金融英语常用词汇总览(英汉对照)翻译, 证券, 金融, 英文ABS 资产担保证券(Asset Backed Securities 的英文缩写)Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧Acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人Accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据Accounts payable 应付账款Accounts receivable 应收账款Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人指符合美国证券交易委员SEC条例,可参与一般美国非公开私募发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者。
Accredit value 自然增长值Accrediting 本金增值适用于多种工具,指名义本金在工具(如上限合约、上下限合约、掉期和互换期权的期限内连续增长。
Accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制Accrued interest 应计利息ACE 美国商品交易所Acid Test Ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率Acquisition 收购Across the board 全面一致;全盘的Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋Active assets 活动资产;有收益资产Active capital 活动资本Actual market 现货市场Actual price 现货价Actual useful life 实际可用年期Actuary 精算师;保险统计专家ADB 亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank 的英文缩写)ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证(参见American Depository Receipt 栏目)ADS 美国存托股份(American Depository Share 的英文缩写)Ad valorem 从价;按值Ad valorem stamp duty 从价印花税Adjudicator 审裁员Adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) 调息按揭Admitted value 认可值Advance 垫款Affiliated company 关联公司;联营公司After date 发票后,出票后After-hours dealing 收市后交易After-market 后市[股市] 指某只新发行股票在定价和配置后的交易市场。
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金融英语句子翻译第一章1、Global competition has forced government to deregulate various aspects of their financial markets so that their financial enterprises can compete effectively around the world.全球竞争迫使政府在其金融市场的不同方面放松监管,使其金融市场在全球更具竞争力。
2、Unlike retail investors,institutional investors have been more willing to transfer funds across national borders to improve portfolio diversification and exploit perceived mispricing of financial assets in foreign countries.机构投资者与个人投资者不一样,他们更愿意在不同国家间转移资金来改善其组合的多元化,或者说利用其所觉察到的国外金融资产定价失误来谋利。
3、In some countries,large corporations seeking to raise a substantial amount of funds may have no choice in its domestic market but to obtain financing in either the foreign market sector of another country or the Euromarket.在一些国家里,有些大公司对资金的需求太大,国内市场无法提供,不得不向另外一些国家的外国市场或欧洲市场寻求融资。
4、Financial assets and tangible assets are linked.Ownership of tangible assets is financed by the issuance of some type of financial asset—either debt instruments or equity instruments.For example,a U.S.airline purchases a fleet of aircraft for$250million,suppose that a debt instrument is issued to raise the$250million.The cash flow from the passenger travel will be used to service the payments on the debt instrument.Ultimately,therefore,the cash flow for a financial asset is generated by some tangible asset.金融资产和有形资产是相关的。
1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 国内生产总值GDP是一个国家或地区在特定时间内所生产的所有最终商品和服务的市场价值的总和。
2. Inflation 通货膨胀通货膨胀是指货币供应量增加导致物价水平上升的现象。
3. Deflation 通货紧缩通货紧缩是指货币供应量减少导致物价水平下降的现象。
4. Interest Rate 利率利率是指借贷资金所产生的利息与本金之间的比率。
5. Exchange Rate 汇率汇率是指一种货币与另一种货币之间的兑换比率。
6. Stock Market 股票市场股票市场是指买卖股票的场所,也是企业融资的重要途径。
7. Bond 债券债券是一种证券,表示借款人向债权人承诺在一定期限内支付利息和本金。
8. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) 外商直接投资外商直接投资是指一个国家的企业在另一个国家的企业中进行的长期投资。
9. Taxation 税收税收是政府从个人和企业获得财政收入的一种方式。
10. Budget Deficit 预算赤字预算赤字是指政府支出超过收入的情况,需要通过借贷或印钞等方式来弥补。
11. Trade Surplus/Trade Deficit 贸易顺差/贸易逆差贸易顺差指一个国家的出口额大于进口额,贸易逆差则相反。
12. Monetary Policy 货币政策货币政策是由中央银行制定和执行的调控货币供应量和利率水平的政策。
13. Fiscal Policy 财政政策财政政策是由政府制定和执行的调控财政支出和税收的政策。
14. Central Bank 央行央行是一个国家的货币发行和货币政策的实施机构。
15. Market Economy 市场经济市场经济是一种以市场配置资源和决定价格的经济体制。
23. 过度开垦 : excess reclamation
24. 合同管理制度: the contract system for governing projects
25. 积极的财政 政策 : pro-active fiscal policy
54. 社会治安情况: law-and-order situation
55. 民族国家: nation state
56. “台独”: "independence of Taiwan"
57. 台湾当局: Taiwan authorities
58. 台湾同胞 : Taiwan compatriots
30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设: to increase the deficit to spend more on development
31. 扩大国内需求 : the expansion of domestic demand
32. 拉动经济增长: fuel economic growth
5. 补发拖欠的养老金: clear up pension payments in arrears
6. 不良贷款: non-performing loan 金融英语
7. 层层转包和违法分包: mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting
93.“市政府要办的X件实事”:x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government’s working agenda;
以下是我们整理的金融行业术语及对应的英文翻译:1. 金融市场:Financial market2. 资金流动:Capital flow3. 股票:Stock4. 债券:Bond5. 期权:Option6. 期货:Futures7. 衍生品:Derivative8. 投资组合:Portfolio9. 风险管理:Risk management10. 资产负债表:Balance sheet12. 现金流量表:Cash flow statement13. 财务分析:Financial analysis14. 贷款:Loan15. 存款:Deposit16. 利率:Interest rate17. 汇率:Exchange rate18. 银行业务:Banking business19. 保险业务:Insurance business20. 财富管理:Wealth management21. 资产管理:Asset management22. 投资银行:Investment banking23. 证券交易所:Stock exchange24. 资本市场:Capital market26. 风险投资:Venture capital27. 股票交易:Stock trading28. 期货交易:Futures trading29. 存款利率:Deposit rate30. 贷款利率:Loan rate这仅仅是金融行业术语的一小部分,更多术语可以根据实际需要进行进一步查询和研究。
1. 素质教育:Quality Education空空2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient3. 保险业:the insurance industry空空4. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas空空5. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears空空6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan空空7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting空空8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas空空9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents空空10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers空空11. 出口信贷:export credit空空12. 贷款质量:loan quality空空13. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans空空14. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks空空15. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project空空16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction空空17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels空空18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions空空19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes空空20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing空空21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects空空22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets空空23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation空空24. 合同管理制度:the contract system for governing projects空空25. 积极的财政政策:pro-active fiscal policy空空26. 基本生活费:basic allowance空空27. 解除劳动关系:sever labor relation空空28. 金融监管责任制:the responsibility system for financial supervision空空29. 经济安全:economic security空空30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设:to increase the deficit to spend more on development空空31. 扩大国内需求:the expansion of domestic demand空空32. 拉动经济增长:fuel economic growth空空33. 粮食仓库:grain depot空空34. 粮食收购企业:grain collection and storage enterprise空空35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行:closed operation of grain purchase funds空空36. 粮食销售市场:grain sales market空空37. 劣质工程:shoddy engineering空空38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款:arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines空空39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage空空40. 融资渠道:financing channels空空41. 商业信贷原则:the principles for commercial credit空空42. 社会保险机构:social security institution空空43. 失业保险金:unemployment insurance benefits空空44. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税:tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes空空45. 外汇收支:foreign exchange revenue and spending空空46. 安居工程:housing project for low-income urban residents空空47. 信息化:information-based; informationization空空48. 智力密集型:concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive空空49. 外资企业:overseas-funded enterprises空空50. 下岗职工:laid-off workers空空51. 分流:reposition of redundant personnel空空52. 素质教育:education for all-round development空空53. 豆腐渣工程:jerry-built projects空空54. 社会治安情况:law-and-order situation空空55. 民族国家:nation state空空56. “台独”:"independence of Taiwan"空空57. 台湾当局:Taiwan authorities空空58. 台湾同胞:Taiwan compatriots空空59. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.60. 西部大开发:Development of the West Regions空空61. 可持续性发展:sustainable development空空62. 风险投资:risk investment空空63. 通货紧缩:deflation空空64. 扩大内需:to expand domestic demand空空65. 计算机辅助教学:computer-assisted instruction (CAI )空空66. 网络空间:cyberspace空空67. 虚拟现实:virtual reality空空68. 网民:netizen (net citizen )空空69. 电脑犯罪:computer crime空空70. 电子商务:the e-business空空71. 网上购物:shopping online空空72. 应试教育:exam-oriented education空空73. 学生减负:to reduce study load空空74. “厄尔尼诺”:(EL Nino)空空75. “拉尼娜”:(La Nina)空空76. “智商”:(IQ)空空77. “情商”:(EQ)空空78. “第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises)79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/information industry)空空80.“军嫂”:(military spouse)空空81.“峰会”(香港译“极峰会议”)“:summit(conference)空空82.“克隆”:clone空空83.“冰毒”:ice空空84.“摇头丸”:dancing outreach空空85.“传销”:multi level marketing空空86.“(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)空空87.“白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book)空空88.“傻瓜相机”空空:Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);89.“白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来)90.“巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。
证券投资(Portfolio Investment) :国际收支中、资本帐下的一个项目,反映资本跨国进行证券投资的情况,与直接投资不同,后者涉及在国外设立公司开展业务,直接参与公司的经营管理。
投资组合经理(Portfolio Manager):替投资者管理资产组合的人,通常获授权在约定规范下自由运用资金。
其计算公式为:资产收益率=净利润/平均资产总额X 100%该指标越高,表明企业资产利用效果越好,说明企业在增加收入和节约资金使用等方面取得了良好的效果,否则相反。
整批交易(Round Lot Trade):指按证券和商品在市场最普遍的交易单位(例如100股为一单位)进行的交易。
交易回合(Round Turn):指在同一市场上通过对两种证券或合约一买一卖,或一卖一买的交易两相抵消。
缩略语有资产担保的证券(ABS)国际外汇交易商协会(ACI)现货(Actuals)亚洲开发银行(ADB)美国预托证券(ADR)非洲开发银行(AFDB)年度股东大会(AGM)另类投资市场(AIM)明日(T/N)债券有资产担保的证券(ABS) 卖方报价(Ask) 最优价指令(At Best)平价(At Par)拍卖(Auction) 回购利率(Repo Rate) 申报交易商(Reporting Dealer) 债务重新安排(Rescheduling) 备用贷款(Standby Loan)风险投资和新股发行增值性(Accretive) 收购(Acquisition) 共同行动(Acting in Concert) 关联公司(Affiliate) 另类投资市场(AIM) 将公司资产拆卖(Asset Stripping) 投资风险极高(Toxic) 认购不足(Undersubscribed) 承销商(Underwriter)技术分析收集(Accumulation)分析师(Analyst)柱状图(Bar Chart) :柱状图(Histogram) 也叫直方图,是一种统计报告图,由一系列高度不等的纵向条纹表示数据分布的情况。
常见的金融词汇中英对照1. 金融市场 (Financial Markets)金融市场是指用于实现资金交易和资金融通的场所,包括股票市场、债券市场、外汇市场和商品市场等。
•股票市场 (Stock Market): the market for buying and selling shares of publicly traded companies.•债券市场 (Bond Market): the market for buying and selling bonds.•外汇市场 (Foreign Exchange Market): the market for trading foreign currencies.•商品市场 (Commodity Market): the market for trading commodities such as oil, gold, and agricultural products.2. 资本市场 (Capital Market)资本市场是指长期融资和投资的市场,包括股票市场和债券市场等。
•股票市场 (Stock Market): the market for buying and selling shares of publicly traded companies.•债券市场 (Bond Market): the market for buying and selling bonds.3. 证券 (Securities)证券是指可以转让和交易的金融工具,包括股票、债券、证券投资基金等。
•股票 (Stocks): shares of ownership in a company that can be bought and sold on a stock market.•债券 (Bonds): debt securities issued by governments, corporations, or other organizations to raise capital.•证券投资基金 (Mutual Funds): investment funds that pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, orother securities.4. 风险管理 (Risk Management)风险管理是指识别、评估和处理金融交易和投资中的各种风险,以减少损失和提高效益。
常用金融英语词汇的翻译acquiring company 收购公司bad loan 呆帐chart of cash flow 现金流量表clearly-established ownership 产权清晰debt to equity债转股diversity of equities 股权多元化economy ofscale 规模经济emerging economies 新兴经济exchange-rate regime 汇率机制fund and financing 筹资融资global financial architecture 全球金融体系global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化gopublic 上市growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长haveone's "two commas" 百万富翁hedge against 套期保值housing mortgage 住房按揭holdings 控股,所持股份holding company 控股公司initial offerings 原始股initial public offerings 首次公募innovativebusiness 创新企业intellectual capital 智力资本inter-bank lending 拆借internet customer 网上客户investment payoff period 投资回收期joint-stock 参股mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人means of production 生产要素(the)medical cost social pool for major diseasesmergers and acquisitions 并购mobile-phone banking移动电话银行业大病医疗费用社会统筹moods 人气net potato 网虫non-store seling 直销offering 新股online-banking 网上银行业online-finance 在线金融online client (银行的)网上客户paper profit 帐面收益physical assets 有形资产project fund system 项目资本金制度pyramid sale 传销recapitalize 资产重组regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团regulate 调控sell off 变现share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权smart card 智能卡slash prices 杀价spare capacity 闲置的生产能力strong growth 强劲的增长势头switch trade 转手贸易take …public 上市tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产transaction (银行的)交易transfer payment from the exchequer 财政转移支付venture-capital 风险资本virtual bank 虚拟银行wire transfer 电子转帐经济金融术语汉英对照表A-B A 安全网safety net 按可比口径on comparable basis按轻重缓急to prioritize 暗补implicit subsidy 暗亏hidden loss B 颁发营业执照to license;to grant a licence to 办理存款业务to take deposits 保护农民的生产积极性to protect farmers'incentive to produce 备付金(超额准备金)excess reserves 本外币并账consolidation of domestic and foreign currencyaccounts 本外币对冲操作sterilization operation 本位利益localized interest;departmentalism 奔小康to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do 避税(请见“逃税”)tax avoidance 币种搭配不当currency mismatch 币种构成currency composition 变相社会集资disguised irregular (orillegal )fund raising 表外科目(业务)off-balance-sheet items (operation )薄弱环节weaknesses;loopholes 不变成本fixed cost 不变价at constant price;in real terms 不动产real estate 不良贷款problem loans ;non-performing loans C 财务公司finance companies 财政赤字fiscal deficit财政挤银行fiscal pressure on the central bank (over monetary policy )财政政策与货币政策的配合coordination of fiscal and monetary policies 采取循序渐进的方法in a phased and sequenced manner 操作弹性operational flexibility 操纵汇率to manipulate exchange rate 产品构成product composition;product mix 产品积压stock pile;excessive inventory产销率current period inventory; (即期库存,不含前期库存)sales/output ratio 产销衔接marketability 产业政策industrial policy 长期国债treasury bonds 敞口头寸open position 炒股to speculate in the stock market 承购包销underwrite (securities )成套机电产品complete sets of equipment;complete plant (s)城市信用社urban credit cooperatives (UCCs )城市合作银行urban cooperative banks;municipal united banks城市商业银行municipal commercial banks 城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅real growth in household income 持续升温persistent overheating 重复布点duplicate projects 重置成本replacement cost 重组计划restructuring plan 筹资渠道funding sources;financing channels 初见成效initial success 出口统一管理、归口经营canalization of exports 出口退税export tax rebate 储蓄存款household deposits (不完全等同于西方的savingsdeposits ,前者包括活期存款,后者不包括。
ODI :ODI is investment of domestic assets into foreign countries, is not investment in the stock markets or in the equity of firms, is composed of M&A and investment.向外直接投资:向外直接投资是国内固定资产投资到国外,是不是在股票市场或在公司的股权,为M&A和投资组成的投资。
T/T: cable transfer or wire transfer——is the equivalent of a cash payment that can be credited directly to the seller‟s account.(telegraphic transfer)电汇:电汇或银行转帐- 是现金支付,可以直接存入卖家的帐户相同。
B/L: waybill or consignment note, and receipt (in postal or courier delivery) are collectively known as the transport documents.提单(bill of lading):提单或运单,及收据(在邮局或快递公司送达)被统称为运输单证。
L/C: It is the buyer who initiates the making of payment, by instructing his bank to issue a documentary credit in favor of the seller.信用证(Letter of Credit):我是谁发起的买方支付的制作通过指示其银行开出以卖方受益人的跟单信用证。
The foreign exchange market:It is a place to trade foreign exchange currency and for the transaction of all foreign currency 外汇市场:它是一个地方外汇交易货币和所有外国货币交易Commercial banks: is a type of financial intermediary.It offers both commercial and investment banking services for individual and business, such as deposits, credit cards, loans, trusts, mutual funds, treasury bills, insurances and so on.商业银行:是一种金融中介机构的类型。
房地产行业话术:房屋贷款Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker ,T ony Flora ,about a housing loan.艾尔和弗吉尼亚·巴克斯特正和他们的银行家托尼·费洛拉洽谈有关房屋贷款之事。
Al:We'd like to get some information about mortgage loans,Mr.Flora.艾尔:我们希望得到一些有关抵押贷款方面的知识,弗洛拉先生。
We found a house that we'd like to buy.我们找到了一所我们想买的房子。
Flora:Well,Mr.Baxter,we generally lend 80% of the bank's appraised value on 30-,35-or 40-year mortgages if the house is less than 10 years old .弗洛拉:好的,巴克斯特先生。
Baxter:Oh ,it's almost a brand-new house .I think it was built two years ago .巴克斯特:哦,这几乎是一所全新的房子,我认为是两年前修建的。
A:Yes,it's a real good deal .The price is just right .艾尔:是的,这真是的桩合适的买卖,价钱也很合理。
F:Bank appraisals are usually slightly lower than the actual market prices,Mr.Baxter,弗洛拉,银行的估价总是低于实际市场价格的,巴克斯特先生。
常用金融英语词汇的翻译acquiring company收购公司bad loan呆帐chart of cash flow现金流量表clearly-established ownership产权清晰debt to equity债转股diversity of equities股权多元化economy of scale规模经济emerging economies新兴经济exchange-rate regime汇率机制fund and financing筹资融资global financial architecture全球金融体系global integration, globality全球一体化,全球化go public上市growth spurt(经济的)急剧增长have one's "two commas"百万富翁hedge against套期保值housing mortgage住房按揭holdings控股,所持股份holding company控股公司initial offerings原始股initial public offerings首次公募innovative business创新企业intellectual capital智力资本inter-bank lending拆借internet customer网上客户investment payoff period投资回收期joint-stock参股mall rat爱逛商店的年轻人means of production生产要素(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases大病医疗费用社会统筹mergers and acquisitions并购mobile-phone banking移动电话银行业moods人气net potato网虫non-store seling直销offering新股online-banking网上银行业online-finance在线金融online client(银行的)网上客户paper profit帐面收益physical assets有形资产project fund system项目资本金制度pyramid sale传销recapitalize资产重组regional corrency blocks地区货币集团regulate调控sell off变现share(stock) option期权,股票认购权smart card智能卡slash prices杀价spare capacity闲置的生产能力strong growth强劲的增长势头switch trade转手贸易take…public上市tap the idle assets盘活存量资产transaction(银行的)交易transfer payment from the exchequer财政转移支付venture-capital风险资本virtual bank虚拟银行wire transfer电子转帐经济金融术语汉英对照表A-BA安全网safety net按可比口径on comparable basis按轻重缓急to prioritize暗补implicit subsidy暗亏hidden lossB颁发营业执照to license;to grant a licence to办理存款业务to take deposits保护农民的生产积极性to protect farmers'incentive to produce备付金(超额准备金)excess reserves本外币并账consolidation of domestic and foreign currencyaccounts 本外币对冲操作sterilization operation本位利益localized interest;departmentalism奔小康to strive to prosper;to strive to become well-to-do避税(请见“逃税”)tax avoidance币种搭配不当currency mismatch币种构成currency composition变相社会集资disguised irregular(or illegal)fund raising表外科目(业务)off-balance-sheet items(operation)薄弱环节weaknesses;loopholes不变成本fixed cost不变价at constant price;in real terms不动产real estate不良贷款problem loans;non-performing loansC财务公司finance companies财政赤字fiscal deficit财政挤银行fiscal pressure on the central bank(over monetary policy)财政政策与货币政策的配合coordination of fiscal and monetary policies采取循序渐进的方法in a phased and sequenced manner操作弹性operational flexibility操纵汇率to manipulate exchange rate产品构成product composition;product mix产品积压stock pile;excessive inventory产销率current period inventory;(即期库存,不含前期库存)sales/output ratio产销衔接marketability产业政策industrial policy长期国债treasury bonds敞口头寸open position炒股to speculate in the stock market承购包销underwrite(securities)成套机电产品complete sets of equipment;complete plant(s)城市信用社urban credit cooperatives(UCCs)城市合作银行urban cooperative banks;municipal united banks城市商业银行municipal commercial banks城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅real growth in household income持续升温persistent overheating重复布点duplicate projects重置成本replacement cost重组计划restructuring plan筹资渠道funding sources;financing channels初见成效initial success出口统一管理、归口经营canalization of exports出口退税export tax rebate储蓄存款householddeposits(不完全等同于西方的savingsdeposits,前者包括活期存款,后者不包括。
1. 金融市场•Financial Market(金融市场)•Stock Market(股票市场)•Bond Market(债券市场)•Foreign Exchange Market(外汇市场)•Commodity Market(商品市场)•Derivatives Market(衍生品市场)2. 金融产品•Stocks(股票)•Bonds(债券)•Mutual Funds(共同基金)•ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds)(交易所交易基金)•Options(期权)•Futures(期货)•Swaps(掉期协议)•Currencies(货币)•Commodities(商品)3. 金融机构•Bank(银行)•Commercial Bank(商业银行)•Investment Bank(投资银行)•Central Bank(中央银行)•Insurance Company(保险公司)•Brokerage Firm(经纪公司)•Asset Management Company(资产管理公司)4. 财务指标•Net Income(净利润)•Revenue(营业收入)•Expenses(费用)•Assets(资产)•Liabilities(负债)•Equity(股东权益)•Return on Investment(投资回报率)•Profit Margin(利润率)•Cash Flow(现金流)•Earnings per Share(每股收益)5. 金融服务•Banking Services(银行服务)•Investment Services(投资服务)•Insurance Services(保险服务)•Financial Planning(财务规划)•Wealth Management(财富管理)•Risk Management(风险管理)•Retirement Planning(退休规划)•Tax Services(税务服务)6. 金融专业名词•Economics(经济学)•Finance(金融学)•Accounting(会计学)•Portfolio Management(投资组合管理)•Asset Allocation(资产配置)•Risk Assessment(风险评估)•Hedge Fund(对冲基金)•Interest Rate(利率)•Inflation(通胀)•Capital(资本)7. 国际金融相关词汇•International Monetary Fund(国际货币基金组织)•World Bank(世界银行)•Export(出口)•Import(进口)•Balance of Trade(贸易差额)•Foreign Direct Investment(外国直接投资)•Exchange Rate(汇率)•Trade Surplus(贸易顺差)•Trade Deficit(贸易逆差)•Sovereign Debt(主权债务)以上仅为一些常见的金融行业中英文词汇对照,读者可以根据需要进一步扩充和学习。
金融术语中英文版Notes1.Banks provide most of the credit our economy needs by making loans to enterprises, individuals and governments.银行经过向企业、团体和政府发放存款,提供我国国民经济所需的大局部信贷资金。
(1)(credit) our economy needs我国国民经济所需的〔信贷资金〕此句为定语从句,省略了关系代词which,修饰前面的先行词credit。
(2)economy n.①the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community经济体:国度、地域或群体的经济活动体系和范围例:Effects of inflation were felt at every level of the economy.通货收缩影响到每一经济阶级②a specific type of economic system经济制度:特定经济体系类型例:an industrial economy; a planned economy.工业经济体制;方案经济体制(3)by making loans to enterprises, individuals and governments是介词短语,在句中做状语。
by prep. with the use or help of; through借助于;经过(4)making (loans to…)是动名词,做介词by的宾语。
2.The interest that borrowers pay for their loans or for their notes discounted forms the major source of banks' income.借款人支付存款或贴现票据的利息构成了银行主要支出的来源。
金融常用语中英文对照接下来为大家整理了金融常用语中英文对照,希望对你有帮助哦!1. 出口信贷:export credit2. 贷款质量:loan quality3. 贷款质量五级分类办法:the five-category assets classification for bank loans4. 防范和化解金融风险:take precautions against and reduce financial risks5. 防洪工程:flood-prevention project6. 不良贷款:non-performing loan7. 层层转包和违法分包:mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting8. 城乡信用社:credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas9. 城镇居民最低生活保障:a minimum standard of living for city residents10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度:the system of medical insurance for urban workers11. 素质教育:Quality Education12. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient13. 保险业:the insurance industry14. 保证重点指出:ensure funding for priority areas15. 补发拖欠的养老金:clear up pension payments in arrears16. 非法外汇交易:illegal foreign exchange transaction17. 非贸易收汇:foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels18. 非银行金融机构:non-bank financial institutions19. 费改税:transform administrative fees into taxes20. 跟踪审计:foolow-up auditing21. 工程监理制度:the monitoring system for projects22. 国有资产安全:the safety of state-owned assets23. 过度开垦:excess reclamation91.“减员增效:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;92.“抓大放小:manage large enterprises well wh ile ease control over small ones;93.“市政府要办的X件实事:x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government's working agenda;94.“两个基本点:two focal points,two of the major points of the line set bythe 13th Congress of the CPC,I.e.upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies reform,opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy.95.“投资热点:a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot96.“移动电话:本系cellular(有时简作cel)或mobil e(tele)phone97.“三角债:chain debts或debt chains98.“拳头产品:knockout product99.“投诉热线:dial-a-cheat confidential hotline(打电话告诉一件欺诈事件)100.“三通的现译文three links:link of trade,travel and post101.“外资:overseas investments。
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外贸外语辅导:金融英语常用语的地道翻译汇总来源:欧得宝作者:时间:2008-11-13 点击:1. 素质教育:Quality Education 金融英语2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient3. 保险业: the insurance industry 金融英语4. 保证重点指出: ensure funding for priority areas5. 补发拖欠的养老金: clear up pension payments in arrears6. 不良贷款: non-performing loan 金融英语7. 层层转包和违法分包: mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting8. 城乡信用社: credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas9. 城镇居民最低生活保障: a minimum standard of living for city residents10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度: the system of medical insurance for urban workers11. 出口信贷: export credit12. 贷款质量: loan quality13. 贷款质量五级分类办法: the five-category assets classification for bank loans14. 防范和化解金融风险: take precautions against and reduce financial risks15. 防洪工程: flood-prevention project16. 非法外汇交易: illegal foreign exchange transaction17. 非贸易收汇: foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels18. 非银行金融机构: non-bank financial institutions19. 费改税: transform administrative fees into taxes20. 跟踪审计: foolow-up auditing21. 工程监理制度: the monitoring system for projects22. 国有资产安全: the safety of state-owned assets23. 过度开垦: excess reclamation24. 合同管理制度: the contract system for governing projects25. 积极的财政政策: pro-active fiscal policy26. 基本生活费: basic allowance27. 解除劳动关系: sever labor relation28. 金融监管责任制: the responsibility system for financial supervision29. 经济安全: economic security30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设: to increase the deficit to spend more on development31. 扩大国内需求: the expansion of domestic demand32. 拉动经济增长: fuel economic growth33. 粮食仓库: grain depot34. 粮食收购企业: grain collection and storage enterprise35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行: closed operation of grain purchase funds36. 粮食销售市场: grain sales market37. 劣质工程: shoddy engineering38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款: arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇: obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over fo reign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage40. 融资渠道: financing channels41. 商业信贷原则: the principles for commercial credit42. 社会保险机构: social security institution43. 失业保险金: unemployment insurance benefits44. 偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税: tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes45. 外汇收支: foreign exchange revenue and spending46. 安居工程: housing project for low-income urban residents47. 信息化: information-based; informationization48. 智力密集型: concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive49. 外资企业: overseas-funded enterprises50. 下岗职工: laid-off workers51. 分流: reposition of redundant personnel52. 素质教育: education for all-round development53. 豆腐渣工程: jerry-built projects54. 社会治安情况: law-and-order situation55. 民族国家: nation state56. “台独”: "independence of Taiwan"57. 台湾当局: Taiwan authorities58. 台湾同胞: Taiwan compatriots59. 台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分:Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.60. 西部大开发: Development of the West Regions61. 可持续性发展: sustainable development62. 风险投资: risk investment63. 通货紧缩: deflation64. 扩大内需: to expand domestic demand65. 计算机辅助教学: computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )66. 网络空间: cyberspace67. 虚拟现实: virtual reality68. 网民: netizen ( net citizen )69. 电脑犯罪: computer crime70. 电子商务: the e-business71. 网上购物: shopping online72. 应试教育: exam-oriented education73. 学生减负: to reduce study load74. “厄尔尼诺”:(EL Nino)75. “拉尼娜”:(La Nina)76. “智商”:(IQ)77. “情商”:(EQ)78. “第三产业”:(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises)79.“第四产业”:(quaternary/information industry)80.“军嫂”:(military spouse)81.“峰会”(香港译“极峰会议”)”:summit(conference)82.“克隆”:clone83.“冰毒”:ice84.“摇头丸”:dancing outreach85.“传销”:multi level marketing86.“(计算机)2000年问题”:Y2K problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)87.“白皮书”:white paper(不是white cover book)88.“傻瓜相机”:Instamatic(商标名,焦距、镜头均固定,被称为foolproof相机);89.“白条”:IOU note(IOU:债款、债务,由I owe you 的读音缩略转义而来)90.“巡回招聘”:milk round(一种招聘毕业生的方式,大公司走访各大学及学院,向求职者介绍本公司情况并与报名者晤谈)。
91.“减员增效”:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;92.“抓大放小”:manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;93.“市政府要办的X件实事”:x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on t he municipal government’s working agenda;94.“两个基本点”:two focal points,two of the major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the C PC,I.e.upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies reform,opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy。
95.“投资热点”:a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand,popular investment spot96.“移动电话”:本系cellular(有时简作cel)或mobile(tele)phone97.“三角债”:chain debts或debt chains98.“拳头产品”:knockout product99.“投诉热线”:dial-a-cheat confidential hotline(打电话告诉一件欺诈事件)100.“三通”的现译文three links:link of trade,travel and post...。