最新-凤阳中学高三第四次月考生物科试卷 精品
下列有关说法中正确的有①没有细胞结构的生物一定是原核生物②光合作用一定要在叶绿体中进行③在细胞分裂过程中一定有DNA的复制④单倍体生物的细胞中一定只有一个染色体组⑤两个种群间的生殖隔离一旦形成,这两个不同种群的个体之间一定不能进行交配⑥在一条食物链中,营养级高的生物个体数一定比营养级低的生物个体数少A.一项 B.二项 C.三项 D.四项2.下列关于科学实验及方法的叙述正确的是A.在探究遗传物质的实验中,格里菲斯对DNA和蛋白质等大分子进行了分离B.沃森和克里克研究DNA分子结构时,运用了建构物理模型的方法C.孟德尔杂交实验中的测交是提出假说的基础D.萨顿借助类比推理得出的结论“基因在染色体上”肯定是科学的3.慢跑和激烈奔跑,在消耗同样多的葡萄糖的情况下,产生的能量更高的是A 慢跑 B.激烈奔跑 C产生的能量同样高 D.无法判断4.依据生理特点鉴别一个正在进行有丝分裂的细胞是植物细胞还是动物细胞,最可靠的方法是检查它A.DNA的自我复制B.自身的蛋白质合成C.细胞质分成两部分的方式D.是否出现星射线5.雅典奥运会期间,许多运动员服用了类固醇药物而被取消成绩或参赛资格,他们服用的药物可能属于下列的A.甲状腺激素B.垂体激素C.雄激素D.生长激素6.血红蛋白与氧能进行可逆性结合,血红蛋白结合氧的百分比随氧气压变化的曲线,简称氧离曲线。
下图4种具有代表性的水生动物体的血红蛋白进行测定后绘制的曲线,根据4条曲线所表示的特征,你认为哪种曲线代表的生物在被有机物污染过的水域中生存能力最强和最弱A.a和bB.d和aC.a和dD.a和c7.下列关于生物实验的叙述,正确的是( ) A.用双缩脲试剂鉴定蛋白质时,NaOH溶液和CuS18溶液需混匀后使用B.观察细胞中DNA和RNA的分布实验时,可以用二苯胺试剂进行染色C.在观察植物细胞有丝分裂实验中,有龙胆紫或醋酸洋红染液使染色体着色D.在观察叶绿体的实验中,藓类的叶片大,可直接使用高倍镜进行观察8.果树结果太多,会影响果实的大小和质量,常用喷洒生长素类似物的方法进行疏花疏果,其原理是A.生长素类似物可促进叶片生长,抑制传粉受精B.生长素类似物可抑制花、果实的发育和脱落C.低浓度的生长素类似物可促进花、果实的发育而使其脱落D.高浓度的生长素类似物可抑制花、果实的发育而使其脱落9.下列哪项形成了新物种A.二倍体的西瓜经秋水仙素处理成为四倍体西瓜B.桦尺蠖体色的基因频率由S(灰色)95%变为s(黑色)95%C.马与驴交配产生了骡D.克隆多莉羊10.在天气晴朗的夏季,将用全素营养液培养的植株放入密闭的玻璃罩内放在室外进行培养。
1 .A 2. B
4. D
5 .C 6. D 7. D
8. D
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. A 15. 120°
16. C 17.C
18. Dຫໍສະໝຸດ 19.B20. C
21. 2 22 . A
23 . A
24.[2009 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试福建省数学理科参考样卷第
( 1)若 AB BC
3 ,且 b
3 ,求 a
( 2)求 2sin A sin C 的取值范围。
c 的值;
26. [ 浙江省富阳新中 2008(上)高三期中考试数学(文)试卷第 6 题 ]
27. [ 安徽凤阳中学 2009 届高三第四次月考数学试卷文科第 17 题,理科第 17 题 ] (本小题满分 12 分)
0 ,且 AC
2 ,则 △ ABC 2
为( ) A.等边三角形 C.非等腰三角形
B.等腰非直角三角形 D.等腰直角三角形
19. [ 浙江省富阳新中 2008(上)高三期中考试数学(文)试卷第
已知 i 与 j 为互相垂直的单位向量, a i 2 j , b i
6 题]
j ,且 a 与 b 的夹角为锐角,则实
cos2x 的单调递增区间为 [ k , k
] (k Z) . 2
(Ⅱ) f ( x) 4msin x cos2 x 2sin 2 x 4msin x 1
2(sin x m) 2 (2m2 1) 令 t sin x ,则 g(t ) 2(t m)2 (2m2 1) ( 1 t 1) .
荣达学校2010~2011学年度上学期第四次质量检测化学试题可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 Fe 56 0 16 N 14 Na 23 Al 27 Mg 24 K 39 Ba 137Cu 64 Cl 35.5 S 32一选择题(每小题3分,共48分。
每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.下列实验现象的描述错误的是 ( )A.氢气在氯气中燃烧生成绿色烟雾B.红热的铁丝在氧气中燃烧,火星四射,生成黑色固体C.点燃的硫在氧气中燃烧,发出蓝紫色火焰D.钠在空气中燃烧,发出黄色的火焰,生成淡黄色固体2.根据下列热化学方程式()(1)C(s) + O2(g) === CO2(g) ;△H1=-393.5 kJ/mol(2)H2(g) + 1/2O2(g) === 2H2O(l) ;△H2=-285.8 kJ/mol(3)CH3COOH(l) + 2O2(g) === 2CO2 (g) + 2H2O(l);△H3=-870.3kJ/mol可以计算出2C(s)+2H2(g)+O2(g)===CH3COOH(l)的反应热为A.△H=244.1kJ/mol B.△H=-488.3kJ/molC.△H=-996.6kJ/mol D.△H=996.6kJ/mol3.下列说法正确的是()A.有气体参与的反应,恒压时充入惰性气体,反应速率增大B.对可逆反应加入某一反应物,反应速率一定增大C.催化剂能够改变反应速率,但不能改变反应物的转化率D.若减小气态产物的浓度,正反应速率加快4.下列离子方程式错误的是()A.氯气通入水中:C12 + H2O H+ + C1-+ HClOB.向3%的双氧水中通入少量SO2:H2O2 + SO2 === 2H+ + SO42-C.碳酸钠水解:CO 32-+ 2H2O H2CO3 + 2OH-D.向NaHCO3溶液中加入过量石灰水:Ca2+ + OH-+ HCO3-=== CaCO3↓+ H2O 5.用高铁酸钠(Na2FeO4)对河湖水消毒是城市饮水处理的新技术。
以下判断正确的是()A.甲光的频率大于乙光B.丙光的频率等于丁光C.甲光的强度等于丙光D.乙光的强度等于丁光2、如图所示,在平行有界匀强磁场的正上方有一等边闭合的三角形导体框,磁场的宽度大于三角形的高度,导体框由静止释放,穿过该磁场区城,在下落过程中BC边始终与匀强磁场的边界平行,不计空气阻力,则下列说法正确的是()A.导体框进入磁场过程中感应电流为逆时针方向B.导体框进、出磁场过程,通过导体框横截面的电荷量大小不相同C.导体框进入磁场的过程中可能做先加速后匀速的直线运动D .导体框出磁场的过程中可能做先加速后减速的直线运动3、如图所示,半径为R 的圆形区域内有一垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场,P 为磁场边界上的一点,大量质量为m 、电荷量为q 的带正电的粒子,在纸面内沿各个方向一速率v 从P 点射入磁场,这些粒子射出磁场时的位置均位于PQ 圆弧上且Q 点为最远点,已知PQ 圆弧长等于磁场边界周长的四分之一,不计粒子重力和粒子间的相互作用,则( )A .这些粒子做圆周运动的半径2r R =B .该匀强磁场的磁感应强度大小为2mv qRC .该匀强磁场的磁感应强度大小为22mv qRD .该圆形磁场中有粒子经过的区域面积为212R π4、在某种科学益智玩具中,小明找到了一个小型发电机,其结构示意图如图1、2所示。
2009届安徽省凤阳中学高三第四次月考数学试卷(理科)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{}{}2|||2,|0M x x N x x x =<=->,则M N = ( )A .∅B .RC .MD .N 2.在复平面内,复数121ii+-对应的点位于( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限3.若下框图所给程序运行的结果为S =90,那么判断框中应填入的关于k 的判断条件是( )A .k 8≤B .k 7≤C .k 9>D .k 8>4.设曲线x x y sin cos 1+=在点⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛1,2π处的切线与直线01=+-ay x 平行,则实数a 等于A .1-B .1C .2-D .25.已知函数f (x )是以2为周期的偶函数,且当)10(log ,12)(,)1,0(2f x f x x则时-=∈的值为( )A .53 B .58 C .85- D .35-6.若cos 2sin()4θπθ=-,则cos sin θθ+的值为( ) A.2-B .12-C .12D.27.如图,一个空间几何体的正视图、侧视图、俯视图为全等的等腰直角三角形,如果直角三角形的直角边长为1,那么这个几何体的表面积为 ( )A .233+ B.3 C .61 D .238.已知函数)1,0(log )(,)(,)(321≠>===a a x x f x x f a x f a ax 且其中在同一坐标系中画出其中两个函数在第一象限内的图象,其中正确的是 ( )9.已知向量5||),4,2(),2,1(=--==,若25)(=∙+c b a ,则与的夹角为( ) A .︒30 B .︒60 C .︒120 D .︒15010.如图所示,墙上挂有一长为π2,宽为2的矩形木板ABCD ,它的阴影部分是由函数]2,0[,cos π∈=x x y 的图象和直线1=y 围成的图形.某人向此板投镖,假设每次都能击中木板,且击中木板上每个点的可能性都一样,则他击中阴影部分的概率是 ( )A .81B .41 C .31D .2111.已知椭圆12222=+by a x 的左、右焦点分别为F 1、F 2,且|F 1F 2|=2c ,点A 在椭圆上,0211=⋅F F AF ,221c AF AF =⋅,则椭圆的离心率e =( )A .33 B .213- C .215- D .22侧视图正视图 俯视图12.给出下列命题:①命题“若m>0,则方程x 2+x -m=0有实数根”的逆否命题为:“若方程x 2+x -m=0无实数根,则m ≤0”. ②“x =1”是“x 2-3x +2=0”的充分不必要条件. ③若“p 且q”为假命题,则p 、q 均为假命题.④对于命题p :.01,:,01,22≥++∈∀⌝<++∈∃x x R x p x x R x 均有则使得 (其中“∃”表示“存在”,“∀”表示“任意”)其中错误..的命题为 ( ) A .① B .② C .③ D .④ 二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题4分.共16分 13.设数列{}n a 满足211233333n n n a a a a -++++=…,a ∈*N .则数列{}n a 的通项公式为____________14.已知圆O 的半径为18,P 为圆外一点,P 与圆上各点连线的最大距离为38,则点P 到圆O 的切线长是 ___________________.15.设实数x, y 满足:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≥-≤-+≤--032,04202x y x y x 则x y 的最大值是_____________.16.定义在R 上的偶函数)(x f ,满足)()1(x f x f -=+,且)(x f 在[-1,0]上是增函数,下列五个关于)(x f 的命题中:①)(x f 是周期函数;②)(x f 的图象关于1=x 对称;③)(x f 在[0,1]上是增函数;④)(x f 在[1,2]上是减函数;⑤)0()2(f f = 其中正确的命题是_____________三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17.(本小题满分12分)已知锐角ABC ∆中内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c ,向量(2sin ),m B = 2(2c o s 1,c o s 2)2B n B =- ,且m n ⊥.(Ⅰ)求B 的大小;(Ⅱ)如果2b =,求ABC ∆的面积ABC S ∆的最大值.18.(本小题满分12分)如图,平面PCBM ⊥平面ABC ,∠PCB =90°,PM ∥BC ,直线AM 与直线PC 所成的角为60°,又AC =1,BC =2PM =2,∠ACB =90°(Ⅰ)求证:AC ⊥BM ;(Ⅱ)求二面角M -AB -C 的正切值; (Ⅲ)求多面体P-MABC 的体积.19.(本小题满分12分)在汶川大地震后对唐家山堰塞湖的抢险过程中,武警官兵准备用射击的方法引爆从湖坝上游 漂流而下的一个巨大的汽油罐.已知只有5发子弹,第一次命中只能使汽油流出,第二次命中才能引爆.每次射击是相互独立的,且命中的概率都是23. (Ⅰ)求油罐被引爆的概率;(Ⅱ)如果引爆或子弹打光则停止射击,设射击次数为ξ.求ξ的分布列及E ξ. 20.(本小题满分12分)已知C B A 、、是直线l 上的三点,向量→→→OC OB OA ,,满足:=++'+-→→→OC x OB f y OA )1ln()]1(2[→(Ⅰ)求函数)(x f y =的表达式; (Ⅱ)若0>x ,证明:22)(+>x xx f ; (Ⅲ) 若不等式32)(21222--+≤bm m x f x 时,[]1,1-∈x 及[]1,1-∈b 都恒成立,求实数m 的取值范围.21.(本小题满分12分)双曲线的中心为原点O ,焦点在x 轴上,两条渐近线分别为12l l ,,经过右焦点F 垂直于1l 的直线分别交12l l ,于A B ,两点.已知OA AB OB 、、成等差数列,且BF 与FA 同向.(Ⅰ)求双曲线的离心率;(Ⅱ)设AB 被双曲线所截得的线段的长为4,求双曲线的方程. 22. (本小题满分14分)数列).,3,2,1(221,1,}{211 =+-==+n a a a a a n n n n 中 (1)求证:①1+<n n a a ;②21<≤n a ; (2)比较∑=+nk n ka a 1139401与的大小,并加以证明。
2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟4(安徽卷)理科综合能力测试(考试时间150分钟 满分300分)第Ⅰ卷 选择题(本卷包括20小题,每小题只有一个选项符合题意,每小题6分,共120分)14、如图所示,ACB 是一光滑的、足够长的、固定在竖直平面内的“∧”形框架,其中CA 、CB 边与竖直方向的夹角分别为37°和53°。
P 、Q 两个轻质小环分别套在CA 、CB 上,两根细绳的一端分别系在P 、Q 环上,另一端和一绳套系在一起,结点为O 。
将质量为m 的钩码挂在绳套上,OP 、OQ 两根细绳拉直后的长度分别用l 1、l 2表示,受到的拉力分别用F 1和F 2表示,则A .F 1:F 2 = l 2:l 1B .F 1:F 2=1:1C .F 1:F 2= cos37°:cos53°D .F 1:F 2= sin37°:sin53°15、2008北京奥运场馆建设,大量采用对环境有益的新技术,如奥运会场馆周围80%~90%的路灯利用了太阳能发电技术,奥运会90%的洗浴热水采用全玻璃真空太阳能集热技术。
太阳能的产生是由于太阳内部高温高压条件下的核反应形成的,其核反应方程是A .238234492902U Th He →+ B .23811369019205438010U n Xe Sr n +→++C .14012142H He e →+D .1441717281N He O H +→+16、2009年3月1日16时13分,累计飞行了494天的“嫦娥一号”卫星在北京航天飞行控制中心科技人员的精确控制下,成功撞击月球,为中国探月一期工程画上一个圆满的句号。
在此之前,卫星成功实施了轨道由200公里圆轨道a 降到100公里圆轨道b ,继而降到远月点100公里、近月点15公里的椭圆轨道,再升回到100公里圆轨道的变轨试验。
关于“嫦娥一号”卫星,以下说法正确的是A .卫星在轨道a 的速率大于在轨道b 的速率B .卫星在轨道a 的周期大于在轨道b 的周期C .卫星在轨道a 的角速度大于在轨道b 的角速度D .卫星在轨道a 的加速度大于在轨道b 的加速度17、一个单摆悬挂在小车上,随小车沿斜面下滑。
凤阳中学高三第四次月考英语科试卷Ⅰ. 听力部分(每题1.5分,共20题30分):第一节1. What do we learn about the man?A. He slept well on the plane.B. He had a long trip.C. He had a meeting.2.Why will the woman stay home in the evening?A. To wait for a call.B. To watch a ball game on TV.C. To have dinner with a friend.3.What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?A. A school bag.B. A record.C. A theatre ticket.4.What does the man mainly do in his spare time?A. Learn a language.B. Do some sports.C. Play the piano.5.What did the woman like doing when she was young?A.Riding a bicycle with friends.B. Traveling the country.C. Reading alone.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6, 7题.6.Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel.B. At a booking office.C. At a friend’s house.7. What will the man probably do in a few days?A. Fly to another country.B. Come to the same hotel.C. Drive here to visit friends听第7段材料,回答第8, 9,10题.8.What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?A.He might not find everything he wanted.B.He might not have enough money with him.C.He might not be able to carry the shopping.9.How much should the man pay?A. ﹩5B. ﹩75C. ﹩75.0510. What did the woman do in the end?A. She charged the man a little less.B. She asked the man to pay her later.C. She made a mistake in adding up the cost.听第8段材料,回答第11, 12,13题.11.Where are the speakers?A. In a classroom.B. In a theater.C. In an office.12. Why does the man plan to leave early?A. He is going on vacation.B. He is going to a performance.C. He is going to the post office.13. What does the woman offer to do?A. Cl ean the office.B. Pick up the man’s son.C. Finish the man’s work.听第9段材料,回答第14, 15, 16, 17题.14. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?A. Angry.B. Surprised.C. glad.15. What size bag does the woman want?A. A 24-inch bag.B. A 29-inch bag.C. A 32-inch bag.16. When will the woman leave for Mexico?A. On Thursday.B. On Friday.C. On Saturday.17. Where does the man work?A. At a mail order company.B. At an international travel service.C. At the airport information desk.听第10段材料,回答第18, 19, 20题18. Why did the woman not go to college?A. She didn’t pass the exam.B. She wasn’t interested in college.C. She couldn’t afford college education.19. What job does the woman say she did?A. She was a bus conductor.B. She was a shop assistant.C. She was a housekeeper.20. What did the woman think of her friend’s college life?A. It was busy.B. It was wonderful.C. It was dull.语言知识与运用部分Ⅱ. 单项选择题(每题1分,共15题15分):21. —Why did the oil price go up so quickly in some advanced countries?—Because they were ________ dependent on imported oil.A. heavilyB. obviouslyC. strictlyD. accidentally22. _________ the Olympic games cost us a lot, it bridged the distance between people anddeveloped friendship.A. WhenB. WhileC. IfD. As23. I can’t remember ___________ Olympic Games that gave me so much pleasure as in Beijing.A. aB. 不填C. anD. the24. This hotel _________ $140 for a single room with bath.A. chargesB. claimsC. pricesD. accept25. —Have you finished your homework?—No. I _______ my mother in the kitchen all day yesterday.A. had helpedB. helpedC. would helpD. was helping26. Seeing Zhai Zhigang walk out of the spaceship, we cheered, ________ tears rollingdown our cheeks.A. excitingB. excitedC. to be excitingD. being excited27. —How can you carry out such huge amount of work?. —Don’t worry; I’ll ________.A. reserveB. attachC. surviveD. evolve28. —Do you believe what he says?—No! _________!A. No matter whatB. whateverC. NothingD. No more29. There are about 2,000 different kinds of spider in Australia and, like snakes, ________ have apoisonous bite.A. most of whichB. most of thatC. mostD. in which30. Julia was not interested in the picnic. I _________ her to go with me, though. We had a goodtime there.A. advisedB. insistedC. suggestedD. persuaded31. Many people expressed their ideas to _________ their governments to save their stock(股票)markets.A. call outB. call inC. call forD. call up32. Our government took measures in time to protect children who had taken Sanlu baby milk__________ it was too late.A. now thatB. as long asC. unlessD. before33. The news excited all the people all over the country __________ Shenzhou 7th succeeded inreturning to the earth.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. what34. -Time please.-_________. It’s 5:30.A. No problemB. No tro ubleC. SorryD. I’m afraid not35. -Don’t worry. You can learn English as well as you wish.-______________A. Thank you. I’ll do my best.B. I think so.C. It’s nothing serious.D. Never mind.Ⅲ. 完形填空: (每题1.5分,共20题30分)For long, a question disturbed a little boy. He couldn't understand why his next-desk-pal(同伴) could rank 1st whenever he wanted to, while he himself 36 to.At home, he asked his Mom, "Mom, am I more 37 than others? I feel I study as hard as him, but why do I 38 lag behind?" Staring at him, she went 39 , not knowing how to explain.She felt an impulse (冲动) to say," You are too 40 .You are not really as hard-working as others... " but she stopped 41 she knew her son was suffering from the pains of 42 grades and rankings. She thought it 43 to add any additional burden to his son and was trying to find out a 44 answer.Time went by quickly, the son finished primary school. 45 studying harder and better, he was still unable to 46 his pal. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to take him to the sea. During the trip, she 47 to give out an answer.Now, the son no longer __48 __his rankings, because, with the 1st ranking, he was__ 49__ by Harvard University.Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to 50 the students and parents in his highschool. In the speech, he mentioned a(n) 51 experience in his childhood,"…When my mother and I were lying on the beach, she pointed to the front and said,' Do you see the seabirds flying for food over there? When the 52 __ come near, little birds can escape quickly _53 _"clumsy" seagulls would take more time to complete the 54 . However, have you noticed birds that __55_ fly across the endless ocean are none other than "clumsy" seagulls? "( )36. A. refused B. decided C. failed D. afforded( )37. A. troublesome B. stupid C. naughty D. careless( )38. A. always B. never C. hardly D. even( )39. A. wrong B. worried C. crazy D. wordless( )40. A. young B. lazy C. clever D. energetic( )41. A. although B. before C. because D. unless( )42. A. worrying B. surprising C. doubting D. unsatisfying( )43. A. cruel B. unnecessary C. important D. impossible( )44. A. natural B. harmonious C. perfect D. ordinary( )45. A. Besides B. Despite C. Beyond D. Without( )46. A. get through B. come across C. compare with D. keep up with ( )47. A. managed B. hesitated C. determined D. remembered ( )48. A. cares about B. doubts about C. wonders about D. worries about ( )49. A. invited B. accepted C. welcomed D. dismissed( )50. A. visit B. contact C. address D. meet( )51. A. private B. valuable C. interesting D. unexpected( )52. A. wave B. food C. wind D. time( )53. A. and B. since C. until D. while( )54. A. game B. fun C. match D. process( )55. A. suddenly B. immediately C. finally D. graduallyⅣ. 阅读理解(每题2分,共20题40分):AThank you, Mr. Morley, for your kind introduction. It was very nice of you to speak of me like that. While I was listening, I had trouble believing that I was the man you were talking about.My thanks go out to all of you for being here at this dinner. I look around and say to myself, " These people are my friends. " And you know how good it is to be among friends.Seven years ago, I became the tennis coach at this school. I can remember arriving here as if it were yesterday. When I started coaching, we only had a small team then, just three boys and two girls, and only one tennis court. So my first job was to increase the team. At the end of the first year, we had ten boys and six girls. And it seems like the team keeps getting stronger every year.I've been lucky to have some really good players to coach. Coaches love good players. Some great players from our school over the past years include Herbert Bradbury, Christopher Stanton and Emma Austen, all champions during the years they played.Among the players on our team now is Arthur Burney, perhaps the best of them all. I'm sure you all join with me in wishing him good luck as he leaves for Capetown next week. He's our first student to enter the Capetown Junior International Tennis Tournament(锦标赛), where he will play against some of the best young tennis players in the world. Good luck, Ace!The time has come for me, however, to make a change. Recent health problems have made it difficult for me to continue coaching.I must say, I'm looking forward to my retirement with mixed feelings. I'm certainly ready fora long rest, but I'm a bit worried about what I'll do with all my spare time. You might find me coming down to watch the games from time to time. If you can still remember me, you might say hello.Thank you everyone. I'll miss you all.56. From the text, we know the passage is ________.A. a wanted adB. a welcome speechC. a farewell speechD. a sport introduction57. How does the man probably feel when he speaks?A. A bit puzzled.B. Quite disappointedC. Very angry.D. A little sad.58. The man would not work any more because of_________.A. his ageB. health problemsC. few good playerD. little money59. Which of the following is FALSE?A. There were only six players when the man started his work.B. Bradbury, Stanton and Austen were the man's students.C. The man recalled his work in the text.D. The man thanked all the people for coming to the meeting.BI stole your dog today. No, I didn't set a foot on your house, but from the condition of your dog, I can imagine what it looks like , the word "rubbish " comes to mind.I found her along a road, with a heavy chain wrapped around her neck, still attached to rotten boards from her doghouse. Not only did I know that most of the town people had already ignored her, judging by where I found her, but I knew that if she had gotten into the woods, the "cross" that she dragged behind her would have wrapped around a tree until starvation or thirst killed her.She has a beautiful name now. Already in the first week she has come to look more like she should. Her eyes sparkle and she has learned to wag her tail in greeting. She has stopped flinching(畏缩) when I make a sudden movement, because she knows now that I won't beat her, in fact, she rarely leaves my side. She's even become brave enough to bark at a cat and today I watched from the window as she attempted to play with the other dogs. No, it's clear she does not miss you or her former life on a chain.It's not clear yet whether she'll remain here or whether I'll find her a loving home where she can count on more individual attention than I can give her, but one thing is certain ,this is one bit of stolen "property" who is never returning to you, so sue me, accuse me, plead with the courts that she is rightfully yours. I'm convinced this is the best " crime" I've ever committed. Hardly anything has pleased me more than the day I stole your dog. I need only look into her beautiful brown eyes to know that she'd defend my decision with her life. If we have one prayer, it is that you will not replace her, and if we have one special day to celebrate together, it is the day I stole your dog and the day she stole my heart.60. What's the author's attitude towards the former owner of the dog?A. Puzzled.B. Angry.C. Shocked.D. Satisfied.61. It can be inferred from the passage that _____________.A. the dog is not lovelyB. the dog tried to find a kind masterC. the dog was treated badly by its former masterD. the author will be charged with stealing a dog62. All the following statements showed us the dog's recovery from her nature EXCEPT________.A. not missing her former masterB. barking at a catC. playing with other dogsD. waving her tail to make greetings63. What did the author think of his theft?A. He was afraid of being punished.B. He thought he had to do it.C. He believed that the law would allow him to do so.D. He did it with pride.CHe was killed 45 years ago. Since then his memory has been clouded by dark tales of affairs with the likes of Marilyn Monroe (玛莉莲·梦露), and links with the Mafia(黑手党).But the myth(神话)of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the US, will not disappear. As America marked the anniversary of his death in Dallas, Texas ,on November 22,1963 ,questions were still being asked.The official conclusion was that Lee Harvey Oswald, who worked at a Dallas book storehouse, murdered Kennedy. But all kinds of other ideas have been put forward as to what happened and why.Some people believe Oswald was a madman, who spent some time in Russia and was an admirer of Fidel Castro, president of Cuba. It is said he was inspired by James Bond's spy novels and killed Kennedy as a gift for Castro.But Oswald's brother thought he was a sad and lonely man who murdered the president to get attention and show off his shooting skills.Meanwhile, some experts said that Oswald was really aiming for Texas Governor John Connally. He was said to have been angry with Connally, who was also secretary of the navy, over how he had been forced to leave the service.A large number of people think the truth has been covered up on purpose ;even now, surveys show that more than half of Americans believe that Oswald was not working alone. An investigation (调查)found that four shots were fired ,with one shot coming from the building that Oswald was in.But two days after the murder, Oswald himself was killed by Jack Rubinstein, a night-club owner. Rubinstein had Mafia connections and this has led to the theory that they were actually responsible for killing Kennedy.Lyndon Johnson, who became president after Kennedy, has also been accused of being behind it all. According to reports, Johnson was sworn in (宣誓就职) even before Kennedy's death was announced. "We have a really tough decision that we don't want to face. There was a conspiracy(合谋)and people want an answer, " said Barr McClellan, who has written a book about the murder."The myth is very powerful," said Robert Dallek, a historian at Boston University, who has just published a book about Kennedy. "He was the first president to appear on television. He is frozen in our minds aged 46, forever young, energetic and charming. "64. The writer mentions the dark tales about Kennedy to show that___________.A. though he is popular, he wasn't perfectB. even though he wasn't perfect, he is still popularC. rumors(谣言) are of human natureD. in America, presidents don't have much privacy65. Which of the following can be used to replace the phrase "put forward" in Paragraph 3 ?A. imaginedB. designedC. suggestedD. inspired66. Which of the following statements about Lee Harvey Oswald is WRONG?A. He only fired one shot.B. One shot fired at Kennedy was from the sixth floor of the building he was in.C. He was an employee of a book storehouse in Dallas, Texas.D. He once served in the American navy, but he was forced to leave.67. Which of the following will the writer probably write Kennedy below the last paragraph?A. What he achieved as a president.B. What else makes Kennedy a mythical figure.C. What happened after his death.D. His affairs with the likes of Marilyn Monroe and the Mafia.DWhen writing for A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, authors should consider that the journal's aim is to provide information to our physical educators and coaches that will help them in their daily work. We look for articles that find out a problem and offer concrete, step-by-step solutions, or describe " best practices" for typical coach activities or responsibilities.A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators does not publish research studies or theoretical treatment of topics, but does welcome compositions that explain how research or theory can be put into practice. Authors are encouraged to review recent issues of A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators for content and form before presenting, or contact the editor for further information.Write in an informal, conversational and straightforward tone, and minimize formal or technical language. Ideas should be clear, simple and logical. Give practical examples, and when possible, include photos, tables or charts to explain your ideas. Have a partner review your article for content and clarity of presentation before you send it out.All accepted articles are edited by the editors. Experts in fields related to sport and physical education will be invited to submit articles on selected topics. However, solicited articles are subject (经受) to the same review process, and publication is based on positive recommendations by reviewers.A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators welcomes photos for publication. Photos for covers must be high quality, glossy color photos in vertical(垂直) format. If digital, photos must be no less than 1200 DPI. Photos with articles must be high quality black/white or color glossy. If digital, photos must be at least 300 DPI.68. The underlined word "minimize" probably means _________A. to have an effect of preventingB. to look up information directlyC. to allow the proper use ofD. to reduce to the smallest possible amount69. What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?A. Advice to physical and sport teachers and coaches.B. Advice to authors who are likely to write for the magazine.C. Advice to sport and physical experts who are likely to write for the magazine.D. Advice to A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators.70. According to the text, which of the following manuscripts is the most likely to be accepted?A. The one whose idea is the most advanced in the world, and is strictly and formally written.B. The one that is the most lively and vivid and written in an authoritative way.C. The one whose method is improved and written in plain English.D. The one whose theory is practical and written in technical language.71. The best title for this text is_________.A. Guidelines for AuthorsB. Better Write in Informal LanguageC. Better Not Use Formal or Technical LanguageD. The More Photos, the BetterEForget Miami, Los Angeles and New York. The next big Latin music explosion is on its way in secondary markets across the United States, and the numbers are there to back it up. Among all genres(种类),Latin music was the only one registering growth in 2005. From tiny Vero Beach in northern Florida to Des Moines, Iowa, in the heart of the Midwest, from Charlotte, N. C. to Salt Lake City, Latin music sales are skyrocketing.Wilson says there are two major reasons for the increase. One is simply the Hispanic(说西班牙语国家的) population's increase in specific areas, which encourages stores to carry Latin product for the first time. Second, and perhaps more important, is the fact that major companies—whether dealing in music or not—are addressing the Latin consumer at a corporate (公司的) level, creating Latin departments and hiring Latin ad agencies. One of Handleman's suburban Detroit stores, for example, has expanded its Latin section four times in the last two years. Cities like Milwaukee and Des Moines are now stocking Latin product.Besides, it also results from economic development. It goes something like this: More often than not, a city or country with a seeming important Hispanic population will suddenly expand its construction or offer affordable housing to those working in larger, neighboring cities. This attracts lower-income workers, many of whom are Latin. Small shops and groceries begin to stock a small selection of music. When the Latin population numbers reach a critical mass, the local mass merchant, if there is one, begins stocking the product. Sooner or later, a local radio station follows; first AM, then FM. Sometimes it's a cable TV show or a small TV station.Of course, there are other driving forces that should not be forgotten, for example, regional Mexican music.72. The passage mainly tells readers _____________.A. that more and more Americans like Latin musicB. what makes Latin music develop fast in American marketC. why Latin music becomes Americans' favorite musicD. that Latin music is bringing in more benefits for Americans73. The underlined word "skyrocketing" in the first paragraph meansA. changing very quicklyB. disappearing slowlyC. recovering slowlyD. increasing very quickly74. According to the third paragraph, which shows the right relations among the following things?①economic development②more Latin workers③shops' stock of Latin music④local radio station⑤small TV station⑥the development of Latin music75. Suppose that passage doesn't finish, which of the following may be discussed next?A. The variety of Latin music in America.B. The economic development in Hispanic area.C. The historic development of regional Mexican music.D. The driving forces of regional Mexican music.Ⅴ. 短文改错(每题1分,共10题10分):Last year summer I went to London for a holiday. .76.____________I spent just a week there. While I am staying there I visited 77. ___________ many places of interests and had lots of friendly talks with .78. ___________all kinds people. I found a very interesting thing there. .79. ___________One of my Chinese friends who have been lived in London .80. ___________told me that many English families don’t like to buy new 81. ___________ television sets. There are many shops where can lend you 82. ___________TV sets. The shops are often filled by a great many people. 83. ___________Here they can borrow a set very easy, and it costs them only 84. ___________a little. Then it can be taken home or used for long. 85. ___________Ⅵ.书面表达(25分):神舟七号载人飞船于2008年9月25日晚21时10分在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,9月27日下午16时30分航天员翟志刚首次进行出舱活动, 成为中国太空行走第一人。
20XX年中学测试中学试题试卷科目:年级:考点:监考老师:日期:20XX届安徽省凤阳中学高三第四次月考化学试卷(本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,考试时间:100分钟满分:100分)可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 O—16 Na—23 Al—27 Cu—64 N—14第Ⅰ卷(选择题共48分)一、选择题(本题包括16个小题,每小题3分,共48分。
每小题只有一个正确选项...........,请把正确选项填写在答题卷上)1.生活中遇到的某些问题,常常涉及到化学,下列叙述正确的是A.废旧电池必须进行集中处理的主要原因是回收其中的石墨电极B.“雨后彩虹”和“海市蜃楼”现象的出现与胶体的性质有关C.被蜂蚁蜇咬会感觉痛痒难忍,若在患处涂抹稀氨水或氢氧化钠溶液,能减轻症状D.“加碘食盐”“含氟牙膏”“富硒营养品”“高钙牛奶”“加铁酱油”等等,这里的碘、氟、硒指的是分子,钙、铁则分别是钙离子和铁离子2.下列物质按照纯净物、混合物、电解质和非电解质顺序排列的是A.盐酸、水煤气、醋酸、干冰B.冰醋酸、福尔马林、硫酸钠、乙醇C.单甘油酯、混甘油酯、苛性钾、石灰石D.胆矾、漂白粉、氯化钾、氯气3.饱和氯水长期放置后,下列微粒在溶液中不减少的是A.Cl2B.HClO C.H2O D.Cl-4.常温下,下列溶液中一定能大量共存的离子组是A.含有大量S2-的溶液:ClO-、Na+、Cl-、CO32-B.无色澄清溶液:MnO4-、SO42-、K+、Fe2+C.能使pH试纸变红的溶液:NH4+、Na+、SO42-、Fe3+D.水电离产生的c(H+)=1×10-12mol/L的溶液:HCO3-、NH4+、Cl-、Ca2+ 5.以下说法中能证明某无色透明液体是纯净水的是A.测得该液体pH=7B.电解该液体得到氢气和氧气,且其体积比为2:1C.向其中投入金属钠,钠浮于液面上迅速游动,并发出丝丝响声D.在l.0l×105Pa压强下测得其沸点为373.15K6.N A表示阿伏加德罗常数,下列叙述中正确的是A.通常状态下,NH4+和NH2-各1 mol含有的电子数均为10N AB.标准状况下当氧气与氦气的原子数均为N A时,它们具有相同的体积C.在100 mL 1 mol·L-1乙酸溶液中含乙酸的分子数为0.1 N AD.1 mol 硫化氢在氧气中完全燃烧时,转移的电子数为2N A7.下列表达方式正确的是A .二氧化碳B.N原子的轨道表示式写成C.Fe2+离子的核外电子排布式1s22s22p63s23p6 3d6 或[Ar]3d6D.NH4H的电子式是8.下列对实验仪器名称的标注或实验操作,正确的是9.将Cu片放入0.1 mol·L-1的FeCl3溶液中,反应一段时间后取出Cu片,此时溶液中c (Fe3+):c(Fe2+)=2:3,则此时溶液中Cu2+与Fe3+的物质的量之比为A.3:2 B.3:5 C.4:3 D.3:4 10.2021年秋冬季,我省全球基金项目疟疾管理办公室在中小学校开展了“预防疟疾,保护健康”活动。
安徽省凤阳中学2009届上学期高三英语第四次月考试卷Ⅰ. 听力部分(每题1.5分,共20题30分):第一节1. What do we learn about the man?A. He slept well on the plane.B. He had a long trip.C. He had a meeting.2.Why will the woman stay home in the evening?A. To wait for a call.B. To watch a ball game on TV.C. To have dinner with a friend.3.What gift will the woman probably get for Mary?A. A school bag.B. A record.C. A theatre ticket.4.What does the man mainly do in his spare time?A. Learn a language.B. Do some sports.C. Play the piano.5.What did the woman like doing when she was young?A.Riding a bicycle with friends.B. Traveling the country.C. Reading alone.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6, 7题.6.Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel.B. At a booking office.C. At a friend’s house.7. What will the man probably do in a few days?A. Fly to another country.B. Come to the same hotel.C. Drive here to visit friends听第7段材料,回答第8, 9,10题.8.What did the man worry about at the beginning of the conversation?A.He might not find everything he wanted.B.He might not have enough money with him.C.He might not be able to carry the shopping.9.How much should the man pay?A. ﹩5B. ﹩75C. ﹩75.0510. What did the woman do in the end?A. She charged the man a little less.B. She asked the man to pay her later.C. She made a mistake in adding up the cost.听第8段材料,回答第11, 12,13题.11.Where are the speakers?A. In a classroom.B. In a theater.C. In an office.12. Why does the man plan to leave early?A. He is going on vacation.B. He is going to a performance.C. He is going to the post office.13. What does the woman offer to do?A. Cl ean the office.B. Pick up the man’s son.C. Finish the man’s work.听第9段材料,回答第14, 15, 16, 17题.14. How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?A. Angry.B. Surprised.C. glad.15. What size bag does the woman want?A. A 24-inch bag.B. A 29-inch bag.C. A 32-inch bag.16. When will the woman leave for Mexico?A. On Thursday.B. On Friday.C. On Saturday.17. Where does the man work?A. At a mail order company.B. At an international travel service.C. At the airport information desk.听第10段材料,回答第18, 19, 20题18. Why did the woman not go to college?A. She didn’t pass the exam.B. She wasn’t interested in college.C. She couldn’t afford college education.19. What job does the woman say she did?A. She was a bus conductor.B. She was a shop assistant.C. She was a housekeeper.20. What did the woman think of her friend’s college life?A. It was busy.B. It was wonderful.C. It was dull.语言知识与运用部分Ⅱ. 单项选择题(每题1分,共15题15分):21. —Why did the oil price go up so quickly in some advanced countries?—Because they were ________ dependent on imported oil.A. heavilyB. obviouslyC. strictlyD. accidentally22. _________ the Olympic games cost us a lot, it bridged the distance between peopleand developed friendship.A. WhenB. WhileC. IfD. As23. I can’t remember ___________ Olympic Games that gave me so much pleasure as in Beijing.A. aB. 不填C. anD. the24. This hotel _________ $140 for a single room with bath.A. chargesB. claimsC. pricesD. accept25. —Have you finished your homework?—No. I _______ my mother in the kitchen all day yesterday.A. had helpedB. helpedC. would helpD. was helping26. Seeing Zhai Zhigang walk out of the spaceship, we cheered, ________ tears rollingdown our cheeks.A. excitingB. excitedC. to be excitingD. being excited27. —How can you carry out such huge amount of work?. —Don’t worry; I’ll ________.A. reserveB. attachC. surviveD. evolve28. —Do you believe what he says?—No! _________!A. No matter whatB. whateverC. NothingD. No more29. There are about 2,000 different kinds of spider in Australia and, like snakes,________ have a poisonous bite.A. most of whichB. most of thatC. mostD. in which30. Julia was not interested in the picnic. I _________ her to go with me, though.We had a good time there.A. advisedB. insistedC. suggestedD. persuaded31. Many people expressed their ideas to _________ their governments to save theirstock(股票) markets.A. call outB. call inC. call forD. call up32. Our government took measures in time to protect children who had taken Sanlubaby milk __________ it was too late.A. now thatB. as long asC. unlessD. before33. The news excited all the people all over the country __________ Shenzhou 7thsucceeded in returning to the earth.A. thatB. whichC. whetherD. what34. -Time please.-_________. It’s 5:30.A. No problemB. No tro ubleC. SorryD. I’m afraid not35. -Don’t worry. You can learn English as well as you wish.-______________A. Thank you. I’ll do my best.B. I think so.C. It’s nothing serious.D. Never mind.Ⅲ. 完形填空: (每题1.5分,共20题30分)For long, a question disturbed a little boy. He couldn't understand why his next-desk-pal(同伴) could rank 1st whenever he wanted to, while he himself 36 to.At home, he asked his Mom, "Mom, am I more 37 than others? I feel I study as hard as him, but why do I 38 lag behind?" Staring at him, she went 39 , not knowing how to explain.She felt an impulse (冲动) to say," You are too 40 .You are not really as hard-working as others... " but she stopped 41 she knew her son was suffering from the pains of 42 grades and rankings. She thought it 43 to add any additional burden to his son and was trying to find out a 44 answer.Time went by quickly, the son finished primary school. 45 studying harder and better, he was still unable to 46 his pal. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to take him to the sea. During the trip, she 47 to give out an answer.Now, the son no longer __48 __his rankings, because, with the 1st ranking, hewas__ 49__ by Harvard University.Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to 50 the students and parents in his high school. In the speech, he mentioned a(n) 51 experience in his childhood,"…When my mother and I were lying on the beach, she pointed to the front and said,' Do you see the seabirds flying for food over there? When the 52 __ come near, little birds can escape quickly _53 _"clumsy" seagulls would take more time to complete the 54 . However, have you noticed birds that __55_ fly across the endless ocean are none other than "clumsy" seagulls? "( )36. A. refused B. decided C. failed D. afforded ( )37. A. troublesome B. stupid C. naughty D. careless ( )38. A. always B. never C. hardly D. even( )39. A. wrong B. worried C. crazy D. wordless ( )40. A. young B. lazy C. clever D. energetic ( )41. A. although B. before C. because D. unless ( )42. A. worrying B. surprising C. doubting D. unsatisfying( )43. A. cruel B. unnecessary C. important D. impossible ( )44. A. natural B. harmonious C. perfect D. ordinary ( )45. A. Besides B. Despite C. Beyond D. Without ( )46. A. get through B. come across C. compare with D. keep up with ( )47. A. managed B. hesitated C. determined D. remembered ( )48. A. cares about B. doubts about C. wonders about D. worries about( )49. A. invited B. accepted C. welcomed D. dismissed ( )50. A. visit B. contact C. address D. meet ( )51. A. private B. valuable C. interesting D. unexpected( )52. A. wave B. food C. wind D. time( )53. A. and B. since C. until D. while( )54. A. game B. fun C. match D. process( )55. A. suddenly B. immediately C. finally D. gradually Ⅳ. 阅读理解(每题2分,共20题40分):AThank you, Mr. Morley, for your kind introduction. It was very nice of you to speak of me like that. While I was listening, I had trouble believing that I was the man you were talking about.My thanks go out to all of you for being here at this dinner. I look around and say to myself, " These people are my friends. " And you know how good it is to be among friends.Seven years ago, I became the tennis coach at this school. I can remember arriving here as if it were yesterday. When I started coaching, we only had a small team then, just three boys and two girls, and only one tennis court. So my first job was to increase the team. At the end of the first year, we had ten boys and six girls. And it seems like the team keeps getting stronger every year.I've been lucky to have some really good players to coach. Coaches love good players. Some great players from our school over the past years include Herbert Bradbury, Christopher Stanton and Emma Austen, all champions during the years they played.Among the players on our team now is Arthur Burney, perhaps the best of them all. I'm sure you all join with me in wishing him good luck as he leaves for Capetown next week. He's our first student to enter the Capetown Junior International Tennis Tournament(锦标赛), where he will play against some of the best young tennis players in the world. Good luck, Ace!The time has come for me, however, to make a change. Recent health problems have made it difficult for me to continue coaching.I must say, I'm looking forward to my retirement with mixed feelings. I'm certainly ready for a long rest, but I'm a bit worried about what I'll do with all my spare time. You might find me coming down to watch the games from time to time. If you can still remember me, you might say hello.Thank you everyone. I'll miss you all.56. From the text, we know the passage is ________.A. a wanted adB. a welcome speechC. a farewell speechD. a sport introduction57. How does the man probably feel when he speaks?A. A bit puzzled.B. Quite disappointedC. Very angry.D. A little sad.58. The man would not work any more because of_________.A. his ageB. health problemsC. few good playerD. little money59. Which of the following is FALSE?A. There were only six players when the man started his work.B. Bradbury, Stanton and Austen were the man's students.C. The man recalled his work in the text.D. The man thanked all the people for coming to the meeting.BI stole your dog today. No, I didn't set a foot on your house, but from the condition of your dog, I can imagine what it looks like , the word "rubbish " comes to mind.I found her along a road, with a heavy chain wrapped around her neck, still attached to rotten boards from her doghouse. Not only did I know that most of the town people had already ignored her, judging by where I found her, but I knew that if she had gotten into the woods, the "cross" that she dragged behind her would have wrapped around a tree until starvation or thirst killed her.She has a beautiful name now. Already in the first week she has come to look more like she should. Her eyes sparkle and she has learned to wag her tail in greeting. She has stopped flinching(畏缩) when I make a sudden movement, because she knows now that I won't beat her, in fact, she rarely leaves my side. She's even become brave enough to bark at a cat and today I watched from the window as she attemptedto play with the other dogs. No, it's clear she does not miss you or her former life on a chain.It's not clear yet whether she'll remain here or whether I'll find her a loving home where she can count on more individual attention than I can give her, but one thing is certain ,this is one bit of stolen "property" who is never returning to you, so sue me, accuse me, plead with the courts that she is rightfully yours. I'm convinced this is the best " crime" I've ever committed. Hardly anything has pleased me more than the day I stole your dog. I need only look into her beautiful brown eyes to know that she'd defend my decision with her life. If we have one prayer, it is that you will not replace her, and if we have one special day to celebrate together, it is the day I stole your dog and the day she stole my heart.60. What's the author's attitude towards the former owner of the dog?A. Puzzled.B. Angry.C. Shocked.D. Satisfied.61. It can be inferred from the passage that _____________.A. the dog is not lovelyB. the dog tried to find a kind masterC. the dog was treated badly by its former masterD. the author will be charged with stealing a dog62. All the following statements showed us the dog's recovery from her nature EXCEPT________.A. not missing her former masterB. barking at a catC. playing with other dogsD. waving her tail to make greetings63. What did the author think of his theft?A. He was afraid of being punished.B. He thought he had to do it.C. He believed that the law would allow him to do so.D. He did it with pride.CHe was killed 45 years ago. Since then his memory has been clouded by dark tales of affairs with the likes of Marilyn Monroe (玛莉莲·梦露), and links with the Mafia(黑手党).But the myth(神话)of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the US, will not disappear. As America marked the anniversary of his death in Dallas, Texas ,on November 22,1963 ,questions were still being asked.The official conclusion was that Lee Harvey Oswald, who worked at a Dallas book storehouse, murdered Kennedy. But all kinds of other ideas have been put forward as to what happened and why.Some people believe Oswald was a madman, who spent some time in Russia and was an admirer of Fidel Castro, president of Cuba. It is said he was inspired by James Bond's spy novels and killed Kennedy as a gift for Castro.But Oswald's brother thought he was a sad and lonely man who murdered the president to get attention and show off his shooting skills.Meanwhile, some experts said that Oswald was really aiming for Texas Governor John Connally. He was said to have been angry with Connally, who was also secretary of the navy, over how he had been forced to leave the service.A large number of people think the truth has been covered up on purpose ;even now, surveys show that more than half of Americans believe that Oswald was not working alone. An investigation (调查)found that four shots were fired ,with one shot coming from the building that Oswald was in.But two days after the murder, Oswald himself was killed by Jack Rubinstein, a night-club owner. Rubinstein had Mafia connections and this has led to the theory that they were actually responsible for killing Kennedy.Lyndon Johnson, who became president after Kennedy, has also been accused of being behind it all. According to reports, Johnson was sworn in (宣誓就职) even before Kennedy's death was announced. "We have a really tough decision that we don't want to face. There was a conspiracy(合谋)and people want an answer, " said Barr McClellan, who has written a book about the murder."The myth is very powerful," said Robert Dallek, a historian at Boston University, who has just published a book about Kennedy. "He was the first president to appear on television. He is frozen in our minds aged 46, forever young, energetic and charming. "64. The writer mentions the dark tales about Kennedy to show that___________.A. though he is popular, he wasn't perfectB. even though he wasn't perfect, he is still popularC. rumors(谣言) are of human natureD. in America, presidents don't have much privacy65. Which of the following can be used to replace the phrase "put forward" in Paragraph 3 ?A. imaginedB. designedC. suggestedD. inspired66. Which of the following statements about Lee Harvey Oswald is WRONG?A. He only fired one shot.B. One shot fired at Kennedy was from the sixth floor of the building he was in.C. He was an employee of a book storehouse in Dallas, Texas.D. He once served in the American navy, but he was forced to leave.67. Which of the following will the writer probably write Kennedy below the last paragraph?A. What he achieved as a president.B. What else makes Kennedy a mythical figure.C. What happened after his death.D. His affairs with the likes of Marilyn Monroe and the Mafia.DWhen writing for A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, authors should consider that the journal's aim is to provide information to our physical educators and coaches that will help them in their daily work. We look for articles that find out a problem and offer concrete, step-by-step solutions, or describe " bestpractices" for typical coach activities or responsibilities.A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators does not publish research studies or theoretical treatment of topics, but does welcome compositions that explain how research or theory can be put into practice. Authors are encouraged to review recent issues of A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators for content and form before presenting, or contact the editor for further information.Write in an informal, conversational and straightforward tone, and minimize formal or technical language. Ideas should be clear, simple and logical. Give practical examples, and when possible, include photos, tables or charts to explain your ideas. Have a partner review your article for content and clarity of presentation before you send it out.All accepted articles are edited by the editors. Experts in fields related to sport and physical education will be invited to submit articles on selected topics. However, solicited articles are subject (经受) to the same review process, and publication is based on positive recommendations by reviewers.A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators welcomes photos for publication. Photos for covers must be high quality, glossy color photos in vertical(垂直) format. If digital, photos must be no less than 1200 DPI. Photos with articles must be high quality black/white or color glossy. If digital, photos must be at least 300 DPI.68. The underlined word "minimize" probably means _________A. to have an effect of preventingB. to look up information directlyC. to allow the proper use ofD. to reduce to the smallest possible amount69. What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?A. Advice to physical and sport teachers and coaches.B. Advice to authors who are likely to write for the magazine.C. Advice to sport and physical experts who are likely to write for the magazine.D. Advice to A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators.70. According to the text, which of the following manuscripts is the most likely to be accepted?A. The one whose idea is the most advanced in the world, and is strictly and formally written.B. The one that is the most lively and vivid and written in an authoritative way.C. The one whose method is improved and written in plain English.D. The one whose theory is practical and written in technical language.71. The best title for this text is_________.A. Guidelines for AuthorsB. Better Write in Informal LanguageC. Better Not Use Formal or Technical LanguageD. The More Photos, the BetterEForget Miami, Los Angeles and New York. The next big Latin music explosion is on its way in secondary markets across the United States, and the numbers are thereto back it up. Among all genres(种类),Latin music was the only one registering growth in 2005. From tiny Vero Beach in northern Florida to Des Moines, Iowa, in the heart of the Midwest, from Charlotte, N. C. to Salt Lake City, Latin music sales are skyrocketing.Wilson says there are two major reasons for the increase. One is simply the Hispanic(说西班牙语国家的) population's increase in specific areas, which encourages stores to carry Latin product for the first time. Second, and perhaps more important, is the fact that major companies—whether dealing in music or not—are addressing the Latin consumer at a corporate (公司的) level, creating Latin departments and hiring Latin ad agencies. One of Handleman's suburban Detroit stores, for example, has expanded its Latin section four times in the last two years. Cities like Milwaukee and Des Moines are now stocking Latin product.Besides, it also results from economic development. It goes something like this: More often than not, a city or country with a seeming important Hispanic population will suddenly expand its construction or offer affordable housing to those working in larger, neighboring cities. This attracts lower-income workers, many of whom are Latin. Small shops and groceries begin to stock a small selection of music. When the Latin population numbers reach a critical mass, the local mass merchant, if there is one, begins stocking the product. Sooner or later, a local radio station follows; first AM, then FM. Sometimes it's a cable TV show or a small TV station.Of course, there are other driving forces that should not be forgotten, for example, regional Mexican music.72. The passage mainly tells readers _____________.A. that more and more Americans like Latin musicB. what makes Latin music develop fast in American marketC. why Latin music becomes Americans' favorite musicD. that Latin music is bringing in more benefits for Americans73. The underlined word "skyrocketing" in the first paragraph meansA. changing very quicklyB. disappearing slowlyC. recovering slowlyD. increasing very quickly74. According to the third paragraph, which shows the right relations among the following things?①economic development②more Latin workers③shops' stock of Latin music④local radio station⑤smal l TV station⑥the development of Latin music75. Suppose that passage doesn't finish, which of the following may be discussed next?A. The variety of Latin music in America.B. The economic development in Hispanic area.C. The historic development of regional Mexican music.D. The driving forces of regional Mexican music.Ⅴ. 短文改错(每题1分,共10题10分):Last year summer I went to London for a holiday. .76.____________ I spent just a week there. While I am staying there I visited 77. ___________many places of interests and had lots of friendly talks with .78. ___________all kinds people. I found a very interesting thing there. .79. ___________One of my Chinese friends who have been lived in London .80. ___________ told me that many English families don’t like to buy new 81. ___________television sets. There are many shops where can lend you 82. ___________ TV sets. The shops are often filled by a great many people. 83. ___________Here they can borrow a set very easy, and it costs them only 84. ___________a little. Then it can be taken home or used for long. 85. ___________Ⅵ.书面表达(25分):神舟七号载人飞船于2008年9月25日晚21时10分在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,9月27日下午16时30分航天员翟志刚首次进行出舱活动, 成为中国太空行走第一人。
①解释社会底蕴②把生活的厚厚尘埃擦拭掉③让诗性与神性的光辉重新放射出来④一方面像成人一样以成熟的、深刻的、理性的眼光看待生活⑤一方面以儿童的天真的、陌生的、非理性的眼光看待生活A.④②⑤①③B. ④①⑤②③C. ⑤①④②③D. ②⑤④①③二、(9分,每小题3分)阅读下面的文字,完成5-7题。
《精编》安徽省滁州市高三数学上学期第四次月考试题 理新人教A版.doc
安徽凤阳艺荣高考补习届第四次月考数 学 试 题〔理〕2012年11月25日第一卷〔共50分〕一、选择题〔此题共10小题,总分值50分〕1.设集合A={1,2,3,4,5,6},B={4,5,6,7,8},那么满足A S ⊆且φ≠B S 的集合S 的个数是〔 〕2.命题“所有能被2整除的整数都是偶数〞的否认..是〔 〕3.假设)(x f 是R 上周期为5的奇函数,且满足,2)2(,1)1(==f f 那么)4()3(f f -=( )4.设变量x,y 满足|x|+|y|≤1,那么x+2y 的最大值和最小值分别为,-15.假设点〔a,b 〕在lg y x = 图像上,a ≠1,那么以下点也在此图像上的是〔 〕A.〔a 1,b 〕B.〔10a,1-b 〕C. 〔a 10,b+1〕D.〔a 2,2b 〕 6.平面上点P 与不共线三点A 、B 、C 满足关系式PA PB PC AB ++=, 那么〔 〕A.2CP PA =B.2AP PB =C. 2PB PC =D. 2BP PC =}{n a 是任意等比数列,它的前n 项和,前2n 项和与前3n 项和分别为X ,Y ,Z ,那么以下等式中恒成立的是( )A.Y Z X 2=+B.)()(X Z Z X Y Y -=-C.XZ Y =2D.)()(X Z X X Y Y -=-8.一个空间几何体的三视图如以以下图,那么该几何体的外表积为( ) 17179.动点),(y x A 在圆122=+y x 上绕坐标原点沿逆时针方向匀速旋转,12秒旋转一周.定时t=0时,点A 的坐标是)23,21(,那么当120≤≤t 时,动点A 的纵坐 标y 关于t 〔单位:秒〕的函数的单调递增区间是( )A.[0,1]B.[1,7]C.[7,12]D.[0,1]和[7,12] 2)1()(x ax x f n -=在区间〔0,1〕上的图像如以以下图,那么n 可能是( )第二卷〔共100分〕 二、填空题〔此题共5小题,总分值25分〕 在处取最小值,那么12.如果执行如图3所示的程序框图,输入 4.5x =,那么输出的数i = .13.向量,a b 满足(2)()a b a b +-=-6,且a =1,b =2,那么a 与b 的夹角为 .14.ABC 的一个内角为120o,并且三边长构成公差为4的等差数列,那么ABC 的面积为_______________. ()f x =sin 2cos 2a x b x +,其中a ,b ∈R ,ab ≠0,假设()()6f x f π≤对一切那么x ∈R 恒成立,那么 ①11()012f π= ②7()10f π<()5f π ③()f x 既不是奇函数也不是偶函数④()f x 的单调递增区间是2,()63k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤++∈⎢⎥⎣⎦⑤存在经过点〔a ,b 〕的直线与函数()f x 的图像不相交以上结论正确的选项是 〔写出所有正确结论的编号〕.三、解答题〔此题共6小题,总分值75分,请写出必要的解题步骤与文字说明〕16.〔本小题总分值12分〕在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 所对边长分别为,,a b c ,AB AC =8,BAC θ∠=,4a =. 〔Ⅰ〕求b c ⋅的最大值及θ的取值范围;〔Ⅱ〕求函数22()23()2cos 34f πθθθ=++.17.〔本小题总分值12分〕设二次方程2110(N)n n a x a x n +-+=∈有两根α和β,且满足6263ααββ-⋅+=, 〔Ⅰ〕求证:数列2{}3n a -是等比数列; 〔Ⅱ〕当176a =时,求数列{}n na 的前n 项和.18.〔本小题总分值12分〕△ABC 的三个内角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,2sin sin cos 2a A B b A a +=. 〔Ⅰ〕求b a; 〔Ⅱ〕假设2223c b a =,求角B .19.〔本小题总分值13分〕如图,正方形ABCD 与等边三角形ABE 所的平面互相垂直,M 、N 分别是DE 、AB 的中点。
凤阳荣达学校第四次质量检测地理试题出题人:王海中第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共40分)一、选择题(本题包括40小题。
每小题只一个选项符合题意)1.从A 地(60°N,90°E)到B 地(60°N,140°E),若不考虑地形因素,最近的走法是A .一直向东走B .一直向西走C .先向东南,再向东,最后向东北走D .先向东北,再向东,最后向东南走下图中甲为某城市的风向玫瑰图(全年各月平均风向频率),乙为雨量与风向关系图(某风向期间的降雨量),读图回答第2、3两题。
2.某地风向与雨量的相关情况,正确的是( )A 吹西风和东风时,雨量最多B 吹北风和南风时,雨量最少C 吹东南风和西南风时,雨量最少D 吹南风和东南风时,雨量最多3.如该城市要建设一火电厂,则最佳区位应在城市的( )A 东北地区B 西南地区C 东南地区D 西北地区4. 关于对下列景观图的判断正确的是( )60º90º140ºA.该河床只有a岸受到侵蚀 B.若河流中有砂金,淘金处应在a地C.若在a、b处,建港口,,应在b地 D.若在a、b处,建城市,,应在b地近年来,随着全球气候变暖,我国部分地区的自然环境出现了一系列反常现象。
5.下列现象中,与全球气候变暖有关的是:①天山博格达峰雪线下降②东海出现南海的鱼种③华北地区树枝提前抽芽④灾害性天气出现频繁A.②③④ B.①②③ C.①③④ D.①②④6.自然界中某种因素的变化会引起其他一系列因素的变化,例如青藏高原积雪面积减小,会引起该地域自然环境的连锁变化。
这种变化包括:①地表温度年变化增大②风化加速导致岩崩现象加剧③羊八井地热温度升高④山地针叶林带海拔高度降低A.①④ B.②③ C.③④ D.①②7.自然状态下,青藏高原与同纬度的四川盆地相比,花开得更鲜艳,病虫害更少。
其主要原因是A.海拔高,冬夏温差大 B. 海拔高,降水多C.水热条件好,地形平坦 D.太阳紫外线强,总辐射量大根据表4资料,回答8~10题。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Mary liked to look back on her high—school days,she thought were the happiest in her life.A.that B.what C.which D.when2.My mother opened the drawer to ______ the knives and spoons.A.put away B.put up C.put on D.put together3.Nowadays, the Internet is a popular ________ for the public to access information and voice their opinions. A.track B.trendC.channel D.lane4.All of a sudden, the thief walking behind a young and pretty lady _______ her purse, ______into the crowd. A.seizing; rushed B.seized; rushed C.seizing; rushing D.seized; rushing5.You have a big mouth, Tom. You have told everybody the secret.A.can’t B.mustn’tC.shouldn’t D.mightn’t6.Experience is a hard teacher because she ________ the test first, the lesson afterwards.A.gives B.has given C.was giving D.would give7.We can never expect ____ bluer sky unless we create ____ less polluted world.A.a; a B.a; theC.the; a D.the; the8.In my opinion, parents and teachers are supposed to set an example of good behavior to children _____ they are role models to them.A.although B.even if C.unless D.as9.A s a doctor, I spend most of the time with my patients, and that’s ________ it is in my day.A.how B.when C.why D.where10.--- Mom, can you give me an extra 200 yuan a month?--- Son, we have just bought a house, and from now on we need to practise strict .A.economy B.medicine C.self-control D.patience11.Jane established a program, ____ young people to take part in activities ____ promote greater concern for the environment.A.to encourage; where B.having encouraged; whereC.encouraging; that D.encouraged; which12.The drums of war are beating once again. As tensions rise between America and Iran, China appeals to both sides to ________.A.stand by B.come alongC.step back D.stick together13.My son turned to bookstores and libraries seeking information about the book recommended by his professor, but ________ none.A.would find B.had foundC.found D.has been finding14.There will be an endless power of youth supporting the Chinese nation’s rejuvenation_______ the younger generation of the country has ideals , pursuits and shoulders.A.as far as B.so long asC.even if D.as if15.The shocking news made me realize ________ terrible problems we would face.A.what B.howC.that D.why16.I' ve heard that preparations______for the coming festival. Let's give them a hand.A.are being made B.have been madeC.are making D.have made17.Y ou can never be ________ when crossing the street.A.very careful B.too careful C.carefully enough D.enough careful18.James, I don’t mind lending you the money ____ you pay it back within a month.A.although B.now thatC.unless D.as long as19.Lisa wouldn’t ________ the job any more. She had a big argument with her boss and resigned.A.come up with B.keep up withC.make up with D.put up with20.— Have you wat ched the film “Avatar”?— Not yet. But I the film is worth watching.A.am told B.was told C.have told D.have been told第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
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2 •对图1所示地区地理状况的叙述是()
A •甲地形区是该国人口、矿产资源的主要分布区
................... 禺
F ---------
str E
A .热带沙漠气候
B .热带雨林气候
C.热带草原气候 D .亚热带季风气候
A •位于板块交界处,多火山、地震()
B •分布着世界上面积最大的热带雨林
C.矿产资源丰富,以锡和石油最著名 D •是世界上人口稠密的地区之一
读图所示的等值线,图中a v b v c,据图回答5--7题。
A• 7月份,北半球 B • 1月份,南半球
C. 1月份,北半球 D • 7月份,南半球
A.①处为山顶,②处为谷底 B .①处为山脊,②处为山谷
C甲处可能有小河流经 D •乙处可能有小河流经
A •乙处比甲处气压咼
B •①处为咼压脊,②处为低压槽
C •甲处可能有锋面雨D•乙处可能吹西北风
9 •图中年降水量最丰富的是(
11 .如果P地此时正为黄昏时刻,则下列说法不可能的是(
10 •当江南丘陵地区收割早稻时, Y两地()
A •出现炎热干燥
B • X地多雨, Y地干燥
C •都普遍吹偏西风
D •正是甜菜收获季节
A • X、Y、Q三地都处在黄昏
B • X、Y两地为白天,而Q地为黑夜
C • Q地为白天,而X、Y两地为黑夜
D • X地为白天,Y、Q两地为黑夜
F图为30° N纬线地形剖面图,读图完成12题。
12 •图示x 海区与Y 高原分别位于(
A •太平洋板块 美洲板块 C .南极洲板块
6月22日,甲、乙两地处在北半球同一经线上,当甲、乙两地日影最短时,测得甲地太 阳高度角为60°乙地太阳高度角为 36°甲、乙两地在某地图上的最短距离是 44. 4厘米。
不考虑地形因素,完成 13—15题。
A .甲、乙两地当天不可能同时看到日出 B. 甲、乙两地自转的线速度相同 C. 甲、乙两地昼夜长短相同
D .甲、乙两地此时的太阳高度不是一年中的最大值 14.该地图比例尺为 (
A . 1: 24000000
B .图上1厘米代表实际距离 30千米
C ./、十万分之一
n -60
60 12G ItO
u • 1
以下四幅昼夜长短的季节变化示意图中,表示乙地的是( )
□昼 遂僅
图中,虚线ACB 表示晨昏线,阴影部分表示 7月6日,非阴影部分与阴影部分的日期不 同。
据此回答16 — 17题。
下列叙述正确的是( ) ①该图表示北半球
B •亚欧板块 太平洋板块 D •非洲板块
0 15 30°
18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. ③AC 为晨线 ④BC 为晨线 A .①④ B .②③ C .①③ 此时北京时间为 ( ) A . 7月6日12时 B . 7月7日12时 C . 7 月 6 日 24 时 D . 7月5日24时 读下图,回答18〜23题 17. ①
D .②④
甲- 若此图表示热力环流,下列说法正确的是 A .丙处气压比甲处高 C .丙处气压比丁处低 若此图代表 三圈环流”中的中纬环流图, A .③气流比较湿润 C •甲是副热带高气压
若此图代表海陆间循环,下列说法正确的是 A •甲处是陆地,乙处是海洋 C .乙处的降水量小于蒸发量 B •甲处气压比乙处高 D •甲处气温比乙处低 则正确的是(
B .乙处多锋面雨 D .④气流由于热力上升
B .③代表径流输送 D .④代表地表蒸发和植物蒸腾 若此图为太平洋某海域大洋环流,下列说法正确的是 A .该地为北太平洋中、高纬海域
C .丙处有大渔场 B .②代表秘鲁寒流
D .④代表千岛寒流 若此图为东亚夏季季风环流图,则图中所示情况是 A .甲处是海洋,乙处是陆地 B .④气流动力作用上升 C .①气流较③气流湿润 D .②气流动力作用下沉 23.若此图为北印度洋的大洋环流图,下列说法正确的是 A .加尔各答吹东北风 B .开普敦进入多雨季节 C .我国主要受极地大陆气团的影响 D .亚欧大陆等温线向南突出 读北半球部分气候类型分布图,完成 24—25 题 7Q'
B . b 山C. c 山 D . d 山
A .气温的年较差
B .年内降水分配不均
C.降水集中季节不同 D .最冷月平均气温
1 .读以我国为中心的地面天气系统图,回答下列问题。
(8 分)
(1)A、B、C、D四地中,气温下降最明显的是 _,降水历时较长的是 _。
(2)下列地区风力最大的是________ 。
判断理由是________________________________________________________ 。
(3)我国东部大部分地区在________ 天气系统控制下,多为____________ 天气。
(2 分)
(4)日本和韩国在__________ 天气系统控制下,多为_______________ 天气。
(1)该图是 __________ 洲沿____________ (纬线)绘制的剖面图。
(2)A处的气候类型是___________ ,形成原因是______________________________ (4分)
(3)F处是____________ 海峡,E处经过的洋流名称是 _________________ 。
(4)过地心和H点正相对的点的地理坐标是 ________ ,它附近的岛屿属于 ________ (国家)
5 .读沿20°N 的地形剖面图,回答下列问题.(9分)
4 .读某区域图,回答下列各题。
( 8 分)
(3)为解决甲镇的用水问题, 拟在图中A 、 E 两处选一处建水库, 建在何处比较合理?
(1)此日当a 地日落时,北京时间为
月 日 _________ 时。
(2 分)
(2)此日,在赤道上,属于东半球且位于白昼的范围是: (3)此日之后的三个月,北极圈内的极昼如何变化? (4)请把此图转画成以南极点为中心的日照图。
分) (2 分) □a (1) C 陡崖的相对高度最多不会超过
(2)图中的地质构造是 __________ ,判断的依据是
p;:工 __________
_ __ ____ -
(1)图中 D 半岛的名称是 _________ ,该处的主要地形区为 ______ _____ • (3 分)
(2) 图中E 海域的名称是 _______ ,A 、C 、E 中属印度洋海域的是___ (填字母)。
(2 分)
(3) M 河是B 半岛上重要的国际性河流,其上游是我国境内的 _________ 江,该河属于 ___ 水系•( 2分)
(4) 在宗教信仰上,B 半岛上的居民多信奉 _______ 教,D 半岛的居民多信奉 ______ 教.(2 分)
A 、
B 、
C 分别为不同河段上的三个点,该点处横
(1) 该河流的流向是 _________________ 。
( 1分)
(2) 用地质作用的有关知识分析河流在 A 、B 两处成谷的原因。
,其重要的经济作物是 新 ----------- 老。