• 【题目】时尚表现为服饰、语言、文艺 题目】时尚表现为服饰、语言、 等方面新奇事物在一定时期内的模仿与 流传。各种时尚层出不穷,其间美与丑、 流传。各种时尚层出不穷,其间美与丑、 雅与俗、好与坏,交错杂陈。 雅与俗、好与坏,交错杂陈。创新与模 仿永不停息地互动, 仿永不停息地互动,有些时尚如过眼云 有些时尚会沉淀为经典。 烟,有些时尚会沉淀为经典。 • 请以“品味时尚” 请以“品味时尚”为题写一篇不少于 800字的文章 要求: 角度自选; 字的文章。 800字的文章。要求:①角度自选;②立 意自定; 除诗歌外,文体自选。 意自定;③除诗歌外,文体自选。
• • • • • 网上阅卷记分标示区分为以下三块: 网上阅卷记分标示区分为以下三块: 内容等级分, 25分 内容等级分,0-25分; 表达等级分, 25分 表达等级分,0-25分; 发展等级分, 10分 发展等级分,0-10分。 各标示区没有分等,但作文评分, 各标示区没有分等,但作文评分,仍按分 项分等进行, 项分等进行,请大家严格按分项分等标准 评分。错别字、不够字数、没有标题、 评分。错别字、不够字数、没有标题、自 拟标题的,在基础等级分中扣分。 拟标题的,在基础等级分中扣分。
• 1.在切合题意的前提下,凡叙述表达基 在切合题意的前提下, 本过关、主题基本突出、情节基本完整的 本过关、主题基本突出、情节基本完整的 记叙类文章,可以按48 52分档次赋分 48—52分档次赋分。 记叙类文章,可以按48 52分档次赋分。 • 2.凡在表达或主题或故事情节等某一个 方面达到较好级别的, 方面达到较好级别的,赋分可以提高一个 档次,依次类推。 档次,依次类推。凡在某个方面达到优秀 级别的,或者构思精巧 或者形象丰满 构思精巧, 形象丰满, 级别的,或者构思精巧,或者形象丰满, 或者意境深远,或者很有个性,或者语言 或者意境深远,或者很有个性,或者语言 意境深远 有个性 很见功力,可以按5 分向上赋分, 很见功力,可以按53分向上赋分,最优秀 的可以达到6 的可以达到60分。
第一步:有无关键性语句,即议论抒情的语句 。 第二步:寓言中涉及到的对象: 人们、乌鸦、孔雀 第三步:找出每个陈述对象的在事件中所产生的结 果。 人们:供养乌鸦(哪怕乌鸦讨厌),后来供养孔 雀。 乌鸦:开始得宠,后来没吃没喝 孔雀:得到人们的欣赏供养 第四步:由果及因,为什么会产生这样的结果,在 此基础上正面提出中心论点。 人们角度: 盲目崇拜只会吃亏上当;不做井底之蛙, 要拓宽视野;视野决定境界;引入竞争机制;
第一步: 划出材料中的关键句(议论 评价) 。 第二步:找出材料中的陈述对象:人们、乌鸦、孔雀 第三步:找出每个陈述对象的在事件中所产生的结果。 人们:供养乌鸦(哪怕乌鸦讨厌),后来供养孔雀。 乌鸦:开始得宠,后来没吃没喝 离开 孔雀:得到人们的欣赏供养 第四步:由果及因,为什么会产生这样的结果,在,自拟标题; 不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作, 不得抄袭。
立意:对生活中出现的任何事情都应保持 清醒的头脑,独立思考,有自己的主见, 切忌盲从追风。 如出现就事论事、批评个别商家哄抬物价、 批评有关部门不能及时公布信息等立意, 阅卷时降等。
1、一则是寓言式漫画,一则是现实类漫画 2、提示语不同,一则是漫画寓意,一则是人 物 对话 3、训练的重点不同,一则是思辨,一则是关 注现实 4、写作方法不同,一是材料作文,一是时评
蒋方舟,1989年10月27日出生于湖北襄阳。七岁开始写作,九岁写成散 文集《打开天窗》现已出版作品9部。目前就读于清华大学。
材料作文 提示: 1.全面理解材料 2.正确立意3. 作文中引材 料 审题思路 何人 何事 何果 由果推因法
明确故事起点,展开故事 情节,逐渐推进,最终总 结。
2011年高考语文作文总复 习课件
这份高考语文作文总复习课件将帮助你回顾考点,解析2011年高考作文真题, 并概述作文题型。还会分享写作步骤、小说和故事写作技巧,以及提高命题 作文的应试技巧。
构思清晰、段落分明的结构对作文质量至 关重要。
合理使用修辞、描写、对比等手法表达思 想。
解析这道作文题,探索如何 展现个人经历和情感。
研究这道作文题,深入探讨 阅读和个人成长之间的关系。
分析这道作文题,思考如何 平衡动物保护和人类利益。
塑造鲜明的人物形象,让 读者产生共鸣和情感共鸣。
用生动的描写来创造逼真 的故事背景和环境。
细致分析题目要求,确定写 作思路。
合理安排文章结构,展开详 细的思路和论证。
精确用词、修改语法错误, 确保文章质量。
2、总结归纳式 、
例3:因此,当你正为一件事或一个问题 :因此, 绞尽脑汁时,不妨将其放远了品味,这时, 绞尽脑汁时,不妨将其放远了品味,这时, 你会蓦然发现,距离并不重要, 你会蓦然发现,距离并不重要,亲疏并非是 牵绊,放远了的事物原来也别有一番天地! 牵绊,放远了的事物原来也别有一番天地! 年高考满分作文《 (2003年高考满分作文《放在远处品味》 年高考满分作文 放在远处品味》 结尾) 结尾) 在论证完中心论点之后,作一个简洁、 在论证完中心论点之后,作一个简洁、 明了的总结归纳
恰当运用比喻、排比、反复、反问等修辞, 恰当运用比喻、排比、反复、反问等修辞, 会增强效果。 会增强效果。
5、号召劝诫式 、
例8: 崇尚创造,接纳并鼓励这种无限的多样 : 崇尚创造, 性吧!记住, 第一个形容女子是花的是天才, 性吧!记住,“第一个形容女子是花的是天才,第 二个这样形容的是庸才, 二个这样形容的是庸才,第三个这样形容的是大大 的蠢材” 的蠢材”。 年高考满分作文《 个性的凸现》 (2000年高考满分作文《创新 个性的凸现》的 年高考满分作文 创新—个性的凸现 结尾) 结尾)
例7:不同的话有不同的影响,不同的角度 :不同的话有不同的影响, 有不同的视野,不同的哈哈镜有不同的成像, 有不同的视野,不同的哈哈镜有不同的成像, 不同的心情会有不同的行动, 不同的心情会有不同的行动,不同的花有不 同的花香和样子, 同的花香和样子,不同的评价造就孩子不同 的命运。 的命运。何必要让自己狭小的视角不公地评 价一个人、伤害一个人, 价一个人、伤害一个人,何必要熄灭风中的 烛光, 烛光,何必要让所有的孩子都成为一个模子 里刻出来的无个性的模型? 里刻出来的无个性的模型? (选自湖北 省中考满分文《哈哈镜中的我》 省中考满分文《哈哈镜中的我》)
无老师新托福,SAT作文巨讲堂(1)【无老师作文】September 1st, 2010Goto commentsLeave a comment当无老师接到的新托福作文越多,就越发现,其实现在中国学生的英语作文问题,不简简单单的是一个思路的问题。
无老师优秀范例:Ramp up your networking. Join LinkedIn and Plaxo, and ask for recommendations from current and past coworkers. Use Twitter to update the world on your current projects as well as network with other like-minded individuals. Look for local networking groups, and start attending them。
About Flash................................................................................
Production of multimedia content using FlashDepartment of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton1. AbstractMacromedia Flash is one of the most powerful web authoring tools available to web designers today and is used to produce animated and still graphics. However, because of the poor use of Flash animations on the Internet, Flash has acquired a reputation for poor usability. Macromedia itself Macromedia itself and other individuals have produced tools and documentation to help designers make the most out of Flash have now published many usability tips. If these are followed, good multimedia content can be produced which is usable to others.ContentsKeywords ............................................................................................. 1 Introduction .......................................................................................... 1 Background .......................................................................................... 2 Research.............................................................................................. 2 About Flash ..................................................................................... 3 Flash Usability ................................................................................. 3 Alternatives to Flash........................................................................ 4 My Film ............................................................................................ 4 Conclusions.......................................................................................... 9 References......................................................................................... 102. KeywordsMacromedia Flash, Multimedia Content Creation, Animation Graphics, Sound, Video,3. IntroductionThe aim of this paper is to look at multimedia content produced by Macromedia Flash. Flash has become very popular over the past few years; 474 million Internet users use it today. In this paper I research into how Flash is used by developers today and why to give a background into the use of Flash. The advantages and disadvantages of Flash as a multimedia content creation tool are discussed to help developers to decide if Flash is a suitable tool for their project. A number of usability tips for Flash have been put together by a number of individuals, which it is recommended to follow if a usable Flash application is to1be made. I will research into these and outline them. I will also research briefly into alternatives to Flash. To fully understand how to create multimedia applications with Flash, I made a small movie of my own in Flash. I will describe the nature of my film and how it was created. Finally, I will evaluate my film and report my findings and give a summary of my experiences using Macromedia Flash.4. BackgroundFlash was first introduced in 1996 and was known as FutureSplash Animator and run by a company called FutureWave. It was used to play back animation on web browsers through Java. The company decided to sell off their technology due to financial difficulties, they tried Adobe who turned them down, but were soon bought by Macromedia. FutureSplash Animator became Macromedia Flash 1.0. There are 2 main components to the Flash software, which are: • Flash Editor – which is used to create the graphics and animation that make up the end movie • Plug-in or Flash Player – which is used by web-browsers to display the Flash movie Flash can be used to create movies, which incorporate graphics, sound and animation. These movies are generally placed on web sites on the Internet. The main reason web designers use Flash is because it provides a good online user interface, allowing visitors to interact with a web site. Also, animation is known to have a tremendous effect on human peripheral vision and therefore is a good way to relay information to people. Unfortunately, bad use of Flash on web sites has left Flash with a tarnished reputation. Most people either love it or hate it. Even though Flash is very popular on the Internet, many people find the Flash content unusable and annoying. The main arguments for Flash content being unusable are as follows: • The majority of Flash content is unnecessary and gratuitous • Content is usually built once and then not updated regularly • Content usually follows the established standards for Web content5. ResearchFirstly, it is important to look at reasons why and why not to use Flash as a way of conveying information on the Internet. These reasons are outlined below. Advantages of using Flash: • Flash films are browser independent; therefore they can be viewed with any browser, so is not limited. • Designers are able to control colours, fonts and resolution quality, and so can make their films to their needs. • As vector graphics are used, films can be scaled without it affecting the image resolution and objects will be smaller than their bitmap equivalents.2• •Animated and interactive films can be produced with sound, which will be more appealing to visitors, and get information across more easily. Flash software is very powerful, well supported and updated frequently.Disadvantages of using Flash: • Flash is quite a hard piece of software to learn, it may take developers a significant amount of time to learn to use the flash development environment • A plug-in is required to view Flash films, so not all machines will be able to view Flash films. • Flash does not have a user-friendly interface and it not intuitive for designers, and therefore might take designers longer to produce multimedia content. • Printing Flash movies results in poor text quality. • Search engines are unable to read Flash movies, so they do not show up. • It takes longer to create a Flash website than the usual HTML ones.About Flash Flash files have the .SWF extension. These files combine code, media and data into a format that is compact. These are loaded using a steaming model, where the first few frames become available to view once. The files are also cached, so that they can be retrieved again locally, saving time. Video and audio are streamed, which means that MP3 content can be dynamically loaded and player, and that full-motion films can be added. The Sorenson Spark Codec is used for high quality playback with low bandwidth. Flash uses a compressing/decompressing model to help lower network costs. Developers can compress their code when publishing the movie, and when a user wants to run this, it is decompressed on the user’s machine at runtime. Flash Usability One of the main problems with Flash is that it is known to have poor usability. Some usability tips have been produced by individuals. Macromedia’s Flash Usability tips: [/software/flash/productinfo/usability/tips/] • Remember user goals • Remember site goals • Avoid unnecessary intros • Provide logical navigation and interactivity • Design for consistency • Don’t overuse animation • Use sound sparingly • Target low-bandwidth users • Design for accessibility • Test for usability3Alternatives to Flash Flash is not the only development tool available to create multimedia content. A brief discussion of alternatives is presented below. Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) – this is a mark-up language (XML) which is used to write interactive multimedia content. Developers can define the temporal behaviour of their content and the layout of this on screen. Video and audio can be streamed with together with other media types. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) – this is a language used to describe two dimensional vector based graphics. It allows for images, text and vector and vector graphic shapes. The Document Object Model (DOM) includes full XML DOM, which allows for effective vector animation via scripting. My Film I used Macromedia Flash to create a small animated film which is to be placed on my university website. I had only ever encountered these types of films on the Internet, but never made one of my own. I also had never used Flash before, so it was a new experience. My film is titled “How to Turn a Geek into a Super Stud”, and shows through animated and still graphics how you can make a geek into a super stud! It can be viewed at /~mkg100 There are some important concepts that need to be understood before starting with Flash, these are described below. • SYMBOLS – these are graphics that have been created by using the drawing tools, and can be used over and over again within the film. • LAYERS – these can be thought of as transparent sheets that are placed on top of each other. Objects can be drawn on one layer without affecting objects in other layers. • FRAMES – displays the contents of I second of the film; a film is made of a series of frames. • KEYFRAMES – these are frames where changes in animation occur. The first frame in a frame is automatically a keyframe. • TIMELINE – shows the frames in all the layers of the film, and what events are occurring in the frames. The film starts of with the opening screen which shows the title, with a moving flashy yellow border, and a button, which when pressed will start the main part of the film. These three objects are placed in their own layers (I made a new layer for each). To place the title on screen, I created a layer called text (Insert ! Layer) and had to use the Text tool from the drawing tools, which works pretty much the same way as the ones found in other programs. You just have to enter the required text into the4box, and change the font size, type and alignment, as you so please. I also inserted a keyframe at frame 25 (Insert ! Keyframe), as this is the last frame that the text appears in. To insert the keyframe, you have to have that particular frame selected from the timeline. I created a new layer for the yellow flashy border, which was created by using keyframes and motion tweening. Motion tweening is used to change the size of objects or rotate them in an animated manner. I placed a keyframe every 5 frames, up to frame 25, and changed the size of the border in each one by transforming the shape (Window ! Inspectors ! Transform), or you could use the re-size option in the drawing tools to change the size. I then inserted the motion tween in each keyframe (Insert ! Create Motion Tween), which makes the border move from one size to the other. These 25 frames run continuously until the arrow button is pressed. This was achieved by selecting frame 25 in this layer and modifying the frame properties (Modify ! Frame ! Actions tab). I added a ‘Go to’ action and specified the frame to ‘go to and play’ scene 1, frame 1; the beginning of the film. The red arrow was also created in another layer, using the drawing tools, and was then turned into a button (Insert ! Convert to Symbol ! Button). When the cursor is placed over the button, the arrow increases in size. To do this you have to select the arrow button and then edit the object (Edit ! Edit Selected). This brings up a new scene with just the button in it. The timeline at the top of the screen has frames for ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘over’ and ‘hit’. You need to edit the button design in each frame depending on what you want the button to do when the corresponding actions occur. In this case, in the ‘over’ frame I drew an enlarged arrow by using the re-size tool. When the arrow button is pressed, the film jumps to the next screen, which starts in frame 30. The button performs this action by editing the buttons properties (Modify ! Instance ! Actions tab). I added a ‘Go to’ action and specified the frame ‘go to and play’ at as frame 30. Again I added a keyframe at frame 25, as this is the last frame for the arrow. There is another layer in this screen, which displays the background. In this instance the layer is empty as the background is white. The next scene shows the geek and ‘Mandy’s Geek Transformer’ machine, which starts from frame 30. The background is now a sea blue colour, which I created by drawing a large box with the drawing tools to fill the screen. The background layer must be the layer at the bottom so that all the other objects can be place on top of it. I created a new layer for the geek and placed a keyframe at frame 30. In this frame I used the drawing tools to create the geek. I then used drawing tools to create the speech bubble and then added a text box inside this to add the words. I also wanted some to be played at this frame; the geek saying “hello, my names Colin”. I had recorded some voices earlier with my microphone onto my5computer. I then imported this sound into Flash (File ! Import ! select sound file). I wanted the sound to be played at frame 30, so created a new layer for this sound. I then edited the frame properties to play the required sound file (Modify ! Frame ! Sound tab ! select file from drop down box) at this frame. Then I added another keyframe at frame 45, as this is the frame in which the transformer machine enters the film. I wanted the film to stop here until the button on the machine is pressed. Therefore, I set an action to frame 45 in the geek layer called ‘Stop’. This causes the film to stop at that frame until another event is triggered; in this case, the red button on the machine is selected. The machine is also drawn in a new layer and is created with the drawing tools. The title is drawn using the text facility. The red circle on the machine is a button whose action is to ‘go to and play’ at frame 50. At frame 50, I placed keyframes in the geek layer and the machine layer, as I wanted the objects in this layer to be displayed on screen but I deleted the geek’s speech bubble, as it was no longer required. I then created another layer, which starts at frame 50. This layer contains the rays that shoot out of the machine when the button is pressed and the ‘zap’ graphic. I drew the rays and zap with the drawing tools and then inserted another keyframe in this layer 3 frames down, frame 53, and used the re-size tool to reduce the size of the rays. I then used motion tweening to make the ray’s change in size on an animated way. I repeated this until frame 71, increasing and decreasing the size of the rays each time, with motion tweening between each. This was to give a shooting rays effect. I moved the ‘zap’ graphic in each of these keyframes as well with the aid of the arrow tool from the drawing tools. During the zapping, the geek shouts “Nooo!” which occurs from frame 50 to frame 82. Again I used the drawing tools to create this.After the zapping has finished the film has reached frame 83. The layer that contains the machine is no longer needed, so there are no frames for this layer anymore. In the geek layer, the geek has a speech bubble beside him, which was made by the drawing tools. The only layers active at this point are the one with the geek in it and the background.6Now the geek transformation begins!In this scene, which starts at frame 98, I entered a keyframe and deleted the glasses from the geek and added a text box, both changes were made to the geek layer. I also drew some new eyes with the drawing tools and placed them over the old eye. I left this scene and all the others after this on for 15 frames in order to give people time read the text and note the difference in the geek.This scene starts at frame 113, where I placed a keyframe. I deleted the spots from the geeks face and entered new text into the text box.Another keyframe was placed at frame 128 in the geek layer. I drew another mouth using the drawing tools and placed it over the old one. I also edited the text in the text box.I placed another keyframe at frame 143 in the geek layer. I deleted the excess hair from the nose and ears with the aid of the eraser tool from the drawing tools. I then re-drew the hair using the paintbrush tool. Again, I edited the text.7This keyframe was added at frame 158 in the geek layer. I used the drawing tools to change the shape of the face and changed the text.A keyframe was inserted at frame at 173, and again drawing tools were used to change the shape of the body.This keyframe is at frame 188 and I used the fill tool to change the colours of the clothes.This is the last scene and the keyframe was inserted at frame 203 and I used the text tool to edit the text. I also created a button using the drawing tool to draw it. I then added an action to the button, which is ‘go to and play’ frame 1, which is the beginning of the film. I also added some sound to this frame, which says “hey baby!”, by changing the frame properties.8This concludes my film. The final step is to convert the Flash file into a movie so that is can be viewed in Flash players (File ! Export Movie ! specify file name and Save).6. ConclusionsI found Macromedia Flash a very powerful tool. It allowed me to draw pictures and make simple animations quite easily. I found Flash relatively easy to use when drawing basic pictures and animations, but it started to get very complicated when I attempted to produce more advanced animations. In my film, where the rays bombard the geek, I tried to animate the geek so that it looked like he was getting electrocuted. Unfortunately I was unable to do this. When I animated the geek Flash automatically turned the geek into a symbol, which meant that I was unable to change the appearance of the geek after this. This meant that I could not finish my film as the last part of the film is concerned with editing the appearance of the geek. I therefore decided that it would be more beneficial to not have the animated geek, but to have the appearance of the geek change. Flash has a large variety of tools, but there are far too many to learn. It would take a tremendous amount of time to fully learn all the tools and functions available. Also, as there are lots of things that Flash can do, it is hard to know exactly what can be done, as lots of time would be required to learn everything. It can also get very confusing knowing what does what. There are a number of tutorials that are available in the Flash software, which cover: • Basic drawing • Concepts • Buttons • Simple animation • Streaming audio These tutorials are extremely useful as you can learn enough to make a simple film and are very easy to follow. There are step-by-step instructions on how to make objects and lots of screen dumps so you can check if you are doing the right thing. Flash also has a good Help, where you can search on keywords. The concept of layers in Flash is extremely useful as it helps to organise objects. You can also colour code the layers, which helps to show which objects belong to which layer, especially when there are a lot of objects. It is also possible to lock layers, which is useful when you do not want to accidentally change objects, Making simple animations is quite straight forward, especially since there is a whole tutorial on it. But it is a lot harder to make complex animations, as there is no extra help. I found Flash quite easy to use, but to fully master it would take a lot of time and energy. It is very good for making multimedia content, as it allows you to incorporate graphics with animation and sound without any programming knowledge. It can annoying sometimes as it can quite awkward to draw objects as you want and it could benefit from more advanced drawing tools. Also, more help is needed on how to produce animations.97. References1. /alertbox/9512.html (last accessed 13/12/02) 2. http://www/iboost/com/build/design/articles/pageview/603.htm (last accessed 13/12/02) 3. /acrlnec/sigs/itig/tc_july_aug2000.htm (last accessed 13/12/02) 4. /software/flash/productinfo/usability/tips/ (last accessed 13/12/02) 5. /macromedia/events/john_gay/page04.html# (last accessed 13/12/02) 6. /approach/ (last accessed 13/12/02) 7. Allaire.J, Macromedia Flash MX – A next - generation rich client 8. /archives/2000/10/desirevu2/ (last accessed 13/12/02) 9. /TR/smil20/ (last accessed 13/12/02) 10. /Graphics/SVG/Overview.htm8 (last accessed 13/12/02)10。
2011年江苏南通中考作文题目::“那一刻,我的世界春暖花开” 2011年江苏泰州中考作文题目努力:①把力量尽量使出来②花的精力多,下的工夫大。
——《现代汉语词典》大千世界,芸芸众生,处处有“努力”的故事,时时有对“努力”的思考……亲爱的同学,你心中有着怎样的故事或思考呢?请以“·____努力”或“努力·____ ”为题,写一篇文章。
2011山东中考作文题目汇总威海威海中考作文题目:《____的目光》潍坊潍坊中考作文题目:我心中的太阳青岛青岛中考作文题目:自我反省济宁济宁中考作文题目:我最喜欢的一堂语文课济南济南中考作文题目:阳光灿烂的日子滨州滨州中考作文题目:2选1 (1)我的天空(2)再回首德州德州中考作文题目:风筝枣庄枣庄中考作文题目:原来,没那么简单芜州芜州中考作文题目:爱让我更加美丽菏泽菏泽中考作文题目:____就在我身边东营东营中考作文题目:____竟然如此烟台烟台中考作文题目:敬畏生命临沂临沂中考作文题目:守护诚信莱芜莱芜中考作文题目:爱让我更加美丽聊城聊城中考作文题目:借口泰安泰安中考作文题目:____,我对你说2011年福州中考作文题目化解生活难题,跨越学习高度,迎接机遇挑战,架设心灵桥梁,独辟创新蹊径,领略人生风景,常常需要:“走一步再走一步”的不懈努力。
无老师满分范例: Also, students would easily become disoriented inthe huge sea of information. Although modern technology could equip us with easy access to information, the huge amount of resources would actually leave us discombobulated. Therefore, it is only left to possess information more quickly rather than learn it more quickly. An illustrating example is my experience with a HK digital library which stores almost all the books I desire. At first I enjoyed downloading them from the database. However, one month later I ended up with hundreds of books stored in my hardware yet none of them finished or ever clicked.无老师优秀中文翻译:同样的,学生将会很容易的变得没有方向,在海量的信息面前。
老人点点头,指着面前一幅幅作品:“你看,板桥 的字,用隶书参以行楷,非隶非楷,中华智慧又何尝不 是如此。它从没有具体的范式,没有统一的要求,古人 将他们的智慧,放开于我们面前,任由我们一窥其所有, 将各种文化、各种元素吸收并存于其中,最终臻于一种 和的境界。看看你眼前每一幅传世佳作吧。每一幅都拥 有其特殊的韵味,即使如板桥这般非隶非楷,非古非今, 也是脱胎于最本源的精神。”他突然停下笑笑,“大概 从仓颉造字就赋予了这种能量吧。”
“那是郑燮的字。”一个沉沉的声音。我转过头去, 是一个笑眯眯的老爷爷。
我禁不住感叹道:“这字太美了,虽然不似柳体欧 体的正统,但不妨碍它独特而一体的美,真不愧为扬州 八怪之首郑板桥之作。”
老人笑了起来:“这就是中国和而不同的大智慧啊。 单是从一幅小小的书法便可看出。每一个字歪歪斜斜, 似乎并不美观,但将其融为一体,却具有极强的包涵一 切、蕴藏万物的能量。”
占据“畅销书架”上的一会儿是校园青春小说,一会儿 是悬疑小说,一会儿又是通俗哲理,花样总在翻新,而 大都千篇一律。那些书虽畅销一时,不久却被遗忘在角 落,蒙上尘垢,挂上蛛网。马克思说过:“所有的价值 最终只剩下时间。”时间会滤去所有跟风的作品,最终 只留下一部或几部体现时代精神、关注人类和人生的作 品。
当然,此文也有一个明显的弱点,题目即为“传承 与创新”,文章应对这两个概念辩证地论证与思考,但 是,本文作者似乎遗忘了这一个最基本之处。
【新题展示】 阅读下面的文字,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文 章。
在西伯利亚雪原上有一种动物叫白貂,白貂十分爱 惜自己的一身纯白、漂亮的皮毛,在任何情况下都不愿 玷污。于是猎人们抓住白貂这个弱点,在它的巢穴周围 撒上一圈煤粉,这样白貂往往就束手就擒了;白貂没有 因此改变自己的习性,依然年复一年地守护着自己纯白、 漂亮的皮毛。
2011年高考一轮复习精品课件语文:第一部分 专题二 满分作文系列讲座 记叙文体(二)
要写出自己的话,还要敢于亮“家丑”,勇于解剖 自己。学生作文之所以不能写出真情实感,很重要的原
一般都表现出很高的水平。而平时的大作文与此相比却 有很大的差距。究其原因就在于学生不敢拿起解剖刀解 剖自己。曾经读过一篇获奖作文《回家》,他的成功就 在于作者流露了真情,勇于自我解剖,且这种真情有独
(一) 炎夏,黄昏,农家小院。 静静的小院,知了吵了一天,终于止住了嘶哑 的喉咙。太阳刚刚收起热情的目光,院中仍留有一 片余热。 (环境描写真实)
屋门口,坐着一对父子。 父亲右手夹着用儿子用过的作业纸卷的烟卷, 一口一 口地抽着。每抽一口,烟头都一亮,发出的红光映照着父 亲紧皱的眉头、深深的额纹和不停抖动的胡须。接着,便 是 “吧嗞吧嗞”声混合着重重叹息声中的刺鼻的浓浓旱烟 味(表现家庭贫困的“用过的作业纸卷的烟卷”细节真实)
人真、事真、情真 ——真实是记叙文的生命
记叙文如何做到真实 一、向优秀的文学作品进军 向优秀的文学作品进军,也就是多读优秀的文学作品。 能写出具有真情实感的好文章的作者,都有一条共同的经
“阅读文学作品是一种文化的积累,是一种知识的积累,是 一种感情的积累,是一种智慧的积累。”通过阅读优秀的文 学作品,增长知识、提高修养、丰富情感,才能更好地驾驭 语言,突出记叙文的真实性。
却发现是妈妈,在寒风中皱着眉头,仿佛在哆嗦似的,眼 睛却丝毫不动地注视着我的一举一动。
我等到了阳光。 „„ 我是如此喜爱阳光,更是如此盼望“阳光”,盼望 那7∶45的温暖的阳光。
• • • • • 自己的得意之作—个人长处 值不了那么多吧---并不被人认可 修改润色---对自己的长处进一步优化加强 把画撕毁---认识到自己真正的差距,改变 降低了要求---失去了自信和奋斗提高的勇 气。 • 他一直生活在我们身边---这样的人很多
立意点 • 当自以为的长处不被他人认可 时,自己应该对自以为的长处 进一步优化加强,认识到自己 真正的差距,从自我做起开始 改变,而不应该失去了自信和 奋斗提高的勇气。
阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。(60分 阅读下面的文字,按要求作文。(60分) 。(60 三个学习绘画的人在学艺途中将自己的得意之作 1000元标价出售 元标价出售, 以1000元标价出售,他们的第一位顾客均说了一句相 同的话: 您的画怕是值不了那么多吧 您的画怕是值不了那么多吧? 同的话:“您的画怕是值不了那么多吧?” 其中一个人听了之后,对自己的画仔细掂量, 其中一个人听了之后,对自己的画仔细掂量,最 终以2000元售出,而他经过后来的刻苦努力, 2000元售出 终以2000元售出,而他经过后来的刻苦努力,成为意 大利著名的画家。他就是丁托列托。 大利著名的画家。他就是丁托列托。另一个听后只是 轻轻地将画撕毁,从此改行,学习雕塑而成为一代宗 轻轻地将画撕毁,从此改行, 他就是当代著名雕塑家杨惠之。第三个呢, 师。他就是当代著名雕塑家杨惠之。第三个呢,认为 自己的画或许真的不值那个价,便降低了要求, 自己的画或许真的不值那个价,便降低了要求,以500 元售出。至今,他也只是一个三流的画家, 元售出。至今,他也只是一个三流的画家,以卖画糊 过着流浪的生活。他一直就生活在我们的身边。 口,过着流浪的生活。他一直就生活在我们的身边。 请选择一个角度构思作文,立意自定,文体自 请选择一个角度构思作文,立意自定, 标题自拟,不少于800 800字 选,标题自拟,不少于800字。
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2011年1月无老师优秀范例:Get a life outside of work. This is vital to avoid biding your time in a job you hate. When you have an active social life outside of the office, it becomes so much easier to tolerate mundane or stressful work. A balanced life helps to keep things in perspective。
无老师平庸示例:Get a job which is out of your work. This is the key to wait the good chance when you are in the work which you do not like. when you get a positive life outside your office, it is much easy to bear boring and stressed work.A harmonious life could help you look throught your life.这个非常第一句(the very first one,体会出中英间不能对译了吧^_^)优秀范例中用的是Get a life outside of work.但是在平庸示例中写的是Get a job which is out of your work.很显然平庸范例用了我们中国童鞋们很喜欢用的定语从句,但是实际上,这句话本来就可以用很简短的方式Get a life outside of work.进行表达。
其后,优秀范例This is vital to avoid biding your time in a job you hate.而平庸范例:This is the key to wait the good chance when you are in the work which you do not like.。
接下来bit一词,意思是vi.投标vt.出(价),用在此句的意思是“将……投入”用得十分的形象,堪称妙笔!其后顺势甩出2词,you hate,简洁有力,相比平庸范例中的which you do not like.显得更加的给力^_^第三句:优秀范例When you have an active social life outside of the office, it becomes so much easier to tolerate mundane or stressful work.而平庸范例写的是when you get a positive life outside your office, it is much easy to bear boring and stressed work.优秀范例中active相比于平庸范例的positive只能说稍胜一筹。
不过接下来的tolerate mundane or stressful写的就好很多。
因为平庸范例中用的是bear,一个很口语化的词,但是tolerate 显得更加书面化。
最后一句,优秀范例写的是A balanced life helps to keep things in perspective.相比起A harmonious life could help you look throught your life.我们马上就发现balanced中文被翻译成和谐,于是平庸示例中也就用了harmonious。
然后再加下来“保持对事物的洞察力”优秀范例中写的是“让我们每个人从自己不同,而且不受影响的角度来看待问题”,但是平庸范例中,只是说要“看透生活”,但是怎么看透,却无从谈起,这就是为什么优秀范例keep things in perspective更好一些。
废话不多说,主菜上桌喽O(∩_∩)O~!优秀范例:There are two halves to achieving a new reality: You must have time to dream, and you must take action. Give yourself time for creative visualization daily. Note ideas that come, and keep a record of these. Make a rule that you spend X amount of time daily taking action on your dreams. Artists produce artwork. Authors write. If you are not taking action, you will not achieve your dream。
普通范例:If you want to make a achievement, there are two parts you have to do: You must have time to make a dream, and you must make a movement. You should have time to make a visualization every day. You must think about it and make a note of them. You should make a rule that you should make some time every day to make your dream real. If you are an artist, you should make an artistic production. If you are a writer, you should write something. If you do not do any thing, the dream will never come ture.中文译文:要想完成一种新的成就是由两个部分决定的:你必须有时间梦想,你必须采取行动。
咱们首先看好句There are two halves to achieving a new reality用的halve一词,用的是在精妙,这个词的意思是“将…二等分; 平分”此处当做名词来使用,恰好的表示了需要,而且仅需要2部分之意。
但是如果你仅用平庸句子If you want to make a achievement, there are two parts you have to do之中的part,那么读者并不知道到底有多少个部分,也须有3部分,或许有5部分,但是你只说了2部分。
然后优秀句子里面把“让梦想成真”直接翻译为achieving a new reality简洁清晰用new直接修饰reality,相比于平庸句子want to make a achievement显得用词更灵活。
然后优秀句子You must have time to dream, and you must take action.相比于平庸句子You must have time to make a dream, and you must make a movement.贫僧认为优势并不明显,可以说不分伯仲。
接下来优秀范例之中写到Give yourself time for creative visualization daily.比之平庸范例的You should have time to make a visualization every day.就好多了。
虽然优秀范例只是用的祈使句,这样显得过于口语化,但是后面的creative visualization daily写得很棒。
然后后面的daily相比于every day的表示方式,就好像同样说闹心,优秀范例用的是“微微的忧郁”,平庸范例就说:“新买的白球鞋,被人踩了”^_^后面优秀范例写的是:Note ideas that come, and keep a record of these.平庸例子是You must think about it and make a note of them.也是分不出高低。