unit1Period 6—赵静


Unit1 Period 1 Opening Page(课件)—高中英语(人教版2019必修第一册)

Unit1 Period 1 Opening Page(课件)—高中英语(人教版2019必修第一册)

Step 2 Listening Activity 3 Pre-listening 2. Learn about the new words
movement n. 动作;运动;活动 greenhouse n. 温室; 暖房; clean up 打扫(或清除)干净 suitable adj. adj. 合适的;适用的;适当的 suitable for 对……合适 actually adv. 事实上;的确
modern, traditional … ) And now share your ideas with the class.
Step 1 Warming up (Opening Page) Activity 2 Introduction and inspiration
1. Read through the learning objectives at the bottom of the Opening Page to have a general idea of what you are going to learn in this unit. 2. Think about and talk about how to plan your English learning with the teacher’s guidance. 3. Introduce the teaching contents and teaching and learning objectives of this period.
Step 2 Listening Activity 3 Pre-listening 2. Learn about the new words
ballet n. 芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团 volunteer n. 志愿者;义务工作者



Unit 1 Lesson 6天津公开课教案授课教师:天津市和平区西康路小学张秀敏Lesson 6 教学设计一、整体设计思路本节课以培养学生语言能力、思维品质、文化品格和学习能力为教学目标,紧密结合天津市教委对课后服务的新要求和我校暖课程建设,为学生们循序渐进地创设生动、真实的语言环境,运用希沃白板制作英文课程表,实现交互学习的同时操练How many...lessons do you have in a week? We have.... We have ...lessons on ... and ...,提高学习效率。


在课堂中进行二次分组,让学生用What club do you like best? 寻找与自己喜欢同样俱乐部的学生,找到同伴,组成新的小组,培养了学生的思维品质和用英语做事情的综合语言运用能力。




二、教学目标1. 语言能力(1) 通过创设天津市委对课后服务的要求,介绍学校素拓课程的真实情境,让学生在实际应用中学习目标词汇:art club, music club和paint a picture, play the piano,在对话交流中习得知识。

(2) 学生能够在真实的语境中,正确运用句型学习并进一步巩固讯问一周有几节课的语言How many music lessons do you have in a week? We have two. We often… in our...club. 应用白板一起制作英语课程表。





附件:焦作市2016年度“一师一优课、一课一名师”活动优质课获奖名单2017年2月27日附件焦作市2016年度“一师一优课、一课一名师”活动优质课获奖名单证书编号授课题目获奖人姓名获奖人单位等次焦教[2017]001号调查周边环境中的生物石玉林博爱县清化镇中心学校一焦教[2017]002号心中那盏灯毋瑞芳博爱县松林小学一焦教[2017]003号数学广角——鸡兔同笼路瑶博爱县卫东小学一焦教[2017]004号地震中的父与子娄珊珊博爱县秀珠小学一焦教[2017]005号秋天的怀念孔研博爱县秀珠小学一焦教[2017]006号孟母断织劝学(剧本)刘艳霞博爱县秀珠小学一焦教[2017]007号How many? 赵静焦作市实验小学一焦教[2017]008号DO RE MI 李双双焦作市实验小学一焦教[2017]009号谁画的鱼最大王璐焦作市实验小学一焦教[2017]010号王几何马彦焦作市第二十中学一焦教[2017]011号金属材料申芳莹焦作市第十八中学一焦教[2017]012号Section A 3a—3c 刘雯倩焦作市第十八中学一焦教[2017]013号世界的海陆分布王德意焦作市第十八中学一焦教[2017]014号Unit 1 Robots will do everything. 赵月华焦作市解放区和平街小学一焦教[2017]015号自己的花是让别人看的秦利娟焦作市解放区环城南路第二小学一焦教[2017]016号我最好的老师孙海燕焦作市解放区实验学校一焦教[2017]017号俄国向何处去吴为焦作市解放区实验学校一焦教[2017]018号装饰色彩杜艳焦作市解放区王褚乡西王褚小学一焦教[2017]019号发展奔跑能力的练习和游戏杨世永焦作市学生路小学一焦教[2017]020号圆柱的表面积赵艳伟焦作市学生路小学一焦教[2017]021号小鹿的玫瑰花王灵艳焦作市学生路小学一焦教[2017]022号Unit2 I think that mooncakesare delicious! SectionA 1a-2d闫明亮焦作市第六中学一焦教[2017]023号立方根张茹焦作市第六中学一焦教[2017]024号数星星的孩子杨荣焦作市马村区待王学校一焦教[2017]025号笔算除法王芳焦作市马村区工人村小学一焦教[2017]026号小嘎子和胖墩儿比赛摔跤琚冲焦作市马村区实验学校一焦教[2017]027号数学广角──推理郭翠红孟州市大定办事处育新小学一焦教[2017]028号火烧云和景玲孟州市韩愈小学一焦教[2017]029号沁园春雪高慧芳孟州市韩愈中学一焦教[2017]030号圆的认识朱丽莎孟州市南庄镇南庄小学一焦教[2017]031号科学记数法李利平孟州市实验初级中学一焦教[2017]032号巨人的花园崔楠孟州市西虢镇韩园交通希望小学一焦教[2017]033号享受学习宋红卫沁阳市第二中学一焦教[2017]034号用计算器计算李玉品沁阳市崇义镇崇义小学一焦教[2017]035号神奇的“复制”与“组合”张娟娟沁阳市第一小学一焦教[2017]036号直线、射线和线段陈娜娜沁阳市第一小学一焦教[2017]037号认识面积辛佩佩沁阳市第一小学一焦教[2017]038号卤代烃薛军红沁阳市第一中学一焦教[2017]039号细胞器——系统内的分工与合作郭小芬沁阳市第一中学一焦教[2017]040号指数函数的图像和性质武斌沁阳市第一中学一焦教[2017]041号unit23lesson1 living in a community 闫冬蕾沁阳市第一中学一焦教[2017]042号Lesson3 Living Abroad 董静静沁阳市第一中学一焦教[2017]043号我爱北京天安门邱丽娟沁阳市沁园办事处联盟街小学一焦教[2017]044号颐和园黄淑娟沁阳市实验小学一焦教[2017]045号最短路径问题张利菊沁阳市外国语中学一焦教[2017]046号唯一的听众郭琳芳沁阳市西向镇龙泉小学一焦教[2017]047号桥卢小霞焦作市山阳区焦东路小学一焦教[2017]048号平行四边形的面积李波焦作市山阳区焦东路小学一焦教[2017]049号Module 6 Unit 1 You can play footballwell.曹美娟焦作市山阳区解放东路第一小学一焦教[2017]050号我爱你,汉字李方芳焦作市塔南路小学一焦教[2017]051号伯牙绝弦许小霞焦作市塔南路小学一焦教[2017]052号内能石生德焦作市城乡一体化示范区宁郭镇张庄初级中学一焦教[2017]053号咏雪张冬雨焦作市城乡一体化示范区宁郭镇张庄初级中学一焦教[2017]054号小小的船石艳焦作市城乡一体化示范区实验学校一焦教[2017]055号唯一的听众范文文焦作市城乡一体化示范区实验学校一焦教[2017]056号数轴毋秋香焦作市城乡一体化示范区阳庙镇聂村初级中学一焦教[2017]057号Unit6 I'm going to study computerscience.Section A(1a-1c)常贞贞焦作市道清中学一焦教[2017]058号武术刘大超焦作市道清中学一焦教[2017]059号七子之歌澳门陈丽华焦作市道清中学一焦教[2017]060号正弦函数的图像王存杰焦作市第十二中学一焦教[2017]061号Unit8Lesson4 Reading 王起坤焦作市第十二中学一焦教[2017]062号lesson 4 Superhero 李伟红焦作市第十二中学一焦教[2017]063号地球的宇宙环境侯磊焦作市第十二中学一焦教[2017]064号蜀相张军红焦作市第十二中学一焦教[2017]065号创新是民族进步的灵魂尚云艳焦作市第十二中学一焦教[2017]066号常见的天气系统吴小利焦作市第一中学一焦教[2017]067号英国君主立宪制的确立周聪焦作市第一中学一焦教[2017]068号成语:中华文化的微缩景观屈海生焦作市第一中学一焦教[2017]069号充满魅力的书画和戏曲艺术乔丹焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]070号孟德尔一对相对性状的遗传学实验武艳蓓焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]071号正弦函数的图像杨艳芳焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]072号传感器及其工作原理吴桂松焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]073号搜索技巧李栋焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]074号Artificial Intelligence 王丽娟焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]075号Unit19 Lesson3 Body Language 熊运霞焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]076号奇妙的对联孙海姿焦作市第十一中学一焦教[2017]077号细菌侯艳丽焦作市光明中学一焦教[2017]078号计算机硬件系统李娟焦作市光明中学一焦教[2017]079号苏联的崛起申慧芳焦作市光明中学一焦教[2017]080号网络上的人际交往贾玉红焦作市人民中学一焦教[2017]081号浮力罗飞焦作市人民中学一焦教[2017]082号My dream job 秦琳焦作市人民中学一焦教[2017]083号描写要生动张明丽焦作市实验中学一焦教[2017]084号树立创新意识是唯物辩证法的要求王瑞焦作市外国语中学一焦教[2017]085号伯牙绝弦过江焦作市道清小学一焦教[2017]086号克和千克孟德华焦作市实验小学一焦教[2017]087号化学式与化合价董佩霞温县城内初级中学一焦教[2017]088号江畔独步寻花王玉粉温县第一实验小学一焦教[2017]089号快乐的小青蛙王会芳温县第一实验小学一焦教[2017]090号Section A 1a—2d 王丽华温县实验中学一焦教[2017]091号祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国王会娟温县实验中学一焦教[2017]092号线段、直线、射线、角张志远温县西关小学一焦教[2017]093号羧酸酯孙玉玲武陟县第一中学一焦教[2017]094号想象世界学习虚构冯燕燕武陟县第一中学一焦教[2017]095号云南的歌会张玉平武陟县龙源街道办事处第一初级中学一焦教[2017]096号Section A 1a—2d 王艳玲武陟县实验中学一焦教[2017]097号从分数到分式栗小利武陟县实验中学一焦教[2017]098号盘古开天地李莉武陟县育才学校一焦教[2017]099号桥杨艳玲武陟县育才学校一焦教[2017]100号Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. 宋小娜武陟县育才学校一焦教[2017]101号数学广角——鸡兔同笼杨云丽武陟县育才学校一焦教[2017]102号题西林壁丁国琴武陟县育才学校一焦教[2017]103号小小设计师杨安娜武陟县育英实验小学一焦教[2017]104号平行与垂直孙伶俐武陟县育英实验小学一焦教[2017]105号鱼儿的奥秘薛爱玲修武县第三实验小学一焦教[2017]106号站在长城上陈艳玲修武县七贤镇申国完小一焦教[2017]107号植树问题范秋玲修武县第二实验小学一焦教[2017]108号称赞罗艳萍修武县第三实验小学一焦教[2017]109号坐井观天苏小芬修武县第三实验小学一焦教[2017]110号世界多极化趋势的出现韩静修武县第一中学一焦教[2017]111号弹力崔文学修武县第一中学一焦教[2017]112号Unit 6 Communication Workshop 张海婷修武县第一中学一焦教[2017]113号圆柱的认识郝满意修武县七贤镇方庄中心小学一焦教[2017]114号平方差公式的认识李明修武县实验中学一焦教[2017]115号大道之行也陶小艳修武县实验中学一焦教[2017]116号生物膜的流动镶嵌模型刘佳佳焦作市第四中学一焦教[2017]117号平面镜成像李华焦作市许衡实验学校一焦教[2017]118号数星星的孩子马艳焦作市中站区跃进路小学一焦教[2017]119号中华少年廉爱霞焦作市中站实验小学一焦教[2017]120号Unit 1 Can you be my Chinese pen friend? 邱小改焦作市中站实验小学一焦教[2017]121号晶体的常识何义萍博爱县第一中学二焦教[2017]122号金属晶体裴红霞博爱县第一中学二焦教[2017]123号种群基因频率的改变与生物进化冉克红博爱县第一中学二焦教[2017]124号其他植物激素郭颖颖博爱县第一中学二焦教[2017]125号曲线运动闫佳佳博爱县第一中学二焦教[2017]126号Section B 3a —4 Self check 高焕青博爱县光智中学二焦教[2017]127号综合性学习脚踏一方土张俊玲博爱县光智中学二焦教[2017]128号游戏与立定跳远练习王延花博爱县金城乡东金城小学二焦教[2017]129号沏茶问题任斌博爱县金城乡刘村小学二焦教[2017]130号七颗钻石陈静博爱县清化镇义沟小学二焦教[2017]131号庐山的云雾张小彦博爱县实验小学二焦教[2017]132号美丽的生命赵天凤博爱县实验小学二焦教[2017]133号詹天佑薛文娟博爱县松林小学二焦教[2017]134号十年后的礼物孙丽娜博爱县松林小学二焦教[2017]135号山村的早晨申静静博爱县松林小学二焦教[2017]136号平移赵苗博爱县松林小学二焦教[2017]137号分子和原子李立松博爱县孝敬镇界沟中学二焦教[2017]138号七巧板翁广虹博爱县孝敬镇界沟中学二焦教[2017]139号Unit 1 How many? 郭德英博爱县秀珠小学二焦教[2017]140号秋天的怀念霍宏霞焦作市城乡一体化示范区苏家作初级中学二焦教[2017]141号植物生长素的发现王爱玲焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]142号速度变化快慢的描述—加速度张文艳焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]143号边城李琳焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]144号短歌行王伟焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]145号品味戏剧个性化语言郭玉花焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]146号李清照词两首醉花阴王育红焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]147号烛之武退秦师李贝贝焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]148号芦花荡郑亚楠焦作市第二十中学二焦教[2017]149号汽化和液化石军荣焦作市第十八中学二焦教[2017]150号Section A 1a—2c 赵艳芬焦作市第十八中学二焦教[2017]151号三角形全等和等腰三角形的性质吕智慧焦作市第十九中学二焦教[2017]152号“凤辣子”初见林黛玉李娟焦作市解放区环城南路第二小学二焦教[2017]153号画杨桃寇明伟焦作市解放区团结街小学二焦教[2017]154号漂亮的瓶子韩潇潇焦作市解放区团结街小学二焦教[2017]155号制造平衡李建联焦作市解放区团结街小学二焦教[2017]156号七律长征王巧珍焦作市解放区王褚乡中心小学二焦教[2017]157号Unit 2 I made a kite. 周洁焦作市解放区王褚乡中心小学二焦教[2017]158号儿童乐园李萍焦作市解放区幸福街小学二焦教[2017]159号纪昌学射薛媛媛焦作市学生路小学二焦教[2017]160号比大小王雪芹焦作市学生路小学二焦教[2017]161号存在既不是整数也不是分数的数王莉娟焦作市第六中学二焦教[2017]162号数轴毋秀花焦作市第六中学二焦教[2017]163号香菱学诗郑洁焦作市第六中学二焦教[2017]164号Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 张艳芳焦作市第七中学二焦教[2017]165号金色的脚印张红霞焦作市第三十三中学二焦教[2017]166号全神贯注常宝华焦作市第三十三中学二焦教[2017]167号搭配问题孟鲜彦焦作市第三十三中学二焦教[2017]168号角的度量陈小霞焦作市第三十三中学二焦教[2017]169号四舍五入法试商高艳芳焦作市马村区待王学校二焦教[2017]170号飞天(一)王红杰焦作市马村区待王学校二焦教[2017]171号一个小村庄的故事李娟焦作市马村区工人村小学二焦教[2017]172号特殊的保护,特殊的爱李晓娜焦作市马村区实验学校二焦教[2017]173号望洞庭李荷荣焦作市马村区实验学校二焦教[2017]174号I want a hot dog, please. 张磊焦作市马村区实验学校二焦教[2017]175号詹天佑刘艳芳孟州市大定办事处育新小学二焦教[2017]176号月亮的心愿李晓冉孟州市韩愈小学二焦教[2017]177号Unit 1 Point to the door. 闫娜娜孟州市韩愈小学二焦教[2017]178号数学广角──植树问题钱晶孟州市韩愈小学二焦教[2017]179号倍的认识张艳芳孟州市韩愈小学二焦教[2017]180号小扇子李志娟孟州市韩愈小学二焦教[2017]181号多边形的内角和耿红利孟州市河阳中心学校二焦教[2017]182号小桥流水人家张晶晶孟州市河雍办事处赵唐学校二焦教[2017]183号二次函数y=a(x-h)²+k的图象和性质汤喜艳孟州市河雍办事处中心学校二焦教[2017]184号云南的歌会秦芳孟州市槐树乡石庄中学二焦教[2017]185号Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?--SectionA 1a—2d张瑞芳孟州市会昌办事处第一初级中学二焦教[2017]186号化学药品的取用宋菊红孟州市实验初级中学二焦教[2017]187号退位减乔文娇孟州市西虢镇韩园交通希望小学二焦教[2017]188号自己的花是让别人看的刘丽波孟州市西虢镇梁庄学校二焦教[2017]189号热机王莲红孟州市西虢镇中心学校二焦教[2017]190号Unit 2 How often do youexercise?--Section A 1a—2d许晓琳孟州市西虢镇中心学校二焦教[2017]191号地图的阅读姚慧芳孟州市西虢镇中心学校二焦教[2017]192号真分数和假分数张冬梅沁阳市第一小学二焦教[2017]193号分数的基本性质王艳玲沁阳市第一小学二焦教[2017]194号一元二次不等式窦沛沁阳市高级中学二焦教[2017]195号确定位置党丽萍沁阳市第二小学二焦教[2017]196号Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 马小利沁阳市第二中学二焦教[2017]197号空气董美丽沁阳市第十五中学二焦教[2017]198号It’s in the west. 余园园沁阳市第四小学二焦教[2017]199号弘扬民族精神乔园园沁阳市第一中学二焦教[2017]200号渔歌子李正娟沁阳市沁园办事处联盟街小学二焦教[2017]201号花种邓冬艳沁阳市沁园办事处联盟街小学二焦教[2017]202号三角形的面积常雪娇沁阳市沁园办事处联盟街小学二焦教[2017]203号北京的春节马春梅沁阳市实验小学二焦教[2017]204号秋天的雨任琳琳沁阳市实验小学二焦教[2017]205号M1U1Did you come back yesterday? 蔡彩霞沁阳市实验小学二焦教[2017]206号平行四边形的面积王金金沁阳市实验小学二焦教[2017]207号Unit 2 I think that mooncakes aredelicious!杨慧敏沁阳市实验中学二焦教[2017]208号我们的国粹京剧张艳玫沁阳市太行办事处沁北中心小学二焦教[2017]209号直角三角形全等的判定(HL) 谷丽丽沁阳市外国语中学二焦教[2017]210号咏雪郝红霞沁阳市外国语中学二焦教[2017]211号杠杆(2) 毛娟焦作市第十七中学二焦教[2017]212号平面直角坐标系苏青海焦作市第十七中学二焦教[2017]213号我的老师姚燕燕焦作市第十七中学二焦教[2017]214号通往广场的路不止一条张春霞焦作市东环小学二焦教[2017]215号Module 3 Unit 1 Where did you go? 孙莎焦作市东环小学二焦教[2017]216号识字4 石旭芳焦作市龙源湖学校二焦教[2017]217号我的舞台荆海霞焦作市龙源湖学校二焦教[2017]218号Module 6 Unit 1 Were you at home 薛良芳焦作市山阳区焦东路小学二yesterday?焦教[2017]219号图形的放大与缩小张静焦作市山阳区人民路小学二焦教[2017]220号坐井观天王雪梅焦作市塔南路小学二焦教[2017]221号秋天的雨杜小玲焦作市塔南路小学二焦教[2017]222号电子板报文字的设置刘晓焦作市万方中学二焦教[2017]223号敬业与乐业(视频)秦红艳河南理工大学附属中学二焦教[2017]224号山中访友冀小玲焦作市城乡一体化示范区宁郭镇大驾小学二焦教[2017]225号慈母情深李瑞青焦作市城乡一体化示范区宁郭镇张庄小学二焦教[2017]226号呼风唤雨的世纪苏志华焦作市城乡一体化示范区实验学校二焦教[2017]227号一株紫丁香贺静静焦作市城乡一体化示范区实验学校二焦教[2017]228号Unit 2 How much chese did you buy? 李永梅焦作市城乡一体化示范区实验学校二焦教[2017]229号秒的认识刘斌焦作市城乡一体化示范区实验学校二焦教[2017]230号篮球双手胸前传接球李优优焦作市城乡一体化示范区文昌街道初级中学二焦教[2017]231号鲸熊广俊焦作市城乡一体化示范区文昌街道李屯小学二焦教[2017]232号声的利用褚伟花焦作市城乡一体化示范区阳庙镇初级中学二焦教[2017]233号角的分类王磊焦作市城乡一体化示范区阳庙镇鹿村学校二焦教[2017]234号装点居室蒋华焦作市道清中学二焦教[2017]235号人的性别遗传范传钊焦作市道清中学二焦教[2017]236号学写现代诗许庆功焦作市道清中学二焦教[2017]237号铸起共和国钢铁长城王莉莉焦作市道清中学二焦教[2017]238号Making guesses about people 马丽焦作市第十二中学二焦教[2017]239号函数的表示法董书聪焦作市第十二中学二焦教[2017]240号原子晶体张丽焦作市第十二中学二焦教[2017]241号辛亥革命石海丽焦作市第十二中学二焦教[2017]242号中国古代诗歌发展概述程轶焦作市第十二中学二焦教[2017]243号中国古代绘画撷英郭贝焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]244号Unit14 Lesson4 聂雪艳焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]245号大气活动中心与季风环流廉勇焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]246号神经调节与体液调节的关系徐进凤焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]247号互斥事件李小瑞焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]248号机械能守恒定律李红霞焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]249号Unit 16 lesson 3 Helen Keller 刘静焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]250号unit15Lesson 3 Teachers 黄光丽焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]251号unit11 lesson3 The advertising game 冯蔚焦作市第一中学二焦教[2017]252号测量平均速度樊小娟焦作市第二十三中学二焦教[2017]253号矿产资源合理开发和区域可持续发展明秀花焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]254号古代中国的发明与发现余娟焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]255号细胞核李卫山焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]256号频率和概率关鸥鹏焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]257号Excel中数据的排序、筛选和分类汇总马云众焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]258号Unit1 Lesson2 Relaxing 陈红艳焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]259号Unit6 定语从句朱小云焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]260号价值判断与价值选择范子迪焦作市第十一中学二焦教[2017]261号光的折射陈慧娟焦作市光明中学二焦教[2017]262号狼胡安刚焦作市光明中学二焦教[2017]263号青春舞曲党辉焦作市光明中学二焦教[2017]264号小石潭记谢晓军焦作市人民中学二焦教[2017]265号羚羊木雕秦杰焦作市人民中学二焦教[2017]266号彩色的中国苗丽萍焦作市人民中学二焦教[2017]267号The Sea World 蒋敏焦作市外国语中学二焦教[2017]268号动物游戏之谜李彦华焦作市外国语中学二焦教[2017]269号探索生命起源之谜杨倩焦作市外国语中学二焦教[2017]270号Protecting the sea 李兆焦作市外国语中学二焦教[2017]271号矛盾是事物发展的源泉和动力黄俊芳焦作市外国语中学二焦教[2017]272号近代中国经济结构的变动刘天亮焦作市外国语中学二焦教[2017]273号幸福是什么张欢欢焦作市道清小学二焦教[2017]274号爷爷和小树李素萍焦作市道清小学二焦教[2017]275号认识厘米魏桂莲焦作市道清小学二焦教[2017]276号计划生育与保护环境的基本国策许明霞焦作市第二十三中学二焦教[2017]277号An old man tried to move the mountians 程静焦作市第二十三中学二焦教[2017]278号伯牙绝弦闫俊霞焦作市云台小学二焦教[2017]279号观潮贺晓雪焦作市云台小学二焦教[2017]280号龙的传人林茹焦作市云台小学二焦教[2017]281号我是少年阿凡提杨海波焦作市云台小学二焦教[2017]282号认识键盘王瑞萍焦作市云台小学二焦教[2017]283号小猫刮胡子张瀚方温县城内小学二焦教[2017]284号孔子孙俊霞温县第二实验小学二焦教[2017]285号角的初步认识魏艳芬温县第三实验小学二焦教[2017]286号圆柱的体积张新艳温县第一实验小学二焦教[2017]287号函数闫贤英温县实验中学二焦教[2017]288号我爱这土地卞爱卿温县实验中学二焦教[2017]289号 Unit 4 A Let's try and Let's talk 马文俊温县西关小学二焦教[2017]290号圆的认识李丽霞温县西关小学二焦教[2017]291号青铜器与甲骨文赵晓晓温县张羌办事处初级中学二焦教[2017]292号理想的风筝姬会杰温县招贤乡西辛村小学二焦教[2017]293号征友启事张丹丹温县赵堡镇陈沟学校二焦教[2017]294号热力环流与大气水平运动张晶晶武陟县第一中学二焦教[2017]295号人口增长模式牛亚梦武陟县第一中学二焦教[2017]296号开辟新航路李晓飞武陟县第一中学二焦教[2017]297号基本不等式与最大(小)值秦海艳武陟县第一中学二焦教[2017]298号三角形中的几何计算庞邵良武陟县第一中学二焦教[2017]299号望海潮陈晓燕武陟县第一中学二焦教[2017]300号盘古开天地贾素粉武陟县木城街道办事处第一小学二焦教[2017]301号语文园地一刘冬敏武陟县木城街道办事处第一小学二焦教[2017]302号同分母分数加、减法张小芳武陟县木城街道办事处第一小学二焦教[2017]303号Section A 1a—2c 杨小利武陟县木城镇木城初中二焦教[2017]304号故乡安国红武陟县木栾街道办事处第一初级中学二焦教[2017]305号矩形中的折叠问题古艳粉武陟县实验中学二焦教[2017]306号新文化运动侯小英武陟县兴华中学二焦教[2017]307号作家笔下的猫苗新艳武陟县育才学校二焦教[2017]308号蓝色的树叶李新萍武陟县育才学校二焦教[2017]309号解决问题(连续两问)王卫武陟县育才学校二焦教[2017]310号秒的认识王青苗武陟县育才学校二焦教[2017]311号生命生命薛艳萍武陟县育英实验小学二焦教[2017]312号有余数除法乔京利武陟县育英实验小学二焦教[2017]313号面积和面积单位王丽敏武陟县育英实验小学二焦教[2017]314号蹦床里的学问陈芳修武县实验小学二焦教[2017]315号世界地图引出的发现刘艳霞修武县城关镇城东小学二焦教[2017]316号程序的快速启动李军艳修武县城关镇西关小学二焦教[2017]317号二次根式及性质姬素萍修武县第二实验中学二焦教[2017]318号芦花荡党慧梅修武县第二实验中学二焦教[2017]319号认识锐角和钝角杨姣修武县第三实验小学二焦教[2017]320号化学计量在实验中的应用杨海萍修武县第一中学二焦教[2017]321号盖斯定律闫文荣修武县第一中学二焦教[2017]322号其他植物激素夏彦锋修武县第一中学二焦教[2017]323号 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Tomorrow's world 江玲玲修武县第一中学二焦教[2017]324号Unit 20 Lesson 1 Futurology 崔娜娜修武县第一中学二焦教[2017]325号文化在继承中传播孟林慧修武县第一中学二焦教[2017]326号因数和倍数李予华修武县七贤镇孟村完全小学二焦教[2017]327号纪昌学射焦冬梅修武县实验小学二焦教[2017]328号我要的是葫芦闫凤枝修武县实验小学二焦教[2017]329号M9 Unit 1 Are you going to run on sportsday?李想修武县实验小学二焦教[2017]330号除数是整数的小数除法(二)祝静静修武县实验小学二。

3A Uint6 Colours— 赵静

3A Uint6 Colours— 赵静

A. Look at my skirt. B. Look at my T-shirt.
( A ) 2、你想询问别人自己的T恤衫是什么颜
色时 ,你说:
A. What colour is my T-shirt? B. Look at my T-shirt. ( B ) 3、你告诉别人你的帽子是红色的,你说: A. My cap is orange. B. My cap is red.
2、What colour is yang ling′ s skirt?
Story time
1、Who are they ? 他们是谁?
Yang Ling Liu Tao Mike Su Hai
2、What colour is yang ling′ s skirt?
杨玲的裙子是什么 tape and read after it. 听录音并跟着一起读一读。
2、Introduce your clothes to your friends and ask them what colour are they。
介绍你的衣服给你的朋友,并询问 他们是什么颜色的。
3A Unit 6 Colours
Chant : Nice clothes
Look at…
Look at my T-shirt.
Look at my cap.
Look at my skirt.
Look at my jacket.
What colour …
It’s orange.
It’s yellow.
What colour is my cap?
What colour is my T-shirt?

Period 8 Integrated skills—赵静

Period 8 Integrated skills—赵静

Period 8 Integrated skillsTeaching Aims:1.掌握不同房间的相应功能;2.掌握家中各地点合理摆放的物品名称。


Teaching emphasis:训练学生听力技能和口头表达。

Teaching difficulties:能流利而准确地描述家庭布局和摆设。

Teaching Steps:Step1. Free talk about a house1) Which floor do you live?How many rooms do you have in your family?What do you have in your bedroom/sitting room/kitchen/bathroom/dining room? Which room do you like best? Why?2) Use pictures to introduce all the names of things in different roomsStep2 Listening practice:A Britain homeListen to the tape, finish A1, A2 on P14,15Step3. Introduce your own house1)Draw pictures about different rooms like A12)Tell the details of different roomsStep4 Make a phone callT: Suppose you want to visit one of your classmates. Y ou have to call him/her before going. And you don’t know he/she is not at home. Think about how to make a phone call with his/her parent.Y ou can use P15 B as a model.Homework:1.Write a passage about your real home; introduce all the rooms in your family, noless than 80 words.2.选择正确答案:1)双层床( )A) bunk bed B) bunk beds C) double bed D) double beds2)起居室( )A) siting room B) living room C) sitting room D) reading room3)餐厅()A)dinning room B) sitting room C) dinner room D) dining room4)木房子()A) wooden house B) wood house C) wooden home D) wood home5)同时()A) At same time B) at the same timeC) in the same time D) on the same time。

Unit1 Reading—赵静

Unit1  Reading—赵静

Choose the right answers
1.In most homes,people cook meals in the 2.You usually eat meals in a 3.You often sleep in a sitting room . garden. bedroom.
4.The best place to grow flowers is a
5.We usually put the sofa in the
dining room.
Listen to the tape and Write a T if the sentence is true , Write an F if it is false. 1. Stephen lives near the sea.
2. There are more than ten rooms in
Stephen’s house.
3. There aren’t bunk beds in Stephen’s room. F
4. Madee
lives in a wooden house in the hills. F
5. Madee doesn’t have her own bedroom.
She lives with her family
6.Where is Neil from? He is from England. 7.What is Neil’s favourite room? His favourite room is the kitchen. 8.What does Neil’s mother do in his favourite room? His mother makes dinner in it. 9.Where does Anna live? She lives in the centre of Mosow. 10.What does Anna like to do after dinner? She likes to play games and chat in the sitting room. 11.Does she have her own bedroom?

英语优秀教案(人教新课标版):必修1(Unit5 Nelson Mandela—a modern h

英语优秀教案(人教新课标版):必修1(Unit5 Nelson Mandela—a modern h
Motivate students to learn from the good qualities of the great people.
(1)Enable the students to write a letter with the guide.
(2)Improve the students’writing, speaking and listening ability.
S1: Let me try.Although Mr.Mandela was one of the leaders who called on black people to blow up some government buildings,he had no choice but to do that.He said they broke the law in a way which was peaceful.Only when this was not allowed did they decide to answer violence with violence.
T: So you mean the government forced him to break the law, so it is necessary to set him free.Good.Another reason?
S2:In my opinion,it is natural for Mr.Mandela to encourage violence against anti-black law.At that time,there were a lot of laws stopping the blacks’rights and progress.The black people reached a stage where they have almost no rights at all.Black people had no vote and could not choose who ruled them.The parts of town where they were sent to live were decided by white people.They could not get jobs they wanted.The places where they were sent to live were the poorest areas in South Africa.No one could grow food there.As a matter of fact,black people did not like violence.But they knew it was to realize their dream of making black and white people equal.

Unit1 Dream Home—赵静

Unit1 Dream Home—赵静

Unit1 Dream HomePeriod One W elcome to the Unit + Comic StripTeaching Objectives:1. To introduce countries and capitals2. To start students thinking about an international context, including different environments and lifestyles.Teaching Procedures:Step1.W elcome to the Unit1.Talk with the Ss freely about where they went to during the winter holiday. Let them show their pictures of the places they went to.1)Did you have fun during the winter holiday?2)What did you do during the winter holiday?3)How did you spend your holiday?4)Did you visit your friends / play computer games/stay at home?5)Where did you go ? Did you go to some places of interest? Did you go abroad?Which country?6)Would you like to share pictures with us?2.Show some pictures of some places of interest of different countries and ask students if they went there.T: Look at this mountain, it is a volcano, do you know its name?S: Mount Fuji.T: Y es, it’s Mount Fuji. Then where is it? Is it in China?S: No, it isn’t in China. It is in Japan.T: Good. Y ou’re very clever. Mount Fuji is in Japan. It is the tallest mountain in Japan. Japan is one of the developed countries in the world. And Tokyo is the capital of Japan just as Beijing is the capital of China. Tokyo and Beijing are both important cities in their own countries.3.Go through the pictures one by one; introduce some additional information about those countries.4. Finish Part B. Read out the sentences loudly.Step2. DiscussionT: Suppose you have enough money and time, which country would you like to visit most?S: …T: Introduce the places of interest and the capital city of this country to your partner.G ive the Ss three to five minutes to discuss in pairs.Example:Student A: Which country would you like to visit?Student B: I’d like to visit Italy.Student A: Do you know the capital of it?Student B: Of course I know, it’s Rome. And I want to visit V enice, a beautiful city on island.…Ask some pairs to act it out.Step3. Comic strip1. T: Good job. Do you still remember Hobo and Eddie? What do you think of Eddie? Is he lazy? Does he like traveling? Can you guess where he would like to live?2. Let the Ss listen to the tape and answer the following two questions:(1)Where would Eddie like to live?(2)Why would Eddie like to live there?3. Listen and repeat.4. Practice reading and act it out.5. Talk about Eddie’s dream homeEddie would like __________ next to a ________.He _______ the biggest ________ in ______ best. He likes it because he___________.Step4. Speak up1. Ask the Ss to make a dialogue after the model above. Work in pairs.Tips: ---Which city would you like to live in?---I’d like to live in Qingdao, because I like to live near the sea and have the seafood.--- Which is your favorite city?--- I like Hangzhou best, because it’s very beautiful.2. Act out the dialogue.Step5. Challenge1The most famous clock in the world is called_________. It is in _______.2 Saint Basil’s Cathedral is in______.3 The traveling business in ________ is very developed. Many visitors come tosee Phra Pathom Chedi every year.4 The city of______ was famous for the World Trade Center which wasdestroyed in 2001.5 Look at this lovely koala ,it only lives in__________.6 Have you ever been to Paris, the capital of ____________?7 Many _________ woman are good at the art of making tea.9 Bangkok is the capital of________.10 The first three largest countries are ________,___________,and__________. Step6. Homework1. Fill in the blanks.(1) There are many r________ in Beijing. Y ou can have a nice meal there.(2) Jay Chou is my f_______ because of his songs.(3) The c______ of Russia is Moscow.(4) This apple is the smallest while that one is the b_______.(5) What do you think of the capital of Tokyo, the city of J________.2. Correction.(1) He would like live in a big city.(2) He favorite teacher is Miss Green.(3) He want to go there.(4) What would you want?(5) The capital of the USA is New Y ork.3. Make up a dialogue with one of your friend to talk about your favorite place tolive.4How much do you know about Eddie?Eddie likes ______ very much. So he prefers living __________ a restaurant to living in _________.Y ou see ,there are many_________ in Beijing.Can you guess_______ one is Eddie’s _______?Y es, you are right. He likes_________ one!How do you think about Eddie?He likes eating better than any other things.He is a _____ dog,of course!Hobo believes that Eddie would not like to go to____ and climb Mount Fuji because it’s a ______ job for him.[Supplementary Reading Material]London: The Capital of Britain(英国)Like Paris, London is a famous city with long history. Beautiful scenes(景色), mild climate(温和的气候), old culture(文化), advanced (先进的)education and flourishing(繁华的)business…London attracts many foreigners every year.If you want to take a trip to London, you shouldn't miss these places.Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫): It's the permanent residence(永久住所)of the Queen(女王). It was built for the Duck of Buckingham(白金汉公爵)in 1703 and during the later years, many buildings were added to it. In the Palace, there are large sum of(大量的)art works. The Palace is opened to public for two months each summer.Big Ben(大笨钟): The famous London Clock is at the northern end of the House of Parliament(议院). The clock is very big. The tower(钟楼)is 320 feet high and the clock is 23 feet wide. The minute hands are 14 feet long. It was completed(完工)in 1859.Westminster Cathedral(威斯敏斯特大教堂): People used eight years to build the Westminster Cathedral (1895-1903). It has one of the finest choirs(唱诗班)in Britain. On the Bell Tower, which is 273 feet high, people can see much of London. It is the place for famous people to "live" after their death(死亡).Tower Bridge(塔桥): It's London's most famous landmark. Inside the twin towers, there are exhibitions(展览)about the stories of the bridge.London Zoo: Children must be interested in it! It was opened in 1828 and it's the most famous zoo in the world. Y ou can see 650 animal species(种类)in the zoo. The BT tower(电报塔), the classic cafes, the Chapel Street Market.Paris(巴黎): The City of Romance(浪漫)The high Eiffel Tower(埃费尔铁塔), the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic(浪漫的)people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.As the capital of France(法国), Paris is a modern(现代的)city with a long and rich history. So many events(事件)took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip.The Tower Eiffel, which is 320 meters high, is the symbol(标志)of Paris. It was completed(完成)in 1889 for the centenary of the Revolution(革命百年纪念).The Arc de Triomphe(凯旋门)was finished in 1836. It's a world famous building, too.Old Notre-Dame(巴黎圣母院)attracts many foreign visitors since Victor Hugo (雨果,法国文豪)wrote a novel named Notre-Dame de Paris.Mussee du Louvre(卢浮宫)is one of the most famous museums in the world. Enjoy yourselves in Disneyland(迪斯尼乐园)Paris, the first Disneyland in Europe (欧洲), boys and girls! Meet Mickey, fly with Dumbo and lost yourselves in wonderland(仙境)!There are many other places such as the Bastille(巴士底狱), Place de la Concorde(协和广场), Chateau de V ersailles(凡尔赛宫), the Champs-Elysees(香榭丽大道),the parks and the zoo waiting for your visit.Berlin(柏林): the Witness(历史)of the HistoryBerlin is the capital of Germany. It is famous for its beautiful scenes and complex(复杂的)history.In the August of 1961, Berlin was divided into(分为)two parts: East Berlin and West Berlin.The Communist government(共产党政府)of the east built a 100-mile Berlin Wall. On October 3,1990, the east and the west unified(统一)again. The Berlin Wall was pushed over. A few sections(部分)of the wall were left to remind (提醒,纪念)the 28-year division(分裂) of the city.Another famous building is the Victory Column(胜利女神柱). It is 61.5 m high on the top of the column, the victory goddess(胜利女神)stands there.There are many museums in Berlin. Seven of them are on Museum Island(岛)and a few are in the city. The Checkpoint Charlie Museum(柏林墙博物馆)is one of the most visited museums. There are a lot of pictures to show the history and real life before the Wall was pushed over. There is a Jewish Museum(犹太人博物馆)in Berlin.The parks, the Brandenburger Door(博兰登堡门), Gendermen Y ard(尚达门场)and the streets are very beautiful. In the zoo, we even can visit several giant pandas that come from China!Athens(雅典): A Cradle(摇篮)of W estern Civilization(西方文明)Athens, the capital of Greece(希腊), is an old and beautiful city. It's the country's heart and economic(经济)and industrial(工业)center, as well as the political(政治的)and cultural(文化的)center. Y ou can get there by air, by land or by sea.Athens has a long history. There are many ancient buildings(古建筑)or remains(遗迹)in the city. The Pantheon(雅典娜神庙)is the most famous one. It is on the top of Acropolis(雅典卫城). The ancient market(市场), the Greek Parliament building(国会大厦), the national garden, Panathinaikon Stadium(露天运动场),Pnyka area and some other places attract(吸引)many visitors.The weather is pleasant in Athens. The visitors can enjoy a good trip in any season. Athens is famous for the olive(橄榄), honey and grapes (葡萄). The marble(大理石)and silver are very good.In 2004, the 28th Olympic Games will be held in Athens.。

unit1Period 4 —赵静

unit1Period 4 —赵静

Period 4 VocabularyTeaching Objectives1.To recognize and name items of furniture2.To classify types of furniture and the rooms to which they belongTeaching Procedures:Step1.Review1)Review the words by a dictation.2)Ask some students to introduce their own homesStep2.Part A1)Mini-task1What furniture should I buy?T: Boys and girls, good news for you .I’ll show you around my new house at the weekend. I bought it last week. It’s very large. And there is a sitting room, a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a study. But now the house is empty, and I need some furniture. However, what furniture should I buy? Could you help me choose some?Ok,let’s go to the furniture market and have a look.(Show the pictures of different furniture to students and present new words.)2)Ask Ss to complete Part A.Check answers orally with the class.Step3.PartB1)Mini-task2Which room should the furniture be placed?T: This bookshelf is really beautiful. I can put lots of books in it. But which room should I place it?S: Perhaps you can place your bookshelf in the study.T: Good idea. Then I can read books there.2)Talk about the furniture in the following different roomsRoomSitting room bedroom kitchen dining room bath room study balcony①The living roomarmchair sofa bookcase rug/carpet clock pictures curtain lamp fireplace blinds bench coffee table cabinet TV air conditioner②The bedroombeside table mirror bed / bunk beds wardrobe alarm clockchest of drawers lamp dressing table quilt pillow cushion③The kitchenfridge microwave dish washer cookie freezer sink work surface cupboard stool gas stove④The bathroombasin mirror bath/bathtub shower toilet toilet rollshampoo towel toothbrush soap washing machine⑤Studydesk chair/armchair/stool bookshelf computer2)Ask students to complete PartB and check out the answers.Step4 Activity1.Have a dialogue with your partner to talk about furniture in your home.2.Four students in a group .The first students will say one sentence about furniturein his room .Then the second student has to repeat the first student’s sentence plus his own sentence and so on .Student A: I have a computer (in my bedroom ).Student B: Paul has a computer ( in his bedroom) and I have a shelf ( in my bedroom).Student C: Paul has a computer ( in his bedroom) and Mary has a shelf ( in her bedroom) and I have a chair in my bedroom.…Step5 HomeworkFill in the blanks.1. ---What else is in the f_________?---Nothing else. We need to buy some food and drink for supper today .2. Sometimes we like to put some plants on the b________.3. I like to have a s________ after I do some sports every day.4.My mother bought me a new l________ ︳lamp ︳yesterday.I like it very much.5. Put a b________ of water outside the room in the winter and it becomes a blockof ice.6. How many b___________ are there in your father’s study?7. My granny has a w__________. It is in old style but costs much.8. Some students don’t like the food in our school d_________ room.They have their lunch in the fast food restaurant near the school.。

人教版2024七年级上册英语Unit 1 Lesson 6 教案

人教版2024七年级上册英语Unit 1 Lesson 6 教案
本单元的项目活动是制作个人档案,最终将学生档案集结成册,形成班级档案。该活动为学生提供了展示自己的机会,同时也能增进班级同学的相互了解。活动3a通过四个问题提示学生列出个人相关信息,为完成下面的个人档案作准备。活动3b提供了个人档案的范文作为撰写参考。该文与Section B的阅读文本类似,但作为个人档案,其交际性较弱、表述性更强,因此信息陈述的逻辑更为重要。活动3c设置了一个猜测游戏,让学生随意抽取一位同学的个人介绍,并口头转述给全部同学,让他们猜出描述的是谁。这些活动的目的是让学生充分运用本单元所学来完成真实的任务,一方面加强学生的口头和笔头表达能力的培养,另一方面训练他们灵活运用单元词汇与目标语言的能力,同时,任务完成的过程也能促进同学之间彼此熟悉、增进友谊。
Unit 1 You and Me
Lesson 6 *Project, *Reading Plus

7BUnit1 Vocabulary—赵静

7BUnit1 Vocabulary—赵静

4.You often sleep in the _________. bedroom 5.You usually eat meals in a __________. dinning room 6.Tow beds, one above the other, are bunk beds. _________.
牛津译林版 七年级(下)7B
Unit 1
Translations :
• 1.上课时不要看外面树上的小鸟。 • Don’t _____ _____ _____the birds ___the tree in the class. • 2.我的家乡夏天雨水很多。 • ___ ____ ____ ___ in summer in my hometown. • 3.我从卧室的窗户可以看见这个公园。 • I can see the park ____ ____ ___ _____. • 4.生日宴会上我和我的朋友们分享了一个大蛋 糕。 • I ____ a big cake _____ my friends in the birthday party.
Sitting Kitchen room cupboard sofa
bed lamp
fridge table
bath basin
• • • • • In the centre of , a lot, chat with, more than Listen to music , make dinner 1.People usually ___ in the kitchen. 2.His dream home is ___ the city.He can go shopping every day. 3.My sister enjoys___ her friends on the Internet at weekends. 4.If you want to learn English well, you must practice___. 5.She often ___ in the balcony. 6.There are___ ten books in the bag.



• Fill in the blanks with the words. estaurant • 1. There are many r________ in Beijing. You can have a nice meal there. avourite • 2.Jay Chou is my f_______ because of his songs. apital • 3.The c______ of Russia is Moscow. • 4.This apple is the smallest while that one iggest is the b_______.
6.Have you ever been to Paris, the capital of ________. France
7.Many Japanese women are good ________ at the art of making tea.
Tailand 8.Bangkok is the capital of ________.
countries(国家) Japan the USA France Thailand the UK Russia China
capitals(首都) Tokyo Washington DC Paris Bangkok London Moscow Beijing
Washington DC 1. The capital of the USA is ______________.
Unit 1 Dream homes
Welcome to the unit & Comic strip
Question: How many countries do you know? Can you tell us the names of the countries?

Period 10 Checkout—赵静

Period 10 Checkout—赵静

Period 10 CheckoutTeaching aims:1.复习方位介词;2.复习家具名称;3.复习基数词和序数词Teaching difficulties理想家园的表述Teaching steps:Step1 Review the prepsin front of/ between/ next to/ between/ opposite/ above/ at/ behind/ below/ beside/ in/ inside/ next to/ on/ outside/ over/ under1)Ask Ss to use preps to tell where they sit in the classroom and ask several Ss todescribe others’ seats.2)Finish part A on page 193)Ask Ss to put all the things into the right places and describe their ideal rooms Step2 Review cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers1)Ask students to say their student numbers/ telephone numbers/birthdays/the datesof festivals (Mother’s Day/Thanksgiving Day)2)Ask Ss to write both cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers from 1 to 29Finish part B on page 19Step3 Review dream home1)Ask Ss to match the things with the correct rooms.2)Ask Ss to tell both their real homes and dream homes3)Give Ss some hints to write a new passage about dream home.Homework:Finish单元检测Unit 1根据汉语提示完成句子:1.He went to ______________ yesterday. (长城)2.That dog __________ every night. ( 睡在厨房)3.May I ____________ John? (通话)4.Simon sits ___________________. ( 我的对面)5.他和我共用一个盥洗室。

新教材人教版七上英语Unit 1 Lesson 6 Reading Plus课件

新教材人教版七上英语Unit 1 Lesson 6 Reading Plus课件
Making New Friends at NhomakorabeaSchool
Now read the passage and check your answers.
Read the passage again. Find the three pieces of advice from the text and write them below.
When it’s your turn, just jump in and tell us your story.
6. Last, don’t forget to share!
forget to do sth.的意思是“忘记去做某事(这件事还没做)”。 E.g. I forgot to call my friend last night.
Read the second piece of advice and answer the questions. 1. What questions can you ask your classmates?
You can ask about school, sport, music and more!
Can you think of another piece of advice about how to make new friends? Write it below.
Your piece of advice: ___________________________________
E.g. Be happy and positive. Meet friends of friends. Always talk to the person next to you. Join a sport or a club that interests you.

2022-2023学年人教版七年级英语上册教案《UNIT 6 Period 1(Section A

2022-2023学年人教版七年级英语上册教案《UNIT 6 Period 1(Section A

2022-2023学年人教版七年级英语上册教案《UNIT 6 Period 1(Section A 1a-2c)》一. 教材分析人教版七年级英语上册Unit 6主要围绕日常生活主题展开,通过学习本单元,学生能够掌握一些日常交际用语,提高他们的口语表达能力。

本单元包括SectionA 1a-2c,主要介绍了一些日常问候、介绍自己和他人、询问时间等情景对话。

二. 学情分析七年级的学生已经掌握了基本的英语语法和部分词汇,对日常交际用语有一定的了解。



三. 教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握日常问候、介绍自己和他人、询问时间等情景对话,正确运用本课所学词汇和句型进行日常交流。



四. 教学重难点1.重点:学生能够熟练掌握日常问候、介绍自己和他人、询问时间等情景对话,正确运用本课所学词汇和句型进行日常交流。


五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设定各种真实的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用所学知识,提高他们的实际运用能力。



六. 教学准备1.教学材料:人教版七年级英语上册教材、多媒体教学设备、录音机、磁带或课件。


七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用图片或实物展示与本课主题相关的情景,如日常问候、介绍自己和他人、询问时间等,引导学生进行观察和思考,激发他们的学习兴趣。

人教版(2023) 必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening a

人教版(2023)  必修第一册  Unit 1 Teenage Life  Listening a

人教版(2023)必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage Life Listening and Speaking课件(共20张PPT,内嵌音频)(共20张PPT)Period 1 Listening and SpeakingUnit 1 Teenage LifeVocabularyHe gave a talk on the theme of unemployment.他就青少年失业的主题作了一次报告。

teenageThe performance will include the premiere of three new .三段新编芭蕾舞将在演出中首演。

balletsShe now helps in a local school as a three days a week.目前她在当地的一家学校做志愿工作,一周去3天。

volunteerVocabularyThere has been a lot of among scholars about this.学者之间对此一直争论纷纷。

debateI became a teacher because I books and people to politics.我当了老师,因为我更喜欢书本和人而不是权术。

preferredShe is reluctant to discuss the of the play.她不愿意谈该剧的内容。

contentMatch the photos with the names of the clubs.Ballet Club _____ Nature Club _____Volunteer Club _____ Debate Club _____2431Before-listeningWhat do you think students do in these clubsActivity 1听教材第12页的第一段对话,回答第1至3题。



Book 5 Unit1 The OlympicsLesson 6 Diving“Dream Team”说课稿亲爱的老师们:大家好!我说课的内容是第五册Unit1 The Olympics Lesson 6 Diving“Dream Team”主要从教材分析、教学方法和教学过程三个方面作具体的说明。

下面我先来说第一个板块——教材分析即说教材和教学目标本单元的话题是The Olympics,而The Olympics在我们中国刚刚举行,并且Diving“Dream Team”又是我们的一个骄傲,本课的知识点对学生有很大的吸引力,是学生乐于学习和接受的,相信他们对本课的学习充满期待。








②Free talk:学生上台Talk about “The Olympics”in Beijing。


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Period 6 Grammar (II)
Teaching Aims:


Teaching Emphasis /Difficulties
Teaching procedure:
Step1: Talk about cardinal numbers
Ask Ss to remember where they can find numbers in their lives.
Give pictures about numbers in our lives. (见课件)
Ask Ss to read page numbers, room numbers, student numbers…
1 章节,页数的读法
第三课the Third Lesson, Lesson Three
第507页Page five o seven
第2564页Page two five six four /Page twenty-five sixty-four
第305房间Room three o five
长安街76号seventy-six Chang’an Street
电话号码204486 telephone number, two o four four(double four) eight six.
十一路公共汽车Bus (No.) eleven
Review numbers from 1 to 100, and give Ss some simple maths problems to plus and minus;
1)以teen结尾的数词: 13-19
2)以ty结尾的数词: 20以上的整十

Step3: Talk about the large numbers (how to read and write)



3)hundred, thousand, million前若有具体数字,要用单数形式,但如果它的后面有of,则要用负数形式。

同时,前面不能再加具体的数目,例:two thousand, thousands of, hundreds of.
Step4: introduce telephone numbers
Use my telephone number and cell number as model to tell Ss how to read the telephone numbers;
Game: write 5 students’ telephone numbers on the blackboard and ask others to
remember them quickly; finish B2 in page 11
Practice: Finish P11 B2
Step4: Write cheques, finish B3
1)3,002 2)4,548 3)42,064 4)100,260
5)2,384,123 6)5551 6215 7)八月九日
1)This week we will finish Unit _______ (one).
2) Amy got _________ (八十) points.
3) Six and seven is ________ (二十二).
4) My sister is in __________ (七年级一班).
5) Simon is the tallest student in our class. He is __________ ( 一米九二).。
