1. 市场调研:这是Marketing工作的基础,需要收集并分析各种市场数据,了解目标市场和客户的需求、竞争对手的情况,以及行业趋势和市场变化。
2. 品牌管理和推广:Marketing部门需要制定和执行品牌的战略,包括品牌定位、品牌形象塑造、品牌传播等。
3. 产品策划和推广:Marketing部门需要与研发部门密切合作,参与产品策划和开发过程,根据市场需求和客户反馈来优化产品设计。
4. 销售支持:Marketing部门需要为销售团队提供支持和帮助,包括制定销售计划、协助销售渠道的拓展和维护、提供销售工具和资料等。
5. 数字营销和社交媒体:随着互联网和社交媒体的普及,数字营销和社交媒体营销已经成为Marketing的重要组成部分。
2. 品牌策划:通过对品牌形象的塑造,提高消费者对品牌的认知度、好感度和忠诚度。
3. 广告宣传:通过各种广告渠道(如电视广告、户外广告、网络广告等),将产品或服务的信息传播给目标受众。
4. 市场推广:通过促销活动、赛事赞助、公益活动等形式,提高品牌和产品的知名度和美誉度,促进销售增长。
5. 社交媒体营销:通过社交媒体平台(如微信、微博、抖音等),与目标受众建立互动关系,增强品牌影响力和口碑。
6. 电商运营:通过淘宝、天猫等电商平台,进行产品展示、销售和售后服务等工作,提高线上销售额。
7. 数据分析:对市场数据进行收集、整理和分析,为制定更有效的营销策略提供支持和参考。
- 1 -。
Marketing市场营销(英文版)Marketing, also known as marketings, is a crucial aspect of any business. It involves promoting and selling products or services to customers. Effective marketing strategies help businesses expand their customer base, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.One of the key components of marketing is understanding the target market. This involves researching and analyzing the demographics, preferences, and behaviors of potential customers. With this information, businesses can develop tailored marketing campaigns to attract the right audience. By focusing on the needs and desires of their target market, companies can ensure their marketing efforts are both effective and efficient.Another important aspect of marketing is branding. Developing a strong brand identity is essential for businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors. This is done through various elements such as logos, slogans, and brand messaging. A well-defined brand helps businesses build trust and credibility with customers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat purchases.In today's digital age, online marketing has become increasingly important. With the growing use of technology and internet, businesses have unprecedented opportunities to reach a wider audience. Online marketing strategies include social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and email marketing. These tools enable businesses to connect with customers on platforms they frequently use, increasing their visibility and engagement.Another effective marketing technique is influencer marketing.This involves collaborating with influential individuals, such as celebrities or social media personalities, to promote products or services. By leveraging the popularity and credibility of these influencers, businesses can reach a larger audience and gain credibility and trust from their followers.Marketing also involves analyzing and measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. This is done through metrics such as return on investment (ROI), customer acquisition cost (CAC), and customer lifetime value (CLTV). By tracking these metrics, businesses can evaluate the success of their marketing efforts and make any necessary adjustments to optimize their strategies.In conclusion, marketing plays a vital role in business success. It helps businesses understand their target market, build strong brands, and reach a wider audience through various channels. By implementing effective marketing strategies, businesses can increase their customer base, boost brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.在一个竞争激烈的商业环境中,有效的营销策略是企业取得成功的关键。
国际营销专业英语Unit 2 Marketing Philosophies_
The Product Concept (cont’d)
The limitation of this concept: - not realize what the market needs - “better-mousetrap” fallacy - little or no customer input - not even examine competitors’ products - lead to marketing myopia
concept Relationship marketing
Time oldest
1940’s Early 1960’s Since 1980’s
Since 1990
The Production Concept (cont’d)
The production concept works in the followed situation: When a product is in an early stage of its life style—because consumers’ needs and wants with respect to the new product are very basic.
Relationship Marketing
Time: 1990’s
Relationship Marketing: - building strong, long-term relationships with
customers - building relationships with business partners
themselves. 2. customers must be convinced to buy products.
1. 市场营销 - Marketing
2. 目标市场 - Target Market
3. 市场细分 - Market Segmentation
4. 品牌定位 - Brand Positioning
5. 市场调研 - Market Research
6. 市场份额 - Market Share
7. 市场营销策略 - Marketing Strategy
8. 市场营销环境 - Marketing Environment
9. 市场营销 mix - Marketing Mix
10. 产品定价 - Product Pricing
11. 市场营销推广 - Marketing Promotion
12. 市场营销计划 - Marketing Plan
13. 渠道管理 - Channel Management
14. 品牌价值 - Brand Value
15. 竞争分析 - Competitive Analysis
16. 销售预测 - Sales Forecasting
17. 市场营销活动 - Marketing Campaign
18. 市场营销目标 - Marketing Objectives
19. 市场份额增长 - Market Share Growth
20. 市场定位 - Market Positioning
商务英语Marketing Mix (2)new
GCSE Business Studies/What is Marketing?Marketing objectivesFirms will use marketing in order to achieve objectives. Some common objectives are:▪Introducing a new product, or increasing sales of an existing one.▪Introduce an established product to a new market segment.▪Change the image of a brand.▪Make profits.OrientationThere are two main marketing orientations that businesses use:▪Market orientation involves researching what people want or need, and then researching and developing it in order to provide it to them.▪Product orientation involves researching a product and then persuading people to buy it. This is commonly used with high-tech goods, for example. Customers may not feel they need the product until after it has already been developed.The Marketing PlanThe Marketing Plan combines - for a given period (one year for example) and a given range of products and services - all aspects of an organizations' marketing efforts into one coherent plan. It tries to blend these efforts in a synergistic fashion for maximum results. Marketing plans will vary from organization to organization but all have the core components listed here.The marketing mixThere are four main factors that make a customer decide to buy a product or service, these are:▪Product▪Price▪Promotion▪PlaceWe call these factors the four Ps or the marketing mix.Marketing mix “4ps”ProductThe Product strategy is complex. It not only includes the development of the correct product attributes to meet the needs of the target market, but must focus on the benefits (perceived or real) the customer anticipates theproduct will provide.PromotionPromotion is communication between the "seller" (producer, wholesaler, retailer, service provider, etc) and relevant stakeholders (usually referred to in terms of the Target Market/s). Promotion or Marketing Communication utilises tools such as Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Personal Selling, Marketing Public Relations and Publicity.Types of PromotionThere are two main types of promotion:▪Persuasive promotion attempts to persuade the consumer that he or she needs the product.▪Informative promotion attempts to give lots of details about the product. This is often used by the Government, forexample to inform people of new laws.Advertising MediaThe message (informative or persuasive), has to be communicated. The way it is communicated is known as the medium. The medium a firm chooses will depend on its advertising budget and it's target audience.Printed MediaPrinted media can be kept for future reference, and can often give more information. However, it has less impact because it cannot use sound and movement. Some examples of printed media are:▪National newspapers can target a group of people, but are often expensive to advertise in.▪Local newspapers get the message across to a large number of people in a given area, and are usually cheaper toadvertise in than national newspapers.▪Magazines often target a very specific group of people(e.g. a fishing magazine will be read by people interesting infishing). This means that they are often used for products specific to a certain sport or hobby.Broadcast MediaBroadcast media can make use of sound so it will often grab the consumer's attention more than other types of media. Some examples are:▪TV adverts can makes use of colour and sound. They can also be targeted quite well based on during which programthey are broadcast. However, it is a very expensive way ofadvertising and the adverts are often missed or ignored.▪Radio adverts are fairly cheap to produce and broadcast.However, there is a smaller audience and often do not attractattention.▪Cinema adverts are shown to an attentive audience, in a specific geographical area. However, since it is only seenonce, it is easily forgotten.edit Other MediaSome other media are:▪Posters/Billboards will be seen often by people in that geographical area. However, they cannot contain detailedinformation and have to communicate their message quickly.▪The Internet is a fairly cheap advertising media and can give good amounts of information. However, not everyonehas Internet access and since there are lots of adverts they areoften simply ignored.***Advertising mediaTelevision Radio Newspapers Magazines Posters/billboards Cinemas Leaflets Internet Others (ad and disad)PricePricing objectives directly affect an organizations pricing policy:▪Profit oriented objectives-attain a specific profit level, or as much profit as possible▪Sales oriented objectives-target a predetermined unit sales level or market share▪Status quo objectives-seek to maintain current price levels, peg them to an index, or match them to a competitor***Pricing StrategiesCOST-PLUS Pricing is the cost of manufacturing the product plus a profit mark-up.Penetration Pricing is when the price is set lower than the competitors' prices in order to be able to enter a new market.Pricing Skimming is where a high price is set for a new product on the market.Competitive Pricing is when the product is priced in line with or just below competitors' prices to try to capture more of the market. Promotional Pricing is when a product is sold at a very low price for a short period of time.Psychological Pricing is when particular attention is paid to the effect that the price of a product will have upon consumers' perception of the product.PlacementPlacement or place refers to the distribution channels that a company will use in order to take its product to the final customer (or consumer).***The distribution channelsProducer-consumerProducer-retailer-consumerProducer-wholesaler-retailer-consumerProducer-agent-wholesaler-retailer-consumer。
Journal of Marketing Research (JMR)
Journal of Marketing (JM)
Journal of Consumer Research (JCR)
Marketing Science (MS)
International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM)
以下是各行业职位名称英文:一、销售行业1、销售员:Salesperson2、销售代表:Sales representative3、营销经理:Marketing manager4、客户经理:Customer manager5、销售总监:Sales director6、市场拓展经理:Business development manager二、IT行业1、软件工程师:Software engineer2、网络工程师:Network engineer3、系统管理员:System administrator4、数据库管理员:Database administrator5、信息安全工程师:Information security engineer6、技术总监:Technical director三、金融行业1、银行行长:Bank president2、银行业务经理:Bank business manager3、银行柜员:Bank teller4、证券经纪人:Stockbroker5、基金经理:Fund manager6、保险代理人:Insurance agent四、教育行业1、教师:Teacher2、校长:Principal3、教育顾问:Education consultant4、高等教育顾问:Higher education consultant5、学科主任:Department chair6、教研组长:Teaching and research group leader五、制造业1、工程师:Engineer2、生产经理:Production manager3、质量控制经理:Quality control manager4、生产线领班:Production line supervisor5、物流经理:Logistics manager6、仓库管理员:Warehouse administrator六、医疗行业1、医生:Doctor2、护士:Nurse3、药剂师:Pharmacist4、医院行政人员:Hospital administrator5、医疗顾问:Medical consultant6、医疗保健管理人员:Healthcare management personnel七、媒体行业1、编辑:Editor2、记者:Reporter3、主持人:Anchor4、广告经理:Advertising manager5、营销经理:Marketing manager6、公关经理:Public relations manager以上是各行业职位名称的英文,掌握这些名称可以帮助我们更好地在职场上沟通合作,提高自己的英语水平和职场竞争力。
市场营销的英语说法1:Marketing市场营销的英语说法2:marketing management市场营销的相关短语:市场营销概念 marketing concept;市场营销功能 marketing functions;市场营销信息系统 marketing information system;市场营销研究 marketing research市场营销的英语例句:1. Marketing is applied to everything these days, and books are no exception.现在市场营销已无处不在,图书也不例外。
2. Yuppies are a prime target group for marketing strategies.雅皮士是市场营销策略面向的主要目标群体。
3. Charles has been promoted to general sales and marketing manager.查尔斯被提升为市场营销总经理。
4. Marketing became a dirty word at the company.市场营销成了公司里一个很令人讨厌的字眼。
5. I majored in architecture, and then I took some courses in marketing.我的专业是建筑学, 然后我又学了一些市场营销的课程.6. This type of marketing department organization is calledfunctional organization.这种形式的市场营销组织被称为功能组织.7. The marketing concept in banking is implemented.市场营销观念在银行活动中被普及.8. Marketing needs to know for which of its products there is an existing demand.市场营销的基本任务之一是要了解用户需要它的哪些产品.9. Marketing success or failure is directly traceable to the support that top management gives or withholds.市场营销的成败直接归因于最高管理层能否给予支持.10. Thus these decisions must be evaluated continually, if the total marketing programme is to succeed.要使整个市场营销计划得以成功,须不断对这些决策进行评审.11. Sufficient coordination between banking and marketing executives should be enough to eliminate divergence of results.业务经理和市场营销经理必须进行充分合作借以消除结果上的南辕北辙.12. The product contagion effect has numerous implications for marketing managers and retailers.产品传染效应对市场营销管理者和零售商都有很多的启示.13. Well - knowing about sales action plan and marketing strategy implementation.熟悉销售行动计划和市场营销策略的贯彻落实.14. Market Segmentation is an important step in STP and Customer Relationship Management.市场细分是企业实施目标市场营销以及客户关系管理中十分重要的一步.15. Associated with mobile communications has been engaged in marketing project planning management.一直从事与移动通信相关市场营销和项目策划管理工作.。
单元一 1. marketing mix:营销组合 2。
market a brand: 3。
product:产品 4。
range:范围、幅度 5. quality:质量 6。
branding:品牌化 7。
reputation:声誉、名望 8。
support:支持、支撑 9. price:价格 10. place:渠道 11。
location:位置,当地 12. outlet:批发商店 13. accessibility:可接近的,可得到的 14。
promotion:促销 15。
promotional mix:促销组合 16。
promotional tool:促销工具 17。
TV advertising:电视广告 18。
talk about:谈论 19。
people:人 20. physical presence:实体存在 21. process:处理、方法、步骤22。
physical evidence:物证 23。
tangible:有形的 24. launch:发表 25. distribution:分布、分配 26。
delivery:交付(贸易) 27. advertising:广告 28。
direct marketing:直接营销 29. customer:顾客 30。
competitor:竞争者 31. premium pricing:保险定价32。
special deals:特殊交易单元二 1. customer need:顾客需求 2. solve a problem:解决问题 3。
meet these need:满足他们的需求 4。
cost to user:消费者 5. perceive the cost:理解消费、认知消费 6. convenience:便利 7。
convenient:方便的 8. make an effort:作出努力 9. communication:通讯 10。
Advertising objectives
How to measure advertising’s effectiveness? By increasing in sales??
Get the right message to the right audience.
Target audience is not the same as a target market.
the unexpected
Purchase decision
Post-purchase evaluation
•It is particularly important to marketers as it will determine whether the consumer will repurchase the product and how they will influence other people in terms of purchasing the product.
Post-purchase evaluation
•Consumers evaluate the product in terms of what was promised before they purchased it and how it actually performed after they purchased it. •3 outcomes 1)Disappointment 2)Satisfaction 3)delight
Information search
•External: Personal sources (family, friends etc.) Commercial sources (adverts) Third-party reports (magazines, websites, etc.)
1. 制定营销策略和计划:根据公司的战略目标和市场需求,制定具体的营销策略和计划,包括品牌推广、产品推广、市场定位、市场细分、目标客户群体选择等。
2. 市场调研和分析:通过市场调研和分析,了解竞争对手情况和市场趋势,为营销策略的制定和调整提供依据。
3. 客户关系管理:建立和维护良好的客户关系,了解客户的需求和反馈,提高客户满意度和忠诚度。
4. 广告和宣传:负责广告和宣传活动的策划和实施,包括广告渠道的选择、广告文案的撰写、宣传活动的组织和推广等。
5. 销售促进:采取各种措施促进销售,包括销售渠道的开发、销售人员的培训和管理、销售数据的分析和反馈等。
6. 跨部门合作:与公司其他部门(如销售、产品、客服等)保持密切合作,共同推动营销活动的实施和效果的提升。
7. 报告和分析:定期提交营销活动的进展报告和效果分析,为公司的决策提供数据支持。
学术英语(管理类) Unit 2 marketing
Unit 2 Marketing
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Beyond text
4 Cs vs. 4 Ps With the birth of the Customer age in the 1990s Robert F. Lauterborn proposed the 4 Cs to replace 4 Ps.
• 市场营销是识别、预估和满足消费者需求,并为企业带来利
润的管理流程。 • 总之,市场营销是:a) 发现并满足消费者的愿望和需求; b) 并在这个过程中盈利。
Unit 2 Marketing
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
5 Ps of marketing
Unit 2 Marketing
Text A
Critical reading and thinking
Beyond text
More Ps
More Ps in marketing
• The last two paragraphs mention "profit“ • 10 Ps (4 Ps + probing, partitioning, prioritizing, positioning, political power, public relations) • 7 Ps (4 Ps + participant, physical evidence, process management) • 4 Ps+3 Rs (retention, related sales, referrals)
高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社
Unit 2 Marketing
7. According to your understanding of Passage 1, how would you complet现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Unit 2 Marketing
高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社
Unit 2 Marketing
1 Teaching Aim 2 Lead-in 3 Reading I 4 Reading II 5 Extended Activities 6 Bonus: Word Study
高等教育出版社 高等教育电子音像出版社
Unit 2 Marketing
Marketing is a central focus for this exchange process. It is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. Marketers make their living by finding out what people value and then by providing a fair exchange. It takes knowledge and skill to plan and manage a fair exchange. Marketing’s job is to:
d. satisfying.
Personality, social media and marketing 2
Which might, in the modern, privacy-free world of sliced and diced web-browsing analysis, come as something of a surprise. Marketing departments gather terabytes of data on potential customers, spend fortunes on software to analyse their spending habits and painstakingly “segment” the data to calibrate their campaigns to appeal to specific groups. And still they get it almost completely wrong.
Some of the relations he found were commonsensical. Extroversion correlated with “bar”, “restaurant” and “crowd”. Neuroticism correlated with “awful”, “lazy” and “depressing”. But there were also unforeseen patterns. Trust (an important component of agreeableness), for example, correlated with “summer”, and co-operativeness (another element of agreeableness) with “unusual”.
一、市场营销相关单词1. Marketing:市场营销2. Promotion:促销3. Advertising:广告4. Branding:品牌建设5. Market research:市场调研6. Public relations:公共关系二、运营管理相关单词1. Operations management:运营管理2. Supply chain management:供应链管理3. Inventory management:库存管理4. Quality control:质量控制5. Product development:产品开发三、数字化运营相关单词1. Digital marketing:数字化营销2. Social media:社交媒体3. Search engine optimization:搜索引擎优化4. Customer relationship management:客户关系管理5. E-commerce:电子商务四、团队运营相关单词1. Team building:团队建设2. Performance management:绩效管理3. Employee engagement:员工参与度4. Training and development:培训和发展5. Employee retention:员工保留率五、其他运营相关单词1. Project management:项目管理2. Sales strategy:销售策略3. Cost management:成本管理4. Risk management:风险管理5. Decision-making:决策在工作中,了解这些运营相关的单词,能够帮助我们更好地进行工作。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
• The likely performance of a product/service (demand) • The buying behavior of customers • Customer attitudes towards existing or proposed products • Customer awareness of a product/service/business
• Likert
• This question examines how strongly the respondent agrees with a statement and can help assess the feelings of customers towards issues.
• Rating scale
7. Follow up. • If your meeting is more than a few days in the future, send a letter of confirmation immediately. • If the meeting is tomorrow, send an e-mail confirmation. • Keep it short and upbeat.
• Buying propensity
Qualitative marketing research
1. for exploratory purposes 2. small number of respondents 3. not generalizable to the whole population 4. examples include focus groups, in-depth interview, and projective techniques
7 Tips for a Successful Sales Call
Maslow’s Hierarchy
1. Develop a professional greeting. • Don't just say hello and jump into your telephone without taking a breath or allowing the other party to participate. • Begin with "Good morning, Mr. Smith." Or "Good evening, Mrs. Jones." • Everyone else says, "Hello." Be different. Be professional.
• Multiple choice
• Importance
• Bipolar
• The question asks for a response to be marked between two opposite ends of the scale:
(=American Student Dental Association) 美国学生牙科协会
5. If a face-to-face meeting is the most appropriate next step, use the alternate-ofchoice questioning . • You didn't say, "When can we meet?" • Offer him two times, • "Mr. Johnson, I can pop by your office at 2:15 p.m. today to discuss this further. Or would 9:45 a.m. tomorrow better suit your schedule?"
6. Thank them for their time today and for the upcoming appointment. • Reconfirm the date, time and location of the appointment. • Tell him how much preparation you'll do in order to make the best use of the time you'll share. • "If anything else comes to mind that I should be aware of prior to our meeting, please contact me at (212) 5551212."
• Usually the session is observed by multiple people in a separate room and is also audio- and videotaped to accurately capture all of the comments and feedback from customers.
3. Express gratitude. • "I want to thank you for taking my call. This will only involve a moment of your time so you can get back to your busy schedule." • Don't say that you'll "just take a moment." The feeling evoked by them hearing that you'll take anything from them will put them off.
• Quantitative 定量 • Qualitative 定性
Quantitative marketing research draw conclusions 2.tests a specific hypothesis es random sampling techniques so as to infer from the sample to the population 4.examples: surveys and questionnaires
4. State the purpose of your call. • It's best if you can provide the purpose within a question. • You're not selling your product yet--you're selling what your product will do for him. • "If we can show you a way to improve the quality of your product at a lower price , would you be interested to know more?"
2. Introduce yourself and your company. • Don't get too specific yet. Don't mention your product. If you do, that allows the other party to say, "Oh, we're happy with what we've got. Thanks anyway," and hang up. • "My name is Sally Smith with ABC Company. We're a local firm that specializes in helping businesses like yours save ."
Research and sales call
Marketing Research
Six crucial questions
• • • • • • Who are you going to ask? --- The Sample How are you going to ask them? --- The Method What are you going to ask them? --- The Questions What will you do with the information? --- The Results How much do you want to pay for the answer? --- The Cost By when do you need the information? --- The Time Scale