Inter-Package Dependency Networks in Open-Source Software




介绍本科生活复试英语Exploring the World of Undergraduate Life.Embarking on undergraduate studies is a transformative journey that ushers students into a new phase of life,filled with both challenges and opportunities. This period marks a significant milestone in one's educational career, paving the way for future professional success and personal growth.1. Academic Rigor and Intellectual Stimulation.The academic environment at the undergraduate level is unparalleled. Students are introduced to a diverse array of subjects, allowing them to delve deeper into their chosen fields of study. The courses are designed to challenge students' thinking, encouraging them to question assumptions and think critically. The professors, often experts in their fields, are passionate about their subjects and are eager to share their knowledge andexpertise. The interactions between students and professors are intense and thought-provoking, fostering a culture of intellectual curiosity and exploration.2. Personal and Professional Development.Undergraduate life is not just about academics. It's also a time for personal and professional growth. Students are encouraged to explore their interests and talents beyond the classroom. Whether it's through participation in clubs, sports, or community service, undergraduate life offers ample opportunities for personal development. Additionally, students have the chance to build professional networks and develop skills that will be valuable in their future careers. The relationships formed during this time can be lifelong and provide support and mentorship throughout one's professional journey.3. The Social Aspect of University Life.Undergraduate life is also about making friends and building social networks. Students come from diversebackgrounds and bring their unique perspectives and experiences to the university. This diversity adds to the richness of the educational experience, as students learnto understand and appreciate different viewpoints. The friendships formed during this time are often deep and lasting, providing support and companionship throughoutone's life.4. The Transition to Independence.Undergraduate life is a transition from dependency to independence. For many students, it's the first timethey've lived away from home and are responsible for managing their own affairs. This includes managing finances, making independent decisions, and navigating new social circles. The challenges of this transition can be daunting, but they also provide valuable life lessons and skills that are crucial for future success.5. The Future Outlook.The undergraduate experience lays the foundation for astudent's future. The knowledge and skills acquired during this time prepare students for their future careers and provide a solid foundation for lifelong learning. The relationships formed and the personal growth achieved during undergraduate life are invaluable assets that will accompany students throughout their lives.In conclusion, undergraduate life is a transformative experience that shapes students' futures. It's a time of intellectual stimulation, personal growth, social networking, and independence. The challenges and opportunities of this phase of life prepare students for the world beyond the university and set them on a path of success and fulfillment.。



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Scope of Parallel Computing
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Course Content
Introduction to parallel architecture and the basic theoretical principles of parallel algorithms and programming, includes some parallel programming tools. Practices: Includes some hands-on parallel programming on shared-memory and message-passing parallel architectures.
How we use very large number of transistors to achieve increasing rates of computation is the key
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TOPICS ININTERNET TECHNOLOGY The Internet Technology Series of IEEE CommunicationsMagazinecontinues to attract a good number of qualitypapers from all over the world. The number of submissionshas been steadily increasing, indicating a strong interest in thetopic among our readers.This time, we accepted three outstanding articles out of 10originally submitted for possible publication in this issue. Thereview process was rigorous as we required at least threereviews for each article. Again, we are very thankful to all thereviewers who certainly have put a lot of time and effort intomaking this series a success.The explosive growth of Internet applications combined withwidespread availability of small hosts in the form of laptop andpalmtop computers has created an increasing demand formobility support to hosts in moving. Mobile wireless networkshave evolved to be integrated with IP-based infrastructure formultimedia applications where mobility support has become akey issue. The first article, by Jie Li and Hsiao-Hwa Chen, aimsto provide an overview of technical issues in mobility supportfor different IP-based networks including Mobile IP, MobileIPv6, and IP mobility support with wireless LANs (WLANs)and WWANs. The authors also discuss recent developments inmobility support for cellular networks and next-generation het-erogeneous IP-based mobile networks.In the second article Xiaoming Fu et al. discuss thedirection taken by the Internet Engineering Task Force(IETF) and some of the recent standardization efforts on anew extensible IP signaling protocol suite (NSIS). Theydescribe the principles and state of the art in the designand development of the NSIS protocol suite. Then theycompare those with Resource Reservation Protocol(RSVP), the current Internet quality of service (QoS) sig-naling protocol. This will hopefully give our readers a goodunderstanding of the research issues related to the IP suitethat has dominated networking technology as a result ofexpansive growth of the Internet. This is in addition to thegeneral needs with respect to protocol extensibility, net-work security, and other requirements calling for a newapproach to IP signaling.The third article discusses techniques to make networksmore survivable and tolerant with a view to increasing theirdependency. In addition to possible future research issues, thearticle also discusses protocols reaction to failures, protectionand restoration schemes, routing, and fault recovery.This series is published in May and October every year.The quality of the series depends on the quality of articlesand the stringent refereeing carried out by a large number ofvolunteers. We would like to thank the authors and reviewersfor their time and dedication to this series. We also invitepotential authors to continue submitting high quality papers.We would like to acknowledge the help of the Editor inChief, Roch H. Glitho, and ComSocpublicaitons staff, JoeMilizzo and Sue Lange, for helping with the production ofthis series. We welcome any comments you may have to fur-ther improve the quality of this series.BIOGRAPHIESMOHSEN GUIZANI [SM] (mguizani@) is currently a professor andchair of the Computer Science Department at Western Michigan University.He received his B.S. (with distinction) and M.S. degrees in electrical engi-neering; and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer engineering in 1984,1986, 1987, and 1990, respectively, from Syracuse University, New York.His research interests include computer networks, wireless communicationsand computing, and optical networking. He currently serves on the editori-al boards of six technical journals, and Founder and Editor-in-Chief ofWiley’s Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal(/jpages/1530-8669/). He is the author offour books. He guest edited a number of special issues in journals andmagazines. He also served as member,Chair, and General Chair of a num-ber of conferences, including, ICC, GLOBECOM, INFOCOM, and many oth-ers. He was the General Chair of IEEE VTC-Fall 2003. He has more than 140publications in refereed journals and conferences. He is selected as a Distin-guished Speaker for IEEE Computer Society until 2005. His research hasbeen supported by Sprint, Telecordia, Navy, and Boeing, to name a few. Hereceived both the Best Teaching Award and the Excellence in ResearchAward from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1999 (a college-widecompetition). He won the best Research Award from KFUPM in 1995 (auniversity-wide competition). He was selected as the Best Teaching Assis-tant for two consecutive years at Syracuse University, 1988 and 1989. He isa member of IEEE ComSoc, IEEE Computer Society, ASEE, ACM, OSA, SCS,and Tau Beta Pi.MOHAMMED ATIQUZZAMAN [SM] (atiq@) received M.Sc. and Ph.D.degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Manchester, Eng-land. Currently he is a professor in the School of Computer Science at theUniversity of Oklahoma. He is Co-Editor-in-Chief of Computer Communica-tions Journal, and serves on the editorial boards of IEEE CommunicationsMagazine, Telecommunications Systems Journal, Wireless and Optical Net-works Journal, and Real Time Imaging Journal. He has guest edited manyspecial issues in various journals, and organized special sessions in confer-ences. He was technical co-chair of HPSR 2003 and the SPIE Quality of Ser-vice over Next-Generation Data Networks Conference (2001, 2002, and2003). He also serves on the technical program committee of manynational and international conferences, including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEEGLOBECOM, and IEEE International Conference on Computers and Com-munication Networks. His current research interests are in wireless, satel-lite, and mobile networks, QoS for next-generation Internet, broadbandnetworks, multimedia over high-speed networks, TCP/IP over ATM, multi-processor systems, and image processing. He is a coauthor of the bookTCP/IP over ATM Networks. He has taught many short courses to industryin the area of computer and telecommunication networking. His researchhas been supported by state and federal agencies like NSF, NASA, U.S. AirForce, Ohio Board of Regents, and DITARD (Australia). He has over 130refereed publications in the above areas, most of which can be accessedat /~atiq.University of OklahomaIEEE Communications Magazine (Impact Factor: 4.01). 06/2003; 44(5):120 - 120. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2003.1200111Source: IEEE Xplore。

New Technologies for Sustainable Urban Transport in Europe

New Technologies for Sustainable Urban Transport in Europe

NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE URBAN TRANSPORTATION INEUROPEMichel ParentINRIA - IMARAFrancemichel.parent@inria.frABSTRACTIn the past few years, the European Commission has financed several projects to examine how new technologies could improve the sustainability of European cities. These technologies concern new public transportation modes such as guided buses to form high capacity networks similar to light rail but at a lower cost and better flexibility, PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) and cybercars (small urban vehicles with fully automatic driving capabilities to be used in carsharing mode, mostly as a complement to mass transport). They also concern private vehicles with technologies which could improve the efficiency of the vehicles as well as their safety (Intelligent Speed Adaptation, Adaptive Cruise .Control, Stop&Go, Lane Keeping,…) and how these new vehicles can complement mass transport in the form of car-sharing services.INTRODUCTIONCities throughout the world are facing numerous challenges in this new century. They are moving towards increased concentration into megalopolises with more than 100 cities expected to be over 10 millions inhabitants during the next fifty years while many smaller ones might face a bleak future if they are not “connected” into them.The concentration of large populations into these megalopolises has been made possible by the development of two forms of transportation. The first one has been developed in the 19th century with the trains and subways. The second one has been issued from the development of the automobile with two phases. The first phase occurred in the first half of the 20th century with the development of buses and taxis giving the citizen a new flexibility in their transport not possible with the subways and trains, in particular for reaching peripheral locations. The second phase occurred in the second half of the 20th century with the democratisation of the private automobile and the possibility for every citizen to live outside the city, in what became the suburbs.The consequences of all these innovations in transports have been enormous in terms of urbanism with the freedom for the population to choose where to live, to work and to develop other activities. However, it has also lead to problems concerning safety and quality of life of the citizens with pollution, noise, excessive travel times, and more and more difficulties to move around without access to an automobile. Another problem concern the excessive energy cost and the massive utilisation of fossil fuel vehicles with problems linked to oil dependency and global warming.Several recent European Projects have been funded to face these challenges. Numerous solutions have been proposed and they can be divided into two approaches:- a regulation of the demand for transport through a better use of the land (land-use approach) with projects some of which have been grouped into the LUTR cluster () ,-new forms of urban transport which are more sustainable and offer a better mobility to the whole of the population with also a number of projects grouped into the NetMobil cluster ().This paper will present the results of these two European approaches and the technologies that can be relied upon to improve mobility while minimising the problems. We believe that theseapproaches could also be very beneficial in other parts of the world although the technologies to be applied could be somewhat different due to different business cases.LAND USE AND URBANISMThe LUTR cluster has identified problems and has issued some recommendations which are important for the future of sustainable cities:Across Europe there is a common challenge to improve the quality of life in urban communities, and to ensure the competitiveness of cities, whilst promoting sustainable development. All cities face common challenges relating to air quality, noise, urban sprawl, traffic congestion, waste, economic competitiveness, job creation, security, social inclusion, and maintaining the built environment, cultural heritage, and a deteriorating infrastructure.And through annual State of the Art Reviews (SoARs), LUTR researchers have brought to light the following directions for moving into more sustainable cities:These passenger and freight transport trends and projections point to the following land use and transport policy instruments and processes being in place by 2030:•Travel Demand Management,•Parking controls,•Road user charging for passenger and freight vehicles,•Public transport development,•Innovative modes,•Home delivery and services,•Air transport developments,•Freight transport regulations,•Rail freight,•Urban distribution centres,•New technology,•Properly integrated land use and transport planning,•Land use planning that favours urban regeneration and polycentric development,•More harmonised land use and transport strategy development, forecasting, appraisal and implementation to promote sustainability and quality of life,•Targets and indicators to support the above,•Public participation.From the perspective of citizens, all this means that many will live in densely populated urban areas at various points throughout their lives, notably, between leaving home and start families, and again in older age. Some families will also continue to live in these urban areas where polycentric development creates family friendly regeneration, i.e., including local schools, play groups, leisure destinations catering for children etc, as well as creating urban villages where people know each other, creating a safe environment for children to grow up in. Such environments also provide a better quality of life for everybody, especially single person households (be they young or old), those with mobility impairments, and those on a low income. Urbanites will have shorter everyday travel distances, many of which will be undertaken by public transport (including innovative modes), on foot or, where terrain and weather permits, by bicycle.The propositions clearly call for a strong reduction of private car use through a better structure of the city, with a polycentric organisation for the largest ones, through better use of soft modes such as cycling or walking, and through better public transport, in particular with new technologies.NEW TECHNOLOGIESIt was the focus of the NetMobil Cluster to examine how new technologies could improve the sustainability of European cities. These technologies concern new public modes such as guided buses to form high capacity networks similar to light rail but at a lower cost and better flexibility, PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) and cybercars (small urban vehicles with fully automatic driving capabilities to be used in carsharing mode, mostly as a complement to mass transport). They also concern private vehicles with technologies which could improve theefficiency of the vehicles as well as their safety (Intelligent Speed Adaptation, Adaptive Cruise .Control, Stop&Go, Lane Keeping,…).The conclusions of this Cluster can be found in their final document:Recommendations for the implementation of potentially sustainable personal urban transportation systems through 2 approaches have been described. The first exploits developments of ADAS systems in car share schemes and private fleets to win the benefits of cleaner, greener, safer more efficient vehicles as they become available from the vehicle manufacturers. The second promotes PRT/CTS systems which similarly provide cleaner, greener, safer and more efficient transport but through a public transport approach. Both provide alternatives to the use of private cars in urban areas through exploiting automatic vehicle technologies. Both appear to offer cost effective solutions to sustainable urban transportation, and offer different and complementary solutions. Both approaches will lead ultimately to fully automatic vehicles (or dual-mode vehicles), but progress will depend on a range of factors including user acceptance, risks, legal and institutional aspects, and social and market forces.These conclusions are also supported by the World Business Council on Sustainability (lead by the automotive and oil industries) in their document “Mobility 2030 : Meeting the Challenge to Sustainability”:The next 50 years may see the emergence of entirely new transport solutions. These would offer either a completely new mode of transport or would make use of a new combination of existing transport modes. New transport solutions become possible when mobility demand, in combination with support from government, the availability of the required technology and economic benefits for all stakeholders – make such solutions more attractive than those that exist.Entirely new transport solutions do not appear overnight. To become available after 2030, development work would need to begin almost immediately. Numerous issues have to be addressed in advance, public acceptance obtained, and pilot projects organized. Meantimedeveloped and developing world stakeholders would likely place differing requirements in such areas as cost, infrastructure, reliability, geographical application, and logistics.So-called “Cybernetic Transport Systems” (CTS) composed of road vehicles with fully automated driving capabilities are one new possibility. A fleet of such vehicles would form a transportation system for passengers or goods on a network of roads with on-demand and door-to-door capability. Cars would be under control of a central management system in order to meet particular demands in a particular environment. The size of the vehicle could vary from 1-20 seats, depending on the application. This concept is similar in many respectsto another concept known as PRT (Personal Rapid Transit). But CTS offer the advantage of being able to run on normal road infrastructure. This makes them cheaper and more flexible. Existing technologies allow a relatively inexpensive “grid” to be placed over a geographic area to be served. Software drives the routing and management of the fleet of vehicles.The potential of systems like CTS is great. In effect it is a high-quality public transport service that offers on-demand, door-to-door service. Moreover, the most expensive componentof public transport, the driver, has been substituted. If vehicles turn out to be clean and silent, the implementation of such systems in urban areas would simultaneously reduce pollutants, noise, and congestion, improving the livability of the city. CTS also offers real mobility solutions to those who cannot drive or do not own their own vehicles. The elderly and disabled, in particular, would become mobile.European projects such as CyberCars (), CyberMove () and EDICT () which took place between 2001 and 2005 have paved the way for the development and dissemination of such innovative urban transport approaches but further larger experiments are now expected. The next large projectto be funded by the European Commission should address this issue.New technologies and new organisational frameworks can also be used to improve the way goods are moved in the cities. The European Project ELCIDIS () hasexperimented with a new form of urban delivery system using a fleet of electric vehicles. Here is the conclusion in the final report of this project which has been completed in 2002 :The ELCIDIS project has tested a better solution for urban logistics by approaching the subject in a dual way, taking into account the interests of all parties involved, in order to set an example for clean and efficient urban distribution in the 21st century.■ By organising urban distribution using quiet and clean (hybrid) electric vehicles, the nuisance caused by distribution activities will be decreased. The improved living climate of the city will benefit residents and shoppers as well as shopkeepers.■ A more efficient organisation of urban logistics is achieved by more efficient routing of the vehicles and the use of urban distribution centres (UDC). This will decrease the number of journeys made by heavy vehicles and increase traffic fluidity in urban areas. The improved accessibility of the city will benefit transport companies, shopkeepers and businesses operating in the city.CONCLUSIONSWhile, the problems of mobility in European cities have been clearly identified, the solutions to be put in place are still at their infancy. It is clear that a mix of land-use policies and a shift from the private automobile to a multi-modal approach is the preferred trend. The solution for implementing the multi-modal approach (including and encouraging soft mode) goes certainly through a complementarity between high speed scheduled mass transport and individualised on demand short distance transport. However, these individual on-demand trips should not use the private automobile, in particular in the densest parts of the cities where it is not well adapted in terms of space, energy, safety, …. This is why we have now to test new solutions based on advanced city vehicles in car-sharing mode, on fully automated vehicles which run of new infrastructures (personal rapid transit or PRT), and on cross-over vehiclessuch as the cybercars which can run manually in mixed traffic or automatically on reserved areas (or new infrastructures).Similar technologies can be adapted to freight transport in cities with a multimodal approach using dispatch centres outside the cities with clean vehicles running inside (in manual or automatic modes).Such an approach would definitely be beneficial in newly developed countries such as China where the proliferation of private vehicles could lead rapidly to severe problems concerning safety, health, global warming and an overall reduction in mobility.REFERENCESMobility 2030 : Meeting the Challenge to Sustainability. World Business Council on Sustanability. 2004.European Road Transport 2020: a Vision and Strategic Research Agenda. European Road Transport Research Advisory Council. 2004Green Paper on Energy Efficiency or Doing More with Less. CEC, June 2005.White Paper. European Transport Policy for 2010 : time to decide. European Commission 2001.EPC WORKING PAPER N° 16. 12 Prescriptions for a European Sustainable Mobility Policy. The EPC Task Force on Transport. 2005ELCIDIS, Electric Vehicle City Distribution. Final Report. TR 0048/97. European Commission, 2002.Towards a thematic strategy on the urban environment. Communication from the EC to the Parliament. 2004Parent Michel, Texier Pierre-Yves. “A Public Transport System Based on Light Electric Cars”. Fourth International Conference on Automated People Movers. Irving, USA. March 1993.Parent Michel, Blosseville Jean-Marc. “Automated Vehicles in Cities : A First Step Towards the Automated Highway”. SAE Future Transportation Technology Conference. Costa Mesa, USA. August 11-13, 1998.Parent Michel, Gallais Georges. “CyberCars : Review of First Projects”. Ninth International Conference on Automated People Movers. Singapore. Sept.2003.Yang M., and Parent M. “Cybernetic Technologies For Cars In Chinese Cities”, Proceeding of CityTrans China 2004, Shanghai, China, Nov. 17-18, 2004.Fig. 2 : ULTra PRT Fig. 1 : Phileas automated busFig. 4 : Think advanced city car。

戴尔易安信部署和配置指南 戴尔易安信 AMD EPYC (Naples) 处理器的 NUMA 配置说

戴尔易安信部署和配置指南 戴尔易安信 AMD EPYC (Naples) 处理器的 NUMA 配置说

Dell EMC NUMA Configuration for AMD EPYC (Naples) ProcessorsDell EngineeringFebruary 2018RevisionsThe information in this publication is provided “as is.” Dell Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the inform ation in this publication, and specifically disclaims implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.Use, copying, and distribution of any software described in this publication requires an applicable software license.Copyright © 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be the property of their respective owners. Published in the USA [4/16/2018] [Deployment and Configuration Guide]Dell believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice.2 Dell EMC NUMA Configuration for AMD EPYC (Naples) Processors | version 1.0Table of contents Revisions (2)Executive summary (4)1AMD EPYC Architecture (5)1.1Zeppelin Die Layout (5)1.2Memory Interleaving (6)1.2.1Memory Interleaving Rules (6)1.2.2NUMA Domains per Memory Interleave Option (6)2Performance Tuning (8)2.1Memory DIMM Population Guidelines (8)2.2PCIe Configuration Guidelines (9)3BIOS Setup (10)4Platform Specific NUMA/Die Domain Details (11)5Technical support and resources (13)5.1Dell (13)5.2AMD (13)Executive summaryWith the introduction of AMD’s EPYC (Naples) x86 Server CPUs featuring four Zeppelin dies per packagethere is a need to clarify how AMD’s new silicon design establishes Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)domains across dies and sockets.The goal of this Dell EMC Deployment and Configuration Guide is demonstrate how Dell EMC Serversleverages AMD’s EPYC CPUs to configured NUMA domains for optimal performance by using Dell EMCBIOS Settings.4 Dell EMC NUMA Configuration for AMD EPYC (Naples) Processors | version 1.01AMD EPYC Architecture1.1Zeppelin Die LayoutAMD EPYC is a Multi-Chip Module (MCM) processor and per silicon package there are four ZeppelinSOCs/dies leveraged from AMD Ryzen. Each of the four dies have direct Infinity Fabric connections to each of the other dies as well as a possible socket-to-socket interconnect. This design allows, at most, four NUMA nodes per socket or eight NUMA nodes in a dual sockets systemAMD EPYC processor’s four dies each have two Unified Memory Controllers (UMC), that each control one DDR channel with two DIMMs per channel, along with one controller for IO, as shown in Figure 1 below:Channel 0Channel 1Channel 4Channel 5Channel 2Channel 3Channel 6Channel 7IOIOIO IOFigure 1 Zeppelin Die Layout1.2 Memory InterleavingThe Memory Interleave feature for AMD EPYC processors is what controls how may NUMA domains aregenerated. AMD EPYC processors support 4 memory interleaving options. Each option becomes availablebased on system configuration.∙Socket Interleaving (2 processor configurations)∙Die Interleaving∙Channel Interleaving∙Memory Interleaving disabled1.2.1 Memory Interleaving RulesThe following are the rules for each memory interleave option:∙The system can socket interleave, but only if all channels in the entire system have the same amount of memory. Die interleaving must be enabled as well.∙The system can die interleave, but only if all channels on the socket have the same amount of memory. Channel interleaving must be enabled as well.∙The system can channel interleave as long as both channels have at least one DIMM. The channels do not have to be symmetrical. This is the default configuration.∙No interleave at all, where each channel is stacked on top of the previous channel. However, it should be noted that probe filter performance may be affected if there is one UMC with less memory than theother UMC on the same die.1.2.2 NUMA Domains per Memory Interleave OptionAMD’s new silicon architecture adds nuances on how to configure platforms for NUMA. The focus of AMDsscheme to NUMA lies within its quad-die layout and its potential to have four NUMA domains.Socket Interleaving is the only memory interleave option meant for inter-socket memory interleaving, and isonly available with 2-processor configurations. In this configuration memory across both sockets will be seenas a single memory domain producing a non-NUMA configuration.Die Interleaving is the intra-socket memory interleave option that creates one NUMA domain for all the fourdies on a socket. In a 2-processor configuration this will produce two NUMA domains, one domain pertainingto each socket providing customers with the first option for NUMA configuration. In a 1-processorconfiguration die interleaving will be the maximum option for memory interleaving, and will produce onememory domain thus producing a non-NUMA configuration.Channel Interleaving is the intra-die memory interleave option and is the default setting for Dell EMCplatforms. With channel interleaving the memory behind each UMC will be interleaved and seen as 1 NUMAdomain per die. This will generate four NUMA domains per socket.Memory Interleave disabled - When memory interleave is disable 4 NUMA nodes will be seen as in the case for channel interleaving but the memory will not be interleaved yet stacked next to one another.6 Dell EMC NUMA Configuration for AMD EPYC (Naples) Processors | version 1.0NUMA Domain Count per Memory Interleave Option2 Performance TuningFor best performance from AMD EPYC processors, it is recommended that each die have one DIMMpopulated on each channel. This allows all IO behind each die to access memory, with optimal latency.2.1 Memory DIMM Population Guidelines∙Populate empty channels, with the same type/capacity of DIMMs, before populating 2 DIMMs on a given channel∙Recommendations for best performance:o 1 DIMM per channel dedicates full memory bandwidtho Populating 2 DIMMs per channel will increase capacity but will lower the clock speed,resulting in lower memory bandwidth. There is a dependency between memory speed andthe bandwidth of the Infinity FabricMemory Bus Speed to Infinity Fabric Bud Speed∙Minimum recommended:o At least 1 DIMM is per die in the system for a total of 4 DIMM per CPU∙On Dell EMC platforms populate DIMM 1 first. (white slots in Figure 4, below)∙ A 2 socket system (2 CPUs are populated) will need equivalent memory configurations on both CPUs for optimal performance.8 Dell EMC NUMA Configuration for AMD EPYC (Naples) Processors | version 1.0DIMM Layout2.2 PCIe Configuration Guidelines∙When PCIe cards are populated into particular slots with NUMA-unaware application/software, make sure to have memory DIMMs populated in the corresponding NUMA-node mapping as local memory.Mappings can be found in Section 4 Platform Specific NUMA/Die Domain Details∙Considering also pinning the interrupts to local CPUs to get maximum performance. For instructions on how to tune network cards for better performance on AMD EPYC processors, go to the followinglinks and download provided documentation:o https:///TechDocs/56224.pdfo https:///resources/epyc-resources/epyc-white-papers/3 BIOS SetupThe “Memory Interleaving” setting controls whether the system is configured for Socket, Die, Channelinterleaving. In System Setup (F2 prompt during system boot), enter System BIOS > Memory Settings andnavigate to “Memory Interleaving” to choo se the memory interleave for desired configuration. This option isalso available in system management consoles such as RACADM.10 Dell EMC NUMA Configuration for AMD EPYC (Naples) Processors | version 1.04 Platform Specific NUMA/Die Domain DetailsThe following matrices shows how CPU die, memory and PCIe slots are physically grouped to each NUMAdomain for Dell EMC EPYC based platforms, PowerEdge R6415, R7415, and R7425.12 Dell EMC NUMA Configuration for AMD EPYC (Naples) Processors | version 1.05 Technical support and resources5.1 Dell/support is focused on meeting customer needs with proven services and support.Dell TechCenter is an online technical community where IT professionals have access to numerous resources for Dell EMC software, hardware and services.Storage Solutions Technical Documents on Dell TechCenter provide expertise that helps to ensure customersuccess on Dell EMC Storage platforms.5.2 AMDhttps:///community/server-gurus EPYC Server Community Forumhttps:///resources/epyc-resources/epyc-tuning-guides/ Linux Network Tuning Guide forAMD EPYC Processor Based Servers。



墨尔本地理之城市自然资源利用与保护Melbourne's Geography: Utilization and Protection ofUrban Natural Resources Melbourne, the cultural and economic hub of Australia, boasts an array of natural resources that are vital to its sustained development. From lush green belts to abundant water sources, these natural assets contribute significantly to the city’s vibrant ur ban landscape and ecological balance. However, with rapid urbanization and population growth, it becomes increasingly crucial for Melbourne to strike a harmonious balance between resource utilization and protection.墨尔本,作为澳大利亚的文化和经济中心,拥有众多对持续发展至关重要的自然资源。



The efficient use of natural resources in Melbourne is exemplified by its innovative approach towards waste management. The city has implemented recycling programs that encourage residents and businesses to reduce, reuse, and recycle their waste materials. This not only helps conserve valuable resources but also reduces environmental pollution. Additionally, Melbourne has invested heavily in sustainable transportation systems such as cycling paths and public transport networks,reducing dependency on fossil fuels and mitigating carbon emissions.墨尔本在自然资源的高效利用方面堪称典范,特别是在废物管理方面采取了创新方法。



ENetwork Chapter 2 - CCNA Exploration: 网络基础知识(版本 4.0) 1在封装过程中,数据链路层执行什么操作?不添加地址。




2TCP/IP 网络接入层有何作用?路径确定和数据包交换数据表、编码和控制可靠性、流量控制和错误检测详细规定构成物理链路的组件及其接入方法将数据段划分为数据包3数据链路层封装添加的报尾信息有何主要功能?支持差错校验确保数据按照顺序到达确保送达正确目的标识本地网络中的设备帮助中间设备进行处理和路径选择4请参见图。

下列哪组设备仅包含终端设备?A、C、DB、E、G、HC、D、G、H、I、JD、E、F、H、I、JE、F、H、I J5OSI 模型各层从最高层到最低层的正确顺序如何?物理层、网络层、应用层、数据链路层、表示层、会话层、传输层应用层、物理层、会话层、传输层网络层、数据链路层、表示层应用层、表示层、物理层、会话层、数据链路层、传输层、网络层应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层表示层、数据链路层、会话层、传输层、网络层、物理层、应用层6下列哪三项陈述是对局域网(LAN) 最准确的描述?(选择三项)LAN 通常位于一个地域内。


LAN 中的不同网段之间一般通过租用连接的方式连接。


LAN 为同一个组织内的用户提供网络服务和应用程序访问。


7第4 层端口指定的主要作用是什么?标识本地介质中的设备标识源设备和目的设备之间的跳数向中间设备标识过该网络的最佳路径标识正在通信的源终端设备和目的终端设备标识终端设备内正在通信的进程或服务8以下哪种特征正确代表了网络中的终端设备?管理数据流发送数据流重新定时和重新传输数据信号确定数据传输路径9请参见图示。

哪个术语正确判断出了包含于绿色区域中的设备类型?源终端传输中间10OSI 模型哪两层的功能与TCP/IP 模型的网络接入层相同?(选择两项)网络层传输层物理层数据链路层会话层11请参见图示。


Information and Communication
Engineering Professi
• Overview of Information and Communication Engineering
• Vocabulary for Information and Communication Engineering
A measure of the uncertainty or randomness of a message source It quantifies the average amount of information in a message
A measure of the amount of information shared between two random variables It quantifies the dependency between two variables
Application fields of information and communication engineering
ICE has applications in transportation systems, such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS) that utilize communication technology for traffic management, vehicle navigation, and consolidation avoidance
Vocabulary for Information Theory



依赖网络生活英文作文英文回答:In today's digital age, our lives are becoming increasingly intertwined with the internet. We rely on it for everything from communication and entertainment to work and education. But what are the consequences of this growing dependency?There are a number of advantages to living a life connected to the internet. For one, it gives us access to a vast amount of information and resources. We can learn new things, stay up-to-date on current events, and connect with people from all over the world. The internet also makes it easier to stay in touch with friends and family, even if they live far away.However, there are also some downsides to relying too heavily on the internet. For one, it can lead to isolation. When we spend too much time online, we may start to neglectour real-world relationships. We may also become less physically active and more sedentary.Another downside of internet dependency is that it can make us more vulnerable to cybercrime. Hackers and other criminals can use the internet to steal our personal information, financial data, and even our identities. They can also spread malware and viruses that can damage our computers and networks.Finally, internet dependency can lead to addiction. Just like drugs or alcohol, the internet can be addictive. People who are addicted to the internet may find it difficult to control their usage, and they may continue to use it even when it is negatively impacting their lives.总体来说,生活在网络上既有好处也有坏处。



第51卷第5期电力系统保护与控制Vol.51 No.5 2023年3月1日Power System Protection and Control Mar. 1, 2023 DOI: 10.19783/ki.pspc.220667基于网络依存关系的CPPS连锁故障分析及风险评估张晶晶,吴佳瑜,齐先军,杨 熙,孙 磊(安徽省新能源利用与节能省级实验室(合肥工业大学),安徽 合肥 230009)摘要:信息系统的融合给电网安全运行带来了新的风险,因此有必要研究电力信息物理系统(cyber-physical power system, CPPS)连锁故障的产生及传播机理。





关键词:电力信息物理系统;相互依存;风险元;连锁故障;风险评估Cascading failure analysis and risk assessment of CPPS based on network dependencyZHANG Jingjing, WU Jiayu, QI Xianjun, YANG Xi, SUN Lei(Anhui Provincial Laboratory of Renewable Energy Utilization and Energy Saving(Hefei University of Technology), Hefei 230009, China)Abstract: The integration of an information network brings new risks to the safe operation of the power grid, so study of the generation and propagation mechanism of CPPS cascading failure is a matter of importance. First, a CPPS partial interdependence model is established, grid risk elements are constructed based on ageing factors, load flow, hidden failure and chance factors. Then information network risk elements are constructed based on information occupancy, topology, network attacks, node loads and dependencies, and risk element theory is applied to the CPPS cascading failure prediction process. Second, a risk calculation method considering the load loss rate of the two networks is proposed to identify the key nodes of the backbone layer and the access layer. Different effects of information node failure by information nodes and network attacks are analyzed. The analysis shows that the dependency relationship will promote the propagation of faults in two networks and increase the risks; the risk calculation method can comprehensively assess cascading failure risk and identify key information nodes; when a network attack is combined with the node's own failure, the average risk of CPPS is the highest, measures should be taken to improve the reliability of CPPS.This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (No. 1808085ME142).Key words: cyber-physical power system; interdependence; risk element; cascading failure; risk assessment0 引言CPPS可以更全面地采集电力系统的数据信息,分析其状态特征,然而大量信息技术及智能设备的基金项目:安徽省自然科学基金项目资助(1808085ME142);高等学校学科创新引智计划资助(BP0719039);国家自然科学基金资助(51907043) 投入使CPPS存在很多安全隐患[1-6]。



过度依赖父母产生的影响英语作文片段Overdependence on parents is an increasingly observed phenomenon, particularly in societies where familial bonds are strong and cultural norms place significant value on parental involvement in children's lives. While parental support is crucial for the development of children, excessive reliance can have profound negative implications on the psychological, social, and economic well-being of young adults. This essay explores the multifaceted impacts of overdependence on parents, drawing attention to its long-term consequences on individuals and society.Firstly, psychological impacts of overdependence on parents are significant. When children are excessivelyreliant on their parents, they often fail to develop a strong sense of self-identity and autonomy. This lack of independence can lead to issues such as low self-esteem,anxiety, and depression. For instance, young adults who have not been encouraged to make decisions independently may experience intense stress when faced with life's challenges. They may constantly seek approval and validation from their parents, undermining their confidence and ability to function as self-reliant individuals.Moreover, overdependence can hinder the development of critical life skills. Skills such as problem-solving,decision-making, and coping mechanisms are best developed through real-world experiences and independent efforts. When parents overly shelter their children or manage their affairs, they inadvertently prevent them from learning how to navigate complexities on their own. Consequently, these individualsmay struggle in both personal and professional settings,where such skills are indispensable.Socially, overdependent individuals often face challenges in forming and maintaining healthy relationships outsidetheir family. The inability to detach from parental influence can lead to difficulties in building romantic relationships, friendships, and professional networks. These individuals might find it hard to trust others or to operate independently in social contexts, leading to isolation or reliance on a narrow support system. Furthermore, they may struggle with conflict resolution, as their decision-making has historically been mediated by their parents, making it challenging to negotiate disagreements and compromises.The economic ramifications of overdependence are also noteworthy. Young adults who rely heavily on their parentsfor financial support may lack the motivation to pursue career opportunities aggressively. This reliance can lead to prolonged periods of financial instability and underemployment. Additionally, parents who continue to support their adult children financially may experiencestrain on their own resources, potentially compromising their financial security in retirement. The cycle of dependence canthus have a ripple effect, impacting not only the individuals but also the broader economic stability of families.Additionally, overdependence on parents can stifle innovation and creativity. Independent thought and action are crucial drivers of innovation. When young adults are not encouraged to think independently or take risks, they may become less inclined to pursue novel ideas or entrepreneurial ventures. This lack of innovation can have broader societal implications, particularly in economies that rely on creative and entrepreneurial endeavors to drive growth and development.Cultural factors often play a significant role infostering overdependence. In many cultures, there is a strong emphasis on filial piety and close-knit family structures. While these cultural values have their benefits, they can sometimes promote a level of dependence that is detrimentalto individual growth. It is important for societies to strikea balance, fostering familial bonds while also encouraging independence and self-sufficiency.Educational institutions can play a pivotal role in addressing the issue of overdependence. By promoting programs that encourage independent thinking, problem-solving, andself-reliance, schools can help mitigate the effects of overdependence. Additionally, incorporating life skills education into curricula can equip young adults with thetools they need to navigate the complexities of adult life without undue reliance on their parents.Parental attitudes and behaviors are also crucial in addressing overdependence. Parents must recognize the importance of fostering independence in their children from a young age. This involves allowing children to make mistakes, learn from them, and develop resilience. It also means gradually stepping back and providing support in a way that encourages self-reliance rather than dependency.Furthermore, the role of societal expectations and norms cannot be overlooked. Societies that valorize independence and self-sufficiency tend to produce individuals who are better equipped to handle the demands of adult life. Policy interventions, such as support for young adults transitioning to independence and educational reforms, can also contribute to addressing this issue.In conclusion, overdependence on parents is a complex issue with significant psychological, social, and economic implications. While parental support is undeniably important, excessive reliance can hinder the development of criticallife skills, affect social relationships, and lead to economic instability. Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach, involving changes in cultural norms, educational practices, and parental attitudes. By fostering a balance between support and independence, societies can help young adults become more self-reliant, confident, and capableindividuals, ultimately benefiting both the individuals and the broader community.。



关于网上交友英语作文In the digital age, the concept of friendship has expanded beyond the physical realm, with online friendships becoming increasingly common. Here's an essay that explores the merits and potential pitfalls of forming friendships on the internet.As technology continues to evolve, so does the way weinteract with one another. Online friendships, or "e-friendships," have become a significant part of our social lives. While these connections offer many advantages, theyalso come with their own set of challenges.Pros of Online Friendships:1. Accessibility: One of the most significant benefits of online friendships is the ease with which they can be formed and maintained. With social media platforms and chat applications, it's possible to stay in touch with friendsfrom all over the world without the constraints of distance.2. Diversity: Online friendships allow us to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds, broadeningour perspectives and enriching our understanding of the world.3. Support Networks: Many individuals find solace in online communities where they can discuss shared interests orconcerns. These can provide valuable emotional support, especially for those who may feel isolated in their offline lives.4. Anonymity: The anonymity that the internet provides can bea double-edged sword. While it can lead to dishonesty, it can also allow individuals to open up about their lives and feelings without the fear of judgment, which can be particularly helpful for those dealing with sensitive issues.Cons of Online Friendships:1. Lack of Physical Interaction: Online friendships lack the physical presence that is a crucial aspect of human connection. Hugs, gestures, and facial expressions are lostin digital communication, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or a feeling of disconnection.2. Deception: The anonymity that allows for openness can also be exploited, leading to deceit. People may misrepresent themselves online, which can result in disappointment and a breach of trust when the truth is revealed.3. Shallow Relationships: The ease of forming online friendships can also lead to a multitude of shallow connections. It's easier to amass hundreds of online friends than to cultivate a few deep, meaningful relationships.4. Dependency: There's a risk of becoming overly dependent on online friendships, especially for those who struggle with social interactions in real life. This can lead to awithdrawal from face-to-face social activities, which are essential for emotional well-being.Balancing Online and Offline Friendships:The key to successful online friendships is balance. It's important to maintain a mix of both online and offline relationships to ensure a well-rounded social life. Online friendships can be a valuable addition to our social circles, but they should not replace the deep, personal connections that come from meeting people in person.In conclusion, online friendships offer a unique way to connect with others, but they require a thoughtful approach. Being aware of the potential drawbacks and taking steps to mitigate them can help ensure that these digitalrelationships are a positive addition to our social lives.。



英国网络安全建议英文With the increasing dependency on technology and the ever-growing threat of cyber attacks, it is essential for individuals and organizations in the UK to prioritize and take necessary measures for online security. Here are some important cybersecurity recommendations for individuals and organizations in the UK:1. Create strong and unique passwords: One of the easiest ways to protect your online presence is by using strong and unique passwords for all your accounts. Avoid using common phrases or personal information that can be easily guessed. Instead, use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.2. Enable two-factor authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your online accounts by requiring an additional step, usually involving a verification code sent to your mobile device, after entering your password. Enable this feature on all your accounts to prevent unauthorized access.3. Keep your software up to date: Keeping your software, including operating systems, antivirus programs, and web browsers, up to date is crucial for staying protected against the latest vulnerabilities. Regularly check for updates and enable automatic updates whenever possible.4. Use a reliable antivirus program: Install and update a reliable antivirus program on all your devices to detect and prevent malware and other malicious software. Regularly scan your devices for any potential threats.5. Be cautious of suspicious emails and phishing attempts: Be wary of emails from unknown sources, especially those asking for personal or financial information. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unverified emails. Be extra cautious of emails imitating reputable organizations or financial institutions.6. Use secure Wi-Fi connections: When accessing the internet outside your home or office, ensure that you are connecting to secure Wi-Fi networks. Public Wi-Fi networks can be easily compromised, allowing hackers to intercept your online activities. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) when accessing the internet on public networks to encrypt your connection.7. Backup your data regularly: Regularly backup all your important data, including documents, photos, and videos, to an external hard drive or to cloud-based storage. In the event of a cyber attack or system failure, having a backup of your data ensures that you do not lose valuable information.8. Secure your home network: Change the default username and password of your home router and make sure it is using a strong encryption protocol, such as WPA2. Disable remote management of your router and regularly check for firmware updates to protect against potential vulnerabilities.9. Educate yourself and your employees: Stay updated on the latest cybersecurity threats and educate yourself and your employees on best practices for online security. Train your employees on how toidentify and report potential security risks, such as phishing attempts and suspicious activities.10. Regularly monitor your online accounts: Regularly review your online accounts for any suspicious activities or unauthorized access. Enable email or text alerts for any changes or unusual activities in your accounts.By following these cybersecurity recommendations, individuals and organizations in the UK can significantly reduce their risk of falling victim to cyber attacks and protect their valuable information online. Stay vigilant, stay safe!。



过于依靠别人的英语作文标题,The Dangers of Overdependence on Others。

In today's interconnected world, it's easy to fall into the trap of overdependence on others. Whether it's relying on friends, family, or even strangers, this habit can have detrimental effects on both personal growth and societal progress. While seeking support and assistance is natural and sometimes necessary, excessive dependence can lead to a loss of independence, creativity, and self-reliance.One of the most evident dangers of overdependence on others is the erosion of personal autonomy. Whenindividuals constantly turn to others for guidance or decision-making, they relinquish control over their own lives. This can result in a lack of confidence and a diminished sense of self-worth. Without the ability tothink and act independently, individuals may struggle to navigate challenges and make meaningful contributions to society.Moreover, overreliance on others can stifle creativity and innovation. When individuals rely on external sources for ideas or solutions, they limit their own capacity for original thinking. Innovation thrives on diversity of thought and the exploration of new perspectives. However, when individuals consistently defer to others, they miss out on the opportunity to develop their own unique insights and approaches.Another consequence of overdependence is the potential for exploitation or manipulation by those upon whom one relies. Whether it's a manipulative friend, a controlling family member, or an unscrupulous authority figure, placing too much trust in others can leave individuals vulnerable to exploitation. Without a strong sense of self-reliance and discernment, individuals may find themselves trapped in unhealthy or abusive relationships.Furthermore, overdependence on others can hinder personal development and growth. True growth often comes from facing challenges and overcoming obstaclesindependently. When individuals rely too heavily on othersto solve their problems or meet their needs, they miss out on valuable opportunities for learning and self-improvement. Adversity builds resilience, and by avoiding it through overdependence, individuals may stunt their own emotional and intellectual growth.In addition to its individual consequences, overdependence on others can also impede societal progress.A society composed of overly dependent individuals is unlikely to foster innovation, creativity, or critical thinking. Progress relies on the contributions of independent thinkers and proactive problem-solvers. When individuals abdicate their personal responsibilities to others, societal advancement is hindered.To mitigate the dangers of overdependence, individuals must cultivate a healthy balance between seeking assistance and exercising self-reliance. This involves developing confidence in one's own abilities, fostering a willingnessto take initiative, and honing critical thinking skills. Additionally, individuals should surround themselves withsupportive networks that encourage independence and growth, rather than dependency.In conclusion, while seeking support from others is natural and often beneficial, overdependence can have serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. By recognizing the dangers of excessive reliance on others and actively cultivating independence, individuals can unlock their full potential and contribute meaningfully to the world around them.。



depend的副词形式Dependently: Exploring the Power of Interdependence Introduction:In today's interconnected world, the concept of dependency has gained significant importance. The term "dependently" refers to the manner in which one thing relies on or is influenced by another. This article aims to explore various aspects of dependency, highlighting its significance and impact on different domains of life.1. Economic Dependency:Economic dependency is a crucial aspect of global trade and financial systems. Countries often depend on one another for various resources, such as oil, minerals, or technology. For example, many countries depend heavily on oil-producing nations for their energy needs. Any disruption in the supply chain can have severe economic consequences, highlighting the vulnerability of such dependencies.2. Environmental Dependency:The intricate relationship between human activities and the environment showcases our dependency on nature. Our reliance on natural resources, such as water, air, and land,is fundamental for survival. However, irresponsible exploitation can lead to detrimental consequences, such as climate change and environmental degradation. Understanding this dependency is essential for sustainable development. 3. Social Dependency:Humans are inherently social beings, and our lives are intertwined with others in numerous ways. Social dependency encompasses our reliance on relationships, communities, and support networks. From family and friends to colleagues and mentors, these connections provide emotional support, guidance, and opportunities for personal growth. Acknowledging and nurturing these dependencies is vital for overall well-being.4. Technological Dependency:In today's digital age, technology plays a central role in our lives. From smartphones to the internet, our dependency on technology is undeniable. We rely on it for communication, information, entertainment, and even basic daily tasks. However, this dependency can also lead to negative consequences, such as addiction, privacy concerns, and social isolation. Striking a balance between embracingtechnology and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial. 5. Health Dependency:Health dependency refers to our reliance on healthcare systems, medical professionals, and treatments to maintain our well-being. From routine check-ups to critical surgeries, our lives often depend on the expertise and resources provided by healthcare providers. Recognizing the importance of our health dependency emphasizes the need for accessible and quality healthcare services.6. Emotional Dependency:Emotional dependency refers to the extent to which individuals rely on others for emotional support and validation. While healthy relationships involve some level of emotional interdependence, excessive emotional dependency can lead to issues such as codependency and a lack of personal growth. Developing emotional resilience and self-reliance is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships.Conclusion:Dependence, in its various forms, is an inherent part of human existence. From economic and environmental aspects tosocial and emotional realms, our lives are entwined with dependencies. Recognizing and understanding these dependencies can help us navigate through life with greater awareness and appreciation for the interconnectivity of our world. By embracing interdependence, we can strive for a balanced and harmonious existence.。




它是⼀种⼆元的⾮对称关系(binary asymmetric relation),从依存关系的⽀配者head指向从属者dependent。




以LTP为例,依存句法分析中的依存关系包括:关系类型标签描述样例主谓关系SBV subject-verb我送她⼀束花 (我 <-- 送)动宾关系VOB直接宾语,verb-object我送她⼀束花 (送 --> 花)间宾关系IOB间接宾语,indirect-object我送她⼀束花 (送 --> 她)前置宾语FOB前置宾语,fronting-object他什么书都读 (书 <-- 读)兼语DBL double他请我吃饭 (请 --> 我)定中关系ATT attribute红苹果 (红 <-- 苹果)状中结构ADV adverbial⾮常美丽 (⾮常 <-- 美丽)动补结构CMP complement做完了作业 (做 --> 完)并列关系COO coordinate⼤⼭和⼤海 (⼤⼭ --> ⼤海)介宾关系POB preposition-object在贸易区内 (在 --> 内)左附加关系LAD left adjunct⼤⼭和⼤海 (和 <-- ⼤海)右附加关系RAD right adjunct孩⼦们 (孩⼦ --> 们)独⽴结构IS independent structure两个单句在结构上彼此独⽴标点WP punctuation。



合作投资的利弊英语作文Cooperative investment, also known as joint investment, involves pooling resources, expertise, and efforts from multiple parties to pursue a common investment goal. Like any other form of investment, cooperative investment comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.Advantages:1. Risk Sharing: One of the primary benefits of cooperative investment is the sharing of risks among the participants. By spreading the investment across multiple parties, the impact of any potential losses is mitigated. This can provide a sense of security and reduce the overall risk exposure for each individual investor.2. Access to Resources: Cooperative investment allows access to a broader pool of resources, including capital, expertise, and networks. Each participant brings something valuable to the table, whether it's financial resources,industry knowledge, or professional connections. This collective strength can enhance the investment's chances of success.3. Diversification: Diversification is a key strategyfor risk management in investment. By participating in cooperative investment, individuals can diversify their portfolios without having to commit a significant amount of capital to any single venture. This diversification canhelp balance out potential losses from other investmentsand improve overall portfolio performance.4. Synergy: Collaboration often leads to synergy, where the combined efforts of the participants result in outcomes that are greater than the sum of their individual contributions. Through shared ideas, resources, and efforts, cooperative investors can capitalize on synergistic opportunities and achieve better results than they could on their own.5. Learning Opportunities: Cooperative investment provides valuable learning opportunities for participants.Interacting with other investors, sharing experiences, and collaborating on investment decisions can broaden one's knowledge and skills in the field of finance and investment. This learning process can contribute to personal and professional growth.Disadvantages:1. Conflict of Interest: Differences in investment objectives, risk tolerance, and decision-making styles among participants can lead to conflicts of interest. Disagreements on investment strategies, asset allocation,or exit plans may arise, potentially hindering the progress of the investment and causing tension among the parties involved.2. Dependency on Others: Cooperative investmentrequires a high level of trust and reliance on the other participants. If one party fails to fulfill its obligations or underperforms, it can negatively impact the entire investment. This dependency may leave individual investors vulnerable to the actions and decisions of others.3. Complex Decision-Making: In cooperative investment, decision-making processes can become more complex due to the involvement of multiple stakeholders. Consensus-building and coordination efforts may be time-consuming and challenging, especially when there are conflicting viewpoints or interests among the participants.4. Profit Sharing: Sharing profits among multiple investors can be a contentious issue. Determining each party's share of the returns, particularly if contributions vary or change over time, may lead to disputes and disagreements. Fair and equitable profit distribution mechanisms need to be established upfront to address this concern.5. Limited Control: Participating in cooperative investment means relinquishing some degree of control over the investment decisions to the group. This loss of autonomy can be unsettling for individuals who prefer to have full control over their investment portfolios. Additionally, decisions made by the majority may not alwaysalign with the preferences or interests of every participant.In conclusion, cooperative investment offers several benefits, including risk sharing, access to resources, diversification, synergy, and learning opportunities. However, it also comes with its share of challenges, suchas conflict of interest, dependency on others, complex decision-making, profit sharing issues, and limited control. Ultimately, the success of cooperative investment dependson effective communication, collaboration, and alignment of interests among the participants.。







依赖英语说法1:rely on依赖英语说法2:throw oneself on依赖英语说法3:be dependent on依赖的英语例句:现今人们越来越依赖计算机协助工作。

Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.他们依赖公众的赈济。

They are dependent on public charity.找个工作,别再依赖你的父母了。

Find a job and end your dependence on your parents.他越来越依赖她了。

He grew increasingly to rely on her.小孩依赖他们的父母供给衣食。

Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.现代大多数容器使用依赖注入管理依赖性。

All the major modern containers now manage dependencies with dependency injection.依赖注入让您将对象和它所依赖的东西交给第三方。

Dependency injection lets you give an object and its dependencies to a third party.漂移速率既依赖于应力的大小,又依赖于温度。

Drift rates will depend upon both the strain level and the temperature.他依赖你而不是依赖我。



扶贫措施英语Poverty Alleviation Measures。

Introduction:Poverty alleviation is a crucial task for governments around the world. It involves implementing various measures to uplift the living standards of impoverished individuals and communities. This article aims to discuss some effective poverty alleviation measures that have been implemented globally.1. Education and Skill Development:Education plays a vital role in breaking the cycle of poverty. Governments should prioritize providing quality education to children from low-income families. Scholarships, free textbooks, and school infrastructure development can help ensure equal access to education. Additionally, vocational training programs should be introduced to equip individuals with the necessary skills for employment.2. Microfinance and Self-Help Groups:Microfinance initiatives have proven to be successful in empowering individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Providing small loans to entrepreneurs and supporting self-help groups can enable them to start or expand their businesses. This not only generates income but also fosters a sense of entrepreneurship and self-reliance.3. Agricultural Development:Agriculture is a significant source of income for many impoverished communities. Governments should invest in agricultural infrastructure development, provide access to modern farming techniques, and offer subsidies for seeds, fertilizers, and machinery. Furthermore, farmers should be educated about sustainable farming practices to improve productivity and reduce dependency on external aid.4. Healthcare and Sanitation:Access to quality healthcare is essential for poverty alleviation. Governments should focus on building healthcare facilities in rural areas and providing affordable or free healthcare services. Awareness campaigns on hygiene and sanitation practices can help prevent diseases and improve overall well-being.5. Social Welfare Programs:Implementing social welfare programs is crucial to ensure a basic standard of living for the impoverished. Cash transfer programs, food subsidies, and public distribution systems can provide immediate relief to those in need. Governments should also establish old-age pensions, disability benefits, and maternity allowances to support vulnerable groups.6. Infrastructure Development:Improving infrastructure in impoverished areas can boost economic growth and create employment opportunities. Investments in transportation, electricity, water supply, and communication networks can connect remote regions to markets and services, facilitating trade and development.7. Women Empowerment:Promoting gender equality and empowering women is vital for poverty alleviation. Governments should enforce laws that protect women's rights, provide access to education and healthcare, and encourage their participation in decision-making processes. Women's empowerment can lead to increased household income, improved education for children, and reduced poverty rates.8. Sustainable Development:Addressing poverty requires a long-term, sustainable approach. Governments should prioritize environmental conservation, renewable energy, and climate change adaptation. Sustainable development practices can create green jobs, protect natural resources, and ensure a better future for generations to come.Conclusion:Poverty alleviation requires a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach. The measures discussed in this article, including education, microfinance, agricultural development, healthcare, social welfare programs, infrastructure development, women empowerment, and sustainable development, can collectively contribute to reducing poverty and improving the lives of the impoverished. Governments, international organizations, and communities must work together to implement these measures and create a more equitable and prosperous society.。

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a r X i v :c s /0411096v 1 [c s .S E ] 29 N o v 2004Inter-package dependency networks inopen-source softwareNathan LaBelle a ,∗Eugene Wallingford aa Computer Science Department,University of Northern Iowa,Cedar Falls,Iowa 506131Introduction and Previous ResearchIn recent years the identification and categorization of networks has become an emerging research area in fields as diverse as sociology and biology,but has remained relatively unutilized in software engineering.The study and cat-egorization of software systems as networks is a promising field,as the the identification of networks in software systems may prove to be a valuable tool in managing the complexity and dynamics of software growth,which have traditionally been problems in software engineering.However,current trends in software development offer diverse and accessible software to study,which may help software engineers learn how to create better programs.In partic-ular,open-source software (OSS)allows researchers access to a rich set of examples that are production-quality and studiable “in the wild”.They are avaluable asset that can aid in the study of software development and managing complexity.In OSS systems,applications are often distributed in the form of packages.A package is a bundle of related components necessary to compile or run an application.Because resource reuse is naturally a pillar of OSS,a package is often dependent on some other packages to function properly.These packages may be third-party libraries,bundles of resources such as images,or Unix utilities such as grep and sed.Package dependencies often span across project development teams,and since there is no central control over which resources from other packages are needed,the software system self-organizes in to a collection of discrete,interconnected components.This research applies com-plex network theory to package dependency networks mined from two OSS repositories.A network is a large(typically unweighted and simple)graph G=(V,E)where V denotes a vertex set and E an edge set.Vertices represent discrete objects in a dynamical system,such as social actors,economic agents,computer pro-grams,or biological producers and consumers.Edges represent interactions among these“interactons”.For example,if software objects are represented as vertices,edges can be assembled between them by defining some mean-ingful interaction between the objects,such as inheritence or procedure calls (depending on the nature of the programming language used).Real-world networks tend to share a common set of non-trivial properties: they have scale-free degree distributions and exhibit the small-world effect. The degree of a vertex v,denoted k,is the number of vertices adjacent to v, or in the case of a digraph either the number of incoming edges or outgoing edges,denoted k in and k out,respectively.In real-world networks such as the Internet[6],the World-Wide Web[1],software objects[10,13,16,15],networks of scientic citations[8,14],the distribution of edges roughly follows a power-law:P(k)∝k−a.That is,the probability of a vertex having k edges decays with respect to some constant a∈R+.This is significant because it shows deviation from randomly constructed graphs,first studied by Erd¨o s and R´e nyi and proven to take on a Poisson distribution in the limit of large n,where n=|V|[2].Random connection models also fail to explain the“small-world effect”in real networks,the canonical examples being social collaboration networks[11,12], certain neural networks[17],and the World-Wide Web[1].The small-world effect states that C random≪C sw and L random≈L sw where C is the cluster-ing coefficient of a graph,and L is the s characteristic path length[17].The clustering coefficent is the propensity for neighbors u,w∈V of a vertex v to be connected to each other.For a vertex v,we can define the clustering coefficent as C v=k vfor a graph is the average over all vertices,C=1n for large networks[2].Because most networks are sparse,that isn≫k,random networks are not highly clustered.L is the average geodesic (unweighted)distance between vertices.To summarize,random graphs are not small-world because they are not highly clustered(although they have short path lengths)and they are do not follow the commonly observed power-law because the edge distribution is Poissonian. The presence of these features in networks indicate non-random creation mech-anisms,which although several models have been proposed,none is agreed upons.In order to make accurate hypothesis about possible network creation mechanisms,a wide variety of real-world networks sharing these non-trivial properties should be identified.Previous research in networks of software have focused on software at“low”levels of abstraction(relative to the current research).Clark and Green[4] found Zipf distributions(a ranking distribution similar to the power-law,which is also found in word frequencies in natural language[18])in the structure of CDR and CAR lists in large Lisp programs during run-time.In the case of object-oriented programming languages,several studies[10,13,15,16]have identified the small-world effect and power-law edge distribution in networks of objects or procedures where edges represent meaningful interconnection between objects,such as inheritence or in the case in procedural languages, procedures are represented as vertices and edges between vertices symbolize function calls.Similar statistical features have also been identified in networks where the vertices represent source codefiles on a disk and edges represent a dependency betweenfiles(for example,in C and C++one sourcefile may #include another)[9],and in documentation systems[16].2Package Dependency NetworksMining the Debian GNU/Linux software repository[5]and the FreeBSD Ports Collection[3]has allowed us to create networks of package dependencies.In the case of the Debian repository,data was taken from the i386branch of the“unstable”tree,which contains the most up-to-date software and is the largest branch.The Debian data was extracted using apt(Advanced Packaging Tool),while the BSD data was extracted from the ports INDEX system.The BSD Ports system allowed us to distinguish between run-time dependencies and compile-time(build)dependencies.The data here is for only compile-time dependencies,although results are similar for run-time dependencies.Graphs were constructed in Java using the Java Universal Network/Graph framework [7].“Snapshots”of the repositories were taken during the month of September,2004.The Debian network contains n=19,504packages and m=73,960edges, giving each package an average coupling to3.79packages.For the Debian network,C=0.52and L=3.34.This puts the Debian network in the small-world range,since an equivalent random graph would have C random≈.0019 and L random≈7.41.There are1,945components,but the largest component contains88%of the vertices.The rest of the vertices are disjoint from each other,resulting in a large number of components with only1vertex.The diameter of the largest component is31.The distribution of outgoing edges, which is a measure of dependency to other packages,follows a power-law with αout≈2.33.The distribution of incoming edges,which measures how many packages are dependent on a package,follows a power-law withαin≈0.90. While10,142packages are not referenced by any package at all,the most highly referenced packages are referenced thousands of times.73%of packages depend on some other package to function correctly.Correlation between k in, k out,and package size is not calculated because the normality assumption is violated.Debiann19,504m73,960|Ω|17,351αin0.9αout 2.33C0.52L 3.34Fig.1.Log-log scatterplot of k in and k out(respectively)for the Debian network libatk1.0-0(602),libglib1.2(545),libxml2(538),libart-2.0-2(524),and libgtk1.2 (474).The number in parentheses represents the number of incoming edges. The list is composed mainly of libraries that provide some functionality to programs such as XML parsing or that provide some reusable components such as graphical interface widgets.Because the most highly-connected pack-age(libc6)is required for execution of C and C++programs,we can infer that these are the most widely used programming languages.Figure1shows the double-log distribution of edges in the Debian network (scatterplots for the BSD network would have a similar shape).From the figure we can see the heavy-tailed power-law shape.The absolute value of the slope of the regression line indicates the power-law exponent,α.3Conclusion and DiscussionThis research has shown that package dependency networks mined from two open-source software repositories share the following properties typical to other real-world networks:•The small-world effect:short geodesic path lengths and high clustering.•Near power-law distribution of edges.•The presence of a giant component,|V∈Ω1|≫|V∈Ω2|There are many directions for future research in the study of software net-works.Currently,there is no model of network formation that takes software dynamics(reuse,refactoring,addition of new packages)in to account.Also, the impact of the network structure on software dynamics should be investi-gated.Future research should identify other networks in software and move towards formulating a theory of networks and their value to software engi-neering.Additional dependency networks can be constructed on Windows computers using memory profiling tools,and determining interactions based on shared.DLL(Dynamic Library Link)files and Active-X controls.References[1]R.Albert,H.Jeong,A.Barab´a si,Diameter of the World-Wide Web,Nature(401)(1999)130-131.[2] B.Bollob´a s,Random Graphs,Academic Press,London,1985.[3]The FreeBSD Ports Collection,/ports.[4] D.Clark,C.Green,An empirical study of list structure in Lisp,Comm.of theACM(20)(1977)78-87.[5]Debian Packages,.[6]M.Faloutsos,P.Faloutsos,C.Faloutsos,On power-law relationships of theInternet topology,Proc.of ACM SIGCOMM(1999)251-262.[7]JUNG:Java Universal Network/Graph Framework,.[8]S.Lehmann,utrup,A.D.Jackson,Citation networks in high-energyphysics,Phys.Rev.E(68)(2003)026113.[9] Moura,i,A.Motter,Signatures of small-world and scale-freeproperties in large computer programs,Phys.Rev.E(68)(2003)017102. 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