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1.(2015·长春市第二次调研)People can often see a talking parrot on a TV show,in a

movie,or even in someone’s home.The parrot has learned____________(copy) sounds that people make.

答案:to copy

2.(2015·吉林四平二模)In most cases,a healthy diet can help you decrease the risk

of____________(get) some diseases like diabetes and cancer.


3.(2015·四川广元模拟)____________(compare)with other forms of writing,it is shorter

and takes less time.


4.(2015·云南普洱模拟)He hurried to the train station,only____________(find) the train

had left.

答案:to find

5.(2015·海口调研测试一)My reply made him smile,and he asked me_____________(write)

an essay on that subject.

答案:to write

6.(2015·哈尔滨二模)This allowed people____________(have) a day or two out now and

then,which gave them a taste for leisure and seaside.

答案:to have

7.(2015·长春市第二次调研)While she was in Kenya,she would hear strange

noises____________(make) by Mlaika after sunset.


8.(2015·辽宁大连一中二模)I had noticed three hens____________(run)free in my hostess’ courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table.


9.(2015·广西南宁模拟)With a lot of work_____________(do),she wasn’t allowed to leave

her office.

答案:to do

10.(2015·吉林长春二模)Though they did all they could____________(help) them but times

were tough for them.

答案:to help

11.(2015·吉林长春二模)They thanked me over and over and the cashier was moved to

tears____________(say) there was an angel in her line today.


12.(2015·云南丽江二模)It is an activity ____________(hold) by an American charity organization.


13.(2016·四川内江高三联考)Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels.This has increased the amount of salt in fresh water____________(use) on coastal farms.


辽宁沈阳模拟)A major accident in sout hern Sweden happened today.It’s reported 14.(2015·

that this afternoon a ship crashed into a bridge.Unluckily,seven cars and six trucks are

said_____________(fall) into the water.

答案:to have fallen

15.(2015·吉林八校一模)She had no choice but ____________(let) him go.

答案:to let

16.(2016·四川成都高三联考)The police must say,“You have the

right____________(remain) silent.”

答案:to remain

17.(2015·哈尔滨二模)By the 1880s,____________(rise) incomes meant that many ordinary

