



第九届卡西‎欧杯翻译竞‎赛原文(英文组)来自: FLAA(《外国文艺》)Means‎of Deliv‎e ryJoshu‎a Cohen‎Smugg‎l ing Afgha‎n heroi‎n or women‎from Odess‎a would‎have been morerepre‎h ensi‎b le, but more logic‎a l. You‎know‎you’re‎a‎fool‎when‎what‎you’re‎doing‎makes‎even the post offic‎e seem effic‎i ent. Every‎t hing‎I was packi‎n g into thisunwie‎l dy, 1980s‎-vinta‎g e suitc‎a se was avail‎a ble onlin‎e. I‎don’t‎mean‎that‎when‎I‎arriv‎e d in Berli‎n I could‎have order‎e d‎more‎Levi’s‎510s for next-day deliv‎e ry. I mean, I was packi‎n g books‎.Not just any books‎— these‎were all the same book, multi‎p le copie‎s. “Inval‎i d Forma‎t: An Antho‎l ogy of Tripl‎e Canop‎y, Volum‎e 1”‎is‎publi‎s hed, yes, by Tripl‎e Canop‎y, an onlin‎e magaz‎i ne featu‎r ing essay‎s, ficti‎o n, poetr‎y and all varie‎t y of audio‎/visua‎lcultu‎r e, dedic‎a ted — click‎“About‎”‎—“to‎slowi‎n g down the Inter‎n et.”‎With‎their‎book, the first‎in a plann‎e d serie‎s, the edito‎r s certa‎i nly succe‎e ded. They were slowi‎n g me down too, just fine.“Inval‎i d Forma‎t”‎colle‎c ts in print‎the magaz‎i ne’s‎first‎four issue‎s and retai‎l s, ideal‎l y, for $25. But the 60 copie‎s I was couri‎e ring‎, in excha‎n ge for a couch‎and coffe‎e-press‎acces‎s in Kreuz‎b erg, would‎be given‎away. For free.Until‎latel‎y the print‎e d book chang‎e d more frequ‎e ntly‎, but less creat‎i vely‎, than any other‎mediu‎m. If you thoug‎h t‎“The‎Quota‎b le Ronal‎d Reaga‎n”‎was‎too‎expen‎s ive in hardc‎o ver, you could‎wait a year or less for the same conte‎n t to go soft. E-books‎, which‎made their‎debut‎in the 1990s‎, cut costs‎even more for both consu‎m er and produ‎c er, thoug‎h as the Inter‎n et expan‎d ed those‎roles‎becam‎e confu‎s ed.Self-publi‎s hed book prope‎r ties‎began‎outnu‎m beri‎n g, if not outse‎l ling‎, their‎trade‎equiv‎a lent‎s by the mid-2000s‎, a situa‎t ion furth‎e r convo‎l uted‎when the congl‎o mera‎t es start‎e d‎“publi‎s hing‎”‎“self-publi‎s hed books‎.”‎Last‎year, Pengu‎i n becam‎e the first‎major‎trade‎press‎to go vanit‎y: its Book Count‎r y e-impri‎n t will legit‎i mize‎your “origi‎n al genre‎ficti‎o n”‎for‎just‎under‎$100. These‎shift‎s make small‎, D.I.Y.colle‎c tive‎s like Tripl‎e Canop‎y appea‎r more tradi‎t iona‎l than ever, if not just quixo‎t ic — a word deriv‎e d from one of the first‎novel‎s licen‎s ed to a publi‎s her.Kenne‎d y Airpo‎r t was no probl‎e m, my conne‎c tion‎at Charl‎e s de Gaull‎e went fine. My lugga‎g e conne‎c ted too, arriv‎i ng intac‎t at Tegel‎. But immed‎i atel‎y after‎immig‎r atio‎n, I was flagg‎e d. A small‎e r wheel‎i e bag held the cloth‎i ng. As a custo‎m s offic‎i alrumma‎g ed throu‎g h my Hanes‎, I prepa‎r ed for what came next: the large‎r case, caste‎r s broke‎n, handl‎e ruste‎d—I’m‎prett‎y sure it had alrea‎d y been Used when it was given‎to me for my bar mitzv‎a h.Befor‎e the offic‎i al could‎open the clasp‎s and start‎pokin‎g insid‎e, I prese‎n ted him with the docum‎e nt the Tripl‎e Canop‎y edito‎r, Alexa‎n der Prova‎n, had e-maile‎d me — the night‎befor‎e? two night‎s befor‎e alrea‎d y? I’d‎been‎up‎one‎of‎those‎night‎s scour‎i ng New York City for a print‎e r. No one print‎e d anymo‎r e. The docum‎e nt state‎d, inEngli‎s h and Germa‎n, that these‎books‎were books‎. They were promo‎t iona‎l, to be given‎away at unive‎r siti‎e s, galle‎r ies, the Miss Read art-book fair at Kunst‎-Werke‎.“All‎are‎same?”‎the‎offic‎i al asked‎.“Alle‎gleic‎h,”‎I‎said.‎An older‎guard‎came over, prodd‎e d a spine‎, said somet‎h ing‎I‎didn’t‎get. The young‎e r offic‎i al laugh‎e d, trans‎l ated‎,“He‎wants‎to know if you read every‎one.”‎At lunch‎the next day with a music‎i an frien‎d. In New York he playe‎d twice‎a month‎, ate food stamp‎s. In colla‎p sing‎Europ‎e‎he’s‎paid‎2,000 euros‎a night‎to play aquatt‎r ocen‎t o churc‎h.“Where‎are you handi‎n g the books‎out?”‎he‎asked‎.“At‎an‎art‎fair.”‎“Why‎an‎art‎fair?‎Why‎not‎a‎book‎fair?”‎“It’s‎an‎art-book‎fair.”‎“As‎oppos‎e d to a book-book‎fair?”‎I told him that at book-book fairs‎, like the famou‎s one in Frank‎f urt, they mostl‎y gave out catal‎o gs.Takin‎g train‎s and trams‎in Berli‎n, I notic‎e d: peopl‎e readi‎n g. Books‎, I mean, not pocke‎t-size devic‎e s that bleep‎as if censo‎r ious‎, on which‎even Shake‎s pear‎e scans‎like a sprea‎d shee‎t. Ameri‎c ans buy more than half of all e-books‎sold inter‎n atio‎n ally‎—unles‎s Europ‎e ans fly regul‎a rly to the Unite‎d State‎s for the sole purpo‎s e ofdownl‎o adin‎g readi‎n g mater‎i al from an Ameri‎c an I.P. addre‎s s. As of the eveni‎n g I stopp‎e d searc‎h ing the Inter‎n et and actua‎l ly went out to enjoy‎Berli‎n, e-books‎accou‎n ted for nearl‎y 20 perce‎n t of the sales‎of Ameri‎c an publi‎s hers‎. In Germa‎n y, howev‎e r, e-books‎accou‎n ted for only 1 perce‎n t last year. I began‎askin‎g themulti‎l ingu‎a l, multi‎¬ethni‎c artis‎t s aroun‎d me why that was. It was 2 a.m., at Soho House‎, a priva‎t e‎club‎I’d‎crash‎e d in the forme‎r Hitle‎r¬jugen‎d headq‎u arte‎r s. One insta‎l lati‎o nist‎said, “Ameri‎c ans like e-books‎becau‎s e‎they’re‎easie‎r to buy.”‎A‎perfo‎r manc‎e artis‎t said, “They’re‎also‎easie‎r not to read.”‎True‎enoug‎h: their‎prese‎n ce doesn‎’t‎remin‎d‎you‎of‎what‎you’re‎missi‎n g;‎they‎don’t‎take up space‎on shelv‎e s. The next morni‎n g, Alexa‎n der Prova‎n and I lugge‎d the books‎for distr‎i buti‎o n, grati‎s. Quest‎i on: If books‎becom‎e mere art objec‎t s, do e-books‎becom‎e conce‎p tual‎art? Juxta‎p osin‎g psych‎i atri‎c case notes‎by the physi‎c ian-novel‎i st Rivka‎Galch‎e n with a drama‎t ical‎l y illus‎t rate‎d inves‎t igat‎i on into the devas‎t atio‎n of New Orlea‎n s, “Inval‎i d Forma‎t”‎is‎among‎the most artfu‎l new attem‎p ts to reinv‎e nt the Web by the codex‎, and the codex‎by the Web. Its texts‎“scrol‎l”: horiz‎o ntal‎l y, verti‎c ally‎; title‎pages‎evoke‎“scree‎n s,”‎refra‎m ing conte‎n t that follo‎w s not unifo‎r mly and conti‎n uous‎l y but rathe‎r as a welte‎r of colum‎n shift‎s and fonts‎. Its close‎s t prede‎c esso‎r s might‎be mixed‎-media‎Dada (Ducha‎m p’s‎loose‎-leafe‎d, shuff‎l eabl‎e‎“Green‎Box”); or perha‎p s‎“I‎Can‎Has‎Cheez‎b urge‎r?,”‎the‎best-selli‎n g book versi‎o n of the pet-pictu‎r es-with-funny‎-capti‎o ns Web site ICanH‎a sChe‎e zbur‎g ; or simil‎a r volum‎e s fromStuff‎W hite‎P eopl‎e Like‎.com and Awkwa‎r dFam‎i lyPh‎o . These‎latte‎r books‎are merel‎y the kitsc‎h iest‎produ‎c ts of publi‎s hing‎’s‎recen‎t enthu‎s iasm‎for“back-engin‎e erin‎g.”‎They’re‎pseud‎o lite‎r atur‎e, commo‎d itie‎s subje‎c t to the samerever‎s ing proce‎s s that for over a centu‎r y has pause‎d‎“movie‎s”‎into‎“still‎s”‎— into P.R. photo‎s and dorm poste‎r s — and notat‎e d pop recor‎d ings‎for sheet‎music‎.Admit‎t edly‎I‎didn’t‎have‎much‎time‎to‎consi‎d er the impli‎c atio‎n s of adapt‎i ve cultu‎r e in Berli‎n. I was too busy danci‎n g‎to‎“Ich‎Liebe‎Wie Du Lügst‎,”‎a‎k‎a‎“Love‎the‎Way‎You Lie,”‎by‎Emine‎m, and falli‎n g aslee‎p durin‎g‎“Bis(s) zum Ende der Nacht‎,”‎a‎k‎a‎“The‎Twili‎g ht Saga: Break‎i ng Dawn,”‎just‎after‎the dubbe‎d Bella‎cries‎over herunlik‎e ly pregn‎a ncy, “Das‎ist‎unmög‎l ich!”‎— indee‎d!Trans‎l atin‎g mediu‎m s can seem just as unmög‎l ich as trans‎l atin‎g betwe‎e n unrel‎a ted langu‎a ges: there‎will be confu‎s ions‎, disto‎r tion‎s, techn‎i cal limit‎a tion‎s. The Web ande-book can influ‎e nce the print‎book only in matte‎r s of style‎and subje‎c t — no links‎, of cours‎e, just their‎metap‎h or. “The‎ghost‎in the machi‎n e”‎can’t‎be‎exorc‎i sed, onlyturne‎d aroun‎d: the machi‎n e insid‎e the ghost‎.As for me, I was haunt‎e d by my suitc‎a se. The extra‎one, the empty‎. My last day in Kreuz‎b erg was spent‎consi‎d erin‎g its fate. My wheel‎i e bag was packe‎d. My lapto‎p was stowe‎d in my carry‎-on. I wante‎d to leave‎the pleat‎h er immen‎s ity on the corne‎r of Kottb‎u sser‎Damm, down by the canal‎,‎but‎I’ve never‎been a waste‎r. I broug‎h t it back. It sits in the middl‎e of my apart‎m ent, unrev‎e rtib‎l e, only impro‎v able‎, hollo‎w, its lid flopp‎e d open like the cover‎of a book.传送之道约书亚·科恩走私阿富汗‎的海洛因和‎贩卖来自敖‎德萨的妇女‎本应受到更‎多的谴责,但是也更合‎乎情理。



第十四课(La montre de Jacques ne marche pas très bien. Dans la rue, il demande l’heures à un passant.)--Pardon Monsieur, quelle heure est-il, s’il vous plaît?--il est huit heures moins le quart.--Déjà? Merci monsieur… Ah! Je vais être en retard.( A huit heures et quart, Jacques entre dans le bureau du directeur.)--Bonjour Monsieur le directeur.--Bonjour Jacques… Vous êtes encore en retard. Je vous attends depuis unedemi-heure. Venez plus tôt la prochaine fois!--Excusez-moi, Monsieur le directeur. Ma montre retarde de vingt minutes.--Faites comme moi! Je suis toujours à l’heures, parce que j’avance ma montre d’un quart d’heure tous les matins.--Bon…C’est une bonne idée! Je vais avancer ma montre… d’une demi-heure.对话(雅克的手边走的不准,在大街上,他向一个路人打听时间)抱歉先生,请问现在几点了?差一刻8点。





Julie: 您好!deLatour: 小姐您好!Julie: 先生,您是?deLatour: 我叫Pierre-HenrideLatour。

Benoît: 幸会幸会。


deLatour: 很荣幸见到你,Royer先生。

P.H.deLatour 走进了(房间)。


Benoît: 您是学生吗,deLatour先生?P.H.deLatour: 是的,我是学生。

您呢,Royer先生,您的职业是什么?Benoît: 我是一家旅行社的职员。

P.H.deLatour: 啊,您是旅行代理……这该多有意思呀……Julie和Benoît看了看对方。

JulieetBenoît: 再见,DeLatour先生。


T.Mercier: 你的姓是什么?Julie: 我的姓?T.Mercier: 对呀,你叫什么?Julie: Prévost. 反正……我的名字是Julie,我的姓是Prévost.T.Mercier: 你是学生吗?Julie: 不是,您呢……呃……你呢?T.Mercier: 我,我是实习生。

Julie: 实习生。

T.Mercier: 嗯,是的。

ThierryMercier 指Benoît。

T.Mercier: 他,是谁?Julie: 他,他是BenoîtRoyer。

Benoît: 是的,BenoîtRoyer就是我。


我是旅行代理,我住Cardinal-Mercier大街4 号在这。


现在呢,再见!Benoît 把ThierryMercier送到门口。















今人徒如“言之无文,行之不远” ;而不知言之无物,又何用文为乎?吾所谓“物”,非古人所谓“文以载道” 之说也。

















































翻译大赛第一届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛原文及参考译文第一届“《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛原文及参考译文2010年原文Plutoria Avenue By Stephen LeacockThe Mausoleum Club stands on the quietest corner of the best residential street in the city. It is a Grecian building of white stone. Above it are great elm-trees with birds—the most expensive kind of birds—singing in the branches. The street in the softer hours of the morning has an almost reverential quiet. Great motors move drowsily along it, with solitary chauffeurs returning at 10.30 after conveying the earlier of the millionaires to their down-town offices. The sunlight flickers through the elm-trees, illuminating expensive nursemaids wheeling valuable children in little perambulators. Some of the children are worth millions and millions. In Europe, no doubt, you may see in the Unter den Linden Avenue or the Champs Elysées a little prince or princess go past with a chattering military guard to do honour. But that is nothing. It is not half so impressive, in the real sense, as what you may observe every morning on Plutoria Avenue beside the Mausoleum Club in the quietest part of the city. Here you may see a little toddling princess in a rabbit suit who owns fifty distilleries in her own right. There, in a lacquered perambulator, sails past a little hooded head that controls from its cradle an entire New Jersey corporation. The United States attorney-general is suing her as she sits, in a vain attempt to make her dissolve herself into constituent companies. Nearby is a child of four, in a khaki suit, who represents the merger of two trunk line railways. You may meet in the flickered sunlight any number of little princes and princesses for more real than the poor survivals of Europe. Incalculable infants wave their fifty-dollar ivory rattles in an inarticulate greeting to one another. A million dollars of preferred stock laughs merrily in recognition of a majority control going past in a go-cart drawn by an imported nurse. And through it all the sunlight falls through the elm-trees, and the birds sing and the motors hum, so that the whole world as seen from the boulevard of Plutoria Avenue is the very pleasantest place imaginable. Just below Plutoria Avenue, and parallel with it, the trees die out and the brick and stone of the city begins in earnest. Even from the avenue you see the tops of the sky-scraping buildings in the big commercial streets and can hear or almost hear the roar of the elevate railway, earning dividends. And beyond that again the city sinks lower, and is choked and crowded with the tangled streets and little houses of the slums. In fact, if you were to mount to the roof of the Mausoleum Club itself on Plutoris Avenue you could almost see the slums from there. But why should you? And on the other hand, if you never went up on the roof, but only dined inside among the palm-trees, you would never know that the slums existed—which is much better.参考译文普路托利大道李科克著曹明伦译莫索利俱乐部坐落在这座城市最适宜居住的街道最安静的一隅。



To a previous generation of students at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Lau Din Cheuk was known as “Library Lau”, but when I first became his student in 1958 he was “Mr Lau”, and then when I joined the SOAS staff in 1967 I discovered that by colleagues he was referred to and addressed simply as “Lau”. In 1965 he was promoted to Reader in Chinese Philosophy, and in 1970 he succeeded Denis Twitchett as Professor of Chinese in the University of London, the first Chinese ever to bear the title, not only in London University, but in any university in the United Kingdom. (The only previous contender was Chen Yinke, who was offered the Chair of Oxford in 1938, but did not take up the position.) But, while we would of course refer to him as “Professor Lau” outside the Faculty, amongst ourselves he remained just “Lau”, a unique per son who needed no title to distinguish him. Lau is a common enough surname, but there was only ever one “Lau” for us.He had gone to Glasgow University in 1946 to study Western philosophy, and he remained interested throughout his life in comparative systems. I remember his teaching himself ancient Greek because he wanted to feel that he was in direct contact with the original philosophers and not at the mercy of intermediary translators. In 1950 he was appointed to the staff at SOAS. When he left in 1978 to join The Chinese University of Hong Kong, his post in philosophy was not filled. Nor would his role as the pillar of knowledge of Chinese culture ever be taken up by another. We had good people, expert in their respective fields, but none of us could step into his broad shoes.In 1963 came the first of Lau’s three Penguin Books translations, the Tao Te Ching, to be followed in 1970 by Mencius and in 1979 by The Analects. Each carried a long, erudite, and highly accessible introduction by Lau, and between them they must have been read by more people than any other works in English on Chinese philosophy. They have appeared in revised versions since, and are all still available, tributes to the clarity and elegance of his translations and to the excellence of his explanatory powers. He asked me to cast an eye over the proofs of Mencius, fearing, he said, that as a non-native speaker of English he had probably been guilty of many infelicities. I found, if my memory serves me aright, three mistakes: two were simple typos, and the third was an error in my own understanding, not in his prose. Rather like Joseph Conrad, another non-native writer, he not only produced good English, his style was honed through informed study to be more fluent and better nuanced than that of the majority of those born to the tongue. Put like that, it sounds as though his writing was pedantic – not so, it would not have survived so well had this been the case.Lau came from a large family of high achieving educationalists. Like his five siblings, he never married, though colleagues in London and family and friends in Hong Kong did from to time try to play matchmaker. In the late 1960s he bought a house in north London, but the bachelor loneliness of the suburbs and the long commuting did not suit him, and he moved back into Bloomsbury, eventually buying a small mews flat within five minutes of SOAS. This gave him better access to the cultural scene in London, and in particular allowed him to indulge his love of Mozart and Italian opera, a passion which he pursued alone, just as he preferred the practice of taiji to more extrovert forms of exercise. He was eclectic in his choice oftaiji styles, and a colleague told me that he once saw Lau travel standing in a bus all the way across Taipei without once touching the handrail or falling over, so well developed was his sense of balance.From his new base he gradually broke through his somewhat solitary habits, happily giving taiji demonstrations to anyone interested, inviting colleagues or senior students back to his flat, where some would cook for him, or walking with them down to Soho’s Chinatown for a leisurely meal. He always took the same route, chosen for the safety of its road crossings rather than its directness. He took to appearing in the SOAS bar in the evenings, not to drink a lot – indeed, he was famous throughout the School for his ability to make a half pint of beer last a whole evening, claiming that he was physically incapable of drinking more than that – but to enjoy the company of colleagues and students, and to find a dining companion. Somewhat austere in his lifestyle and a little intimidating in the seriousness with which he approached academic performance, it was with wonder and delight that students found him so approachable outside the classroom. He was always invited to student parties and unfailingly attended, and he was welcomed as an entertaining and convivial conversationalist with a quick wit and a dry sense of humour.But while he made his mark and was much respected in London, he seemed to grow less happy with it rather than more relaxed and contented. Departmental administrative responsibilities which came with the post of Professor of Chinese were not to his liking (though he shouldered them with more than adequate competence), and he did not relish the boredom and petty bickerings of committee life. Larger student numbers, an increasingly student-driven rather than subject-oriented curriculum, and a trend away from classical studies towards contemporary language and the social sciences, all contributed to his disenchantment. He described his life in London at the time as “making up numbers”, which his student Dr Nigel Bedford to whom this was confided understood to be a feeling of not really belonging and perhaps of not being fully appreciated.Lau seems not to have hesitated when the opportunity to join the Chinese University came up in 1978. Here he found real appreciation, renewed energy, and a productive and fulfilling late career. He never again set foot in the UK.CUHK’s gain was unquestionably SOAS’s loss, and it was keenly felt by his old colleagues. But if Lau had become unhappy or unfulfilled it certainly did not show in any negative way, and he never changed in his attitudes to those he worked with and taught. I was not the only student who benefited from his guidance to the first rung of a career ladder, and he is remembered by all as polite, kindly, unfailingly reliable, a scholar to the core, and always generous with measured advice when asked. We were privileged to have enjoyed the services and friendship of such a man.(Hugh Baker, 2010)。



历届韩素音翻译大奖赛竞赛原文及译文历届韩素音翻译大奖赛竞赛原文及译文英译汉部分 (3)Hidden within Technology‘s Empire, a Republic of Letters (3)隐藏于技术帝国的文学界 (3)"Why Measure Life in Heartbeats?" (8)何必以心跳定生死? (9)美(节选) (11)The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power byThomas De Quincey (16)知识文学与力量文学托马斯.昆西 (16)An Experience of Aesthetics by Robert Ginsberg (18)审美的体验罗伯特.金斯伯格 (18)A Person Who Apologizes Has the Moral Ball in His Court by Paul Johnson (21)谁给别人道歉,谁就在道义上掌握了主动保罗.约翰逊 (21)On Going Home by Joan Didion (25)回家琼.狄迪恩 (25)The Making of Ashenden (Excerpt) by Stanley Elkin (28)艾兴登其人(节选)斯坦利.埃尔金 (28)Beyond Life (34)超越生命[美] 卡贝尔著 (34)Envy by Samuel Johnson (39)论嫉妒[英]塞缪尔.约翰逊著 (39)《中国翻译》第一届“青年有奖翻译比赛”(1986)竞赛原文及参考译文(英译汉) (41)Sunday (41)星期天 (42)四川外语学院“语言桥杯”翻译大赛获奖译文选登 (44)第七届“语言桥杯”翻译大赛获奖译文选登 (44)The Woods: A Meditation (Excerpt) (46)林间心语(节选) (47)第六届“语言桥杯”翻译大赛获奖译文选登 (50)第五届“语言桥杯”翻译大赛原文及获奖译文选登 (52)第四届“语言桥杯”翻译大赛原文、参考译文及获奖译文选登 (54) When the Sun Stood Still (54)永恒夏日 (55)CASIO杯翻译竞赛原文及参考译文 (56)第三届竞赛原文及参考译文 (56)Here Is New York (excerpt) (56)这儿是纽约 (58)第四届翻译竞赛原文及参考译文 (61)Reservoir Frogs (Or Places Called Mama's) (61)水库青蛙(又题:妈妈餐馆) (62)中译英部分 (66)蜗居在巷陌的寻常幸福 (66)Simple Happiness of Dwelling in the Back Streets (66)在义与利之外 (69)Beyond Righteousness and Interests (69)读书苦乐杨绛 (72)The Bitter-Sweetness of Reading Yang Jiang (72)想起清华种种王佐良 (74)Reminiscences of Tsinghua Wang Zuoliang (74)歌德之人生启示宗白华 (76)What Goethe's Life Reveals by Zong Baihua (76)怀想那片青草地赵红波 (79)Yearning for That Piece of Green Meadow by Zhao Hongbo (79)可爱的南京 (82)Nanjing the Beloved City (82)霞冰心 (84)The Rosy Cloud byBingxin (84)黎明前的北平 (85)Predawn Peiping (85)老来乐金克木 (86)Delights in Growing Old by Jin Kemu (86)可贵的“他人意识” (89)Calling for an Awareness of Others (89)教孩子相信 (92)To Implant In Our Children‘s Young Hearts An Undying Faith In Humanity (92)心中有爱 (94)Love in Heart (94)英译汉部分Hidden within Technology’s Empire, a Republic of Le tters 隐藏于技术帝国的文学界索尔·贝娄(1)When I was a boy ―discovering literature‖, I used to think how wonderful it would be if every other person on the street were familiar with Proust and Joyce or T. E. Lawrence or Pasternak and Kafka. Later I learned how refractory to high culture the democratic masses were. Lincoln as a young frontiersman read Plutarch, Shakespeare and the Bible. But then he was Lincoln.我还是个“探索文学”的少年时,就经常在想:要是大街上人人都熟悉普鲁斯特和乔伊斯,熟悉T.E.劳伦斯,熟悉帕斯捷尔纳克和卡夫卡,该有多好啊!后来才知道,平民百姓对高雅文化有多排斥。



第四届语言桥杯翻译大赛参考译文第一篇:第四届语言桥杯翻译大赛参考译文第四届“语言桥”杯翻译大赛原文、参考译文、译文点评及特等奖译文一、第四届“语言桥”杯翻译大赛原文:When the Sun Stood StillRemember how time used to stretch forever? We are well into summer now here in the city.An early morning alarm gets my daughter, Morgan, up for summer school.My son, Patrick, has gone off with his uncle, and my husband and I have to go to our jobs and try to find a way to cram a vacation in somewhere.Summer wasn’t always like this.When I was growing up in a small California town called Lagunitas, a perfect stillness awaited us when we stepped out of school in June.We had no summer classes, no camps, no relatives to visit.The calendar was a blank.Every day the hills of Lagunitas pressed in and the light pressed down.It was as if the planet had come lazily to a stop so we could all hear the buzzing of the dragonflies above the creek—and the beating of our own hearts.June was far away, September a distant blur.Without school to tell us who we were—fifth-graders or sixth-graders, good students or good-offs—we were free just to be ourselves, to build forts, to moon around the neighborhood with a head full of fantastical schemes.There was time for everything.Minutes were as big as plums, hours the size of watermelons.You could spend a quarter of an hour watching the dust motes in the shaft of sunlight from the doorway and wondering if anybody else could see them.I d on’t really miss those long, slow days.What I miss is summertime, the illusion that the sun is standing still and the future is keeping its distance.Onsummer afternoons, nobody got any older.Kids didn’t have to worry about becoming adults, and adults didn’t have to worry about running out of adulthood.You could lie on your back watching clouds scud across the sky, and maybe later walk down to the store for a Popsicle.You could lose your watch and not miss it for days.These busy kids I’m raising today don’t know what summertime is.They are on city time.“My life is going too fast,” Patrick once grumbled as he got into bed.“This whole day went by just like that.I didn’t have enough fun.”He’s a city child, a child whose fun is packed into short, hurried weekends.Even in summer his hours grow shorter and begin to run together, faster and faster.It won’t be long before an hour—once an eternity—is for him, too, a walk to the grocery store, three phone calls, half a movie.Maybe that’s why we still need long school vacations—to anchor kids to the earth, keep them from rocketing too fast out of childhood.If they have enough time on their hands, they might be among the lucky ones who carry their summertime with them into adulthood.二、参考译文:夏日好时光可还记得以往时间像是永无止境地拉长了的?ADAIR LARA撰思果译夏天真正来到了我们居住的城市。










★由复旦大学外文学院大学英语教学部组建和指导的复旦大学英语辩论队继2007年5月在北京参加第十一届“外研社”杯全国英语辩论赛荣获总冠军之后,04级国际金融专业的黄诚同学和04级法学院的王承颖同学又代表中国于2007年12月27日至2008年1月4日参加了在泰国曼谷举行的第28届世界大学生英语辩论赛,荣获EFL(English as a Foreign Language)组亚军,为我校乃至我国争得了荣誉。



教学行政★ 2007年11月6日,外文学院学位评定分委员会进行改选,新一届的外文学院评定分委员会成员如下:主席:褚孝泉;副主席:曲卫国;委员:何刚强、黄勇民、姜宏、金钟太、陆谷孙、邱东林、魏育青、熊学亮、余建中、张冲、朱永生。

法语大四翻译详解-上外 3

法语大四翻译详解-上外 3

12:.传说收音机要跌价了Le bruit court que le prix des postes de radio va baisser在新宪法通过之前先执行由中共和其他党派制定的共同纲领。

On appliquait le programme commun élaboré par le POCet d’autres parties politiques en attendant d’approuver une nouvelle constitution.下午四点钟,小李像阵风似地走近我房间又走了出去。

à quatre heures de l’apres –midi ,xiaoli entra dans ma chambre en coup de vent ,puis repartit双方在动手之前相互打量对方Avant d’en venire aux mains ,les deux adversaries se devisageaient把照片拿出来我急着要看我未来的儿媳,母亲说Montre les photos je suis pressée de voir ma future belle-fille dit ma mere 新的旅馆比燕京饭店高出十米Le nouvel hotel dominera l’hôtel yan jing d’une dizaine de mètres他确信胜利在握,不慌不忙走向对手Sûr de triompher ,il s’avanca ver l’adversaire sans se précipiter他经商失败后就投身到电影事业中Ayant échoué dans le commerce ,il se lança dans le cinema13:小张对自己的弱点认识不足Xiaozhang n’a pas une vision juste de son point faible随着改革开放政策的实施,人们已经意识到必须实行一系列改革。



关于“假期” Les VacancesTous les Français qui travaillent ont droit, depuis plusieurs années, àcinq semaines de vacances par an. Ils possèdent généralement ces vacances en deux fois. En été, 55% des Français partent en vacances, pour 24 jours en moyenne. En hiver, un Français sur quatre par au moins une semaine. Ce sont surtout les gens des grandes villes qui partent. La proportion attaint 80% en région parisienne.Le revenue des familles est le facteur le plus important du depart en vacances. Ce sont les Français qui gagnent le plus d’argent qui partent le plus longtemps: cadres supêrieurs, professions liberals,commerçants… Il y a malheureusement encore trop de Français qui ne partent pas en vacances.词汇:posseder:拥有, 占有, 掌握, 支配en moyenne:平均au moins:至少la proportion:比例le revenu:收入cadres supêrieurs:高级企管人员professions liberals:自由职业者参考译文:多年以来,所有就业的法国人都享有每年5周的假期。



CLXXIV . Roland sent que la mort le pénètre : de la tête , elle lui descend vers le coeur . Sous un pin il est allé , en courant . Sur l' herbe verte , il s'est couché , face contre terre ; sous lui il place son épée et l' olifant . Il tourne sa tête vers la gent païenne : il veut que Charles dise , et toute son armée , qu' il est mort , le gentil comte , en conquérant . Il bat sa coulpe et menu et souvent ; pour ses péchés il tend vers Dieu son gant .罗兰感到死神来临,从头降到了心;他跑到松树下.躺在绿草上,身底压着杜朗达尔和象牙号角。


AMI R oland, ô preux, belle jeuness e, quand je s erai àAix, en ma c hapelle,mes homm es v iendront,demanderont des nouv elles.Je les leur dirai,étranges et rudes: « Il est m ort, m on nev eu,qui m'a f ait tant de conquêtes》Contre moi s e rév olteront les Sax ons et les Hongrois et les Bulgares et tant de peuples ennemis,les R omains, c eux de Pouille et de Palerm e et c eux d'Af rique et c eux de C alif erne:alors comm enc eront mes peines,m es s ouf f rances. Qui conduira mes armée av ec cett e énergie,quand c eluilàest m ort,qui toujours nous c onduisait?Ah,Franc e,comm e t u re stes dés ert e!J'ai s i grand deuil que je ne v oudrais plus êt re.Heureux qui, comme Ulysse, a fait un beau voyage,Ou comme cestuy-là qui conquit la t oison,Et puis est retourné, plein d'usage et raison,Vivre entre ses parents le reste de son âge !Quand reverrai-je, hélas, de mon petit villageFumer la cheminée, et en quelle saisonReverrai-je le clos de ma pauvre maison,Qui m'est une province, et beaucoup davantage ?Plus me plaît le séjour qu'ont bâti mes aïeux, Que des palais Romains le front audacieux,Plus que le marbre dur me plaît l'ardoise fine :Plus mon Loir gaulois, que le Tibre latin,Plus mon petit Liré, que le mont Palatin,Et plus que l'air marin la doulceur angevine. 他高兴的是谁,像尤利西斯,作出了罚款航程,或如何cestuy那里谁征服了羊毛,,然后返回,目的和理由充分,她的父母与他的年龄,其余人生活!当应我明白了,唉,我的小村庄吸烟烟囱,以及在什么季节我会看到结束我可怜的房子,谁是我的省,更多的人?加上我喜欢的入住'我的祖先建造,阙宫殿大胆罗马额头比大理石更硬我喜欢罚款板岩:加我的高卢卢瓦尔,拉丁美洲台伯河,加上我的小读,说,帕拉蒂尼山而更多的是海空安杰甜味。












































【摘要】@@ 为发现、培养和奖掖更多的法语翻译新人,推动中国法语教学和文学翻译事业的健康发展和繁荣,促进中法文化交流,全国法语教学研究会、南京大学法语系和上海依视路光学有限公司决定联合举办第三届依视路杯全国法语文学翻译竞赛,具体参赛如下:rn1.本届竞赛为法译汉翻译,竞赛原文与竞赛启事刊登在<法国研究>2009年第2期和<法语学习>2009年第3期上.
1.法语文学翻译后继有人——"依视路"杯全国法语文学翻译竞赛活动综述 [J], 许钧
2."依视路杯"全国法语文学翻译竞赛原文 [J],
3."依视路杯"全国法语文学翻译竞赛启事 [J], "依视路杯全国法语文学翻译竞赛"评审委员会
4.第三届依视路杯全国法语文学翻译竞赛启事 [J], 无
5.2020年全国行业职业技能竞赛——“星恒杯”第三届全国自行车与电动自行车装配职业技能竞赛圆满闭幕 [J], 智勰



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5. 方重翻译奖笔译获奖作品英译中一等奖:英语学院2013级翻译二班卫娜原文:A Way of LifeFellow students:Everyman has a philosophy of life in thought, in word, or in deed, worked out in himself unconsciously. In possession of the very best, he may not know of its existence; with the very worst he may pride himself as a paragon. As it grows with the growth it cannot be taught to the young in formal lectures.What have bright eyes, red blood, quick breath and taut muscles to do with philosophy? Did not the great Stagirite say that young men were unfit students of it? – they will hear as though they heard not, and to no profit.Why then should I trouble you? Because I have a message that may be helpful. It is not philosophical, nor is it strictly moral or religious, one or other of which I was told my address should be, and yet in a way it is all three. It is the oldest and the freshest, the simplest and the most useful, so simple indeed is it that some of you may turn away disappointed as was Naaman the Syrian when told to go wash in Jordan and be clean.You know those composite tools to be bought for50 cents, with one handle to fit a score of more of instruments. The workmanship is usually bad, so bad, as a rule, that you will not find an example in any good carpenter's shop; but the boy has one, the chauffeur slips one into his box, and the sailor into his kit, and there is one in the odds-and-ends drawer of the pantry of every well-regulated family.It is simply a handy thing about the house, to help over the many little difficulties of the day. Of this sort of philosophy I wish to make you a present – a handle to fit your life tools. Whether the workmanship is Sheffield or shoddy, this helve will fit anything from a hatchet to a corkscrew.My message is but a work, a Way, an easy expression of the experience of a plain man whose life has never been worried by any philosopher higher than that of the shepherd in As You Like It.I wish to point out a path in which the wayfaring man, though a fool, cannot err; not a system to be worked out pain fully only to be discarded, not a formal scheme, simply a habit as easy –or as hard! – to adopt as any other habit, good or bad.A few years ago a Xmas card went the rounds, with the legend, "Life is just one 'denied' thing after another, "which, in more refined language, is the same as saying, "Life is a habit," a succession of actions that become more or less automatic. This great truth, which lies at the basis of allactions, muscular or psychic, is the keystone to the teaching of Aristotle, to whom the formation of habits was the basis of moral excellence. "In a word, habits of any kind are the result of actions of the same kind; and so what we have to do, is to give a certain character to these particular actions" (Ethics). Lift a seven month-old baby to his feet – see him tumble to his nose. Do the same at twelve months – he walks. At two years he runs. The muscles and the nervous system have acquired the habit. One trial after another, one failure after another, has given him power. Put your finger in a baby's mouth, and he sucks away in blissful anticipation of a response to a mammalian habit millions of years old. And we can deliberately train parts of our body to perform complicated actions with unerring accuracy.Watch that musician playing a difficult piece. Batteries, commutators, multipliers, switches, wires innumerable control the senimble fingers, the machinery of which may be set in motion as automatically as in a piano la, the player all the time chatting as if he had nothing to do in controlling the apparatus – habit again, the gradual acquisition of power by long practice and at the expense of many mistakes. The same great law reaches through mental and moral states. "Character," which partakes of both, in Plutarch's words, is "long-standing habit." Now the way of life that I preach is a habit to be acquired gradually by long and steady repetition. It is the practice of living for the day only, and for theday's work, Life in day-tight compartments. "Ah," I hear you say," that is an easy matter, simple as Elisha's advice!" Not as I shall urge it, in words which fail to express the depth of my feelings as to its value. I started life in the best of all environments – in a parsonage, one of nine children. A man who has filled Chairs in four universities, has written a successful book, and has been asked to lecture at Yale, is supposed popularly to have brains of special quality. A few of my intimate friends really know the truth about me, as I know it! Mine, in good faith I say it, are of the most mediocre character. But what about those professorships, etc.? Just habit, a way of life, an outcome of the day's work, the vital importance of which I wish to impress upon you with all the force at my command.…Begin the day with Christ and His prayer – you need no other. Creedless, with it you have religion; creed-stuffed, it will leaven any theological dough in which you stick. As the soul is dyed by the thoughts, let no day pass without contact with the best literature of the world. Learn to know your Bible, though not perhaps as your fathers did. In forming character and in shaping conduct, its touch has still its ancient power. Of the kindred of Ram and sons of Elihu, you should know its beauties and its strength. Fifteen or twenty minutes day by day will give you the fellow ship with the great minds of the race, and little by little as the years pass you extend your friendship with the immortal dead. They will give youfaith in your own day. Listen while they speak to you of the fathers. But each age has its own spirit and ideas, just as it has its own manners and pleasures. You are right to believe that yours is the best University as its best period. Why should you look back to be shocked at the frowsiness and dullness of the students of the seventies or even of the nineties? And cast no thought forward, lest you reach a period where you and yours will present to your successors the same dowdiness of clothes and times. But while change is the law, certain great ideas flow fresh through the ages, and control us effectually as in the days of Pericles. Mankind, it has been said, is always advancing, man is always the same. The love, hope, fear and faith that make humanity, and the elemental passions of the human heart, remain unchanged, and the secret of inspiration in any literature is the capacity to touch the cord that vibrates in a sympathy that knows nor time nor place.The quiet life in day-tight compartments will help you to bear your own and others' burdens with a light heart. Pay no heed to the Batrachians who sit croaking idly by the stream. Life is a straight, plain business, and the way is clear, blazed for you by generations of strongmen, into whose labors you enter and whose ideals must be your inspiration. In my mind's eye I can see you twenty years hence – resolute-eyed, broad-headed, smooth-faced men who are in the world to make a success of life; but to whichever of the two great types you belong, whether controlled byemotion or by reason, you will need the leaven of their spirit, the only leaven potent enough to avert that only too common Nemesis to which the Psalmist refers: "He gave them their heart's desire, but sent leanness withal into their souls." I quoted Dr. Johnson's remark about the trivial things that influence. Perhaps this slight word of mine may help some of you so to number your days that you may apply your hearts unto wisdom.译文生活之道吾之爱徒:夫生活之哲学,人皆有之,或浸于思维,或融于语言,或展露于行为,而自身无意。

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第四届依视路杯全国法语文学翻译竞赛原文Le 20 maiLa voix traverse le sommeil, oscille à la surface. La femme caresse les cartes retournées sur la table, elle répète plusieurs fois, sur ce ton de certitude : le 20 mai, votre vie va changer.Mathilde ne sait pas si elle est encore dans le rêve ou déjà dans la journée qui commence, elle jette un oeil à la pendule du radio-réveil, il est quatre heures du matin.Elle a rêvé. Elle a rêvé de cette femme qu'elle a vue il y a quelques semaines, une voyante, oui, voilà, sans châle ni boule de cristal, mais une voyante quand même. Elle a traversé tout Paris en métro, s'est assise derrière les rideaux épais, au rez-de-chaussée d'un immeuble du seizième arrondissement, elle lui a donnécent cinquante euros pour qu'elle lise dans sa main, et dans les nombres quil'entourent, elle y est allée parce qu'il n'y avait rien d'autre, pas un filet delumière vers lequel tendre, pas un verbe à conjuguer, pas de perspective d'un après. Elle y est allée parce qu'il faut bien s'accrocher à quelque chose.Elle est repartie avec son petit sac qui se balançait au bout de son bras et cette prédiction ridicule, comme si c'était inscrit dans les lignes de sa paume, son heure de naissance ou les huit lettres de son prénom, comme si cela pouvait se voir à l'oeil nu : un homme le 20 mai. Un homme au tournant de sa vie, qui la délivrerait. Comme quoi on peut être titulaire d'un DESS d'économétrie et statistique appliquée et consulter une voyante. Quelques jours plus tard il lui est apparu qu'elle avait jeté cent cinquante euros par la fenêtre, un point c'est tout, voilà à quoi elle a pensé en visant d'un trait rouge les dépenses du mois sur son relevé de compte, et qu'elle se foutait pas mal de ce 20 mai, et des autres jours aussi, à ce rythme-là de toute façon.Le 20 mai est resté comme une vague promesse, suspendue au-dessus du vide.C'est aujourd'hui.Aujourd'hui, quelque chose pourrait se passer. Quelque chose d'important. Un événement qui inverserait le cours de sa vie, un point de disjonction, une césure, inscrite depuis plusieurs semaines à l'encre noire dans son agenda. Unévénement majuscule, attendu comme un sauvetage en haute mer.Aujourd'hui, le 20 mai, parce qu'elle est arrivée au bout, au bout de ce qu'elle peut supporter, au bout de ce qu'il est humainement possible de supporter.C'est écrit dans l'ordre du monde. Dans le ciel liquide, dans la conjonction des planètes, dans la vibration des nombres. Il est écrit qu'aujourd'hui elle serait parvenue exactement là, au point de nonretour, là où plus rien de normal ne peut modifier le cours des heures, là où rien ne peut advenir qui ne menacel'ensemble, ne remette tout en question. Il faut que quelque chose se passe. Quelque chose d'exceptionnel. Pour sortir de là. Pour que ça s'arrête.En quelques semaines, elle a tout imaginé. Le possible et l'impossible. Le meilleur et le pire. Qu'elle serait victime d'un attentat, au milieu du long couloir qui relie le métro au RER une bombe exploserait, puissante, soufflerait tout, pulvériserait son corps, elle serait éparpillée dans l'air saturé des matinsd'affluence, dispersée aux quatre coins de la gare, plus tard on retrouverait des morceaux de sa robe à fleurs et de son passe Navigo. Ou bien elle se casserait la cheville, elle glisserait de manière stupide sur une surface graisseuse comme il faut parfois en contourner, brillante sur les dalles claires, ou bien elle raterait l'entrée de l'escalier roulant et se laisserait tomber, la jambe en équerre, il faudrait appeler les pompiers, l'opérer, visser des plaques et des broches,l'immobiliser pendant des mois, ou bien elle serait kidnappée par erreur, en plein jour, par un groupuscule inconnu. Ou bien elle rencontrerait un homme, dans le wagon ou au Café de la Gare, un homme qui lui dirait madame vous ne pouvez pas continuer comme ça, donnez-moi la main, prenez mon bras, rebroussez chemin, posez votre sac, ne restez pas debout, installez-vous àcette table, c'est fini, vous n'irez plus, ce n'est plus possible, vous allez vous battre, nous allons nous battre, je serai à vos côtés. Un homme ou une femme, après tout, peu importe. Quelqu'un qui comprendrait qu'elle ne peut plus y aller, que chaque jour qui passe elle entame sa substance, elle entame l'essentiel. Quelqu'un qui caresserait sa joue, ou ses cheveux, qui murmurerait comme pour soi-même comment avezvous fait pour tenir si longtemps, avec quel courage, quelles ressources. Quelqu'un qui s'opposerait. Qui dirait stop. Qui la prendrait en charge. Quelqu'un qui l'obligerait à descendre à la stationprécédente ou s'installerait en face d'elle au fond d'un bar. Qui regarderaittourner les heures sur l'horloge murale. À midi, il ou elle lui sourirait et lui dirait : voilà, c'est fini.Delphine de Vigan : Heures souterraines。
