China power supply chain industry development trend



量管理 , 节能减排 , 强生产企业 竞争 力。 促进 增 电 能质 量是 关 系到用 电设备 能 否正 常工 作 的重大 问题 ,不 良的 电能质量 不仅 浪 费能 源, 还会扰 乱 电器 和 电子设备 的正常 功 能 ,导 致 工 业制 造和 建筑 配 电系统 的重 大 问题 ,其
英 国 政 府 补 贴 清 洁 发 电
欧 盟 亚 洲 电 质 量 项 目在 华 启 动
由欧盟亚洲投资计划联合资助的欧盟一 连锁 反应 的 结果往 往 是 电子 设备 维护成 本 的
亚洲 电能质量项 目 项 目) 在北京 正 日前
增加 ,生产线的中断等。 该项 目涵盖中国、印度、泰国、马来西 亚、印度尼西亚、越南和菲律宾七个国家 。 负责执行这一项 目的国际铜业协会高级市场
英 国政 府 为鼓励 公众 使用 可雨 生 能源 , 出台鼓 励政 策 补贴 采用 风能或 太 阳能等 清 洁 发 电方 式 的家庭 。 英国 《 泰晤 士报 》 8月 3 1日报道 ,无
论家庭出售还是使用 自家所发清洁电能,政
府 都会给 向不仅实现 了多级市场的
数据 交 换 与资源 共 享 ,而 且 具备 了多 级市 场
键技术 ,也是该系统实现省间结算、市场交 易、计划执行跟踪、购 电成本分析等功能的
难 点 。从今年 3月份 开始 ,该公 司与 国网 电 力科学 研究 院联 合进 行 纵 向贯通 的业 务范 围 和 技术 方案 的研 究 与开 发 ,共 同制 订 了纵 向
交 换 ,9月 l 6日,与国 家 电网总部 系统 实现 了 以数 据交 换平 台 为基 础 、触发 方式 的双 向
数 据 交换 。



A Q 项 目旨在 促 进 电能 质 量 管 理 ,提 高 能 P I
源 使 用 率 ,减 少 排 放 ,以 最 终 提 高 亚 洲 制
造 企业 的竞 争 力 。该 项 目涵 盖 中 国 、印 度 、 泰 国 、马来 西亚 、印度 尼西 亚 、越 南 和 菲律
宾 7个 国家 ,项 目为期 3 2个 月 ,将 由 国 际
费 用 的 5 。 % ”
合作 组 成 立 大会 及 授牌 仪 式 。AP 项 目受 到 了业 界 的 QI
极 大关 注 ,新 华通 讯社 、 中国新 闻社 、人 民 日报 、光 明 日报 、 中 国 日报 、经 济 参 考 报 、国 际 金 融 报 、科 技 日
我 国 “ 一 五 ”规 划 纲 要 提 出 2 0 十 0 6~2 1 0 0年 间单
高 校 、研 究 所 及企 业 在 内 的 2 0家成 员 ,建 筑 电气 杂 志
社作 为 惟一 的科技 期 刊加 入合 作 组 。欧盟 亚 洲投 资计 划 代 表 、国家 发 改委 资 源节 约和 环 境保 护 司 、全 国 电压 电
流 等级 和频 率 标 准 技术 委 员 会 、中 国 电力科 学研 究 院 、 西 安交 通 大学 、施 耐德 电气 、美 国理 想工 业 等代 表 出席
欧盟一 洲 电能质量项 目中国合作 组成立 亚
Esa l h n f - i o e ai nt t eChn l n e tbi me to As P w rQu lyI iai iaAla c s Eu a t i v i
质 量 相 关 市 场 研 究 :加 强 国 际 技 术 交 流 。
报 、中 国环 境 报 、 中国 电力报 、国家 电 网报 、北 京 电视 台 、慧 聪 网 、能源 网 、 中国 电力新 闻网等 数 十家 媒体 记

















ACWA POWER做到的近几年,ACWA POWER凭借其出众的项目开发和运营能力,先进的投融资管理能力,超高的项目动员和融资关闭效率,以及不断被突破底线的产品价格,在国际基础设施建设领域可谓是做的风生水起。

在中资国际工程承包圈,ACWA POWER更是“横扫”了一众行业龙头——素有“基建狂魔”之称的央企工程承包商,四大国有银行,中信保,丝路基金等,都愿意配合ACWA POWER提出的方案,快速落地期限超长,价格超低的海外工程项目。

这让笔者不禁对ACWA POWER这家公司产生了浓厚的兴趣。

ACWA POWER的成功绝非偶然,因为经过它包装出来的项目,解决了当前中国海外基建工程项目各方面参与者面临的,几乎所有关键性问题。

ACWA POWER作为项目投资方和发起人,在自身追求高ROE回报的同时,能够兼顾银行(债权投资方)为保障债务安全而宁可牺牲收益空间的诉求,一站式地提供了bankable的融资方案,包括:担保方案(投资级别或主权担保PPA),技术可行性分析(为项目配备全球顶尖的技术顾问),与融资方案匹配的EPC合同条款,和量身定做的项目融资模型。

ACWA POWER的融资方案做的比融资顾问和银行还要靠谱,在保障技术先进性的基础上,还能亲自落实EPC协议的具体条款。

最要紧的是,ACWA POWER凭借自身资源禀赋,可以确保设计出来的方案能够切实落地。

试问,当今有几个机构可以做到这样的水平和程度?如此一来,ACWA POWER帮银行和企业节省的,就不仅仅是额外的顾问费、律师费,还通过最大限度排除不确定性,提高项目落地效率,为各个参与方节省了大量时间成本。


笔者认为,ACWA POWER的议价能力之所以强大,正在于此。

总结下来,ACWA POWER的成功至少与以下三点密不可分:1. 独特的“开发商+投资商+运营商”角色定位和技术优势“开发商+投资商”的角色定位取决于ACWAPOWER在中东市场的资源优势:沙特政府首先对其明确给予了主权担保和资金支持。



中国UPS电源行业研究和市场调查汇报第一章UPS电源系统技术概述一、电力电子电源产业发展简述1.电力电子电源产业发展简述“电源”(Power Supply)定义: 电源是以电力电子学为关键技术产品。

“电源”是终端产品, “电力电子”是应用技术, “电源”产品是“电力电子”应用技术具体产品表现。

电力电子电源通常指采取电力电子技术电源产品, 是电力电子设备中关键组成组员。

( 为了简便本汇报电力电子电源以“电源”统一冠称。

)中国本土已形成一批超亿元电源企业, 如:中兴通讯、厦门科华、中达电通、武汉洲际、烟台东方电子信息集团等, 她们有较强技术力量和开发能力。

其中, 通信电源在功效上基础靠近国际优异水平, 有些产品已进入国际市场;开关电源正向着高频小型化、高效率、高可靠性发展;UPS电源技术也向着多功效、大功率、集成化方向发展, 其中UPS电源行业中科华、冠军、科士达、易事特、捷益达等一批民营企业领跑在中国市场前列。

电力电子技术发展, 也为电源产业高速发展提供了宽广天地, 清洁能源、绿色环境保护电源也成为电源产业新生主力军, 如:太阳能光伏电源系统、燃料电池电源系统、风力发电电源系统、电动汽、机车电源系统等。

2.电力电子电源产品分类2.1 “电源”定义中国行业标准《直流稳定电源通用规范》和其它行业标准中对“电源”是这么定义: “电源: 未来自输入源能量转换成单输出能量源或多输出能量源电气或电子设备。

”2.2 电源产品分类电源关键包含: 电源管理功率器件、电源变换装置两大部分。


2.2.2电源变换装置定义和分类电源变换装置定义把某种输入形式电能变换为负载能工作电能形式电源装置, 就是电源变换装置。

电源变换装置分类1 按功率变换形式分类:现在输入功率关键有交流电源(AC)和直流电源(DC)两类;负载要求也关键有AC和DC两类, 所以电力电子电源产品有四大类: AC-DC电源转换产品;DC-DC电源转换产品;DC-AC电源转换产品;AC-AC电源转换产品。



构 , 与 中 国 有 很 大 的相 似 性 ,而 且 ,
输 电 网 ;终 端 用 户 电压 等 级 为 3 0 F 2 3 年 综 合 资 源规 划 (n e a e 中 国 电 力 系 统 自 动 化 技 术 较 之 西 方 发 8 VS 0 0 I t gr t d
20 。 2V
心 。 但 南 非 能 源 结 构 较 为 单 一 , 电 力
基 础 设 施 不 足 , 电 力 供 应 紧 张 且 电价 上 涨 , 对 南 非 制 造 业 和 矿 业 等 带 来 了
“ 出去 ”成 为 必 然 。 走 中 南 之 间 不 平 衡 的 供 电 布 局 为 中 国 电 力 企 业 进 入 南 非 提 供 了 市 场 商
量 会 增 多 ,但 ES n仍 将 占据 十 分 重 且 , 随 着 不 断 走 出 国 门 , 电力 企 业 已 kO q
要 的 位置 。
流 向 纳 米 比 亚 、 博 茨 瓦 纳 、 津 巴 布 此 , 在 可 预 见 的 未 来 ,其 他 投 资 者 数 设 备 的 制 造 能 力 占全 球 主 要 份 额 。而
可输 出电量 2 2 1 2 0 9 2 1 5 24 3 2 1 5 2 0 0 20 4 1 6 3 2 2 3 3 4 7 2 6 3 2 95 3 7 9 3 5 1

翁t i onal qranci F  ̄ ng

舡 y2 2 i 融谵 0{ { u
韦 、 莫 桑 比 克 、 莱 索 托 、 斯 威 士 兰 等 国 家 供 电 ,形 成 了 以 南 非 为 中 心 的 南 部 非 洲 统 一 大 电 网 。 目 前 南 非 输 电 电压 等 级 包 括 :7 5 6 kV、4 0 0 kV,


力市 场 和 经 济 发 展 做 出 更 多贡 献 。 ”
中 国 拥 有 世 界 第 二 大 电 网 , 是 当 今 最 具 潜 力 的 电 力 的合 资企 业在 柔性 交流 输电 系统 领域 做出 更好 的成绩 ,
系统 输 电技术 市场 之一 。作 为解决 电 网长距 离、低 损耗 为中 国电网 建设做 出更 多的贡 献。”
山投 资起 到良好 的示 范作用 。
3 日 ),西 门子 能源 部 门共创 收 约 2 8亿 欧元 , 获得 0 5
新 订 单 总价 值 约 3 0 亿 欧元 , 申报 利润 3 0 3亿 欧元 。
西 f 子 在 中 国 _ ] 西 门 子 是 中 国 深 受 喜 爱 并 广 受 尊 敬 的企 业公 民 。 早在 1 7 年 , 西 门子 公 司 即 向 中 国提 供 了第 一 台 指 针 8 2
共 同建立 合资 企业 , 以更 好地 把握 中国 电网建 设所 面 临 少 排放 ” 。 的 前所 未 有 的机 遇 ,” 荣信 电力 电 子有 限 公司 总 裁 左强
“ 山市 各 级政 府 部 门 会继 续 为 合 资企 业 服好 务 . 鞍
先生 说 , “ 对 合 资企 业 的未 来 充满 信 心 。荣 信 的创 新 加快 各种 审 批手 续 .同 时按照 相关 规定 给 予合资 企业 各 我
盖 了西 门子 工业 、能源 和 医疗 等所 有业 务 领域 。 西 门子 括 高 压电 网无 功 补偿 设备 、 滤波 器 、串联 补偿 器 、 变频
遍及 中 国的 业务 组 织及 区域 总经 理 和省 级 总经 理使 公 司 器 、 变流 器等 。 全线 产 品可满 足 从发 电 、输 配 电到终 端 更好 地把 握市 场 脉搏 、 了解 本地 信 息 ,更加 有 效 的满 足 负 载 的系 列应 用需 求 ,在 提 升电 能质 量 、优 化控 制 与节 客 户 的需 求。 西 门子 在 中国 拥有 超过 4 ,0 名 高素 质 的 能 降耗 等方 面 为客 户 提供 解 决方案 。 作 为中 国领 先 的大 30 0 员工 ,是 在 华拥 有 员工 数最 多 的外 商 投 资企业 之 一 。今 功率 电 力电孑 设 备供 应 商 ,系 列产 品广 泛服 务于 电 力 、



2020年42卷第4期第12页Vol.42,No.42020,42(4):12-14电气传动自动化ELECTRIC DRIVE AUTOMATION文章编号:1005—7277(2020)04—0012—03高压电机直接启动时电压降的计算方法及比较施渊(国网江苏省电力公司常熟市供电分公司,江苏常熟215500)摘要:随着经济的飞速发展,大容量高压电机设备越来越频繁出现在工业企业的生产过程中。





关键词:大容量高压电机;电压降;计算方法中图分类号:TM34文献标识码:ACalculation Methods and Comparison of Voltage Drop in DirectStarting of High Voltage MotorSHI Yuan(Changshu Power Supply Branch qf State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Company,Changshu215500,China) Abstract:With the rapid development of economy,the high-voltage motor equipment with large capacity appears more and more frequently in the production process of industrial enterprises.The direct starting of high voltage motor is a kind of impact load,which will have a serious impact on power quality.Therefore,the large capacity impact load should be strictly checked before it is connected to the system.At present,the calculation method given in Chapter6of"Industrial and Civil Power Distribution Design Manual"is often used for checking.There is also an estimation method,but usually only the bus voltage drop of user substation is calculated,and the voltage drop of system substation is less concerned.This paper first introduces two calculation methods of voltage drop,then qualitatively analyzes the influence of pre-connected reactive load on voltage drop,and finally puts forward a more appropriate calculation method for the voltage drop check of system substation.Key words:large-capacity high-voltage motor;voltage drop;calculation method随着全球工业化发展水平越来越高,现代化工业企业对电能质量的要求越来越高。



中国的电力租赁业务一直都保持着 持续增长, 对此我们深感 自豪, 并且
Hale Waihona Puke 瓦, 帮助他们提高生产效率 , 按时完
工 ,从而建立起全球性的良好声誉。
满足未来潜在 的市场需求 。 ” 自2 0 0 9年 , 詹晓挝加入亚力克
詹晓挝 自豪地说 ,2 0 年 7 , 07 月
因此 亚 力克 决 定 在 上海 松 江 基 地进
行办工厂区扩 张计划。全新扩张的 上海松江办公厂区将更好的服务中
国华 东地 区 的客 户 需求 及 对 大 连和
广州两个分公司的业务支持。 詹晓挝表示 :“ 我们对 中国市场 的巨大潜力非常有信心 。本着 ‘ 安 全、 道德和负责 ’ 的信念。 始终坚持 : 迅速启用——最大程度缩减因电力 问题导致的停产时间, 灵活运用——
重要 角色 。
橙色为主色调; 设 计 以开放 沟通 交 流为宗旨, 让每一 位 员 工都 可 以 随
时 与 同 事 无 拘 束 的 沟 通 交 流 。 同
时, 安全警示标识
在 亚 力 克 办 公 室 也 随处 可见 , 厂 在 房 仓 库 地 上 的 安 全 指 示 带 和 安 全 鞋 帽 架 都 彰 显 着
i 在每个场馆的发 电机以及
长的 电缆和 2 0 个 配 电盘 , 00
供 6 兆瓦的临时电力 ;与东京电力 5
公司签 署 20 瓦的 电力 合 同应对 地 0兆
, 这些场馆提供的 电力相 当 莨 庭的用 电量。共计 2 0多 0 电力租赁设备的安装 、维
- - .
震和海啸造成的缺电; 还将为2 1年 02 伦敦奥运会提供临时能源服务。 詹 晓挝说 ,亚力克于 2 0 年 06 在上海设立 了第一个基地 。企业的 电力租赁项 目如今涵盖 了许多国内 的重要行业 ,包括 :造船和船载 电 力、 油气、 石化、采矿以及包括摩托 车赛和北京 20 08奥运会在内的重要



主题策划F E A T U R EGSI:能为中国养猪场提供“交钥匙工程”的外企本刊编辑/黄若涵编者按:2014年的夏天,《变形金刚4·绝迹重生》里恢宏的打斗场面毫无疑问地又一次点燃了影迷们的激情。



而金刚在谷仓上翻来跳去对谷仓没有一点影响,可见其坚固性(据了解,钢板仓仓壁采用在谷瑞工厂内辊压成型的厚钢板,其拉伸强度高达70 000磅/平方英寸,相当于482.3MPa)。


GSI与AGCO强强联合本刊:AGCO为什么会收购GSI?GSI:来自美国的谷瑞(GSI)集团是全球公认的农牧业优质产品的领导者,旗下拥有GSI,AP (养猪设备)及Cumberland(养禽设备)诸多全球领先品牌。


GSI的总部位于美国伊利诺斯州的 Assumption,经过40 余年的专业经验和创新能力,其工厂和办事处已扩张到全球超过75个国家和地区。

GSI 2011年12月被美国爱科集团(AGCO)收购,AGCO是世界领先的专注于农机设备的制造商,致力于农业机械设备的设计、生产和销售。

AGCO 为用户提供全套的农机产品,包括拖拉机、收获机械、牧草与饲料设备、播种与耕作设备、喷药机、发电机组、谷物仓储和蛋白质业务以及各种配件。




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中国电力行业分析报告(英文版)Title: Analysis Report on China's Power Industry1. IntroductionThe power industry plays a vital role in sustaining economic development and improving quality of life in China. This report provides an in-depth analysis of China's power industry, focusing on its current state, key players, challenges, and future prospects.2. Overview of China's Power IndustryChina's power industry has witnessed significant growth over the past few decades, driven by rapid industrialization and urbanization. As of 2019, the total installed capacity of power plants in China reached 2.08 billion kilowatts, making it the largest power market in the world.3. Key Players in China's Power IndustrySome of the key players in China's power industry include State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), China Southern Power Grid (CSG), China Huaneng Group, China Huadian Corporation, China Datang Corporation, and China Guodian Corporation. These state-owned enterprises dominate the market, accounting for a significant share of the industry.4. Generation MixChina's power generation mix is undergoing a transformationtowards cleaner and renewable energy sources. Coal has traditionally been the dominant source of power generation, but in recent years, the government has been actively promoting the development of renewable energy, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. This shift is aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing environmental concerns.5. ChallengesDespite the impressive growth of China's power industry, it faces several challenges. One of the major challenges is the overcapacity in coal-fired power generation. Inefficient and outdated coal-fired power plants have led to a surplus capacity, which has had adverse effects on the profitability of power companies. Another challenge is the increasing demand for power, driven by urbanization and the growing middle class. Meeting this demand while ensuring sustainability and environmental protection remains a significant challenge for the industry.6. Future ProspectsThe future prospects of China's power industry are promising. The government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy development, aiming to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in the energy mix to 20% by 2030. This provides ample opportunities for investment in renewable energy projects, technological innovation, and infrastructure development. Furthermore, the government's focus on improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions will drive the adoption of advanced power generation technologies, such as smart grids, energy storage, and distributed generation.7. ConclusionIn conclusion, China's power industry has made remarkable progress in recent years, but it still faces challenges related to overcapacity and environmental sustainability. However, with government support and the increasing focus on renewable energy, the industry is poised to undergo a significant transformation. The growth potential in the power industry presents substantial opportunities for both domestic and foreign investors, as well as technological advancements that will drive the industry forward in the coming years.8. Government Policies and InitiativesThe Chinese government has implemented various policies and initiatives to support the development of the power industry and address its challenges. One of the key policies is the Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), which requires power companies to source a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable energy sources. This policy has stimulated the growth of renewable energy installations, particularly in wind and solar power.The government has also introduced feed-in tariff (FIT) programs to incentivize the development of renewable energy projects. These programs provide long-term contracts and guaranteed prices for electricity generated from renewable sources, attracting private investment in the sector. Additionally, the government has established financial incentives, such as tax breaks and subsidies, to promote the adoption of renewable energy technologies. Furthermore, the Chinese government is actively promoting thedevelopment of smart grids to improve the efficiency and reliability of the power system. Smart grids integrate advanced communication and control technologies to enable real-time monitoring, demand response, and efficient power distribution. The integration of renewable energy sources and the deployment of energy storage systems are also key components of smart grid development.9. Investment OpportunitiesThe growth potential of China's power industry presents numerous investment opportunities for both domestic and foreign investors. The government's commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency creates a favorable investment environment. Investors can consider participating in renewable energy projects, such as wind farms, solar power plants, and hydroelectric facilities. There is also potential for investment in the manufacturing and installation of renewable energy equipment, including wind turbines, solar panels, and energy storage systems.In addition to renewable energy, there is scope for investment in advanced power generation technologies, such as gas-fired power plants and nuclear power. Gas-fired power plants are seen as a cleaner alternative to coal-fired plants and can help reduce air pollution. The government's plans to expand the nuclear power sector also offer investment opportunities in the construction and operation of nuclear power plants.Furthermore, investment in the upgrading and modernization of existing power infrastructure presents opportunities for equipmentsuppliers, technology providers, and service providers. Upgrading transmission and distribution networks, improving energy efficiency, and implementing smart grid technologies are areas that require investment and expertise.10. ConclusionChina's power industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the government's commitment to renewable energy and sustainable development. The industry has achieved impressive growth over the years, becoming the largest power market globally. Despite the challenges of overcapacity and environmental concerns, the future prospects for the industry are promising.The government's policies and initiatives, such as the RPS and FIT programs, provide a supportive framework for the development of renewable energy projects. The focus on smart grid technologies and energy efficiency will drive investment in advanced power generation technologies and infrastructure upgrades. These developments present ample opportunities for domestic and foreign investors to participate in the growth of China's power industry.Moreover, the transformation of the power industry aligns with China's broader goals of reducing carbon emissions and achieving climate targets. By transitioning to cleaner and renewable energy sources, China is not only addressing environmental concerns but also creating a sustainable and resilient power system for the future. In conclusion, China's power industry is poised for further growthand innovation. The industry's success will be shaped by ongoing technological advancements, government policies, and the collaboration of stakeholders across the sector. Overall, the future of China's power industry is bright, and it will continue to play a critical role in driving economic development and improving the lives of its citizens.。


于西北地区,其中新疆、内蒙和山西三省 储量占到75%,而东部发达地区煤炭资源 占有量匮乏(kuìfá)。煤炭生产地和消费地分 布的不协调造成了煤炭从产地到销地需倚 重于长途输送,而“铁路-水路联运”是运 输的主要形式。 运输瓶颈在2010 年前仍将存在。
中国(zhōnɡ ɡuó)电力企业现状
成”的定价方式,并且有“煤电联动”等 调整 政策。但“煤电联动”并没有顺利执行, “市场煤、计划电”的困局仍然存在。
中国(zhōnɡ ɡuó)电力企业现状
• “煤价-电价”的传导机制不畅不仅造成发电全行业 亏损,而且由于电价没有真实反映出煤价高企,电 力下游(xiàyóu)行业并没有感受或全部感受到煤炭资 源的稀缺性。
中国(zhōnɡ ɡuó)电力企业现状
• 改革开放以来,我国电力需求弹性的变化大 致经历了以下几个阶段:
• • 2、经济步入调整期,电力需求弹性降低 • 经历了近8 年的重化工业快速增长后,
我国经济发展方式面临调整。重化工业是经 济发展的必然阶段,但是在资源禀赋的约束 下,可持续发展问题日益突出。为此,政府 确立了改变粗放型经济发展方式,建立资源 节约型国民经济体系的发展目标。 • 主要方向是:一是加快经济发展方式, 调整经济结构,降低单位能耗。同时,在全13

1.从月度情况看,自2008 年4 月开始,发电
量增速加速下行。9 月份(yuèfèn),规模以上电
中国(zhōnɡ ɡuó)电力企业现状
2.分产业观察:中电联数据显示,1-9 月份全国全社会 用电量同比增长(zēngzhǎng)9.67%。其中,第一产 业用电量同比增长(zēngzhǎng)2.56%;第二产业用 电量同比增长(zēngzhǎng)9.31%;第三产业用电量 同比增长(zēngzhǎng)10.76%;城乡居民生活用电 量同比增长(zēngzhǎng)12.93%。第二产业用电量 增速回落最为明显。





[关键词]电力物资;绿色包装;技术规范;架构设计;全生命周期[中图分类号]F251;F426.61[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1005-152X(2021)10-0016-04Architecture Design and Implementation Strategy of Green Package Specification for Electric PowerMaterialsWANG Junze 1,LUO Rilang 1,SUN Wei 2(1.Bidding Plan Division,China Southern Power Grid Supply Company,Guangzhou 510630;2.Department of Supply Chain Management,China Southern Power Grid Company,Guangzhou 510623,China)Abstract:From the perspective of green logistics and "carbon peak,carbon neutral",combined with the standardization development requirements of current green package and the characteristics of electric power materials,we analyzed the necessity of formulating the technical specification of green package for electric power materials,and put forward the idea and architecture design for,as well as the supportive measures to effectively implement,the technical specification.Keywords:electric power material;green package;technical specification;architecture design;full life circle0引言我国包装行业规模庞大,目前国内生产企业约二十余万家,涉及产品种类数以万计。




该项目总投资约27 亿美元,装机容量约为2700 兆瓦,预计建成后将成为中东欧地区最大的水电站。


根据相关报道,中东欧最大水电站项目已于2021 年正式开工。










以和信超媒體為例,僅提供寬頻上網,和信集團跨足多個領 域,只要有足夠的資金,結合其他的技術廠商便可進入市 場。
消費者議價空間變大 企業的服務品質必須提升 消費者選擇性多元化
對供應商的議價能力 透過網際網路的盛行
以固網為例的電信服務,主要替代品便為無線 傳輸,但無線傳輸仍易受到外在環境因素或無線傳 輸基地台佈建範圍的限制,加上品質考量因素以及 傳輸保密性均不如固網,而且在資費上亦較高,以 現況而言,遠距離無線傳輸技術仍有待突破,運用 還不見普及,故以替代角色而言加上產品應用對象 有所不同,故替代品非主要影響因素。
目前國內的電信已完全電信自由化,過去是由中華電信獨占著整個電信 市場,隨著電信市場的開放,造成競爭者眾多。
各電信服務業者(固網與行動通訊)的產品,差異性變化大便以週邊設 備、價格、頻寬及服務品質來吸引消費者。
藉由這個報告,以五力競爭力分析電信產 業,讓我們更了解五種競爭力對一個產業而 言,是不可輕忽的,並且缺一不可。對電信 產業也有些了解認知,真是一舉二得阿!!
國家通訊傳播委員會 台灣通訊業 財團法人台灣網路資訊中心(TWNIC) ITIS智網 國家碩博士論文
目前電信服務產業在彼此產品的差異性變化不大時,便會採取「降價」 策略。
目前所參與電信經營的企業皆擁有雄厚的財力, 積極投入在電信相關業務



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告中国电气装备集团供应链科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:中国电气装备集团供应链科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分中国电气装备集团供应链科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业电力、热力生产和供应业-电力生产资质空产品服务刷品装订服务;互联网信息服务;建设工程施1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

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China power supply chain industry development trendPower supply electricity equipment as necessary in equipment, its application market involves electronic equipments and electronic detection equipment, control equipment, computer, electrical home appliances, electronic industries. According to international mould and hardware and plastic industry association secretary-general ROM the fai supplier is introduced, including electronic power industry in China's electronic information industry is an important component part, is also strong international competitiveness the breakdown of the industry, even in the global financial crisis impacted by the 2009, the industry still output value reached 106.1 billion yuan, keep the growth rate of more than 5%. In 2010, with a series of national macro stimulation to the implementation of policy and the global economy after become stable, China's electronic information industry quickly restored the momentum of development, China power supply industry is taking advantage and go up, the scale of output value reached 117.2 billion yuan, growth of more than 10%.And switching power supply is the main categories of products electronic power, because its miniaturization, light weight and power density/conversion efficiency high, input voltage range, hot consumption and many other advantages of less, and benefit from electronic products frivolous short demand trend, its development is rapid, rapidly replacing linear power supply is pervasive in various kinds of electronic products field, according to the China power supply society of collected data, in 2008 the switch power supply (mainly include consumer switching power supply, industrial kind of switch power, communication power supply, PC power supply, similarly hereinafter) output value reached 85.5 billion yuan, in 2009 to 93.1 billion yuan, increased by 8.8%; 2010 reach 102.7 billion yuan, up 10.3%.According to the switch power application field segments, occupy the industry first of share of output is industrial class switch power, 2010 up to the industry of the output value for 56%, the second is consumer switching power supply, 32%, communication switching power supply 6%, PC switch power accounted for 3%.International mould and hardware and plastic industry association secretary-general ROM the supplier Fraser said, in recent years, China power market experienced have seen significant development, and formed a complete industry chain. From the enterprise production scale, China's power production enterprises to the small and medium enterprise primarily. In addition, due to a power supply the flexibility of the application and diversity, lead to the power industry area concentration is low, the national distribution is more scattered. China already has a batch of output value reached one hundred million yuan of the enterprise, such as huawei electrical, wuhan intercontinental, yantai east, etc. The enterprise has a strong technical level and research and development ability, part of the product has to enter the international market, and for the development of the domestic power supply industry made a big contribution. In addition, because of the huge domesticmarket demand, attract the multinational company eyes, overseas companies to enter China's investment and construction. This makes our country's power competition in the industry intensified, and at the same time, and for local companies in China to foreign enterprise study management, technology and created the conditions.Because our country in power supply industry industry management is in, the whole industry appeared to repeat construction, malignant "the price war", homogeneityphenomenon serious aderse phenomenon, affecting China's power source product technology development. Compared with the international high-end products, but also ahead. Therefore, he suggested the fai power production enterprises should strengthen and domestic, domestic universities, research institutes of cooperation, and promote the transformation of scientific achievements, and for scientific and technological personnel to technology innovation activities, and provide good internal and external environment and culture atmosphere.Power supply industry the characteristics of its production and operation1, production characteristicsElectronic products with its structure and electronic design are with, so the power supply requirements, too, in the design and manufacturing, to customer specifications, as the design and production of the standard.Switch power supply products are divided into standardized products and the standardized products, generally speaking, standardization product order batch is bigger, gross margin is low, competition is intense, and the standardization product order batch small, but the margin is higher, less competition. Standardized products mainly used in consumer electronics products, PC power supply and other fields, rather than the standard custom products application and communication power supply, new energy and industrial power supply, etc. Standardization switching power supply enterprise general according to the customer's order organizing production, enterprise general unprepared in stock. According to the order is received customer order to manufacturing, in the existing product scheme revised on the basis of the design, manufacturing and assembly, or to research and design, and eventually to provide customers with custom products production methods. Enterprise in received customer orders, according to the specific requirements of the order, the design can meet the requirements of the customers' special customized products, from the supplier of choice, the requirements of raw materials, design process, manufacturing process and product delivery and so on are made by customer order decision. Switch power source product model very much, general enterprise cannot in each segment the market gain advantage, except the power adapter and cell phone charger the standardized products competitive lower gross margin outside, the enterprise has its main market segment, actively develop new fields, can achieve good profit margins.Mass customization and different, custom switching power supply is more of a small batch customization, in order to better control cost, quickly to customers with low cost and high quality of custom products, to the enterprise development, production management andpurchasing ability to set the high request, so enterprise must have agile product development design ability and raw materials purchasing ability, specifically for a product design of traditional rigid production line will be can meet various and personalized manufacturing requirements of flexible production line instead.2, profit characteristicsSwitch power production enterprises according to the product orientation and class is different, its profit model is also different. ZhongDiDuan product technical content is low, mostly with the main source of profit for take processing. Low power, general standardized consumer electronic products supporting switch power production enterprises is numerous, with low price competition primarily, by scale win, profitability is poorer; In high-end products as high-end electronics products, industrial control equipment of form a complete set, the switch power efficiency, high precision and reliability requirements for manufacturing enterprise with a strong research and development ability and exquisite manufacturing level, the added value of products is higher, so in high-end switch power supply enterprise bargaining ability is strong, strong ability to profit. Has the strength of large power supply enterprise basically all started from OEM to ODM transformation, provide for the customer r&d and design to processingone-stop service, the enterprise brand has a certain reputation in the industry, product quality and research and development ability, are approval by customer, have the product function design and appearance design of ability.3, market characteristics Because switching power supply industry to customize primarily, enterprise's sales and order closely, sales action to happen before in products manufacturing. At the same time, the enterprise also r&d standard products, to promote market and customers, and actively expand electronic industry customers, show the company development design ability, the scale of production and quality management ability to become an important means of sales. At present, switch power supply industry expand the sales channel of the main way in exhibitions, in the print media industry and professional website promotion and customers to recommend to each other, and have good customer resources is the enterprise strength most direct embodiment. The power industry development trend analysis At present, the power supply is widely used in all walks of life, is an important basic science and technology. ROM. The fai said, the future for a period of time, the power supply will be toward green, small, high frequency and high efficiency, diversified, and the direction of the integrated development, China power industry will also be more mature. 1, switch power source product development trend A, greening The greening of switch power products will be widely used. Green switch power products concrete is refers to the significant save electricity and no electricity network produces pollution. Node and the environmental protection request, will make a variety of intelligent switch power technology be widely applied, the power supply by centralized structure to distributed development. B, miniaturization, Small high frequency switching power supply and its technology to become the mainstream of the modern power supply system. Of power miniaturization, lose weight on portable electronic devices (such as mobile phone, digital camera, etc) is particularly important. Thus, improving of switch power supply power density and power conversion efficiency, make the miniaturization, lightweight, is people constantly strive to the pursuit of the goal. The high frequency, soft switch technology as a power supply of the main technical means of miniaturization, in recent years, international power electronics industry is one of the hot spot in the research. C, digital Digital power supply will switch power efficient and digital chips combination of intelligent control, and using appropriate algorithm current and voltage adjustment. Digital power and simulation compared to the power of the current examination error can be the exact numbercorrection, the voltage detection more accurate; Can realize the fast, flexible control design.D, integration In order to improve the reliability of the system, the whole machine manufacturers and components manufacturer cooperation development "the user special" power module become a trend. There will be a machine's hardware has almost all of the chip to form installation one module, make a large components have traditional lead between no longer linked together, to minimize the parasitic parameters, and the power components and power components of electrical stress under fall to lowest, improve the reliability of the system equipment purpose. 2, switch power market outlook In 2011 China power industry output will reach to 130.4 billion yuan, a 11.26% growth in 2010, in 2015, China power industry output will reach 215.6 billion yuan, and 2011-2015 compound annual growth rate of 13.39%. But along with the power to miniaturization, thin, gradually, lightweight, high frequency change direction, can be expected future has light, thin, small and high frequency switching power supply output value is higher than the growth will power supply industry production value growth. China power supply society predicts 2011, the whole nation switching power supply output will reach 128 billion yuan, in 2015 China's switch power supply output will reach 187.5 billion yuan. The power supply enterprise competitive situation and main manufacturers operating condition Power supply products sort is more and more widely application field, in the subdivision domain has scale and level of the enterprise competition is uneven. Eaton, Emerson, snyder, a group of electronic power giant enterprise as UPS power, and industrial power and PC power supply industry measure of enterprise, in the corresponding marketing field in absolute leading position, its popularity, scale, capital and technology strength and ability and quality control are far beyond the domestic power supply enterprise. In recent years, with the transfer of the domestic and international manufacturing enterprise manufacturing, research and development of experience, the domestic gradually in some consumer switching power supply, desktop PC power supply market segment field made some breakthrough, grow a batch of has the certain competitive advantage of power supply enterprise, but due to a power supply application of universality industry, create a market compartment, the total market concentration is not high, the Chinese enterprises with a small enterprises, end in October 2011, in China electronic components industry association selection of the information center in 2010 (23 rd) top electronics enterprises is still not a main switch power supply enterprise become public listed companies. Switching power supply industry in China is typical manufacturer mainly has the following a few:The power industry development strategy advice1, product"1025" period, along with the further development of the information industry, the enterprise information intensified efforts, custom power source product market will continue to stabilize growth, but only the customization power products manufacturers and customers in the industry of the comprehensive integration business to creating more value for customers, and then let the customer would like to customize the power supply products to pay higher fees.Green energy saving is the future development of the power source product customization point. In the future, custom power no longer just a single product, but deal with manufacturers provide better demand management solutions, whole product manufacturer's new demand for the overall power solutions more and more high demand. Custom power supply enterprise how to grasp opportunities in risk, improve the brand competitiveness, in the challenge and competition to win the trust of customers depend mainly on its provide solution for users with the needs of the business is full integration.2, serviceThere will be more and more whole product manufacturers the customization power business outsourcing out, use external excellent professional team to undertake the business, and concentrate on core business, to reduce cost, improve efficiency, enhancing enterprise core competitive power and foreign link strain capacity. In this tendency, there will be more OEM/ODM manufacturers as their competitive service. Along with the information exchange to speed up, and the price of the product on the market tends to open, the power supply enterprise to make the order for manufacturers, will need to provide valuable value-added services. Design services is the most flat TV power of one of the most important value added services, especially to provide practical solutions, in the industry technical requirements compare strong custom power manufacturing industry, from OEM to ODM in the value chain increased the design steps, to industry chain upstream extensions, gradually occupation high-end value-added link. Good design ability and quick response logistics will be the key to win customers.In addition, accelerate the delivery order processing speed, and after quality service, and to help customers solve problems and, improve technical services of professional degrees. Master major customer project development progress, strengthening technical services to support speed and new product development speed. Strengthen the outsourcing of product quality control auxiliary. Shorten new product development plan leading time, all is the embodiment of the future service manufacturers.3, marketingBecause of the whole product manufacturer is the domestic large-scale enterprise and multinational enterprises, to multinational business and sales, therefore, the power supply manufacturer in fully competitive environment, in order to rapid response the change of market demand and reduce the operation cost, need to have global operation mode of management, immediate and complete, and at the lowest cost, elastic production and rapid delivery target, meet customer quality, price and delivery time and place on demand. At the same time, regular market price comparison analysis, guarantee their products in the performance and price advantage, and actively participate in new product development, for the whole machine manufacturers to provide relevant support.。
