



引用格式:刘 勇,龚椿营,艾均文,等. BmNPV侵染后不同抗性家蚕品系中肠组织转录组学分析[J]. 湖南农业科学,2023(11):1-9,13. DOI:DOI:10.16498/ki.hnnykx.2023.011.001蚕桑文化是中国文明的起点,至少已有4 000 a 以上的历史。




其中,以家蚕核型多角体病毒(Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus,BmNPV)引起的血液型脓病对蚕桑产业的威胁最大,其传染性极强,一旦发病就难以控制[2]。




BmNPV是一种环状双链DNA的核型多角体病毒,具有包涵体衍生病毒(occlusion-derived virus,ODV)和出芽型病毒(budded virus,BV)2种不同形式,侵染家蚕的方式包括ODV引起的食下感染和BV引起的创伤感染[3]。

BmNPV在家蚕体内复制增BmNPV侵染后不同抗性家蚕品系中肠组织转录组学分析刘 勇,龚椿营,艾均文,薛 宏,何行健,贾超华,陈卓华,任立志(湖南省蚕桑科学研究所,湖南长沙 410127)摘 要:家蚕核型多角体病毒(BmNPV)是造成蚕业严重经济损失的主要病原体之一,主要通过食下感染引发家蚕血液型脓病,中肠是免疫病原体的重要组织器官。





以下是格雷厄姆算法的详细流程:1. 首先,我们需要定义一个图,包含一组节点和边。



2. 接下来,我们需要初始化算法的数据结构。



3. 然后,我们选择起点节点,并将其最短路径估计值设为0。


4. 进入循环,直到优先队列Q为空。


5. 遍历节点u的所有邻居节点v。



6. 重复步骤4和5,直到优先队列Q为空。


7. 最后,我们可以通过查看数组D的值来获取从起点到其他节点的最短路径长度。

格雷厄姆算法的时间复杂度为O((V + E) log V),其中V表示节点的数量,E表示边的数量。









机器学习_隐马尔可夫模型HMM1. 马尔可夫链马尔可夫链是满足马尔可夫性质的随机过程。




2. 隐马尔可夫模型隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是统计模型,用它处理的问题一般有两个特征:第一:问题是基于序列的,比如时间序列,或者状态序列。




HMM3. 举例1) 问题描述假设我关注了一支股票,它背后有主力高度控盘,我只能看到股票涨/跌(预测值:2种取值),看不到主力的操作:卖/不动/买(隐藏值:3种取值)。


假设我知道有以下信息:i. 观测序列O={o1,o2,...oT} 一周的涨跌O={1, 0, 1, 1, 1}ii. HMM模型λ=(A,B,Π)•隐藏状态转移矩阵A 主力从前一个操作到后一操作的转换概率A={{0.5, 0.3,0.2},{0.2, 0.5, 0.3},{0.3, 0.2, 0.5}}•隐藏状态对观测状态的生成矩阵B(3种->2种)主力操作对价格的影响B={{0.6, 0.3, 0.1},{0.2, 0.3, 0.5}}•隐藏状态的初始概率分布Pi(Π)主力一开始的操作的可能性Pi={0.7, 0.2,0.1}2) 代码c) 分析这里我们使用了Python的马尔可夫库hmmlearn,可通过命令 $ pip install hmmlearn安装(sklearn的hmm已停止更新,无法正常使用,所以用了hmmlearn库)马尔可夫模型λ=(A,B,Π),A,B,Π是模型的参数,此例中我们直接给出,并填充到模型中,通过观测值和模型的参数,求取隐藏状态。

(整理)美国大学英语写作 课后答案PART 5

(整理)美国大学英语写作 课后答案PART 5

A NSWER KEYPART FIVE: READINGS FOR WRITINGAnswers are provided starting below for the comprehension questions, the structure/technique questions, and the discussion questions that follow each of the 21 reading selections. In addition, a suggested brief outline is provided for each reading selection. As explained on page 11 of this manual, the outline highlights the thesis of each selection and the main support for that thesis. Suggested Answers for “Thank You”—Alex HaleyNote: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection.Reading Comprehension Questions, 577-5781. c2. b3. a Answers b and c are too narrow; answer d is too broad.4. d Answers a and c are too narrow; answer b is an idea not mentioned in theselection.5. a Paragraph 16. c Paragraph 287. True Paragraph 148. a Paragraph 149. a Paragraph 2210. c Paragraph 12Structure and Technique,5791. Which pattern or patterns of development does Haley use in his essay? Explain.Answer: Much of “Thank You” is a narration of the story of Haley’s letters. As is usually the case with narration, that story also includes description (especially in paragraphs 1, 4, 19).However, Haley’s conclusion reveals that his essay is meant to be an argument for saying “thank you.” In paragraphs 28–30, he writes of encouraging students to say “thank you.”And to readers—of letters written on his stationery and of this reading—he addresses words that summarize his argument: “Find the good—and praise it.”2. Paragraph 4 contains a vivid description of part of Haley’s Thanksgiving night onthe Murzim. What sensory details (sight, smell, hearing, taste, and/or touch) does he provide?What is the effect of all these details?Answer:Haley provides details that appeal to three senses. First, he appeals to the sense of touch when he writes of the “great, deep draughts” he breathed in and the feeling in his feet of “vibrations from the deep-set, turbine diesels.” He appeals to the sense of sight with the images of the “white cook’s hat and the long apron” and of the movement of water “resistingthe skin of a ship.”And he appeals to the sense of hearing with the words “that slightly hissing sound the sea makes.”The effect of the descriptive details is a peaceful scene that sets the mood for Haley’s thoughts about Thanksgiving and the people he should thank.3. Most of Haley’s essay is about the three thank-you letters he wrote. Why do you think heincluded the anecdote about the helpful man at the airport? How is it related to his point about giving thanks?Answer:By including the anecdote about the helpful airline man, Haley shows that he feels it is important to give thanks to people in everyday situations, not just to our elders.This anecdote provides a transition from his first three letters of thanks (which apply only to the author) to his implied argument that we all should remember to thank others.4. Writers’most common purposes are to inform, to entertain, and to persuade. Whichpurpose—or purposes—do you think Haley has in mind?Answer:The information about Haley’s experiences and conclusions supports his central purpose, which is to persuade readers of the importance of giving thanks (28 and 30). Critical Reading and Discussion,5791. Before Haley decides to write to his loved ones, what series of thoughts and images goesthrough his mind as he reflects on the meaning of Thanksgiving? What is the connection between these traditional images and what Haley finally realizes?Answer:After having cooked dinner on the ship, Haley first thinks about “the historic . . .Pilgrims, Indians”and the foods typically associated with Thanksgiving (5). Yet this conventional imagery is inadequate, and Haley seeks a way to “personally apply” the holiday(6). He then thinks about giving thanks through prayer to God (6–7), but again feelsdissatisfied with this approach (8). Finally, Haley comes up with a more concrete and personal way to celebrate Thanksgiving: to thank the people in his life for all they have done for him (9). By going beyond the images of the holiday, Haley expands the traditional meaning of Thanksgiving to include a personal one.2. Alex Haley was far from home when he decided to thank the important people in his life. Ifhe had remained at home, do you think he would have still thanked these people? Why or why not?Answer:Answers will vary. Some students may say that Haley would probably have continued to take the important people in his life for granted if he had not been far away.They might reasonably argue that he needed time and distance to really appreciate what they had done for him.3. How does Haley feel about the three responses to his thank-you letters? What conclusionsabout human nature does he draw from these responses?Answer:All three letters left Haley “not only astounded, but more humbled than before” (20).The fact that his father was “moved” to answer his letter showed Haley how profoundly the thank-you letter had affected his father (22). By quoting parts of Reverend Nelson’s letter, Haley implies that it brought him great satisfaction to have given the Reverend “welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated” (23). Grandma’s letter evoked tears from Haley, who is moved by the gratitude that would cause her to spend hours responding to him(24).The three responses reveal something almost “mystical in human nature,”which Haley identifies as the secret “yearning . . . for more of their fellows to express appreciation for their efforts” (25).4. Haley is a world-renowned writer. Who might have influenced his decision to be a writer?What made these people such powerful role models in his life? In general, what would you say are the qualities of a good role model?Answer: Answers may vary, although one reasonable response is that all three people Haley thanked—as well as the other four who had died (10)—helped shape the person he has become and therefore influenced his decision to be a writer. The father’s insistence on the value and beauty of reading probably influenced Haley most profoundly (14). But Haley is also indebted to Reverend Nelson and Grandma, who trained him to be a good and moral human being with positive aspirations.Answers to the final question may vary, but students might cite, as qualities of a good role model, integrity, persistence, resilience, sensitivity, compassion, and the like.Thesis-and-Support OutlineThesis: Writing thank-you letters taught the author the value of showing appreciation.1. His father was touched to learn that he had truly helped his own son (22).2. His school principal was reassured of his own self-worth as a result of an appreciative letter(23).3. His grandmother was just as grateful to him as he was to her (24).Suggested Answers for “Shame”—Dick GregoryNote: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection.Reading Comprehension Questions, 584-5851. a2. d3. b Answers a, c, and d are too narrow.4. a Answers b, c, and d are too narrow.5. c Paragraph 66. True Paragraph 237. a Paragraph 58. b The entire incident with the Community Chest Fund shows Richard’spride; see also paragraph 28.9. b Richard’s teacher ignores his problems and humiliates him in front of theentire class; see paragraphs 5 through 26.10. b Helene cries over Richard’s humiliation; see paragraph 23.Structure and Technique, 5851. In paragraphs 1 and 2, Gregory mentions several steps he took to impress Helene Tucker.What were they? Why does he include them in his essay?Answer:In order to impress Helene, Gregory brushed his hair, got a handkerchief, washed his socks and shirt every night, shoveled the snow off her walk, tried to make friends with her mother and aunts, and left money on her stoop. He describes those steps in detail because, besides demonstrating his devotion to Helene, they give a clear picture of Gregory’s poverty.2. A metaphor is a suggested comparison. What metaphor does Gregory use in paragraph 5, andwhat is its purpose? What metaphor does he use in the second sentence of paragraph 7, and what does it mean?Answer:In paragraph 5, Gregory uses the metaphor that he was pregnant to suggest the effects of poverty on him—it gave him strange tastes, which pregnant people get. It also filled him (as pregnancy fills someone), but with negative things: poverty, dirt, “smells that made people turn away,” and so on.In the second sentence of paragraph 7, Gregory uses the metaphor of a flying eagle to represent the movement of money. (A picture of an eagle is engraved on one side of a quarter).3. In narrating the incidents in the classroom and in the restaurant, Gregory chooses toprovide actual dialogue rather than merely to tell what happened. Why?Answer:By using the exact words spoken by Helene, the teacher, and himself, Gregory givesa very clear picture of what happened by allowing the reader to “experience” it, rather thansimply hear a general summary. The dialogue between Helene and the teacher shows Helene as an ideal little student who received approval from the teacher. The dialogue between Gregory and the teacher, however, clearly demonstrates Gregory’s eagerness to impress Helene and his unsuccessful, embarrassing attempt to gain the teacher’s approval. If Gregory had merely described what had happened, we would have a much less vivid impression of the characters involved.4. At the end of the essay, Gregory shifts his focus from the classroom to the scene involving the winoat the restaurant. What is the connection between this closing scene and the rest of the essay?Answer:In the body of the essay, Gregory is narrating a time that he was shamed publicly and no one came to his defense. In the closing scene, Gregory realizes that he has done the same thing—that he, too, has witnessed a person being shamed without assisting him. He feels a new kind of “shame,” that of having failed to help another man in need.Critical Reading and Discussion,5861. When Gregory writes, “I never learned hate at home, or shame. I had to go to school forthat” (paragraph 1), he is using irony—an inconsistency between what is expected and what actually occurs. What does he mean by these two statements? What is the effect of his irony?Answer:Gregory means that although his home life was one of poverty and want, his home was not a place of inhumane values, such as hatred and shame. But at school, which on its surface was a more positive place, he was made to feel hatred and shame. The ironic statement intrigues the reader and makes him or her want to know more about what Gregory means.2. What are Gregory’s feelings about his teacher? What were your feelings about her as you readthis essay? What could the teacher have done or said that would not have made Gregory feel ashamed?Answer:Gregory seems sad and resentful that the teacher did not understand why he misbehaved in class and that she assumed he was stupid and a troublemaker. But he also wanted her approval badly, as seen by the Community Chest incident and the fact that he gota “big thrill” out of being chosen to clean the blackboard. Students’ suggestions about theteacher will vary. One possibility: She could have merely thanked Gregory in class and then spoken to him privately later if she doubted that he could contribute to Community Chest.3. Gregory shows how a childhood incident taught him shame. What other important lessons does Gregory learn in this essay? Explain.Answer:From paragraph 3, in which Gregory talks about his accomplishments later in life, we can conclude that he learned he could boost his self-esteem through his own efforts.Paragraph 5 shows that from his own experiences, he learned that children who are hungry and poor may feel invisible and so behave in ways that attract attention. From his experience with the wino, he learned that in order to feel good about himself, he would have to start standing up for other people who were shamed.4. At the end of his essay, Gregory says, “I waited too long to help another man.” Why do youthink he waited so long to assist the wino? What are some reasons people do not always help others who are in need (for example, ignoring a homeless person seated on the sidewalk)?Answer:Gregory probably had many reasons for not helping the wino sooner: embarrassment at drawing attention to himself, reluctance to part with his hard-earned money, not wanting to get in trouble with Mr. Williams, not knowing the wino and thus feeling the affair wasn’t his business, etc. People have similar reasons for not helping others in need. In addition, people who ignore a homeless man may feel that the man’s problems—maybe including substance abuse or mental illness—are so big and deep-rooted that they are not qualified to help him in any effective way.Thesis-and-Support OutlineThesis:Living poor was, for the author, a humiliating experience.1. He was embarrassed in front of his classmates and, worse, in front of Helene Tucker(7-23).2. Everybody knew he was a “worthy boy” who had no Dad and no money (28).3. His self-pity prevented him from helping another poor man, the wino (29-37). Suggested Answers for “I Became Her Target”—Roger WilkinsNote: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection.Reading Comprehension Questions,589-5901. d2. a3. d Answers a and c are too broad; answer b is not supported by the selection.4. d Answers a, b, and c are too broad.5. d Paragraph 36. a Paragraph 67. b Paragraph 78. b Paragraph 29. c Paragraph 610. d Paragraph 11 (We know that Miss Bean had not intended to knock thepencil from his hand because she gasped when the pencil went flying.) Structure and Technique,5911. Which pattern of essay development—comparison, narration, or description—does Wilkinsuse in most of his essay? Explain.Answe r: Wilkins primarily uses narration. Although description is woven throughout, he is generally telling the story of his family’s move to Grand Rapids and a series of events that occurred there.2. Which kind of transition signal—addition, time, or space—does Wilkins use to move hisessay smoothly from one event to the next? Find at least four different words that are examples of this signal.Answe r: Wilkins uses time signals, including “before” (paragraph 2), “later” (7), “after,” (8), “final,”(11), and “afterward”(11). Time signals are often used in narratives to clarify the time relationships between events.3. In the first paragraph, Wilkins chooses to provide some historical background for his story.Why do you think he chose the specific details mentioned there? What might have been lost if these details had been excluded from the essay?Answe r: The historical events Wilkins lists provide helpful context for the story he is about to tell. By telling readers that he is writing about the World War II era, when the symbolic beginning of the civil rights movement was more than ten years away, he helps readers understand how unusual it was in those days for a single black student to enroll in a formerly all-white school. If Wilkins had not included the details and readers had assumed the story happened more recently, they would have been surprised to read of an all-white school where blacks were considered a novelty.4. A title can offer interesting insights into an essay, especially if the title acquires unexpectedmeanings. Before reading this essay, what did you think the title “I Became Her Target”might refer to? What additional meanings do you think Wilkins intended?Answe r: The first impression most readers are likely to get of the title is that someone “targeted”Wilkins in an unpleasant way, as in “targeted for criticism.”Wilkins’s real meaning seems to be twofold: that Miss Bean made him a “target” for her attention because she wanted to force other students to recognize him as a colleague, and later he became the literal “target” of the eraser she threw.Critical Reading and Discussion,5921. What does Wilkins mean by the term nonstandard person(paragraph 3)? Do you think helater felt more like a “standard” person? Why or why not?Answe r: At first, it seemed that “standard” in the Grand Rapids school could only mean white.As a nonwhite student, Wilkins was made to feel less than normal, adequate, or accepted. By saying in paragraph 11 that he became “just another kid in school,” Wilkins indicates that he came to feel more “standard.”2. Wilkins mentions several ways in which Miss Bean treated him differently from the way hewas treated by the other teachers at Creston. How did her approach differ from theirs? What does this approach reveal about Miss Bean—as a teacher and as a person?Answe r: Unlike Wilkins’s other teachers, who chose to ease him in by ignoring him for a while, Miss Bean made him talk in class immediately. She also asked him questions that required him to do his own thinking, not merely give the “correct”answer. Her approach reveals she was an effective teacher: she realized that if she did not take the lead, the otherstudents would isolate Wilkins. Also, she knew the value of encouraging students to think for themselves and express their own opinions. In addition, her approach reveals she was a sensitive person, concerned about Wilkins’s success in his new school.3. Wilkins says that initially he was Miss Bean’s “incipient teacher’s pet” (paragraph 6). Buthow did Miss Bean’s behavior toward him go beyond mere favoritism? In what way did her treatment of Wilkins affect how his peers regarded him?Answe r: Through her attention to Wilkins, Miss Bean was inviting him to demonstrate to the class that he was an intelligent, normal kid. By forcing him to give answers, to “clean up [another student’s] mess”and to present his opinions, she made it more likely that other students would see him as a person rather than as a “dark presence.”4. In paragraph 7, Wilkins says, “Miss Bean became the first teacher ever to require me tothink.” Prior to Miss Bean’s class, what do you suspect Wilkins—and his classmates—were being taught to do in school? Describe a teacher who gave you “the sense that thinking was part of education.” In your opinion, what can teachers do to get students to think?Answe r: Wilkins’s comment suggests that his other teachers had primarily required him to memorize material and parrot it back. Answers to the rest of the question will vary.Thesis-and-Support OutlineThesis: A teacher helped the first black student in school to be accepted and to learnto think for himself.1. As a black newcomer to an all-white school in a bigoted neighborhood before the era ofcivil rights, the author felt shame for being different (1-3).2. Miss Bean immediately began to give Wilkins “human dimensions” by including him inclass discussion (4-6).3. By requiring Wilkins to give his opinion on facts learned in class, Miss Bean showed him“that thinking was part of education”and that he could “form opinions that had some value” (7-10).4. By (accidentally) knocking a pencil from Wilkins’s hand with a tossed eraser, Miss Beanmade Wilkins “just another kid in school” (11).Suggested Answers for “The Ambivalence of Abortion”—Linda Bird Francke Note: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection.Reading Comprehension Questions, 596-5971. b2. d3. a Answer b gives an incorrect idea of how the author feels about the abortion;answers c and d are too narrow.4. c Answers a and d are too narrow; answer b does not reflect the author’sconfused feelings about the abortion.5. c Paragraph 66. False Paragraphs 4, 12, 207. d Paragraph 138. a Paragraph 39. c Paragraph 2710. True Paragraphs 5, 10Structure and Technique,597-5981. Which method of introduction—broad-to-narrow, anecdote, or questions—does Francke use?Why do you think she chose this way to begin her essay?Answer:Francke uses an anecdote, the story of how she and her husband decided she should have an abortion. By doing so, she immediately shows the reader that she is writing about something that is a very personal issue for her. In addition, the anecdote sets the tone of ambivalence of the piece (“Oh, how we tried to rationalize it that night”).2. A rhetorical question is one for which no answer is expected. In paragraph 14, Franckeposes an extended rhetorical question. What does she achieve by using this technique?Answer:While telling the reader what thoughts went through Francke’s mind before the abortion, the question also reveals a major source of her doubts: she has a great love and respect for all living things. Also, by framing these ideas in question form, she helps the reader better understand the ambivalence she felt.3. A simile is a figure of speech in which a writer compares one thing to another very differentthing, using the word like or as to bring out a surprising relationship between the two. In paragraph 19, Francke uses a simile when she writes that her baby “was sucked up like ashes after a cocktail party.” Why does she use this particular simile? What view of abortion does it suggest?Answer:The image of ashes being vacuumed up suggests an unimportant bit of trash being cleaned up. Francke uses it to suggest a casual view of abortion in which the fetus didn’t matter.4. Repetition is one way of emphasizing an idea. In the final sentences of her essay, Franckeemploys repetition when she writes, “‘Of course we have room,’I cry to the ghost. ‘Of course, we do.’” What is she emphasizing by repeating the words “of course”? Where does she use repetition in paragraph 3, and what is she emphasizing there?Answer:By repeating “Of course,” she emphasizes that she regrets the abortion and wishes she and her husband could have welcomed the child into their lives. In paragraph 3, she repeats the word “agreed”: “There just wasn’t room in our lives now for another baby. We both agreed. And agreed. And agreed.”This repetition emphasizes the difficulty of the decision, the struggle Francke and her husband had to endure to come to their agreement. Critical Reading and Discussion,5981. In what ways are the staff at Women’s Services considerate to Francke and to the otherpatients? In what ways are they not considerate?Answer:They are considerate in terms of the patients’need for quick efficiency—they do their jobs well. They are cheerful and polite. They are less considerate by not acknowledging the mixed feelings their patients may have been having. By telling one scared patient, “By this afternoon you’ll be dancing a jig,” the aide brushes aside the woman’s fear. They do not appear to offer the women an opportunity to have second thoughts and cancel the abortion 2. Not everyone in this essay responds to abortion in the same way. What different responsesare apparent in Francke’s essay? In your opinion, what are the reasons for these differences?Answer:Francke herself felt sad and confused about her abortion. Other women at the center seemed “dazed,”while others seemed unmoved, as if “they were going right back to Bloomingdale’s.” Students’ answers to the second question will vary.3. At the end of Francke’s essay, the question about whether she supports abortion stillremains. From your sense of the essay, do you think Francke is for or against abortion after having had one? Why?Answer:Students’ answers will vary.4. Francke emphasizes her ambivalence toward abortion throughout the essay. Do you thinkambivalence is a valid position, or is it an easy way to avoid a difficult question? In general, should people have straightforward answers to complex questions? Explain.Answer:Answers will vary.Thesis-and-Support OutlineThesis:Having an abortion was a complex decision the author sometimes regrets having made.1. She and her husband had difficulty rationalizing their decision (1-3).2. Her experiences at the Women’s Services clinic were physically and emotionally revolting(4-22).3. She sometimes sees the “ghost” of her unborn baby and seems to regret her choice (27).Suggested Answers for “Smash Thy Neighbor”—John McMurtryNote: The numbers in parentheses refer to relevant paragraphs in the selection.Reading Comprehension Questions,604-4051. c2. b3. a Answers b and c are too broad; answer d is too narrow.4. d Answers a and c are too narrow; answer b contradicts the author.5. c Paragraphs 5 through 86. b Paragraphs 9 and 107. a Paragraph 188. c Paragraph 149. b Paragraph 1810. dStructure and Technique,605-6061. McMurtry uses several patterns of development in his essay: comparison-contrast,cause-effect, description, narration, and argumentation. Where does he use each of those patterns?Answer:McMurtry uses comparison-contrast in paragraphs 5–8, where he compares football and war, and 9–10, where he contrasts his early joy in football with what the game became.He uses cause-effect in paragraphs 15 and 17–18, talking about the game’s effect and players and audience. Description is found in numerous places, such as paragraph 11, in which he describes his injuries. Narration occurs in in paragraph 2, where McMurtry tells the story of his injury and hospitalization. The entire piece is argumentation—everything the author says is meant to support his argument that football in its present state is too violent. In addition to supporting his case forcefully throughout, he uses two specific argumentation strategies: 1) in paragraph 15, he states an opposing view of football, and 2) he then rebuts that view in paragraphs 16–18.2. McMurtry uses terms such as “body wreckage,”“body shattering,”and “skilledmasochism”to describe organized football. Find three other phrases the author uses to describe football (beginning with paragraph 9). What effect does McMurtry hope this language will have on the reader?Answer:“Brutal circus,”“crippling bodily moves,”“joyless drill,”“people-smashing,”and “angry antagonism” are among the descriptive phrases McMurtry uses. He wants the reader to conclude that football in its present form causes too much harm.3. In paragraph 11, McMurtry provides a series of details about the injuries he has sustainedplaying football. List some of these details. Why do you think he includes these personal details in his essay?Answer:The details McMurtry provides include torn knee ligaments, broken nose, broken jaw, torn ankle ligaments, fractured ankle, fractured ribs, torn cartilage, dislocated fingers and toes, and dislocated shoulder. McMurtry includes such details to give a powerful picture of the toll football has taken on his body and also to show that he is writing about a topic with which he has had considerable experience.4. In “Smash Thy Neighbor,”McMurtry repeatedly describes his own personal experienceswith football. What do these anecdotes contribute to the essay? How do they relate to the larger point he is trying to make?Answer:The anecdotes make it clear that even a thoughtful, intelligent man like McMurtry could become so nearly irrational in his attitude towards football: that he would do things to his opponents that he never would in his other life; that he would play despite injuries that threatened his health; that he became vicious and inhumane. By sharing his own experiences, he makes a persuasive point that organized football has very negative effects.Critical Reading and Discussion,6061. What is McMurtry’s current profession? How might his present position have influenced hisopinions about football?Answer:In paragraph 1, McMurtry says he is a university philosophy teacher. As a scholar and philosopher, McMurtry has probably spent a good deal of time thinking about his former life as a professional athlete. As a philosopher, he would know the works of Aristotle (cited in paragraph 15) and be capable of seeing the difference between the role of stage tragedy and bloody athletic contests.2. The author makes a comparison between war and football. Do you think this is a faircomparison? Why or why not?Answer:Answers will vary.3. According to McMurtry, what qualities of our society are reflected in football? What is youropinion of his analysis?Answer:In paragraph 14, McMurtry cites a Harvard study that says such qualities as “impersonal acceptance of inflicted injury,”the devotion of “organizational goals,”the “ability to turn oneself on and off,” and the desire to win are prized by our society, especially in business. Students’ opinion of the analysis will vary.4. In paragraphs 15–18, McMurtry points out—and then refutes—the belief that football benefitssociety. Do you believe that football and sports in general are harmful or helpful to society?Explain.Answer:Answers will vary.Thesis-and-Support Outline。






1. HMM基本概念和原理隐马尔可夫模型是由隐含状态和可见观测两部分组成的,其中隐含状态是不可见的,而可见观测是可以被观测到的。




2. Matlab实现HMM模型在Matlab中,我们可以使用HMM工具箱(HMM Toolbox)来实现隐马尔可夫模型。



3. 在Matlab中实现HMM模型需要注意的问题在实现HMM模型时,需要注意参数的初始化和调整,以及对于不同类型的数据如何选择合适的模型和算法。









《系统工程与电子技术》英文版投稿须知《系统工程与电子技术》英文版(《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》)是由中国航天科工防御技术研究院、中国宇航学会、中国系统工程学会和北京航天情报与信息研究所联合主办的学术期刊,创刊于1990年,现为双月刊。






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2.哈夫曼树的度为 m 的含义
哈夫曼树(Huffman Tree)是一种带权路径长度最短的二叉树,主要用于数据压缩和编码。

它是由美国计算机科学家 David A.Huffman 在1952 年提出的,具有唯一解的性质。

哈夫曼树的度为 m 是指树的每个节点最多有 m 个子节点。





4.重复步骤 2 和 3,直到只剩下一个节点,这个节点就是哈夫曼树






综上所述,哈夫曼树度为 m,具有唯一解的性质,通过构造哈夫曼树,可以实现数据压缩和编码。

07 就地取材促进科学探究的探索

07 就地取材促进科学探究的探索

滨水夏日小屋,西福尔,挪威SUMMER CABIN ON THE COAST, VESTFOLD, NORWAY, 2000建筑设计:雅蒙德/维斯奈斯建筑事务所ARCHITECTS: Jarmund/Vigsnaes Architects11 外景/Exterior view夏日小屋位于挪威南部沿海一处风景幽美的滨水岸边。











□(张晓黎 译)232 总平面/Site plan3 外景/Exterior viewThe summer cabin is situated in a very beautifullandscape by the water on the southern coast ofNorway. The landscape is difficult to improve througha built structure.The solution attempts to strengthen the borderbetween the different natural spaces at the site,reinforcing the understanding of the parts and thetransition between them.The cabin establishes a wall between the oakforest and the beach, giving a secluded gardencharacter to the forest.The building creates a gate in the wall, tocontrol the contact between the rooms through themost important room of the cabin. The rest of thebuilding is kept relatively enclosed in contrast tothe “gate”. Windows are established throughsaddlebags, setbacks or by removing part of thepanelling.The conceptual establishment of the wall isdeliberately undermined by the section, attemptingto lightness and movement.The program is structured from east to west,from sleeping through dining to the living roomfollowing the path of the sun.The facades are covered with oiled oak panelling.Roof is zinc. □设计年份/Year of Design: 1998-1999施工年份/Year of Construction: 1999-2000业主/Client: Withheld at the owners request设计团队/Design Team: Einar Jarmund, HakonVigsnaes, Alessandra Kosberg结构顾问/Structural Consultants: Ing. Walter Jacobsen承建商/Contractor: ABV Byggteam AS建筑面积/Gross Area: 120m2摄影/Photography: Nils Petter Dale454 外景/Exterior view5 细部/Detail。



Mushrooms,a fascinating part of the natural world,are neither plants nor animals but belong to the kingdom of fungi.They come in various shapes,sizes,and colors,and some are even luminescent,like the glowinthedark mushrooms found in certain tropical regions.Characteristics of Mushrooms:Mushrooms are composed of a network of threadlike structures called mycelium,which grows underground or on decaying organic matter.The part we commonly see,the mushroom cap,is just the fruiting body of the fungus,emerging when conditions are right for reproduction.Types of Mushrooms:There are thousands of mushroom species,ranging from the common button mushroom to the exotic morel.Some are edible and highly prized in cuisine,like truffles and chanterelles,while others,like the deadly Amanita phalloides,are extremely toxic.Growth Conditions:Mushrooms thrive in damp,dark environments and require a source of organic material to grow.They play a crucial role in ecosystems by decomposing dead plant and animal matter,thus recycling nutrients back into the soil.Edible Mushrooms:Edible mushrooms are a delicacy in many cultures.They are low in calories and high in nutrients,making them a healthy addition to any diet.Cooking methods vary,from sautéing in butter to using them in soups and stews.Cultivation:Mushroom cultivation is an ancient practice,with some species being farmed for thousands of years.Modern techniques allow for the controlled growth of mushrooms in various substrates,including straw,wood chips,and compost.Conservation and Foraging:While foraging for wild mushrooms can be a rewarding activity,it is essential to be knowledgeable about the species to avoid consuming toxic varieties.Additionally,some mushroom species are endangered and require protection to prevent overharvesting. Medicinal Uses:Mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for centuries.Some,like the reishi and shiitake,are believed to have immuneboosting and antiinflammatory properties.Culinary Delights:In cooking,mushrooms can be the star of the dish or a flavorful addition to enhance other ingredients.They can be used in a variety of dishes,from pizzas to pasta,and even as a meat substitute in vegetarian and vegan diets.Mythology and Culture:Mushrooms have also captured the human imagination,featuring in myths and legends across cultures.They are often associated with mystery and the supernatural,reflecting their unique place in the natural world.In conclusion,mushrooms are a diverse and intriguing group of organisms that offer both practical and cultural significance.Whether foraging in the wild,cultivating at home,or enjoying in a meal,there is much to appreciate and learn about these fascinating fungi.。




在MCMC方法中,随机漫步(Random Walk)是一种常用的采样算法,而随机漫步的尺度调整技巧则是保证算法收敛性和采样效率的重要手段。






二、随机漫步尺度调整技巧1. 自适应尺度调整自适应尺度调整是一种常见的随机漫步尺度调整技巧。




2. 方差调整在一些MCMC算法中,如Metropolis-Hastings算法,参数空间中的随机漫步是通过一个高斯分布来实现的。




3. 多尺度随机漫步在一些复杂的参数空间中,不同方向上的尺度可能存在差异。








马尔科夫随机场(Markov Random Field, MRF)作为一种概率图模型,在金融风险管理中的应用引起了人们的广泛关注。



















隐马尔科夫模型在游戏开发中的应用实例隐马尔科夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM)是一种用来描述一个含有隐藏状态的马尔科夫过程的统计模型。




















如果第一天为晴天,根据这一模型,在今后七天中天 气为O=“晴晴雨雨晴云晴”的概率为:
隐马尔可夫模型 (Hidden Markov Model, HMM)
在MM中,每一个状态代表一个可观察的 事件 在HMM中观察到的事件是状态的随机函数, 因此该模型是一双重随机过程,其中状态 转移过程是不可观察(隐蔽)的(马尔可夫 链),而可观察的事件的随机过程是隐蔽的 状态转换过程的随机函数(一般随机过程)。











1. 统计字符出现频率,并按照频率从小到大生成m个初始叶子节点。

2. 对于剩余的叶子节点,采用各种不同的合并策略,如最小值策略、加权平均策略等,以生成度为m的内部节点。

3. 对所有节点按照权重值从小到大进行排序。

4. 取出权重最小的m个节点,将它们合并成一个新的内部节点,并将新节点插入哈夫曼树中。

5. 重复执行步骤4,直到所有叶子节点被合并成一个节点,并得到完整的哈夫曼树。






1.随机环境分枝过程中的极限定理与大偏差定理新解 [J], 高莹莹
2.带形上随机环境中随机游动的内蕴分枝结构 [J], 洪文明; 张美娟
3.随机环境中有界跳幅的分枝随机游动 [J], 张小玥;张美娟
4.随机环境中分枝过程的几个极限定理 [J], 吕平;胡迪鹤
5.随机环境中多物种分枝随机游动 [J], 吕平;胡迪鹤


- 5514 -
以上 3 个问题,问题①是评估问题,可以用于判断最佳模 型 ;问 题 ② 是 解 码 问 题 ,可 以 用 于 寻 找 最 有 可 能 生 成 观 察 序 列 的 状 态 序 列 ,常 用 韦 特 比 算 法 进 行 解 决 ;问 题 ③ 是 训 练 问 题 , 用 于 从 已 有 数 据 中 估 计 模 型 的 参 数 。常 采 用 最 大 似 然 估 计 算 法 (对于已标记的训练集) 或 Baum-Welch 算法 (对于未标记的 训练集)解决。
1 HMM 简介
隐马尔可夫模型可以看成是能够随机进行状态转移并输 出 符 号 的 有 限 状 态 自 动 机 ,它 通 过 定 义 观 察 序 列 和 状 态 序 列 的 联 合 概 率 对 随 机 生 成 过 程 进 行 建 模 。每 一 个 观 察 序 列 可 以 看 成 是 由 一 个 状 态 转 移 序 列 生 成 ,状 态 转 移 过 程 是 依 据 初 始 状 态 概 率 分 布 随 机 选 择 一 个 初 始 状 态 开 始 ,输 出 一 个 观 察 值 后 再 根 据 状 态 转 移 概 率 矩 阵 随 机 转 移 到 下 一 状 态 ,直 到 到 达 某 一 预 先 指 定 的 结 束 状 态 为 止 ,在 每 一 个 状 态 将 根 据 输 出 概
输入:词序列 w1w2…wn。 输出:最佳的词性标记序列 t1t2…tn。 韦特比算法的归纳过程如下:
(1) 初 始 化
1≤ ≤
(2) 归 纳 计 算
+1 = max
= arg max 1 ×
* = max
* = arg max
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