春节福利大放送 托福口语资料推荐


















虽说口语一共 30分,但是口语的一半分数应该算作对考生听力能力的视察。



































































一、托福口语教材1.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests》这本教材是由ETS(托福考试主办机构)出版的,其中包含了多套真实的托福口语考试题目。


2.《Barron's TOEFL iBT》这本教材是备考托福的经典教材之一,其中包含了详细的托福口语考试介绍、策略和练习题目。























同时,考生也需要掌握一些常见的表达方式,比如说“nice to meet you”、“I’m from…”、“my major is…”等等。





同时,考生还需要掌握一些常见的表达方式,比如说“study hard”、“work hard”、“get good grades”等等。





同时,考生还需要掌握一些常见的表达方式,比如说“enjoy the scenery”、“have a good time”、“learn new things”等等。







一、托福听力资料推荐1.《Barron's TOEFL iBT with Audio CDs and MP3s》这本教材是备考托福听力的经典教材之一,它包含了丰富多样的听力练习题目,可以帮助我们熟悉托福听力考试的题型和格式。


2.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volume 1》这是由托福考试官方出版的备考资料,里面包含10套真实的托福考试听力部分的题目。


二、托福阅读资料推荐1.《Official TOEFL iBT Tests Volume 2》同样由托福考试官方出版的备考资料,这本书包含了5套真实的托福考试阅读部分的题目。


2.《The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test with DVD-ROM, Fifth Edition》这本书是托福考试官方推荐的备考资料,它不仅包含了阅读部分的练习题,还有其他三个部分(听力、口语和写作)的练习题。


三、托福口语资料推荐1.《Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT》这本书重点讲解了托福口语部分的备考技巧和策略,同时提供了大量的口语练习题目,可以帮助我们熟悉托福口语考试的题型和要求。












20.老师的个人魅力21.是说愿意在办公室工作还是在家工作,为什么?22.说一个你敬佩的人的好性格23.大学是应该向所有人开放还是只对一部分学生开放?24.父母是否应该引导孩子们看电视,还是应该让孩子们自己选择25.说对你的国家最有影响力的交通工具26.说近百年最伟大的发明之一27.上大学是否比不读大学容易在事业上成功,为什么?28.朋友的性格29.有人建议学校应当禁止骑自行车,你怎么看?30.你是愿意当领导还是当跟随者31. 性格(A-Z,准备万能品格)I like honest people because they are easier to deal with. They open their heart to you, you feel safe to confide your problems to them, and they always offer their true opinion for your good。




























托福考试的备考书籍推荐托福考试(TOEFL,Test of English as a Foreign Language)是全球范围内广泛接受的英语水平考试之一。



一、托福口语备考书籍推荐1.《Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT》(托福口语写作策略)该书由Bruce Stirling编写,是备考托福口语和写作部分的绝佳指南。



2.《Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL iBT》该书由Bruce Stirling编写,是备考托福口语和写作部分的绝佳指南。



二、托福听力备考书籍推荐1.《Barron's TOEFL iBT with MP3 audio CDs》(巴郎托福听力)这本书是备考托福听力的经典教材之一,由Pamela Sharpe编写。



2.《Longman Preparation for the TOEFL iBT Test》(朗文托福听力)这本书由Deborah Phillips编写,是备考托福听力的经典教材。





40道托福口语黄金试题汇总40道托福口语黄金试题汇总1. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释缘由。

2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释缘由。

3. Describe the most important decision that you made in your life.4. Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science?5. 空闲时间用来做什么?6. 打手机该不该在一些地方禁止?7. 描述一件自己印象深刻的celebration或者moment。

8. Which one acts more influence on you newspaper,TVorteachers?9. Describe a socialorpolitics celebration events in your culture.10.政府是否应当资助建博物馆和剧院。



12.你和朋友在一起的时候喜爱去哪个地方?为什么?13.你是喜爱自己在家里吃还是去外面餐馆吃?为什么?14.你通常喜爱去什么park或者public area。


16.杂志,小说,诗歌,喜爱哪个17.喜爱一个人住还是和室友住18.和朋友在一起,喜爱在restaurant,caf还是在家puter have improved our lives while others think computers have caused problems20.老师的character21.是说情愿在办公室工作还是在家工作,为什么。

22.说一个你鄙视的.人的好性格23.高校是应当向全部人开放还是只对一部分同学开放24.Whether parents should lead their children to watch TVorthe children should choose25.The most efficient transportation in your country。



2023年托福口语考试题库及答案(精心整理)第一部分:个人经历1. Describe a memorable childhood experience and explain why it was memorable.描述一次难忘的童年经历,并解释为什么它难忘。

2. Talk about a time when you faced a challenge and how you overcame it.谈谈你面对挑战的经历以及你是如何克服它的。


4. Describe a person who has had a significant impact on your life and explain why.描述一个对你的生活有重大影响的人,并解释原因。

5. Share an experience when you learned something from a mistake you made.分享你从犯过的错误中学到的经验。

第二部分:教育与知识1. Talk about a book that has influenced you the most and why.谈谈一本对你影响最大的书以及原因。

2. Discuss the importance of learning a foreign language and the benefits it brings.讨论研究外语的重要性及其带来的好处。

3. Share your opinion about whether it is better to study alone or ina group.分享你对独自研究和集体研究哪种更好的观点。

4. Talk about a teacher who has inspired you and explain how they influenced your life.谈谈一个激励过你的老师,并解释他们是如何影响你的生活的。



黄金口语80题分类第一题1.目标爱好类●What do you do in your spare time? Please include specific details in your statement●Which place do you like to live, the forest, desert, or plain? Use specific reason to explain youropinion.●What kind of tree or flower do you regard as significant?●Choose one of your favorite methods to relax and explain why it is your favorite. Please includespecific details in your explanation.●What do you think the students should do in their vocations? Please include specific examples anddetails in your statement.●One should live a relaxed life instead of always hurrying. Do you agree or disagree which the abovestatement? Why or why nor? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.●When traveling, some people prefer to reach the destination directly. Some others prefer to stop andlook around the scenery along the way. What kind of way of traveling do you think is better and why?●Describe some kind of skill that you’d like to learn most. Why? Please in clude specific examples anddetails in your explanation.●Would you like to take a long vacation or several short vacations in a year? Explain why●Everyone has a goal to fulfill. What’s your goal and explain why you want to fulfill this goal. Pleaseinclude specific examples and details in your explanation.2.人物品格类●Describe the characteristics of a good teacher. Please state with specific examples and details.●Who is the person you admire the most? Please give specific details and examples in yourexplanation.●Describe the characteristics of friends, use specific examples to support your statement.●To be a leader or a follower, which do you prefer? Please give your opinion with specific examplesand details.●What do you think are the characteristics of a good parent?●What kind of qualities should a good leader possess?Please state your opinion and give specificdetails and examples in your explanation.3.地点类●Describe a place that you like best in your city. Please state why you like it with specific examplesand details.●Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and includespecific examples and details in your explanation.●When you are together with your friends, which place would you like to go? Explain why.●Describe a school that you have attended.●Describe your favorite room. Your statement should include specific examples and details.●Which place do you like to live, the forest, desert, or plain? Use specific reason to explain youropinion.4.物件类●Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reason and includespecific examples and details in your explanation.●Describe the most efficient transportation in your country. Please state your reason and includespecific examples and details in your explanation.●Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important.Your explanation should include specific examples and details.●Everyone has to leave home sometimes. What do you miss most when you are away from home?Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.●Describe an object which is very important to you and explain why it is of special value to you.Please include specific details in your explanation.●Describe an enjoyable event in your childhood. Why do you think it was enjoyable? Please includespecific examples and details in your explanation.5.文艺媒介类●Which of the following acts have more influence on you, newspaper, TV, or teachers? Explain thereason with specific details.●Usually, novels, magazines and poetry are considered the three major forms of literature. Which onedo you prefer and explain why you prefer this literature form. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.●Which is your favorite type of movie: action, drama, or others? Please include specific details andexamples in your explanation.●Describe a letter or poem or other piece of art that is important to you. Why was it so important toyou? Please include specific examples and details in your statement.5.事件类●Describe the most important decision that you have made in your life. Why was it important to you?Use specific examples and details to support your explanation.●Describe a celebration or moment which has made a deep impression on you. Please explain theimpression and include specific examples and details in you explanation.●Describe a social or politics celebration event in your culture. Specific examples and details arenecessary in your statement.●Describe one of your challenging experiences. Explain why it is challenging and how you conqueredthis challenge. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.●Describe a most happy event in your childhood. Please include specific examples and details in yourexplanation.●Describe a special opportunity given to you. Why does this opportunity so special to you? Yourexplanation should include specific details and examples.●What is your best time in a year? Please state your reasons and include specific examples anddetails in your explanation.●Describe an experience when you asked help from others. How did they help you?●Describe some good news that made you happy and explain why. Please include specific examplesand details in your explanation.6.工作学习类●Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.●Do you prefer to study alone on work assignment from class or to study in groups?●If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What’s your reason for choosing this job?Please give your statement and include specific examples and details in your opinion.●Is it important for students to attend class regularly or study by oneself? Explain why.●Some students prefer to choose universities located in big cities. Others would like to study inuniversities located in small towns. Please state your opinion and explain why.●What kind of job would you like to choose? What’s your reason for choosing this job? Please includespecific examples and details in your explanation.●Subject which will lead to better job or subject which you are interested. Which subject will youchoose? Why?●If you have a chance to choose your job, would you like to choose a job with high salary or that canget personal satisfaction? Why?●Some believe that the students should do some part-time jobs or summer interns to determine theirfuture career. Do you agree or disagree with the opinion and why?●Some believe that the students should take a one-year break before attending college. Do youagree or disagree with the opinion and why?●Do you agree or disagree that students will learn more when they have discussions, why?●Do you agree or disagree the opinion “the most important lesson can’t be learned in class”?7.媒体类●Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for youropinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely.●Some believe that computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused avariety of problems. Which do you prefer? Please give your opinion and include specific examples and details.●Which of the following statements do your agree with? Please give specific reasons for your opinion.Some believe that TV programs have a positive influence on modern society. Others, however, think that the influence of TV programs is negative on modern society. Others, however, think that the influence of TV programs is negative.●Some people think that it’s necessary to prohibit p eople from using phone calls in some places.Others believe that it’s inconvenient if phone calls are forbidden in some places. Which opinion do you prefer? Explain why. Your statement should include specific examples and details.●Some believe that TV, newspaper and radio have more influence on individuals than their relativesand friends, while others believe not. Which statement do you prefer? Please give your opinion with specific examples and details.●When communicating with your friends and families, you can rely on letters, email or telephone calls.Which method of communicating do you think is better and why?●Some students prefer the internet-based teaching. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms.Which method of studying do you prefer and why?8.生活类●Some people prefer to work in the offices. Others would like to take the work to home. Which do youprefer and explain why.●Some students tend to live alone, while others may want to share their rooms with their roommates.Which way of living do you think is better for students and why?●When you are together with your friends, which place do you prefer to eat, the restaurant, café or athome? Use specific examples to support your statement.●Do you like to eat at home or at the restaurant? Which one do you prefer and explain the reason.●Some students would choose to study a subject because it brings plenty of job opportunities.Instead, others would choose to study a subject which really interests them, although it probably doesn’t sell well in the jo b market. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why.●When you choose to eat at the restaurant or café, what are the features that you care about most?Explain why.●In case of problems, some prefer to get advice from family and friends. Others prefer to learnthrough personal experience. Which method is better and why?●Some people believe that first-year college students should live in a dorm building that homes onlyfreshmen. Others may prefer the idea that first-year students must live together with students in 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th grade. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why.10. 政府国家类●Whether the government should assist to build museum and theater? Give your opinion and includespecific examples and details in your explanation.●Some believe that a city should keep its old buildings. Others think some new buildings are neededto replace the old buildings. What’s your opinion? Explain why.11.教育类●Some universities provide physical education. Others believe that physical education is notnecessary. What do you think and why?●Someone suggests school to cut the Recycling. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion,explain why.●Some believe that in comparison with those never attended college, people attended college will bemore successful in career. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion.●Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that highereducation is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why?●Some people believe that the high school should teach music and art as other basic science. Somepeople think that providing music and art education for high school students is not necessary. What is your opinion and why?●Do you agree or disagree: Students should wear uniform in school? Please include specific detailsand examples in your opinion.●Some think the college education is very important. Others believe that college education is not ofvital importance in one’s life. What’s your opinion and why?●Should the university education be free? Why?12.道德抉择类●Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please explain your opinion. People shouldalways tell the truth.●Some people believe that we should help those in an emergency. Others think that we should firstmake clear of the situation, then decide whether to assist or not. What’s your opinion? Please include specific details in your explanation.●Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of first observation. Some people believe it takes along time to know a person well. Which approach to knowing people do you think is better and why?●If you unexpectedly receive a large amount of money, what will you do with it? Would you spend itfor practical purposes or simply for fun? State your opinion and explain your reasons. (fin)。







托福口语教材选定以后, 就要反复跟磁带模仿直至能完全背诵。

如何检验自己对教材的掌握程度呢? 把句型的英文遮住,对着中文说英文,再把中文遮住,对着英文说中文,如果能流利做到这两点,基本就算过了背诵这一关了。

另外,在托福口语备考过程中, 要特别注意那些与中式思维不同的表达方式,比如说,“Would you mind giving me a push?” 很多人会不假思索地答“Yes, of course”,其实正确回答应该是“Not at all”,这些都是需要在托福口语考试中注意的。







托福今年口语材料托福今年口语材料:1. Friendship1) Come up with a definition for what friendship means.2) What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are3 qualities you don?t want in a friend? Why?3) How and where do people in China make their closest friendships?4) If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends?5) What advice would you give a foreigner about how to develop good friendships with Chinese people?6) If there is a foreign volunteer in your group, ask him/her what advice he/she has about being friends with westerners.2. Work1) What is your ideal job? (Including: How many hours per week? What kind of benefits? Located in which city?)2) What does it mean to be successful in your work?3) How can you maintain good relationships with your co-workers? What qualities do you want in a co-worker?4) If you have a problem with your boss, how can you solve it? Should you talk to him directly about your problem?5) If a person has a good job opportunity in a city far away from his/her spouse and child, do you think he or she should take the job?3. Education1) Tell your group about your most enjoyable learning experience of the past. What made it good?2) Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher musthave. What are some aspects you don?t want in a teacher?3) In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status? Do you think being a teacher is a good job? Why or why not?4) Is it the teacher/school?s or the parents? responsibility to teach a child good morals and behavior?5) In your opinion, do men or women make better teachers?4. Holidays1) What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday most interests you?2) Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?3) What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what?s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?)4) How did you think of the National Day holiday?5) Describe your ideal holiday.5. Life Stories1) Briefly share the life story of someone you admire. Why do you admire that person? What made his/her life special?2) Tell the highlights of your own life story. What major events in your life made you the person you are today?3) If you could change one circumstance or event in your life, what would it be? Why?4) Create an …ending? to your life stor y. What are some things you want to do/accomplish before you die? How can you do/accomplish those things?6. Rich and Poor1) Rank the following in order of importance to you: a) healthb) family c) money d) a good reputation e) education. Why didyou range in that way?2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich? Do you advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa?3) Can a person be poor and happy? What do you think the hardest part about being poor would be for you if you were poor? What do think would be the hardest part about being rich?4) Whose responsibility do you think is it to take care of the poor: their family, the government, their neighbors, everyone?5) Has the economic crisis affected your life at all?7. Family1) Describe your family, and tell your group a story about your family from your childhood.2) Who do you think should have the highest authority in the home---the husband, the wife, or both equally share authority? If you think both should have equal authority, how should they make decisions on where to work or live if they don?t agree with each other?3) What do you expect to do to take care of your parents when they grow old? What do you expect your child to do for you when you get old?4) Do you think the Chinese tradition of children taking care of elderly parents will change in the future because of the One Child Policy? How can only children cope with the pressure of taking care of their parents when they are old?8. Cities1) Describe your hometown, and tell your group three things you like about your hometown and three things you don?t like about it.2) If you were the mayor of your hometown, what problems would you try to solve? And how? What things would you notwant to change?3) How do you feel about Beijing? What challenges do you think Beijing will face in the next 2 years? 10 years?4) In your mind, which city is the ideal city? Is there a place where you?d like to live for the rest of your life?9. Happiness1) Define happiness. Is it a feeling, a state of being, a decision? Is happiness something that comes and goes with changing circumstances or something you can always have?2) What things in life and the world make you happy? Why do those things make you happy? What things take away your happiness?3) Complete the sentence: “I would be completely happy if…”4) Are you the kind of person who actively tries to achieve or obtain the things you think will make you happy or are you more the kind of person who tries to accept your situation as it is and learn to be happy in it? Do you think it?s better to be resigned to your fate or try to change it?10. What/If…1) What would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didn?t commit?2) If you could change a major historical event, what would it be?3) What would you do if a fierce animal was going to attack you?4) If you could be an employee of any company in the world, which company would you choose?5) What would you do if the person you loved didn?t love you back?6) If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you be?7) What would you do if it was your best friend?s wedding, but you didn?t have any money to give him/her?8) If you had to choose one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to lose, which one would you choose to lose?9) What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?10) If you were going to a foreign country and you could only take one thing with you, what would it be?11. Thanksgiving1) What are the things you most grateful for in your life?2) What person in your life do you feel the most grateful to? Why?3) If someone helps you in a big way, how do you express your gratitude? Do you use words, gifts, treat them to dinner, etc.?4) If you do something good for someone but they don?t express thankfulness, how do you feel? Should you do something in that situation? Is it right to expect people to be grateful?12. Trust1) How would you define trust? Is it just a feeling? Is it a decision?2) How do you come to trust a person? Does trust require time andexperience with another person or can you trust someone as soon as you meet them?3) Who in your life do you trust the most? How has that person gained or earned your trust? If you found out that person had lied to you, would you trust them again or not?4) Do you feel that you are trustworthy? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think trustworthiness is a characteristic you can develop?13. Personality1) What kind of words can best describe your personality? Give examples for each word you choose.2) Do you think a person?s person ality results more from nature (they were born with that personality) or from nurture (their family/society/culture formed their personality)? Why? Are there certain personality traits you think result from nature and others that you think result from nurture?3) Do you think people can change their personality through effort? (For example, can a person who is shy change his personality to be outgoing?) Can society or culture change a pers on?s personality?4) If you could significantly change your personality, would you choose to? Why?14. RevengeQuotes on REVEGE:“[Revenge] is sweeter far than honey.” ~ Homer“…Tis more noble to forgive, and more manly to despise, than to revenge an Injury.” ~Benjamin Franklin“Sweet is revenge- especially to w omen.” ~ Lord Byron“Those who plot the destruction of others often perish in the attempt.” ~ Thomas Moore1) Discuss what you think each quote means. How would you say it in your own words?2) Do you agree more with the first quote or the second quote? Do you think these quotes contradict each other? Is it possible for revenge to be both sweet and ignoble?3) Do you think, as the third quote says, that women enjoy revenge more than men? Why or why not?4) Do you think that a person can take revenge on another person without there being negative consequences?15. Parents and Kids1) Pick three adjectives that you feel best describe your relationship with your parents. Explain why you chose those particular words.2) How well do you think your parents did raising you? If you couldchange one thing about the way they raised you, what would it be?3) Do you think parents should be strict with their children or lenient? What are the consequences of being too strict or too lenient? What are the consequences of not being strict or lenient enough?4) Do you think you will be like your parents when you are 40 or 50 years old? In what ways would you like to be like them? In what ways would you like to be different?16. Social Networking1) What forms of social networking do you use? (QQ, Facebook, MySpace, Xiao Nei) How often do you use them?2) What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages to different social networks? Do you think one is superior to the others? Do you feel one is particularly safe?3) What do you primarily use these social networks for? Do you think it?s possible to maintain deep relationships only through social networks? 4) How do you think social networking has changed the way people maintain friendships? Do you think the friendships you make on a social network are as real as the ones you make in the other areas of your life?17. Prison1) Have you ever been to visit a prison? If so, what was it like? If not,what do you think a prison is like? What do you think life is like for prisoners?2) Did you watch the show Prison Break? If so, do you think that is an accurate representation of what prison is like? Why or why not?3) What do you think is the youngest age a person should be allowed to be sent to prison? Why do you think that?s the right age? What makes a person old enough to go to prison or too young for prison?4) What do you think about capital punishment? If you could decide which crimes were punishable by death, which ones would you choose? Why?18. Gender1) When do you think a person changes from being a girl into being a woman? Is this change physical, mental, emotional, social? What characteristics do you think of as being very feminine?2) When do you think a boy becomes a man? Are there any rites of passage in your culture that demonstrate a person has become an adult in the social sense? What characteristics are masculine?3) What personality traits or characteristics do you think are just neutral- neither masculine nor feminine? Do you think some people have more neutral characteristics than masculine or feminine ones?4) If you could be born again as the opposite gender, would you choose to?Why or why not? What advantages are there to being a man or being a woman?19. Charity1) What do you think …charity? means? Is it an ac tion, an attitude, an idea?2) Have you ever given money to a charitable cause? If so, which one? Have you ever volunteered at or worked for a charitable group? What different charitable groups have you heard of in China? Internationally? 3) Do you think people will give as much time and effort to the current earthquake victims as they did the Sichuan victims? Why or why not?4) If you could create your own charitable group, what kinds of people would you help? Why that kind of person and not other kinds of people that are in need?20. Fear1) What things/circumstances are you most afraid of? Do you think there is a reason you fear those things?2) Are your fears now the same as those you had as a child? Which ones have changed? Which are the same?3) Do you think a person can overcome something they deeply fear? How? Would you ever choose to face one of your deepest fears for money, like on the TV shows?4) Do you fear death? Why or why not? Do you think being afraid of death is a good thing or a bad thing?21. Acceptance1) How much do you care about what other people think of you? Do you feel like are you are confident or insecure? Do you feel self-conscious most of the time?2) If you want to gain other people?s acceptance, what do you think is the best way to do that? Should you try to be similar to them? Should you be yourself? What should you do if the people around you don?t accept you?3) Do you care most about people accepting you accordingto physical standards, mental standards, emotional standards, personality? If your classmates don?t like your personality, do you think you should try to change it?4) Do you pay attention to fads and trends? Do you care about fashion or technology fads? If you don?t care about these things, why?22. Names1)Who chose your name? Why did they choose that name? Do you like your name? If you could change your name, would you?2)What?s the meaning of your name? Do you think a person?s name affects their personality? Have you ever disliked a person because of theirname?3)Do you have a nickname? How did you get this nickname? What?s the funniest nickname you?ve heard another person called?4)Do you think it?s better to give a child a more common name or an unusual name? What do you think China should do about the problem of having too many people with the same name/family name?23. Generations1) What are characteristics of the 70?s, 80?s and 90?s generations? How are these generations similar? How are they different?2) What generation are you a part of? How has being a part of that generation shaped your character? Do you think you would be a different person if you had been born 50 years ago?3) How is your generation different from your parents? generation? What kinds of generational conflicts do you havewith your parents? How different is your grandparents? generation from your parents??24. Wisdom1) What do you think it means to be wise? What does it mean to be foolish?2) How do you think people become wise? Can all people become wise or are some people incapable of becoming wise? Why?3) How is a wise person?s behavior different from that of a foolish person? Who is the wisest person you know? How do they act out their wisdom? 4) Plato once said: “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.” What do you think is the relationship between a fool and a fool?s need to say something? Do you think of wise people as being talkative or quiet?25. Expectations1) What kinds of expectations do your parents and grandparents have of you? Do you feel like you are fulfilling their expectations? What happens if you fail to meet their expectations?2) What kinds of expectations do your friends have of you? Do you ever feel like your friends have unrealistic expectations of you? If so, how do you deal with that situation?3) Do you think it?s better for your boss/teacher to have very high expectations of you or low expectations of you? Why? What kinds of expectations do you have for your teacher/boss?26. Change1) What kinds of changes in life do you look forward to? What kinds of changes do you not like? Why?2) Do you feel like you are the kind of person that easily adapts to changeor new circumstances? Can you give an example from your life? If you suddenly found yourself in a new city with no friends and no job, how fast do you think you could adapt?3) If a person does not like change or adapt easily, how do you think that person can develop the ability to adapt? What other qualities does a person that accepts change easily have?4) Are there advantages to keeping things the same? What things in your life would you not like to change? What things about your country do you think should stay the same?27. Stereotypes1) What is a stereotype? Can you give some examples of stereotypes you know of?2) What kinds of stereotypes do Chinese people have of Americans, Japanese, British, and Africans? Do you think these stereotypes are correct or incorrect? What kinds of stereotypes do you think Westerners have of Chinese people?3) What kinds of stereotypes do you have of college students, migrant workers, middle-aged men, and people with tattoos? Where do you think those stereotypes came from?4) What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having stereotypes? Do you like it or dislike it when a person puts you in acertain stereotype? Is it possible to talk about a country?s people/culture without having stereotypes?28. Heroes1)Who is your favorite super hero? What super power does he/she have? Why do you like this super hero the best?2)If you could have a super power, which one would you chose to have? Why that one? Is there a power you would really not like to have?3)Is it only a super hero?s powers that make them special? What ki nds of personalities do super heroes usually have? What characteristics would you be surprised to see in a super hero?4)Can you think of anyone in the world today that you feel is like a super hero? What makes that person …super?? Do you think that pers on has become …super? because of his/her personality?29. Dreams1)Do you often remember your dreams? What?s the most recent dream you can remember? Did you dream it in color or in black and white?2)Do you ever have recurring dreams? What are they about? Why do you think you dream about that specific thing? Are your recurring dreams usually good dreams or nightmares?3) If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it hasa specificmeaning? For example, if you saw the following things in a dream, what do you think they would mean: a road, your middle school, your mom, a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, and teeth?4) Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life? Do you think it?s possible to know something in a dream before it happens in real life? Do you think you dream about that thing because you fear it or is there another explanation?30. Military Training1) What was military training like when you went through it? What parts did you like? What parts did you not like? I f you haven?t had military training, then talk about an experience of a friend or relative.2) How do you think military training is useful or necessary?Do you think it is effective- that the people who have been through the training have the skills to be in a war?3) When there is a time of peace for a country, what do you think the role of the military should be? What should all the soldiers be doing during that time of peace?4) Do you feel that war is inevitable? Do you think that all countries must fight sometime? What issues are worth going to war for? How can countries work to stay at peace with each other?31. Love1) How would you define love? What different kinds of love are there?2) What are some different ways to express love? Do you think the way you receive love and show love is the same or different? Do you think that the people you love know you love them?3) What do you think about telling someone, “I love you”? When do you think that is appropriate? When is it inappropriate? Is it as meaningful if you say it in a language that?s not your native language?4) Why is love important? Do you think love is as important as movies and songs imply that it is? What kind of love is most important?32. Responsibility1) What kind of responsibilities do you have to your family? Are those responsibilities based on love for your family or a sense of duty or obligation?2) What responsibilities do you have to your neighbors and your neighborhood? Are the qualities that make for a good neighbor in the city the same as those in the countryside?3) What kind of responsibilities do you have to yourclassmates/colleagues? Can you think of a time that a classmate/colleague negatively effected class/work environment by not fulfilling his/her responsibilities?4) What does it mean to be "socially responsible?" What are your social responsibilities? How do you know that those are your responsibilities? Are they learned or did you think of them yourself?33. Life After Retirement1)Can you say something about your grandparents?2)What do you think elderly people need most? (Please give your reasons.)3)Some people find a new job after they retire. What do you think about that?4)What kind of jobs do you think are available for elderly people? Why? 5)What can elderly people do to stay healthy?6)What should we do to show our concern for elderly people?34. Ceremonial Event1) How do people usually celebrate weddings in your culture?2) Do people eat special food in your culture?3) What gifts do people usually buy for the bride and groom?4) Do people wear special clothes at the wedding?5) Do the bride and groom usually go on a honeymoon after the wedding?6) Which people are normally invited to a wedding?。

托福口语 春节

托福口语 春节

托福口语春节Chinese New Year/Spring Festival.简介What it is.Chinese New Year,also known as the Spring Festival,is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese calendar.Its date also varies depending on the traditional Chinese calendar.春节是一个庆祝中国传统新年开始的节日。

传统或者人们会在这些节日中干什么=reasons why it is your favorite festival.This is the most celebrated day of the entire year in China,just like Christmas in western countries.Families will gather together to have a nice meal.The most typical dish is definitely dumplings.The dumplings my mom makes can always offer me a sense of home.春节是中国一年中最盛大的节日,就像西方的圣诞节一样。




Also,according to ancient Chinese allegories,in order to get rid of all the bad lucks,people will set off firecrackers and only leave the good lucks for the new year.而且,根据中国古代寓言故事,为了去除过去一年的坏运气,人们会通过放鞭炮的方式让新的一年只剩下好运。




1. Internet:One of the most important inventions in the past 100 years, for me, is the internet and it has greatly changed our life from the following benefits it has brought to our life. First of all, we have emails, the innovative way of writing letters because of the internet. With emails, we dont have to go to the post office to buy some envelopes and stamps to send letters. All we have to do is just to click on the "send button and in no minute, it may help us send 10 mails at one time. What is more, we can not only send the content we want to say to our friends but also attach the pictures, music and even video to the email if we want to share them with friends.Second, with internet, we have MSN to take place international phone-call, which means we save not only moneybut time. If you have a camera, you can see the faces of your friends.Other two points:1. Online shopping, like buying books on Amazon2. E-business, an innovative way of doing business; it provides anotherplatform of trading goods with cheaper cost on place anda "win-win' solution for both buyers and sellers, like ebay2. Poem:Among novel, magazine and poem, I like poem best. I love poem the first time I read a poem called "Auguries of Innocence' by William Blake; it is read like "To see a worldin a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower, holdinfinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.'I love it firstly because it tells a profound meaning withinsuch a few words, which teaches me how to write concisely. Furthermore, every poem has its own rhythm inside of it. Learning about rhythm does so great to my future because ittells me how to see the beauty. Last, poem is one form ofarts, and I can learn how to appreciate arts.3. Musicals:Among drama, comedy and musicals, I prefer musicals because of the following aspects. First and foremost, I can learn how to sing some English songs. I clearly remembered the first time I saw a musical called "the Sound of Music', I was so crazy about it. Especially, when I was hearing the famous song, "Do-Re-Mi', I couldnt help learning to sing it right away with such a melody. Furthermore, since musicals are composed of four elements, which are music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance. I can not only learn those beautiful songs, but also learn the foreign culture by understanding those spoken dialogues. The cozy plots teach me that for a family, the most important thing is to take care of every family member with all respect and love. Last, inspired by that great musical, I happen to love seeing musicals, which offers me a great path to get close to arts. 3新托福口语模板Task 1Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person thatI admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________.And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.Whatsmore,____________________. So thats why____________________.Task 2Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason thatI wanna say is that____________________.More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, thats why Ichoose____________________ for the two reasons listed above. Task 3The school has implemented a new policythat________________due to____________________.And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reasons/he gives isthat____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/heagrees/disagrees with that opinion.Task 4In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about thetheory that____________________.To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one i that____________________. The other one is that____________________.And thats the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. )Task 5In this conversation, the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that____________________. And the woman/man offers him/her two possible solutions. Oneis____________________. The other is ____________________. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because____________________.Task 6In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________. The first one is that____________________. Another example is that____________________. And thats the two examples the speaker presented to explain the theory/phenomenon. (Still, the conclusion is optional. )。

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这里推荐相关音标学习教程从音标学起;除了音标,为了能够使自己的发音尽量地道、流利,考生还应该熟悉美国口语常用句子和用词习惯,体会地道的美式生活用语,推荐托福口语必备美国教程, 内容包括我们生活中常见的寒暄语,此外,也包括美国人之间的对话等;当然,如果考生口语的语音语调都正确,一张口却都是语法错误,或者即使熟知语法规则,却无法将其应用到日常交流中,那么一本既讲解语法规则,又教授发音技巧的资料一定是必需的,推荐《美语发音秘诀:语法》。













