Learning Mixed Templates for Object Recognition
python feemd原理
Python Feemd原理Python Feemd,全称为Python Finite Element Enriched Meshfree Method,是一种基于Python语言的有限元增强无网格方法。
本文将介绍Python Feemd的原理及其应用。
一、Python Feemd的基本原理1. 有限元法(Finite Element Method,FEM)是一种数值分析方法,用于求解工程和物理问题。
2. 无网格方法(Meshfree Method)是一种不依赖于网格的数值解法,适用于具有复杂几何形状和大变形的问题。
3. Python Feemd将有限元法和无网格方法相结合,通过有限元法的单元插值和加权残值法,以及无网格方法的局部无网格形式函数,实现对复杂问题的高效求解。
它主要包括以下几个主要步骤:3.1 创建计算区域的离散化网格,将其划分为有限数量的单元。
3.2 定义单元内的插值函数,用于近似描述单元内的物理场。
3.3 通过加权残值法建立单元之间的相互作用,构建整个计算区域的线性方程组。
3.4 使用局部的无网格形式函数对计算区域的几何和物理特性进行描述,从而避免了网格更新和复杂性。
二、Python Feemd的应用1. Python Feemd可应用于复杂的工程问题求解,如结构力学、流体力学、热传导等。
它具有以下几个优点:1.1 高效准确:有限元法和无网格方法相结合,能够对复杂问题进行高效准确的数值求解。
1.2 适用性广泛:适用于具有复杂几何形状和大变形的问题,能够有效地处理非线性、动态、多物理场耦合等问题。
指导单位:工业和信息化部牵头编写:工业互联网产业联盟总体组参与编写:工业互联网产业联盟需求组、技术与标准组、网络组、工业互联网平台组、安全组、测试床组、产业发展组、频谱组、国际合作与对外交流组、垂直行业组、政策法规与投融资组以及工业大数据特设组、边缘计算特设组、知识产权特设组、标识特设组、工业智能特设组、工业APP特设组、工业区块链特设组、开源特设组、工业无线特设组特别致谢:中国信息通信研究院:余晓晖、李海花、刘默、田慧蓉、张恒升、罗松、蒋昕昊、李文宇、周洁、刘阳、杨希、刘琪、臧磊、杜加懂、李亚宁、李艺、孙念、葛雨明、肖荣美万向集团公司研究院:马吉军、叶冬航天云网科技发展有限责任公司:侯宝存、于文涛、姜海森树根互联技术有限公司:文博武北京索为系统技术股份有限公司:王战阿里云计算有限公司:李俊平、郑治北京奇虎360科技有限公司:陶耀东、崔君荣、李鸿彬华为技术有限公司:赵黎黎中国电信集团有限公司:张东海尔集团公司:李胜民清华大学:王晨目录编写说明 (1)1.IT网络 (Information Technology Network) (1)2.Modbus协议(Modbus Protocol ) (1)3.OPC统一架构(Object Linking and Embedding(OLE)for Process Controls(OPC)Unified Architecture, OPU-UA) (1)4.OT 网络(Operation Technology Network) (1)5.安全策略(Security Policy) (1)6.安全措施(Security Measure) (1)7.安全服务(Security Service) (2)8.安全可控(Securable Control) (2)9.安全事件态势(Security Incident Situation) (2)10.安全域(Security Zone) (2)11.安全资源池(Security Resource Pool) (2)12.边缘计算(Edge Computing) (2)13.边缘节点(Edge Node) (2)14.边缘控制器(Edge Controller) (3)15.边缘数据处理(Edge Data Processing) (3)16.边缘网关(Edge Gateway) (3)17.边缘虚拟功能(Edge Virtualization Function, EVF) (3)18.边缘云(Edge Cloud) (3)19.边缘智能(Edge Intelligence) (4)20.边云协同(Edge-Cloud Coordination) (4)21.标识编码(Identifier) (4)22.标识解析递归解析节点(Recursive Node of Identification and Resolution) (4)23.标识解析二级节点(Second-Level Node of Identification and Resolution) (4)24.标识解析国际根节点(Root Node of Identification and Resolution) (4)25.标识解析国家顶级节点(National Top-Level Node of Identification and Resolution)426.标识解析企业节点(Enterprise Node of Identification and Resolution) (5)27.标准必要专利(Standard-Essential Patent) (5)28.标准必要专利(Standard-Essential Patent) (5)29.不可否认性(Non-repudiation) (5)30.残余风险(Residual Risk) (5)31.产品全生命周期管理 (Product Lifecycle Management, PLM) (6)32.产品数据管理(Product Data Management, PDM) (6)33.场景模版工业APP(Industrial Applications for Scene Templates) (6)34.超宽带定位技术(Ultra Wideband(UWB) Location Technology) (6)35.车间级(Work Center) (6)36.脆弱性态势(Vulnerability Situation) (6)37.大数据安全保障(Big Data Security Assurance) (7)38.大数据服务(Big Data Service) (7)39.分布式控制系统(Distributed Control System, DCS) (7)40.个性化定制(Personalized Customization) (7)41.工厂级/企业级(Enterprise) (7)42.工厂内部网络(Enterprise Internal Network) (7)43.工厂外部网络(Enterprise External Network) (7)44.工程模型工业APP(Industrial Applications for Engineering Models) (8)45.工控安全事件(Industrial Control Security Incident) (8)46.工业APP(Industrial Applications) (8)47.工业APP开发平台(Development Platform for Industrial Applications ) (8)48.工业APP运营平台(Operating Platform for Industrial Applications) (8)49.工业大数据(Industrial Big Data) (8)50.工业大数据建模与分析(Industrial Big Data Modeling and Analysis) (9)51.工业大数据平台(Industrial Big Data Platform) (9)52.工业防火墙 (Industrial Firewall) (9)53.工业互联网(Industrial Internet) (9)54.工业互联网安全态势感知(Security Situation Awareness of Industrial Internet)955.工业互联网标识解析体系(Identification and Resolution System of Industrial Internet) (10)56.工业互联网开源软件(O pen Source Software of Industrial Internet) (10)57.工业互联网开源社区(Open Source Community of Industrial Internet) (10)58.工业互联网平台(Industrial Internet Platform) (10)59.工业互联网资产(Industrial Internet Assets) (10)60.工业软件(Industrial Software) (10)61.工业数据空间(Industrial Data Space) (10)62.工业通信协议(Industrial Communication Protocol) (11)63.工业微服务(Industrial Microservice) (11)64.工业以太网(Industrial Ethernet) (11)65.工业智能(Industrial Intelligence) (11)66.供应链管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM) (11)67.供应链金融(Supply Chain Finance) (12)68.供应链协同(Supply Chain Collaboration) (12)69.故障预测 (Fault Prediction) (12)70.关联分析 (Association Analysis) (12)71.关系型数据库 (Relational Database) (12)72.行为态势(Behavior Situation) (12)73.行业通用工业APP(Industrial Applications for General) (13)74.互操作 (Interoperability) (13)75.混合现实(Mixed Reality, MR) (13)76.机理模型(Mechanism Model) (13)77.机器学习(Machine Learning) (13)78.基础共性工业APP(Industrial Applications for Basic Commonality) (13)79.基础设施即服务(Infrastructure as a Service,IaaS) (14)80.基于模型的设计 (Model Based Design, MBD) (14)81.交叉验证 (Cross-validation) (14)82.解析系统(Resolution System) (14)83.经营管理工业APP(Industrial Applications for Business Management) (14)84.开源框架(Open Source Framework) (14)85.开源软件(Open Source Software) (15)86.开源社区(Open Source Community) (15)87.可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller, PLC) (15)88.客户关系管理系统 (Customer Relationship Management, CRM) (15)89.控制设备(Control Equipment) (15)90.离散制造(Intermittent/Discrete Manufacturing) (15)91.面向工业过程自动化的工业无线网络(Wireless Networks for Industrial Automation Process Automation, WIA-PA) (16)92.内存数据库 (Memory Database) (16)93.平台即服务(Platform as a Service, PaaS ) (16)94.企业专用工业APP(Industrial Applications Dedicated to the Enterprise) (16)95.企业资源计划管理系统 (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) (16)96.区块链 (Blockchain) (17)97.确定性网络(Deterministic Networking, DetNet) (17)98.人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence) (17)99.柔性制造 (Flexible Manufacturing) (17)100.软件定义网络 (Software Defined Networking, SDN) (17)101.软件即服务(Software as a Service, SaaS) (17)102.射频识别 (Radio Frequency Identification, RFID) (18)103.身份鉴别(Entity Authentication) (18)104.深度学习(Deep Learning) (18)105.生产过程优化 (Production Process Optimization) (18)106.生产制造工业APP(Industrial Applications for Production and Manufacturing)18107.时间敏感网络 (Time-Sensitive Networking, TSN) (18)108.时间序列数据库 (Temporal Database) (19)109.数据安全(Data Security) (19)110.数据采集与监控系统(Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, SCADA) (19)111.数据服务(Data Service) (19)112.数据管理(Data Management) (19)113.数据脱敏(Data Desensitization) (20)114.数据挖掘(Data Mining) (20)115.数据血缘关系(Data Lineage) (20)116.数据预处理 (Data Preprocessing) (20)117.数据治理 (Data Governance) (20)118.数据资产 (Data Asset) (20)119.数据资产管理 (Data Asset Management) (20)120.数字化双胞胎 (Digital Twins) (21)121.态势感知(Situation Awareness) (21)122.网络安全漏洞(Cybersecurity Vulnerability) (21)123.网络边界(Network Boundary) (21)124.网络虚拟化 (Network Virtualization) (21)125.威胁情报(Threat Intelligence) (21)126.无源光网络(Passive Optical Network, PON) (22)127.物联网 (Internet of Things, IoT) (22)128.现场级 (Work Cell) (22)129.现场总线 (Field Bus) (22)130.消息队列遥测传输(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, MQTT) (22)131.协同设计 (Collaborative Design) (22)132.协同制造 (Collaborative Manufacturing) (23)133.信息安全保障能力(Capability of Information Security Assurance) (23)134.信息安全风险(Information Security Risk) (23)135.信息安全事件(Security Incident) (23)136.信息模型 (Information Model) (23)137.信息物理系统 (Cyber-Physical Systems, CPS) (23)138.虚拟仿真 (Virtual Reality) (23)139.许可证(License) (24)140.研发设计工业APP(Industrial Applications for Research and Development) (24)141.业务编织(Business Fabric) (24)142.业务流程管理系统 (Business Process Management, BPM) (24)143.以太网控制自动化技术(Ethernet Control Automation Technology,EtherCAT)24144.异构计算 (Heterogeneous Computing) (25)145.元数据 (Metadata) (25)146.云安全服务(Cloud Security Service) (25)147.云安全服务商(Cloud Security Service Provider) (25)148.云存储基础设施(Cloud Storage Infrastructure) (25)149.云计算(Cloud Computing) (25)150.云制造(Cloud Manufacturing) (26)151.云制造产业集群(Cloud Manufacturing Industry Cluster) (26)152.运营维护工业APP(Industrial Applications for Operational Maintenance) (26)153.责任制(Accountability) (26)154.增强机器类通信 (Enhanced Machine Type Communication, eMTC) (26)155.增强现实(Augmented Reality,AR) (27)156.窄带物联网(Narrow Band-Internet of Things, NB-IoT) (27)157.知识模型(Knowledge Model) (27)158.知识图谱(Knowledge Graph) (27)159.知识自动化 (Knowledge Automation) (27)160.制造执行系统 (Manufacturing Execution System, MES) (28)161.智慧能源 (Smart Energy) (28)162.智慧水务(Smart Water ) (28)163.智能服务(Smart Service) (28)164.智能工厂(Intelligent Factory) (28)165.智能故障诊断 (Intelligent Fault Diagnosis) (29)166.智能制造(Intelligent Manufacturing) (29)167.智能资产(Smart Asset) (29)168.众包众创(Crowdsourcing) (29)169.专家系统(Expert System) (29)170.专利合作协定(Patent Cooperation Treaty, PCT) (29)171.专利优先权(Patent Priority) (30)172.资产态势(Asset Situation) (30)173.资源接入工业APP(Industrial Applications for Resource Accessing) (30)1.IT网络 (Information Technology Network)IT网络是用于连接信息系统与终端的数据通信网络。
交大之星培优满分精练四下英语pdf全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Journey with the Star Cultivation English Practice BookHi there! My name is Lily, and I'm a fourth-grader at Sunshine Elementary School. I love learning new things, especially when it comes to English. It's such an exciting language with so many interesting words and phrases to discover!A few months ago, my teacher introduced our class to this really cool practice book called "Star Cultivation Full Score Practice for Grade 4 English, Volume 2." At first, I wasn't sure what to expect, but as soon as I opened it up, I knew it was going to be a fun adventure.The book is filled with all sorts of activities and exercises designed to help us improve our English skills. From reading comprehension passages to grammar exercises, vocabulary builders, and even creative writing prompts, there's something for everyone!One of my favorite parts of the book is the reading comprehension section. Each passage is like a little story that takes me on a journey to a different place or introduces me to fascinating characters. After reading, there are questions that challenge me to think critically about what I've just read. It's like being a detective, searching for clues and piecing together the puzzle.The grammar exercises are also really helpful. They cover everything from parts of speech to sentence structure and verb tenses. At first, some of the concepts seemed a bit tricky, but the book does a great job of explaining them in a way that's easy to understand. Plus, there are plenty of examples and practice questions to reinforce what I've learned.But you know what I love the most? The vocabulary builders! Each unit introduces us to a set of new words, and there are fun activities to help us learn their meanings and how to use them properly. From matching games to fill-in-the-blank exercises, it's like a treasure hunt for words. And the best part? We get to create our own sentences using the new vocabulary words, which really helps them stick in my mind.But the Star Cultivation English Practice Book isn't just about doing exercises and activities – it's also a great way to track ourprogress. At the beginning of each unit, there's a self-assessment section where we can rate our skills and set goals for ourselves. Then, as we work through the unit, we can see how much we've improved and celebrate our achievements.One of the things I really appreciate about this book is how engaging and fun it is. The exercises never feel like boring drills or mindless busy work. Instead, they're designed to be interactive and enjoyable, which makes learning feel more like a game than a chore.And the best part? I'm not just learning English – I'm also learning valuable skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. These are things that will help me in all areas of my life, both now and in the future.So, if you're a fourth-grader like me or even a student at a different grade level, I highly recommend checking out the Star Cultivation English Practice Book. It's an amazing resource that's not only educational but also incredibly engaging and enjoyable.Who knows, maybe by the time you're done with it, you'll be a star student just like me! Happy learning, everyone!篇2Exciting Adventures with Jiaotong Star Training for Perfect Scores!Hello, everyone! I want to share with you an amazing program called "Jiaotong Star Training for Perfect Scores" that I recently participated in. It was so much fun and helped me improve my English skills a lot! Let me tell you all about it.First of all, let me introduce what Jiaotong Star is. It's a special training program organized by our school, aimed at helping students excel in their English exams. Whether you're in primary school or middle school, Jiaotong Star has got you covered! I was in the fourth grade when I joined, and it was an awesome experience.The program is designed to make learning English enjoyable and interactive. We had a fantastic teacher who made the classes super exciting. We played games, watched fun videos, and even had role-plays to practice our speaking skills. The teacher always encouraged us to participate and ask questions, which made us feel comfortable and eager to learn.One of the highlights of the program was the comprehensive study materials. We received a special PDF booklet called "Jiaotong Star Training for Perfect Scores," which was filled with useful tips, exercises, and practice tests. Thebooklet covered all the topics we needed to know for our exams, from grammar and vocabulary to reading comprehension and writing skills.The exercises in the booklet were challenging yet engaging. They were designed to help us understand the concepts better and apply them in different contexts. We also had regular mock tests to assess our progress. It was a great way to build our confidence and prepare us for the actual exams.But it wasn't all about studying from the booklet. We also had fun group activities and competitions. We formed study groups and worked together on projects. This not only improved our teamwork skills but also made learning more enjoyable. We even had an English quiz competition, where we could showcase our knowledge and win exciting prizes. It was so much fun!What I loved most about Jiaotong Star was the personalized attention we received. Our teacher was always there to guide us, clarify our doubts, and provide extra help whenever we needed it. They made sure that each student understood the concepts and tailored their teaching to our individual needs. It made us feel valued and motivated to do our best.By the end of the program, I felt more confident in my English abilities. I could see a significant improvement in mygrades, and I even received a perfect score on my English exam! It was such an incredible achievement, and I owe it all to Jiaotong Star.Joining Jiaotong Star Training for Perfect Scores was an unforgettable experience. It not only helped me excel in English but also made learning a lot more enjoyable. I made new friends, discovered my strengths, and gained valuable skills along the way.If you want to improve your English and have a blast while doing it, I highly recommend joining Jiaotong Star. It's an adventure you don't want to miss!篇3The "Star Student Enrichment and Perfect Score Drills" - A Kid's ReviewHey guys! Jack here, just a regular 10-year-old kid like you. But today I want to tell you about this totally awesome English practice book my mom got me called the "Tsinghua University Star Student Enrichment and Perfect Score Drills for English Grade 4 Vol. 2". I know, I know, that's a super long name! But this book is so much fun and has really helped me get better at English.At first, I was like "Aw man, more homework?" But then I started working through the book and realized it's not like regular homework at all. It's filled with all these cool games, puzzles, and activities that make practicing English feel like play time rather than study time.One of my favorite parts is the storytelling section. There are all these funny, engaging stories about kids going on adventures or getting into silly situations. As you read along, you have to answer comprehension questions and fill in missing words or phrases. It's like you're a detective trying to solve a mystery story! The stories always crack me up and keep me entertained the whole time.Then there are the vocabulary builders which have these vibrant picture scenes and you have to label all the objects, animals, and actions going on. It's like a vivid word search game. I've learned so many new awesome vocabulary words this way that I'll never forget because they're tied to such colorful visual images in my brain.My mom's favorite sections are probably the grammar drills, but I have to admit...they actually aren't too bad! Instead of just filling out boring worksheets, these lessons make you unscramble sentences, fix errors, and put sentences in the rightorder. It's like assembling puzzles with words. Sometimes my little sister and I race to see who can rebuild the mixed up sentences first!But what I really love are the creative writing prompts and comic book sections. The prompts give you a funny scenario like "You just got a pet dragon!" and you have to write a silly short story about it. The comic book templates let you create your very own comics by filling in speech bubbles and drawing out the scene panels. I've made some pretty epic comics about me and my friends going on crazy adventures and fighting bad guys!Overall, this English practice book takes all the stuff I used to think was boring about learning English and makes it feel like one big, endless game. The exercises are always switching up and throwing new fun challenges at me so I never get bored. And without even realizing it, I've gotten so much better at reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar.I may be just a kid, but I can tell this book was reallywell-designed by experts who understand how to make learning engaging and interactive for students. It's challenging but in a super enjoyable way that makes me want to keep practicing instead of dreading it. The Star Student Enrichment and PerfectScore Drills book has honestly made me like English class way more than I used to.So if you're looking for a book to help you boost your English skills over the summer or just want to make learning English more fun, I can't recommend this one enough! My English grades have never been better. The only downside is that my mom will probably make me get the next level book once I finish this one up. But hey, at least it won't feel like homework!篇4Title: My Journey with Jiaoda Star Cultivating Excellence: Full Score Practice for Grade 4 EnglishAs an elementary school student, learning English can be both exciting and challenging. It's a language that opens up a whole new world of communication and understanding, but mastering it takes dedication and practice. That's where the "Jiaoda Star Cultivating Excellence: Full Score Practice for Grade 4 English" book comes in – a trusty companion that has guided me through the ups and downs of my English learning journey.When I first laid my eyes on this book, I'll admit, I was a bit intimidated. It looked thick and formidable, like a dense forest waiting to be explored. But as I flipped through the pages, Irealized that this book was no ordinary textbook – it was a treasure trove of knowledge and fun!The first thing that caught my attention was the vibrant illustrations and eye-catching layouts. Each chapter was like a little adventure, with colorful characters and engaging scenarios that made learning feel like a game. The writers seemed to understand that us kids learn best when things are presented in a way that captures our imagination.But don't let the fun exterior fool you – this book means business when it comes to English learning. It covers all the essential topics we learn in Grade 4, from grammar and vocabulary to reading comprehension and writing. And it does so in a way that's both thorough and easy to understand.One of my favorite sections is the vocabulary exercises. Not only do they introduce new words in a fun and interactive way, but they also provide real-life examples and contexts to help us remember them better. It's like having a personal English tutor by my side, gently nudging me towards mastery.The grammar lessons are equally impressive. Instead of dry, boring rules, they present concepts through stories and scenarios that make sense to a kid's mind. And the exercises thatfollow are not just mindless drills – they challenge us to apply what we've learned in creative and engaging ways.But what really sets this book apart is its focus on building a solid foundation for more advanced English skills. The reading comprehension sections, for instance, expose us to a variety of text types and genres, from fiction to non-fiction, poetry to plays. And the writing exercises encourage us to express ourselves clearly and creatively, while also providing guidance on structure, organization, and mechanics.And let's not forget the practice tests! These simulated exams not only help us gauge our progress but also prepare us for the real thing. They cover a wide range of topics and question types, ensuring that we're well-rounded and ready to tackle any challenge that comes our way.But perhaps the most valuable aspect of this book is the sense of confidence and pride it instills in us. With each chapter completed, each exercise mastered, we feel a little bit braver, a little bit smarter, and a whole lot more capable. It's like a gentle reminder that we can achieve anything we set our minds to, as long as we put in the effort and have the right tools at our disposal.As I flip through the pages of this book, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the authors and creators. They've taken what could have been a dry and tedious subject and transformed it into a journey of discovery and personal growth. And for that, I'll always be thankful.So, if you're a fellow Grade 4 student on the hunt for an English learning companion that's both effective and engaging, look no further than the "Jiaoda Star Cultivating Excellence: Full Score Practice for Grade 4 English" book. It's more than just a textbook – it's a trusted guide, a source of inspiration, and a gateway to a world of endless possibilities.篇5Star Students Strive for Perfection: English Language Practice with Top Enrichment MaterialsHi there, fellow students! It's me, Lily, your friendly neighborhood English learner. Today, I want to share with you my experience using the "Jiao Da Zhi Xing Pei You Man Fen Jing Lian Si Xia Ying Yu" materials. Quite a mouthful, right? But let me tell you, these resources are pure gold for anyone serious about mastering the English language!As a kid who loves to learn, I'm always on the hunt for the best study materials out there. And let me be honest, English can be a real tough nut to crack sometimes. With all those grammar rules, vocabulary words, and pronunciation quirks, it's easy to feel lost in the maze. But fear not, my friends, because the "Jiao Da Zhi Xing Pei You Man Fen Jing Lian Si Xia Ying Yu" series is like a trusty compass, guiding us through the English wilderness.First things first, let's talk about the content. These materials cover everything from reading comprehension to writing, grammar, and even speaking and listening exercises. It's like having a one-stop-shop for all your English learning needs. And the best part? The lessons are structured in a way that keeps you engaged and motivated every step of the way.Take the reading comprehension sections, for instance. They feature a diverse range of topics, from exciting adventures to thought-provoking narratives. And the questions? They're not just about recalling information; they challenge you to think critically, analyze the text, and make connections. It's like training your brain to be a English-language ninja篇6My Awesome Summer VacationHooray, it's summer vacation! No more homework, tests or waking up super early for school. I'm so excited for all the fun things I get to do over the next few months.First up, my parents promised to take me and my little brother to the beach! I can't wait to feel the warm sand between my toes and splash around in the ocean waves. Building awesome sandcastles is one of my favorite beach activities. Last year, my brother and I made a really cool castle with towers, a moat and even a little sandman knight guarding the entrance. This time, I want to try making a big turtle shape out of sand. Maybe I can even find some shells or pretty rocks to decorate it.After our beach adventure, we're going camping at the mountains for a few days. I'm a little nervous about sleeping outdoors, but my dad says he'll build us a big cozy campfire. We can roast marshmallows, swap silly stories, and stargaze at all the bright twinkly lights in the night sky. Camping always reminds me of my favorite book about a brave young girl who has to survive in the woods all alone. I'll be sure to bring that book along so my dad can read it to us by the fire!In the mornings, we'll go hiking through the shady forest trails. Hopefully we spot some cool wildlife like deer, squirrels or maybe even a harmless little snake. I'll definitely need to weargood hiking shoes since there could be lots of rocks, twigs or mud puddles along the way. My dad knows all about following trail markers and using a map, so we won't get lost. We might even find a clearing with a pretty waterfall or stream that we can swim in to cool off. Just have to watch out for slippery rocks!When we get back home, it will finally be time for the biggest event of the summer - my birthday party! This year I'm turning 10 years old, which means I'm finally getting into the double digits. So grown up! For my party, I want to have a backyard barbecue and waterslide party. We can grill up some hotdogs and hamburgers, make a tasty salad bar, and my awesome aunties always bake the most scrumptious cookies and cupcakes for dessert. Yum! Then we'll all get to take turns going down the big inflatable waterslide that my parents rented and doing belly flops into the kiddie pool at the end. Should be an epic day of slipping, sliding and splashing around with all my friends!I can't forget to leave some summer vacation days open for just hanging out and recharging at home too. I'll get to sleep in as late as I want, with no annoying alarm clocks buzzing in my ear. Staying in my pajamas until lunchtime? Yes please! I can make comics or work on my latest lego creations without anytime limits. My parents even said we can have a few friends over for sleepovers and movie nights. We'll build a blanket fort in the living room, make lots of popcorn, and binge-watch our favorite shows and movies all night long.The summer months are going to fly by with so many exciting activities planned. Part of me will be sad to eventually go back to school. But I know I'll be refreshed and recharged, with a million new happy memories to smile about. School year, here I come!。
HPE Digital Learner for HPE SimpliVity Content Pac
Content Pack data sheetHPE Content PacknumberContent Pack lengthContent Pack categoryWhy HPE Education Services?•Comprehensive worldwide HPE technical, IT industry and personal developmenttraining•Training and certification preparationfor ITIL®, Security, VMware®, Linux,Microsoft and more•Innovative training options that matchindividual learning styles •Anytime, anywhere remote learning viaHPE Digital Learner subscriptions •Verifiable digital badges for proof oftraining, skill recognition and careerdevelopment•Simplified purchase options withHPE Training Credits HPE Digital Learner for HPE SimpliVity Content PackCP046 16 hours Category 1This content pack provides knowledge and skills related to using and managing HPE SimpliVity for VMware vSphere®. It covers the HPE SimpliVity hardware and HPE SimpliVity OmniStack software. The course includes demonstrations, interactions and learning checks, as well as practice through simulation and hands-on labs using live equipment. This content pack also includes the HPE SimpliVity Microlesson Library, where all the how-to demonstrations are consolidated and categorized for quick access.NOTE: This content pack has two components:1.Web-based training available online2.Hands-on practice, available through HP E Virtual Labs (HPE vLabs)You have a year of access to the web-based portion of the training so that you may repeat sections for reinforcement. Take this training at your own pace and on your own schedule. You have 30 sequential days of access to the HPE Virtual Labs to run the labs associated with this course in a dedicated environment.AudienceThis content pack is recommended for infrastructure administrators and system engineers who engineers who need to learn how to administer HPE SimpliVity. PrerequisitesHPE recommends that students starting this content pack have basic server, storage, and networking and hypervisor (VSphere) experience.Content Pack objectivesUpon completion of this content pack, you should be able to:• Describe hyperconvergence and the functionality of HPE SimpliVity• Describe the HPE SimpliVity products’ physical characteristics and software architecture• Describe the functionalities and layers of HPE SimpliVity Data Virtualization Platform • Explain architectural designs on the node, cluster and federation levels• Describe architectural concepts of the HPE SimpliVity topologies and datapaths• Use the HPE SimpliVity vSphere user interface for management tasks• Identify how VM data is stored across HPE SimpliVity clusters• Create datastores and perform different tasks associated with HPE SimpliVity datastores• Explain the various HPE SimpliVity operations like clone or move VM• Create manual and policy-based backups and use them for restore• Configure external stores for secondary backup• Perform basic support tasks on the HPE SimpliVity Federation• Use RapidDR to automate remote site recovery• Run various commands to perform actions using the HPE SimpliVity CLI• Use REST API components and functions • Get backups and restore virtual machines using the REST API• Access the interactive REST API reference • Install and use features of HPE SimpliVity RapidDR• Utilize the HPE SimpliVity Microlesson Library for just-in-time performance supportHPE SimpliVity Overview This eLearning course provides an introduction tohyperconvergence and the functionality of HPE SimpliVity. It alsogives an overview of the hardware models and software used in thesolution. Finally, it shows where HPE SimpliVity fits into the biggerpicture. •Product description–Hyperconvergence, deduplication, resiliency •Hardware overview–HPE SimpliVity models, components, accelerator card,configurations•Hardware overview–The Data Virtualization Platform (DVP), HPE OmniStack REST API, OmniWatch and RapidDRHPE SimpliVity Theory of Operation This eLearning course provides information about the HPESimpliVity 380 and 2600 architecture and under-the-hoodoperation. It describes federation topologies, OVC failover,Intelligent Workload Optimizer, and the Arbiter. •HPE SimpliVity Federation–HPE SimpliVity Federations and clusters–Deduplication–VM operations–Intelligent Workload Optimizer and Resource Balancer •HPE SimpliVity resiliency features–Raid levels, cluster level data protection–RapidDR–Stretched cluster support•HPE SimpliVity and HPE StoreOnce integration–Replication, restoration and optimized backupsDetailed Content Pack outlineHPE SimpliVity System Administration for vSphere In this course, you learn to work with the HPE OneView RESTAPI. You create/ edit/remove resources with the REST API usingdifferent access methods (Postman, cURL, and PowerShell). Yousee demonstrations of each topic and then you have the chance topractice what you’ve learned within the virtual lab environment.•HPE SimpliVity infrastructure–Components, HPE SimpliVity plug-in for vSphere Client–HPE OmniStack host—network interfaces–HPE SimpliVity Arbiter and Virtual Controller–Management Virtual Appliance–External stores–Best practices•Federation–Federation, scale and manageability, security–MVA deployment–Mixed software versions in a Federation–Federation security•Clusters, hosts and datastores–Clusters–Intelligent Workload Optimizer–DRS rule creation–vSphere HA configuration–Stretched clusters–Backup reports–Hosts–View, shut down and remove–Standard ESXi hosts–Datastores–Create, resize, configure, manage and delete•VMs and VM templates–Clone, move and save credentials for VSS–VM templates•Backups and restores–Backups and backup policies–Restore a VM or template–File level restore–Restore VSS backups•External stores and standard ESXi Hosts–Register, backup and restore–Datastores and standard ESXi hosts•Support details–VMware pre-configured and HPE SimpliVity-specific alarms–Create a support capture•Hands-on labs–Access software components, edit backup policies, adddatastores, clone and move a VM, create support capture file,create a RapidDR recovery configurationHPE SimpliVity CLI and REST API Operations This eLearning course covers a range of HPE SimpliVityadministration actions executed using the CLI and REST APIcommands and scripts. It also includes interactive demo recordings,learning checks and hands-on exercises on live HPE SimpliVityequipment.•Introduction to HPE SimpliVity management–Common SimpliVity administration tasks•HPE SimpliVity CLI–Accessing the Virtual Controller CLI, user requirements,commands•HPE SimpliVity REST API–Interacting with the REST API–Object relationship–SimpliVity PowerShell module–REST API examples•Hands-on labs–Accessing the CLI through vCenter Web Client consoleand through a terminal emulator, exploring backup policy,datastore, VM, backup, restore and shutdown commands, theinteractive REST API reference and calls through PowerShellHPE SimpliVity RapidDR This eLearning course introduces the HPE SimpliVity RapidDRtool. Topics include a product overview, features, installationrequirements, how to use guidelines, and software demonstrationsfor implementation. •Product overview–Key features–Security–How it works–Recovery from ransomware–StoreOnce integration–Network customization •Installing RapidDR–Requirements–Installing software, installing a license –User interface and navigation •Using RapidDR–Create and edit a plan–Test a failover and fallback–Execute failover and fallback–Integrating with StoreOnce •Troubleshooting RapidDR–RapidDR log files–General troubleshooting tipsHPE SimpliVity Microlesson Library This library is a consolidated collection of the how-todemonstrations from each of the courses in the HPE SimpliVityDigital Learner Content Pack. Designed as a performance supporttool, the categorized links offer quick and easy access to specifictopics.•HPE SimpliVity Theory of Operation–HPE SimpliVity deduplication basics–HPE Simplivity deduplication deep dive–HPE SimpliVity with HPE StoreOnce integration•HPE SimpliVity System Administration for vSphere–HPE SimpliVity cluster efficiency–HPE SimpliVity cluster performance–Generate backup report–Safely shutdown Virtual Controller–Remove a host from the HPE SimpliVity Federation–Create a datastore–Resize a datastore–Delete a datastore–Clone a virtual machine–Move a virtual machine–Save credentials for VSS–Convert a VM to a template–Create backup policies–Restore from a backup–File level restore–Register an external store–Create a support capture •HPE SimpliVity CLI and REST API Operations–Logging into the CLI using the web console –Logging into the CLI using PuTTY–Using the CLI–Using the REST API–HPE Dev Hack Shack automation demo part 1–HPE Dev Hack Shack automation demo part 2•HPE SimpliVity RapidDR–Create a plan–Modify a plan–Test a failover–Test a failback–Execute a failover–Execute a failback–HPE StoreOnce integration© Copyright 2022 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for Hewlett Packard Enterprise products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Hewlett Packard Enterprise shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. All third-party marks are property of their respective owners.Follow us:CP046 C.00, December 2022/ww/digitallearner/ww/digitallearner-contentpackLearn more atInterested in purchase of this Content Pack as a stand-alone WBT? Contact Us for information on purchasing this Content Pack for individual use.。
二、课程内容面向对象编程理论1.面向对象思想概述2.类与对象3.继承、多态与虚函数4.抽象类与纯虚函数5.STL库简介C++编程实践1.C++程序设计基础2.类与对象的实现3.继承、多态与虚函数的实现4.STL库的使用三、课程教材《C++ Primer》(第五版)(中文版),作者:Lippman, Lajoie, Moo,译者:侯捷。
四、课程参考资料1.《Effective C++》(中文版),作者:Scott Meyers,译者:侯杰。
稀疏算子 编译
稀疏算子(Sparse Operator)是指只对部分元素进行操作的算子,例如矩阵乘法中的稀疏矩阵。
摘 要
在竞争激烈的工业自动化生产过程中,机器视觉对产品质量的把关起着举足 轻重的作用,机器视觉在缺陷检测技术方面的应用也逐渐普遍起来。与常规的检 测技术相比,自动化的视觉检测系统更加经济、快捷、高效与 安全。纹理物体在 工业生产中广泛存在,像用于半导体装配和封装底板和发光二极管,现代 化电子 系统中的印制电路板,以及纺织行业中的布匹和织物等都可认为是含有纹理特征 的物体。本论文主要致力于纹理物体的缺陷检测技术研究,为纹理物体的自动化 检测提供高效而可靠的检测算法。 纹理是描述图像内容的重要特征,纹理分析也已经被成功的应用与纹理分割 和纹理分类当中。本研究提出了一种基于纹理分析技术和参考比较方式的缺陷检 测算法。这种算法能容忍物体变形引起的图像配准误差,对纹理的影响也具有鲁 棒性。本算法旨在为检测出的缺陷区域提供丰富而重要的物理意义,如缺陷区域 的大小、形状、亮度对比度及空间分布等。同时,在参考图像可行的情况下,本 算法可用于同质纹理物体和非同质纹理物体的检测,对非纹理物体 的检测也可取 得不错的效果。 在整个检测过程中,我们采用了可调控金字塔的纹理分析和重构技术。与传 统的小波纹理分析技术不同,我们在小波域中加入处理物体变形和纹理影响的容 忍度控制算法,来实现容忍物体变形和对纹理影响鲁棒的目的。最后可调控金字 塔的重构保证了缺陷区域物理意义恢复的准确性。实验阶段,我们检测了一系列 具有实际应用价值的图像。实验结果表明 本文提出的纹理物体缺陷检测算法具有 高效性和易于实现性。 关键字: 缺陷检测;纹理;物体变形;可调控金字塔;重构
Keywords: defect detection, texture, object distortion, steerable pyramid, reconstruction
ML/DL-复习笔记【二】- L1正则化和L2正则化本节为ML/DL-复习笔记【二】L1正则化和L2正则化,主要内容包括:L1正则化和L2正则化的定义、作用、性质以及作用机制。
Q:为什么要生成系数权值矩阵?稀疏矩阵指的是很多元素为0,只有少数元素是非零值的矩阵,即得到的线性回归模型的大部分系数都是0. 通常机器学习中特征数量很多,例如文本处理时,如果将一个词组(term)作为一个特征,那么特征数量会达到上万个(bigram)。
ChatGPTTable of Contents1 What is ChatGPT? 32 Who created ChatGPT? 43 How does ChatGPT work? 44 How is ChatGPT trained? 55 How is ChatGPT different from other Chatbot platforms? 66 What are the common use cases for ChatGPT in DWP? 67 What are the common shortfalls of using ChatGPT inprofessional environment? 78 How can one implement ChatGPT? 89 How can enterprise customers plan to purchase ChatGPT? 910 What are pricing models are available for enterprise use ofChatGPT though OpenAI GPT-3 API? 911 Are there SLAs defined for enterprise usage? 1012 Where can I find more information on ChatGPT? 10ChatGPT – An AI NLP ModelFigure 1: ChatGPT Jan 9 Version. Research PreviewWhat is ChatGPT?ChatGPT is a powerful text-generating dialogue system. It is a natural language processing model (NLP) that generates humanlike responses to inputs from users. Based on Generative Pre-trained Transformer architecture, this NLP model is trained on vast conversational data from the internet. Once trained, it can accomplish a variety of NLP tasks such as translation, answering questions, and completing text. The dialogue system can also be used as a conversational AI, for use in chatbots, virtual agents, and other conversational applications.Who created ChatGPT?OpenAI LP , a capped-profit research and deployment company, governed by the OpenAI non-profit board, released ChatGPT on November 30, 2022. OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research laboratory founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba, and John Schulman. The venture is supported by investors including Microsoft, Reid Hoffman’s charitable foundation, and Khosla Ventures.How does ChatGPT work?Once the user input is received in ChatGPT, machine learning algorithms are applied to a large amount of text to generate a humanlike response.Chat GPT works on a neural network-based architecture called a Transformer. Datasets from websites, books, and articles are used for training the model on language patterns and structure. It learns to predict the next word based on the previous one. Once trained, the model can generate new text by predicting the next word in a sentence, with a given prompt or context. The process is reiterated until the model has generated a complete sentence or the required number of words.The model also uses an attention mechanism while generating text. The mechanism allows selective focus on certain parts of the input for more accurate and coherent responses.When using ChatGPT for conversational AI, the model is typically fine-tuned on a smaller dataset of conversational text to further improve its ability to generate human-like responses.How is ChatGPT trained?Copious amounts of conversational exchanges, fine-tuned to a specific task or domain, are used as a dataset to train ChatGPT, using a variant of the transformer architecture for predicting words. Instead of feeding in answers to the model it is allowed to pick up patterns and relationships in the data on its own. ChatGPT is a result of fine-tuning GPT -3.5 using supervised andreinforcement learning.ChatGPT, like InstructGPT (its sibling model), is trained using Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). There is only a slight difference in the data collection setup for ChatGPT. There was supervised fine-tuning involved in training the model, where human AI trainers played both, the user and the AI assistant, in the conversation. The trainers composed their responses onmodel-written suggestions. The new dialogue dataset was then mixed with the dataset fromInstructGPT and transformed into a dialogue format.Creating a reward model for reinforcement learning requires comparison data, consisting ofmodel responses ranked as per their quality. A selection of conversations between the AI trainers and the chatbots were used to collect this data. A randomly selected message, produced by the model was selected. Several completions of the message were sampled, and AI trainers wereasked to rank them. Based on these reward models, ChatGPT was fine-tuned using the Proximal Policy Optimization. Several iterations of this process were performed.Figure 2: Training method - ChatGPTHow is ChatGPT different from other Chatbot platforms?Since the ChatGPT AI model used vast amounts of internet data entered by humans, including conversations, the responses it generates may seem humanlike. It follows a dialogue format, it can ask follow-up questions, accept mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. Being a sibling model of the InstructGPT, it follows an instruction in a prompt and gives a detailed response.The responses, however, are based on the similarity between the output and the dataset used to train them and may be inaccurate and even misleading.What are the common use cases for ChatGPT in DWP?There are several ways ChatGPT can be used in the information technology and digital workplace to provide end user services:• Virtual Assistants: ChatGPT can help building virtual assistants for help with scheduling, email management, & customer service.• Email Responders: ChatGPT can be used to generate automated responses to common customer inquiries and forward them to the customer.• Knowledge Base: ChatGPT can be used to build a knowledge base that can answer common questions and provide information to users.• IT Service Desk: ChatGPT can be used to provide automated assistance to users who need help with IT-related issues, such as password resets and account lockouts.• HR Assistance: ChatGPT can be used to provide automated assistance to employees who need help with HR-related issues, such as benefits and time-off requests.• Document Automation: ChatGPT can be used to automatically generate documents, such as contracts and reports, based on a set of predefined templates and prompts.• Language Translation: It can be used to translate messages, emails and even documents.• Meeting Summary: ChatGPT can be used to generate a summary of the main points discussed in a meeting, this can be useful to track progress and make sure everyone is on the same page.Note that ChatGPT can be used in many other way, but it is important to consider the ethical and legal implications of using AI models like ChatGPT in a professional setting, specially when working with personal data. Also, in the current version (Jan 2023), ChatGPT released in research preview is still evolving and is trained on internet data available up the year 2021. However, for specific Digital Workplace Services customer data, it will need to be trained on a customized AI ML data with specific IT taxonomy, tested and fine-tuned with supervised and re-inforced learning as per specific environment.What are the common shortfalls of using ChatGPT in professional environment?Since ChatGPT is an evolving (Jan 2023) AI NLP model, some of the common, potential shortfalls of using ChatGPT in an enterprise include:• Quality of Generated Text: ChatGPT is a language model and although it has been trained on a large dataset, it may not generate text that is of the same quality as text writtenby a human.• Bias in the training data: GPT-based models like ChatGPT may perpetuate bias present in the training data. Therefore it's important to review and clean the dataset before fine-tuning the model.• Lack of Understanding of context: GPT based models like ChatGPT are good at generating human-like text, but they lack understanding of the context. Therefore, it may generateirrelevant or nonsensical responses in certain situations.• Legal and Ethical Implications: Using ChatGPT in an enterprise service may have legal and ethical implications, such as potential violations of privacy and data protection laws, or issues related to consent and transparency.• High computational cost: GPT-based models like ChatGPT are computationally expensive, they require powerful hardware and infrastructure to run, and fine-tuning a model may also require a large amount of computational resources.• Limited ability to handle structured data: ChatGPT is a language model and it's not designed to handle structured data, if your service requires handling structured data, then it's better to use models that are designed for that purpose.• Can be fooled: GPT-based models like ChatGPT can be easily fooled/manipulated by adversarial examples, such as text inputs that are specifically crafted to mislead the model.• Lack of explainability: GPT-based models like ChatGPT are based on deep learning techniques, which makes it hard to understand how the model comes to a certain conclusion.• Lack of SLAs: Currently there are no SLAs defined for enterprise usage.• Security and Legal approval: As ChatGBT is an Open Source model hence security and legal approvals / agreement for customer data usage could be an issue.• Development effort and maintenance: Since, there are no ChatGBT out-of-box plugins hence a dedicated team and effort is needed to set it up and intagrate via APIs along with any customization for customer environment.• Training and Learning: It uses old internet data prior to 2021 and is not current hence is not updated with current information. Also, for specific customised, enterprise (DWP) training it will need huge amount of data for Re-inforced learning and supervised training which will needcontinuos development effort.• Lack of dedicated / agreed support: Being an open source model, support specifically for enterprise customer environments will be an issue.How can one implement ChatGPT?At the time of writing this document (Jan 2023), a research preview of ChatGPT is being made available so as to learn about its strengths and weaknesses. Data available up to the year 2021 was used for training this model, so it may not have knowledge of current events. Also, currently, since it is not yet connected to the internet, it may provide incorrect responses, instructions or biased content.Note that currently, there are no official out-of-box plugins to integrate ChatGPT with other tools, as it is primarily used as a standalone model. However, the GPT-3 model that ChatGPT is based on can be integrated with various tools and platforms through the OpenAI API and needs a development effort.How can enterprise customers plan to purchase ChatGPT?Once available (post Jan 2023), enterprises can purchase access to the ChatGPT model from OpenAI through the OpenAI GPT-3 API. This API allows integration of the model into applications and systems for performing NLP tasks like language generation, text completion and conversational AI. Additionally, OpenAI also provides an API for the GPT-3 in a multi-language format which can be used for language generation and other NLP tasks.What are pricing models are available for enterprise use of ChatGPT thoughOpenAI GPT-3 API?The pricing model (as of Jan 2023) for enterprise use of ChatGPT through the OpenAI GPT-3 API typically includes the following components:• Monthly API calls: The total number of API calls an enterprise makes to the GPT-3 API in a given month. The more calls made, the higher the cost will be.• Monthly token quota: The total number of tokens that can be generated by the API in a given month. A token is a sequence of characters, words, or sentences generated by the API.• Additional features: Some additional features such as private cloud deployment, custom models, and dedicated support may be available at an additional cost.• Volume-based discounts: They are available for high-volume users, it means the more tokens you generate the less you pay for each token.• Pay-as-you-go: Some enterprise customers may prefer a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where they only pay for the tokens they generate, and not a fixed monthly fee.The pricing is based on count of Tokens wherein, the tokens are pieces of words used for natural language processing. For example, in English text, 1 token is approximately 4 characters or 0.75 words. As a point of reference, the collected works of Shakespeare are about 900,000 words or1.2M tokens.To purchase a language model, one needs the base model / language and then fine-tune it with training data. Below is a sample pricing model (at the time of writing this article), for reference.Are there SLAs defined for enterprise usage?Currently the SLA for enterprise usage are not available however may be published in future.Where can I find more information onChatGPT?Please refer below links for more information.https:///blog/chatgpt/Fine-tuned models。
Tianfu(Matt)WuAddress:Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,The Visual Narrative Cluster,North Carolina State UniversityPhone:+1919-515-4361Email:tianfu***********Website:/˜twu19/Research Interests·Learning interpretability-sensitive models for computer vision and robot Autonomy.·Pursuing a unified framework for machines to ALTER(Ask,Learn,Test,Explain,and Refine) recursively in a principled Way.Topics of interest include,but not limited to,·Computer Vision,Pattern Analysis,Machine Learning·Statistical Learning,Machine Learning,Big Data,·Statistical Inference,Sequential Hypothesis Testing,Decision Policy·Statistical Theory,Performance GuaranteeEducation2011.11Ph.D.in Statistics University of California,Los Angeles(UCLA) Advisor:Professor Song-Chun ZhuDissertation title:Integration and Goal-guided Scheduling of Bottom-up andTop-Down Computing Processes in Hierarchical Models 2005.06M.S.in Computer Science,Hefei University of Technology(HFUT),China Advisor:Professor Jun GaoThesis title:A Computational Model of Visual Selective AttentionMechanism and Its Application in Object Recognition 1999.07Associate Degree in EEIS University of Science and Technology of China(USTC)Professional AppointmentsAssistant Professor,Department of ECE,NC State University,2016.08-Present Research Assistant Professor,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2014.07-2016.06 Assistant Adjunct Professor,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2014.07-2016.16 Postdoctoral Researcher,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2012.02-2014.06 Graduate Research Assistant,Department of Statistics,UCLA,2008.09-2011.11 Research Assistant,Lotus Hill Research Institute(LHI),2005.11-2008.08China,Graduate Research Assistant,Institute of Intelligent Machines,Chinese2003.09-2005.05Academy of Science,Graduate Research Assistant,Hefei University of Technology(HFUT),2002.08-2005.04China,1Funding2015.03-2016.07 (co-PI)DARPA SIMPLEX Award:Learning Homogeneous Knowledge Repre-sentation from Heterogeneous Data for Quantitative and QualitativeReasoning in Autonomy,$5,230,000(Professor Song-Chun Zhu isthe PI,2015.03-2018.07)PublicationsManuscript1.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu∗,Shuai Shao,Lun Zhang and Rufeng Chu“Object Detection via End-to-End Integration of Aspect Ratio and Context Aware Part-based Models and Fully Con-volutional Networks”,arXiv1612.00534.(∗Corresponding author)2.Diqi Chen,Yizhou Wang,Tianfu Wu and Wen Gao,“Recurrent Attentional Model forNo-Reference Image Quality Assessment”,arXiv1612.03530.3.Bo Zhao,Botong Wu,Tianfu Wu and Yizhou Wang,“Zero-Shot Learning via RevealingData Distribution”,arXiv1612.00560.4.Hang Qi ,Tianfu Wu∗,Mu wai Lee and Song-Chun Zhu,“A Restricted Visual TuringTest for Deep Scene and Event Understanding”,arXiv1512.01715.(∗Equal Contribu-tion)JournalIEEE TPAMI and IJCV have among the highest ISI impact factors across all computer science categories. TPAMI is one of the top ranked publication in IEEE and in all computer science journals.1.Tianfu Wu,Yang Lu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Online Object Tracking,Learning,and Pars-ing with Generic and Specific And-Or Graphs”,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)(Accepted),2016.(arXiv1509.08067,short version appeared in CVPR2014).(Impact Factor:5.694)2.Tianfu Wu∗,Bo Li and Song-Chun Zhu,“Learning And-Or Models to Represent Con-text and Occlusion for Car Detection”,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)vol.38,no.9,p.1829-1843,2016(arXiv1501.07359,short versions appeared in ICCV2013and ECCV2014,∗Equal Contribution).(Impact Factor:5.694)3.Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Poli-cies for Object Detection”,IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI),vol.37,no.5,p.1013-1027,2015.(Impact Factor:5.694)4.Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“A Numerical Study of Bottom-up and Top-down Infer-ence Processes in And-Or Graphs”,International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV),vol.93, no.2,p.226-252,2011.(Impact Factor:3.533)5.Adrian Barbu,Tianfu Wu and Ying Nian Wu,“Learning Mixtures of Bernoulli Templatesby Two-Round EM with Performance Guarantee”,Electronic Journal of Statistics(EJS),vol.8,no.2,p.30043030,2014.(Impact Factor:0.79)6.Jun Zhu,Tianfu Wu∗,Song-Chun Zhu,Xiaokang Yang and Wenjun Zhang,“A Reconfig-urable Tangram Model for Scene Representation and Categorization”,IEEE Transactionson Image Processing(TIP),vol.25,no.1,p.150-166,2016(∗Corresponding author).(Impact Factor:3.111)7.Bo Li,Xi Song,Tianfu Wu∗,Wenze Hu and Mingtao Pei,“Coupling-and-Decoupling:A Hierarchical Model for Occlusion-Free Object Detection”,Pattern Recognition(PR),vol.47,no.10,p.3254-3264,2014.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:2.584)8.Liang Lin,Tianfu Wu,Jake Porway and Zijian Xu,“A Stochastic Graph Grammar forCompositional Object Representation and Recognition”,Pattern Recognition(PR),vol.42, no.7,p.1297-1307,2009.(Impact Factor:2.584)9.Cheng-Chi Yu,Yong-Jin Liu,Tianfu Wu,Kai-Yun Li and Xiaolan Fu,“A global energyoptimization framework for2.1D sketch extraction from monocular images”,Graphical Models,vo.76,no.5,p.507-521,2014.(Impact Factor:0.967)10.Anlong Ming,Tianfu Wu,Jianxiang Ma,Fang Sun and Yu Zhou,“Monocular Depth Or-dering Reasoning with Occlusion Edge Detection and Couple Layers Inference”,IEEE Intelligent Systems,2015(Accepted)(Impact Factor:1.920)Conference(Peer Reviewed)In computer vision,the top three conferences(CVPR,ICCV,ECCV)are considered more important and have greater impact than most SCI journals.Oral presentations have an highly competitive acceptance rate of about4%and poster presentations about20%.According to the recent survey of CiteScholar (/index.php?c=topai),their impact factors are CVPR5.97,ECCV5.91 and ICCV5.05respectively,which correspond to the top4%-7%of all computer science journals and conferences.Note that CVPR is the only conference proceedings listed in the top100publications in Google Scholar(/citations?view_op=top_venues&hl=en)and is ranked No.1in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.1.Yunzhu Li,Benyuan Sun,Tianfu Wu,and Yizhou Wang,“Face Detection with End-to-End Integration of a ConvNet and a3D Model”,In European Conference on Computer Vi-sion(ECCV),2016.(Impact Factor:5.91)2.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu,Caiming Xiong and Song-Chun Zhu,“Recognizing Car Fluents fromVideos”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2016.(Oral)(Impact Factor:5.97)3.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu∗and Song-Chun Zhu,“Integrating Context and Occlusion for CarDetection by Hierarchical And-Or Model”,In European Conference on Computer Vision(ECCV),2014(Oral presentation,∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.91)4.Yang Lu,Tianfu Wu∗and Song-Chun Zhu,“Online Object Tracking,Learning and Pars-ing with And-Or Graphs”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2014.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.97)5.Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Poli-cies for Object Detection”,In International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2013.(Impact Factor:5.05)6.Bo Li,Wenze Hu,Tianfu Wu∗and Song-Chun Zhu,“Modeling Occlusion by Discrimi-native AND-OR Structures”,In International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2013.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.05)7.Xi Song,Tianfu Wu∗,Yunde Jia and Song-Chun Zhu,“Discriminatively Trained And-Or Tree Models for Object Detection”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2013.(∗Corresponding author)(Impact Factor:5.97)8.Dengxin Dai,Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Discovering Scene Categories by Infor-mation Projection and Cluster Sampling”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pat-tern Recognition(CVPR),2010.(Impact Factor:5.97)9.Xiong Yang,Tianfu Wu and Song-Chun Zhu,“Evaluating Information Contributionsof Bottom-up and Top-down Processes”,In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV),2009.(Impact Factor:5.05)10.Jin-Li Suo,Tianfu Wu,Song-Chun Zhu,Shiguang Shan,Xilin Chen and Wen Gao,“De-sign Sparse Features for Age Estimation using Hierarchical Face Model”,In IEEE Inter-national Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition(FG),2008.(Impact Factor:1.138)11.Tianfu Wu,Guisong Xia and Song-Chun Zhu,“Compositional Boosting for ComputingHierarchical Image Structures”,In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recog-nition(CVPR),2007.(Impact Factor:5.97)12.Jun Zhu,Tianfu Wu,Song-Chun Zhu,Xiaokang Yang and Wenjun Zhang,“LearningReconfigurable Scene Representation by Tangram Model”,In IEEE Workshop on the Appli-cations of Computer Vision(WACV),2012.13.Bo Li,Tianfu Wu,Wenze Hu and Mingtao Pei,“Coupling-and-Decoupling:A Hierar-chical Model for Occlusion-Free Car Detection”,In Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV),2012.14.Yi Xie,Mingtao Pei,Zhao Liu and Tianfu Wu,“Tracking Pedestrian with Multi-Component Online Deformable Part-Based Model”,In Asian Conference on Computer Vi-sion(ACCV),201215.Peng Lei,Tianfu Wu and Mingtao Pei,“Robust Tracking by Accounting for Hard Nega-tives Explicitly”,In International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR),2012(Oral) 16.Linjie Zhang,Haifeng Gong,Tianfu Wu and Junyu Dong“Deformable Template Com-bining Alignable and Non-alignable Sketches”,In International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR),2008.17.Hongwei Li,Liang Lin,Tianfu Wu,Xiaobai Liu and Lanfang Dong,Object-of-interestExtraction by Integrating Stochastic Inference with Learnt Active Shape Sketch,In Inter-national Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR),200818.Ruxin Gao,Tianfu Wu,Nong Sang,and Song-Chun Zhu,“Bayesian Inference for LayerRepresentation with Mixed Markov Random Field”,International Conference on Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(EMMCVPR),2007. 19.Tianfu Wu,Jun Gao and Qin Zhao“A Computational Model of Object-based Visual Se-lective Attention Mechanism in Visual Information Acquisition”,International Conference of Information Acquisition,2004.20.Qin Zhao,Jun Gao,Tianfu Wu and Lu lu,The Grey Theory and the Preliminary Probeinto Information Acquisition Technology,In International Conference of Information Acqui-sition,June,200421.Tianfu Wu,Jun Gao and Ronggui Wang,SR Order Selection Filter and Its Applicationin Image Zooming-in,In The13th National Conference on Neural Network,2003.(Best pa-per nomination,Chinese version)Talks1.From Statistical Modeling and Computing to Communicative Learning•Joint Statistical Meeting(JSM),2016.07(invited talk)•Department of ECE Colloquium,NCSU,2016.04•Joint Seminar of Department of Statistics and Department of Communication Stud-ies,UCLA,2016.042.Learning Near-Optimal Cost-Sensitive Decision Polices for Fast Inference•Department of Statistics Seminar,UCLA,2015.013.Learning to compute faster:bottom-up and top-down inference processes and near-optimal cost-sensitive decision policy•Academia Sinica,Taiwan,2014.09•National Cheng Kung University,Taiwan,2014.094.Learning Hierarchical and Compositional Models and Fast Inference Algorithms for Ob-ject Detection and Tracking•Center for Imaging Science,JHU,2014.04Tutorial2015.06 (Full day tutorial):Short Course on Search and Planning for Inference and Learn-ing(SPIL)in Computer Vision(in conjunction with CVPR2015and co-organized with Professor Iasonas Kokkinos and Professor Sinisa Todorovic),DemoVisual Turing Testing for Deep Scene and Event Understanding,CVPR2016,2016.06 Codehttps:///tfwuHonors and AwardsICCV2015Outstanding Reviewer Award2015 UCLA Chancellor Fellowship2008-2009 UCLA Fellowship2008-2009 HFUT Exceptional Graduate2005 AnHui Province Exceptional Student1999 USTC Exceptional Student1999Teaching ExperienceInstructor,ECE592-064Digital Image Processing and Introduction toSpring,2017 Computer Vision,NCSUSpring,2017 Instructor,ECE592-062/CE592-002Design of a Robotic ComputerVision System for Autonomous Navigation(joint course),NCSUSpring,2016 Instructor,Stat232B-CS266B:Statistical Computing and Inference inVision and Image Science,UCLASpring,2015 Instructor,Stat232B-CS266B:Statistical Computing and Inference inVision and Image Science,UCLAInstructor,Stat100B:Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,UCLA Winter,2015Teaching Assistant,Stat100A:Introduction to Probability Theory,UCLA(Lec-Spring2010 turer:Professor Kerchau Li)Winter2010 Teaching Assistant,Stat100B:Introduction to Mathematical Statistics,UCLA(Lecturer:Dr.Juana Sanchezn)Winter2009 Teaching Assistant,Stat13:Introduction to Statistical Methods for the Life andHealth Sciences,UCLA(Lecturer:Professor Mark H.Hansen)Spring2009 Teaching Assistant,Stat100A:Introduction to Probability Theory,UCLA(Lec-turer:Professor Ying Nian Wu)Fall2004 Teaching Assistant,Introduction to Neural Network,HFUT(Lecturer:Profes-sor Jun Gao)Professional ServicesJournal ReviewerIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(TPAMI)International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV)Electronic Journal of Statistics(EJS)IEEE Transactions on Image Processing(TIP)Pattern Recognition(PR)Computer Vision and Image Understanding(CVIU)Machine Vision and ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology(TCSVT)Conference ReviewerEuropean Conference on Computer Vision(ECCV),2014IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2015 International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV),2015IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2016 Asian Conference on Computer Vision(ACCV),2016IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(CVPR),2017 Master Admission ReviewCS Department,UCLA,2015Ph.D Admission ReviewCS Department,UCLA,2016Programming SkillsC,C++,Python,R,Matlab,CUDA,MPI,OpenMPReferencesAvailable upon request.。
海淀区2023-2024学年第二学期期末练习高三英语 2024.5本试卷共 10 页,100 分。
考试时长 90 分钟。
第一部分知识运用(共两节,30分)第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Movement is our first language; I believe we’re born to dance. I’ve always had a special liking for dance, and my job.I got great 1 working in the therapeutic ( 治疗的) world; it felt more like a calling. I enjoyed every moment; my purpose and mission 2 me. My highlights are when I’ve witnessed once dull and hopeless eyes light up when the person felt seen, heard, and accepted.Then, ill health struck. As my health declined progressively, I had to stop doing what I loved.3 , all I had was being able to facilitate the occasional workshop when opportunity and energy aligned (一致). Chronic fatigue syndrome (慢性疲劳综合症) is a merciless beast.In 2020, the unimaginable happened. In addition to soul-destroying feeling of being4 , I began experiencing frequent vocal challenges of varying degrees. I could no longer accept facilitation invitations because my5 was now unreliable. I grieved, feeling like I was being swallowed by a damp, dark fog.After an extended period of being in self-pity, I 6 my thinking. I have internal value. My value or identity is not 7 by what I can or cannot do. Regarding my health journey, in time, I 8 this: it is what it is. For this season, this is my path.So, I started dancing again. Life is full of surprises, pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral, yet what matters is how we 9 to those surprises. Despite ongoing voice loss and health challenges, I found new ways to make a difference.You and I may not be able to choose the 10 life plays for us; however, we do get to choose how we will dance to it. May we dance with strength, courage, and grace.1. A. fame B. surprise C. pleasure D. inspiration2. A. fuelled B. attracted C. instructed D. calmed3. A. Simply B. Particularly C. Eventually D. Apparently4. A. tired B. annoyed C. disappointed D. injured5. A. mind B. sight C. sense D. voice6. A. discovered B. adjusted C. abandoned D. controlled7. A. ignored B. selected C. defined D. assisted8. A. accepted B. recalled C. questioned D. expected9. A. refer B. appeal C. turn D. respond10. A. role B. music C. joke D. game第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。
下面是稠密向量形式的完整代码:```pythonclass DenseVector:def __init__(self, values):self.values = valuesdef add(self, other):result = []for i in range(len(self.values)):result.append(self.values[i] + other.values[i])return resultdef dotProduct(self, other):result = 0for i in range(len(self.values)):result += self.values[i] * other.values[i]return result```二、稀疏向量形式1的完整代码稀疏向量形式1是指使用字典来表示向量,其中键是非零元素的索引,值是非零元素的数值。
下面是稀疏向量形式1的完整代码:```pythonclass SparseVector1:def __init__(self, values):self.values = valuesdef add(self, other):result = {}for i in self.values:if i in other.values:result[i] = self.values[i] + other.values[i]else:result[i] = self.values[i]for i in other.values:if i not in result:result[i] = other.values[i]return resultdef dotProduct(self, other):result = 0for i in self.values:if i in other.values:result += self.values[i] * other.values[i]return result```三、稀疏向量形式2的完整代码稀疏向量形式2是指使用链表来表示非零元素的索引和数值。
黑龙江省函授本科学位英语作文模板全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello friends! Today I want to tell you all about writing essays for your distance learning bachelor's degree in English if you live in Heilongjiang Province. Isn't it so cool that grown-ups can go to university by studying from home? My parents had to go to a university building when they went to school. But you guys are lucky and get to learn from the comfort of your living rooms!When writing essays for your online English degree, the most important thing is to follow the right template. A template is like a super duper outline that shows you exactly what to put where in your essay. If you use a good template, it's like having a map that lets you go straight to your destination without getting all mixed up and lost. No more running around in circles!The first part of any good essay template is the introduction. This is where you tell the reader what your essay will be about. It's kind of like when we raise our hands in class and say "Teacher, my essay is going to be about..." You want to grab their attentionright away with something really interesting. Maybe start with a fun fact or a rhetorical question that makes people curious!Next up is the body paragraphs. This is the main course of your essay meal. Each body paragraph should be about one main idea that supports your overall topic. The template will tell you to include specific examples and details to really prove your point. Don't forget to use transition words like "additionally", "moreover", and "furthermore" to smoothly glide between ideas. Transition words are like the delicious gravies and sauces that tie the whole meal together.After you've filled up on all those hearty body paragraphs, it's time for dessert: the conclusion! This is where you summarize everything you just said in a tasty little nutshell. Restate your main points one last time and leave the reader feeling satisfied. Maybe add a thought-provoking question at the end to really make them think.Of course, every part of your essay needs to be written in proper academic English with big fancy words. But you can still try to make it fun by using some lighter metaphors and analogies, just like I did in this essay! Metaphors make concepts easier to understand by comparing them to things we alreadyknow about. They're like gummy vitamin supplements that help the knowledge go down more smoothly.Well, that's the gist of how to use an English composition template for your distance learning degree. Just follow the template's maps and recipes, add in your own brilliant thoughts and examples, and season it all with some creative writing flair. Before you know it, you'll be an essay master! Weren't templates much easier to understand when explained like this? Learning can be a piece of cake when you make it relatable and enjoyable.Keep studying hard, but also keep having fun along the way. Education is the key that unlocks the amazing worlds of knowledge and opportunity. I hope you'll all go out and use that key to open doors to incredible adventures! The future is yours to explore. Good luck, scholars!篇2My Big Essay For English ClassHey there! My name is Little Wang and I'm a student in Heilongjiang Province. My teacher gave us a super important assignment to write a long essay all in English. At first I was like "Awww man, that's gonna be really hard!" But then Iremembered that I'm a totally awesome student, so I got right to work!The first step was picking out a topic. My teacher said we could write about anything we wanted, as long as it was appropriate for school. I had sooooo many ideas! Like, I could write about my favorite cartoon Dragon Hunters. Or maybe I could do something on my hobby of collecting Bakugan toys. Oooh or even better, I could give some tips on how to get really good at the video game Apex Legends!After thinking realllllly hard, I decided my topic would be...the importance of friendship! Having good friends is like, the best thing ever. Your friends always have your back, they make you laugh when you're feeling sad, and you can play games together or just hang out. Plus, friends are there for you no matter what. Unless they're not really your friends, then they're just being super mega jerks.Okay, now that I had my topic, I needed an introduction. That's where you explain what your essay will be about and get the reader interested. Here's what I wrote:"Have you ever felt realllly lonely, with no one to play with or talk to? That's why it's super important to have friends! They cheer you up when you're down and you always have funtogether. In this essay, I'll explain why friendship is one of the most amazing things for a kid."Next up, the body of the essay. That's where you get into all the main points and examples about your topic. I broke it down into three sections focusing on: 1) What makes a good friend? 2) Fun things to do with friends, and 3) My best friends.For the first part, I wrote all about the qualities of an awesome friend. Like, they have to be trustworthy so you can tell them your secrets. And they need to be loyal, sticking by you even when you're having an argument. Good friends are also supportive, encouraging you when you're trying something difficult. Oh, and the most important one - a true friend is someone who makes you laugh and laugh!Then for fun activities with friends, I listed some of my favorite things to do. There's nothing better than a huge sleepover, eating pizza and candy while watching movies or playing video games all night long! My friends and I also love going to the park and playing on the swings and seesaws. Building forts is mega fun too. Basically anything where we're being silly, running around, and using our imaginations is an awesome friend activity.Finally, I wrote all about my best buds Xiao Ming and Xiao Li. Those two are like the funniest, coolest, most loyal friends ever! Xiao Ming always has me cracking up with his hilarious jokes and voices. And Xiao Li is super brave - once he even climbed up to get my frisbee from a really high tree! We've been tight ever since we were little kids. Sometimes we get into dumb fights, but we always make up quickly. That's what real friendship is all about.To wrap up my essay, I needed a strong conclusion paragraph. That's where you review your main points and explain why they're important one last time. Here's what I wrote:"In the end, friendship is just the greatest gift a kid could ever have. Good buddies are always there for you when you need a shoulder to lean on or just want to goof around. They make life way more awesome and fun! As long as we support each other, tell silly jokes, and go on adventures together, my friends and I will be best pals forever and ever. The end!"Phew, that was a lot of hard work! But I was super proud when I handed in my essay. Hopefully my teacher gives me an A+ because I worked so hard on it. Keeping my fingers crossed!Well, that's my big essay all about the importance of friendship. Thanks for reading it! Now if you'll excuse me, I haveto go play some video games with Xiao Ming and Xiao Li. We're gonna rescue the village from the evil dragon lord Metrion once again! Friendship power, activate!篇3My Thoughts on Distance Learning for an English DegreeHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm in 5th grade. My teacher asked us to write about what we think of doing distance learning for a university English degree. At first I wasn't sure what to say, but then I started thinking about it and had some ideas!I think distance learning could be really cool for getting an English degree. Learning English is super important these days. My dad always says that English is like a key that can open lots of doors for jobs and opportunities around the world. So being able to get a full university degree in English while studying from home sounds awesome!One great thing about distance learning is that you don't have to go to a physical classroom every day. That means you can study wherever is comfortable for you - at home, at a library, at a cafe, wherever! You just need a computer or tablet and an internet connection. No spending hours commuting or beingstuck at a desk all day. You can make your own flexible schedule to fit your learning style.Another plus is that the course materials and lectures are all online. So if you miss something or need to review, you can just rewatch that part as many times as needed. Everything is right there saved for you to reference. With regular in-person classes, if you space out for a bit, you can't really rewind the professor!Distance learning also allows people from all over the province and even the country to take the same classes together. That means you can connect with students from different cities and backgrounds. Making friends from diverse places could be really cool. And learning about different perspectives could help make the lessons more interesting.Of course, there are some potential downsides too. It might be harder to ask questions if you can't raise your hand in a virtual classroom right away. Keeping yourself motivated at home could also be a challenge when there's no physical teacher right in front of you.But overall, I think the positives of flexibility, reviewing materials easily, meeting diverse classmates, and being able to earn a degree from anywhere probably outweigh the negatives. As long as you have self-discipline and don't get too distractedby video games or chitchat while studying from home, distance education seems like it could be a really efficient way to get a quality English degree.I can picture myself growing up and one day deciding to get an undergraduate degree in English through an online program like this. Being able to learn at my own pace with the resources available digitally could make it much more convenient than conventional university. And just think, after graduating I could get a great job using my English skills and travel the world! Maybe I could be an interpreter, a writer, work for an international company, or even be an English teacher myself one day.Those are just some of my thoughts, but I'm sure there are lots of other pros and cons too. Distance learning for universities is still a pretty new thing, so only time will tell how effective it really is compared to in-person classes. I just hope that however I continue my education, English is a huge part of it. Because feeling comfortable with that global language will help open up so many opportunities for me in the future!Alright, that's all I've got to say for now. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks for reading my essay. English learning is the best!篇4The Awesome World of Writing English Essays!Hey kids! Are you ready for an exciting adventure into the world of English writing? We're going to learn all about how to craft amazing essays for your distance learning bachelor's degree programs in Heilongjiang Province. Buckle up and get your pencils ready – it's going to be a fun ride!First things first, what even is an essay? Simply put, an essay is a piece of writing where you get to share your thoughts and ideas on a particular topic. It's kind of like telling a super long, detailed story, except this story needs to make a clear point and have solid evidence to back it up. Cool, right?Now, when you're writing essays for your university classes, there are some important things you need to remember. One of the most crucial parts is the essay structure. This is like the blueprint that holds your entire essay together. Without a solid structure, your ideas might end up all jumbled and confusing!The typical essay structure goes a little something like this:Introduction ParagraphThis is where you grab the reader's attention and give them a sneak peek at what your essay will be about. You'll write a hook statement to draw them in, then briefly introduce your topic and thesis statement. The thesis statement is a one-sentence summary of the main point you'll be making in your essay.Body ParagraphsAfter that exciting introduction, you'll move into the heartof your essay – the body paragraphs. This is where you'll dive deeper into your topic and provide all the juicy details and evidence to support your thesis statement.Each body paragraph should focus on one key idea or piece of evidence related to your thesis. You'll start with a topic sentence that introduces the main point of that paragraph. Then, you'll elaborate on that point using examples, facts, quotes, or other supporting details. Finally, you'll wrap up the paragraph with a concluding sentence that reinforces how that point relates to your overall thesis.Conclusion ParagraphAs you reach the end of your essay journey, it's time to bring everything together with a strong conclusion. Here, you'll restate your thesis in a fresh way and remind the reader of the keypoints you covered in the body paragraphs. You might also want to leave your reader with a final thought-provoking question or insightful observation related to your topic.Of course, every type of essay (persuasive, expository, narrative, etc.) might have a few tweaks to this basic structure. But in general, following this blueprint will help make your essays clear, organized, and easy for your professors to follow.Another essential aspect of essay writing is using proper language and style. Since you'll be crafting essays in English for your distance learning program, you'll want to make sure your writing is clear, concise, and free of errors or confusing phrasing.Here are some quick tips for nailing that English writing style:• Use formal language and avoid slang or casual speech• Vary your sentence structure to make you r writing more interesting• Choose precise vocabulary to convey your meaning accurately• Make sure to follow all grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules• Write objectively and avoid personal pronouns like "I" or "you" (unless required)• Properly cite any sources you reference throughout your essayPhew, I know that was a lot of information to take in! Don't worry though, writing amazing English essays just takes practice, perseverance, and a willingness to learn.As you continue your distance learning journey, you'll have plenty of opportunities to put these essay skills into action. Remember, your professors and tutors are there to help guide you, so don't hesitate to ask questions if you ever feel stuck or unsure.Well, that's all for our crash course on English essay writing! I hope you found these tips helpful and are feeling inspired to unleash your inner wordsmith. Keep practicing, stay curious, and who knows – you might just become a master essayist before you know it!Happy writing, friends!篇5English Compositions are Hard!Doing English compositions for my correspondence degree course is really really hard! My teacher said I have to write a whole bunch of them to get my bachelor's degree. That's like a million compositions! I don't even know what to write about.My first composition was supposed to be about my summer vacation. That one was pretty easy because I just wrote about going to my grandma's house and eating lots of ice cream. I also wrote about watching cartoons and playing video games all day. That was fun!But then I had to write a composition about a book I read. Reading books is so boring! I had to read this really long book called "The Three Musketeers" by some old guy. It was about these three friends who got into sword fights and stuff. I just summarized what happened at the beginning, middle, and end of the book. I don't think my teacher liked that composition very much.Next I had to write a composition comparing two different animals. That one was kind of fun because I got to use my imagination. I chose to compare a tiger and a falcon. I said the tiger was big and strong with sharp teeth and claws. And the falcon was small but really fast with sharp talons. If they fought, I think the tiger would probably win by waiting for the falcon toget tired and then attacking it. Unless the falcon used a sneak attack from above! That would be so cool.My latest composition was reallyreally hard though. I had to write a persuasive essay about whether students should have to wear uniforms to school or not. I couldn't decide which side to pick. Not having uniforms means you get to wear whatever you want which is awesome. But uniforms probably stop bullying over the clothes people wear. In the end, I said no uniforms because I just like being able to freely express myself with my awesome outfits. I hope I convinced my teacher!I still have so many more compositions to write about things like pollution, social media, and classic works of literature. Those are going to be hard! Why do I need to write compositions for my English degree anyway? I just want to study biology and become a scientist who discovered new animals in the rainforest or something.Writing is hard work! You have to come up with ideas, do research, make an outline, write a rough draft, and then revise it like a million times. My hand gets so tired from writing so much. Maybe I'll become a scientist who just takes pictures and recordings to share my discoveries instead of writing! Unless they make me write science reports and papers...I'll just have to power through and keep working on my English compositions I guess. Hopefully my teacher goes easy on me since I'm just a kid. Writing at an adult level is super difficult! Maybe I'll start saving up my allowance to pay someone to write my compositions for me. That would be the easiest solution! But Mom would probably ground me if she found out. An English major should do their own work after all.Well, I better get started on my next composition assignment. This one is about explaining the importance of conservation efforts for protecting endangered species. Ugh, I have no idea what to write! I'll just watch a nature documentary and copy what they say. That's not plagiarism if I reword it in my own words, right? A little copying never hurt anybody! Wish me luck, I'm going to need it to make it through all these English compositions!篇6Distance Learning is Super Cool in Heilongjiang!Hi friends! Today I wanna tell you all about the awesome distance learning undergraduate degrees they have in Heilongjiang Province in China. It's really neat!In Heilongjiang, you can get your full bachelor's degree by taking classes over the internet or watching videos instead of going to a regular university campus every day. Isn't that wild? You can study from your house or wherever you want!The courses are run by regular universities in the province like Harbin Institute of Technology and Heilongjiang University. But instead of lectures happening live, they pre-record all the course videos and lessons. Then you just log in online and watch them whenever is convenient for you. So cool, right?You might be wondering - but don't you miss out on the full university experience if you're not there in person? Not at all! With distance learning, you still get to do homework assignments, take exams, write papers, and participate in online discussion forums just like regular students. The only difference is you don't physically commute to a campus each day.And get this - the degrees you earn are exactly the same as if you attended classes in-person! You get an official, government-approved bachelor's diploma when you complete all the requirements. Employers don't even know you did it through distance education unless you tell them. Neat huh?Signing up is easy too. You just apply online and pick your courses/major like normal. Then you start watching lectures anddoing coursework via the university's online learning portal. You can watch things over and over until you get it. Plus, you often can learn at your own pace instead of keeping up with a scheduled class time. So convenient!There are tons of majors and subjects you can study through distance education too - everything from economics and engineering to law and literature. Whatever you're interested in, chances are Heilongjiang has an online program for it. This lets you earn your degree while also working or tending to family obligations during the day. The flexibility is amazing.Another awesome part is how affordable distance learning is compared to attending a university full-time. Since you don't need things like room & board, the overall costs are way lower. Sometimes the tuition is even a bit cheaper than the regularon-campus rates. For families on a tight budget, it's a great way to make a bachelor's degree realistic.The only downside I can really think of is that you don't get the true "campus life" experience of being surrounded by other students and going to activities, events, clubs and such. But in my opinion, the ability to earn a valuable degree from home while keeping your day job makes up for that. Plus you'll save tons of money!All in all, I think distance learning undergrad degrees are a fantastic opportunity, especially for place likes Heilongjiang Province where some people live for away from major university cities. You get high-quality instruction and an accreditedfour-year degree without any of the hassles of relocating or quitting your job. If I was a bit older, I'd definitely look into doing it!Well, that's my take on the distance education programs in Heilongjiang. Let me know if you have any other questions! I'd be happy to find out moreDetails about how they work. Study hard and good luck to anyone pursuing their dreams this way!。
使用混合精度训练加速计算机视觉模型的训练和推理引言:计算机视觉(Computer Vision)是人工智能领域中的重要研究方向,它旨在使计算机具备感知并理解图像和视频的能力。
一、混合精度训练简介混合精度训练(Mixed Precision Training)是通过将模型中的某些操作从单精度浮点数转换为半精度浮点数来加速训练过程的一种技术。
二、使用混合精度训练加速模型训练1. 半精度浮点数的优势半精度浮点数相比于单精度浮点数,具有较小的存储需求和计算复杂度。
2. 混合精度训练的实现混合精度训练的实现需要注意两个关键问题:数值溢出和精度损失。
- 混合精度数学:通过选择适当的操作精度来平衡计算精度和计算速度。
- 自动缩放梯度:在深度学习的反向传播过程中,使用梯度更新模型参数。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:我给老师的建议英语作文200字四年级全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dear Teacher,I have some ideas that could make our class even better! First, I think we should have more fun activities and games mixed into our lessons. Learning gets boring sometimes when we justdo worksheets or listen to lectures all period. Games make it easier to remember the material and keep us engaged. Maybe we could play educational review games like Kahoot or do more hands-on projects and experiments. Science experiments are my favorite!Another suggestion is to let us work in groups more often. I learn really well when I can discuss concepts with my friends and we can help each other out. Working alone is hard for me sometimes. Group work also helps us build teamwork skills that will be important later in life.My last idea is to mix up how you teach new topics. You're a great teacher, but it would be nice to watch some videos, use online learning games, or even go on virtual field trips sometimes instead of just reading from the textbook. The different formats make it easier for different learning styles.Thanks for being such a nice teacher and considering my ideas! I'm lucky to have you.Sincerely,[Your name]篇2Advice for My TeacherDear Mrs. Smith,I have some ideas that could make our class even better. First, I think we should have more hands-on activities and experiments. Learning by doing is way more fun than just listening to lectures or reading from textbooks. When we did that volcano experiment last month, I remember all the details because it was so exciting and memorable. More projects like that would really help the lessons stick in our brains.Another suggestion is to mix things up with some educational games and competition once in a while. I noticed students pay closer attention when we play reviewgames like Kahoot or Jeopardy to prepare for tests. Having team challenges and giving out little prizes could make reviewing feel less like work.My last idea is to go on more field trips. The trip to the science museum was awesome and helped bring the topics alive. Maybe we could visit a local factory, farm, or even the fire station to see what we're learning about in action. Seeing realworld examples makes abstract concepts finally click.I know you're already a great teacher, Mrs. Smith. But hopefully some of these ideas will give you fresh ways to keep us engaged and loving school.Thank you for your consideration!Sincerely,Danny篇3My Suggestions for TeacherDear Teacher,I have some ideas that could make our class even better! First, I think we should have more hands-on activities and games related to what we're learning. When we get to do fun projects and move around, it helps me understand the lessons so much easier than just reading from books or listening to lectures. The science experiments we did last month were my favorite!Another suggestion is to let us work in groups more often. I learn a lot from listening to my classmates' ideas when we get to discuss and collaborate. The group projects are always exciting because everyone gets to contribute in their own way. Plus, we make new friends!My last idea is to have a class reward system. Maybe we could earn points or prizes for good behavior, hard work, and helping others. This would motivate me to try my best and be a great classroom citizen. We could even vote on fun rewards like extra recess time or a pizza party!What do you think about my ideas? I hope you'll consider them. Our class is already pretty great, but these suggestions could make it even more awesome!Sincerely,Your Student。
六年级下册英语第二单元作文模板图片全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unit 2 Writing TemplatesHi friends! For our second unit writing assignment, we need to look at some picture prompts and write a story or description based on the images. Our teacher gave us several options to choose from. Let me tell you about a few of the picture templates!The first one shows a group of kids playing at a park. In the picture, I can see a big green grassy area with some trees and benches around the edges. There's a playground set too, with swings, a slide, and some monkey bars. The cool part is that the picture has flip-book style animation, so when you ruffle the corners, the kids move around!In one frame, there are three boys kicking a soccer ball back and forth. They look really into their game, running to try to get the ball. Then in the next frame, the ball goes flying off towards a group of four girls who are jump roping. The jump ropers haveto scramble to avoid getting bonked on the head! It's a funny scene.Another frame shows two kids going down the slide while another is climbing up the ladder to the top platform. Some other kids are spinning themselves silly on the merry-go-round! The last frame has everyone laughing and looking tired after running around so much. I can imagine writing a story about a day of playing hard at the park with my friends.The next picture template is a scene of a family eating a meal together. It's a drawing rather than a photo. The mom, dad, older brother, younger sister, and even the dog are all seated around a table. But instead of normal food, the plates and bowls are filled with crazy nonsense items!There are boots, flowers, toys, and other random objects covering the table. Everyone has puzzled looks, like they're not sure why there's a rubber ducky on their plate instead of mac and cheese. The dad is gingerly lifting a sandwich...but the "bread" is actually two flat rocks! The scene is bonkers and weird in a silly way.For this one, we could write a bizarre story about a family with a mixed-up, muddled meal. Or we could go super creativeand describe each nutty item as a new menu offering at a wacky restaurant. So many fun possibilities!The last picture template I'll tell you about is my favorite of the bunch. It shows a girl's fantasy dream bedroom! In this illustration, there's a huge four-poster canopy bed right in the middle. The bed frame appears to be made of candy canes and the mattress looks like a puffy cloud.Surrounding the bed, there are bedside tables made of giant lollipops, a dresser with bowls of gumballs for handles, and even a rock candy chandelier hanging from the ceiling! Along the baseboards, there are jelly beans and lifesavers lining the floor. The whole room looks like something out of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.For this image, we could write a descriptive paragraph letting our imagination run wild. What would it be like to sleep in that bed and live in that room? What would it smell like? Sound like? We could even imagine going on adventures through the candy land realm.Those are just a few examples of the fun, imaginative picture options we have to pick from. I'm not sure which one I'll write about yet - they all seem so neat! No matter what though, thesepictures will definitely help spark our creativity for the assignment. Can't wait to get writing!篇2My School Life Picture CompositionWow, this picture for our writing assignment is really cool! It shows a bunch of kids my age doing all sorts of different activities at school. I can't wait to describe everything that's going on.In the middle of the picture, there is a big playground area with lots of games and sports happening. On the left side, I see a basketball court where some boys are playing basketball. They look really energetic, running up and down the court dribbling and shooting the ball. A few kids are even doing fancy slam dunks! That takes a lot of athletic ability. I wish I could dunk like that.Next to the basketball court, there is a soccer field where another group is kicking a ball around. Soccer is such an exciting game to watch and play. Those kids are sprinting all over, stealing the ball from each other and trying to score goals. I can see them laughing and having a great time together.In the top right corner, some kids are on the school's running track, jogging or doing stretches. Staying fit is very important, so I'm glad they are exercising. A few kids are even doing gymnastics tumbling moves on the grass! Those flips and twists look hard, but fun if you can master them.The playground also has a jungle gym for climbing, with a slide that looks thrilling to go down. Swinging on the monkey bars takes a lot of arm strength. In another area, there is a big tether ball pole where two kids are batting the ball back and forth. Simple games like that can be just as entertaining as the sports.But school isn't just about playing games and sports during breaks. The picture also shows some of the actual learning that happens inside the classrooms. Through the windows on the right side of the school building, I can see kids at their desks listening to a teacher giving a lesson. Some have their hands up looking eager to answer a question. Getting a good education by studying hard is so vital.In one window, there is an art class where the students are painting masterpieces on canvases. Art allows you to be creative and express yourself. Another window shows a computer labwhere the kids are working intently on desktop PCs. Having good technology skills is a necessity these days.There is even a science lab where I can see the students looking through microscopes and doing experiments with beakers and vials. I would love to be a scientist when I grow up and make new discoveries about our world. The library is also shown with kids reading books and studying. Reading expands your knowledge and imagination.At the very front of the picture, a school bus has pulled up to drop off or pick up students. The bus looks so welcoming with its cheerful yellow color. Many kids have to ride the bus since they live too far away to walk. Safety is always top priority when traveling to and from school.In the background, I can see the sun shining, birds flying, and clouds drifting by lazily across the sky. School takes place in the morning, afternoon and evening when the weather is beautiful. The green grass and trees surrounding the building make for such a pretty outdoor setting.This is definitely my idea of a perfect school day - plenty of time to play hard, exercise, and let loose during free periods, combined with valuable learning in all the core subjects like math, science, reading, computers and art. The ability to socializewith friends while also gaining important knowledge and life skills is what school is all about. No wonder kids my age spend so much time at school!Overall, this picture depicts everything I love about going to school each day. The diversions and opportunities for fun are endless, but we are also challenged to expand our minds in the classroom setting. To me, that balance is the key to a wonderful, memorable school experience before you grow up. This illustration makes me excited to continue my education journey!I hope I explained all the details thoroughly and vividly brought the scene to life through my words. Looking at it has me daydreaming about being back at school already!篇3My Summer VacationLast summer was the best summer ever! I had so much fun and did a ton of cool stuff. I'm going to tell you all about it using this picture template to help organize my writing.[Image Template: A series of 6 rectangular boxesside-by-side, with space to write a title above each box]Where I WentAt the very start of summer, my family went on an awesome vacation! We drove up to Vermont to visit my aunt, uncle, and cousins who live there. Vermont is way up in the northeast corner of the United States, next to Canada. It's a beautiful state with lots of forests, mountains, and lakes.We stayed at my aunt and uncle's house for a whole week. Their house is out in the countryside surrounded by woods and fields. Every morning I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and got to watch deer grazing in the meadow behind their yard. It was so peaceful and pretty!What I DidWhile in Vermont, we did lots of fun outdoor activities. One day, we went hiking up a mountain trail. I was huffing and puffing but made it all the way to the top! The view from the summit was breathtaking. You could see for miles and miles in every direction.Another day, we went swimming and boating in a big lake. The water was crystal clear and refreshingly cool on a hot summer day. We rowed around in a little boat, fished off the dock, and had a picnic lunch on the shore. We even mades'mores around the campfire pit in the evening!On the 4th of July, we watched an awesome fireworks show up on the hill behind my aunt and uncle's house. The colorful fireworks exploded across the whole sky in bright bursts of red, white, and blue. It was dazzling! I felt so proud to be an American.Who I SawThe best part about the trip was spending time with my cousins, Ella and Kyle. Ella is 2 years older than me and Kyle is my age. We always have a blast playing together whenever our families get together.We went exploring in the woods, built forts, had water balloon fights, and did all kinds of fun cousin stuff. Ella and Kyle also taught me how to chop firewood with a ax and build campfires in their backyard fire pit. We roasted marshmallows for s'mores and gazed at the starry country night sky. I'm going to really miss them when I go back home!Cool Things I FoundWhile playing outside every day in Vermont, I found all sorts of cool nature things. I caught butterflies, fireflies, frogs, and salamanders. I collected neat rocks, pinecones, feathers, andeven a deer antler shed! I put everything into my nature exploration bucket to take back home with me as souvenirs.My cousins and I also discovered some super awesome bike trails carved through the woods near their house. We spent hours riding our bikes along the winding dirt paths, whipping around corners and zooming over little hills. The trails felt like a rollercoaster ride but without having to wait in line! Biking those trails was an absolute blast.What I LearnedBeing out in nature so much in Vermont really made me appreciate the beauty of the great outdoors. I learned a newfound respect for taking care of the environment and preserving open spaces like forests. We need to protect places like Vermont so animals have habitats to live in and people have gorgeous natural spaces to explore.I also learned some practical skills on the trip like how to identify different kinds of trees by their leaves and bark, build safe campfires, read maps to follow hiking trails, and use a life jacket properly when boating. Those skills could come in handy if I ever get lost in the wilderness and need to survive off the land!Overall FeelingsI had an absolute blast on my summer vacation in Vermont. It was an action-packed, adventurous trip full of fun new experiences. But most importantly, I got to create amazing memories with my family. Those are the kinds of moments I'll cherish forever.If you ever get the chance to visit Vermont, you absolutely should! Its stunning natural beauty and chilled-out country vibe make it a perfect spot for an outdoorsy summer getaway. Just be sure to pack your hiking boots, swimsuit, and sense of adventure.I give my Vermont vacation two thumbs up!篇4My Summer Vacation AdventuresSummer vacation is the best time of year! No school, no homework, just fun in the sun for two whole months. This past summer was one I'll never forget because of all the exciting adventures I had.It started off with a bang on the 4th of July. My family always goes to the big fireworks show and festival in town. I love the smell of the food vendors cooking hot dogs, funnel cakes, and other yummy treats. After stuffing ourselves, we sprawled out on the grass in the park to watch the fireworks spectacular. Brilliantcolors exploded across the night sky - red, white, blue, green, gold. It was like a amazing light show just for us! The finale was mind-blowing with what seemed like hundreds of fireworks going off at once. What a way to kick off summer!A week later, we headed up to the mountains for our annual camping trip. I was really looking forward to this because my cousin Jacob was going to join us this time. We're both 11 and pretty much inseparable whenever we're together.The first couple days were mostly relaxing. We set up our huge tent, had a campfire every night to roast s'mores, and went on mild hikes through the woods. Jacob and I also tried our hand at fishing in the lake, but didn't catch anything. We didget bored just sitting there so we started splashing each other and having a water fight instead!Then the real adventure began. We decided to go white water rafting down the wildest river in the area. After getting suited up in life jackets and helmets, we launched our big rubber raft into the churning rapids. Our guide showed us how to row in sync as a team to navigate through the huge crashing waves. At times the current was so powerful it felt like we were on a rollercoaster being whipped around! We crashed through walls of whitewater, getting drenched from head to toe. A few timeswe thought the raft might flip over, but we managed to stay upright and dry...well, sort of dry. It was an incredible adrenaline rush!Towards the end of the trip, we went on a long, challenging hike to explore some ancient Native American ruins up in the cliffs. After a steep climb, we reached this amazing village overlooking the entire valley. We walked through remains of houses, food stores, and places of worship constructed by peoples' hands hundreds of years ago. Jacob and I felt like brave explorers discovering an ancient lost civilization. We could envision how the villagers lived and thrived there so long ago. It was crazy to be surrounded by such profound history.Too soon, our mountain adventures came to an end. We had one last night camping under a breathtakingly starry sky before packing up to head home. The camping trip was definitely the highlight of my summer. Between the non-stop excitement of white water rafting and hiking to those awe-inspiring ancient ruins, it was a childhood memory I'll never forget.The rest of summer slipped by too fast, filled with more low-key but fun activities. I spent many blissful days simply playing outside, having water balloon fights with friends, and running through sprinklers to keep cool. We'd build eraicdliesand skateboard ramps to try daring stunts and tricks. I loved the freedom of having no schedule or responsibilities for once! Just stay up late, then sleep in as long as I wanted without that annoying alarm clock.A few times we went to the local swimming pool and water park to go swimming and race down the water slides. One afternoon my friend's older brother let us use his boat to go tubing on the lake. We took turns riding the huge inner tube, holding on for dear life as it whipped across the choppy waves. Every single night we'd have a big backyard barbecue, eating burgers and sweet corn as fireflies danced around us in the twilight.Before I knew it, summer had drifted past like a wonderful dream. Suddenly it was time to get school supplies and new clothes for the start of 6th grade. As excited as I am about starting middle school and seeing my friends again after two months, I'm also really sad that summer is over. At least I have all those amazing memories to look back on until next year when a new summer rolls around full of possibilities for new adventures!That's a glimpse into how I spent my summer vacation before starting 6th grade. Writing about it makes me nostalgic and already counting down the days until summer break! Thosecouple months of freedom, exploration, and nonstop fun in the sun are what every kid lives for. I feel so fortunate to have experienced such an incredible summer with my family and friends. Now it's time for a new chapter - the start of middle school! I just hope it can live up to my vacation.篇5My Summer AdventureHey there! It's me again, back to tell you about the awesome adventure I had this summer. You'll never believe where I went and what I did! But first, let me set the scene by describing the picture that kicked off this whole crazy story.The picture shows a big forest, with tall trees reaching up towards the sky. The trees are all different shades of green, and their leaves look so thick and full. In the middle of the forest, there's a little path winding through the trees. The path is made of dirt and has little rocks sticking out here and there. Following the path, your eyes are drawn to a wooden bridge that goes over a stream. The stream is shallow but clear, and you can see rocks and pebbles underneath the rippling water.Just on the other side of the bridge, the path opens up to a clearing. In the clearing, there's a little log cabin! It has a slantedroof made of wooden shingles and a brick chimney poking out the top. There's even a wooden chair out front, like something you'd see in an old western movie. The whole scene looks peaceful and exciting at the same time. As soon as I saw that picture, I knew I wanted to have an adventure just like that!Well, get this - my dream came true! Thanks to my awesome parents, we went camping that summer in a real log cabin, deep in the foresty mountains. We had to drive for hours and hours, winding up narrow roads through the trees. My little brother and I pressed our faces against the windows, trying to spot any wildlife. A few times, we saw deer bounding through the woods! When we finally arrived, I could hardly believe my eyes. Our cabin looked just like the one in the picture, except even better because it was real.We quickly unpacked and explored the area around the cabin. Just like in the picture, there was a little stream babbling nearby. My brother and I took off our shoes and went wading, trying to catch little minnows with our hands. The water was ice cold but felt so refreshing on a hot summer day. As we wandered farther away from the cabin, the trees seemed to close in around us. The path ahead looked just like the one in the picture, like it could lead to incredible adventures if we just kept following it.That first night, we all sat around the crackling fire pit outside. We toasted marshmallows until they were golden brown and gooey in the middle. My dad told us spooky stories about creatures that lived deep in the forest. Despite being scared at first, I couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of meeting a Bigfoot or monster! That night, I could hardly sleep thinking about what other surprises were waiting in those woods.Over the next few days, we went on some epic hikes along trails just like the one in the picture. We saw towering waterfalls, bright wildflowers, and strange mushrooms growing along fallen logs. Once, I could have sworn I saw something ducking behind a tree up ahead...but maybe it was just my imagination getting the better of me. We climbed up rocky slopes, picking our way carefully between boulders and tree roots. I felt so free and alive out there in nature.Towards the end of our trip, we came across an actual bridge over a stream, just like in the picture! We stopped to rest, snacking on granola bars as we listened to the soothing gurgle of the water below. My mom pointed out little fish swimming under the clear surface. As I peered over the edge of the bridge, I noticed something caught in the rocks. I reached down to pull it out - and couldn't believe it when I found an old rusty pocketknife! My heart started racing just thinking about all its past adventures.That night back at the cabin, I polished and cleaned up the old knife as best I could. Running my fingers over its wooden handle, I imagined who it might have belonged to and the crazy adventures they went on out here in these very woods. Maybe they were exploring and carved their initials into trees. Or maybe they even had an encounter with Bigfoot himself! Now this knife has started on a new adventure with me.Sigh...I sure do miss that beautiful forest and our cozy cabin in the woods. Being back in the city, things just don't feel the same. I can't wait until next summer so I can go on another epic adventure! Who knows what other lost treasures or mysteries might be waiting out there to discover? I'll never forget the good times we had out in that magical forest. Well, thanks for listening to my rambling story time! Next time there's a picture prompt in class, you'd better believe I'm gonna let my imagination run wild. After my experience this summer, I'll have no problem whipping up an amazing adventure tale to go along with it. See ya!篇6Unit 2 Writing Template PicturesHi! My name is Alex and I'm in 6th grade. For our English class, we had to write an essay using pictures as a template. It was pretty fun and I'll tell you all about how I did it.First, our teacher Mrs. Johnson gave us three different pictures to choose from. The first one was a picture of a family having a picnic in the park. There was a red and white checkered blanket on the grass with a picnic basket, plates of food, and drinks. The mom, dad, son and daughter were all sitting together smiling and eating. It looked like a nice sunny day.The second picture was of a boy's messy bedroom. There were clothes, toys, books and other stuff all over the floor. The bed was unmade and you could barely see the carpet because of all the clutter everywhere. That one didn't look too appealing to me!But the third picture is the one I picked. It showed a kid's awesome-looking treehouse in the backyard. The treehouse was built up in the branches of a huge oak tree. It had windows, a little deck area, a ladder to climb up, and a pole to slide down. It even had a flag on top! To me, that seemed like the most fun picture to write about.Once I picked my picture, Mrs. Johnson had us make a web diagram to plan out our ideas first. In the middle circle, I wrote"Kid's Awesome Treehouse." Then I made smaller circles around it for different details I wanted to include, like the tree it was in, the materials it was built with, who helped make it, what kids could do up there for fun, and other descriptive stuff like that.After mapping out my ideas, I started writing my rough draft.I didn't worry about it being perfect yet. I just got all my thoughts down on paper based on the web outline I made.The intro paragraph described the picture and had a good hook sentence to grab the reader's attention. I wrote something like "Every kid dreams of having an epic treehouse to hang out in. The one in this picture looks like the coolest treehouse ever!"Then the body paragraphs went into more detail about the different parts of the treehouse, using lots of descriptive words. One paragraph was about the tree itself being a massive oak that had been there for ages, with big sturdy branches to build on. Another paragraph described the trapdoor entrance, wooden walls, windows, deck area, and spiraling slide pole. The next one talked about the fun activities kids could do up there, like bring friends over, read comics, play games, and just chill.Finally, the last paragraph wrapped it all up by explaining how fortunate the kid who had this treehouse must feel to have such an awesome place to spend time. I tried to end with athought-provoking line about how everybody deserves a special hideout like that when you're a kid.After I finished writing the rough draft, I had to revise and edit it. I worked on improving word choice, adding more details, checking for mistakes, and making sure it all flowed smoothly.Once I had my final draft done, I decorated the border with some treehouse doodles to make it look nice. I drew trees, a ladder, windows, and little kid figures playing in the treehouse.Overall, it was a cool assignment using pictures to inspire our writing. Mrs. Johnson said my treehouse essay was one of the most creative ones. I'm glad I picked that fun picture to write about instead of the boring bedroom mess. Using the pictures really helped give me ideas and describe the details better.Anyway, that's how we practiced writing using picture templates for ideas and inspiration. Maybe you could try it sometime too! Just find an interesting picture and let your imagination go from there. Writing can be a lot more fun when you have a visual to look at. Let me know if you have any other questions!。
lio-sam 编译 flann
一、标题:lio-sam 编译 flann二、Introductionlio-sam是一款开源的用于Lidar SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)的工具包,用于实现激光雷达的定位和建图。
它主要基于ROS(Robot Operating System)框架,具有高效的数据处理和算法实现。
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Combi Switch Actuator Shutter Actuator, 24-fold, 1
Combi Switch Actuator/Shutter Actuator, 24-fold, 10 A, MDRC Carry:To switch electric consumers or to control shutter or blind drives (230 V AC)via KNX and/or manually.- 24 switch/12 shutter outputs. Mixed operation possible- Integrated KNX bus coupler- Does not require an external power supply- Device can be labeled- Manual operation for each output- Indicator for switch/operating state for each outputFunction:- Switching electrical loads:ohmic, inductive and capacitive lighting- Signal devices- Load relay/contactorPositioning/control of- Shutters/blinds- Awnings and other blinds/shutters- WindowsAn application program with the following functions:Per device:- Block/enable manual operation, send deactivation on KNX according to timeand status- Central switching and operation of all outputs- Central scene object- Safety priorities/weather alarm- Templates for parameter pages for each function- In operation (cyclical alive signal)- Sending and switching delay after bus voltage recovery- Telegram rate limit- Request status values- 24 thresholds/logical connections AND, OR, XOR, GATE function self-sufficientor directly connected to outputPer switch output:- Normally open/normally closed contact can be parameterized- Time functions, switching ON/OFF delay- Staircase lighting function with advance warning- Staircase lighting time can be changed via KNX- 16 scene assignments for each output (retrieved via 1 bit or 1 byte),which can be saved as 64 KNX scenes- Self-sufficient threshold function- Switching status- Forced operation/block and safety function- Reaction on bus voltage failure- Reaction after bus voltage recovery- Reaction after ETS download- Status byte with operating statesSAHS_241071_AT_EN_V2-1Combi Switch Actuator/Shutter Actuator, 24-fold, 10 A, MDRC Carry:Per shutter output:- Time-delayed switching of drives- Position during safety alarms (3x wind, rain, and frost alarm withcyclical monitoring, block and forced operation) and reaction on reset can set- Direct commands up/down, stop, slat adjustment- Move to height/slat position 0-255- 16 scene assignments for each output (retrieved via 1 bit or 1 byte),which can be saved as 64 KNX scenes- Traveling range limitation (for direct and automatic commands)- Reversing time and delay times of the drive can be set- Automatic sun protection control (height/slat position for sun) and slat tracking- Status height/slat 0-255, upper/lower end position, operability,automatic control, status information (1 byte)- Dead times for blind/shutter/slat adjustable- Reaction on bus voltage failure- Reaction after bus voltage recovery- Reaction after ETS downloadFunctions can be cascaded.Easy diagnosis, error analysis and display of operating status via i-bus® Tool.Outputs 24 floating contactsRated current per output 10 A (230 V AC)Maximum current, device 200 AMultiphase operation PossibleLeakage loss total for device 9 WSwitching capacityTo EN 60 669 10 A AC1Max. peak inrush current (150 µs) 200 ALEDs and energy saving lamps can be connectedOperation Manual operation can be blockedLoad circuit connection Screw terminals with combination headscrews for cables between 0.2 and 6 mm²KNX Screwless bus connection terminalProtection degree IP 20, EN 60 529Mounting On 35 mm mounting rail, EN 60 715Mounting position AnyWidth 12 space units (210 mm)Housing material Plastic, halogen freeFlammability V-0 as per UL94Delivery, mounting incl. accessoriesCommissioningManufacturer: ABB STOTZ-KONTAKTMake like SAH/S equivalentQtyMaterial:.......... Labour:..........SAHS_241071_AT_EN_V2-1。
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moe混合算法模型简单化的理解 -回复
moe混合算法模型简单化的理解-回复关于moe混合算法模型简化的理解混合算法模型(mixture algorithm model)是指通过在不同的模型中进行组合和权衡,以提高预测或分类的准确性和鲁棒性的一种方法。
而moe (mixture of experts)是一种常用的混合算法模型,在机器学习中得到了广泛的应用。
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Learning Mixed Templates for Object Recognition Zhangzhang Si1Haifeng Gong1,2Ying Nian Wu1Song-Chun Zhu1,21Department of Statistics,UCLA2Lotus Hill Research Institute{zzsi,hfgong,ywu,sczhu}@AbstractThis article proposes a method for learning object tem-plates composed of local sketches and local textures,and investigates the relative importance of the sketches and tex-tures for different object categories.Local sketches and lo-cal textures in the object templates account for shapes and appearances respectively.Both local sketches and local tex-tures are extracted from the maps of Gaborfilter responses. The local sketches are captured by the local maxima of Ga-bor responses,where the local maximum pooling accounts for shape deformations in objects.The local textures are captured by the local averages of Gaborfilter responses, where the local average pooling extracts texture informa-tion for appearances.The selection of local sketch vari-ables and local texture variables can be accomplished by a projection pursuit type of learning process,where both types of variables can be compared and merged within a common framework.The learning process returns a genera-tive model for image intensities from a relatively small num-ber of training images.The recognition or classification by template matching can then be based on log-likelihood ra-tio scores.We apply the learning method to a variety of object and texture categories.The results show that both the sketches and textures are useful for classification,and they complement each other.1.IntroductionThere has been large amount of work on designing im-age features to represent visual patterns of different types. Primitive features(e.g.[7])explicitly record locations of edges/bars and are good features for image patches of clean object boundaries.We may generally call them sketch fea-tures.In contrast,texture patches tend to be better described by histogram features(e.g.[5],[1]).In terms of object recognition,sketch features are shown to work well on ob-jects with regular shapes,while histogram features seem more suitable for complex objects with small inner struc-tures and moderate deformations.We propose a model for mixed templates learnable fromexample images,where each constituent component of a template is a sub-template for a local patch inside the tem-plate image lattice.“Convolving”the template on an im-age provides a response vector on which we can build our statistic model.In the hedgehog example of Fig.1,the im-age is decomposed into two types of local patches:those with strong edges lying on the object boundaries that tend to be described by image primitives,and those with clut-tered structures that are described by local histograms.Im-age sketches and local histograms compete to explain dif-ferent local patches of the images.To learn such a mixed template for a certain image cat-egory,we may use discriminative methods or generative models.In many recent papers(e.g.[8][11][14][6])feature combination is performed towards a discriminative goal by concatenating long feature vectors and learning weights on them.When there are a large number of categories with rel-atively small number of training images,it is desirable to have a generative learning framework,where the probabil-ity density function of the image intensities can be written in the form of a background density multiplied by a likelihood ratio term.In such a framework,different types of features are made comparable to each other by an information gain criterion.We further constrain that the local sketches have little overlap with each other,and so are the local textures.Under such a constraint,the likelihood function can be fac-torized to make possible a fast and robust estimation of the model parameters and the normalizing constant.This may generalize to many other image features.The work closest to ours is the active basis model([12]), which learns a shape template composed of Gabor wavelet elements at different locations.We extend this work to a more general case by modeling both sketch patches and tex-ture patches.We not only identify the commonly shared sketches at different locations and orientations that have strong responses across all the training images,but also commonly shared textures at different locations,so that at each location,the variance of the texture statistics across the training images is small.Before learning the image tem-plate,we make the training images roughly aligned.Contribution.First,we propose a simple method for 1Figure1.(a)A hedgehog image may be seen as a bunch of local image patches,being either sketches or textures.If a local patch I falls within an -ball in the image space,i.e.I=cB+ ,where B is a geometric primitive and is the residual,then it is explained by the primitive B.If a local patch I falls within an -ball in the histogram feature space,i.e.,H(I)=h+ ,where H is some histogram statistics, then the local patch is explained by texture“prototype”h.(b)Quantization in the image space and histogram feature space provides a primitive dictionary{B}and a texture dictionary{h}respectively,which compete to explain observed image patches.A mixed template of hedgehog T={B1,h2,B3,h4,···}is composed of sketches and histogram prototypes explaining local image patches at different locations.learning mixed templates composed of sketch and texturevariables and a common information theoretic criterion tocompare and merge these two different types of variables.Second,we evaluate the strengths of sketch and texture vari-ables and their complementarity by applying the learningmethod to a variety of object and texture categories.2.A uniform design of sketch and texture vari-ablesIn this paper we adopt a design where sketch and texturefeatures are both defined on Gaborfiltered images(or S1maps as in[10]).Tofix notation,let O be a quantized set oforientations,andΛbe the image lattice of a template.Sketch by local maximum pooling.We use Gaborwavelets as the primitive dictionary,and use B x,y,o,s to de-note the Gabor wavelet element located at position(x,y),orientation o and scale s.LetΛj⊂Λbe a region insideimage template.Consider local image patch IΛj centered at(x,y)and explained by a Gabor wavelet element B x,y,o,s with an additive residual:IΛj=c·B x+∆x,y+∆y,o+∆o,s+ ,where c denotes the coefficient,(∆x,∆y,∆o)are the lo-cal perturbations of location and orientation of B x,y,o,s. The reason we need to incorporate(∆x,∆y,∆o)is that the edge segments in the training images are not exactly aligned,and there can be shape deformations.Then the sub-template for local patch IΛjis the primitiveB,and we may define the sketch variable(feature response)for IΛjasr(sk)(IΛj;o,s)=max∆x,∆y,∆os(| IΛj,B x+∆x,y+∆y,o+∆o,s |2).(1)where s()is a sigmoid-like transformation,i.e.,a monotone function that increases from0to a saturation level.The response| IΛj,B |2is normalized globally by the average response over the whole image template latticeΛ.The local maximum pooling is proposed by[10]as a possible functionof complex cells in V1.Texture by local average pooling.A locally normal-ized orientation histogram of Gabor responses describes the relative frequency of edges at different orientations withina local patch,without explicitly specifying where the edges are.The orientation histogram pooled over the regionΛj isdefined as:H(IΛj)=(h1,...,h|O|),whereoh o=1andh o∝(x,y)∈Λjs(| I,B x,y,o,s |2).We may entertain two types of texture variables(feature re-sponses).One is simplyr(tex)(IΛj;o,s)=h o,which is similar to sketch variable in Eq.(1).The other type is slightly more complex.If the localimage patch IΛj is explained by a“prototype”orientationhistogram h with additive residual :H(I)=h+ ,then the texture sub-template for local patch IΛj is the pro-totype orientation histogram h and we model how well h explains IΛjby the squared Euclidean distancer(tex)(IΛj )= H(IΛj)−h 2.(2)The connection between the above orientation histogram and SIFT/HoG features is obvious.The orientation his-togram computed at a small scale would resemble the orientation histogram of gradients.Since the local ar-eas to pool orientation histograms are subject to selection, an image template made of orientation histogram features(H(IΛ1),...,H(IΛk))may be considered a customizableversion of HoG.3.Learning mixed templatesWe introduce the learning algorithm for extracting a mixed template from example images{I1,...,I n},where each sub-template is either a Gabor wavelet element or a prototype histogram.Let r1(I),...,,r k(I)be the cor-responding feature responses from image I,as defined in Eq.(1)and(2).Our model is built on these responses.3.1.Feature pursuitLet f(I)be the target image distribution where positive exmaples{I1,...,I n}are sampled from.Let q(I)be a ref-erence image distribution,such as the uniform distribution on all the natural images,from which we have a sample of negative examples{J1,...,J N}.The learning method se-lects most informative features and construct a probability density function p(I).Let r1(I),···,r k(I)be the responses of selected features,in principle we would like to let our model agree upon dimensions(r1,···,r k)with the target distribution,i.e.p(r1,···,r k)=f(r1,···,r k),where p(r1,···,r k)is the distribution of(r1,···,r k)under p(I), and f(r1,···,r k)is the distribution of(r1,···,r k)under f(I).Among all such models{p k:p k(r1,···,r k)= f(r1,···,r k)},the one with minimum Kullback-Leibler divergence to q would have the following form[9]:p k(I)=q(I)λ(r1,...,r k),(3) whereλ(r1,...,r k)is the likelihood ratio,λ(r1,...,r k) f(r1,...,r k)/q(r1,...,r k).p k(I)is a modification of q(I)in the following sense.(1) We change the distribution of r1,...,r k from q(r1,...,r k)to f(r1,...,r k).(2)We keep the conditional distribution of the remaining dimensions given r1,...,r k to be the same.However,we cannot select all the features at once.So we adopt the following sequentia0l pursuit scheme:We start from the reference distribution p0(I)=q(I),and at the j-step,we select a feature r j,so that p j(I)= p j−1(I)p j(r j)/p j−1(r j),where p j(r j)is pooled from pos-itive training images,and p j−1(r j)is the distribution of r j under existing model p j−1(I).In each step,we choose the feature r j so that the Kullback-Leibler divergence K(p j(r j) p j−1(r j))is the largest.K(p j(r j) p j−1(r j)) measures the information gain after adding the new feature r j.It also measures the decrease in the divergence from the true distribution f(I).The above process is essentially a generalized version of projection pursuit([4]).We do not have to know q(I)explicitly.Moreover,if we enforce that the se-lected features have little overlap,then we may simply as-sume that p j−1(r j)=q(r j)as an approximation.So we only need to pool q(r j)from natural images.That means the likelihood ratio can be factorized,and p k(I)= q(I)kj=1[p j(r j)/q(r j)].3.2.Log-linear modelIf the selected features have little overlap,we may as-sume a factorized log-linear form for p k/q,so that:p k(I)=q(I)kj=1exp{λj r j(I)}z−1j,where z j=E q[exp{λj r j(I)}]is the normalizing constant for the j-th term.And K(p k q)can be written as:K(p k||q)=kj=1(λj E p[r j]−log z j).(4)This suggests a step-wise algorithm that selects one feature at a time,which maximizes the marginal KL divergence be-tween p j(r j)and q(r j).q(r j)can be estimated off-line.The template matching score(Fig.2)for any observed image I is thenScore(I)=logp k(I)q(I)=kj=1(λj r j(I)−log z j),(5)which can make binary decisions given a threshold.3.3.Modeling sketch featuresLet B be a Gabor wavelet explaining local patchΛj.The marginal distribution p(r(sk))=p(s(| IΛ,B |2))is:p(r(sk))=q(r(sk))exp{λr(sk)}z−1.(6)(a)(b)Figure2.Template matching and template learning.(a)Matching the mixed template to a hedgehog image.Each component of the template is matched to a local patch and produces a response r calculated for sketch and texture in Eq.(1)and(2)respectively.The mixed template gives each observed image a template matching score that takes the form of log-likelihood ratio,which is a linear combination of individual feature responses.(b)Learning the mixed template.The best template to explain a set of images{I1,...,I n}is the one that scores highest on them,i.e.,the one that achieves maximum likelihood.Sketch features and texture features compete to be better explanations for local patches across image examples,and the information gain in Eq.(10)(14)measures their contributions to the template.By projecting image patch IΛjto one dimensional response r j,we are able to get robust estimation for model parameterλj and the normalizing constant z j. We need tofindλsuch that:E p[r;λ]=¯r 1nni=1r(I i)≈E f[r].(7)Given the log-linear form we are able search efficiently for λby a simple look-up table.For a grid of possible values of λ:(λ(1),...,λ(M))in ascending order,we estimate their as-sociated z’s and E p[r]’s by importance sampling on a set of random natural images(negative examples){J1,...,J N}:z(l)≈1NNi=1eλ(l)r(J i),(8)E p[r;λ(l)]≈1NNi=1r(J i)eλ(l)r(J i)1z(l).(9)Then we look up¯r in the table tofind the bestλ.This Monte-Carlo approach is reasonable because in our design r is one dimensional.So a moderate sample size would be able to provide a robust estimate for z.Following the above analysis,among all pairs of (B,Λj),we select the one that has maximum information gain,defined as the marginal KL divergencegain(B,Λj)=K(p(r(sk))||q(r(sk)))≈1nni=1λ·s(| I i,Λj,B |2)−log z.(10)where the estimation ofλand z is already explained.For a sketch featureλis positive,so the above information gain selects the r(sk)with the largest sample mean.3.4.Modeling texture featuresThe marginal distribution on r(tex)is:p(r(tex))=1zq( H−h 2)eλ H−h 2.(11) h is an additional parameter.The optimal h∗is obtained by averaging over positive training images:h∗=1nni=1H(I i).(12)Althoughλand the corresponding information gain can be computed similarly to Eq.(10)(λ<0for texture feature), in this paper,we simply assume the following Gaussian-like formp(r(tex))=1z1√2πσ2exp{−12σ2r(tex)}q(r(tex)),(13) whereσ2is estimated byni=1H(I i)−h∗ 2/n,and z is approximated by Monte Carlo method.The information gain for a histogram feature(h,Λj)is then defined as:gain(h,Λj)=K(p(r(tex))||q(r(tex)))≈−log z−log√2πσ2−12σ21nni=1H(I i)−h 2 =−log z−log√2πσ2−1/2.(14)That histogram features with the leastσ2are more informa-tive.An alternative way to model the texture feature isp (H o (I ))=q (H o (I ))exp {λo ·H o (I )}z −1o ,(15)where each orientation bin H o (I )is treated as one feature response.The learning of such a model may proceed simi-larly as the learning of the sketch model.3.5.Decouple sketch and texture by adaptive back-groundIf we already include a local texture feature that de-scribes a local patch,then if we want to add a lo-cal sketch r j within the same patch,then in p j (I )=p j −1(I )p j (r j )/p j −1(r j ),the p j −1(r j )should account for the local texture variable,in other words,we should let p j −1(r )=q (r )exp(−λr )/z (λ)for some λ,so that E λ(r )matches the local average of the Gabor filter responses (af-ter sigmoid transformation).p j −1fitted in this way then serves as an adaptive background model for the newly se-lected sketch variable r j (Fig.3).In other words,we should measure the local maximum against the local average,in order to decouple sketch and texture.Currently we adopt the adaptive background in our im-plementation of template matching,where the averages are pooled over either global or local image lattice for each testing image,at different orientations.We then score the strength of a sketch variable against this adaptive back-ground in the testingstage.Figure 3.Sketch arises from adaptive textural background.For each image I ,adaptive q ’s are pooled over the Gabor responses for different orientations.Such adaptive q ’s capture texture informa-tion in image I .Each p (r (sk ))is paired with an adaptive q (r (sk ))at the same orientation.The stepwise learning algorithm for mixed image tem-plates is described in table 1.4.Experiment4.1.Classification experimentsSingle scale mixed templates.Firstly,we study the sketch/texture combination for a single scale of Gabor ele-ments in the context of classifying objects from background clutters.In Fig.5,to compare the sketch-only,texture-only and mixed templates,the area under ROC curve (AUC)isAlgorithm .Stepwise pursuit for sketches and textures.Let template T =empty .For each scale of Gabor filter s :Compute maps of Gabor response for example images S i (x,y,o )=s (| I i ,B x,y,o,s |2)Pursuit of sketch features:Repeat:(1)Select (x,y,o )with the largest mean response (locally maximized):1n n i =1max (x ,y ,o )∈∂(x,y,o )S i (x ,y ,o );(2)Compute information gain by Eq.(10).(3)Add (B x,y,o,s ,(x,y,o,s ),gain )to T ,and inhibit nearby positions in each image:for image I i find the de-formed location (x i ,y i ,o i ),then set S i (x ,y ,o )=0if (x ,y ,o )is in a small neighborhood of (x i ,y i ,o i ).until gain is smaller than a threshold.Pursuit of texture features:For each radius δof local region (to pool histogram):(1)Compute maps of local histograms H i (x,y,o )nor-malized over orientations.H i (x,y,o )∝|x −x |<δ,|y −y |<δS i (x,y,o )(2)Compute average histogram map ¯H ←1nn i =1H i .(3)Compute variance map:V (x,y )←1n ni =1 H (x,y,:)−¯H (x,y,:) 2.(4)Set inhibition map η(x,y )to be all zeros.Repeat:(5.1)Select the non-inhibited position (x,y )with small-est variance V (x,y ).(5.2)Calculate information gain by Eq.(14).(5.3)Add (¯H(x,y,:),(x,y,s,l ),gain )to T ,and inhibit nearby positions by setting every η(x ,y )=1if |x −x |<l and |y −y |<l .until gain is smaller than a threshold.Output:The template T with components sorted by information gain.Table 1.Stepwise pursuit for sketches and texturesaveraged over cross validation runs and plotted against the number of positive training examples.We test on four categories:human head/shoulder,cat head,swine head and hedgehog (each with about 100pos-itive examples)for binary classification versus a common set of 600random negative images.We resize images to have an area of about 120×120pixels while keeping the aspect ratio unchanged.Both sketch and texture features are represented by Gabor filters of 17×17pixels.And for Gabor filters we use the same parameters as in [12].Sketches are allowed to move 6pixels at most and π/15in orientation.The radius of local texture is 10pixels.When we fit the adaptive background model p j −1(r )for sketch features (see sec.3.5),we pool from a local neigh-borhood of the same radius.An threshold of 0.4is used as a stopping criterion for both sketch and texture fea-tures.The selected Gaborfilters are enforced to overlap no larger than a threshold(| B i,B j |2<0.1).Local his-tograms are also only allowed to overlap25%of the area (|Λi∪Λj|<0.25max(|Λi|,|Λj|)).Among the four categories thefirst two are relatively easy(AUC≈99%),and the rest are of moderate difficulty. The combined model(mixed template)is able to provide a significant improvement over sketch/texture-only templates for all the four categories in terms of AUC on the testing data(for most of the training sample sizes).We also ex-perimented with a log linear model on H(I)(Eq.15)with local adaptive background for sketch features as explained in section3.5,which gives competitive results to its Gaus-sian counterpart(Eq.11).To see which sketch and texture features are selected and why they complement with each other,we display the learned mixed templates from10examples in Fig.6for pig head and hedgehog,and their matching results on the train-ing examples.Multi-scale mixed templates.We also extend the ex-periments to mixed templates on multi-scales Gabors and 100+image categories.The dataset includes60object cat-egories and41homogeneous texture categories.Part of the categories are selected from Caltech-101([3])and CUReT texture database([2]).The dataset is made reasonably diffi-cult by object categories easy to confuse,e.g.,18categories of animal faces,and some similar texture categories.Instead of using different scales of Gabors,we change the image lattice size(or area)|Λ|=width×height to be 1002,1502,2002,but keep Gabors on the same scale,172 pixels.We also vary the neighborhood size used to pool orientation histograms from112,212to412.Images are transformed to grayscale,and are resized to have the speci-fied image area while preserving the original aspect ratio.For training and testing,in each category we randomly select15examples as training positives,and the rest(at most50)are used for testing(around4200images are used for testing in total).To computeλand z for sketch features, we use an independent random sample from all categories. The Gaussian-like form is used for texture models.We use a universal threshold0.1on information gain as the stop-ping criterion of feature selection.On average about200 features are selected per category(or per template).We evaluate the learned templates in one-versus-all clas-sifications and for each template we measure its average precision(the area under precision-recall curve).Each box-and-whisker diagrams in Fig.7describes the distribution of average precisions over all categories.The mixed template performs observably better than the individual sketch or tex-ture templates.In Fig.8we show several examples of mixed templates learned from training images.Though templates are multi-scale,we only show a single scale for the clear-ness of illustration.Speed.Learning one mixed template of multiple scales from15images takes within one minute after feature con-volution.It can be made even faster by sub-sampling pixels.4.2.Image complexity and feature competitionImage categories of different intrinsic complexities live inside the whole image space.Categories with clear shape patterns have low intrinsic complexities,while cluttered texture categories span large intrinsic dimensions.Based on the above experiments,we study the relationship between this complexity and the relative importance of sketch and texture features by the classificationtask.Figure4.Performance of sketch/texture vs.perceived complex-ity.Top:image categories.We asked human subjects to rank 10object/texture categories by their perceived complexity.These categories are human head and shoulder,pistol,laptop,dog head, mouse head,hedgehog,pizza and three texture categories.Bot-tom:average precisions(AP)of object categories(ordered as the plot on the top),for image templates using only sketch features, only texture features,and bination of sketch and tex-ture features benefits the most for categories that lie in the mid-complexity area.Human subjects are asked to rank10categories of im-ages by their perceived image complexities.Average preci-sions of ten categories are shown for sketch-only,texture-only and mixed templates in Fig.4,which illustrates how sketch features are less and less important as the perceived image complexity increases.The mixed template performs constantly better than both sketch-only and texture-only templates,over the whole range of image complexity.It is also indicated in thefigure that the combination of sketch and texture benefits most for the image categories at the “mid-complexity”zone,i.e.,categories that have neither a clean boundary nor a homogeneous texture pattern.We show the competition of sketches vs.textures in learning mixed templates from four categories(Fig.9).It is observed that the relative importance of texture features correlates positively with the complexity of the image rmation gains for sketch and texture features are on the same scale,making it possible to compare the two(a)human head/shoulder(b)cat head(c)pighead(d)hedgehog(e)head/shoulder(local adaptive)(f)hedgehog(local adaptive) Figure5.Improvement on classification due to the combination of sketch and texture features.In each plot,the area under ROC curve (AUC)is averaged over cross validation runs and plotted against the number of positive training examples.The dotted lines indicate95% confidence bounds.In(a)-(d)the Gaussian texture model(Eq.11)is used.In(e)and(f),the log-linear texture model(Eq.15)is used and is combined with locally adaptive sketch featureresponses.(a)pig head(b)hedgehogFigure6.Matching the mixed templates to images.For each of the twofigures,on the left is the learned mixed template.Black bars denote sketch features and red dots denote texture features.On the right are matched templates on images.The black bars denote the deformation of the sketches and their responses on observed images.The red dots in the rightfigure denote the texture featuresfired on these images. The red blob is generated by a weighted superposing of bar symbols at all orientations,where the weights are coordinates in the orientation histogram.The local texture could be strongly oriented or directionless,depending on different object categories and locations. completely different types of features.5.ConclusionIn this paper,we propose a simple and uniform designof sketch and texture variables or features,where both de-scriptors are extracted from common maps of Gaborfil-ter responses,and can be decoupled by adaptive back-grounds.We start with atomic descriptors of patches withpure sketches or textures,then more complex model can bedeveloped by composing them.We also adopt a stepwise procedure to automatically se-lect and combine sketch and texture variables based on aninformation theoretical criterion.The classificationexper-Figure7.Box plot of average precisions.Each box showsmax/min,25%and75%percentiles and the median of averageprecisions on100+object/texture categories.hedgehog bonsai lion head clock pizza cat head tiger head bear head pigeon head Figure8.Learned mixed templates of several object categories.Bold black bars denote sketches,while red blobs denote local textures described by orientation histograms.For illustration purpose,we only show sketches/textures of a single scale and vary the(relative)Gabor scales and information gain thresholds for different categories.We use a threshold around1.35for sketches and around1.8fortextures.head and shoulder hedgehog pizza water patchespetition of sketch and texture features.Eachfigure plots the information gains of thefirst40selected features,ranked in descending order.Hollow black/white bars:information gains of selected sketch features;Solid red bars:information gains of selected texture features.For image categories with clear and regular shape,e.g.,head/shoulder,sketch features dominate the information gain.As there are more cluttered structures inside objects,texture features begin to make a bigger contribution.This is seen clearly from the feature competition for hedgehog,pizza and the water patches cropped from a pond image.iments on various categories verified our hypothesis thatsketch and texture variables complement with each other.Reproducibility page:Source code and data can befound at /∼zzsi/mixed template.html.Acknowledgement.The authors are supported NSFgrants IIS-0713652and DMS-0707055.The data used inthis paper is from the Lotus Hill Institute dataset[13]underthe support of NSF China grant60832004and863project2008AA01Z126.References[1]N.Dalal and B.Triggs.Histograms of oriented gradients forhuman detection.In CVPR,2005.1[2]K.Dana,B.Van-Ginneken,S.Nayar,and J.Koenderink.Re-flectance and texture of real world surfaces.ACM Transac-tions on Graphics(TOG),1999.6[3]L.Fei-Fei,R.Fergus,and P.Perona.Learning generativevisual models from few training examples:an incrementalbayesian approach tested on101object categories.In CVPRWorkshop on Generative-Model Based Vision,2004.6[4]J.H.Friedman.Exploratory projection pursuit.Journalof the American Statistical Association,82(397):249–266,1987.3[5] D.G.Lowe.Distinctive image features from scale-invariantkeypoints.IJCV,60:91–110,2004.1[6]J.Malik,S.Belongie,T.Leung,and J.Shi.Contour andtexture analysis for image segmentation.IJCV,43(1):7–27,June2001.1[7] B.A.Olshausen and D.J.Field.Emergence of simple-cellreceptivefield properties by learning a sparse code for natu-ral images.Nature,381:607–609,June1996.1[8] A.Opelt,A.Pinz,and A.Zisserman.Learning an alphabet ofshape and appearance for multi-class object detection.IJCV,2008.1[9]S.D.Pietra,V.D.Pietra,and fferty.Inducing featuresof randomfields.TPAMI,1997.3[10]T.Serre,L.Wolf,S.Bileschi,M.Riesenhuber,and T.Pog-gio.Object recognition with cortex-like mechanisms.TPAMI,29:411–426,2007.2[11]M.Varma and D.Ray.Learning the discriminative power-invariance trade-off.In ICCV,October2007.1[12]Y.N.Wu,Z.Si,C.Fleming,and S.-C.Zhu.Deformabletemplate as active basis.In ICCV,October2007.1,5[13]Z.Yao,X.Yang,and S.-C.Zhu.Introduction to a large scalegeneral purpose groundtruth dataset:methodology,annota-tion tool,and benchmarks.In Proc.6th Int’l Conf on EnergyMinimization Methods in CVPR(EMMCVPR),Aug2007.8[14]H.Zhang,A.C.Berg,M.Maire,and J.Malik.Svm-knn:Discriminative nearest neighbor classification for visual cat-egory recognition.In CVPR,2006.1。