





1.安森美半导体推出两个新系列的功率因数校正AC—DC驱动器用于LED照明应用 [J], ;
2.安森美半导体推出新双缘(Dual-Edge)PWM挖制器 [J],
3.安森美半导体推出广泛电源应用的小巧、创新功率因数校正控制器 [J],
4.安森美半导体推出业内首个电源开关应用的同步整流器 [J],



维萨拉工业测量产品手册湿度 | 温度 | 露点 | 二氧化碳 | 沼气 | 油中水分 | 连续监测系统 |溶解气体分析系统 | 过氧化氢 | 压力 | 气象 | 服务支持观测让世界更美好维萨拉的工业测量业务领域产品能够帮助客户了解工艺过程。








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4/31!4/31!5/563/512/311/:61/222/1126/11MSPN09A REV.SHEET SCALE .X°± 2°X.°± 5°.XX°± 1°.XXX°± 0.5°.XXX± 0.10.XX± 0.20.X± 0.30X.± 0.40PROJ.UNIT APPROVAL CHECKED TITLE DRAWN DWG NO.B C D E F G H I I H G F ED AC B Proconn Technology Co., Ltd.J J PART NO.mmGENERAL TOLERANCE CUSTOMER DRAWING PROCESS COMPLIANT Pb -01-D GND WITHOUT CARD CARD INSERTED (#10)(#9) PATENTS PENDING. ARE COVERED BY PATENTS AND/OR 2.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED,PRODUCTS )TE!DBSE!DJSDVU!;(#9(#10)GND C/D 1.THIS PRODUCT DOESN'T CONTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PER DIRECTIVE 2002/95/EC FOR RoHS.C/D Micro SD Normal push-push Type Connector 4:1D /21MSPN09-X0-0000D M B Dbse!Tmpu .B.1/96!2/21!2/:11/7122/261/211/16.1/16,B!!)23!;!2* A -- CONTACT UNLEAD PLATING: A:GOLD FLASH C:10ȝ" GOLD NOTES : 1. MATERIAL : INSULATOR : HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMOPLASTIC FLAMMABILITY RARING : UL94V-0 COLOR : BLACK CONTACT : COPPER ALLOYS COVER : COPPER ALLOYS 2. CONTACT AREA PLATING : GOLD OVER Ni C/D : MICRO SD CARD CARD DETECT INDICATION 3. P/N : MSPN09- X0-0000T A 1/4B C D D EN030807 BOB :/61:/:1y3!2/21!9/111/911/41QSPDPOO YYYYYYYEBUF!DPEFQSPDPOO!MPHP!!!!DBSE DFOUFS!MJOF 25/81.X°± 2°X.°± 5°.XX°± 1°.XXX°± 0.5°.XXX± 0.10.XX± 0.20.X± 0.30X.± 0.40UNIT APPROVAL CHECKED TITLE DRAWN Proconn Technology Co., Ltd.PART NO.GENERAL TOLERANCECUSTOMER DRAWING Micro SD Normal push-push MSPN09-X0-0000YYYYYYY YYYYYYYNOTES :1.Material :Housing/Slide : High temperature thermoplastic,UL94-V0. Housing Color : Black/Slide Color11.10 0.05NOTES :1.Material :Housing/Slide : High temperature thermoplastic,UL94-V0. Housing Color : Black/Slide Color11.10 0.05OPUFT!;!2/!NBUFSJBM!;!!!!!JOTVMBUPS!;!IJHI!UFNQFSBUVSF!UIFSNPQMBTUJD!!!!GMBNNBCJMJUZ!SBSJOH!;!VM:5W.1!DPMPS!;!CMBDLProconn Technology Co., Ltd.MICRO SD REV. PUSH-PUSH TYPE (H=1.8mm)DWG NO.MSPR09-15-BMICRO SD REV. PUSH-PUSH TYPE (H=1.8mm).X°± 2°X.°± 5°.XX°± 1°.XXX°± 0.5°TITLE Proconn Technology Co., Ltd.PART NO.GENERAL TOLERANCECUSTOMER DRAWING2/96²1/2²1/21/4²1/23/21.THIS PRODUCT DOESN'T CONTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDOUSmm .nd hold on the products sur fa ce DWG NO.Proconn Technology Co., Ltd.1.THI S PRODUCT DOE S N'T CONT A M S PN10-09-0-4000D Push Nor ma l Type(H=1.50mm ).X °± 2°X .°± 5°.XX °± 1°.XXX °± 0.5°TITLEProconn Technology Co., Ltd.PART NO.L TOLER A NCETOMER DR A WING1.THI S PRODUCT DOE S N'T CONT A M SInput M a teri a l Direction1.THI S PRODUCT DOE S N'T CONT Arton P a per Connector Other bel P a perReel P S rrier T a pe P Sˠ˦˛ˡ˃ˋˀ˔˃ˀ˃˃˄ˆˠ˦˛ˡ˃ˋˀ˔˃ˀ˃˃˄ˆˠ˦˛ˡ˃ˋˀ˔˃ˀ˃˃˄ˆ。



PM/ IS 12640(Part 1)/ 2/ November 2018PRODUCT MANUAL FORRESIDUAL CURRENT OPERATED CIRCUIT BREAKERSWITHOUT INTEGRAL OVERCURRENT PROTECTION FOR HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILAR USES (RCCBs)ACCORDING TO IS 12640(Part 1):2016/IEC 61008-1:2012This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch Offices & licensees to ensure coherence of practice and transparency in operation of certification under Scheme-I of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 for various products. The document may also be used by prospective applicants desirous of obtaining BIS certification licence/certificate.BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDSManak Bhawan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,New Delhi – 110002 Page 1PM/ IS 12640(Part 1)/ 2/ November 2018ANNEX AList Of Test EquipmentMajor test equipment required to test as per the Indian StandardPage 2PM/ IS 12640(Part 1)/ 2/ November 2018ANNEX BScheme Of Inspection And Testing1. LABORATORY- A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped (as per the requirement given in column 2 of Table 1) and staffed, where different tests given in the specification shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the specification.1.1 The manufacturer shall prepare a calibration plan for the test equipment.2. TEST RECORDS - The manufacturer shall maintain test records for the tests carried out to establish conformity.3. LABELLING AND MARKING - As per the requirements of IS 12640 (PART 1):2016/ IEC 6 1008-1:2012. In addition, each RCCB or the carton in which the RCCBs are packed shall carry the identification mark in code or otherwise for traceability.4. CONTROL UNIT - A ll the RCCBs of the same fundamental design manufactured in a shift shall constitute a control unit.5. LEVELS OF CONTROL - The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the levels of control in column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory which is covered by this plan and appropriate records maintained in accordance with paragraph 2 above.6. REJECTIONS - Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to ensure that there is no violation of provisions of BIS Act, 2016Page 3TABLE 1Page 4TABLE 1Page 5TABLE 1Page 6TABLE 1Page 7TABLE 1Page 8TABLE 1Page 9TABLE 1Note-1: Sub-contracting is permitted to a laboratory recognized by the Bureau or Government laboratories empanelled by the Bureau.Note-2: Levels of control given in column 3 are only recommendatory in nature. The manufacturer may define the control unit/batch/lot and submit his own levels of control in column 3 with proper justification for approval by BO Head.Page 10PM/ IS 12640(Part 1)/ 2/ November 2018ANNEX CPossible Tests in a day∙Tripping Test∙Electric Strength Test∙Performance of the test device∙Indelibility of Marking∙Clearance & Creepage distance (only for item 1 & 3 of Table 5 of IS 12640(Part 1):2016)∙Trip free mechanism∙Reliability of screws, current carrying parts and connections∙Reliability of terminals for external conductors∙Protection against electric shock∙Verification of resistance of the insulation of open contacts and basic insulation against an impulse voltage in normal conditions∙Verification of the behavior of components bridging the basic insulation∙Capability of control circuits connected to the main circuits∙Residual Operating Characteristics∙Behavior in case of failure of line voltagePage 11。



Multi-Layer Chip Inductors (MLCI)
Multi-Layer Power Inductors (IP Series) ................................................................................. 62 ▓Ordering Code .............................................................................................................. 62 ▓Standard External Dimensions ...................................................................................... 63 ▓Part Numbers & Characteristic ...................................................................................... 64 ▓Testing Condition & Requirements ................................................................................ 66 Multi-Layer High Frequency Inductors (HI Series) .................................................................. 68 ▓Ordering Code .............................................................................................................. 68 ▓Standard External Dimensions ...................................................................................... 69 ▓Part Numbers & Characteristic ...................................................................................... 70 ▓Testing Condition & Requirements ................................................................................ 77 Packaging Specification .......................................................................................................... 80 Cautions ......................................................................................................................................... 82



Comparison Table of Main Specificationaa. Hot Rolled Steel - Forming & Drawing QualityEurope U.K.France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Japan U.S.A.U.S.A.Euronom 111BS 1449NFA 36/301DIN 1614UNI 5867UNE 36-086/11SIS JIS G3131ASTM SAE -HR150C-------HR14---AP10-A569-FeP10HR41C-FeP10-SPHC-1010 FeP11HR32C StW22FeP11AP11SPHD-1018 FeP12HR2-StW23FeP12AP12-A6211016 FeP13HR13C StW24FeP13AP13SPHE A6221016(Al Killed)bb. Hot Rolled Steel - High Strength Grades(Structual Quality)Europe U.K.France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Japan U.S.A.U.S.A.EN10025(1993)BS 4360NFA 35/501DIN 17100UNI 7070UNE 36-080/11SIS JIS G3101ASTM SAE S185(BS 1449) 34/20A34-2-Fe320A330-SS34A283B-S23540A---A37014-13-12E-A283C-S235/JR40B E24-2St37-2Fe360B----1010 S27543A----14-13-12E-A570Gr401018 S275JR43B E28-2St44-2Fe430B----1016 -(BS 1449) 43/25-----S41A36/A283D1016(Al Killed) S33550A---A45014-21-72S60A572Gr50-S335JR50B--Fe510B-----S335JO50C E36-3St52-3Fe510C-----cc. Cold Rolled(Reduced) Steel - Forming & Drawing QualityEurope U.K.France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Japan U.S.A.U.S.A.EN10130(1991)BS 1449NFA 36/401DIN 1623UNI 5866UNE 36-086SIS JIS G3141ASTM SAE FeP01CR4C St12FeP01AP0114-11-42SPCC A3661010 FeP03CR3E RRSt13FeP02AP02-SPCD-1008 -CR2---AP0314-11-46SPCE A6191006 FeP04CR1ES RRSt14FeP04AP0414-11-47SPCEN A6201006(Al Killed) FeP05--------FeP06--------=> Surface FinishA GR(General Purpose)X3MA X--CLASS2B FF(Full Finish)Z5MB Z--CLASS1dd. Hot Dipped Galvanized(Zinc-Coated) Steel - Forming & Drawing QualityEurope U.K.France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Japan U.S.A.U.S.A.EN 10142(1991)BS 2989NFA 36/321DIN 17162UNI 5753UNE 36-310SIS JIS G3302ASTM ASTM(EN DIN/EN BS)(OLD)(AMENDMENT) -Z1--FeO0GZ--SGCC A526A653-CQDX51D+Z/ZF/FeP02G Z2GC St02Z FeKPGZ GRADE 4114-11-51SGCD1A527A653-LFQDX52D+Z/ZF/FeP03G Z3GE St03Z FeP01GZ GRADE 4314-11-52SGCD2A528A653-DQDX53D+Z/ZF/FeP05G Z5GES St05Z FeP03GZ GRADE 4414-11-57SGCD3A642A653-DDQ DX54D+Z/ZF/FeP06G--------=> Surface FinishEurope U.K.France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Japan U.S.A.U.S.A.EN 10142/147BS 2989NFA 36-321/322DIN 17162UNI 5753UNE 36-310SIS JIS G3302ASTM A146SAE NA Spangle N NA NA Spangle N N Regular Spangle Regular Spangle-MA Minimum Spangle M MA MA Minimum Spangle M M Minimized Spangle M inimized Spangle-MB Smooth B B Skin Passed S S Skin Passed-MC Extra Smooth XS C C-E----RA Regular - R(1Z)RA RA----Regular-RB Smooth - S(1Z)RB RB------RC Extra Smooth XS (1Z)RC RC------=> Coating ThicknessEurope U.K.France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Japan U.S.A.ZINC THICKNESS EN 10142/147BS 2989NFA 36-321/322DIN 17162UNI 5753UNE 36-310SIS JIS G3302ASTM A146ZF100IZ 100 (100g/sqm.)Z/100--Zf100.----IZ 180 (180g/sqm.)Z/180--Zf180---ZF140--------Z100G100(100g/sqm.)Z100100Z100Z100Z100Z12(120g/sqm.)G400.026 Z140--------Z200G200(200g/sqm.)Z200200Z200Z200Z200Z18(180g/sqm.)G600.034 Z225------Z22(220g/sqm.)G700.043 Z275G275(275g/sqm.)Z275275Z275Z275Z275Z27(270g/sqm.)G900.054 Z350G350(350g/sqm.)Z350350Z350Z350Z350Z35(350g/sqm.)-Z450G450(450g/sqm.)Z450450Z450Z450-Z45(450g/sqm.)-Z600G600(600g/sqm.)Z600600Z600Z600-Z60(600g/sqm.)-ff) Electro GalvanizedEurope Europe France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Japan U.S.A.U.S.A.EN 10152EN 10152-92DIN 17163-88UNI 5753UNE 36-310SIS JIS G3313ASTM A146SAE DC01+ZE Fe P01 ZE St 12 ZE SECC A591-CQ-DC03+ZE Fe P03 ZE RRSt 13 ZE SECD A591-DQ-DC04+ZE Fe P04 ZE St 14 ZE--DC05+ZE Fe P05 ZE-SECEN A591-DQSK-DC06+ZE Fe P06 ZE----=> Coating Thickness(EG)Nominal Minimum Zinc ThicknessMARKINGoz/sqf g/sqm g/sqm mic mtr mm(one side)0.01/0.0105/05 2.50.70EB0.03/0.0310/108.5 1.40.001E80.06/0.0620/2017.0 2.80.003E16ZE25/250.09/0.0930/3025.5 4.20.004E24ZE50/500.12/0.1240/4034.0 5.60.005E320.14/0.1445/450.15/0.1550/5042.570.006E40ZE75/750.17/0.1755/550.18/0.1860/6051.08.570/7059.59.980/8068.011.3New Amendments of EN Specification on Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel Sheet1. EN10142(1991) ; zinc & iron-zinc alloy coatings - Forming QualityAmendments Old Specification QualityDX51D+Z, DX51D+ZF FeP02G Bending & Profiling QualityDX52D+Z, DX52D+ZF FeP03G Drawing QualityDX53D+Z, DX53D+ZF FeP04G Deep Drawing QualityDX54D+Z, DX54D+ZF FeP05G Extra Deep Drawing Quality2. EN10147(1992) ; zinc & iron - zinc alloy coating - Tensile QualityAmendments Old Specification QualityS220GD+Z / S220GD+ZF FeE220G Structural Quality Grade - AS250GD+Z / S220GD+ZF FeE250G Structural Quality Grade - BS280GD+Z / S220GD+ZF FeE280G Structural Quality Grade - CS320GD+Z / S220GD+ZF FeE320G Structural Quality Grade - DS350GD+Z / S220GD+ZF FeE350GS550GD+Z FeE450G Structural Quality Grade - E※ The Number incorporated in the grade specification of each EN10147(1992) - tensile quality - relates to the minimumYIELD STRENGTH of the material.Remarks- In case of ASTM specification, the specification of Hot Dipped Galvanized Steel Sheet was unified as ASTM A653.However, the former specifications likely to ASTM A526, A527, A528, A642 & A446 are also used and available.- Bending Quality of EN specification is called as LOCKFORMING QUALITY in JIS or ASTM specification.。

施耐德空调安装手册 中文

施耐德空调安装手册 中文
安全提示 ............................................................................ 5 概述 ............................................................................ 5 吊装和搬运的警告 .................................................... 6 安装警告 .................................................................... 6 设计用途 .................................................................... 6 使用警告 .................................................................... 6 使用环境限制 ............................................................ 6 维护期间的安装工作 ................................................ 6

PROMAFOUR 自凝钙硅酸板产品说明书

PROMAFOUR 自凝钙硅酸板产品说明书

Supersedes : 0 / 0 / 01.1. Product identifierTrade name:PROMAFOUR®Identification of the product:Self-supporting calcium silicate board.Type of product:Article.1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance, mixture or article and uses advised against Use:High temperature insulation.1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany identification:Promat UK LtdThe Sterling CentreEastern Road - BerkshireRG12 2TD Bracknell UNITED KINGDOMTel.: +44 (0) 1344 381400Fax: +44 (0) 1344 3814011.4. Emergency telephone numberEmergency phone nr:+44 (0) 1344 381 400Symptoms relating to use:For the installed product in its final application: no hazards known.During machining the product (drilling, cutting, sanding, etc.), airborne dust can bereleased.- Inhalation:As with most types of nuisance dust, excessive inhalation of dust may causeirritation of the bronchial tubes.The handling and machining of this product may lead to the release of quartzcontaining dust. The inhalation of dust containing quartz, in particular the fine (respirable) dust fraction, in high concentrations or over a prolonged period of timemay lead to lung disease (silicosis) and an increased risk of lung cancer.Long term hazards: see section 11.- Skin contact:Prolonged skin contact may lead to skin irritation for sensitive persons.- Eye contact:Eye contact with dust may lead to transient eye irritation or inflammation.- Ingestion:Not expected to present a significant ingestion hazard under anticipated conditionsof normal use.2.1. Classification of the substance or mixtureClassification EC 67/548 or EC 1999/45This product is classified as not hazardous.Hazard Class and Category Code Regulation EC 1272/2008 (CLP)This product is classified as not hazardous.2.2. Label elementsLabelling EC 67/548 or EC 1999/45Supersedes : 0 / 0 / 0No labelling required.Labelling Regulation EC 1272/2008 (CLP)No labelling required.2.3. Other hazardsNone under normal conditions.Components:This article is classified as not hazardous.This product is a manufactured article, not a substance nor a preparation.Substance name Contents CAS No EC No Annex No Ref REACH ClassificationWollastonite:13983-17-0237-772-5----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Not classified. (GHS)Cellulose fibers:65996-61-4265-995-8----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Undefined. (GHS)Quartz (SiO2):14808-60-7238-878-4----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Not classified. (GHS)Crystalline calcium silicate hydrate:1344-95-2215-710-8----------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Undefined. (GHS)Vermiculite:1318-00-9---------------Not classified. (DSD/DPD)----------------------------------Not classified. (GHS)4.1. Description of first aid measuresFirst aid measures- Inhalation:Remove to fresh air and drink water.- Skin contact:Rinse the skin with water.- Eye contact:Do not rub the eye. Rinse the eye out with plenty of clean water for at least 15minutes. If eye irritation or inflammation persists, seek medical advice.- Ingestion:Drink water.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedSee sections 7 and 8.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNo data available.5.1. Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media:All extinguishing media can be used.5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureSupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0Nothing to report.5.3. Advice for fire-fightersFlammable class:The product is non-combustible.Protection against fire:Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment, including respiratoryprotection.6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresPersonal precautions:Minimize generation of dust. Avoid breathing dusts. Avoid eye and skin contact.Use recommended respiratory protection.6.2. Environmental precautionsEnvironmental precautions:Prevent spread of dust.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMethods and material for containment:Use closed containers to avoid dust release.Clean up methods:Shovel up small pieces. Dampen down any dust before putting into appropriateskips.6.4. Reference to other sectionsSee sections 7 and 8.7.1. Precautions for safe handlingPersonal protection:Dust, generated during machining and processing must be exhausted and theregulatory occupational exposure limits (workplace exposure limits in UK) for totaland respirable dust and respirable quartz dust must be respected.Use always respiratory protective equipment when exposures are likely or can beforeseen to exceed the Occupational Exposure Limits or Workplace ExposureLimits in UK (refer to local regulations).Collect dust with a vacuum cleaner or soak with water before sweeping up. Technical protective measures:Work in a well ventilated areaUse tools with appropriate dust exhaust equipment.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage:Store in dry, covered and frost proof area.7.3. Specific end use(s)Fire protection in buildings. High temperature insulation.Supersedes : 0 / 0 / 08.1 Control parametersOccupational Exposure Limits:When machining boards (drilling, cutting, sanding, etc.), respect Occupational (UK: Workplace Exposure Limits)Exposure Limits (OEL) or Workplace Exposure Limits (WEL in the UK) for inhalableand respirable dust and for respirable quartz dust.Check the latest Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) or Workplace ExposureLimits (WEL in the UK) for airborne contaminants that are applicable in yourcountry.Typical Occupational Exposure Limits or Workplace Exposure Limits in the UK (8hrs TWA) and Ireland on the date of issue of this document are:Control parameters for airborn:- Quartz dust (CAS number: 14808 - 60 - 7):contaminants - Respirable: 0.1 mg/m³(UK) - 0.05 mg/m³ (IE)- Particles not otherwise classified or regulated (nuisance dust)- Inhalable: 10 mg/m³.- Respirable: 4 mg/m³.8.2 Occupational exposure controls8.2.1 General protection controls- Industrial hygiene:Ensure vacuum dust exhaust with correct filter when using motorised machiningtools.8.2.2. Individual protection controls- Respiratory protection:Avoid breathing dusts.Use appropriate respiratory equipment when exposures are likely or can beforeseen to exceed the Occupational Exposure Limits or Workplace ExposureLimits for the UK (e.g. for exposures up to 10 times the OEL (WEL) use at least aP2 type duct mask. For higher exposure, use a P3 type mask).- Skin protection:Avoid contact with skin.Use working clothes and gloves to protect against mechanical injury and direct skincontact.- Eye protection:Avoid contact with eyes.Use safety glasses whenever tools are used and dusts are produced.- Ingestion:When using, do not eat, drink or smoke.• Appearance:Board (solid)• Physical state at 20 °C:Solid.• Colour:White-beige• Odour:None.• pH value:10 - 11• Flammability:Non flammable.• Density:ca. 950 kg/m3• Solubility in water:Insoluble.• Other properties:Information on other physical and chemical properties, as listed in the section 9.1 ofAnnex II of the Commission Regulation EU 453/2010 of 20 May 2010 is notavailable10.1. ReactivitySupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0Stability and reactivity:Stable under normal conditions.10.2. Chemical stabilityChemical stability:Stable under normal conditions of storage, handling and use.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactionsHazardous reactions:None.Hazardous properties:None10.4. Conditions to avoidConditions to avoid:None known.10.5. Incompatible materialsMaterials to avoid:Strong acids.10.6. Hazardous decomposition productsNone known.11.1. Information on toxicological effectsToxicity information:No data available.Acute toxicity:No acute toxicity has been reported, apart from some exceptional cases oftransient eye irritation or inflammation, skin irritation or irritation of the mucosae (throat, bronchial tubes) by excessive exposure to dust.11.2 Additional information:• On product:The inhalation of quartz containing dust, in particular the fine dust fraction(respirable size), in high concentrations or over repeated or prolonged periods oftime can be hazardous to health and may lead to chronic lung disease and anincreased risk of lung cancer. This risk will be minimal if correct working practicesare observed and applied. (Refer to Section 8). However, for this product, withexposure assessments performed by accredited European laboratories usingreference workplace monitoring methods, any quartz levels in the respirable dustwere below the detection limit.According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC MonographVolume 100C - 2012) “Crystalline silica inhaled in the form of quartz or cristobaliteis carcinogenic to humans(Group 1).”12.1. ToxicityNo known effects.12.2. Persistence - degradabilitySupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0No data available.12.3. Bioaccumulative potentialNo data available.12.4. Mobility in soilNo data available.12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentNo data available.12.6. Other adverse effectsNo information available.Ecological effects information:No data available.13.1. Waste treatment methodsHandle as construction industry waste.13.2. GeneralProduct disposal:Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with local/national regulations. Packaging disposal:Dispose according to local legislation.EWC (European Waste Catalogue) -:170107N°.General information:Not classified as dangerous in the meaning of transport regulations.Symbol(s):None.R Phrase(s):None.S Phrase(s):None.Further information:None.DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITYThe information in this SDS was obtained from sources which we believe are reliable. However, the information is provided without any warranty, express or implied, regarding its correctness. The conditions or methods of handling, storage, use or disposal of the product are beyond our control and may be beyond our knowledge. For this and other reasons, we do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, damage or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the handling, storage, use or disposal of the product. This SDS was prepared and is to be used only for this product. If the product is used as a component in another product, this SDS information may not be applicable.This data sheet and the information it contains is not intended to supersede any terms or conditions of sale and does notSupersedes : 0 / 0 / 0constitute a specification. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation for use in violation of any patent or applicable laws or regulations.The contents and format of this SDS are in accordance with REGULATION (EC) No 1907/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILEnd of document。



确认方案1 目的本方案目的是验证xxx型澄明度检测仪(设备编号:)的性能。

2 范围本方案适用于xxx型澄明度检测仪(设备编号:)的性能确认。

3 验证对象概述本仪器为天津市天大天发科技有限公司生产的xxx型澄明度检测仪,用于检测可见异物。

4 验证成员职责验证小组的具体成员及职责5 术语N/A6 验证支持性文件6.1 《药品生产验证指南》(2003版)6.2 《澄明度检测仪校准规范》(JJF 1287-2011)6.3 《xxx澄明度检测仪使用说明书》7 验证/确认前准备7.1 人员培训确认:仪器确认开始前应检查确认参与人员均经过培训,并将培训情况记录在人员培训确认表(附件1)中。

7.2 确认前文件资料确认:确认开始前应检查确认所需的文件资料齐全无缺,并将检查情况记录在文件资料确认记录表(附件2)中。

7.3 仪器仪表确认:确认开始前应检查确认所需的仪器仪表是否已经过校准,是否在有效期内,并将检查情况记录在仪器仪表确认表(附件3)中。

8 验证/确认实施8.1 测试项目:照度示值的相对误差8.1.1 目的:确认澄明度检测仪的照度准确性能达到预期要求。

8.1.2 方法:用比较法,校准相对示值误差。 将一级(或二级)照度计和澄明度检测仪的照度探头,同时安装在移动工作台夹具上,调整一级(或二级)照度计和澄明度检测仪的照度探头的测试面,使它们到可调遮光板的距离相等。 改变可调遮光板和调整澄明度检测仪右边的旋钮,来改变照度。


8.1.3 计算:%ΕΕΕΔΕss100⨯-=式中:△E ——相对示值误差,%;E _——澄明度检测仪的照度计测量平均值,lx ;E s ——一级(或二级)照度计测量值,lx 。

8.1.4 可接受标准:照度示值的相对误差△E±12%。

8.1.5 确认结果:将确认情况填入照度示值的相对误差确认记录表中(附件4)。

台达嵌入式工业计算机操作手册-J1900 系列说明书

台达嵌入式工业计算机操作手册-J1900 系列说明书

中达电通公司版权所有如有改动,恕不另行通知文件编码 :DIAVH-092AG10-01文件日期 : 2019/02/20238201209 0215863-56780215863-0003 扫一扫,关注官方微信上海电话:(021)6301-2827武汉电话:(027)8544-8475济南电话:(0531)8690-7277乌鲁木齐电话:(0991)4678-141沈阳电话:(024)2334-16123南昌电话:(0791)8625-5010长沙电话:(0731)8549-9156郑州电话:(0371)6384-2772西安电话:(029)8836-0780长春电话:(0431)8892-5060合肥电话:(0551)6281-6777南宁电话:(0771)5879-599北京电话:(010)8225-3225成都电话:(028)8434-2075南京电话:(025)8334-6585厦门电话:(0592)5313-601天津电话:(022)2301-5082重庆电话:(023)8806-0306 杭州电话:(0571)8882-0610广州电话:(020)3879-2175太原电话:(0351)4039-475哈尔滨电话:(0451)5366-0643绵密网络 专业服务中达电通已建立了71个分支机构及服务网点,并塑建训练有素的专业团队,提供客户最满意的服务,公司技术人员能在2小时内回应您的问题,并在48小时内提供所需服务。

400 - 820 - 9595台达嵌入式工业计算机操作手册-J1900系列版权说明©Delta Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.台达电子工业股份有限公司保留所有权利本使用手册编撰的所有信息内容属台达电子工业股份有限公司(以下简称「台达」)之专属财产,且受到著作权法及所有法律保护。


C111340, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

C111340, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
RECOM. CLEAR'CE HOLE IN PANEL .147 DIA 12-18-09 08-19-09 1-3-03 2-6-68 11-1-67 DATE 8-9-67 11-1-67
21/32 3/4
2 NOTE: ORDER SEPARATELY 2 - #6-32 x 3/8 SEELSKREWS ® 1 3/16
PANEL (3/32")
Notes: 1. Mounting screws are supplied in lengths shown unless otherwise specified. 2. New sizes and types of RUBRGLAS-SEELS ® are being added regularly. Please request other types and styles as required. Agency Recognition : Front Panel mounted Circuit Breaker Boots are UL-listed to UL Std. 50, types 1, 2, 3, 12, 12K, and 13. Back-ofPanel mounted Circuit Breaker boots are UL-listed to UL Std. 50, type 1. Also meet CSA standards.



1. 上图标注2. 性能参数2.1 通用型产品Ⅰ级分类产品标称放电电流In (8/20us, kA)电压保护水平Up (kA)最大可持续运行电压Uc (V)级数PRF1 Master 50 1.54401P, 2P, 3P, 4P PRF1 12.5r 251.53501P+N, 3P, 3P+NⅡ级分类产品标称放电电流In (8/20us, kA)电压保护水平Up (kA)最大可持续运行电压Uc (V)级数iPR 120r 60 2.13401P, 2P, 3P, 4PiPR 80r 40 2.03401P, 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P iPR 65r 35 2.03401P, 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P iPR 40r/4020 1.53401P, 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P iPR 20r/2010 1.23401P, 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P iPR 105 1.03401P, 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N, 4P2.2 通信基站建设和OEM 专用产品产品名称标称放电电流In (8/20us, kA)电压保护水平Up (kA)最大可持续运行电压Uc (V)级数iPT 40r/4020 1.63851P+N, 3P+N iPT 20r/2010 1.53851P+N, 3P+N 2.3 光伏发电专用直流产品产品名称标称放电电流In (8/20us, kA)电压保护水平Up (kA)最大可持续运行电压Uc (V)标准开路电压Uocstc (V)iPR-DC 2P+115 2.8840600iPR-DC 3P 153.9123010003. 应用方案(根据GB 50343-2012)3.1 建筑物雷电防护等级雷电防护等级AB 施耐德电气电涌保护器选型最大冲击电流Iimp (10/350us, kA)5012.5最大放电电流Imax (8/20us, kA)1208065402010最大放电电流Imax (8/20us, kA)4020最大放电电流Imax (8/20us, kA)40401. 中型计算中心、二级金融设施、中型通信枢纽、移动通信基站、大型体育场(馆)、小型机场、大型港口、大型火车站的电子信息系统2. 二级安全防范单位,如省级文物、档案库的闭路电视监控和报警系统3. 雷达站、微波站电子信息系统,高速公路监控和收费系统4. 二级医院电子医疗设备5. 五星及更高星级宾馆电子信息系统建筑物类型1. 国际级计算中心、国家级通信枢纽、特级和一级国家金融设施、大中型机场、国际级和省级广播电视中心、枢纽港口、火车枢纽站、省级城市水、电、气、热等城市重要公用设施的电子信息系统2. 一级安全防范单位,如国家文物、档案库的闭路电视监控和报警系统3. 三级医院电子医疗设备C D 3.2 雷电防护区划分4.后备保护装置的选择4.1 Ⅱ类电涌保护器(8/20us)iPR 10iPR 20r/20iPR 40r/40iPR 65r iPR 80r iPR 120r 最大预期短路电流Isc (kA)iC65N 20A iC65N 25A iC65N 40A iC65N 50A C120H 80A C120H 80A Isc<6iC65H 20A iC65H 25A iC65H 40A iC65H 50A C120H 80A C120H 80A Isc<10iC65L 20AiC65L 25AiC65L 40AiC65L 50AC120L 80A C120L 80A Isc<15NG125H 80A NG125H 80A Isc<25NG125H 80A NG125H 80A Isc<36NG125L 80ANG125L 80AIsc<504.2 Ⅰ类电涌保护器(10/350us)PRF1 12.5r PRF1 Master 最大预期短路电流Isc (kA)C120H 80A Campact NSX160B 160A TM Isc<6C120H 80A Campact NSX160B 160A TM Isc<10C120L 80A Campact NSX160B 160A TM Isc<15NG125H 80A Campact NSX160B 160A TM Isc<25NG125H 80A Campact NSX160F 160A TM Isc<36NG125L 80A Campact NSX160N 160A TM Isc<504.3 关于后备保护设备的说明1. 三级金融设施、小型通信枢纽电子信息系统2.大中型有线电视系统3.四星及以下级宾馆电子信息系统除上述A 、B 、C 级以外的一般用途的需防护电子信息设备3.2.1 雷电防护区的划分是将需要保护和控制雷电电磁脉冲环境的建筑物,从外部到内部划分为不同的雷电防护区(LPZ )。



Agenda Item: 650-737Title: CSA G40.21 Steel RequirementsDate: Rev 1 – December 2012Original Contact: Reassigned Contact: Name: Craig Meier, P.E. Company: Baker Consulting Group, Inc. Phone: 405-334-7657E-mail:Name:Company:Phone:E-mail:************************Ron BaileyAmerican Tank & Vessel, Inc.281-492-7778************Purpose: To remove unnecessary alloy content restrictions for CSA G40.1 steel. Source: Craig Meier / Doug Miller / George WilsonRevision: 1Impact: Elimination of unnecessary restrictions on use of G40.1 may increase optionsfor new tank construction and could result in lower costs.Background: The Canadian Steel Association (CSA) G40.20 / G40.21 Technical Committeewould like to publish the new edition of this document in March 2013. Thecommittee has questioned the need for the requirements of Table 4-1 for CSAG40.21 steel. They would like to remove G40.21 7.2.1 and Table 4, if API 650can be modified to remove requirement specific to CSA steels to comply withAPI 650, Table 4-1.There is no need for CSA G40.21 grades found in API 620/650 to have aspecial requirement to meet the limitations of Table 4-1.See Attachment to this Ballot for more background.PROPOSED CHANGESRed means a proposed change, blue means comments to explain the change in red.4.2.3 CSA SpecificationsCSA Specification G40.21, Grades 260W/(38W), 300W/(44W), and 350W/(50W) are approved for plates. If impact tests are required, WT Grades are specified.Plates furnished to CSA G40.21 in Grades 260W/(38W), 300W/(44W), and 350W/(50W) is acceptable within the applicable limitations stated below. (If impact tests are required, Grades 260W/[38W],300W/[44W], and 350W/[50W] are designated as Grades 260WT/[38WT], 300WT/[44WT], and350WT/[50WT], respectively.)Imperial unit equivalent grades of CSA Specification G40.21, shown in parenthesis, are also acceptable.a.The W grades may be semi-killed or fully killed. This is redundant as it is already covered byTable 4-4a and 4-4b.b.Fully killed steel made to fine-grain practice must be specified when required. This is redundantas it is already covered by Table 4-4a and 4-4b.c.Elements added for grain refining or strengthening shall be restricted in accordance with Table 4-1.Not required.d.Plates shall have tensile strengths that are not more than 140 MPa (20ksi) above the minimumspecified for the grade. The tensile strength of each of the 3 listed CSA grades are permitted a max-min range of 25 ksi; however API 36, ENI and ISO steels listed in API 650 (outside of Group VI) are also permitted a tensile strength range > 20 ksi, so this requirement is does not appear to be critical outside of Group VI. All of Group VI steels have a maximumpermissible range of 20 ksi. Therefore, since CSA grades are not used as Group VI steels, this requirement should not apply.e.Grades 260W/(38W) and 300W(44W) are acceptable for plate to a maximum thickness of 25mm(1 in.) if semi-killed and to a maximum thickness of 40 mm (1.5 in.) if fully killed and made tofine-grain practice.Grade 350W(50W) is acceptable for plate to a maximum thickness of 45 mm (1.75 in.) (insert plates to a maximum thickness of 100mm [4 in.]) if fully killed and made to fine-grain practice. These thickness limitations are contained within the CSA specification and do not need to be repeated here – no other steel grade spells out this type of limitation.Table 4-1 –Maximum Permissible Alloy Content (Move to after and before 4.2.8)1.When the use of these alloys or combinations of them is not included in the materialspecification, their use shall be at the option of the plate producer, subject to the approval of the Purchaser. These elements shall be reported when requested by the Purchaser. When more restrictive limitations are included in the material specification, those shall govern.2.On product analysis, the material shall conform to these requirements, subject to the productanalysis tolerances of the specification.3.When columbium is added either singly or in combination with vanadium, it shall be restrictedto plates of 13 mm (0.50 in.) maximum thickness unless combined with 0.15% minimumsilicon.4.When nitrogen (< 0.015%) is added as a supplement to vanadium, it shall be reported, and theminimum ratio of vanadium to nitrogen shall be 4:1.Attachment: More Background InformationCSA G40.21 Steel Plate1) CSA G40.21, 7.2.1 states: “For American Petroleum Institute (API) plate applications listed in API 620and 650, elements added for grain refining or strengthening (see Table 3) shall be in accordance withTable 4.”2) Table 3 presents limits for C, P, S, Si and “Grain refining elements” for the grades listed in API 620/650.Grain refining elements max = 0.10 with Item (c). Item (c) of Table 3 states “Aluminum may be used asa grain refining element without prior approval by the purchaser and, when so used, shall not beincluded in the summation of grain refining elements included in Table 3. The elements columbium(also known as niobium) and vanadium may be used singly or in combination up to the total percentage indicated, except where columbium is used singly or in combination with vanadium in plates thicker than 14mm (1/2 in) or in shapes heavier than Group 1, in which case the silicon content shall be 0.15%minimum. This restriction does not apply if the steel fulfills the requirements of Item (b). Item (b) states”At the purchaser‟s request or at the producer‟s discretion, the steel may be made with no minimumsilicon content, provided that the steel contains a minimum of 0.015% acid s oluble aluminum or 0.020% total aluminum content. Some of these limitations are redundantly listed in Table 4-13) Essar Steel (Toronto based) manufactures CSA G40.21 steel plate. They were contacted and statedthat for the 3 grades allowed by API 620/650, the elements listed in Table 4-1 are not intentionallyadded to the plate steel in the grades listed in API 620/650, except in the case of 350W/50W wherevanadium is added with a maximum limit of 0.10%.4) Arcelor Mittal has published a Cross Reference of Canadian Steels as follows:limits of 0.20%. A633C has a columbium range restriction between 0.01%- 0.05%. G40.21 and A516 have a minimum of 0.20% copper if specified, but no maximum.C urrent API 6501) The use or presence of columbium, vanadium, nitrogen, copper, nickel, chromium ormolybdenum shall not exceed the limitations of Table 4-1 for all Group VI materials (see Table 4-4a and 4-4b) and ISE 630, Grade E355. No CSA steel is listed under Group VI. However Table 4-1 is still needed to meet for Group VI materials.2) No other API 650 plate that is outside of Group VI except ISO 630 Grade E355 is subject to therequirements of Table 4-1. The adherence of E355 to Table 4-1 came from agenda item 620-297 and 650-684 (D. Miller, 2009).API 650 Historical1) Second Edition, 1964: CSA G40.8 Grades A and B plate was first recognized in API 650. Nometallurgical limits are stated.2) Fourth Edition 1970: CSA G40.8 is listed as having a maximum thickness of 1-1/2”. No metallurgicallimits are stated. Appendix G was added providing a special design basis for high-strength steels with improved notch-toughness (a copy of Appendix G was not located for this edition o f API 650).3) Sixth Edition 1978: CSAG40.21 – Grades 38W and 44W was recognized. Elements added for grainrefining or strengthening were restricted to Table G-2 and plates were required to have a maximum of20 ksi above the minimum tensile strength specified (again, no Appendix G available).4) Seventh Edition 1980: CSA G40.21 Structural Quality Steel had the same grain refining and tensilelimits as in the Sixth Edition, only Table 2-1 had replaced Table G-2. Table 2-1 is identical (with some minor editorials to the notes) to the Current Edition Table 4-1. In section 2.2.6 General Requirements for Delivery the following was stated: “The use or presence of columbium, vanadium, nitrogen, copper, nickel, chromium, or molybdenum shall not exceed the limitations in Table 2-1.” This applied to anysteel plate, not just CSA plate. CSA maximum thicknesses were specified as follows:5)Ninth Edition, Addendum 4 1997: Table 4-1 is identical to the current edition. Section 2.2.3corresponds to 4.2.3 in the current edition and is identical. except for minor wording changes. Section2.2.6.5 changed to: “The use or presence of columbium, vanadium, copper, nickel, chromium, ormolybdenum shall not exceed the limitations of Table 2-1 for all Group VI materials (see Table 2-3) and ISO 630, Grade Fe 510.” The limitations of Table 2-1 no longer applied to non Group VI materialsexcept ISO 630 Grade Fe 510 and CSA G40.21.。







•应扣除量具的因素(组内变差)•比测量系统总变差小3.4 造成再现性误差的潜在原因•零件之间(抽样样本):使用相同的仪器、操作者和方法测量A、B、C零件类型时的平均差异•仪器之间:在相同零件、操作者和环境下使用A、B、C仪器测量的平均值差异。






从 SI 到仪器的校准链每一个步骤都会增加不确定度可追溯性SI 单位国际标准国家标准认可的实验室标准工业标准应用说明www.vaisala.c n国家计量学会 (NMI) 制定了 SI 单位以及经过分析得出的详细不确定度。




这样就实现了一个不间断且有文件记录的 SI 单位校准链。

制造完成的仪器得出的测量值被视为可通过已知的不确定度进行 SI 追溯。

SI 单位与制造完成的仪器之间的校准步骤越多,测量不确定度越高。


图 1:从 SI 单位到测量仪器的计量可追溯性(校准链)。




仪器应根据国际单位制 (SI) 可追溯参考进行校准,以确保测量数据的质量。


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过氧化氢结果相对饱和度结果校准中使用的参考设备浓度为 500 ppm 时 ± 10 ppm ,浓度为 1000 ppm 时 ± 20 ppm相对饱和度 (RS)参考 H 2O 2[ppm]观测 H 2O 2 [ppm]H 2O 2 误差[ppm]允收界限 [ppm]合格/不合格合格合格参考相对饱和度[%RS]观测相对饱和度[%RS]相对饱和度误差[%RS]允收界限 [%RS]合格/不合格合格合格类型标识号证书编号校准日期校准到期日期液体泵气压和温度气压和温度密度计质量流量控制器质量流量控制器质量流量计校准不确定度(k=2,大约 95% 的置信水平):H 2O 2图 2:维萨拉 HPP272 过氧化氢探头的出厂校准证书。

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Ppk Cpk=Cp(1-|Ca|) | | Ca Cp Cpk
Basic concept of SPC
Ca : Sensitive to Specification target Cp : Sensitive to variation(spread) Cpk : Sensitive to both, capability index for stable process Only common cause variation included Ppk : Performance index Both common cause and special cause variation incluMethod
MSA timing & application
MSA / APQP/ Product Realization MSA / FMEA IC testing – Correlation可以取代儀器校 可以取代儀器校 驗嗎 ? IC tester needs consider multi-digit meter
Basic concept of SPC
檢定是否為常態分配 管制圖的中心線 X-bar 管制圖的管制界限(信賴水準,信賴區間) Control Limits =信賴區間
1.集中趨勢(通常以X bar 作代表) 2.離中趨勢(通常以σ 作代表) 3.信賴水準-被含蓋在特定範圍內的機率
Basic concept of SPC
MSA的目的 的目的
何種情況可不必做GRR ? 何種情況可不必做
Cp is good, not use for process measurement, C/I not required?
只做GRR, 不做Bias, Linearity, 只做 不做 Stability可以嗎 ? 可以嗎
Meaningful Information
Statistical Tools
Process MS
SPC MSA Others Statistical Tools
System Variation
Statistic Process Control
Statistic technique Process Control
EVOP (Evolutionary Operation)-Part Average Test漸進操作法管制圖 Acceptance Control Chart 允收管制圖 Modified Control Limits Control Chart修正界限管制圖 Short Run 短製程管制圖
Z的單位為 的單位為
Basic concept of SPC
用管制圖判別special cause的準 則 超過管制界限 連續七點向上 連續七點向下 連續七點向單邊 不隨機分佈
Purpose of SPC
Normal distribution
In statistical control
SPC application
IC package/testing site - 共面性如何做 SPC ? (Dummy sample)
Guard Bands
The difference between test limits and specification limits. Test limits are generally tighter than specification limits to account for tester inaccuracies and other sources of variation.
計量值管制圖 計數值管制圖
計量值(location & spread) 計量值 計數值
X-Bar R Chart X-median R Chart X-Bar S Chart X-Rm Chart
計數值管制圖種類包括 P Pn C U
GRR-Range Method
GRR-Average-Range Method
GRR-Average-Range Method(WIV)
Within Part Variation Wafer thickness Pin depth of phone/LAM jack Insulation single OD
由Product Spec 到Process Parameter
由Product Spec 到Process Parameter
Basic concept of SPC
Variation Control (Stability)-Statistical stable status-Process
performance can be predictable
Capability Over-adjustment
SPC - 品管七大手法
Histogram Check Sheet Pareto Cause and effect diagram Defect concentration diagram Scatter diagram Control chart
When should MSA be conducted in APQP/Product Realization/Product Life cycle
Product design review Process design review Product/Process Change Periodic review against the ever improved process
Factual approach
ISO9000-2000 0.2 Quality management principles g) Factual approach to decision making In God we trust, all else bring data
Statistical Technique Data Improvement
Stable Process
Unstable Process
Basic concept of SPC
Over-adjustment : 當對common cause 所造成的變異都採取措施調整製程時, 等 於將一個special cause加入己穩定的製 程。使原本穩定的製程變成不穩定。
Basic concept of SPC
calibration,cooling/heating calibration, handler maintenance, tester automatic calibration program (equipment software), and correlation sample verification.
Guard Band Limit-GRR
Guard Band Limit-Cpk
Measurement System Analysis
Statistic technique MS Control
v. s.
Accuracy & Precision
Measurement variation is small Capability Study
Capable process
Basic concept of SPC
Statistical stable = no special cause = Under control = process performance can be predictable 當製程達到Statistical stable時才可計算Cpk
GRR-Average-Range Method
%GRR = % R&R = 100(R&R/TV) TV2 = R&R2 + PV2 2 = EV2 + AV2 TV2 R&R EV2 PV2 AV2
Short Run 短製程管制圖
Short Run 短製程管制圖
Center Line = 0 Data be coded by – average or target spec/Spec Center / sigma Different color represent the data from different spec.
Location - Bias, Linearity, Stability Spread – Repeatability, Reproducibility(GRR) Range Method Average Range Method Average Range Method (Within Part Variation) ANOVA DOE 計數值-Short Method -Long Method
預防不良品產出 判定製程是否有非機遇因子造 成的變異 去除非機遇因子造成變異 special causes may be beneficial or detrimental 減小製程的變異 改善製程 判定製程是否穩定 製程能力分析 100%檢驗還需耍做管制圖嗎? 如何做?
CUSUM cumulative-Sum Control Chart)累積和管制圖 EWMA exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Chart)