Eureka Tower
已建成的超高建筑800米级及以上高楼:828米迪拜塔(Burj Dubai)| 828米|162层|建成600米级及以上高楼:634米东京天空树*新东京电视塔|634米|建成601米麦加Abraj Al Bait Towers | 601米 | 95层 | 建成600米广州电视观光塔|600米|建成500米级及以上高楼:553米 CN电视塔|553.33米|180层|建成540米奥斯坦金诺广播电视塔|540米|建成509米台北101大厦(Taipei 101)|509米|101层|建成400米级及以上高楼:492米上海环球金融中心(Shanghai World Financial Center)|492米|101层|建成484米香港环球贸易广场(International Commerce Center) | 484米 | 118层 | 建成467米上海东方明珠广播电视塔(Oriental Pearl TV Tower)|467.9米|14层|建成457米芝加哥约翰汉考克大厦John Hancock Center|457.2米|100层|建成452米吉隆坡双子星塔(Petronas Towers)|452米*2|88层|建成450米南京绿地广场紫峰大厦 | 450米 | 88层 | 建成448米纽约帝国大厦Empire State Building|448.7米|102层|建成442米芝加哥威利斯大厦(Willis Tower)&希尔斯大厦(Sears Tower)|442.3米|108层|建成441米深圳京基金融中心广场 | 441.8米 | 100层 | 建成440米广州国际金融中心"西塔"|440.75米|103层|建成423米芝加哥特朗普国际酒店大厦(Trump International Hotel Tower) | 423米| 9 6层| 建成421米吉隆坡塔|421米|建成420米上海金茂大厦(Jin Mao Tower)|420.5米|88层|建成415米天津广播电视塔|415.2米|7层|建成香港国际金融中心二期(2 International Finance Centre)|415.8米|90层|建成412米科威特城Al Hamra大厦(Al Hamra Tower)|412米|77层|建成405米北京中央广播电视塔 | 405米 | 23层 | 建成300米级及以上高楼:391米广州中信广场(CITIC Plaza) | 391.1米 | 80层|建成384米深圳地王大厦(Shun Hing Square)|384米|69层|建成378米高雄东帝士85国际广场(Tuntex Sky Tower)|378米|85层|建成374米香港中环广场Central Plaza|374米|78层|建成368米里加广播电视塔|368.5米|建成柏林电视塔|368米|建成367米香港中银大厦Bank of China Tower|367.4米|70层|建成366米纽约美国银行塔(BOA Tower)|366米|54层|建成363米迪拜阿勒玛斯大楼(Almas Tower)|363米|74层|建成355米深圳赛格广场SEG Plaza|355.8米|72层|建成354米迪拜阿联酋办公大厦Emirates Office Tower|354.6米|56层|建成346米芝加哥怡安中心(Aon Center)|346.3米|83层|建成香港中环中心(The Center)|346米|73层|建成345米河内地标大厦Hanoi Landmark Tower | 345米|74层|建成339米四川电视塔|339米|建成338米郑州电视塔|338米|建成澳门旅游塔(Macau Tower)|338米|61层|建成337米天津环球金融中心(Tianjin World Financial Center) | 337米 | 76层 | 建成336米哈尔滨龙塔|336米|建成333米上海世茂国际广场|333.3米|60层|建成东京塔|333米|建成迪拜Rose Rotana Hotel | 333米 | 73层 | 建成温州世界贸易中心(Wenzhou World Trade Center) | 333米 | 72层 | 建成332米武汉民生银行大厦|332米|68层|建成330米北京国际贸易中心三期|330米|80层|建成328米奥克兰天空|328米|建成无锡江阴空中华西村|328米|72层|建成324米埃菲尔铁塔|324米|建成322米黄金海岸Q1大厦(Q1 Tower)|322.5米|78层|建成321米迪拜帆船酒店(阿拉伯塔)Burj al Arab|321米|60层|建成318米多哈渴望之塔(Aspire Tower)|318米|36层|建成香港如心广场Nina Towers|318.8米|80层|建成纽约克莱斯勒大楼Chrysler Building|318.9米|77层|建成纽约时报大厦New York Times Building|318.8米|52层|建成317米迪拜哈姆丹殿下大厦(HHHR Tower )|317米|72层|建成312米仁川东北亚贸易大厦 | 312米| 65层| 建成311米利雅得国王中心大厦Riyadh Kingdom Centre|311米|41层|建成亚特兰大美国银行广场(Bank of America Plaza) |311.8米|55层|建成310米阿布扎比天空塔(Sky Tower) | 310米 | 74层 | 建成吉隆坡电信大厦(Menara Telekom)|310米|55层|建成洛杉矶联邦银行大厦(US Bank Tower)|310.3米|73层|建成309米广州珠江城(Pearl River Tower) | 309.6米 | 71层 | 建成308米香港港岛东中心(One Island East)| 308米| 70层|建成306米迪拜The Address(Dubai Lake Hotel)|306米|63层|建成芝加哥美国电话电报企业中心(AT&T Corporate Center)|306.9米|60层|建成305米迪拜Emirates Hotel Tower|305米|54层|建成辽宁广播电视塔|305.5米|建成阿布扎比埃迪哈德大厦Etihad Towers | 218-305.3米| 55-77层*5 | 建成休斯顿JP摩根大通大厦(Houston JP Morgan Chase Tower)|305.4米|75层|建成304米曼谷彩虹中心第二期Baiyoke Tower II |304米|85层|建成303米临沂广播电视发射塔|303米|建成芝加哥慎行广场二号大厦Two Prudential Plaza|303.3米|64层|建成302米广州利通广场(Leatop Plaza)|302.9米|64层|建成休斯顿威尔斯·费高广场(Wells Fargo Plaza)|302.4米|71层|建成300米墨尔本Eureka Tower|300米|91层|建成科威特城Alraya Office Tower |300米|56层|建成莫斯科首都之城City of Capitals|300米|77层|255米|65层|建成在建的超高建筑700米级及以上高楼:720米孟买印度塔India Tower|720米|125层|在建600米级及以上高楼:660米深圳平安国际金融中心|660米|118层|307米|66层|在建632米上海中心大厦(Shanghai Center Tower) | 632米 | 121层 | 在建500米级及以上高楼:597米天津中国117大厦|597米|117层|在建555米首尔乐天超级大厦|555米|123层|在建541米纽约世界贸易大厦1号楼自由大厦(1WTC Freedom Tower ) | 541米 | 108层| 在建539米广州东塔(周大福中心)|539.2米|112层|在建516米迪拜The Pentominium|516米|122层|在建510米迪拜Burj Al Alam|510米|120层|在建釜山乐天世界大厦(Lotte World Tower ) | 510米 | 107层 | 在建多哈卡塔尔国家银行总部(Qatar National Bank HQ)|510米|61层|在建506米莫斯科联邦大厦(Federation Tower) | 506米 | 93层 | 242米 | 62层 | 在建400米级及以上高楼:442米孟买World One公寓大楼|442米|117层|在建438米武汉中心|438米|88层|在建437米多哈迪拜塔DOHA Dubai Towers| 437米| 88 层| 在建414米迪拜公主塔Princess Tower |414米|101层|封顶412米迪拜玛丽娜101大楼(Marina 101)|412米|101层|在建411米纽约世界贸易中心二期|411米|88层|在建400米利雅得资本市场管理局总部CMA Tower|400米|77层|在建300米级及以上高楼:395米迪拜玛丽娜23大厦(23 Marina)|395米|89层|封顶384米沈阳恒隆市府广场|384.2米|76层|350.6米|68层|220米2栋|150米3栋|在建383米大连裕景中心(Dalian Eton Center) | 383米 | 80层 | 279米 | 62层 | 在建纽约世界贸易中心三期|383米|80层|在建381米阿布扎比中心市场Central Market | 381米| 88层 | 在建380米迪拜Elite Residence|380米|91层|封顶376米迪拜阿联酋公园大厦Emirates Park Towers|376米|77层*2|封顶360米广州广晟国际大厦 | 360米 | 59层 | 封顶354米大连国际贸易中心|353.95米|85层|在建350米孟买| DLF Towers | 350米 x 3 | 90层 x 3 | 在建吉达Lamar Towers|350米|72层|301米|62层|在建345米首尔汝矣岛帝1大楼|69层|345.8米|在建342米迪拜Al Attar Tower|342米|76层|在建阿布扎比国家石油公司总部大楼ADNOC Headquarters |342米|65层|在建340米巴拿马城Megapolis二期|340米|89层|在建339米南京德基广场二期|339米|70层|封顶重庆环球金融中心|338.9米|70层|在建无锡九龙仓国际金融中心|339米|83层|在建338米迪拜The Torch | 338米 | 80 层 | 封顶天津现代城二期|338米|62层|209.65米|49层|在建337米孟买Orchid Crown | 337米 x 3 | 75层 x 3 | 在建336米莫斯科 | 16 IBC | 336米 | 87层 | 215米 | 44层 | 在建333米常州现代传媒中心|333米|58层|封顶332米莫斯科 Mercury City Tower | 332米| 70 层| 在建330米平壤柳京饭店(Ryugyong Hotel)|330米|105层|封顶329米深圳汉国城市商业中心|329.4米|80层|在建328米迪拜The Index|328米|80层|封顶迪拜Al Yaquob Tower|328米|69层|封顶无锡苏宁广场 | 328米+183米 | 68层+50层 | 在建孟买Orchid Heights | 328米 | 80 x 2 | 在建324米阿布扎比The Landmark | 324米 | 72层 | 封顶323米烟台世茂海湾1号 | 323米 | 57层 | 在建320米孟买Palais公寓大楼|320米|66层|在建319米上海白玉兰广场|319米|66层|在建318米芜湖侨鸿滨江世纪广场│318米|68层│160米*2|48层|在建常州润华环球中心|318米|72层|158米|47层|在建311米沈阳茂业城|311+米|75层|180米|54层|150米|45层|封顶310米迪拜海洋高地大厦Ocean Heights|310米|84层|封顶309米广州财富中心|309.4米|68层|在建伦敦桥大楼London Bridge Tower |309米|73层|封顶308米深圳东海商务中心(East Pacific Center) | 308.6米| 82层|283.6米|封顶沈阳新世界国际会展中心|308米*2|60层|236.7米|57层|228.5米|54层|185. 7米|42层|在建莫斯科市政府和市杜马大厦(City Hall and City Duma)|308米|71层|在建广州珠江新城J2-2项目|308米|67层|在建307米迪拜无限塔(Infinity Tower) | 307米 | 73层 | 在建306米纽约Carnegie 57 |306米|75层|在建305米利雅得 | Rafal Tower | 305米 | 62 层 | 在建303米无锡MOI茂业城二期(Moi City)|303米|72层|封顶莫斯科Eurasia 大厦|303米|67层|在建柳州地王国际财富中心|303米|75层|在建302米马尼拉格拉姆西公寓|68层|302米|封顶301米苏州东方之门(Gate of the Orient ) | 301.8米 | 77层 | 在建合肥安徽省广电新中心|301米|49层|封顶300米济南绿地·普利中心|300米|60层|在建厦门世茂海峡大厦|300米×2|64层×1|54层×1|在建迪拜明珠Dubai Pearl | 300米 | 73 层 | 在建釜山海云台The Zenith|300米*3|80层|封顶深圳香江日航广场|300.8米|62层|在建孟买Namaste Tower|300米|62层|在建阿布扎比|艾哈迈迪塔| 300米|984英尺|73层| 在建圣地亚哥Costanera Center | 300米 | 70层 | 封顶多哈世界贸易中心大厦|300米|55层|在建大阪阿部野桥大厦大楼Abenobashi Terminal Building Tower |300米|59层|在建科威特城科威特国民银行大厦NBK Tower|300米|70层|在建。
Guangzhou International Finance Center (440m) Kingkey 100 (442m)
Chongqing Poly Tower (287m, u/c) Republic Plaza (280m)
Tower Palace Three, Tower G (264m) Petronas Tower 1 (452m)
Incheon (Seoul
Paris (inc La Defense
& périphérique suburbs)
Philadelphia (inc
Comcast Center (297m)
Buenos Aires Calgary Boston (inc
Aspire Tower (300m)
42 The Landmark (324m, u/c) 125 108 100 61 76 110 68 62 113 69
Tianfu Times Tower (180m) Taipei 101 (508m)
Istanbul Las Vegas Qingdao Mexico City Dallas (inc Las
Hong Kong
[2] 2
New York (inc. Jersey
City, Fort Lee, Guttenburg, W New York)
One World Trade Center (1WTC) (541m, u/c) not yet topped out; listed as tribute to 9/11 victims
英语国家概况 第二单元 General Information on Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Master the key facts of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Identify the representative symboles of these three countries. Make an oral report about the characteristics of these three countries.
Unit One General Introduction
Lesson 2 General Information on Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Canada's National Tower
Sydney Opera House
HAKA of The Maori
polar bear
A fascinating and dangerous animal most often found in Northern Manitoba(曼尼托巴 省) in Canada. The polar bear is found throughout the Arctic Ocean and adjacent( 临近的 ) seas. Due to the absence of human development in its remote habitat, it retains more of its original range than any other extant large carnivore.
Sleeping koala
Unit One General Introduction---Lesson 2 General Introduction On Canada, Australia and New Zealand
பைடு நூலகம்
144.44 米
2004年度 大厦名称: 工程位置: 建筑师: World Tower(世界大厦) 澳大利亚 悉尼 Nation Fender Katsalidis
230.01 米
2003年度 大厦名称: 工程位置: 建筑师: 30 St Mary Axe(小黄瓜) 英国 伦敦 Foster + Partners
2001年度 大厦名称: 工程位置: 建筑师: Millennium Point(千年点) 美国 纽约 曼哈顿 Polshek Partnership Architects, LLP Handel Architects 第二 136.86米
排名: 高度:
2001年度 大厦名称: Plaza 66恒隆广场
261.00 米
2008年度 大厦名称: 工程位置: 建筑师: 盘古大观写字楼 北京市,朝阳区,北四环
191.65 米
2007年度 大厦名称: 工程位置: 建筑师: Het Strijkijzer(荷兰) 荷兰,海牙,中心区 AA Architecten(AA建筑事务所)
131.58 米
2007年度 大厦名称: 工程位置: 建筑师: Newton Suites(牛顿套装公寓) 新加坡中区 WOHA Architects Pte. Ltd. (新加坡)
利 物 浦最 高建 筑 经 历 第 三次 重 新 设计
机 必 须削 减年 度 预算 , 得这 座 使 大 楼不得不 延期竣 工 。
纽 约布 鲁 克 林 的 T rn oe
大 厦 建成
据国外媒体报道 , 伦敦将建 成 全 球 第 一 幢安 装 风 力 涡 轮 发 电机 的现代摩 天大楼 。
年建 成 。
原本 定 于 2 0 0 9年 4月 完 l T
的 T rn大 厦 是 由 S M 公 司 设 oe 0
计 的 ,涵 盖 了很 多 可 持 续 性 特
点, 有望 获得 L E E D金 级认证 。 建
风力发 电摩天公 寓楼
位 于 俄 罗 斯 圣 彼 得 堡 的 奥 赫塔 大 楼 是 俄 罗 斯 天 然 气 工 业 公 司 的新 总部 。这 座大楼 由罗麦
俄天然气 巨头新总部 : 超 隔热节能的奥赫塔大楼
寓 楼 有 2 0套 住 房 , 默 特 尔街 4 是 和 Fa rs lt uh街 交 汇 处 4座 新 建 b
筑之 一 。
目前 , 这座 大厦 是该 地 区最 高 的 建筑 , 到 1 2m。住 房 的 达 2
面 积 为 超豪 华屋 顶公寓 。此外 ,
轮 发 电机 , 时将 可 以为整 幢建 届
筑 提供 约 8 %的能源 。虽然 在此
之前 , 有很 多 建筑 的顶 部安 装有
风 力涡轮 ,但是 Sr a是第 一个 tt a
筑 。它靠 近利物浦 的历史 性滨水
地 带 , 于 Srn 处 t d街 和利兹 街 的 a
交 汇处 。
将 风力 涡 轮 嵌 入 建 筑 正 面 使 之
成 为一个 整体的建筑 。
关于我喜欢的建筑埃菲尔铁塔的英语作文My Favorite Building: The Eiffel TowerThe Eiffel Tower is my absolute favorite building in the whole wide world! It's the most amazing, spectacular, and iconic structure I've ever seen. Whenever I look at pictures of the Eiffel Tower or see it on TV, my heart fills with joy and excitement. I dream of one day visiting Paris, the beautiful city where the Eiffel Tower stands tall and proud.At first glance, the Eiffel Tower might seem like just a really, really, really tall metal tower. But it's so much more than that! It's a true masterpiece of engineering and design, and it has a fascinating history that makes it even more special.The Eiffel Tower was built for the World's Fair in Paris in 1889. Can you imagine how excited everyone must have been to see such an incredible structure being built right before their eyes? It was designed by a genius engineer named Gustave Eiffel, and it took two years, two months, and five days to construct. That's a long time, but the end result was worth the wait!When the Eiffel Tower was finally completed, it stood an amazing 1,063 feet (324 meters) tall, making it the tallestman-made structure in the world at that time. People were inawe of its immense height and intricate lattice work of iron beams and girders. It must have looked like a giant, beautiful spider web reaching up into the sky!Even though many people doubted that such a tall tower could be built safely, the Eiffel Tower has proven itself to be an engineering marvel. It's made of puddle iron, a type of iron that's very strong and flexible, which allows the tower to sway slightly in the wind without falling over. The tower's four massive arched legs are anchored deep into the ground, providing a sturdy base that keeps it stable and upright.One of the things I love most about the Eiffel Tower is its stunning appearance. During the day, the tower's warm, reddish-brown color seems to glow in the sunlight, making it look like a shining beacon in the Parisian skyline. But at night, the tower truly comes alive with a dazzling light show that takes my breath away.Every evening, thousands of sparkling lights illuminate the Eiffel Tower, turning it into a magnificent, shimmering jewel against the dark night sky. The lights twinkle and dance, creating a magical display that draws gasps of delight from everyone who witnesses it. For me, watching the Eiffel Tower's light show would be like seeing a real-life fairy tale unfold before my very eyes!Aside from its beauty and grandeur, the Eiffel Tower is also an incredible engineering accomplishment. When it was built, many people thought it would be a temporary structure that would be taken down after the World's Fair. But the Eiffel Tower has stood tall and proud for over 130 years, becoming one of the most recognizable and beloved landmarks in the world.Visitors can take elevators or climb the stairs to reach different observation decks inside the tower, offering breathtaking views of Paris and its surroundings. At the very top, there's even a special broadcast tower that transmits radio and television signals across the city. How cool is that?I can only imagine how amazing it would feel to stand on one of the Eiffel Tower's observation decks and gaze out over the stunning cityscape of Paris. I'd feel like I was on top of the world, with the whole city spread out before me like a living, breathing masterpiece.Of course, the Eiffel Tower isn't just a remarkable piece of architecture and engineering; it's also a symbol of love, romance, and the enduring spirit of Paris. Countless couples have visited the tower to share a romantic moment, propose marriage, or simply bask in its iconic beauty together.To me, the Eiffel Tower represents the dreams, aspirations, and creativity of humanity. It reminds us that with vision, determination, and hard work, we can achieve incredible feats and create lasting wonders that inspire generations to come.Whenever I see pictures or videos of the Eiffel Tower, I'm filled with a sense of wonder and awe. I can't help but imagine myself standing beneath its towering magnificence, craning my neck to take in every inch of its intricate lattice work and soaring height. In my dreams, I'm there, in the heart of Paris, gazing up at this engineering masterpiece and feeling like I'm part of something truly special.One day, I hope to make that dream a reality. I want to feel the cool Parisian breeze on my face as I stand in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, marveling at its beauty and grandeur. I want to ride the elevators to the top and soak in the incredible views, feeling like I'm on top of the world.But even if I never get the chance to visit Paris and see the Eiffel Tower in person, it will always hold a special place in my heart and imagination. To me, it's more than just a tower; it's a symbol of human ingenuity, creativity, and our never-ending pursuit of making the impossible a reality.The Eiffel Tower is a true wonder of the world, and it will always be my favorite building, no matter how many other amazing structures I see in my lifetime. It's a testament to the power of dreams, hard work, and the indomitable human spirit. And that's why I love it so much.。
魅力之都:墨尔本Melbourne, the capital city of Victoria, Australia, is a vibrant and diverse metropolis that offers a unique blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty. Nestled between the Yarra River and the rolling hills of the Great Dividing Range, Melbourne boasts a rich cultural heritage, lively arts scene, and a thriving food and coffee culture that吸引s millions of visitors and residents alike.The city's architectural landscape is a testament toits rich history and diverse cultural influences. From the grand Victorian era buildings to the modern skyscrapers, Melbourne's skyline offers a visual feast for the eyes. The city's iconic landmarks such as the Federation Square, Flinders Street Station, and the Eureka Tower not only reflect its past but also serve as beacons of its progressive and forward-thinking spirit.Melbourne's arts and culture scene are as vibrant asits architecture. The city is home to a number of world-class museums, galleries, and theatres that showcase the talents of local and international artists. The Melbourne International Film Festival, the Melbourne Comedy Festival,and the Melbourne Festival are just a few of the many events that attract culture vultures from all over the globe.Moreover, Melbourne is renowned for its diverseculinary experiences. From the bustling food markets to the Michelin-starred restaurants, the city offers a taste of every cuisine imaginable. Melbourne's coffee culture is also legendary, with its numerous cafes and coffee roasters offering the perfect cup of joe to complement any meal or snack.However, Melbourne's charm does not end here. Thecity's vast green spaces and parks provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city life. The Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Zoo, and the Melbourne Cricket Ground are just a few of the many outdoor attractions that offer visitors a chance to enjoy the city's natural beauty. Sports and outdoor activities are also a integral part of Melbourne's lifestyle. The city is home to several professional sports teams, including the AFL's Melbourne Football Club and the Cricket Australia Team. Melburnians also enjoy a range of outdoor activities such as hiking,cycling, and beachside barbecues, thanks to the city's proximity to beautiful beaches and national parks.In conclusion, Melbourne is a city that offers something for everyone. Its rich cultural heritage, vibrant arts scene, diverse culinary experiences, and vast green spaces make it a truly unique and enchanting destination. Whether you're a history buff, an art lover, a foodie, or an outdoor adventurer, Melbourne has something to captivate and delight you.**魅力之都:墨尔本**墨尔本,作为维多利亚州的首府,是澳大利亚一座充满活力和多元化的都市。
以下是几个澳大利亚的著名建筑以及它们的英文介绍:1.Sydney Opera HouseLocation: Sydney, AustraliaArchitect: Jørn UtzonCompletion Date: 1973Style: ExpressionismThe Sydney Opera House is an iconic performing arts center located in Sydney, Australia. Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the building's distinctive sail-like roofs have made it an instantly recognizable landmark and a symbol of Australian culture. The Opera House hosts a wide range of performances, including opera, ballet, theater, and concerts.1.The Flinders Street StationLocation: Melbourne, AustraliaArchitect: James FawcettCompletion Date: 1909Style: Victorian ItalianateThe Flinders Street Station is a historic train station located in Melbourne, Australia. Designed by James Fawcett, the building's Victorian Italianate style features a grand façade with a towering clock tower, making it one of the city's most recognizable landmarks. The station serves as a major transportation hub for Melbourne and is also a popular tourist attraction.1.The Adelaide Festival CentreLocation: Adelaide, AustraliaArchitects: Woods Bagot and HASSELLCompletion Date: 1973Style: BrutalismThe Adelaide Festival Centre is a performing arts complex located in Adelaide, Australia. Designed by the architectural firms Woods Bagot and HASSELL, the center's brutalist style features a series of concrete structures connected by pedestrian bridges and plazas. The center hosts a variety of performances, including theater, dance, and music concerts.1.The Queen Victoria MarketLocation: Melbourne, AustraliaArchitect: Joseph ReedCompletion Date: 1878Style: VictorianThe Queen Victoria Market is a historic market located in Melbourne, Australia. Designed by Joseph Reed, the market's Victorian-style buildings feature ornate facades and cast-iron trimmings. The market is known for its wide range of fresh produce, seafood, and specialty food stalls, as well as its vibrant atmosphere and bustling crowds. It's a popular tourist destination and a beloved institution in Melbourne.1.The Eureka TowerLocation: Melbourne, AustraliaArchitect: Fender Katsalidis ArchitectsCompletion Date: 2006Style: ModernThe Eureka Tower is a modern skyscraper located in Melbourne, Australia. Standing at 975 feet tall, it was the world's tallest residential tower when it was completed in 2006. Designed by Fender Katsalidis Architects, the tower's distinctive gold crown and observation deck offer stunning views of the city. The tower also contains luxury apartments and a five-star hotel.。
介绍埃菲尔铁塔的英文小作文英文回答:The Eiffel Tower is an iconic wrought iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France. It is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower. The Eiffel Tower was built as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair. It was originally intended to be a temporary structure, but it has become one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.The Eiffel Tower is 324 meters tall and has threelevels for visitors. The first level is at 57 meters, the second level is at 115 meters, and the third level is at 276 meters. Visitors can take stairs or elevators to reach the different levels.The Eiffel Tower is a popular tourist destination and attracts millions of visitors each year. It is a must-see for any visitor to Paris.中文回答:埃菲尔铁塔是位于法国巴黎战神广场上的标志性锻铁格构塔。
请他介绍墨尔本值得参观的景点英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Melbourne, the vibrant capital city of Victoria in Australia, is a popular destination for tourists from all around the world. With its diverse culture, stunning architecture, vibrant arts scene, and beautiful natural landscapes, Melbourne has something to offer for everyone. If you are planning a trip to Melbourne and wondering what sights to see, here are some must-visit attractions that should be on your list.1. Federation SquareFederation Square is a bustling cultural precinct in the heart of Melbourne. It is home to a wide range of attractions, including galleries, museums, cafes, and restaurants. The square also hosts events and festivals throughout the year, making it a great place to immerse yourself in Melbourne's vibrant arts and culture scene.2. Royal Botanic GardensThe Royal Botanic Gardens is a tranquil oasis in the middle of the city. Covering 94 acres, the gardens are home to a diversecollection of plants from around the world. Take a leisurely stroll through the lush greenery, enjoy a picnic on the lawns, or join a guided tour to learn more about the flora and fauna of Australia.3. Great Ocean RoadIf you're looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, a road trip along the Great Ocean Road is a must-do. This scenic route stretches for over 150 miles along Victoria's coastline, taking in breathtaking ocean views, rugged cliffs, and the iconic Twelve Apostles rock formations. Be sure to stop at the charming seaside towns along the way and sample some fresh seafood.4. Yarra ValleyFor wine lovers, a visit to the Yarra Valley is a must. Located just a short drive from Melbourne, this picturesque region is home to some of Australia's best wineries. Take a tour of the vineyards, sample world-class wines, and indulge in gourmet food at one of the many award-winning restaurants.5. St. Kilda BeachSt. Kilda Beach is the perfect spot to soak up the sun and enjoy some water sports. Whether you want to swim, surf, or simply relax on the sand, this popular beach is a great place to unwind and take in stunning views of the Melbourne skyline.6. Melbourne ZooIf you're traveling with kids, a visit to Melbourne Zoo is a must. Home to a wide variety of animals from around the world, the zoo offers the opportunity to see everything from playful meerkats to majestic lions up close. Don't miss the daily feeding sessions and animal encounters for an unforgettable experience.7. Eureka SkydeckFor panoramic views of Melbourne, head to the Eureka Skydeck. Located on the 88th floor of the Eureka Tower, this observation deck offers 360-degree views of the city and beyond. Admire the stunning skyline, take in the sights of Port Phillip Bay, and even brave "The Edge" – a glass cube that extends out from the building for a thrilling experience.These are just a few of the many amazing attractions that Melbourne has to offer. Whether you're a culture vulture, nature lover, foodie, or adventure seeker, there is something for everyone in this vibrant city. So pack your bags, book your tickets, and get ready to explore all that Melbourne has to offer!篇2Melbourne, the capital of Victoria, Australia, is a vibrant city known for its diverse cultural scene, beautiful architecture, andstunning natural landscapes. For visitors looking to explore the city, there are plenty of attractions worth checking out. Below are some of the must-visit spots in Melbourne:1. Federation Square - Located in the heart of the city, Federation Square is a cultural precinct that is home to galleries, restaurants, and event spaces. It is also a popular spot for locals and tourists to gather and enjoy live music, art exhibitions, and other activities.2. Royal Botanic Gardens - Just a short walk from the city center, the Royal Botanic Gardens is a peaceful oasis where visitors can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. The gardens feature a wide variety of plant species, as well as walking paths, picnic areas, and stunning views of the city skyline.3. Melbourne Zoo - For animal lovers, the Melbourne Zoo isa must-visit attraction. The zoo is home to a wide range of species, including kangaroos, koalas, and lions. Visitors can also take part in informative animal encounters and educational programs.4. Great Ocean Road - For those looking to explore beyond the city limits, the Great Ocean Road is a scenic drive that offers stunning views of the Australian coastline. Along the way, visitorscan see iconic landmarks such as the Twelve Apostles and Loch Ard Gorge.5. Yarra River - A visit to Melbourne would not be complete without a stroll along the Yarra River. Visitors can take a leisurely walk or bike ride along the riverbanks, or even embark on a scenic cruise to see the city from a different perspective.6. Queen Victoria Market - As one of the largest outdoor markets in the Southern Hemisphere, the Queen Victoria Market is a foodie's paradise. Visitors can sample local produce, gourmet foods, and artisanal goods, as well as enjoy live music and entertainment.7. St Kilda Beach - For sunbathers and water sports enthusiasts, St Kilda Beach is the place to be. The beach is lined with palm trees and features a lively waterfront promenade with restaurants, cafes, and bars.8. Melbourne Cricket Ground - Known as the "MCG," this iconic sports stadium is a must-visit for cricket fans and sports enthusiasts. Visitors can take a guided tour of the stadium or watch a live game to experience the thrill of Australian sports culture.In conclusion, Melbourne is a city that offers something for everyone, from cultural attractions and natural beauty to exciting sports events and vibrant markets. Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or foodie, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this diverse and dynamic city. So pack your bags and start exploring all that Melbourne has to offer!篇3Introduction:Melbourne is known for its vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and diverse attractions that cater to all interests. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, the city offers something for everyone to explore and enjoy. In this article, we will introduce some of the must-visit attractions in Melbourne that are worth your time.1. Federation Square:Federation Square is often considered the cultural heart of Melbourne, featuring a mix of galleries, museums, restaurants, and cafes. The square is home to the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI), which showcases the history of film and television in Australia. Visitors can also enjoy various events and exhibitions held in the square throughout the year.2. Royal Botanic Gardens:The Royal Botanic Gardens is a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city, featuring lush greenery, serene lakes, and a diverse collection of plants from around the world. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the gardens, relax by the lakeside, or attend one of the many events and workshops held in the gardens.3. Melbourne Zoo:Melbourne Zoo is home to a wide range of animals from all corners of the globe, including lions, tigers, gorillas, and penguins. Visitors can explore the zoo on foot or take a guided tour to learn more about the various species housed in the zoo. The zoo also offers interactive experiences such as animal encounters and behind-the-scenes tours.4. Queen Victoria Market:Queen Victoria Market is Melbourne's largest open-air market, offering a wide variety of fresh produce, gourmet foods, fashion items, and unique souvenirs. Visitors can wander through the bustling market stalls, sample delicious street food, or shop for handmade crafts and gifts. The market is a must-visit for food lovers and shoppers alike.5. Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG):The Melbourne Cricket Ground, or MCG, is Australia's most iconic sports stadium, hosting cricket matches, Australian Rules football games, and major events such as concerts and international matches. Visitors can take a guided tour of the stadium to learn about its history and significance in Australian sports culture, or attend a live match to experience the electric atmosphere of the MCG.6. Eureka Skydeck:Eureka Skydeck offers panoramic views of Melbourne from the highest viewing platform in the Southern Hemisphere. Visitors can take an elevator to the top of the Eureka Tower and enjoy 360-degree views of the city skyline, Port Phillip Bay, and beyond. The Skydeck also features "The Edge," a glass cube that extends from the building's edge, providing a thrilling experience for adrenaline seekers.Conclusion:Melbourne is a city that truly has something for everyone, from cultural attractions and lush gardens to sports stadiums and bustling markets. Whether you're a foodie, nature lover, sports fan, or history buff, Melbourne offers a diverse range ofattractions that are sure to captivate and inspire. So, make sure to explore these must-visit attractions in Melbourne and create unforgettable memories in this vibrant city.。
去墨尔本旅游英语作文Last summer, I had the opportunity to visit Melbourne, a vibrant city in Australia known for its diverse culture and stunning architecture. The moment I arrived, I was captivated by the lively atmosphere and friendly people.During my time in Melbourne, I explored the city's famous landmarks, such as Federation Square, Eureka Tower, and the Royal Botanic Gardens. I also indulged in the local cuisine, trying delicious dishes at trendy cafes and restaurants. One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Great Ocean Road, where I witnessed breathtaking coastal scenery and encountered adorable kangaroos in the wild.Moreover, I immersed myself in Melbourne's art and culture scene by visiting galleries, attending live performances, and exploring street art in the city's laneways. The creative energy and passion for the arts in Melbourne were truly inspiring.Overall, my trip to Melbourne was a memorable experience filled with new discoveries and unforgettable moments. I will always cherish the time I spent exploring this dynamic city and look forward to visiting again in the future.中文翻译:去年夏天,我有机会去了澳大利亚的墨尔本,这座以多元文化和令人惊叹的建筑而闻名的城市。
介绍的埃菲尔铁塔英文作文100词英文回答:The Eiffel Tower, an architectural marvel designed by Gustave Eiffel, stands as an iconic symbol of Paris, France. Constructed in 1887-1889 as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair, the tower initially garnered criticism due to its unconventional design. However, its awe-inspiringheight and unique lattice structure soon captured thehearts and imaginations of people worldwide, transformingit into a beloved landmark and a must-visit destination.Towering at 324 meters (1,063 feet), the Eiffel Toweris divided into three platforms, each offering breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Visitors can ascend to the summit either by elevator or by climbing the 1,665 steps. The tower's openwork design allows for remarkable transparency, providing unobstructed vistas from every level.The Eiffel Tower has undergone several renovations and modernizations throughout its history, including the addition of lighting systems that illuminate the tower at night, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. It has also served as a scientific laboratory, a radio and television transmission station, and even a beacon of hope during wartime.Today, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most visited paid monuments in the world, attracting millions of tourists annually. It has become an enduring symbol of French national pride, engineering ingenuity, and artistic inspiration.中文回答:艾菲尔铁塔。
以下是我这个假期的旅游计划用英语My Vacation Travel Plan.As the school year comes to an end, I am excited to announce my vacation travel plan. This summer, I intend to embark on a journey that will take me to the captivating corners of the world, filled with culture, history, and natural beauty.My journey begins in the enchanting city of Paris, France. I have always been fascinated by the romance and elegance of Paris, and I am eager to explore its famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral. I plan to indulge in the city's cuisine, trying delectable pastries and savory dishes while soaking in the Parisian atmosphere.From Paris, I will travel to the Italian capital, Rome. Rome is a city steeped in history, and I am looking forward to visiting the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the VaticanCity. I also want to explore the city's vibrant art scene and its renowned museums like the Museo Nazionale Romano and the Galleria Borghese.My next destination is the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo is a metropolis that offers a unique blend of traditional and modern culture. I am eager to experience the city's vibrant nightlife, delicious cuisine, and shopping districts. I also plan to visit historical sites like the Imperial Palace and the Tokyo Tower, as well as cultural landmarks like the Ghibli Museum and the Meiji Jingu Shrine.From Tokyo, I will make my way to the other side of the world to the beautiful island country of Australia. I am excited to explore the natural wonders of Australia, including the Great Barrier Reef, the Sydney Opera House, and the stunning beaches of the Gold Coast. I also want to visit the iconic landmarks of Melbourne, such as Federation Square and the Eureka Tower, and experience the unique wildlife of the country, including kangaroos and koalas.Lastly, my journey will conclude in the breathtaking natural paradise of New Zealand. I am looking forward to exploring the breathtaking scenery of the South Island, including the majestic Mount Cook and the scenic Milford Sound. I also want to visit the adventure capital of Queenstown, where I can enjoy outdoor activities like skydiving and bungee jumping.Throughout my vacation, I plan to capture the beauty and essence of each destination through photography and journaling. I believe that traveling not only broadensone's horizons but also helps to understand different cultures and perspectives. This summer, I am excited to embark on this journey of discovery and growth.As I prepare for my vacation, I am also conscious of sustainable travel practices. I plan to minimize my carbon footprint by choosing eco-friendly transportation options and accommodations. Additionally, I will support local businesses and cultures by purchasing tickets to attractions, meals, and souvenirs from local vendors.In conclusion, my vacation travel plan is a blend of cultural exploration, historical significance, natural beauty, and personal growth. I am excited to embark on this journey and to immerse myself in the rich experiences that each destination has to offer. Whether it is the romantic charm of Paris, the historical grandeur of Rome, the modern vibrancy of Tokyo, the natural wonders of Australia, or the breathtaking scenery of New Zealand, I am looking forward to making the most of my vacation and bringing back memories that will last a lifetime.。
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有趣的城市英语作文Melbourne, Australia's cultural capital and second-largest city, is a vibrant and diverse metropolis that offers a unique blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty. From its bustling café culture to its rich history and world-class attractions, Melbourne is a city that never ceases to surprise and delight.Nestled between the Yarra River and the rolling hills of Port Phillip Bay, Melbourne's skyline is a mosaic of modern architecture and lush green spaces. The city'siconic landmarks, such as the Eureka Tower and the Federation Square, are not just architectural wonders but also tell the story of Melbourne's rich history andcultural diversity.A walk through the city's lanes and arcades is an adventure in itself. From the bustling markets of Queen Victoria Market to the cozy cafés of Brunswick Street, Melbourne's streets are alive with the sounds, smells, and flavors of a city that never sleeps. The city's vibrant food culture is a testament to its multicultural heritage, with restaurants offering cuisines from around the globe.But Melbourne's charm doesn't end there. The city is also a paradise for the outdoorsy, with plenty of opportunities for adventure and exploration. The Great Ocean Road, just a short drive from the city, offers breathtaking views and scenic drives. For those who prefer to stay closer to home, Melbourne's parks and gardens provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.Melbourne's festivals and events are also a highlight, with something for everyone. The Australian Open, theworld's largest tennis tournament, attracts thousands of visitors each year. The city's vibrant arts scene is also well-represented at the Melbourne International Film Festival and the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. But it's not just the city's attractions that make Melbourne special. It's the people. The city's friendly and welcoming locals are what truly make Melbourne a home away from home. Whether you're a local or a visitor, you'll find a sense of community and belonging in this vibrant and inclusive city.In conclusion, Melbourne is a city that offers something for everyone. Its unique blend of urban sophistication, natural beauty, and vibrant culture make it a truly magical place. So, if you're looking for a citythat never ceases to surprise and delight, look no further than Melbourne.**墨尔本的魔力:意想不到的惊喜之城**墨尔本,澳大利亚的文化之都和第二大城市,是一个充满活力和多元文化的大都市,融合了城市的精致与自然的美丽。
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Eureka Tower
Eureka Tower is a 297.3-metre (975 ft) skyscraper located in the Southbank precinct of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Construction began in August 2002 and the exterior completed on 1 June 2006.The project was designed by Melbourne architectural firm Fender Katsalidis Architects and was built by Grocon(Grollo Australia). The developer of the tower was Eureka Tower Pty Ltd, a joint venture consisting of Daniel Grollo (Grocon), investor Tab Fried and one of the Tower's architects Nonda Katsalidis.As of September 2012 it is the 10th tallest residential building in the world.[4]
Eureka Tower is named after the Eureka Stockade, a rebellion during the Victorian gold rush in 1854. This has been incorporated into the design, with the building's gold crown representing the gold rush and a red stripe representing the blood spilt during the revolt. The blue glass cladding that covers most of the building represents the blue background of the stockade's flag and the white lines also represent the eureka stockade flag. The white horizontal stripes also represent markings on a surveyor's measuring staff.[5]
When measured either by the height of its roof, or by the height of its highest habitable floor, Eureka Tower was the tallest residential building in the world when completed. It is also currently the building with the most floors available for residential occupancy in the world. The building stands 297 metres in height, with 91 storeys above ground plus one basement level. It is one of only seven buildings in the world with 90 or more storeys and is the equal 77th tallest building in the world. It is also the second-tallest building in Australia and the tallest building in Melbourne. The single level basement and first 9 floors contain car parking. The building's proximity to the water table as well as the Yarra River made the construction of a basement car park uneconomical. There
are a total of 84 floors of apartments (including some floors shared between car parking and apartments) with the remainder being used for building facilities and the observation deck.
According to the ranking system developed by the U.S.-based Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, the Eureka Tower qualifies as the tallest building in three of the four categories in which heights are ranked, namely height to the floor of the highest occupied floor of the building. For comparison, the Q1apartment tower on the Gold Coast has its highest habitable floor the observation deck, reaching a height of 235 m (771 ft), some 62 m (203 ft) lower than Eureka Tower's highest habitable floor. Q1's highest penthouse apartment is 217 m (712 ft) whilst Eureka's penthouse is 278 m (912 ft) high. However, the spire attached to the top of Q1 exceeds the Eureka Tower in the other two categories, namely "Height to the tip of spire, pinnacle, antenna, mast or flag pole" – in this case, spire – and height to architectural top of the building.
Construction began August 2001[1] and took 4 years and 2 months.[6]
The tower was built using reinforced concrete using a slipform method. Eureka Tower's lift core superseded the height of Rialto Towers on 9 November 2004.
On 23 May 2006, the crane on top of the tower was dismantled by a smaller crane, which was dismantled by a smaller crane that could be taken down the service elevator.
Eureka Tower has 24 carat (100%) gold plated glass windows on the top 10 floors of the building. Installation of the gold glass was completed in March 2006. Apartment owners and tenants had taken up residence in the building between Ground Level and Level 80 as of July 2006.
On 11 October 2006, the tower was officially opened by then Premier of Victoria, Steve Bracks.。