环境科学概论考试题库及答案一、单项选择题1. 环境科学是一门综合性科学,其主要研究对象是(B)。
A. 自然环境B. 人类活动与自然环境的相互关系C. 人类社会D. 生态系统2. 环境问题产生的根源是(A)。
A. 人类活动B. 自然灾害C. 气候变化D. 物种灭绝3. 环境科学的研究方法包括(D)。
A. 定性分析B. 数值模拟C. 实验研究D. 以上都是4. 环境污染的主要类型包括(C)。
A. 水污染B. 大气污染C. 以上都是D. 土壤污染5. 可持续发展的概念最早由(B)提出。
A. 联合国B. 世界环境与发展委员会C. 世界银行D. 国际货币基金组织二、多项选择题6. 环境科学的主要研究领域包括(ACDE)。
A. 环境化学B. 环境工程C. 环境生物学D. 环境地学E. 环境经济学7. 以下哪些是环境污染物的来源(ABD)。
A. 工业排放B. 农业活动C. 自然排放D. 城市生活8. 环境监测的主要目的包括(BCDE)。
A. 污染治理B. 污染源识别C. 污染程度评估D. 环境质量评价E. 污染趋势预测9. 环境影响评价的内容包括(ABDE)。
A. 环境现状评价B. 影响预测C. 环境规划D. 环境风险评估E. 环境管理措施10. 环境管理的主要手段包括(ABDE)。
A. 法律法规B. 经济激励C. 环境教育D. 技术标准E. 公众参与三、判断题11. 环境科学是一门独立的学科,与其他学科没有交叉。
(错误)12. 环境问题仅指环境污染问题。
(错误)13. 环境科学的发展与人类社会的发展是同步的。
(正确)14. 环境科学的主要任务是解决环境问题,而不是预防环境问题。
(错误)15. 环境科学不涉及人类健康问题。
(错误)四、简答题16. 简述环境科学的主要研究内容。
[北京师范大学2010年研] A.致癌作用B.物理性损害C.生物性损害D.化学性损害【答案】ABCD查看答案【解析】环境污染物对人体健康的损害,可表现为:①特异性损害,是指环境污染物可引起人体急性或慢性中毒,以及产生致畸作用、致突变作用和致癌作用等;②非特异性损害,是指一些多发病的发病率增高,人体抵抗力和生活质量下降等。
官方网址 北大、人大、中财、北外教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班、少干、强军育明教育【温馨提示】现在很多小机构虚假宣传,育明教育咨询部建议考生一定要实地考察,并一定要查看其营业执照,或者登录工商局网站查看企业信息。
二、(9分)在产品市场和要素市场均为完全竞争的前提下,单个厂商的要素需求曲线在什么条件下与其边际产品价值曲线(VMP )完全重合?若厂商只使用一种要素,如何从单个厂商的要素需求曲线推导出要素的市场需求曲线?三、(8分)设某行业的需求曲线为Q =250-P ,行业中每家厂商的边际成本均为4。
(2)假定该寡头行业由n 个厂商(n>2)则相应的古诺解的均衡产量和均衡价格是多少?(3)试证明:当该行业中厂商数目无穷多时,该行业的古诺解趋向于完全竞争解。
宏观经济学部分一、(4分)设总量生产函数Y =F (K ,L ),其中Y 代表总产量,K 代表总资本量,L 代表总劳动量。
二、(9分)已知:线性生产函数、成本加成的定价原则和菲利普斯曲线,菲利普斯曲线为: ,其中gw 为名义工资增长率, 为实际失业率, 为自然失业率, 为名义工资增长率对失业率变动的敏感程度。
官方网址 北大、人大、中财、北外教授创办 集训营、一对一保分、视频、小班、少干、强军 2001年北京大学经济学院考研真题及答案解析微观经济学部分一、(8分)简答下列问题(1)规模报酬和规模经济的区别和联系;(2)利用效用论的有关原理,说明一个经济社会中不可能所有的商品都是劣等品。
二、(9分)在产品市场和要素市场均为完全竞争的前提下,单个厂商的要素需求曲线在什么条件下与其边际产品价值曲线(VMP )完全重合?若厂商只使用一种要素,如何从单个厂商的要素需求曲线推导出要素的市场需求曲线?三、(8分)设某行业的需求曲线为Q =250-P ,行业中每家厂商的边际成本均为4。
(2)假定该寡头行业由n 个厂商(n>2)则相应的古诺解的均衡产量和均衡价格是多少?(3)试证明:当该行业中厂商数目无穷多时,该行业的古诺解趋向于完全竞争解。
宏观经济学部分一、(4分)设总量生产函数Y =F (K ,L ),其中Y 代表总产量,K 代表总资本量,L 代表总劳动量。
二、(9分)已知:线性生产函数、成本加成的定价原则和菲利普斯曲线,菲利普斯曲线为: ,其中gw 为名义工资增长率, 为实际失业率, 为自然失业率, 为名义工资增长率对失业率变动的敏感程度。
(2)作四象限图说明,如果政府将税率从 提升到 ,对储蓄、投资、均衡利率水平和IS 曲线的影响。
考试科目:环境学概论专业:环境科学名词解释(20分,每题2分)1.酸沉降2.氯氟烃3臭氧洞4.非点源污染5.濒危动物6.富营养化7.生物富集作用8.可持续发展9.活性污泥10.赤潮选择题(20分,每题4分)1.夏威夷上空的大气检测资料表明,自1957年以来大气中二氧化碳浓度每年增加()(1)100ppm (2) 10ppm (3) 1ppm (4) 0.100ppm2.地球上人类能利用的有效淡水总量约为()(1)4万(2)2.8万(3)1.2万(4)0.9万(单位:立方千米/每年)3.预测人口增长趋势的可靠的资料是()(1)总出生率(2)死亡率(3)净增长率(4)年龄金字塔4.世界海洋的污染问题()(1)将会越来越严重(2)近期可消除(3)2050年可消除(4)2100年后才可能消除5.酸雨是指雨水的PH值低于()(1)7.0 (2)6.4 (3)5.6 (4)4.7填空题(20分)1.臭氧层具有屏蔽()的特性,其含量减少使达到地面的()辐射增加,从而使患()的病例增加。
2.导致平流层臭氧减少的主要原因有:(1)许多化学物质进入平流层后,()与臭氧反应(2)由于人类活动,大气中的痕量气体浓度不断上升,()(剩余资料缺失)考试科目:环境学概论专业:环境科学名词解释(10分,每题2分)1.环境2.荒漠化3.非点源污染4.T型曲线5.生物圈论述题1.写出50年代前后出现的八大公害事件的名称及主要污染物.(10分)2.列举大气污染物的主要类型.(10分)3.试述大气污染的四种类型及其重要污染物.(10分)4.什么是生化需氧量?如何评价BOD5所反映的水质污染?(10分)5.图示被污染BOD与DO变化曲线,请标明清洁水区,水质恶化区和水质恢复区.(10分) (剩余资料缺失)考试科目:环境学概论专业:环境科学说明:应届考生限选一到八题(题号),在职考生任选100分题卷面要求:字体规范,书面整洁,达不到要求者,扣1到40分.名词解释(20分,每题2分)1.温室效应2.氧垂曲线3.生物富集作用4.光化学烟雾5.酸雨6.生态学灭绝7.人口年龄金字塔8.活性污泥9.荒漠化 10.富营养化论述题1.试述当代环境问题的特点.(10分)2.人口增长对环境的影响表现在哪些方面?(10分)3.什么是生态平衡?影响生态平衡的因素有哪些?(10分)4.试述酸雨对森林生态系统的危害.(10分)5.试述天然水体的自净作用.(10分)6.当前土地退化表现在哪些方面?(10分)7.试述传统能源的前景与出路.(20分)8.举例说明大型水库对环境的影响.(20分)9.举一个实例(非虚构)说明生态系统如何遭人类活动所破坏.(20分)考试科目:环境学概论专业:环境科学说明:应届考生限选一到九题(题号),在职考生任选100分题卷面要求:字体规范,书面整洁,达不到要求者,扣1到40分.名词解释(20分,每题2分)1.盖娅假说2.氯氟烃3.二级污水处理4.分贝5.食物网6.臭氧洞7.赤潮8.生化需氧量9.J型曲线 10.荒漠化论述题1.你对当前的物质灭绝加速作如何评价?(10分)2.怎么评价今后世界人口增长的趋势及其对环境的影响?(10分)3.根据能源性质和污染物组成,大气污染可划分为哪些类型?(10分)4.试述大气污染对人体的危害.(10分)5.简述水体污染源的类型和特点.(10分)6.试述使用化学农药的效益与问题.(10分)7.试述矿山开发对环境的影响.(10分)8.阐述你对“你定胜天”自然观的看法.(20分)8.阐述你对某个或某些全球性问题的看法(如全球变化,臭氧层破坏,酸雨等).(20分)考试科目:环境学概论专业:环境科学名词解释(20分)1.大气污染2.水体污染3.生物多样性4.农药简答(30分)1.天然水体的自净作用及分类2.重金属迁移及在水环境中迁移的基本类型3.当前土地退化主要表现在哪些方面论述(50分)1.南极臭氧洞形成原因的假说及臭氧层破坏对人类环境的影响2.石油在水环境中的迁移变化3.光化学烟雾形成机理考试科目:环境学概论专业:环境科学名词解释(20分)1重金属迁移 2生物多样性 3大气污染 4环境激素简答(30分)1根据大气温度随高度垂直变化,简述其分层方法及特性2天然水体的自净作用及分类3光化学烟雾的形成机理论述(50分)1农药在土壤环境中的迁移,降解及残留2需氧有机污染物降解与溶解氧平衡3.南极臭氧洞形成的原因及臭氧层破坏对人类环境的影响考试科目:环境学概论专业:环境科学名词解释(8选7,21分)1环境污染 2生物多样性 3环境规划 4城市热岛效应5可持续发展 6环境影响评价 7清洁生产简答(9选7,共49分)1简述可持续发展的原则2土壤污染源及主要污染物3环境法律关系的概念及举例4清洁生产的概念及三方面的内容5环境外部性的概念及举例说明6写出高架点源的高斯扩散模型公式及其假设条件7写出两种以上温室气体及说明其对气候变化的影响8环境管理的概念及列出5项现行环境管理制度并说明9描述氧垂曲线的物理变化过程并绘制出曲线概念模型(8选4,共48分)1设计一闭合模型,使其生产生活过程所产生的废物最小或没有废物产生。
环境科学概论2001年一、名词解释(15分)1 温室效应:指的是大气中能吸收地面反射的太阳辐射,并重新发射辐射的一些气体,如水蒸气、二氧化碳、大部分制冷剂等,它们的作用是使地球表面变得更暖,类似于温室截留太阳辐射,并加热温室内空气的作用,这种温室气体使地球变得更温暖的影响称为“温室效应”。
2 富营养化:是指氮磷等营养物质和有机物不断输入水体中,造成藻类大量繁殖,溶解氧耗竭,水质恶化的现象。
3 酸雨:又称酸沉降,是指大气中的酸通过降水(如雨、雾、雪)等迁移到地表,或在含酸气团气流的作用下直接迁移到地表。
4 噪声:凡是影响人类正常生活和工作的影响人们心理和生理声音,统称为噪声。
5 光化学烟雾:含有氮氧化物和烃类污染物的大气,在阳光中紫外线照射下发生反应所产生的产物及反应物的混合物被称为光化学烟雾。
2012 年卫生综合一、名词解释1、calcitonin2、food fortification3、Experimental effect4、cluster sampling5、细颗粒物6、持久性污染物7、personal protecting equipment8、work related muscle skeletal disorders9、Ecological fallacy10、placebo二、选择题略三、简答题1、维生素C 的作用及缺乏表现2、亚硝酸盐中毒及其防治3、Pearson 相关与spearman 秩相关的区别4、环境流行病学的特点5、富营养化现象及其危害6、职业病的特点7、噪声的控制措施8、疫源地的概念及其消灭条件9、评价真实性的指标及其关系10 、23 名精神病患者,随机分为两组,使用甲乙两种方法治疗,分别评价两种资料方法的有效率。
请回答该研究属于何种类型的研究,怎样分析,为什么?四、论述题1、某人通过饮食摄入蛋白质30g 后,通过以下三种途径进行了代谢,其中粪氮 1.2g ,尿氮4g ,皮肤氮0.3g ,试计算其氮平衡,并评价其蛋白质营养状况及其对健康的影响。
2、甲乙两厂工龄小于十年的人数分别为500 与100 名,患病人数分别为25 与 4 名;工龄大于十年的人数分别为100 与600 名,患病人数分别为20 与66 名。
( 1 )、列表,计算统计指标( 2 )、哪个患病率高,为什么?3、试述反映小气候对人体影响的指标4、有机溶剂生产厂……资料齐全,发病率高于一般。
2011 年卫生综合一、名词解释(5 分一题,共50 分)91、钴胺素2、大肠菌群3、拟合优度检验4、决定系数5、环境影响评价6、化学耗氧量7、热适应)8、生物监测9、偏倚10、筛检二、选择(3 分一题,60 分)(略)三、简答(10 分一题,100 分1、反式脂肪酸的概念和健康危害2、食品腐败变质的原因及处理措施3、假设检验功效的概念及意义4、去死因寿命表的原理5、大气污染的间接危害6、土壤生物性污染的危害7、职业卫生基本调查内容8、职业卫生标准制定原则9、AR 和RR 的概念及用途10、举例说明移民流行病学概念和意义四、论述(18 分一题,90 分)1、某个人的人体资料,给了视黄醇,类胡萝卜素和B-胡萝卜素的含量,计算他的维生素A摄入量,评价他的维生素的营养状况及可能的健康危害(注:涉及到视黄醇当量的计算)2、普通饲料和两种饲料喂养大白鼠一段时间后血红蛋白含量的变化,给出方差分析表,并完成方差分析表。
环境学概论试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 环境学是一门研究什么的学科?A. 经济学B. 生态学C. 环境与人类活动的相互作用D. 物理学答案:C2. 以下哪个不是环境问题?A. 空气污染B. 水污染C. 土壤退化D. 人口增长答案:D3. 可持续发展的概念是指什么?A. 经济增长B. 环境保护C. 满足当代人需求,不损害后代人满足其需求的能力D. 资源的无限开发答案:C4. 温室效应的主要原因是什么?A. 森林砍伐B. 工业排放C. 汽车尾气D. 所有以上答案:D5. 生物多样性减少的主要原因是什么?A. 气候变化B. 栖息地破坏C. 外来物种入侵D. 所有以上答案:D二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 环境影响评价(EIA)是指在项目_________阶段,对其可能产生的环境影响进行预测和评估。
答案:规划或设计2. 环境质量标准是指为保护_________和人类健康,对环境中的污染物浓度或质量所规定的限制标准。
答案:生态环境3. 环境污染物主要包括水污染、大气污染、_________和噪声污染。
答案:固体废物污染4. 环境伦理学关注的是人与_________之间的关系。
答案:自然5. 绿色化学是指在化学过程的设计、生产和应用中,减少或消除有害物质的使用和产生。
答案:有害物质三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述环境问题产生的主要原因。
2. 阐述可持续发展的基本原则。
3. 描述环境教育的重要性。
一、填空(20分)1.已知H2O(g)和CO(g)的标准生成焓为—241.82kJ/mol和—110.52kJ/mol,则可知反应C(石墨)+H2O(g)==CO(g)+H2(g)是________热和熵______ 反应,升高温度时,正反应速率________,逆反应速率_________,平衡常数_______,Kp与Kc的关系为___________,当增加总压时,平衡向_____________移动。
2.根据酸碱质子理论,下列物质NH4+、H2O、HCO3-、S2—、AC—中是酸不是碱的有________,是碱不是酸的有___________,既是酸又是碱的有_________________________________,所有碱中碱性最强的是_________(H2CO3 K a 1=4.4×10—7,H2S K a 2=1.3×10—13)3.29号元素的价层电子构型为________,元素符号为______,是____族元素,所在分区为____区,最后排入的一个电子的主、副量子数为______、______。
4.在0.01mol/L的AgNO3和Pb(NO3)2混合溶液中,逐滴加入0.1 mol/L的K2CrO4溶液,则先生成____________沉淀,后生成____________沉淀。
6.根据VSPER理论,推测下列分子的几何构型:BF3 __________、PCl5 __________、XeF2 _________、BrF3 __________7.H3BO3是_______元酸,B2H6分子中存在着_____________键,SO42—中存在着__________键,NO3—分子中的大π键为________键。
北京大学2001年博士研究生入学考试试题Part One Structure & Written ExpressionDirections: In each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place (s) marked. Put the letter of your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (25%)1. The university board of trustees deemed it urgent that a new provost ______ to replace Mr. Dannison who had been diagnosed with cancer.A. be selectedB. should be. selected (should select)C. must be selectedD. was selected2. With prices ______ so much, it is impossible for the company manager to stick to the original budget.A. wavingB. swingingC. fluctuatingD. vibrating3. Edmund likes to drive at a speed ______ the traffic limit. I wonder how he always manages to escape ______.A. having exceeded, to be finedB. exceeded, having been finedC. to exceed, to fineD. exceeding, being fined4. All the references she has obtained for her doctoral dissertation ______ about twenty items.A. make up forB. add up toC. come up withD. put up with5. Professor Jeffrey's lecture on the recycling of waste paper and other garbage will show can still be improved.A. that the municipal authorities have doneB. how those the municipal authorities have doneC. how what the municipal authorities have doneD. that how the municipal authorities have done6. Most insulation devices of this kind, ______ manufactured for such purposes, are extremely expensive to install.A. that areB. which isC. those areD. as are7. The English vocabulary is known for a(an) ______ of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversations.A. multitudeB. altitudeC. latitudeD. platitude8. John Locke, the well-known 18th century English thinker, emphasized experience as the condition for expansion of human knowledge.A. incompatibleB. incredibleC. indefiniteD. indispensable9. The examination has been cancelled. You ______ all that review, after all.A. didn't need to doB. needn't doC. needn't have doneD. needn't to do10. The ______ friend was exposed in the end to be a hidden rival who had been plotting against the company's marketing in Hong Kong.A. professedB. announcedC. exclaimedD. declared11. The senator was made to digress time and again from the main point of his speech because of the red ______ constantly ______ by his opponents in the audience.A. tomatoes, thrown outB. herrings, brought upC. apples, put forwardD. mullets, laid down12. It is very plain that such a life as this is far more ______ to health than that of the man who can afford little leisure for necessary rest in the course of the day.A. conductiveB. constructiveC. conciliateD. conducive13. Contradictory to popular belief, recent surveys show that besides housewives, many college students arealso ______ to soap operas.A. appealedB. constructive(addict)C. conciliate(adjusted)D. conducive(attracted)14. He used to play badminton with you, ______?A. didn't heB. used heC. did heD. gone off15. I got a new battery for my recorder only last week, but it seems to have ______ already.A. worn outB. run downC. knocked offD. gone off16. To test his theory, the chemist ______ an experiment.A. set upB. set outC. set forthD. set in17. He likes to swim ______.A. and playing footballB. and he also likes playing footballC. and to play footballD. and he likes to play football18. While watching television, ______.A. the telephone rangB. we heard the telephone ringC. and to play footballD. the telephone was rung19. "De you mind ______?""Go ahead. I don't mind."A. turning on the fanB. I turn on the fanC. if I turn on the fanD. to turn on the fan20. When solid changes to liquid, it ______ heat from all substances near it and this ______ reduces the temperature surrounding it.A. absorbs, takes inB. transits, takes onC. consumes, takes offD. interacts, takes down21. The department chairman ______ with thanks the assistance of all the faculty members for getting the celebration ready in a short time.A. expressesB. declaresC. announcesD. acknowledges22. The manager threw a party ______ the group of computer experts from the United States.A. in honor ofB. in favor ofC. in welcome ofD. in celebration of23. This state research program is made up of two funds, ______ could last for two years.A. the larger oneB. the larger of whichC. the largest oneD. the largest of which24. She claims to be very learned in biochemistry, but in fact ______ she knows about it is all sadly out of date.A. so littleB. that muchC. what littleD. how much25. Some people feel that television should give less ______ to sport.A. programsB. coverageC. concernD. involvementPart Two Reading ComprehensionI. Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (15%)Passage OneIn our society the razor of necessity cuts close. You must make a buck to survive the day. You must work to make a buck. The job is often a chore, rarely a delight. No matter how demeaning the task, no matter how it dulls the senses or breaks the spirit, one must work. Lately there has been a questioning of this "work ethic", especially by the young. Strangely enough, it has touched off profound grievances in others hitherto silent and anonymous.Unexpected precincts are being heard from in a show of discontent by blue collar and white. On the eveningbus the tense, pinched faces of young file clerks and elderly secretaries tell us more than we care to know. On the expressways middle-management men pose without grace behind their wheels, as they flee city and job.In all, there is more than a slight ache. And there dangles the impertinent question: Should there not be another increment, earned though not yet received, to one's daily work—an acknowledgment of a man's being? In fact, what all of us are, looking for is a calling, not just a job. Jobs alone are not being enough for people.26. "In our society the razor of necessity cuts close" in the first line means ______.A. there is a shortage of daily necessitiesB. people fight each other for necessitiesC. most people feel the financial pressureD. everyone lives a hard life27. The "work ethic" referred to in the first paragraph can be interpreted as ______.A. one works mainly to keep body and soul togetherB. one must work not only for money, but also for delightC. one must understand that jobs as choresD. one should earn as much money a day as possible28. Middle-management men flee city and job because ______.A. they have lost their graceB. they are tired by the long day's workC. they don't want to see the tense and pinched faces of their clerks and secretariesD. they are frightened by the profound grievances shown by the young people29. The phrase "increment, earned though not received" in the third paragraph means ______.A. money one has earned and will be paid laterB. money one has earned, but will not be paid to him/herC. something that one earns through a job, but is not counted in terms of payD. something that one earns that has nothing to do with his or her job30. The main idea of this passage is ______.A. in modem society people are under great work pressureB. nowadays people want to enjoy life more than do hard workC. work should be to people more than just a means to surviveD. more jobs of delight should be created for peoplePassage TwoJustice in society must include both a fair trial to the accused and the selection of an appropriate punishment for those proven guilty. Because justice is regarded as one form of equality, we find in its earlier expression the idea of a punishment equal to the crime. Recorded in the Bible is the expression "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." That is, the individual who has done wrong has committed an offense against society. To make repayment for this offense, society must get equally balanced, which can be done only by imposing an equal injury upon him. This conception of deserved-punishment justice is reflected in many parts of the legal codes and procedures of modem times, which is illustrated when we demand the death penalty for a person who has committed murder. This philosophy of punishment was supported by the German idealist Hegel, who believed that society owed it to the criminal to put into operation a punishment equal to the crime he had committed. The criminal had by his own actions denied his true self and it is necessary to do something that will eliminate this denial and restore the self that has been denied. To the murderer nothing less than giving up his life will pay his debt. The demand for the death penalty is a right the state owes the criminal and it should not deny him what he deserves.Modern jurists have tried to replace deserved-punishment justice with the notion of corrective justice. The aim of the latter is not to abandon the concept of equality but to find a more adequate way to express it. It tries to preserve the idea of equal opportunity for each individual to realize, the best that is in him. This does not mean that criminals will escape punishment or be quickly returned to take up careers of crime. It means that justice is toheal the individual, not simply to get even with him. Therefore, his conviction of crime must not deprive him of the opportunity to make his way in the society of which he is a part.31. According to the Bible, the concept of equality in justice means ______.A. a criminal must be severely punishedB. a criminal must be given a punishment that is exactly the same as the crime he has doneC. a criminal must be given a punishment that he deservesD. a criminal must pay for his crime with his eyes and teeth32. The result of deserved-punishment justice is ______.A. the criminal's winning of a true lifeB. the criminal's taking death penalty for the crime committed by himC. the criminal's denial of his true selfD. the restoration of the criminal's guilty self to the self before the crime33. In the sentence: "society owed it to the criminal to put into operation a punishment equal to the crime he had committed" the underlined part can be interpreted as: society ______.A. was in debt to the criminal and must put him into operation as a punishmentB. should consider punishment as something it must do so that the criminal can get paid back for his crimeC. owed the criminal equality and must first show it in actionD. owed an operation of equal crime to the criminal34. The main difference between deserved-punishment and corrective justice is ______.A. the latter is for non-punishment equalityB. the latter hates "an eye for an eye" equality of punishmentC. the latter places the criminal's equal rights in life above everything elseD. the latter focuses on both reforming the criminal and giving him new opportunities in society35. Compared with the old justice concept, modem law as shown in this passage is ______.A. less vengefulB. less effectiveC. less justD. less reasonablePassage ThreeA new biotechnology procedure that could become commercially available in as little as two to four years is "transgenesis", which permits scientists to create an animal with specific traits by adding, removing, inactivating, or repairing genes in an embryo. The additional genes can come from any source. For example, if a gene of interest occurs in mosquitoes - say, one that codes for resistance to a certain--disease-it can be removed and places in the embryo of a farm animal, the several strains of commercially useful transgenic farm animals that will probably emerge in the next few years could include leaner pigs, poultry resisting to influenza or other deadly diseases, sheep with wool that is easier to wash, and goats that produce valuable pharmaceuticals in their milk.The simplest way to make transgenic animals is to inject a gene into a one-cell embryo and then implant the embryo in another animal. Under the right conditions, the new gene joins one of the embryo's strands of genes. Each cell created as the embryo divides gets a copy of the new gene. An alternative technique is to incorporate the gene into a type of virus known as a retrovirus that has been modified so it cannot reproduce itself after entering a cell. The virus, which cannot cause disease, delivers the gene to the cell's nucleus. Often this method is better than gene injection because a retrovirus always delivers just one gene, and the gene is always undamaged and complete.36. The new biotechnology procedure discussed in this passage mainly concerns ______.A. embryosB. pigs, sheep and goatsC. commercial scienceD. improvement of animal strains37. In the first sentence, "to become commercially available" means ______.A. this procedure is available only on the marketB. this procedure can be used in producing better farm animalsC. This procedure can be used to promote businessD. People such as farmers can use this procedure in their production38. The transgenic farm animals mentioned in this passage are ______.A. pigs, cows and mosquitoes that have gone through the transgenic procedureB. pigs, cows, sheep and chickens that have accepted additional genesC. leaner pigs, poultry that produce pharmaceuticals and healthier sheepD. leaner pigs, chickens resisting diseases and goats that produce milk with medicine in it39. Which of the following is NOT true?A. After injection, the embryo gets a copy of the new gene as it divides.B. The injection method is less good because the new gene sometimes fails to join the embryo's genes.C. The retrovirus multiplies after it enters the cell.D. The incorporating method is less simple but better.40. The tone of this passage is ______.A. criticalB. factualC. humorousD. romanticII. Read the following passage carefully and then paraphrase the numbered and underlined parts. ("Paraphrase" means "to explain the meaning in your own English". )(15%)GeniusThe greatest results in life are attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of every day, with its cares, necessities, and duties, affords ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind; and(41) its most beaten paths provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for self-improvement. (42) The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who axe the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.Fortune has often been blamed for her blindness; but fortune is not so blind as men are. (43) Those who look into practical life will find that fortune is usually on the side of the industrious, as the winds and waves are on the side of the best navigators. In the pursuit of even the highest branches of human inquiry, the commoner qualities are found the most useful-such as common sense, attention, application, and perseverance.Genius may not be necessary, though even genius of the highest sort does net disdain the use of these ordinary qualities. (44) The very greatest men have been among the least believers in the power of genius, and as worldly wise and persevering as successful men of the commoner sort. (45) Some have even defined genius to be only common sense intensifies. A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts. John Foster held it to be the power of lighting one's own fire. Buffon said of genius "it is patience".Part Three Cloze TestFill in each numbered blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word to complete the meaning. Put your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. (10%)The influence of the moral standards of the home is evident. If there is no recognition of the difference (46) right and wrong, it is hard for the child to acquire the qualities which are necessary (47) good citizenship. Unwise discipline is, almost equally obvious, (48) factor often found in the background of the young offender.But important (49) these two factors are, they do not cover the whole field. The experience of those who work With juvenile delinquents has shown us (50) greatly behavior is influenced by the emotional relationships within the family circle. The extent to which (51) is affection between the (52) and the child, and in the early stages especially between the mother and the child, is evidently of fundamental (53) to his development. Lack of love is more (54) to produce delinquency (55) bad material conditions.Part Four ProofreadingDirections: This part consists of two short passages. In each, there are ten mistakes, one in each underlinedsentence or part of a sentence. You may have to change a word, add a word or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out with a slash (—)and write the correct word near it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words (in brackets) immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash (—). Put your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. (20%)Passage OneHow to Get Preserved as a Fossil(56) Unfortunately the changes of any animal become a fossil are not very great, and (57) the chances of a fossil then being discovered many thousand of years later are even less. (58)It is not surprising that all the millions of animals that have lived in the past. (59)we actually have fossils of only very few.(60)There are several ways into Which animals and plants may become fossilized. (61)First, it is essential that the remains are buried, as though dead animals and planks are quickly destroyed (62) if they remain exposed the air. Plants rot, while insects and hyenas eat the flesh and bones of animals. (63)Finally, the few remaining bones soon disintegrate the hot sun and pouring rain. If buried in suitable conditions, however, animal and plant remains will be preserved. (64)The same chemicals change sand and silt into hard rock will also enter the animal and plant remains and make them hard too. (65)When this happens, we say that they become fossilized.Passage TwoEarthquakes(66)At two minutes to noon in September 1 of 1923, the great clock in Tgkyo stopped. (67) Tokyo Bay shook as if huge rug had been pulled from under it. (68)Towered above the bay, the 4,000 meter Mount Full stood above a deep trench in the sea. (69)It was from this trench where the earthquake came, at a magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter scale.Huge waves swept over the city. (70)Boats were driven inland, and buildings and people were dragged out sea. (71)The tremors dislodged part of a hillside, which gave way, brushing trains, stations and bodies the water below. (72)Three massive shocks wrecked the of Tokyo and Yokohama and, during the next six hours, there were more than 100 aftershocks.The casualties were enormous, but there were also some lucky survivors. (73)The most remarkably was a woman who was having a bath in her room at the Tokyo Grand Hotel. (74) As for the hotel collapsed, she and her bath gracefully descended to the street. (75)leave both her and the bath water intact.Part Five: WritingWriting a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below. (15%)Topic: Write in 250 ~300 words about your own academic ambition(s)试题详解Part One Structure & Written Expression1.A 题意为:学校理事会认为必须尽快聘请新的教务长以代替被确诊患癌症的Dannison先生。