Abstract Data Types and a review of C++ programming concepts

It should go without saying that people write programs to solve problems. However , it is crucial to keep this truism in mind when selecting a data structure to solve a particular problem. Only by first analyzing the problem to determine the performance goals that must be achieved can there be any hope of selecting the right data structure that they are familiar with but which is inappropriate to the problem.
Data Structures 2017-2-21 9/9
How to use Data Structures?
When selecting a data structure to solve a problem, you should follow these steps: 1. Analyze your problem to determine the basic operations that must be supported. Examples of basic operations include inserting a data item into the data structure, deleting a data item from the data structure, and finding a specified data item. 2. Quantify the resource constraints for each operation. 3. Select the data structure that best meets these requirements.

数据结构与算法分析:C语⾔描述(原书第2版简体中⽂版!!!)PDF+源代码+习题答案转⾃:/Linux/2014-04/99735.htm数据结构与算法分析:C语⾔描述(原书第2版中⽂版!!!) PDF+源代码+习题答案数据结构与算法分析:C语⾔描述(原书第2版)是《data structures and algorithm analysis in c》⼀书第2版的简体中译本。
原书曾被评为20世纪顶尖的30部计算机著作之⼀,作者mark allen weiss在数据结构和算法分析⽅⾯卓有建树,他的数据结构和算法分析的著作尤其畅销,并受到⼴泛好评.已被世界500余所⼤学⽤作教材。
数据结构与算法分析:C语⾔描述(原书第2版) PDF下载:百度⽹盘免费下载地址:(本⼈是从这⾥下载的,感谢原博主)全书特点如下: ●专⽤⼀章来讨论算法设计技巧,包括贪婪算法、分治算法、动态规划、随机化算法以及回溯算法 ●介绍了当前流⾏的论题和新的数据结构,如斐波那契堆、斜堆、⼆项队列、跳跃表和伸展树 ●安排⼀章专门讨论摊还分析,考查书中介绍的⼀些⾼级数据结构 ●新开辟⼀章讨论⾼级数据结构以及它们的实现,其中包括红⿊树、⾃顶向下伸展树。
treap树、k-d树、配对堆以及其他相关内容 ●合并了堆排序平均情况分析的⼀些新结果⽬录出版者的话专家指导委员会译者序前⾔第1章引论第2章算法分析第3章表、栈和队列第4章树第5章散列第6章优先队列(堆)第7章排序第8章不相交集ADT第9章图论算法第10章算法设计技巧第11章摊还分析第12章⾼级数据结构及其实现索引。

毕业论文的英文Graduation ThesisAbstractThe graduation thesis is a crucial part of the academic journey for students pursuing their undergraduate or postgraduate degrees. It serves as an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge, skills, and research abilities in a specific area of study. This article aims to discuss the essential aspects of writing a graduation thesis in English, including the structure, writing style, and research process.IntroductionWriting a graduation thesis in English requires careful planning and organization. It is important to choose a relevant and interesting research topic that aligns with the field of study. The thesis should clearly state the research objectives, provide a comprehensive literature review, present the methodologies employed, analyze the obtained results, and draw meaningful conclusions. Following a proper structure and maintaining a coherent writing style are critical for a successful graduation thesis. The remainder of this article will explore each section in more detail.1. Title PageThe title page is the first page of the graduation thesis and should include the title of the thesis, student's name, department, university name, degree program, supervisor's name, and the year of submission. The title should be concise, informative, and reflect the essence of the research.2. AbstractThe abstract is a brief summary of the entire thesis. It should provide a concise overview of the research objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. The abstract should be written in a clear and concise manner to enable readers to understand the essence of the thesis without reading the entire document.3. IntroductionThe introduction section sets the stage for the research and provides background information on the chosen topic. It should present the research problem or question, establish the significance of the study, and provide a clear research objective. Furthermore, the introduction should highlight the research gap and explain how the study contributes to existing knowledge.4. Literature ReviewThe literature review examines existing scholarly works related to the research topic. It aims to summarize and critically analyze previous studies, theories, and findings. The literature review should clearly identify the research gap and justify the need for the present study. Proper citation and referencing are crucial to acknowledge the works of other researchers and avoid plagiarism.5. MethodologyThe methodology section explains the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques employed in the study. It should provide detailed information on the sample selection process, data collection instruments, and the data analysis software utilized. The methodologyshould be written in a clear and precise manner, enabling other researchersto replicate the study if needed.6. Results and AnalysisIn this section, the obtained results are presented and analyzed. The findings should be organized in a logical manner using tables, graphs, or charts for better visualization. The analysis should be objective and based on the research questions or hypotheses. The results and analysis section should be supported by proper data interpretation and statistical evidence.7. DiscussionThe discussion section interprets the results in the context of the research objectives and the existing literature. It should discuss the implications of the findings, limitations of the study, and provide recommendations for future research. The discussion should provide a critical analysis of the results and address any inconsistencies or unexpected outcomes.8. ConclusionThe conclusion section summarizes the key findings of the research and reiterates their significance to the field of study. It should address the research objectives and highlight the implications of the study. The conclusion should be concise and provide closure to the thesis.9. ReferencesThe references section includes a list of all sources cited within the thesis. It should follow a specific citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, and maintain consistency throughout the document. Proper referencing isvital to acknowledge the contributions of other researchers and support the credibility of the thesis.In conclusion, writing a graduation thesis in English requires careful planning, organization, and adherence to a specific structure. It involves choosing a relevant research topic, conducting a comprehensive literature review, employing appropriate methodologies, analyzing the results, and drawing meaningful conclusions. Adhering to the guidelines presented in this article will ensure a well-written and influential graduation thesis.。
the american economic review格式要求

the american economic review格式要求The American Economic ReviewIntroductionThe American Economic Review (AER) is a prestigious academic journal that publishes original research articles and surveys in the field of economics. Established in 1911, the AER has been a leading platform for economists to present their findings and contribute to the advancement of economic knowledge. This article provides an overview of the format and requirements for submitting manuscripts to the AER.Manuscript Structure1. Title: The title should be concise, informative, and reflect the focus of the research. It should be centered and in title case.2. Abstract: The abstract is a brief summary of the research, providing an overview of the research question, methodology, key findings, and implications. The abstract should not exceed 250 words.3. Introduction: The introduction establishes the context and significance of the research topic, provides a brief literature review, and states the research question or objective.4. Literature Review: The literature review critically analyzes and synthesizes existing studies related to the research topic. It provides a foundation for the current research and highlights gaps that the study aims to address.5. Methodology: This section describes the research design, data collection methods, and statistical techniques used. Sufficient detail should be provided to enable replication of the study.6. Findings and Analysis: Present the results of the study in a clear and concise manner. Use tables, graphs, or charts to enhance understanding. Discuss the significance of the findings and relate them back to the research question.7. Discussion: Discuss the implications of the findings, explore potential limitations of the study, and suggest avenues for further research. Compare and contrast the results with existing theories or empirical evidence.8. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings, restate the research question and its significance, and provide a concise conclusion. Avoid introducing new information or arguments in the conclusion.ReferencesFollow the American Psychological Association (APA) style for referencing. Include a comprehensive list of all sources cited in the manuscript. Ensure proper citation in the text to avoid plagiarism.Formatting Guidelines1. Font and Size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.2. Page Layout: Use one-inch margins on all sides. Double-space the text throughout the manuscript, including the abstract, main body, references, tables, and figures.3. Headings: Use clear and logical headings to organize the manuscript. Use bold or italics for section titles and subheadings to aid readability.4. Tables and Figures: Number tables and figures sequentially, provide clear captions, and refer to them appropriately in the text. Ensure they are easy to read and understand.Submission ProcessManuscripts for the AER should be submitted online through the journal's submission website. Follow the guidelines provided on the website for manuscript preparation, including file format requirements.Peer Review ProcessSubmitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process. The AER reviewers, who are experts in the field, evaluate the quality, originality, methodology, and significance of the research. Authors may receive feedback and suggestions for revision from the reviewers before final acceptance or rejection.ConclusionThe American Economic Review is a reputable journal that publishes high-quality research in the field of economics. By adhering to the prescribed format and guidelines, authors can increase the chances of having their manuscripts accepted for publication. Researchers aspiring to contribute to the field of economics should consider the AER as a platform to disseminate their findings and engage in scholarly discussions.。

硕士毕业论文英语Title: The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Purchase Decision MakingAbstract:The increasing use of social media has had a profound effect on consumer behavior, particularly in relation to how consumers make purchase decisions. This study aims to investigate the impact of social media on consumer purchase decision making by examining its effects on information acquisition, attitude formation, and decision making.The methodology of this study involves a literature review and a survey of consumers. The literature review examines existing research on social media and consumer purchase behavior, while the survey measures the use of social media and its impact on consumer purchase decisions.The findings show that social media has a significant impact on how consumers acquire information about products or services. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, provide consumers with a wealth of information that influences theirattitudes and behavior towards purchasing. Social media also has a significant impact on consumer attitude formation, with many consumers relying on social media reviews and recommendations to determine their attitudes towards products. Finally, social media has an impact on consumer decision-making, with many consumers using social media to gather information, compare products, and make informed purchase decisions.Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the impact of social media on consumer purchase decision making. The results suggest that social media is an important tool for businesses to reach and influence consumers, and that businesses must adapt to this change in consumer behavior in order to remain competitive.Keywords: social media, consumer behavior, purchase decision makingIntroduction:Social media platforms have become an important part of modern society, with billions of people across the world using social media to connect with others, share information, and communicate. The impact of social media on various aspects of society has been widelystudied, from its effects on communication and politics to its impact on education and health. In recent years, social media has also become an essential tool for businesses, particularly in relation to marketing and communication with consumers.One area where social media has had a significant impact is in consumer purchase decision making. With the widespread use of social media, consumers now have access to a wealth of information about products and services, both from businesses and from other consumers. This has changed the way consumers make purchase decisions, with many now using social media to gather information, compare products, and make informed decisions.The purpose of this research study is to investigate the impact of social media on consumer purchase decision making, by examining its effects on attitude formation, information acquisition, and decision making. This study aims to contribute to the existing body of research on social media and consumer behavior, by providing new insights into the ways in which social media influences purchase decision making.Literature Review:Researchers have extensively studied the impact of social media on consumer behavior, particularly in the context of purchase decision-making. According to Yang et al. (2016), social media has a significant impact on how consumers acquire information about products and services, as well as how they form attitudes towards these products. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, provide consumers with a wealth of product-related information, including product reviews, ratings, and recommendations. This information is increasingly important to consumers, with many relying on social media to determine the quality and value of products.Research has also shown that social media has a significant impact on consumer attitudes towards products and services. According to Hoffman and Fodor (2010), social media can influence consumer attitudes through a variety of mechanisms, including social influence, informational influence, and affective influence. They argue that social media provides a platform for consumers to exchange information, opinions, and experiences, which can lead to the formation of attitudes towards products and brands. Additionally, social media can also influence consumer attitudes through thepresentation of social norms and values, which can shape consumer beliefs and perceptions.Finally, research has suggested that social media has an impact on consumer decision-making processes. According to Liang and Turban (2011), social media can affect consumer decision making through several mechanisms, including product evaluation, information search, and product comparison. They argue that social media provides consumers with access to a wider range of product-related information, which can aid in the decision-making process. Additionally, social media can also facilitate the sharing of information and opinions among consumers, which can influence decision making.Methodology:The methodology of this study involves a literature review and a survey of consumers. The literature review examines existing research on social media and consumer purchase behavior, while the survey measures the use of social media and its impact on consumer purchase decisions.The survey will be conducted using an online questionnaire, which will be distributed to consumers via social media platforms. The questionnaire will consist of multiple-choice questions, as well as open-endedquestions, which will allow respondents to provide more detailed responses.Data Analysis:The data collected from the survey will be analyzed using descriptive statistics, such as frequency distributions and percentages, to examine the use of social media by consumers and its impact on purchase decision making. The open-ended responses will be analyzed using content analysis techniques to identify key themes and patterns in the data.Conclusion:The findings of this study are expected to provide valuable insights into the impact of social media on consumer purchase decision making. The results will contribute to the existing body of research on social media and consumer behavior, by providing new insights into the ways in which social media influences purchase decision making. The results of this study are also expected to have important implications for businesses, particularly in relation to marketing and communication with consumers. Businesses must adapt to the changing behavior of consumers, by utilizing social media to reach and influence consumers in order to remain competitive.。

ISSN 1000一 1239l CN l l 一 1777/ T P
c r h and E地 velopme t n
44( S ppl. ) : 225一229 , u 2007
基于半监督学 习的数据流分类方法
黄 成” 朱 光 董 生 树, 宇2 逸 ‘
Huang shucheng‘ zhu y uguan扩, 肠ng y isheng, , 2, and
‘&六 l o o m户e &l ( c f o ut r c n e a耐 Eng ne ing , i e r 肠ut人 st 协1 r £ N n i鳍 210096) a e * s 勺, j a 2(刀户r me t o 肠别 赵 &艺 “an Eng艺 n , 汤刀 u 坛 i ut o Th)hnol侧 ,。a刀 u 2 3 0 ) 尸Z n f t 户t r e 云 d 刀 n~ g 〔口9幼‘ s t e f t 乃, 9动o 1 0 6
Abstract Mining on data streams and c n tructing a clas ification model has found many applicat ions . The os s dynamic nature of strc ming data p se two key issue facing a ciated c mmunit ies : one is how to m nitor a o s s o s o o the Potential change occurring in data strea s ,and the other is how to collect sufficient labeled data to s m ad ust the outdated model f r adapting to significant 。 j o hanges . In this paper , semi一 a supervised一 n inglear based algorithm is proposed t attack t hese pr blems . A reliable method for different iating significant o o changes fr m noisy changes is devised . Whenever the significant change Present themselve , EM with o s s an na ve Baye algorithm is employed to augment currently insufficient labeled data into a sufficient traini眼 i s data set . S the need f r labe1 data is sharply reduced , o o ed and an effective clas ifier can be generated based s on the new training data. Experiment results confirm the advantages of the algorithm . Key wor s d data streams classificat ion ; significant change; labeled data ; semi一 supervised learning ; EM

毕业论文摘要翻译The abstract is a concise summary of the main points and findings of a research paper or thesis. It should provide a clear and informative overview of the study and its contribution to the field. The following is a translation of a theoretical dissertation abstract into approximately 700 words:Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment: A Comparative AnalysisAbstract:As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, concerns arise regarding its potential impact on employment. This dissertation aims to systematically examine and compare the effects of AI on employment in different industries and countries, providing insights into potential job displacement and transformation. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and analysis of statistical data, the study explores the relationship between AI adoption and employment dynamics. Additionally, it investigates the factors influencing the extent to which AI alters the labor market.The research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative component involves an extensive literature review, encompassing academic papers, reports, and policy documents related to AI and employment. Key themes regarding the impact of AI on various industries are identified and synthesized. Subsequently, a quantitative analysis is conducted to examine employment trends before and after the introduction of AI technologies. This analysisutilizes data from national labor force surveys and industry-specific databases, ensuring sufficient coverage across different sectors and countries.The study finds that the impact of AI on employment varies significantly across industries, with some experiencing significant job displacement while others undergo transformation and creation. The manufacturing and transportation sectors are particularly susceptible to job loss due to automation, as repetitive tasks are easily replaced by AI-enabled machines. Conversely, certain industries, such as healthcare and professional services, experience enhanced productivity and job creation through AI adoption.While the impact of AI on employment is largely sector-specific, the study also reveals differences across countries. Developed economies, characterized by advanced technologies and higher AI adoption rates, face higher employment volatility when compared to developing economies. This discrepancy is attributed to variations in labor market structure, regulations, and investment in AI education and training. Furthermore, the study finds that AI adoption is influenced by organizational factors, including firm size, industry competition, and management attitudes towards technological innovation.The dissertation also examines the implications of AI on the workforce, discussing potential policy responses to mitigate negative consequences and harness opportunities presented by AI technology. It emphasizes the importance of promoting lifelong learning and reskilling programs to ensure workers can adapt to changing job requirements and remain employable. Policiesfacilitating the transition to AI-enabled work environments, such as supporting entrepreneurship and fostering collaboration between academia and industry, are also recommended.The findings of this research contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the impact of AI on employment. By comparing and contrasting different countries and industries, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted nature of AI-induced labor market changes. Furthermore, it offers practical insights for policymakers, industry leaders, and workers to navigate the evolving employment landscape in the age of AI.In conclusion, this dissertation examines the impact of AI on employment through a comparative analysis across industries and countries. The study reveals that while some industries face job displacement, others experience transformation and creation due to AI adoption. The research underscores the importance of policies and strategies to mitigate negative consequences and promote the development of AI-enabled work environments. Overall, this dissertation provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between AI and employment dynamics, shedding light on a highly debated topic in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape.。

Finding previous of the current item from a list.
1. Simple Array implementation of Lists
§2 The List ADT
array[ i ] = itemi
Address Content
……Leabharlann Sequential mapping
CHAPTER 3 Lists, Stacks, and Queues
§1 Abstract Data Type (ADT)
【Definition】Data Type = { Objects } { Operations }
〖Example〗 int = { 0, 1, 2, , INT_MAX, INT_MIN } { , , , , , }
array+i array+i+1
itemi itemi+1 ……
MaxSize has to be estimated.
Find_Kth takes O(1) time.

实验报告英文格式Experimental Report FormatIntroductionIn scientific research, experimental reports play a crucial role in presenting the findings and conclusions of a study. These reports follow a specific format, which ensures clarity, consistency, and reproducibility. In this article, we will discuss the key components of an experimental report in English, highlighting their importance and providing examples where necessary.TitleThe title of an experimental report should be concise and informative, accurately reflecting the essence of the study. It should be written in a way that captures the attention of the reader while conveying the main focus of the experiment. For instance, a suitable title for a study investigating the effects of caffeine on cognitive performance could be "The Impact of Caffeine Consumption on Cognitive Function: A Controlled Experiment."AbstractThe abstract provides a brief summary of the experiment, highlighting the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. It should be concise, usually ranging from 100 to 250 words. The abstract serves as a snapshot of the entire report, allowing readers to quickly determine if the study is relevant to their area of interest.IntroductionThe introduction section provides background information on the topic, justifies the need for the study, and outlines the research question or hypothesis. It should include a literature review, highlighting previous research related to the experiment. The introduction sets the context for the experiment and helps the reader understand the significance of the study. For example, in a report investigating the effects of exercise on mood, the introduction could discuss the existing literature on the relationship between physical activity and mental well-being.MethodsThe methods section describes in detail how the experiment was conducted. It should include information on the participants, materials used, procedures followed, and data collection methods. This section should be written in a clear and concise manner, allowing other researchers to replicate the study. For instance, in a report on a study examining the impact of a new drug on blood pressure, the methods section would include details on the dosage, administration, and monitoring procedures.ResultsThe results section presents the findings of the experiment. It should be organized in a logical and systematic manner, using tables, graphs, and figures to enhance clarity. The results should be presented objectively, without interpretation or discussion. For example, if the experiment involved measuring the growth rate of plants under different lighting conditions, the results sectionwould include the measurements recorded and any statistical analysis performed.DiscussionThe discussion section allows the researchers to interpret the results, compare them with previous studies, and draw conclusions. It should address the research question or hypothesis and provide explanations for the findings. Additionally, any limitations or potential sources of error should be acknowledged. The discussion section offers an opportunity to critically analyze the experiment and suggest future directions for research. For instance, in a report on a study investigating the effects of a new teaching method on student performance, the discussion section would analyze the results and discuss their implications for educational practices.ConclusionThe conclusion section summarizes the main findings of the experiment and restates the significance of the study. It should be concise and avoid introducing new information. The conclusion provides closure to the report and emphasizes the key takeaways for the reader.ReferencesThe references section lists all the sources cited within the report. It should follow a specific citation style, such as APA or MLA, ensuring proper credit is given to the original authors.In conclusion, an experimental report in English follows a structured format thatincludes a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Each section serves a specific purpose, contributing to the overall clarity and comprehensibility of the report. By adhering to this format, researchers can effectively communicate their findings and contribute to the scientific knowledge in their respective fields.。

中文论文翻译成英文Translation of a Chinese research paper into English:Title: "The Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behavior: A Study of Chinese Market"Abstract:This research paper aims to explore the influence of social media on consumer behavior in the Chinese market. With the increasing popularity and influence of social media platforms, such as WeChat, Weibo, and Douyin, understanding how these platforms affect purchasing decisions has become crucial for marketers and researchers alike. By examining various sources of literature and conducting surveys among Chinese consumers, this study intends to provide insights into the characteristics and consequences of social media usage on consumer behavior.Introduction:Social media platforms have revolutionized the way people communicate and gather information. In China, a country with a massive population and a unique digital landscape, social media platforms play a significant role in shaping consumers' decision-making processes. Aspects such as social endorsement, viral marketing, and personalized product recommendations have become essential factors affecting consumer behavior. Therefore, understanding the impact of social media on consumer behavior in the Chinese market is of utmost importance for marketing professionals and researchers.Literature Review:This section reviews and summarizes relevant literature from both domestic and international sources. The literature covers a wide range of topics, including social media's influence on purchase intention, social media's role in brand communication and loyalty, and the effects of peer recommendations on consumer decision-making. By analyzing and synthesizing existing studies, this review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between social media and consumer behavior in the Chinese context.Methodology:To investigate the impact of social media on consumer behavior, a mixed-method approach was employed in this study. Firstly, a comprehensive review of relevant literature was conducted to establish a theoretical foundation. Secondly, surveys were administered to a sample of Chinese consumers to collect quantitative data on their social media usage and its influence on their purchasing behavior. The survey also included open-ended questions to obtain qualitative insights from respondents. Finally, data analysis was carried out using statistical methods and content analysis to identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions. Results and Discussion:Based on the analysis of survey data and literature review, several key findings emerged. Firstly, the majority of Chinese consumers actively use social media platforms for information-seeking, opinion-sharing, and product evaluation purposes. Secondly, social media influencers and recommendations from friends and family significantly impact consumers' purchasing decisions. Furthermore, social media acts as an important medium for brandcommunication, providing opportunities for marketers to engage with consumers directly. The implications of these findings for marketing strategies and future research directions are also discussed in this section.Conclusion:This research paper contributes to the growing body of knowledge on social media's influence on consumer behavior in the Chinese market. The findings suggest that social media platforms play a crucial role in shaping consumers' purchasing decisions, brand loyalty, and product evaluations. By leveraging the power of social media, marketers can better understand and engage with Chinese consumers. Future research should explore additional variables and expand the sample size to further investigate the complexities of social media usage and its impact on consumer behavior.。

TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS(2019)-GRADE FOUR-TIME LIMIT:130MIN PARTⅠDICTATION[10MIN] Listen to the following passage.Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.During the first reading,which will be done at normal speed,listen and try to understand the meaning.For the second and third reading,the passage,except the first sentence,will be read sentence by sentence,or phrase by phrase,with intervals of fifteen seconds.The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.You will then be given ONE minute to check through your work once more.Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE.The first sentence of the passage is already provided.Now,listen to the passage.SLANGWe often use slang expressions when we talk because they are so vivid and colorful.PARTⅡLISTENING COMPERHESION[20MIN] SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk.You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.While listening,you may look at the task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable.You may use the blank sheet fornote-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now,listen to the talk.When it is over,you will be given TWO minutes to check your work. SECTION B CONVERSATINSIn this section you will hear two conversations.At the end of each conversation,five questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY.After each question there will be a ten-second pause.During the pause,you should read the four choices of[A],[B],[C]and[D], and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the choices.Now,listen to the conversations.Conversation OneQuestions1to5are based on Conversation One.1.[A]Writer.[B]Wells.[C]Writer Wells.[D]Susan Writer Wells.2.[A]She was a career woman.[B]She was then a feminist.[C]She didn’t like her maiden name.[D]She took her husband’s surname.3.[A]She named herself after her profession.[B]She named herself after her home town.[C]She named herself after a day of the week.[D]She named herself after her sculptor.4.[A]It gives women greater equality.[B]It is a good solution to an old problem.[C]The problem troubling feminists still remains.[D]The surname problem has partly been solved.5.[A]History of surnames in America[B]Feminist movement in the1960s.[C]Traditional surnames in Europe.[D]Reasons for in invention surnames.Conversation TwoQuestions6to10are based on Conversation Two.6.[A]A reporter from aweekly program.[B]An executive director from a company.[C]A guest on a weekly program.[D]A magazine editor from San Diego.7.[A]To prepare a list of things that you have done.[B]To let your boss know that you want a pay rise.[C]To let everybody know your achievement.[D]To shamelessly promote yourself to your boss.8.[A]Because the boss has the data on your work.[B]Because you will be given more work to do.[C]Because it is unprofessional to do so.[D]Because others may lose trust in you.9.[A]We could earn praise from our boss.[B]We may forget the good things we’ve done.[C]Things change quickly in work situations.[D]The boss will review our performance data.10.[A]Websites.[B]Radio programs.[C]Research reports.[D]Government documents.PARTⅢLANGUAGE USAGE[10MIN] There are twenty sentences in this section.Beneath each sentence there are four options marked[A].[B], [C]and[D].Choose the one that best completes the sentence or answers the question.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.11.Moving from beginning to end by order of time,narration relies on a more natural pattern of organization than.[A]will other types or writing[B]do other types of writing[C]on other types of writing[D]other types of writing12.the attempted rescue mission,the hostages might still be alive.[A]If it not had been for[B]If had it not been for[C]Had it not been for[D]Had not it been for13.Members of the Parliament were poised ahead with a bill to approve construction of the oil pipeline.[A]to move[B]moving[C]to moving[D]at moving14.Writers often coupled narration with other techniques to develop ideas and support opinions that otherwiseabstract,unclear,or unconvincing.[A]may remain[B]could remain[C]must have remained[D]might have remained15.Protocol was enabled him make difficult without ever looking back.[A]who[B]what[C]which[D]that16.The woman had persuaded him to do he was hired never to do—reveal the combination for the lock onthe entrance.[A]one thing[B]such one thing[C]any one thing[D]the one thing17.The bad news was that he could be a very dangerous person he choose to be.[A]should[B]could[C]might[D]must18.“If not us,who?If not now,when?”These two questions are usedas a.[A]sign of anger[B]call for action[C]refusal to change[D]denial of commitment19.What is the function of the present progressive in“They are always calling me by the wrong name”?[A]To express unfavorable feelings.[B]To alleviate unnecessary hostility.[C]To indicate uncertainty.[D]To dramatize a fact.20.“Harry was compelled to resign and to come down to London,where he set up as an army coach”The relativeclause in the sentence serves to.[A]supply additional information about London[B]describe the antecedent“London”[C]put restrictions on the identity of Harry[D]narrate a sequential action taken by Harry21.A group casinos has urged officials not to grant a license to a facility in the city.[A]opposed to[B]objected to[C]posed against[D]protested against22.After the war,he worked on an island in the Pacific,helping the natives and medical understand eachother’s behavior and cultures.[A]faculty[B]persons[C]members[D]personnel23.The subject of manners is complex.If it were not,there would not be so many feelings and so muchmisunderstanding in international communication.[A]injurious[B]injured[C]injuring[D]injury24.To illustrate the limits of First Amendment free speech,many have noted that the Constitution does not giveyou the right to falsely“Fire!”in a crowded theater.[A]yelp[B]yank[C]yell[D]yield25.The company announced that it has achieved its mission to create a local food economy that is to anyenvironment.[A]adoptable[B]amendable[C]alterable[D]adaptable26.Although Patterson acknowledges the disappointing season he with the Vikings,he has no secondabout how he went about his business.[A]thoughts[B]opinions[C]concerns[D]reasons27.Electronic cigarettes shouldbe subject the same taxes and limitations on public use as traditionaltobacco products.[A]about[B]at[C]to[D]on28.FC Barcelona,the most iconic club in world soccer,beat Manchester United2-0to claim the UEFAChampions League title.[A]controversially[B]arguably[C]debatably[D]finally29.The store sells liquid vitamins designed for children under3.[A]explicitly[B]specially[C]speculatively[D]specifically30.The three law officers on the plane came to the rescue of a fellow passenger who was allegedlytrying to kill herself.[A]enforcement[B]reinforcement[C]imposition[D]coercionPARTⅣCLOZE[10MIN] Decide which of the words given in the box below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blank.The words can be used ONCE ONLY.Mark the letter for each word on ANSWER SHEET TWO.[A]daydream[B]disagreement[C]factually[D]if[E]inevitable[F]inseparable[G]lays[H]making[I]perspective[J]resides[K]that[L]thinking[M]thoughtfully[N]ultimately[O]wake To some thinkers,it is machines and their development that drive economic and cultural change.This idea is referred to as technological determinism.Certainly there can be no doubt that machines contributed to the Protestant Reformation and the decline of the Catholic Church’s power in Europe or(31)television has changed the way family members interact.Those who believe in technological determinism would argue that these changes in the cultural landscape were the(32)result of new technology.But others see technology as more neutral and claim that the way people use technology is what gives it significance.This(33)accepts technology as one of many factors that shape economic and cultural change;technology’s influence is(34)determined by how much power it is given by the people and cultures that use it.This(35)about the power of technology is at the heart of the controversy surrounding the new communication technologies.Are we more or less powerless in the(36)of advances such as the Internet, the World Wide Web,and instant global audio and visual communication?If we are at the mercy of technology,the culture that surrounds us will not be of our(37)and the best we can hope to do is make our way reasonably well in a world outside our own control.But if these technologies are indeed neutral and their power(38)in how we choose to use them,we can utilize them responsibly and(39)to construct and maintain whatever kind of culture we want.As film director and technophile Steve Spielberg explained,“Technology can be our best fiend,and technology can also be the biggest party pooper of our lives,It interrupts our own story,interrupts our ability to have a thought or(40),to imagine something wonderful.”PARTⅤREADING COMPREHENSION[35MIN]SECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONSIn this section there are three passages followed by ten multiple choice questions.For each multiple choice question,there are four suggested answers marked[A],[B],[C]and[D].Choose the one that you think is the best answer and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.PASSAGE ONE(1)Life can be tough for immigrants in America.As a Romanian bank clerk in Atlanta puts it,to find a good job“you have to be like a wolf in the forest—able to smell out the best meat.”And if you can’t find work,don’t expect the taxpayer to bail you out.Unlike in some European countries,it is extremely hard for an able-bodied immigrant to live off the state.A law passed in1996explicitly bars most immigrants,even those with legal status, from receiving almost any federal benefits.(2)That is one reason why America absorbs immigrants better than many other rich countries,according to a new study by the University of California.The researchers sought to measure the effect of immigration on the native-born in20rich countries,taking into account differences in skills between immigrants and natives,imperfect labor markets and the size of the welfare state in each country.(3)Their results offer ammunition for fans of more open borders.In19out of20countries,the authors calculated that shutting the doors entirely to foreign workers would make the native-born worse off.Never mind what it would do to the immigrants themselves,who benefit far more than anyone else from being allowed to cross borders to find work.(4)The study also suggests that most countries could handle more immigration than they currently allow.In America,a one-percentage point increase in the proportion of immigrants in the population made the native-born 0.05%better off.The opposite was true in some countries with generous or ill-designed welfare states,however.A one-point rise in immigration made the native-born slightly worse off in Austria,Belgium,Germany,Luxembourg, the Netherlands,Sweden and Switzerland.In Belgium,immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits,which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent.(5)None of these effects was large,but the study undermines the claim that immigrants steal jobs from natives or drag down their wages.Many immigrants take jobs that Americans do not want,the study finds.This “smooths”the labor market and ultimately creates more jobs for locals.Native-owned grocery stores do better business because there are immigrants to pick the fruit they sell.Indian computer scientists help American software firms expand.A previous study found that because immigrants typically earn less than locals with similar skills, they boost corporate profits,prompting companies to grow and hire more locals.41.Increase in immigration in Austria fails to improve locals’life mainly because of.[A]low wages for locals[B]imperfect labor markets[C]the design of the welfare system[D]inadequate skills of immigrants42.Who will favor the study results by researchers from the University of California?[A]People who have legal status.[B]People who run businesses.[C]People who receive state benefits.[D]People who are willing to earn less.43.It can be inferred from the passage that the author’s attitude toward immigrant is.[A]cautiously favorable[B]slightly negative[C]strongly negative[D]quite ambiguousPASSAGE TWO(1)There was something in the elderly woman’s behavior that caught my eye.Although slow gestures,and unsure of step the woman moved with deliberation,and there was no hesitation in her gestures.She was as good as anyone else,her movements suggested.And she had a job to do.(2)It was a few years ago,and I had taken a part-time holiday-season job in a video store at the local shopping mall.From inside the store,I’d begun to see the people rushing by outside in the mall’s concourse as a river of humanity.(3)The elderly woman had walked into the store along with a younger woman who guessed was her daughter.The daughter was displaying a serious case of impatience,rolling her eyes,huffing and sighing,checking her watch every few seconds.If she had possessed a leash,her mother would have been fastened to it as a means of tugging her along to keep step with the rush of other shoppers.(4)The older woman detached from the younger one and began to tick through the DVDs on the nearest shelf. After the slightest hesitation,I walked over and asked if I could help her find something.The woman smiled up at me and showed me a title scrawled on a crumpled piece of paper.The title was unusual and a bit obscure.Clearly a person looking for it knew a little about movies,about quality.(5)Rather than rushing off to locate the DVD for the woman,I asked her to walk with me so I could show her where she could find it.Looking back,I think I wanted to enjoy her company for a moment.Something about her deliberate movements reminded me of my own mother,who’d passed away the previous Christmas.(6)As we walked along the back of the store,I narrated its floor plan:old television shows,action movies, cartoons,science fiction.The woman seemed glad of the unrushed company and casual conversation.(7)We found the movie,and I complimented her on her choice.She smiled and told me it was one she’d enjoyed when she was her son’s age and that she hoped he would enjoy it as much as she had.Maybe,she said with a hint of wistfulness he could enjoy it with his own young children.Then,reluctantly,I had to return the elderly woman to her keeper,who was still tapping her foot at the front of the store.(8)I escorted the older woman to the queue at the cash register and then stepped back and lingered near the younger woman.When the older woman’s turn in line came,she paid in cash,counting out the dollars and coins with the same sureness she'd displayed earlier.(9)As the cashier tucked the DVD into a plastic bag,I walked over to the younger woman.(10)“Is that your mom?”I asked.(11)I halfway expected her to tell me it was none of my business.But possibly believing me to be tolerant of her impatience,she rolled her eyes and said,“Yeah.”There was exasperation in her reply,half sigh and half groan.(12)Still watching the mother,I said,“Mind some advice?”(13)“Sure,”said the daughter.(14)I smiled to show her I wasn’t criticizing.“Cherish her,”I said.And then I answered her curious expression by saying,“When she’s gone,it’s the little moments that’ll come back to you.Moments like this.I know.”(15)It was true.I missed my mom still and remembered with melancholy clarity the moments when I’d used my impatience to make her life miserable.(16)The elderly woman moved with her deliberate slowness back to her daughter’s custody.Together they made their way toward the store’s exit.They stood there for a moment,side by side,watching the rush of the holiday current and for their place in it.Then the daughter glanced over and momentarily regarded her mother.And slowly,almost reluctantly,she placed her arm with apparently unaccustomed affection around her mother’s shoulders and gently guided her back into the crowds.44.What does“she had a job to do”(Para.1)mean according to the context?[A]She had a regular job in the store.[B]She was thinking of what to buy.[C]She wanted to ask for help.[D]She wanted to buy a DVD.45.What does the title of the DVD reveal according to the shop assistant?[A]The elderly woman had some knowledge about movies.[B]The elderly woman liked movies for young children.[C]The elderly woman preferred movies her son liked.[D]The elderly woman liked both old and new movies.46.In the passage the elderly woman’s daughter is described as being.[A]impolite[B]uncaring[C]naive[D]miserly47.While looking for the DVD with the old woman,the shop assistant was.[A]hesitant[B]indifferent[C]frustrated[D]patientPASSAGE THREE(1)Reading award-winning literature may boost your ability to read other people,a new study suggests. Researchers at the New School for Social Research,in New York City,found that when they had volunteers read works of acclaimed“literary fiction”,it seemed to temporarily improve their ability to interpret other people’s emotions.The same was not true of nonfiction or“popular”fiction,the mystery,romance and science-fiction books that often dominate bestseller lists.(2)Experts said the findings,reported online in Science,suggest that literature might help people to be more perceptive and engaged in their lives.(3)“Reading literary fiction isn’t just for passing the time.It’s not just an escape,”said Keith Oatley,a professor emeritus of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto.It also enables us to better understand others,and then take that into our daily lives.(4)Oatley was not involved in the new research,but worked on some of the first studies to suggest that reading literature can boost people’s empathy for others.His team has found that those who read a lot of fiction tend to show greater empathy on standard tests,but the same is not true of avid nonfiction fans.(5)But,the study by Oatley and his team cannot prove that literature boosts empathy—empathetic folks may just be drawn to reading fiction,whereas the new study does offer some“cause-and-effect”evidence,Oatley said. For the study,researchers set up a series of five experiments in which participants read either literary fiction, popular fiction,nonfiction or nothing at all before taking some standard tests.One of the tests is known as “Reading the Mind in the Eyes”.People have to look at photos of actors’eyes,and then guess what emotion is being expressed in each.The test is considered a measure of empathy.Overall,study participants fared better on the test after reading literary fiction,versus the other three conditions.(6)It was a small improvement,according to the principal researcher David Comer Kidd,“It’s not like talking people from a(grade)‘C’to an‘A’,”he said.But,Kidd added,the effect was seen after only about10minutes’reading,and it was a statistically strong finding,meaning it’s unlikely to have been due to chance.(7)“Literary”fiction has no hard-and-fast definition.So Kidd and his colleagues chose contemporary works that have won or been finalists for outstanding literary awards.They included“The Round House”,by Louise Erdrich,“Salvage the Bones”,by Jesmyn Ward and the short story“Corrie”by Alice Munro.And“popular”fiction included best-sellers like“Gone Girl”by Gillian Flynn,and Danielle Steel’s“The Sins of the Mother”.(8)What’s so special about literary fiction?“For one,it’s usually more focused on characters than on plot,”Kidd noted.But beyond that,he said,there is usually no single“authoritative narrator”who takes us through the story.“It demands that the reader almost become a writer and fill in the gaps.You really have to think about the characters,”Kidd said.(9)Oatley agreed.“Alice Munro doesn’t tell you what to think,”he said.“You,yourself,have to make inferences about characters.And that’s often what we’re doing in our real-life conversations.”Or at least that’s what people could do.(10)Reading literary fiction could also offer a way to“practice”your social skills and use them more in real life,according to another researcher not involved in the study.“It’s like how pilots train in a flight simulator,”said Raymond Mar,an associate professor of psychology at York University,in Toronto,who has collaborated with Oatley.“This is a great study,”Mar said of the new study.But he added that the overall research in this area is“still in its infancy”and one key question is whether literary fiction really is better than other fiction.(11)Mar and his colleagues recently found that fans of romance novels tended to do best on tests of empathy. Unlike the current study,Mar’s study did not test people after having them read different types of fiction.So it’s possible that there is something else about romance-novel readers that makes them more understanding of others.(12)Still,according to Mar,it’s too early to tell people to trade in their Danielle Steel for Alice Munro,at least if the goal is boosting empathy.(13)It’s also possible that plays,movies or even TV shows could build your empathy muscles,according to Kidd.But reading may be special,he said,because it provides no visuals and you have to engage your imagination more.(14)Everyone agreed that the findings suggest literature is important beyond entertainment or improving vocabulary.“There’s a common belief that reading literature is frivolous,or not practical,”Mar said.“But there’s a growing body of evidence that it’s important in skills that we need in our lives.”48.According to the new study,what kind of books are likely to help people better understand others’feelings?[A]Science fiction[B]Romance novels[C]Literary fiction.[D]Nonfiction.49.Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the passage?[A]Oatley and his colleagues were involved in the new study.[B]Mar and his team also tested people after reading fiction.[C]Kidd and his team had people read prestigious fiction.[D]Kidd and his team were uncertain about their study results.50.Which of the following is NOT a special feature of literary fiction?[A]More focus on character description.[B]Presence of an authoritative narrator.[C]Demand on readers’ability to infer.[D]Presence of readers’empatheticfeelings.SECTION B SHORT ANSWERQUESTIONSIn this section there are five short answer questions based on the passages in Section A.Answer the questions with NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS in the space provided on ANSWER SHEET TWO. PASSAGE ONE51.What does the statement,“...don’t expect the taxpayer to bail you out.”mean?(Para.1)PASSAGE TWO52.Why did the shop assistant lead the elderly woman to find the DVD instead of finding it for her?53.What does the last sentence in Para.16imply about the daughter’s attitude towards her mother? PASSAGE THREE54.What are the two main advantages of reading literary fiction according to the passage?55.Why is reading special when compared with plays and movies?PARTⅥWRITING[45MIN] Read carefully the following excerpt and then write your response in NO LESS THAN200words,in which you should:1)summarize the main message of the report,and then2)comment on Brewer’s view that parents should join in with their kids rather than limit their media consumption.You can support yourself with information from the report.Marks will be awarded for content relevance,content sufficiency,organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.Write your response on ANSWER SHEET THREE.How much screen time is too much for kids?Parents have been advised to limit media consumption of their children,but research suggests it’s the nature of it that matters.For many parents in the digital age,battles with their kids over screen time and devices have become a depressing part of family life.Many parents will now be relieved to hear that recent research suggests that it’s not so much the length,but the nature of the screen time that matters.Jocelyn Brewer,a psychologist who specializes in the concept of“digital nutrition”,likens media diets to what’s on our plates:rather than counting calories(or screen time),think about what you’re eating.“It’s not just about whether you consume any potential digital junk foods,but also your relationship totechnology and the role it plays in your family life,”says Brewer.For young children,the most important thing is whether parents and kids are playing,watching or browsing together.A study of20,000parents published late last year by the Oxford Internet Institute and Cardiff University determined that there was no correlation between limiting device use and children’s well-being.The study’s lead author Dr Andrew Pryzbylski said:“Our findings suggest the broader family context how parents set rules about digital screen time,and if they’re actively engaged in exploring the digital world together,are more important than the raw screen time.”“The consensus is that screen time,in and of itself,is not harmful—and reasonable restrictions vary greatly, depending on a child’s behavior and personality.There is little point in worrying about how many minutes a day your kids are spending with screens,”says Brewer.“Instead,parents should be doing what they can to ensure that what they’re watching,playing and reading is high-quality,age-appropriate and safe—and joining in wherever possible.”——THE END——ANSWER SHEET1(TEM4)PARTⅡLISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A TALK下列各题必须使用黑色字迹签字笔在答题区域作答,超出矩形边框限定区域的答案无效。

基于大语言模型的问答技术研究进展综述英文版A Review of Research Progress in Question-Answering Technology Based on Large Language ModelsAbstract:With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, large language models have become a critical component in natural language processing tasks, especially in question-answering systems. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the recent advancements in question-answering technology based on large language models.Introduction:The advent of large language models has revolutionized the field of natural language processing. These models, trained on vast amounts of text data, can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses to a wide range of questions.Question-answering systems, leveraging these models, have shown remarkable progress in recent years.Related Work:Early question-answering systems were based on rule-based or information retrieval approaches. However, with the advent of deep learning, especially transformer-based architectures like BERT, GPT, and their variants, the field has seen significant breakthroughs. These models, through their ability to capture contextual information and generate contextually relevant responses, have greatly enhanced the performance of question-answering systems.Methods and Materials:This paper surveys recent literature on question-answering technology based on large language models. It focuses on the various approaches used, the datasets employed, evaluation metrics, and the overall performance achieved.Results and Discussion:The survey reveals that large language models have achieved remarkable success in question-answering tasks. These models, when trained on large datasets, can generate highly accurate and contextually relevant responses. However, they also face challenges such as generating factually incorrect answers,hallucinations, and limited ability to reason.Conclusion:Large language models have significantly advanced the field of question-answering technology. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. Future research should focus on improving the factual accuracy of the generated responses, enhancing the reasoning capabilities of these models, and exploring new evaluation metrics that better capture the complexity of question-answering tasks.中文版基于大语言模型的问答技术研究进展综述摘要:随着人工智能的快速发展,大型语言模型已成为自然语言处理任务中的关键组件,特别是在问答系统中。

英文文章摘要范文An abstract is a concise summary of a research paper, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. Abstracts highlight the main ideas and core information outlined in a longer piece of writing. They allow readers to survey the contents of a paper and decide whether it is relevant to their own research or interests. A well-crafted abstract can determine whether an audience will want to read the entire work.When writing an abstract, it is important to include the essential elements that will provide the reader with a clear, concise understanding of the paper's content. These key components typically include the paper's purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. The abstract should accurately represent what is discussed in the greater body of the work without including too much extraneous information.The first sentence of an abstract should clearly introduce the topic of the paper and provide some background information. This openingstatement should concisely explain the significance or importance of the research. For example, an abstract for a paper on a new treatment for cancer might begin by stating, "This study examines the efficacy of a newly developed chemotherapy drug in treating late-stage lung cancer."Following the introductory sentence, the abstract should describe the methods or methodology used in the research. This section might cover the types of data collected, the research participants, the procedures followed, and the analytical techniques employed. Using the previous example, the methods section of the abstract could read, "A randomized, double-blind clinical trial was conducted with 500 participants diagnosed with stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either the new chemotherapy drug or a placebo. Tumor size and progression were measured at regular intervals over the course of a 6-month treatment period."The results section of an abstract is critical, as it informs the reader of the key findings of the research. This part of the abstract should summarize the most important outcomes, trends, and conclusions supported by the data. In the lung cancer study example, the results might be stated as, "The results of the study showed that patients receiving the new chemotherapy drug experienced a 35% reduction in tumor size on average, compared to a 5% reduction in the placebogroup. Progression-free survival was also significantly higher in the treatment group."Finally, the abstract should conclude with a statement about the significance or implications of the research. This closing sentence or two should explain why the findings are important and what they contribute to the existing knowledge on the topic. Using the sample topic again, the concluding sentence of the abstract could read, "These findings suggest that this new chemotherapy drug could be an effective treatment option for patients with late-stage lung cancer who have exhausted other therapeutic avenues."When writing an abstract, it is essential to be as clear and concise as possible. Avoid jargon and overly technical language that may confuse or alienate the reader. The abstract should be self-contained, meaning it can be understood independently without the reader having to refer to the full paper. It is also important to accurately reflect the content and conclusions of the entire work - the abstract should not exaggerate or misrepresent the research.The length of an abstract can vary depending on the publication or assignment guidelines, but they are typically between 150 and 300 words. Some abstracts may be even shorter, ranging from a single paragraph to a maximum of 500 words. Regardless of the specific word count, the abstract should be tightly focused and provide acomprehensive overview of the key elements of the paper.In addition to succinctly summarizing the research, a well-written abstract can also serve other important functions. It allows researchers to quickly determine the relevance of a paper to their own work and decide whether they want to read the full text. Abstracts are also important for indexing and cataloging research, as they help make papers searchable and discoverable in databases and online repositories.Overall, the abstract is a critical component of a research paper or other academic work. It gives readers an at-a-glance understanding of the study's purpose, methods, findings, and significance. By following best practices for abstract writing, authors can ensure that their work is accessible, informative, and appealing to a wide audience of scholars and researchers.。

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学术论文 英语

学术论文英语An academic research paper is a formal document that presents the results of original research, analysis, and interpretation in a specific field of study. It follows a specific structure and language style.The structure of an academic research paper generally includes the following sections:1. Title: A concise and informative title that reflects the content of the paper.2. Abstract: A brief summary of the paper's objectives, methods, results, and conclusions.3. Introduction: An introduction to the research topic, including background information, research questions, and the significance of the study.4. Literature Review: A critical review of relevant literature and previous research on the topic.5. Methodology: A detailed description of the methods used to conduct the study, including data collection and analysis procedures.6. Results: Presentation and analysis of the research findings, often using tables, charts, or graphs.7. Discussion: Interpretation and explanation of the results, including their implications and limitations.8. Conclusion: A summary of the key findings and their implications, as well as suggestions for future research.9. References: A list of all the sources cited in the paper, using a specific referencing style (e.g., APA, MLA).In terms of language, academic papers are typically written in aformal and objective tone. The use of concise and clear language is important to ensure that the paper is accessible to readers. Additionally, proper grammar and punctuation are essential to convey ideas accurately. Avoid using jargon or technical terms without defining them, as the paper should be understandable to a wide audience, including other researchers in the field.When writing an academic research paper, it is important to cite all the sources used in the paper to give credit to the original authors and avoid plagiarism. Various citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, may be used depending on the requirements of the target journal or academic institution.Overall, academic research papers serve as a means to contribute new knowledge to a specific field of study and are crucial for advancing scientific understanding.。

引用英文文献三人以上Title: The Impact of Technological Innovations on Modern Society: A Review of Three Pivotal Studies.Abstract:This article delves into the profound influence of technological innovations on modern society by examining three key studies. Each study provides a unique perspective on how advancements in technology shape various aspects of our lives. The overall aim is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of technology in societal development and identify potential future trends.1. The Digital Revolution and Its Impact on Society by Nicholas Negroponte (1995)。
In his groundbreaking work, Nicholas Negroponte foresaw the potential of digital technology to revolutionize society. He emphasized the convergence of computing,communication, and media into a unified digital realm, which he termed "being digital". This shift marked a significant departure from analogue systems, opening up new possibilities for information sharing, communication, and entertainment.Negroponte's predictions were remarkably prescient. His vision of a borderless world, where information flowed freely and individuals could access a wealth of knowledge with just a few clicks, has largely come to fruition. The widespread adoption of the internet, smartphones, andsocial media platforms has transformed the way we interact, learn, and consume content.2. The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee (2014)。

英语作文中报道的格式要求When writing a report in English, there are several keyformat requirements to follow to ensure clarity, organization, and professionalism. Here's a breakdown of the typical structure and components of an English report:1. Title Page: This is the first page of your report and should include the title of the report, your name, the nameof your institution, and the date.2. Abstract: A brief summary of the entire report, usuallynot exceeding 200 words. It should highlight the main points, findings, and conclusions.3. Table of Contents: A list of the sections and subsectionsof your report, along with their corresponding page numbers.4. Introduction: This section sets the context for your report. It should include the purpose of the report, the research question or problem statement, and a brief overviewof the methodology.5. Literature Review: A section where you summarize and synthesize existing research on the topic. This helps to establish the knowledge base and shows how your report contributes to the existing body of work.6. Methodology: A detailed description of how you conductedyour research. This includes the research design, data collection, and analysis methods.7. Results: Present the findings of your research in a clear and organized manner. Use tables, charts, and graphs where appropriate to illustrate your data.8. Discussion: Interpret the results and discuss their significance. This is where you analyze the data, relate it back to the literature, and answer the research question.9. Conclusion: Summarize the main findings, their implications, and the answer to the research question. Also, suggest areas for further research.10. Recommendations: Based on your findings, provide recommendations for practice or policy.11. References: A list of all the sources you cited in your report, formatted according to a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).12. Appendices: Any additional information that supports your report but isn't essential to the flow of the main text, such as raw data, detailed tables, or extended versions of graphs.13. Glossary: If your report includes technical terms or jargon, a glossary can be helpful for readers.14. Acknowledgments: A section to thank individuals or organizations that contributed to the research.Remember to follow any specific guidelines provided by your institution or instructor, as these may vary. Additionally, ensure that your report is well-organized, uses clear and concise language, and adheres to the conventions of academic writing.。
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ADTs and SimpleList
Extending the class
• What if we want to be able to store a list of any type of data type/class? • We can make this into a template to allow the class to be filled in later.
ADTs and SimpleList
Data Structure
• A data structure is the physical implementation of an ADT.
• Each operation associed by one or more subroutines in the implementation.
ADTs and SimpleList
SimpleList Implementation
class Slist { private: Lnode* head; public: Slist() {head = NULL;} ~Slist(){clear();} bool insertfront(int i); bool insertend(int i); bool getfirst(int &val); bool getlast(int &val); void clear(); }
ADTs and SimpleList
SimpleList Implementation
bool Slist::insertfront(int i) { Lnode* newnode = new Lnode(i); newnode->next = head; head = newnode; } bool Slist::insertend(int i) { Lnode* newnode = new Lnode(i); Lnode* last = head; if (head == NULL) { head = newnode; return; } while (last->next != NULL) { last = last->next; } last->next = newnode; }
ADTs and SimpleList
Defining an ADT
• C++’s abstract classes are a good way to define an ADT:
// List abstract class template <class Elem> class List { public: // Reinitialize the list. The client is responsible for // reclaiming the storage used by the list elements. virtual void clear() = 0; // Insert an element at the front of the right partition. // Return true if successful, false if the list is full. virtual bool insert(const Elem&) = 0; // Append an element at the end of the right partition. // Return true if successful, false if the list is full. virtual bool append(const Elem&) = 0; // Remove the first element of right partition. Return // true if successful, false if right partition is empty. // The element removed is returned in the parameter. virtual bool remove(Elem&) = 0; // Place fence at list start, making left partition empty virtual void setStart() = 0; … ADTs and SimpleList 12
ADTs and SimpleList
SimpleList Implementation
• Implement as an unsorted single-linked list
class Lnode { public: int value; Lnode *next; Lnode(int newvalue = 0) {value = newvalue; next = NULL;} }
CS 400/600 – Data Structures
Abstract Data Types and a review of C++ programming concepts
Abstract Data Types
Abstract Data Type (ADT): a definition for a data type solely in terms of a set of values and a set of operations on that data type. Each ADT operation is defined by its inputs and outputs. Encapsulation: Hide implementation details.
ADTs and SimpleList 7
SimpleList Implementation
bool Slist::getfirst(int &val) { Lnode* oldhead = head; if (head == NULL) {return false;} val = head->value; head = head->next; delete(oldhead); return true; } void Slist::clear() { Lnode* oldnode; while (head != NULL) { oldnode = head; head = head->next; delete(oldnode); }
Defining an ADT
// List abstract class, continued… // Place fence at list end, making right partition empty virtual void setEnd() = 0; // Move fence one step left; no change if already at start virtual void prev() = 0; // Move fence one step right; no change if already at end virtual void next() = 0; // Return length of left partition virtual int leftLength() const = 0; // Return length of right partition virtual int rightLength() const = 0; // If pos or more elements are in the list, set the size // of left partition to pos and return true. Otherwise, // do nothing and return false. virtual bool setPos(int pos) = 0; // Return in first parameter the first element of the // right partition. Return true if successful, false // if the right partition is empty. virtual bool getValue(Elem&) const = 0; // Print the contents of the list virtual void print() const = 0; };
• Data structure usually refers to an organization for data in main memory.
ADTs and SimpleList
• Values: integers (to start with) • Operations:
ADTs and SimpleList 8
Using the SimpleList
Slist mylist; int val; mylist.insertfront(7); mylist.insertfront(3); mylist.insertend(12); cout << “Here’s the list: “; while (mylist.getfirst(val)) { cout << val << “, “; } cout << endl;
Lnode<double> node(3.14);
Class Lnode<double> { public: double data; Lnode<double> *next; Lnode<double>(double& newvalue) {data = newvalue; next = NULL;} }