[单选]Ⅲ度营养不良时,体重低于正常的()A.30%以上B.40%以上C.50%以上D.60%以上E.70%以上 [单选]适用于各级公路的基层和底基层的粒料是()。A.填隙碎石B.泥结碎石C.天然砂砾D.级配碎石 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男性,25岁。因溃疡病出血,血压下降,予输血400ml,7天后突发寒战高热,体温达41℃,4小时后大汗淋漓,热骤退,隔日定时发作。实验室检查:WBC4.2×109/L。诊断首先应考虑()A.过敏反应B.疟疾C.巨细胞病毒感染D.迟发型溶血反应E.细菌污染输血反应 [单选]我国早期床层反应催化裂化采用的装置类型是()。A、高低并列式B、同高并列式C、同轴式D、烧焦罐式 [单选]根据国际标准开本规格,A5开本6开本C.32开本D.64开本 [单选]燃油舱柜存油量测量装置禁止使用圆柱形玻璃测量表。主管机关可准许使用具有平板玻璃且在表和油柜之间设有自闭阀的油位测量表。上述要求适用于()。A、1984年9月1日及以后建造的船舶B、1980年5月25日及以后建造的船舶C、1992年2月1日及以后建造的船舶D、1996年7月1日及以后 [单选]树立()是职业道德的培训目标。A.职业道德B.个人形象C.社会榜样D.生活目标 [单选]目前我国已基本形成了以()为中心、国家统一会计制度为基础的法规体系。A.会计法B.注册会计师法C.会计管理条例D.会计师管理条例 [判断题]船员居住舱着火,应立即打开门窗,用水龙往内灌水,以防火势蔓延.A.正确B.错误 [单选,A1型题]属于全球卫生政策目标的是()。A.健康是每个人的基本权利,是一项全球指标B.每千名活产婴儿死亡在30以下C.提供常见病、多发病的全部治疗药物D.对常见病和外伤的合理治疗E.至少有5%的国民生产总值用于卫生事业 [单选]飞机作等速直线水平飞行时,作用在飞机上的所有外载荷有()。A.重力、升力和离心惯性力B.重力、升力、阻力和发动机的推(拉)力C.空气动力和惯性力D.重力、升力和切向惯性力 [多选]关于仲裁调解,下列表述正确的是:()A.仲裁调解达成协议的,仲裁庭应当根据协议制作调解书或者根据协议结果制作裁决书B.对于事实清楚的案件,仲裁庭可依职权进行调解C.仲裁调解达成协议的,经当事人、仲裁员在协议上签字后即发生效力D.仲裁庭在作出裁决前可先行调解 [单选]类风湿关节炎病人活动期关节的护理,下列哪项是正确的()A.进行关节锻炼B.防止脊柱挺直C.注意保暖,必要时加盖厚棉被D.四肢关节应保持伸直位E.卧床休息,注意体位姿势 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]细菌内毒素的特点下列错误的是()。A.主要由革兰阴性菌产生B.化学成分主要是脂多糖C.对人体组织有选择性毒性作用D.可单独激活补体旁路途径E.可使鲎血液变形细胞溶解物凝固 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]在行为疼痛测定法中,"由护士、患者家属或患者自己对每天不同时段及每日的日常活动出现的疼痛进行记录"属于()A.温度痛阈B.电刺激痛阈C.疼痛日记评分法D.机械伤害感受阈E.六点行为评分法 [单选]医学统计的研究内容是()A.研究样本B.研究个体C.研究变量之间的相关关系D.研究总体E.研究资料或信息的收集、整理和分析 [填空题]车辆设备由()、()和()组成。 [单选]根据民事法律制度的规定,对始终不知道自己权利受侵害的当事人,其最长诉讼时效期间是()。A.2年B.5年C.20年D.30年 [单选]关于肺功能检查应用范围下列哪项是错的()A.确定肺功能障碍的程度B.判定肺功能障碍的类型C.可以发现肺部较小的病变D.可用以判断某些药物的疗效E.可以区别心源性和肺源性呼吸困难 [单选]酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)是()A.中和试验B.补体结合试验C.直接凝集试验D.反向凝集试验E.既可查抗原又可查抗体 [单选]上消化道大出血是指数小时出血量达到()A.大于500mlB.大于1000mlC.大于1250mlD.大于1500mlE.大于2000ml [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]四十岁男性,因上腹部不适及黑便作胃镜检查,胃窦部粘膜严重充血,水肿,小弯处有多处粘膜剥脱及粘膜下出血点。活检报告:粘膜中性白细胞,淋巴细胞浸润,血管破裂及出血。诊断最可能是()A.急性糜烂性胃炎B.胃窦部多发性溃疡C.萎缩性胃炎D.慢性浅表性 [填空题]()是指辅导员与青少年信赖的人一起进行辅导,通过榜样示范和观察学习来增强成人对青少年的引导和控制,提高青少年对社会规则的认同,抵制同伴群体的压力,减少不良行为。 [单选,A1型题]β+粒子和物质作用后,不会出现的情况是()A.产生能量相等的一对γ光子B.产生一对能量各为140keV的γ光子C.产生一对辐射方向相反的γ光子D.产生一对穿透能力比Tc强的γ光子E.产生一对γ光子,PET利用这对γ光子进行成像 [单选]对于初乳与成熟乳比较,下列哪项是恰当的()A.初乳持续约3天以后,逐渐变为成熟乳B.初乳及成熟乳中,均含有大量免疫抗体C.初乳中含有较多蛋白质,主要是白蛋白D.初乳中脂肪及糖类含量较高.E.大多数药物不经母血渗入乳汁中 [单选]中华人民共和国境内()以及与道路交通活动有关的单位和个人,都应当遵守《道路交通安全法》。A、车辆驾驶员、行人B、车辆驾驶员、乘车人C、车辆驾驶员、行人、乘车人 [单选]下列()属于会计信息的内部使用者。A.投资者B.社会公众C.企业总裁D.政府部门 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]糖耐量试验(耐糖曲线)用于诊断()。A.严重糖尿病B.酮症酸中毒C.检查血糖回复到正常水平的时间D.隐性糖尿病E.临床常规糖尿病 [填空题]使用0°探头,探测钢轨时,探测面和仪器工作正常,但仪器常报警,且无回波,应考虑钢轨内部有()。 [单选]霍奇金病中,大纵膈的定义是指()A.有纵膈淋巴结肿大的病例B.胸片上纵膈增宽的病例C.纵膈肿块最大径与T5~T6胸廓横径之比>1/3D.纵膈肿块最大径与胸廓最大横径之比>2/3E.纵膈肿块最大径与T5~T6胸廓横径之比>1/2 [单选]根本违约和一般违约的分类依据是()。A.按照违约行为是否完全违背缔约原则B.按照违约行为是否完全违背缔约目的C.按照违约行为是否完全违背缔约内容D.按照违约行为是否完全违背缔约条例 [单选]当直流电动机采用改变电枢回路电阻调速时,若负载转矩不变,调速电阻越大,工作转速()。A、越低B、越高C、不变D、有出现"飞车"现象的可能 [填空题]英国生物学家达尔文在1859年出版的《物种起源》一书中,揭示了生物由低级向高级进化的科学规律,认为人类就是由()经过长期进化而来的。 [填空题]化工管道的涂色。生产中将各种管道涂以各种不同的颜色,可以使人们很容易的辨别判断各种管道中所盛装的不同介质,即方便操作,又易排除故障或处理事故。水蒸汽管涂()。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]机体调节酸碱平衡的机制不包括().A.血液中的缓冲体系B.细胞内外的离子交换C.肺的呼吸交换D.肾脏的排酸保碱功能E.肝脏的生物转化 [单选]实行强制性产品认证的消防产品目录由()审核批准。A、公安部B、公安部消防局C、国家认证认可监督管理委员会D、公安部消防产品合格评定中心 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项是释放PTH所必需的()。A.钾离子B.氯离子C.镁离子D.钙离子E.钠离子 [问答题,案例分析题]2012年1月1日,长江公司销售一批产品给黄河公司,价税合计金额为1000万元,款项尚未收到。因黄河公司发生财务困难,至12月31日长江公司仍未收到款项,长江公司为该应收账款计提坏账准备100万元。2012年12月31日,黄河公司与长江公司协商,达成重组协议如下。( [单选]所谓膜的去极化表现为A.静息电位存在时膜两侧所保持的内负外正状态B.静息电位的数值向膜内负值加大的方向变化C.静息电位的数值向膜内负值减小的方向变化D.经历C项变化后,再向正常安静时膜内所处的负值恢复E.经历B项变化后,再向正常安静时膜内所处的负值恢复 [单选]集中就业和()都是解决残疾人就业的重要形式,二者相辅相成,互为补充,共同构成了残疾人就业的主渠道。A.按比例就业B.自主创业C.分散就业D.灵活就业
高二英语 Unit 15 Destination同步练习 人教版第二册
高二英语人教版第二册Unit 15 Destination同步练习(答题时间:40分钟)一、完形填空People do not analyse every problem they meet with. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a 1 problem. They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without 2 ; they try to find a solution by trial and error. 3 , when all of these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analysing. There are six 4 in analysing a problem.5 the person must recognise that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must6 that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the person must 7 the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must 8 the parts that are wrong.Now the person must look for 9 that will make the problem clearer and lead to 10 solutions. For example, suppose Sam 11 that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes. At this time he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, 12 his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.After 13 the problem, the person should have 14 suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example 15 , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.In the end, one suggestion seems to be the solution 16 the problem. Sometimes the final idea comes quite 17 because the thinker suddenly sees something in a 18 way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖) stuck to a brake. He 19 hits on the solution to his problem: he must clean the brake.Finally the solution is 20 . Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly. In short he has solved the problem.1. A. serious B. usual C. similar D. common2. A. practice B. thinking C. understanding D. help3. A. Besides B. Instead C. Otherwise D. However4. A. ways B. conditions C. stages D. orders5. A. First B. Usually C. In general D. Most importantly6. A. explain B. prove C. show D. see7. A. judge B. find C. describe D. face8. A. check B. determine C. correct D. recover9. A. answers B. skills C. explanation D. information10. A. possible B. exact C. real D. special11. A. hopes B. argues C. decides D. suggests12. A. look for B. talk to C. agree with D. depend on13. A. discussing B. settling down C. comparing with D. studying14. A. extra B. enough C. several D. countless15. A. secondly B. again C. also D. alone16. A. with B. into C. for D. to17. A. unexpectedly B. late C. clearly D. often18. A. simple B. different C. quick D. sudden19. A. fortunately B. easily C. clearly D. immediately20. A. recorded B. completed C. tested D. accepted二、阅读理解AScientific experiments can sometimes go wrong and when they do the results may range from the disastrous to the troubling. One such experiment took place in South America about fifty years ago. Whether its final consequences will cause serious damage or nothing more than a small trouble still remains to be seen.The story began in 1956 when an American scientist working in Brazil decided to solve the problem of increasing the productivity of that country’s bees. He imported a very active type of African bee from Tanzania and mated(交配)it with the more easy-going native variety to produce a new kind of bees. The new bees worked harder and produced twice as much honey. It seemed that Professor Kerr, for that was the scientist’s name, had a total success on his hands.Then things began to go wrong. For some reason as yet unseen, but perhaps as a result of something in their environment, the new bees began to develop extremely attacking personalities. They became bad-tempered and easy to be angry, attacked the native bees and drove them from their living places.But worse was to follow. Having taken over the countryside, the new bees, with their dangerous stings(叮), began to attack its neighbours—cats, dogs, horses, chickens and finally man himself. A long period of terror began that has so far killed a great number of animals and about 150 human beings.This would have been bad enough if the bees had stayed in Brazil. But now they are on the move, heading northwards in countless millions towards Central and North America, and moving at the alarming speed of 200 miles a year. The countries that lie in their path are naturally worried because it looks as if nothing can be done to stop them.1. The results of the South American experiment .A. have caused a serious troubleB. have proved to be wrongC. are not yet certainD. are not important2. The experiment mentioned in this passage was designed to .A. increase the amount of honey in BrazilB. make Brazilian bees more easy-goingC. increase the number of bees in BrazilD. make African bees less active3. Which of the following may be the cause of the new bees’ attacking personalities?A. Their production of honey.B. Their hard work.C. Their living environment.D. Their bad temper.4. The last paragraph implies that .A. the bees have been driven to Central and North AmericaB. the bees may bring about trouble in more countriesC. the bees must be stopped from moving northD. the bees prefer to live in BrazilBA letter to Edward, a columnist(报刊专栏作家)Dear Mr Expert.I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home. I always promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible. Now, at the age of 20, I have a good job and a nice house, and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.Here’s the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine—so much so that they make mine theirs.It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever.I enjoy having my friends here sometimes—it makes the place feel comfortable and warm—but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can’t I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy(隐私)?Joan Edward’s reply to JoanDear Joan,If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.And if you’ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(气氛), you may fear that saving no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s okay to put your own needs first from time to time.Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”Edward5. We can learn from the first letter that Joan .A. lives away from her parentsB. takes pride in her friendsC. knows Edward quite wellD. hates her parents very much6. We can infer from the first letter that .A. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacyB. Joan’s friends visit her more often than she can acceptC. Joan doesn’t like the parties at allD. Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over7. According to Edward, why can’t Joan tell her friends her feelings?A. She is afraid of hurting her friends.B. She does not understand true friendship.C. Her family experience stops her from doing so.D. She does not put her needs first.8. The underlined word “conflict” in the second letter means .A. dependent lifeB. fierce fightC. bad mannersD. painful feeling9. The second letter suggests that Edward .A. is worried about Joan’s problemB. warns Joan not to quarrel with her friendsC. advises Joan on how to refuse peopleD. encourages Joan to be brave enough三、短文改错My hometown is a pretty city, so people there are 1.kind and polite. With coming of spring, grass and 2.trees turn green, and flowers grew in many colors. 3.In summer, the sea under the blue skies is even more 4.beautiful. After autumn arrives, the city looks as an 5.old man with leaves fallen from the trees. In winter, 6.a lot of white birds come to my city for food. I can 7.wait more patiently above the sea for quite a long 8.time. While they find fish come to the surface, 9.they fly down immediate and catch them without 10.delay. That is my city, and I love it so much.【试题答案】一、完形填空1. C similar相似的,从上文the last time可知。
Unit 15 Destinations一. 单项选择1. Mr. Jones said he was looking _____ the possibility of buying a house.A. intoB. afterC. down uponD. out for2. I’m _____ of watching television; let’s go for a walk.A. boredB. scaredC. tiredD. fed3. Finding her car stolen,_____.A. a policeman was asked to helpB. the area was searched thoroughlyC. it was looked for everywhereD. she hurried to a policeman for help4. _____ white, the kitchen looks much better than before.A. PaintsB. PaintedC. PaintingD. To paint5. I’ve worked with children before, so I know what _____ in my new job.A. expectedB. to expectC. to be expectingD. expects6. Working hard is not a only _____ of great success, but it is among the essential requirements.A. signB. signalC. guaranteeD. supposition7. He was _____ into the possibility of buying a house.A. lookingB. runningC. turningD. getting8. The doctor _____ an X-ray test, and then, he could make a conclusion.A. urged me to haveB. urged me havingC. urged againstD. urged on me9. He _____ his pen in the ink.A. dippedB. dugC. dirtD. dyed10. She _____ his letter into little pieces.A. brokeB. smashedC. toreD. cracked11. _____ a new plane takes off.A. Every now and thenB. Just nowC. Then and thereD. Now then12. I don’t _____ to tell you all my plans.A. seeB. see fitC. see aboutD. see out13. _____ she didn’t like the teacher, she shouldn’t have stayed away from the class.A. BecauseB. HoweverC. EvenD. As14. John works _____ in the gym two hours every day.A. outB. things outC. themselves outD. round15. She always makes some _____ over shortages and high prices.A. dislikesB. complaintsC. troublesD. discontents二. 完形填空About one hundred and seventy years ago there 16 a great general 17 name was Napoleon Bonaparte. He was leader of the French army, and France was 18 with nearly all the countries around. He wanted very much to take his soldiers into 19 , but between France and Italy there are high mountains called the Alps, 20 are covered with snow.“Is it possible to cross the Alps?” said Napoleon.The men who had been sent to look at the 21 over the mountains shook their heads.Then one of them said, “It may be possible, but…”“Let me hear 22 ,” said Napoleon. “23 to Italy.”People 24 the thought of an army of sixty thousand men 25 the Alps when there was 26 road. 27 Napoleon waited only to see that everything was in good order, and then he gave the 28 to march.The long line of soldiers and horses and cannons 29 for twenty miles. When they came to a 30 place where there seemed to be no way to go further, the trumpets(小号) sounded “ 31 !” Then every man 32 , and the whole army moved right forward.Soon they were 33 over the Alps. In the next four days they were marching 34 the plain of Italy. “The man who has made up his mind to win,”said Napoleon, “will never say: 35 .”16.A.lied B. had C. seemed D. lived17.A.his B. who’s C. whose D. which18.A.at war B. angry C. fought D. satisfied19.A.England B. Russia C. Italy D. Germany20.A.which tops B. they C. there D. the tops of which21.A.maps B. passes(关口) C. ways D. sky22.A.no longer B. it C. no more D. your advice23.A.Forward B. Back C. Give up D. Cross24.A.agreed to B. were excited C. doubted(怀疑) D. laughed at25.A.across B. over C. crossing D. being on26.A.no B. not C. only D. narrow27.A.Though B. So C. But D. For28.A.whistle B. order C. suggestion D. clothes and food29.A.marched B. stretched(延伸) C. walked D. reached30.A.steep(陡峭的) B. large C. wild D. wet31.A.Rest B. Climb C. Move D. Charge(冲锋)32.A.stopped B. did his best C. laughed D. encouraged33.A.hungry B. cold C. safe D. lucky34.A.on B. by C. in D. at35.A.can’t B. difficulty C. dangerous D. impossible三. 阅读理解Language learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners. Most children will "obey" instructions some time before they can speak, though the word "obey" is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these can't be said to show the baby's intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add newwords to their store. This self-imitation leads to deliberate imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech.It is a problem we need to get our teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the word. Thus the use at seven months of "mama" as a greeting for his mother can not be dismissed as a meaningless simply because he also uses it at other times for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself. I doubt, however, whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds.36. Before children started speaking________ .A. they need equal amount of listeningB. they need different amounts of listeningC. they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obeying spoken instructionsD. they can't understand and obey the adult's oral instructions37. Children who start speaking later________ .A. may have problems with their listeningB. probably do not hear enough language spoken around themC. usually pay close attention to what they hearD. often take a long time in learning to listen properly38. A baby's first noise are________ .A. an expression of his moods and feelingsB. an early form of languageC. a sign that he means to tell you somethingD. an imitation of the speech of adults39. The problem of deciding at what point a baby's imitations can be considered asspeech________ .A. is important because words have different meanings for different peopleB. is not especially important because the changeover takes place graduallyC. is one that should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with ageD. is one that should be completely ignored because children's use of words is often meaningless40. The speaker implies _______.A. parents can never hope to teach their children new soundsB. children no longer imitate people after they begin to speakC. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quicklyD. even after they have learnt to speak, children still enjoy imitating四. 改错We are all busy talking about and use the Internet, 41. ______which set up in the 1960s. At first the Internet was 42. ______only used by the government, but, in the early 1970s, 43. ______the universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to 44. ______use it too. However, computers were even very expensive 45. ______and the Internet was difficult to be use. By the start 46. ______of the 1990s, computers become cheaper and easier. 47. ______ Today it is easy to get on-line and it is told 48. ______that million of people use the Internet every day. 49. ______Send e-mail is more and more popular among students. 50. ______五. 书面表达请你写一篇100词左右的短评,内容如下:1.近视是目前存在于我国年轻人当中的一个严重问题,约有2/3的年轻人近视。
bbinag [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]对注意缺陷多动障碍患儿的量表评定下列说法不正确的是()A.瑞文测试B.感觉统合核对表C.Achenbach儿童行为量表D.FIM量表E.希内智测法 [单选]以下各项检查对确定膀胱肿瘤最可靠()A膀胱双合诊E.尿细胞学检查 [单选]气体分馏装置停水事故处理中的水是指()。A、循环水B、生活用水C、消防水D、凝结水 [问答题,简答题]背负式喷雾消毒器 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列贫血中的外周血片中不会出现幼红细胞的是()。A.溶血性贫血B.再生障碍性贫血C.缺铁性贫血D.失血性贫血E.巨幼细胞贫血 [单选]有关纤维支气管镜检,下列哪项不正确()A.术前应禁食4~6小时B.术前应作X线胸片检查C.术前均应做肺通气功能检查及血气分析D.术前半小时注射阿托品及鲁米那E.术后应禁食2小时 [单选]腹腔镜检查的适应证,错误的是()A.腹水原因待查B.各种原发或继发的不孕症C.生殖器发育异常D.弥漫性腹膜炎E.来源不明的腹腔内出血 [单选]为了确定飞机的位置,FMGS用来自哪里的数据:()A、DME、VOR或ILSB、时钟+地面速度计算C、三个ADIRSD、以上A和C [单选,A1型题]关于解表药主要药理作用叙述错误的是()A.发汗作用B.解热作用C.抗病原微生物作用D.抑制组织异常增生E.调节免疫作用 [多选]在人身保险合同法律关系中,涉及投保人、保险人、被保险人、受益人等主体,下列主体之中,可能为同一人的有()。A.投保人与受益人B.保险人与投保人C.投保人与被保险人D.投保人、被保险人和受益人E.保险人和受益人 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]连续监测法测定活性时,血清用量10μl,底物量350μl,光径1cm,NADH在340nm的摩尔吸光系数为6300,计算K值为().A.3376B.4127C.4920D.5714E.6508 [单选]下列()不是典型紧急事件。A.积水B.高空坠物C.交通意外D.台风袭击 [单选]治疗大头瘟毒,头面红肿,咽喉不利,宜首选()A.穿心莲B.板蓝根C.金银花D.山豆根E.蒲公英 [多选]中医学的基本特点概括起来是()A.治病求本B.整体观念C.扶正祛邪D.辨证论治E.调整阴阳 [问答题,简答题]投资连结保险有什么特点? [单选]下列哪项不是产时保健的内容()。A.防滞产B.防出血C.防胎膜早破D.防感染E.防新生儿窒息 [单选,A型题]有关“气性坏疽”的叙述,哪一项是错误的()A.伤口及时处理、扩创B.严密隔离病人C.早期用多价抗毒素血清治疗D.用大剂量青霉素杀死病原菌E.可接种类毒素预防 [问答题,简答题]安全带的安全绳破断拉力为多少? [单选]病人神情默默,倦怠懒言,身体赢瘦,脉沉细。但默默不语,却语时声高气粗;虽倦怠乏力却动之觉舒,肢体赢瘦而腹硬满拒按,脉沉细而按之有力,此属()。A.真热假寒B.真寒假热C.真实假虚D.真虚假实E.表虚里实 [多选]为了发展经济,发展中国家在人口问题上应采取的政策是()A.开展计划生育运动B.降低人口数量C.提高人口质量D.改善社会经济条件E.提高妇女在经济发展中的地位 [单选]某进口设备采用运费在内价(CFR)形式,在该价格中包含的费用是()。A.出口国装运港至进口国目的港之间的运输保险费B.进口国国内运费、装卸费C.进口国国内运输保险费D.出口国装运港至进口国目的港之间的海运费 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]发生左心衰竭病人最常见症状是()A.心悸B.体重下降C.呼吸困难D.肌肉酸痛E.胸痛 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]冷凝集素测定不增高的疾病是()A.支原体肺炎B.传染性单核细胞增多症C.阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症D.多发性骨髓瘤E.淋巴瘤 [单选,共用题干题]患者女,19岁,学生。因"亚急起凭空闻人语、疑人害、兴奋夸大、精力旺盛1月余"于2008年7月23日入院。患者诉1月前独自在家时听见同学们议论她很坏;感觉有人在谋害她,并被跟踪、监视;同时表现兴奋、半夜里学习,觉自己思维反应像火箭,能力无限大,可以统治宇宙 健,家族史:其外婆有精神病史,具体表现不详。患者目前诊断考虑()A.精神分裂症B.双相情感障碍C.躁狂症D.分裂情感性精神障碍E.分裂样精神病 [单选]不是放射免疫分析的必备条件的是()A.符合一定质量要求的放射性核素标记的抗原B.高纯度的标准品和高质量的特异性抗体C.合适的标记抗原抗体复合物与游离标记抗原分离技术D.放射性测量仪器E.免疫荧光仪器 [单选]在书刊印前制作中,图稿印刷适性检核的内容不包括()。A.检核原稿的内容B.检核原稿的阶调状况C.检核原稿的颜色偏色状况D.检核原稿的清晰度 [单选]关于妊娠合并心脏病孕妇在分娩期的处理,错误的是()。A.剖宫产指征稍宽B.无论有元感染征象均使用抗生素C.肌内注射麦角新碱以防产后出血D.可使用吗啡镇静E.宫口开全后不能鼓励产妇屏气用力 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]导致心包炎最常见的致病菌是()A.金黄色葡萄球菌B.军团菌C.结核杆菌D.支原体E.真菌 [单选]()是一种由此及彼,由已知到未知或未来的研究方法。通过它可以对事物获得新的认识。A、比较B、分析与综合法C、推理D、数据整合方法 [单选,A1型题]下列除哪项外皆可面见青色:()A.虚证B.痛证C.寒证D.惊风E.瘀血 [单选]根据视锥细胞和视杆细胞的功能差异。昼间扫视与夜间扫视技巧的特点是().A.昼间扫视的速度和范围相对较快、较大,夜间扫视时则应较慢,且范围较小B.昼问扫视的速度和范围与夜间扫视不应有任何区别C.昼问扫视的速度和范围相对较慢、较小,夜问扫规时则应较快、且范围较大 [单选]在关系代数的专门关系运算中,从表中选出满足某种条件的元组的操作称为()A.选择B.投影C.连接D.扫描 [判断题]供货方已经与需求方签订了现货供货合同,将来交货,但供货方此时尚未购进货源,担心日后购进货源时价格上涨,稳妥的办法是进行买入套期保值。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]在同一图纸上,视图按规定位置配置时各视图名称()。A.一律标注B.一律不标注C.除后视图外一律不标注D.可标注,也可省略不标 [填空题]普通经纬仪在整平后,要求竖轴应铅垂,水平度盘处于()。 [填空题]冬季内燃机车进入暖库时,应在()下进入,以免牵引电动机()表面结霜。 [单选]学校应当保证学生的()时间,组织开展文化娱乐等课外活动。社会公共文化体育设施应当为学校开展课外活动提供便利。A、兴趣小组B、课外活动C、自习 [单选]关于网络安全服务的叙述中,()是错误的。A.应提供访问控制服务以防止用户否认已接收的信息B.应提供认证服务以保证用户身份的真实性C.应提供数据完整性服务以防止信息在传输过程中被删除D.应提供保密性服务以防止传输的数据被截获或篡改 [单选]下列各项中,影响企业当期营业利润的是()A.处置房屋的净损失B.经营出租设备的折旧费C.向灾区捐赠商品的成本D.火灾导致原材料毁损的净损失 [单选]()是在交易所办理标准仓单交割、交易、转让、质押、注销的凭证,受法律保护。A.标准仓单持有凭证B.标准仓单C.标准仓单注册申请表D.交割预报表
[单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]与郁证发病关系最为密切的脏腑是()A.心B.肝C.脾D.肺E.肾 [单选]某学校组织了一次主题为“和睦大家庭”的民族关系图片展,展览内容按20世纪的不同年代分为若干板块,在60年代板块中可能展出的图片是()。A.内蒙古自治区成立30周年庆典B.新中国第一部宪法片段C.西藏自治区成立大会 [单选]在书刊印前制作中,图稿表观质量检核的内容不包括()。A.改正错别字B.清除细小附着物C.弱化擦痕和皱纹D.处理指印 [单选,A1型题]构成传染病流行过程的三个基本条件是()A.微生物,宿主,媒介B.传染源,传播途径,易感人群C.病原体,环境,宿主D.病原体数量,致病力,定位E.病原体,人体,他们所处的环境 [问答题,简答题]什么是文艺活动中的心理场 [问答题,简答题]激励明星销售人员的方法有几种? [单选]如果迎角和其他因素保持不变,空速变为原来的2倍,则升为将().A.不变B.是原来的2倍C.是原来的4倍 [单选]根据企业所得税法律制度的规定,下列关于企业提供劳务确认收入的表述中,不正确的是()。A.为特定客户开发软件的收费,应根据开发的完工进度确认收入B.包含在商品售价内可区分的服务费,在提供服务的期间分期确认收入C.广告制作费,应在相关的广告或商业行为出现于公众面前 [单选]以下属于健康保险的特征的是()A.精算技术比较简单B.一般具有储蓄性C.保险金一般为给付性D.保险期限通常为一年期 [多选]通常应予完全补偿的根据包括()。A.财产保障本身B.负担平等标准C.按照客观、公正、妥当的补偿计算基准计算D.根据公共需求、国库能力,给予补偿E.以市场标准和竞争标准为根据的现有市场秩序 [单选,A1型题]国家颁布的与流行病学有关的防治法有()A.糖尿病防治法B.艾滋病防治法C.心血管病防治法D.传染病防治法E.肿瘤防治法 [填空题]电气安全主要包括()与()两个方面。 [判断题]空调系统的制冷剂高压部分压力过高可能是由于制冷剂过量或系统内有空气。()A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]中性粒细胞趋化能力显著下降见于()A.红斑狼疮B.荨麻疹C.烧伤D.补体缺陷症E.抗体缺陷症 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]磁性原子核需要符合的条件是()A.中子和质子均为奇数B.中子为奇数,质子为偶数C.中子为偶数,质子为奇数D.以上都可以E.以上都不对 [单选]患者男,45岁,阵发性心房颤动,服用胺碘酮仍频繁发作,发作时症状明显,患者维持窦性心律的进一步治疗应选择()A.导管消融B.换用索他洛尔C.外科开胸手术D.增加胺碘酮剂量E.换用普罗帕酮 [单选]()属石竹科。A、鸡冠花B、白玉兰C、牡丹D、康乃馨 [单选]房屋建筑工程施工总承包一级资质项目经理()人以上。A.50B.30C.15D.12 [单选]高血压病患者,伴劳力型心绞痛,选择的最佳降压药物是().A.利尿剂B.β受体阻滞剂C.ACEID.ai受体阻滞剂E.钙拮抗剂 [填空题]世界上第一套邮票()的发行日期是1840年5月1日。 [多选]护理科研最基本的准则是()。A.实事求是B.尊重科学C.团结协作D.目的明确E.科研动机端正 [单选]下列哪一项不是Babinski征的等位征()A.Chaddock征B.Oppenheim征C.Gordon征D.Gonda征E.Romberg征 [多选]会计要素包括()。A.资产B.负债C.所有制权益D.收入E.支出 [单选]20世纪中叶毛泽东宣告“中国人民从此站起来了”。与这一结论相符的是()。A.抗战胜利洗雪百年国耻B.半殖民地半封建社会结束C.社会主义改造基本完成 [单选]冰区航行,应尽可能避免在冰区内抛锚,如必须抛锚,则链长应该()。A.以2~3节为宜B.以3~5节为宜C.不超过水深的2倍D.不超过水深的4倍 [单选]下列哪种情况不会传播朊毒体病()A.器官移植B.神经外科手术C.进食煮熟的牛肉D.空气传播E.注射尸体来源的人体激素 [单选,A1型题]前列腺电切(TURP)术中及术后常见的并发症有()A.TURP综合征B.术后出血C.膀胱穿孔D.尿失禁E.以上都是 [填空题]苯乙烯为无色具有()气味的液体。 [判断题]任何单位和个人发现洗钱活动,有权向反洗钱行政主管部门或者公安机关举报。A.正确B.错误 [判断题]假币是指伪造、变造和残缺的货币。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]电子伏特(eV)与焦耳(J)的关系是()A.1eV=1.6×10-19JB.1J=1.6×10-19eVC.1eV=1JD.1eV=1.6×1019JE.以上都不对 [单选]信息经济核算法是由()经济学家马克卢普提出的。A.英国B.法国C.美国D.日本 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]二尖瓣球囊成形术的适应证有()A.心功能2~3级B.瓣口面积1.5~2.0cm2C.年龄65岁D.轻度二尖瓣狭窄E.近期有风湿活动 [判断题]气密试验不合格就投料开车,一旦法兰连接处泄漏就会造成停车或意外事故。A.正确B.错误 [判断题]推动长三角水稻农业发展的动力是人口压力.A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]FAB分型中,AML-M1骨髓中原始细胞应占非红系细胞的().A.≥30%B.≥40%C.≥50%D.≥70%E.≥90% [单选]以下哪项不属于专业建筑工程设计服务包括工程设计基本服务。()A.编制专业建设工程初步设计文件B.施工图设计文件服务C.采用标准设计和复用设计服务D.参加试车(试运行)考核和竣工验收等服务 [单选]一般情况下,灯光的默认颜色是什么:()A.黑色B.蓝色C.白色D.红色 [单选]有关窗技术的理解,下列哪个不妥()A.利用窗技术,将人体组织分为的2000个分度,调整到人眼所能辨别的16个灰阶中B.窗位是指窗宽上限、下限CT值的平均数C.窗位、窗中心是指一个概念D.为显示不同组织影像,应在规范的范围调整E.窗口技术调整的目的,是为了拍摄出一张对比良好的 [名词解释]原始群
高二英语Unit15 Destinations练习 人教版
高二英语Unit15 Destinations练习人教版一、汉英翻译1. 常见问题2. 旅游预算3. 问题的答案4. 有经验的旅游者5. 更喜欢做…6. 信用卡7. 外币8. 复印9. 轻装旅游10. 列出…的清单11. 帮…做…12. 旅游证件二、完形填空:Every summer, a great many students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure. Most of the _1_ are in seasonal work, mainly connected with tourism and _2_. The pay is usually poor but most people work abroad for the _3_ of travel. You can pick grapes in France, entertain kids on American summer camps, and, of course, there are _4_ jobs in hotels and restaurants.But it is not easy now to find work, “_5_ you speak the language of the country well, there will be very few openings,” says Anthea Ellis, an adviser on _6_ for students. “If you work with a family in Italy, you’ll have to speak Italian. When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris, the owner will expect you to speak _7_. British students only have a language _8_ for jobs in the USA and Australia._9_ enjoys the experience. Sarah James was employed the help forty American children in Europe. The two teachers with the children had never been _10_. One child lost his passport; another became seriously ill and was _11_ home; the whole group was thrown out of hotel because of the _12_they made, and Sarah herself was robbed on her only _13_ evening of the entire. “I did visit a lot of new places,” she says, “but it wasn’t worth it. The pay was _14_ and it really was a 24-hour-a-day job. The kids never slept!”“The trouble is, students expect to have _15_ time of it,” Anthea Ellis points out. “_16_, they see it as a holiday. In practice, _17_, you have to work hard. At the some time, all vacation work is casual(临时) work. You’ll have a job when the hotel, the restaurant or the campsite is busy. _18_, you’ll work if it’s convenient for the company that employs you. But you have _19_ employment rights. As soon as the holiday season _20_, they’ll get rid of you.1. A. work B. luck C. chances D. services2. A. agriculture B. industry C. hotels D. restaurants3. A. pains B. comfort C. difficulty D. excitement4. A. always B. hardly C. never D. seldom5. A. If B. Unless C. Because D. Although6. A. health care B. vacation work C. language studies D. tourist safety7. A. Italian B. English C. French D. Spanish8. A. chance B. ability C. possibility D. advantage9. A. NO one B. None C. Not everyone D. Everybody10. A. Abroad B. employed C. alone D. respected11. A. driven B. ridden C. left D. flown12. A. friends B. decision C. noise D. damage13. A. busy B. free C. tiring D. pleasant14. A. nice B. reasonable C. fair D. poor15. A. a hard B. an easy C. a demanding D. an adventurous16. A. After all B. Worse still C. However D. Therefore17. A. besides B. altogether C. though D. until18. A. In a word B. In other words C. And what’s more D. More or less19. A. few B. little C. many D. much20. A. starts B. lasts C. goes D. finishes三、阅读理解:ATrain travel is once again becoming popular in the united States. Forty years ago, many people traveled by train. The Crescent was one of the many passenger trains that crisscrossed the country. The Crescent traveled form New York City to new Orleans.How exciting it was when that long, silver train pulled into a small-town station! On the train platform would be people waving goodbye to friends or relatives.The luggage would be loaded onto the luggage car. People would climb the stairsinto the passenger cars. Then the conductor would yell (cry), “All abroad!” the engineer would blow the whistle. Then slowly, slowly the train would pull out of the station. Inside the train, people would be looking out of the window. Little children would have their noses pressed right up against the glass. As the train gathered the speed, the conductor would begin a sow walk up the aisle (passage) of the train car. “Tickets, Please,” the conductor would say over and over, “Tickets, please.”1. The meaning of the underlined word “crisscrossed” in the passage is “______”.A. went straightB. moved crosswiseC. appeared aloneD. traveled forward and backward2. What’s the writer’s purpose in this passage?A. To teach you how to talk with a conductorB. To tell you that airplane travel isn’t safeC. To get you to feel some of the excitement of train travelD. To explain why the Crescent is no longer running3. Why would the conductor yell, “Allll Aboooaaad!”? _________.A. So every one would know the train was leavingB. So everyone would look at the conductorC. So people would stop talkingD. So passengers would hand in their tickets4. What would happen after the engineer blew the train whistle? _________A. The conductor would yell, “Allll Aboooaaad!”B. The passengers would run to catch the trainC. The train would back up into the platformD. The train would leave the stationBWinter sports are very popular in European and North American countries. These places usually receive a lot of snow during the winter months.Skiing and skating become the major sports activities for Westerners during the winter. People from Norway, Italy, United, Sweden and Canada all like winter sports. Winter sports such as alpine(高山) skiing and skating are very popular because they allow people to keep warm while enjoying outdoors.People can exercise outdoors in beautiful surroundings: snow-covered mountains and pine trees among endless white snow. Putting oneself into the white world and breathing fresh air, one can relax and forget all worries. Of course, the practice of flying down the hills excite people.The Alps(阿尔卑斯山脉) in Europe is the most ideal place for skiing. The Rocky Mountains(落基山脉) in the Western United States is another good place.Some people call winter sports “royal sports”. That is because of their high cost. These sports always require expensive equipment. They also need high-standard places to be enjoyed.Winter sports are not as popular in China. The southern and coastal areas have no skiing and skating. And the snow-blanketed northeastern and southwestern areas have very poor equipment.But thinks to the efforts of the government, China has caught up to world class competition in short track speed skating. This is also true for women’s figure(花样) skating. However, in alpine skiing events, China has a long way to go.5. Winter sorts are popular in places ______.A. where it rains oftenB. near the seaC. where there is a lot of snowD. among high mountains6. Winter sports are called “royal sports” because _______.A. excellent equipment are neededB. their expenses are greatC. the best skiers and skaters take partD. they need high-standard places to be enjoyed7. Which of the following is true?A.China’s skating level is higher than Western countries’.B.China’s skiing level is a bit lower than that of the world class.C.China’s women’s figure skating is much lower than that of Western countriesD.Alpine skiing level of China is rather low.8. “ the most ideal” underlined in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by _______.A. The bestB. The farthestC. The highestD. The most difficult四、短文改错Last week my parents and I took a two-day trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan. As everyone knows,it’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants 1. ______________ and animals. The weather was fine. It was about 2. ______________noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The 3. ______________ three of them were very excited. As we climbed 4. _____________the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples 5. _____________and told stories. On the way up I was busy takingpicture since the scenery was so beautiful. The time 6. _____________ passes quickly. Evening came 7. _____________ down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top of 8. _____________ the mountain. The food was expensive and the service 9. _____________ was good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at themoment my head touched the pillow. 10. ____________Unit 15 Destinations同步练习一一、英汉翻译1. 不时地2. 渴望做…3. 由…而出名4. 一饱眼福5. 让人看一眼6. 商业城市7. 厌烦…不喜欢…8. 凉快下来,冷静下来9. 位于10. 没必要做…. 11. 参加..比赛12. 第二大城市二、完形填空As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were staring _1_ at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with _2_ —beautiful and dangerous. The huge mountain is called Matter—horn. Mountain climbers had _3_ the top, using the southern route. But no one had ever dared to try a winter climbing up the _4_ side. But now one man was daring to try the _5_ route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber form Italy.Fro two days had climbed. The village people had watched him _6_. Now they were waiting to see his _7_. If he planned to _8_ the next day, he would light a green signal.A red light would mean that he was _9_.A tiny green light _10_ high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people _11_.The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so _12_! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the _13_ light.In the morning, Bonatti _14_. He could not see the top, but he knew he was _15_ there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up.Bonatti had spent months _16_ for the climb. Was the training enough? Did he have the strength and _17_ to climb to the top?He was finally t the top! News about his _18_ was radioed to the world.The trip _19_ the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the “_20_”, and would be well remembered as a climber of all time.1. A. back B. forward C. down D. up2. A. flowers B. ice and snow C. green trees D. rocks3. A. watched B. passed C. reached D. climbed4. A. western B. eastern C. southern D. norther5. A. difficult B. different C. same D. easy6. A. patiently B. carefully C. anxiously D. eagerly7. A. face B. figure C. flay D. signal8. A. return B. go on C. rest D. stop9. A. turning back B. moving up C. arriving D. in danger10. A. rose B. appeared C. turned on D. turned off11. A. cheered B. laughed C. jumped D. shouted12. A. sleepy B. excited C. tired D. happy13. A. yellow B. blue C. green D. red14. A. woke up B. turned up C. got up D. looked up15. A. already B. almost C. no longer D. surely16. A. training B. preparing C. planning D. asking17. A. courage B. skill C. money D. wish18. A. victory B. thing C. climb D. courage19. A. along B. up C. down D. to20. A. necessary B. important C. great D. impossible三、阅读理解Many people believe the glare form snow causes snowblindness. Yet, wearing dark glasses or not, they find themselves suffering from headaches and watering eyes, and even snow blindness, when exposed to several hours of “snow light”.The United States Army has now determined that glare form snow does not cause snowblindness in troops in a snowcovered country. Rather, a man’s eyes frequently find nothing to focus on in a broad expanse of barren snow— covered area. So his gaze continually shifts and jumps back and forth over the entire landscape in search of something to look at. Finding nothing, hour after hour, the eyes never stop searching and the eyeballs become sore and the eye muscle aches. Nature offsets this irritation by producing more and more fluid which covers the eyeball. The fluid covers the eyeball in increasing quantity until vision blurs, then is obscured and the result is total, even though temporary, snowblindness.Experiments led the Army to a simple method of overcoming this problem. Scouts ahead of a main body of troops are trained to shake snow from evergreen bushes, creating a dotted line as they cross completely snow—covered landscape. Even the scouts themselves throw lightweight, dark colored objects ahead on which they too can focus. The men following can then see something. Their gaze is arrested. Their eyes focus on a bush and having found something to see, stop scouring the snow—covered landscape. By focusing their attention on one object at a time, the man can cross the snow without becoming helplessly snowblinded or lost. In this way the problem of crossing solid white area is overcome.1. To prevent headaches, watering eyes and blindness caused by the glare from snow, dark glasses are __.A. indispensableB. usefulC. ineffectiveD. available2. The eyeballs become sore and the eye muscles ache because ______.A. tears cover the eyeballsB. the eyes are irritated by blinding sunlightC. the eyes are irritated by blinding snowD. there is nothing to focus on3. The scouts shake snow from evergreen bushed in order to _____.A. give the men behind something to seeB. beautify the landscapeC. warm themselves in the coldD. prevent the men behind from losing their way4. A. Suitable title for this passage would be _____.A. Snowblindness and How to Overcome ItB. Nature’s Cure for SnowblindnessC. Soldiers in the SnowD. Snow VisionBAmericans spend a lot of money in their daily lives. Working people spend money on transportation to and from work and on various expenses throughout the day. Americans enjoy shopping and buy many things that they need and want. They spend a lot of money on entertainment. They buy sports equipment, to do sporting events and do many things that cost money,. However, many Americans don’t pay cash or write checks for these things. More and more, they pay for things with credit cards..Credit cards are small, rectangular(长方形的) plastic cards. Banks give these cards to their customers. When the customer buys something at a sore, he shows his card at the store. This authorizes(委托) the store to charge the bank for the customer’s purchase. The bank collects all the charges for each customer. Then once back does not force the customer to pay the full amount. It shows the customer to pay the for the charges in several payments over a period of time. However, the bank requires the customer to pay interest on the unpaid of the charges.In this way the bank allows customers to buy things they cannot afford at one time. People can use the card to buy what they want and pay for it over a period of time. They also do not need to carry a lot of money.5. How do Americans pay for what they buy? They ______.A. either pay cash or write checksB. are allowed to use credit cardsC. pay cash write checks or use credit cardsD. neither pay cash nor use credit cards6. What are some of the advantages in using credit cards? People ______.A.can get what they want and need when they have no moneyB.can get things at a store they cannot afford at one timeC.don’t need to carry a lot of moneyD. B and C7. Who are allowed to use credit cards in the United States?A. who are authorized to spend money without checksB. who make regular paymentsC. who can afford to pay interest on the unpaid of the chargesD. who are very rich there四、短文改错:I live in a small town in the south. This is typical 1. _______________ Chinese town. There are not only two main streets 2. _______________ which across in the middle of the town. Around the 3. _______________ town stand a high wall, which was built long ago, 4. _______________and it is still possibly to walk along it. No motorcars 5. _______________ allowed in the business streets, which makes shopping 6. _______________ very easier and safer. On warm days some small 7. _______________ restaurants put table and chairs outside the houses to 8. _______________let people to take a rest and have some tea or ice-cream. 9. _______________ There are no tall buildings but some beautiful parks. 10. ______________Unit 15 Destinations参考答案汉英翻译:1. common problems 2. travel budget 3. answer to the question 4. a seasoned traveler 5. prefer to do 6. credit card 7. foreign currency 8. make photocopies of 9. travel light 10. make a list of 11. help…with 12. travel documents完形填空 CADAB BCDCA DCBDB ACBAD阅读理解 1----4. BBCB 5---8. CBDA短文改错:1. a famous 2. right 3. noon后加when 4. them---us 5. visiting---visited6. picture---pictures7. passes---passed8. down去掉9. and---but 10. 去掉atUnit 15 Destinations同步练习一答案:汉英翻译 1. every now and then 2. get the itch to do 3. be known for 4. a feast for eyes 5. give sb. a glimpse of 6. commercial city 7. be tire of 8. cool off 9. be located in10. there’s no need to do 11. compete in 12. second largest city完形填空:DBCDA CDBAB ACCDB ABACD阅读理解:CDAA CDB短文改错:1. is 后加 a 2. not去掉 3. across---cross 4. stand---stands 5. possibly---possible6. allowed前加are7. very---much8. table---tables9. 去掉to 10. right。
高中英语 bookii unit 15 destinations 总复习单元训练教师解析版
考点训练37 S2 B2Unit 15 DestinationsⅠ.句子填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.The CEO of the big company__________(保证) that the debts would be paid off in three months.答案:guaranteed2.In 2008 tens of thousands of athletes will __________ (聚集) in Beijing to compete in the world’s biggest sports event.答案:gather3.People don’t__________ (分析) every problem they meet.答案:analyse4.Will you pay by__________ (支票) or in cash?It’s 298 dollars in total.答案:cheque5.RMB is the __________ (货币)of our country.答案:currency6.You should make your travel__________ (预算) before you set off,otherwise you will meet with many troubles on the way.答案:budget7.The pop singer keeps fit by__________ (锻炼) for two hours every day.答案:working out8.The police are __________ (调查) the case of corruption __________ (腐败).答案:looking into9. __________ (不时地) John made a phone call to his parents.答案:Every now and then10.The students soon____________ (对……感到厌倦) the examinations one after another.答案:get/got tired ofⅡ.单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1.I’m not really tired ________ being a teacher,but I am actually tired ________ it.A.of;ofB.of;fromC.from;fromD.from;of 答案:B提示:be/get tired of对……感到厌烦;be tired from因为……而感到劳累/疲倦。
高二英语Unit15 Destinations单元测试题及考点精讲
课文重难点解析单位:乙州丁厂七市润芝学校时间:2022年4月12日创编者:阳芡明1. This phenomenon, sometimes called wanderlust, may explain why people spend so much money on trips to interesting places. 〔Reading〕此句的宾语是why引导的从句,前面的sometimes called wanderlust作定语修饰This phenomenon。
如:Snow in Egypt is an almost unknown phenomenon.在埃及,下雪几乎是无人知晓的现象。
A child who could play the piano at the age of two would indeed be called a phenomenon.一个两岁就能弹钢琴的小孩,会被认为是神童。
2. Should you feel the urge to pack your bags and explore what the world has to offer, you might want to consider one of the destinations below. 〔Reading〕⑴ should用于条件句,表示将来的可能性,可译作“万一;假如……〞。
此句可复原成If you should feel...。
Should he fail to come, ask Mr Liu to go.万一他来不了,让刘先生去。
Had you arrived last night, you would have seen this wonderful film.假如你昨天晚上来的话,你就会看到这部精彩的电影了。
I. 从下面所给的单词中选择一个意思一样或者相近的单词交换句中划线的单词〔有多余选项〕:1. I had thought the meal was cheap,but it turned out to be very expensive.2. Go along this street till to the traffic lights and turn left, then you can find themuseum.3. Today many young people long for traveling in space.4. He sold the house at a high price.5. These seasoned sailors have dealt with the storms on voyages.6. In the hot days, we often took a swim in the lake nearby during the childhood.7. When we returned to the village again,it reminded us of the villagers’ kindness.8. We can ensure that the work shall be done at the right time.Ⅱ.用方框里所给词或者词组的适当形式填空。
〔每个词或者词组限用一次〕1. At last, I _____ working all day.2. Their friendship _____ when Jack gave up football.3. A _____ college teaches things that would be useful in business.4. We must _____ a better method of saving time.5. There will be a _____ race next Sunday.6. When I am free, I like to visit art galleries _____.7. The plane flew _____ 20,000 meters.8. He is always late for school for _____ reasons.Key:I. 1. inexpensive 2. avenue 3. itch 4. rate5. experienced6. dip7. friendliness8. guarantee Ⅱ. 1. got tired of 2. cooled off 3. commercial4. work out5. downhill6. every now and then7. at an altitude of 8. a variety of制卷人:打自企;成别使;而都那。
高二英语 Unit 15 Destination同步练习 人教版第二册
高二英语人教版第二册Unit 15 Destination同步练习(答题时间:40分钟)一、完形填空People do not analyse every problem they meet with. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a 1 problem. They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without 2 ; they try to find a solution by trial and error. 3 , when all of these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analysing. There are six 4 in analysing a problem.5 the person must recognise that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must6 that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the person must 7 the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must 8 the parts that are wrong.Now the person must look for 9 that will make the problem clearer and lead to 10 solutions. For example, suppose Sam 11 that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes. At this time he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, 12 his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.After 13 the problem, the person should have 14 suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example 15 , his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.In the end, one suggestion seems to be the solution 16 the problem. Sometimes the final idea comes quite 17 because the thinker suddenly sees something in a 18 way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖) stuck to a brake. He 19 hits on the solution to his problem: he must clean the brake.Finally the solution is 20 . Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly. In short he has solved the problem.1. A. serious B. usual C. similar D. common2. A. practice B. thinking C. understanding D. help3. A. Besides B. Instead C. Otherwise D. However4. A. ways B. conditions C. stages D. orders5. A. First B. Usually C. In general D. Most importantly6. A. explain B. prove C. show D. see7. A. judge B. find C. describe D. face8. A. check B. determine C. correct D. recover9. A. answers B. skills C. explanation D. information10. A. possible B. exact C. real D. special11. A. hopes B. argues C. decides D. suggests12. A. look for B. talk to C. agree with D. depend on13. A. discussing B. settling down C. comparing with D. studying14. A. extra B. enough C. several D. countless15. A. secondly B. again C. also D. alone16. A. with B. into C. for D. to17. A. unexpectedly B. late C. clearly D. often18. A. simple B. different C. quick D. sudden19. A. fortunately B. easily C. clearly D. immediately20. A. recorded B. completed C. tested D. accepted二、阅读理解AScientific experiments can sometimes go wrong and when they do the results may range from the disastrous to the troubling. One such experiment took place in South America about fifty years ago. Whether its final consequences will cause serious damage or nothing more than a small trouble still remains to be seen.The story began in 1956 when an American scientist working in Brazil decided to solve the problem of increasing the productivity of that country’s bees. He imported a very active type of African bee from Tanzania and mated(交配)it with the more easy-going native variety to produce a new kind of bees. The new bees worked harder and produced twice as much honey. It seemed that Professor Kerr, for that was the scientist’s name, had a total success on his hands.Then things began to go wrong. For some reason as yet unseen, but perhaps as a result of something in their environment, the new bees began to develop extremely attacking personalities. They became bad-tempered and easy to be angry, attacked the native bees and drove them from their living places.But worse was to follow. Having taken over the countryside, the new bees, with their dangerous stings(叮), began to attack its neighbours—cats, dogs, horses, chickens and finally man himself. A long period of terror began that has so far killed a great number of animals and about 150 human beings.This would have been bad enough if the bees had stayed in Brazil. But now they are on the move, heading northwards in countless millions towards Central and North America, and moving at the alarming speed of 200 miles a year. The countries that lie in their path are naturally worried because it looks as if nothing can be done to stop them.1. The results of the South American experiment .A. have caused a serious troubleB. have proved to be wrongC. are not yet certainD. are not important2. The experiment mentioned in this passage was designed to .A. increase the amount of honey in BrazilB. make Brazilian bees more easy-goingC. increase the number of bees in BrazilD. make African bees less active3. Which of the following may be the cause of the new bees’ attacking personalities?A. Their production of honey.B. Their hard work.C. Their living environment.D. Their bad temper.4. The last paragraph implies that .A. the bees have been driven to Central and North AmericaB. the bees may bring about trouble in more countriesC. the bees must be stopped from moving northD. the bees prefer to live in BrazilBA letter to Edward, a columnist(报刊专栏作家)Dear Mr Expert.I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home. I always promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible. Now, at the age of 20, I have a good job and a nice house, and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.Here’s the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine—so much so that they make mine theirs.It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever.I enjoy having my friends here sometimes—it makes the place feel comfortable and warm—but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can’t I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy(隐私)?Joan Edward’s reply to JoanDear Joan,If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.And if you’ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(气氛), you may fear that saving no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s okay to put your own needs first from time to time.Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”Edward5. We can learn from the first letter that Joan .A. lives away from her parentsB. takes pride in her friendsC. knows Edward quite wellD. hates her parents very much6. We can infer from the first letter that .A. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacyB. Joan’s friends visit her more often than she can acceptC. Joan doesn’t like the parties at allD. Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over7. According to Edward, why can’t Joan tell her friends her feelings?A. She is afraid of hurting her friends.B. She does not understand true friendship.C. Her family experience stops her from doing so.D. She does not put her needs first.8. The underlined word “conflict” in the second letter means .A. dependent lifeB. fierce fightC. bad mannersD. painful feeling9. The second letter suggests that Edward .A. is worried about Joan’s problemB. warns Joan not to quarrel with her friendsC. advises Joan on how to refuse peopleD. encourages Joan to be brave enough三、短文改错My hometown is a pretty city, so people there are 1.kind and polite. With coming of spring, grass and 2.trees turn green, and flowers grew in many colors. 3.In summer, the sea under the blue skies is even more 4.beautiful. After autumn arrives, the city looks as an 5.old man with leaves fallen from the trees. In winter, 6.a lot of white birds come to my city for food. I can 7.wait more patiently above the sea for quite a long 8.time. While they find fish come to the surface, 9.they fly down immediate and catch them without 10.delay. That is my city, and I love it so much.【试题答案】一、完形填空1. C similar相似的,从上文the last time可知。
高二英语Unit15 Destination单元练习 人教版 试题
高二英语Unit15 Destination单元练习小练Ⅰ.用动词的正确形式填空1.When mother came in I pretended(do) my homework.2. (play) with the children is very interesting.3.Do you hear some girls(sing) in the next room now?4.In autumn,the street is always covered with(fall) leaves.5. (bite) twice,the boy was afraid to go into the garden in which there was a fierce dog.6.When they saw the teacher e into the classroom,they stopped(talk).(put) some sweet into the juice.It might taste better.’m looking forward to(see) you.9.There was nothing they could do except(wait).10. (give) more attention,the homework should have been done better.Ⅱ.单句改错1.A child as he is,he knows a lot of things.2.The cloth is of the same color of that one.3.Not until the early years of the 19th century man did know what heat is.4.The fork and knife are used to eat meat in some countries.5.It was ordered that the classroom was put in order.6.After working long hours,my bed was a nice place.7.The children find the picture books interested.8.—The light in the office is still on.—Oh,I forgot turning it off.9.The boy was made apologize to his friends.10.Mary worked late into the night,to prepare her lessons for the exam.大练Ⅰ.单项填空1.When he heard the big noise,Tom stopped and to the window to see what washappening.A.to read;wentB.reading;to goC.reading;goingD.reading;went2.“,they went home.” Means “They had finished their work,so they went home.”A.Work doneB.They finish their workC.Work to be finishedD.Working have done3.It was who telephoned me yesterday.4.That pany was willing to provide us with what we needed,which made us excited.A.no more thanB.more thanC.no other thanD.much too5.Although it is very hot by the lake,.A.it looks invitingB.the water looks invitingC.the water in the lake seems inviting meD.the lake’s water look inviting6.If a student can make what has been learned ,whether in class or from socialpractice,he will make steady progress.7.Seeing the happy of children playing in the park,I’m full of joy and confidencein the future of our country.8.I don’t think Rosemary will be upset about it,but I’ll go to see her in case she .A.doesB.will beC.isD.has been9.The World Trade Organization finally opened its door to China on November 10,a 15-year wait.10.,he cares little for his children.A.As he is a fatherB.Since he is a fatherC.Father as he isD.As father he is11.Although in China, he is well known for his novel about England.A.lived;/B.born;butC.brought up;yetD.being raised;/12.If you are in a hurry and want to have a quick meal,there is place than aself-service restaurant.A.the bestB.a goodC.a much betterD.no better13.I tried to telephone you,but I couldn’t .A.get onB.get outC.get throughD.get off14.—Marx broke his leg when he was playing football.— was that?A.How long agoB.How longC.Since whenD.Since when agoⅡ.完形填空People do not analyse every problem they meet with.Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a 1 problem.They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people.Other times they begin to act without 2 ;they try to find a solution by trial and error. 3 ,when all of these methods fail,the person with a problem has to start analysing.There are six 4 in analysing a problem.5 the person must recognise that there is a problem.For example,Sam’s bicycle is broken,and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does.Sam must6 that there is a problem with his bicycle.Next the person must 7 the problem.Before Sam can repair his bicycle,he must know why it does not work.For example,he must 8 the parts that are wrong.Now the person must look for 9 that will make the problem clearer and lead to 10 solutions.For example,suppose Sam 11 that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes.At this time he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, 12 his friends at the bike shop,or look at his brakes carefully.After 13 the problem,the person should have 14 suggestions for a possible solution.Take Sam as an example 15 ,his suggestions might be:tighten or loosen thebrakes;buy new brakes and change the old ones.In the end,one suggestion seems to be the solution 16 the problem.Sometimes the final idea es quite 17 because the thinker suddenly sees something in a 18 way.Sam ,for example,suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖) stuck to a brake.He 19 hits on the solution to his problem:he must clean the brake.Finally the solution is 20 .Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly.In short he has solved the problem.1.A.serious ual C.similar2.A.practice3.A.Besides B.Instead4.A.ways B.conditions C.stages5.A.First ually C.In general D.Most importantly7.A.judgeck B.determine C.correct9.A.answers B.skills C.explanation10.A.possible11.A.hopes B.argues C.decides12.A.look for B.talk to C.agree with D.depend onettling down C.paring with14.A.extra B.enough C.several15.A.secondly B.again17.A.unexpectedly te C.clearly19.A.fortunately B.easily C.clearly20.A.recorded B.pleted C.testedⅢ.阅读理解AChildren start out as natural scientists,eager to look into the world around them.Helping them enjoy science can be easy;there’s no need for a lot of scientific terms or expensive lab equipment.You only have to share your children’s curiosity(好奇).Firstly,listen to their questions.I once visited a classroom of seven-year-olds to talk about science as a job.The children asked me “textbook questions” about schooling,salary(薪水) and whether I liked my job.When I finished answering,we sat facing one another in silence.Finally I said,“Now that we’ve finished with your lists,do you have questions of your own about science?”After a long pause,a boy raised his hand,“Have you ever seen a grasshopper(蚱蜢) eat?When I try eating leaves like that,I get a stomachache.Why?”This began a set of questions that lasted nearly two hours.Secondly,give them time to think.Studies over the past 30 years have shown that,after asking a question,adults typically wait only one second or less for an answer,no time for a child to think.When adults increase their “wait time” to three seconds or more,children give more logical(符合逻辑的),plete and creative answers.Thirdly,watch your language.Once you have a child involved in a science discussion,don’t jump in with “That’s right” or “Very good”.These words work well when it es to encouraging good behavior(行为).But in talking about science,quick praise can signal that discussion is over.Instead,keep things going by saying,“That’s interesting” or “I’d never thought of it that way before”,or ing up with more questions or ideas.Never push a child to “Think”.It doesn’’s more,this can turn a conversation into a performance.The child will try to find the answer you want,in as few words as possible,so that he will be a smaller target(目标) for your disagreement.Lastly,show don’t tell.Real-life impressions of nature are far more impressive than any lesson children can learn from a book or a television program.Let children look at their fingertips through a magnifying glass(放大镜),and they’ll understandwhy you want them to wash before dinner.Rather than saying that water evaporates (蒸发),set a pot of water to boil and let them watch the water level drop.1.According to the passage,children are natural scientists,and to raise their interest,the most important thing for adults to do is.A.to let them see the world aroundB.to share the children’s curiosityC.to explain difficult phrases about scienceD.to supply the children with lab equipment2.In the last sentence of the first paragraph,the word “lists” could best bereplaced by.A.any questionsB.any problemsC.questions from textbooksD.any number of questions3.According to the passage,children can answer questions in a more logical,pleteand creative way if adults.A.ask them to answer quicklyB.wait for one or two seconds after a questionC.tell them to answer the next dayD.wait at least for three seconds after a question4.In which of the following paragraph(s) does the author tell us what to say toencourage children in a science discussion?A.The second and third.B.The fourth and fifth.C.The fifth and sixth.D.The seventh.5.The author mentions all of the following techniques for adults to share with theirchildren’s curiosity except that adults should.A.tell their children stories instead of reciting(背诵) factsB.offer their children chances to see things for themselvesC.be patient enough when their children answer questionsD.encourage their children to ask questions of their ownBA letter to Edward,a columnist (报刊专栏作家)Dear Mr Expert,I grew up in an unhappy and abusive home.I always Promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible.Now,at the age of 20,I have a good job and a nice house,and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.Here’s the problem:several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine—so much so that they make mine theirs.It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me.But now they seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like.They bring boyfriends over,talk on the phone and stay out forever.I enjoy having my friends here sometimes—it makes the place feel fortable and warm —but this is my home,not a party house.I was old enough to move out on my own,so why can’t I seem to ask my friends to respect my privacy(隐私)?Joan Edward’s reply to JoanDear Joan,If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child,you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.And if you’ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere(气氛),you may fear that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with—or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy.You need to understand that in true friendship it’s Okay to put your own needs first from time to time.Be clear about the message you want to send.For example,“I really love your pany but I also need some privacy.So please call before you e over.”Edward1.We can learn from the first letter that Joan.A.lives away from her parentsB.takes pride in her friendsC.knows Edward quite wellD.hates her parents very much2.We can infer from the first letter that.A.Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy’s friends visit her more often than she can acceptC.Joan doesn’t like the parties at allD.Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over3.According to Edward,why can’t Joan tell her friends her feelings?A.She is afraid of hurting her friends.B.She does not understand true friendship.C.Her family experience stops her from doing so.D.She does not put her needs first.4.The underlined word “conflict” in the second letter means.A.dependent lifeB.fierce fightC.bad mannersD.painful feeling5.The second letter suggests that Edward.A.is worried about Joan’s problemB.warns Joan not to quarrel with her friendsC.advises Joan on how to refuse peopleD.encourages Joan to be brave enoughⅣ.短文改错It was very cold in the morning of a Monday. 1.A chemical teacher was standing by the desk, 2. explaining to the exercises that the students had done 3. at home the day before.A few minutes past.He was 4. shaking all over and his nose was blue with 5. cold.All of sudden he noticed that one of the 6. windows faced north was open,and through 7. which the cold wind was then blowing directly 8. to him.He was a bit angry,and he asked in a 9. kind voice,“Who left the window opened?”10.Ⅴ.书面表达最近,你校同学正在参加某英文报社组织的一场讨论。
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Unit 15 基础巩固I. 汉英翻译1.不时地,时不时地2.渴望3.让某人看一眼……4.因……而著名5.站在……的旁边_____6.厌烦……,不喜欢……7.四天的节日8.坐落在……9.去游泳,去洗澡10.进行锻炼,训练11.复印……12.列出……13.轻装旅行II.单项填空1.We get along quite well though there are quarrels between us .A.now and thenB.here and thereC.at one timeD.up and down2.Tere won’t be classes this afternoon. Let’s go , shall we?A.for the downtownB.to the downtownC.the downtownD.downtown3.Tom is so talkative.I’m sure you’ll soon get tired him.A.ofB.withC.atD.on4.What me most was that my parents were so with my school grades.A.disappointed;disappointedB.disappointing;disappointingC.disappointed;disappointingD.disappointing;disappointed5. you be interested,I’ll tell you the whole story.A.WouldB.MightC.ShouldD.Could6.Can you me a job when I get there? You know,I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.A.provideB.guaranteeC.arrangeD.apply7.The sight of this note me that I had to go to the store after school.A.explainedB.suggestedC.remindedD.reflected8.Carnival,a festival,is very famous and attracts visitors from all over the world.A.four daysB.four days’C.four-daysD.four-day9.Most of people think that the sunset is a very beautiful .A.sightB.viewC.sceneryD.show10.Samuel Clemens, as Mark Twain,was one of the most famous American writers.A.to knowB.to be knownC.knownD.knowing11.He has a theory that it is possible to tell the time in day light looking into a cat’s eyes. A.with B.for C.by D.from 12.It is said that the best time to visit is in June or July, the South American winter cools the city. A.where B.which C.on which D.when13.The village, beside a river,is easy to get to by boat.A.locatingB.locatedC.to be locatedD.having located14.The famous actor keeps fit by for half an hour every morning.A.acting outB.working outC.giving outD.bringing out15.The traveller, inexperienced,doesn’t know how to plan a trip.A.to beB.beingC.isD.as beingIII 介词、副词填空1.Hank was vacation travelling Europe train.2.I got the right answer the question accident.3.Tom keeps touch his friends writing often.4.They offered to fetch some water us their own.5.She was angry her son having told a lie.6.They found that they had a lot common and got well.7.He ran a thief the direction the gate.8.The young man was put prison destroying the bridge.9.Don’t believe him.He is always playing some tricks.10.The day yesterday they paid a visit their teacher their wayback.IV. 单句改错下列句子均有一处错误(或多一词;或缺一词;或错一词),请找出并加以改正。
1.This phenomenon may explain to why people spend time and money on trips.2.The many tall office buildings remind visitors of that Rio is an important commercial city.3.Copacabana has just celebrated its one hundred birthday and is more beautiful than ever.4.There’s something for everyone here and few visitors leave Rio feeling disappointing.5.The festival, know as Carnival,is one of the world’s most famous and attracts visitors fromall over the world.6.Kizbuhel is also home to one of the most challenged and exciting downhill slopes in theworld.7.But it is no need to worry if you have never skied before.8.By compare prices and offers,you can also make your travel budget last longer.9.Travel agents can help you find out about package trips include hotel costs,tours andentrance tickets.10.Try to use traveller’s cheques if possible and avoid bring too much money.Key:I. 汉英翻译1. every now and then2.get t he itch for3.give sb. a glimpse of4. be known for5.stand next to6.get tired of7.a four-day festival8.be located in9.take a dip 10.work out 11.make photocopies of 12.make a list of 13.travel lightII.单项填空1-5: ADAAC 6-10: BCDAC 11-15: CDBBBIII 介词、副词填空1. on; through; by2. to; by3. in; with; by4. for; on5. with; for6. in; on7. after; in; of8. in; for9. in 10. before; to; onIV. 单句改错1.去掉to2.去掉of3.hundred→hundredth4.disappointing→disappointed5.know→known6.challenged→challenging7.it→therepare→comparing9.trips后加that或include→including 10.bring→bringing。