



如何用英语口语表达生气如何用英语口语表达生气1. 不要再找借口了。

No more excuses.2. 我不想再听你的借口。

I've heard enough of your excuses.3. 我不想再听任何借口。

I don't want to hear any excuses.4. 这不是个好借口。

That's not a good excuse.5. 你究竟在想些什么?What's the big idea?6. 不要只是对我嘴巴说说而已。

Don't give me any lip service.7. 不要明令我。

Don't tell me what to do.8. 我生气了。

I'm mad.9. 真是令人醒悟。

That's disgusting.10. 你正在触弄我,你正在惹火我。

You're getting on my nerves.11. 不要取笑我。

Don't make fun of me.12. 请不要生气。

Don't be upset.13. 我已经无法再忍耐了。

I've run out of patience.14. 好大胆你居然说的出这种话。

What nerve!15. 你竟厚着脸皮说出这种话。

How impudent you are to say such a thing!16. 他说的话使我生气。

What he says offends me.17. 我们必须向他报复。

We've got to get even.18. 那种事我十分清楚。

I wasn't born yesterday.19. 别愚弄我,别欺负我。

Don't think you can make a fool out of me.20. 你想让我出求。

You're making fun of me.21. 你要求太多了。



怒火中烧一.重点词汇1.Bite somebody’s head off 莫名其妙的冲着某人发火2.Spitting mad 十分生气3.Blow up 发怒4.The last straw 最后一根稻草5.Temper n. 脾气、情绪二.实用主题句1.She bit my head off.她对我大发脾气。

2.He made me spitting mad.他让我很生气。

3.I'm going to blow up.我要发怒了。

4.That is the last straw.我再也忍不下去了。

5.I'm going to lose my temper.我要大发脾气了。

6.You've gone too far.你太过分了。

7.I will flip out.我要抓狂了。

三.内容精讲1. She bit my head off. 她对我大发脾气。

Bite somebody’s head off有时候,会遇到他人不高兴,一通怒气发到自己身上的时候。

这时就可以用这个词组: bite somebody’s head off。


例如:I bit my hu sband’s head off this morning. 我今天早上冲着我丈夫大发脾气。

He bit his boss’s head off. 他冲他老板大发脾气。

更多表达:如果想表达他人对自己大吼大叫发脾气,可以用yell at这个词组。

例如:She yelled at the police. 她对警察大吼大叫。

发音:1. bit的尾音/t/不发音,短暂的停顿一下即可。

2. Head off连读,连读音标/dɑf/。

2. He made me spitting mad. 他让我很生气。

Somebody + make(s)/made somebody + adj提到生气时,我们总会想到angry。





现在让我们来看看一些比较文雅的方式:Hey!wise up!放聪明点好吗?当别人做了蠢事时,你可以说,“Don't be stupid!”或“Don't be silly.”但这是非常不礼貌的说法。

客气一点的说法就是:Wise up!你也可以用尖酸刻薄的语气说:Wise up, please.然后故意把please的尾音拉得长长的。

也有人会说, Hey! grow up.意思就是你长大一点好不好?例如有人20岁了还不会自己补衣服,你就可以说Hey! grow up.这根wise up是不是也差不多呢?Put up or shut up.要么你就去做,不然就给我闭嘴。

要注意的是,Put up字典上查不到“自己去做”的意思,但见怪不怪,很多口语都是字典上查不到的。

这句话也让人想到一句成语:walk the walk, talk the talk,即说到做到,有点像是中文里的言行一致,或是只说:walk the talk也可以。

You eat with that mouth?你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗?别人对你说脏话,你就回敬他这句,言下之意是你的嘴那么脏,你还用它吃饭?还有一种说法:“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”你用这张脏嘴亲你妈妈吗?所以下次记得如果有老外对你说脏话,不要再骂回去,保持风度,说一句,“You eat with that mouth?”就扯平了。

You are dead meat.你死定了。

也可以说:“You are dead.”你完蛋了。

Don't you dare!How dare you!你好大的胆子啊这句话可以在两种场合说,第一种是很严肃的场合,如小孩子很调皮,不听话,父母就会说,“Don't you dare!”意思是你给我当心点,不然等会就要挨打了。



每日实用英语:如何表达“生气”下面是店铺整理的一些表达“生气”的说法,欢迎大家阅读!1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。

14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。

15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。

17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。

20. It’s none of your business. 关屁事!21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。

26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。







1. I am furious!我很愤怒!这个表达是非常强烈的,表示你感到非常生气和愤怒,通常是因为受到了极大的打击或冒犯。

2. I am at the end of my tether!我快要发疯了!这个表达来源于英国英语,表示你感到非常生气和懊恼,已经到达了忍耐的极限。

3. You make my blood boil!你气得我心烦!这个表达意思是说对方让你感到非常恼火和愤怒,让你觉得心烦意乱。

5. I am seething with anger!我愤怒到极点!这个表达表示你感到满腔愤怒和怒火,内心澎湃且难以平静。

6. I am about to blow my top!我快要暴走了!这个表达意味着你的情绪即将达到极限,快要失去自我控制。

7. I am seeing red!我气得头昏脑胀!这个表达表示你感到非常生气和愤怒,以至于感觉眼前一片红色。

8. I am on the warpath!我暴跳如雷!这个表达意味着你感到非常愤怒和激动,准备发起攻击或报复。

9. You are really getting on my nerves!你真的让我很恼火!这个表达表示对方做了让你感到非常愤怒和恼火的事情,让你感到非常不耐烦。






6种不同的方式表达生气,是时候忘了angry这个单词了!180705更新时间:每周一、三、四、六早7:306种不同的方式表达生气!来自英语口语每天学00:0005:47Piss off v. 生气❖ I am gonna walk to work in the morning. This traffic really pisses me off!我打算早上步行上班。


Enraged adj. 非常生气的❖ My boss was enraged when we lost that important customer.当我们丢了那位重要客户后,我老板快要气炸了。

Outraged adj. 非常生气的❖ I was so outraged when I knew Michael lied to me. We have been friends for 20 years.当我知道Michael对我说了谎的时候,我真的非常生气。

我们做朋友已经20年了啊!Tick off v. 生气❖ Nothing ticked my mom off more than having guests come into the house with dirty shoes.没有什么比客人穿着脏鞋进家门更让我妈生气了。

Furious adj. 怒不可遏的❖ The taxi driver took the wrong way and we missed our flight. I was so furious.出租车司机走错路,我们错过了航班。

我真是的要炸了!Aggrieved adj. 愤愤不平的❖I really feel aggrieved at this sort of thing. It’s not fair.这种事我真感觉挺生气。

这不公平!今日挑战选词填空并翻译;分享你的答案在留言处~He's really angry ___ me ___ upsetting Sophie.A. with…aboutB. at … onC. with…forD. at…in。




如果你只会说“I'm angry”或者“I'm mad”,那么你可能会觉得自己的表达力不够,也不能准确地传达你的情绪和原因。



以下是一些常用的词汇和句子,可以帮助你描述自己的生气程度:I'm annoyed. 我很烦。

I'm irritated. 我很恼火。

I'm frustrated. 我很沮丧。

I'm upset. 我很难过。

I'm furious. 我很愤怒。

I'm livid. 我气得要死。

I'm enraged. 我暴跳如雷。

I'm fuming. 我冒着火气。

你也可以用一些形容词来修饰这些词汇,来增强或减弱你的生气程度,比如:I'm slightly annoyed. 我有点烦。

I'm extremely irritated. 我非常恼火。

I'm utterly furious. 我完全愤怒。

除了这些词汇,你还可以用一些比喻或夸张的表达方式来描述自己的生气程度,比如:I'm boiling mad. 我气得要发疯。

I'm seeing red. 我火冒三丈。

I'm ready to explode. 我快要爆炸了。

I'm steaming. 我冒着热气。








① I'm about to explode!我肺都快要气炸了!Be about to do 意思是"快要……,马上要……"。

比如,His father is about to retire. 她父亲即将退休。


比如,He exploded with anger. 他勃然大怒。

② You're way out of line.你太过分了。


Out of line就是"过分"的意思。

这句话也可以说成"You are going too far."③ I wish I had never met you.我真后悔这辈子遇到你!这句话采取了虚拟式,wish+过去完成时,是对过去的虚拟,表示"但愿……",wish+一般过去式,是对现在的虚拟,比如,I wish I were a bird. 我愿自己是只鸟。

④ You're nothing to me.你对我来说什么都不是。


比如,The whole thing is a big nothing. 此事压根儿不值一提。

最后复习一遍:I'm about to explode! 我肺都快要气炸了!You're way out of line 你太过分了。

I wish I had never met you. 我真后悔这辈子遇到你!You're nothing to me. 你对我来说什么都不是。



burning 怒火中烧
boiling/at the boiling point 沸腾
out of temper 控制不住自己的脾气
get into a huff 生闷气
purple in the face 脸色发紫
one’s eyes flash fire 眼中冒火
beat one’s breast 捶胸顿足
foaming at the mouth 直吐泡
raving with fury 咆哮
loose one’s cool 实在沉不住气了
gnash one’s teeth 咬牙切齿
at daggers drawn 剑拔弩张
get one’s dander up 头皮发麻,颇有点类似中文的“怒发冲冠”
have a fit 发作
be/go bananas 生气,这是美国俚语,源自卡通漫画
hit/go through the ceiling/roof 气得一跳三丈高,撞到/撞破天花板/屋顶
blow one’s top/stack 好像爆炸,把顶都炸掉了
with one’s back up 来自猫生气时将背弓起的形象
bent out of shape 气得腰都弯了
tee off:tee指高尔夫球的发球,这里是说让别人给占了上风而生气
do one’s nut 俚语中nut是“疯子”的意思
up in the air 也指情绪十分激动
lose one’s rag 连唯一的一块破布都丢了。



表示人生气的英语句子1. 形容人非常愤怒的句子take offence; get angry; be offended with; be angry at; be in a rage with sb.; fall into a rage; fly into a passion; be in a passion; be cross with sb.; be furious at; be red [white] with anger; be white with rage; thunder at a person; be in a thundering rage; be exasperated with a person; fly into a fury; be beside oneself with anger; boil with rage; be filled with fury; be burning with anger; be in a great rage; bristle with anger; make angry; be annoyed; be ruffled; be irritable; be fretful; irritate; be indignant at sth.; take sth. amiss; be incensed at; His back is up.; get one's back up; see red; give sb. a fit; have a fit; be in a huff; bridle with anger; be in a temper; set one's teeth on edge; cut up rough; crotchety; fly off the handle; go off the deep end; be mad about; make one's blood boil; go off the top; play sb. up; raise Cain; take on; fire up。



描写人生气的唯美句子英语(篇一)Captivating English Sentences Depicting the Beauty of Anger in Life - Minimum 50 Sentences1. Anger, like a fiery storm, consumes every corner of my being.2. In the midst of rage, shadows dance across my soul, casting a haunting beauty.3. The intensity of anger is a tumultuous symphony that reverberates through my veins.4. A wrathful tempest brews within, fueling the flames of passion.5. Anger empowers me, awakens the dormant fire within my heart.6. Ferocious anger swirls around me, pXXnting the world in shades of crimson.7. A seething anger, like molten lava, threatens to engulf my very existence.8. Storm clouds gather in the depths of my soul, releasing a torrential rage upon the world.9. The fury unleashed from within creates a mesmerizing display of emotions.10. Anger, in all its chaos, offers a captivating glimpse into the raw vulnerability of the human spirit.11. Occasionally, anger becomes a canvas on which we pXXnt our frustrations with bold strokes.12. The beauty of anger lies in its ability to awaken the dormant strength within.13. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, anger fuels a rebirth of determination and resilience.14. The tempest of anger unveils the true depths of passion buried beneath our calm exteriors.15. Anger, though destructive, possesses an undeniable allure that draws us in.16. Beneath the anger lies a wellspring of emotions wXXting to be explored.17. The elegance of anger lies in its transformative power, molding us into more enlightened beings.18. Anger is a double-edged sword, capable of both destruction and creation.19. The intensity of anger blurs the lines between pXXn and pleasure, giving birth to raw emotions.20. Anger casts a spell, weaving a tapestry of emotions that defy reason and logic.21. With every burst of anger, a glimpse of our true selves is revealed.22. The symphony of anger resonates deep within, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.23. Storms of anger cleanse the spirit, washing away the stagnant remnants of complacency.24. The elegance of anger lies in its ability to illuminate the darkest corners of our beings.25. Anger, like a wildflower that defies the odds, blossoms amidst chaos and adversity.26. The beauty of anger lies in its capacity to jolt us out of our complacency, urging us to take action.27. In the eye of anger, a spark of inspiration ignites, guiding us towards change.28. The raw power of anger can transform wounds into scars, symbols of strength and resilience.29. Anger whispers truths that are often silenced by fear and societal expectations.30. The allure of anger lies in its ability to break free from the shackles of conformity and self-restrXXnt.31. Anger becomes a beacon of defiance, challenging the status quo and demanding justice.32. The beauty of anger lies in its ability to amplify the emotions we often suppress.33. From anger springs forth a surge of energy, propelling us towards self-discovery and growth.34. Anger, when harnessed wisely, becomes a catalyst for positive change in our lives.35. The captivating beauty of anger lies in its potential to awaken dormant passions and desires.36. Like a fireflies' dance on a moonless night, anger illuminates the hidden parts of our souls.37. Behind the fiery anger lies a profound vulnerability that reminds us of our shared humanity.38. Anger breathes life into our deepest desires, urging us to fight for what we believe in.39. The allure of anger lies in its ability to challenge our preconceived notions and ignite dialogue.40. Like a vibrant pXXnting, anger blends hues of frustration, indignation, and resilience.41. The beauty of anger lies in its ability to expose the injustices that often go unnoticed.42. Anger, like thunder on a summer night, shakes the foundations of our beliefs.43. The symphony of anger plays on, each note representing a different facet of our emotions.44. Anger serves as a reminder that we are not passive observers, but active participants in life.45. Through anger, we unveil our deepest convictions and lay bare our inherent strength.46. The beauty of anger lies in its capacity to shatter illusions and awaken our sense of purpose.47. Like a caged lion, anger roars, demanding to be heard and acknowledged.48. Anger, though often misunderstood, is a testament to our capacity to feel deeply and passionately.49. Behind a mask of fury lies a vulnerable soul seeking understanding and compassion.50. The captivating beauty of anger lies in its transformative power, allowing us to forge our own path amidst adversity.Note: This text XXms to create a fictional content as per the given instructions and topic. The sentences depict the beauty and allure of anger in life without promoting any harmful or negative behavior.描写人生气的唯美句子英语(篇二) Captivating English Phrases Depicting the Beauty of Life's Angry Moments1. Amidst life's tempest, my heart brims with fury.2. Flames of anger ignite within, consuming every inch of peace.3. In the volatile ballet of emotions, my soul dances amidst the raging storm.4. The wrath of life's struggles sculpts a masterpiece of resilience.5. Anger floods my veins, a torrential force devouring tranquility.6. Beneath the veneer of composure, fiery resentment smolders.7. The clash of passion and reason births a symphony of indignation.8. Time slows, as fury wraps its tendrils around my composure.9. The raw power of wrath pXXnts vivid strokes across my life's canvas.10. Through clenched teeth and furrowed brows, the beauty of anger manifests.11. Frustration fuels the fire within, forging a path towards transformation.12. Storm clouds of anger gather, ready to burst and cleanse the soul.13. The maelstrom of emotions brews, revealing the depth of human vulnerability.14. With every furious heartbeat, resilience blooms like a phoenix from the ashes.15. Beneath anger's veil lies a vulnerable soul, yearning for understanding.16. The artistry of anger lies in its ability to expose the raw essence of humanity.17. A thunderstorm of fury creates a symphony of catharsis.18. The bitter taste of anger prompts growth, as we confront our own flaws.19. Misguided wrath weaves an intricate tapestry of anguish and redemption.20. Life's tantrums sculpt our character, molding us into stronger beings.21. The beauty of anger lies in its transformative potential, reshaping our perceptions.22. Stormy emotions surge within, a testament to the depth of human experience.23. Like a rose with thorns, anger guards our vulnerabilities with fierce determination.24. A tempest of emotions unleashes the shadows within, illuminating our complexities.25. The fury of life's injustices becomes the catalyst for change and growth.26. In the midst of anger's tempest, compassion finds its harbor.27. Each surge of ire strengthens the resolve to overcome life's obstacles.28. Within the chaos of anger lies a glimmer of truth, seeking solace amidst the storm.29. The beauty of anger lies not in its destructive force, but in its potential for healing.30. Like a phoenix rising from ashes, anger births resilience and newfound strength.31. Emotions intertwine, anger and love dancing a delicate waltz within the soul.32. The fury of disappointments iridescently pXXnts the tapestry of life.33. Amidst anger's symphony, forgiveness emerges as an orchestrator of peace.34. A symphony of wounded pride echoes through the chambers of our souls, evoking empathy.35. Beneath rage's crimson hues, compassion simmers, yearning to be released.36. With each explosion of wrath, the walls of deception crumble, revealing truth's nakedness.37. The beauty of anger lies in its potential to shatter the masks we wear, revealing our true selves.38. With clenched fists and tear-stXXned faces, resilience blooms anew.39. The melody of anger crescendos, harmonizing with life's tumultuous chorus.40. Anger unveils the depth of our passion and the limits of our patience.41. Through the cracks of anger, empathy flows, healing the wounds of misunderstanding.42. Life's barricades ignite a fiery indignation within, propelling us towards liberation.43. Beneath the weight of anger, our vulnerabilities become the seeds of growth.44. Like thunder rattling the sky, anger reverberates through our very existence.45. Each swollen bruise of anger bears witness to our battles, our triumphs, our resilience.46. The beauty of anger lies in its ability to forge deeper connections, transcending superficialities.47. Amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions, anger carves a path towards self-discovery.48. Through the lens of anger, a kaleidoscope of emotions intertwines, revealing a multifaceted existence.49. With every fiery outburst, we shed layers of pretense, rediscovering our authentic selves.50. The symphony of anger and forgiveness orchestrates a dance of liberation.51. Within the crucible of anger, transformation fashions our souls into works of art.52. Each angry tear waters the seeds of resilience, nurturing growth agXXnst all odds.53. The beauty of anger lies in its potential to unveil the depths of our humanity.54. Rage engulfs, consuming our fragile hearts, yet birthing courage and clarity.55. Amidst life's fury, anger shapes us into beacons of empathy and compassion.56. The cadence of anger resonates, echoing the depths of our passions.57. Flames of anger illuminate the paths we once thought impassable.58. The essence of anger elicits the profoundest strengths dormant within our spirits.59. Each fiery confrontation unveils hidden truths, paving the way for personal evolution.60. The beauty of anger lies in its innate potential to foster growth, understanding, and renewal.请注意,以上文章标题和内容仅为模拟示范,实际使用场景和目的不应该只为达到字符数的要求。



表示愤怒的英语高级表达01、Piss off 气坏了意思是“to annoy someone”,piss有“小便”的意思,off有离开之意,如果有人用piss赶你离开,你是不是会非常生气呢?这个表达的语气比angry语气更严重,即非常生气的那种。

You really pissed me off when you decided to walk out that door.你走出门的那一刹真把我气坏了。

02、Mad at ……对某人生气注意,这里的Mad 这里不是疯的意思,而是“狂怒”,Mad at ……对某人非常生气,没毛病。

Jeff was mad at me about breaking his models.我弄坏了杰夫的模型所以他很生我的气。

03、Freak out气疯了这里Freak out 表示极度激动,可以是遇到欣喜若狂的事情,也可以是被气到极度激动。

We are almost freaking out if you don't turn up.你再不出现的话,我们都快要疯了。

04、Furious 极其愤怒的大家如果用烦了angry,可以尝试用用这个“Furious”。

Colleagues were furious at doing her work while she wined and dined.同事们干着她的活儿,而她却在外面大吃大喝,这让大家都气坏了。

05、go bananas这个大白之前说过很多遍,不是“去吧、香蕉”,而是表示一种很疯狂的状态,可以是“勃然大怒、也可以是极度兴奋激动”。

She'll go bananas when you tell her the news.你若告诉她这个消息,她会气疯的。



表达愤怒的高级英文短语1. I am absolutely furious!2. I am seething with anger!3. My blood is boiling!4. I am incensed!5. I am at the end of my tether!6. I am livid!7. I am fuming mad!8. I am absolutely beside myself with rage!9. I am so angry I could scream!10. I am absolutely outraged!11. I am at my wit's end with anger!12. I am absolutely enraged!13. I am burning with fury!14. I am absolutely incensed!15. I am absolutely beside myself with anger!16. I am absolutely agitated!17. I am absolutely infuriated!18. I am absolutely indignant!19. I am absolutely exasperated!20. I am absolutely pissed off!21. I am absolutely fed up!22. I am absolutely disgusted!23. I am absolutely fed up to here with this!24. I am absolutely appalled!25. I am absolutely appalled at this behavior!26. I am absolutely revolted by this!28. I am absolutely horrified!29. I am absolutely revolted!30. I am absolutely outraged at this!31. I am absolutely revolted by this behavior!32. I am absolutely sickened by this!33. I am absolutely nauseated by this!34. I am absolutely disgusted by this!35. I am absolutely repelled by this!36. I am absolutely outraged by this!37. I am absolutely appalled by this!38. I am absolutely horrified by this!39. I am absolutely shocked by this!40. I am absolutely dismayed by this!42. I am absolutely scandalized by this!43. I am absolutely scandalized by this behavior!44. I am absolutely insulted by this!45. I am absolutely affronted by this!46. I am absolutely offended by this!47. I am absolutely insulted by this behavior!48. I am absolutely affronted by this behavior!49. I am absolutely offended by this behavior!50. I am absolutely insulted!51. I am absolutely affronted!52. I am absolutely offended!。



发怒的英语短语1. Blow one's top. 例子:I was so angry that I just blew my top. (我气到简直要炸了。

)2. Fly off the handle. 例子:Don't fly off the handle at the slightest thing. (别因为一点小事就大发雷霆啊。

)3. Hit the roof. 例子:My mom will hit the roof if she finds out. (要是我妈妈发现了,她会暴跳如雷的。

)4. Lose one's temper. 例子:He easily loses his temper when he's tired. (他累的时候很容易发脾气。

)5. Go ballistic. 例子:She'll go ballistic if you break her vase. (要是你打碎了她的花瓶,她会火冒三丈的。

)6. Have a fit. 例子:My dad will have a fit if I fail the exam. (要是我考试不及格,我爸爸会大怒的。

)7. See red. 例子:When I saw what he did, I saw red. (当我看到他做的事,我顿时怒火中烧。

)8. Get steamed up. 例子:Don't get steamed up over such a small matter. (别为这么点小事就发火呀。

)9. Be livid. 例子:He was livid when he found out the truth. (当他发现真相时,他怒不可遏。

)10. Work oneself up into a rage. 例子:She worked herself up into a rage over the injustice. (她因为这不公平的事而大动肝火。



1. I got so mad about it!
2. I just flew off the handle when I found out what he'd done.

3. I almost blew my top when I found out that she had been lying to me.

4. I hit the roof / ceiling!
5. I blew a fuse because he didn't do his homework.

6. My boss had a cow at the meeting this morning.

7. I was so shocked when he flared up in front of everyone. 他在大家面前大发雷霆的时候,我真是吓坏了。

8. He really made my blood boil.

9. She's really furious about it.

10. I've never seen you so riled up.





現在讓我們來看看一些比較文雅的方式:Hey! wise up!放聰明點好嗎?當別人做了蠢事時,你可以說,"Don’t be stupid!"或"Don’t be silly."但這是非常不禮貌的說法。

客氣一點的說法就是:Wise up!你也可以用尖酸刻薄的語氣說:Wise up, please.然後故意把please的尾音拉得長長的。

也有人會說, Hey! grow up.意思就是你長大一點好不好?例如有人20歲了還不會自己補衣服,你就可以說Hey!grow up.這跟wise up是不是也差不多呢?Put up or shut up.要?你就去做,不然就給我閉嘴。

要注意的是,Put up字典上查不到"自己去做"的意思,但見怪不怪,很多口語都是字典上查不到的。

這句話也讓人想到一句成語:walk the walk, talk the talk,即說到做到,有點像是中文裏的言行一致,或是只說:walk the talk也可以。

You eat with that mouth?你是用這張嘴吃飯的嗎?別人對你說髒話,你就回敬他這句,言下之意是你的嘴那?髒,你還用它吃飯?還有一種說法:"You kiss your mother with that mouth?"你用這張髒嘴親你媽媽嗎?所以下次記得如果有老外對你說髒話,不要再罵回去,保持風度,說一句,"You eat with that mouth?"就扯平了。

You are dead meat.你死定了。

也可以說:"You are dead."你完蛋了。



【导语】不开⼼?不⾼兴?今天⼜有谁惹到你了?⼩宇宙爆发前,神马让你很不爽?来看看英⽂⾥的各种“搓⽕”都咋说吧~ 1. Push one's buttons做点⼉什么、说点⼉什么,就是为了惹⼈⽣⽓,英⽂可⽤push one's buttons表⽰。

⼀键开启愤怒模式~例:Don't pay any attention to her. She's just trying to push your buttons.别理她,她就是存⼼在拱你⽕。

2. A red rag to a bull能让⼈⼤动肝⽕的⾏为或事情,英⽂⾥称为a red rag to a bull,就好⽐⽃⽜见到了红布,后果你⾃⾏脑补~ 美语⾥也作like waving a red flag in front of a bull。

例:If you criticize him, it’s like a red rag to a bull—he gets absolutely furious.你要是批评他,那简直就是在⽃⽜⾯前放块红布,他会暴怒的。

3. Make sb's blood boilBlood boil可能会让你想到热⾎沸腾⼗分激动,不过make sb's blood boil是让⼈⽣⽓的意思,你可以理解为“让⼈怒⽕中烧,⽕冒三丈”。

例:The way he treats his employees really makes my blood boil.他对待员⼯的⽅式真让⼈怒不可遏。

4. Get/put sb's back up⼤家都熟悉的have sb's back是表⽰“⽀持”的意思,但get/put sb's back up则意指“惹恼别⼈”。

例:That sort of attitude really gets my back up!那种态度真是让⼈⽓不打⼀处来!5. Get sb's goat是⼭⽺,不是奶酪,“动了别⼈家的⼭⽺”意指“惹恼”、“激怒”。



记住:“我很⽣⽓”可不是“Imangry”那么简单!形容⼀个⼈⽓到不⾏,除了⽤我们最熟悉的'angry',还有哪些有趣实⽤的表达呢?go bananas:发疯Mom will go banana when she sees this mess.⽼妈看到这⼀团糟会疯掉的。

go nuts:抓狂When I see it all over I go nuts, I see red.⼀想到⼀切都完了,我就抓狂,忍不住怒⽕中烧。

lose it:情绪失控Some fans loses it when they see their idol.⼀些粉丝⼀看到⾃⼰的偶像就情绪失控。

go mental:发神经You are the one who went mental here.是你在这发神经。

freak out:⼗分不安We are almost freaking out if you don't turn up.你再不出现的话,我们都快要疯了。

go bonkers:精神崩溃I had a week off and I went bonkers.休了⼀个星期的假,快要闷疯了。

go berserk:变得狂躁I didn't know it would go berserk.我不知道他为什么变得狂躁起来。

blow one's top:⼤发脾⽓She ragularly blows her top.她经常⼤发脾⽓。

fly off the handle:勃然⼤怒He flyed off the handle at the sight.见到此情景,他勃然⼤怒。

hit the ceiling/roof:⼤发雷霆She hit the ceiling when she heard the news.听到这个消息,她⼤发雷霆。

go ballistic:狂怒He suddenly went ballistic.他突然狂怒起来。



“非常生气”只会说veryangry?太土了!学会这些词,立刻高大上100个日常生活中最易读错的英文单词,5节视频课教你正确发音在口语或写作中,你有没有过:“词汇不够,very来凑”的经历呢?巨大的:very big愤怒的:very angry这样说英语不仅显得词汇贫乏而且离你真正想表达的总差那么一点距离。

其实,在英文中有很多词可以代替very+简单形容词今天我们就一起来学习这些词~你会发现,运用这些词立马让你的表达地道十倍!01第一波(建议收藏)以上讲到的就不再赘述了,再来补充一些其它的词:•very angry —> furious 愤怒的•very beautiful —> gorgeous 美丽动人的•very rich —> wealthy 富有的•very careful —> cautious谨慎的•very expensive —> costly 昂贵的•very busy —> swamped 繁忙的•Sb's swamped with something:XX在XX事上忙不过来She's swamped with powerpoint for the presentation.她忙着做做展示用的PPT。

•very clean—> spotless一尘不染的现在我们来描述下下面的这张图。



)如果是之前,我猜大家会这么来说:Bree is a very beautiful and rich housewife. She is busy with baking in a very clean kitchen. She got very angry as she broke a very expensive bowl because of her carelessness.对比:Bree, a gorgous and wealthy housewife, was swaped with baking in a spotless kitchen. She got furious as she broke a costly bowl because of her incaution.这样描述画面感, 语言的贴切感立马出来,英语好得连自己都不敢相信了!02第二波•very big —> massive巨大的,魁伟的•very small —> petite [pəˈtit]小巧的•very boring —> dull乏味的•very poor —> destitute['dɛstətʊt] 穷困的•very difficult —> arduous ['ɑrdʒuəs]艰难的•very bad —> awful糟糕的•very smart —> intelligent聪明的•very sad —> sorrowful悲伤的•very tall —> towering高大的•very little —> tiny微小的(站在高大宏伟的大厦面前,乔希觉得他很渺小。

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Don’t be stupid!
Don’t be silly!
Hey!Wise up!
Hey!Grow up!
You eat with that mouth?
Put up or shut up.
You are dead.
How dare you!
Don’t push me around.
Don’t push me any further!
You want to take this outside?
Do you want to pick a fight?
This means war.
有人发生争吵时,他们可能要问你“Who’s side are you on?”,言下之意即:你到底是站在哪一边的?这时,你可要劝说大家以和为贵,不要再争吵了哦。。
