综合英语5Unit 3英英解释
英语(综合教程5)一到三单元{textA以及第一单元单词} 3

Unit 1Part 11)If you know from experience that you are the over-anxious type, it is critical that you allot(分配,拨给) a fixed ration of time every day for relaxation.2)We will stand up for our rights,even if we have to go through fire and water(赴汤蹈火)to secure them.3)Good health is a combination of many factors,most of which reside(住,居住,属于)within the individual.4)When the specialists finally announced that her son was deaf and that there was nothing they could do,the woman sobbed(啜泣).5)In his first email the man who called himself Johnson Michael made no mention of(没有提及)where he was from ,nor did he disclose his contact number and address.6)The Vice-Minister of Environment Protection stressed at the meeting that china will not sacrifice(牺牲)environment to foster economic growth.7)Amid a massiv,multi-year mess i came upon(偶然遇见/发现)this old brooch when i was cleaning out the attic.8)To understand what sets the beat of your heart,and why that rhythm(节奏,韵律)is so important,it is helpful to understand what exactly a heartbeat is.9)This set of Dickens is definitely something to value.The paper is fine quality,covers are solid and each volumn(册,本)includes the original illustrations selected by Dickens himself to accompany his words.10)They see you as something of a(可以说是一个)worrier,seeing problems which don’t exist and crossing bridges long before you come to them.Part 2●What did you do after you graduated from the State University? -- I stayed on as an assistant professor.●Why do you hold the watch to your ear?-- I hold it to my ear because I want to hear time tick away.●Hey,Joe.how is your new job?--The salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light.●What is the lesson Little Red Hood teaches children?--The moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers.●The scenery is gorgeous,isn’t it?--Yes, but it cannot hold a candle to HuangshanPart 31)The nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn(胃不舒服欲吐).2)When she sank into(沉浸于)drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow.3)In the 1500 meters, Martin and Parker came first and third respectively(各自的,分别的).4)The two hills Shunner Fell from the north and Lovely Seat from the south flank(侧面,侧翼)the famous Butter Tubs Pass.5)Levi, in gratitude to(对...心存感激)Joshua, gave a party for him.part 41.Ambition drives us to excel at what we do,make the most of our opportunities,and to practice our talents to their fullest extent.Selfish ambitions,on the other hand ,drive us to achievements meant to gritify our own desires regardless of the needs of others.2.In a typical madical discours,after the disease and likely remedy are listed,a case history is supplied by way of illustration so that readers can see the point more clearly .3.Namaste ,a Sanskrit word that translates literally as “I bow to you ”,is engraved (雕刻,使铭记,使牢记)on the wedding rings.It is hoped that the couple who exchange them are committing to the journey inward(内心的,里面的),as they make an outwardexpression of their commitment to each other and the world around them .Part 51.They may have come upon/across documents relating to theirearly life when they cleared out their dead parents’papers.2.I explained that this piece of news had come out during my longinterview with Inspector Drew the night before.3.It’s funny ,but when the lights come on/upon,it suddenly seemsdarker in the park.4.I came across feminist politics while i was at college in Londenin the mid-seventies.5.Utimately,much of the debate comes down to the questions ofchoice .6.All i could remember when i came around/to was my mother’sanxious face.7.When it comes to clothes ,i think the standard has droppedradically in the last five years.8.Frank came through four prisoner-of-war camps with anoptimistic mentality.9.They came up with a far better deal than i could have got on myown.10.I can not wait until Christmas comes up and we have fun.Part 6My parents were certain of one thing.they would go through fire and water to make sure i had books around me,despite the small salary we had to live on .As for me ,i would give my mother no peace until she was reading me a story .Not that she minded too much ,for she liked nothing better than to sink into a good book and had the ambition that i should come to share her taste. By way of encouragement,she would read to me in her wonderfully expressive voice as she churned the butter.It is a memory engraved on my heart .To my mind ,television could not hold a candle to(不能与...相比)her storytelling. Having been read to so often when young means that whenever i write anything now i always hear an inward voice speaking the lines ,a voice that i have come to rely upon.Developing a love for reading and writing is a role that parents can play in their children’s lives.Success in school and later careers depends on a large scale on having good reading and writing skills.These days we constantly hear about the important of literacy (读写能力;精通文学).What does literacy mean ?It’s the ability to read and write.Help your children learn to love reading.The key is to start early.Read out loud to your children regularly.Research shows that reading together just 30 minutes a day significantly improves your child’s reading ability.Aside from that,another important activity for promoting literacy is using the library .Get a library card for each child ,let them go often to select new books on their own .Check with the librarian to find what is appropriate(适当的).Take the time to look your daily activities and help your child see the connection to reading and writing.Cooking ,reading food labels ,playing word games,and writing stories can be helpful ,too. For children who don’t read much,it might take time to get used to reading aloud,and later,silent reading .Give it the time it deserves.You may get tired of reading the same stories again and again but it is that repetition(重复,背诵,副本)that is so important for your child.Children see adults around them writing and reading messages,notes,articles or books.This often makes them want to say their ideas out loud so you can write them down .At preschool age or older,children begin to write ,using their own invented spelling or best guess.They understand that writing helps them share important information and expriences.It is less important for children to spellthe words right than it is to enjoy the exprience.Correct spelling can happen a litter later.Part 7Translation中文:我的祖母不识字,可是她有一箩筐的神话和传奇故事。

1.inclined1 [not before noun] wanting to do somethingShe was inclined to trust him.2 tending to do somethingHe's inclined to be lazy.3 inclined to agree, believe, think, expressing an opinion but not very stronglyI'm inclined to agree with you.4 (with particular adverbs) having a natural ability for something; preferring to do somethingMusically/ academically inclined children2.paralyzedParalytic adj. /n. 瘫痪的,中风患者Paralysis n. 麻痹,停顿paralyze 使麻痹;使瘫痪3.peninsula陆地一半伸入海洋或湖泊,一半同大陆相连的地貌状态,它的其余三面被水包围。
an area of land that is almost surrounded by water but is joined to a larger piece of land4.afflictto affect sb./ sth. in an unpleasant or harmful wayafflict sb./ sth Aid will be sent to the afflicted areas.Severe drought has afflicted the region.be afflicted with sth About 40% of the country’s population is afflicted with the disease.5.motor nerves运动神经vegetative nerves 植物神经6.aid 1) n.in aid of … = in order to help …(British English) e.g. collecting money in aid of charity1 [U] money, food, etc. that is sent to help countries in difficult situationseconomic/ humanitarian/ emergency aidAn extra £10 million in foreign aid has been promised.aid agencies (= organizations that provide help)medical aid programs financial aid, legal aid2 [U] help that you need to perform a particular taskHe was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator.3 [U] (formal) help that is given to a personcome/ go to one’s aid first aid 急救4 [C] an object, a machine, etc. that you use to help you do somethinga hearing aid2) v. aid refugees/ government-aided research/ aid: make it easier to happen7.install1 to fix equipment or furniture so that it can be usedget a phone installed2 to put a new program into a computerI'll need some help installing the software.3 install sb. (as sth) to put somebody in a new position of authority, often with an officialceremony e.g. He was installed as President last May.4 install sb. /yourself (+ adverb/prep.)to make sb. /yourself comfortable in a particular place or positionWe installed ourselves in the front row.8. A split-level house or room has part of the ground floor at a different level from another part,usually because the house has been built on ground that slopes. (房屋)错层式的9.utterly~ completely, informally used as intensifierstotally / entirely / completely / absolutely / thoroughly / fully / strictly(严格地,完全地)10.hobble vi./vt./n. totter vi.蹒跚,踉跄11.cripple v. to weaken 削弱,deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg使残疾n. 残疾人,跛子adj. disabled,spavined跛的(一重)12.hold on to control, stand on, rely onhold on grasp, keep, hang on, persist13.frustrated: disappointingly unsuccessful frustrate v./ adj.14.gusty15.slashing16.jerked17.bang18.blowout19.slick20.enormity21.weep22.thump23.driveway = a road leading up to a private house24.honk vi.发出汽车喇叭声,发雁鸣/vt.按汽车喇叭/n. 汽车喇叭声horn喇叭,号角25.peer at凝视peer n.同等的人,贵族v.凝视,与…同等peer pressure26.flat tire27.crutch28.bundle29.slacken30.clank31.jack32.tilt33.jacked-up34.interval35.slam36.lid37.frail38.be all set。

Although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stack of myths and legends.小时候我总是缠着她,要她给我讲故事。
When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories.而她在忙完家务后,总会把我抱在膝上,一边讲故事一边有节奏地晃动我。
After she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm.这些故事加上她丰富的表情,深深地吸引住了我。
These stories and her expressive face appealed profoundly to me.我父母发现了我对故事的浓厚兴趣,不失时机地引导我进行阅读。
Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading.他们给我买了许多带插图的故事书,有空的时候就一遍遍地读给我听。
They bought many storybooks with illustations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. 慢慢地我认识了很多字,能自行阅读了。
By and by I had a vocabulary large to read on my own .一项又一项的研究发现,食物和一些慢性病之间有密切关系。
全新版大学英语综合5 教程 Unit3 the Truth about Lying

Word-web Background Information Warm-up Questions Discussion Topic-related Prediction
Spot Dictation Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks. White lies are those little lies that we tell to avoid causing embarrassment . Can we live without ________________________ them? On the one hand, we don’t want to _________ hurt other people’s feelings . But on the other, we don’t want to ______________ a way out of the lie to them. There is, however, ______________ dilemma , as you will discover in the short talk you ________ are about to hear.
The story of Watergate has an intriguing historical and political background, arising out of political events of the 1960s. But the chronology of the scandal really begins during 1972, when the burglars were arrested. By 1973, Richard Nixon had been re-elected President, but the storm clouds were building. By early 1974, the nation was consumed by Watergate. Nixon made three major speeches on the Watergate scandal during 1973 and 1974.
综合教程 第五册 unit3 A hunging George Orwell

UNIT3A HangingIt was in Burma, a sodden morning of the rains. We were waiting outside the condemned cells, a row of sheds fronted with double bars, like small animal cages. Each cell measured about ten feet by ten and was quite bare within except for a plank bed and a pot of drinking water. In some of them brown silent men were squatting at the inner bars, with their blankets draped round them. These were the condemned men, due to be hanged within the next week or two.那是在缅甸,一个泡在雨水中的清晨。
One prisoner had been brought out of his cell. He was a Hindu, a puny wisp of a man, with a shaven head and vague liquid eyes. Six tall Indian warders were guarding him and getting him ready for the gal lows. Two of them stood by with rifles and fixed bayonets, while the others handcuffed him, passed a c hain through his handcuffs and fixed it to their belts, and lashed his arms tight to his sides. They cro wded very close about him, with their hands always on him in a careful, caressing grip, as though all the while feeling him to make sure he was there. But he stood quite unresisting, yielding his arm s limply to the ropes, as though he hardly noticed what was happening.一个死囚已经被带出他的牢房。
高中英语必修五Unit 3 课文详解

必修5 Unit 3 Life in the Future 未来生活Spaceman:******************************************15/11/3010 (Earthtime)Dear Mum and Dad, I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year.亲爱的爸爸妈妈!我依然不能相信我现在在领取我去年获得的奖品。
【注释:take up(1)To accept (an option,a bet, or a challenge) as offered.接受所提供的(一种选择、一笔赌注或一个挑战)eg. I’ll take up your challenge.我接受你的挑战。
(2)To begin again; resume:再次开始;重新开始:eg. Let's take up where we left off.让我们接着我们停下来的地方重新开始(3)To use up, consume, or occupy:用尽,耗掉或占用:eg. The extra duties took up most of my time.额外工作耗费了我绝大部分时间(4)To develop an interest in or devotionto:喜欢,钟爱:对…产生了兴趣或钟爱:eg. take up mountain climbing.喜欢上登山运动】I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3010.我不得不不断地提醒自己:我真的已经生活在公元3010年。
【注释:remind sb. of /about sth.提醒某人注意某事;remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事;remind sb. that-clause提醒某人…/使某人想起… eg. 1)The picture reminds me of my childhood. 2) Please remind me to attend the meeting tomorrow. 3) He reminded me that I should take the medicine on time. 辨析:remind, remember, recall(1)remind指人或某事使人“联想起”另外的人或事,用于remind sb. of…结构中;(2)remember主要表示“还记得、记住了过去发生的事情”,指事物自然在记忆中出现,不包含意志;但与can或could连用时,其所接宾语及意义与recall基本一致,eg. Do you remember giving/ having given me this photo? (3)recall指有意识地“回忆、回想”,强调其动作包含有意识的努力或意志,常与can或could连用。

Unit 3 Life in the future (知识点剖析)(一)单词·巧记·典句·考点1. vehicle[v'i:ikl]n.交通工具;车辆【巧记提示】词根vect,“传送;运载”。
【经典例句】The street is dominated by car vehicles.街道上满是车辆。
【考点聚焦】1)vehicle 特指陆地上的交通工具。
2)vehicle还可以指“(思想、情报的)传达手段、媒介”,如:This radio station has become a vehicle for conservative opinion.这家电台已成为保守派意见的传播管道。
3)常见同义词有conveyance n.运输;财产让与;运输工具;carriage n.四轮马车;客车2. private[p'rivit] adj.私人的;私有的【巧记提示】priv(单独;个别;私下)+-ate(具有或显示某性质)。
【经典例句】This is private parking lot, you cannot park here.这是私人的停车点,你不能在这里停车。
【考点聚焦】1)固定搭配:in private 秘密的;不公开的;私下的反义词:in public 公开的;公众的2)同根词:privacy n.私生活;隐私如:Telling that on TV was invasion of her privacy.在电视上谈论那件事侵犯了她的隐私权。
']n.印象;感想;印记3. impression[im pre【巧记提示】im(置于某状态或条件中;向内)+press(给……以压力)+ion(表示行为;行为的状态或结果)【经典例句】His speech made quite an impression on the audience.他的演说给听众留下了相当好的印象。
人教版高中英语必修5unit3 单词讲解共31页文档

61、奢侈是舒适的,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿
人教版高中英语必修5unit3 单词讲解
11、用道德的示范来造就一个人,显然比用法律来约束他更有价值。—— 希腊
12、法律是无私的,对谁都一视同仁。在每件事上,她都不徇私情。—— 托马斯
13、公正的法律限制不了好的自由,因为好人不会去做法律不允许的事 情。——弗劳德
14、法律是为了保护无辜而制定的。——爱略特 15、像房子一样,法律和法律都是相互依存的。——伯克


• 周:我明白了!你有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说 他的报道失实?
• 胡:有的。不过这是很久以前的事了。事情是这样的:一位足球 运动员被指挥受贿,故意不进球,好让对方球队赢球。我们去采 访了他。他否认收了钱,但我们对此表示怀疑。于是,我们安排 这名球员和被认为行贿的人一起接受采访,而当我们看到他们在 一起时,我们就从足球运动员的体态语上猜到他没有说真话。我 们写了一篇文章,暗示足球队员有罪。这事有些为难,因为如果 我们错了,他就可以向我们索要赔偿。他竭力阻止我们发表这篇 文章,但后来证实我们是正确的。
• 周:我应该注意些什么呢? • 胡:下面是我的行为准则:不要延误任务规定的期限,
不可对人粗鲁,不可自己说得太多,务必认真倾听被采 访人回答问题。 • 周:为什么听人家讲话这样重要呢? • 胡:你得听清楚事实的细节。同时,你还要根据被采访 人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。 • 周:在我记笔记的同时,怎么能仔细倾听对方的答话呢? • 胡:这就是我们职业的诀窍了。如果被采访人允许,你 可以使用录音机,录下全部事实。如果有人提出质疑, 这也有用,你就有证据来支持自己的报道了。
•我仍旧记得我们被太空服务员一起叫到时 间舱,爬上去进入一个小门。座位是很舒 适的,喝了点镇静剂后,我们的眼睛就闭 上了,感到昏昏欲睡似的。时间舱在轻轻 左右摇晃,我们放松地躺在那里做梦。几 分钟以后,旅程结束,我们就到了。我仍 然在地球上,但是进入到了未来的一千年。 我们会看到什么呢?
• 周:哇!那才是真正的独家新闻哩!我期盼着即将到来的首次任 务。说不定我也会搞到独家新闻呢!
• 胡:也许你会的,谁知道呢。
必修5 Unit3.docx

Unit 3aspect n.方面;层面impression n.印象;感想;印记take up拿起;接受;开始;继续constant adj.时常发生的;连续不断的constantly adv.不断地jet n.喷气式飞机previous adj.在前的;早先的uncertain adj.不确切的;无把握的guide n.指导;向导;导游vt.指引;指导tablet n.药片capsule n.太空舱;胶囊steward n.乘务员;服务员stewardess n.女乘务员opening n.(出入的)通路;开口;开端sideways adv.往(向、从)一侧;侧着;侧面朝前surroundings n.周围的事物;环境surrounding adj.周围的tolerate vt.容忍;忍受lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有n.缺乏;短缺的东西adjustment n.调整;调节mask n.面具;面罩;伪装be back on one’s feet(困境后)恢复;完全复原carriage n.运输工具;四轮马车;客车press vi.& vt.按;压;逼迫n.按;压;印刷;新闻fasten vt.系牢;扎牢belt n.腰带;皮带safety belt安全带lose sight of…看不见……sweep up打扫;横扫flash vt.& vi.(使)闪光;(使)闪现switch n.开关;转换vt.转换timetable n.时间表;时刻表slide into(快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进……optimistic adj.乐观(主义)的speed up加速mud n.泥(浆)desert n.沙漠;荒原citizen n.公民;居民;市民typist n.打字员typewriter n.打字机postage n.邮资postcode n.邮政编码button n.钮锃;按钮instant n.瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;立刻的receiver n.接受者;接收器;电话听筒dustbin n.垃圾箱ecology n.生态;生态学greedy adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的swallow vt.吞下;咽下material n.原料;材料recycle vt.回收利用;再利用goods n.货物representative n.代表;典型人物adj.典型的;有代表性的settlement n.定居;解决motivation n.动机。

邹为诚综合英语5课文翻译第一篇:邹为诚综合英语5课文翻译SUBJECT 1我和JOHNSON 在PAOLI将军家用餐。
JOHNSON说道, “男人和女人结婚生活在一起一点也不自然,我们发现,所有维系他们婚姻关系的动因以及文明社会为防止他们分离而强加的限制都很难使他们维系在一起。
JOHNSON 反驳说,“他们之间会产生足够的争吵及意见不和,只是这种不和将以别的形式出现。
新世纪大学英语 综合英语5 unit3

Suddenly the whole room broke into a sea of shouting, as they saw me rise. Waves of rejoicing swept the Place. Women leaped in the air. My aunt threw her arms around me. The minister took me by the hand and led me to the platform. When things quieted down, in a hushed silence, punctuated by a few ecstatic “Amens,” all the new young lambs were blessed in the name of God. Then joyous singing filled the room.
The preacher preached a wonderful rhythmical sermon, all moans and shouts and lonely cries and dire pictures of hell, and then he sang a song about the ninety and nine safe in the fold, but one little lamb was left out in the cold. Then he said: “Won’t you come? Won’t you come to Jesus? Young lambs, won’t you come?” And he held out his arms to all us young sinners there on the mourners’ bench. And the little girls cried. And some of them jumped up and went to Jesus right away. But most of us just sat there.

在令人难忘的1905年,他创造了很多非同寻常的东西,其中就有相对论极其著名的衍生公式,E≒mc (能量等于质量乘以光速的平方),以及有关光的量子论。
但这个不为人知的年轻人大胆地将这两个理论同时抛出----- 而且他的这两个理论都是正确的,至于他为何是正确的,其中的缘由过于复杂,此处就不多说了。
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• Para. 1 • It is what I experienced in Burma, on a very wet morning during the monsoon. • We were waiting outside the condemned cells, the rooms where prisoners were kept under sentence of death. • They were small wooden buildings next to one another, and like small animal cages, they had two lines of metal bars across their windows.
• Annoyed at the delay in carrying out the execution, , he bad-temperedly told the head jailer called Francis to hurry up, as the man was supposed to have been put to death by that time. • Para. 4 • Francis, the head jailer, was a dark-skinned man from southern India. He was wearing a white suit made of a strong cotton fabric, and was wearing gold-rimmed glasses.
Unit 3 A Hanging
• Title: an execution of a criminal by hanging. This text is a record of how a criminal sentenced to death by hanging was executed in a prison yard. • Apart from execution by hanging, there may be, in modern times, execution by shooting, execution by electrocution (ie death by the electric chair), execution by lethal injection (death by lethal injection). In the old times, they took some more cruel forms: decapitation (to cut off the head of a person), being hanged, drawn and quartered (in England), being burnt at the stake.
• These prison guards all stood very close to a single man, and their hands never lost touch with him for a moment. • They held him cautiously and somewhat gently, as if they believed that as long as they could feel him, he could not possibly run away. • But he stood there without trying in any way to stop what was happening. His arms were hanging loosely, allowing anything to be done to them by the ropes. He accepted it with resignation as if nothing was happening at all.
George Orwell
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About the author: George Orwell, pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair (1903-1950), British novelist, essayist, and critic, whose brilliant reporting and political conscience fashioned an impassioned picture of his life and times. A writer of remarkable clarity, Orwell claimed that fine prose should be transparent, “like a window-pane.” In his essays “Shooting an Elephant” and “Politics and the English Language,” he asserted that dishonest politics and slipshod language are inseparably connected evils. His essays provide models of what he preached. Orwell felt impelled to write on political themes to counter the totalitarian tendencies that he felt threatened his age. Such concerns prompted the two satirical novels for which he is best known, Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949). George Orwell was one of many foreigners who served in the Spanish Civil War. Orwell was a member of POUM, a Marxist group affiliated with the Republican side in the war. His accounts of the war, such as that in Homage to Catalonia, are considered to be among the best commentaries on the war and its complexities.
• Para. 2 • His death warrant having come through, one prisoner had been brought out of his cinduism, a physically delicate and small man who had his hair cut very close to the skin; his eyes were clear and shining but we couldn’t tell from those eyes what exactly he was thinking.
• Para. 6 • We started to walk toward the gallows, a wooden structure from which the prisoner would be hanged. • Two guards walked on either side of the prisoner with their rifles resting on the shoulder at an angle; two others escorted him on either side. They were clasping him by the arm and shoulder and it seemed that they were both pushing him along and supporting him on his way to death.
• Each cell was about 10 square feet in size, and there was nothing in it except for a small wooden bed and a pot with drinking water in it. • We saw dark-skinned men somewhere behind the inner line of bars in some of the cells. • They didn’t talk to each other and were sitting on the floor, wrapped up in their blankets. • These were the prisoners sentenced to death, who were scheduled to be executed by hanging within the next week or two.
• Para. 5 • In reply to Francis, the superintendent gave the order to march off. He wanted to get this done as soon as possible because the prisoners had to wait for their breakfast until the man was hanged.
• Six Indian prison guards were watching over him, and making the last-minute preparations for his execution. • Two of them were ready for action with their rifles fixed with bayonets, while the others put handcuffs on him, passed a chain through his handcuffs and fastened it to their belts, and tied his arms securely to his sides.