



福建省厦门第一中学2024-2025学年高三上学期入学考试数学试卷一、单选题1.设集合{}{}2|e 1,|log (2)xP y y M x y x ==+==-,则集合M 与集合P 的关系是( )A .M P =B .P M ∈C .M P ⊆D .P M ⊆2.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且公差不为0,若4a ,5a ,7a ,成等比数列,1166S =,则8a =( ) A .7B .8C .10D .1233.已知偶函数2()1f x ax bx ++=的定义域[a ﹣1,2],则函数()f x 的值域为( ) A .(﹣∞,1) B .(﹣∞,1] C .[﹣3,1] D .[1,+∞)4.已知3cos 5α=,3,22αππ⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,则sin 2α=( )A B . C .45D 5.设函数()23a xf x -=在区间()1,2上单调递减,则a 的取值范围是( )A .(],2-∞B .(],4∞-C .[)2,+∞D .[)4,+∞6.四棱台的上底面是边长为2的正方形,下底面是边长为4的正方形,四条侧棱的长均为)A .B .CD .7.已知函数()()()sin 0f x A x ωϕω=+>是偶函数,将()y f x =的图象向左平移π6个单位长度,再将图象上各点的横坐标变为原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),得到()y g x =的图象.若曲线()y g x =的两个相邻对称中心之间的距离为2π,则( ) A .2ω=B .()g x 的图象关于直线π3x =对称 C .()g x 的图象关于点2π,03⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭对称D .若()π2f =-,则()g x 在区间[]0,π8.已知函数()f x 、()g x 的定义域均为R ,函数()f x 的图象关于点()1,1--对称,函数g x +1 的图象关于y 轴对称,()()211f x g x +++=-,()40f -=,则()()20302017f g -=( ) A .4-B .3-C .3D .4二、多选题9.某社团开展“建党100周年主题活动——学党史知识竞赛”,甲、乙两人能得满分的概率分别为34,23,两人能否获得满分相互独立,则( )A .两人均获得满分的概率12B .两人至少一人获得满分的概率712C .两人恰好只有甲获得满分的概率14D .两人至多一人获得满分的概率1210.已知函数() cossin f x x x x =-,则( ) A .函数()f x 在2x π=时,取得极小值1-B .对于()0,x π∀∈,()0f x <恒成立C .若120x x π<<<,则1122sin sin x x x x < D .若sin x a b x<<,对于0,2x π⎛⎫∀∈ ⎪⎝⎭恒成立,则a 的最大值为2π,b 的最小值为111.已知曲线C 是平面内到定点()0,1F 和定直线l :1y =-的距离之和等于4的点的轨迹,若()00,P x y 在曲线C 上,则( )A .曲线C 关于x 轴对称B .曲线CC .曲线C 及其内部共包含了19个整点(即横、纵坐标均为整数的点)D .点()00,P x y 到点31,2Q ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭和点()0,1F 的距离之和最小为92三、填空题12.612x x ⎛⎫+- ⎪⎝⎭展开式中3x 的系数为. 13.已知抛物线C :y 2=4x 的焦点为F ,A 为C 上一点,且|AF |=5,O 为坐标原点,则OAF △的面积为.14.已知函数()()()sin 0f x x ωϕω=+>在ππ,36⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上单调,π4ππ633ff f ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫==-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,则ω的可能取值为.四、解答题15.在ABC V 中,内角A ,B ,C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c ,且22cos a c b C +=. (1)求B ;(2)若AC =点D 是线段AC 上的一点,且ABD CBD ∠=∠,4BD =.求ABC V 的周长. 16.如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -中,//BC AD ,1AB BC ==,3AD =,点E 在AD 上,且PE AD ⊥,2PE DE ==.(1)若F 为线段PE 中点,求证://BF 平面PCD .(2)若AB ⊥平面PAD ,求平面PAB 与平面PCD 夹角的余弦值.17.已知偶函数()f x 和奇函数()g x 均为幂函数,()ln h x kx =,且()()()()2332f g f g >. (1)若()()()u x f x g x =+,证明:102u ⎛⎫-> ⎪⎝⎭;(2)若()()()u x f x h x =-,()24f =,且()0u x ≥,求k 的取值范围;(3)若()()()u x g x h x =,()21f =,()ln e k g =,证明:()u x 在区间1,e ⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭单调递增.18.已知椭圆E :()222210+=>>x y a b a b,A ,B 分别是E 的左、右顶点,P是E 上异于A ,B 的点,APB △的面积的最大值为(1)求E 的方程;(2)设O 为原点,点N 在直线2x =上,N ,P 分别在x 轴的两侧,且APB △与NBP △的面积相等.(i )求证:直线ON 与直线AP 的斜率之积为定值;(ⅱ)是否存在点P 使得APB NBP ≌△△,若存在,求出点P 的坐标,若不存在,说明理由.19.甲和乙两个箱子中各装有N 个大小、质地均相同的小球,并且各箱中35是红球,25是白球.(1)当5N =时,分别从甲、乙两箱中各依次随机地摸出3个球作为样本,设从甲箱中采用不放回摸球得到的样本中红球的个数为X ,从乙箱中采用有放回摸球得到的样本中红球的个数为Y ,求()E X ,()E Y ,()D X ,()D Y ;(2)当10N =时,采用不放回摸球从甲箱中随机地摸出5个球作为样本,设()12345k A k =,,,,表示“第k 次取出的是红球”,比较()1234P A A A A 与()()()()1234P A P A P A P A 的大小; (3)由概率学知识可知,当总量N 足够多而抽出的个体足够少时,超几何分布近似为二项分布.现从甲箱中不放回地取3个小球,恰有2个红球的概率记作1P ;从乙箱中有放回地取3个小球,恰有2个红球的概率记作2P .那么当N 至少为多少时,我们可以在误差不超过0.003(即120.003P P -≤)17.03≈)。



福建省厦门第一中学2004—2005学年第一学期期末考试高三年地理试卷命题教师:姚培泰 2005.1 说明:本卷共分I、II两卷。





图11.甲、乙两湖所处的自然带分别是①温带荒漠带②亚热带常绿阔叶林带③热带荒漠带④亚热带常绿硬叶林带A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④2.关于造成两湖泊面积在缩小的主要原因,下列说法正确的是A.跨流域调水造成甲湖面积缩小 B.周围大面积引水灌溉造成乙湖面积缩小C.沙漠侵吞造成甲湖面积缩小 D.围湖造田造成乙湖面积缩小根据下表1及图2,回答3~4题。

表1 图23.x、y、z与图中A、B、C的对应关系正确的足A.x——A y——B z——C B.x——B y——C z——AC.x——C y——A z——B D.x——A y——C z——B4.A城与C城在气温上有明显的差异,造成这一现象的原因A.距海洋远近不同 B.纬度上略有差异 C.天然植被的影响 D.地势高低的不同图3为以极点为中心的地球俯视图,图中虚线表示回归线和极圈,粗实线表示某时刻等太阳高度线。


5.此时,北京时间为A .2时B .8时C .14时D .20时 6.假设交易时问为9∶30~11∶30和13∶00~15∶00,此时,正在交易的股票市场是A .纽约B .东京C .悉尼D .法兰克福 7.此时可能出现的现象是A .安大略湖畔曙光初现B .白令海峡烈日当空C .火地岛午夜太阳高照D .尼罗河畔夜幕深沉读图4“某海域等盐度线”,回答8~10题。

8.影响该海域沿海地区盐度季节变化的主要因素是A .海区封闭程度B .蒸发量C .河流径流量的变化D .洋流9.该海域目前开发的海洋资源主要有①石油 ②海盐 ③渔业 ④锰结核A .①②③④B .①②④C .①②③D .②③④ 10.该海域污染比较严重,原因可能有①工厂生产过程中排放的污水 ②全球气候变暖③入海河流上水利工程的建设 ④石油泄漏A .①②B .③④C .②③D .①④图3 图4图5为某地区的平面图,图6为图5中河流R的纵剖面图,表2为图5中P地的月平均温度和月平均降水数据。

2022-2023学年福建省厦门第一中学高三上学期11月期中考试 地理(word版)

2022-2023学年福建省厦门第一中学高三上学期11月期中考试 地理(word版)











4.与南段相比,大兴安岭北段积雪期较长的原因有()①亚寒带针叶林广布②位于冬季风迎风坡③受冬季风影响大④天文辐射较弱A.①② B.③④ C.①④ D.②③5.该区域西坡兴安落叶松的生长受到抑制的主要原因是3月气温异常偏高导致()A.3月土壤蒸发加剧B.3月土壤温度降低C.5月积雪融水减少D.7月冻土厚度变薄6.下列气象要素中,与该区域西坡兴安落叶松生长具有显著正相关关系的是()A.1~2月降雪量B.11~12月降雪量C.上一年的生长季均温D.生长季均温渔汛是指水生经济动物高度集中于某水城,适于大量捕捞的时期。



21.如图,AB是⊙O的直径,点C是圆上的一点, 于点D,AD交⊙O于点F,连接AC,若AC平分∠DAB,过点F作FG⊥AB于点G,交AC于点H,延长AB,DC交于点E.
(1)求证: 是⊙O的切线;
(2)求证: ;
(3)若 求 的值.
22.在平面直角坐标系中,O为坐标原点,抛物线 与x轴交于点A,B,与y轴交于点C,点A的坐标为(2,0),点 在抛物线上.
15.如图,直线y= 3x+3与x轴交于点B,与y轴交于点A,以线段AB为边,在第一象限内作正方形ABCD,点C落在双曲线y= (k≠0)上,将正方形ABCD沿x轴负方向平移a个单位长度,使点D恰好落在双曲线y= (k≠0)上的点D1处,则a=_____.
16.已知 中,点 , , .则 面积为________.

7.如图,平面直角坐标系中.直线 分别交x轴、y轴于点B、A,以AB为一边向右作等边 ,以AO为边向左作等边 ,连接DC交直线l于点E.则点E的坐标为()
A. B. C. D.
8.构建几何图形解决代数问题是“数形结合”思想的重要应用,例如在计算tan15°时,可构造如图的Rt△ACB,∠C=90°.∠ABC=30°,延长CB使BD=AB,连接AD,得∠D=15°,所以 类比这种方法,若已知锐角α的正弦值为 锐角β的余弦值为 则α+β=()
20.如图,斜坡AB长130米,坡度 现计划在斜坡中点D处挖去部分坡体修建一个平行于水平线CA的平台DE和一条新的斜坡BE.
(1)若修建 斜坡BE的坡角为 求平台DE的长;(结果保留根号)
(2)斜坡AB正前方一座建筑物QM上悬挂了一幅巨型广告MN,小明在D点测得广告顶部M的仰角为 他沿坡面DA走到坡脚A处,然后向大楼方向继续行走10米来到P处,测得广告底部N的仰角为 此时小明距大楼底端Q处30米.已知B、C、A、M、Q在同一平面内,C、A、P、Q在同一条直线上,求广告MN的长度.(参考数据:sin 3)


12.阿塔卡马沙漠( )
13.图中( )
【答案】15. C 16. D





1.How did the man go to work todayA.On foot.B.By taxi.C.By bike.2.What does the man want to buyA.An air fryer.B.A microwave.C.A refrigerator.3.What is the probable relationship between the speakers A.Colleagues.B.Strangers.C.Classmates.4.What are the speakers mainly talking aboutA.Doing an article.B.Designing research projects.C.Interviewing a professor.5.What does the woman think of making grape wineA.Time-wasting.B.Enjoyable.C.Difficult.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。




6.How many pieces of baggage does the man haveA.Two.B.Four.C.Six.7.Where does the conversation probably take placeA.On the plane.B.In the airport.C.At the station.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。



2020-2021学年厦门市第一中学高中高三英语下学期期末试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AIt was a weeknight and one of my twin daughters marched into the room, waving a book she'd finished. “Dad, why are books with science in them always about boys?” she asked.I told her that simply wasn't true; there were loads of great science fictions with girls in them. She agreed, but argued that in those stories it was the boys who were doing science, and the girls were justalong for the ride. My other daughter took her sister's side and challenged me to give an example.This left me in a difficult position. I could either go through our library to point out some wonderful examples of female-led science fictions, or just admit they were right and remain in my comfortable chair.I've been asked several times how I came up with the idea forA Problematic Paradoxand my answer is always the same: it came to me in a moment of inspiration. I like that answer because it's simple and makes me seem very creative. The fact that this explanation is not true bothers me from time to time. Here's the truth: the story wasn't my idea. It was my daughters who suggested I write something for them that had a girl doing science.My daughters were at an age when many young women turn away from STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), believing those areas of study unfriendly or out-of-the-norm for girls. I also read about how important role models can be to young people. It's one thing to tell a person they can do something, but seeing someone like them doing that thing can be more powerful.So, I kept two guidelines for the book in mind: First, the story had to be fun for anyone, because it's as important for boys to understand that science is for everyone. Second, I wanted the main character, Nikola, to be imperfect. She should be someone with shortcomings as we all have. I think this not only makes a story more interesting to read, but also helps make it clear that the most extraordinary things can be done by ordinary people.1. What does the underlined phrase “along for the ride” in paragraph 2 probably mean?A. Entering a bike race.B. Offering vital help.C. Doing unimportant things.D. Playing the leading role.2. What do we know about the bookA Problematic Paradox1?A. Its main character is perfect.B. It is a female-led science fiction.C. It is intended to appeal to girls only.D. Its idea comes from the author's inspiration.3. Which of the following best describes the author's book?A. Serious and abstract.B. Simple and practical.C. Creative and well-organized.D. Inspiring and interesting.BByteDance(字节跳动)Group’s TikTok, an overseas version of Chinese short video sharing app Douyin, faces an existential crisis in the United States, as murmurs of a “crackdown”(强制取缔)from the White House forced the Chinese company toengage in talks on selling its US business to Microsoft.TikTok is the fastest-growing registered global mobile internet app, with more than 100 million users, and its rapid growth, especially in the US, is seen as a threat to Facebook. The US government has long viewed globally competitive Chinese high-tech companies including Huawei as a threat and done whatever it could to crack down on(打击)them in the name of “national security”.The US government has not introduced any specific policy against TikTok only threatened it through a number of unclear statements.According to the latest media reports, Microsoft is prepared to press ahead withthe negotiations to take over TikTok’s US operations and complete the negotiations by Sept 15, following talks between Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and US President Donald Trump.This means that TikTok will have to hand its fate over to some unpredictable power, and even have to sell its assets without the option of setting a price.The US government has failed to find a reasonable legal excuse to deal with TikTok. All private data of TikTok’s US users are stored in the US and are unlikely to be transferred. Considering the US government is trying to deal with TikTok in a political way, TikTok should consider incorporating(合并)the dispute into the US legal process to assert(坚持)its legal rights and interests.TiKTok’s core value lies in its unique algorithms,a product of artificial intelligence that represents the expertise of Chinese engineers and programmers with high-value intellectual property.The US government’s move, which has forced ByteDance to sell TikTok to a US company, is similar to a forced technology transfer and an example of the US’ openseizureof Chinese intellectual property.If ByteDance sells TikTok to a US company for “security reasons", that would set a dangerous precedent, motivating other countries where TikTok operates to follow the US administration's example and cause a chain reaction.ByteDance is a young Chinese private company that cannot deal with a political game played by the US. But as a Chinese company that has gone global, ByteDance has reasons to take up legal means to defend its legal rights. The Chinese government can also consider examining whether the technology transfer in the deal violates China’s law and harms the country’s national interests.4. What is the most valuable as for TikTok?A. Its global popularity.B. Its artificial intelligence.C. Its registered global mobile internet app.D. Its private data of TikTok’s worldwide users.5. Why does the American government force the Chinese company to hand over TikTok’s US operations to a US company?A. Out of so-called political reasons.B. Out of so-called debt reasons.C. Out of so-called technical reasons.D. Out of so-called security reasons.6. What does the underlined word “seizure”probably mean in Para. 8?A. An untrue spoken statement about someone.B. The use of legal authority to take sth from sb.C. The crime of stealing sth from a person or place.D. The act of trying to hurt somebody using physical violence.7. What can be the best title for the news report?A. TikTok must defend its rights legallyB. TikTok is seen as a threat to FacebookC. ByteDance has to sell TikTok to a US companyD. ByteDance agrees to transfer technologyCJeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson have a combined net worth of 400 billion, roughly the size of the GDP of the entire nation of Ireland. And all three men have decided to put vast sums of their wealth into chasing their space travel dreams, creating a modern space race in which ultra — rich men — rather than countries — shoot for the stars.But why the three billionaires choose the crazy plan? Just for the travel dreams? It’s not that simple.As we all know, the space travel is a mirror of comprehensive national strength, whether it’s the cold war orthe present. The first space racespannedmultiple presidents and premiers — Kennedy, Krushchev, Brezhnev, Nixon. It made heroes of astronauts and cosmonauts, and it focused national prides. But obviously, this year’s race between the billionaires features none of that national pride or opposing ideas. It’s tax — averse tycoons (大亨) who want to sell high — priced tickets to rich people interested in experiencing weightlessness. Amazon’s Bezos has said he is funding his portion by selling off large chunks of his Amazon stock (股票) — 1 billion or more a year.What are the odds? If anyone is taking bets on how this will end, and who will have the more profitable space tourism business, consider Amazon’s method of making very little profit in order to eat up competition. So, from this point of view, what’s hiding behind this crazy race is business. As a method of expand influence, it is not a bad idea.Richard Branson has carried out his plan on July 12, and Jeff Bezos announced that he will start his space travel on July 20. Bezos is getting some good press because he’s taking Wally Funk along for the ride. She’s the pilot now in her 80s who was kept out of space in the 1960s because she’s a woman. This may be a bonus for him. As for Musk, he thinks these two above are not real space trips, he wants a larger move.Who will win the race in the end? Let’s wait and see.8. Which of the following people might be the potential client of the space travel?A. Daisy aged 45 with a heavy debt.B. Clarkson who doesn’t enjoy taking risks.C. Billy aged 60 with an ample retirement pension.D. Alexander who knows nothing about space travel.9. What stopped Wally Funk flying to space in the 1960s?A. Age.B. Gender.C. Height.D. Disposition.10. What does the author think of the billionaires race?A. Profit — driven.B. Meaningless.C. Foolish.D. Generous.11. What does the underlined word “spanned” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Revolved.B. Turned down.C. Entered.D. Leapt through.DParents and math teachers regularly asked by their school-aged charges whether math matters inreal life now have an answer.In a study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research this week, Harvard Kennedy School Policy Professor Joshua Goodman took a look at what happened to students whose high schools were required in the1980s to increase the minimum level of coursework required to graduate. What he found is that the students were more likely to increase the number of math courses they took as a result of the change in standards and that translated into higher earnings down the line.Put simply: About 15 years after they graduated, the high school graduates who went to school when these changes took effect saw their average earnings increase about 10% for every extra year of math coursework. The findings may add fuel to the steady drum of education experts, policy makers and others calling for an increased focus on science and math education.The increase in required math courses didn’t necessarily produce rocket scientists, Goodman notes, because the extra coursework wasn’t at a particularly high level. But becoming familiar with and practicing ly basic math skills allowed high school graduates to pursue and excel at jobs that required some level of computational knowledge, he said.Goodman acknowledged that the earnings boost for the students connected with the up tick (上升)in math education may be dependent on the state of the economy. When Goodman checked in the late 1990s and early 2000s on the earnings of the students who graduated in the late 1985,he found that their earnings increased significantly if they took more math.12. What does Joshua Goodman’s study find?A. High school graduates earn more.B. High school students prefer math.C. Math matters a lot in one’s income.D. Math is a compulsory course in school.13. Why is increase in required math courses useful?A. It produced rocket scientists.B. It makes high school students smarter.C. It meets the requirements of the government.D. It enables high school graduates to get better jobs.14. What might be the author’s purpose in writing the text?A. To give a warning to policy makers.B. To seek help for high school students’ problems.C. To show the great importance of learning math.D. To tell a struggling history of high school students.15. What could be the best title for the text?A. Efforts matter mostB. Math makes moneyC. Earnings of different graduatesD. Changes of high school courses第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



2023-2024学年福建省厦门第一中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题GET A BIRD’S-EYE VIEW OF THE WORLD’S MOST ATTRACTIVE FEATHERED ANIMALS WITH THESE BOOKSFlamingo (火烈鸟)Biologist and photographer Claudio Contreras Koob spent 20 years travelling deep into the wet lands and forests of his native Mexico—and beyond—to feed his flamingo attraction. This book offers a unique window into the behavior and life of red-feathered birds, with more than 120 show-stopping shots displaying their beauty. teNeues, £35.Around the World in 80 BirdsInspiring secrets, national pride or scientific discoveries, every bird has a story to tell, from the weaver bird building multi-nest “apartment blocks” in Namibia to the bar-headed goose taking on a twice-yearly trans-Himalayan journey at an extreme altitude. Mike Unwin’s tour is accompanied by beautiful illustrations from Ryuto Miyake. Laurence King Publishing, £22.A World on the WingPulitzer-shortlisted Weidensaul, who’s at the forefront of research into bird migration, here tracks some of nature’s most remarkable journeys. He sails through the stormy Bering Sea, encounters trappers in the Mediterranean and visits former headhunters in northeast India, where a bird migration crisis has become a conservation success story. Pan Macmillan, £9.99.Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the BirdsExplore this updated version of the 1968 title, Galapagos: Islands of Birds, by late bird expert Bryan Nelson, with previously unpublished material from his wife, June. The couple spent a year living on two Galapagos islands, studying birds, including the Galapagos albatross (信天翁). This is their clever and amusing account. Bradt Guides, £11.99.1. By whom is the second costliest book illustrated?A.Claudio Contreras Koob. B.Mike Unwin.C.Ryuto Miyake. D.Weidensaul.2. Which book best suits those concerned about the survival of migratory birds?A.Flamingo . B.Around the World in 80 Birds .C.A World on the Wing . D.Galapagos: Island of Birds.3. What feature may Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds have?A.Its humorous description. B.Its romantic style.C.Its vivid imagination. D.Its moving plot.In the 1940s, young male Royal Air Force pilots held needles as they waited for their next mission. Wartime pilots suffered a lot and knitting helped rebuild dexterity (灵巧) in wounded arms while also helping to settle wounded minds.Today, millions of people around the world employ the same techniq ue. “I know that if I haven’t knitted for a few days, I really miss it. It’s like meditation.” says Janine Smith, who owns a store in Sydney selling supplies for knitting.Research supports Smith’s statement. Physiotherapist Betsan Corkhill and occupationa l therapist Jill Riley were part of a team from Cardiff University that, ten years ago, surveyed more than 3,500 knitters and found that the more frequently people knitted, the calmer and happier they felt.Or as Jannie Smith puts it, “That rhythm of making stitch after stitch is like deep breathing. It’s a flow where you don’t have to stress about it, you’ve got the rhythm happening.”“Flow” is a concept first named by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. As he wrote in his book, “The best moments in our lives are neither the passive nor relaxing times. The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.”The Cardiff research team found that many respondents described feeling calmer and in a better mood after knitting, and the majority of respondents who suffered from depression “perceived that knitting made them feel happier.” For respondents who suffered from chronic pain, almost nine out of ten said that knitting gave them a sense of accomplishment and a means of coping with their pain. Interestingly, more than half of those surveyed said that knitting pushed them to develop other skills, like building furniture. Because knitting is so accessible — at its heart it’s two sticks and one stitch — it helps people build confidence in their abilities. After all, if you make a mistake, you can just pull it all out and start again.4. Why does the author mention young male Royal Air Force pilots in paragraph 1?A.To give an example of a knitter.B.To show the heavy burden on pilots.C.To demonstrate the technique of pilots.D.To introduce the healing effect of knitting.5. Which can be called as the best moment according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi?A.Watching TV together with friends. B.Taking physical exams.C.Playing chess with a great opponent. D.Reading funny comic books.6. According to a research of Cardiff University, which statement about knitting is true?A.It motivates people to stretch their bodies.B.It enables people to build furniture.C.It helps people to get rid of chronic pain.D.It allows people to build confidence to learn other skills.7. What would be the best title for the text?A.Active Hands, Calm Minds B.Healthier Attitude, Longer LifeC.Easy Knitting, Skill Building D.Mind Calming, Flow FindingIn 2012, James Cameron, creator of Avatar and Titanic, became the first person to reach the Challenger Deep. When he arrived at the deepest spot on Earth at 7 miles below sea level, he spent hours mapping the region and taking photos and samples.“As human beings, we’re drawn to absolutes—the deepest, the highest, the coldest, the farthest,” he says. “And as a storyteller and curious monkey, I just wanted to see what was there.” The answer is obvious—plastic and more. “Our so-called civilization is using the ocean as its toilet,” Cameron says. “Unless this changes, ocean ecosystems are going to continue their rapid collapse.”Despite decades of environmental studies, the impact of plastic and other forms of pollution on oceans are not entirely understood. Initial studies appear to indicate that ingesting(摄取) them—either directly or indirectly—could cause disease. Plastics can also release poisonous substances into the water, which could potentially impact animal populations.But plastic is just one of the problems facing oceans that have yet to be fully understood. “Plastic waste in the ocean is horrifying but is only the most obvious of our many deadly waste streams, which include car bon that’s heating the atmosphere and making the ocean acidic, and the run-off nutrients from all the world’s agriculture, which is causing anoxic(缺氧的) dead zones the size of countries,” Cameron says.Oceans, like the rest of the world, are impacted by the burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide—about 30 percent of which is absorbed by the sea. This absorption causes ocean acidification, where the pH level is altered to become more acidic. As a result, it’s harder for some creatures to form shells and skeletons and countless species at the base of the food web can struggle to survive, which, scientists say, has the potential to cause huge disruptions to entire ecosystems. Indeed, ocean acidification is thought to have pl ayed an important role in Earth’s worst-ever mass extinction event 252 million years ago.The effect of climate change on the world’s oceans will likely worsen in coming decades. Last June, scientists announced carbon dioxide levels had reached the highest levels since human records began. The last time carbon dioxide levels were this high was during the Pliocene era, between 3 and 5 million years ago, when global temperatures were about 4 degrees Celsius warmer than they are today. Current climate models suggest that if greenhouse gas emissions continue on their current trend, we may be on course to see 4 degrees of warming by 2100.As a result, understanding the role oceans have on global systems is becoming more and more important.8. What are the first two paragraphs mainly about?A.The author’s feelings to the ocean.B.Cameron’s movies and remarks.C.The author’s discoveries under the sea.D.Cameron’s observation and concern.9. What can we infer from the passage?A.Several countries are suffering from anoxic dead zones.B.More concern should have been given to the pollution on oceans.C.Plastic is supposed to be the most serious environmental problem.D.Ocean acidification removes the nutrients from agricultural products.10. What does the underli ned word “disruptions” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?A.Decreases. B.Destruction.C.Diseases. D.Discrimination.11. Why does the author mention the mass extinction event 252 million years ago?A.To call on people to protect sea animals.B.To compare current situations with the past.C.To explain how serious the ocean problem is.D.To prove pollution to be the cause of acidification.A snake-robot designer, a technologist, an extradimensional physicist and a journalist walk into a room. The journalist turns to the crowd and asks: Should we build houses on the ocean? Like a think-tank panel, members of the team dream up far-out answers to the crucial problem, such as self-driving housing units that could park on top of one another in the coastal city center.The setting is X, the enterprise which considers more than 100 ideas each year, in areas ranging from clean energy to artificial intelligence. Although only a tiny percentage become “projects” with far-reaching creativity, these projects exist, ultimately, to change the world, like Waymo, the biggest self-driving-car company.In the past 60 years, something strange has happened. As the academic study of creativity has thrived (蓬勃发展), the label innovation may have covered every tiny change of a soda can or a toothpaste flavor, but the rate of productivity growth has been mostly declining since the 1970s. John Fernald, an economist, points out that the notable exception to the post-1970 decline in productivity occurred when businesses throughout the economy finally figured out the breakthrough technology-information technology. John Fernald says, “It’s possible that productivity took off, because we picked all the low-hanging fruit from the IT wave.” Actually. the world economy continues to harvest the benefits of IT. But where will the next technology shock come from?Breakthrough technology results from two distinct activities—invention and innovation. Invention is typically the work of scientists and researchers in labs, while innovation is an invention put to commercial use. Seldom do the two activities occur successfully under the same roof. They tend to thrive in opposite conditions; while competition and consumer choice encourage innovation, invention has historically progressed in labs that are protected from the pressure to generate profit.Allowing well-funded and diverse teams to try to solve big problems is what gave us the computer and the Internet. Today, we fail to give attention to planting the seeds of this kind of ambitious research, whi le complaining about the harvest. “Companies are really good at combining existing breakthroughs in ways that consumers like. But the breakthroughs come from patient and curious scientists, not the rush to market,” says John Gertner, the author of The Idea Factory.“Technology is a tall tree,” John Fernald said. “But planting the seeds of invention and harvesting the fruit of innovation are entirely distinct skills, often mastered by different organizations and separated by many years.” As for me, both of t hem are essential for technology, although they are relatively independent. “I don’t think X is a planter or a harvester, actually. I think of X as building taller ladders. They reach where others cannot.” he added. Several weeks later, his words were repe ated to several X employees. “That’s perfect,” they said. “That’s so perfect.” Nobody knows for sure what, if anything, the employees at X are going to find up on those ladders. But they’re reaching. At least someone is.12. What is the main purpose of the first two paragraphs?A.To present the process of group discussion. B.To illustrate X’s worry about big problems.C.To reveal the importance of the crazy ideas. D.To stress the varied backgrounds of the team.13. What can we learn from the Paragraph 3-4?A.Breakthroughs must stand the test of the market.B.Innovation on necessities can promote productivity.C.Invention develops slowly under the pressure of profit.D.The harvest of innovation lies in some ambitious research.14. What’s X employee’ attitude regarding John Fernald’s view on technology?A.Ironic. B.Uninterested. C.Conservative. D.Supportive. 15. What can be inferred about X from the passage?A.It will focus on innovation. B.It will have its outcome soon.C.It may bring an encouraging outlook. D.It may give in to its fruitless reality.You will be leaving this school at the end of this year and the unavoidable question many people will ask you is, “So, what do you want to be?” 16 But many of you still don’t have a clue! Here are some things you might want to consider.First, does the career you are considering have staying power? Will it be in demand in 20 years? Rapid technological change is disruptive (破坏性的). 17 While many occupations are being taken over by new technology, jobs that require high-level of critical thinking, emotional intelligence and human interaction, remain in high demand. These jobs are more adaptable and not easily replaced by machines or technology.Second, choose a career that interests you. Some people might think this is unimportant, but if you are truly passionate about your job then going to work every day won’t seem a chore. It’s also likely that you will stay and grow in this career. Before making a choice, you should examine your values, skills and personality type. 18Third, of course you will want to consider your chosen profession’s earning power! Although high pay plays a part, you should know that a job with a big salary will likely require more time to get to the top, much more effort and a higher level of stress. 19 If you have interests outside of work, or are struggling with other demands in your life, you might want to choose a less taxing line of work.20 Let me leave you with an old saying: “Choose a job you love, and you will neve r have to work a day in your life. “On a cold winter night, Andrew, a 22-year-old Canadian, suffered a heart attack and collapsed to the floor, unconscious.______, his dog, a 4-year-old Husky named Koda, didn’t______. Instead, the clever dog sprang into action and called 911.Koda ______the emergency number on a cell phone. The 911 operator heard______on the other end of the line and sent a police officer to conduct a(n) ______ . When the officer arrived at the house, he found Koda barking at the front door, ______to lead him inside.The officer quickly realized that something was______and followed Koda into the bedroom, where he found Andrew______on the floor. The officer called an ambulance and Andrew was rushed to the hospital, where he received timely______ .Andrew said th at he had______Koda to call 911 by pressing his nose against the phone’s screen. He never thought that Koda would______use the skill in a real emergency.The story of Koda’s_______act has gone viral (疯传), with people around the world praising the dog’s______and loyalty. This heartwarming tale is a(n)______of the special bond between humans and their pets. Koda may not be able to speak, but he communicated in a way that______a life —and that’s something truly remarkable.21.A.Besides B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise22.A.panic B.bite C.care D.escape 23.A.stored B.remembered C.dialed D.chose24.A.silence B.sighs C.screams D.barks25.A.negotiation B.investigation C.experiment D.survey 26.A.pretending B.refusing C.trying D.deciding 27.A.missing B.different C.wrong D.strange 28.A.lying B.sitting C.resting D.struggling 29.A.advice B.information C.support D.treatment 30.A.trained B.persuaded C.allowed D.warned 31.A.gradually B.actually C.occasionally D.immediately 32.A.adventurous B.selfless C.considerate D.heroic 33.A.honesty B.creativity C.patience D.intelligence 34.A.reminder B.explanation C.test D.prediction 35.A.spared B.changed C.saved D.created阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。















据此完成4 --6题。

4.受全球气候变暖的影响,亚欧大陆苔原带将A.面积扩大B.整体向南移动C.面积缩小D.整体向北移动5.苔原带横跨亚欧大陆,表明A.苔原植被对温度差异不敏感B.亚欧大陆降水北部最多C.苔原植被对湿度差异不敏感 D.亚欧大陆北部湿度东西向差异小6.祁连山地针叶林带以上未发现极地特有种灌木,可能是因为祁连山地A.冰期针叶林带以上气温高 B.冰期基带气温高C.目前针叶林带以上气温高 D.目前基带气温高秘鲁鲲主要分布于南美洲太平洋沿岸中上层海水中(图1),其资源丰度与表层海水温度、风速和海水上涌强度等因素有关,当秘鲁上升流偏弱或过强时,秘鲁鲲资源丰度降低。


21.古代船只将非洲东海岸蚵壳装载回泉州 目的是( )
8.巴西由农业社会向城市化转型时期( )
C 农村人口数量不断减少D.城市人口先减少后增加
9.巴西城市化速度发生明显变化的年份及原因可能是( )
6.表示城镇人口比重的是( )
7.图示期间浙江省( )

福建省厦门2024-2025学年高一上学期11月期中考试 地理含答案

福建省厦门2024-2025学年高一上学期11月期中考试 地理含答案
















福建厦门第一中学2023-2024学年物理八年级第一学期期末调研试题学校_______ 年级_______ 姓名_______注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。







福建省厦门第一中学2024—2025学年度第一学期10月学业调研评估初一年数学学科练习第Ⅰ卷说明:(1)考试时间60分钟.满分120分.(2)所有答案都必须写在答题卡指定方框内,答在框外一律不得分.(3)选择题用2B铅笔填涂,其余一律用黑色水笔做答;不能使用涂改液/带.第Ⅰ卷(选择题)一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 如果收入100元记作+100元.那么−80元表示()A. 支出20元B. 支出80元C. 收入20元D. 收入80元【答案】B【解析】【分析】根据正负数的意义进一步求解即可.【详解】∵收入100元记作+100元,∴−80元表示支出80元,故选:B.【点睛】本题主要考查了正负数的意义,熟练掌握相关概念是解题关键.2. –2017的相反数是()A. -2017B. 2017C.12017− D.12017【答案】B【解析】【分析】一个数的相反数就是在这个数前面添上“-”号,据此可得.【详解】解:–2017的相反数是2017,故选B.【点睛】本题考查了相反数的概念.解题的关键是掌握相反数的概念.只有符号不同的两个数互为相反数.3. 数轴上的点A到原点的距离是5,则点A表示的数为()A. -5B. 5C. 5或-5D. 2.5或-2.5【答案】C【解析】【详解】根据题意知:到数轴原点的距离是5的点表示的数,即绝对值是5的数,应是±5.故选C .4. 化学老师在实验室中发现了四个因操作不规范沾染污垢或被腐蚀的砝码,经过测量,超出标准质量的部分记为正数、不足的部分记为负数,它们中质量最接近标准的是( )A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】【分析】求出超过标准的克数和低于标准的克数的绝对值,绝对值小的则是最接近标准的球.本题考查正数与负数以及绝对值,熟练掌握绝对值的意义是解题的关键.【详解】解:通过求4个排球的绝对值得:| 1.1| 1.1−=,|0.6|0.6−=,|0.9|0.9+=,|1|1+=.0.6−的绝对值最小,所以这个砝码是最接近标准的球.故选:B .5. 数轴上的点M 对应的数是2−,那么将点M 向右移动4个单位长度,此时点M 表示的数是( )A. 6−B. 2C. 6−或2D. 6 【答案】B【解析】【分析】本题考查了数轴上数的表示以及数轴上点的变化规律,熟练掌握点在数轴上移动的规律是解题的关键.根据点在数轴上移动的规律,左减右加;列出算式,计算即可;【详解】解:242−+=故选:B .6. 3x =,4y =,则x y −的值是( )A. 7−B. 1C. 1−或7D. 1或7−【答案】C【解析】【分析】本题考查绝对值的意义,有理数的减法;求出y 的值,然后代入x y −中即可求出答案.【详解】解:由题意可知:3x =,4y =±,当4y =时,341x y −=−=−,当4y =−时,347x y −=+=,故选:C .7. 魏晋时期数学家刘徽在《九章算术注》中用不同颜色的算筹(小棍形状的记数工具)分别表示正数和负数(白色为正,黑色为负),图(1)表示的是()()235431++−=−的计算过程,则图(2)表示的计算过程是( )A. ()()22231−++=B. ()()223210−++=C. ()()223210++−=−D. ()()22231++−=−【答案】B【解析】 【分析】由白色算筹表示正数,灰色算筹表示负数,即可列式计算.详解】解:由题意可得:图(2)表示的计算过程是()()223210−++=, 故选B .【点睛】本题考查正负数的表示,关键是明白白色算筹表示正数,灰色算筹表示负数.8. 有理数a 、b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则下列各式运算结果符号为正的是( )A. a b −B. a bC. abD. a b +【答案】D【【解析】 【分析】本题考查了数轴,有理数的加减乘除运算法则,根据数轴可得0,a b a b <<<,进而逐项分析判断,即可求解. 【详解】解:根据数轴可得0,a b a b <<<,∴0a b −<,0a b<,0ab <,0a b +>, 故选:D .9. 体育课上全班女生进行百米测验,达标成绩为18秒,第一小组8名女生的成绩如下:30.500.11 2.6 1.60.3−+−−−+−,,,,,,,其中“+”表示成绩小于18秒,“﹣”表示成绩大于18秒,则这个小组的达标率是( )A. 25%B. 37.5%C. 50%D. 62.5%【答案】B【解析】【分析】根据正负数的意义可得达标的有3人,然后计算即可.【详解】解:由题意得,达标的有3人, 则这个小组达标率是3100%37.5%8×=, 故选:B .【点睛】本题考查了正负数的意义,有理数的除法,根据正负数的意义得出达标的人数是解题的关键. 10. 已知整数1234a a a a ……,,,,满足下列条件:12101a a a ==−+,,324323a a a a ++……-,=,=-依此类推,则2023a 的值为( )A. 1011−B. 1010−C. 2022−D. 2023−【答案】A【解析】【分析】分别求出234567a a a a a a ,,,,,的值,观察其数值的变化规律,进而求出2023a 的值.【详解】解:根据题意可得, 10a =,2111a a +=-=-,3221a a +=−=-,的4332a a =−+=−,5442a a =−+=−,6553a a =−+=−,7663a a =−+=−,…观察其规律可得,202312022−=,202221011÷=,20231011a ∴=−,故选:A .【点睛】本题考查了数的变化规律,通过计算前面几个数的数值观察其规律是解本题的关键,综合性较强,难度适中.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)二、填空题(第11题每空2分,其余每空3分,共25分)11. (1)化简:2−−=______;()2−−=______;2128−=______; (2)9−的倒数是______; (3)比较大小:32−______43−(填“>”或“<”). 【答案】 ①. 2− ②. 2 ③. 34−##0.75− ④. 19− ⑤. < 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了求一个数的绝对值,化简多重符号,有理数大小的比较,求一个数的倒数,根据相关的定义进行计算即可.(1)根据绝对值的意义,相反数定义进行计算即可;(2)根据“乘积为1的两个数互为倒数”进行计算即可;(3)根据两个负数比较大小的方法:绝对值大的反而小,进行比较大小即可.【详解】解:(1)2=2−−−;()2=2−−;213284−=−; 故答案为:2−;2;34−;(2)9−的倒数是19−; 故答案为:19−;(3)3322−=,4433−=, ∵3423>, ∴3423−<−, 故答案为:<.12. 比3−小8的数是________.【答案】11−【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了有理数减法计算,只需要求出38−−的结果即可得到答案.【详解】解:3811−−=−,∴比3−小8的数是11−,故答案为:11−.13. 如图,数轴上的两个点分别表示3−和m ,请写出一个符合条件的m 的整数值:______________.【答案】4−(答案不唯一). 【解析】【分析】本题主要考查数轴,解题关键是熟知当数轴方向朝右时,右边的数总比左边的数大.由题图可知,3m <−,写出一个符合条件的m 值即可.【详解】解:由题图可知,3m <−,∴符合条件的m 的整数值可以为4−(答案不唯一).故答案为:4−(答案不唯一). 14. 绝对值小于3的所有整数的和是______.【答案】0【解析】【分析】根据绝对值的性质得出绝对值小于3的所有整数,再求和即可.【详解】解:绝对值小于3的所有整数有:21012−−,,,,,它们的和为:0,故答案为:0.【点睛】本题考查了绝对值的性质,解题的关键是熟知绝对值的概念及性质,并正确求一个数的绝对值.15. 若320x y ++−=,则x y +=_________________ . 【答案】1−【解析】【分析】本题主要考查绝对值的非负性,熟练掌握绝对值的非负性是解题的关键.根据绝对值的非负性求出x y 、的值即可得到答案.【详解】解: 320x y ++−=, 30x ∴+=,20y −=, 3,2x y ∴=−=,321x y ∴+=−+=−,故答案为:1−.16. 在一条可以折叠的数轴上,点A ,B 表示的数分别是10−,3,(如图1)以点C 为折点,将此数轴向右对折,折叠后若点A 落在点B 的右边(如图2),且A 、B 两点距离是1,则点C 表示的数是______.【答案】3−【解析】【分析】本题主要考查数轴,熟练掌握数轴上两点的距离与点表示的数的运算关系是解答的关键.先根据A B 、表示的数求得的长,再由折叠后AB 的长求得BC 的长,进而可确定点C 表示的数.【详解】解:A B ,表示的数分别是10−,3,()31013AB ∴=−−=,∵折叠后点A 在点B 的右边,且1AB =,131162BC +∴=−=, C ∴点表示的数是363−=−,故答案为:3−.三、解答题(本大题共8题,共65分)17. 把下列各数的序号填在相应的集合里:①35−,②0.2,③47−,④0,⑤122−,⑥π,⑦ 2.3 ,⑧320+. 整数集合:{_________________________}⋅⋅⋅;负分数集合:{_________________________}⋅⋅⋅;正有理数集合:{_________________________}⋅⋅⋅.【答案】①④⑧;③⑤⑦;②⑧【解析】【分析】本题考查了实数的分类,掌握有理数的概念和实数的分类方法是解题的关键.按照实数的分类填写,实数分为有理数和无理数,无理数是无限不循环小数,有理数分为整数和分数,整数分为正整数,0和负整数,分数分为正分数和负分数.【详解】解:整数集合{①35−,④0,⑧320+…}负分数集合{③47−,⑤122−,⑦ 2.3 …} 正有理数集合{②0.2,⑧320+…}., 故答案为:①④⑧;③⑤⑦;②⑧.18. 将下列各数在数轴上表示出来,并用“<”把这些数连接起来.5+,0.5−,4−,0,112,123− 【答案】11420.501532−<−<−<<<+,数轴见解析 【解析】【分析】首先根据在数轴上表示数的方法,在数轴上表示出所给的各数;然后根据当数轴方向朝右时,右边的数总比左边的数大,把这些数由小到大用“<”号连接起来即可.【详解】解:如图所示,11420.501532−<−<−<<<+; 19. 计算(1)()()4282924−−−−+−;(2)()11324864 −−+×−;(3)()()()2584−×+−÷−;(4)()1481227349−÷×−−−÷.【答案】(1)27−(2)11−(3)8−(4)7−【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了有理数混合运算,解题的关键是熟练掌握有理数混合运算法则,“先算乘方,再算乘除,最后算加减,有小括号的先算小括号里面的”.(1)根据有理数加减混合运算法则进行计算即可;(2)根据乘法分配律进行计算即可;(3)根据有理数四则混合运算法则进行计算即可;(4)先计算绝对值,然后根据有理数四则混合运算法则进行计算即可.【小问1详解】解:()()4282924−−−−+−4282924=−−+−32292432427=−;【小问2详解】 解:()11324864−−+×−()()()113242424864=−×−−×−+×−3418=+−11=−;【小问3详解】解:()()()2584−×+−÷−102=−+8=−;【小问4详解】 解:()1481227349−÷×−−−÷ ()4481999=−××−− 169=−+7=−.20. 出租车沿东西方向的道路上来回行驶,早上从A 地出发,中午到达B 地,约定向东为正方向,当天行驶路程记录如下:4+,6−,8+,5−,4,6+,10+,9−.(单位:千米) (1)B 地在A 地什么方向?距离A 地多远?(2)若汽车每千米耗油0.1升,出发前汽车油箱有油10升,求到达B 地后汽车油箱还剩多少升油?【答案】(1)B 地在A 地的正东方向,距离A 地12千米(2)到达B 地后汽车还剩4.8升油【解析】【分析】本题考查有理数四则混合运算应用、正负数的应用,关键是理解题意,正确列出算式. (1)将记录数据相加,根据和的符号可作出判断;(2)求得记录数据绝对值的和,即为行驶的路程,进而列式计算即可.【小问1详解】解:∵()()()46854610912++−++−++++−=(千米), ∴B 地在A 地的正东方向,距离A 地12千米.小问2详解】 解:这一天走的总路程为:46854610952+−++−++++−=(千米), 应耗油520.1 5.2×=(升), 10 5.2 4.8−=(升), 答:到达B 地后汽车还剩4.8升油.21. 食品厂从生产的袋装食品中抽出样品20袋,检测每袋的质量是否符合标准,超过或不足的部分分别用正、负来表示,记录如下表: 与标准质量的差值(单位:克) 5− 2− 0 1 3 6的【袋数1 4 3 4 5 3(1)这批样品的平均质量比标准质量是超过还是不足?平均每袋超过或不足多少克?(2)若每袋标准质量为450克,求抽样检测的样品总质量是多少?【答案】(1)这批样品的平均质量比标准质量多,平均每袋多1.2克(2)抽样检测的样品总质量是9024克【解析】【分析】本题主要考查了正负数的实际应用,有理数混合计算的实际应用,熟知相关计算法则是解题的关键.(1)根据有理数的加法,可得总质量比标准质量多,根据平均数的意义,可得答案;(2)根据标准质量加上比标准质量多的,可得答案.【小问1详解】解:根据题意,得:()()512403143563−×+−×+×+×+×+×()5841518=−+−+++24=(克), 平均质量为2420 1.2÷=(克), 答:这批样品的平均质量比标准质量多,平均每袋多1.2克;【小问2详解】45020249024×+=(克), 答:抽样检测的样品总质量是9024克.22. 已知有理数x 、y 满足||9x =,||5y =.(1)若0x <,0y >,求+x y 的值;(2)若||x y x y +=+,求x y −的值.【答案】(1)4−(2)4或14【解析】【分析】(1)先根据绝对值的定义和0x <,0y >求出x 和y 的值,再代入+x y 计算;(2)先根据绝对值的定义和||x y x y +=+求出x 和y 的值,再代入x y −计算【小问1详解】解:∵||9x =,||5y =,∴x =±9,y =±5.∵0x <,0y >∴x =−9,y =5,∴x +y =−9+5=−4.【小问2详解】解:∵||9x =,||5y =,∴x =±9,y =±5.∵||x y x y +=+,∴x +y ≥0,∴x =9,y =5或x =9,y =−5,∴x y −=9−5=4或x y −=9−(−5)=14.【点睛】本题考查了绝对值的定义和有理数的加减运算,正确求出x 和y 的值是解答本题的关键. 23. 定义新运算:11a b a b ∗=−,1a b ab⊗=(右边的运算为平常的加、减、乘、除). 例如:114373721∗=−=,11373721⊗==×. 若a b a b ⊗=∗,则称有理数,a b 为“隔一数对”.例如:1123236⊗==×,11123236∗=−=,2323⊗=∗,所以2,3就是一对“隔一数对”. (1)下列各组数是“隔一数对”的是 (请填序号) ①1,2a b ==; ②1,1a b =−=; ③41,33a b =−=−. (2)计算:(3)4(3)4(31415)(31415)−∗−−⊗+−∗−(3)已知两个连续的非零整数都是“隔一数对”.计算:1223344520202021⊗+⊗+⊗+⊗++⊗ .【答案】(1)①③;(2)12−;(3)20202021 【解析】【分析】(1)按照题干定义进行计算,判断是否满足条件即可;(2)直接根据题目定义分别计算各项,然后再合并求解即可;(3)根据定义进行变形和拆项,然后根据规律求解即可.【详解】解:(1)①1,2a b ==; ∵111122a b ∗=−=,11122a b ⊗==×, ∴a b a b ⊗=∗,则①是“隔一数对”;②1,1a b =−=; ∵11211a b ∗=−=−−,1111a b ⊗==−−×, ∴a b a b ⊗≠∗,则②不是“隔一数对”; ③41,33a b =−=−; ∵94131143a b −−∗=−=,1941433a b ⊗== −×−, ∴a b a b ⊗=∗,则③是“隔一数对”;故答案为:①③;(2)根据定义,原式()1111134343141531415−−+−−−×−− 111034(3)4−−+−−× 711212=−+ 12=−; (3)根据定义,原式1223344520202021=∗+∗+∗+∗++∗1111111111()()()()()1223344520202021=−+−+−+−++− 112021=− 20202021=. 【点睛】本题考查有理数的定义新运算,仔细审题,理解题干中的新定义,熟练掌握有理数的混合运算法则是解题关键.24. 数轴上有A ,B ,C 三点,给出如下定义:若其中一个点与其它两个点的距离恰好满足2倍的数量关系,则称该点是其它两个点的“关联点”.例:如图1所示,数轴上点A ,B ,C 所表示的数分别为1,3,4,因为3124312AB BC AB BC =−==−==,,,所以称点B 是点A ,C 的“关联点”.图1(1)如图2所示,点A 表示数2−,点B 表示数1,下列各数2,4,6所对应的点分别是C 1,C 2,C 3其中是点A ,B 的“关联点”的是 ;图2(2)如图3所示,点A 表示数10−,点B 表示数15,P 为数轴上一个动点:①若点P 在点B 的左侧,且P 是点A ,B 的“关联点”,求此时点P 表示的数;②若点P 在点B 的右侧,点P ,A ,B 中,有一个点恰好是其它两个点的“关联点”, 请求出此时点P 表示的数.图3【答案】(1)C 2 (2)①点P 35−,520,33−;②点P 表示的数为5540652,, 【解析】【分析】(1)分别求出点C 1,C 2,C 3到,A B 两点间的距离,再进行验证即可;(2)①分类讨论点P 在AAAA 之间和点P 在A 点左侧时的情况即可;②分类讨论点P 为点,A B 的“关联点”、点B 为点,A P 的“关联点”、点A 为点,B P 的“关联点”即可求解.【小问1详解】解:∵()11224,211AC BC =−−==−=∴点C 1不是点A ,B 的“关联点”∵()22426,413AC BC =−−==−=∴222AC BC =即:点2C 是点A ,B 的“关联点”∵()33628,615AC BC =−−==−=∴点3C 不是点A ,B 的“关联点”故答案为:2C【小问2详解】解:解:设点P 在数轴上表示的数为p①(i )当点P 在AAAA 之间时,若2AP BP =,则()10215p p +=− 解得:203p =若2BP AP =,则()15210p p −=+ 解得:53p =−(ii )当点P 在A 点左侧时,则2BP AP =,即:()15210p p −=−− 解得:35p =−故:点P 表示的数为35−,520,33−;②(i )当点P 为点,A B 的“关联点”时,则2PA PB =,即:()10215p p +=−解得:40p =(ii )当点B 为点,A P “关联点”时,则2AB PB =,即:()1510215p +=− 解得:552p =或2BP AB =,即:()1521510p −=+解得:65p =(iii )当点A 为点,B P 的“关联点”时,则2AP AB =,即:()1021510p +=+的解得:40p=故:点P表示的数为55 40652,,【点睛】本题以新定义题型为背景,考查了数轴上两点间的距离公式.掌握相关结论,进行分类讨论是解题关键.。



福建省厦门第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期11月期中英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解FIVE UNUSUAL SPORTSWhat sports are you into? Football? Tennis? Swimming? If you’re looking for a change, you might like to try one of these.OctopushOctopush (or underwater hockey as it’s also known) is a form of hockey that’s played in a swimming pool. Participants wear a mask and snorkel and try to move a puck (水球) across the bottom of a pool. The sport has become popular in countries such as the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. An ability to hold your breath for long periods of time is a definite plus.ZoobombingZoobombing involves riding a children’s bike down a steep hill. The sport originated in the US city of Portland in Oregon in 2002. Participants carry their bikes on the MAX Light Rail and go to the Washington Park station next to Oregon Zoo (which is why it’s called “zoobombing”). From there, they take a lift to the surface, and then ride the mini-bikes down the hills in the area.Office Chair RacingOffice Chair Racing consists of racing down a hill in office chairs that can reach speeds of up to 30kph. Strict rules are in place for competitors: they’re allowed to fit in-line skate wheels and handles to their chairs, but no motors. “We check each chair carefully in advance,”one of the organizers explained. The participants race in pairs wearing protective padding as they launch themselves from a ramp (坡道). Prizes are given to the fastest competitors and also for the best-designed chairs.Fit 4 DrumsFit 4 Drums is a new form of cardio-rhythmic exercise. Led by an instructor, the class involves beating a specially-designed drum with two sticks while dancing at the same time. It’s the first group fitness activity where you get to play a drum while getting an intense workout. A sense of rhythm is a definite advantage!Horse BoardingHorse Boarding involves being towed behind a horse at 35mph on an off-road skateboard. Professional stuntman Daniel Fowler Prime invented the sport after he strung a rope between his off-road “mountain board” and a horse. Participants stand on a board while holding onto a rope, attempting to maintain their balance as the horse gallops (疾驰) ahead. “The horse rider and the horse have to work together because if they don’t, the horse goes flying,”Daniel explained.So, which sport would you like to try?1.What do you need to do if you want to play Octopush?A.Swim on the surface of the water.B.Hold your breath before the sport.C.Play it by the side of the seashore.D.Wear underwater breathing devices. 2.Which activity will you choose if you want to take part in collective fitness?A.Zoobombing B.Office Chair RacingC.Fit 4 Drums D.Horse Boarding3.What proverb does Horse Boarding tell us?A.The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.B.Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.C.The bigger they come, the harder they fall.D.Every chess master was once a beginner.Eliana Yi dreamed of pursuing piano performance in college, never mind that her fingers could barely reach the length of an octave (八度音阶). Unable to fully play many works by Romantic-era composers, including Beethoven and Brahms, she tried anyway — and in her determination to spend hours practicing one of Chopin’s compositions which is known for being “stretchy”, wound up injuring herself.“I would just go to pieces,” the Southern Methodist University junior recalled. “There were just too many octaves. I wondered whether I was just going to play Bach and Mozart for the rest of my life.”The efforts of SMU keyboard studies chair Carol Leone are changing all that. Twenty years ago, the school became the first major university in the U.S. to incorporate smaller keyboards into its music program, leveling the playing field for Yi and other piano majors.Yi reflected on the first time she tried one of the smaller keyboards: “I remember beingreally excited because my hands could actually reach and play all the right notes,” she said. Ever since, “I haven’t had a single injury, and I can practice as long as I want.”For decades, few questioned the size of the conventional piano. If someone’s hand span was less than 8.5 inches — the distance considered ideal to comfortably play an octave — well, that’s just how it was.Those who attempt “stretchy” passages either get used to omitting notes or risk tendon (腱) injury with repeated play. Leone is familiar with such challenges. Born into a family of jazz musicians, she instead favored classical music and pursued piano despite her small hand span and earned a doctorate in musical arts.A few years after joining SMU’s music faculty in 1996, the decorated pianist read an article in Piano and Keyboard magazine about the smaller keyboards. As Leone would later write, the discovery would completely renew her life and career.In 2000, she received a grant to retrofit a department Steinway to accommodate a smaller keyboard, and the benefits were immediate. In addition to relieving injury caused by overextended fingers, she said, it gave those with smaller spans the ability to play classic compositions taken for granted by larger-handed counterparts.Smaller keyboards instill many with new confidence. It’s not their own limitations that have held them back, they realize; it’s the limitations of the instruments themselves. For those devoted to a life of making music, it’s as if a cloud has suddenly lifted.4.What is the similarity between Eliana Yi and Carol Leone?A.Their interest in jazz extended to classical music.B.Short hand span used to restrict their music career.C.They both joined SMU’s music faculty years ago.D.Romantic-era composers’ music was easy for them.5.Why did SMU initiate an effort to scale down the piano?A.To reduce the number of octaves.B.To incorporate Bach into its music program.C.To provide fair opportunities for piano majors.D.To encourage pianists to spend more hours practicing.6.How did Yi probably feel when she played the retrofitted piano?A.Confident.B.Frustrated.C.Challenging.D.Determined. 7.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A.Who Qualifies as an Ideal Pianist?B.Traditional or Innovative Piano?C.Hard-working Pianists Pays offD.The Story behind Retrofitted PianosThe curb cut (路缘坡). It’s a convenience that most of us rarely, if ever, notice. Yet, without it, daily life might be a lot harder—in more ways than one. Pushing a baby stroller onto the curb, skateboarding onto a sidewalk or taking a full grocery cart from the sidewalk to your car—all these tasks are easier because of the curb cut.But it was created with a different purpose in mind.It’s hard to imagine today, but back in the 1970s, most sidewalks in the United States ended with a sharp drop-off. That was a big deal for people in wheelchairs because there were no ramps to help them move along city blocks without assistance. According to one disability rights leader, a six-inch curb “might as well have been Mount Everest”. So, activists from Berkeley, California, who also needed wheelchairs, organized a campaign to create tiny ramps at intersections to help people dependent on wheels move up and down curbs independently.I think about the “curb cut effect” a lot when working on issues around health equity (公平). The first time I even heard about the curb cut was in a 2017 Stanford Social Innovation Review piece by Policy Link CEO Angela Blackwell. Blackwell rightly noted that many people see equity as “a zero-sum game (零和游戏)” and that it is commonly believed that there is a “prejudiced societal suspicion that intentionally supporting one group hurts another.” What the curb cut effect shows though, Blackwell said, is that “when society creates the circumstances that allow those who have been left behind to participate and contribute fully, everyone wins.”There are multiple examples of this principle at work. For example, investing in policies that create more living-wage jobs or increase the availability of affordable housing certainly benefits people in communities that have limited options. But, the action also empowers those people with opportunities for better health and the means to become contributing members of society—and that benefits everyone. Even the football huddle (密商) was initially created to help deaf football players at Gallaudet College keep their game plans secret from opponents who could have read their sign language. Today, it’s used by every team to prevent theopponent from learning about game-winning strategies.So, next time you cross the street, or roll your suitcase through a crosswalk or ride your bike directly onto a sidewalk—think about how much the curb cut, that change in design that broke down walls of exclusion for one group of people at a disadvantage, has helped not just that group, but all of us.8.What does the underlined quote from the disability rights leader imply concerning asix-inch curb?A.It is an unforgettable symbol.B.It is an impassable barrier.C.It is an important sign.D.It is an impressive landmark. 9.According to Angela Blackwell, what do many people believe?A.It’s not worthwhile to promote health equity.B.It’s necessary to go all out to help the disabled.C.It’s impossible to have everyone treated equally.D.It’s fair to give the disadvantaged more help than others.10.Which of the following examples best illustrates the “curb cut effect” principle?A.Spaceflight designs are applied to life on earth.B.Four great inventions of China spread to the west.C.Christopher Columbus discovered the new world.D.Classic literature got translated into many languages.11.What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?A.Caring for disadvantaged groups may finally benefit all.B.Action empowers those with opportunities for better solutions.C.Society should create circumstances that get everyone involved.D.Everyday items are originally invented for people in need of help.Casting blame is natural: it is tempting to fault someone else for a mistake rather than taking responsibility yourself. But blame is also harmful. It makes it less likely that people will own up to mistakes, and thus less likely that organizations can learn from them. Research published in 2015 suggests that firms whose managers pointed to external factors to explain their failings underperformed companies that blamed themselves.Blame culture can spread like a virus. Just as children fear mom and dad’s punishment if they admit to wrongdoing, in a blaming environment, employees are afraid of criticism andpunishment if they acknowledge making a mistake at work. Blame culture asks, “who dropped the ball?” instead of “where did our systems and processes fail?” The focus is on the individuals, not the processes. It’s much easier to point fingers at a person or department instead of doing the harder, but the more beneficial, exercise of fixing the root cause, in which case the problem does not happen again.The No Blame Culture was introduced to make sure errors and deficiencies (缺陷) were highlighted by employees as early as possible. It originated in organizations where tiny errors can have catastrophic (灾难性的) consequences. These are known as high reliability organizations (HROs) and include hospitals, submarines and airlines. Because errors can be so disastrous in these organizations, it’s dangerous to operate in an environment where employees don’t feel able to report errors that have been made or raise concerns about that deficiencies may turn into future errors. The No Blame Culture maximizes accountability because all contributions to the event occurring are identified and reviewed for possible change and improvement.The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which supervises air traffic across the United States, makes it clear that its role is not to assign blame or liability but to find out what went wrong and to issue recommendations to avoid a repeat. The proud record of the airline industry in reducing accidents partly reflects no-blame processes for investigating crashes and close calls. The motive to learn from errors also exist when the risks are lower. That is why software engineers and developers routinely investigate what went wrong if a website crashes or a server goes down.There is an obvious worry about embracing blamelessness. What if the website keeps crashing and the same person is at fault? Sometimes, after all, blame is deserved. The idea of the “just culture”, a framework developed in the 1990s by James Reason, a psychologist, addresses the concern that the incompetent and the malevolent (恶意的) will be let off the hook. The line that Britain’s aviation regulator draws between honest errors and the other sort is a good starting-point. It promises a culture in which people “are not punished for actions or decisions taken by them that match with their experience and training”. That narrows room for blame but does not remove it entirely.12.According to the research published in 2015, companies that ______ had better performance.A.blamed external factors B.admitted their mistakesC.conducted investigations D.punished the under performers 13.According to the passage, what do you learn about the No Blame Culture?A.It encourages the early disclosure of errors.B.It only exists in high reliability organizations.C.It enables people to shift the blame onto others.D.It prevents organizations from making any error.14.What is the major concern about embracing blamelessness according to the passage?A.Innocent people might take the blame by admitting their failure.B.Being blamed for mistakes can destroy trust in employees.C.The line between honest errors and the other sort is not clear.D.People won’t learn their lessons if they aren’t blamed for failures.15.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A.Why We Fail to Learn from Our Own MistakesB.How to Avoid Disastrous Errors in OrganizationsC.Why We Should Stop the Blame Game at WorkD.How to Deal with Workplace Blame Culture二、七选五You’ve reached that special time — you are getting ready to leave your job and move on to the next step in your career. But the end of an employment relationship is not necessarily the end of the relationship — with either the leader or the company. 16I learned this relatively early in my career. At first, I was concerned I might lose my relationship with my now former boss, as I truly liked him. 17 My boss enthusiastically stayed in touch with me, and I helped him onboard my replacement and consulted on other projects. And now, more than 2 decades since I left, we are still in communication and friends.That isn’t to say it always goes like this. When I left another role, in spite of my desire to maintain communication, my former supervisor seemed indifferent and the relationship ended. Sometimes your boss was a nightmare and you want to end the relationship. 18 You don’t owe the bad bosses anything. That’s exactly what I did when I was fired from a freelance role after I asked to be paid for my completed work!But for the good bosses and organizations, the ones that invested in your talent and celebrated your achievements, things are different. 19 The breakup can become a breakthrough.20 Especially when you have a truly delightful and respectful boss, you may feel guilt, sadness, or regret. But your overall responsibility is to yourself and your career — not to one organization. And given the right circumstances, it is almost always possible — and usually beneficial — to leave gracefully.A.But it turned out I had no reason to fear.B.So the way I left contributed to this breakup.C.It’s completely understandable not to engage further.D.It is normal to have mixed emotions when you leave a job.E.Here are some ways to build a win-win with your former leader.F.The concusion of the employment can start a new era of cooperation.G.You can leave your company and keep the relationship at the same time.三、完形填空While doing some cleaning in my kitchen, I noticed a tiny black pellet(小球)on the shelf.was gone.Now I 33 peek(窥视)inside the dishwasher and the oven before turning them on. 34 , I know I am not the only one looking out for geckos. No 35 is too small for us to love.21.A.remembered B.discovered C.thought D.wished 22.A.approved of B.sought for C.fed on D.got into 23.A.fixed B.touched C.hurt D.lost 24.A.trouble B.danger C.failure D.pleasure 25.A.starvation B.thirst C.climate D.poverty 26.A.different B.simple C.interesting D.tough 27.A.kitchen B.bedroom C.garden D.lab 28.A.books B.woods C.stones D.bottles 29.A.arranged B.grasped C.cleaned D.removed 30.A.dropped B.obtained C.spotted D.rescued 31.A.agreed B.hoped C.feared D.promised 32.A.counted B.checked C.picked D.locked 33.A.even B.never C.still D.already 34.A.Nevertheless B.Instead C.Therefore D.Otherwise 35.A.place B.dream C.human D.creature四、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。



&福建省厦门第一中学2005—2006学年第一学期期末考试高二地理试卷命题教师:钟有长 2006.1(满分:100分考试时间:120分钟)第I卷一.单项选择题:(50分)下图为某大陆北纬48°沿线地区的年降水量变化示意图,据此回答1-3题。

1.该大陆为()A.欧洲大陆 B.南美大陆 C.北美大陆 D.澳大利亚大陆2.甲地气候类型为()A.温带海洋性气候 B.亚热带季风气候 C.热带雨林气候 D.亚寒带针叶林气候3.影响a地降水的主要风向是()A.东南风B.东北风 C.西南风 D.西北风读美国农业带分布图,回答4—6题。

4.图中①附近工农业生产的主要类型是()A.传统工业和乳畜业B.高技术产业和商品谷物农业C.新兴工业和水稻种植业D.分散型工业和密集型农业5.图中主要粮食作物和农业地域类型与我国松嫩平原大体相同的是()A.①B.②C.③D.④6.图中主要粮食作物和我国农谚“白露早,寒露迟,秋分种麦正当时”吻合的是 ( )A.①B.②C.③D.④读下面四图回答7—10题:7.一艘轮船由伦敦出发驶往上海,途中经过下列海峡的顺序依次是()A、①—②—③—④B、②—③—①—④C、④—①—③—②D、④—③—①—②8.既是非洲与其他大洲分界线,又是板块消亡边界的海峡位于()A、①图中B、②图中C、③图中 D.④图中9.被称为“日本的生命线”的海峡位于()A、①图中B、②图中C、③图中 D.④图中10.属于板块张裂地区的海峡位于()A、①图中B、②图中C、③图中 D.④图中11.下图是日本主要石油、粮食、煤炭、铁矿石进口和出口国之间关系模式图,排列正确的是:A、①石油、②粮食、③煤炭、④铁矿石B、①石油、②铁矿石、③煤炭、④粮食C、①粮食、②石油、③煤炭、④铁矿石D、①煤炭、②石油、③粮食、④铁矿石读下面四图,回答12—15题:12.甲、乙、丙、丁四国人口现状相比较()A、甲国的人口自然增长率最高B、丁国的人口密度最低C、乙国的城市人口比重最低D、丙国老龄人口比重最高13.某国高科技工业迅速发展,其电子工业中心在班加罗尔,该国是()A.甲国B.乙国C.丙国D.丁国14.当太阳直射点自赤道移至北回归线期间()A、乙国一直是雨季B、丙国大部分地区经历自雨季至旱季的变化C、甲国东北部地区河流有汛期D、丁国东南部地区一直盛行西北风15.有关四国资源和生产叙述正确的是()A、甲国茶叶和棉花产量居世界首位B、乙国森林和水能资源丰富C、丙国黄麻、桑蚕丝产量居世界首位D、丁国水稻产量和粮食出口量居世界首位16.读“世界区域划分图”,作正确选择()①区域地势西高东低,地形复杂;由于地处大陆东部,因此全属季风气候区②区域物产富饶,盛产天然橡胶、油棕、椰子、蕉麻、锡矿、石油、稻米等③区域以白种人为主,又是佛教和印度教的发源地④区域为世界第二亚欧大陆桥通过的地区之一,该地区盛产棉花⑤区域由于气候干旱,农业上以灌溉农业和畜牧业为主⑥区域无论自然环境,还是人文环境,均与⑤区域有相似之处⑦区域热带沙漠和热带雨林气候分布世界最广⑧区域由于人口的自然增长率很低,因此人口分布较为稀疏⑨区域最大国家的主要工业区分布在东欧平原⑩区域气候上以温带大陆性气候为主,除纬度位置外,地形因素相当重要⑾区域气候由于暖湿,盛产咖啡、甘蔗、香蕉、铁矿、铜矿、银矿等物产⑿区域中最大的岛屿为热带雨林气候⒀区域比北冰洋寒冷的主要原因是纬度因素A.①②③ B.④⑤⑥ C.⑦⑧⑨ D.⑩⑾⑿⒀17.关于欧洲西部著名的旅游胜地的叙述正确的是()A.古斗兽场一西班牙马德里 B.音乐之都一法国巴黎C.艾菲尔铁塔一英国伦敦 D.巴特农神庙一希腊雅典18.北欧建筑物多尖尖的屋顶,主要考虑了当地()A.夏秋多飓风 B.温差较大 C.日照不足 D.冬季降雪量大19.关于南极洲与北冰洋的正确叙述是()A.南极洲全部是陆地,北冰洋全部是海洋 B.风向都是逆时针方向C.都有极昼和极夜现象且出现的日期相同 D.都受极地高气压带控制澳大利亚一词,意即“南方大陆”,欧洲人在17世纪初叶发现这块大陆时,误以为这是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名“澳大利亚”,Australia 即由拉丁文 terraaustralis (南方的土地)变化而来。



福建省厦门第一中学2024—2025学年度第一学期开学考试高三年物理试卷(时间:75min )一、单项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分。

每小题只有一个选项符合题目要求)1. 金华首届城市马拉松于2024年3月31日进行,比赛起点和终点均设在金华体育中心东门,全程42.195km ,途径江南、金东、江北等地,下列说法正确的是( )A. 比赛从早上7:30开始,7:30是指时间间隔B. 在记录某选手跑步轨迹的时候可以将选手视为质点C. 某选手完成完整马拉松的位移是42.195kmD. 某选手以2小时13分33 5.3m /s2. 商场自动感应门如图所示,人走进时两扇门从静止开始同时向左右平移,经4s 恰好完全打开,两扇门移动距离均为2m ,若门从静止开始以相同加速度大小先匀加速运动后匀减速运动,完全打开时速度恰好为0,则加速度的大小为( )A. 21.25m /sB. 1m /s 2C. 20.5m s /D. 20.25m /s 3. 如图所示,在细绳拉动下,半径为r 的卷轴可绕其固定的中心点O 在水平面内转动。

卷轴上沿半径方向固定着长度为l 的细管,管底在O 点。

细管内有一根原长为2l 、劲度系数为k 的轻质弹簧,弹簧底端固定在管底,顶端连接质量为m 、可视为质点的插销。





要使卷轴转动不停止,v的最大值为()A. B. C. D.4. 如图所示,轻质弹簧竖直放置,下端固定。





忽略空气阻力,弹簧在弹−图像或y t−图像可能正确的是()性限度内。


其F yA. B.C. D.二、双项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分,每小题有两个选项符合题目要求。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1-5:ADDAD 6-10:DACCD 11-15:CAACB 16-20:BCCCB 21-25:ACCDB 26.(10分)(1)水稻种植业;混合农业;商品谷物农业;大牧场放牧业;(每个0.5分)(2)共同点:都属于密集型农业(1分);不同点:①属于劳动力密集型,投入的劳动力多(0.5分);③属于资金密集型,投入的生产资料多(0.5分)。














能量密集,原料运输量小,地区适应性强(1分) (3)①社会经济的高速发展,对电力的需求量增加;②长江三角洲地区常规能源缺乏,需要从外地调入,而外地能调入的电量有限;③夏季的高温和冬季的低温使用电量大幅上扬(空调等大量使用)④夏季的高温干旱和冬季的枯水位,造成水力发电量减少等。












