk tumors that may never progress to advanced disease. This has led to a debate about the need for more personalized approaches to cancer screening that take into account individual risk factors and preferences.Ethical ConsiderationsThe issue of overdiagnosis raises important ethical considerations surrounding the benefits and harms of cancer screening. Health care providers have a duty to inform patients about the risks of overdiagnosis and overtreatment, as well as the uncertainties surrounding the natural history of certain cancers. Shared decision-making between patients and providers is essential to ensure that individuals make informed choices that align with their values and preferences.Furthermore, the financial costs of overdiagnosis must also be taken into account, as unnecessary screenings and treatments can lead to an increase in health care spending without acorresponding improvement in patient outcomes. Health care systems need to strike a balance between providing access to preventive services and avoiding unnecessary procedures that may not benefit patients in the long run.ConclusionIn conclusion, cancer screening is a valuable tool in the early detection of cancer and has the potential to reduce mortality rates by diagnosing the disease in its early stages. However, the issue of overdiagnosis raises important ethical considerations surrounding the benefits and risks of cancer screening programs. Health care providers and policymakers must work together to develop more personalized approaches to cancer screening that take into account individual risk factors and preferences, while also ensuring that patients are informed about the risks of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. By addressing these challenges, we can maximize the benefits of cancer screening while minimizing the harms associated with overdiagnosis.篇3Cancer Screening and OverdiagnosisCancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, and early detection is crucial for increasing the chances of successfultreatment. Cancer screening programs play a key role in identifying individuals at risk of developing cancer before symptoms appear. However, there is growing concern about the issue of overdiagnosis in cancer screening.Overdiagnosis occurs when a screening test detects abnormalities that would not have caused harm or symptoms in a person's lifetime. This can lead to unnecessary treatments, emotional distress, and financial burden for patients. Additionally, overdiagnosis can also contribute to the overall medicalization of society, where healthy individuals are labeled as patients and subjected to unnecessary interventions.One of the most well-known examples of overdiagnosis in cancer screening is the case of prostate cancer. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing is commonly used to screen for prostate cancer, but studies have shown that many men diagnosed with prostate cancer through PSA testing have tumors that areslow-growing and unlikely to cause harm. This has led to a debate about the benefits and harms of routine PSA testing for prostate cancer.Another example of overdiagnosis is seen in breast cancer screening. Mammography has been effective in detecting early-stage breast cancer, but it has also led to the detection ofsmall, indolent tumors that may not progress. This has raised questions about the need for more personalized approaches to breast cancer screening based on individual risk factors.To address the issue of overdiagnosis in cancer screening, healthcare providers and policymakers must prioritize evidence-based practices and informed decision-making. It is important to educate patients about the risks and benefits of screening tests, as well as the possibility of overdiagnosis. Shared decision-making between patients and healthcare providers can help individuals make informed choices about cancer screening based on their values and preferences.In conclusion, cancer screening programs play a crucial role in early detection and treatment of cancer. However, the issue of overdiagnosis poses challenges to the effectiveness of these programs. By promoting informed decision-making and personalized approaches to cancer screening, we can help reduce the harm of overdiagnosis and improve the overall quality of cancer care.。
非小细胞肺癌分期的分子影像学研究进展王广丽;张成琪【摘要】分子影像学是当今医学研究的热点之一.本文主要综述几种常用分子影像学成像技术在非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)TNM分期中的应用.【期刊名称】《中国介入影像与治疗学》【年(卷),期】2010(007)001【总页数】4页(P70-73)【关键词】分子影像学;非小细胞肺癌;肿瘤分期【作者】王广丽;张成琪【作者单位】山东省千佛山医院放射科,山东济南250014;山东省千佛山医院放射科,山东济南250014【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R445;R322.3分子影像学(molecular imaging)是运用影像学手段在细胞和分子水平上对活体状态下的生物过程进行定性和定量研究,将制备好的分子探针引入活体组织细胞内,使标记的分子探针与靶分子相互作用,再用先进的成像设备检测分子探针发出的信息,经计算机处理后生成活体组织的分子图像、功能代谢图像或其基因转变图像。
目前用于非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)分期的主要是前两者。
许多研究已经证实18F-FDG PET对胸部X线或CT发现的孤立性肺结节(solitary pulmonary nodule,SPN)良恶性的判断具有较高的敏感度和准确率。
%The abnormal expression (level and status) of the key molecular targets of tumors is related to molecular targeted therapy response, effect, and prognosis. Therefore, the expression level and status of key molecular targets of tumors must be accurately evalu-ated, regardless of the status before, during, and after receiving targeted therapy. Molecular imaging is a non-invasive method used for qualitative and quantitative research on key molecular targets of tumor in vivo and in real-time. This technique is also employed to screen treatment beneficiaries, guide therapy, and evaluate prognosis. This paper reviews the application progress of molecular imag-ing using various probes in cancer targeted therapy. The clinical value of molecular imaging in tumor targeted therapy is further ana-lyzed to promote the development of novel targeted therapy for tumors.【期刊名称】《中国肿瘤临床》【年(卷),期】2016(043)011【总页数】5页(P475-479)【关键词】分子成像;临床应用;肿瘤分子靶向治疗【作者】孙夕林;韩兆国;吴泳仪;申宝忠【作者单位】哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院TOF-PET/CT/MR中心哈尔滨市150028; 哈尔滨医科大学分子影像研究中心;哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院TOF-PET/CT/MR中心哈尔滨市150028; 哈尔滨医科大学分子影像研究中心;哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院TOF-PET/CT/MR中心哈尔滨市150028; 哈尔滨医科大学分子影像研究中心;哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院TOF-PET/CT/MR中心哈尔滨市150028; 哈尔滨医科大学分子影像研究中心【正文语种】中文孙夕林,副教授,硕士研究生导师,黑龙江省影像医学与核医学学科后备带头人,全国百篇优博提名奖获得者,黑龙江省青年科技奖获得者。
多示踪剂成像技术在肿瘤诊断方面的应用研究曾宝真;李永欣;马旭东;黄文华【摘要】全球恶性肿瘤发病率和死亡率持续升高,早期诊断对于病人预后及治疗方案的选择至关重要. 正电子发射体层成像(PET)目前已广泛用于肿瘤评价,单示踪剂PET成像为最常用的检查方法. 由于每种正电子示踪剂仅能反映一种细胞内的信息,在肿瘤诊断应用中易导致假阴性或假阳性诊断,因此需要合理联合应用多种示踪剂来提高PET在肿瘤诊断中的准确性. 对多示踪剂PET技术在肿瘤诊断方面的应用作一综述.%The incidence rate and death rate of malignant tumor are continuously increasing in the world. Early diagnosis is critical for patient prognosis and treatment options. Positron emission tomography (PET) technique has been widely used in the tumor evaluation, and single tracer PET imaging is the most commonly used inspection method. However, each positron tracer reflects specific information in the cell, which can easily lead to a false negative or false positive diagnosis. Therefore, a reasonable binding of multiple tracers is needed to improve the accuracy of PET in tumor diagnosis. In this article we reviewed the multi-tracer PET technology in tumor diagnosis application.【期刊名称】《国际医学放射学杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(038)003【总页数】4页(P257-260)【关键词】正电子发射体层成像;肿瘤;氟代脱氧葡萄糖;单示踪剂;多示踪剂【作者】曾宝真;李永欣;马旭东;黄文华【作者单位】南方医科大学基础医学院临床解剖学研究所,广州 510515;南方医科大学基础医学院临床解剖学研究所,广州 510515;福建省漳州市医院;南方医科大学基础医学院临床解剖学研究所,广州 510515【正文语种】中文由于环境污染加剧、生活压力增大、人口老龄化及饮食结构改变等诸多因素的影响,全球恶性肿瘤发病率和死亡率逐年上升[1]。
Vasilis Ntziachristos
h‐index: 77 | #Paper: 627 | #Citation: 26053 研究领域:
Optical Imaging Tomography Fluorescence Image Reconstruction Near Infrared
Zahi A. Fayad
附一. 分子影像领域 5 位代表学者
Sanjiv S. Gambhir
h‐index: 93 | #Paper: 770 | #Citation: 33976 研究领域: Molecular Imaging Reporter Gene Pet Gene Expression Quantum Dot
题目:Molecular imaging in living subjects: seeing fundamental biological processes in a new light Genes & Development, no. 5 (2003): 545-580 会议/期刊:Genes & Development, no. 5 (2003): 545-580 年份:2003 年 作者:Tarik F. Massoud, Sanjiv S. Gambhir 引用量:2434
题目:Metals in Neurobiology: Probing Their Chemistry and Biology with Molecular Imaging 会议/期刊:Chemical Reviews, no. 5 (2008): 1517-1549 年份:2008 年 作者:Que Emily L, Dylan W. Domaille, Christopher J. Chang 引用量:1491
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MinireviewMolecular Imaging and CancerRonald G.Blasberg1Department of Neurology and Radiology,Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,New York,New York10021AbstractMolecular imaging is a relatively new discipline, which developed over the past decade,initiallydriven by in situ reporter imaging technology. Noninvasive in vivo molecular imaging developed more recently and is based on magnetic resonance and nuclear(positron emission tomography;gamma camera)and in vivo optical imaging systems. Molecular imaging has its roots in both molecular biology and cell biology,as well as imaging technology.Most current in vivo molecular imaging strategies are“indirect”and involve the coupling of a“reporter/marker gene”with a complimentary “reporter/marker probe.”Imaging the level of probe accumulation provides indirect information relatedto the level of reporter gene expression.Reporter gene constructs are driven by upstream promoter/ enhancer elements that function as an“on/off switch”;they can be constitutive,leading to continuous transcription to identify the site and monitor the level and duration of gene(vector) activity.Alternatively,they can be inducible,leading to controlled gene expression,or they can function as a sensor element to monitor the level of endogenous promoters and transcription factors. Three indirect strategies for imaging therapeutic transgenes are discussed.Several examples of imaging endogenous biological processes in animals using reporter constructs,radiolabeled probes,and positron emission tomography imaging are reviewed (p53-dependent gene expression,T-cell receptor-dependent activation of T-lymphocytes,and trafficking of T-lymphocytes).Issues related to the translation of noninvasive molecular imaging technology into the clinic are discussed.IntroductionThe extraordinary developments in both molecular/cellular biology and noninvasive imaging over the past2decades occurred largely in parallel with little direct interaction.How-ever,this began to change less than a decade ago when “reporter”gene technology was first applied to in situ imag-ing of tissue sections(1–3)and applied later to noninvasive,in vivo imaging.Three different noninvasive imaging technol-ogies developed more or less in parallel:(a)MR2imaging (4–8);(b)nuclear imaging(quantitative autoradiography, gamma camera and PET;Refs.9–13);and(c)in vivo optical imaging of small animals(14–16).These developments led to the term“molecular imaging,”which was coined in the mid 1990s.This new field of investigation has expanded rapidly, particularly after several NCI-sponsored initiatives.“Cancer imaging”was identified as one of six“extraordinary scientific opportunities”by NCI in1997–1998.Subsequent funding initiatives have provided a major stimulus to further the de-velopment of this new discipline.Substantial resources have been made available to the research community through NCI’s Small Animal Imaging Resources Program and the In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Centers program.Sim-ilar funding initiatives have been developed by other NIH Institutes and by the Department of Energy.In addition,a new NIH institute,the Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Engineering,has recently been formed to better represent the breadth of an expanding imaging community. Molecular imaging has its roots in both molecular and cell biology as well as in imaging technology.These disciplines have now converged to provide a well-established founda-tion for exciting new research opportunities and for transla-tion into clinical applications,e.g.,established ex vivo mo-lecular assays require invasive sampling procedures that preclude sequential studies in the same animal or in human subjects.Tissue sampling may not always adequately rep-resent the biochemical or pathological process under inves-tigation because of tissue heterogeneity,which is especially characteristic of some tumors.Furthermore,temporal stud-ies that use molecular biological assays have required large numbers of animals that are sacrificed at specific time points to achieve a statistically significant temporal profile.The development of sensitive imaging-based assays to monitor molecular genetic and cellular processes in vivo would be of considerable value in the study of animal models of human disease,including transgenic animals,as well as for studies in human subjects.Noninvasive imaging of molecular genetic and cellular processes will compliment established ex vivo molecular biological assays,and imaging can provide a spa-tial as well as temporal dimension to our understanding of various diseases.Received1/28/03;accepted1/30/03.1To whom requests for reprints should be addressed,at Department of Neurology Box,Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center,1275York Av-enue,Box52,New York,New York10021.2The abbreviations used are:MR,magnetic resonance;PET,positron emission tomography;HSV1-tk,herpes simplex virus type1thymidine kinase;NCI,National Cancer Institute;IRES,internal ribosomal entry site; FHBG,9-[4-fluoro-3-(hydoxymethyl)butyl]guanine;BCNU,1,3-bis(2-chlo-roethyl)-1-nitrosourea;TK,thymidine kinase;GFP,green fluorescent pro-tein;FIAU,5-iodo-2Ј-fluoro-2Јdeoxy-1--D-arabino-furanosyl-uracil;GCV, ganciclovir;RASON,radiolabeled oligonucleotide;egfp,enhanced green fluorescent protein;hSSTR2,human somatostatin receptor subtype-2; NFAT,nuclear factor of activated lymphocyte;TCR,T-cell receptor;hD2R, human dopamine2receptor.335Vol.2,335–343,March2003Molecular Cancer TherapeuticsRecent progress in our understanding of the molecular genetic mechanisms of many diseases and the application of new biologically based approaches in therapy are exciting new developments.New gene-based therapies can provide control over the level,timing,and duration of action of many biologically active transgene products by including specific promoter/activator regulatory elements in the genetic mate-rial transferred.Noninvasive imaging of molecular genetic and cellular processes will accelerate these developments and lead to more effective therapeutic strategies.Methods are being developed for:(a)controlled gene delivery to var-ious somatic tissues and tumors using novel gene con-structs;(b)targeting vectors to specific tissues/organs;and (c)controlling gene expression using cell-specific,replica-tion-activated,and drug-controlled expression systems(17–19).A noninvasive,clinically applicable method for quantita-tively imaging the expression of transduced genes in target tissue or specific organs would be of considerable value.It will facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of gene therapy in human subjects by defining the location(s),magnitude,and persistence of gene expression over time.Imaging StrategiesTwo imaging strategies,“direct”and“indirect,”will be dis-cussed,and several examples will be provided.“Direct im-aging”strategies are based on imaging the target directly, usually with a target-specific probe,and can be defined in terms of a probe–target interaction.The resultant image of probe localization and magnitude(image intensity)is directly related to its interaction with the target epitope or enzyme. Indirect molecular imaging is a little more complex in that it may involve multiple components.One example of indirect imaging that is now being widely used is“reporter imaging,”which usually includes a“reporter gene”and“probe.”The reporter gene product can be an enzyme that converts a reporter probe to a metabolite that is selectively trapped within transduced cells.Alternatively,the reporter gene prod-uct can be a receptor or transporter that“irreversibly traps”the probe in transduced cells during the period of image acquisition.Indirect imaging paradigms are currently more widely used in molecular imaging and will be discussed in greater detail below.Direct imaging strategies are common in nuclear medicine and include monoclonal antibody targeting of a particular cell membrane epitope,imaging the activity of a particular enzyme(e.g.,hexokinase)with an enzyme-specific probe (e.g.,deoxyglucose),or imaging the activity of a particular transporter with a transporter-specific probe.Imaging cell surface-specific antigens or epitopes with radiolabeled anti-bodies,minibodies,or peptides is an example of direct mo-lecular imaging that has developed over the past30years. PET imaging of receptor density/occupancy using small ra-diolabeled molecular probes has also been widely used, particularly in neuroscience research.These examples rep-resent some of the first“molecular imaging”applications used in clinical nuclear medicine research.A more recent direct imaging strategy involves the devel-opment of antisense and aptomer oligonucleotide probes that specifically hybridize to target mRNA or proteins in vivo.Radiolabeled antisense probes are RASONs that have been developed to directly image endogenous gene expression at the transcriptional level.RASONs are small oligonucleotide sequences that are complimentary to a small segment of target mRNA or DNA and could potentially target any specific mRNA or DNA sequence.In this context, imaging specific mRNAs with RASONs produces direct images of specific molecular genetic events.Some efficacy for gamma camera and PET imaging endogenous gene ex-pression using RASONs has been reported(20–23).Never-theless,RASON imaging has several serious limitations,in-cluding:(a)low number of target mRNA/DNA molecules per cell;(b)limited tracer delivery(poor cell membrane and vas-cular permeability,cannot penetrate blood–brain barrier);(c)poor stability(degradation by H-RNase);(d)slow clear-ance(slow washout of nonbound oligonucleotides);and (e)comparatively high background activity and low specific-ity of localization(low target/background ratios).Imaging specific RASON targets in the body is complicated and in-terpretation of the images must be approached with caution. Indirect molecular imaging is currently the most widely used strategy for radionuclide-based imaging(24,25),as well as for optical(14–16)and MR(7,8)imaging.Most indirect molecular imaging paradigms involve the use of re-porter transgene technology and specific probes to produce an image that reflects reporter gene expression.Although reporter gene imaging initially used optical technology that frequently required postmortem tissue sampling and proc-essing(e.g.,-galactosidase assay),more recent studies have emphasized noninvasive imaging techniques involving live animals and human subjects.This noninvasive approach involves a reporter transgene(e.g.,HSV1-tk)placed under the control of upstream promoter/enhancer elements.These promoter/enhancer elements can“always be turned on”with constitutive promoters(e.g.,long terminal repeat,Rous sar-coma virus,and cytomegalovirus),or they can be“sensitive”to activation by specific endogenous transcription factors (factors that bind to and activate specific enhancer ele-ments).Several noninvasive imaging paradigms have been described,and it has recently been shown that transcrip-tional regulation of endogenous(host tissue)gene expres-sion can be imaged using both nuclear(PET)and optical (fluorescence)imaging(26,27).Reporter Gene ImagingA common feature of all reporter vectors is the cDNA expression cassette containing the reporter transgene(s) of interest(e.g.,HSV1-tk).The advantage and versatility of reporter vectors is that the design and arrangement of the expression cassette can be varied(28),e.g.,the reporter transgene(s)can be driven by any promoter/enhancer se-quence of choice.The promoter can be“constitutive,”leading to continuous transcription,or it can be inducible, leading to controlled expression.The promoter can also be cell specific,allowing expression of the transgene to be restricted to certain cells and organs.The paradigm for quantitative imaging of transgene expression involves sev-eral steps,including the initiation of transcription(that can be controlled by specific promoter/enhancer elements),336Molecular Imaging and Cancerthe process of DNA transcription and stabilization of mRNA,and subsequent translation of mRNA into the gene product (a protein).In this manner,the reporter expression cassette can be designed to provide information about endogenous gene regulation,mRNA stabilization,and specific protein –protein interactions.A general paradigm for noninvasive reporter gene imaging using radiolabeled probes was initially described in 1995(9)and is diagrammatically shown in Fig.1.This paradigm re-quires the appropriate combination of a reporter/marker transgene and probe.It is important to note that imaging transgene expression is independent of the vector used to transfect/transduce target tissue;namely,any of several currently available vectors can be used (e.g.,retrovirus,adenovirus,adeno-associated virus,lentivirus,liposomes,etc.).The reporter transgene usually encodes for an enzyme (e.g.,HSV1-TK)that selectively metabolizes the radiolabeled probe and results in its entrapment and accumulation in the transduced cell.It may be helpful to consider this reporter imaging paradigm as an example of an in vivo enzymatic radiotracer assay that reflects reporter gene expression.En-zymatic amplification of the signal (e.g.,level of radioactivity)facilitates imaging the location and magnitude of reporter gene expression.Viewed from this perspective,reporter gene imaging is similar to imaging hexokinase activity with fluorodeoxyglucose.Wild-type HSV1-tk (11)and a mutant HSV1-tk gene,HSV1-sr39tk (29),are the reporter genes most commonly used in current molecular imaging studies using radiolabeled probes and PET imaging.The HSV1-tk and HSV1-sr39tk gene prod-ucts are proteins (enzymes)that have less substrate speci-ficity than mammalian TK1.The viral kinases phosphorylate a wider range of compounds,including acycloguanosines (e.g.,acyclovir,GCV,and FHBG)and 2Ј-fluoro-nucleoside analogues of thymidine (e.g.,FIAU).This difference between mammalian and viral TK enzymes permits the development and use of radiolabeled probes that are phosphorylated to asignificantly greater extent by HSV1-TK or HSV1-sr39TK in comparison with mammalian TK1.Alternatively,a reporter gene can encode for an extra-cellular or intracellular receptor that “irreversibly ”binds or transports a radiolabeled or paramagnetic probe.hD2R is an example of such a reporter gene (30).This was a very clever strategy because hD2R expression is largely limited to the striatal –nigral system of the brain and because an established radiolabeled probe,3-(2Ј-[18F]fluoroethyl)spiperone,has been extensively used to image striatal –nigral D2receptors in human subjects (31).Similarly,the hSSTR2gene has been suggested as a potential reporter gene for human studies (32,33),because hSSTR2expres-sion is largely limited to carcinoid tumors.There is also a complimentary radiolabeled somatostatin analogue ([111In]diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-octreotide)that can be used for imaging hSSTR2expression (34).Radio-labeled octreotide has also been approved for administra-tion to patients with carcinoid tumors.Both of these re-porter systems have distinct benefits with respect to initiating molecular/reporter imaging in human subjects.However,receptor expression on the surface of cells is a complex process and involves intracellular trafficking and cell membrane expression that is likely to be altered under different conditions and disease states.It remains to be shown whether imaging receptor-based reporter systems (e.g.,the hD2R and hSSTR2reporter gene systems)will provide a consistent and reliable measure of reporter gene expression.In either case,the level of probe accumulation (level of radioactivity)must be shown to be proportional to the level of gene expression.Imaging the Expression of Therapeutic TransgenesA noninvasive,clinically applicable method for imaging the expression of successful gene transduction in target tissue or specific organs of the body would be of considerable value.It would facilitate the monitoring and evaluationofFig.1.Schematic for imaging HSV1-tk marker/reporter gene ex-pression with marker/reporter probes FIAU and FHBG.The HSV1-tk gene complex is trans-fected into target cells by a vector (retrovirus,adenovirus,liposome,or any other vector).Inside the trans-fected cell,the HSV1-tk gene is tran-scribed to HSV1-tk mRNA and then translated on the ribosomes to a protein (enzyme),HSV1-TK.After administration of a complimentary radiolabeled marker/reporter probe (FIAU or FHBG )and transport into the cell,the probe is phosphorylated by HSV1-TK (gene product).The phosphorylated radiolabeled mark-er/reporter probe does not readily cross the cell membrane;it is “trapped ”and accumulates within the cell.Thus,the magnitude of marker/reporter probe accumulation reflects the level of HSV1-TK en-zyme activity and the level of HSV1-tk gene expression.337Molecular Cancer Therapeuticsgene therapy in human subjects by defining the location, magnitude,and persistence of gene expression over time. Targeting gene therapy to particular tissue(e.g.,tumor)or specific organs is an increasingly active area of research with 519related articles published in1991,1424articles in1995, and4165articles in2000based on a MEDLINE search. Several issues that are important for clinical optimization of gene therapy remain unresolved in many current clinical protocols:(a)Has gene transduction or transfection been successful?;(b)Is the distribution of the transduced or trans-fected gene localized to the target organ or tissue,and is the distribution in the target optimal?;(c)Is the level of transgene expression in the target organ or tissue sufficient to result in a therapeutic effect?;(d)Does the transduced or transfected gene localize to any organ or tissue at sufficient levels to induce unwanted toxicity?;(e)In the case of combined pro-drug gene therapy protocols,when is transgene expression maximum(optimal),and when is the optimal time to initiate treatment with the pro-drug?;and(f)How long does trans-gene expression persist in the target and other tissues? We and others have proposed that noninvasive imaging techniques using selected reporter gene and reporter probe combinations will provide a practical and clinically useful way to identify successful gene transduction and expression in patients undergoing gene therapy.One could argue that biopsies of target tissue could be performed and that imag-ing is not critical.However,imaging provides some clear advantages,including:(a)the ability to repeatedly assess gene expression over time,especially when multiple sequen-tial biopsies are not feasible;(b)the absence of any pertur-bation of the underlying tissue that occurs with biopsy pro-cedures;and(c)the ability to obtain spatial information in the entire body,as well as target organs and tumors,which could be of considerable value when addressing toxicity issues.HSV1-tk has the advantage of being both a“therapeutic gene”(combined with GCV treatment)and a reporter gene (using an appropriate radiolabeled probe,such as FIAU or FHBG).Experimental validation of this approach has been demonstrated in animal models of colorectal metastases to the liver treated with adenoviral-mediated HSV1-tk gene transfer and GCV(“suicide”gene therapy;Refs.35and36)or treatment with conditionally replicating,oncolytic herpes vi-ruses that constitutively express the HSV1-tk gene(37,38). However,most therapeutic genes do not lend themselves to direct imaging of their transgene product.Furthermore,the development and validation of a“new”probe and imaging paradigm specific to each therapeutic transgene of interest would be a very costly and time-consuming endeavor.Many therapeutic gene products do not lend themselves to radio-nuclide,paramagnetic,or optical assessments.It is therefore reasonable to consider alternative strategies for indirect im-aging of therapeutic gene expression;strategies that use established reporter genes and their complimentary radiola-beled probes to provide images that define the location, magnitude,and duration of therapeutic gene expression. Several indirect reporter gene imaging strategies have been described that can be used to image many different therapeutic genes.These strategies take advantage of using established reporter gene–reporter probe combinations and achieve the objective of monitoring therapeutic gene expres-sion.One strategy uses a fusion gene containing cDNA from both the reporter and therapeutic genes(39).A second strat-egy uses a cis–linked reporter gene(24,25);a third strategy uses multiple vectors,where one or more vectors carry a therapeutic gene,and another vector carries the reporter gene(40).All three strategies are based on demonstrating a proportional and constant relationship in the coexpression of two or more transgenes over many expression levels. Strict coexpression of two proteins in equimolar amounts can only be achieved by a fusion gene construct that en-codes the cDNA sequence of both genes.This approach is based on existing fusion gene technology,where two genes (one“therapeutic”and one“reporter”)are“linked”in a fixed and definable manner.Transcription of the fusion gene oc-curs under the control of definable upstream promoter/en-hancer elements,and translation proceeds to yield a single “fusion protein”(gene product).The fusion protein is a single hybrid of two individual proteins;it is formed from the amino acid sequences encoded in both the therapeutic and reporter genes.Thus,information obtained by imaging the“reporter”component will provide corresponding information about the “therapeutic”component of the fusion protein(39).There are a number of potential disadvantages of the fusion gene approach:(a)the fusion construct may not pro-duce in a functional gene product;this could be attributable to a change in the conformational structure of the native protein or result in an alteration in the subcellular localization (intracellular trafficking)of the fusion protein,or it could re-flect a loss of binding or enzymatic activity of its“therapeutic component,”as well as to a loss of activity of its“reporter component”;(b)transcription modulation of the fusion mRNA or a change in the clearance(breakdown)of the fusion protein may be sufficiently different compared with the two native proteins(gene products of the two native genes);such differences could have a significant impact on the level of the fusion gene product and,thereby,on the level of its biolog-ical activity;and(c)fusion proteins are larger than the two corresponding native proteins and more likely to generate an immunological response in vivo;thus,fusion gene technol-ogy cannot be generalized and may not be widely applicable in clinical imaging of therapeutic gene expression.However, when the fusion gene product is functional and nonimmuno-genic,it provides a very useful approach to monitor thera-peutic gene expression.A second approach that was recently described involves the proportional expression of two cis-linked genes,using an IRES element within a single bicistronic transcription cas-sette(24,25).The IRES element enables translation initiation within the bicistronic mRNA,thus permitting gene coexpres-sion by cap-dependent translation of the first cistron and cap-independent,IRES-mediated translation of the second cistron(33,41,42).Imaging studies in animals have sug-gested that proportional coexpression is reliable and quan-titative.However,it will be important to demonstrate that IRES-based transgene coexpression remains proportional in different tissues(e.g.,that the half-life of each encoded pro-tein remains proportional in different tissues).This is neces-338Molecular Imaging and Cancersary when noninvasive imaging is used to assess organ (tissue)specificity,as well as the level and duration of ther-apeutic transgene expression.A third approach for achieving proportional coexpression of one or more therapeutic genes and a reporter gene is based on the administration of multiple vectors.In this par-adigm,each vector is similar and expresses a single trans-gene,a therapeutic or reporter gene.Each vector would have identical envelope characteristics and identical promoter/ enhancer elements driving the expression of the therapeutic and reporter transgenes.An infusion cocktail containing the vectors in definable(known)combinations can be adminis-tered.A key requirement for this approach is that:(a)the multiple vectors transfect and transduce target organs and tissue proportionate to their ratio in the administered cock-tail;(b)the therapeutic and reporter genes are coexpressed proportionally in all target organs and tissue;and(c)the proportionality of coexpression is constant over many ex-pression levels.A recent report has provided encouraging results in support of using multiple vectors(adenovirus)to deliver reporter and therapeutic genes to target organs(40). Imaging Endogenous Biological ProcessesReporter gene imaging is being used to visualize transcrip-tional and post-transcriptional regulation of target gene ex-pression,as well as specific intracellular protein–protein in-teractions.Several examples will be provided below. Imaging transcriptional regulation of endogenous genes in living animals(and potentially in human subjects)using non-invasive imaging techniques is providing a clearer under-standing of normal and cancer-related biological processes.A recent study from our group(26)was the first to show that p53-dependent gene expression can be imaged in vivo with PET and by in situ fluorescence.A retroviral vector(Cis-p53/ TKeGFP)was generated by placing the herpes simplex virus type1TK and e gfp fusion gene(TKeGFP,a dual-reporter gene)under control of a p53-specific response element.DNA damage-induced up-regulation of p53transcriptional activity was demonstrated and correlated with the expression of p53-dependent downstream genes,including p21.These findings were observed in U87(p53ϩ/ϩ)cells and xe-nografts but not in SaOS(p53Ϫ/Ϫ)cells.This was the first demonstration that a Cis-reporter system(Cis-p53/TKGFP) was sufficiently sensitive to image endogenous gene expres-sion using noninvasive nuclear(PET)imaging(Fig.2a).The PET images corresponded with up-regulation of genes in the p53signal transduction pathway(p53-depndent down-stream genes)in response to DNA damage induced by BCNU chemotherapy(Fig.2b).PET imaging of p53transcrip-tional activity in tumors using the Cis-p53TKGFP reporter system could be used to assess the effects of new drugs or other novel therapeutic paradigms that are mediated through p53-dependent pathways,e.g.,specific p53gene therapy strategies that are based on p53overexpression(43)could be monitored by noninvasive imaging.It should also be pointed out that the dual reporter con-struct(TKeGFP,fusion gene)provides the opportunity for multimodality(both nuclear and optical imaging)imaging of endogenous gene expression in vivo.The TKeGFP reporter gene could be introduced into other reporter assay systemsto assess other molecular biological pathways.It should alsobe possible to use the TKeGFP reporter gene in transgenic animals;this will facilitate the monitoring and assessment of newly cloned genes or novel signal transduction pathways. Another advantage of the dual reporter system is the abilityto compare the images of reporter gene expression obtainedwith PET,gamma camera,or autoradiography with corre-sponding in situ GFP fluorescence images.The comparison between GFP fluorescence and autoradiographic images, coupled with histology of corresponding tissue sections, provides for spatial and quantitative assessments of reporter gene expression at the microscopic,as well as macroscopic, level.T-cell activation is an essential component of the immune response in many normal and disease states.The objectiveof a recent study in our laboratory(27)was to monitor and assess TCR-dependent activation in vivo using noninvasivePET imaging.A retroviral vector(Cis-NFAT/TKeGFP)was generated by placing the fusion gene(TKeGFP)under controlof the NFAT response element.A human T-cell leukemia cellline(Jurkat)that expresses a functional TCR was transducedwith the Cis-NFAT/TKGFP reporter vector and used in these studies.Known activators of T cells(anti-CD3and-CD28 antibody)produced significantly higher levels of TKGFP re-porter gene expression(increased GFP fluorescence,levelsof HSV1-tk mRNA,and[14C]FIAU accumulation in vitro)inCis-NFAT/TKGFPϩJurkat cells,in comparison with non-treated or nontransduced cells.In mice with focal Cis-NFAT/ TKGFPϩJurkat cell infiltrates,similar results were observedin the microPET images(Fig.3a)and in vivo fluorescence images(Fig.3b).A strong correlation of TKGFP coexpressionwith up-regulation of T-cell activation markers(CD69and interleukin-2production)was demonstrated both in vitro andin vivo.These results demonstrated that:(a)activation of the NFAT signal transduction pathway occurs after TCR stimu-lation and(b)PET imaging of T-lymphocyte activation in tumors after TCR engagement is feasible using the described TKGFP-based Cis-reporter system.This imaging paradigm could be used to assess the efficacy of novel antitumor vaccines and adoptive immunotherapy.The trafficking and localization of T-lymphocytes are im-portant components of the immune response and in the elimination of abnormal cells and infectious agents.Passive(ex vivo)labeling of T cells with radioactive isotopes can be unstable and does not account for proliferation of activatedT cells in the body.An objective of ongoing studies in our laboratory is to image the in vivo targeting and accumulationof EBV lymphoma-specific CTLs in allogeneic HLA-matchedEBV B-lymphomas using PET and optical imaging modali-ties.CTLs specific for homogenous EBV-transformed B-lymphocytes were obtained and stably transduced with a constitutively expressing dual reporter gene(HSV1tk/egfp fusion gene).Specific accumulation and localization of radio-activity were observed only in the autologous EBV(ϩ)lym-phoma,the allogeneic HLA-matched EBV(ϩ)lymphoma,and spleen;no localization was seen in the allogeneic HLA-matchednon-EBV lymphoma and HLA-mismatched EBV(ϩ)lymphoma. Sequential imaging over72h in another set of animals showed339Molecular Cancer Therapeutics。