Translation of Classical Noun TCM Terms
Unit1Test A1.differentiating syndromes and treatment 辨证论治2.syndrome differentiation with eight principles 八纲辨证3.location of diseases 病变部位4.tendency of pathological changes 病势5.external disease factors 外感病邪6.duration of a disease 病程7.aversion to cold 恶寒8.nasal congestion 鼻塞9.sore,itchy throat 喉痒咽痛10.penetrate from the superficial layers to the interior of the body 由表传里11.changes in tongue coating 舌苔变化12.cold limbs 四肢厥冷13.pallor/pale face 面色苍白14.clear and copious urine 小便清长15.absence of thirst 口不渴16.primary disease 原发病17.pale tongue with white coating 舌淡苔白18.malar flush 颧红19.struggle between the anti-pathogenic factors and pathogenic factors 正邪相争20.yang/yin depletion/collapse 亡阳/亡阴21.reduced appetite 食欲减退22.abdominal distention 腹部胀满23.qi transformation 气化24.pseudo-cold and real heat 真寒假热二句子翻译1.The clinical manifestations of diseases, though intricate, can be analyzed with the eight principles according to the category, location and nature of disease as well as the conflict between the anti-pathogenic factors and pathogenic factors.疾病的临床表现尽管错综复杂,但基本上都可以用八纲从疾病的类别、病性、邪正盛衰方面进行分析。
中西医临床专业词汇英语English:In the field of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there are many specialized terms that are important for clinical practice. Some common clinical terms in TCM include "qi" which refers to the vital energy or life force, "yin and yang" which represents the concept of balance and harmony in the body, "meridians" which are the channels through which qi flows, and "acupuncture points" which are specific points along the meridians where acupuncture needles are inserted. Other important terms include "TCM pattern differentiation" which is the process of identifying the pattern of disharmony in a patient, "herbal medicine" which refers to the use of plants and minerals for medicinal purposes, and "cupping therapy" which involves the use of cups to create suction on the skin to promote healing.Chinese:在中医领域中,有许多专业术语对临床实践非常重要。
中医基础理论:fundamental theory of TCM 道教: Daoism 儒教:Confucianism 整体观念:holistic concept (of the universe); holism 有机整体: organic whole 形神统一: unity of the body and spirit 天人相应: correspondence between human and universe
——Literal translation: “ancestral qi”, “genetic qi”,“initial qi” ——Free translation: “gathering qi”, “chest qi”, 翻译采用音译法为宜
C-E Translation Practice(汉英翻译实践)
短句翻译: 1.中医药学是中国人民长期同疾病做斗争的经验总结。 2.中医学是研究人体生理、病理以及疾病的诊断和防治 的一门科学。 3.中医学的两大基本特点就是整体观念和辨证论治。 4.中西医结合为中医的发展与现代化开辟了一条新途径。 段落翻译: 要理解一种医疗体系,必须了解这一体系赖以发展的 文化基础。一种文化产生出一种哲学和世界观,两者指 导着这一体系的医疗实践。治疗者、病人和治疗方法与 本文化中对生命的认识有着紧密联系。
法 历史源流——
玄奘的“五不翻” 一、秘密故,如陀罗尼(真言、咒语); 二、含多义故,如薄伽梵具六义(……); 三、此无故,如净净树,中夏实无此木; 四、顺古故,如阿耨菩提; 五、生善故,如般若尊重,智慧轻浅。
基本原则——“译无可译,所以不译(音译)” 在任何一种语言中总有一些反映该民族 特有的事物、思想和观念的词汇。这些词汇 在别的语言中找不到对应的词汇。尽管这些 词汇在一国语言中所占的比例很小,它们却 起着极为重要的作用。因为它们反映着一个 国家和民族特有的文化,是这一文化区别另 一文化的象征。对于这类词汇,音译是较好 的翻译方法。 “译入语中没有相对应的词”
中医术语翻译的国际标准与文化传承近期,千华翻译公司翻译了一批中医文献,现将我们搜集的部分有用的资料共享如下:2007年1O月,世界卫生组织(WH0)西太区颁布了《传统医学名词术语国际标准》(WHO International StandardTerminologies 011 Traditional Medicine in the Western PacificRegion)。
1 WH0西太区颁布的《传统医学名词术语国际标准》经络部分的翻译和文化传承1.1 十二经脉的翻译与文化传承:十二经脉是结合脏腑、手足、阴阳三方面内容而命名的。
WH0西太区颁布的《传统医学名词术语国际标准》中,将十二经脉的翻译如下:手太阴肺经:lung meridian(LU);手阳明大肠经:large intestinemeridian(LI);足阳明胃经:stomachmeridian(ST);足太阴脾经:spleenmeridian(SP);手少阴心经:heartmeridian(HT);手太阳小肠经:small intestine meridian(SI);足太阳膀胱经:bladdermeridian(BL);足少阴。
肾经:kidlleymeridian(KI);手厥阴心包经:pericardium meridian(PC);手少阳三焦经:triple energizer meridian(TE);足少阳胆经:gallbladder meridian(GB);足厥阴肝经:liver meridian(LR)。
1 总论序号汉文名英文名注释中医①traditional Chinese medicine②traditional Chinese physician ①中医学的简称。
中药Chinese materia medica 在中医理论指导下应用的药物。
中医学traditional Chinese medicine 以中医药理论与实践经验为主体,研究人类生命活动中健康与疾病转化规律及其预防、诊断、治疗、康复和保健的综合性科学。
中药学Chinese materia medica 中药学科的统称。
中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医与中药的合称。
中医药学traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology 中医学与中药学的合称,侧重反映中医与中药两者共同发展,密不可分。
中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine 现代医学等现代科学知识及手段来继承和发展中医药,中西医学相互补充,取长补短,诊治疾病的医学形式。
中医基础理论basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 研究和阐明中医学的基本概念、基本理论、基本规律、基本原则的学科。
中医诊断学diagnostics of traditional Chinese medicine 根据中医学的理论体系,研究诊察病情、判断病种、辨别证候的基础理论、基本知识和基本技能的学科。
方剂学prescriptions of Chinese materia medica 研究治法与方剂配伍规律及其临床运用的学科。
中医内科学internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine 研究外感温病、内伤杂病等内科疾病诊治与预防的临床中医学。
家撰写而成[2 ]。之所以假托“黄帝”之名,是因为 他是中华民族的人文始祖,这是一种典型的“崇 古”心态。另外,《神农本草经》也并非“神农”所写, 同样是一种“崇古”心理。后世医家之所以继承了 中医语言的“古色古香”“四字成句”“四字成词” 等特色,很大程度上源于《黄帝内经》语言特征和 “崇古”文化心态。 2 文学化中医语言的表现方面及其翻译
languages; literary; translation
中医语言文学化是中医语言最显著的特征之 一。文学化语言表达中医医理生动形象,说理透 彻,言简意赅,富有节奏感和美感[1 ]。文学化语言 不仅出现在中医语篇中,还常常出现在中医名词 中。目前,如何翻译这些文学化语言,在翻译界还 存在分歧。
[关键词] 中医语言;文学化;翻译 [中图分类号] R2-03 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1004-6852(2018)05-0143-03
功能对等理论指导下《金匮要略》文化负载词的英译*张晶,蒲桦鑫山东中医药大学外国语学院,山东济南250355[摘要]在奈达功能对等理论指导下,对《金匮要略》的文化负载词,进行归纳分类,概括为四类:专有名词类、术语类、行为操作类、描述类;分析了《汉英对照金匮要略》李照国版(Classical Chinese-Modern Chinese-English,Essentials of the Golden Cabinet)中,文化负载词的具体翻译方法:音译结合注释、意译、直译、阐释性译法,并对具体的翻译方法的适用性及优缺点进行了探讨,以期能丰富中医典籍的翻译方法,推动中医文化更好地走向世界。
[关键词]《金匮要略》;文化负载词;功能对等理论;翻译方法[中图分类号]R212[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-6852(2020)02-0157-04 English Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Jingui Yaolue under the Guidanceof Functional Equivalence TheoryZHANG Jing,PU HuaxinSchool of Foreign Language,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan250355,ChinaUnder the guidance of Nida忆s functional equivalence theory,culture-loaded words in Jinggui Yaolue are summarized and generalized into four categories:proper noun,term,of behavioral operation anddescription,specific translations of culture-loaded words are analyzed in Classical Chinese-ModernChinese-English,Essentials of the Golden Cabinet translated by Li Zhaoguo:transliteration combined with annotation,free translation,literal translation and hermeneutic translation,the application,advantages and disadvantages of the specific translation are explored in the wish of enriching the translation of TCM classics and promoting TCM culture move towards the world.Jingui Yaolue;culture-loaded words;functional equivalence theory;translation methods中医古籍中存在大量的文化负载词,这些词语的精确翻译直接影响中医翻译的文化转移。
[关键词]中医英语;中医术语;英译;标准;学科特点;语料库[中图分类号]R2-03[文献标识码]A[文章编号]2096-9600(2021)03-0158-04Review and Prospect of English Translation Standards of Traditional Chinese Medicine TermsXU Li,ZHANG Zhe△,MIN Ling,YAO Qiuhui,ZHANG YueShandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan250355,ChinaAbstract In this paper,the existing English translation standards of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) terms and the establishment principles for these standards were summarized.According to the existing standards,it is suggested that the English translation standards of TCM terms should be determined based on the characteristics of TCM itself,and it is proposed that TCM English corpus should be established to study the standard of English translation of TCM terms.Keywords traditional Chinese medicine English;traditional Chinese medicine terminology;English translation;standard;subject characteristics;corpus中医英译最早出现在17世纪,从20世纪开始中医英文翻译逐渐增多。
关于传统中药理论的英语作文The Profound Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory.In the annals of medical history, the theory andpractice of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) occupy a unique and respected position. This ancient system of healing, encompassing a vast array of diagnostic techniques and therapeutic modalities, is a testament to the profound understanding of the human body and the natural world that the Chinese people have cultivated over millennia.TCM theory is founded on the principles of yin and yang, two opposing yet complementary forces that govern all aspects of existence. In the human body, these forces are believed to maintain a state of dynamic balance, essential for health and well-being. When this balance is disturbed, illness ensues. The aim of TCM is to restore this harmonyby addressing the underlying causes of imbalance, rather than merely treating symptoms.One of the fundamental concepts in TCM is the five elements theory, which links natural phenomena, includingthe movements of the seasons and the cycles of nature, tothe functions and interactions of the internal organs. Each organ is associated with a particular element — wood, fire, earth, metal, or water — and is believed to have aspecific role in maintaining the overall health of the body. By understanding the relationships between these elements and organs, TCM practitioners can gain insights into theroot causes of illness and devise targeted treatment plans.Another key aspect of TCM is qi (pronounced "chi"), a concept that encompasses the vital energy that animates all life. In TCM, qi flows throughout the body along meridians, invisible channels that connect the internal organs and tissues. When qi flows freely, the body is healthy. However, when qi becomes stagnant or blocked, it can lead to a range of physical and emotional ailments. Techniques such as acupuncture and massage are used to stimulate the meridians and promote the flow of qi, thereby restoring balance and promoting healing.TCM also emphasizes the importance of diet andlifestyle in maintaining health. Foods are classified according to their properties — hot, cold, damp, dry, etc. — and are recommended or avoided based on an individual's constitutional type and current state of health. Similarly, activities such as exercise, rest, and mental cultivation are tailored to suit each person's needs, with the aim of fostering a harmonious relationship between the body andits environment.In conclusion, the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicine offer a unique and profound understanding of health and illness. By focusing on the restoration of internal balance and the promotion of qi flow, TCM aims to address the root causes of illness and foster long-term well-being. Its emphasis on personalized care and the integration of diet, lifestyle, and mental cultivation into treatment plans makes it a valuable addition to the global healthcare landscape. As the world increasingly turns toward holistic and preventative healthcare models, thewisdom of traditional Chinese medicine theory offers invaluable insights and practical solutions.。
关键词:词素,词素层翻译,中医术语,翻译单位Abstract:By reviewing the history of morpheme level translation and discussing its significance in the standardization of TCM terms translation,this paper points out that morpheme level translation is one of the scientific translation methods to arrive at standardized English translation of TCM terminology. Most notable is its advantage in ensuring that translations meet the requirements of the structure of scientific terminology. Therefore the author suggests that morpheme may be used as the translation unit when we translate TCM terms.Key Words:morpheme,,TCM terminology,translation unit随着中国传统医学逐渐走向世界,中医翻译越来越成为人们关注的热点,中医翻译面对的群体不再局限于外国人,国内的中医学者以及近几年各中医院校中医英语专业的师生,都需要了解中医英语和中医翻译。
中医名词术语英译的国际标准与文化传承研究的开题报告Title: A Study on the International Standardization and CulturalInheritance of English Translation of Traditional Chinese MedicineTerminologiesBackground:Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history and richcultural heritage that has been passed down for thousands of years inChina. With the development of global health industry and the increasing recognition of TCM's effectiveness, the demand forinternational communication and cooperation in TCM has grownsignificantly. Therefore, the standardization of TCM terminologies andtheir translation into English have become crucial issues for promoting TCM worldwide. However, there is still a lack of consensus and systematic standards for the English translation of TCM terminologies, which may lead to confusion, imprecision, and loss of cultural significance in the communication and application of TCM.Objectives:The aim of this research is to explore the internationalstandardization and cultural inheritance of English translation of TCMterminologies. Specifically, this research intends to achieve the followingobjectives:1. To investigate the current situation and challenges of TCMterminologies and their English translation, in terms of terminologystandardization, translation accuracy, cultural sensitivity, andinternational communication.2. To analyze the existing international standards and practices of terminology standardization and translation in other fields, and identify their potential implications and applicability to TCM.3. To review the historical evolution and cultural significance of TCM terminologies and their translation, and examine the interaction between TCM and Western medicine in terms of terminology and concept exchange.4. To propose a new framework for the international standardization of TCM terminologies and their English translation,taking into account the cultural and linguistic diversity, scientific rigor, and practical applicability.Methodology:This research will adopt a qualitative research methodology, with afocus on literature review, case analysis, and expert consultation.Specifically, the research will involve the following steps:1. Collection and review of relevant literature, both in English andChinese, on TCM terminologies and their translation, terminologystandardization and translation theory, cross-cultural communicationand language philosophy.2. Case analysis of selected examples of TCM terminologies andtheir English translation, with a view to identifying the commonproblems and potential solutions in terminology standardization andtranslation quality control.3. Expert consultation through interviews and surveys with TCMpractitioners, translators, terminologists, and scholars, to obtain theirinsights and suggestions on the international standardization andcultural inheritance of TCM terminologies and their English translation.4. Proposal of a new framework for the internationalstandardization and cultural inheritance of TCM terminologies and their English translation, based on the analysis and synthesis of the existingliterature, case studies, and expert consultation.Expected Outcomes:This research is expected to provide a comprehensive and criticalanalysis of the current situation and challenges of TCM terminologiesand their English translation, and to propose a new framework for theinternational standardization and cultural inheritance of TCM terminologies and their English translation, which may contribute to theeffective communication and integration of TCM with the global healthindustry and promote the cultural diversity and heritage of TCM. The research findings may also be useful for TCM practitioners, translators, and researchers, as well as for language and terminology professionals and scholars interested in cross-cultural communication and terminology standardization.。
Traditional Chinese medicine (also known as TCM, simplified Chinese: 中医; traditional Chinese: 中医; pinyin: zhōngyī) includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in China. It is considered a Complementary or Alternative Medical system in much of the western world while remaining as a form of primary care throughout most of Asia.TCM practices include treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, dietary therapy, Tui na and Shiatsu massage; often Qigong and Taiji are also strongly affiliated with TCM.TCM theory is extremely complex and originated thousands of years ago through meticulous observation of nature, the cosmos, and the human body. Major theories include those of Yin-yang, the Five Phases, the human body Channel system, Zang Fu organ theory, six confirmations, four layers, etc.0 RADITIONAL- CHINESE MEDICINE WITH A LONG HISTORY历史悠久的中国传统医学Traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM) hasa history of several years. Its origin can be traced back to remote antiquity.In a long course of struggling against diseases, TCM evolved into a unique and integrated theoretical systcm of TCM. It is an important part of Chinese culture. More than 2,000 years ago, came out Huangdi's Classic on Medicine( Huang Di Nei jing ), which is the earliest medical classic extant in China. It consists of two parts—Basic Questions ( Su Wen ) and Miraculous Pivot( Ling Shu ), each comprising) nine volumes, each of which, in turn, contains nine chapters, totaling up to 162 chapters.The book gives a complete and systematic exposition to the following various subjects : the relationship between man and nature, the physiology and pathology of the human body, and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention ot diseases. It also uses the theories of yin-yang and the five elements to deal fully with the principles of treatment by 中医有着几千年的历史, 起源可追溯至远古时代。
中医英语翻译概论 (2)
Integrity principle
Principle of fluency
In the translation process, one should strive for a smooth and natural way of expression to make the translation easy to understand and accept.
preserve the original form and flag of the source text, even if it departments from target language norms It aims to preserve the source text's cultural and linguistic characteristics, making it more authentic and interesting to the target audience
The Importance of Traditional Chinese Medicine English Translation
The History and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine English Translation
Early stages: The translation of TCM Began in the late 19th century, driven by missions and other Westerners who were interested in the medicine These early translations were often inaccurate or highly simplified
Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医 中药 翻译技巧
Yin, Yang,
Qi, 中医音译阴、阳、气等概念,就是因为这些概念是“含多义故”。 气:先天之气,后天之气,元气,真气,营气,卫气等;
• 1. 深化译法 能使良医得蚤从事 • Flea, louse • Early, in time
•Traditional Chinese Medicine is not just a medical system with one purpose of curing physical diseases. It believes that the bliss of being must come from a harmony within and without. •中医学并不是一个以治愈身体病痛为唯一目标的医疗体系,它认 为人生的至福来自和谐,此和谐成于中,形于外。
2020 11:04:18 AM11:04:182020/12/12
• 11、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。12/12/
谢 谢 大 家 2020 11:04 AM12/12/2020 11:04 AM20.12.1220.12.12
• 12、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。12-Dec-2012 December 202020.12.12
• 两者的要义是追求和谐,而得平和,而得平衡。和谐与平衡, 是一非二。
中医的理论体系实际上是在中国古典哲学的基础上发展 起来的。 ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙如“元气”、“天人相应”和“心主神” 等。
中医语言同中医理论一样,既古老又复杂。再加上历史 上不同学派之间的相互渗透与影响, ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙给理解和翻 译带来了很大困难。∙∙∙∙∙∙∙中医语言突出的特征是明确 的特定词汇往往表示不确定的、多变的概念, ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙有 着明显的抽象性。
• 活血化瘀 activating blood to resolve stagnation
1 中医翻译概论
1.1 仿造
– 句子层次的翻译也能运用仿造法
• 從阴阳翻则生,逆之翻则死。 – Following (the law of) yin and yang ensures life, while violating it leads to death.
重要经典译名舉隅 (續)
時病论 傅青主女科 洗冤集錄
On Seasonal Diseases
Fu Qing-zhu’s Obstetrics and Gynecology
Instruction to Coroners Records of Redressing Wronged Cases Medical Secrets of an Official * Secret Prescriptions Collected when Off-Duty * Essential Secrets from Outside the Metropolis * Essential Secrets from the Imperial Library
earth supplementing mother-organ
and draining child organ heart opens into the tongue the spleen governs
transportation / movement and transformation the lung governs qi and manages respiration
• 阴虚翻则热,阳虚翻则寒。 – Deficiency of yin generates heat and deficiency of yang produces cold.
中医英语翻译概论Introduction to Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine in EnglishThe first principle of translating TCM into English is to preserve the original meaning and essence of the Chinese text. TCM relies on a rich system of concepts, theories, and ancient texts, which may not have exact equivalents in English. Translators must therefore strive to convey the original meaning while adapting it to suit the language and culture of the target audience.One challenge in translating TCM lies in finding appropriate English terms for Chinese medical terms. TCM uses a unique terminology that often describes symptoms, diseases, and treatments in ways that differ from Western medicine. Translators must carefully select English equivalents that accurately represent the Chinese concepts. For example, the Chinese term "气虚" refers to a deficiency of Qi, a vital force in TCM. In English, it may be translated as "Qi deficiency" or "weak Qi." The chosen translation should reflect the TCM concept while being understandable to English-speaking readers.Another challenge in translating TCM is the need to bridge the cultural gap between China and the English-speaking world. TCM is deeply rooted in Chinese culture, including traditional philosophical ideas and ancient medical theories. Translatorsmust find ways to convey these cultural nuances to English readers without overwhelming them with unfamiliar concepts. This may require adapting the translation to make it more accessible to the target audience. For example, the concept of "yin" and "yang," which describes opposing yet interconnected forces in TCM, can be explained in English by using terms like "balance" and "harmony."Translating TCM also involves conveying the effectiveness and safety of TCM treatments to English-speaking readers. TCM has its own empirical evidence and clinical experience, which may not align with the standards and conventions of Western medicine. Translators must find ways to present this evidence in a manner that is understandable and acceptable to English-speaking readers. This may involve providing additional explanations, citing research studies, or using terminology that is familiar to both TCM and Western medicine.In summary, translating TCM into English requirestranslators to preserve the original meaning and essence of the Chinese text while finding appropriate English equivalents for Chinese medical terms. It also involves bridging the cultural gap and conveying the effectiveness and safety of TCM treatments to English-speaking readers. By understanding the principles and challenges of translating TCM, translators can effectively convey the richness and depth of this ancient medical tradition to the global audience.。
對於《中醫藥常用名詞術語英譯》的一些意見Nigel Wiseman (魏迺杰,英國)(長庚大學中醫學系 臺灣)馮曄(長庚紀念醫院 臺灣)English Abstract: This paper offers criticism of “English Translation of Common Terms in Chinese Medicine"(2004) by Professor Xie Zhufan. Criticisms of specific term choices are listed under the following headings: 1. Selection of Chinese Terms;2. Poor Term Choices;3. Poor Grammar and Style;4. One Term with Multiple Translations (Inconsistency);5. Multiple Terms with one Translation;6. Overuse of Pinyin;7. Overuse of Modern Medical Terms.2004年10月20~21日世界衛生組織(WHO)西太區分部和國家中醫藥管理局在北京舉行中醫藥名詞術語標準化研討會,其重要結果之一,是選擇謝竹藩教授主編的《中醫藥常用名詞術語英譯》一書作為WHO進一步討論中醫英文名詞標準化的根據。
玉屏风散 Yupingfeng San
仙方活命饮 Xianfang Huoming Yin
Baoji Wan
3)古典中医专著 《黄帝内经》 Huangdi Neijing 《伤寒论》 Shanghan Lun 《金匮要略》 Jingui Yaolue 《温病学》 Wenbing Xue
泰山磐石散 细脉
Powder for calming fetus Thready Pulse
音译即拼音翻译法。因为中西方文化及中西医之 间巨大差异,中医理论中特有一些概念在英语 中极难找到对应语。如“气”、“阴阳”、“气
liver, kidney, heart, spleen, 而不是译成metal,
water, fire, earth.
“木火刑金”可意译成liver fire impairing lung. 如
“阴”、“阳”、“神”、“脏”、“腑”、 “寸”、“关”、