1年日照时数的变化趋势济宁地区地处鲁西南平原,属温带季风型气候,四季分明,日照充足,平均年日照时数2 391.4h,在山东省属日照较多的地区。
从日照时数的年际变化幅度看,日照最多年份为1967年,日照时数为 2 844.6h,最少年份为1984年,日照时数为1 961.9h,两者相差882.7h,由此可见,日照时数的年际变化还是很大的。
关键词:济宁市;气候资源;气候区划中图分类号:P46 文献标志码:A 论文编号:2013-0855Agricultural Climate Division and Its Comment in Ji’ningWang Xiaomo1, Yao wei2, Li Jinglong1(1Meteorological Bureau of Sishui County, Sishui 273200, Shandong, China;2Meteorological Bureau of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu, China)Abstract: In order to better reflect the relationship between agricultural production and climatic zoning,based on the regional climate characteristics of Ji’ning City, combining area 11 national meteorological stations datum, the author made the agro-climatic resources to do a comprehensive review and based on regional climatic conditions affect crop growth,Ji’ning City would be divided into 4 agro-climatic zones. And the author reviewed the various climatic conditions o f the region’s main crop growth and weather disasters.Key words:Ji’ning City; Climate Resources; Climate Division0 引言济宁市位于山东省南部,北纬34°26'—35°57',东经115°52'—117°36',总土地面积10684.9 km2。
山东省济宁市七年级生物上册第一单元部编版综合诊断过关卷学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:60分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题:本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。
1.在肥沃的土壤上,往往会生长着繁茂的植物,而在贫瘠的土壤上却往往是植被稀疏,导致这种不同的原因是( )A.贫瘠的土壤上风沙太大B.贫瘠的土壤上空气流通差C.贫瘠的土壤上食草的动物较多D.贫瘠的土壤上缺乏植物所需要的营养2.贺岁大片《流浪地球II》的故事发生在未来,太阳迅速膨胀,人类集结全球之力,建造了一万台行星发动机,将地球推离轨道,在宇宙中“流浪”,寻找新家园。
电影《流浪地球II》提醒我们,生物圈是人类唯一赖以生存的家园,下列说法,错误的是()A.生物圈是一个统一的整体,是地球上所有生物的共同家园B.生物圈是地球上所有生物与其环境的总和C.生物圈是最大的生态系统,它包括大气圈,水圈和岩石圈D.以海平面来划分,生物圈向上可达约10千米,向下可深入10千米左右3.下列属于生物的是( )A.降落伞B.钟乳石C.丹顶鹤D.机器人4.下列不属于生物的是( )A.滇金丝猴B.机器人C.草履虫D.绿孔雀5.以下有关“人”的几种物体中,属于生物的是( )A.人的骨头B.粉面佳人C.机器人D.人头马面6.在生态系统中,如果没有分解者,出现的后果是()A.植物将会越来越繁茂B.动植物的遗体残骸堆积如山C.生态系统仍能维持平衡D.动物越来越多7.如图表示的是在一个草原生态系统中,狼、草、兔三种生物的数量关系,A、B、C表示的生物依次是()A.草、狼、兔B.草、兔、狼C.兔、狼、草D.狼、兔、草8.下列能看做一个生态系统的是()A.一个池塘B.池塘中的水C.池塘中所有的生物D.池塘中所有的鱼9.下列有关生物特征的叙述,错误的是( )A.生物的生活需要营养B.生物能进行呼吸C.生物能生长和繁殖D.生物都是能运动的10.某农田中种植着大豆,同时生长着稗草、鸭跖草等杂草,分布有七星瓢虫、大豆蚜等动物和根瘤菌等微生物。
s u n s h i n e .I n g e n e r a l ,i n 2 01 2, he t me t e o r o l o g i c a l c o n d i i t o n o f J i n i n g h a d t he c h a r a c t e i r s t i c s o f h i g h t e mp e r a t u r e ,l e s s r in a
t e mp e r a t u r e . p r e c i p i t a t i o n a n d s u n s h i n e t i me o f 3 0 y e a r s f r o m 1 9 8 1 t o 2 0 1 0 .T h e r e s u l t s s h o w e d t h a t t h e wi n t e r
MA L i - n a e t a 1 . ( Y u t a i C o u n t y M e t e o r o l o g i c a l B u r e a u o f S h a n d o n g P r o v i n c e ,Y u t a i ,S h nd a o n g 2 7 2 3 O 0 )
s u n l i g h t ;t h e s p i r n g me t e o r o l o g i c a l c o n d i t i o n h a d t he c h ra a c t e r i s t i c s o f a i r t e mp e r a t u r e o n t he h i g h s i d e ,l e s s r a i n f ll a a n d
s o d ta h v rg tmp rt r h we h tt e a e a e e eau e, a ea e v rg ma i m tmp rt r a d xmu e eau e n mii n mum tmp rtr o a t e r a d o r e e au e f p s y a n fu
2 1 1 年 平 均 气 温 变化 特 征 ..
济 宁 市 17 ~ 0 9年 的 9 1 20
年平均气 温整 体 呈 上 升 趋 势 ( 1 。与 华 北 平 原 近 图 )
5 (91 20 0a 15 ~ 00年 ) 来 的变 化 趋 势 一 致 。该 段 时 间 内
季平均气温增 加最为 明显 ,增 幅较 2 0世 纪 6 0年代最低
Байду номын сангаас
2 结果与分析
2 1 平 均 气 温 变 化 特 征 .
研究并得 出了很多有 意义 的研究成果 。其 中 ,华北平原
近 5 来 (9 1~ 0 0年 ) 年 平 均 气 温 呈 明 显 增 加 趋 0 a 15 2 0 势 ,增 温 达 0 6o . C,各 季 气 温 也 有 不 同程 度 的 增 加 ,冬
关键词气候特点;灾害性天气;山东济宁1 济宁市气候特点概述济宁市位于鲁西南地区,属暖温带大陆季风气候,高空在西风带和副热带高压交替控制下,近地层受冬季风和夏季风影响,其气候具有以下4个方面的特点:一是季风盛行,四季分明;二是光照充足、热量丰富、雨热同季;三是冬冷夏热,春温多变,秋高气爽;四是灾害性天气频繁发生。
2 主要灾害性天气及危害情况2.1 暴雨暴雨是济宁市的主要灾害性天气之一,也往往是引起洪涝灾害的直接原因。
济宁市暴雨主要集中在夏季,据济宁站1971—2010年气象资料统计,日降水量≥25 mm(大雨)的年平均日数为7.6 d,日降水量≥50 mm(暴雨)的年平均日数为2.9 d。
2.2 寒潮寒潮的划定标准:按照气象部门的最新规定,每年10月至次年4月,当北方强冷空气南下影响当地时,任意48 h内最低气温下降8 ℃或以上,同时最低气温下降至4 ℃或以下时,称为一次寒潮天气过程。
2.3 大风大风包括观测中的大风标准以及预报中的大风标准。
介绍山东天气情况英文作文The Diverse Weather Patterns of Shandong ProvinceShandong province, located on the eastern coast of China, is known for its diverse and dynamic weather patterns. Situated in the temperate monsoon climate zone, Shandong experiences a range of seasonal changes throughout the year, offering residents and visitors a unique and captivating meteorological experience.Spring in Shandong is a time of rebirth and renewal. As the winter chill gradually subsides, the province is blanketed in a beautiful array of blooming flowers and lush greenery. Temperatures typically range from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius, with a comfortable balance of warm days and cool nights. The spring season is characterized by a moderate amount of rainfall, with occasional thunderstorms and light showers that nourish the land and promote the growth of vegetation. This time of year is particularly popular among outdoor enthusiasts, who can enjoy a variety of activities such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in the province's scenic landscapes.As summer approaches, Shandong's weather takes on a more pronounced character. Temperatures can soar, often reaching 30 degrees Celsius or higher, accompanied by high humidity levels. The summer months are known for their long, sunny days and clear skies, making it an ideal time for beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts to enjoy the province's numerous coastal destinations. However, the summer season in Shandong is not without its challenges. Occasional typhoons and heavy rainfalls can bring about flooding and disrupt daily life, requiring residents to be prepared and vigilant.Autumn in Shandong is a season of transition, as the province gradually transitions from the warmth of summer to the chill of winter. Temperatures begin to drop, with average highs ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius and lows dipping to around 10 degrees Celsius. The autumn months are characterized by a decrease in precipitation, with fewer rainy days and a more comfortable, dry climate. This time of year is particularly popular among travelers, as the province's landscapes are adorned with vibrant hues of red, orange, and yellow, creating a breathtaking visual display.As winter approaches, Shandong's weather becomes increasingly cold and dry. Temperatures can plummet below freezing, with average highs around 5 degrees Celsius and lows dipping as low as -5 degrees Celsius. The winter season in Shandong is often accompanied by snowfall, particularly in the northern and centralregions of the province. The snow-covered landscapes and crisp, clear skies create a serene and picturesque atmosphere, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts and those seeking a respite from the warmer regions of China.One of the unique aspects of Shandong's weather is the influence of its geographic location. The province is situated on the Shandong Peninsula, which juts out into the Yellow Sea, creating a coastal microclimate that can differ significantly from the inland regions. The coastal areas tend to experience milder temperatures, with less extreme fluctuations between seasons. The sea breeze also helps to moderate the humidity levels, providing a more comfortable environment for residents and visitors.In addition to the seasonal variations, Shandong's weather is also influenced by the various topographical features found within the province. The Tai-Hang mountain range, which runs along the western border, creates a rain shadow effect, leading to drier conditions in the eastern regions. Conversely, the Lushan mountains in the south-central part of the province can attract more precipitation, contributing to a more humid microclimate in those areas.The diverse weather patterns of Shandong province have a profound impact on the local economy and way of life. Agriculture, a crucialsector in the province, is heavily dependent on the seasonal rainfall and temperature patterns. Farmers must carefully plan their planting and harvesting schedules to maximize crop yields, often adapting their practices to accommodate the changing weather conditions.The tourism industry in Shandong also benefits from the province's varied weather. Each season offers unique attractions and activities, from the blooming cherry blossoms in spring to the snow-covered landscapes of winter. Coastal cities like Qingdao and Yantai are particularly popular during the summer months, drawing in visitors seeking to enjoy the beaches and water sports.In recent years, Shandong has also been at the forefront of renewable energy development, with a focus on wind and solar power. The province's favorable weather conditions, particularly the strong coastal winds and abundant sunshine, have made it an attractive location for the installation of wind turbines and solar panels, contributing to the province's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable energy solutions.Despite the challenges posed by extreme weather events, such as typhoons and heavy snowfall, the residents of Shandong have demonstrated their resilience and adaptability. Local authorities have implemented comprehensive disaster preparedness and response plans to ensure the safety and well-being of the population, whilealso working to mitigate the long-term impacts of climate change on the province's weather patterns.In conclusion, the diverse weather patterns of Shandong province are a testament to the richness and complexity of China's natural environment. From the temperate, lush landscapes of spring to the snow-covered vistas of winter, Shandong offers a captivating and ever-changing meteorological experience that continues to shape the lives and livelihoods of its inhabitants. As the province continues to adapt and evolve in the face of environmental challenges, its unique weather patterns will undoubtedly remain a defining feature of this dynamic and fascinating region.。
小学英语作文天气和气候的变化(中英文实用版)Title: Weather and Climate ChangesIn recent years, we have witnessed significant changes in weather and climate.These changes are affecting our daily lives, and it is essential for us to understand and adapt to them.Firstly, the weather has become more unpredictable.We often experience sudden changes in temperature, rainfall, and wind speed.For instance, one moment it may be sunny, and the next moment, it starts raining heavily.This unpredictability can be challenging for us to plan our outdoor activities and prepare for potential weather-related risks.Secondly, the climate has been gradually warming.We can notice the increasing temperature during summers, and the shorter winters.These changes affect not only our comfort but also the environment.For example, some animal species are facing difficulties in adapting to the changing climate, and their habitats are being destroyed.Additionally, the changing climate has a significant impact on agriculture.Farmers are struggling to grow crops due to irregular rainfall patterns and extreme weather conditions.To adapt to these changes, we need to take some actions.Firstly, we should raise awareness about the importance of preserving the environment.We can reduce our carbon footprint by using publictransportation, conserving energy, and planting more trees.Secondly, we should adopt sustainable farming practices to ensure food security.This includes using organic fertilizers, practicing crop rotation, and utilizing advanced irrigation stly, we should educate ourselves and our children about the significance of climate change and encourage them to take action to protect our planet.In conclusion, weather and climate changes are affecting our lives significantly.It is crucial for us to understand these changes and take appropriate measures to adapt to them.By working together, we can make a difference and create a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.。
所在城市的四季变化英语作文English:In my city, we experience distinct seasons throughout the year, each with its own unique characteristics. During the spring months, the city comes to life with vibrant colors as flowers bloom and trees regain their foliage. The weather is generally mild, with occasional rain showers that help to nourish the newly awakened flora. As summer approaches, temperatures rise significantly, often accompanied by high humidity levels. This season is characterized by long days filled with sunshine, perfect for outdoor activities such as swimming and picnics in the park. However, the heat can sometimes become oppressive, prompting people to seek refuge indoors or in shaded areas. Autumn brings a breathtaking display of colors as the leaves on trees change from green to various shades of red, orange, and yellow. The air becomes crisp and cool, signaling the transition to colder weather ahead. It's a time for cozy sweaters, hot beverages, and leisurely strolls through parks adorned with fallen leaves. Finally, winter arrives with its chilly temperatures and occasional snowfall. The city transforms into a winter wonderland, with streets and rooftops dusted in white. Despite the cold, there's a certain charm tothe season, especially during the festive holidays when the city is adorned with twinkling lights and decorations. It's a time for warm coats, gloves, and hats, as well as indoor activities like gathering around a fireplace or enjoying a cup of hot cocoa. Each season in my city offers its own unique beauty and experiences, making it a joy to witness the changing of the seasons throughout the year.中文翻译:在我的城市,我们一年四季都能明显感受到不同的季节,每个季节都有着独特的特点。
描述家乡的气候特征英语作文Growing up in my hometown, I have always been enamored by its unique climate characteristics. The city where I spent my childhood is known for its temperate climate, with four distinct seasons throughout the year. From the hot and humid summers to the cold and snowy winters, each season brings its own set of charms and challenges.在我成长的家乡,我一直被它独特的气候特征所吸引。
Summer in my hometown is a time of vibrant energy and activity. The sun shines brightly in the clear blue skies, and the temperature soars to create a hot and humid environment. Despite the sweltering heat, the city comes alive with bustling outdoor markets, lively festivals, and refreshing trips to the local swimming pool or beach. It is a time for friends and family to gather together, enjoying cool treats like ice cream or shaved ice to beat the heat.家乡的夏天充满了充沛的活力和活动。
日照和济宁的不同英语作文Shandong Province is home to many beautiful cities, each with its own unique features. Two of these cities, Rizhao and Jining, although located in the same province, exhibit marked differences in terms of geography, climate, and cultural heritage.Rizhao, known as "Sunshine City," is located on the coast of the Yellow Sea, in the east of Shandong. It is famous for its pleasant climate and abundant sunshine, with an average of over 2,500 hours of sunshine per year. The city boasts beautiful beaches, such as the well-known Wanjia Beach, and a thriving sea-based economy. Rizhao is also known for its rich history and cultural heritage, including the ancient Liangzhu Culture, which dates back to the New Stone Age.In contrast, Jining is located in the south of Shandong Province and is known as "Harmony City." It has a humid subtropical climate with distinct seasons and abundant rainfall. Jining is famous for its Confucian culture, as it is the hometown of Confucius, the great philosopher and educator. The city is home to many historical sites, such as the Confucius Mansion and the Confucius Temple, whichshowcase the profound influence of Confucianism on Chinese society.Moreover, Jining is renowned for its tea culture. The Longjing tea grown in Jining is one of the most prestigious types of tea in China. The city's tea plantations, with their lush greenery and beautiful landscapes, are a major tourist attraction.In summary, while Rizhao is celebrated for its coastal charm and sunny weather, Jining stands out for its rich Confucian heritage and tea culture. These two cities in Shandong Province offer a fascinating contrast that highlights the diversity of China's landscapes and cultures.中文翻译:山东省有许多美丽的城市,每个城市都有其独特的特点。
总751期第十七期2021年6月河南科技Henan Science and Technology济宁市近50年气温特征分析王鹏1朱汉青2(1.济宁市兖州区气象局,山东济宁272100;2.济南市章丘区气象局,山东济南250200)摘要:本文选用济宁市11个站点1970—2019年的逐日平均气温、最高与最低气温观测资料,着重采用线性趋势分析、距平分析等数理统计法,针对这一地区的气温变化特征进行分析。
关键词:气温;变化特征;趋势;济宁市中图分类号:P423文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2021)17-0147-03 Analysis of Temperature Characteristics in Jining City in the Past50YearsWANG Peng1ZHU Hanqing2(1.Yanzhou Meteorological Bureau of Jining City,Jining Shandong272100;2.Zhangqiu Meteorological Bureau of Jinan City,Jinan Shandong250200)Abstract:In this paper,the daily average temperature,maximum and minimum temperature observation data of11 stations in Jining City from1970to2019are selected,and mathematical statistical methods such as linear trend anal⁃ysis and anomaly analysis are used to analyze the characteristics of temperature changes in this area.The results show that the annual average temperature distribution is low in the north and high in the south,low in the west and high in the east.The annual average temperature of each station shows a slight upward trend.The average tempera⁃ture of each station in each season shows a different degree of upward trend,the rising trend of average temperature in spring is the most significant,while the rising trend of average temperature in summer is relatively flat.Except for the maximum temperature of Liangshan and Jiaxiang stations,which show a downward trend,the maximum tempera⁃ture of the other9stations show an increasing trend with the increase of the year.As far as the minimum temperature is concerned,the11stations all show an upward trend to varying degrees.Keywords:temperature;change characteristics;trend;Jining City近百年来,全球地表升温0.85℃左右,全球变暖已经成为不争的事实。
Hale Waihona Puke 秋天(九月至十一月):秋天是济宁最宜人的时候,气候凉爽宜人。平均气温在15°C至25°C之间,是出游的好季节。但是,秋末到初冬时期的气温波动较大,早晚温差较大,需要及时添衣保暖。
Autumn is the most pleasant season in Jining, with a cool and comfortable climate. The average temperature ranges from 15°C to 25°C, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities. However, the temperature fluctuates significantly towards the end of autumn and beginning of winter, and it is important to dress warmly to cope with the large temperature difference between day and night.
Spring (March to May):
In spring, the weather in Jining starts to warm up gradually. The average temperature ranges from 10°C to 20°C. However, there is quite a difference between day and night temperatures, so it is advisable to bring a sweater or light jacket when going out. Rainfall is moderate in spring, and occasional spring storms might occur. It is recommended to carry an umbrella and raincoat when going out.
济宁天气英语作文带翻译Title: A Glimpse of Weather in Jining。
Weather plays a significant role in our daily lives, influencing our activities, moods, and even health. Today, let's take a closer look at the weather in Jining, a city rich in culture and history, located in the southwestern part of Shandong Province, China.Jining's climate can be described as temperate, with four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season brings its own charm and challenges to thecity's residents.Spring in Jining arrives with a burst of vitality, as cherry blossoms adorn the streets and parks. The weather gradually warms up, with temperatures ranging from 10 to 20 degrees Celsius. However, spring also brings occasionalrain showers, nourishing the earth and bringing forth lush greenery.Summer in Jining is characterized by hot and humid weather, with temperatures often soaring above 30 degrees Celsius. The scorching sun beats down relentlessly, prompting locals to seek refuge in air-conditioned spaces or shady spots. Despite the heat, summer evenings in Jining can be quite pleasant, ideal for leisurely strolls along the city's riverside promenades.As summer fades into autumn, Jining undergoes a transformation marked by cooler temperatures and vibrant foliage. The crisp air carries the scent of fallen leaves, signaling the arrival of harvest season. Temperatures range from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, providing a comfortable environment for outdoor activities such as hiking or picnicking.Winter in Jining is relatively mild compared to northern regions of China, with temperatures averaging around 0 to 5 degrees Celsius. While snowfall is rare, occasional flurries dust the cityscape with a picturesque charm. Locals bundle up in thick coats and scarves,savoring steaming bowls of hotpot to ward off the chill.In conclusion, the weather in Jining exhibits a diverse range of climates throughout the year, from the blooming vitality of spring to the cozy tranquility of winter. Regardless of the season, Jining offers a unique and captivating experience for residents and visitors alike.在济宁的天气对我们的日常生活起着重要作用,影响着我们的活动、情绪甚至健康。
济宁天气英语作文Jining, a city located in the eastern part of Shandong Province, China, is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. However, the weather in Jining is also a topic of interest for many. Here is a composition about the weather in Jining:Jining's weather is characterized by its distinct seasons, each offering a unique experience. Spring is a time of renewal and growth, with temperatures gradually rising from the chill of winter. The city is adorned with blooming flowers and the air is filled with the scent of fresh greenery. The average temperature in spring hovers around 15°C (59°F), making it a pleasant time for outdoor activities.Summer in Jining is hot and humid, with temperatures often exceeding 30°C (86°F). This is the season whe n the city experiences its heaviest rainfall, which is crucial for the region's agriculture. Locals and visitors alike enjoy the refreshing coolness of the nearby rivers and lakes, providing a welcome respite from the summer heat.Autumn is perhaps the most comfortable season in Jining, with mild temperatures and clear skies. The average temperature drops to around 20°C (68°F), and the city is enveloped in agolden hue as the leaves change color. This is the perfect time for sightseeing, as the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.Winter in Jining can be quite cold, with temperatures sometimes dipping below freezing. Snow is not uncommon, and the city is often blanketed in a layer of white, creating a picturesque landscape. The average temperature in winter is around 0°C (32°F), and it is a time for staying warm and enjoying indoor activities.In conclusion, Jining's weather is as diverse as its cultural offerings. Each season brings its own charm and beauty, making it an ideal destination for those who appreciate the changing face of nature.This composition provides a brief overview of the weather throughout the year in Jining, highlighting the main characteristics of each season.。
农业灾害研究 2023,13(10)山东省济宁市大雾天气气候特征分析董益多沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院,辽宁沈阳 110866摘要 利用山东济宁11个国家气象观测站点10年(2005—2014)的地面观测资料,运用统计分析的方法分析济宁市大雾的气候特征。
关键词 大雾;统计分析;时空分布;气候特征中图分类号:P426.4 文献标识码:B 文章编号:2095–3305(2023)10–0151-03大雾是一种灾害性天气,对航空航海、陆地运输、生态环境和人们的生产生活均有不利影响[1-3]。
在中国气象局的《地面气象观测规范》中提道:“雾”是指大量微小水滴浮游空中,使水平能见度小于1.0 km的天气现象[4-6]。
山东省济宁市2024生物七年级上册第一单元《生物和生物圈》部编版综合诊断模拟卷学校:_______ 班级:__________姓名:_______ 考号:__________(满分:100分时间:60分钟)总分栏题号一二三四五六七总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题:本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分。
造成橘子这种差异的非生物因素主要是( )A.温度B.土壤C.光照D.水分2.古诗“月出惊山鸟,时鸣春涧中”体现的生物特征是( )A.生物的生活需要营养B.生物能生长和繁殖C.生物能对外界刺激作出反应D.生物都有遗传和变异的特性3.龙湖湿地公园风景秀丽,生物种类繁多。
下列各项中,属于生态系统的是( )A.龙湖中的水B.龙湖中的所有荷花C.整个龙湖D.龙湖中的所有生物4.核污染水中含有某些无法被生物分解排除的放射性物质,这些物质会对海洋生物乃至整个生物圈造成巨大危害。
四月的洛阳花开满城,洛河里野鸭戏水,绿柳斜映水中,下列相关叙述中不正确的是()A.整个洛河可以看做是一个生态系统B.洛河上的野鸭的生殖方式和鱼一样,都是有性生殖且生殖和发育离不开水C.洛河里的水草、鱼和野鸭可以构成一条食物链D.如果遭遇水质污染,野鸭体内的有害物质浓度最高8.下列选项中都属于生物的是A.珊瑚和珊瑚虫B.钟乳石和生石花C.新型冠状病毒和木马病毒D.木耳和白木耳9.下列生物中属于生产者的是( )A.细菌B.真菌C.草履虫D.海带10.“大鱼吃小鱼,小鱼吃虾米”这一食物链可以准确地表示为()A.虾米→小鱼→大鱼B.植物→大鱼→小鱼→虾米→细菌C.阳光→虾米→小鱼→大鱼D.植物→虾米→小鱼→大鱼11.同学们请仔细观察一下,在你的教室中,以下物体不属于生物的是()A.班级窗台青翠的绿萝B.老师板书的粉笔C.空气中的细菌和真菌D.可爱的同学们12.稻鱼鸭共生系统是我国南方一种长期发展的农业生态系统,稻田为鱼、鸭提供适宜的生长环境,鱼、鸭以杂草、害虫、浮游生物等为食,鱼粪、鸭粪可作为水稻的肥料。
年降水量以-4.04 mm/10年的趋势增减少,其中,夏季降水减少最为显著,降水趋势系数为-1.92 mm/10年,但春季和冬季降水增加。
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