



其次,在实现教育功能方面,《夏洛的网》的译者通过选用恰当的词汇和表 达方式,帮助儿童读者扩大词汇量并提高语言表达能力。例如,“The barn was a place where the cows and pigs were kept.”(谷仓是个养牛养猪的地 方。)这句话向儿童读者介绍了“barn”(谷仓)这个新词汇的含义和用途,同 时也让他们了解到了农场中的一种常见场景。
功能翻译理论在儿童文学翻译中 的应用
功能翻译理论强调翻译应以实现文本的功能为首要目标,强调目的语文本与 原文本的功能对等。在儿童文学翻译中,功能翻译理论的应用主要体现在以下几 个方面:
1、传递信息:儿童文学翻译的首要功能是传递信息,包括故事情节、人物 形象、环境描写等。在翻译过程中,译者需确保信息的准确性和可理解性,以便 儿童读者能够理解和接受。
儿童文学翻译具有其独特的特点和要求。首先,儿童文学翻译要注重语言的 简洁明了、生动有趣,以便吸引儿童的注意力。其次,由于儿童正处于语言学习 和认知发展的关键时期,因此儿童文学翻译还需具备教育功能,帮助儿童扩大词 汇量,提高语言表达能力。此外,儿童文学翻译还承担着传承文化、传达情感的 重任,需要在忠实原文的基础上进行再创作。
《夏洛的网》中的儿童文学翻译 应用分析
《夏洛的网》是一部经典的儿童文学作品,描述了农场中蜘蛛夏洛与小猪威 尔伯之间的深厚友谊。在翻译过程中,如何传递原文中的信息、实现教育功能、 传承文化和传达情感是译者需要考虑的关键问题。
首先,在传递信息方面,《夏洛的网》的译者通过简洁明了的语言,生动地 呈现了故事情节和人物形象。比如,对于蜘蛛夏洛的形象描述,“She was a smart spider. She had a beautiful web in the corner of the barn.” (她是一只聪明的蜘蛛,在谷仓的角落里有一张美丽的网。)这句话简单明了地 描述了夏洛的外貌和居住环境,同时也为后续的故事发展埋下了伏笔。


际 意 图就必 须 在交 际 双方 共 知 的认 知环 境 当 中找 到 话 语
A g s t 此 基 础 上 写 成 专 著 《 译 与 关 联 — — 认 知 与 u ut t Gu 在 翻 语 境》 提 出 了关联 翻译 理论 。这一 理 论 旨在研 究 翻译 过 , 程 , 讨 如 何 达 到 翻 译 交 际 的 目 的 和 效 果 等 问 题 , 起 了 探 引 学 者越 来 越 多 的关 注 。
翻译本 质
翻 译 标 准

关 联理 论 是 西方 近 年来 影 响 巨大 的认 知 语用 学 理论 之 一 . 它 是 由 法 国 学 者 S eb r I 国 学 者 W i o 在 1 8 p re ̄ 英 ' I l n 96 s 年 提 出 来 的 , 是 对 Gr e 关 原 则 的 发 展 和 深 化 。 E n t i 相 c rs ~
二 、 联 理 论 关
根 据关 联 理论 , 解 话 语 的标 准 是人 类认 知 假 设 , 理 即
认 为 人 类 的 认 知 靠 的 是 关 联 。 谓 关 联 , 的 事 物 之 问 的 所 指 联 系 , 及认 识 主 体认 为 事物 之 问所 具 有 的联 系 。 联理 以 关 论 有 两 条 原 则 : 1 认 知 准 则 : 类 的 认 知 常 常 与 最 大 的 () 人 关 联 性 相 吻 合 ;2 交 际 准 则 : 语 交 际 中 , 何 一 个 示 意 () 言 任
言 语 交 际 中 .说 话 人 通 过 示 意 行 为 向 听 话 人 传 递 自 己 的 意 图 , 听话 者进 行 推理 提 供必 要 的理 据 。 话人 则 根 据 为 听
说 话 人 的示 意 行为 进 行推 理 , 找 关联 。 联 性 的强 弱 取 寻 关 决 于两个 因素 : 导 努力 与语 境 效果 的大小 。 同 等条 件 推 在 下 , 导努 力越 小 , 关 联 性 越强 ; 境 效 果 越 大 , 关 联 推 则 语 则







关键词:增译法、《小公主》、英汉翻译Application of Amplification in the Alice's Adventures inWonderlandTianTongrongAbstract:little princess is recognized as one of the most famous children's literature classic fairy tales in the world, and its translation belongs to the translation of children’s literature works. Owing to the great differences between English and Chinese, it is difficult to translate every word or sentence accurately in the process of translation. Therefore, in order to express the meaning of original text precisely and make the article more fluently and lively, the translator used amplification, omission, inversion, negation and other translation skills. This article will mainly elaborate from the aspect of the application of amplification in the translation text.Key Words: Amplification; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; English-Chinese translati on引言《小公主》是一部灰姑娘式的儿童小说。


(dest e 、 因 (a s ) 以及 时 间 (e oa) avr i )原 av cua , 1 t mpr1。
测点 , 对笔者 尝试 翻译 的儿童文学《 迷城 》 中的一章进行语篇
层 面 的译 文 分 析 。

H ldy和 Haa 提 出 的 5类 衔 接 关 系 ala i sn
21 0 2年 0 5月
内 蒙 古 民 族 大 学 学 报
o n l fI n r Mo g l Unv riy f t n l is — r a o n e n oi ie st rNa i ai e u a o o t

M y2 2 a 01

第 l卷 8
Vo . 8 No 3 11 .
i n i ) nE s 中讨论的衔接 关系为理论基础 , 图对笔者曾尝试翻译的 儿童 文学《 h 试 迷城》 中的语篇 连贯与衔接 手
段做 简要 分析 , 出体现原文衔接方 面的得与失 , 指 希望在今后的汉译 英实践 中提 高语篇连贯及衔接 手段 方面
的敏 感 度 。
[ 关键词 ] 衔接 ; 连贯 ;迷城》 《 英译 ( 中图分类号 ] 3 59 [ H 1 . 文献标识码】A [ 文章编号 ] 0 8 1 92 1 )3 0 6 2 1 0 —54 (0 2 0 —0 5 —0
本 文 以 H l a 和 Ha n所 提 出 的 这几 个 衔 接 关 系 为 观 di y d s a
( 逻辑衔接 。逻辑 衔接是 通过 表示句 子 问一定 的逻 四) 辑关 系的连接词来 实现 的。这些连接 词表 明句子 之 间的逻 辑关 系, 表示一个 观点如何 从一方 面表 达到另 一方 面的 , 从 而为读者 指 明了句 子语 义 发展 的方 向和线 索 。Haia ldy和 l H sn aa 将连接词按照表达关系分为四类 :  ̄(d iv )转折 增: a d ie 、 b t


从 关联 理论 看儿 童又 的英汉 翻 译
以 苏福 忠 、张敏 译 快 乐王 子 为 例
口赵 琼
摘 要 :关联理论给翻译理论和 实践带来 了全新的视 角。本文主要探讨了关联理论在儿童文学的英汉翻译中所
起 的指 导 作 用 ,认 为译 者应 在 准 确理 解原 文本 、 充分 考虑 译 文读 者 的认 知 语境 和 认 知 能 ,视 具 体 情 况采 用 归化 策略

则 。例 如 :
( 1)T e t e H i S o p d a ci g v r hi h n h a 1 t p e d n n o e S
h d, an t Nor h Wi d ’ o ea d he t n St ppi g r n oari ng, a a nd de1 Ci perf i OHS ume ca t hi t ough t op me 0 m hr he en
wi d w ( h e f s i n n o . T e S 1 i h G a t)
雹 子停 止 了在 头顶 怦 怦 乱跳 ,北 风 不再 呼呼 吼 叫 ,一股
扑鼻的香 气从开着的窗扉飘到了他跟前。 (( 私的 巨人) 《 自 ))
“ 怦 乱 跳 ”和 “ 呼 吼 叫 ” 形 象 地 再 现 了 雹 子 和 怦 呼 北 风 的 肆 虐 ,读 者 阅 读 时 耳 边 似 乎 就 响 起 了这 些 响 声 , 它
关 联 的 第 二 ( 交 际 )原 则 : 每 一 个 明示 的 交 际 行 为 或 都应 设 想 为 它本 身 具 有最 佳 关 联性 。
其 中 “ 大 关 联 性 ”就 是 话 语 理 解 时 付 出尽 可 能 小 的 们 与 我 们 的 生活 经 验 也 是 相 对 应 的 , 因而 儿 童 读 者 很 容 易 最



理论争鸣Theory of schools of thought contend■ 甘莉莉从关联理论看儿童文学中定语从句的翻译摘要:本文在Gutt(2004)的关联翻译理论指导下,从认知付出的层面来具体探讨作品中定语从句的汉译,详细分析不同翻译策略的使用及原因。


依 据关联翻译论,翻译儿童文学作品中定语从句时要考虑到整个句子本身语言结构的复杂性、新语境假设与当前假设的互动关系和儿童的心理认知能力,对译文语言结构的选择应该尽量符合儿童的阅读和认知能力。
















2. Literature review
2.1 A review of application of Skopos theory in children’s literature translation in western countries
Many translators think the process of translation should consist of two aspects: “a faithful reproduction of formal source text qualities in one situation and an adjustment to the target readers in another” (Nord, 2001:4). With the development of the study of translation and function thought arises in German, Vermeer and Reiss put forward the Skopos theory which started a new field of children’s literature and its translation.
Nord (2001) believed that there are four factors that impacted on the children’s literature translation: children’s literature serving as a segment of literature, the gap of different culture, the difficult parts of the text in the translation process, the target readers or children themselves.



导 作 用 。关 联 翻 译 理 论 带 给 儿 童 文 学翻 译 很 多启 示 。首 先 ,译 者 需要 寻 求 最佳 关联 性 ,生 成 符 合译 语 规 范 的 、通 顺 的
译 文 ;其 次 ,要 考虑 译 语 读 者 与原 语 读 者认 知 环 境 不 同 ,进 行 创 造 性 叛 逆 ;最 后 ,译 者 需要 忠 实传 递 作 者 的 意 图 ,使
从关联 翻译 理论看儿童文学 的翻译
— —
《 夏 洛 的 网》 汉译 本 个 案研 究
贾 丽梅
( 中北 大 学 人 文 社 会 科 学 学 院 , 山西 太 原 0 3 0 0 5 1 )

要 :运 用 关 联 翻 译 理 论 , 比较 了儿 童 文 学作 品 《 夏 洛 的 网 》 的 两 个 汉译 本 .探 索 了翻 译理 论 对 儿 童 文 学 翻 译 的 指
Re l e v a n c e Tr a n s l a t i o n The o r y i n t h e Tr a n s l a t i o n o f Chi l dr e n S Li t e r a t u r e: A Ca s e St u dy o f Two Chi ne s e Ve r s i o n s o f CJ l a r l o t t W 6
Ab s t r a c t : Ap pl yi ng t he Re l e va n c e Tr a ns l a t i on T he or y t o t he t r an s l a t i o n o f Chi l dr e n ' s I i t e r a t u r e, t hi s p a pe r s t ud i e s Re l e — va n c e Tr a n s l a t i on The or y t hr ou gh t h e a n al ys i s o f t wo Ch i n es e v e r s i o ns of Ch ar l o t t g s We b t o e xpl o r e t he gu i da nc e of Rel e —

从目的论视角研究儿童文学的翻译--以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》的两个中译本为例

从目的论视角研究儿童文学的翻译--以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记 》的两个中译本为例
Under the guidance ofSKOPOStheory,the author selectedtwo versions of Zhao Yuanren and Chen FuanofAlice's adventures in wonderlandmakes a comparative analysis.Eventually concludedthat the translation of children's literature under the guidance of theSKOPOStheory can serve the readers better and achieve the purpose of communication.
2.Brief IntroductiontoChildren’s Literature
Children's literature is designed for the creation of children's literature.The special requirements of children’sliterature arelively,vivid andeasy to understand,.
My thanks also go to other teachers intheCollegeofForeign Language,XianyangNormalUniversity, whose profound knowledge and gracious virtue set me a good example in my life. Their courses gave me enlightment and inspiration all the time.



浅析在目的论视域下的儿童文学英汉翻译摘要:儿童是一个特殊的阅读群体, 儿童文学的语言表达需要贴合儿童的认知特点与审美需要, 附有一定的教育意义、趣味性与形象性, 其翻译重在遵循“功能对等”与“目的论”的原则, 打破传统英汉翻译的“等值”观念, 从而对儿童文学翻译给予更加完善的翻译指导。

从目的论视域进行分析, 儿童文学在英汉翻译中具有如下翻译策略:简洁可读, 准确无误;口语化;趣味性。

关键词:目的论; 儿童文学; 英汉翻译; 翻译策略;儿童文学作为儿童开启世界大门的钥匙与早期成长的启蒙食粮, 对儿童后期的成长有着深远的影响。

儿童文学的翻译既要遵循文学翻译的规律性, 又要遵循儿童文学自身独有的特殊性。

与一般文学相比, 儿童文学不论是从翻译的客体、主体还是从阅读群体来讲, 都具有一定的特殊性。

[1]首先, 翻译主体要具备二重性, 也就是说翻译者虽然是一个成人, 但是要善于揣摩儿童的心理以及阅读需求, 从儿童的角度去翻译原作品。

其次, 翻译者要用目标语翻译出原文的语言, 译文在遵循翻译规律的前提下, 要让目标语儿童更加容易接受, 并得到儿童的喜爱, 培养阅读兴趣与习惯。

一、目的论简介翻译目的论又称译文目的论, 起源于20世纪60年代, 最早是由德国著名翻译学家汉斯·费米尔提出的, 费米尔将其建立在了功能对等与一般翻译理论的基础上, 把目的作为翻译的重点, 从而为翻译开启了新的大门。

[2]费米尔认为翻译属于一种带有目的性的活动, 不论形式如何, 都是存在目的性的。


从中可以看出, 受众是决定翻译目的的非常重要的因素之一, 因为受众群体的不同, 使得他们对文化背景知识、交际需求以及审美需求都有所不同。

而功能对等是孕育目的论产生的温床, 它是翻译理论体系的核心要素, 是由美国语言翻译学家尤金奈达提出的。






《白马雪儿》是中国儿童文学作家曹文轩所著,并由英国人汪海岚(Helen Wang)翻译成英文。




1986年,斯波伯和威尔逊出版了《关联性:交际与认知》(Relevance:Communication and Cognition)一书,其中首次提出了关联理论(relevance theory),并深刻地论述了交际与认知的过程。
















目的论视域下的儿童文学英汉翻译研究Research on Children's Literature Translation from the Perspective of Skopos TheoryAbstract: Children's literature is an important part of the literary world, and translation plays a crucial role in promoting cultural exchange and cross-border communication. Based on the Skopos Theory, this paper analyzes the characteristics of children's literature and the principles of translation, and provides some suggestions for the translation of children's literature. Keywords: Children's literature; Skopos Theory; TranslationIntroductionWith the increasing interest in international cultural exchange, the translation of children's literature has become an important aspect of translation studies. The translation of children's literature is not only a basic means of promoting cross-cultural communication, but also an important way to improve the reading ability and cultural awareness of children. In the field of translation studies, the Skopos Theory has been widely applied to the translation of different genres and the translation of children's literature is no exception. This paper aims to explore the translation of children's literature from the perspective of the Skopos Theory and provide some theoretical and practical guidance for translators.Part 1: Skopos Theory and the Translation of Children's Literature1.1 The Definition of Skopos TheoryThe Skopos Theory, first proposed by Hans J. Vermeer in 1978, is a functionalist approach to translation that emphasizes the importance of the target audience and the communicative purpose of the translation. According to Vermeer (1989), "Every translation ought to be considered an action, an event that serves a particular purpose."The Skopos Theory is based on the following principles:- The purpose of the translation determines the translation strategy and the translation quality.- The target audience and their cultural background should be taken into consideration.- The translation process involves a series of decisions and choices made by the translator.1.2 Characteristics of Children's LiteratureChildren's literature is not only designed for children, but also requires a different writing style and language register. The characteristics of children's literature include:- Simplicity: The language and structure of children's literature should be simple and easy to understand.- Imagery: Children's literature often contains vivid imagery and colorful illustrations.- Moral lessons: Many children's stories have a moral lesson or message that teaches children about social values and ethics.- Humor: Humor is often used in children's literature to engage andentertain young readers.- Fun and adventure: Children's literature often takes readers into the world of fantasy, adventure and imagination.1.3 Principles of Children's Literature TranslationBased on the Skopos Theory, the principles of children's literature translation include:- Translation purpose and target audience: The translator should consider the target audience and the purpose of the translation, and choose a translation strategy that best suits the readership and the communication purpose.- Language register and style: The translator should use simple language and structure and avoid complex or obscure expressions that may confuse young readers.- Cultural awareness: The translator should be familiar with the cultural background of the target audience and adapt the content and style of the original text accordingly.- Adaptation and localization: The translator should adapt or localize the text to make it more relevant and appropriate for the target audience.- Illustrations: Illustrations play an important role in children's literature, and the translator should pay attention to the quality and accuracy of illustrations in the translated text.Part 2: Case Study of Children's Literature TranslationTo illustrate the application of the Skopos Theory in the translation of children's literature, this paper analyzes a Chinese children'sbook "少年儿童文学集" ( Collection of Children's Literature ) and its English translation "Chinese Children's Literature Volume 1: Fairy Tales and Animal Stories" translated by Yang Hong and John Cayley.2.1 Translation Purpose and Target AudienceThe purpose of the translation is to introduce Chinese children's literature to English-speaking readers, especially children. The translation is also intended to promote cultural exchange between China and the West.2.2 Language Register and StyleThe language and structure of the translated text are simple and easy to understand, and the translator avoids using complex expressions or obscure words that may confuse young readers. The translation also maintains the original Chinese style and rhythm to some extent.2.3 Cultural AwarenessThe translator tries to maintain the original Chinese cultural elements in the translation, such as the use of Chinese names, settings, and traditions. However, the translator also adapts some of the elements to make them more accessible and relevant to English-speaking readers. For example, the name of a Chinese god is translated as "Jade Emperor" instead of the literal Chinese name.2.4 Adaptation and LocalizationThe translator adapts some of the stories to make them more suitable for English-speaking readers. For example, a story about a Chinese mythical beast is adapted to use a similar Western mythical beast instead. The translator also makes some changes to the original text to make it more relevant and interesting to English-speaking readers.2.5 IllustrationsThe translated text contains high-quality illustrations that accurately depict the content of the stories and enhance the reading experience of young readers.ConclusionFrom the analysis and case study, it is clear that the Skopos Theory plays an important role in the translation of children's literature. The translator should consider the purpose of the translation, the target audience, language register, cultural awareness, adaptation, and illustrations when translating children's literature. By applying the Skopos Theory, the translator can produce high-quality translations that engage young readers and promote cross-cultural communication.Part 3: Challenges and Solutions in Children's Literature TranslationWhile the Skopos Theory provides a helpful framework for the translation of children's literature, there are still some challenges that translators may face. Some of the common challenges and solutions include:3.1 Translating cultural referencesChildren's literature often contains cultural references that may be unfamiliar to readers from different cultures. The translator should make sure to adapt or explain these references so that the target audience can understand the meaning behind them.3.2 Translating humor and punsHumor and puns can be difficult to translate, especially when they rely on language or cultural nuances. The translator should try to find equivalent expressions or use footnotes or explanations to help readers understand the humor.3.3 Translating rhyme and rhythmRhyme and rhythm are important features of many children's stories, and the translator should try to maintain these features in the translation. However, this can be challenging, especially when the target language does not have the same rhyme or rhythm scheme as the source language. The translator may need to make some adaptations or compromises to preserve the spirit of the original text.3.4 Translating illustrationsIllustrations play a crucial role in children's literature, and the translator should pay careful attention to the quality and accuracy of illustrations in the translated text. If the illustrator is differentfrom the original illustrator, the translator should communicate with the new illustrator to ensure that the images accurately reflect the content of the stories.ConclusionIn conclusion, the translation of children's literature is an important aspect of cross-cultural communication. Translators can apply the Skopos Theory to produce high-quality translations that engage and educate young readers. However, translators may also encounter challenges, such as translating cultural references, humor, and rhyme, and should use strategies to overcome these challenges. Ultimately, the goal of children's literature translation is to promote understanding and appreciation of different cultures and languages among young readers.。















关键词:《青铜葵花》英译,关联理论,明示推理,认知环境,最佳关联CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (I)ABSTRACT (II)摘要 (IV)Chapter One Introduction (1)1.1Research Background (1)1.2Research Objectives (3)1.3Research Methodology (4)1.4Structure of the Thesis (4)Chapter Two Literature Review (5)2.1Studies on Translation of Children’s Literature (5)2.1.2Studies Abroad (5)2.1.2Studies in China (7)2.2Studies on Bronze and Sunflower (10)Chapter Three Theoretical Framework (12)3.1Relevance Theory (12)3.1.1Communication:an Ostensive-inferential Process (13)3.1.2Context and Cognitive Environment (13)3.1.3Criterion for Successful Communication:Optimal Relevance (14)3.2Relevance-theoretical Account of Translation (15)3.2.1The Connection Between Relevance Theory and Translation (15)3.2.2Translation as an Ostensive-inferential Process (16)3.2.3Criterion for Successful Translation:Optimal Relevance (17)Chapter Four Relevance-theoretical Approaches of Translation in Bronze and Sunflower (18)4.1Analysis on Helen Wang’s Ostensive-inferential Process (18)4.2Cultural Elements in Translation (22)4.3Optimal Relevance Achieved in Translation (26)4.3.1Optimal Relevance Achieved in Sound (27) Rhyme (27) (30)4.3.2Optimal Relevance Achieved in Word (33)’Names and Appellations (33) (36)4.3.3Optimal Relevance Achieved in Discourse (38) of Context of Culture (39) to Create Cohesion and Coherence (40)4.3.4Optimal Relevance Achieved in Figures of Speech (43) (43) (45) (46) (48)Chapter Five Conclusion (51)Bibliography (53)攻读学位期间取得的研究成果 (58)浙江师范大学学位论文诚信承诺书 (59)浙江师范大学学位论文独创性声明 (60)学位论文使用授权声明 (60)Chapter One IntroductionIn this chapter,the researcher will introduce the background,purpose, methodology and the structure of the study.1.1Research BackgroundAt the beginning of the21st century,the Chinese government put forward the “go global”strategy for Chinese culture,which aims to introduce our competitive cultural products into international cultural markets and enhance cultural soft power. In2004,the State Council Information Office launched the program China Book International,opening the prelude of“go global”of Chinese literature.As an integral part of Chinese literature,a growing number of excellent Chinese children’s literature works have been exported to foreign countries because of the combination of constant emergence of outstanding Chinese children’s literature works and strenuous promotion made by the presses.The decade from2005to2015has witnessed the rapid development of Chinese children’s literature“go global”.A significant number of Chinese children’s literature works by Cao Wenxuan,Gao Hongbo,Shen Shixi, Yang Hongying,Heihe have been translated into multiple languages and introduced to the international markets.The copyright output has expanded from the traditional Asian markets to the European and American markets.Taking Cao Wenxuan as an example,his works like Cao Fangzi,Qingtong Kuihua and Hongwa Heiwa have been translated into more than ten languages,in particular,Qingtong Kuihua,which was written by Cao Wenxuan in2005.Since its publication,it has received good reviews from domestic readers.And later he won national awards such as the National Five One Project prize(1999)and the National Book Award(1999)and even the Hans Christian Andersen Award(2016).It is translated into English by Helen Wang in2015,and has generated enormous publicity in the western mainstream media and has aroused significant repercussions among readers.As of November16,2019,Bronze and Sunflower has received448ratings and122reviews with a score of4.11on Goodreads,the world’s largest website ofbook reviews.Helen Wang,born in1965,is an English sinologist and translator.She works as a curator of East Asian Money at the British Museum in London.She has a good command of the cultural differences between Chinese and English.She read some other children’s novels by Cao Wenxuan before translating Qingtong Kuihua into English,which helped her gain a deeper understanding of the background and characteristics of his works,and accurately capture the psychological changes of characters and the most powerful pathos which appeared in the original works.Most foreign readers eulogizes over Bronze and Sunflower.Given the huge success Bronze and Sunflower has achieved,and Helen Wang is an outstanding translator,the researcher chooses Bronze and Sunflower to carry out the case study.Translation is a cross-cultural communication.Literary works of different countries boast their own cultural elements.It is true of children’s literature.Cultural differences pose a great challenge for translators of children’s literature.As children from different countries differ in life experiences and reservoirs of knowledge,when it comes to translating for children,children’s cognitive abilities,reading habits, reading preferences,and reading expectations should be considered.The translator has sought to“strike a balance between filling gaps in children’s knowledge and the need to stimulate curiosity and enhance a tolerance of the unfamiliar”(Lathey, 2010:31).It is of importance to understand what processes are at work in translation for children,that is,how we communicate with children through translation(Oittinen, 2000:6).Relevance Theory,the linguistic theory that focuses on communication and cognition,has been applied to translation studies over the decade.The feasibility of accounting for translation studies from the perspective of Relevance Theory has been recognized by some scholars from Chinese academia such as Lin Kenan and Li Zhanxi.As the Relevance Theory shares some connection with translation studies, and there is no research that studies Bronze and Sunflower from the perspective of Relevance Theory yet,the thesis will study it from the perspective of Relevance Theory.1.2Research ObjectivesThe boom of translated children’s literary works over the last few decades and the remarkable rise in the quality of these translations are accompanied by a significant growth in scholarly interest.The successful translation and dissemination of Qingtong Kuihua prove to be a milestone in Chinese children’s literature going global,which also stimulates the interest of scholars.Few domestic researches concentrate on how Helen Wang conveys the writer’s intentions to target readers in the process of translation,how she deals with the translation of culture-specific items because of the different cognitive environment of target readers.As the connection between Relevance Theory and translation studies has been discussed on the research background,the thesis is geared to enrich the research on the English translation of Qingtong Kuihua through analyzing the translation from the perspective of Relevance Theory.In the thesis,the researcher will demonstrate how Helen Wang reproduces Cao Wenxuan’s intentions,and conveys them to target readers.In addition,the thesis focuses on if children’s cognition and cognitive environment are considered in the st but not least,the researcher will analyze the translation comprehensively and generally under the guidance of optimal relevance.Children’s cognition,cognitive environment,reading habits and expectations will get involved in the analysis.And the translator’s translation methods will also be discussed and summarized in the analysis.The research questions are as follows:(1)How does Helen Wang convey the writer’s intentions to the target readers in the process of translation?(2)Have children’s cognitive environment taken into consideration when she translates the cultural elements?(3)Is optimal relevance achieved in the translation?By exploring and discussing the above-mentioned questions,the researcher hopes to shed some light on the translator’s translation process,and how the translator translates for children.1.3Research MethodologyThe main references of the thesis are as follows:(1)Qingtong Kuihua and its English version Bronze and Sunflower translated by Helen Wang.(2)Relevant journals and papers on translation studies of children’s literature and on Bronze and Sunflower published in China and abroad.(3)Books and journals on Relevance Theory.(4)Relevant interviews with Helen Wang.As far as methodology is concerned,the thesis mainly adopts qualitative research method which includes documentary research method and comparative research method.Firstly,in Chapter Two,studies on translation of children’s literature and Bronze and Sunflower in China and abroad are reviewed,for which the documentary research method is mainly adopted.Secondly,in the main part of this thesis(Chapter Four),the comparative research method is adopted to make a comparative analysis between the source text and the target text on the basis of Relevance Theory.1.4Structure of the ThesisThis thesis is composed of five chapters.Chapter One gives a brief introduction to the research background,research objectives,research methodology and the thesis structure.Chapter Two presents the literature review,which is composed of previous translation studies of children’s literature in China and abroad as well as previous translation studies of Bronze and Sunflower.Chapter Three elaborates on three key concepts of Relevance Theory,which are ostensive-inferential process,cognitive environment and optimal relevance.Then the connection between Relevance Theory and translation will also be clarified in this chapter.Chapter Four is the core chapter. In this chapter,the relevance-theoretical account of translation in Bronze and Sunflower will be discussed.Chapter Four focuses on the above-mentioned questions. For Question(3),the thesis will discuss from the perspective of sound,word, discourse and figures of speech.Chapter Five summarizes the major findings,points out the limitations and elaborates the suggestions for further study.Chapter Two Literature ReviewAs Bronze and Sunflower belongs to children’s literature translation work,it is necessary to review the studies on children’s literature translation.Then the researcher reviews the studies on Bronze and Sunflower.2.1Studies on Translation of Children’s Literature2.1.2Studies AbroadIn the middle of the20th century,studies on translation of children’s literature began to boom.In the21st century,the translation of children’s literature has developed rapidly.The monographs on translation of children’s literature that have been published abroad are Children’s Fiction in the Hands of the Translators(1986), Linguistic Acceptability in Translated Children’s Literature(1995),Translating for Children(2000),Children’s Literature in Translation:Challenges and Strategies (2014),The Translation of Children’s Literature:A Reader(2006),The Role of Translators in Children’s Literature:Invisible Storytellers(2010),Translating Children’s Literature(2016)and so on.Among them,Translating Children’s Literature comprehensively explores many aspects of the translation of children’s literature,covering the challenges of translating the children’s voice;the translation of cultural markers for young readers;dialogue and dialect and in modern children’s literature;onomatopoeia and the translation of children’s poetry and so on.The Translation of Children’s Literature(A Reader)covers almost three decades of research in the wide field of writing and translating for children.The essays form an overview of the relationship between translation studies and the translation of children’s literature from a historical perspective.The topics discussed cover the abilities and specific requirements of readers as well as translators who are responsible for their reading experience,international dissemination of children’s literature through translation and its impact on cross-cultural relations,translator’s role in relaying children’s literature.The Role of Translators in Children’s Literature: Invisible Storytellers covers a broadly chronological survey of historical development.From the time when monographs were published,it can be found that studies on children’s literature translation have experienced a transition from being unnoticed to gradually gaining attention in foreign countries.Based on the database of EBSCO,JSTOR and ProQuest,the researcher searches the databases with the keyword“translation of children’s literature”.After culling out unrelated papers,9papers are selected to analyze.Through the analysis of these papers,the researcher finds that foreign translation studies of children’s literature mainly focus on texts,translators and readers,culture and ideology,and the history of children’s literature translation.On“research on texts”,foreign scholars focus on the translation of puns,specific terms,names of characters,names of places and other issues.Nord(2003)provides an in-depth analysis of the effects of adopting different translation strategies for proper nouns.Yamazaki(2002)believes that in the process of translating names,to maintain cultural diversity,the culture embedded in source language should be maintained rather than cater to the target readers.Mussche&Willems(2010)studies which strategy to choose when dealing with the culture-loaded words.On“research based on translators and readers”,Shavit(1986)talks about the important role played by translators in the process of translating children’s literature. O’Sullivan(2003)explores the“creativity”translators make in the translation.Stolze (2003)points out that the language style and ideology of the translated works depend on the translators to a certain extent.Romney(2003)finds that translators use more rewriting methods to make the work be well received by readers.On“research related to culture and ideology”,Inggs(2003)studies the translation strategies adopted when the translator deals with culture and ideology in the original texts.Mejdell(2011)explores the social and cultural norms reflected in the Arabic translated works.On“research on the history of children’s literature translation”,Lathey(2010) conducts a broadly chronological survey of historical developments ranging from the 8th century until now.It can be concluded that studies on translation of children’s literature have received more and more attention in the past decade.The research results abroad are quite significant,and worthy of recognition in terms of the depth and breadth of the content.It is worthwhile for scholars who are interested in engaging in translation studies of children’s literature in China to learn from them.2.1.2Studies in ChinaBased on the CNKI database,the researcher of the thesis searches the databases with the keyword“儿童文学”and“翻译”,after culling out unrelated papers,37 papers from CSSCI and core journals are selected.By analyzing these journal articles, it can be concluded that the domestic studies of translation of children’s literature in recent years mainly focus on texts,general translation studies,translation and introduction,translators and readers,translation criticism of children’s literature,and the history of children’s literature translation.According to statistics,15of the37articles are conducted around texts.Most of the15papers choose works like Alice in Wonderland,Peter Pan,Charlotte's Net. Most of the researches are carried out from the perspectives of Skopos Theory, translation aesthetics,and receptive esthetics.On“general translation studies”,Xu Derong(2004)thinks that the development of children’s literature translation in theory and practice is very unbalanced:translated works of children’s literature were on the rise,while the specific researches on the translation of children’s literature are very few.Xu Derong(2011)takes three different versions of Alice in Wonderland as the object and explores the translation norms in the translation of children’s literature by analyzing the translation strategies adopted by translators at different times.Xu Derong(2018)puts forward the principle that recreates style from the aspects of phonetics,pragmatics,and discourse,and probes into the feasibility and effectiveness of style recreation of translated works with the help of the latest development of stylistics branches such as phonetics, multimodal stylistics,pragmatic stylistics,and cognitive stylistics.Jiang Jianli(2013)discusses what kind of connotation should be reflected in the title of children’s literature.Ye Juan(2016)discusses how to translate Andersen’s Fairy Tales.On“research on translation and introduction”,Xiao Mingyi(2013)summarizes and reviews the translation and introduction of children’s literature from abroad in the new century,and outlines the overall layout of its translation and publication.He makes an assumption and elaboration on the future trend of translation and publication.Yuan Hong(2018)makes a systematic study of the number of translated children’s picture books,authors,translators,as well as their communication and acceptance in China based on the collected children’s picture books that were translated from1999to2016.On“research related to translators and readers”,Xu Derong(2012)explores the translator’s translation view of children’s literature by analyzing the translation strategies adopted to deal with the puns in Alice in Wonderland.Zhang Shenxiang (2016)explores the influence of children’s identity as a reader on the rewriting of the text.He points out that children have special linguistic,psychological and social characteristics,which have an important impact on the rewriting of texts.Therefore, translators must adopt special translation methods to meet children’s reading demands. Li Jing(2016)elaborates on the positive influences of translator’s multi-identity.On“review on the translation of children’s literature”,Li Hongshun(2014)gives a detailed review of what have been done in this field internationally and domestically and more importantly it points out the future trends of research in children’s literature translation,aiming to arouse the attention of more scholars of translation studies.Gao Luyi(2017)summarizes the children’s literature translation in the late Qing Dynasty, the early years of Republic China,the May4th movement,the1930s,and1940s and the reform and opening-up period,and points out that after more than100years of development and experience,Chinese children’s literature translation has completed the transformation of views on the translation,which lays the foundation for the development of Chinese children’s literature.Ying Chengfei(2015)analyzes the status quo and trend of children’s literature translation studies abroad in the past30 years.On“translation criticism”,based on the inherent features of children’s literature, Xu Derong(2014)takes the socio-semiotic meaning theory as an analytic tool and sets up three parameters:accuracy,readability,and literariness of children’s literature. At last,it summarizes the approach of translation criticism of children’s literature:the combination of comprehensive analysis and text analysis.Xu Derong(2017)proposes to use the comprehensive criticism model of“truth-seeking and utility-attaining”which combines translation criticism parameters with rating scales.The model has also combined qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis.On“the history of children’s literature translation”,Qin Gong(2004)explores children’s literature translation during the May4th Movement.Li Yingying(2017) studies the translation of fairy tales in the period of the Republic of China.Although the studies on the children’s literature translation starts late in China, and there are very few studies at the beginning,but after more than a decade of development,the studies on children’s literature translation in China have made obvious progress compared with that at the beginning.Especially during the period from2012to2018,the studies on children’s literature translation in China have enjoyed rapid development.In the process of the development,Xu Derong and other scholars have made essential contributions to the development of translation studies of children’s literature.In terms of the research contents,they have been gradually expanding in recent years.“Research on translation and introduction”and“Research based on translators and readers”have gradually become the research contents of scholars.Though the domestic studies have made progress,we should also pay attention to the weakness that still exists.Firstly,the history of children’s literature translation is incomplete and lacks systematic research.Secondly,although the research on translators has attracted the attention of domestic scholars,academic research on the translator still needs to be deepened.Research contents like the translator’s view of children’s literature translation,the adoption of translation methods and strategies in the process of translation are all beneficial to enrich studies on children’s literature translation.There are excellent translators in China(Ren Rongrong,Ye Junjian,etc.)that are worthy of an in-depth study by scholars.2.2Studies on Bronze and SunflowerIn2008,the French version of Qingtong Kuihua was introduced to France, causing a sensation in France.In2015,the English version was published abroad and received good reviews among Western readers.In January2017,Helen Wang won Marsh Christian Award for Children’s Literature in Translation for her translation of Qingtong Kuihua by Cao Wenxuan.The award is enough to demonstrate Wang’s profound translation skills.The successful dissemination and transmission of Bronze and Sunflower have helped to promote domestic researches on the English version.Based on the CNKI database,the researcher retrieves ten related articles and eleven master’s theses by searching for“青铜葵花”and“译本”.Through the analysis of these journals,it can be found that Chinese scholars mainly focuses on three aspects:“research on the text”,“research on the model of dissemination and introduction”,“research on the norms of children’s literature translation”.On“research on the text”,most researches focuses on“culture-specific items”,“style of the English version”and“metaphor”.Xu Derong(2018)points out that Cao Wenxuan’s works bear his individual styles,such as the child’s perspective,a sense of suffering and a sense of melancholy aesthetics.But the English version fails to recreate its style faithfully because of the improper change of sentence structure,the inaccurate choice of words and excessive omission of information in the source text. Drawing on the perspective of ecological translation,Li Fuzhen(2018)analyzes the adaption and selection of the translator from the dimension of language,culture,and communicative dimension in order to find out the translation methods and techniques. Zhang Liyan(2017)mainly discusses five kinds of dialogic relationships existing in the translation process and how the translator represents the source text.Du Yu(2017) analyzes the English version based on the Chesterman’s models of translation ethics.On“research on the model of dissemination and introduction”,Dong Haiya (2017)examines five important factors related to its translation and dissemination,namely who translates,how to translate,the means to promote translation,the readership and the reception of the translation.It further explores how Helen Wang’s English translation of the novel has successfully transcended the linguistic and cultural barriers,and become well-received by the young readers in the UK.Sun Ningning(2017)explores the background of the dissemination and introduction,the translation process,the publication and promotion of the English version,combined with the successful dissemination model.And he finally provides recommendations for Chinese children’s literature“going global”successfully.Fu Fangni(2018)uses the translation model(translator,text,reader,media and effect)to interpret and assess the quality of Bronze and Sunflower.On“research on the norms of children’s literature translation”,Wang Jingxiao (2017)explores the neglected study of the norms in the translation of children’s literature from Chinese into English based on the established model of translation norms by Andrew Chesterman.It can be concluded that the researches on the English version have been in a blowout state in the past two years.This is largely due to the influence that the English version brings and Helen Wang’s profound translation skills as well as Cao Wenxuan’s exquisite creation.From2017to2018,the researches on text and dissemination account for a large proportion.And there are many high-quality papers published by Xu Derong,and Dong Haiya.Chapter Three Theoretical Framework In the following section,basic concepts within relevance theory that are particularly pertinent in the context of this paper will be focused on,namely the ostensive-inferential process,context and cognitive environment,along with optimal relevance.And the explanatory power of the application of Relevance Theory to translation will be elaborated.3.1Relevance TheoryFrom Aristotle through to modern semiotics,all theories of communication was believed to be based on a single model,which was called the code model (Sperber&Wilson,1995:2).According to the code model,communication is achieved by encoding and decoding messages.Yet communication involves more than encoding and decoding.Then Paul Grice,a British philosopher and linguist,discovers communication is not a mechanical process,but an inferential one.Consequently,he proposes that communication is based on the inferential model.The inferential model stresses both the speaker’s intention and the receiver’s expectation in a given context.The receiver not only decodes the messages of the speaker,but also infers the true meaning of the speaker.On the basis of Grice’s research,Dan Sperber,a French social and cognitive scientist,and Deirdre Wilson,a British linguist and cognitive scientist,propose Relevance Theory in their work Relevance:Communication and Cognition. Relevance Theory studies human communication from the perspectives of linguistics, philosophy,and cognitive psychology.According to Sperber and Wilson,communication involves at least two different modes:the coding-decoding model and the inferential model.The two models are not incompatible;they can be combined in various ways.Verbal communication involves both coding and inferential processes(Sperber&Wilson,1995:20).This section mainly elaborates on key concepts of Relevance Theory:the ostensive-inferential process,cognitive environment and optimal relevance.3.1.1Communication:an Ostensive-inferential ProcessRelevance Theory is a theory of communication.From the perspective of Relevance Theory,the communication is an ostensive-inferential process.When certain information is intended to be conveyed,the communicator forms a stimulus which ensures the audience to understand his or her intentions.From the perspective of communicator,communication is an ostensive process which manages to make his or her information manifested.For the audience,communication is regarded as an inferential process.He or she infers what the communicator wants to convey.Sperber and Wilson hold the view that“Ostensive-inferential communication produces a stimulus which makes it mutually manifest to communicator and audience that the communicator intends,by means of this stimulus,to make manifest or more manifest to the audience a set of assumptions”(1995:63).And the communication is a dynamic, not static process.3.1.2Context and Cognitive EnvironmentWithin the framework of Relevance Theory,the notion of context is important. In traditional pragmatics,context is interpreted as the social,natural environment or context,however,in Relevance Theory,the context is a psychological concept,which is regarded as a subset of the hearer’s assumptions about the world(Sperber&Wilson, 2001:15).That is,the context is not confined to the information about the physical environment,situational circumstances or cultural factors.It also refers to the hearer’s mental representation of the world or the so-called cognitive environment.Cognitive environment of each individual comprises three kinds of information, which are logical information,encyclopedic information and lexical information(何自然,2011:120).Although people live in the same world,their cognitive environment and their personal understanding of the objective word are totally different.The。

















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一、关联理论阐释关联理论是Sperber和Wilson(1986)在《关联性:交际与认知》(Relevance:Communication and Cognition)中提出的,分为认知原则和交际原则。











例如:(1)Then the Hail stopped dancing over his head, and the North Wind stopping roaring, and a delicious perfume came to him through the open window.(The Selfish Giant)雹子停止了在头顶怦怦乱跳,北风不再呼呼吼叫,一股扑鼻的香气从开着的窗扉飘到了他跟前。






例如:(2)“Well, I said Polytechnic,” answered the Rocket, in a sever tone of voice, and the Bengal Light felt so crushed that he began at once to bully the little squibs…(The Remarkable Rocket)“得得得,是我说火焰技术的。


(3)So the Hail came. Every day for three hours he rattled on the roof of the castle till he broke most of the slates, and then he ran round and round the garden as fast as he could. (The Selfish Giant)于是雹子来了。







例如:(4)“Are not the rich and the poor brother?” asked the young King.“Aye,” answer the man, “and the name of the rich brother is Cain.” (The Young King)“富人和穷人难道不是兄弟吗?”年轻的国王问。





(5)She cried:“…There is famine in the walled cities of Egypt, and the locusts have come up from the desert. The Nile has not overflowed its banks, and the priests have cursed Isis and Osiris…”(The Young King)她惊叫道:“……埃及设防的城市也流行饥荒,蝗虫是从大漠里出来的。










参考文献:[1]Gutt, Ernst-August.Translation and Relevance-Cognitionand Context[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2000.[2]Sperber, Dan & Wilson, Deridre.Relevance: Communicationand Cognition[M].Cambridge: Blackwell, 1995.[3]奥斯卡·王尔德.The Happy Prince(《快乐王子》)(英汉对照读本)[M].苏福忠,张敏译.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,1999.[4]张新红,何自然.语用翻译:语用学理论在翻译中的应用[J].现代外语,2001,(3).[5]何自然,冉永平.关联理论-认知语用学基础[J].现代外语,1998, (3).[6]徐德荣.儿童文学翻译刍议[J].中国翻译,2004,(6).(赵琼江苏徐州徐州师范大学科文学院 221116)。
