

高级英语 新编英语教程5 课文+翻译 unit10

高级英语  新编英语教程5 课文+翻译 unit10

Unit10 Things: The Throw-away Society by Alvin Toffler“Barbie,” a twelve-inch plastic teen-ager, is the best known and best-selling doll in history. Since its introduction in 1959, the Barbie doll population of the world has grown to 12,000,000—more than the human population of Los Angeles or London or Paris. Little girls adore Barbie because she is highly realistic and eminently dress-upable. Mattel, Inc., maker of Barbie, also sells a complete wardrobe for her, including clothes for ordinary daytime wear, clothes for formal party wear, clothes for swimming and skiing.十二英寸高的塑料小人“芭比”曾是历史上最著名最畅销的洋娃娃,自从1959年问世以来,全世界的芭比娃娃的数量增长到1200,0000人—比洛杉矶,伦敦和巴黎任何一个城市的人口还要多。


Recently Mattel announced a new improved Barbie doll. The new version has a slimmer figure, “real”eyelashes and a twist-and turn waist that makes her more humanoid than ever. Moreover, Mattel announced that, for the first time, any young lady wishing to purchase a new Barbie would receive a trade-in allowance for her old one.最近Mattel公司推出一款更高级的芭比娃娃,这个新产品身材更苗条,有仿真睫毛,又可以扭转弯曲的腰肢,所有这些特点使其更加人性化。



• Cf. council: a group of people appointed or elected to make laws, rules, or decisions, for a town, etc., or to give advice. • the state council国务院 • the Council of Ministers内阁 • the UN Security Council安理会 • Official meetings of the town council镇政会 are always held in the council chamber会议室.
• to increase in size faster and faster or uncontrollably • The effect of rising prices has snowballed. • He helped the organization to snowball its political influence.
• • • • • • • • • • • on hand: present, available the hidden hand the minute [hour] hand ask for a girl's hand give one's hand to sb. a fresh [green] hand a crack [good, great] hand extra hands at first hand (knowledge at first hand )。 at second hand at hand
• 对----提出诉讼
• take divorce proceedings

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

+ 布莱恩满腹孤疑,揣测着诡计多端的达罗
到底在耍什么花招,但他又不能不接受这 个挑战。多年来,他一直在讲授<<圣经>>, 并且围绕着<<圣经>>出版研究著作。早在 反进化论法律实行以前,他就在田纳西州 发动过反达尔主义的运动。这是,只看见 他手握一把芭蕉扇,如同拿着一把退敌的 利剑似的,大步流星地走向证人席。
+ be suspicious of(怀疑)
+ be suspicious of everything 草木皆兵
+ be suspicious of sb. / sth. 怀疑某人/某事 + be suspicious of each other 互相猜疑 + campaign + vi 作战,参加活动
+ Bryan was suspicious of(怀疑) the wily
(狡猾的,诡计多端的)Darrow, yet he could not refuse the challenge. For years he had lectured(授课) and written on the Bible(圣经). He had campaigned against (开展反对…的活动) Darwinism in Tennessee even before passage of the antievolution(反进化论) law. Resolutely he strode (vt.大步走) the stand , carrying a palm fan(芭蕉扇) like a sword to repel (击退) his enemies.



Lesson Ten The Trial That Rocked the World词汇注释:sweltering adj. being uncomfortably hot; suffering from the heat 热得难受的例:a sweltering climate 闷热的气候counsel n. a lawyer or group of lawyers giving advice about legal matters and representing clients in court. 辩护律师,法律参谋例:The court heard the counsel for both sides. 法庭听取了双方律师的陈述。

silver-tongued adj. eloquent, persuasive 雄辩的,有口才的orator n. person who makes formal speeches in public; person who is good at public speaking.演说者,演说家例:a fine political orator 优秀的政治演说家nominee n.person who is nominated for an office, a position, etc. 被提名的候选人,被任命之人testify v. give evidence; declare as a witness, esp. in court 提供证据,作证例:The teacher testified to the boy’s honesty. 老师证明那孩子很老实。

/Two witnesses testified against her and one in her favour. 有两个证人的证词对她不利,另一个人的对她有利。

同义词:verify, confirm, proveverify指通过调查或者与可弄清的事实的比拟来证明某事是对的,如:The driver’s report of the accident was verified by eye-witnesses.〔这位司机的事故报告由目睹者加以证实。



• with dispatch:quickly and efficiently 迅速而有效 • eg. He carries out his duties with efficiency and dispatch.他执行任务迅速而有效。 • haste, speed, hurry, dispatch • 这些名词均含“迅速,急速”之意。 • haste: 中性词,用作褒义指动作迅速,事情做得又快 又好;作贬义用时,指做事急躁,行为鲁莽,得不到预 期的结果。 • speed: 多用于褒义,指行动敏捷快速,效果好。 • hurry: 指急速从事某项活动或匆忙对付一件事情,含 明显慌乱的意味。 • dispatch: 指迅速、敏捷地结束某事,强调敏捷和及 时。
•) • You can refer to a dictionary if necessary. 如果有必要,你可以参考字典。 • The speaker often referred to his notes. 那位演讲者一再参考他的讲稿。 • Don't refer to this matter again please. 请不要再提这件事了。 • She referred to the subject several times during her speech. 在她的演讲中多次提到这个学科。 • Refer to the Manager if confusion arises. 如有不清楚的地方,就咨询经理。
2. ~sth(to sb/sth)发出,发送(意见,包裹或信息) eg. Goods are dispatched within 24 hours of your order reaching us.订单到达我方24小时内发货。 3.迅速处理,迅速完成 eg. He dispatched the younger player in straight sets.他连续几局迅速击败了那位比他年轻的选手。 4.to kill a person or an animal 杀死,处决 n.1.[U]派遣,发送 eg. More food supplies are ready for immediate dispatch.更多的食品供应已备妥即刻发运。 2.[C](军事人员或政府官员之间的)急件,快信 3.[C](驻外国记者发给报刊的)新闻报道,电讯

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

1.(尤指出庭)作证 testify against / for sb testify to /about sth e.g. She refused to testify against her husband. 她拒绝出庭作证指控丈夫。 2.证实;证明 e.g. Too many young people are unable to write or spell well ,as employers will testify. 写作和拼写不好的年轻人太多了,这一点雇主都会证明。 3.testify to sth 作为某事的证明;表面;说明 e.g. The film testifies to the courage of ordinary people during the war. 这部电影表明老百姓在战争期间的英勇行为。
州公开讲授了,尽管那条曾判我有罪的法令仍未废 除。
The oratorical storm that Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malo ne blew up in the little court in Dayton swept like a fresh wind th rough the schools and legislative offices of the United States, br inging in its wake a new climate of intellectual and academic fre edom that has grown with the passing years.由克拉伦斯达罗和 达德雷费尔德马隆在戴顿镇的小小法庭上掀起的那些辩论风暴犹 如一股清风吹遍了美国的学校和立法机关,随之而来的是日渐增 长的思想自由和学术自由的新气象。

高级英语第一册Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

高级英语第一册Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

Verb1、 ~(to sb)(for sth)呼吁,吁请,恳求 Eg.Police have appealed for witness to come forward警方呼吁证人挺身而出。 2、~(to sb)有吸引力,有感染力,引起兴趣 Eg the design has to appeal to all ages and social groups 设计的要雅俗共赏,老少皆宜 3、~(to sb/sth)(against sth)上诉,申诉 Eg.the company is appealing against the ruling 公司正对判决提出申诉
Homicide 杀人罪 attempted murder 谋杀未遂 Infanticide 杀婴 assault and battery 殴打,侵犯人身罪 kidnapping, abduction 诱拐,拐骗 Highjacking 劫持(飞机) Piracy 海盗罪,盗版 Rape 强奸罪

larceny盗窃罪 armed robbery持械抢劫 burglary入室行窃 smuggling, contraband走私罪 swindle诈骗罪 embezzlement贪污公款罪 bribery, suborning行贿,受贿 fraud欺诈
The Trial That Rocked the World By John Scopes
Lesson 10 (23—26段)
Dudley Field Malone popped up(突然出现;跳 起来)to reply. “Mr. Bryan is not the only one who has the right to speak for the Bible, ” he observed. 达德雷•费尔德•马隆跳起来反驳布莱恩。“布 莱恩可不是唯一有资格为《圣经》辩护的 人,”他说

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

n. 目标;物体;客体;宾语 vt. 提出„作为反对的理由 vi. 反对;拒绝 1.Our object is to further cement trade relations. 我们的目标是进一步巩固贸易关系。 2.I objected that he was too young for the job.
defeat vt. 击败,战胜;挫败;使„失败 n. 失败;战胜 To defeat terror, and not flinch. 要战胜恐怖,而不是退缩。
“victorious defeat”胜利的失败
矛盾修辞法(Oxymoron)是一种修辞手段,它是用两种不 相调和,甚至截然相反的词语来形容一件事物,起到一 种强烈的修辞效果,使得所表达的语义更强烈。
at all / in heaven / in hell / under heaven
The judge used his gavel(n小木槌) to quell(v平息) hubbub(n喧哗 吵闹声)and adjourned (vt使„中止) court until next day. 法官敲响小木槌止住了喧哗声,随即宣布休庭,次日再审。
go out (情感等)集注;向往;充满同情
go out短语意义集锦
–1.外出,出去 –2.出国,移居(国外): –3.参加社交活动,出外交际(或娱乐) –4.出版;发刊;公布;(电台、电视台)广播 –5.(灯、火等)熄灭;(发动机等)停止运转: –6.过时,不再流行:7.(年、月等)结束,过去: 1976年阴郁地过去。 –8.支出,花掉: –9.[委婉语]过世;消逝: –10.(潮水等)退去:
Dudley Field Malone called my conviction(定罪) a “victorious defeat.” 达德雷.费尔德.马隆称这次庭审结果对我来说是一次"胜 利的败仗"。 • conviction • n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪;确信,坚定的信仰 • By conviction, he is no moderate. • 在信念上,他不是温和派。 • victorious • adj. 胜利的;凯旋的 • There is a reason why the word has changed in meaning and has ceased to signify the victorious general. • 如今,这个单词的意义已经改变,不再表示胜利的将军, 这就存在了一个为什么的原因。



1 This day, devoted to the memory of Robert Frost, offers an opportunity for reflection which is prized by politicians as well as by others and even by poets. For Robert Frost was one of the granite figures of our time in America. He was supremely two things—an artist and an American.今天死纪念罗伯特弗罗斯特的日子,同时它提供了一个反思机会,政治家、其他人、甚至诗人都珍视这一天。



2 A nation reveals itself not only by the men it produces, also by the men it honors, the men it re-members.一个国家不仅通过它产生的人来揭示自己,还有这个民族在纪念谁,记得谁。

3 In America our heroes have customarily run to men of large accomplishments. But today this college and country honors a man whose contribution was not to our size but to our spirit; not to our political beliefs but to our insight; not to our self-esteem, but to our self-comprehension.在美国,我们的英雄通常都是追求成就的人。

(完整word版)高级英语 新编英语教程5 课文+翻译 unit10

(完整word版)高级英语  新编英语教程5 课文+翻译 unit10

Unit10 Things: The Throw-away Society by Alvin Toffler“Barbie,” a twelve-inch plastic teen-ager, is the best known and best-selling doll in history. Since its introduction in 1959, the Barbie doll population of the world has grown to 12,000,000—more than the human population of Los Angeles or London or Paris. Little girls adore Barbie because she is highly realistic and eminently dress-upable. Mattel, Inc., maker of Barbie, also sells a complete wardrobe for her, including clothes for ordinary daytime wear, clothes for formal party wear, clothes for swimming and skiing.十二英寸高的塑料小人“芭比”曾是历史上最著名最畅销的洋娃娃,自从1959年问世以来,全世界的芭比娃娃的数量增长到1200,0000人—比洛杉矶,伦敦和巴黎任何一个城市的人口还要多。


Recently Mattel announced a new improved Barbie doll. The new version has a slimmer figure, “real”eyelashes and a twist-and turn waist that makes her more humanoid than ever. Moreover, Mattel announced that, for the first time, any young lady wishing to purchase a new Barbie would receive a trade-in allowance for her old one.最近Mattel公司推出一款更高级的芭比娃娃,这个新产品身材更苗条,有仿真睫毛,又可以扭转弯曲的腰肢,所有这些特点使其更加人性化。

高级英语上 unit 10The trials

高级英语上 unit 10The trials

1)Darrow walked slowly round the baking court. "Today it
is the teachers," he continued, "and tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers. After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century /when bigots lighted faggots to burn the man who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind."
3) The oratorical storm that Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone Blew up in the little court in dayton swept like a fresh wind through the schools and legislaive offices of the United States ,/bringing in its wake a new climate of intellectual and academic freedom that has grown with the passing years
growled, 7) As my father growled, "That's one hell of a jury!" growled: growled:1,动物敌意的低呜声 2,say sth in unfriendly and angrily way As my father complained angrily, "That' s no jury at all." 8) He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant. bigotry :the practice of having very strong and unreasonable opinion He is here because unenlightenment and prejudice are widespread and unchecked.



Section 2: Global Reading
Main Idea Structural Analysis
Part IV (Paragraphs 21-29) A Vision of America Kennedy articulates a vision for America. That is to build the country into a society where moral restraint and wisdom are placed in a prominent position, where the beauty of natural environment is protected and cultural heritage is given priority to, where achievements in the arts are amply rewarded, where the level of artistic accomplishment is raised and cultural opportunities for the common folks are multiplied, where the respect the world pays derives from the merits of civilization, and where personal uniqueness is secured.
Kennedy states the purpose of the speech is to commemorate the American poet Robert Frost.
Section 2: Global Reading
Main Idea Structural Analysis

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world

More than 100 reporters were on hand( 到 场),and even radio(广播电台) announcers(播音员), who for the first time in history were to broadcast (vt:广播) a jury trial(审理陪审团 ). 到场的还有一百多名记者,甚至还包括一些 广播电台的播音员,他们居然首次现场直播 庭审实况。
reassuring arm : obviously the arm can’t be reassuring ; it means in a reassuring manner ,a friendly gesture to put John at ease ; the figure of speech used here is a transferred epithet transferred epithet(移就/转类形容词)胳膊arm本 身不能安心reassuring,而是Darrow用胳膊搂住我 的肩膀这一友好的动作令我安心. 英汉双语的移就修辞格都是把本属于甲事物性状的词移 用于乙事物,而且一般说来,指的都是形容词的移用, 并且把原用于修饰人的形容词用来修饰物或其他非人 的事物。

11. hand on 传递给另一个人。如: Please hand on the magazine to your friends. 请把这 本杂志传给你的朋友看。 12. hand out 散发,分发。如: The teacher is handing out the examination papers. 老师正在分发试卷。

on hand ① present ( especially for some purpose )到场 E.g. There will be 300 representatives on hand in this conference .这次会议将有300个代表 出席。 ② readily available 在手边(在近处,现有, 在手头上) E.g. He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us .他手头的工作太多了, 不能跟我们去野餐。


ical element [u.n]. 硫, 硫磺 Eg. Sulphur is a pale yellow substance that produces a strong unpleasant smell when it burns and is used in medicine and industry. • sulphurous:硫磺的 scathing, harsh严厉的,刺耳的 • dispatch v.1. ~ sb /sth (to…)派遣,调遣 Eg. Troops have been dispatched to the area. 部队已被派往那个地区。
• • • • • •
telegraph network电报网 telegraph transmitter发报机 telegraph receiver收报机 sound telegraph音响电报 telegraph key发报电键 telegraph wire电报线
• telegraph alphabet电报符号表 • telegraph exchange电报交换机
• (4)使…….变得 The bad news sent him mad/ out of mind. The sight of the Red Army sent the enemy running in all directions. • 短语 send for去请 send A for B派A 去请B send…forth发出 send…off送行 send…out发出(光、热、气味、烟雾等) send…up发射 send sb. away解雇;逐出 send…over播出;播送
2. ~sth(to sb/sth)发出,发送(意见,包裹或信息) eg. Goods are dispatched within 24 hours of your order reaching us.订单到达我方24小时内发货。 3.迅速处理,迅速完成 eg. He dispatched the younger player in straight sets.他连续几局迅速击败了那位比他年轻的选手。 4.to kill a person or an animal 杀死,处决 n.1.[U]派遣,发送 eg. More food supplies are ready for immediate dispatch.更多的食品供应已备妥即刻发运。 2.[C](军事人员或政府官员之间的)急件,快信 3.[C](驻外国记者发给报刊的)新闻报道,电讯


bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and
enlightenment and culture to the human mind. (Para. 14)
要不了多久,社会上便会是一种人与人为仇,教派与教派为敌的局面, 直到我们的社会大踏步地退回到十六世纪那光辉的年代,那时如果有谁 胆敢给人类带来智慧、知识和文化,就会被那些愚昧的偏执狂们点燃柴 堆活活烧死。”
The Trial That Rocked the World
14 of 13

1....tomorrow the magazines, the books, the newspapers... (Para14) 2.The Christian believes that man came from above. ...(Para20) 3.The Old count’s floor might collapse under the weight (Para29)
The Trial That Rocked the World
10 of 13
Irony 反语
After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until
we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the 16th century when
6 of 13
Oxymoron 矛盾修饰
adj. + n.
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Structure of the Text: (4 parts)
Part 1. A lead-in ( para.1 )
Setting and characters: a packed court on a sweltering July day in 1925; John Scopes, Darrow and Bryan.
Part 4. Changes in th 3 (5 sections)
Section 1: An introduction to the atmosphere and the characters (paras10-11):
1. Bryan (ageing and paunchy), John Butler (an ill-educated man), Tom Steward ( a brilliant lawyer, Bryan’s son ), and the multitude mostly fundamentalists 2. Darrow (68-year-old, shrewd, an agnostic), Dudley Field Malone(43, handsome and magnetic, a Catholic), Arthur Garfield Hays (quiet, scholarly and steeped in the law, a Jew), and my father from Kentucky 3. The presiding judge: John Raulston (florid-faced, “I’m jist a reg’lar mountaineer jedge”)
Modernism: a movement toward religious liberalism
in Christianity during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its purpose: change religious doctrines to conform to the then current ideas in philosophy, science and society. Modernists : to deny the supernatural elements in religion, to regard Biblical accounts as legendary rather historical, to make personal psychological satisfaction the ultimate test of what was religiously valid or acceptable.
Section 2: First round of the debate (paras12-25)
1.The first day (paras12-15): 1) An open session with prayer 2) The preliminary sparring over legalities 3) Darrow’s opening statement
Part 2. A flashback ( paras. 2-9 )
The reason why I was brought to court: 1)Teaching Darwin’s evolution in American schools. 2) Fundamentalism was strong in Tennessee Part 3. The process of the Trial (paras.10-46) The debate between the two sides went through several stages:
John Scopes:
-- a high school science teacher in Dayton, Tennessee. -- the last surviving principal of the famous Tennessee “Monkey Trial” of 1925. -- His name became synonymous with the teaching of evolution in American schools.
Clarence Darrow (1857-1938): -- American lawyer. -- acted professionally in many cases against monopolies or on the side of labor; -- was also the president of the American League to abolish Capital Punishment. William Jennings Bryan (1860-1925) -- American leader, editor, and popular lecturer; three times a nominee for the presidency of the US. Secretary of State (1901-1913). --Just before his death (1925) Bryan figured as one of the prosecuting attorneys and a state’s witness against the teaching of Darwinian evolution in the famed Scopes trial held at Dayton, Tennessee.
The Trial That Rocked the World
Fundamentalism vs Modernism
Fundamentalism :a religious movement of conservative Protestants in the U.S.A. in the early 1920s; Its purpose : to maintain the traditional Christian view of the Bible and to assert the literal interpretation of the Biblical narrative The fundamentalist movement resulted from discrepancies between religious beliefs and the discoveries of modern science, particularly Darwin’s theory of evolution.
Section 3: The court adjourned (paras26-28) Situations on Dayton’s streets Section 4: The Climax of the Trial (paras29-43) Darrow vs Bryan: a discussion on the Bible Section 5: The verdict and my fate (paras44-46)
Leading counsel for the prosecution was William Jennings Bryan, the silvertongued orator , three times Democratic nominee for President of the United States, and leader of the fundamentalist movement that had brought about my trial.
Seated in court, ready to testify on my behalf, were a dozen distinguished professors and scientists, led by Professor Kirtley Mather of Harvard University.
• The modernists, on the other hand, accepted the theory advanced by Charles Darwin -- that all animal life, including monkeys and men, had evolved from a common ancestor.
Charles Darwin (1809-1882):
-- British, world famous naturalist and biologist -- founder of the theory of man’s evolution by natural selection; -- his best known works: Origin of Species(1859), Descent of Man(1871). -- From the strong principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to propagate its new and modified form.
• The buildings along the main street were festooned with banners. The streets around the three-storey red brick law court sprouted with rickety stands selling hot dogs, religious books and watermelons. Evangelists set up tents to exhort the passersby. People from the surrounding hills, mostly fundamentalists, arrived to cheer Bryan against the " infidel outsiders"