Tropicals TCJJP Presentation




presentation范文模板英文回答:Presentation is an important skill that is often required in various aspects of life, such as academic settings, professional environments, and even social gatherings. It allows individuals to effectively communicate their ideas, opinions, and information to an audience. In this presentation, I will discuss the importance of presentation skills and provide some tips on how to deliver a successful presentation.First and foremost, presentation skills are crucial in academic settings. Whether it's presenting a research paper, a project, or a case study, being able to effectively present your findings is essential. A well-delivered presentation not only showcases your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter but also engages the audience and keeps them interested in what you have to say. For example, when I was in college, I had to present mythesis to a panel of professors. By using visual aids,clear and concise language, and engaging body language, I was able to effectively convey my research findings and receive positive feedback.中文回答:演讲是一项重要的技能,通常在生活的各个方面都需要,比如学术环境、职业环境,甚至社交聚会。



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• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adip iscing elit, sed diam no n u mmy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet do lore magna aliquam er at v olut pat. Ut wisi enim ad mi ni m venia m, quis nostrud exerci tatio n ulla mco rper susc ip it lobor tis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo cons equat. • Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse mo les tie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla fac ilisis at vero eros et ac cumsan et iusto odio dign issim qui bla ndit praesent lup tatum zzril dele nit augue duis dolore te fe ug ait nulla facilisi
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Tropical theta characteristics

Tropical theta characteristics

a rXiv:0712.325v1[mat h.A G]19D ec27TROPICAL THETA CHARACTERISTICS ILIA ZHARKOV Abstract.This short note is an addendum to [MZ07].We consider the set of all theta characteristics on a tropical curve and identify the Riemann constant κamong those.First we recall the basic setup and main players.For more details the reader can look in [MZ07]and references there in.Let Γbe a connected finite graph and V 1(Γ)be the set of its 1-valent vertices.We say Γis a metric graph if the topological space Γ\V 1(Γ)is given a complete metric structure and Γis its compactification.In particular,all leaves have infinite lengths.Introducing a new two-valent vertex on the interior of an edge is set to give an equivalent metric graph,and a tropical curve C is an equivalence class of such graphs.Its genus is g =b 1(Γ)for any representative Γ.The metric allows one to talk about affine and piece-wise linear functions on C with integral slopes.At every vertex v we may define the set of outward primitive tangent vectors ξi .Then any PL function f defines a principal divisor (f )= p ∈C (val(p ) i =1∂f (p )2ILIA ZHARKOVLet us fix a reference point p 0∈C .Given a divisor D =a i p i we choose paths from p 0to p i .Integration along these paths defines a linear functional on ΩZ (C ):ˆµ(D )(ω)= a i p ip 0ω.For another choice of paths the value of ˆµ(D )will differ by an element in Λ.Thus,we get a well-defined tropical analog of the Abel-Jacobi map µ:Div d (C )→J (C ).The tropical Abel-Jacobi theorem (cf.[BHN97],[BN07],[MZ07])says that for each degree d the map µfactors through Pic d (C )(the group of divisors modulo linear equivalence):Div d (C )µLL L L L L L L L L J (C )and φis a bijection.Both maps µand φdepend on the base point p 0unless d =0.An explicit solution to the Jacobi inversion problem is provided by introducing the tropical theta function as follows.The metric on C defines a symmetric positive bilinear form Q on Ω(C )∗by setting Q (ℓ,ℓ):=length(ℓ)on simple cycles ℓ.That,in turn,defines a convex Λ-quasi-periodic PL function on Ω(C )∗:(1)Θ(x ):=max λ∈Λ{Q (λ,x )−12Λ/Λ⊂Pic g −1(C )only −κis not in W g −1.Proof.According to the Theorem 2it suffices to prove that among the two-torsion points 1TROPICAL THETA CHARACTERISTICS3 the maximum at x=0in(1)is achieved by a single term,namely byλ=0.Hence 0∈Ω(C)∗is not in the corner locus ofΘ.On the other hand if a non-zeroλ∈1。

Motorcontroller Dokumentation说明书

Motorcontroller Dokumentation说明书

Motorcontroller de ................................................Beachten Sie folgende Hinweise und die englischsprachi-gen Informationen auf der Rückseite.Hinweis ..................................................Technische Daten zum Produkt können in anderen Do-kumenten abweichende Werte aufweisen.Für die UL-zertifizierten Produkte gelten stets vorrangig die abwei-chenden Technischen Daten des vorliegenden Doku-ments.Eine allgemeine Anwenderdokumentation ist für diese Produkte verfügbar.Die UL-Zertifizierung bezieht sich üblicherweise auf das Produkt als Komponente und nicht auf dessen Installation oder die Benutzung des Produktes in einer Maschine/An-lage.•Berücksichtigen Sie bei Installation und Betrieb dieses Produktes alle dafür geltenden Sicherheitsanforderun-gen,Gesetze,Regelungen,Codes,Normen und Stan-dards,beispielsweise National Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Kanada),Vorschriften der US-amerikanischen Bundesbehörde OSHA.Motor controlleren ...............................................Note the following instructions and the English informa-tion on the reverse side of this document.Note ......................................................Technical specifications on the product may show dif-ferent values in other documents.In the case of UL-certified products,the differing technical specifications in this documentation always apply first.A general user documentation is available for these pro-ducts.The UL-certification usually refers to the product as a component and not to its installation or to the use of the product in a machine/system.•When installing and operating this product,take into account all applicable safety requirements,legislation,regulations and standards,for example the National Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Ca-nada),the regulations of the US American Federal Au-thority OSHA.Controlador del motores ........................................Observe las siguientes instrucciones y la información en Inglés en la parte posterior.Importante ..............................................Las especificaciones técnicas del producto pueden mostrar valores diferentes en otros documentos.Para los productos con certificación UL siempre son válidas prioritariamente las especificaciones técnicas diferen-tes indicadas en el presente documento.Para estos productos existe documentación general para el usuario.La certificación UL se aplica usualmente al producto como componente y no a su instalación o a la utilización del producto en una máquina o sistema.•Cuando se instala y se hace funcionar el producto,tener en cuenta los requerimientos de seguridad aplicables,legislación,normas y estándares,por ejemplo la Nat-ional Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Canadá),las normas de la US American Federal Autho-rity OSHA.Contrôleur de moteur fr ..........................................Tenir compte des remarques suivantes et des informa-tions en anglais figurant au dos.Nota......................................................Les caractéristiques du produit peuvent varier d’un document àl’autre.Les caractéristiques techniques divergentes du présent document s’appliquent tou-jours en prioritépour les produits certifiés UL.Une notice d'utilisation générale est disponible pour ces produits.La certification UL concerne habituellement le produit en tant que composant et non son installation ou l’utilisation du produit dans une machine /installation.•Lors de l’installation et du fonctionnement de ce pro-duit,respecter toutes les consignes de sécurité,lois,réglementations,codes,normes et références,comme par exemple National Electrical Code (USA),Canadian Electrical Code (Canada ),directives de l’autoritéfédé-rale des Etats-Unis OSHA.Controllore motore it .............................................Osservare le note seguenti e le informazioni in inglese riportate a tergo.Nota......................................................In altri documenti,le specifiche tecniche relative al prodotto possono presentare valori diversi rispetto al presente documento.Per i prodotti certificati UL sono validi soprattutto i dati tecnici differenti riportati nel presente documento.Per questi prodotti èdisponibile una documentazione utente generale.In genere la certificazione UL si riferisce al prodotto come componente e non all’installazione o all’impiego in una macchina/impianto.•Per l’installazione e l’esercizio di questo prodotto te-nere presente i requisiti di sicurezza,leggi,regolamenti,codici,norme e standard,ad esempio il National Electri-cal Code (USA),il Canadian Electrical Code (Canada),le prescrizioni dell’AutoritàFederale Statunitense OSHA.马达控制器zh.....................................................请注意下列提示和背面的英文信息。



3业务伙伴安全 Business partner Security
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公司是否有书面的、基于风险的流程来筛选新的业务合作伙伴和监pany have a written, risk-based process for screening new business
公司有无制定内部审核计划?有无进行内审? Does the company have an internal audit plan?Is there an internal audit?
有没有任命安全联系人(POC)? Is there a designated security contact (POC)?
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准? Does the company require business partners to fill out security questionnaires or
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供应商反恐安全评调查表 Vendor Security Assessment

PreSonus AudioBox USB 2x2 音频接口说明书

PreSonus AudioBox USB 2x2 音频接口说明书

©2021 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AudioBox USB, Capture, CoActual, EarMix, Eris, FaderPort, FireStudio, MixVerb, Notion, PreSonus, PreSonus AudioBox, QMix, RedLightDist, SampleOne, Sceptre, StudioLive, Temblor, Tricomp, WorxAudio, and the Wave Logo are registered trademarks of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. Studio One is a registered trademark of PreSonus Software Ltd.Mac, macOS, iOS, and iPadOS are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. USB Type-C and USB-C are registered trademarks of USB Implementers Forum.Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. All specifications subject to change without notice... except the recipe, which is a classic.Baton Rouge • USA Revelator io242-channel audio interface for streamers and podcasters Quick Start GuideRevelator io24Interfaz de audio de 2 canales para streamers y podcasters Guía de arranque rápidoRevelator io242-Kanal-Audio-Interface für Streamer und Podcaster KurzanleitungRevelator io24Interface audio à deux canaux pour les streameurs et les podcasteurs Guide de prise en mainRevelator io24为流媒体工作者和播客设计的双通道音频接口快速启动指南Part# 70-12000164-BBasic functions • Funciones básicas • Grundlegende Funktionen • Fonctions de base • 基础功能Press channel 1 or 2 button to select channel. Press encoder to cycle through settings. Turn encoder to change chosen setting.Pulse el botón canal 1 ó 2 para seleccionar el canal. Pulse el encoder para desplazarse por los ajustes. Gire el encoder para cambiar el ajuste elegido.Channel 1 oder 2 drücken, um den Kanal auszuwählen. Endlosregler drücken, um durch die Einstellungen zu blättern. Endlosregler drehen, um die ausgewählte Einstellung zu ändern.Pressez la touche de canal 1 ou 2 pour sélectionner le canal. Pressez l’encodeur pour parcourir les réglages. Tournez l’encodeur pour modifier le réglage choisi.按下 channel 1 或 2 按钮进行轨道选择。

Philips 电动剃须刀系列 9000 产品说明书

Philips 电动剃须刀系列 9000 产品说明书

Shaver series 9000 Lames V-Track PrecisionTêtes ContourDetect8 directionsTondeuse de précision SmartClickS9051/13La perfection à chaque passage Coupe jusqu'à 20 % de poils en plus* en un seul passageLe rasoir Series 9000 offre notre meilleur rasage à ce jour. La technologie exclusive ContourDetect est d'une efficacité exceptionnelle sur tous les contours de votre visage, tandis que le système V-Track guide les poils afin de leur donner une position de coupe optimale, pour un rasage de près.Conçu pour la perfectionLes lames guident les poils afin de leur donner une position optimale pour un rasagede prèsLes têtes s'inclinent dans 8 directions, pour un résultat impeccableUn rasage confortableObtenez un rasage à sec confortable ou rafraîchissant sur peau humide grâce ausystème AquaTecFacile à utiliserIcônes intuitives facilitant l'utilisation des modes60 minutes d’autonomie pour 1 h de chargeLe rasoir peut être rincé sous l'eau du robinetavec 2 ans de garantieObtenez le meilleur de votre rasoirAccessoire tondeuse clipsable pour une moustache et des pattes impeccablesPoints fortsLames V-Track PrecisionObtenez un rasage parfait. Les lames V-Track Precision positionnent les poilsidéalement pour une coupe optimale, quelle que soit leur longueur, et même s'ils sont couchés. Elles coupent 30 % plus près enmoins de passages, pour une peau préservée.Têtes ContourDetect 8 directionsSuivez les contours de votre visage et de votre cou grâce aux têtes ContourDetect quis'inclinent dans 8 directions. Vous couperez 20 % de poils en plus à chaque passage, pour un rasage de près confortable.AquaTec Wet & DryRasez-vous comme bon vous semble. Avec le système AquaTec Wet & Dry, vous pouvez opter pour un rasage à sec rapide etconfortable, ou vous raser sur peau humide -avec du gel ou de la mousse - même sous la douche.Tondeuse de précision SmartClickClipsez notre tondeuse de précisionrespectueuse de la peau pour parfaire votre style. C'est la solution idéale pour entretenir la moustache et tailler les pattes.Écran LED à 3 niveauxL'écran intuitif affiche des informations pratiques pour obtenir des performances optimales de votre rasoir : - Indicateurs decharge 3 niveaux et de verrouillage - Indicateur de nettoyage - Indicateur de batterie faible -Indicateur de remplacement des têtes60 minutes d’autonomieDésormais, grâce à la meilleure autonomie des rasoirs Philips, le système de charge offre deux options pratiques : 1 h de charge pour60 minutes d'autonomie, ou une charge rapide pour un rasage. Tous les modèles de rasoirs Series 9000 sont conçus pourfonctionner uniquement en mode sans fil, pour une sécurité totale en milieu humide.Rasoir entièrement lavableIl vous suffit d'ouvrir la tête de rasage et de larincer soigneusement sous l'eau.iF DESIGN AWARD 2015Rasoir Series 9000Précision, maîtrise et maniabilité sont les caractéristiques clés du rasoir Series 9000. Le système V-Track guide les poils afin de leur donner une position de coupe optimale, pour un rasage de près, tandis que les têtes flottantes 8 directions coupent plus de poils à la fois, pour un résultat net en moins de passages. Le système AquaTecWet & Dry permet un rasage à sec agréable ou un rasage rafraîchissant à l'eau, avec un gel ou une mousse à raser, pour encore plus deconfort.Logo « Produit Vert » PhilipsLes produits verts de Philips permettent de réduire les coûts, la consommationénergétique et les émissions de ment ? Grâce à une améliorationenvironnementale significative dans un ou plusieurs de nos champs d'actionsécologiques clés (efficacité énergétique,conditionnement, substances dangereuses,poids, recyclage, recyclabilité et durabilité).CaractéristiquesPerformance de rasageSuivi des contours: Têtes ContourDetect8 directionsSkinComfort: AquaTec Wet & DrySystème de rasage: Lames V-Track Precision, Système Super Lift&CutAccessoiresSmartClick: Tondeuse de précision Trousse: Trousse de voyage Facile d'utilisationAfficheur: Indicateur d'autonomie à 3 niveaux,Voyant de charge faible, Voyant de nettoyage,Voyant de remplacement des têtes, Indicateurde verrouillage pour les transportsNettoyage: Entièrement lavableDesignCouleur: CeresManche: Design ergonomique pour une bonneprise en mainAlimentationType de batterie: Lithium-ionAutonomie: 60 min / 20 rasagesCharge: Charge complète en 1 heure, Chargerapide pour un rasageTension automatique: 100-240 VConsommation en veille: 0,1 WConsommation maximale: 9 WEntretienDeux ans de garantieTête de rechange: Remplacer tous lesdeux ans avec SH90* Coupe jusqu'à 20 % de poils en plus par rapport auxmodèles SensoTouch© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V. Tous droits réservés.Les caractéristiques sont sujettes àmodification sans préavis. Les marques commerciales sont la propriété de Koninklijke Philips N.V. ou de leurs détenteurs respectifs.Date de publication 2019‑08‑01Version: 2.0.1EAN: 08 71010 37822 23 。



2024-2025学年北师大版英语初二上学期期中自测试卷及解答参考一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.Question: What time does the school start?Options:A. At 7:30 am.B. At 8:00 am.C. At 8:30 am.Answer: BExplanation: The recording states, “Our school starts at 8:00 am sharp. Please be punctual.” This directly corresponds to option B, confirming that school starts at 8:00 am.2.Question: What does the teacher ask the student to do?Options:A. Clean the blackboard.B. Turn on the lights.C. Collect the homework.Answer: AExplanation: The dialogue goes, “Student, would you please do me a favor andclean the blackboard before we start the lesson?” This indicates that the teacher is asking the student to clean the blackboard, hence the answer is A.3、Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.W: Hi, John. How was your weekend?M: Oh, it was great! I went to the mountains with my family.W: That sounds fun. Did you do anything special?M: Yeah, we went hiking and took some beautiful photos. It was so peaceful up there.W: I wish I could go hiking. It must have been so relaxing.M: Absolutely. It was a perfect weekend getaway.Question: What did John do with his family over the weekend?A. They went to the beach.B. They went hiking.C. They went shopping.D. They went to a movie.Answer: B. They went hiking.Explanation: In the dialogue, John mentions that he went hiking with his family over the weekend. Therefore, the correct answer is option B.4、Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentence with the correct word.M: Hey, Lisa, have you seen my calculator? I can’t find it anywhere.W: Oh, no! Where did you last see it?M: I think I left it on my desk in the classroom.W: Wait, I saw it on your desk this morning. Maybe you didn’t notice it.M: That’s strange. I didn’t notice it. I guess I must have left it there.Question: Where did the calculator last stay?A. At home.B. In the library.C. On the desk.D. At the store.Answer: C. On the desk.Explanation: In the conversation, Lisa mentions that she saw the calculator on John’s desk this morning. This indicates that the calculator last stayed on the desk. Therefore, the correct answer is option C.5、Question: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question. (The recording plays)Question: Where did the woman buy the book?A. At the bookstore.B. Online.C. From her friend.Answer: B.Explanation: In the dialogue, the woman says, “I bought it online. It w as much cheaper than in the bookstore.” This clearly indicates that she purchased the book online, so the correct answer is B.6、Question: Listen to the short passage and answer the following question. (The recording plays)Question: What is the main idea of the passage?A. The benefits of reading books.B. The history of libraries.C. The importance of public libraries.Answer: C.Explanation: The passage discusses how public libraries provide access to books and resources for people of all ages, regardless of their financial situation. It emphasizes the importance of these institutions in promoting literacy and knowledge sharing. Therefore, the main idea of the passage is the importance of public libraries, making C the correct answer.7、听力材料:W: Hi, John. How was your science project presentation today?M: It went pretty well, I think. The audience seemed interested, and I received a lot of positive feedback.W: That’s great to hear. Did you do any special preparation for it?M: Yeah, I studied a lot of information about the topic and even made a model to illustrate my points.W: That must have helped. So, what was your project about?M: It was about renewable energy sources, focusing on solar power.Q: What did the speaker say they received after their presentation?A) A lot of criticism.B) Positive feedback.C) No response from the audience.D) A lot of questions.Answer: B) Positive feedback.Explanation: The speaker mentions that they received “a lot of positive feedback,” which directly answers the question.8、听力材料:W: Hey, Tom, have you heard about the school trip next month?M: Yes, I have. It’s to the national park. We’re going to do some hiking and learn about the local wildlife.W: That sounds exciting! Are you planning to bring your camera?M: Definitely. I want to capture some great photos of the nature and the animals.W: That’s a good idea. What kind of camera are you bringing?M: I’m bringing my DSLR. It’s a bit heavy, but it takes great shots.W: Be careful with i t on the hike. It’s easy to drop or get damaged.M: I’ll be extra careful. I don’t want to miss out on any of the memories.Q: What is the purpose of the school trip?A) To study local history.B) To learn about renewable energy sources.C) To do some hiking and learn about wildlife.D) To go on a shopping trip.Answer: C) To do some hiking and learn about wildlife.Explanation: The conversation mentions that they are going on a hike and learning about the local wildlife, which directly answers the question about the purpose of the trip.9、Question:Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to complete the sentence. The man will meet his friend_______at the station.A. at 2:30 p.m.B. at 3:30 p.m.C. at 4:30 p.m.Answer: AExplanation:The dialogue mentions that the man is making sure his friend knows the meeting time is 2:30 p.m. Specifically, one speaker says, “Don’t forget, our meeting time is 2:30 p.m. at the station.” Therefore, the correct answer is A, “at 2:30 p.m.”10、Question:Listen to the short passage and answer the question.What does the speaker mainly talk about?A. The benefits of exercise.B. The importance of a healthy diet.C. The relationship between exercise and food.Answer: AExplanation:The passage focuses on discussing the various benefits of exercise, mentioning how it improves physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. There is no direct mention of the importance of a healthy diet or a detailed discussion of the relationship between exercise and food. Therefore, the main topic of the passage is the benefits of exercise, making A the correct answer.11.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Alice and Bob, about their weekend plans.Question: What does Alice plan to do on Saturday morning?A. She plans to visit her grandparents.B. She plans to go to the library to study.C. She plans to go shopping with her friends.D. She plans to stay at home and watch TV.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, Alice says, “I’m planning to go to the library this Saturday morning to prepare for the upcoming test.” Therefore, the correct answer is B.12.You are listening to a news report about a local event.Question: What is the purpose of the event mentioned in the report?A. To raise funds for a charity.B. To promote local businesses.C. To celebrate the city’s anniversary.D. To promote cultural exchange.Answer: AExplanation: The news report states, “This Saturday, the city will hold a charity run to raise funds for the local children’s hospital.” Hence, the correct answer is A.13、Question: Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question.Question: What time does the movie start?A. At 8:00 p.m.B. At 8:30 p.m.C. At 9:00 p.m.Answer: BExplanation: In the dialogue, one person asks, “What time does the movie start?” and the other person responds, “It starts at 8:30 p.m.” Therefore, the correct answer is B.14、Question: Listen to the short passage and answer the question.Question: How does the speaker usually go to school?A. By bus.B. By bike.C. On foot.Answer: AExplanation: In the short passage, the speaker says, “I usually take the bus to school because it’s convenient and I don’t have to worry about traffic or finding a parking spo t.” This indicates that the speaker usually goes to school by bus, so the correct answer is A.15.Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.A. What is the weather like today?B. Where are they going for lunch?C. What is the man’s favorite food?Answer: BExplanation: The man suggests going to the new Italian restaurant for lunch, which indicates that they are planning to have lunch there.16.Listen to the short passage and complete the following sentence.The speaker mentions that reading has several benefits, including:A. improving vocabularyB. reducing stressC. enhancing concentrationAnswer: AExplanation: The speaker explicitly states that one of the benefits of reading is improving one’s vocabulary.17.Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answer.A. They are discussing the weather.B. They are planning a trip.C. They are comparing their school life.D. They are talking about their hobbies.Answer: BExplanation: The conversation is about two friends planning a trip together. They are discussing the destination and the activities they want to do.18.Listen to the following passage and answer the question.Question: What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of exercise for mental health.B. The benefits of a healthy diet.C. The effects of sleep on academic performance.D. The role of social media in today’s society.Answer: CExplanation: The passage discusses the impact of sleep on a student’s academic performance. It highlights the importance of getting enough sleep for better concentration and learning.19.You are listening to a conversation between two students, Alex and Lily, discussing their weekend plans.Alex: Hey Lily, do you have any plans for this weekend?Li ly: Oh, actually, I’m planning to visit my grandparents. They live in the countryside.Alex: That sounds nice. How are you getting there?Lily: I’m thinking of taking a train. It’s more scenic than driving.Alex: Good choice! Do you think you’ll have time to visit the local museum?Lily: I’m not sure, but if there’s time, I might check it out.Question: How is Lily planning to visit her grandparents?A) By carB) By trainC) By busD) By planeAnswer: B) By train解析:从对话中Lily说:“I’m thinking of taking a train. It’s more scenic than driving.” 可以得知她打算乘坐火车去拜访祖父母。







This English translation of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act has been (()) prepared up to the revisions of Act No.102of2005Effective October1,2007in() compliance with the Standard Bilingual Dictionary March2006edition.This is an unofficial translation.Only the original Japanese texts of laws and regulations have legal effect,and the translations are to be used solely as reference material to aid in the understanding of Japanese laws and regulations.The Government of Japan shall not be responsible for the accuracy,reliability or currency of the legislative material provided in this Website,or for any consequence resulting from use of the information in this Website.For all purposes of interpreting and applying law to any legal issue or dispute,users should consult the original Japanese texts published in the Official Gazette.(Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act Act No.228of December1,1949)Chapter1General Provisions Articles1to9()Chapter2Measures to Maintain Peace and Security in Japan Articles10to15() Chapter3Payment,etc.Articles16to19()Chapter4Capital Transactions,etc.Articles20to25-2()Chapter5Inward Direct Investment,etc.Articles26to46()Chapter6Foreign Trade Articles47to54()Chapter6-2Report,etc.Articles55to55-9()Chapter6-3DeletedChapter7Relationship with the Administrative Procedure Act Article55-12() Chapter7-2Appeal Articles56to64()Chapter8Miscellaneous Provisions Articles65to69-5()Chapter9Penal Provisions Article69-6to73()Supplementary ProvisionsChapter1General ProvisionsArticle1Purpose()The purpose of this Act is,on the basis of the freedom of foreign exchange,foreigntrade and other foreign transactions,to enable proper expansion of foreign transactions and the maintenance of peace and security in Japan and in the international community through the minimum necessary control or coordination of foreign transactions,and thereby to ensure equilibrium of the international balance of trade and stability of currency as well as to contribute to the sound development of the Japanese economy.Article2Deleted.Article3Deleted.Article4Deleted.Article5Scope of Application()This Act shall also apply to acts committed in a foreign state by a representative, agent,employee or other worker of a juridical person having its principal office in Japan in regard to the property or business of the juridical person.The same shall apply to acts committed in a foreign state by a person having his/her domicile in Japan,or an agent,employee or other worker of that person in regard to the property or business of the person.Article6Definitions()1In this Act or orders based on this Act,the meanings of the terms listed in the ()following items shall be as prescribed respectively in those items.()i The term"Japan"shall mean Honshu,Hokkaido,Shikoku,Kyushu,and otherdependent islands thereof specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance and the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry.()ii The term"foreign state"shall mean the area outside Japan.()iii The term"Japanese currency"shall mean the currency denominated in Japanese yen.()iv The term"foreign currency"shall mean any currency other than Japanese currency.()v The term"residents"shall mean natural persons having their domicile or residence in Japan and judicial persons having their principal office in Japan.The branch offices,local offices or other offices in Japan of non-residents, irrespective of whether they have legal authority of representation,shall be deemed to be residents even if their principal office is located in a foreign state. ()vi The term"non-residents"shall mean natural persons and juridical persons other than residents.()vii The term"means of payment"shall mean the following.a Banknotes,government money bills,small money bills,and coins()()(’)b Checks including traveler s checks,bills of exchange,postal moneyorders,and letters of credit()c Proprietary nature inputted in vouchers,electronic equipment,or other() objects referred to as"Vouchers,etc."in Article19,paragraph1by(electromagnetic devices meaning electronic means,magnetic means or other)means that are imperceptible by humans,which may be used for mutual(payment among unspecified or many persons limited to those of which the status of use is specified by Cabinet Order as approximate to that of a currency)d Those specified by Cabinet Order as equivalent to those listed in a or b ()()() ()viii The term"foreign means of payment"shall mean a foreign currency or other()means of payment excluding Japanese currency which is denominated in a foreign currency,irrespective of the unit of the currency,or may be used for payment in a foreign state.ix Deleted.()()x The term"precious metal"shall mean gold bullion,gold alloy bullion,gold coins out of circulation,or other objects principally made of gold.()xi The term"securities"shall mean public bonds,corporate bonds,shares,equity in investment,certificates granting rights to public bonds or shares,bonds, treasury securities,mortgage securities,profit certificates,coupons,dividend certificates,renewal coupons or other securities or certificates specified by Cabinet Order as similar thereto,irrespective of whether they have been materialized or not.xii The term"foreign securities"shall mean securities receivable in a foreign ()state or securities denominated in a foreign currency.()xiii The term"claims"shall mean time deposit,current deposit,special current deposit,deposit at notice,insurance policies and current account balance,and monetary claims arising from loans,bids or other reasons,which are not listed in any of the preceding items.xiv The term"futures contract on a financial index,etc."shall mean a contract ()pertaining to securities index futures trading,etc.prescribed in Article2, paragraph21of the Securities and Exchange Act,securities options trading prescribed in paragraph22of the said article limited to those pertaining to(transactions listed in item2of the said paragraph,which are specified by)Cabinet Order;hereinafter the same shall apply in this item,securities futures trading in the foreign market prescribed in paragraph23of the said article (limited to trading similar to securities index futures trading,etc.prescribed in paragraph21of the said article and securities options trading prescribed in)paragraph22of the said article,forward trading in an over-the-countersecurities index,etc.prescribed in paragraph25of the said article, over-the-counter securities options trading prescribed in paragraph26of the said (article limited to transactions listed in item2of the said paragraph and)transactions similar thereto and over-the-counter securities index swap trading, etc.prescribed in paragraph27of the said article,and exchange financial futures trading prescribed in Article2,paragraph2of the Financial Futures Trading Act ()(Act No.77of1988limited to those falling under transactions listed in item2 of the said paragraph or transactions listed in item3of the said paragraph limited to those pertaining to transactions listed in b of the said item,which (())) are specified by Cabinet Order;hereinafter the same shall apply in this item, over-the-counter financial futures trading prescribed in paragraph4of the said (article limited to transactions similar to those listed in item2of the said( paragraph or those listed in item3of the said paragraph limited to those))specified by Cabinet Order,transactions similar to exchange financial futures trading prescribed in paragraph2of the said article,which are conducted in the overseas financial futures market prescribed in paragraph3of the said article, or other transactions specified by Cabinet Order as transactions similar thereto. ()xv The term"goods"shall mean movables other than precious metal,means of payment,securities or other certificates embodying claims.()xvi The term"property"shall mean property including those prescribed in items 7,10,11,13and15.()2In the case where it is not clear whether a person is a resident or non-resident, the Minister of Finance shall decide it.()Article7Exchange Rate()1The Minister of Finance shall determine and publicly notify the basic exchange rate of Japanese currency and the arbitrated exchange rate of a foreign currency to Japanese currency.()2The Minister of Finance shall,when he/she intends to determine a basic exchange rate of Japanese currency pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph,obtain approval of the Cabinet.3The Minister of Finance shall endeavor to stabilize the exchange rate of ()Japanese currency by taking necessary measures such as the buying and selling of foreign means of payment.Article8Designation of Currency()(Payment,etc.meaning payment or receipt of payment;the same shall apply )hereafter in currency pertaining to transactions or acts governed by this Act shall be made in a currency designated by the Minister of Finance.()Article9Suspension of Transactions, Case of Emergency()1Where a drastic change has taken place in international economic conditions,the competent minister may,when he/she finds it urgently necessary,order,pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,the suspension of transactions,acts or payment, erned by this Act within the period specified by Cabinet Order.()2Suspension ordered pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph shall not make payment that has been authorized by this Act up to the suspension impossible,and the delay of the payment due to the suspension shall be limited to the period specified by Cabinet Order.Chapter2Measures to Maintain Peace and Security in JapanArticle10()(1The cabinet meeting may decide to take countermeasures meaning measures pursuant to the provisions of Article16,paragraph1,Article21,paragraph1, Article23,paragraph4,Article24,paragraph1,Article25,paragraph4,Article 48,paragraph3,and Article52,which are taken by the competent minister based)on a cabinet decision pursuant to the provision of this paragraph when it is particularly necessary in order to maintain peace and security in Japan.()2Where the government has taken countermeasures set forth in the preceding paragraph based on a cabinet decision set forth in the said paragraph,it shall submit the implementation of the countermeasures to the Diet within20days from the day when it took the countermeasures in order to seek approval of the Diet; provided,however,that where the Diet is in adjournment or the House of Representatives is in dissolution,the government shall promptly seek such approval in the Diet first convened thereafter.3When a resolution of disapproval has been made in the case referred to in the ()preceding paragraph,the government shall promptly terminate the countermeasures.Article11Deleted.Article12Deleted.Article13Deleted.Article14Deleted.Article15Deleted.Chapter3Payment,etc.Article16Payment,etc.()()1When the competent minister finds it necessary for sincerely fulfilling obligations under the treaties and other international agreements which Japan has signed or when he/she finds it particularly necessary for making Japan's contribution to international efforts for achieving international peace,or when a cabinet decision set forth in Article10,paragraph1has been made,he/she may impose,pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,on a resident or non-resident who intends to make payment from Japan to a foreign state or a resident who intends to make payment, a non-resident,the obligation to obtain permission for the payment or payment,etc.,except where the payment, payment,etc.pertaining to a transaction or act for which the obligation to obtain permission or approval is imposed from the same standpoint as the above.()2In addition to the cases prescribed in the preceding paragraph,when the competent minister finds it particularly necessary for maintaining the equilibrium of the international balance of trade of Japan,he/she may impose,pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,on a resident or non-resident who intends to make payment from Japan to a foreign state or a resident who intends to make payment to a non-resident,the obligation to obtain permission for such payment,except where the payment is payment pertaining to a transaction or act for which the obligation to obtain permission or to give notification is imposed or the obligation to obtain permission may be imposed pursuant to the provisions of Chapters4to6 inclusive.()3In addition to the cases prescribed in the preceding two paragraphs,when the competent minister finds it necessary for assured enforcement of the provisions of this Act or orders based on this Act,he/she may impose,pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,on a resident or non-resident who intends to make payment from Japan to a foreign state or a resident who intends to make payment, a non-resident,the obligation to obtain permission for the payment or payment,etc., except where the payment, payment,etc.pertaining to a transaction or act for which the obligation to obtain permission or to give notification is imposed or the obligation to obtain permission or approval may be imposed pursuant to the provisions of Chapters4to6inclusive.()4Where the obligation to obtain permission has been imposed in regard to payment,etc.for which the obligation to obtain permission may be imposed pursuant to the provisions of the preceding three paragraphs,pursuant to two or more of these paragraphs,a person who intends to make payment,etc.may also, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,apply for permission pursuant to the said two or more paragraphs.In this case,the competent minister shall decidewhether to give permission by taking into consideration the circumstances that have led to imposing the obligation to obtain permission for the payment,etc. pertaining to the application.5When a person is obliged to obtain permission for or approval of a transaction or ()act or to give notification of a transaction or act pursuant to the provisions of this Act or orders based on this Act,he/she shall not make payment,etc.pertaining to the transaction or act without obtaining the permission or approval or without giving notification,except for cases specified by Cabinet Order.Article16-2Restrictions on Payment,etc.()Where the competent minister has imposed the obligation to obtain permission pursuant to the provision of paragraph1of the preceding article,when he/she finds a risk that a person who has made payment,etc.,for which the obligation to obtain the permission is imposed,without obtaining the permission will make payment,for which the obligation to obtain permission is imposed pursuant to the provision of the said paragraph,again without obtaining the permission,he/she may,for a period of not more than one year,prohibit the person from making,in whole or in part, payment from Japan to a foreign state excluding payment through exchange((transactions conducted by banks meaning banks prescribed in Article2,paragraph 1of the Banking Act Act No.59of1981;the same shall apply hereinafter or())(other financial institutions specified by Cabinet Order hereinafter referred to as the )"Banks,etc."and payment,etc.made between a resident and a non-resident excluding payment,etc.resulting from exchange transactions conducted by the ()Banks,etc.or other payment,etc.specified by Cabinet Order,or may impose, pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,on the person,the obligation to obtain permission for such payment and payment,etc.()Article17Confirmation Obligation,etc.of the Banks,etc.()1The Banks,etc.shall not commit exchange transactions pertaining to payment’with a customer unless they confirm that the customer s payment,etc.does not fall under any of the payment,etc.listed in the following items or that the ’customer s payment meets requirements prescribed respectively in the following items where it is found to fall under payment,etc.listed in those items.i Payment,etc.for which the obligation to obtain permission is imposed ()pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs1to3inclusive of Article16: Obtainment of the permission()ii Payment,etc.pertaining to capital transactions prescribed in Article20,for which the obligation to obtain permission is imposed pursuant to the provision of paragraph1or2of Article21:Obtainment of the permission()iii Other payment,etc.pertaining to transactions or acts for which the obligationto obtain permission or approval or to give notification is imposed pursuant to the provisions of this Act or orders based on this Act,which is stipulated by Cabinet Order:Obtainment of the permission or approval,or completion of necessary procedures after the notificationArticle17-2Rectification Measures,etc.for Confirmation()()1The Minister of Finance may,when he/she finds that the Banks,etc.conduct or are likely to conduct exchange transactions pertaining to their customers'payment, violation of the preceding article,order the Banks, take measures to ensure that confirmation set forth in the said paragraph be properly obtained. ()2When the Minister of Finance finds it necessary in giving Banks, order pursuant to the preceding paragraph,he/she may order the Banks, suspend, in whole or in part,business pertaining to foreign exchange transactions or may restrict the content of the business of the Banks,etc.until measures set forth in the said paragraph are taken.Article18Obligation to Identify Customers,etc.of the Banks,etc.()()(1In committing exchange transactions excluding those pertaining to small payment or payment,etc.specified by Cabinet Order;hereinafter referred to as the "Specified Exchange Transactions"pertaining to payment from Japan to a foreign)(state or payment, a non-resident excluding cases where the customer is a )non-resident with customers listed in the following items,the Banks,etc.shall(confirm matters prescribed respectively in those items hereinafter referred to as)the"Identifying Matters"in regard to the customers by means of receiving presentation of their driver's license or by other means specified by the Ordinance() of the Ministry of Finance hereinafter referred to as the"Identity Confirmation".i A natural person:Name,domicile or residence,and date of birth()()ii A juridical person:Name,and location of its principal office()2In obtaining the Identity Confirmation of customers,in the cases where a representative of a corporation commits the Specified Exchange Transactions on behalf of the corporation or where a natural person who actually takes charge of Specified Exchange Transactions with the Banks, not the customer itself ()excluding cases prescribed in the following paragraph,the Banks,etc.shall also obtain the Identity Confirmation of such natural persons who take charge of the(Specified Exchange Transactions hereinafter referred to as the"Representatives,)etc."in this and the next article in addition to the Identity Confirmation of the customers.3Where a customer is a state,a local government,an association or foundation ()without juridical personality or other specified by Cabinet Order,the provision of paragraph1shall apply,deeming a natural person who actually takes charge ofSpecified Exchange Transactions with the Banks,etc.on behalf of the state,local government,association or foundation without juridical personality or other specified by Cabinet Order to be a customer.()(4Where the Banks,etc.obtain Identity Confirmation,customers including natural persons who are deemed to be a customer pursuant to the provision of the)preceding paragraph;the same shall apply hereinafter and Representatives,etc. shall not disguise their Identifying Matters to the Banks,etc.Article18-2Discharge of the Banks,etc.()When customers or Representatives,etc.refuse to provide Identifying Matters in conducting the Specified Exchange Transactions,the Banks,etc.may refuse to fulfill the obligations pertaining to the Specified Exchange Transactions until the customers or the Representatives,etc.provides such matters.()Article18-3Obligation to Prepare a Record of Identity Confirmation()1The Banks,etc.shall,when they have obtained Identity Confirmation, immediately prepare a record of the Identifying Matters and other matters specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as matters related to the(Identity Confirmation hereinafter referred to as the"Record of Identity )Confirmation"by means specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance.2The Banks,etc.shall preserve the Record of Identity Confirmation for seven ()years from the end of the Specified Exchange Transactions or other date specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance.(Article18-4Rectification Measures for Identity Confirmation and Preparation of a Record of Identity Confirmation)When the Ministry of Finance finds that the Banks,etc.violate the provisions of paragraphs1to3inclusive of Article18or paragraph1or2of the preceding article in regard to Specified Exchange Transactions,he/she may order the Banks, take measures necessary to rectify the violation.Article18-5Application,Mutatis Mutandis to Postal Service Offices()The provisions of Articles18to18-3inclusive shall apply mutatis mutandis to cases where a postal service office commits the Specified Exchange Transactions in money order service or postal transfer service.Article19Import and Export of Means of Payment,etc.()1When the Minister of Finance finds it necessary for assured enforcement of ()provisions of this Act or orders based on this Act,he/she may impose,pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,on a resident or non-resident who intends toimport or export means of payment including vouchers, which means of(()) payment is inputted,which is listed in Article6,paragraph1,item7c or securities the obligation to obtain permission.()2When the Minister of Finance finds it necessary for assured enforcement of provisions of this Act or orders based on this Act or when he/she finds it particularly necessary for maintaining equilibrium of the international balance of trade or stability of currency,he/she may impose,pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,on a resident or a non-resident who intends to import or export precious metal,the obligation to obtain permission.()3When a resident or a non-resident intends to import or export the means of payment or securities prescribed in paragraph1or precious metal,he/she shall notify in advance the Minister of Finance of the content of the import or export, time of the import or export,and other matters specified by Cabinet Order pursuant to the provisions of Cabinet Order,except cases where the import or export of the means of payment or securities,or precious metal has been permitted by the Minister of Finance pursuant to the provisions of an order made pursuant to the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs and other cases specified by Cabinet Order.Chapter4Capital Transactions,etc.()Article20Definition of Capital Transactions()1The term"capital transactions"shall mean the following transactions or acts excluding acts that fall under inward direct investment,etc.prescribed in Article (26,paragraph2,which are committed by those listed in the items of paragraph1 of the said article.)i Transactions pertaining to the occurrence,alteration or extinction of claims ()(based on a deposit contract including installment savings contracts,installment deposit contracts,deposit contracts and other contracts specified by Cabinet Order as similar thereto;the same shall apply in item4of this article,) paragraph3of the next article,and Article55-3,paragraph1or a trust (contract hereinafter referred to as the"Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence,etc.of Claims"in this article,paragraph3of the next article,and)Article55-3,paragraph1between a resident and a non-resident()ii Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence,etc.of Claims based on a money loan contract or an obligation guarantee contract between a resident and a non-resident()iii Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence,etc.of Claims based on a sales contract for the foreign means of payment or claims between a resident and a non-residentiv Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence,etc.of Claims receivable in foreign ()currency based on a deposit contract,trust contract,money loan contract, obligation guarantee contract,sales contract for the foreign means of payment or claims,or other sales contract between a resident and another resident()(v Acquisition of securities by a resident from a non-resident including acquisition by relevant resident or non-resident of the right to enable the resident to acquire securities from the non-resident upon the manifestation of)intention by the resident or non-resident,or negotiation of securities to a(non-resident by a resident including acquisition by relevant resident or non-resident of the right to enable the resident to negotiate securities to the non-resident upon the manifestation of intention by the resident or non-resident) ()vi Issue or offer for subscription of securities in a foreign state or issue or offer for subscription of foreign securities in Japan by a resident,or issue or offer for subscription of securities in Japan by a non-resident()vii Issue or offer for subscription of securities denominated or payable in Japanese currency in a foreign state by a non-resident()viii Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence,etc.of Claims based on a futures contract on a financial index,etc.between a resident and a non-residentix Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence of Claims receivable in foreign ()currency based on a futures contract on a financial index,etc.between a resident and another resident,or Transactions Pertaining to the Occurrence,etc.of Claims receivable in Japanese currency based on a futures contract on a(financial index, to contracts pertaining to financial indicators for(foreign currencies meaning financial indicators prescribed in Article2,))paragraph9of the Financial Futures Trading Act()x Acquisition of real estate or rights related thereto existing in a foreign state bya resident,or acquisition of real estate existing in Japan or rights related theretoby a non-resident()xi In addition to what is listed in items1and2,transfer of funds between an office in Japan of a juridical person and an office in a foreign state of the (juridical person excluding the transfer of funds specified by Cabinet Order as transfer of current expenses necessary for the operation of the office and funds pertaining to current transactions)()xii Those specified by Cabinet Order as transactions or acts equivalent to any of those set forth in the preceding items(Article21Capital Transactions,etc.for which the Obligation to Obtain Permission)from the Minister of Finance Is Imposed()(1When the Minister of Finance finds that if capital transactions excluding those falling under specified capital transactions prescribed in Article24,paragraph1)。



SUGERENCIAS Y TÉCNICASCuando guíe el tubo endotraqueal (TET) a la punta distal del videolaringoscopio,asegúrese de ver la boca del paciente, no la pantalla del monitor de vídeo. Si nolo hace puede provocar lesiones en las amígdalas o el paladar suave.TÉCNICA DE CUATRO PASOS1. Mire a la boca: Con la pala del videolaringoscopio en su mano izquierda,introdúzcala en la línea central de la orofaringe.2. Mire a la pantalla: Identifique la epiglotis y luego manipule la pala paraobtener la mejor vista de la glotis.3. Mire a la boca: Guíe con cuidado la punta distal del tubo a su posición cercade la punta de la pala.4. Mire a la pantalla: Complete la intubación, girando suavemente o colocandoen ángulo el tubo según sea necesario para redirigirlo.SUGERENCIAS PARA LA INSERCIÓN DE LA PALA• Inserte la pala abajo de la línea central de la lengua hacia la epiglotis.• Las intubaciones utilizando videolaringoscopios GlideScope requieren aproximadamente 0.5 a 1.5 kg (1.1 a 3.3 lb) de fuerza de elevación.• Se recomienda el uso de un estilete de tubo endotraqueal. El Estilete rígido GlideRite® está diseñado para complementar el ángulo de las palas para adulto.Se puede utilizar un estilete flexible con un ángulo de60 a 90°.• Para ayudar a que pase el TET, retire el estileteaproximadamente 5 cm, (2 in) mientras lo hace avanzarsuavemente. Retirar la pala 1 cm (0.4 in) también puedeser beneficioso para reducir el ángulo de visualización ypermitir que la glotis baje.INICIO RÁPIDOCONECTE EL BASTÓN DE VÍDEO Y LA STAT1. Seleccione la Stat (pala de un solo uso) y bastón devídeo apropiados.2. Inserte el bastón de vídeo en la Stat y luego presione labase del bastón de vídeo hasta que bloquee en su sitio.3. Al lado derecho del monitor, detrás de la base, alinee laflecha del cable y la flecha del puerto y luego inserte elconector del cable hasta escuchar un clic.PREPARE EL SISTEMA4. En el monitor de vídeo, mueva el interruptor de encendidoa la izquierda.5. Asegúrese de que la batería tenga suficiente carga.La luz verde de encendido no debe titilar.6. Verifique que el monitor muestre una imagen del bastón de vídeo. Unapequeña parte de la Stat puede ser visible en la parte superior o en la esquina superior.Debe desinfectar algunos componentes antes de usarlos. Para obtener instrucciones detalladas consulte el Manual de funcionamiento ymantenimiento .GlideRite, GlideScope, el símbolo de GlideScope, Verathon yel símbolo de antorcha de Verathon son marcas comercialesde Verathon Inc.© 2018 Verathon Inc. 0900‑4696‑ESMX‑02‑60Verathon Medical (Canada) ULC 2227 Douglas Road Burnaby, BC V5C 5A9CanadáTel: 604.439.3009Fax: 604.439.3039Verathon Medical (Europe) B.V .Willem Fenengastraat 131096 BL Amsterdam,Países Bajos Tel: +31 (0) 20 210 30 91Fax: +31 (0) 20 210 30 92Verathon Inc.20001 North Creek Parkway Bothell, WA 98011, EE. UU.Tel: 800.331.2313 (solo EE. UU. y Canadá)Tel: +1.425.867.1348 Fax: +。

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普吉岛旅游英语作文Phuket Island, a tropical paradise nestled in the heart of the Andaman Sea, is a place where the sun-kissed beaches and vibrant culture beckon travelers from around the globe. My recent trip to this enchanting destination was nothing short of extraordinary, and I am eager to share my experiences in English with fellow enthusiasts.The journey began with the breathtaking view from the airplane as we descended onto the island. The azure waters and lush greenery were a sight to behold. Upon landing, the warm Thai hospitality greeted us, setting the tone for the rest of our stay.Our first stop was the iconic Patong Beach, renowned for its crystal-clear waters and soft, golden sand. The beach was bustling with activity, from parasailing to beach volleyball, yet there was a serene quality that allowed for relaxation and tranquility. The local vendors added a touch of authenticity, offering a variety of delicious Thai dishes and refreshing coconut water.We also explored the Old Town of Phuket, where Sino-Portuguese architecture tells tales of the island's rich history. The streets were lined with charming cafes and boutique shops, each with its unique story. The fusion of cultures was evident in the local cuisine, which we indulged in at a quaint restaurant that served up traditional Thaidishes with a modern twist.A trip to Phuket would not be complete without experiencingits vibrant nightlife. Bangla Road came alive as the sun set, transforming into a hub of entertainment with its lively bars, clubs, and street performances. The energy was infectious,and the diverse crowd made for an exciting atmosphere.One of the highlights of our trip was the opportunity to engage in some water sports. We tried snorkeling in the clear waters of the Similan Islands, where we were mesmerized bythe vibrant coral reefs and the kaleidoscope of marine life that called it home.Cultural experiences were also a priority, and we were fortunate to witness a traditional Thai dance performance ata local theater. The grace and precision of the dancers, accompanied by the rhythmic music, was a testament to the depth of Thai culture.Our journey concluded with a visit to the Big Buddha, a majestic symbol of peace and spirituality that stands tall on the Nakkerd Hills. The panoramic view from the top was afitting end to our adventure, offering a serene backdrop to reflect on the memories we had made.In conclusion, Phuket Island is a destination that offers a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural exploration. The warmth of the Thai people, the beauty of the landscape, and the richness of the experiences make it aplace I will cherish in my heart and recommend to anyone seeking a memorable travel experience.。

Fluke i6000s Flex AC Current Probe 说明书

Fluke i6000s Flex AC Current Probe 说明书

®i6000s FlexAC Current ProbeHoja de instrucciones IntroducciónLas sondas de corriente de CA i6000s 24 Flex e i6000s 36 Flex (en adelante, “las sondas”) se utilizan con osciloscopios,multímetros digitales, grabadoras o registradores de datos. Las sondas pueden usarse para medir corriente de CA hasta 6000 A.La cabeza de medición flexible permite realizar mediciones de corriente en conductores difíciles de alcanzar o que resultan inaccesibles usando las típicas sondas de pinzas.Las sondas proporcionan una salida de baja tensión (3 V CA)que es proporcional a la corriente que se está midiendo. Las sondas proporcionan lecturas directas de escala completa para60 A, 600 A y 6000 A.SímbolosLa tabla siguiente muestra los símbolos usados en el producto oen este manual.Símbolo Descripción ~No se deshaga de este producto como un residuonormal utilizando los servicios municipales. Visite el sitioWeb de Fluke para conocer información sobre elreciclado.W Información importante. Consulte el manual.X Voltaje peligroso. Peligro de descarga eléctrica.T Aislamiento doble y reforzado.-No aplicar alrededor de o quitar de los conductoresGARGADOS PELIGROSOS.P Cumple las normas estándar europeas.>Se adapta a las normas de Underwriters’ Laboratory, Inc.;Cumple con las normas australianas.PN 2842359June 2007 (Spanish)©2007 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in China.Instrucciones de seguridadEn esta hoja de instrucciones, una Advertencia identifica las situaciones y acciones que suponen peligro para el usuario. Una Precaución identifica situaciones y acciones que pueden causar daños en el calibrador o en los instrumentos de prueba.WX AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones físicas:•Si las sondas se utilizan de una manera noespecificada en estas instrucciones de uso,podría verse afectada la protección provista porlas sondas.•Utilice las sondas solamente si está calificadopara hacerlo.•Tenga cuidado durante la instalación y el uso delas sondas; puede haber altas tensiones ycorrientes presentes en el circuito bajo prueba.•Proteja las sondas contra el agua y la humedad.•Use ropa de protección y guantes, según seanecesario.•No instale este producto en conductorescargados. Desenergice siempre el circuito enpruebas antes de instalar la cabeza de mediciónflexible.•Inspeccione siempre la unidad electrónica, elcable de conexión y la cabeza de mediciónflexible para comprobar si tienen daños antes deusar la sonda.•No utilice la sonda si está dañada.•Conecte siempre la sonda a la pantalla antes deinstalar la cabeza de medición flexible.•Nunca cambie las baterías con la cabeza demedición instalada en el conductor.•Nunca conecte o desconecte la fuente dealimentación externa con la cabeza de medicióninstalada en un conductor.•Use sólo originales o los accesoriosespecificados.•Utilice la sonda de corriente sólo siguiendo lasespecificaciones de las instrucciones defuncionamiento; en caso contrario, puede quelas funciones de seguridad dela sonda de corriente no le protejan.•Siga los códigos de seguridad localesy nacionales. En lugares donde hayaconductores energizados expuestos,se debe utilizar equipo de protección individualpara evitar lesiones por descargas eléctricas yarcos.•Un equipo CAT III está diseñado para protegercontra corrientes transitorias en los equiposempleados en instalaciones de equipo fijo, talescomo los paneles de distribución, alimentadores,circuitos de ramales cortos y los sistemas deiluminación de grandes edificios.EspecificacionesCaracterísticas eléctricasRangos de corriente 60 A / 600 A / 6000 A CA rms Sensibilidad de salida(acoplada a CA) 50 mV / 5 mV / 0,5 mV por A Impedancia de carga 100 kΩ como mínimo Exactitud (a 25 ºC) ± 1 % del rango (45 Hz – 65 Hz) Linealidad(10 % a 100 % del rango) ± 0,2 % de la lecturaRuido 8 mV CA rms (60 A)2 mV CA rms (600/6000 A) Rango de frecuencia 10 Hz a 50 kHz (-3 dB)Error de fase <± 1° (45 Hz – 65 Hz),± 10° (a 20 kHz)Sensibilidad de laposición(con cable > 25 mmdesde el acoplamiento)± 2 % del rangoCampo externo(con cable > 200 mmdesde el cabezal)± 1 % del rangoAlimentación de energía 2 x AA MN 1500 LR6 alcalina 400 horas, indicador de batería con poca carga o suministroeléctrico externo dedicadoCoeficiente detemperatura ± 0,08 % de la lectura por °C Voltaje de trabajo 600 V CA rms o CCCaracterísticas generalesLongitud del cable del cabezal (con aislamiento doble) 610 mm (24 pulg.) i6000s Flex-24 915 mm (36 pulg.) i6000s Flex-36Diámetro delcable 14,3 mm (0,562 pulg)Radio de flexión 38,1 mm (1,5 pulg)Longitud del cable 2 m de largo (78,7 pulg) (cabezal acomponentes electrónicos)Conexión de salida 0,5 m de cable terminado con conector BNC de seguridad suministrado con un adaptador de enchufe de seguridad de 4 mmTemperatura de operación -20 °C a +90 °C (-4 °F a 194 °F) (cabezal)-20 °C a +85 °C (-4 °F a 185 °F) (componentes electrónicos)Temperatura de almacenamiento -40 °C a +105 °C (-40 °F a 221 °F) (cabezal)-20 °C a +85 °C (-4 °F a 185 °F) (componentes electrónicos)Humedad deoperación 15 % a 85 % (sin condensación)Peso 180 g (cabezal), 190 g (componenteselectrónicos)Normas de seguridadEN 61010-1: 2001EN 61010-2-032: 2002EN 61010-031: 2002600 V rms Categoría III, Grado de contaminación 2.El uso de las sondas en conductores no aislados está limitado a 600 V CA rms o CC y a frecuencias por debajo de 1 kHz. Normas EMCEN 61326: 1998 +A1, A2 y A3Instrucciones de funcionamientoA Cabeza de mediciónB Acoplamiento de la cabeza de mediciónC Cable de salida de la cabezaD CajaE Encendido/Selector de rangoF Indicador de batería bajaG Indicador de encendidoH Cable de salidaI Conector BNC de seguridadJ Entrada de la fuente de alimentación externaInstalación de las bateríasXW AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones físicas:•Retire la sonda de los circuitos energizados antes de abrir la puerta de la batería.•Nunca ponga en funcionamiento la unidad sin lacubierta de la batería instalada.La sonda requiere dos baterías alcalinas AA/MN1500/LR6 para su correcto funcionamiento. Se accede al compartimiento de las baterías desde el extremo posterior de la caja de componentes electrónicos.Las baterías deben reemplazarse cuando el LED esté encendido de forma continua o cuando no se encienda. Compruebe que la sonda esté siempre alejada de los conductores cargados con corriente y que la salida esté desconectada de otros equipos. Para instalar la batería:1.Utilice una moneda o herramienta similar para girar lacubierta de la batería (¼ de vuelta) hasta que el puntoquede alineado con el símbolo de desbloqueo.2.Retire la cubierta de la batería.3.Instale las baterías asegurándose de que la polaridades correcta.4.Reemplace la cubierta de la batería y gire el cierrehasta que el punto se alinee con el símbolo de cierre. Fuente de alimentación externaHay disponible una fuente de alimentación externa opcional clase II en Fluke. La fuente de alimentación se ha diseñado para asegurar que la sonda cumple las normas de seguridad especificadas. Se recomienda no usar una fuente dealimentación de otro proveedor.XW AdvertenciaPara evitar las descargas eléctricas o las lesiones, retire lasonda y todas las demás conexiones de los circuitosenergizados antes de conectar el suministro eléctricoexterno al instrumento.Medición de corrienteXW Advertencia•Para evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones, lea lasinstrucciones de seguridad antes de manejar esteproducto•Compruebe que los conductores que se van acomprobar están desenergizadosPara medir corriente:1.Conecte la salida de los sistemas electrónicos a laentrada de un osciloscopio u otro dispositivo degrabación de datos.XW AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones, las sondas decorriente flexibles no deben usarse en conductores quetengan un potencial mayor de 600 V.2.Enrolle la cabeza de medición flexible alrededor delconductor que vaya a comprobar de forma que quedeperfectamente acoplada.3.Energice el circuito en pruebas.4.Para obtener una medición más exacta, centre lacabeza flexible alrededor del conductor.5.Coloque el acoplamiento lejos de losconductores cercanos.WX AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones:•No utilice las sondas de corriente flexibles para medir conductores sin aislamiento a menos que estéusando vestimenta de protección apropiada para eltrabajo a alta tensión.•Utilice siempre el equipo apropiado de protecciónpersonal. Cuando se instale en conductores o barrasde distribución sin aislante, el producto debe estardentro de una caja adecuada.FuncionamientoPara activar la unidad, mueva el conmutador de la posición de apagado al rango de medición que requiera. Si se desconoce el valor de la corriente que se está midiendo, seleccione el rango de corriente de 6000 A y luego reduzca según corresponda. Estado de la bateríaEl estado de la batería aparece indicado mediante un LED en la parte delantera de las sondas. Este LED parpadea una vez cuando se enciende la unidad. La duración de cada parpadeo aumentará a medida que se reduce la duración de la batería. Un encendido momentáneo del LED indica que las baterías están en buen estado de carga. Si se enciende de forma continua, indica que la batería está descargada y requiere un cambiocuanto antes. Si no se enciende, indica que las baterías están gastadas y requieren un cambio inmediatamente. MantenimientoWX AdvertenciaPara evitar descargas eléctricas o lesiones, no utilice lasonda si está dañada.•No utilice las sondas si están dañadas.•Siempre inspeccione la unidad de componenteselectrónicos, el cable de conexión y el cabezal demedición flexible en busca de daños, antes deusarlos.•Para evitar las descargas eléctricas, mantenga lassondas limpias y libres de contaminación desuperficie.Utilice alcohol isopropílico para limpiar la unidad de control y el cabezal de medición. Asegúrese de que el cabezal de medición flexible, el cable de conexión y la caja de componenteselectrónicos estén secos antes de continuar usándolos. GARANTÍA LIMITADA Y LIMITACIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDADEste producto de Fluke estará libre de defectos en los materiales y en la mano de obra durante un año a partir de la fecha de adquisición. Esta garantía no incluye fusibles, baterías desechables ni daños por accidente, negligencia, mala utilización, modificación, contaminación o condiciones anómalas de funcionamiento o manipulación. Los distribuidores no están autorizados a extender ninguna otra garantía en nombre de Fluke. Para obtener servicio de garantía, póngase en contacto con el centro de servicio autorizado por Fluke más cercano para obtener información sobre autorización de devoluciones, y envíe el producto a dicho centro de servicio con una descripción del problema.ESTA GARANTÍA CONSTITUYE SU ÚNICO RESARCIMIENTO. NO SE EXTIENDE NINGUNA OTRA GARANTÍA, EXPRESA O IMPLÍCITA, TAL COMO LA GARANTÍA DE IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPÓSITO DETERMINADO. FLUKE NO SE RESPONSA-BILIZA POR PÉRDIDAS NI DAÑOS ESPECIALES, INDIRECTOS, IMPREVISTOS O CONTINGENTES QUE SURJAN DE CUALQUIER TIPO DE CAUSA O TEORÍA. Debido a que ciertos estados o países no permiten la exclusión o limitación de una garantía implícita o de los daños contingentes o resultantes,esta limitación de responsabilidad puede no regir para usted.Fluke CorporationP.O. Box 9090 Everett, WA 98206-9090 EE.UU. Fluke Europe B.V. P.O. Box 1186 5602 BD Eindhoven Países Bajos。



热带作物学报2024, 45(3): 473 480Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops腰果CBF基因家族的鉴定及响应冷胁迫的表达模式崔恒久1,2,3,4,曾教科1,4,李雯1,4,黄海杰5,6,彭世清2,3,郭冬2,3,蒲金基2,3,周永凯2,3,李辉亮2,3*1. 海南大学园艺学院,海南海口 570228;2. 海南热带农业资源研究院,海南海口 571101;3. 中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所,海南海口 571101;4. 海南大学海南省热带园艺作物品质调控重点实验室,海南海口 570228;5. 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所,海南海口 571101;6. 国家热带果树品种改良中心,海南海口 571101摘要:腰果(Anacardium occidentalie Linn)属于典型的热带果树,主要在我国的云南省、海南省等地种植。


腰果对于低温十分敏感,在8 ℃时就会受到严重伤害,生长停止。





理化性质分析结果表明:6个AoCBF蛋白长度为189~ 334 aa,蛋白分子量为21.31~37.89 kDa,等电点均小于7,表明该蛋白呈酸性,且均包含AP2/ERF结构域。




名古屋英文导游范文Nagoya, the fourth-largest city in Japan, is a thriving metropolitan area that offers a unique blend of traditional Japanese culture and modern urban experiences. As a major industrial and commercial hub, the city boasts a rich history, diverse architectural landmarks, and a vibrant culinary scene that make it a must-visit destination for any traveler to Japan.One of the city's most iconic landmarks is Nagoya Castle, a stunning 17th-century castle that has been meticulously restored to its former glory. Visitors can explore the castle's ornate interiors, including the impressive Honmaru Palace, and climb to the top of the main tower for panoramic views of the city. The castle grounds also feature beautiful gardens and a museum that showcases the region's history and cultural heritage.Another must-see attraction in Nagoya is the Atsuta Shrine, one of the most important Shinto shrines in Japan. The shrine is believed to house the sacred sword, one of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan, and has been a site of pilgrimage for centuries. Visitors can strollthrough the serene grounds, observe the traditional ceremonies, and explore the various shrines and temples that make up this sacred complex.For those interested in Japanese automotive history, the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology is a must-visit destination. This state-of-the-art museum chronicles the evolution of Toyota's manufacturing processes, from the company's humble beginnings as a loom manufacturer to its current status as a global automotive giant. Visitors can learn about the innovative technologies that have shaped the automotive industry and even take a guided tour of the factory floor to see the production process in action.One of the highlights of any visit to Nagoya is the city's vibrant food scene. Nagoya is renowned for its delicious local cuisine, including the iconic miso-based dish called Misokatsu, which features deep-fried pork cutlets in a rich, savory sauce. Visitors can explore thecity's bustling markets, such as the Osu Kannon Shopping District, to sample a variety of traditional Japanese street foods, from takoyaki (octopus balls) to okonomiyaki (savory pancakes).For those seeking a more upscale dining experience, Nagoya is home to a number of high-end restaurants that showcase the region's culinary excellence. One such establishment is the Michelin-starredrestaurant Hamashita, which offers exquisite Japanese kaiseki cuisine in a serene, traditional setting.Beyond its cultural and culinary attractions, Nagoya is also a hub of modern architecture and design. The city is home to the Nagoya City Science Museum, a striking building designed by the renowned architect Kisho Kurokawa, which features a unique, futuristic-looking exterior. Visitors can explore the museum's interactive exhibits on science, technology, and the environment, as well as enjoy the building's stunning architectural features.Another architectural highlight is the Nagoya Station, a modern transportation hub that seamlessly blends traditional Japanese design elements with cutting-edge technology. The station's soaring glass and steel structure, combined with its intricate network of underground passages and shopping malls, make it a truly impressive sight to behold.For those looking to experience the city's vibrant nightlife, Nagoya offers a range of options, from lively izakaya (Japanese-style pubs) to chic cocktail lounges and live music venues. One popular destination is the Sakae district, which is known for its bustling streets, neon-lit signs, and a diverse array of dining and entertainment options.Throughout the city, visitors will also find a wealth of opportunitiesto immerse themselves in Nagoya's rich cultural heritage. The city is home to numerous museums and art galleries that showcase the region's traditional arts and crafts, including the Nagoya/Boston Museum of Fine Arts, which features a impressive collection of Japanese and international artworks.For those interested in exploring the natural beauty of the region, Nagoya is surrounded by stunning landscapes, including the picturesque Chukyo region, which is renowned for its rolling hills, lush forests, and serene lakes. Visitors can take day trips to nearby destinations, such as the Inuyama Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that offers panoramic views of the Kiso River, or the Korankei Gorge, a breathtaking autumn foliage spot that attracts visitors from around the world.Overall, Nagoya is a city that offers a rich and diverse range of experiences for travelers. Whether you're interested in exploring the city's cultural heritage, indulging in its delicious cuisine, or immersing yourself in its modern architectural wonders, Nagoya has something to captivate and delight visitors of all interests and backgrounds. With its convenient location and excellent transportation links, Nagoya is an ideal starting point for exploring the many wonders of central Japan.。



长岛公园介绍作文英文示例1:Long Island Park IntroductionLong Island Park is a picturesque and serene destination located on the eastern coast of the United States. It is a haven for nature enthusiasts, offering a wide range of outdoor activities and breathtaking landscapes.Covering an expansive area of over 1,100 square miles, Long Island Park boasts diverse ecosystems, including lush forests, pristine beaches, and stunning coastal areas. With its abundant wildlife and rich biodiversity, the park is a paradise for those seeking to explore and connect with nature.One of the main attractions of Long Island Park is its extensive trail network, which provides countless opportunities for hiking, biking, and horseback riding. The trails wind through dense forests, offering glimpses of rare plant species and providing a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.For water lovers, Long Island Park offers an array ofrecreational activities, such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The park is home to several beautiful lakes and rivers, providing ample opportunities for water-based adventures. Whether you prefer a peaceful canoe ride or an adrenaline-pumping jet ski experience, Long Island Park has something for everyone.In addition to its natural beauty, Long Island Park also offers a range of amenities and facilities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable visit. Visitors can find picnic areas, campgrounds, and even well-maintained playgrounds for children. There are also educational programs and guided tours available, allowing visitors to learn more about the park's history and ecology.Long Island Park is not only a recreational destination but also a conservation area dedicated to preserving its natural resources. The park actively promotes sustainable practices and encourages visitors to respect and protect the environment. By raising awareness about the importance of conservation, Long Island Park strives to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy its beauty.In conclusion, Long Island Park is a magnificent destinationthat offers a diverse range of outdoor activities, breathtaking landscapes, and a commitment to conservation. Whether you are seeking adventure or tranquility, this park has something to offer everyone. So, pack your bags and embark on an unforgettable journey to Long Island Park!示例2:Long Island Park IntroductionLong Island Park is a stunning natural wonder located in the eastern part of New York. It encompasses a vast area of diverse landscapes, including forests, beaches, wetlands, and ponds. This park offers an array of recreational activities and breathtaking views, making it a favorite destination for both locals and tourists.One of the main attractions of Long Island Park is its beautiful beaches. With miles of sandy shores and crystal-clear waters, visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and beachcombing. The beaches are also perfect for water sports enthusiasts, as they provide excellent conditions for surfing, kayaking, and paddleboarding.For nature lovers, Long Island Park offers an extensive network of hiking and biking trails that wind through its lush forests. These trails provide a chance to explore the park's rich biodiversity, spot various bird species, and admire the vibrant colors of wildflowers. The park also has designated picnic areas along the trails, allowing visitors to relax and enjoy a meal amidst the tranquil surroundings.Additionally, Long Island Park is home to several picturesque ponds and wetlands. These habitats support a variety of wildlife, including turtles, frogs, and various bird species. Visitors can observe these creatures in their natural habitats and learn about the importance of wetland conservation.Another highlight of Long Island Park is its well-maintained camping grounds. Whether visitors prefer tent camping or RV camping, the park offers a range of facilities to accommodate different preferences. Camping under the starry night sky while surrounded by nature's serenity is an experience that should not be missed.Furthermore, Long Island Park hosts numerous events and programsthroughout the year. From nature walks and bird-watching tours to educational workshops and outdoor concerts, there is always something for everyone to enjoy. These events provide an opportunity to learn more about the park's flora, fauna, and conservation efforts.In conclusion, Long Island Park is a captivating destination that offers a wide range of outdoor activities and breathtaking natural beauty. Whether you are seeking adventure, relaxation, or a deeper connection with nature, this park has it all. Plan a visit to Long Island Park and immerse yourself in its enchanting landscapes and abundant recreational opportunities.示例3:Long Island Park IntroductionLong Island Park is one of the most popular recreational areas in our city. Located on the outskirts of town, it spans over 100 acres and offers a wide range of activities for visitors of all ages. In this article, we will explore the various attractions and amenities that make Long Island Park a must-visit destination.First and foremost, Long Island Park boasts breathtaking natural beauty. With its lush greenery, meandering trails, and serene lakes, it provides a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Nature enthusiasts can indulge in birdwatching or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll amidst the tranquil surroundings.For those seeking more adventure, the park offers a plethora of outdoor activities. The expansive playgrounds are perfect for children to burn off energy and have fun. Families can also enjoy a picnic in one of the designated areas, complete with barbecue pits and picnic tables. Additionally, the park provides ample space for sports enthusiasts to engage in activities such as soccer, basketball, and tennis.Water lovers will be delighted by the park's swimming facilities. Long Island Park boasts a large swimming pool with slides and diving boards, ensuring a fun-filled day for both kids and adults. Lifeguards are on duty to ensure the safety of all swimmers, giving parents peace of mind.For those interested in history and culture, Long Island Park features a fascinating museum. The museum showcases the richheritage of the region, with exhibits displaying artifacts and photographs from the past. Visitors can learn about the indigenous tribes that once inhabited the area and gain insight into the early settlers' way of life.To cater to visitors' needs, the park offers various amenities. Clean and well-maintained restroom facilities are conveniently located throughout the premises. Additionally, there are several food stalls and a café, providing a range of refreshments and snacks for hungry park-goers.Overall, Long Island Park is a gem in our city, offering a diverse range of activities and attractions for everyone to enjoy. Whether you are seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural enrichment, this park has it all. So, pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and embark on a memorable journey to Long Island Park.。



写一篇介绍橘子洲头的英语作文加中文Juzhou Island: A Tropical ParadiseHave you ever dreamed of visiting a tropical island with crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and lush green forests? Well, Juzhou Island, located in the South China Sea, is just the place you've been imagining!Juzhou Island is a stunning island that belongs to the city of Xiamen, in Fujian Province, China. It's a popular holiday destination for many people, especially during the summer months. Let me tell you all about this amazing place!Getting to Juzhou Island is an adventure in itself. You'll need to take a ferry from Xiamen Island, which is a short ride of about 30 minutes. As the ferry approaches Juzhou Island, you'll be greeted by the breathtaking sight of the island's rocky cliffs and lush greenery.Once you step onto the island, you'll immediately feel like you've entered a tropical paradise. The air is fresh and salty, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore is music to your ears. The island is relatively small, with an area of only about 5 square kilometers, but it packs a lot of natural beauty and fun activities.One of the main attractions on Juzhou Island is the stunning beaches. The island boasts several beautiful beaches with soft, white sand and crystal-clear water. You can spend hours building sandcastles, swimming, or simply relaxing and soaking up the sun. Be sure to bring your beach toys and sunscreen!If you're feeling adventurous, you can explore the island's hiking trails. These trails wind through lush forests and offer stunning views of the island's cliffs and the ocean. Keep your eyes peeled for the island's resident monkeys, which are known to be quite friendly (but don't feed them!).Another must-see attraction on Juzhou Island is the Guanyin Statue. This massive statue, standing at an impressive 28 meters tall, depicts the Buddhist goddess of mercy, Guanyin. The statue is situated on a cliff overlooking the ocean, providing a breathtaking backdrop for photos.When it comes to food, Juzhou Island has plenty to offer. You can find a variety of seafood restaurants serving up fresh catches of the day, as well as local dishes like oyster omelets and seafood noodles. Be sure to try the island's famouscoconut-flavored ice cream, which is a refreshing treat on a hot day.If you're visiting during the summer, you might be lucky enough to catch one of the island's famous beach parties or festivals. These events often feature live music, dance performances, and plenty of delicious food and drinks.Overall, Juzhou Island is a true tropical paradise that offers something for everyone. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or just a chance to soak up some sun and enjoy the natural beauty of the island, Juzhou Island is sure to leave you with lasting memories.So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and get ready to experience the magic of Juzhou Island for yourself!中文翻译:橘子洲头:一个热带天堂你有没有梦想过访问一个拥有清澈见底的海水、白色沙滩和茂密绿色森林的热带岛屿?好了,位于南海的橘子洲头岛就是你一直在想象的那个地方!橘子洲头是一个属于中国福建省厦门市的迷人岛屿。



tropical词根The root "tropical" can refer to things related to the tropics, which are the areas of the Earth near the equator. It comes from the Greek word "tropikos," meaning turning or changing direction, as the Sun appears to move north and south throughout the year in these regions. Some words derived from the root "tropical" are:1. Tropical: relating to or characteristic of the tropics.2. Tropics: the region of the Earth near the equator, bounded by the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.3. Tropism: the movement or growth of a living organism in response to a stimulus, such as sunlight (phototropism) or gravity (geotropism).4. Tropopause: the boundary between the troposphere (the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere) and the stratosphere.5. Troposphere: the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, where weather events occur and temperature decreases with altitude.6. Tropicbird: a type of seabird found in tropical oceans.7. Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn: imaginary lines on the Earth located at 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator, respectively.8. Tropism: the behavior or orientation of an organism in response to external stimuli.9. Tropophilous: referring to plants that thrive in tropical conditions.10. Tropology: the study of figurative language in literature.。



大安嫩江湾国家湿地公园作文英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Natural Wonderland: My Visit to Dananhu Nenjiang Wan National Wetland ParkAs a student with a deep appreciation for nature, I had long dreamed of visiting Dananhu Nenjiang Wan National Wetland Park, a vast and breathtaking ecological reserve in the heart of Northeast China. This past summer, my wish was finally granted, and I embarked on an unforgettable journey to this natural wonderland.Spanning over 210,000 hectares, Dananhu Nenjiang Wan is renowned as one of the largest and most pristine wetland ecosystems in Asia. It is a place where the boundaries between land and water blur, creating a mesmerizing patchwork of rivers, lakes, marshes, and forests that are home to an astonishing array of plant and animal life.My adventure began with a scenic drive through the rolling hills and lush farmlands that surround the park. As we approached the entrance, the landscape gradually transformed,giving way to a vibrant tapestry of greens and blues that seemed to stretch endlessly towards the horizon.Upon arrival, I was immediately struck by the sheer vastness of the wetlands. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the sweet scent of wildflowers and the gentle whisper of the wind through the reeds. It was as if nature had orchestrated a symphony for my senses, inviting me to immerse myself in its beauty.Our first stop was the Visitor Center, where we had the opportunity to learn about the park's history, ecology, and conservation efforts. I was captivated by the exhibits, which showcased the incredible diversity of flora and fauna that call this wetland home. From the majestic red-crowned cranes to the elusive Siberian tigers, every species seemed to play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of this ecosystem.As we ventured deeper into the park, we embarked on a series of nature trails that wound through the heart of the wetlands. The boardwalks allowed us to navigate the soggy terrain with ease, bringing us face-to-face with the incredible beauty of this aquatic wonderland.Along the way, our knowledgeable guide pointed out various species of birds, from the graceful egrets wading in the shallows to the vibrant kingfishers darting across the water'ssurface. Each sighting was a treasured moment, reminding me of the incredible richness of life that thrives in this unique environment.One of the highlights of our journey was a boat tour through the intricate network of waterways that crisscross the wetlands. Gliding silently across the glassy surface, we were able to observe the wetland's inhabitants in their natural habitats. Schools of fish darted beneath the water's surface, while families of waterfowl paddled serenely alongside our vessel, seemingly unbothered by our presence.As we drifted deeper into the heart of the wetlands, I was struck by the sheer tranquility of the surroundings. The only sounds were the gentle lapping of the water against the boat and the occasional call of a bird or frog. It was a sanctuary of peace, a place where the stresses of modern life seemed to melt away, replaced by a profound sense of harmony with nature.Throughout our visit, I was continuously in awe of the park's incredible biodiversity. From the towering stands of reed beds that swayed gracefully in the breeze to the vibrant carpets of aquatic plants that blanketed the shallows, every inch of the wetlands seemed to teem with life.But it wasn't just the flora and fauna that left a lasting impression on me. The park's commitment to conservation and environmental education was truly inspiring. Through their efforts, they are not only protecting this precious ecosystem but also raising awareness about the importance of preserving our planet's natural wonders for future generations.As our journey came to an end, I found myself filled with a profound sense of gratitude and awe. Dananhu Nenjiang Wan National Wetland Park had not only been a feast for the senses but also a poignant reminder of the incredible beauty and fragility of our natural world.Walking away from this incredible experience, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility. As a student and a global citizen, it is my duty to advocate for the protection of these precious ecosystems and to raise awareness about the importance of conservation.Dananhu Nenjiang Wan National Wetland Park is a living, breathing testament to the wonders of nature. It is a place where the boundaries between land and water blur, creating a tapestry of life that is both breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly fragile. It is a sanctuary that must be cherished and protected, for it isnot only a treasure for us but also a legacy for generations to come.篇2A Natural Wonderland: My Visit to the Daan Nunjiang Bay National Wetland ParkAs a student deeply fascinated by the wonders of nature, I recently had the privilege of visiting one of China's most breathtaking natural treasures – the Daan Nunjiang Bay National Wetland Park. Nestled in the heart of Heilongjiang Province, this vast expanse of wetlands is a true ecological marvel, teeming with an incredible array of plant and animal life.My journey began with a long train ride from the bustling city of Harbin, where the towering skyscrapers and concrete landscapes gradually gave way to the verdant countryside. As we approached our destination, the scenery became increasingly captivating, with rolling hills and winding rivers painting a picturesque tableau.Upon arriving at the park's entrance, I was immediately struck by the sheer vastness of the area. Spanning over 210 square kilometers, the Daan Nunjiang Bay National Wetland Park is a true testament to the grandeur of nature. As I embarked onthe winding trails, I was enveloped by a sense of tranquility that seemed to emanate from the very earth itself.One of the first sights that caught my eye was the stunning expanse of wetlands, which stretched out as far as the eye could see. Lush meadows and meandering waterways created a mosaic of colors and textures, while the gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of wildflowers. It was as if I had stepped into a living canvas, painted by the masterful hand of Mother Nature herself.As I ventured deeper into the park, I encountered a dazzling array of flora and fauna. Towering reeds swayed gracefully in the breeze, while vibrant wildflowers dotted the landscape with bursts of color. Dragonflies danced across the surface of the water, their iridescent wings catching the sunlight in a mesmerizing display.But perhaps the most awe-inspiring aspect of the park was its incredible biodiversity. The wetlands are home to a staggering array of bird species, from the majestic cranes that gracefully waded through the shallows to the vibrant songbirds that serenaded visitors with their melodic calls.One particular highlight was the opportunity to observe the endangered red-crowned crane in its natural habitat. These regal birds, with their striking crimson crowns and elegant movements,were a sight to behold. As I watched them soar through the sky or delicately forage for food, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of reverence for the natural world and its incredible resilience.Beyond the avian inhabitants, the park also boasted a rich tapestry of mammalian life. From the elusive sika deer that gracefully bounded through the undergrowth to the playful otters that frolicked in the waterways, each encounter was a reminder of the incredible diversity that thrives within this protected haven.As I continued to explore the park's winding trails, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty and serenity of my surroundings. The gentle lapping of water against the shoreline, the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze, and the melodic chirping of birds created a symphony that soothed the soul and reminded me of the profound connection we share with the natural world.However, my visit to the Daan Nunjiang Bay National Wetland Park was not merely a delightful escapade; it was also a poignant reminder of the importance of environmental conservation. These precious wetlands serve as a vital habitat for countless species, many of which are threatened by the encroaching forces of human activity and climate change.As I learned more about the park's conservation efforts, I was deeply inspired by the dedication of the rangers and researchers who tirelessly work to protect this ecological treasure. From monitoring wildlife populations to restoring degraded habitats, their efforts are a shining example of humanity's capacity to coexist harmoniously with nature.Moreover, the park's educational programs and visitor centers offered a wealth of knowledge and insight into the intricate web of life that thrives within these wetlands. Through interactive exhibits and knowledgeable guides, I gained a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance that exists within this ecosystem and the vital role it plays in sustaining life on our planet.As my visit drew to a close, I couldn't help but feel a sense of profound gratitude for the opportunity to experience such a breathtaking natural wonder. The Daan Nunjiang Bay National Wetland Park is a true gem, a living testament to the beauty and resilience of our planet's ecosystems.Yet, as I bid farewell to this enchanting place, I was also filled with a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility. It is our duty as stewards of this Earth to protect and preserve these preciousnatural havens, not only for ourselves but for generations to come.Through education, conservation efforts, and a deep reverence for the natural world, we can ensure that places like the Daan Nunjiang Bay National Wetland Park continue to thrive, serving as sanctuaries for biodiversity and reminders of the profound beauty that surrounds us.As I boarded the train back to the city, my mind was filled with vivid memories of the sights, sounds, and sensations that had captivated me during my visit. The gentle calls of the birds, the rustling of the reeds, and the tranquil beauty of the wetlands were etched into my consciousness, serving as a reminder of the profound connection we share with the natural world.It is my sincere hope that future generations will have the opportunity to experience the wonder and majesty of places like the Daan Nunjiang Bay National Wetland Park. For in these sacred spaces, we find not only beauty and solace but also a deeper understanding of our role as custodians of this precious planet we call home.篇3A Natural Wonder: Daan Nurjiang Bay National Wetland ParkAs a student passionate about the environment, I recently had the incredible opportunity to visit the breathtaking Daan Nurjiang Bay National Wetland Park in northeastern China. This vast expanse of pristine wetlands, nestled along the banks of the mighty Heilong River, left an indelible impression on me and reinforced my belief in the importance of preserving such natural wonders.The journey to the park was an adventure in itself. After a long train ride, we disembarked in the small town of Tongjiang, where the air was crisp and the surrounding mountains painted a picturesque backdrop. From there, we embarked on a boat ride along the Heilong River, marveling at the lush greenery that lined its banks and the occasional glimpse of wildlife darting through the reeds.As we approached the wetlands, the sheer vastness of the area became apparent. Stretching over an incredible 210 square kilometers, the park is a mosaic of lakes, marshes, and winding waterways, teeming with an astonishing array of plant and animal life. Our guide, a knowledgeable local, explained that the park is home to over 300 species of birds, including rare andendangered varieties such as the oriental stork and thered-crowned crane.We disembarked at one of the park's many observation decks, and the sight that greeted us was truly breathtaking. Vast expanses of emerald-green marshes stretched out before us, dotted with vibrant splashes of color from the countless wildflowers that thrived in this fertile environment. The air was filled with the melodic calls of birds, and the gentle lapping of water against the shoreline created a soothing symphony.As we ventured deeper into the wetlands, our guide pointed out the intricate web of life that sustained this delicate ecosystem. We observed flocks of waterfowl gliding gracefully across the still waters, their feathers glistening in the sunlight. Beneath the surface, schools of fish darted among the aquatic vegetation, while frogs and other amphibians called out from the reedy shallows.One of the highlights of our visit was the opportunity to observe the park's resident red-crowned cranes, one of the rarest and most iconic bird species in the region. These magnificent creatures, with their vibrant crimson crowns and stately demeanor, are a true symbol of the park's conservation efforts. We watched in awe as they performed their intricate courtshipdances, their graceful movements a testament to the beauty and resilience of nature.Beyond the wildlife, the park also boasted a rich cultural heritage, with several small villages nestled within its boundaries. We had the privilege of interacting with the local Hezhe people, an ethnic minority group that has lived in harmony with the wetlands for generations. Their way of life, deeply rooted in respect for the natural world, was a humbling reminder of the importance of preserving not only the physical landscape but also the cultural traditions that have coexisted with it for centuries.As our visit drew to a close, I found myself filled with a profound sense of gratitude and responsibility. The Daan Nurjiang Bay National Wetland Park is a true gem, a place where nature's majesty and diversity are on full display. It is a living, breathing reminder of the incredible richness that our planet has to offer, and a stark warning of what we stand to lose if we fail to protect and preserve such precious ecosystems.Walking away from the wetlands, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. As a student, and as a global citizen, it is my duty to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and to advocate for sustainable practices that willsafeguard these natural wonders for generations to come. The wetlands of Daan Nurjiang Bay are not just a local treasure but a global resource, a vital link in the intricate chain of life that sustains our planet.In a world increasingly threatened by climate change, habitat destruction, and human encroachment, places like the Daan Nurjiang Bay National Wetland Park serve as beacons of hope, reminding us that it is still possible to coexist harmoniously with nature if we approach it with respect, understanding, and a deep commitment to preservation.As I reflect on my experience, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer beauty and resilience of the natural world. The wetlands of Daan Nurjiang Bay are a testament to the incredible diversity of life on our planet, and a powerful reminder of the importance of protecting and cherishing these precious ecosystems. It is my sincere hope that through education, advocacy, and concerted action, we can ensure that this natural wonder, and others like it, will continue to thrive for generations to come, inspiring and captivating all who have the privilege of witnessing their majesty.。



中国不同地区的刻板印象英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Stereotypes About Different Regions of ChinaWhen you think about China, what images come to mind? The Great Wall snaking over misty mountains? Neon skylines of booming megacities? Tranquil rice paddies dotted with conical hats? China is a vast country of immense diversity, yet stereotypes and overgeneralizations persist about its varied regions and people. Let's take a closer look at some common stereotypes, where they may stem from, and whether there is any truth to them.Beijing and the NorthBeijing serves as the cultural, political and economic center of China. As the capital, it attracts migrants from across the country seeking opportunities. A stereotype is that Beijing locals, known as "Beijingers," are arrogant, status-conscious and dismissive of other regions. There may be a kernel of truth in that Beijing has historically been the seat of power and wealth.However, modern Beijing is a cosmopolitan mixing pot of people from all over China.Another stereotype is that Northerners in general are blunt, loud and lack subtlety. This perception could arise from the Northern accent being quite distinct, as well as cultural values like straightforward speech. While communication styles certainly vary, characterizing tens of millions as crude would be an overgeneralization.Shanghai and the East CoastThe ultrawealthy, ultramodern city of Shanghai conjures up images of high finance, designer boutiques and soaring skyscrapers. A common stereotype paints Shanghai locals as materialistic, status-obsessed and looking down on other parts of China as backward. There is no denying Shanghai's cosmopolitan flair and concentration of wealth. However, this glosses over the city's rich history and diverse population including working-class residents.More broadly, Eastern coastal regions like Guangdong and Zhejiang are seen as entrepreneurial, driven and at the vanguard of embracing capitalism due to their early economic reforms. While there is truth that these areas have been shaped by foreigntrade and investment, over 600 million people call the East home – they cannot be essentialized as ruthless profit-seekers.The SouthwestThe karst landscapes and ethnic diversity of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi in the Southwest spawn a different set of stereotypes. One perception is that Southwesterners live life at a slower, more relaxed pace compared to high-octane coastal cities. There is an element of truth that rural areas can have a more laidback lifestyle. However, this doesn't reflect cities like Kunming which has seen rapid development.Another view is that Southwesterners, particularly minorities like the Dai, Miao and Naxi peoples, live more "traditional" lifestyles disconnected from modernity. While these groups rightly take pride in preserving customs, this stereotype is simplistic and patronizing. Like anywhere, the region's ethnic minorities navigate between respecting heritage while adapting to changing times.The Central ProvincesChina's central heartland of Henan, Hubei and Hunan is sometimes stereotyped as relatively poor, uncultured and "backward" compared to coastal boom towns. There are reasonsfor this – The Central Provinces do tend to have lower socioeconomic development. However, this view ignores the region's vital role as an agricultural base, as well as its important history as the cradle of Chinese civilization along the Yellow River basin.A related overgeneralization is that Wuhan and other central cities are grimy industrial centers without redeeming qualities. In reality, Wuhan has beautiful scenic areas along the Yangtze River and is an educational hub with prestigious universities. All regions have a mix of attractive and less desirable elements.The WestThe vast western expanse spanning Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai and more is sometimes peripherally viewed as a frontier region culturally detached from the Han Chinese center. There is undoubtedly a rich diversity of ethnic minorities and traditions in the West. However, this perception ignores the millions of Han residents, as well as the West's vital role in projects like the Belt and Road Initiative that are shaping the region's future integration with the rest of China.Another view is that Westerners, particularly Uyghurs in Xinjiang, are separatists or Islamic radicals due to overhyped security concerns. This is not only inaccurate for most of thepopulation but is an offensive stereotype that fuels discrimination. Like any group, the people of Xinjiang have complex identities and span a wide range of beliefs.The North EastThe Northeast, formerly known as Manchuria, tends to be overlooked in broad cultural narratives. A common stereotype paints the region's people as having a rough, uncultured demeanor and gritty industrial cities like Shenyang with smokestacks instead of skyscrapers. While the area has proudly preserved its blue-collar roots and was once an industrial powerhouse, Northeasterners are diverse, ranging from cosmopolitan to working-class, and the region boasts universities, cultural attractions and natural beauty.In ConclusionIn a nation as immense and varied as China, stereotypes often crumble upon closer inspection. While cultural differences between regions do exist and shape local identities, distilling hundreds of millions of people into monolithic caricatures is overly simplistic and perpetuates misunderstandings. As the world grows increasingly interconnected, appreciating both the diversity within China as well as our shared hopes and dreams as human beings becomes ever more important. Only throughopen-minded learning can we transcend stereotypes and celebrate the kaleidoscope of experiences that make up the Chinese story.篇2Stereotypes About Different Regions of ChinaWhen you think of China, what images come to mind? Perhaps the sleek skyscrapers of Shanghai, the grand Forbidden City in Beijing, or the karst hills around Guilin. With a country as vast and diverse as China, it's no surprise that there are many stereotypes and preconceived notions about its different regions and the people who live there. In this essay, I'll explore some of the most common stereotypes, where they may have originated from, and whether there is any truth behind them.Let's start with Beijing, the capital city in the north. Beijing is often seen as the political and cultural center of China, home to the government elite and intellectuals. Stereotypes paint Beijingers as proud, sometimes arrogant, with a strong sense of superiority over other regions. There's a perception that they speak the "purest" Mandarin and look down on other dialects. Some say Beijingers are traditionalists, fiercely patriotic and protective of Chinese heritage. While Beijing does wieldsignificant political and cultural influence, it would be an overgeneralization to ascribe these traits to every resident. Like any major city, Beijing is a melting pot with people from all walks of life.Travel northeast to the region of Dongbei (Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning provinces) and you'll encounter a whole different set of stereotypes. Dongbei natives are reputed to be loud, outgoing, with a great sense of humor and love for drinking and feasting. There's a perception that Dongbei people are unpretentious, hardworking, and honest to a fault – the kind of people who will always give you a straightforward opinion, whether you asked for it or not! This stereotype likely originates from Dongbei's history as an industrial, working-class region. While there may be a kernel of truth, it's unwise to paint all Dongbei people with such a broad brush.In contrast, Shanghai and regions of eastern China are often stereotyped as being more modern, worldly, and entrepreneurial. This part of China opened up to foreign trade and investment long before the rest of the country, so its people are seen as being better traveled and exposed to foreign cultures. Shanghainese in particular have a reputation for being clever, business-minded, and streetwise. There's a perception thateasterners are status-conscious and materialistic, always trying to "keep up with the Zhangs." Some criticize this as being superficial, but it could also reflect the region's economic and technological success. As is often the case, stereotypes emerge as shorthand to describe broad societal trends.Meanwhile, southerners from Guangdong, Fujian, and surrounding areas are frequently stereotyped as being industrious and frugal. Given the south's historical role as a center of trade, manufacturing, and emigration, southerners developed a reputation for business acumen and resourcefulness. There's a common perception that southerners are savvy entrepreneurs, happy to work hard and go overseas to earn their fortunes. On the negative side, some criticize southerners as being overly money-minded and materialistic. Of course, these are broad overgeneralizations of a diverse population.Chengdu and Sichuan represent a different facet of southern China, with their renowned cuisine and laidback lifestyle. Stereotypes portray Sichuanese as fun-loving hedonists who love nothing more than devouring mouth-numbing hotpot while knocking back glasses of baijiu. There's a perception that people from Sichuan are easygoing, even lazy, preferring to relax andtake their time rather than join the rat race. Whether accurate or not, this stereotype likely stems from Sichuan's fertile lands, relatively comfortable living standards, and flourishing food culture over the centuries.Head west to regions like Xinjiang, Gansu, and Qinghai, and you'll encounter yet another set of stereotypes. People from these areas are often perceived as being tough, rugged, and able to withstand harsh environments and living conditions. There's a perception that westerners are guarded and not overly expressive, having developed self-reliant attitudes from living in remote, inhospitable areas. On the flip side, some praise westerners for being straightforward, steadfast, and resilient. As with all stereotypes, these are solely broad generalizations which may or may not reflect reality.No discussion of Chinese regional stereotypes would be complete without mentioning the rural/urban divide. Rural folks, especially from poorer parts of central and western China, are often stereotyped as being simple, unrefined country bumpkins – salt of the earth types who may lack sophistication, but make up for it with their earnestness and moral integrity. In contrast, urbanites (especially from major eastern cities like Beijing and Shanghai) are seen as being more cosmopolitan and worldly, butalso materialistic social climbers who have lost touch with authentic Chinese traditions. There's a perception that country folks embody the virtues of China's agricultural past, while city slickers represent the crass consumerism of modern times.Ultimately, these are all overgeneralizations that fail to capture the full diversity and nuances within China's vast geography and population. Every region has its own rich tapestry of cultures, customs, and people who defy easy categorization. Still, stereotypes emerge because they resonate with certain experiences and contain fragments of truth – even if they distort reality. As a student exploring this topic, I've realized that stereotypes often say more about the person voicing them than the people being stereotyped. Our preconceived notions frequently reveal our own insecurities, aspirations, and skewed worldviews.Rather than buying into stereotypes wholesale, I believe it's important to keep an open mind, look at things from multiple perspectives, and avoid making sweeping judgments. Having grown up in different parts of China myself, I've seen how stereotypes can sell entire regions short and breed misunderstandings. At the same time, I recognize that some stereotypes do capture general tendencies within certain regionsand social classes. Perhaps the wisest approach is to understand where these perceptions originate from, acknowledge that a kernel of truth may exist, but avoid reducing entire populations to one-dimensional caricatures.The more I learn about China's diversity and complexities, the more I realize how foolish it is to make blanket statements about any group of people. Every province, city, and village has its unique history, culture, and ethos that shape the local population in distinct ways. Even within a single place, you'll find wildly different individuals who defy stereotyping. Rather than relying on preconceived notions, the best approach is to meet people with an open mind, hear their stories, and draw your own conclusions.In conclusion, while regional stereotypes about China persist, they are often rooted in oversimplification and fail to capture the true richness and diversity of its people. As global citizens, we would be wise to question our assumptions, keep perspective, and judge each person as an individual rather than buying into broad stereotypes. With an open mind and intellectual humility, we can move beyond shallow stereotypes and develop a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the world around us.篇3Stereotypes About Different Regions of ChinaAs a student from Beijing, I've encountered many stereotypes about people from various parts of China. These generalizations, while often exaggerated or inaccurate, persist due to cultural differences, regional pride, and a lack of understanding between regions. In this essay, I'll explore some common stereotypes and discuss why we should be cautious about making broad judgments.Let's start with the capital, Beijing. We Beijing natives are sometimes stereotyped as arrogant, rude, and always in a rush. It's true that the pace of life here is frenetic, but that's because Beijing attracts ambitious people from across the country seeking opportunities. The arrogance stereotype likely stems from our city's historical significance and economic dominance. However, most Beijingers I know are actually friendly and hospitable once you get to know them.Moving to the northeast, people from provinces like Heilongjiang and Liaoning are often characterized as blunt, heavy drinkers. The cold northeastern winters are said to produce a hardy people who don't mince words and enjoy warming up with potent baijiu. While boisterous drinking cultures do exist, this reduces northeasterners to an unfaircaricature. The region is also home to diligent workers, families with close-knit traditions, and a unique cuisine featuring dishes like di san xian.The stereotype of Shanghainese as materialistic,status-conscious snobs is widespread. As China's biggest financial hub, Shanghai undoubtedly has its share of wealthy elite. But the city's cosmopolitan history has also produced open-minded, sophisticated residents. My Shanghainese friends take pride in their city's glamour and trendiness, while maintaining humble, down-to-earth values.In central China, people from provinces like Hubei and Henan are sometimes mocked as "tu" or unsophisticated. This stereotype paints them as uncultured, backwards farmers. In reality, these are areas with rich histories, incredible cuisine, and hard-working, salt-of-the-earth residents. While certain rural areas do lack resources, it's misguided to brand entire provinces as primitive.Moving south, the Cantonese people of Guangdong province are portrayed as entrepreneurial, materialistic, and xenophobic. As one of China's wealthiest regions, economic prowess is perhaps unsurprising. But xenophobia is less defensible – Guangdong has long been one of China's mostglobalized areas due to trade. In my experience, Cantonese warmly welcome respectful outsiders and take pride in their unique Lingnan culture.Chengdu and its surrounding areas in Sichuan get pegged as the "Las Vegas of China" – home to lazy loafers who prioritize life's simple pleasures like mouth-numbing hotpot, tea houses, and mah-jongg. This laidback stereotype contrasts with the region's fiery cuisine and hardworking agricultural traditions. While Sichuanese do celebrate life's joys, they also have an impressive work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit.In China's northwest, home to ethnic minorities like the Hui, Uyghurs, and others, people get stereotyped as religious, insular, and conservative. Islam is indeed the dominant religion. But assuming they are closed off to the modern world ignores thriving cities like Urumqi. Most northwestern residents balance cultural heritage with avid participation in the new economy.These are just a sampling of the many regional stereotypes permeating China. Where do they come from? Some emerge from fragmented perspectives – taking one aspect of a culture and overgeneralizing. Others are rooted in defensiveness, using caricatures to assert the superiority of one's home region. Somederive from historical tensions or cultural disconnects between groups.While some stereotypes contain kernels of truth about cultural differences, we must be cautious about making sweeping judgments. Promoting understanding andopen-mindedness between China's diverse regions is crucial. After all, stereotyping dehumanizes and prevents us from appreciating our nation's beautiful diversity.As youth, we will shape China's future. We can choose to perpetuate tired stereotypes, building walls between regions. Or we can celebrate our sociocultural kaleidoscope with respect and curiosity. I hope we pursue the latter path, embracing our differences while focusing on our shared hopes for a prosperous, unified homeland.。

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led路灯、无极灯、led景观灯 Presentation OutlineGrowing conditions and process flow•Banana•Passion fruit•Guava•Acai•Mangosteen•Acerola•Coconut water•Camu Camu•SoursopConclusionExotic Tropical Fruits•Tropical fruits stem from the tropical partsof the world, where the climate is warm.•These types of fruits need a tropical orsubtropical climate to grow.•Well-known tropical fruits are bananas,mangoes, papayas, pineapples, coconut,guava etc•Some of the recent exotic fruits are acai,pomegranate, mangosteen , passion fruit etc•Tropical fruits are particularly flavorful,sweet, juicy, and tender, making themappealing to people of all ages.Tropical FruitsPineapplePapayaCamu Camu SoursopPassion FruitAcaiPink GuavaTamarind MangosteenCocoa FruitMangoDragon fruitBananaAcerola HibiscusInnovation Trends•Innovation drives value•Health Trends dominate Juice innovation•Growing importance of Health and Wellness has significantly altered consumption and buying behavior•Low sugar/Low calorie juices for children is a major trend•Juices containing Tropical fruits led consumer trends••“All Natural” is a growing trendBananaBanana is the common name for afruit and also the herbaceous plantsof the genus MusaThere are over four hundred varietiesof bananasYellow Cavendish being the mostfavored in America.First domesticated in Papua NewGuinea.Bananas are now grown in 130countries worldwide.Americans consume an annualaverage of twenty-five pounds ofbananas per person.Growing conditionsfor bananas•Bananas are grown in every humidtropical region and constitutes the4th largest fruit crop of the world.•The plant needs 10 -15months offrost-free conditions to produce aflower stalk.•High temperatures and brightsunlight will also scorch leaves andfruit, although bananas grow bestin full sun.•Freezing temperatures will kill thefoliage.from Ecuadorfrom EcuadorProcess Flowbanana Puree1. Bananas are Washed and Graded2. Ripening Rooms3. Peeling Station (Manually)4. Mashing into Puree5. Addition of Acid6. Deseed7. Homogenize8. De aerate9. PasteurizeVacuum pump10. Cool11. Final Pass Through Filter12. Aseptically PackFood Applications •Bread•Cakes•Fruit beverages •Yogurt•Ice cream and Sorbets •Baby foodPassion fruit•Scientific Name:-Passiflora edulis•In the 16th century, SpanishChristian missionaries stumbledupon Passion Flower and adopted itas a symbol of the death of Christ•There are about 600 known speciesof passion fruit found worldwide.•Perennial, woody, climbing vines,many of which are tropical.Types of Passion fruit•There are2types of commercialgrown passion fruit.The purplepassion fruit,and the yellow passionfruit.•Fruit of the yellow passion fruit isdeep yellow and similar in shape butslightly longer than the purplepassion fruit.•Passion fruits contain numeroussmall,black wedge-shaped seedsthat are individually surrounded bydeep orange-colored sacs thatcontain the juice,the edible part ofthe fruit.Growing Conditions•Passion fruit is adapted to tropical/subtropical conditions and will not toleratesevere freezing temperatures•Passion vines prefer a slightly acid soil•Vines will not tolerate waterlogged conditionsfor long periods.•Fruits are harvested when they have droppedto the ground.•Green or immature fruits should not be pickedoff the vine as they will not ripen,they willalso be off flavored and have a higherconcentration of cyanogenic glycosides(atoxin produced by the vine).•Fruits should be collected daily• A passion fruit orchard may have a life span of2.5-3.0 yearsCommercial Challenges•From seed to fruit takes 5-9 months for first fruit. Its relatively a short term crop•The fact that it has a short life span (2.5 years), re-planting preparation is needed at least a year before.•Passion fruit needs good water irrigation, but does not tolerate flooding or heavy rain in sustained periods.•Weather changes do create a challenge(examples 2008 and 2009)•Demand has been steady growing, specially on NFC due to the smoothie boom. Demand peaked in 2007 and 2008. Global demand has created shortages.NFC Passion Fruit JuiceRaw material inspection and receptionSelection of fruit ExtractorJuice finisher Screens 1.0 and 0.5mmMagnet trap Juice tank 1 CentrifugeJuice tank 2 Pasteurizer CoolerCold wall storage tank Screener (50 Mesh) PCC 2Screener Defective Fruit Peel, seeds Pulp removalPulpMetal Detector PCC3Filling and packaging Freezing storageReject contaminant productContaminants FerrousConcentrated Passion Fruit JuiceRaw material inspection and receptionSelection of fruit ExtractorJuice finisher Screens 1.0 and 0.5mmMagnet trap Juice tank 1 CentrifugeJuice tank 2 Evaporator CoolerCold wall storage tank Screener (50 Mesh) PCC 2Aroma injectionDefective Fruit Peel, seeds Pulp removalAroma recoveryPulpMetal Detector PCC3Sterilizer Filling and packagingTemp 100ᵒCHolding time 45 SecReject contaminant product GasesContaminants FerrousR&D Applications•Fruit beverages•Smoothies•Yoghurt bases•Jelly•Ice cream andsorbets•PuddingsGuava•Guava fruit (Psidium guajava) isoriginated from tropical America.•Guava fruit spread to SoutheastAsia including Indonesia, to SouthAsia, India and Sri Lanka.•Guava contains key nutrients like:vitamin C, carotenoids (vitamin A).•Guava fruits is one of the richestsource of natural pectin•The flavor is described as sweet,musky, strong and highly aromatic.Guava•Guava is grown as a shrub with height up to 10m •Plants are propagated from seeds•Guava trees start bearing fruit from the fourth year •The tree flowers and bears fruits all through the year •The fruit is a berry and the fruit consists of a fleshy pericarp and seed•The fruit takes 17-20 weeks to grow but the fruit is harvested 2-3 weeks before ripening•It needs very less irrigation and cannot tolerate frostProcess Flow Guava Puree1. Fruit receiving and storage2. Washing , disinfection and scrubbing3. Sorting and classification4. Extraction , Blanching and finishing (2 inline filters )5. Pasteurization6. Packing and fillingApplications•Fruit juices and beverages •Jams, jellies, and preserves •Nectar•Baby foods •SmoothiesAcai BerryThe species Euterpe oleracea is usuallycalled Açaí Palm, '[fruit that cries orexpels water‘]Acai is considered to be one of the topSuper foods in the worldIt typically looks like a grape or blueberrybut is slightly smaller and darker in color.There is a large seed inside the berry witha small amount of pulp.Tastes like a blend of ber riesGrowth and Harvest of Acai BerryIt is harvested in the rainforests ofBrazil.The season in Brazil for acai is fromJuly to January.The berries are unique because theygrow in bunches like bananas.A single palm tree can grow betweenthree to eight bunches of Acai Berries ata time.It is hand picked by climbing the palmtree and removing the branches onwhich they grow.Process Flow acaiFruit receptionWeighing stationWashingBlending and Depulpingding TankFinisherpH correctionFilecond oil separationFiltrationPasteurizationEmulsificationCold storageFiltrationFreezing25Applications•Juices and other beverages •Smoothies•Energy drinks•Ice cream and sorbetsMangosteenScientific name :-Garcinia mangostanaMangosteen is commonly known as "TheQueen of fruits" in parts of Southeast Asia.Mangosteen fruit consists of a deep purplishrind, a succulent white pulp (four to eightsegments), and between one and five seeds.Mangosteen fruit rind, while typically bitter,contains xanthones and other compoundsthat demonstrate impressive health benefits.The pulp, on the other hand, is pure taste-bud blissThe number of stigmas on the bottom of aMangosteenMangosteen cultivation is currentlylimited to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand,Vietnam, India and the Philippines.Young trees do not produce fruitgenerally until 10 years of age.The trees need humid, tropicalenvironments to thrive and producefruit.The mature tree reaches a heightanywhere between 10 and 25 meters.The fruit gets harvested from a maturetree twice a year. Mature trees canHealth benefits of mangosteenThe mangosteen has a distinct flavorthat many describe as a mixture ofstrawberry, peach and vanilla.The outer shell contains insect-repellingsubstances which discourage insectinfestation.The plants have antiviral, antibacterialand antifungal qualities to protectthemselves.40 known xanthones.Process Flowmangosteen pureeFresh fruit receptionWashingCrown cutting (Manually)WashingRemove peelsPulp extractionFinisherPhysico-chemical analysis. Pasteurize 95 C for 40 secondsFrozenFilling and storage at -18 CApplications•Beverages and desserts •Marinades, salad dressings, sauces •Ice cream and sorbets•Yogurt and smoothies•Pie fillings and baked goodsCamu CamuScientific Name :-Myrciaria dubiaCamu-camu fruit has the highest recordedamount of natural vitamin C known onthe planet.The fruit is approximately 2 centimetersin diameter and has a purplish red skinwith a yellow-whitish pulp.The nutritious pulp has a citrus taste.Growth conditions of camu camu•Camu-camu tree will grow in tropicaland subtropical climates.•Camu-Camu grows mostly in floodedor swamped areas of the Amazonrainforest.•The plant requires lots of water, butwill withstand flooding and fairlycold temperatures, though not frost.•Camu-camu trees can continue to bearfruit for decades.•Trees begin to bear fruit after about 4to 6 years.Camu Camu nutritional facts•The extraordinarily high Vitamin C content(in the order of 2-3% of fresh weight) is themost important property of the Camu CamuProcess FlowCamu camu pureeFresh fruit receptionDispatch for productionWeighedWashingBrushingPulp extractionRefining 0.4mmPhysico-chemical analysis. PasteurizationFiltrationFilling and storage at -18 CApplicationsAcerolaGrowth and cultivation of acerolaProcess Flow: AcerolaFruits Grading and sorting WaterWeightingSelection and washingExtractioni Filtration (1.5mm)De aerationPasteurizationBlend tank and filtrationFillingFrozenApplicationsCoconutsDissecting the Coconut: What’s it made of?Growth and cultivation of coconuts.Coconut creamCoconut water•Coconut water is the clear, freeflowing liquid obtained from theinside of a coconut.•It is the purest liquid second onlyto water. It is naturally filtered fornine months through the densefibers of the coconut.•Coconut water is naturally sterile,has five essential electrolytes, nofat, no cholesterol and no addedpreservatives•It is excellent for replacing lostelectrolytes from exercise andillnessSambu facilitySambu facilityProcess Flow:SS Coconut WaterSorting, Breaking and Collection of Fresh Coconut WaterFiltrationCooling (Temperature < 10o C)Holding TankIl Separation of oilCoolingFiltrationSterilizationCool25o CFillingAseptically PackedLabeling of Coconut waterApplications。
