conective tissue结缔组织(留学生英语备课资料)




1、疏松结缔组织(loose connective tissue)
(1)结构特点: ①细胞种类多, 形态多样。 ②细胞无极性。
③间质多,纤维分 布疏松。 (2)分布广: (3)功能重要:
(1)成纤维细胞 (fibroblast)和纤维细 胞(fibrocyte): ①成纤维细胞: 形态结构特点:
(2)巨噬细胞(macrophage) ①形态结构特点: 组织细胞: 游走巨噬细胞: ②主要功能:
A、变形运动和趋化性: B、吞噬作用: C、扑捉、处理和 传递抗原: D、分泌功能:
(3)肥大细胞(mast cell): ①分布特点:
颗粒中含: 肝 素 组织胺 白三烯
(2)无粒白细胞: ①淋巴细胞:占白细
淋巴细胞的种类可 分为: T 淋巴 细胞 B 淋巴 细胞 NK淋巴细胞 功能:具有免疫功能。
(3)主要功能: 为造血器官提供微 环境。
3、脂肪组织(adipose tissue) 1)分布: 2)结构特点:
(1)白(黄)色脂 肪组织:是由单泡脂肪
细胞(直径25-200微米) 组成。
主要分布: 主要功能: (2)棕色脂肪组织: 由多泡脂肪细胞组成。 主要分布: 主要功能: 肥胖:

第三章 结缔组织(connective tissue)

第三章 结缔组织(connective tissue)
染色: HE不易着色,镀银法染成黑色, , 又称嗜银纤维。 光镜特点:微细有分支,交织成网。 电镜特点:周期性横纹。 生化成分:Ⅲ型胶原蛋白。 分布:主要存在于网状组织中。 功能特点:构成器官微细支架。
是一种由生物大分子构成的胶状物,具有一定的粘性。 主要化学成分:蛋白多糖、糖蛋白和水。蛋白多糖是基 质的主要成分,其中主要是透明质酸。 分子筛:透明质酸是一种卷曲盘绕的长链大分子结构,以 其作为主干,通过连接蛋白结合许多糖亚单位,共同构成 具有很多微小孔隙的结构,形成分子筛。它有利于血液 和细胞之间的物质交换,而对大分子物质、细菌等起 着限制扩散屏障作用。 组织液:是从毛细血管动脉端渗到基质中的液体,在毛 细血管静脉端又回到血液中,小部分则进入毛细淋巴 管成为淋巴,最后也回流入血。利于血液与细胞的物 质交换。
一、疏松结缔组织/蜂窝组织 组成及结构特点:细胞种类多,基质多,纤维少。 (一)、细胞 1、成纤维细胞与纤维细胞 成纤维细胞: 光镜:外形:胞体较大,扁平,多突起. 胞核:核大,卵圆形,淡染,核仁明显。 胞质:丰富,弱嗜碱性。 电镜:游离核糖体,RER丰富,高尔基复合体发达。 功能:合成基质和纤维。 纤维细胞:为功能休止时的成纤维细胞。 光镜:外形:较小,长梭形。 胞核:核小,深染。胞质:较少,弱嗜碱性。 电镜: RER和高尔基复合体不发达。 功能:不活跃。
特点: 粗大的弹性纤维平行排列束或编织成膜状, 弹性纤维间的空隙内有细的胶原纤维和 成纤维细胞。 分布: 项韧带、黄韧带、弹性动脉的中膜。
• 主要由大量群集的脂肪细胞构成。被疏 松结缔组织分隔成小叶。 • 分类: 黄(白)色脂肪组织 棕色脂肪组织
结构特点: 脂肪细胞内只有一个大的脂滴,核位于一 侧。 分布: 皮下、网膜、系膜等。 功能: 支持、缓冲、维持体温、储存能量。

03connnective tissue( 结缔组织)

03connnective tissue( 结缔组织)
蛋白质 硫酸化 糖胺多糖 非硫酸化-透明质酸 核心蛋白 结合蛋白
tissue fluid 组织液
macrophage 巨噬细胞 plasma cell 浆细胞 mast cell 肥大细胞 fat cell 脂肪细胞 leukocyte 白细胞 undifferentiated mesenchymal cell 未分化的间充质细胞

Origin of CT: Mesenchyme (间充质)-mesenchyme cell and matrix;

Mesenchymal cell(间充质细胞): star shaped, network of processes, big ovoid nucleus with clear nucleolus; multipotential cells, differentiate into endothelial cell, smooth muscle cell, fibroblast and fat cell.
Structure: LM: ovoid or round shape, located eccentrically nucleus, heterochromatin in wheel shape, abundant basophilic cytoplasm with lightly-stained area near nucleus. EM: abundant RER & ribosomes, developed Golgi complex, centrioles are situated in the lightly-stained area. Function: produce immunoglobulin(免疫球蛋白)- antibodies and cellular factors, participate in humoral immunity (体液免疫) Source: B lymphocytes (antigen stimulate)



EM:丰富的粗面内质网 发达的高尔基体
成纤维细胞的功能: 1.合成胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白 2.合成三种纤维 胶原纤维、弹性纤维、网状纤维 3.分泌蛋白多糖
数量 分布 结构:LM、EM 功能 来源
4. 肥大细胞
形态:圆形或卵圆形 分布:血管周围 结构:
LM:胞质内含粗大的、 水溶性的、异染性 的、嗜碱性颗粒
过敏物质: 颗粒:组胺、肝素和ECF-A 胞质:白三烯
蛋 白 多 糖
硫酸乙酰肝素 肝素
2. 糖蛋白 纤维粘连蛋白 软骨粘连蛋白 层粘连蛋白
三、致密结缔组织(dense connective tissue, D.C.T)
5. 脂肪细胞 形态:圆形或卵圆形 结构:
LM:胞质内含有脂滴, 细胞核被挤到一侧
6. 未分化的间充质细胞 具有分化潜能
No Image
(二)纤维(fiber) 1.胶原纤维 (collagenous fiber) 又名白纤维



清。如该细胞结构不典型,可利用 4# 标本进一步观察。
3. 疏松结缔组织切片 [51]
染色:H. E
低倍镜:首先找到表皮,紧靠表 皮浅染的区域向表皮突 出,
形成乳头状突起,即真皮乳头,该 处由疏松结缔组织构成。 镜下
(2)巨噬细胞(mac rophage): 是疏松结缔组 织中数量较多 的一
种细胞,其胞体呈圆形、卵圆形或 不规则形。胞核较小,卵 圆形
. 讲授内容
或肾形,由于标本未经过复染,故 核呈空泡状,胞质内含有 大小
不等的台盼兰颗粒。由于细胞正处 于吞噬过程中,故胞体轮 廓不
低倍镜:纤维纵横交错,排列疏松,纤维间存在许多有 蓝色
高倍镜:胶原纤维、弹性纤维的特点同撕片中所见, 重点观
(1)肥大细胞(mast cell):细胞较大,呈圆形或卵圆形,轮廓清
楚;核小而圆,位于细胞中央,如 未经复染,核呈空泡状。 胞质
思考 题或 作业
教学 法参 考
2. 思考题:1. 结缔组织的结构特点?并与上皮组织相比较。
2. 疏松结缔组织包括哪些成分? 3. 比较疏松结缔组织与致密结缔组织的异同。 教材:组织学与胚胎学实习指导 人民军医出版社, 2002
参考资料: 组织学与胚胎学 第五版 邹仲之主编 人民卫生出版社,2002 现代组织学 成令忠、钟翠平、蔡文琴主编 上海科学技术出版社 2003


多形核白血球: 嗜中性白血球
单核白血球: 单核白血球
淋巴细胞 血小板:为形状不固定的小体,具凝血作用
• 特点: • 1、以纤维成分为主,纤维粗大,排列紧密。 • 2、细胞的种类和数量均较少,主要为成纤维
分 类:
根据纤维 排列分类
不规则致密结缔组织:有真皮、硬骨、 脑膜、巩膜、鱼鳔等。 规则致密结缔组织 :有肌腱、韧带等。
• 组成:以大量的脂肪细胞为主要成分所构成的 结缔组织。
• 结构:成群的脂肪C被疏松CT分隔成许多小叶, 小叶间隔疏松CT中有丰富血管。
• 分布:皮下、网膜和系膜、心外膜、肾脂肪囊、 骨髓等处。
• 组成:由网状细胞、网状纤维及基质所构成。 • 分布: 造血器官、淋巴器官。 • 功能:造血与淋巴循环。
褶和突起;大量溶酶体、吞噬体、吞饮小泡。 • 功能: 变形运动和趋化性、分泌功能、识别、粘
附和吞噬功能、参与免疫反应。 • 来源:血液中的单核细胞。
• 形态:圆或卵圆形 • 结构:核小、偏位,核染色质呈车轮状; 胞质嗜
碱性,近核侧有浅染区;丰富的粗面内质网,发 达的高尔基体。 • 功能:分泌免疫球蛋白,参与体 液免疫。 • 来源:B淋巴细胞。
• 3. 纤维软骨 • 特点:新鲜时乳白色。 • 分布:椎间盘、关节盘及耻骨联合。 • 纤维成分:胶原纤维。
• 来源:间充质。 • 分类:密质骨、松质骨。 • 功能:支持和保护 , 运动, 钙、磷代
谢与贮藏 ,骨髓是血C发生的部位。

结缔组织(connective tissue)(图)

结缔组织(connective tissue)(图)
EM:大量的RER和高尔基体 功能:分泌免疫球蛋白
1.细胞质弱嗜碱性 2.核仁明显 3.丰富的粗面内质网 4.发达的高尔基体
4. 肥大细胞
形态:圆形或卵圆形 分布:血管周围 结构:
LM:胞质内含粗大的、 水溶性的、异染性 的、嗜碱性颗粒
功能:变形运动 吞噬功能
2. 嗜酸性粒细胞(eosinophil) 结构:核常分两叶
胞质充满粗大、均匀、橘红色的颗粒 功能:
变形运动 趋化性 吞噬抗原抗体复合物 减轻过敏反应
3.嗜碱性粒细胞 (basophil) 结构:核分叶或S形
胞质中含大小不等、分布不均、紫兰色颗粒 功能:引起过敏反应
中性粒细胞(neutrophil) 50-70%
有粒白细胞 嗜酸性粒细胞(eosinophil) 0.5-3%
嗜碱性粒细胞(basophil) 0-1%
无粒白细胞 淋巴细胞(lymphocyte) 20-30%
单核细胞(monocyte) 3-8%
1.中性粒细胞 (neutrophil) 结构:核分2-5叶
数量 分布 结构:LM、EM 功能 来源
2. 巨噬细胞 形态:不规则,有突起 结构:
LM:胞质嗜酸性 细胞核小,染色深
功能:吞噬作用; 趋化和变形作用; 分泌活性物质; 参与免疫应答,抗原呈递
3. 浆细胞
形态:圆形或卵圆形 结构:
LM:胞质弱嗜碱性 细胞核偏位, 染色 质呈车轮状

一、概述 骨组织 骨膜 骨髓
细胞 间质 = 骨质


疏松结缔组织分隔为脂肪小叶。 1、黄色脂肪组织 由单泡脂肪细胞构成。 功能:贮能、维持体温、保
护。 2、棕色脂肪组织 由多泡脂肪细胞构成。
八、网状组织(reticular tissue) 由网状细胞和网状纤维构成。 1、网状细胞 星形多突起,突起互连成
网;胞质RER丰富,核大,着色浅, 核仁明显。
⑦ 白细胞(leukocyte) 来源于血液的中性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞、淋巴细
胞等。 功能:免疫防御。
(2)纤维 ① 胶原纤维(collagenous fiber) 又称白纤维。 LM:粉红色,直径1~20 µm ,波浪状, 分支交织成网。 EM:为成束的胶原原纤维,后者直径20~ 200 nm,有64 nm周期性横纹。 成分:Ⅰ型与Ⅲ型胶原蛋白。 特性:韧性大,抗拉力强。
噬物;核小,深染。 EM:有皱褶或微绒毛;含大量溶酶体、吞噬体、吞
功能 A. 吞噬作用(phagocytosis)
特异性吞噬:通过识别因子(如抗体)识别 和粘附被吞噬物(细菌、病毒、异体细胞等)。
非特异性吞噬:直接粘附被吞噬物(粉尘、 死亡的自体细胞等)。
④ 肥大细胞(mast cell) LM:大,卵圆形,胞质充满粗大嗜碱性颗粒
(分泌颗粒),核小而圆,着色深,居中。 功能:颗粒内含肝素、组胺、嗜酸性粒细胞趋化
因子等,胞质含白三烯,释放后引发过敏反应 。
胶原纤维(肌腱)光镜图 (F腱细胞)
胶原原纤维电镜图(单根 )



1、loose connective tissue的细胞
(1)fibroblast • 机体生长、发育时期,创伤修复过程中, 作用明显,修复伤口、生成肉芽组织 • 纤维细胞:处于不活跃状态的成纤维细胞
1、loose connective tissue的细胞
• 数量多,分布广 • 形状随功能状态不同而变化,多突起, 功能活跃者常伸出伪足而呈不规则形 • 细胞质丰富,含大量溶酶体、发达的高 尔基体
二、connective tissue
(一)loose connective tissue • 最主要的一种结缔组织 • 广泛分布于器官之间、组织之间、细胞之间 • 结构特点:
- 细胞种类多,数量少,散在分布 - 纤维排列疏松而不规则,基质较丰富 - 蜂窝组织:整个组织形似蜂窝
二、connective tissue
1、loose connective tissue的细胞
• 细胞核较小,染色较深 • 形成:
• 血液内的单核细胞作变形运动,穿 过血管壁到达结缔组织,进一步分化、 发育成巨噬细胞
1、loose connective tissue的细胞 (2)macrophage
2)elastic fiber(黄纤维)
• 较细,黄色,弹性较大 • 光镜下卷曲形 • 分布于大动脉管壁等处
3)argyrophilic fiber(嗜银纤维)
• 短而细,有分枝,互相吻合呈网状 • 无弹性,有韧性 • 分布于疏松结缔组织与其它组织的交界处
- 上皮的基膜下 - 毛细血管周围 • 纤维含糖蛋白,可用硝酸将纤维染成黑色(嗜银)



• 固有结缔组织 固有结缔组织(connective tissue proper) • 疏松结缔组织 • 致密结缔组织 • 脂肪组织 • 网状组织 • 软骨、骨 软骨、 • 血液、淋巴液 血液、
一 、 疏 松 结 缔 组 织 tissue) (Loose connective tissue)
1)软骨周化骨 软骨表面骨祖细胞 ) 成骨 细胞 类骨质 骨质 骨领 内部成 骨细胞死亡 骨化 • 2)软骨内化骨 软骨雏形 ) 间质钙化 初 级骨化中心 同样方式形成次级骨化中心 骺 板 骺线 •
(五)骨的生长: 骨的生长:
• (1)加长 骺板不断增殖 骺板不断增殖17~20岁 ) 岁 骺 线 • (2)增粗 骨膜在表面形成骨板,内表面破 骨膜在表面形成骨板, ) 骨细胞改建, 岁 骨细胞改建,30岁
韧性大,抗拉力。 功能 韧性大,抗拉力。
(二)细胞: 细胞:
• 1成纤维细胞和纤维细胞 是同一种细胞的两种不 成纤维细胞和纤维细胞 同的功能状态。 同的功能状态。 • 成纤维细胞 成纤维细胞(fibroblast)
• 形态 扁平多突起,胞质多,弱嗜碱性,核卵圆形, 扁平多突起,胞质多,弱嗜碱性,核卵圆形,异染质 核仁清。 少,核仁清。 • 电镜 丰富的粗面内质网,游离的核糖体, 丰富的粗面内质网,游离的核糖体,发达的高尔基氏 微丝和微管。 体,微丝和微管。 • 功能 合成胶原原蛋白, 合成胶原原蛋白,弹性蛋白
• (1)分子筛:结缔组织间质中,透明质 )分子筛:结缔组织间质中, 酸与大量水分子结合, 酸与大量水分子结合 , 形成盘曲折绕的 大分子, 大分子 , 再借其它的糖胺多糖形成微小 空隙的立体网架, 空隙的立体网架 , 对大分子物质起屏障 作用。 溶血性链球菌、 作用 。 溶血性链球菌 、 癌细胞能产生透 明质酸酶,破坏分子筛。 明质酸酶,破坏分子筛。
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Chapter 5. Connective TissueConnective Tissue: IntroductionThe different types of connective tissue are responsible for providing and maintaining the form of organs throughout the body. Functioning in a mechanical role, they provide a matrix that connects and binds other tissues and cells in organs and gives metabolic support to cells as the medium for diffusion of nutrients and waste products.Structurally, connective tissue is formed by three classes of components: cells, fibers, and ground substance. Unlike the other tissue types (epithelium, muscle, and nerve), which consist mainly of cells, the major constituent of connective tissue is the extracellular matrix (ECM). Extracellular matrices consist of different combinations of protein fibers (collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers) and ground substance. Ground substance is a highly hydrophilic, viscous complex of anionic macromolecules (glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans) and multiadhesive glycoproteins (laminin, fibronectin, and others) that stabilizes the ECM by binding to receptor proteins (integrins) on the surface of cells and to the other matrix components. In addition to its major structural role, molecules of connective tissue serve other important biological functions, such as forming a reservoir of factors controlling cell growth and differentiation. The hydrated nature of much connective tissue provides the medium through which nutrients and metabolic wastes are exchanged between cells and their blood supply.The wide variety of connective tissue types in the body reflects variations in the composition and amount of the cells, fibers, and ground substance which together are responsible for the remarkable structural, functional, and pathologic diversity of connective tissue.The connective tissues originate from the mesenchyme, an embryonic tissue formed by elongated undifferentiated cells, the mesenchymal cells (Figure 5–1). These cells are characterized by oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli and fine chromatin. They possess many thin cytoplasmic processes and are immersed in an abundant and viscous extracellular substance containing few fibers. The mesenchyme develops mainly from the middle layer of the embryo, the mesoderm. Mesodermal cells migrate from their site of origin in the embryo, surrounding and penetrating developing organs. In addition to being the point of origin of all types of connective tissue cells, mesenchyme develops into other types of structures, such as blood cells, endothelial cells, and muscle cells.Figure 5–1.Embryonic mesenchyme.Mesenchyme consists of a population of undifferentiated cells, generally elongated but with many shapes, having large euchromatic nuclei and prominent nucleoli which indicate high levels of synthetic activity. These cells are called mesenchymal cells. Mesenchymal cells are surrounded by an extracellular matrix which they produced and which consists largely of a simple ground substance rich in hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid). This section is stained with Masson trichrome which stains collagen fibers blue and the lack of collagen in mesenchyme is apparent. X200.Cells of Connective TissueA variety of cells with different origins and functions are present in connective tissue (Figure 5–2 and Table 5–1). Fibroblasts originate locally from undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and spend all their life in connective tissue; other cells such as mast cells, macrophages, and plasma cells originate from hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow, circulate in the blood, and then move into connective tissue where they remain and execute their functions. White blood cells (leukocytes) are transient cells of most connective tissues; they also originate in the bone marrow and move to the connective tissue where they reside for a few days, then usually die by apoptosis. Figure 5–2.Lineages of connective tissue cells.This simplified representation of the connective tissue cell lineage includes cells from the multipotential embryonic mesenchyme cells and hematopoietic stem cells of bone marrow. Dottedarrows indicate that one or more intermediate cell types exist between the examples illustrated. The cells are not drawn in proportion to actual sizes, eg, adipocyte, megakaryocyte, and osteoclast cells are significantly larger than the other cells illustrated.Table 5–1.Functions of connective tissue cells.FibroblastsFibroblasts synthesize collagen, elastin, glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans and multiadhesive glycoproteins. Fibroblasts are the most common cells in connective tissue (Figure 5–3) and are responsible for the synthesis of extracellular matrix components. Two stages of activity—active and quiescent—are often observed in these cells (Figure 5–3b). Cells with intense synthetic activity are morphologically distinct from the quiescent fibroblasts that are scattered within the matrix they havealready synthesized. Some histologists reserve the term fibroblast to denote the active cell and fibrocyte to denote the quiescent cell.Figure 5–3.Fibroblasts.Connective tissue where parallel bundles of collagen are being formed.(a): Fibroblasts typically show large active nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm tapering off in both directions along the axis of the nucleus, a morphology usually called "spindle-shaped." The nuclei (arrows) are clearly seen, but the cytoplasmic processes resemble the collagen bundles (C) that fill the extracellular matrix and are difficult to distinguish in H&E-stained sections. (b): Both active and quiescent fibroblasts may sometimes be distinguished, as in this section of dermis. Active fibroblasts are large cells with large, euchromatic nuclei and basophilic cytoplasm, whereas inactive fibroblast or fibrocytes are smaller with less prominent, heterochromatic nuclei. The very basophilic round cells in (b) are leukocytes. BothX400.H&E.The active fibroblast has an abundant and irregularly branched cytoplasm. Its nucleus is ovoid, large, and pale-staining, with fine chromatin and a prominent nucleolus. The cytoplasm is rich in rough ER, and the Golgi apparatus is well developed. The quiescent fibroblast or fibrocyte is smaller than the active fibroblast and is usually spindle-shaped. It has fewer processes; a smaller, darker, elongated nucleus; and more acidophilic cytoplasm with much less RER.Fibroblasts synthesize most components of connective tissue ECM, including proteins, such as collagen and elastin, which upon secretion form collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers, and the glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins of the groundsubstance. Fibroblasts are targets of various growth factors that influence cell growth and differentiation. In adults, fibroblasts in connective tissue rarely undergo division; mitosis can resume when the organ requires additional fibroblasts as in wound healing.MEDICAL APPLICATIONThe regenerative capacity of the connective tissue is clearly observed when tissues are destroyed by inflammation or traumatic injury. In these cases, the spaces left after injury to tissues whose cells do not divide (eg, cardiac muscle) are filled by connective tissue, which forms a scar. The healing of surgical incisions depends on the reparative capacity of connective tissue. The main cell type involved in repair is the fibroblast.When it is adequately stimulated, such as during wound healing, the fibrocyte reverts to the fibroblast state, and its synthetic activities are reactivated. In such instances the cell reassumes the form and appearance of a fibroblast. The myofibroblast, a cell with features of both fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, is also observed during wound healing. These cells have most of the morphological characteristics of fibroblasts but contain increased amounts of actin microfilaments and myosin and behave much like smooth muscle cells. Their activity is responsible for wound closure after tissue injury, a process called wound contraction.AdipocytesAdipocytes (L. adeps, fat, + Gr. kytos, cell) are connective tissue cells that have become specialized for storage of neutral fats or for the production of heat. Often called fat cells, they have considerable metabolic significance and are discussed in detail in Chapter 6.Macrophages & the Mononuclearphagocyte SystemMacrophages were discovered and initially characterized by their phagocytic ability. They have a wide spectrum of morphologic features that correspond to their state of functional activity and to the tissue they inhabit.In the electron microscope, macrophages are characterized by an irregular surface with pleats, protrusions, and indentations, a morphologic expression of their active pinocytotic and phagocytic activities. They generally have a well-developed Golgi apparatus, many lysosomes, and rough ER (Figure 5–4).Figure 5–4.Macrophage ultrastructure.Characteristic features of macrophages seen in this TEM of one such cell are the prominent nucleus (N) and the nucleolus (Nu) and the numerous secondary lysosomes (L). The arrows indicate phagocytic vacuoles near the protrusions and indentations of the cell surface. X10,000.Macrophages derive from bone marrow precursor cells that divide, producing monocytes which circulate in the blood. These cells cross the wall of venules and capillaries to penetrate the connective tissue, where they mature and acquire the morphologic features of macrophages. Therefore, monocytes and macrophages are the same cell in different stages of maturation. Macrophages are also sometimes referred to as "histiocytes."Macrophages are distributed throughout the body and are present in most organs. Along with other monocyte-derived cells, they comprise a family of cells called the mononuclearphagocyte system (Table 5–2). All are long-living cells and may survive for months in the tissues. In most organs these cells are highly important for the up-take, processing, and presentation of antigens for lymphocyte activation. The macrophage-like cells have been given different names in different organs, eg, Kupffer cells in the liver, microglial cells in the central nervous system, Langerhans cells in the skin, and osteoclasts in bone tissue. However, all are derived from monocytes. The transformation from monocytes to macrophages in connective tissue involves increases in cell size, increased protein synthesis, and increases in the number of Golgi complexes and lysosomes. A typical macrophage measures between10 and 30 m in diameter and has an oval or kidney-shaped nucleus located eccentrically.Table 5–2.Distribution and main functions of the cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system.MEDICAL APPLICATIONWhen adequately stimulated, macrophages may increase in size and are arranged in clusters forming epithelioid cells (named for their vague resemblance to epithelial cells), or several may fuse to form multinuclear giant cells. Both cell types are usually found only in pathological conditions.Macrophages act as defense elements. They phagocytose cell debris, abnormal extracellular matrix elements, neoplastic cells, bacteria, and inert elements that penetrate the organism. Macrophages are also antigen-presenting cells that participate in the processes of partial digestion and presentation of antigen to other cells (see Chapter 14). A typical example of an antigen-processing cell is the macrophage present in the skin epidermis, called the Langerhans cell (see Chapter 18). Althoughmacrophages are the main antigen presenting cells, under certain circumstances many other cell types, such as fibroblasts, endothelial cells, astrocytes, and thyroid epithelial cells, are also able to perform this function. Macrophages also participate incell-mediated resistance to infection by bacteria, viruses, protozoans, fungi, and metazoans (eg, parasitic worms); in cell-mediated resistance to tumors; and in extrahepatic bile production, iron and fat metabolism, and the destruction of aged erythrocytes.When macrophages are stimulated (by injection of foreign substances or by infection), they change their morphological characteristics and metabolism. They are then called activated macrophages and acquire characteristics not present in their nonactivated state. These activated macrophages, in addition to showing an increase in their capacity for phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, exhibit enhanced metabolic and lysosomal enzyme activity. Macrophages also have an important role in removing cell debris and damaged extracellular components formed during the physiological involution process. For example, during pregnancy the uterus increases in size. Immediately after parturition, the uterus suffers an involution during which some of its tissues are destroyed by the action of macrophages. Macrophages are also secretory cells that produce an impressive array of substances, including enzymes (eg, collagenase) and cytokines that participate in defensive and reparative functions, and they exhibit increased tumor cell–killing capacity.Mast CellsMast cells are large, oval or round connective tissue cells, 20–30 m in diameter, whose cytoplasm is filled with basophilic secretory granules. The rather small, spherical nucleus is centrally situated and may be obscured by the cytoplasmic granules (Figure 5–5).Figure 5–5.Mast cells.Mast cells are components of loose connective tissues, often located near small blood vessels (BV). (a): They are typically oval-shaped, with cytoplasm filled with strongly basophilic granules. X400. PT. (b):Ultrastructurally mast cells show little else around the nucleus (N) besides these cytoplasmic granules (G), except for occasional mitochondria (M). The granule staining in the TEM is heterogeneous and variable in mast cells from different tissues; at higher magnifications some granules may show a characteristic scroll-like substructure (inset) that contains preformed mediators such as histamine and proteoglycans. The ECM near this mast cell includes elastic fibers (E) and bundles of collagen fibers (C).The secretory granules are 0.3–2.0 m in diameter. Their interior is electron-dense and heterogeneous. Mast cells function in the localized release of many bioactive substances with roles in the inflammatory response, innate immunity, and tissue repair.Because of their high content of acidic radicals in their sulfated glycosaminoglycans, mast cell granules display metachromasia, which means that they can change the color of some basic dyes (eg, toluidine blue) from blue to purple or red. The granules are poorly preserved by common fixatives, so that mast cells are frequently difficult to identify. Mast cell granules contain a wide variety of paracrine compounds that promote different aspects of a local inflammatory response. A partial list of important molecules released from these granules includes:§Heparin, a sulfated glycosaminoglycan that acts locally as an anticoagulant§Histamine, which promotes increased vascular permeability and smooth muscle contraction§Serine proteases, which activate various mediators of inflammation§Eosinophil and neutrophil chemotactic factors which attract those leukocytes§Leukotrienes C4, D4, and E4(or the slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis, SRS-A) which also trigger smooth muscle contraction.Mast cells occur in many connective tissues, but are especially numerous near small blood vessels in skin and mesenteries (perivascularmast cells) and in the mucosa lining digestive and respiratory tracts (mucosal mast cells). The average size and granular content of these two populations differ somewhat.Mast cells originate from progenitor cells in the bone marrow. These progenitor cells circulate in the blood, cross the wall of venules and capillaries, and penetrate connective tissues, where they proliferate and differentiate. Although they are in many respects similar to basophilic leukocytes, they have a separate stem cell. Release of the chemical mediators stored in mast cells promotes the allergic reactions known as immediate hypersensitivity reactions, because they occur within a few minutes after penetration by an antigen of an individual previously sensitized to the same or a very similar antigen. There are many examples of immediate hypersensitivity reaction; a dramatic one is anaphylactic shock, a potentially fatal condition. The process of anaphylaxis consists of the following sequential events: The first exposure to an antigen (allergen), such as bee venom, results in production of the IgE class of immunoglobulins (antibodies) by plasma cells. IgE is avidly bound to the surface of mast cells. A second exposure to the antigen results in binding of the antigen to IgE on the mast cells. This event triggers release of the mast cell granules, liberating histamine, leukotrienes, ECF-A, and heparin (Figure 5–6). Degranulation of mast cells also occurs as a result of the action of the complement molecules that participate in the immunological reaction cited in Chapter 14. Histamine causes contraction of smooth muscle (mainly of the bronchioles) and dilates and increases permeability (mainly in postcapillaryvenules). Any liberated histamine is inactivated immediately after release. Leukotrienes produce slow contractions in smooth muscle, and ECF-A attracts blood eosinophils. Heparin is a blood anticoagulant, but blood clotting remains normal in humans during anaphylactic shock. Mast cells are widespread in the human body but are particularly abundant in the dermis and in the digestive and respiratory tracts.Figure 5–6.Mast cell secretion.Mast cell secretion is triggered by re-exposure to certain antigens and allergens. Molecules of IgE antibody produced in an initial response to an allergen such as pollen or bee venom are bound to surface receptors for IgE (1), of which 300,000 are present per mast cell. When a second exposure to the allergen occurs, IgE molecules bind this antigen and a few IgE receptors very rapidly becomecross-linked (2). This activates adenylatecyclase, leading to phosphorylation of specific proteins and (3) entry of Ca2+ and rapid exocytosis of some granules (4). In addition, phospholipases act on specific membrane phospholipids, leading to production and release of leukotrienes (5). The components released from granules, as well as the leukotrienes, are immediately active in the local microenvironment and promote a variety of controlled local reactions which together normally comprise part of the inflammatory process called the immediate hypersensitivity reaction. ECF-A, eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis.Plasma CellsPlasma cells are large, ovoid cells that have a basophilic cytoplasm due to their richness in rough ER. The juxtanuclear Golgi apparatus and the centrioles occupy a region that appears pale in regular histologic preparations (Figure 5–7).Figure 5–7.Plasma cells.Plasma cells are abundant in this portion of an inflamed intestinal villus. The plasma cells are characterized by their abundant basophilic cytoplasm involved in the synthesis of antibodies. A large pale Golgi apparatus (arrows) near each nucleus is the site of the terminal glycosylation of the antibodies (glycoproteins). Plasma cells can leave their sites of origin in lymphoid tissues, move to connective tissue, and produce the antibodies that mediate immunity. X400 PT.The nucleus of the plasma cell is generally spherical but eccentrically placed. Many of these nuclei contain compact, peripheral regions of heterochromatin alternating with lighter areas of euchromatin, a configuration that can give the nucleus of a plasma cell the appearance of a clock-face. There are few plasma cells in most connective tissues. Their average lifespan is short, 10–20 days.MEDICAL APPLICATIONPlasma cells are derived from B lymphocytes and are responsible for the synthesis of antibodies. Antibodies are immunoglobulins produced in response to penetration by antigens. Each antibody is specific for the one antigen that gave rise to its production and reacts specifically with molecules possessing similar epitopes (see Chapter 14). The results of the antibody-antigen reaction are variable. The capacity of the reaction to neutralize harmful effects caused by antigens is important. An antigen that is a toxin (eg, tetanus, diphtheria) may lose its capacity to do harm when it combines with its respective antibody.LeukocytesConnective tissue normally contains leukocytes that migrate from the blood vessels by diapedesis. Leukocytes (Gr. leukos, white, + kytos), or white blood corpuscles, are the wandering cells of the connective tissue. They leave blood by migrating between the endothelial cells lining capillaries and postcapillaryvenules to enter connective tissue by a process called diapedesis. This process increases greatly during inflammation, which is a vascular and cellular defensive reaction against foreign substances, in most cases pathogenic bacteria or irritating chemical substances. The classic signs of inflammation were first described by Celsus in the first century as redness and swelling with heat and pain (ruboret tumor cum calore et dolore). Inflammation begins with the local release of chemical mediators of inflammation, substances of various origin (mainly from local cells and blood plasma proteins) that induce some of the events characteristic of inflammation, eg, increase of blood flow and vascular permeability, chemotaxis, and phagocytosis.MEDICAL APPLICATIONIncreased vascular permeability is caused by the action of vasoactive substances; an example is histamine, which is liberated from mast cells and basophilic leukocytes. Increases in blood flow and vascular permeability are responsible for local swelling (edema), redness, and heat. Pain is due mainly to the action of chemical mediators on nerve endings. Chemotaxis (Gr. chemeia, alchemy, + taxis, orderly arrangement), the phenomenon by which specific cell types are attracted by some molecules, is responsible for the migration of large quantities of specific cell types to regions of inflammation. As a consequence of chemotaxis, leukocytes cross the walls of venules and capillaries by diapedesis, invading the inflamed areas.Leukocytes do not return to the blood after arriving in connective tissue except for the lymphocytes. These cells circulate continuously in various compartments of the body: blood, lymph, lymphatic organs, and the interstitial fluid of connective tissue. Lymphocytes are particularly abundant in the connective tissue of the digestive tract.A detailed analysis of the structure and functions of leukocytes and lymphocytes is presented in Chapters 12 and 14.FibersThe connective tissue fibers are formed by proteins that polymerize into elongated structures. The three main types of connective tissue fibers are collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers. Collagen and reticular fibers are both formed by the protein collagen, and elastic fibers are composed mainly of the protein elastin. These fibers are distributed unequally among the types of connective tissue and the predominant fiber type is usually responsible for conferring specific properties on the tissue. CollagenThe collagens constitute a family of proteins selected during evolution for the execution of several (mainly structural) functions. During the process of evolution of multicellular organisms, a family of structural proteins was selected by both environmental influences and the functional requirements of the animal organism and developed to acquire varying degrees of rigidity, elasticity, and strength. These proteins are known collectively as collagen, and the chief examples among its various types are present in the skin, bone, cartilage, smooth muscle, and basal lamina. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, representing 30% of its dry weight. The collagens are produced by several cell types and are distinguishable by their molecular compositions, morphologic characteristics, distribution, functions, and pathologies. More than 20 types of collagen have been identified and designated with Roman numerals; the most important of these are listed in Table 5–3. They are classified into the following four categories according to their structure and general functions.Table 5–3.Collagen types.[ 1 (I)]2[ 2 (I)]300-nmmolecule,67-nm bandedfibrils[ 1 (II)]3300-nmmolecule,67-nm bandedfibrils[ 1 (III)]367-nm bandedfibrils[ 1 (V)]3390-nmmolecule,N-terminalglobular domain1 (XI)] [2 (XI)] [3 (XI)]300-nm molecule[ 1 (IX)] [ 2 (IX)] [ 3 (IX)] 200-nm molecule[ 1 (XII)]3LargeN-terminaldomain;interacts withtype I collagenXIV [ 1 (XIV)]3LargeN-terminaldomain;cross-shapedmolecule[ 1 (VII)]3450 nm,globular domainat each end[ 1 (VII)]2[ 1(IV)]Two-dimensional cross-linkednetworkCollagens that Form Long FibrilsThe molecules of long fibril–forming collagens aggregate to form fibrils clearly visible in the electron or light microscope (Figure 5–8). Collagen type I is the most abundant and has a widespread distribution. It occurs in tissues as structures that are classically designated as collagen fibers forming structures such as tendons, organ capsules, and dermis.Figure 5–8.Type I collagen.Molecules of type I collagen, the most abundant type, assemble to form much larger structures. (a): TEM shows fibrils cut longitudinally and transversely. In longitudinal sections the fibrils display alternating dark and light bands that are further divided by cross-striations and in cross-section the cut ends of individual collagen molecules can be seen. Ground substance completely surrounds the fibrils. X100,000. (b):In H&E stained tissues, type I collagen fibrils can often be seen to aggregate further into large collagen bundles (C) of very eosinophilic fibers. Subunits for these fibers were secreted by fibroblasts (arrows) associated with them. X 400.Fibril-Associated CollagensFibril-associated collagens are short structures that bind the surfaces of collagen fibrils to one another and to other components of the ECM. Molecules in this category are also known as FACIT collagens, an acronym for "fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple helices."Collagens that Form Anchoring FibrilsAnchoring collagen is type VII collagen, present in the anchoring fibrils that bind the basal lamina to reticular fibers in the underlying connective tissue (Figure 4–2). Collagens that Form NetworksAn important network-forming collagen is type IV collagen, whose molecules assemble in a meshwork that constitutes a major structural component of the basal lamina.Collagen synthesis, an activity once thought restricted to fibroblasts, chondroblasts, osteoblasts, and odontoblasts, has now been shown to occur in many cell types. The polypeptides initially formed on ribosomes of the rough ER are called procollagen chains, which intertwine in ER cisternae to make triple helices. Every third amino acids in the chains is glycine; two other small amino acids abundant in collagen are hydroxylated post-translationally to form hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. Many different chains have been identified, encoded by related genes and varying in length and amino acid sequence.The triple helix of chains forms a rod-like procollagen molecule, which in type I and II collagen measures 300 nm in length and 1.5 nm in width. Procollagen molecules may be homotrimeric, with all three chains identical, or heterotrimeric, with two or all three chains having different sequences (Figure 5–9). Different combinations of the many procollagen chains in procollagen molecules are largely responsible for the various types of collagen with different structures and functional properties. In collagen types I, II, and III, collagen molecules aggregate and become packed together to form fibrils. Hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions are important in the aggregation and packing of these subunits. In a subsequent step, this structure is reinforced by the formation of covalent cross-links, a process catalyzed by lysyl oxidases.Figure 5–9.。
