Body position




1.肢体语言(Body Language)
2.身体姿势(Body Posture)
3.面部表情(Facial Expressions)
4.眼神交流(Eye Contact)
5.手势(Hand Gestures)
6.姿势动作(Postural Movements)
7.站立姿势(Standing Posture)
8.坐姿(Sitting Posture)
9.交叉手臂(Crossed Arms)
10.倾斜头部(Head Tilting)
举例来说,如果你想描述一个人的肢体语言很自信,你可以说:“His body language conveyed confidence. He stood tall with his shoulders back and his chest out, making direct eye contact with everyone in the room.”





























In the realm of sports,an athletes physique is often a testament to their dedication, discipline,and the specific demands of their chosen field.Here is a descriptive composition on the physique of athletes,highlighting the unique characteristics that set them apart.The Rugged Build of a Football PlayerA football players physique is akin to a fortress,built to withstand the relentless onslaught of the game.Their bodies are a tapestry of bulging muscles,broad shoulders, and a solid core that provides the foundation for their powerful tackles and agile maneuvers on the field.The legs,particularly the thighs and calves,are pillars of strength, capable of propelling them forward with explosive speed or anchoring them firmly during a hardfought defensive stand.The Graceful Lines of a GymnastGymnasts,on the other hand,embody a different kind of strength.Their bodies are lean and toned,with a focus on flexibility and balance.The gymnasts physique is characterized by a long,slender frame,with welldefined muscles that are not overly bulky but are perfectly suited to the twists,turns,and flips of their routines.Their arms and legs are like extensions of their will,capable of bending and stretching in ways that defy the imagination.The Streamlined Form of a SwimmerSwimmers possess a physique that is as sleek as the water they glide through.Their bodies are long and streamlined,with broad shoulders and a narrow waist that allows them to cut through the water with minimal resistance.The upper body is muscular, particularly the back and shoulders,which power the strokes that propel them forward. Their legs,while strong,are often less muscular,focusing more on flexibility to enable the powerful kicking motion that drives them through the water.The Sculpted Strength of a BodybuilderThe bodybuilders physique is a work of art,meticulously sculpted to showcase the human form in all its muscular glory.Their bodies are a testament to the power of human potential,with bulging biceps,chiseled abs,and a broad,imposing chest.The bodybuilders legs are thick and powerful,supporting the weight of their upper body and providing a stable base for the display of their strength.The Athletic Elegance of a RunnerRunners have a physique that is both lean and powerful.Their bodies are built for endurance,with long,slender legs that are packed with lean muscle.The runners core is strong and stable,providing the necessary support for the repetitive motion of running. Their arms are toned and efficient,aiding in the rhythmic motion that propels them forward mile after mile.The Agile Flexibility of a Martial ArtistMartial artists possess a physique that is both strong and supple.Their bodies are wellrounded,with a balance of strength and flexibility that allows them to execute powerful strikes and fluid movements with equal ease.The martial artists core is strong, providing the stability needed for their dynamic techniques.Their limbs are strong but also flexible,capable of delivering swift and precise strikes.In conclusion,the physique of an athlete is a reflection of their sport and the countless hours of training that have sculpted their bodies to meet the demands of their discipline. Each athletes physique is unique,tailored to the specific requirements of their sport,and a source of inspiration for those who aspire to reach the pinnacle of physical excellence.。



各种居中对齐对于不是编辑中的代码进⾏复制时,⼀定要注意:空格的复制可能会是整个HTML和样式都显⽰⽆效,需要删除所有复制的空格才可以正常显⽰,对于下⾯代码的复制也⼀样:text-align:center 只对块级元素有效,且是块级元素内的内容⽔平居中,⽽不是整个块级元素。

如果是想让块级元素⽔平居中,可在需要居中的块级元素中添加margin:0 auto; 必须是固定宽度。

vertical-align:middle 只对⾏内元素有效垂直居中⼀⾏可以使⽤line-height=height.也可以垂直居中当⾏⾼与元素的⾼度⼀致时,元素的内容会在垂直⽅向居中显⽰;设置height:100px; line-height没有设置时,默认与当前字体⼤⼩⼀致。

如果设置font-size:20px; 那么line-height:20px;要居中显⽰,那么可写:line-height:100px; 或者line-height:500%;-----在写样式时,⼀定记住先使⽤通配符统⼀不同浏览器的默认设置。

*{ margin:0px; padding:0px; font-size:16px;}⼀,单⾏(块级元素的内容不超过⼀⾏:p,div,h1,h2等标签)居中(左右居中,上下居中)在块级元素中设置,解决办法:1,line-height:该⾏的字体⼤⼩ //垂直居中2,text-align:center;----------------<style type="text/css">*{ /*统⼀设置不同浏览器的默认设置*/ margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}.warp{ border: 1px solid red; height: 200px;}p{ line-height: 200px; text-align: center;}</style></head><body> <div class="warp"> <p>路上看到<br/>房价收到⾮独⽴开发建设劳动法</p> </div></body>=================================================⼆,多⾏(多⾏中包括块级元素)居中(左右居中,上下垂直居中)在块级元素中设置属性,解决办法:在需要居中整个块级元素中设置:text-align:center;把其⽗元素转化成表格,表格的宽度是内容决定,所以这⾥需要把宽度设置为100%(有固定的宽度就不⽤设置):display:table;width:100%;把居中块级元素转化成表格的单元格:display:talbe-cell;表格的单元格是⾏内元素,所以可以使⽤垂直居中属性(该属性默认值:baseline):vertical-align:center;如下代码:*{ margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}.warp{ border: 1px solid red; height: 400px; display: table; width: 100%;}.inner{ text-align: center; //先设置块级元素居中,块级元素居中才有效。



5-3 节 position 属性position:relative 相对定位 absolute 绝对定位h2 {position:absolute;left:100px; top:150px;值 absolute描述 生成绝对定位的元素,相对于 static 定位以外的第一个父元素进行定位。

元素的位置通过 "left", "top", "right" 以及 "bottom" 属性进行规定。


因此,"left:20" 会向元素的 LEFT 位置添加 20 像素。


元素的位置通过 "left", "top", "right" 以及 "bottom" 属性进行规定。

static inherit默认值。

没有定位,元素出现在正常的流中(忽略 top, bottom, left, right 或者 z-index 声明)。

规定应该从父元素继承 position 属性的值。

(IE 不支持此属性)CSS 相对定位——相对于元素原来的位置发生移动,占位如果对一个元素进行相对定位,它将出现在它所在的位置上。

然后,可以通过设置垂直或水平位置,让这 个元素“相对于”它的起点进行移动。

如果将 top 设置为 20px,那么框将在原位置顶部下面 20 像素的地方。

如果 left 设置为 30 像素, 那么会在元素左边创建 30 像素的空间,也就是将元素向右移动。

#box_relative { position: relative; left: 30px; top: 20px; }如下图所示:注意,在使用相对定位时,无论是否进行移动,元素仍然占据原来的空间。



CSSposition居中(⽔平,垂直)css position是个很重要的知识点:知乎Header部分:知乎Header-inner部分:position属性值:fixed:⽣成绝对定位的元素,相对浏览器窗⼝进⾏定位(位置可通过:left,right,top,bottom改变);与⽂档流⽆关,不占据空间(可能与其它元素重叠)relative:⽣成相对定位的元素(相对于元素正常位置)(left,right,top,bottom);relative的元素经常⽤作absolute的元素的容器块;原先占据的空间依然保留absolute:⽣成绝对定位的元素(相对第⼀个已定位的⽗元素进⾏定位;若没有则相对<html>)(left,right,top,bottom);与⽂档流⽆关,不占据空间(可能与其它元素重叠)static:默认值。

没有定位,元素出现在正常的⽂件流中(left,right,top,bottom,z-index⽆效!)inherit:继承从⽗元素的position值fixed⽰例:1<!DOCTYPE html>2<html lang="en">3<head>4<meta charset="UTF-8">5<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">6<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">7<title>cascading style sheet</title>8<style>9 #test{10 width: 500px;11 height: 100px;12 position: fixed;13 top: 0px;14 left: 500px;15 border: 1px solid burlywood;16 background-color: #F2F2F2;17 z-index: 2;18 }19 .test1{20 margin-top: 100px;21 }22 .test1, .test2, .test3, .test4, .test5{23 width: 200px;24 height: 300px;25 border: 1px solid black;26 position: relative;27 left: 500px;28 background-color: gray;29 }30</style>31</head>32<body>33<div id="test"></div>34<div class="test1">1</div>35<div class="test2">2</div>36<div class="test3">3</div>37<div class="test4">4</div>38<div class="test5">5</div>3940</body>41</html>View Code#test部分始终固定在上⽅,不发⽣移动。


40 Rhythm节奏
34 Poise权衡姿势
35 Promenade Position并步位置
36 Pivot轴转
37 Partner In Line相对姿势
37 Partner in Front
37 Partner Square
37 Square To Partner
38 Partner Outside舞伴外侧
39 Quick Step快步
14 Cort&#39;e侧退步
15 Diagonal Step斜步
16 Drag拉步
17 Facing Diagonally面斜
18 Fall Away Position并退位置
19 Figure步法
20 Foot rk足步动作
21 Full Turn全转
22 Half Turn半转
23 Heel Pivot足跟轴转
01 Alignment步位
02 Amagamation组织
03 Amount of Turn转身角度
04 Balance平衡动作
05 Body Sway倾斜动作
24 Heel Pull足跟拖步
25 Heel Turn足跟转
26 Hesitation踌躇步
27 Hold扶持姿势
28 Line Of Dance舞程方向
29 Lilt轻松升降



一般检查generalexamination一, 性别sex男Male女Female二,年龄age三,生命体征:vital age体温body temperaturea,口测法oral measurementﻩb,肛测法archos measurementc,腋测法axil measurement呼吸respirations脉搏pulse血压blood pressure四,发育development体型(Habitus):无力型(asthenic type)、超力型(sthenictype)、正力型(orthosthenic type)五,营养state of nutrition:良好well、中等moderatelty.肥胖(Obesity)、消瘦slake六,意识consciousness: 嗜睡drowsiness、意识模糊clouding ofconsciousness昏睡hyponody、昏迷coma(浅,中,深度),谵妄acute confusionalstate七,语调tone 语态voice八,面容facial features急性病容faceof acuteill,慢性病容chronic disease face,贫血面容anemic face,甲亢面容hypert hyreosis feature,粘液性水肿面容myxedema face, 二尖瓣面容mitralfacies,满月脸面容moon face,肢端肥大症面容acromegaly facies,伤寒面容typhoidface,病危面容,Hippocrates face表情expression 正常normal,淡漠indifference烦躁不安dysphoria,痛苦suffering忧郁gloom九,体位positiona,自主体位active position b,被动体位passive position 极度意识衰竭和丧失culmination consciousness failureandlossc,强迫体位compulsiveposition强迫坐位(端坐呼吸)compulsivesitting position (orthopnea)十,姿势posture十一,步态gaitaa,蹒跚步态waddling gaitb,醉酒步态drinken man gaitc,共济失调步态ataxicgait d,慌张步态fe stinating gait e,跨閱步态steppage gaitf,剪刀步态scissorgait g,间歇性跛行intermittent gait十二,皮肤skin1,颜色skincolor a,苍白pallor 贫血anaemiab,发红redness发热fever c,发绀cyanosis 缺氧ﻩhypoxia d,黄染stainedyellow 肝病liverdisease e,色素沉着pigmentation 肝病li verdisease f,色素脱失coloringmaterialloss 白化症albinismus2,湿度moisture 干燥dry脱水dewat湿润moist休克shock 3,弹性elasticity4,皮疹skin eruptiona斑疹maculate b玫瑰疹roseola c 丘疹papules; d 斑丘疹maculopapulate ,e荨麻疹urticaria5,脱屑scales6赘生物vegetation 7,皮下出血subcutaneous hemorrhagea 瘀点petechiab瘀斑ecchymosis c 紫癜purpura d血肿hematome8,蜘蛛痣spiderangioma肝掌liver palms 9,水肿edema 10,皮下结节subcutaneous nodules 11,瘢痕scar12,毛发hair 13,淋巴lymph体检(胸腹部)[Physical examination(chestand belly)]1、肋骨和软组织[ribs andsoft tissure]·胸骨上切迹[suprasternalnotch]·浮肋[freeribs]·胸壁[chest wall]·扁平(桶状、佝偻、漏头、鸡)胸[flat (barrel,rachitic,funnel,pigeon)chest]·皮下气肿[subcutaneousemphysema]·捻发音[Crepitus]·软组织损伤[soft tissue injury]·肋骨畸形[abnormality of the ribs(rib deformity,costal anomaly)]·肋软骨畸形[costochondral deformity]·肋软骨增生[costal cartilage hyperplasia]·肋下切口[subcostal incision]·肋间隙宽(窄)[wide (narrow) intercostal space]乳房[breast]3、肺[lung]·呼吸缓慢(急促)[bradypnea (tachypnea)]·呼吸浅慢(深快)[hypopnea (hyperpnea)]·呼吸不规则[irregular respiration]·点头呼吸[noddingbreathing]·端坐呼吸[orthopnea]·三凹征[retractionsign ofthree fossae]·叹息样呼吸[sighing respiration]·浅快[shallow and rapid]·呼(吸)气性呼吸困难[expiratory(inspiratory) dyspnea]·呼吸道烧伤(塌陷)[burn (collapse) ofrespiratorytract(airway)]·呼吸道阻塞[respiratory tractobstruction]·呼吸均匀(呼吸加深或加快)[eupnea(exaggerated or accleratedrespiratory)]·呼吸停止[apnea]·呼吸费力[respirationis labored]·语音(触觉)震颤[vocal(tactile)fremitus]·语颤相等(减弱、增强)[vocal fremitusis equal(diminished,accentuated)]·间接(直接)叩诊[mediate (immediate) percussion]·浊(实、鼓、清、过清、金属)音[dullness(flatness, tympany, vesicular resonance, hyperresonance, bell)]·移动范围[rangeofmovement]·呼吸音消失(减弱,增强)[absence(diminution,exaggeration) ofbreath sound]·呼吸音粗(清)[sound ofbreath(SOB)isrough (clear)]·支气管(支气管肺泡,肺泡)音[bronchophony (bronchovesicular sound,vesicular sound)]·管状呼吸音[tubular breath sound]·捻发音[crepitant rales]·爆裂音[crackles]·干(湿)罗音[dry (moist)rales]·细(中等、粗)罗音[fine(medium, coarse) rales]·呼(吸)气未罗音[end-inspiratory(expiratory)rales]·胸膜摩擦音[pleuralfriction rub]·呼(吸)气延长[prolongedinspiratory (expiratory)]·高(低)调鼾音[sibilant(sonorous) rhonchi(sonorous rales)]·哨笛音[sibilant rales]·哮鸣音[wheezing]·小(中、大)水泡音[small(middle, big) bubbles]·支气管语音[bronchophony]·耳语音[whispered]·羊鸣音[egophony]·高(低)音调[high(low)-pitched]·两肺部(右背部)[over both lung fields (rightback)]·两(左)肺底[over theboth (left)lowerlung]·整个肺野[the whole lung field]·左(右)上(下)肺[theleft (right)upper (lower) lung]·肺尖(底)[apex (base) oflung]4、心脏[Heart]心房心室室间隔房间隔主动脉瓣肺动脉瓣二尖瓣三尖瓣·用手掌(指尖)触诊心尖搏动[palpate apical areawith palm numbness (fingertips)]·心前区隆起(凹陷)[precordial bulge (retraction)]·搏动弥漫(局限)[diffuse(local) pulsation]·负性搏动[inwardinpulse]·心尖搏动[apex beat (apicalimpulse)]·剑突下搏动[xiphoideusal pulsaton]·抬举性心尖搏动[heaving apex impulse]·心尖搏动最强点[point of maximalimpulse (PMI)]·锁骨中线[mid-calvicularline (MCL)]·肋间[intercostalspace(ICS)]·收缩(舒张)期震颤[systolic (diastolic) thrill]·心浊音界[theborderof cardiac dullnes]·心绝对(相对)浊音界扩大(缩小)[enlarged (diminished)absolute(relative) cardiac dullnes s]·叩诊心脏大小正常[heart sizeis normal on(to) percussion]·心脏向左(右)扩大[cardiacdilation (enlargement) to the left(right)]·第1(2、3、4)心音[S1(S2,S3,S4)]·第1心音增强(减弱,听不清)[first heartsound is exaggerate (decreased, muffled)]·生(病)理性杂音(分裂)[physiologic (pathological)murmur (splitting)]·生理性(固定、反常、逆)分裂[physiologic(fixed, paradoxical,reversed) splitting]·肺动脉瓣第2心音>(=,<)主动脉瓣第2心音[P2>(=,〈)A2]·大炮音[connonsound]·心音消失[heart sound is absent (disapeared)]·心音增强(减弱)[accentuated(diminished)cardiacsound]·心音响亮(遥远)[cardiac sound is loud (distant)]·收缩期(舒张期,连续性)杂音[systolic (diastolic, continuous)murmur]·收缩(舒张)前(中、晚)期杂音[pre-(mid—,post) systolic(diastolic)murmur]·全收缩期的[holosystolic(pansystolic)]·全舒张期的[holodiastolic (pandiastolic)]·低(高)音调[low (high)pitched]·递减(递增,递减—递增)性杂音[decrescendo (crescendo, decrescendo—crescendo)murmur]·呈喷射型[beejectionin type]·Ⅳ级喷射型收缩期杂音[gradeⅣ(I-Ⅳ/6)systolic ejectionmurmur]·吹风样杂音[murmurof puffing character]·低音调隆隆样[low-pitched rumbling quality]·柔和(粗糙)的[soft(harshor rough)]·吹风样(喷射性、隆隆样、沙沙声样、搔抓声样、机器声样、汽笛声样、倒水声样)杂音[blowing (ejection, rumbling, rustting,scratching, machinary, whistling, pouring)murmur]·功能性(器质性)杂音[functional (organic) murmur]·血管(静脉)杂音[vascular(venous)murmur]·枪击音[pistol shotsound]·静脉营营音[venous hum]·奔马律[galloprhythm]·胎心律[embryocardia]·心律齐(不齐)[regular (irregular) rhythm]·心律不齐[arrhythmia]·二(三)联律[bigeminy (trigeminy)]·早搏[premature (extrasystol)]·喀嗽音[click]·钟摆律[pendular rhythm]·二尖瓣开瓣音[mitralopening snap]·心包摩擦音[pericardial frictionsound]·听诊[on auscultation]·二尖瓣(主瓣,肺瓣,三尖瓣)听诊区[mitral (aortic,pulmonary,tricuspid)valve area]·心包叩击音[pericardial knock]·肿瘤扑落音[tumorplop]5、腹部[abdomen]·腹膨隆[abdominaldistention(prominence)]·腹平坦(凹陷)[abdominal flatness(retraction)]·蛙状(球状、舟状)腹[frog(bulbous, scaphoid) belly (abdomen)]·腹围增大[increased abdominal girth]·肠型[intestinal pattern]·胃(小肠)蠕动波[gastric (intestinal) peristalticwave]·静脉曲张[varicosity(dilated tortuousvein)]·疤痕[scar]·腹壁紧张(松驰)[guarding (abdominal muscular relaxation)]·腹壁切口(创伤)[incision(wound) of abdominal wall]·腹部分区[abdominal region]·左(右)上(下)腹[left(right) upper(lower)quadrant]·脐膨出[projection ofthe umbilicus]·腹式呼吸[abdominal(diaphragmatic)breathing]·腹壁松弛[lax abdominal wall]·肝肿大[hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver)]·脾肿大[splenomegaly(enlargement of thespleen)]·右肋下5厘米[5cmbelowtheright costalmargin]·肿块(肝)质硬[firm mass(liver)]·莫菲氏征[murphy`ssigh]·肌卫现象[muscle guarding(tension)]·反跳痛[reboundtenderness]·压痛点[tenderness point]·剑突下压痛[tendernessbeneath the xiphoidprocess]·麦氏点压痛[McBurney`s point tenderness]·腹肌强直(板状腹,板样强直)[rigorofabdominal muscle(wooden belly, board—like rigidity)]·柔韧感[doughkneedingsensation]·波动感[fluctuation]·腹股沟疝[inguinalfemoralhernia]·腹壁反射[abdominalreflex]·腹水征[signof ascites]·膀胱肿大[bladder expansion]·膀胱区(脊肋角)压痛[tenderness of bladder region(costovertebral angle)]·肾(肝)区叩击病[percussion tenderness onkidney(liver) region]·移动性浊音[shiftingdullness]·鼓音[tympany(tampanitic resonance)]·肝(脾)浊音区[hepatic (splenic)dullness area]·肠鸣音正常(亢进、减弱、消失)[normal (hyperactive,diminished, absent) bowel sound]·气过水声[gurgling]·振水声[succusion(splashing)sound]2、常见症状·[Fever] 发热·[Pain]疼痛·[Edema] 水肿·[Mucocutaneoushemorrhage(bleeding)]皮肤粘膜出血·[Dyspnea(Difficulyin breathing;Respiratory difficulty;short of breath)] 呼吸困难·[Coughand expectoration(Sputum;Phlegm)]咳嗽和咯痰·[Hemoptysis] 咯血·[Cyanosis]紫绀·[Palpitation]心悸·[Chest discomfort] 胸闷·[Nausea(Retch;DryV omiting)and V omiting]恶心和呕吐·[Hematemesis(V omitingof blood)]呕血·[Hematochezia (Hemafecia)]便血·[Diarrhea] 腹泻·[Constipation (Obstipation)]便秘·[Vertigo (Giddiness;Dizziness)]眩晕·[Jaundice(Icterus)] 黄疸·[Convulsion]惊厥·[Disturbance of consciousness] 意识障碍·[Hematuria] 血尿·[Frequentmicturition,urgentmicturition and dysuria]尿频,尿急和尿痛·[Incontinenceof urine] 尿失禁·[Retention of urine]尿潴留(1)发热的表示方法·[Infective (Septic)fever] 感染性发热·[Non-infective(Aseptic)fever]非感染性发热·[Dehydration(Inanition)fever] 脱水热·[Drugfever]药物热·[Functional hypothermia]功能性低热·[Absorption fever]吸收热·[Centralfever] 中枢性发热·[Fever type] 热型▲[Continuous fever]稽留热▲[Remittentfever]驰张热▲[Intermittent fever]间歇热▲[Undulant fever] 波状热▲[Recurrentfever]回归热▲[Periodic fever]周期热▲[Irregularfever]不规则热▲[Ephemeralfever]短暂热▲[Doublepeaked fever]双峰热·[Feverof undetermined(unknown) origin,FUO]不明原因发热·[Rigor(shivering;chill;shakingchill;ague)] 寒战·[ChillySensation(Fell chilly;coldfits;coldness)]畏寒·[Ultra-hyperpyrexia]超高热·[Hyperthermia(A high fever;hyperpyrexia;ardentfever)]高热·[Moderate fever] 中度发热·[Hypothermia (Low—grade fever;slight fever;subfebrile temperature)] 低热·[Becomefeverish(Have a temperature)]发热·[Crisis]骤降·[Lysis]渐降·[Rheumatic fever]风湿热·[Cancerous fever] 癌性发热·[Fervescenceperiod]升热期·[Defervescence period]退热期·[Persistent febrile period] 持续发热期(2)疼痛的表示方法·[Backache(Backpain)] 背痛·[Lumbago] 腰痛·[Headache] 头痛▲[Vasomotor headache]血管舒缩性头痛▲[Migraine headache] 偏头痛·[Chest pain]胸痛·[Precardial pain] 心前区痛·[Retrosternal pain]胸骨后痛·[Abdominal pain(Stomachache)] 腹痛·[Acrodynia(pain in limbs)] 肢体痛·[Arthrodynia (Arthralgia)] 关节痛·[Dull pain]钝痛·[Sharp pain]锐痛·[Twingepain]刺痛·[Knife-likepain (Piercing pain)] 刀割(刺)样痛·[Achingpain]酸痛·[Burningpain] 烧灼痛·[Colicky (Griping;cramp)pain] 绞痛·[Colic] 绞痛·[Bursting pain]胀痛(撕裂痛)·[Hunger pain] 饥饿痛·[Ticpain] 抽搐痛·[Bearing—down pain]坠痛·[Shock—like pain] 电击样痛·[Jumping pain]反跳痛·[Tenderness pain] 触痛(压痛)·[Girdle—like pain]束带样痛·[Wandering pain]游走性痛·[Throbbing pain] 搏动性痛·[Radiating pain] 放射性痛·[Crampingpain] 痉挛性痛·[Boring pain]钻痛·[Intensepain]剧痛·[Dragging pain]牵引痛·[Labor pain]阵痛·[Cancerous pain]癌性疼痛·[Referred pain]牵涉痛·[Persistent pain(Unremittingpain)] 持续性痛·[Constantpain]经常性痛·[Intermittent pain]间歇性痛(3)水肿的表示方法·[Mucous edema (Myxedema)] 粘液性水肿·[Cardiac (Cardiogenic) edema]心源性水肿·[Nephrotic (renal)edema] 肾源性水肿·[Hepatic edema]肝源性水肿·[Alimentary (Nutritional)edema] 营养不良性水肿·[Angioneurotic edema] 血管神经性水肿·[Pitting] 凹陷性·[Nonpitting]非凹陷性·[Localized (Local) edema] 局限性水肿·[Generalized edema (Anasarca)]全身性水肿·[Hydrops]积水·[Cerebral(Brain)edema] 脑水肿·[Pulmonary edema(Hydropneumonia0] 肺水肿·[Hydrocephalus]脑积水·[Invisible (Recessive) edema]隐性水肿·[Frankedema]显性水肿·[Inflammatoryedema]炎性水肿·[Idiopathic edema] 特发性水肿·[Cyclical edema] 周期性水肿·[Ascites (Abdominal effusion;hydroperiotoneum)]腹水·[Pleural effusion(Hydrothorax)]胸水·[Pericardialeffusion(Hydropericardium)] 心包积液·[Bronchoedema] 支气管水肿·[Slight(Mild)]轻度·[Moderate] 中度·[Serious]重度·[Transudate] 漏出液·[Exudate] 渗出液(4)呼吸困难的表示方法·[Cardiacdyspnea] 心原性呼吸困难·[Inspiratory]吸气性·[Expiratory] 呼气性·[Mixed] 混合性·[Obstructive] 梗阻性·[Dyspnea at rest] 静息时呼吸困难·[Dyspneaon exertion] 活动时呼吸困难·[Dyspneaonlying down]躺下时呼吸困难·[Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,PND]夜间阵发性呼吸困难·[Orthopnea] 端坐呼吸·[Asthma] 哮喘·[Cardiac asthma] 心源性哮喘·[Bronchial asthma]支气管性哮喘·[Hyperpnea]呼吸深快·[Periodicbreathing]周期性呼吸·[Tachypnea(Rapid orfast breathing;accelerated breathing;short ofbreath)]气促·[Bradypnea(Slowbreathing)] 呼吸缓慢·[Irregularbreathing] 不规则呼吸(5)皮肤粘膜出血的表示方法·[Bleeding spots intheskin]皮肤出血点·[Petechia] 瘀点·[Eccymosis]瘀斑·[Purpura] 紫癜·[Splinter hemorrhage] 片状出血·[Oozing of the blood (Errhysis)] 渗血·[Hemorrhinia (Nasalbleeding)]鼻衄·[Ecchymoma] 皮下血肿(6)咳嗽与咯痰的表示方法·[Drycough (Nonproductive cough;hacking cough)] 干咳·[Sharp cough] 剧咳·[Wetcough(Moistcough)] 湿咳·[Productive cough (Loose cough)] 排痰性咳·[Chronic cough] 慢性咳嗽·[Irritable cough] 刺激性咳嗽·[Paroxysmalcough] 发作性(阵发性)咳嗽·[Cough continually] 持续性咳嗽·[Spasmodic cough]痉挛性咳嗽·[Whooping cough]百日咳·[Wheezingcough]喘咳·[Short cough] 短咳·[Distressed cough]难咳·[Droplet]飞沫·[Frothy sputum] 泡沫样痰·[Bloodysputum]血痰·[Mucous(Mucoid) sputum] 粘液样痰·[Purulent sputum]脓痰·[Mucopurulentsputum]粘液脓性痰·[White (Yellow,green)sputum]白(黄,绿)痰·[Fetid(Foul) sputum] 恶臭痰·[Iron—rust (Rusty)sputum]铁锈色痰·[Chocolatecoloured sputum]巧克力色痰·[Thick sputum]浓痰·[Thinsputum]淡痰·[Viscous sputum] 粘痰·[Transparent sputum]透明痰·[Much (Largeamounts of)sputum]大量痰·[Moderate amounts of sputum]中等量痰·[Not much (Small amounts of) sputum]少量痰(7)内脏出血的表示方法·[Massivehematemesis]大量呕血·[Epistasis (Nosebleed;Nasal bleeding;Hemorrhinia;rhinorrhagia)]鼻衄·[Hematuria]血尿·[Initial hematuria] 初血尿·[Idiopathic hematuria] 特发性血尿·[Painless hematuria]无痛性血尿·[Terminal hematuria]终末性血尿·[Gross (Macroscopic) hematuria] 肉眼血尿·[Microscopic hematuria]镜下血尿·[Hematuria in the whole processofurination] 全程血尿·[Gingivalbleeding (Ulaemorrhagia;gum bleeding)]牙龈出血·[Hematochezia]便血·[Bloodystool] 血便·[Black stool(Melena)]黑便·[Tarry stool] 柏油样便·[Occult blood,OB] 隐血·[Hemathorax]血胸··[Hematocoelia]腹腔积血·[Hematoma]血肿·[Hemopericardium] 心包积血·[Cerebral hemorrhage]脑出血·[Subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)] 蛛网膜下腔出血·[Excessive(Heavy) menstrual flowwith passage ofclots]月经量多伴血块·[Mild (Moderate)menses] 月经量少(中等)(8)紫绀的表示方法·[Congenital cyanosis]先天性紫绀·[Enterogenous]肠源性·[Central]中枢性·[Peripheral]周围性·[Mixed]混合性·[Acrocyanosis] 指端紫绀(9)恶心与呕吐的表示方法·[Vomiturition(Retching)]干呕·[Feel nauseated] 恶心感·[Postprandialnausea] 饭后恶心·[Hiccup] 呃逆·[Sour regurgitation]返酸·[undigested food V omiting]吐不消化食物·[BiliousVomiting] 吐胆汁(10)腹泻与便秘的表示方法·[Moning diarrhea]晨泻·[Watery (Liquid)diarrhea] 水泻·[Mucous diarrhea] 粘液泻·[Fatty diarrhea]脂肪泻·[Chronic (Acute)] 慢性(急性)·[Milddiarrhea] 轻度腹泻·[Intractable(Uncontrolled)diarrhea]难治性腹泻·[Protracted diarrhea] 迁延性腹泻·[Bloody stool]血梗·[Frothy stool] 泡沫样便·[Formless(Formed)stool] 不成形(成形)便·[Loose (Hard)stool]稀(硬)便·[Rice—water stool]米泔样便·[Undigested stool]不消化便·[Dysenteric diarrhea] 痢疾样腹泻·[Inflammatorydiarrhea] 炎症性腹泻·[Osmotic] 渗透性·[Secretory]分泌性·[Malabsorption] 吸收不良性·[Lienteric]消化不良性·[Pancreatic diarrhea]胰性腹泻·[Tenesmus]里急后重·[Pass a stool (Have apassage;open orrelax the bowel)] 解大便·[Have a call ofnature] 便意·[Fecal incontinence(Copracrasia)] 大便失禁·[Functional constipation] 功能性便秘·[Organic constipation] 器质性便秘·[Habitualconstipation] 习惯性便秘·[Have atendency to be constipated] 便秘倾向(11)黄疸的表示方法·[Latent (occult)jaundice] 隐性黄疸·[Clinicalejaundic] 显性黄疸·[Nuclear icterus]核黄疸·[Physiologic icterus] 生理性黄疸·[Icterus simplex]传染性黄疸·[Toxemicicterus]中毒性黄疸·[Hemolytic ejaundic ] 溶血性黄疸·[Hepatocellular]肝细胞性·[Obstructive]阻塞性·[Congenital]先天性·[Familial] 家族性·[Cholestatic]胆汁淤积性·[Hematogenous]血源性·[Malignant] 恶性·[Painless]无痛性(12)意识障碍的表示方法·[Somnolence]嗜睡·[Confusion] 意识模糊·[Stupor]昏睡·[Coma]昏迷·[Delirium] 谵妄·[Syncope (swoon;faint)]晕厥·[Drowsiness] 倦睡(13)排尿的表示方法·[Anuria]无尿·[Nocturia] 夜尿·[Oliguria]少尿·[Polyuria]多尿·[Pass water (Make water; urinate; micturition)]排尿·[Frequentmicturition(Frequency of micturition;fruquent urinatio n;Pollakiuria)]尿频·[Urgent micturition (Urgencyof urinationor micturition)]尿急·[Urodynia (Pain on micturition; painful micturition; alginuresis;micturition pain)]尿痛·[Dysuria(Difficulty in micturition;disturbance of micturition)]排尿困难3.少见症状·[Weekness(Debility; asthenia;debilitating)]虚弱(无力)·[Fatigue (Tire;lassitude)] 疲乏·[Wasting(thin;underweight; emaciation; lean)] 消瘦·[Night sweating] 盗汗·[Sweat (Perspiration)]出汗·[Cold sweat] 冷汗·[Pruritus (Iching)]搔痒·[Asthma] 气喘·[Squeezing (Tightness;choking;pressing)sensationof the chest] 胸部紧缩(压榨)感·[Intermittent claudication]间歇性跛行·[Difficulty in swallowing(Dysphagia;difficultswallowing;acataposis)]吞咽困难·[Epigastric (Upper abdominal)discomfort]上腹部不适·[Anorexia(Sitophobia)] 厌食·[Poor appetite (Loss of appetite)]纳差·[Heart—burn(Pyrosis)]胃灼热·[Stomachache(Painin stomach)] 胃部痛·[Periumbilial pain] 脐周痛·[Belching (Eructation)]嗳气·[Sour regurgitation] 返酸·[Abdominaldistention(bloating)]腹胀·[Pass gas(Breakwink)] 肛门排气·[Small(Large)stool]大便少(多)·[Painover the liver]肝区痛·[Lumbago]腰痛·[Pica(Parorexia;allotriophagy)]异食癖·[Menoxenia (Irregular menstruation)]月经不调·[Jointpain(Arthralgia; arthrodynia)]关节痛·[Polydipsia (Excessive thirst)] 多饮(烦渴)·[Polyphagia(Excessive appetite; hyperorexia;bulimia)] 多食·[Cold(Heat) intolerance]怕冷(热)·[Dwarfism(Excessiveheight)]身材矮小(高大)·[Excessive sweating] 多汗·[Handstremble] 手抖·[Obesity(Fatty)]肥胖·[Agitation(Anxiety;nervous irritability)]焦虑(忧虑)·[Formication]蚁走感·[Tingling]麻刺感·[Hyperpathia]痛觉过敏·[Hypalgesia] 痛觉减退·[Insomnia(Poor sleepness;sleeplessness)]失眠·[Numbness]麻木·[Limitation of motion]活动受限·[Tetany]手足抽搐·[Dischargeofpus]流脓·[Blurred vision(Hazyvision;blurring ofvision; dimnessof vision)]视物模糊·[Burning (Dry) sensation] 烧灼(干燥)感·[Tearing (Dacryorrhea;Lacrimation)]流泪·[Doublevision (Diplopia)]复视·[Strabismus]斜视·[Hemianopia] 偏盲·[Foreign bodysensation]异物感·[Lose the sight(Loseof vision)]失明·[Diminution ofvision]视力减退·[Photophobia] 畏光·[Tinnitus]耳鸣·[Nasal obstruction(blockage)]鼻塞·[Dryness of thenose] 鼻干燥·[Rhinorrhea(Snivel;Nasal discharge)] 流鼻涕·[Sneezing]打喷嚏·[Snoring]打鼾·[Hyposmia(Reduction of thesenseof smell)] 嗅觉减退·[Anosmia (Completeloss of sense of smell)]嗅觉丧失·[Dysphonia]发音困难·[Hoarseness]声嘶·[Pain on swallowing]吞咽痛·[Saliva dribblies from the mouth]流涎·[Troaty voice]声音沙哑·[Stridor]喘鸣·[Redand swollen]红肿·[Apathy]情感淡漠医学专业英语·[Delusion]妄想11 / 11。

hollow body position 体操术语

hollow body position 体操术语



而"hollow body position"(空心身体位置)就是体操运动中常用的一个术语,它在体操训练中具有非常重要的作用。

5.1 hollow body position的定义"hollow body position"是体操运动中常用的一个姿势,它要求身体平躺在地面上,同时腿部和上半身都要离开地面,形成一个弓形的弯曲,使得身体中间部分形成一个凹陷。



在训练中,运动员需要将"hollow body position"保持一段时间,这样可以锻炼核心力量和腹部肌肉,并且提高身体的协调性和稳定性。

这个姿势也是许多体操动作的基础,只有掌握了"hollow body position",运动员才能更好地完成其他复杂的技术动作。

5.2 hollow body position的训练方法要想掌握"hollow body position",运动员需要进行一定的训练。

以下是一些常见的训练方法:1. 起始练习:初学者可以先从仰卧姿势开始,将双腿抬起,然后利用腹部力量将腰部离开地面,使得身体呈现一个略微弯曲的姿势。


2. 强化训练:随着对"hollow body position"的掌握程度提高,运动员可以逐渐加大训练难度。

可以利用哑铃、弹力带或者其他辅助器械来增加训练的挑战度,比如在双手持哑铃的情况下进行"hollow body position"练习,或者利用弹力带增加身体的平衡难度等。



分解动作作文英文回答:Introduction:Decomposing movement into its constituent parts involves analyzing the individual elements that contribute to the overall motion. By breaking down complex movements into smaller, more manageable units, it becomes possible to understand the underlying mechanics and neuromuscular control involved.Elements of Movement:The primary elements of movement include:Body position: The arrangement of the body's segments relative to each other.Center of mass: The point at which the body's mass isconcentrated.Range of motion: The extent to which a joint can move in various directions.Force: The application of effort against an object or surface.Velocity: The rate at which the body or body segments are moving.Acceleration: The rate at which the body's velocity is changing.Biomechanical Analysis:Biomechanical analysis is used to evaluate the mechanics of movement by examining factors such as:Joint angles: The angles at which the joints move during a specific motion.Muscle activity: The muscles involved in generating and controlling the movement.Ground reaction forces: The forces exerted by the body against the ground during movement.Kinematic Analysis:Kinematic analysis focuses on describing the movement of the body without considering the forces involved. It typically involves measuring:Displacement: The change in the position of the body or body segments.Velocity: The rate at which the body or body segments are moving.Acceleration: The rate at which the body's velocity is changing.Neuromuscular Control:Neuromuscular control refers to the role of the nervous system in regulating movement. The nervous system sends signals to muscles to initiate and coordinate movements. Factors involved in neuromuscular control include:Motor planning: The development of a plan for the desired movement.Motor commands: The signals sent from the brain to the muscles.Sensory feedback: Information received from the body's sensory receptors about the current state of the body andits environment.Conclusion:Decomposing movement into its constituent parts allows for a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between biomechanical, kinematic, and neuromuscular factors. By analyzing these individual elements, it becomes possibleto identify potential areas for improvement, optimize performance, and prevent or rehabilitate injuries.中文回答:导言:分解动作包括分析组成整体运动的各个元素。













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伦巴Hip actions 胯部动作1、Settling 下沉2、Lateral 移动(横向运动)3、Rotational 转动4、Twisting 律动(扭动)Leads 引导1、Visual Lead 视线引导2、Physical Lead 身体引导3、Shaping Lead 行为引导Body position & holds 身体位置与手势1、Closed position 关闭位置2、Contact position 接触位置3、Open position 打开位置4、Fan position 扇形位置5、Promenade position 并步位置6、Open Promenade position 分式侧行位置7、CPP in closed holds 贴近相对侧行位置(counter Promenade position)8、Open CPP 分式相对侧行位置9、Right side position 右侧位置10、Left side position 左侧位置11、Right shadow position 右影位置12、Tandem position 前后位置Lunba walks 伦巴步1、Forward walks 前进步2、Check Forward walks 前进锁步3、Backward walks 后退步4、Forward walk turn 前进转身5、pressed Forward walk 滑门前进步6、Delayed backward walk 后退延迟步7、Delayed walk 延迟步初级1、Closed basic 贴近基本步2、Basic in place 原地基本步3、Open basic 开放基本步4、Alternative basic 原地移步5、Cucarachas 踏辗步6、New York 纽约步7、Spot turn 定点转8、Switch turn & underarm turn 开关转、臂下转9、Shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩10、Hand to hand 手拉手11、Progressive walks forward and back 前进后退行走步12、Side steps to left 左侧横跨步13、Side steps to right 右侧横跨步14、Cuban rocks 古巴碎步Routine 1 (beginner’s level)套路1(初级)15、Fan 扇形16、Alemana 阿里曼娜(女子右转步)17、Hockey stick 曲棍步18、Natural top 右陀螺转19、Opening out to right and left 左右对开步20、Natural opening out 右展开步21、Closed hip twist 闭式扭臀步Routine 2(beginner’s level)套路2(初级)Intermediate level 中级Warm up exercise 热身练习22、Open hip twist 开式扭臀步23、Reverse top 左螺旋转24、Opening out from reverse top 左螺旋转展开25、Aida 阿依达(菱形步)26、Spiral turns 螺旋转Routine 3(Intermediate level)套路3 中级Advanced level 上级27、Sliding doors 滑门步28、Fencing 击剑步29、Three threes 三三步30、Three alemanas 三个阿里曼娜(女子右转步)31、Advanced hip twist 高级扭臀步32、Continuous hip twist 连续扭臀步33、Circular hip twist 圆弧扭臀步Routine 4(Advanced level)套路4 上级桑巴position & holds 位置与手势1、Contact position 接触位置2、Closed position 关闭位置3、Extended closed position 延长关闭位置4、Promenade position 并步位置5、Counter Promenade position 相对侧行位置6、Right side position 右侧位置7、Left side position 左侧位置8、Right shadow position 右影位置9、right contra position 右对立位置10、left contra position 左对立置11、Cuban cross position 古巴交叉位置Leads 引导1、Physical Lead 身体引导2、Shaping Lead 行为引导3、Visual Lead 视线引导初级1、Natural basic movement 右基本步2、Reverse basic movement 左基本步3、Progressive basic movement 行进基本步4、Whisks 扫步5、Samba walks 桑巴步6、Side Samba walk 旁桑巴步7、Stationary Samba walks 原地桑巴步8、Rhythm bounce 左转步9、Volta movement 垫步10、Travelling bota fogos forward 前进点步11、Criss cross bota fogo 交叉点步Routine 1 (beginner’s level)套路1(初级)12、Travelling bota fogos back 后退点步13、bota fogos to PP and CPP 正反并进侧点步14、Criss cross voltas 游离垫步15、Solo spot volta to L&R 左右独舞定点垫步16、Foot changes 脚步交换17、Shadow travelling volta 影子垫步 xx18、Reverse turn 左转19、Corta jaca 推割步20、Closed rocks 闭式摇摆Routine 2(beginner’s level)套路2(初级)Intermediate level 中级Warm up exercise 热身练习21、Open rocks 开式摇摆22、Back rocks 后退摇摆23、Plait 绳辫步24、Rolling off the arm 臂下卷转25、Argentine crossed 阿根廷交叉步26、Maypoe 十字步27、Shadow circular volta 圆弧影子垫步 xx Routine 3(Intermediate level)套路3 中级Advanced level 上级Warm up exercise 热身练习28、Contra bota fogos 反向点步29、Roundabout to R&L 右左迂回步 xx30、Natural roll 右滚转步31、Reverse roll 左滚转步32、Promenade runs 侧行跑步33、Three step turn 三步转34、Samba locks 桑巴锁步35、Cruzados locks 克鲁萨多锁步Routine 4(Advanced level)套路4 上级恰恰Hip actions 胯部动作1、Settling 下沉2、Lateral 移动(横向运动)3、Rotational 转动4、Twisting 律动(扭动)Chasses 追步1、Compact chasse 原地追步2、LRL chasse 左右左追步3、RLR chasse 右左右追步4、Backward lock 后退锁步5、Forward lock 前进锁步6、Slip chasse 滑门步7、Ronde chasse 朗得追步8、Hip twist chasse 扭臀追步9、Progressive chasse 行进追步10、Runaway chasse 逃跑追步初级1、Closed basic 闭式基本步2、New York 纽约步3、Spot turn 点转4、Switch turn 开关转5、Underarm turn 臂下转6、Shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩7、Hand to hand 手拉手8、Three cha cha cha 三步恰恰恰9、Side step to left 左侧横跨步10、side step to right 右侧横跨步11、there and back 往返步12、time step 时间步(节奏步)13、fan 扇形14、alemama 阿丽玛那(女子右转步)15、hockey stick 曲棍步16、natural top 右陀螺转17、natural opening out 右展开步18、closed hip twist 闭式扭臀步Routine 1 (beginner’s level)套路1(初级)Intermediate level 中级Warm up exercise 热身练习19、open hip twist 开式扭臀步20、reverse top 左陀螺转21、opening out from reverse top 左陀螺转展开22、Aida 阿依达(菱形步)23、Spiral turns 螺旋转24、Cross basic 交叉基本步25、Cuban breaks 古巴碎步26、Chase 追步Routine 2(Intermediate level)套路2 中级Advanced level 上级Warm up exercise 热身练习27、Advanced hip twist 高级扭臀步28、Hip twist spiral 扭臀螺旋转步29、Turkish towel 土耳其毛巾步30、Sweetheart 甜心步(爱神步)31、Follow my leader 跟随步32、Foot changes 脚步交换Routine 3(Advanced level)套路3 上级牛仔Body position & holds 身体位置与手势1、Open position 开式位置2、Closed position 闭式位置3、Promenade position 并步位置4、Counter Promenade position 相对侧行位置5、Open Counter Promenade position 分式抑制侧行位置6、Right side position 右侧位置7、 Left side position 左侧位置8、Tandem position 背面位置Jive chasse 牛仔追步1、Compact chasse 原地追步2、Side chasse 旁追步3、Forward chasse 前进追步4、Backward chasse 后退追步5、Forward lock chasse & backward lock chasse 前进锁追步&后退锁追步6、Turning chasse 旋转追步Posture 姿势Leads 引导1、Physical Lead 身体引导2、Shaping Lead 行为引导3、Visual Lead 视线引导初级1、Basic in place 原地基本步2、Fallaway rock 并退摇摆3、Fallaway throwaway 并退抛掷4、Overturned Fallaway throwaway 加强转抛开式并退步5、Link 连步6、Change of places right to left 右换左7、Change of places left to right 左换右8、Change of hands behind back 背后还手9、Hip bump 碰碰步Routine 1 (beginner’s level)套路1(初级)10、American spin 美式旋转步11、The walks 走步12、Stop and go 停和走13、The mooch 漫步14、The whip 绕转步15、Whip throwaway 绕转抛掷步Routine2 (beginner’s level)套路2(初级)Intermediate level 中级Warm up exercise 热身练习16、Reverse whip 左绕转17、The windmill 风车步18、Spanish arms 西班牙手势19、Rolling off the arm 臂下卷转(滚动转)20、Simple spin 单一旋转(原地旋转)21、Miami special 迈阿密特殊Routine 3(Intermediate level)套路3 中级Advanced level 上级Warm up exercise 热身练习22、Curly whip 挥鞭步23、Shoulder spin 肩转24、Toe heel swivels 脚尖脚跟回旋转步25、Chugging26、Chicken walk 鸡形步27、Catapult 弹弓步28、Stalking walks. Flicks into break 点踏步Routine 4(Advanced level)套路4 上级斗牛Posture 姿势Arm styling 手臂样式Body position & holds 身体位置与手势1、Closed position 闭式位置2、Extended Closed position 延长闭式位置3、Open position 开式位置4、Promenade position 并步位置5、Inverted Promenade position 反向并步位置6、Inverted counter Promenade position 反向相对侧行位置Walks(forward & backward)前进后退步Appel action 顿步Elevation 仰角Method of foot changes 脚步交换的方法1、Hesitation 踌躇步2、Syncopated sur place 切分原地踏步3、Syncopated chasse 切分追步4、Coup de pique 穿刺步5、Left foot variation 左脚变位步Side leading & CBMP 侧引导&反身动作位置Cuban cross position & pivot 古巴交叉位置&转轴Leads 引导1、Physical Lead 身体引导2、Shaping Lead 行为引导3、Visual Lead 视线引导初级1、Sur place 原地踏步2、Basic movements 基本动作3、Chasses to right & left 右左追步4、Drag 攻击步5、Deplacement (including attack)下放步(包括进攻)6、Promenade link(promenade close)并进链环步(直行串步)7、Promenade 并步8、Ecart(fallaway whisk)并退快扫步9、Separation 分裂步10、Separation with lady’s caping walks 分裂步女士绕走Routine 1 (beginner’s level)套路1(初级)11、Fallaway ending to separation 分离渐退结束步12、Huit 哈艾特(八步、斗篷步)13、Sixteen 十六步14、Promenade and counter promenade 侧行与反侧行15、Grand circle 绕转步16、Open telemark 开式转折步Routine2 (beginner’s level)套路2(初级)Intermediate level 中级Warm up exercise 热身练习17、La passe 斗篷步18、Banderillas 短扎枪步(班德瑞拉斯步)19、Twist turn 扭转步20、Fallaway reverse turn 渐退反转步21、Coup de pique 穿刺步(库德皮克步)22、Left foot variation 左脚变奏步23、Spanish lines 西班牙行24、Flamenco taps 弗朗明哥踢踏步(披风追步)Routine 3(Intermediate level)套路3 中级Advanced level 上级Warm up exercise 热身练习25、Syncopated separation 切分分裂步26、Travelling spins from PP 分身位移动旋转27、Travelling spins from CPP 反分身位移动旋转28、Fregolina 弗戈列娜步29、The twists 扭摆步30、Chasse cape 披风追步Routine 4(Advanced level)套路4 上级。



体位转换老年护理操作流程Position Changes in Elderly Care: A Comprehensive Guide.Introduction.As seniors age, their mobility and strength may decline, making it necessary for them to rely on assistance fordaily tasks, including body positioning. Proper body positioning is crucial for preventing pressure sores, maintaining circulation, and ensuring comfort. This guide provides a detailed overview of the procedures for performing body position changes in elderly care.Types of Body Position Changes.There are various types of body position changes that may be required for elderly care, including:Log Rolling: Used to turn a patient from one side tothe other.Lateral Positioning: Used to position a patient on their side.Fowler's Positioning: Used to elevate a patient's head and chest.Semi-Fowler's Positioning: Used to elevate a patient's head and upper body.Trendelenburg Positioning: Used to lower a patient's head and raise their feet.Reverse Trendelenburg Positioning: Used to elevate a patient's head and lower their feet.Preparing for a Body Position Change.Before performing a body position change, it is important to prepare the patient and the environment:Explain the procedure to the patient and obtain theirconsent.Gather necessary equipment, such as a pillow, draw sheet, and repositioning belt.Ensure the patient's bladder and bowels are empty.Position the bed at a comfortable working height.Provide privacy for the patient.General Principles for Body Position Changes.When performing body position changes, it is essential to follow these general principles:Use Proper Body Mechanics: Protect the caregiver's back by using proper lifting and transfer techniques.Maintain Body Alignment: Keep the patient's spine straight and aligned.Provide Support: Use pillows, blankets, or a repositioning belt to support the patient's body.Move Slowly and Gently: Avoid sudden or jerky movements that could cause discomfort or injury.Monitor the Patient: Observe the patient for any signs of discomfort or distress during the procedure.Specific Procedures for Body Position Changes.The procedures for performing specific body position changes vary depending on the type of change required.Log Rolling:1. Position the patient on their back with their arms at their sides.2. Place a pillow between the patient's knees.3. Stand on the patient's opposite side.4. Cross your arms over the patient's chest and hook your fingers under their far arm.5. Instruct the patient to push off from you with their feet.6. Guide the patient onto their side while supporting their head and back.Lateral Positioning:1. Position the patient on their back with their arms at their sides.2. Place a pillow between the patient's knees.3. Stand on the patient's side to which you want to turn them.4. Cross your arms over the patient's chest and hook your fingers under their far arm.5. Instruct the patient to push off from you with their feet.6. Guide the patient onto their side while supporting their head and back.Fowler's Positioning:1. Assist the patient to a sitting position.2. Place pillows behind the patient's head and back for support.3. Adjust the bed to an upright position.4. Monitor the patient for any signs of discomfort or dizziness.Semi-Fowler's Positioning:1. Assist the patient to a sitting position.2. Place pillows behind the patient's head and neck for support.3. Adjust the bed to a semi-recumbent position.4. Monitor the patient for any signs of discomfort or dizziness.Trendelenburg Positioning:1. Lower the head of the bed to a 15-degree angle.2. Place pillows under the patient's knees and feet for comfort.3. Monitor the patient for any signs of discomfort or respiratory distress.Reverse Trendelenburg Positioning:1. Elevate the head of the bed to a 15-degree angle.2. Place pillows under the patient's head and back for comfort.3. Monitor the patient for any signs of discomfort or respiratory distress.Post-Positioning Care.Once the body position change has been completed:Reposition the patient for comfort and reduce the risk of pressure sores.Provide fresh bedding and adjust the temperature to the patient's comfort.Monitor the patient for any signs of discomfort or complications.Document the position change in the patient's medical record.Additional Considerations.Frequency of Position Changes: Position changes should be performed every 2-4 hours, or as needed based on the patient's condition.Special Needs: Patients with specific conditions, such as spinal cord injuries or respiratory problems, mayrequire additional precautions during body position changes.Teamwork: In some cases, it may be necessary for multiple caregivers to assist with body position changes.Education: Caregivers should be trained on proper body positioning techniques to ensure the safety and comfort of their patients.Conclusion.Proper body positioning is a crucial aspect of elderly care. By following the principles and procedures outlinedin this guide, caregivers can effectively and safely perform body position changes, ensuring the well-being and comfort of their patients.中文回答:老年护理中的体位转换操作流程。




⽹页中的元素都是以body最为参考,所以有必要保持html 和body的⾼度相同。

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CSS Code复制内容到剪贴板1. html, body {2. height:100%;3. }4. .fl {5. float:left;6. display:inline;7. }8. #container {9. width:100%;10. height:300px;11. overflow:hidden;12. height:100%;13. border-bottom:70px #FFFFFF solid;14. }15. .aside {16. width:30%;17. }18. .article {19. width:70%;20. }21. #footer {22. height:50px;23. width:100%;24. clear:both;25. margin-top:-50px;26. border-bottom:1px solid #e0e0e0;27. border-top:1px solid #e0e0e0;28. }XML/HTML Code复制内容到剪贴板1. <div id="container">2. <div id="header">3. <div>4. <img src="" width= height= alt="" />5. <div>6. <p>fddfv</p>7. <p>容量:<span>24M</span>/<span>2G</span></p>8. </div>9. </div>10. </div>11. <div class="aside fl"> dsfcndsjkcnsd</div>12. <div class="article fl">cdsklcmdskcmkdslcmksdlckldsmcskl</div>13. </div>14. <div id="footer">footer</div>第⼆种⽅法:使⽤绝对定位这⾥我们使⽤到了position属性,让我们先来回顾⼀下position的基础⽤法: position有四个参数:static | relative | absolute | fixed position:static,意味元素没有被定位,元素会出现在⽂档本该出现位置,是页⾯元素默认的定位的⽅式,⼀般⽆需指定,除⾮想要覆盖之前设置的定位。



英语身体部位练习题### English Body Parts Exercise Questions1. Identify the Body Parts: List the names of the following body parts in English:- 头部- 手臂- 脚- 眼睛- 鼻子- 嘴巴2. Fill in the Blanks: Choose the correct body part to complete the sentences.- I have a cold, so I can't breathe well through my_______. (nose)- When I fell, I hurt my _______. (arm)- She has beautiful _______ that light up when she smiles. (eyes)3. Match the Description to the Body Part: Match thefollowing descriptions with the correct body part.- The part of your body that you use to hold things:_______ (hand)- The part of your body that helps you balance: _______ (foot)- The part of your body that you use to see: _______ (eye)4. True or False: Determine if the statements are true or false.- The English word for "腿" is "leg". (True)- "Tongue" is the English word for "舌头". (True)- "Ear" is the English word for "手". (False)5. Multiple Choice Questions: Select the best answer for the following questions.- What is the English word for "肩膀"?A. ShoulderB. ArmC. LegD. Foot- Which body part is not used for hearing?A. EarB. EyeC. MouthD. Nose6. Sentence Construction: Construct sentences using the given body parts.- 手 (hand): I use my hands to type on the computer.- 耳朵 (ear): I can hear you clearly with my ears.- 嘴巴 (mouth): She said "hello" with her mouth.7. Crossword Puzzle: Fill in the crossword puzzle with the correct body parts.```ACROSS1. The body part you use to see (4 letters)2. The body part you use to walk (4 letters)3. The body part you use to speak (5 letters)DOWN1. The body part you use to smell (4 letters)2. The body part you use to taste (5 letters)```8. Synonyms and Antonyms: Provide a synonym and antonym forthe given body part.- Body Part: Leg- Synonym: Limb- Antonym: Arm9. Pronunciation Practice: Practice the pronunciation of the following body parts.- Mouth /maʊθ/- Nose /noʊz/- Eye /aɪ/10. Dialogue Completion: Complete the dialogue with thecorrect body part.- A: "Where does it hurt?"- B: "It's my _______. I twisted it while running." (ankle)11. Body Part Analogies: Explain the analogy using body parts. - The heart is to the body as the engine is to the car.12. Body Language Interpretation: Interpret the followingbody language.- Crossing arms: This body language often indicates that a person is _______ or defensive.13. Body Part Functions: Explain the primary function of the following body part.- Brain: The brain is the control center of the body, responsible for _______ and processing information.14. Cultural References: Identify the body part referred to in the common English idiom.- "Bite the hand that feeds you" refers to the _______.15. Health and Body Parts: Name a common health issue related to each body part.- Knee: Knee pain or injury, such as a sprain or arthritis.Remember, practicing with these exercises will help you become more familiar with the English vocabulary for body parts and their uses in various contexts.。




滑雪术语一:猫跳滑雪的基本身体姿势Stack: Basic Body alignment with thehips and shoulders stacked over the down hill foot.堆叠:臀部和肩部叠在山下脚上方的基本身体姿势Lead Change: When the body isstacked properly over the downhill foot the uphill knee naturallyadvances forward. The leading knee changes as the weight shiftsonto the new downhill ski引导变换:当身体正确叠在山下脚的上方时,山上腿的膝盖是自然前出的。


Transitions: The weight shifts fromdown hill ski to the new downhill ski using lead change with out upweighting and down weighting.转换:利用引导变换将重心从山下板转移到新的山下板上,没有重心的上下移动。

Knee Roll: As the weight shifts ontothe new ski the knees roll into the angle of the new turn.膝盖转动:随着重心移到新的雪板上,膝盖转动到下个回转的角度。

Knee Angle: The ski is put on edgewith knee angle not hip angle. This allows the knees to bend freelyup and down.膝盖角度:雪板要置于膝盖的角度而不是臀部的角度。



标准流(NormalFlow)与定位position,脱离标准流标准流(Normal Flow)默认情况下,元素都是按照normal flow(标准流, 常规流, 正常流. ⽂档流(document flow))1. 从左到右,从上到下按顺序摆放好2. 默认情况下,互相之间不存在层叠现象1.3. 在标准流中,可以使⽤margin, padding对元祖进⾏定位1. margin还可以设置负数2. 缺点;1. 设置⼀个元素的margin或者padding,通常会影响到标准流中其他元素定位效果2. 不便于实现元素层叠效果定位position利⽤position可以对元素进⾏定位,常⽤取值4个:1. static: 静态定位, (默认值),按照标准流进⾏布局2. relative: 相对定位 , 相对⾃⼰于标准流中的位置进⾏定位3. absolute: 绝对定位 , 相对于⾮static的最近⽗元素进⾏绝对定位, 没有找到就是相对于浏览器窗⼝4. fixed 固定定位 , 相对于浏览器窗⼝进⾏固定定位static: 静态定位1. static,是position的默认值2. 按照标准流进⾏布局3. 设置left,right,top,bottom没有作⽤relative: 相对定位1. 元素按照mormal flow 布局2. 可以通过left, right,top,bottom距离⼤⼩进⾏定位1. 定位参照对象是元素⾃⼰原来的位置3. 距离元素原来的left,right,bottom,top相对定位(相对四堵墙),值还可以负值4.5. <style>.box, .box2 {display: inline-block;width: 100px;height: 100px;line-height: 100px;text-align: center;.box {background-color: rgb(95, 95, 160);position: relative;/* left: 50px; *//* right: 50px; *//* bottom: 50px; */top: 50px;}.box2 {background-color: olivedrab;}</style></head><body><span class="box">元素</span><span class="box2">标准流元素</span></body>6. ⽔平居中/* ⽔平居中 */.box3 img {/* 1. 向左移动img的⼀半 */position: relative;/* left: -960px; */transform: translate(-50%);/* 2. 向右移动⽗元素(.box3)的⼀半 */margin-left: 50%;}fixed: 固定定位1. 元素脱离标准流2. 可以通过left, right,top, bottom 进⾏定位3. 定位参照物是视⼝(viewport)4. 当画布滚动的时候,元素位置不变1. body {margin: 0;padding: 0;}.box, .box2 {width: 100px;height: 100px;line-height: 100px;text-align: center;}.box {background-color: rgb(95, 95, 160);position: fixed;/* left: 50px; *//* right: 50px; *//* bottom: 50px; */}.box2 {display: inline-block; background-color: olivedrab;}absolute 绝对定位1. 元素脱离标准流2. 可以通过left, right,top, bottom 进⾏定位1. 定位参考对象是最相邻的定位祖先元素2. 如果找不到这样的祖先元素,参考对象就是视⼝3. 定位元素1. position值不为static的元素2. 也就是position值为relative, absolute, fixed的元素4. ⼦绝⽗相1. 在绝⼤数情况下,⼦元素的绝对定位都是相对于⽗元素进⾏定位2.绝对定位技巧:1. 绝对定位元素1. position 值为absolute或者fixed的元素2. 对于绝对定位元素来说1. 对于参照对象的宽度 = left + margin-left + right + margin-right + 绝对定位元素的实际占⽤宽度2. 对于参照对象的⾼度 = top+ margin-top+ bottom+ margin-bottom+ 绝对定位元素的实际占⽤⾼度3. 如果你希望绝对定位元素的宽⾼和参照对象⼀样(占满), 可以设置绝对定位的以下属性为: 1. left: 0; right:0; top:0; bottom: 0; margin:0;1. 如果你希望绝对定位元素在参照对象中居中(⽔平垂直居中), 可以设置绝对定位的以下属性为: (要确定绝对定位元素宽⾼)1. left: 0; right:0; margin:auto;(⽔平居中)2. top:0; bottom: 0; margin:auto; (垂直居中)3. left: 0; right:0; top:0; bottom: 0; margin:auto;(⽔平垂直居中)4. <style>.box {position: relative;width: 300px;height: 300px;background-color: blue;}.inner {position: absolute;/* left: 0;right: 0;top: 0;bottom: 0; *//* 居中 */width: 100px;height: 100px;/* 垂直⽔平居中 *//* ⽔平居中 */left: 0;right: 0;/* 垂直居中 */top: 0;bottom: 0;margin: auto;background-color: olivedrab;}</style></head><body><div class="box"><div class="inner"></div></div></body>元素之间的层叠关系z-index1. z-index 属性⽤来设置定位元素的层叠顺序1. 取值可以是正整数,负整数,02. ⽐较关系:1. 如果是兄弟关系1. z-index 越⼤,层叠越在上⾯2. z-index相等, 写在后⾯的那个元素层叠在上⾯2. 如果不是兄弟关系1. 各⾃从元素⾃⼰以及祖先元素中,找出最相邻的2个定位元素进⾏⽐较2. ⽽且这2个定位元素必须有设置z-index的具体数值3.position总结脱离标准流1. 可以脱离标准流的元素: postion:fixed/absolute, float2. 特点:1. 可以随意设置宽⾼2. 宽⾼默认由内容决定3. 不再受标准流的约束4. 不再给⽗元素汇报宽⾼数据5. 脱离标准流的元素不是inline-block6.。



acis常用函数基本几何造型函数: //立方体api_make_cuboid(length(x),width(y),height(z),BODY)api_solid_block(SPAposition(左上角顶点坐标), SPAposition(右下角顶点坐标),BODY)//球体api_make_sphere(半径,BODY)api_solid_sphere(SPAposition(圆心坐标),半径,BODY)//圆环体api_make_torus(外环半径,环宽,BODY)api_solid_torus(SPAposition(环心坐标), 外环半径,环宽,BODY)//圆锥体api_make_frustum(height(z), length(x),width(y),顶部半径,BODY)api_solid_cylinder_cone(SPAposition(顶部圆心坐标), SPAposition(底部圆心坐标),m*M_PI(底部长轴),n*M_PI(底部短轴),0(顶部半径),NULL,BODY)//圆柱体api_make_frustum(height(z), length(x),width(y),顶部半径,BODY)api_solid_cylinder_cone(SPAposition(顶部圆心坐标), SPAposition(底部圆心坐标),m*M_PI(底部长轴),n*M_PI(底部短轴),0(顶部半径),NULL,BODY)//棱柱api_make_prism(height(z), length(x),width(y),棱数,BODY)//棱锥api_make_pyramid(height(z),length(x),width(y),顶部半径,棱数,BODY) //闭合样条api_curve_spline(int,SPAposition*,SPAunit_vector*(NULL),SPAunit_vector*(NULL), EDGE*&,logical(TRUE),logical(TRUE),AcisOptions*)//曲线api_curve_line( const SPAposition& pt1, const SPAposition& pt2, EDGE*& line, AcisOptions* ao = NULL )//连接边的实体api_make_ewire( int num_edges, EDGE*[] edges, BODY*& body, AcisOptions* ao = NULL ) //着色api_rh_set_entity_rgb((ENTITY*&)body,rgb_color(r,g,b));//其中,api_gi_set_entity_rgb是着色函数,(ENTITY*&)body指定实体,body,rgb_color (r,g,b)进行着色。



Faux人造的,假的Non-functional or fake非功能性的或是假的Placket,button,fly,pocket.Also refers toimitation 人造的fabrics such as fauxleather and fur.No photoFill in Add to pattern at curveso radius becomessmallerAemhole,front/back rise,neck,othercurved areasFlat(garment)Garment over-pressedcausing noticeablecrease服装过压造成的明显折痕Shoulder area,collarstand,翻领,misc.trimsFlat(pattern shape)Shape is toostraight,does not haveenough curveFront/back,collar,princess seamsForward Toward the front Fullness Extra fabric that neddsto be added oreliminatedMost often refers to shirring or sweepbut may be anywhere on garmentFunctional Performs an intendedfunction within thegarmentPlacket,button,flyGaping,Gapping Garment stands awayfrom bodyUsually armhole or back waist but may beanywhere on garment especially alongfinished edgesGathering Extra fabric stitchedinto a seam.Similar toShirring,RuchingAnywhere on garmentGrain布纹Orientation of fabricthreads Grainline Line on pattern to indicate vertical grainof fabricHigh Point Shoulder(HPS)Point where neckline interscents withnatural fold of shoulder(not necessarily the seam)Hiking Hemline anglingupward and is notparallel to floorHem,sleeve opening,leg opening,ect.Horizontal grain Yarns aligned to horizontal or weft/fill direction perpendicularto selvage,Same asWeft grainHorizontal plane Orientation is side to side.Same as X-Axis Inverted pleats Pleats are folded tooutside of garmentRefer to sketch,also see PleatsInward Toward the inside orCF/CB Kissing Edges meet Zipper placket,pleatsKnife pleats Multiple pleats arefolds in same directionRefer to sketch,also see PleatsLayering Set multiple peices offabric on top of oneanother or wearmultiple garments overone another on thebodyNo photoLettuce dege Wavy hem finish achieved by applying high density overedge stitching to raw edgeof fabricLift The adility to raiseone's arms withoutentire garment movingupwardsSee photfor elements that maycontribute to restrictive LiftMirrored Line,pattern/plaid orpiece repeats inopposition from ceterlinePattern/stripe placement,sleeve cuttingMitred(corner)Corner is angled Pocket,cuff edgeMitred(seam)Seam formed byjoining two pieces atan angleCF neckline,bias trimMove Re-position in the indicateddirection.Same as ShiftNap Natural direction offabric fibersrefers to cut direction ofvelvet,velour,corduroyNon-functional Does not perform anintended functionwithin thegarment,exists only forvisual impact.Placket,button,fly,pocket.No photoNotching(seam allowance)Cut out small triangles from seam allowance Collapse,Collapsing Fabric is falling into the body Outward Toward the outside or side seam/outseam Paired Line or pattern repeatsin opposite directionfrom center line,Sameas Mirrired whenmatching a patternNo photoParallel Equally distant from a specific line or seam Peaks,Peaking Comes to a point Shoulder,front placket,front neck,underarm,seam intersectionsPerpendicular At right angle to a specific line or seam Pick up Remove fabric orfullness frompattern.Same as PinchoutArmhole,rise,side seam,leg openingPinch/Pinch out Remove fabric orfullness frompattern.Same as PickupArmhole,rise,side seam,leg openingPleats,Pleating Fabric folded over ontoinself in order toachieve extra fullnessand/or desired visualeffectTypes of pleats:Knife,box,invertedPuckering Fabric or seam is not smooth.This could be due to a problem with construction or an inteneional stylingdetailPull line Fold line on the bodycreated by too much ortoo little fabric.Linespoint to problemareas.Same as DraglineAnywhere on garmenttPurl edge Overedge stitch with a purl formed over theraw edgeReshape Change shape as specified Rippling Fabric or seam is not smooth.Same as Wavy,PuckeringRoping Seam or hem istwisting Ruching Extra fabric stitchedinto a seam.Similar to Shirring,GatheringRuching blade Special balde that puts small pleats into fabric Ruffle(trim)Shirred,pleated or specially shaped fabric piece used as trimRuffler Machine that uses special blade to put small pleats into fabricto form a ruffled trimSaddle Flat portion of rise or armhole Scissoring Crossing over at center front opening Scoop out Remove from patternat curve so radius isincreasedarmhole,front/back rise,neckShift Re-position in the indicateddirection.Same asMoveShirring Extra fabric stitchedinto a seam.Similar to Gathering+B47,RuchingSkewed Fabric grain distorted Slanted Not straight horizontally or vertically. Same as AngledSlash Cut pattern and spreadopen or overlap asspecified to correct fitSlash and apread collar,slash and closesweepSmocking Shirring/garthering created by stitching elastic to flat fabric.Also refers to hand pleating/tucking that creates 3D effectSmooth(fabric or seams)Even surface without waviness or rippling Smooth(pattern)Pattern contour is smooth Straight grain Yarns aligned to warp direction parallel to selvage.Same as Vertical grainSwaings,Swinging Vertical seams do nothang straight onbody.May be too farinward/outward orforward/backwardSide seam,hem,inseam/outseamSymmetrical Even from side to side Taper Gradually reducedfrom wide to narrow Torquing Garment or seam is twisted Trimming Cut down toappropriatelength.Same asClippingThread ends,seam allowanceTrue,Truing Adjust pattern line toachieve smooth shapeacross seamsSeam/dart foldbacks,seam intersectionsTubular(trim)Double layer trim Ties,start/trim on sweatersTubular(fabric construction)Fabric is knit into a circular form with no seamsTucks,Tucking Fabric folded over onto ually stitched down along length and shallow in depthTunnel two or more ply offabric through whichtrim is inserted.Sameas CasingWaistband,leg/sleeve opening,necklineTunneled Fully covered by casingor stitching. Same asEncased,EnclosedElastic or tie tnneled inside waistbandTwisting,Twisted Garment or seam is not stright on thebody.Similar to TorquingVertical grain Yarns aligned to warp direction parallel to selvage.Same as Straight grain,Warp grainVertical plane Orientation is up and down.Same as Y axis Warp grain Yarns aligned tovertical or warp direction parallel to salvageWeft grain Yarns alignedto weft orfill direction perpendicular to salvageX Axis Orientation is side to side.Same as Horizontal planeY Axis Orientaion is up and down.Same as Vertical plane。

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The Effect of Body Positioning on Gastroesophageal Reflux in Premature Infants:Evaluation by Combined Impedance and pH MonitoringL UIGI C ORVAGLIA,MD,R AFFAELLA R OTATORI,MD,M ARIANNA F ERLINI,MD,A RIANNA A CETI,MD,G INA A NCORA,MD,AND G IACOMO F ALDELLA,MDObjective To evaluate the pattern of acid and nonacid gastroesophageal reflux(GER)in different body positions in preterm infants with reflux symptoms by a combined multichannel intraluminal impedance(MII)–pH monitoring,which identifies both acid and nonacid GER.Study design Premature infants with frequent regurgitation and postprandial desaturation(n؍22)underwent a24-hour recording of MII-pH.In a within-subjects design,reflux indexes were analyzed with the infants in4different positions:supine (S),prone(P),on the right side(RS),and on the left side(LS).Results All infants were analyzed for20hours.The mean number of recorded GER episodes was109.7.The mean esophageal exposure to acid and nonacid GER was lower in positions P(4.4%and0.3%,respectively)and LS(7.5%and0.7%, respectively)than in positions RS(21.4%and1.2%,respectively)and S(17.6%and1.3%,respectively).The number of postprandial nonacid GER episodes decreased but the number of acid GER episodes increased over time.The LS position showed the lowest esophageal acid exposure(0.8%)in the early postprandial period,and the P position showed the lowest esophageal acid exposure(5.1%)in the late postprandial period.Conclusion Placing premature infants in the prone or left lateral position in the postprandial period is a simple intervention to limit GER.(J Pediatr2007;151:591-6)G astroesophageal reflux(GER)is common in premature infants.Because it may be linked to serious clinical conse-quences,it is cause for concern in neonatologists and parents and necessitates prolongation of hospitalization.1,2As in term infants,3a conservative approach based on postural treatment has been suggested in preterm infants with GER.1 However,few studies have been performed to investigate the best body position for this approach to GER treatment in premature infants,and results are not ing pH monitoring,Ewer et al4found that prone and left lateral positioning was more effective in preventing GER.Omari et al,5using combined manometry and multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII)recording in preterm infants asymptomatic for GER,found that left lateral positioning was more advantageous than right lateral positioning.These authors analyzed the mechanisms triggering GER and observed an increased number of transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxations(TLESRs)in the right lateral position,despite a gastricemptying rate twice that in the left lateral position.Despite these importantfindings,thisstudy was unable to differentiate acid and nonacid GER.5The effect of positioning is predictable based on previous work,but it is importantto describe this effect using the current state-of-the-art methods for GER measurement.Consequently,the aim of our study was to evaluate the affect of body position on GERin symptomatic premature infants using combining intraluminal impedance and pHmonitoring.MII is based on the intraluminal electrical impedance changes occurring duringthe passage of a bolus through the esophagus.It is measured by electrodes incorpo-rated along a catheter.Impedance is decreased if the bolus is liquid and is increasedif it is air.The direction of the bolus is determined by evaluating changes inintraluminal impedance at various levels over time.6MII can detect gas,mixed,andBEI Bolus exposure indexGER Gastroesophageal refluxLES Lower esophageal sphincterLS Left sideMACT Mean acidic clearing timeMII Multichannel intraluminal impedance P ProneRIpH Reflux indexRS Right sideS SupineTLESR Transient lower esophageal sphincterrelaxationSee editorial,p560andrelated article,p585From the Institute of Preventive Pediatricsand Neonatology,St.Orsola Malpighi Gen-eral Hospital,University of Bologna,Bolo-gna,Italy(L.C.,R.R.,M.F.,A.A.,G.A.,G.F.).Submitted for publication Feb1,2007;lastrevision received Apr27,2007;acceptedJun6,2007.Reprint requests:Luigi Corvaglia,MD,Istitutodi Pediatria Preventiva e Neonatologia,ViaMassarenti11,40138Bologna,$-see front matterCopyright©2007Mosby Inc.All rightsreserved.10.1016/j.jpeds.2007.06.014591liquid GER episodes but cannot differentiate acid and non-acid episodes;for this reason,it is essential to combine MII and pH monitoring to evaluate the role of acid and nonacid GER episodes.METHODSA total of22(16male)symptomatic premature infants with a median gestational age at birth of31weeks(range,24 to32weeks)and a median birth weight of1220g(range,630 to2250g)were enrolled in the study at a median age of29 days(range,12to83days)and a median weight of1747g (range,1150to3215g).The infants exhibited frequent re-gurgitation and postprandial desaturation;in addition,7in-fants had postprandial apnea,4had failure to thrive,1had bradycardia,and1had both postprandial apnea and brady-cardia.All were otherwise healthy at the time of examination. None had malformation or major gastrointestinal problems or was taking drugs influencing gastrointestinal motility or gas-tric acidity.Seven infants were fed extracted human milk fortified with3%FM85(Nestlé,Vevey,Switzerland),3were fed a standard preterm formula,and the remaining12re-ceived both.All22infants tolerated at least100ml/kg per day of milk.The effect of postural intervention on GER was eval-uated in a within-subjects design,taking for each subject measurement of GER in different postural conditions.In a within-subjects design,the same subjects are tested in each condition;therefore,differences among subjects can be sep-arated from error,increasing the power of significance tests.A possible drawback of this method is the“carry-over”effect—a persistent effect in a subsequent treatment period from treat-ment in the previous period.In our study,this could be represented by the effect on GER of each position on the subsequent position.To limit this effect,we randomly as-signed to each enrolled infant a different sequence of the possible postural combinations.Postural InterventionIn the24-hour examination,4positions—supine(S), prone(P),right side(RS),and left side(LS)—were studied. Each position was maintained for6hours,except for2 periods of30minutes each for feeding.The order of different positions was assigned randomly and was not known by the data analysts.Each infant received8meals(1every3hours) through a feeding bottle or an orogastric tube,inserted and removed at each meal.This approach allowed us to include2 meals and2150-minute postprandial periods in each body position.GER MonitoringEach patient underwent a24-hour,continuous,simul-taneous measurement of intraesophageal pH and multichan-nel electrical impedance.The system was calibrated before each measurement using pH buffer solutions of pH4.0and pH7.0.A single-use combined MII–pH probe(Comfortec MII-pH,2.1mm in diameter;Sandhill Scientific,Highlands Ranch,CO)was used.Theflexible catheter contained seven impedance electrodes representing6bipolar impedance chan-nels and1antimony electrode for pH detection.The distance between each impedance electrode was1.5cm,except for the distal couple spaced at2cm.The pH sensor was located1cm above the distal impedance ring,in the middle of the most distal impedance-measurement segment.The catheter was inserted through a nostril without sedation and placed under fluoroscopic guidance.The tip wasfixed1to1.5cm above the gastroesophageal junction.Before removal,the position of the catheter was compared with the initial position by checking the depth mark on the catheter,to exclude possible displace-ment.Data were acquired on a portable Sleuth system(San-dhill Scientific),stored at the end of each test in a personal computer,and analyzed by BioVIEW Analysis software,ver-sion5.0.9(Sandhill Scientific)and by direct visual evaluation of each event.During each GER episode,we recorded the minimum pH value;the height(in cm),calculated by the distance from the lower esophageal sphincter(LES)of the most proximal electrode that detected the reflux;and the duration(in sec-onds),defined as the time between the onset of GER and the recovery of50%of the initial impedance value,measured at the level of the distal impedance bipolar channel(ie,1.5cm). To be detected as MII-GER,the bolus,moving in a retro-grade direction,had to contact at least3impedance elec-trodes,reaching a height of at least4to4.5cm above the gastroesophageal junction.An MII-GER episode was de-fined as acid(aMII-GER)if the pH wasϽ4and as nonacid (NaMII-GER)if the pH wasՆ4.7The total percentage of time with a MII-GER in the esophagus was indicated as bolus exposure index(BEI)and further separated into acid (aMII-GER-BEI)and nonacid(NaMII-GER-BEI)reflux indexes.The number of all acid GERs,including those detected only by pH electrode and those detected by MII as well,was classified as pH-acid-GER.The total percent time of esoph-ageal exposure to a pHϽ4was designated as the reflux index (RIpH).This latter measurement substantially represents a traditional pH monitoring and includes periods of acid esophageal exposure associated with retrograde movement detected by MII and periods with acid esophageal exposure not associated with retrograde movement detected by MII. The mean time(in seconds)required for pH to return to4 after a GER episode was designated the mean acidic clear-ing time(MACT).Because the features of GER change during postpran-dial hours,8we further analyzed and compared GER indexes measured during thefirst75postprandial minutes(first pe-riod)with those measured during the second75postprandial minutes(second period).The study design was approved by the hospital’s Insti-tutional Ethics Committee.Written informed consent was obtained from a parent of each infant enrolled in the study.592Corvaglia et al The Journal of Pediatrics•December2007Statistical AnalysisAll statistical analyses were performed with SPSS13.0 for Windows(SPSS Inc,Chicago IL).Normal distribution wasfirst evaluated by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.Reflux variables in each position were analyzed using generalized likelihood model repeated-measures design(1within-subjects factor)and Bonferroni post hoc pairwise comparison;differ-ences between thefirst and second postprandial periods were tested by paired-sample t tests.A P valueϽ.05was consid-ered statistically significant.RESULTSThe test was well tolerated by all of the patients,and their clinical status remained stable.No probe position changes were detected during any examination.We analyzed a total of176postprandial periods(44periods for each position),with a mean duration of149minutes(range,145to 157minutes).RIpH measurements in the22patients are given in Table I.During the20-hour monitoring(24hours minus4 feeding hours),the mean total number of recorded GER episodes was109.7(5.5per hour).The mean numbers of aMII-GER,NaMII-GER,and pH-acid-GER episodes were 11.7,35.9,and73.7,respectively,with corresponding mean percent times of esophageal exposure to reflux of0.3%,0.9%, and12.7%.Effect of Position on the Physical Compositionof RefluxateGER episodes werefirst analyzed regarding physical composition of the refluxate.In each position,most of the GER refluxate was liquid,although some was gaseous or mixed.Liquid refluxate was significantly less frequent in the LS and P positions compared with the RS and S positions (PϽ.01)(Table I).There were no significant differences among positions regarding gaseous and mixed episodes. Effect of Position on Impedance-Detected andpH-Detected RefluxWhen values were analyzed by different positions,we observed a reduction of each type of MII-pH–detected GER in the LS and P positions compared with the RS and S positions(Figures1and2).In particular,acid exposure time (RIpH)and MACT were significantly lower in both the P and LS positions compared with the S and RS positions.We found no difference between the P and LS positions.The P position exhibited significantly fewer Na-MII-GER episodes than the other3positions.Table I.Reflux parameters measured in the22patientsTotal Left side Right side Supine Prone PLiquid GER(n)40.5(20.5)0-877.9(4.8)0-2013.6(8.8)0-3015.9(9.7)0-393.1(2.6)0-10LS vs RS:.012LS vs S:.002P vs RS,S,LS:.001Gaseous GER(n) 4.8(5.2)0-191.7(2.1)0-81.1(1.4)0-50.9(1.2)0-41.1(2)0-8NSMixed GER(n)7.4(5.9)0-222.3(2.6)0-112.5(2.9)0-131.7(1.9)0-70.8(1.4)0-6NSaMII-GER(n)11.7(9.1)1-351.9(2.1)0-84.2(4.4)0-184.3(3.5)0-121.1(1.2)0-3P vs S:.001P vs RS:.019LS vs S:.029NaMII-GER(n)35.9(22)2-918.3(5.8)0-2111.9(8.9)0-3612.9(9.1)1-352.8(2.6)0-8P vs RS,S,LS:.001pH-acid-GER(n)73.7(44.3)3-14917.9(15.7)0-5627.1(18.1)3-6621.9(15.3)0-566.8(5.3)0-17P vs S,RS:.001P vs LS:.006aMII-GER-BEI(%)0.3(0.2)0-0.70.2(0.3)0-10.5(0.5)0-1.70.5(0.5)0-1.70.1(0.1)0-0.4P vs RS:.001P vs S:.006RS vs LS:.015NaMII-GER-BEI(%)0.9(0.5)0-1.80.7(0.6)0-2.11.2(0.9)0-2.61.3(1)0.11-3.30.3(0.3)0-1P vs S,RS:.0001LS vs S:.011RipH(%)12.7(10.5)1.6-37.97.5(8.2)0-32.221.4(19.4)0.4-68.417.6(16.1)0-48.64.4(5.8)0-19.8P vs RS:.001P vs S:.002LS vs RS:.004LS vs S:.014MACT(sec)119.8(116.1)26.4-582.693.2(143.9)0-701.8176.4(245.6)26.4-1216.9162.7(103)17.1-282.994.9(91.1)0-257.1P vs S:.016LS vs RS:.021Mean MII-GER height(cm)3.5(1.2)1.8-7.23.9(1.7)1.7-93.4(1.2)1.5-73.8(1.3)1.7-7.33(1.4)0-7NSNS,not significant.Values are expressed as mean(standard deviation)and range.The Effect of Body Positioning on Gastroesophageal Reflux in Premature Infants:Evaluation by Combined Impedanceand pH Monitoring593Improvement in all GER indexes in the P and LS positions was seen in all patients except 1,who showed better GER indexes in the S and RS positions than in the P and LS positions.In this patient,an upper radiograph study with a barium swallow performed after MII-pH monitoring dem-onstrated a gastric malrotation.We decided not to exclude this patient from the analysis,because the inclusion criteria were fulfilled,and the diagnosis of malrotation was made after the MII-pH monitoring had been performed.Moreover,we verified that the exclusion of this patient would not have affected the global results;in fact,in an analysis performed excluding this patient,all statistical significances did not vary (data not showed).Influence of Position on the Height of GER EpisodesNo difference among positions was found in mean height reached by GER episodes.Changes in the Composition of Postprandial Refluxate Over TimeComparison of the 2postprandial periods (Table II )revealed that acid GER indexes (RIpH and aMII-GER-BEI)were significantly higher in the second postprandial period than in the first postprandial period in all of the positions studied except P.In the first postprandial period,the P and LS positions were associated with a significantly lower RIpH compared with the S and RS positions (P Ͻ.01).RIpH was the lowest in the LS position (with 12of the 22patients having a RipH of 0%),significantly lower than in the P position (LS ϭ0.8%vs P ϭ3.6%;P Ͻ.05)(Figure 3;available at ).During the second postprandial period,the P position was associated with strongly reduced esophageal acid exposure compared with the other 3positions (P Ͻ.01).RIpH was lower in the LS than in the S and RS position (P Ͻ.01);however,RIpH was significantly higher in the LS position than in the P position (14.3%vs 5%;P ϭ.016).In the first postprandial period,Na-MII-GER-BEI was significantly lower in the P position compared with the RS and S positions (P Ͻ.05);in the second postprandial period,Na-MII-GER-BEI was significantly lower in the P position compared withall of the other positions (P Ͻ.01)(Figure 4;available at ).DISCUSSIONIn this study,we found fewer GER episodes when infants were placed in the LS and P positions compared with the RS and S positions.Body position had no influence on the proximal extent of MII-detected GER episodes.In each body position,we noticed a decrease in the number of postprandial nonacid GER episodes and an increase in the number of postprandial acid GER episodes over time.GER is common in preterm infants;the almost fixed lying position promotes the entry of liquid gastric contents into the esophagus when TLESR occurs.Additional risk factors associated with preterm birth include high total fluid enteral intake,frequent handling by nurses,and the use of permanent feeding tubes.9A study in asymptomatic preterm neonates found a median of 71reflux episodes in 24hours.10Although GER is asymptomatic in most preterm infants,in some it may cause such symptoms as desaturation,regurgitation,and bradycar-dia or can lead to such complications as apnea,recurrent desaturation and/or aspiration,difficulties in oral feeding,vomiting,and failure to thrive.1Although acid reflux episodes are considered more likely associated with symptoms in pre-term infants,11recent studies indicate that nonacid reflux can produce these symptoms as well.12For preterm infants with symptomatic GER,a stepwise approach,based mainly on conservative interventions,is the best therapeutic choice.Drugs should be the last option,considering that cisapride was withdrawn from the market because of its possible cardiac side effects,13and treatment with gastric acid inhibitors is not without risk.14,15In a previous study,we found no reduction of GER from thickening human milk with precooked starch.16More-over,a possible relationship between milk thickening and the development of necrotizing enterocolitis has been described in 2preterm infants.17Few studies have evaluated the influence of body posi-tion on acid GER in preterm newborns,and,to the best of our knowledge,none have investigated the influence of body position on nonacid GER.Omari et al 5evaluated the inci-dence of GER in 10newborns with mild prematurity and without GER symptoms using a combined MII and manom-etry catheter and found an advantage of LS over RS position-ing in terms of a reduced number of GER episodes.Although that study provided important data concerning GER patho-logical mechanisms,the presence of a trans-LES catheter could have increased the number of GER episodes,and the absence of a pH sensor did not allow the authors to differ-entiate acid and nonacid episodes.Another study confirmed these findings in 18premature babies with GER symptoms using pH monitoring and comparing the P position with the RS and LS positions.4But that study evaluated only acid episodes with no information about the S position,the most frequently used position in both term and in pretermnew-Figure 1.RIpH in different body positions (—,median;---,95th percentile).594Corvaglia et alThe Journal of Pediatrics •December 2007borns.Recognizing that nonacid reflux episodes are common in premature infants,we believe that combined MII-pH monitoring is the most appropriate method for evaluating GER in preterm newborns.In our study,RIpH was mostly measured only by a pH electrode (placed 1.5to 2cm above the diaphragm),not by MII (with the most distal 2electrodes placed at about 4.5cm above diaphragm).Thus,GER episodes were detected in 2different esophageal sites 3cm apart;this distance is partic-ularly relevant considering the total esophageal length of about 6to 10cm.For this reason,we can state that in symptomatic preterm infants,most GER occurs in the distal half of the esophagus.Even in adults,a 6-fold increase in acid exposure (mean RipH,11.7%vs 1.8%)was found between the more distal and proximal pH measurements.18Our data are not comparable with those from previous studies,due to methodological differences.Wenzl,6Skopnik et al,19and others reported that most GER episodes reached the proximal esophagus because they considered as GER episodes only those detectable by both MII and pH probes.In comparison,we also considered numerous short-segment ep-isodes detected only by the pH probe.Omari et al 11charac-terized most GER episodes as nonacid,because they first detected all GER episodes by manometry just above the LES and then classified them as acid or nonacid by a pH electrode.In contrast,we were able to detect GER episodes just above the LES only by the pH probe.We found that the P and LS positions significantly decreased the number of acid and nonacid GER episodes compared with the S and RS positions.The effect of theLSFigure 2.aMII-BEI and NaMII-BEI in different body positions (—,median;---,95th percentile).(aMII-BEI:P vs RS P ϭ.001,P vs S ϭP ϭ.006,RS vs LS P ϭ.015;NaMII-BEI:P vs RS P ϭ.0001,P vs S ϭP ϭ.0001,RS vs LS P ϭ.011.)Table II.Variation of acid and nonacid GER during postprandial periodsRIpHP aMII-GER-BEI P NaMII-GER-BEI P Left sideFirst period 0.8(1.5)0-5.5.0010(0.1)0- period 14.3(16)0-64.40.2(0.5)0-20.2(0.2)0-0.6Right side First period 9.9(21)0-92.1.0010.3(0.5)0-2.2.01 2.2(1.7)0-5.2.0001Second period 32.9(26.1)0.7-84.30.8(0.9)0-2.50.2(0.3)0-0.8SupineFirst period 5.4(13.4)0-54.9.00010.1(0.2)0-0.6.0001 2.2(1.7)0.2-5.5.0001Second period 29.7(25.6)0-72.60.9(0.9)0-3.10.4(0.8)0-3.1ProneFirst period 3.6(8.7)0-37.3NS 0(0.1)0- period 5.1(7.3)0-33.70.1(0.2)0-0.90(0.1)0-0.5TotalFirst period 4.9(9.3)0-34.3.00010.1(0.1)0-0.5.001 1.6(0.9)0.1-3.5.0001Second period20.5(14.3)0.2-47.80.5(0.4)0-1.40.21(0.3)0-1.0Values are expressed as mean (standard deviation)and range.The Effect of Body Positioning on Gastroesophageal Reflux in Premature Infants:Evaluation by Combined Impedance and pH Monitoring595position in reducing GER is due mainly to a functional factor—reduced TLESR episodes—by laying the gastric con-tents on the gastric body and greater curvature,which to-gether act as a reservoir.5The effect of the P position is related mainly to an anatomic factor.In this position,the LES is above the gastric body,far from the gastric contents;4 thus,when a TLESR occurs,the gastric contents are farther from the LES and are less likely to go back into the esoph-agus.Our separate analysis of the incidence of acid and non-acid GER episodes and the relationship with different body positions in thefirst and second postprandial periods revealed that in thefirst period,the degree of acid esophageal exposure was4-fold higher in the P position compared with the LS position(percent time,3.6%vs0.8%;PϽ.05).In dyspeptic adults,after meals in upright position,a pocket of unbuffered acid juice forms near the gastroesophageal junction;it seems to escape the buffering effects of meals,remaining highly acid compared with the body of the stomach.20The presence of a similar pocket in preterm infants lying in the P position could explain the higher esophageal acid exposure in the P position than in the LS position during thefirst postprandial period. In contrast,in the second postprandial period,esophageal acid exposure was higher in the LS position than in the P position(Pϭ.016).Thesefindings suggest that acid exposure can be optimally reduced by keeping the newborn on the left side during the early postprandial period and in the prone position thereafter.In conclusion,our study suggests that placing prema-ture infants in a prone or left lateral position during the postprandial period is a simple intervention to limit GER. Ourfindings do not provide any information on clinical improvement,because the study was not designed to monitor the effect of postural intervention on GER symptoms.Fur-ther studies are needed to evaluate the effective correlation between postural intervention and improvement of GER symptoms.REFERENCES1.Poets CF.Gastroesophageal reflux:a critical review of its role in preterm infants. 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