









机器人操作系统的作用主要有以下几个方面:1. 提供交互式的开发和运行环境,实现机器人功能的快速开发和测试。

2. 提供模块化的机器人软件框架,支持软件模块的独立设计和扩展。

3. 提供机器人运行时的调度和监控,保障机器人的安全和可靠性。




1. 核心系统:是机器人操作系统的核心组成部分,实现了机器人运行时的资源管理、任务调度、进程通信、安全控制等功能。


2. 驱动程序:是机器人操作系统的底层硬件驱动部分,为机器人操作系统提供了对底层硬件的直接访问和控制。


3. 机器人应用程序:是机器人操作系统的上层应用部分,实现了机器人的具体功能。


4. 通讯库:是机器人操作系统的通用通讯组件,为机器人应用程序提供了网络通信功能。


三、机器人操作系统的实现方法机器人操作系统的实现方法有多种,其中比较典型的有基于ROS(Robot Operating System)和基于OROCOS(Open Robot Control Software)的实现方法。


赵 丁选 韩成 浩L ,
(. 1吉林大学 机械科学与工程学 院 , 吉林 长春 1 0 2 ; . 3 0 2 2 吉林建筑 工程学 院 电气与电子信息工程学院 , 吉林 长春 10 2 ) 30 1
摘要: 针对 目前遥操作机器人双 向伺服控制策 略中存在 的主 、 手 间位 置跟 随性差 , 从 以及抓取 刚性物体 时主 手 所受反馈力 冲击过 大等问题 , 出了一种位置反馈 型 H。双向伺服控制算法 . 提 。 同时 , 采用状 态观测器 消除操纵杆 液压 系统 动态特性差异 及系统的阻尼 、 摩擦力 、 惯性阻力等干扰因素 . 搭建二 自由度同构型主从遥操作 系统试验 台, 并进行了现场试验 . 结果 表明 , 所提 出的位置反馈 型 H。双向伺服控制策略 能有效地改 善高刚性操 纵杆力觉 。 临场感和 主从位置跟 随特性 , 并能很好地解决反馈力 瞬间冲击 问题 , 为力 觉临场感 遥操作 机器人走 向实 用化提
Y a p st n f e b c —y e H bd r c i n ls r o c n r la g rt m s fr t i v s i a e . e n i t e , o ii -e d a k t p o i ie t a e v o to l o i o h i is n e tg t d M a wh l h e, i t re e c s s c s d n m i p o e t i e e c so p r t n l v r h d a l y t m n y t m a — n e f r n e , u h a y a c r p r y d f r n e fo e a i —e e y r u i s s e a d s se d mp f o c
f m h se a dwhl g apn ii o jcs h v o e nwel d rse . p c ia yfrti su - r tema tr n i rsigr d be t,a en t e la de sd S e ic l s td o h e g b f l o h


双向控制是指主手和从手间的运动和力觉信息 的交互反馈控制[ 3~ 6] 。用主手检 测操作者的操 作 动作或操作力, 并把操作动作或力传递给从手系统; 同时把从手的力、位置信息传递给主手, 使操作者能 感受到从手与环境的相互作用, 这种控制称为双向 伺服控制。
主- 从遥操作力反馈控制系统由操作者、主手、 通信环节、从手和外界环境等部分构成[ 7] , 如图 1 所 示。
Fe= MX e+ BX e+ KX e
式中 X e ) ) ) 环境物体的位移向量
多数情况下, 可以认为操作者所感受到的力与 操作者施加给主手的操作力向量 Fo 相等, 所以本 文用 Fo 表示操作者所感受到的力。
2 几种基本的主-从双向伺服控制策略分析
在双向伺服控制理论的实际应用中, 往往是根 据应用场合和力矩、位移的检测条件等对系统的力
Kcmp m = Kcmp s= Kcsp m = Kcsp s = K v 和 Kdmp m = Kdm ps = Kdsp m = Kdsp s= K a。 则其主手动力学方程及控制策略为
Fo = MmX m + BmX m + Fm
Fm = K p ( Xm - X s) + K v ( X m- X s) +
1 66
2 00 8年
的工作阻力之差作为控制信号来控制从手的运动; 反过来使主手的位移跟随从手的位移, 使操作者及 时把握从手的位移及干涉情况。
图 3 液压伺服控制的间接控制方案 Fig . 3 Sketch map of control project w ith




















Keywords: Tele-operated engineering robot; Force feedback; Bilateral servo control; Control arithmetic
主、从式遥操作工程机器人系统能够在人难以接 近或对人有害的环境中完成作业。处于安全场所的操 作者只有获得了真实、准确的力觉临场感信息,才能 更好地控制工程机器人准确地完成操作任务[1 -3]。设 计力觉临场感遥操作工程机器人控制系统时,要保证 系统的稳定性、可靠性和跟踪性能。因此,有效的控 制方法、合理设计的控制器是保证控制系统可靠工作 的关键[4 -5]。作者基于对现有控制方法及其在工程机 器人领域应用情况的分析,结合力觉临场感遥操作工 程机器人双向液压伺服控制系统的特点,以遥操作工 程机器人四自由度 ( 4DOF) 操纵杆为研究对象,提 出一种基于力觉双向液压伺服控制系统的新的控制策 略,依托于由电液伺服阀控制的主、从临场感实验平 台,针对力反馈双向伺服控制中以位置控制进行力反 馈的问题,采用液压缸和力传感器组成力控制系统, 实现力反馈控制。并通过实验,对该方法的有效性进
( 1. 攀枝花学院机电工程学院,四川攀枝花 617000; 2. 吉林大学机械科学与工程学院,吉林长春 130025)
摘要: 针对并行机构的力反馈双向液压伺服控制中所存在的反馈力冲击大及位置跟随差的问题,提出一种以主、从手 之间的力信号作为从动端控制信号,位置信号形成主手控制量的新型力觉反馈控制算法。应用阀控液压缸和力传感器构成 液压力伺服控制器,构建力反馈双向伺服控制试验系统。在空载、抓轮胎和抓石块 3 种负载情况下,分别进行了力、位置 跟随性能实验。实验结果表明: 该力反馈控制方法既能保证从手对主手的位置跟随精度,又能使主手准确连续地跟随从手 受力情况,明显改善了主 - 从控制系统的操纵性能,操作者能够获得真实的力觉临场感,提高了力反馈透明性。








关键词:主从机械手,编程,舵机,制动主从机械手ABSTRACTIn today's mass manufacturing, the enterprises to improve production efficiency, ensure product quality, generally attaches great importance to the production process automation, industrial robot as an important member of automation production line by enterprise gradually is accepted and adopted. Industrial robot technology level and application level in a certain extent reflects a country's industrial automation level, at present, the industrial robot is mainly responsible for welding, spraying, such as transportation and stacking repetitive work and labor intensity greatly, works usually take the way of teaching and reappearing.Design idea of master-slave manipulator is: the design of an active robot as operation use, operation personnel according to his intentions active robot control actuators for movement, at the end of the active signal value generated in each joint of the robot is as to the driven end driving instruction value of each joint. Master-slave robot is divided into a unidirectional and bidirectional type, in a double type operating system, driven robot in the operation of the strength and other information can be feedback relating to the operating personnel, in order to try to adjust the power size.First of all, in this paper, the design of the robot base, arm, forearm, and the structure of the manipulator, and then choose the appropriate drive mode, drive mode, set up the structure of the robot platform; On this basis, this paper will design the robot's control system, including the steering gear set, AD (AD no conversion mode) to set up and the IO Settings, focus on strengthening the reliability of the control software and robot operation security, achieve the goal of including: joint servo control and braking problems, real-time monitoring of the master-slave manipulator rotation, grab, master-slave manipulator programming and modify the program, as well as onlineGrasping situation of the manipulator.KEY WORDS:steering engine,magic hand,programming,apply the brake主从机械手目录摘要 (1)ABSTRACT (2)第1章绪论 (1)1.1 机器人的概述 (1)1.2 机械手的历史、现状 (3)1.3 机械手的发展趋势 (4)第2章主从机械手的硬件配置 (6)2.1 MultiFLEX控制器 (6)2.1.1 MultiFLEX介绍 (6)2.1.2 MultiFLEX的特点 (6)2.1.3 MultiFLEX功能概述 (7)2.2 CDS5500机器人舵机 (7)2.2.1 CDS5500的功能概述 (7)2.2.2 CDS5500的特点 (8)2.3 UP-Debugger 多功能调试器 (8)第3章主从机械手的软件介绍 (10)3.1 NorthSTAR软件 (10)3.1.1 NorthSTAR包括以下三个部分的功能 (10)3.1.2 NorthSTAR的工程界面如图3-1 (10)3.2 舵机调试软件RobotSevo_Terminal (11)第4章主从机械手的搭建 (12)4.1 舵机组装 (12)4.2 机械臂拼接 (12)主从机械手4.3 机械手搭建完成如图 (13)第5章主从机械手的软件设计 (14)5.1 RobotSevo_Terminal软件的设计 (14)5.2 主从机械手的流程图 (15)5.3 NorthSTAR软件的设计及编程 (17)结论 (18)参考文献 (19)致谢 (20)附录:NorthSTAR程序代码 (21)主从机械手1第1章 绪论1.1 机器人的概述在现代工业中,生产过程的机械化、自动化已成为突出的主题。



On Control System of the Two-Robot CoordinationJin HeFaculty of Physics & Electronic Engineering, Yunnan Nationalities University, Kunming 650031, P. R. ChinaAbstractBased on the features of two-robot coordination control system, a coordination system in layered modularization was set up from the human motor control system. A module of object hybrid impedance controller (HIC) was designed, so it can compensate the whole dynamics and its stability was analyzed. After make the inner force controller combine reasonably with the motor controller, the integrated controller of two-robot can be realized. The experiment results show that the control effect is satisfactory.Keywords: Two-robot, Coordination, Impedance control, Layered modularization, Hybrid impedance. 1.IntroductionThe design of coordination control system is the key problem of the two-robot coordination researching, while in the coordination control, in which the coordination mechanism is the core, which was defined as a method of any independent controlling of two-robots moving along a coordinated track by Cannon [1]. It is an important guarantee of two-robots complete the task together in a coordinated relation. A coordinated control system is quite different to a traditional robot control system. It needs not only high self control ability, but also the coordination with other robots to integrate in a mechanic and control ability of the system application. Thus, in term of integration ability and easy design, the existing single robot control technology should be utilized to the best of its ability to decompose and modularize the system functions for its better expansibility, and easily create the whole system from simple to complicated, on the condition of ensuring a high intelligence. This paper was focused on the researching of the impedance control in the layered modularized two-robot coordination controller.2.Coordinated control plan basedon HMCS structureIn the view of the human physiological enginery, the human movements itself materializes a sort of movement control in layered steps, with its controller in a distributed and modularize structure[2]. Such a control system in a layered modularization structure is the human motor control system, HMCS in short.HMCS is composed of ganglia which are divided into several grades, from the example of human hand control structure(shown in fig.1 (a)); the HMCS can be divided from low level to high level into 3 layers: surrounding nervous system, low level central nervous system and high level central nervous system. The high level central nervous system (brain) is in charge of behavior choosing and to monitoring the running states of all organs in the body which includes all high level instructions such as thinking in progress, origin of consciousness and so on. Low level central nervous system (spinal cord) is controlled by the brain under normal condition; which is linked with all sorts of sense receptors, muscle effectors and high level ganglia, meanwhile, itself can be a centre to accomplish reflecting control. Surrounding nervous system (sensory nerve and motor nerve) utilizes all impulses that can be transmitted in the nerve fiber to make the central nervous system and organs of human body into a whole.Thus, we adopt layered modularized control framework to construct two-robot coordination control system as shown in fig.1 (b).The first layer is called cooperation structural layer, in charge of overall target modeling, selection of coordination mode, target decomposition, man-machine interface management, and the supervision of the task implementation, etc. of the whole system, and sending command to the lower levels in a task code.The second layer is called two-robot coordination layer, in charge of receiving and explaining the task command from the upper level and coordinating the plan according to the specific movement task, mainly including the planning of the object movement and the force.The third layer is called single robot control layer, in charge of converting all the previous plan commands into specific movement ones and sending them to the implementation level to drive the robot to realize the expected movement and feeding back the movement status to the upper level.Coopstructurelayerlayer Fig.1: Schematic frame of two-robot system’s controlstructure, (a) Human hand control structure, (b) Robotsystem’s control structure.yered modularizedcoordination controllerBased on the general control concept mentioned above, the design of the two robot’s layered modularized controller divides the whole system into several inter relating subsystems to judge whether the sub systems have completed their targets, while meeting the control target of the general system by setting coordinator in each sub system. Its structure block diagram is shown in Fig. 2.In principle, the layered controller of the two-robot system can be divided into object control layer and robot control layer. In such a structure, each level’s target has its own independency and individual features. At the same time, to ensure the system to have a good expansibility, each layer’s function should be decomposed and modularized to the best of its ability. Thus, in reality, the controller also consists of modules of object movement planner, movement decomposer, load distributor, force synthesizer, movement synthesizer, and sensor system, etc.(1) Object movement planner: according to the description of the task, the track and force movement rule in the object’s target space should be planned. The output of this module is expected position and posture vector dOr, expected speed dOr&, expectedacceleration dOr&&, expected driving force dOF and theexpected force to the object by the environmentdF.(2) Movement decomposer: according to the kinematics restriction relation between the robot end and the object and using the kinematics information of the object, calculate and output robot end’s expected position and posture vector dir, expected speed dir&,expected acceleration dir&&.(3) Load distributor: according to the kinematics restriction relation between the robot end and the object and using the object’s expected driving force dOF and expected internal force drF, calculate andoutput robot end’s optimum grasping force dCiF.(4) Force synthesizer: according to the measured robot end’s optimum grasping forceCiF, the counteroperation of the load distributor calculates and outputs the object’s actual driving forceOF and theenvironment forceeF.(5) Movement synthesizer: according to the robot end’s actual position and posture vectorir and actualspeedir&, the counter operation of the load distributorcalculates and outputs the object’s actual position and posture vectorOr and actual speedOr&.(6) Sensor system: through the encoders on each joint of the robot, the robot end’s sensor of brawn, and feeling sensor on the tools, the joint position, end’s grasping force, and tool touching force information can be checked out respectively.(7) Object controller: according to the expected and actual values of the variables of object driving force, the environment force to the object, object positionCerebrospinal control layerBrain control centreHandPalliumThalamencephalon cerebellumbrainstem(a)(b)Fig. 2: layered modularization diagram of the two roboticcontroller.And posture, speed, and acceleration and using active complaisance arithmetic, let the object run after the required movement track. (H) Robot controllerAccording to the robot end’s expected touching force, expected position and posture, speed and acceleration and using the sensor information, calculate the driving torque i τ at each joint of the robot.4. Object control layer designingWhen the robot moves in the restriction space, not only its position track, but also the robot force to the environment are desired to control. At present, most of the control in restriction environment can be divided into two kinds of position/force hybrid control and impedance control [3] [4].The traditional impedance control is a sort of control strategy applied on a robot end, considering the relation of robot and environment as a spring damping system, while in the two-robot coordination, the control of object movement is obviously more intuitive than the control of the robot movement, and during the controller design, the whole system is always desired to be compensated kinetically. Thus, the traditional impedance relation is needed to spread into object impedance control, i.e., an object impedance control [5]-[7] (OIC in short).The impedance control only considers the impedance effect at the place contacting the environment and ignores the difference between the position and the sub space of the force control, and achieves proper force response through adjusting given position and the target impedance [8]. In order to control the force running after the expected track, the hybrid control was combined with the impedance control, called hybrid impedance control, (HIC in short). Thus, the position control and force control can be realized with different directions and using different targets.(1) Lection of the object hybrid target impedance: when position controlling, the capacitive target impedance is:e O dO d O d O d O d O d F r r K r r B r r M =−+−+−)()()(&&&&&& (1)When force controlling, the inertial target impedance is:e d O d Od F F r B r M −=+&&& (2) Where d d d K B M ,,—n n d d d R K B M ×∈,,are the oblique symmetry matrixes of the target inertia, oblique symmetry matrix of the target damp, and oblique symmetry matrix of the target rigidity respectively;d O d O d O r r r &&&,,—nd O d O d O Rr r r ∈&&&,,are the object’s reference position and posture, speed, and acceleration respectively;O O O r r r &&&,,—n OO O R r r r ∈&&&,,are the object’s actual position and posture, speed, and acceleration;d F —n d R F ∈is the environment command force to the object, a zero in a free space;e F —n e R F ∈is the environment force to the object.(2) Object controller: according to the duality of the impedance select, the overall target impedance of the hybrid impedance controller can be achieved as:de O d O d O d O d OdO d F S I F r r S K r r S B r r S M )()()()(−−=−+−+−&&&&&& (3)Where n n i R s diag S ×∈=)( is the selected matrix, i indicates the freeness in the operational space,⎩⎨⎧=olsubspace forcecontr acentrolsubsp positionco s i 01 Then, equation (3) can be impressed further as:()[+−−+=−e d d d o so F F S I Mr s r )(1&&&& ])()(O d O d O d O d r r S K r rS B −+−&& (4) Where sO r &&— the expected acceleration.It is necessary to explain that the expected acceleration and reference acceleration are two different concepts. The latter is an expected beforehand value, which is calculated through plan on the condition that the object movement is clear,whereas the former is real time generated. From the equation it can be know that it is related with the system status variable, command force, reference track, and target impedance parameters, representing the track that the object should run after in the hybrid impedance control.In addition, in order to achieve the real time expected track, the environment force to the object e F should be estimated. Before that, the objectacceleration Or && should be measured. However, it is very difficult to measure the acceleration signal, and even if it can be measured, its value may include very big noise, making it can not be used directly. Thus, this paper adopted limited differential coefficient to express approximately:tr r r t t O t O s t O ΔΔ)()()(ˆ−−=&&&& (5) Or,2)2()()()()(2ˆt r r r r t t O t t O t O s t O ΔΔΔ−−+−=&& (6) Then, the estimated environment force to the object is:C O s O O e WF C r M F −+=ˆˆ&& (7) Where []TT O T O I mg C })({ωω×−=, m , O I andω are object mass, inertia matrix around the mass center, and angle speed vector respectively. W is the converted matrix from the robot end’s force on the object at the contact to the force on the object at the mass center.After the expected acceleration of the object isachieved, its expected speed s O r& and expected position and posture s O r can be achieved through simpleintegral. At the same time, the expected driving force d O F necessary for obtaining object movement can be achieved, there is:eO s O O d C d O F C r M WF F ˆ−+==&& (8) The structure block diagram of the object hybrid impedance controller is shown in Fig. 3.Fig. 3: Structure of object hybrid impedance controller.(3) Selection of the target impedance parameters: in this paper, the environment is considered as a linearspring, let e kbe the environment rigidity, then, the environment module equation is O e e r k F =, then, equation (2) can be expressed as:dO e O d O d F r k r B r M =++&&& (9) It can be found that in the HIC, the position control direction and force control direction have the same expected movement equation form:F Kr rB r M =++&&&, thus, a united standard can be used to select the target impedance parameters. The only difference is that the target rigidity in the position direction is a control variable that can be adjusted, whereas that in the force control direction is a relatively fixed environment parameter.Laplace transforms the united equation, there is:)(M1)()(2)(22s F s R s sR s R s n n d =++ωωξ (10)Where n ω—M Kn =ω is a natural frequency;d ξ—KM2B=d ξ is damping ratio. Considering the system problem of real time, inthe system feedback, a delay amount TsTse Ts +−=−112 is introduced; then, equation (10) evolves into:)(M1)()(2)(2222s F s R e s R se s R s Ts n Ts n d =++−−ωωξ (11)Where T is the sampling control cycle. Its feature equation is:0)2()21(2223=+−+−+n n n d n d s T s T Ts ωωωξωξ (12)In order to stabilize the system, the pole point of the loop transmission function shall be strictly at the left half S plane, i.e., all the roots of the feature equation shall have negative true part. According to Routh stabilization criterion, there is:⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧<<T T d n d n ξωξω212 (13) Fig. 4 shows the stable areas when the system adopts different cycles. Emulation indicates that shortening the sampling control cycle is helpful to the system stability. After selecting proper n ω and d ξ inthe figure, target impedance parameter stabilizing the system can be selected by combining equation (10).Tξω2=d ξd ξStableStable(a)(b)Tξω21=Tξω21=Tξω2=Fig. 4: Stability region of the system, (a) T =1ms, (b) T =2ms, (c) T =5ms, (d) T =8ms.5. Integrated controller of two-robotThe ultimate target of robot layered controller designing is to make the object achieve tracing the expected track by inner and external force. After make the inner force controller combined reasonable with the movement controller we mentioned above, the integrated controller of two-robot can be realized, as shown in fig5. It is noteworthy that because of the robot’s terminal track deviation, it reflects the object’s inner force deviation, external force deviation and movement deviation, so the non-linear dynamic compensating should be modulated as follows:)r r (k )r r (k r F i s i pi i s i vi simi −+−+=′&&&& (14) Now, the general force need by robot to trace the expected track in operating space is:d Ii d Ei i ii mi i i i F F )r ,r (C ˆF )r (M ˆF +++′=&&& (15)Fig. 5: Structure of two-robot complete controllerIt is also found that the choosing of inner force impedance parameters and HIC impedance parameters is interactive, so we must decide the priority of inner force control and HIC control according to the system state and task quality. After that a control method can be decided based on the analyzing above.6. Experiment ResultsNow, we will give a experimental example in order toshow the effective of the proposed method. In free space, let two-robot’s claw-end grasp a cube box, which the size is 130×130×130mm 3 and weight is 1.30kg (aluminum). The box handed by claws is moved along a rectangular edge in YOZ plane. No master-slave distinguishing between the tow-robot in our experiment, their moving are limited on the designed track. The coordination control of the Inner and external force is achieved by wrist sensors.Fig. 6: Coordination of two-robots coordinated system, (a) Object tracking, (b) the inner force of robot along Z axis, (c) UP6 inner force along y axis, (d) SV3X inner force along y axis (e) Object external force along Z axis, (f) SV3X inner force along y axis.The control inaccuracy on y and z direction is less than 1mm while tracking the position, as shown in fig6. Due to the influences from noise and impact force, the overshoot and jitter are obvious during the inner and external force tracking procedure. But, the error of overshoot and jitter average value are within ±2N andY (mm) Z (m m )desiredactual (a) t (s) F E (N )(b) F E (N ) F E (N ) t (s)t (s) (c)(d) Fr(N )F r (N ) t (s) (e) (f) t (s) IEeˆ(bd ξd ξ(c)(d)StableStableTξω2=Tξω2=Tξω21= Tξω21=the control effect is satisfactory.7.ConclusionsThis paper researched the coordination control system of the two-robot. According to the control features of the two-robot, the control system was divided into object layer and robot layer to modularize respectively. In the object layer, the grasped object is considered controllable. An object controller was designed with object HIC control method, letting it compensate the whole dynamics and analyzing its stability. AcknowledgementThis work is partially supported by Heilongjian Nature Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60175029 ). References[1]S. Schneider and R.H. Cannon, Object Impedan-ce Control for Cooperative Manipulator, Theoryand Experimental Results. 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届毕业生毕业论文题目: 主从遥控机器人通讯系统的设计院系名称:电气工程学院专业班级:学生姓名:学号:指导教师:教师职称:年06 月10 日摘要当今主从遥控机器人通讯正朝着快速化、精密化的方向发展。









关键词:单片机;RS485;主从遥控Title Communication System Design of Master-Slave Remote RobotAbstractAt present,robot communication is being faster and more precise. Robot communication includes wire type and wireless type. Considering that the information which needs to be deal with is being complex and the needs of working environment, more and more wireless remote control robot is used in various fields.This thesis focus on the design of master-slave remote robot system for communication,this system is a master-slave remote system,witch is based on single chip computer (AT89s52) and uses RS485 bus interface. .It communicates by asking cycle from master to slave. Data such as 0~9 is sending from master to slave. If the data received by slave meet the sending requirement of the master, there will be a data which is same to the data received by slave sent to the master. If not, another data will be sent to the master. Please note that the slave can not send data unless that the master sent data to the slave With the using of the RS485 serial interface standard and two levels SCM master-slave structure,the system provides low cost,transmission distance,and strong anti-jamming communications. Practice has proved that the system is a simple,flexible,high reliability and low prices,practical communication system,which is applicable to long-distance transmission of information and has important value.Keywords: MCU(Micor Controller Unit);RS485;Serial Communication目次1 绪论 (1) (1)单片机和通信技术的国内外研究现状 (1) (3)本课题研究的背景及内容 (3)系统总体设计思想 (4)2 系统方案的选择 (5)单片机的选择 (5) (5) (6)3 硬件电路设计 (8)系统总体设计 (8) (8)驱动的设计 (12)通讯的设计 (13)4 软件设计 (16)软件语言的选择 (16)通讯的协议 (17)模拟串行发送程序 (19)模拟串行接收程序 (20)系统显示子程序设计 (21)系统的仿真与调试 (23)结论 (24)致谢 (25)参考文献 (26)附录A 总电路图 (28)附录B 显示子程序 (29)附录C 主程序 (30)1 绪论在1947年产生了世界上第一台主从遥控的机器人,那么1947年以后大家知道,是计算机电子技术发展比较迅速的时期,因此各国已经开始利用当时的一些现代的技术,进行了机器人研究。









二、协同机器人组装系统的设计1. 机器人的选择在协同机器人组装系统的设计中,首先需要确定使用哪些机器人。



2. 机器人的布局机器人的布局也是协同机器人组装系统设计的重要步骤。


3. 控制系统的设计控制系统的设计是协同机器人组装系统设计的核心。




1. 机器人的运动控制机器人的运动控制是指通过控制机器人的动作,来完成产品零件的精准位置和配合。


2. 机器人的协同控制机器人的协同控制是指同时操作多个机器人,以实现高效率和高精确度的组装任务。





主从式带电作业机器人控制系统黄晓萍;鲁守银;谈金东【摘要】介绍一种液压驱动的带电作业机器人主从式控制系统.首先简单说明整个系统的组成,系统采用液压驱动方式.然后提出将带电作业机器人控制系统分为主、从控制系统,且主、从控制器都采用微处理器 TMS320 F2812.最后对控制系统的算法进行研究,提出一种模糊PID 控制的闭环控制方案,并进行 matlab 仿真,结果证明这是一种有价值的控制方案.%This paper introduces a master-slave control system of hydraulic driven live working robot. Start with a brief description of the whole system, and adopt hydraulic drive way. Then put forward the idea that divide the live working robot control system into master control system and slave control system, the two sub-control systems adopt microprocessor TMS320 F2812.Finally, study the algorithmof the control system and propose a closed-loop control scheme depending on the fuzzy PID. Then make simulation of the control systemby matlab, and the results prove that this is a valuable control scheme.【期刊名称】《计算机系统应用》【年(卷),期】2013(000)012【总页数】4页(P188-191)【关键词】机器人;液压驱动;主从式;模糊 PID 控制;matlab【作者】黄晓萍;鲁守银;谈金东【作者单位】山东建筑大学信息与电气工程学院,济南 250101;山东建筑大学信息与电气工程学院,济南 250101;山东建筑大学信息与电气工程学院,济南250101; 田纳西大学电子信息工程系,美国 37996-3531【正文语种】中文随着国民经济的发展和科学技术的不断进步,机器人已在许多领域得到了广泛应用.在电力系统带电作业工作中,作业对象复杂、多样,作业环境要求苛刻、危险系数高,为了减轻操作人员高空作业的劳动强度和强电磁场对操作人员的人身威胁,研制一种适用于带电作业的主从式带电作业机器人具有重要意义[1].带电作业机器人要完成特定的作业任务需要以某种方式进行驱动,通常机械臂的驱动方式主要有三种:电机驱动、气压驱动和液压驱动[1].电机驱动在反应速度、控制精度等方面具有良好的特性,但其推力较小,大推力时成本高,并且在高压作业环境中电机易受影响.气压驱动成本低、动作可靠、无污染,但速度稳定性差,会给系统的速度和位置控制精度带来很大影响.同气压驱动相比,液压驱动有更好的速度和位置控制精度,且较电机驱动能够输出更大的力或力矩,使机械臂拥有一定的负载能力,符合带电作业机器人的作业要求——能够抓取质量较大的带电作业工具,完成带电断接线、水冲洗等一系列任务,具有很大的使用价值[2].液压系统具有非线性的特点,这使得整个带电作业机器人系统更加复杂、多样化,而模糊控制以其独特的语言变量控制被广泛应用于这类非线性系统的控制当中.PID 控制器为线性控制器,输出控制量平稳,稳态误差小.本文结合模糊控制与 PID控制的优点提出一种基于模糊 PID控制的闭环控制方案,并用matlab软件进行仿真,结果表明,整个控制系统具有较高的品质.1 系统介绍带电作业机器人系统主要是由主手、液压机械臂(从手)、曲臂式液压升降车(带有升降平台)、通讯系统等几部分组成,如图1所示.作业时,操作人员将作业车开到作业地点,控制升降机构将液压机械臂升到输电线路附近,根据带电作业任务,操作人员在车内操控主手,液压机械臂跟随主手运动,夹取不同的带电作业工具完成作业.图1 带电作业机器人总体结构主手与液压机械臂同构,有腰部回转、大臂俯仰、小臂俯仰、腕部俯仰、腕部摇摆、腕部回转和手爪开合七个自由度.每个关节中安装力矩电机和电位计,用来控制主手各关节运动并检测运动信息.液压机械臂主要依赖分布在七个关节中的驱动单元完成作业任务,其运动性能直接取决于液压系统性能.液压机械臂的每个关节中安装电位计,用于检测液压缸驱动各关节运动后的关节旋转角度.由于驱动单元为液压执行器件,只要能控制液压执行器件的运动,就可以决定带电作业机器人的整体运动.曲臂式液压升降车由履带式车辆底盘、三自由度升降机构和移动作业平台构成.履带式车辆底盘采用电机驱动,发动机的动力经传动系传给驱动轮,驱动轮得到驱动扭矩使车辆向前行驶.升降机构采用新型优质型钢,强度高、重量轻,采用液压驱动,移动作业平台载重大,可搭载一定的设备; 三自由度的设计可使工作台升高或延伸,还可360度旋转,易于跨越障碍物到达工作位置进行多点作业.通讯系统采用无线通信方式,是主、从控制器之间进行数据交互的桥梁.2 液压系统带电作业机器人的液压系统主要包括液压泵,液压执行元件(液压油缸和液压马达),电液伺服阀,液压管路等组成.液压泵将外部动力转化为液压能,驱动液压系统工作;电液伺服阀将微弱的电信号转化成为液压能,用以控制液压执行元件; 液压执行元件将液压能转换为机械能,驱动机械臂各关节运动.三自由度的升降机构和七自由度的机械臂构成带电作业机器人整个液压系统,如图2所示.升降机构有大臂回转、大臂俯仰,上臂伸缩三个关节,每个关节中安装液压油缸; 液压机械臂的七自由度分别是腰部回转、大臂俯仰、小臂俯仰、腕部俯仰、腕部摇摆、腕部回转和手爪开合七个关节,除腕部回转关节安装液压马达外其余各关节安装液压油缸.图2 带电作业机器人液压系统原理图电液伺服阀是电液转换装置,其电气接口主要有电源输入端、控制信号输入端、保护接地.调节控制信号输入端的电流大小和极性,即可控制液压缸的流量和运动方向,控制升降机构和机械臂各关节的运动速度和方向[3].由液压控制原理可知,在开环情况下,即不把液压机械臂各关节中的电位计信息作为反馈,通过伺服阀只能控制液压缸的移动速度.但在实际工作中要有精确地控制,采用电位计测量液压机械臂各关节的旋转角度,作为反馈送给控制器,构成闭环控制.3 控制系统3.1 系统硬件带电作业机器人的的控制系统分为两个部分:主控制系统和从控制系统.由于嵌入式系统具有体积小、重量轻、可靠性高等特点,因此主、从控制系统均采用嵌入式微处理器TMS320 F2812作为控制器[5].考虑到主、从手之间相隔较远以及带电作业机器人的高压作业环境,主、从控制系统之间采用无线通讯模式.主控制系统的原理图如图3所示,TMS320 F2812硬件连接方面:通过 AD转换模块与主手各关节中的电位计连接,保持两者之间的数据交互,获得主手的当前姿态; 通过驱动模块与各关节中安装的力矩电机连接,控制器的操作指令驱动电机运转,主手做出各种不同姿态; 通过无线通讯模块与从控制系统连接,实时监测从手的运动情况及外界环境的作用力.从控制系统的原理图如图3所示,TMS320 F2812通过DA转换模块与电液伺服阀驱动模块连接,驱动模块控制液压机械臂七个关节伺服阀的输入电压,并将电压信号经放大转换成电流信号加在伺服阀的两端,控制其开度,进而调节液压缸开度流量使机械臂运转[4];通过AD转换模块与从手各关节中的电位计、压力传感器连接,保持相互之间的数据交互,获得从手的当前姿态及受力情况; 通过无线通讯模块与主控制系统连接,实时接收主控制系统的运动控制指令,将液压机械臂的运动信息、受力情况及时传输给主控制器,让操作者感知.图3 带电作业机器人控制系统原理图3.2 控制算法根据主、从手两侧的位置和力信息的不同组合,可构成不同的控制算法,从而实现从手对主手位置的跟随,并对主手驱动机构的力进行控制[6].力-位置综合型以位置误差和位置误差的变化率形成力反馈控制信号,同时控制信号的增益由油缸负载情况决定.考虑到机械臂为液压驱动具有非线性的特点,而模糊控制是控制非线性系统的重要方法,本文提出一种基于模糊PID控制的力-位置综合型控制算法,如图4所示.此算法融合了位置伺服控制简单易实现、力直接反馈型伺服控制较真实反应从手受力情况[7]、模糊控制解决非线性问题的优点.位置控制:操作者给主手施加操作力 Fo,主手各关节相继联动,安装于各关节的电位计输入轴发生位置旋转,产生主手操作位移 Xm,主控制器对该位移进行检测并通过无线模块传输给从控制器.从控制器将操作位移 Xm转换成电信号,控制电液伺服阀的开度,进而控制进入从手各关节液压油缸和液压马达的流量,驱动从手各关节运动,产生从手动作位移 Xs,从控制器对该位移进行检测并通过无线模块传输给主控制器,在主控制器中进行Xm、Xs的比较形成位移误差e.图4 力-位置综合型控制图中Fo——操作者施加给主手的操作力Fm——驱动主手的反馈力Fs——驱动从手的力Fe——从手的负载力Fv——从手的反馈力Xm——主手操作位移Xs——从手动作位移模糊PID控制:将位移误差e及变量ec(位移误差的变化率)作为模糊控制器的两个输入变量,运用模糊理论把输入变量的精确值变为模糊量,然后根据输入变量(模糊量)、相应的模糊规则和模糊推理规则计算出控制量,把计算得到的控制量进行解模糊处理,得到精确的控制量作为力反馈控制信号.力控制:当从手与外界环境相互作用产生力Fe时,安装在各关节中的压力传感器将所受力Fv转变成电压信号,在从控制器中经 AD转换、无线通讯传输给主控制器,主控制器根据从手的反馈力Fv和力反馈控制信号做出如下决策:当操作力大于负载力时,从手将按照主手操作力的作用效果运动,操作者会获得操纵感; 操作力与负载力相同,从手没有位移,操作者有种势均力敌的感觉; 操作力小于负载力时,从手按照负载力的方向产生位移,主手在主从位移差的作用下运动,操作者获得的是被反推的感觉.4 实验仿真PID控制器为线性控制器,输出控制量平稳,稳态误差小,但动态性能差; 而模糊控制器为非线性控制器,动态响应快,对扰动变化适应性强,但输出具有跳跃性.将模糊控制和 PID控制器两者结合起来,扬长避短,既具有模糊控制灵活、适应性强的优点,又具有PID控制精度高的特点[8].将主、从手位移关系抽象为以下控制模型,被控对象为:采样时间为0.2秒,设置了零控制、普通PID控制和模糊PID控制三种控制方式.仿真曲线如图5所示.由零控制曲线可知,系统在未加任何控制的情况下,从过阻尼转变为衰减荡最后稳定值在 0.94左右,据设定值有较大差距.并且系统的超调量比较大,达到了 38%,第一个峰值振荡频率也很大,不是一种好的控制方法.而普通 PID控制曲线虽然衰减次数显著减少,超调量也降低不少,但是仍然呈振荡衰减状态,系统存在静差问题.模糊PID 控制曲线与普通PID控制曲线相比,虽然有微量超调,但系统的响应速度快,稳态精度高,具有良好的动、静态特性.将模糊PID控制器运用于带电作业机器人的控制系统中,可减小外界扰动对系统控制的波动影响,是一种有价值的控制方法.图5 仿真曲线图参考文献【相关文献】1 王凯军,应鸿,鲁守银.高压带电作业机器人的开发背景及技术动向.浙江电力科学发展,2005,(11).2 赵玉良,张奇,戚晖等.带电作业用非力反馈液压机械臂的设计.机械设计与制造,2012,9(9):117-120.3 张鹏翔,廖启征,魏世民等.液压驱动的四足机器人控制系统研究.液压与气动,2011,(1):29-31.4 陈卫东,席裕庚.力觉临场感遥操作系统的双向控制.机器人,1998,20(3):214-220.5 邓乐.电液力反馈操纵杆及其双向伺服控制技术研究[博士学位论文].长春:吉林大学,2007.6 侯文卓.液压伺服六自由度力反馈手控器的设计研究[硕士学位论文].长春:吉林大学,2006.7 宋鸿亮.遥操作机器人系统的主-从双向伺服控制方法研究[硕士学位论文].长春:吉林大学,2007.8 王志昊,蒋保珠.Fuzzy-PID控制的Matlab建模与仿真.机电一体化,2008,(3):43-44.。

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