

化工类翻译稿 段段对照

化工类翻译稿 段段对照

妙文翻译公司翻译样稿3.我们研发的烟气脱硝催化剂有什么创新?What’s the innovation of our flue gas De-NOx catalyst?我们研发的烟气SCR脱硝催化剂有什么创新?概括为下列四个创新点:What’s the innovation of our flue gas SCR De-NOx catalyst? In general, there are four innovations (as follows):3.1原料二氧化钛从颜料型改性为材料型3.1 Raw titanium dioxide is modified from pigment-type to material-type我国的钛白粉厂生产的二氧化钛都是颜料型的,它从颜料角度对二氧化钛的质量从白度、着色力、遮盖力、吸油量、储缶稳定性等考虑。







The titanium dioxide produced by China’s t itanium dioxide plants are of pigment-type, which will consider the quality from the pigment aspect: whiteness, tinting strength, hiding capacity, oil absorption, storage stability and so on. However, the titanium dioxide used for SCR De-NOx catalyst production must consider from the material aspect: specific surface area, pore volume, most probable distribution of diameter, surface acidity, grain size, crystalline status and so on. Since the domestic titanium dioxide plants have not mastered the modification technology from pigment-type to material-type, the produced titanium dioxide cannot be used for SCR De-NOx catalyst production. As a result, the material-type titanium dioxide must be imported with large foreign exchange. Through plentiful practice, Zhejiang Sanlong Catalyst Co., LTD has open up a ne w shortcut and has mastered the “wizardry” of modification. And the produced material-type titanium dioxide has exceeded the imported titanium dioxide from the aspects of specific surface area, pore volume,most probable distribution of diameter, surface acidity, grain size, crystalline status and so on.3.2辅助催化剂的优势3.2 Advantages of secondary catalyst三龙公司在开发国产SCR脱硝剂过程中,别具一格、独具匠心地在辅助催化剂上有创新。


1.Practically all substance expand when heated and contract when cooled. 实际上一切物质都是热胀冷缩的。 (省译“when, and, when”) anic compounds are usually volatile and possess low melting points. 有机化合物通常容易挥发且熔点较低。 (省译动词“possess”) 3.Being stable in air at ordinary temperature ,mercury combines with oxygen if heated.水银常温下在空气中是稳 定的,但如果加热时,它会与氧化合。 1.Tertiary alcohols are very resistant to oxidation. 叔醇难于氧化 2.For the series of normal alkanes, those having one to four carbon atoms are gases. 对直链烃系而言,含有一至四个碳原子的是气体。 1.If the unsaturation is due to the presence of a triple bond then the compounds are called alkynes. 如果不饱和现象是由于叁键的存在,则该类化合物称为炔烃。 2. . A body with a negative charge possesses more elections than protons. 带负电的物体所含的电子比质子多。 (不译作“一个负电,一个物体”) 1. The zinc plate becomes more and more negatively charged with electrons ,as more atoms of zinc dissolve. 随着越来越多的锌原子溶解,锌极板上充满了电子,使它变得越来越负。 2. Gases differ from solids in that the former have greater compressibility than the latter. 气体和固体的区别在于前者比后者有更大的压缩性。 (v.n.) 3. One of the outstanding properties of carbon atom is its ability to share its electrons with other carbon atoms. 碳原子的突出性质之一是它能与其它碳原子共用其电子。 (n.v.) 4. The chlorine from salt is used for bleaching paper and textiles. 用食盐制取的氯被用来漂白纸张和纺织品。 (prep.v.) 5. In their work they pay much attention to the combination of theory with practice. 他们在工作中非常注重理论联系实际。 (n.v.) 1.In an absorption system, the refrigerant is usually ammonia. 吸收系统中,通常用氨做冷却剂。 (表语宾语) anic compounds will not usually conduct an electric current when in solution. 有机化合物的溶液通常不导电。 (状语主语) 3.The two electrons involved in a covalent bond have their spins oppositely directed. 此共价键中的两个电子的自旋方向相反。 (宾语主语) 4.None of these metals have conductivity higher than copper. 这些金属的导电率都不会超过铜。 (宾语主语) 5.The different hydrocarbons in crude oil boil at different temperatures. 原油中各种烃的沸点不同。 (谓语主语) 1. Wetting agents are required to prepare proper dispersion of fine particle powders in liquids/pastes such as color makeup. 要制备将细小粉粒适当分散在液体或膏体中的产品,如着色化妆品,需要润湿剂。 2. Alkanes undergo reactions such as cracking, alkylation, oxidation, halogenation, nitration and so on. 烷烃能进行诸如裂化、烷基化、氧化、卤化、硝化等反应。 (同位语的变序) 1 Large-scale evaporation process is being developed and used for recovering potable water from seawater. Here the condensed water is the desired product. Only a fraction of the total water in the feed is recovered , and the remainder is discarded.



Unit 1 Chemical Industry化学工业1.化学工业的起源尽管化学品的使用可以追溯到古代文明时代,我们所谓的现代化学工业的发展却是非常近代(才开始的)。


比如制肥皂所用的碱,棉布生产所用的漂白粉,玻璃制造业所用的硅及Na2CO3. 我们会注意到所有这些都是无机物。

有机化学工业的开始是在十九世纪六十年代以William Henry Perkin 发现第一种合成染料—苯胺紫并加以开发利用为标志的。


















(ACRYLIC ACID, STABILIZED, Isobornylacrylat) (丙烯酸,稳定,丙烯酸异冰片酯)(Contd. of page 1) (第1页续)·Abbreviations and acronyms: ·缩略词表:·Additional ecological information: ·其他生态信息:·Additional information about design oftechnical facilities:·技术设施设计相关的其他信息:·Additional toxicological information: ·其他毒性资料:·Application of the substance / the mixture ·物质/混合物的使用·Article number: ·产品编号:·Behaviour in environmental systems: ·环境系统中的行为:·Change in condition ·条件变化·Classification according to Directive 67/548/EEC or Directive 1999/45/EC ·根据指令67/548/EEC或指令1999/45/EC进行的分类·Classification according to Regulation (EC) No1272/2008·根据第1272/2008号条例(EC)进行的分类·Classification system: ·分类系统:·Code letter and hazard designation of product: ·产品编码字母和危险品名称:·Contact: ·接触:·Danger code (Kemler): ·危险编码(凯姆勒):·Dangerous components: ·危险成分:·Density at 20 °C: ·20 °C时的密度:·Department issuing MSDS: ·部门签发物料安全数据表:·Ecotoxical effects: ·生态毒理效应:·EMS Number: ·EMS编号:·European waste catalogue ·欧洲废物目录·Flammability (solid, gaseous): ·可燃性(固态、气态):·For safety reasons unsuitable extinguishingagents:·为安全考虑,不适合灭火剂:·Further information about storage conditions: ·储存条件相关的更多信息:·Further information obtainable from: ·从以下各项可获得的更多信息:·General notes: ·一般注意事项:·Hazard-determining components of labelling: ·危险品决定的贴标签组分:·Information about fire - and explosionprotection:·防火防爆信息:·Information about storage in one commonstorage facility:·同一储存设施内的储存信息:·Information for doctor: ·医师须知:·Ingredients with limit values that requiremonitoring at the workplace:·设有极限值、且在工作场所需要监测的成分:·Labelling according to EU guidelines: ·根据欧盟指南加标签:·LD/LC50 values relevant for classification: ·分类相关的LD/LC50值:·Limited quantities (LQ) ·有限数量(LQ)·Manufacturer/Supplier: ·生产商/供应商:·Material of gloves ·手套材质·Primary irritant effect: on the eye:on the skin: ·主要刺激性影响:对眼睛:对皮肤:·Penetration time of glove material ·手套材质渗透时间·pH-value: ·酸碱值:·Protection of hands: ·双手保护:·Recommendation ·建议·Recommendation: ·建议:·Relevant phrases ·相关词语·Requirements to be met by storerooms andreceptacles:·储藏室和容器应满足的要求:·Segregation groups ·隔离组·Self-igniting: ·自燃:·Solubility in / Miscibility with water: ·在水中的可溶性/可混合性:·Special marking (ADR): ·特殊标志(ADR):·Special marking (IATA): ·特殊标志(IATA):·Thermal decomposition / conditions to beavoided:·热分解/避免的条件:·Toxicity ·毒性·Transport category ·运输类别·Transport hazard class(es) ·运输风险等级·Transport/Additional information: ·运输/其他信息:·UN "Model Regulation": ·联合国“示范条例”:·Uncleaned packaging: ·未清理的包装:08 04 09* waste adhesives and sealants containing organic solvents or other dangerous substances 08 04 09*含有有机溶剂或其他危险物质的废物粘合剂和密封剂3082 ENVIRONMENTALLY HAZARDOUSSUBSTANCE, LIQUID, N.O.S.3082环境有害物质、液体,不另作详细说明4-(1-oxo-2-propenyl)-morpholine 4-(1-氧-2-丙烯基)-吗啉Absorb with liquid-binding material (sand, diatomite, acid binders, universal binders, sawdust). 用保水性材料(沙子、硅藻土、耐酸粘结剂、通用粘合剂、锯屑)吸附。







译文:The electric motor load includes the load required to compress the gas and the load required to overcome the mechanical friction. Too large compression ratio or differential pressure will make the compression process more difficult. Meanwhile, the increase of friction resistance caused by lubrication failure and motor blocking under extreme circumstances will greatly aggrandize the motor load. Lubrication failure and increasing friction resistance are the main reasons for the load anomalies.直接空冷系统是将汽轮机排出的乏汽通过管道直接分配给各列各单元凝汽器,由大型轴流风机吸入空气,从外部掠过管束,带走热量,乏汽在管束中凝结成水经管束下联箱汇集到凝结水箱。





•Coal, petroleum and natural gas now yield their bond energies to man.煤,石油和天然气现在为人类提供各种各样的结合能。

•Salts may also be found by the replacement of hydrogen from an acid with a metal.盐也能通过用金属置换酸中的氢而获得。

•An acid was once defined as a substance that would form hydrogen ions(H+) in water solution and a base as one that would form hydroxide ions(OH-) in the same.人们曾把酸定义为在水溶液中能产生氢离子的物质,而碱则是在同样溶液中会产生氢氧根离子的物质。

•These books are packed in tens. 这些书每十本装一包。

•These products are counted by hundreds. 这些产品是成百成百计数的。

•They went out by twos and threes. 他们三三两两地出去了。

•They consulted tens of magazines. 他们查阅了几十本杂志。

•Automation helps to increase productivity hundreds of times over. 自动化使生产率提高了几百倍。

•More weight must be placed on the past history of patients. 必须更加重视患者的病史。

•The continuous process can be conducted at any prevailing pressure without release to atmospheric pressure.连续过程能在任何常用的压力下进行,而不必暴露在大气中。



化工英语翻译技巧*郭惠丽(西安近代化学研究所 gh l yx66@yahoo.co 西安市 710065)摘 要 本文以化工专业为例,介绍了化工英语的特点以及汉英翻译过程中使用的一些基本方法。


关键词 化工英语 汉英翻译 技巧Abstrac t Ch i nese t o Eng li sh transl a ti on character i sti cs of chem ica l eng i neer i ng Eng li sh are presented i n t he pa per.Som e usua l basic translation m ethod and skill used i n l ong and comp licated sen tences are i ntroduced by the examp l e o f exp l os i ve and prope ll ant i n the thesis.K ey W ords che m i ca l eng i neeri ng Eng lish C E translation sk ill随着我国各行业与国外学术交流的日益频繁,科技英语翻译显得尤为重要。

国际一些知名科技期刊和文摘,诸如科学索引SCI、美国工程索引E I等每年都刊登一些中国科技工作者的科技论文,推动了我国科技工作者与国际科学技术界的交流。



1 化工英语的特点1.1文体质朴,语言精练众所周知,所有科技文献的最大特点之一是文体质朴、语言精练,因此,在化工英语汉英翻译中必须做到言简意赅。















第三天今天我们开始认识外贸操作平台,经理介绍到,现在的主流外贸平台有Alibaba, Made-In-China, Globalsource等等,我们用的是Alibaba,我们的任务就是熟悉这个操作平台,熟悉它的流程还有方式,经理还给我们讲解了各个部分都是干什么用的,哪个是用来上传产品的,哪个是用来查看本行业的进出口信息的。












V O C A B U L A R Y1—Reactor 反应器C o p o l y m e r r e a c t o r共聚反应器D r u m罐T E A L s t o r a g e d r u m三乙基铝储罐H y d r a u l i c o i l s u r g e d r u m液压缓冲罐E x h a u s t o i l d r u m废油罐C y l i n d e r汽缸;钢瓶C a t a l y s t c y l i n d e r催化剂液压缸F i l t e r过滤器F l u s h i n g o i l f i l t e r冲洗油过滤器L u b e o i l f i l t e r s润滑油过滤器P u m p泵H e a t e r加热器P r e h e a t e r预热器C o o l e r冷却器P i s t o n活塞S e a l f l u s h.S y s t e m p r e s s.P i s t o n密封冲洗系统加压活塞P i p e管道I n s t r u m e n t仪表P o t釜R e a c t i o n p o t反应釜T a n k(盛液体或气体的)大容器;槽L u b e o i l t a n k润滑油槽T o w e r塔C o s r e m o v a l t o w e r s–c o s脱除塔M i x e r混合器,搅拌器D r y e r干燥器E q u i p m e n t设备V a l v e阀C o m p r e s s o r压缩机N i t r o g e n c o m p r e s s o r氮压机2---e t h y l e n e乙烯E t h y l e n ef e e d乙烯进料p r o p y l e n e丙烯p o l y p r o p y l e n e聚丙烯p o l y e t h y l e n e聚乙烯H y d r o g e n氢气O f f g a s回收气b u t e n e丁烯h e x e n e己烯n i t r o g e n氮气S t e a m C o n d e n s a t e(R e t u r n)蒸气凝液(返回)L o w p r e s s u r e s t e a m(L P S)低压蒸汽H i g h p r e s s u r e s t e a m(H P S)高压蒸汽c a t a l y s t催化剂c o c a t a l y s t助催化剂B l o w b a c k g a s反吹气3----P r o c e s s f l o w d i a g r a m工艺流程图M e l t i n d e x熔融指数r a n d o m p r o d u c t s无规产品i s o t a c t i c i n d e x等规指数s p a r e备用的S p a r e p u m pv a c u u m真空的v a c u u m p u m pR e f l u x回流r e f l u x r a t i o回流比S e a l密封S e a l o i ll u b e o i l润滑油t r a c i n g伴热P i p e t r a c i n g管线伴热a r e a区域A r e a100----100区4---c o m m i s s i o n i n g试车E t h y l e n e i n t e r c h a n g e r乙烯中间换热器S i l o料仓A d d i t i v e添加剂I n t e r l o c k联锁C y c l o n e旋风分离器L o a d加载E l e c t r i c a l s u p p l y电源p o l y m e r聚合物p e l l e t i n g w a t e r颗粒水D e m i n e r a l i z e d W a t e r脱盐水R a w m a t e r i a l原料B a t t e r y l i m i t s界区D e o x o b e d脱氧罐W a t e r h y d r a n t消火栓f l a r e火炬M o l e c u l a r s i e v e b e d s分子筛l e v e l液位t e m p e r a t u r e温度D i s c h a r g e p r e s s u r e出口压力S u c t i o n p r e s s u r e入口压力s e p a r a t o r分离器t h e r m o c o u p l e热电偶F i r e w a t e r消防水R u n i d l e空转b y p a s s旁路a l a r m报警r e s e t复位s e t p o i n t设定值t r e n d趋势c l u t c h离合器M a i n d r i v e主机D i s c h a r g e t h r o t t l e节流阀S t a r t u p v a l v e开车阀p e l l e t i z e r切粒机b a r r e l t e m p e r a t u r e筒体温度D i f f e r e n t p r e s s u r e压差d e n s i t y密度p a r t i c u l a t e颗粒c o m p o u n d化合物r e s i n树脂s c r u b b e r洗涤塔a c k n o w l e d g e确认G e a r b o x齿轮箱s c r e w螺栓e x t r u d e r挤压机F l u i d i z e d-b e d流化床F l u i d i z e d b e d r e a c t o r流化床反应器L i f t电梯C o n t r o l r o o m控制室P r o c e s s p a r a m e t e r工艺参数H e a t e x c h a n g e s u r f a c e换热面积A u t o m a t i c自动m a n u a l手动E t h y l e n e c h e m i c a l p l a n t乙烯化工厂P e t r o c h e m i c a l c o m p a n y石化公司A i r s e p a r a t i o n p l a n t空分装置L o c a l e n v i r o n m e n t现场环境A l k y l a l u m i n i u m烷基铝b r a n d s牌号P r o d u c t q u a l i t y产品质量A d v a n c e d p r o c e s s c o n t r o l先进过程控制O p e r a t i o n s t a b i l i t y操作稳定性T h r e e l e v e l c o n t r o l三级监控P S V p r e s s u r e s a f e t y v a l v e压力安全阀P C V p r e s s u r e c o n t r o l v a l v e压力调节阀S A T s i t e a c c e p t a n c e t e s t现场验收p o l y e t h y l e n e p l a n t P.I d i a g r a m s聚乙烯装置P.I图P l a n t A i r工厂风G a t e v a l v e闸阀G l o b e v a l v e截止阀N e e d l e v a l v e针形阀B a l l v a l v e球阀S t e a m t r a p疏水器D r a i n t r a p脱水器P D P p r o c e s s d e s i g n p a c k a g e工艺包P a r t i c l e S c r e e n e r振动筛D i s c h a r g e s y s t e m下料系统M a n w a y s/m a n h o l e人孔S i n g l e-p a s s单壳程T u b e h e a t e x c h a n g e r管壳式换热器A i r o p e r a t e d v a l v e s气动阀U n l o a d i n g卸料p i p e s u p p o r t管架r o t a r y f e e d e r旋转加料器f i l t e r b a g袋式过滤器d ie p l a t e模板v o l u m e t r i c p u m p容积式泵a g g l o m e r a t e r e m o v e r除块器c e n t r i f u g a l p e l l e td r ye r颗粒干燥器p e l l e t i n g w a t e r颗粒水r o u t i n e a n a l y s i s常规分析n i t r o g e n c o n t e n t氮含量o l e f i n e c o n t e n t烯烃含量s p a n n e r扳手a d j u s t ab l e s p a n n e r活动扳手w e l d i n g m a c h i n e电焊机w o r k i n g c l o t h e s工作服h e l m e t安全帽g r o u n d i n g w i r e s接地线f i r e e x t i ng u i sh e r灭火器t r a n s d u c e r变送器d i s t r i b u t i o n b o x配电箱r e c t i f i e r整流器s t a t o r定子t e c h n i c a l d e s c r i p t i o n技术说明书E n t r a i n e d r e a c t i o n g a s夹带的反应气C l o s e d-l o o p c o n t r o l闭路控制C o n v e y i n g b l o w e r s y s t e m输送风机N e u t r a l i z a t i o n中和s t r i p p i n g g a s汽提气(相)s h e l l筒体I D内径s h e l l s i d e壳程t u b e s i d e管程t u b e b u n d l e管束h y d r o s t a t i c t e s t p r e s s.液压试验压力v e n t h o l e排气孔i n s u l a t i o n绝缘c r a c k/p y r o l y s i s裂解b a f f l e折流板bolt nut 螺栓、螺母gasket 垫圈nozzle flange管法兰tube sheet 管板heat treated 热处理capacity 容积painting 油漆radiographed 检测比例stress 应力raw material 原材料chemical engineering 化学工程intermediate product 中间产物hydrochloric acid 盐酸gas-phase reactor 气相反应器by-product 副产品process water 生产用水to meet the product specification 以达到产品的标准compressed air 压缩空气batch processes 间歇生产processing heat 过程热electromagnetic wave 电磁波5---缩写英文中文SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油SDW Solvent dewaxing 溶剂脱蜡SIGF Site Integration & General Facility 全场一体化和一般设施RFSU Ready for Start Up 待开车S/C Subcontractor 分包商SM Styrene Monomer 苯乙烯单体SOR Start of run 运转初期SR Straight run 直馏SRU Sulfur recovery unit 硫磺回收装置SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢SSOT Single stage once through 一段一次通过加氢裂化STG Steam Turbine Generator 蒸汽发电机TBN Total base number 总碱值TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要T&C'S Terms and Conditions (e.g. of purchase) 术语和条件(用于采购) TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期TGCU Tail gas cleanup unit 尾气净化装置TGTU Tail gas treating unit 尾气处理装置TIC Total Installed Cost 总体安装费用TS Technical Specialist 技术专家TSA Technical Services Agreement 技术服务协议TF Tank Farm 罐区UFD Utility Flow Diagram 公用工程流程图ULSD Ultra low sulfur diesel 超低硫柴油VDU Vacuum distillation unit 减压蒸馏装置VE Value Engineering 价值工程VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油VI Viscosity index 粘度指数VL Vendor List 制造厂表VPMS Vendor Print Management System 厂商资料管理系统VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油VRDS Vacuum residue desulfurization 减压渣油加氢脱硫VTB Vacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油WT Weight 重量WWTS Wastewater treatment system 污水处理系统VCM/PVC Vinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构XHVI Extra high viscosity index 超高粘度指数T R A N S L A T I O N1:生活是充满着矛盾的斗争。



关键 词 : 化工; 英汉互译; 技巧
O n t e E — C & C —E a l to c ni e n t h Tr nsa i n Te h qu si he Che ia n m c lI dusr ty
S ENG Je H i
( hn hn u ol iu f t n& C e cl o ,Ld , e ig1 0 1 ,C ia C iaS eh aC a Lq ea i co hmi . t. B in 0 0 hn ) aC j 1
l i R fr ig一 一 连续 催 化 重 整 ) F C FudC tli Cakn ye eomn t 、 C ( li aa t rc i yc g 流化床催 化裂化 ) D S Ds iue ot l yt 、 C ( ir tdC n o Ss m分布式 控制系 tb r e
是科技翻译 工作者。化工英语是科技英语 的一 种 , 做好化工领域 的英汉互译工作十分重要 , 因为化工关 系到国计 民生 , 将直接影 响我 国的科技 、 经济发展 。本文分析 了科 技英语的文体特征 , 并结合 自己数 年来在石 油化工 、 煤化 工方面 的翻译实践 , 对化 工领域英 汉互 译 的常用技 巧与注意事项提 出了 自己的观点 。
A s at E g s r c nup s , ieetrm gn rl up s b t c : nl hf i c n h oo ido g s f c l roe df rn o e ea p roe r i ose e g s E l ho p a p f f
21 0 0年 3 8卷 第 6期
广 州化 工
・8 25・
化 工 行 业 英 汉 互 译 常 用 技 巧























二、实训目的1. 熟练掌握笔译的基本流程和技巧。

2. 提高翻译速度和质量,提升翻译效率。

3. 深入了解不同领域的专业术语和表达方式。

4. 培养跨文化交际能力,提高翻译的准确性。

三、实训内容1. 基本理论学习:了解笔译的定义、分类、特点等基本概念,掌握笔译的基本原则和技巧。

2. 实际操作训练:选择不同领域的文本进行翻译练习,包括商务、科技、文化等。

3. 专业术语积累:针对不同领域的文本,学习并积累相关领域的专业术语。

4. 文化差异处理:分析原文中的文化背景,准确理解原文意图,并在翻译中体现文化差异。

5. 反馈与总结:在实训过程中,不断总结经验教训,改进翻译方法。

四、实训过程1. 理论学习阶段:通过课堂讲解、阅读相关书籍和资料,掌握笔译的基本理论和方法。

2. 实际操作阶段:选取商务、科技、文化等领域的文本进行翻译练习,如合同、技术说明书、新闻报道等。




3. 专业术语积累:在翻译过程中,遇到不熟悉的术语,及时查阅资料,积累专业词汇。

4. 文化差异处理:在翻译过程中,关注原文中的文化背景,准确理解原文意图,并在翻译中体现文化差异。

5. 反馈与总结:在实训过程中,向教师请教,听取同学的意见和建议,不断改进翻译方法。

五、实训成果1. 翻译速度和质量有所提高,能够熟练运用所学知识和技巧进行翻译。

2. 积累了大量专业术语,提高了翻译的准确性。

3. 增强了跨文化交际能力,能够更好地处理文化差异。



第一次英译汉1)Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has a strong affinity.翻译:铝直到18世纪才被人们所发现,因为它在自然界并不是游离状态,通常是与其他元素结合的化合物,它通常和氧元素结合,并且与氧有很强的亲和力。

2) The poor are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.翻译:穷人是首先体验到技术进步的危害,旧式的体力劳动是一种用以摆脱贫困的手段,而技术的进步则摧毁了穷人赖以为生的体力劳动。

3)Europeans’ today, like Americans 200 years ago, seek a world where strength does not matter so much, where unilateral action by nations is forbidden and where all nations regardless of their strength are protected by commonly agreed rules of behavior.翻译:现在的欧洲,就如200年前的美国,寻求一个削弱武力在世界的重要性,禁止强国单边活动,并用公众认可的制度来保护各个国家的世界。



9.3 分译法

当长句中的主句与从句或分词短语及介词短语等 各种所修饰的词之间的关系不是很密切,各具有 相对的独立性时,为符合汉语习惯,有时需将原 文的某一短语或从句先行单独译出,并借助适当 的总括性词语或其它语法手段将前后句联系列一 起; 或将几个并列成分先概括地合译在前面,而后分 别加以叙述; 或将原文中不好处理的成分拆开,译成相应的句 子或另一独立句子,这种翻译方法称为分译法。
Gas absorption is an operation in which a gas mixture is contacted with a liquid for the purposes of preferentially dissolving one or more components of the gas and to provide a solution of these in the liquid. 译文: 气体吸收是这样一种操作:让气体混合物与液体 接触,以使气体中的一种或多种组分优先溶解在 液体中,并提供由这些组分和液体所形成的溶液。
第九章 长句的译法

翻译英语长句的过程是一个综合运用语 言和各种翻译技巧的过程。
在表达一些较复杂的概念时,英、汉两 种语言差别较大。 英语的特点是:利用各种修饰语,构成较长 的简单句,利用适当的连词将简单句构成更 长的并列句或复合句。因此科技英语中常使 用长句子。 汉语的特点是:尽量分成几个简短的句子来 说明某个概念,不经常使用较长的句子。 即:英语——常使用长句子。 汉语——常使用多个简单句。
长句破开成几个汉语短句,然后再根 据逻辑次序和意思轻重,重新安排句 子结构:有的顺译,有的倒译,有的 分译。



化工实习报告英文回答:During my internship in the chemical industry, I gained invaluable experience in various aspects of the field. Working alongside experienced professionals, I had the opportunity to learn about the production processes,quality control measures, and safety protocols involved in the chemical manufacturing process. One particularly memorable project I was involved in was the development of a new catalyst for a specific chemical reaction. I conducted extensive research on different types ofcatalysts and their properties, and then synthesized and characterized several candidate materials. After evaluating the performance of these materials, we were able toidentify a catalyst that significantly improved the efficiency and selectivity of the reaction. This project not only enhanced my technical skills but also taught me the importance of collaboration and problem-solving in a research and development environment.Throughout my internship, I was also actively involved in maintaining the safety and quality standards of the plant. I participated in regular safety inspections and audits, and I assisted with the implementation of new safety procedures. In addition, I worked closely with the quality control team to monitor the quality of raw materials and finished products, ensuring that they met the required specifications. This experience gave me a comprehensive understanding of the importance of adhering to strict safety and quality protocols in the chemical industry.Overall, my internship in the chemical industry was an incredibly enriching and rewarding experience. It provided me with a solid foundation in the field, and it helped me develop both my technical and professional skills. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside such knowledgeable and supportive mentors, and I am confident that the experiences I gained during my internship will serve me well in my future career in the chemical industry.中文回答:在化工行业的实习期间,我在该领域的各个方面积累了宝贵的经验。



化工实习报告## 英文回答:Greetings, Professor! I have completed my internship at [Name of Company] and I am delighted to present my report on my experiences there. During my time with the company, I gained valuable insights into the field of chemical engineering and developed a strong foundation in the industry's core principles.In the first phase of my internship, I worked closely with a team of experienced engineers to design and implement a new process for [specific chemical process]. This involved conducting extensive research, performing simulations, and collaborating with colleagues to develop a comprehensive solution. I gained hands-on experience in process design, modeling, and optimization, which enhanced my understanding of the complexities involved in chemical engineering.Subsequently, I was assigned to the [specific department] department, where I focused on [specific tasks]. This assignment provided me with an in-depth understandingof the production and quality control processes involved in the chemical industry. I learned about the importance of maintaining high standards, adhering to industry regulations, and continuously improving processes to enhance efficiency and productivity.One of the highlights of my internship was my involvement in a project that aimed to develop a novel catalyst for [specific application]. This project required me to apply my knowledge of catalysis, reaction kinetics, and materials science to design and evaluate different catalyst formulations. Through this experience, I gained valuable insights into the iterative nature of research and development and the importance of collaboration between different disciplines.Throughout my internship, I had the opportunity to interact with a diverse group of professionals, including engineers, scientists, and managers. These interactions notonly broadened my technical knowledge but also provided me with a glimpse into the career paths and opportunities available in the chemical industry. I made valuable connections and learned about the importance of networking and professional development.In summary, my internship at [Name of Company] has been an incredibly enriching experience that has not only strengthened my technical skills but also expanded my career horizons. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside such talented professionals and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I have acquiredwill be invaluable as I embark on my future career in chemical engineering.## 中文回答:尊敬的教授,。



妙文翻译公司翻译样稿3.3.2 Igniting the Reactor反应器点火“Ready for Ignition” is contingent on…以下情况将出现“准备点火”:∙ A positive leak check for silanes and hydrogen对硅烷和氢气进行主动检漏∙ 3 completed filter purges (venturis) 完成三次过滤器净化(文丘里)∙The natural gas flow regulating valve being in the ignition position (Y=x%) 天然气流量调节阀处于点火位置(Y=x%)∙The start flap being open (opens automatically when the purge time expires)开启阀处于打开状态(吹扫时间终止时自动打开)∙Grit mode being on筛网模式处于打开状态∙The ignition lance having been run in点火枪已插入∙The ignition readiness time still running点火准备时间尚未结束∙ A production recipe has been selected and its correctness confirmed已选定产品配方,并确认正确。

The ignition lance is run in by actuating the button. Once the ignition lance has reached the ignition posi tion (signal “Main Reactor Ready for Ignition”), the “Switch On Ignition Device" button is actuated.The ignition safety time is 8 seconds (calculated by the TÜV). If no flame is detected during this time, the reactor is shut down again → Prevents too much natural gas from being fed in the in the absence of a flame and its not being converted.通过启动该按钮插入点火枪,一旦点火枪到达点火位置(信号“主反应器准备点火),“打开点火装置”按钮立即启动。




















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根据上述特点,在翻译时,应将英语 长句破开成几个汉语短句,然后再根 据逻辑次序和意思轻重,重新安排句 子结构:有的顺译,有的倒译,有的 分译。
1. 通读全句,以确定句子种类—简单句、并列句、 复合句?
2. 如为简单句,则应先分析出主、谓、宾、表语 (主要成分),再分析定语、状语(次要成分), 并弄清主次成分之间的关系,同时注意时态、语 气和语态等。
通往伟大而美好科学的途径和手段已经展现 在眼前。在科学领域中,我的研究只是个 开端,比我敏锐的其他人所采用的途径和 手段将会探索科学领域的遥远境地。
The continuous process although requiring more carefully designed equipment than the batch process, can ordinarily be handled in less space, fits in with other continuous steps more smoothly, and can be conducted at any prevailing pressure without release to atmospheric pressure.
这一简单事实表明,摩擦力越小,球会滚得越远。 由此我们可以推论,如果把对引力起着阻碍作用 的一切阻力排除掉,那么曾经处于运动状态的球 就没有理由会再停下来了。
9.2 倒译法(变序译法)
有时英语长句的叙述层次与汉语相反,翻译时, 应根据汉语习惯,改变原文语序,进行翻译。 这种译法为倒译法,又称变序译法。
第九章 长句的译法
翻译英语长句的过程是一个综合运用语 言和各种翻译技巧的过程。
在表达一些较复杂的概念时,英、汉两种 语言差别较大。
英语的特点是:利用各种修饰语,构成较长 的简单句,利用适当的连词将简单句构成更 长的并列句或复合句。因此科技英语中常使 用长句子。
汉语的特点是:尽量分成几个简短的句子来 说明某个概念,不经常使用较长的句子。
虽然连续过程比间歇过程要求更为周密设计的设 备,但连续过程通常能节约操作空间,较顺利地 适应其它连续操作步骤,并能在任何常用的压力 厂进行,而不必暴露在大气中。
How these two things—energy and matter—behave, how they interact one with the other, and how people control them to serve themselves make up the substance of two basic physical sciences, physics and chemistry.
倒译法常在下列的情况下采用: 主句后面带有很长的状语(特别是原因状语或方
式状语)或状语从句(特别是原因、条件、让步 状语从句); 或主句后面有很长的定语或定语从句,或宾语 从句。
This is why the hot water system in a furnace will operate without the use of a water pump, if the pipes are arranged so that the hottest water rises while the coldest water runs down again to the furnace.
Objectionable hydrogen sulfide is removed from such a gas or from naturally occurring hydrocarbon gases by washing with various alkaline solutions in which it is absorbed.
能量和物质这两样东西具有什么样的性质, 如何相互起作用,如何控制它们为人类服 务,这些问题就构成了物理和化学两门基 础自然科学的主要内容。
This simple fact shows that the more of the force of friction is got rid of, the further will the ball travel, and we are led to infer that, if all the impeding force of gravitation could be removed, there is no reason why the ball, once in motion, should ever stop.
气体吸收是这样一种操作:让气体混合物与液体 接触,以使气体中的一种或多种组分优先溶解在 液体中,并提供由这些组分和液体所形成的溶液。
There have been opened up to the vast and excellent science,in which my work is the beginning, ways and means by which other minds more acute than mine will explore its remote corners.
3. 如为复合句,则应先找出主句,再分析。
因此,翻译长句时,首先应抓住全句的中心内容, 弄清各部分之间的语法关系及逻辑关系,分清上 下层次及前后联系,然后根据汉语特点,习惯和 表达方式,正确译出原文意思。
9.1 顺译法
英语长句的叙述层次与汉语相同时,可以按照英 语原文的顺序,依次译出。
译文: 要从这样的煤气或天然存在的烃类气体中除去有 害物质硫化氢,就要用能吸收硫化氢的各种碱性 溶液来洗涤。
Gas absorption is an operation in which a gas mixture is contacted with a liquid for the purposes of preferentially dissolving one or more components of the gas and to provide a solution of these in the liquid.