statistical measures of customer satisfaction for health care quality assurance, a case study


数据分析英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. Which of the following is not a common data type in data analysis?A. NumericalB. CategoricalC. TextualD. Binary2. What is the process of transforming raw data into an understandable format called?A. Data cleaningB. Data transformationC. Data miningD. Data visualization3. In data analysis, what does the term "variance" refer to?A. The average of the data pointsB. The spread of the data points around the meanC. The sum of the data pointsD. The highest value in the data set4. Which statistical measure is used to determine the central tendency of a data set?A. ModeB. MedianC. MeanD. All of the above5. What is the purpose of using a correlation coefficient in data analysis?A. To measure the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variablesB. To calculate the mean of the data pointsC. To identify outliers in the data setD. To predict future data points二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. The process of identifying and correcting (or removing) errors and inconsistencies in data is known as ________.7. A type of data that can be ordered or ranked is called________ data.8. The ________ is a statistical measure that shows the average of a data set.9. A ________ is a graphical representation of data that uses bars to show comparisons among categories.10. When two variables move in opposite directions, the correlation between them is ________.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. Explain the difference between descriptive andinferential statistics.12. What is the significance of a p-value in hypothesis testing?13. Describe the concept of data normalization and its importance in data analysis.14. How can data visualization help in understanding complex data sets?四、计算题(每题10分,共20分)15. Given a data set with the following values: 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, calculate the mean and standard deviation.16. If a data analyst wants to compare the performance of two different marketing campaigns, what type of statistical test might they use and why?五、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)17. A company wants to analyze the sales data of its products over the last year. What steps should the data analyst take to prepare the data for analysis?18. Discuss the ethical considerations a data analyst should keep in mind when handling sensitive customer data.答案:一、选择题1. D2. B3. B4. D5. A二、填空题6. Data cleaning7. Ordinal8. Mean9. Bar chart10. Negative三、简答题11. Descriptive statistics summarize and describe thefeatures of a data set, while inferential statistics make predictions or inferences about a population based on a sample.12. A p-value indicates the probability of observing the data, or something more extreme, if the null hypothesis is true. A small p-value suggests that the observed data is unlikely under the null hypothesis, leading to its rejection.13. Data normalization is the process of scaling data to a common scale. It is important because it allows formeaningful comparisons between variables and can improve the performance of certain algorithms.14. Data visualization can help in understanding complex data sets by providing a visual representation of the data, making it easier to identify patterns, trends, and outliers.四、计算题15. Mean = (10 + 12 + 15 + 18 + 20) / 5 = 14, Standard Deviation = √[(Σ(xi - mean)^2) / N] = √[(10 + 4 + 1 + 16 + 36) / 5] = √52 / 5 ≈ 3.816. A t-test or ANOVA might be used to compare the means ofthe two campaigns, as these tests can determine if there is a statistically significant difference between the groups.五、案例分析题17. The data analyst should first clean the data by removing any errors or inconsistencies. Then, they should transformthe data into a suitable format for analysis, such ascreating a time series for monthly sales. They might also normalize the data if necessary and perform exploratory data analysis to identify any patterns or trends.18. A data analyst should ensure the confidentiality andprivacy of customer data, comply with relevant data protection laws, and obtain consent where required. They should also be transparent about how the data will be used and take steps to prevent any potential misuse of the data.。

Why Needs Customer Satisfaction ?
It was proven strong correlation between “Completely Satisfied” customers and owner loyalty : a customer will recommend his/her friends to purchase the product/service he/she experienced.
Profit will increase by 25%
~ 85% from 5% increase in customer loyalty.
•Firms become more profitable overtime due to loyal customers.
Profit Increase from 5% Increase in Customer Loyalty
Quality ? 7. What Are Key Drivers To Make You Success On
Customer Satisfaction ? 8. Q&A
What Is Customer Satisfaction ?
1. The formation process is dynamic :
Customer measures and rates his/her Satisfaction as a result of comparison process. Prior to the purchase and consumption of a product/service, a customer establishes various expectations concerning the “Performance” of the product/service.
《Business statistic》复习参考(第一章至第八章)

《Business Statistic》中国人民大学出版社英文版第五版chapter1~8复习参考Part1名词解释1、Statistics is a method of extracting useful information from a set of numerical data in orderto make a more effective and informed decision.2、Descriptive Statistics:These are statistical methods of organizing, summarizing andpresenting numerical data in convenient forms such as graphs, charts and tables.3、Inferential statistics is defined as statistical methods used for drawing conclusions about apopulation based on samples.4、Primary data is obtained first hand.5、Secondary data already exists or has been previously collected such as company accounts, orsales figures.6、Mean: The arithmetic average and the most common measure ofaaaaaaa central tendency.①All values are included in computing the mean.②A set of data has a unique mean ③Themean is affected by unusually large or small data points (outliers / extreme values).7、Mode: The most frequent data, or data corresponding to the highest frequency. ①Mode isnot affected by extreme values. ②There may not be a mode. ③There may be several modes. ④Used for either numerical or categorical data.8、Median is the value that splits a ranked set of data into two equal parts. ①Median is notaffected by extremely large or small values and is therefore a valuable measure of central tendency when such values occur.9、Standard Deviation: ①A measure of the variation of data from the mean. ②The mostcommonly used measure of variation. ③Represented by the symbol ‘s’. ④Shows how the data is distributed around the mean.10、Probability is the chance of an occurrence of an event. ①Probability of an eventalways lies between 0 and 1. ②The sum of the probabilities of every possible outcome or event is 1. ③The probability of the complement A’ is given by 1-P(A).11、Properties of Normal distribution:①Continuous random variable. ②‘Bell-shaped’ &symmetrical. ③Mean, median, mode are equal ④Area under the curve is 1.12、The Central Limited Theorem:①If the population followed normal distribution, thesampling distribution of mean is followed normal distribution. ②If the population do not followed normal distribution, but the sample size is larger than 30, the sampling distribution of mean is followed normal distribution.Part2选择题Topic 1 - Introduction to Business Statistics & Data CollectionQ1. The universe or totality of items or things under consideration is called:a. a sample.b. a population.c. a parameter.d.none of the above.Q2. Those methods involving the collection, presentation, and characterization of a set of data in order to properly describe the various features of that set of data are called:a.inferential quality management.c.sampling.d.descriptive statistics.Q3. The portion of the universe that has been selected for analysis is called:a. a sample.b. a frame.c. a parameter.d. a statistic.Q4. A summary measure that is computed to describe a numerical characteristic from only a sample of the population is called:a. a parameter.b. a census.c. a statistic.d.the scientific method.Q5. A summary measure that is computed to describe a characteristic of an entire population is called:a. a parameter.b. a census.c. a quality management.Q6. The process of using sample statistics to draw conclusions about population parameters is called:a.inferential statistics.b.experimentation.c.primary sources.d.descriptive statistics.Q7. Which of the four methods of data collection is involved when a person retrieves data from an online databasea.published sources.b.experimentation.c.surveying.d.observation.Q8. Which of the four methods of data collection is involved when people are asked to complete a questionnairea.published sources.b.experimentation.c.surveying.d.observation.Q9. Which of the four methods of data collection is involved when a person records the use of the Los Angeles freeway systema.published sources.b.experimentation.c.surveying.d.observation.Q10. A focus group is an example of which of the four methods of data collectiona.published sources.b.experimentation.c.surveying.d.observation.Q11. Which of the following is true about response ratesa.The longer the questionnaire, the lower the rate.b.Mail surveys usually produce lower response rates than personal interviews or telephonesurveys.c.Question wording can affect a response rate.d. d. All of the above.Q12. Which of the following is a reason that a manager needs to know about statisticsa.To know how to properly present and describe information.b.To know how to draw conclusions about the population based on sample information.c.To know how to improve processes.d.All of the above.Scenario 1-1Questions 13-15 refer to this scenario:An insurance company evaluates many variables about a person before deciding on an appropriate rate for automobile insurance. Some of these variables can be classified as categorical, discrete and numerical, or continuous and numerical.Q13. Referring to Scenario 1-1 (above), the number of claims a person has made in the last three years is what type of variablea.Categorical.b.Discrete and numerical.c.Continuous and numerical.d.None of the above.Q14. Referring to Scenario 1-1 (above), a person's age is what type of variablea.Categorical.b.Discrete and numerical.c.Continuous and numerical.d.None of the above.Q15. Referring to Scenario 1-1 (above), a person's gender is what type of variablea.Categorical.b.Discrete and numerical.c.Continuous and numerical.d.None of the above.Q16. Which of the following can be reduced by proper interviewer traininga.Sampling error.b.Measurement error.c.Coverage error.d.Nonresponse error.Scenario 1-2Questions 17-19 refer to this scenario:Mediterranean fruit flies were discovered in California a few years ago and badly damaged the oranges grown in that state. Suppose the manager of a large farm wanted to study the impact of the fruit flies on the orange crops on a daily basis over a 6-week period. On each day a random sample of orange trees was selected from within a random sample of acres. The daily average number of damaged oranges per tree and the proportion of trees having damaged oranges were calculated.Q17. Referring to Scenario 1-2 (above), the two main measures calculated each day ., average number of damaged oranges per tree and proportion of trees having damaged oranges) are called _______.a.statistics.b.parameters.c.samples.d.populations.Q18. Referring to Scenario 1-2 (above), the two main measures calculated each day ., average number of damaged oranges per tree and proportion of trees having damaged oranges) may be used on a daily basis to estimate the respective true population _______.a.estimates.b.parameters.c.statistics.d.frame.Q19. Referring to Scenario 1-2 (above), in this study, drawing conclusions on any one day about the true population characteristics based on information obtained from the sample is called _______.a.evaluation.b.descriptive statistics.c.inferential statistics.d.survey.Scenario 1-3Questions 20 and 21 refer to this scenario:The Quality Assurance Department of a large urban hospital is attempting to monitor and evaluate patient satisfaction with hospital services. Prior to discharge, a random sample of patients is asked to fill out a questionnaire to rate such services as medical care, nursing, therapy, laboratory, food, and cleaning. The Quality Assurance Department prepares weekly reports that are presented at the Board of Directors meetings and extraordinary/atypical ratings are easy to flag.Q20. Referring to Scenario 1-3 (above), true population characteristics estimated from thesample results each week are called Referring to Scenario 1-3 (above), a listing of all hospitalised patients in this institution over a particular week would constitute the ________.a.sample.b.population.c.statistics.d.parameters.Scenario 1-4Questions 22-24 refer to this scenario:The following are the questions given to Sheila Drucker-Ferris in her college alumni association survey. Each variable can be classified as categorical or numerical, discrete or continuous.Q22. Referring to Scenario 1-4 (above), the data for the number of years since graduation is categorised as: __________________.a.numerical discrete.b.categorical.c.numerical continuous.d.none of the above.Q23. Referring to Scenario 1-4 (above), the data for the number of science majors is categorised as: ____________.a.categorical.b.numerical continuous.c.numerical discrete.d.none of the above.Q24. Referring to Scenario 1-4 (above), the data for tabulating the level of job satisfaction (High, Moderate, Low) is categorised as: _________.a.numerical continuous.b.categorical.c.numerical discrete.d.none of the above.Topic 2: Organising and Presenting dataQ1 The width of each bar in a histogram corresponds to the:a.boundaries of the classes.b.number of observations in the classes.c.midpoint of the classes.d.percentage of observations in the classes.Q2 When constructing charts, which of the following chart types is plotted at the class midpointsa.Frequency histograms.b.Percentage polygons.c.Cumulative relative frequency ogives.d.Relative frequency histograms.Q3 When polygons or histograms are constructed, which axis must show the true zero or "origin"a.The horizontal axis.b.The vertical axis.c.Both the horizontal and vertical axes.d.Neither the horizontal nor the vertical axis.Q4 To determine the appropriate width of each class interval in a grouped frequency distribution, we:a.divide the range of the data by the number of desired class intervals.b.divide the number of desired class intervals by the range of the datac.take the square root of the number of observations.d.take the square of the number of observations.Q5 When grouping data into classes it is recommended that we have:a.less than 5 classes.b.between 5 and 15 classes.c.more than 15 classes.d.between 10 and 30 classes.Q6 Which of the following charts would give you information regarding the number of observations "up to and including" a given groupa.Frequency histograms.b.Polygons.c.Percentage polygons.d.Cumulative relative frequency ogives.Q7 Another name for an "ogive" is a:a.frequency histogram.b.polygon.c.percentage polygon.d.cumulative percentage polygon.Q8 In analyzing categorical data, the following graphical device is NOT chart.b.Pareto diagram.c.stem and leaf display.d.pie chart.Table 2The opinions of a sample of 200 people broken down by gender about the latest congressionalQ9 Table 2 (above) contains the opinions of a sample of 200 people broken down by gender about the latest congressional plan to eliminate anti-trust exemptions for professional baseball. Referring to Table 2, the number of people who are neutral to the plan is _______.a.36b.54c.90d.200Q10 Referring to Table 2, the number of males who are against the plan is _______.a.12b.48c.60d.96Q11 Referring to Table 2, the percentage of males among those who are for the plan is ______.a.%b.24%c.25%d.76%Q12 Referring to Table 2, the percentage who are against the plan among the females is _______.a.%b.20%c.30%d.52%Topic 3: Numerical Descriptive StatisticsQ1 Which measure of central tendency can be used for both numerical and categorical variablesa.Mean.b.Median.c.Mode.d.Quartiles.Q2 Which of the following statistics is not a measure of central tendencya.Mean.b.Median.c.Mode.d.Q3.Q3 Which of the following statements about the median is NOT truea.It is more affected by extreme values than the mean.b.It is a measure of central tendency.c.It is equal to Q2.d.It is equal to the mode in bell-shaped distributions.Q4 The value in a data set that appears most frequently is called:a.the median.b.the mode.c.the mean.d.the variance.Q5 In a perfectly symmetrical distribution:a.the mean equals the median.b.the median equals the mode.c.the mean equals the mode.d.All of the above.Q6 When extreme values are present in a set of data, which of the following descriptive summary measures are most appropriatea.CV and range.b.Mean and standard deviation.c.Median and interquartile range.d.Mode and variance.Q7 The smaller the spread of scores around the mean:a.the smaller the interquartile range.b.the smaller the standard deviation.c.the smaller the coefficient of variation.d.All the above.Q8 In a right-skewed distribution:a.the median equals the mean.b.the mean is less than the median.c.the mean is greater than the median.d.the mean is less than the mode.a.b.c.d.Q10 Referring to Table 3 (above), the median carbohydrate amount in the cereal is ________ grams.a.19b.20c.21d.Q11 Referring to Table 3 (above), the 1st quartile of the carbohydrate amounts is ________ grams.a.15b.20c.21d.25Q12 Referring to Table 3 (above), the range in the carbohydrate amounts is ________ grams.a.16b.18c.20d.21Topic 4: Basics probability and discrete probability distributionsInformation A, needed to answer Questions 1 to 2The Health and Safety committee in a large retail firm is examining the relationship between the number of days of sick leave an employee takes and whether an employee works on the day shift (D) or night shift (N). The committee looks at a sample of 50 employees and notes which shift they work on and whether the number of days of sick leave they take in a year is less than 6 daysQ1 Use Information A to answer this question. Which of the following statements about the values in the table of probabilities is not correcta.The probability of an employee taking 6 or more days of sick leave P(M) isb.The probability that an employee is on the Night Shift (N) and takes less than 6 days ofleave (L), is called a conditional probability P(N | L) =c.If you know that an employee is on day shift (D) then the probability that they will takeless than 6 days of leave (L) is the conditional probability P(L | D) =d.The probability that an employee works Day Shift (D) or takes 6 or more days of leave (M)is found using the addition rule to be P(D or M) =e.They are all correctQ2 The analyst wishes to use the Probabilities table from Information A to determine whether the work shift variable and the number of days of sick leave variable are or are not independent variables. Which of the following statements about the work shift and the number of days of sick leave variables is correcta.These variables are independent because the marginal probabilities such as P(L) are thesame as the conditional probabilities P(L | D)b.These variables are not independent because the marginal probability P(L) is differentfrom the conditional probability P(N | L)c.These variables are not independent because the joint probabilities such as P(L and N)are equal to the product of the probabilities P(L).P(N).d.These variables are dependent because the marginal probabilities such as P(L) are equalto the conditional probability P(L | N)e.None of the aboveInformation B, needed to answer Question 3Suppose the manager of a home ware retailer decides in a 5-minute period no more than 4 customers can arrive at a counter. Using past records he obtains the following probabilitythe following is the correct pair of values for the mean, the variance or standard deviation of the number of arrivals at the counter.a.Mean mu = 2 and variance sigma-squared =b.Mean mu = and variance sigma-squared =c.Mean mu = 2 and standard deviation sigma =d.Mean mu = and variance sigma-squared =e.None of the aboveInformation C, needed to answer Questions 4-6The section manager in an insurance company is interested in evaluating how well staff at the inquiry counter handle customer complaints. She interviews a sample of n = 6 customers who have made complaints and asks each of them whether staff had handled their complaints well. Each interview is called a trial. If a customer says their complaint was handled well this is called a success. She thinks that as long as these people are interviewed independently of each other then the number of people who say their complaint was handled well is a random variable with a Binomial probability distribution. The section manager thinks that the probability that a customers complaint will be handled well is p = .Q4 Use Information C to answer this question. A total of n = 6 people are interviewed independently of each other. Which of the following statements about the probability that 5 out of the 6 complaints will be handled well is correcta.less thanb.between andc.more thand.between ande.None of the aboveQ5 Using Information C, which of the following statements about the probability that 4 or less of the 6 complaints will be handled well is correcta.less thanb.more thanc.between andd.between ande.None of the aboveQ6 Suppose the section manager from Information C is interested in the measures of central tendency and variation for the number of complaints which are handled well. Which of the following sets of values, where values are rounded to 3 decimal places, is the correct set of valuesa.Mean mu = and variance sigma-squared =b.Mean mu = and variance sigma-squared =c.Mean mu = and variance sigma-squared =d.Mean mu = and standard deviation sigma =e.None of the aboveInformation D, needed to answer Questions 7-9The manager of a large retailer thinks that one reason why staff at the complaints counter fail to handle customer complaints well is that not enough staff are allocated to this counter. Past experience has shown that the number of customers who arrive at this counter has a Poisson distribution where the average number who arrive each hour is 36. He decides to look at how many customers are likely to arrive at the complaints counter during a 5-minute period.Q7 Use Information D to answer this question. Which of the following statements concerning the probability that exactly 2 customers will arrive at the counter in a 5-minute period is correcta.less thanb.between andc.between andd.more thane.None of the aboveQ8 Use Information D to answer this question. Which of the following statements concerning the probability that 3 or more customers will arrive at a counter in a 5-minute period is correcta.between andb.less thanc.more thand.between ande.None of the aboveQ9 The section manager from Information D is interested in the mean and variance of the number of customers who arrive during a 1 hour period. Which of the following is the correct set of values for these two measuresa.Mean mu = 3 and variance sigma-squared = 3b.Mean mu = 36 and standard deviation sigma =c.Mean mu = 30 and variance sigma-squared = 30d.Mean mu = 36 and standard deviation sigma = 6e.None of the aboveTopic 5: Normal probability distribution & sampling distributionQ1 Which of the following is not a property of the normal distributiona.It is bell-shaped.b.It is slightly skewed left.c.Its measures of central tendency are all identical.d.Its range is from negative infinity to positive infinity.Q2 The area under the standardized normal curve from 0 to would be:a.the same as the area from 0 to .b.equal to .c.found by using Table in your textbook.d.all of the above.Q3 Which of the following about the normal distribution is not truea.Theoretically, the mean, median, and mode are the same.b.About two-thirds of the observations fall within ± 1 standard deviation from the mean.c.It is a discrete probability distribution.d.Its parameters are the mean and standard deviation.Q4 In its standardized form, the normal distribution:a.has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.b.has a mean of 1 and a variance of 0.c.has a total area equal to .d.cannot be used to approximate discrete binomial probability distributions.Q5 In the standardized normal distribution, the probability that Z > 0 is _______.a.b.c.d.cannot be found without more informationQ6 The probability of obtaining a value greater than 110 in a normal distribution in which the mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 10 is ______________ the probability of obtaining a value greater than 650 in a normal distribution with a mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100.a.less thanb.equal to.c.greater thand.It is unknown without more information.Q7 The probability of getting a Z score greater than is ________.a.close tob.c. a negative numberd.almost zeroQ8 For some positive value of Z, the probability that a standardized normal variable is between 0 and Z is . The value of Z isa.b.c.d.Q9 For some value of Z, the probability that a standardized normal variable is below Z is . The value of Z isa.b.c.d.Q10 Given that X is a normally distributed random variable with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 2, the probability that X is between 47 and 54 isa.b.c.d.Q11 For some positive value of X, the probability that a standardized normal variable is between 0 and + is . The value of X isa.b.c.d.Q12 The owner of a fish market determined that the average weight for a catfish is pounds with a standard deviation of pounds. A citation catfish should be one of the top 2 percent in weight. Assuming the weights of catfish are normally distributed, at what weight (in pounds) should the citation designation be establisheda.poundsb.poundsc.poundsd.poundsQ13 Which of the following is NOT a property of the arithmetic meana.It is unbiased.b.It is always equal to the population mean.c.Its average is equal to the population mean.d.Its variance becomes smaller when the sample size gets bigger.Q14 The sampling distribution of the mean is a distribution of:a.individual population values.b.individual sample values.c.statistics.d.parameters.Q15 The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean is called the:a.standard error of the sample.b.standard error of the estimate.c.standard error of the mean.d.All of the aboveQ16 According to the central limit theorem, the sampling distribution of the mean can be approximated by the normal the number of samples gets "large enough." the sample size (number of observations) gets "large enough." the size of the population standard deviation the size of the sample standard deviation decreases.Q17 For a sample size of n=10, the sampling distribution of the mean will be normally distributed:a.regardless of the population's distribution.b.if the shape of the population is symmetrical.c.if the variance of the mean is known.d.if the population is normally distributedTopic 6: EstimationQ1 The interval estimate using the t critical value is ________ than the interval estimate using the z critical value.a.Narrowerb.The same asc.Widerd.More powerfulQ2 To estimate the mean of a normal population with unknown standard deviation using a small sample, we use the ______ distribution.a.'t'b.'Z'c.samplingd.alphaQ3 If the population does not follow a normal distribution, then to use the t distribution to give a confidence interval estimate for the population mean, the sample size should least least least 100d.less than 30Q4 The 'z' value or 't' value used in the confidence interval formula is called the:a.sigma valueb.critical valuec.alpha valued.none of the aboveQ5 The 'z' value that is used to construct a 90 percent confident interval is:a.b.c.d.Q6 The 'z' value that is used to construct a 95 percent confidence interval is:a.b.c.d.Q7 The sample size needed to construct a 90 percent confidence interval estimate for the population mean with sampling error ± when sigma is known to be 10 units is:a.9b.32c.75d.107Q8 The t critical value approaches the z critical value when:a.the sample size decreasesb.the sample size approaches infinityc.the confidence level increasesd.the sample is smallQ9 The t-critical value used when constructing a 99 percent confidence interval estimate with a sample of size 18 is:a.b.c.d.Q10 The t-value that would be used to construct a 90 percent confidence interval for the mean with a sample of size n 36 would be:a.b.c.d.Q11 The value of alpha (two tailed) for a 96 percent confidence interval would be: a.b.c.d.Q12 When using the t distribution for confidence interval estimates for the mean, the degrees of freedom value is:a.nb.n-1c.n-2d.n %2B 1Q13 You would interpret a 90 percent confidence interval for the population mean can be 90 percent confident that you have selected a sample whose interval doesinclude the population meanb.if all possible samples are selected and CI's are calculated, 90 percent of those intervalswould include the true population meanc.90 percent of the population is in that intervald.both A and B are trueQ14 From a sample of 100 items, 30 were defective. A 95 percent confidence interval for the proportion of defectives in the population is:a.(.2, .4)b.(.21, .39)c.(.225, .375)d.(.236, .364)Q15 A confidence interval was used to estimate the proportion of statistics students that are male. A random sample of 70 statistics students generated the following 90 percent confidence interval: , . Using the information above, what size sample would be necessary if we wanted to estimate the true proportion to within ± using 95 percent confidencea.240b.450c.550d.150整理人:阿桤。

大二统计学知识点总结双语Statistics is a fundamental subject for students majoring in mathematics, economics, and many other fields. In the second year of college, students delve deeper into statistical concepts and methods. In this article, we will summarize the key knowledge points of second-year statistics in both Chinese and English.1. 数据与变量 (Data and Variables)在统计学中,数据是指收集到的事实或观察的结果。
In statistics, data refers to the facts or observations that have been collected. Variables are the characteristics or attributes of interest in a study. Data can be categorized into quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data is usually expressed in numerical form, while qualitative data describes non-quantitative features.2. 描述统计学 (Descriptive Statistics)描述统计学是对已有数据进行总结、展示和分析的方法。

外文原文Marketing Customer Satisfaction From:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction》Since the 20th century, since the late eighties, the customer satisfaction strategy is increasingly becoming business has more customers share the overall business competitive advantage means.First, customer satisfaction strategy is to get a modern enterprise customers, "money votes" magic weaponWith the changing times, the great abundance of material wealth of society, customers in the main --- consumer demand across the material has a lack of time, the number of times the pursuit, the pursuit of quality time to the eighties of the 20th century entered the era of the end consumer sentiment. In China, with rapid economic development, we have rapidly beyond the physical absence of the times, the pursuit of the number of times and even the pursuit of quality and age of emotions today gradually into the consumer era. Spending time in the emotion, the company's similar products have already reached the same time, homogeneous, with the energy, the same price, consumers are no longer pursue the quality, functionality and price, but the comfort, convenience, safety, comfort, speed, jump action, environmental protection, clean, happy, fun, etc., consumers are increasingly concerned about the product whether for their own life energy, enrich, comfort, beauty and spiritual quality, and exceed consumer expectations in the pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and advice. In other words, people today are looking for is a "psychological satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment," the commodity, high value added goods and services, the pursuit of values and sense of diversity, individuality, and the intangible satisfaction of the time has come . And consumers adapt to changes in the value of the pursuit of competition between enterprises, but also from product competition, price competition, technological competition, advertising competition, brand image development of competition to the current competition, credit competition, cultural competition and service competition, competition that customer satisfaction . This competition is the enterprise wide angle, wide-field space-time within the context of high-level, reflect the overall strength of the competition. It includes organizational innovation, technological innovation, management innovation, industry foresight, R & D force, employee engagement, customer service ability, customer affinity, peer recognition ability, community contributions to force, public relations and dissemination ofcommunication skills, corporate culture drive, environmental adaptation, and so forth. These integrated image of the force and the synthesis of integrated sustainable competitiveness, which is CS strategy to solve the problem. CS times, companies no longer "own the center," but to "customer-centric"; "customer", "customer satisfaction" is no longer a mere formality of the slogan, but real action to basis of a new business philosophy of. Enterprises no longer quality standards, their satisfaction with the management idea, but in customer satisfaction, gain customer loyalty for the business philosophy of high. The focus is no longer business strategy to gain or maintain market share, mainly, but as for customer satisfaction for the business philosophy. Therefore, the marketing strategy of competitors who focus not on but on clients, on the customers actual and potential needs. When the company provides products and services to the customer's prior expectations, customers will be basically satisfied; if far exceed customer expectations, and far higher than other colleagues, customers really satisfied; if companies can continuously or for a long time the customers satisfaction, customer loyalty will be. Loyal customers will not only regularly repeat purchase, but also other related businesses to purchase products or services; loyal customers will not only actively recommend to others to buy his products, and promotional activities of competitors on the enterprise has the immunity of a dissatisfied dissatisfied customers will tell 16-20 individuals, and each one was told who will then spread to 12-15 individuals. Thus, a dissatisfied person will affect two or three hundred people. Today in the popularity of the Internet, its impact is even greater. According to the U.S. auto industry survey, a satisfaction will unleash the potential of business 8 document, which will be at least a transaction. Another survey showed that every increase of 5% of enterprise customer loyalty, and profits will grow 25% -95%. 80% of a company 20% of the profits from loyal customers; while the cost of obtaining a new customer is to maintain a 6 times the cost of old customers. Therefore, the American scholar Tangpeiposi that: the decision whether or not the key to the success of an enterprise is not market share, but rather customer share.As a result, enterprises have been through an extensive and detailed market research, direct contact with consumers, customer feedback, etc. to understand the reality in all aspects of customer needs and potential needs. Rely on the loyalty business sales satisfaction, service personnel, regular, comprehensive quantitative determination of customer satisfaction in order to accurately grasp the business with "customer satisfaction" the gap between objectives and priority areas, to further improve the business activities . Rely on the corporate culture of high affinity, highly efficient management and full human to make joint efforts to provide customers with high value-added products, high levels of family-like service to win customers changing and upgrading satisfaction, win more share many customers.Such as Haier always put customer needs first, stand in the customer point of view of product development, design, personalized, humanized useful products, from the pull-screen TVs to the latest release of "Taiwan does not blink of an eye for color TV", small hand rub a small child prodigy washing machine washing machines, small refrigerators Prince to "wisdom eye" inverter air conditioner, the system 17 hours from a "Mike freezer" to after-sale-stop star service to meet customer needs and both are provided to the satisfaction The value of products and services. Another example is Microsoft's products are focused on each of the world's most talented developers to introduce even better than the products customers want, while the formation of global sales of economy of scale, the lowest price. This is Microsoft's secret of success in 20 years.In summary, emotional consumer era, decided what kind of products and production management services to provide what the powers are not part of a business, it is consumers, measuring the value of enterprise efficiency and the existence of the decision shifts to the hands of customers, the enterprise should cater to the customer, value to satisfy customers in order to get as much as possible from the customer "money votes." The CS strategy is the magic weapon for winning such a vote.Second, customer satisfaction, the main steps in marketing strategyFirst, to establish the level of corporate culture customer-centric, customer interests first, and customer satisfaction as the goal of philosophy.CS theory in the customer refers to internal staff and external customers (including distributors, wholesalers, agents, the final consumer and raw material suppliers, partners, etc.), customer satisfaction, including staff and external customer satisfaction, customer loyalty is also However. Mechanism for business success is customer satisfaction with loyalty, employee satisfaction and customer loyalty are key personnel. Employees of the company's satisfaction and loyalty are products and services for enterprise customers satisfaction and loyalty based on customer satisfaction and loyalty are the inevitable result of employee behavior. No employee satisfaction and loyalty, it is impossible to create satisfied customers to provide value products and services, the customer naturally dissatisfied and disloyal, away from the enterprise. When the employee satisfaction and loyalty with customers when the contact will be with great enthusiasm into their intellectual capital, creative customer service, and to timely detection of trends in customer demand, timely product and service value-added, firmly grasp live in the hearts of customers, to his satisfaction. FedEx found that when internal staff satisfaction rate to 85%, their customer satisfaction rate of 95%, and also very optimistic about corporate profits. Here determines the attitude of all employees.Therefore, companies must be customer satisfaction of business philosophy permeatesthe minds of staff, reflected in the management of employee loyalty to their R & D products, manufacture products, provide marketing services to satisfied customers. If nine birds, "the education of all employees receive customer-centric is the highest business principles. Customers are benefactor, a friend, a teacher, a customer gave us the opportunity to work, the value of work, fun and work significance of the work. We should sincerely thank from the heart to customers satisfaction is our aim, to create the most value for the customers of products and services is our highest goal. Under the guidance of this principle, would rather lose yourself can not lose customers has become a "nine bird" code of conduct for employees. so that customers are in the "9 First bird "consumption is a pleasure, is such a great pleasure. Customers to pay costs on an expected value their consumption, and consumers end up spending at its heart will have a standard evaluation to measure, if the value for money, he will come back later, such as value for money, he probably will come again; Otherwise, consumers will not come back. Therefore, "9 Bird" is to provide consumers value for money products and services. there is such a business philosophy of customer satisfaction under the guidance of marketing, "nine bird" fire in the capital is not difficult to understand.Second, customers participate in product design and development.Customer-centric company, through market segmentation, target a wide range of research to understand the public's needs and values, standing customer point of view of product development, design, personalized, personalized value-added products and services, is correct , but must allow users to join product design. Use of the Internet and CAD technology with customers to establish effective communication and information exchange, needs to grasp the customer information and customer value, to encourage a variety of information sources on the customer information database for timely updates. After analysis, the conclusion about the nature of customer needs, and to the enterprise customer demand information nature of various departments to share resources. This design products, provide customer satisfaction services. Now, many companies use a service called: "Product Configurator" system to help users with the participation of product design. That is stored in the computer where the latest information for all product modules, and replaced at any time, marketing personnel in the sales site on the Internet, according to user needs or user configuration with out it needs to meet their value products. Shanghai GM produces cars that operators and users are very satisfied, because users join the product design. Haier Whether it is for farmers in Sichuan production of washing machines to wash sweet potatoes, users in Shanghai production of "The Little Prince fridge", or change channels without dazzling color TV, Haier's "wisdom eye" inverter air conditioner, star-stop after-sales service, etc. are based on the needs of users, customers participate in product design incorporates therecommendations of the design and development of customer satisfaction in the rich humanity of the value of goods and services, naturally, won more hearts and minds of customers.Third, to provide a full service customer satisfaction and personalized service.Full service is for customers shopping and consumption carried out by every aspect of the services detailed and deep, the heart of the service. Full service is the consumer desire for consumption from the moment of production value of goods run out of play until the whole process, with care to consumers, so consumers are closely linked with their brands so that consumers enjoy the culture, enjoy the service experience concept was to benefit consumers willingly your products or services, consumers at every level are fully satisfied, and to win customer loyalty. Sales stage --- to ensure that customers receive timely and quality services to, participation in training pre-consultation, transfer knowledge and information, create shopping needs, so customers rational choice, practical help customers buy their own niche products; sale support the provision of convenient to maximize play product features, customers appreciate the warmth and value; feedback re-sale value-added services, allowing customers to feel the warmth and truth. If a woman bought a Haier air conditioning, home run pulled the driver on his way to be black heart, and Haier was informed immediately after the woman free to send a new Haier air conditioning, and decided after the delivery place. Inner Mongolia, the home of a user due to fire, will burn just bought the Haier refrigerators, Haier access services from the computer after power found in the user details of the network address, sent by the car arrived in 4 days to fix their refrigerator. This value must win the customer service satisfaction over expectations.In today's era of emotional consumption, the pursuit of "Heart of satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment" of goods, is highly personalized value-added value goods, the pursuit of values and awareness of diversity, individuality, and intangible satisfaction. Therefore, enterprises will no longer put attention to all the general needs of different consumers, we should pursue different personality for consumers, tailor, design and development of enterprise products and services to meet the individual and the diversity of today's consumer trends. Propensity to consume the face of increasingly complex, enterprises must manage customer demand for personalized marketing, the key lies in establishing a customer database and customer information feedback system for customer relationship management, continued to collect understanding of consumer needs and preferences change, and new expectations of the business to better provide customers with personalized service.Fourth, foster customer loyalty.In the restaurant industry, customer satisfaction in the brand switching, the proportion is as high as 60% to 80%. This indicates that satisfied customers become loyal customers do notnecessarily. 80% of the profits of an enterprise from 20% of customer loyalty, marketing, customer Aracature Corp.'s President, Larry Light said in Advertising Age magazine, from the loyal customers who return a non-loyal customers are 9 times. Wal-Mart has been able to continue to grow as 500 Boss, simply because it is the management capacity to attract customer loyalty.Customer loyalty is perceived from the customer, delivered through the two-way communication between the value and the relationship is hard to provide value through business products or services obtained. For customer loyalty, companies must have top management commitment and unremitting financial support to enterprises to define customer loyalty, understand customer needs is what formed what are the reasons they leave, who bought the product, Why? awareness and create customer loyalty incentives. Cultivate customer loyalty marketing in two ways:First, we should properly solve customer complaints. As long as the proper handling of customer complaints, the 82% of the customers will buy products again. Proper handling of customer complaints, the requirement to establish a good business humanized "complained management" system. First, establish a "customer complained, is the best gift for business, enterprise management to improve good" concept; Second, enterprises must establish effective policies and institutions dealing with grievances and staff training, proper treatment of customers complained, standing customer approach to customer complained of the problem; third, dealing with customer departments to rotate so that each business unit is able to understand customer satisfaction, and obtain experience in handling customer complain; Fourth, the establishment of all customers complained that the database for timely treatment and prevent public relations crisis.Second, build up customer loyalty database. Tracked only through the analysis of the database in order to know exactly what enterprise customers have a share of increase in number, how long a certain share. Customer loyalty is the core of the database relational database, which consists of a series of records of marketing programs composed of different aspects of sub-libraries. Loyal customer database, you can offer premium services for staff in a timely manner the information required; to collect all the relevant details with customers to create the conditions; strengthen ties with customers quickly; for the development of new products and create the conditions for the provision of new services; and customers long-term interactive two-way communication to provide potential demand, and may have thought it meet their expectations of non-think of the value of the products or services.中文翻译顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销自20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

(全面版)客户满意度测量方法英文版Comprehensive Guide to Customer Satisfaction Measurement MethodsIn today's competitive business environment, understanding and measuring customer satisfaction is crucial for the success of any company. Customer satisfaction directly impacts customer loyalty, retention, and overall business growth. To help you effectively measure customer satisfaction, we have compiled a comprehensive guide outlining various methods you can use.1. SurveysSurveys are a traditional but effective way to measure customer satisfaction. You can create online or offline surveys to gather feedback from customers about their experience with your products or services. Make sure to ask clear and specific questions to obtain meaningful insights.2. Net Promoter Score (NPS)NPS is a popular method used to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. Customers are asked to rate how likely they are to recommend your company to others on a scale of 0 to 10. Based on their responses, customers are categorized as promoters, passives, or detractors, providing valuable insights into overall satisfaction levels.3. Customer InterviewsConducting one-on-one interviews with customers can provide in-depth insights into their satisfaction levels. Through open-ended questions, you can uncover specific pain points, preferences, and suggestions for improvement. These qualitative insights are invaluable for understanding customer satisfaction.4. Social Media MonitoringMonitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand can give you real-time feedback on customer satisfaction. Analyzing comments, reviews, and messages can help you identify trends and address issues promptly to improve overall satisfaction levels.5. Customer Feedback FormsImplementing feedback forms on your website or at physical locations can capture immediate feedback from customers. These forms can be used to gather both quantitative ratings and qualitative comments, providing a holistic view of customer satisfaction.6. Mystery ShoppingMystery shopping involves hiring individuals to pose as customers and evaluate the customer experience. By observing interactions and assessing service quality, you can gain valuable insights into areas for improvement and enhance overall customer satisfaction.7. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)CSAT surveys ask customers to rate their satisfaction with a recent interaction or experience on a scale. By calculating the average score, you can track changes in satisfaction levels over time and identify areas that require attention.8. Online Reviews and RatingsMonitoring online reviews and ratings on platforms like Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor can provide valuable feedback on customersatisfaction. Analyzing trends in ratings and sentiment can help you identify strengths and weaknesses in your business.ConclusionMeasuring customer satisfaction is a continuous process that requires a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. By utilizing a variety of measurement techniques, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of customer satisfaction and make data-driven decisions to enhance the customer experience.。

高三英语市场营销单选题60题(含答案)1.Marketing is all about understanding the needs and wants of ________ and fulfilling them.A.consumersB.producersC.sellersD.buyers答案:A。
2.The main goal of marketing is to increase ________.A.sales volumeB.production quantityC.employee satisfactionpany reputation答案:A。
“sales volume”销售量;“production quantity”生产数量,不是营销的主要目标;“employee satisfaction”员工满意度与市场营销目标无关;“company reputation”公司声誉是营销的一个方面但不是主要目标。
3.Marketing mix consists of four elements: product, price, place, and ________.A.promotionB.productionC.purchaseD.prospect答案:A。
4.A good marketing strategy should focus on ________.A.short-term gainsB.long-term growthC.immediate profitsD.low costs答案:B。

评论:0 条查看:86 次jackiefeng发表于2008-12-23 10:131 Leadership (120 pts.)1 领导(120分)The Leadership Category examines HOW your organizations SENIOR LEADERS guide and sustain your organization. Also examined are your organizations GOVERNANCE and HOW your organization addresses its ethical, legal, and community responsibilities.领导类目检查组织的高层领导者如何引领组织并保持组织可持续发展。
1.1Senior Leadership: How do your senior leaders lead?(70pts.) Process1.1 高层领导:高层领导者是如何领导的?(70分)过程Describe HOW SENIOR LEADERS guide and sustain your organization. Describe HOW SENIOR LEADERS communicate with your WORKFORCE and encourage HIGH PERFORMANCE.说明高层领导者如何引领组织并保持组织可持续发展。
Within your response, include answers to the following questions:在报告中,要答复以下问题:a. VISION and VALUESa. 愿景和价值观(1) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS set organizational VISION and VALUES? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS DEPLOY your organization VISION and VALUES through your LEADERSHIP SYSTEM, to the WORKFORCE, to KEY suppliers and PARTNERS, and to CUSTOMERS and other STAKEHOLDERS, as appropriate? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS personal actions reflect a commitment to the organizations VALUES?(1)高层领导者如何确立组织的愿景和价值观?高层领导者如何通过组织的领导系统将组织的愿景和价值观展开到全体员工、关键供应商和合作伙伴、顾客和其它利益相关者(适用时回答)?他们的个人行为如何反映出其对组织价值观的承诺?(2) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS personally promote an organizational environment that fosters, requires, and results in legal and ETHICAL BEHAVIOR?(2)高层领导者如何身体力行地推动一种培育、要求和实现守法行为和道德行为的环境?(3) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create a SUSTAINABLE organization? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create an environment for organizational PERFORMANCE improvement, the accomplishment of your MISSION and STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES,INNOVATION, competitive or role model PERFORMANCE leadership, and organizational agility? HOW do they create an environment for organizational and WORKFORCE LEARNING? HOW do they personally participate in succession planning and the development of future organizational leaders?(3)高层领导者如何创建一个具有可持续性的组织?高层领导者如何创建一种促进绩效改进、使命和战略目标实现、创新、具有竞争力或领军地位,以及保持敏捷性的环境?如何创建一种组织和员工学习的环境?他们如何亲自参与组织继任计划和培养未来的领导者?munication and Organizational PERFORMANCEb. 沟通和组织绩效(1) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS communicate with and engage the entire WORKFORCE? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS encourage frank,two-way communication throughout the organization? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS communicate KEY decisions? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS take an active role in reward and recognition programs to reinforce HIGH PERFORMANCE and a CUSTOMER and business focus?(1) 高层领导者如何与组织的全体员工沟通并激发他们?高层领导如何鼓励在整个组织内进行坦诚的、双向的沟通?高层领导是如何就关键决策进行沟通?高层领导者如何在员工奖励和认可方面担当积极的角色以促进高绩效和强化以顾客和业务为中心?(2) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create a focus on action to accomplish the organizations objectives, improve PERFORMANCE, and attain its VISION? What PERFORMANCE MEASURES do SENIOR LEADERS regularly review to inform them on needed actions? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS include a focus on creating and balancing VALUE for CUSTOMERS and other STAKEHOLDERS in their organizational PERFORMANCE expectations?(2) 高层领导者如何确立对行动的重视以完成组织的目标、改进绩效和达成愿景?高层领导定期评审哪些绩效指标以便采取必要的行动?高层领导者在组织的绩效期望中如何顾及均衡地为顾客及其他利益相关者创造价值?Notes:注解:N1. Organizational vision (1.1a[1]) should set the context for strategic objectives and action plans, which are described in Items 2.1 and 2.2.N1. 组织的愿景[1.1a(1)]应为在条目2.1和2.2中阐述的战略目标和行动计划设定前提。

Why Statistics?
• In today’s digital world ever increasing amounts of data are gathered, stored, reported on, and available for further study.
• The growth of “Big Data” spurs the use of business analytics •“大数据 ”的增长刺激了商业分析的应用
• “Big data” or very large data sets are arising because of the automatic collection of high volumes of data at very fast rates. •“大数据”或非 常大的数据集的出现,是因为以非常快的速率自动收集大量数据 6 。
– -定义你想研究的数据,以解决问题或达到一个目标。
– -从适当的来源收集数据
– -组织开发表收集的数据
– -通过开发图表来可视化数据
– -分析收集到的数据,得出结论并给出结果
Using The DCOVA Framework Helps You To Apply Statistics To:
No order
ordered/ ranked
No true zero
Absolute zero
Difference is meaningful Difference is meaningful
Ratio is not meaningful Ratio is also meaningful

【六西格玛英文】来谈谈六西格玛与客户投诉Your customers are the most important factor for generating revenue. Think about it. Without customers to pay for your products and services, you have no revenue, which means no profit. Plain and simple. Without customers, your business can’t exist. Make sure you know and understand what your customers want. Understanding customer demand is essential to meeting it. You’ll also have a better chance of working out wha t went wrong. You can then go about fixing the problem accordingly, ensuring it doesn’t happen again. Today, we look at Six Sigma and customer complaints. Learn how to measure their image of your company with this KPI.对于收益的产生而言,顾客是最为重要的因素。

本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文学院经济管理学院专业工商管理年级班别学号学生姓名指导教师年月日目录1论动态企业的过程绩效评价方法 (1)摘要 (1)1.1 绪论 (2)1.2 ABC/ABMC测评 (4)1.3 基于企业运作流分析的动态评估 (6)2 A methodology for dynamic enterprise process performance evaluation (8)Abstract (8)2.1 Introduction (9)2.2 ABC/ABM-based measurements based on six process flows (11)2.3 Dynamic evaluation based on enterprise process flow analysis (14)论动态企业的过程绩效评价方法文章出处:WenAn Tan, Weiming Shen, Jianmin Zhao. A methodology for dynamic enterprise process performance evaluation. Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute, National Research Council of Canada, 800Collip Circle, London, Ont, Canada N6G 4X8, Received 23 February 2006; received in revised form 12October 2006; accepted 13 October 2006摘要为了有效地管理企业的经营, 企业的决策者需要利用先进的工作模拟与优化工具,从不同的角度监察企业的业务流程。
本文提出一种企业动态过程的绩效评价方法,这种评价方法以活动成本和活动管理 (ABC/ABM)为模型基础量化计算,分析制造类企业里的六类生产流程,包括活动流程,产品信息流, 资源的流动,成本流,现金流,利润流。

Cronbaca’s Alpha 系数为 0。255,比较低以外,其它分量表的 Alpha 系数均在 0。7以上,且总量表的
Cronbach’s Alpha 系数达到了0。891,表明此量表的可靠性较高。由信度检验的结果可知顾客抱怨的测量
指标的信度远低于 0。7,因此在路径图中去掉顾客抱怨因子,即初始模型中包括6个潜变量、21个可测
➢ 对某超市的总体满意程度(a16) ➢ 和您消费前的期望比,您对某超市的满意程度(a
17) ➢ 和您心目中的超市比,您对某超市的满意程度(a
(六) 顾 客 抱怨
FORNE 和 WERNERFELT(198 8)的研究成果,认为顾客满意的增 加会减少顾客的抱怨,同时会增加顾 客的忠诚,当顾客不满意时,他们往 往会选择抱怨。对于抱怨的观测,一 般有两种方式,一种是比较正式的形
在实际操作的过程中,前面两种效度(内容效度和准则效度)往往要求专家定性研究或具有公认的效 标测量,因而难以实现的,而结构效度便于可以采用多种方法来实现:
第一种方法是通过模型系数评价结构效度.如果模型假设的潜变量之间的关系以及潜变量与可测变量 之间的关系合理,非标准化系数应当具有显著的统计意义。特别地,通过标准化系数6可以比较不同指标间的 效度.从表 7-17可以看出在99%的置信度下所有非标准化系数具有统计显著性,这说明修正模型的整体结 构效度较好。

最基本的目标应该满足任何测量程序,包括以下内容:了解所有客户的期望和要求;确定公司和其竞争对手如何满足这些期望和要求;基于你发现的产品标准上进行服务开发;随时间变化的趋势进行检验,以便采取及时的行动; 确定优先事项和标准来判断,你如何达到这些目标;设计适当的客户满意度测量程序之前,以下基本问题必须清楚地回答:我们收集的信息将如何使用?如何将这一信息允许我们采取组织内部的行动呢?我们应该如何使用此信息,以保持我们的客户和寻找新的呢?必须认真考虑组织希望实现何种结果,如何将这一目标传播到整个组织并且如何使用这些信息。

What are your Expectations?
I would like to capture your expectations for the day?
Introduction & overviewDemystifying Six SigmaCreating the Six Sigma CultureManaging the six sigma cultureTotal cycle Time ReductionSuccess Examples Around the worldHow to Implement Six Sigma in your businessQ & AClosing comments
1988 Malcolm baldrige nation quality award Mapped ISO 9001 into quality system review(QSR)
1992 10x redustion in defect eveery 2 years
customer satisfaction metrics 10x times
Key beliefs– how we will always act • Constant respect for people • Uncompromising integrityKEY GOALS– what we must accomplish • Best in class —People —Markting —Technology —Products:software\hardware and systems —Manufaction —Service • Increased global market share • Superior finacical resultsKEY INITATIVES– how we will do it • Six sigma quality • total cycle time reduction • product manufaction and environmental leadership • Prfit improvement •Empowerment for all in a participative Cooperative and creatice workplace
2020年新国家开 放大学电大《管理英语3》和《人文英语2》汇编网络核心课形考网考作业及答案

单元自测 1第一套一、选择填空,从每题选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项(每题10分)。
题目1— I wish you success in your career.选择一项:……C…… The same to you.题目2—We have three major divisions: Operations, Sales and Marketing, Finance and Administration.选择一项:……A…… How many departments do we have?题目3— Who should be responsible for the accident?— The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order_______.选择一项:……B…… as told题目4A number of boys ____________absent some time during the term.选择一项:……A…… have been题目5The key_________ successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company.选择一项:……A…… to题目6二、阅读理解阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容,完成相应的选择题。

Sell It
Design It
Overall Ownership Satisfaction
Ownership Experience
Image Brand Reliability Value
New Vehicle Appeal
? Buy
Treat Me
What are factors that block Customer
A Framework for 3
Customer Satisfaction and Enthusiasm
Product Components
Appearance Brand Image (Halo Effect)
Profit Increase
Source : F. Reichheld and E. Sasser (1990), “Zero Defections : Quality comes to Life” Harvard Business Review, Sep.-Oct. Issue.
Profit Per Customer (US$)
Rating A/5 B/4 C/3 D/2 E/1
Beyond Expectation Glad You Really Do It
As Expected
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Statistical measures of customer satisfaction for health care quality assurance:a case studyM.A.A.HasinBangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET),Dhaka,BangladeshRoongrat SeeluangsawatLecturer,Kasetsart University,Bangkok,Thailand M.A.ShareefManaging Director,Trade Development Consulting,Dhaka,BangladeshIntroductionTo satisfy the customer is the best business strategy of all.In many countries,health careservice is not considered as a business,but a ``welfare''service offered by the public sector.Even though not a business,this sector needs extreme concentration on improvement in customer needs.On the contrary,in many countries,the health service has been opened to the private sector.Therefore,the service has become highly competitive in many countries of the world,including Thailand.Thus,a large number of hospitals are vying for ISO9000Quality Management System (QMS),national health care regulatory systems,and many tools and techniques of total quality management (TQM).Application of statistical tools and techniques of TQM in hospitals and other health care organizations have been reported (Coates and Willans,1993;McGinnis and Leeming,1993;Oza,1995;Thomson et al.,1993).The case under study also opted for implementing ISO9000QMS and practicing selected TQM tools and techniques toimprove the customer satisfaction level.This study focuses on the later part,i.e.measurement of customer satisfaction and segregating elements of dissatisfaction for attention.MethodologyIn this study,the customers are divided into two categories:in-patient and out-patient,relating them to operational quality in the in-patient department (IPD)and the out-patient department (OPD),respectively,of the hospital.It may be stated that the MPT hospital has 50beds available for internal patients and approximately 100for out-patients.For data collection,the interviewing was done according to the method of Eccles (Eccles et al.,1993),which suggests developing the instrument to measure outcomes of ``care''.The study starts with interviewing the patients about the quality of health care and its status,collecting data about the frequency of occurrence of dissatisfactory events,timings of service activities,frequency of visiting the hospital,etc.The study then performs scoring(Bowden,1993;Haran et al .,1993;McGinnis and Leeming,1993),according to the scale,for factors,such as dysfunction,well-being,and others,which are reflected in the outcome analysis.In this connection,it may be mentioned that Haran (Haran et al.,1993)suggests that the main factors,which affect the customer satisfaction in health care,are:doctor,drug,diagnosis,duration,distance,affordability,prompt service,etc.According to him,these are the factors that comprise the health care quality system,and the higher the efficiency of the quality system,the more will be the satisfaction of customers.The study aimed at finding out the following information,step-by-step:1Identification of the patients'characteristics.2Identification of the critical factors that affect the intention of the patients of coming to the hospital again in future needs.3Analysis of the patients'satisfaction about service and fee.4Classification of patients,usinghypothesis test,to find out satisfied and dissatisfied patient groups.5Analysis of the level of expected service quality,and identification of operational weaknesses.6Identification of the reasons for problems and suggestion to the hospital.The research register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 14/1[2001]6±13#MCB University Press [ISSN 0952-6862]KeywordsTotal quality management,Customer satisfaction,Health care,SurveysAbstract While applications of TQM toolsand techniques in health careservice industry are widelyadvocated,determination ofcustomer satisfaction and factors of dissatisfaction in the hospitals has become enormously importantas the main ingredient of TQM.This paper aims at determining the elements of customer satisfaction,by collecting information through survey,usingboth written questionnaire andinterview,and then statisticallydetermining correlation between factors and elements of dissatisfaction.The study isperformed at the Muang PetchThonburi Private Hospital,located in Petchaburi province of Thailand.The aim of the management is to gather information on customersatisfaction levels and factors ofdissatisfaction that need to beaddressed and subsequentlyeliminated in the near future.The survey identified the quality factors by interviewing the patients attending the OPD and IPD,through a pre-tested structured questionnaire(Coates and Willans,1993). Each customer listed many factors,based on which the following may be concluded:.Cleanliness..Service of doctor(quick response to request for service,intention andattention of doctors in listening to apatient,diagnosing method,treatmentexplanation,courtesy)..Service of nurses(quick response to request for nursing service,help andattention of nurses,courtesy)..Service of officers,i.e.staff(quick response to request for financial service, quick response to request for otherservices,courtesy of finance staff,courtesy of pharmacy staff,courtesy ofreceptionist,courtesy of patient handling officers,availability and reception ofinformation)..Other services(service rate,food and test).Sampling methodThe sample size was statistically derived (Montgomery,1997),as follows:Z=The standard normal deviation,derived from level of confidence.p=An estimate of proportion of attribute being studied,such as customersatisfaction.The p value was derivedfrom the response of40customers inOPD,and30in IPD,for analysis,considering normal distribution forhospital service satisfaction.q=1±p.h=accuracy intervaln Z2pqh2X 1From equation(1),the results were found as: n OPD=246n IPD=138This is the minimum for meeting the target of95percent confidence level,and0.05 sample error.Questionnaire developmentA survey was conducted,distributing a total of300sets of questionnaires to out-patient and160to in-patient department.In order to collect related data,the study designed the questionnaire in four sections as:1General service information±this section started with a simple and interesting 2Importance level±a patient has to select one of five importance levels for18quality factors in the list above.3Service level±a patient has to select one of five service levels for18quality factors in the list and state the reason fordissatisfaction.4Personal data±age,sex,salary,and responsibility for expenditures.Data collectionIn OPD:The questionnaires were distributed to the patient,after paying to the cashier and before waiting to receive medicine from the pharmacy.The patient who got the questionnaire was selected by symmetric random sampling.These patients returned the questionnaires before they went back home.In IPD:The questionnaires were distributed to the patients,admitted in each day.Data analysisPatient characteristicsIn order to resolve the first issue(first step), as stated in the methodology section,by analyzing section1and section4of the questionnaire,the characteristics of the patients,attending the OPD and IPD,were found,which are given in Table I.By and large,the two departments are well matched on factors,such as age,sex,``a previous patient'',and return intentions.A noticeable difference in the factor,``responsibility for expenditures'',is that while for the OPD customers,it is personal payment,for the IPD patients,it is health insurance company.A logical explanation can be:in case of OPD, the charges are relatively and considerably lower than those in the IPD.Factors affecting``return intention''For the second step of the methodology,in order to identify the critical factor(s)that affect the return intention,the cross-tabular computation facility of statistical package SPSS9.01was used.The cross-tabular computation is a useful tool to determine the significance of the relationship between two variables (factors).This method has been used for finding the relationship between``return intention''and``previous patient'',``service expense''and``responsibility for expenditures(payment)''.After that,chi-square test(Montgomery,1997)was applied to find the degree of correlation.It was found that``service expense'',``a previousRoongrat Seeluangsawat and M.A.ShareefStatistical measures of customer satisfaction for health care quality assurance: a case studyCare Quality Assurance14/1[2001]6±13do not have strong relation with ``return intention''of OPD patients.About IPD patients,the ``responsibility for payment''has considerable impact on ``return intentions''.Thus,it was recommended that the hospital might be more active inmanaging health insurance facilities for the IPD patients.Patent satisfaction opinion level (PSL)and patient important level (PIL)As customers'satisfaction is the main target of this hospital,attempt was made tomeasure satisfaction against each quality factor,identified earlier.Thus,the results are able to identify weak points for the hospital as well.Finally,the overallsatisfaction level was computed.For each question,a five-choice response was allowed (the most satisfied,highly satisfied,satisfied,less satisfied,not satisfied:scores 1-5).The ``Patient's Satisfaction Level''(PSL)was calculated from equation (2),as below:PSL 5S 5 4S 4 3S 3 2S 2 S 1 Â1100 2Where:subscript is the level of satisfaction(5=the most satisfied,F F F 1=not satisfied);S is the score in terms of percentage.The results are given in Table V (column A,column B).Classification of patient groupsFor the fourth step,as identified in the methodology section,above,the statistical measures,given below,were followed.Overall Service Satisfaction (OS):After the pretest questionnaire,18quality factors were identified,which are mentioned earlier.In the succeeding step,the overall service satisfaction for each patient was computed using equation (3):OSn i 1W i O i ni 1W iX 3 Where i is number of each factor;W is weight of each factor;O is service opinion for each factor;OSis overall service satisfaction.Hypothesis testingThe hypothesis testing (Montgomery,1997)was done for all 18factors,organizing the customers into groups,such as ``personal payment''customer group,``company's contract payment''group,and ``healthinsurance company payment''group.This study tested the mean satisfaction level in each payment group.Next,the overall service satisfaction,and the factors of dissatisfaction and corresponding groups were identified.Overall service is theprincipal factor that can measure the overall satisfaction of patient's attitudes to OPD and IPD services.The hypothesis testing is done in terms of mean value comparison to each payment group,as:H0:u 1=u 2=u 3.H1:Not all of u i are equal.Where:u 1is the overall service satisfaction mean of personal payment group;u 2is the overall service satisfaction mean of health insurance group;u 3is the overall service satisfaction mean of company's contract group.The null hypothesis is rejected when F calc >F crit ,or in turn, calc < crit .The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)method based on each of the groups considers independent sample groups from normal distribution.For this analysis,SPSS 9.01for WINDOWS was used.If the null hypothesis is rejected,then the study considers multi compare mean to identify characteristic of each group about the overall service mean.The results of one-way ANOVA forcomparison of mean are shown in Tables II and III.The outcome of OPD shows that the Patient characteristics Patient characteristic OPD (%)IPD (%)AgeBelow 2050.2520-404948.7540-603434.3Above 60 2.65No reply 9 5.6SexMale 3836.8Female 5654.3No reply 68.7PaymentPersonal49.340.6Company contract 41 6.8Health insurance 950.6No reply 0.6 1.8A previous patientYes 5955.6No37.742.5No reply 3.3 1.9Return intentionYes,I would 67.356.9No2.33.8Not sure 27.336.9No reply32.5Roongrat Seeluangsawat and M.A.ShareefStatistical measures of customer satisfaction forhealth care quality assurance:a case studyCare Quality Assurance14/1[2001]6±13critical value (0.05).Thus,it can be concluded that the means of overall satisfaction for each group are indifferent.At IPD,thesignificance level is less than the critical value.Thus,the study rejects the null hypothesis.Next,the study uses multi-compare mean to identify the characteristic of each group,as in Table IV.The studyfound that u 1Æu 2,u 1=u 3,u 2=u 3.Thus,it can be concluded that the mean of ``personal payment''group is different from (in fact,lower than)the ``health insurance''group,whereas the others are indifferent.This leads to a suggestion that the needs of ``personal payment''group be addressed first,in order to improve overall satisfaction.Operational weakness and expected service qualityTo achieve the fifth step,as outlined inmethodology section,the method below was followed.Quality characteristic weight:The patients were asked for their ratings of importance and their opinions about overall medical service.The average score for each service is the service point (score).The nurse team brainstormed to evaluate the present status and target status in future for each factor.The outcomes are given in Table V,as per computations given below,which is amodified method from that of Radharamanan and Godoy (1996),where:A =Patient Importance levelB =Patient Satisfaction levelC =PlanD =Ratio of Improvement (C/B)(an improvement ratio is computed by dividing the future goal/target rating (``us future'')by the current rating (``us today'').F =Absolute weight (A*D),The score/point is computed for each individual customer-need bymultiplying customer importance and improvement ratio.The products of these two numbers provide a hierarchy of customer needs based on the team's assessment of two variables.G =Demand weight (F/Total)*100.Table V identifies the factors affecting over-all hospital service,and their weightage.Quality chart :The study uses quality characteristic chart to identify the quality factors that are weak,and thus,require more attention.The nurses'brainstorming session identified the following points to resolve the weak operations:.Frequency of cleaning and time schedule should be adjusted..Number of canisters need to be increased..Number of specialist doctors should be increased..Service explanation and information should be provided in simple words..Suitable diagnosing time should be managed..Regular and timely visiting schedule for doctors in the ward should be arranged..Doctors and nurses should be fair spoken,smiling..Job environment should be addressed to increase enthusiasm in work..The doctors and nurses should pay more attention to understand patients'minds,should be interested in patients.They (doctors and nurses)should ask the patients about their symptoms,because some patients shy away..Training ±job and process training for doctors and nurses need attention..Patients should not be left alone for a long time,which needs more nurses appointed in the hospital..Attendance of officers is not satisfactory,and thus,need to be improved..Officers need to be more careful to reduce mistakes,utilize time and other resources..Follow up for complicated service is required.For the patients who need several special tests in severalTable IIAt OPD,one-way ANOVASum of squaresdf Mean square F Sig.Between groups 2.41130.804 2.4020.068Within groups 84.3072520.335Total86.718255At IPD,one-way ANOVASum of squaresdf Mean square F Sig.Between groups 4.6173 1.539 5.3040.002Within groups 39.1671350.290Total43.784138Table IVAt IPD,comparison of mean Responsibility for payment Mean Sample size (N )No reply3.75653Personal payment3.773554Company health insurance4.127572Roongrat Seeluangsawat and M.A.ShareefStatistical measures of customer satisfaction forhealth care quality assurance:a case studyCare Quality Assurance14/1[2001]6±13x-ray,etc.,a nurse should follow all the steps with test results.Finally,the nurse should combine all and prepare thedocument when the patient is discharged..Training ±job and process training are necessary for officers and technicians..Jobs need to be prioritized..Promptness of officers needs to beincreased keeping the manpower at the current level..The hospital should provide correct patient information when patients are discharged from IPD..Augment communication efficiency ±the officer should check and ensure that they understand in the same way..Power and efficiency of database systems need to be increased.The capability of data management of concerned officers should be increased..Several kinds of food should be arranged..If possible,service charges should be reduced.For computing scores for satisfaction,or importance,the study used three level rating:strong ±nine points,moderate ±three points,poor ±one point,multiplied by demand weight.The highest operating score would mean a critical operation in the system.The quality chart provides guidance to MPT hospital for process improvement.As can be noticed in Tables V and VI,thecustomers want some factors to improve at OPD and IPD.The four most important scores are:AT OPD:Service rate,Doctor's diagnosing,Quick response of doctor,Help of nurse.AT IPD:Service rate,Doctor's diagnosing,Courtesy of cashiers,Attention of doctor in listening to patient's symptom.It must be stated that in a hospital,customers do not pay much attention to cashier's activities,though apparently surprisingly the customers paid much attention to cashier's behavior,in this particular case.This only says that thecashier's behavior is noticeably bad,which needs immediate attention.It has been found that there are many weak operations in the system that should be addressed properly.Table VII identifies the most critical weak operations,which need necessary attention in the hospital process.It indicates the same critical point in OPD and IPD.The inefficient operations that have direct impact on the customer are:.Doctoral and Nursing service should pay more attention and take care of patients.Currently,the patients are left alone for a long time,which the patients do not like..The majority of the patients are critical about staff behavior.They need to be more munication efficiency should be improved..The patients like to consult with more specialist doctors (note:It must be noted that some specialist doctors have left the hospital recently,but the hospital did not recruit new ones).Table VAt OPD,quality characteristic weight Quality factorsAvg.importancelevel (A)Satisfaction point (B)As planned(C)Ratio of improvement (D)Absolute weight (F)Demand weight (G)Rank 1.Cleanliness4.394.154.5 1.084337 4.760245.53484122.Quick response (doctor's service) 4.633333 4.143333 4.5 1.08608 5.0539 5.8762833.Quick response (nurse's service 4.5566667 4.17 4.5 1.07913669 4.91727 5.7174174.Quick response (handling service) 4.09 3.85 4.5 1.16883117 4.78052 5.55841115.Quick response (cashier's service)3.96 3.714.5 1.212938 4.803235.58483106.Help of nurses4.52 4.08 4.5 1.1029412 4.985295.7965147.Intention of doctors in listening to patients4.6266667 4.18 4.5 1.076555 4.980865.7913658.Doctoral diagnosis 4.6866667 4.17 4.5 1.07913669 5.05755 5.8805329.Treatment explanation4.6133333 4.174.5 1.07913669 4.978425.78851610.Receive info from receptionist 3.9866667 3.913333 4.5 1.1499149 4.58433 5.33031511.Food3.6466667 3.4533334 1.15830124.22394 4.911271712.Courtesy (doctor) 4.4233333 4.233333 4.5 1.0629922 4.701975.467081413.Courtesy (nurse) 4.46 4.153333 4.5 1.083467 4.83226 5.61858914.Courtesy (cashier)4.16 3.83 4.5 1.1749347 4.887735.68307815.Courtesy (pharmacy center) 4.13 3.894 1.0282776 4.24679 4.937831616.Courtesy (receptionist) 4.163.9333334.5 1.1382799 4.735245.505771317.Courtesy (handling service) 3.9633333 3.794 1.055409 4.18294 4.863591818.Service rate 4.142.346666731.2784095.292616.153841Total86.0051100Roongrat Seeluangsawat and M.A.ShareefStatistical measures of customer satisfaction forhealth care quality assurance:a case studyCare Quality Assurance 14/1[2001]6±13Identification of reason to problemsTo achieve the sixth step,as outlined in methodology section,the method below was followed:Pareto chart and cause effect diagram:These two tools were used together to find critical problem (through Pareto analysis)and causes (reasons)to that problem (using Cause-effect diagram),as has been noticed in other hospitals (Radharamanan and Godoy,1996).The Pareto analysis is a techniqueemployed for prioritizing problems.From the data in section 3of the questionnaire,the study focused on the important defects(problems)that occur more frequently than many others.The data,when plotted in Pareto chart,show that the most critical problems in OPD are the service rate and inefficiency of officers'service.The chart in IPD indicates that the service rate,and long waiting time to complete the formalities after discharge order are the most commonly encountered defects (problems).Thus the cause of these defects (problems)should be identified and attended to first.Cause and effect analysis is a formal tool frequently used in identifying layeredpotential causes.The nurse team identified the causes and sub-causes of this problem by brainstorming.There are four main causes in OPD:work system,computer system,officer's service,and hospital policy.There are five main causes in IPD:work system,computer system,nurse aid,cashier (officer)and hospital policy.These causes also have many sub-causes as follows:.Information (inadequate information,specifically on price and service,is provided to the patients.Also enough information is not provided about insurance's right,and papers for claiming process)..Carelessness (some officers do not take care of the patients well.For example,when a relative comes to visit the patient,the officers do not urgently guide them,but rather leave them waiting)..Shortage of officers..Carelessness of nurses and sometimes,doctors..Inconsistent charging,because of inconsistent information (because ofinconsistent and inadequate information,presented to the customer,they tend to believe that customers have to pay differential charges.A thoroughbreakdown of charges may remove this wrong idea)ck of cooperation between insurance company and the hospital (patients find it difficult to process the insurance claim,based on the papers provided by thehospital.This also causes delay,when the poorer customers find it difficult to pay the hospital charges.Good relations and cooperation between insurancecompanies and hospital may inspire the patients to come to the hospital)ck of schemes for staff development (training).Table VIAt IPD,quality characteristic weight Quality factorsAvg.importancelevel (A)Satisfaction point (B)As planned (C)Ratio ofimprovement (D)Absolute weight (F)Demand weight (G)Rank 1.Cleanliness4.45625 4.15625 4.5 1.08270677 4.824815.47529132.Quick response (doctor's service) 4.73125 4.1625 4.5 1.08108108 5.11487 5.8044553.Quick response (nurse's service 4.60625 4.375 4.5 1.02857143 4.73786 5.37662144.Quick response (handling service) 4.11875 4.0125 4.5 1.12149533 4.61916 5.24191155.Quick response (cashier's service)4.09375 3.74.5 1.21621622 4.978895.6501486.Help of nurses4.6 4.13125 4.5 1.089258705.01059 5.6861277.Intention of doctors in listening to patients4.51875 3.95625 4.5 1.137440765.13981 5.8327648.Doctoral diagnosis 4.61875 3.9875 4.5 1.12852665 5.21238 5.9151229.Treatment explanation4.5125 4.04375 4.5 1.112828445.02164 5.69866610.Receive info from receptionist 4.05625 3.73125 4.5 1.20603015 4.89196 5.551491111.Food3.975 3.6254 1.103448284.38621 4.977561712.Courtesy (doctor) 4.54375 4.11875 4.5 1.09256449 4.964345.63363913.Courtesy (nurse) 4.61875 4.275 4.5 1.05263158 4.86184 5.517321214.Courtesy (cashier)4.26875 3.69375 4.5 1.218274115.20051 5.90164315.Courtesy (pharmacy center) 4.2625 3.718754 1.07563025 4.58487 5.203011616.Courtesy (receptionist) 4.30625 3.9125 4.5 1.15015974 4.95288 5.620621017.Courtesy (handling service) 4.14375 3.83754 1.04234528 4.31922 4.901541818.Service rate 4.152.3531.276595755.297876.012131Total88.1197100Roongrat Seeluangsawat and M.A.ShareefStatistical measures of customer satisfaction forhealth care quality assurance:a case studyCare Quality Assurance14/1[2001]6±13.No internal audit..Insufficient computer peripherals (specifically,printers).In fact,the longqueue at the cashier's desk is attributedmainly to inadequate printing facility..Inefficient computer program and system design.Control chart analysisThe control chart is a very useful tool for process monitoring(Montgomery,1997)in a hospital too(Tsacle and Aly,1996; Zimmerman,1996),when unusual sources of variability are present.This study used30 days in September,1999for collecting data by observing a patient in each day.The study used p-chart to study the unsatisfactory service that is caused by inefficiency of officers'service in OPD,and long waiting time after discharge in IPD,originating from cashier's service.In case of patients having insurance payment,a number of complexities arise that lead a patient to wait on an average for two hours after discharge. In case of a patient having personal payment, this waiting time period is15minutes, though this can be reduced further.In Figures1and2,it can be noticed that in a few cases,the points are plotted at a very high level(thus,may be considered out of control cause in OPD is lack of information,whereas in IPD,the causes are as follows:.In case of personal payment,the printing facility causes delay..In case of insurance payment,lack of papers required for claim and non-cooperation between insurance company and hospital cause the delay.Throughbenchmarking,it has been found thatmany hospitals arrange fax claim forinsurance,which needs cooperation. ConclusionFrom analysis,it has been found that though the hospital has a good level of overall service, there are many areas that need attention to further improve the service.Continuous improvement of TQM is thus very helpful to increase competitiveness in hospitals and many other health care organizations.The following are some factors which are found necessary at this specific hospital,though the study believes that they are necessary in any other health care organization:.Change attitude of employees about the nonconforming service,it does not mean deficiency in the department,rather itmeans that things should improve to meetThe total score of weak operations in the systemDegree of services in the hospital Operations and weaknesses At OPD At IPDDegree of cleanliness Cleaning frequencyNumber of canisters 49.7716.5949.3216.44Degree of doctoral and nursing service Specialist doctorsInformationDiagnosis time105.852.1117.37105.457.317.49 Ward arrangement70.0868.34 Fair spoken99.81100.3 Enthusiasm33.2733.45 Understanding patient69.5169.54 Training of doctors/nurses22.3322.19Degree of officers'service Take care of patient157.2156.9Attention49.4149.35Carefulness71.7671.5Follow-up50.2250.25Training of staff131.2133.9Understanding patient17.0417.7Job prioritization50.2250.85Promptness32.7316.95Suitable materials/resources50.0447.25Communication efficiency116.2114.7Capability of database50.2250.85Enthusiasm62.9764.86Fair spoken145.1150.4Other services Kind and taste of foodService charge 14.7318.4514.9418.03Roongrat Seeluangsawat and M.A.ShareefStatistical measures of customer satisfaction for health care quality assurance: a case studyCare Quality Assurance14/1[2001]6±13。