本文将以UG NX8.5中文版为例,详细阐述从造型到应用四轴加工技术进行3D轮廓铣削的过程,内容涉及到实体造型技巧、多轴加工技术、加工参数设定,粗精加工编程及VERICUT仿真加工技术等,并例举了造型和加工过程中出现的问题与解决方案,改善了此类零件的加工质量。
刀位源文件(CLSF,Cutter Location Source File)
钻头 立铣刀 端铣刀 面铣刀 指状铣刀 球头铣刀
切触点轨迹 刀位点轨迹
刀具偏置(tool offset)
切触点生成刀位点的计算过程。 三种典型刀具的参数
指曲面上切触点曲线的生成方法(如参数线法、截 平面法)及一些有关加工精度的参数,如步长、行 距、两切削行间的残余高度、曲面加工的盈余容差 (out tolerance)和过切容差(inner tolerance)等。
t2 CS
步长 (Step forward)
同一条刀位轨迹线上相邻两刀位点间的距离称为加 工步长。步长是由给定的加工容差确定的。
h≈ R−
⎛P⎞ R −⎜ ⎟ ⎝2⎠− h 2
刀具形状与尺寸 零件表面几何形状与安装方位 走刀进给方向 允许的表面残余高度要求
合理选择刀具 合理选择工件安装方位 合理选择进给方向
粗加工(rough):切除毛坯中的大部分余量。 (半精加工(semi-finish)) 精加工(finish):这里主要介绍精加工的一些算法。 (补加工(clean up)):切除精加工中没加工到部分。 去毛刺 (打磨或磨削)
Z-map法 Z-map法用离散的点阵表示曲面从而计算刀具轨 迹。也称G-buffer法。它利用反转刀具法(Inverse Tool Method)计算刀位点。
• 基本思想 – 在初始刀位点处,判断 刀具表面与Z-map模型 中所有点的干涉关系, 计算干涉量并根据干涉 量调整刀具,生成无干 涉的刀位点。 – 即刀具由上向下运动 ,当与Z-map模型发生 接触时刀具所在的位 置。
Solidworks集成软件CAMWorks 学习资料 3轴铣削
1. 在 CAMWorks 工具条上点击生成操作计划(Generate Operation Plan)按钮或在特征树上右击零件 设置 1(Part Setup 1)并选择生成操作计划(Generate Operation Plan)。
2. 点击 CAMWorks 操作树下的操作树(Operation Tree)标签。 操作树列出三轴粗精铣削操作(3 Axis Rough and Finish Mill)
- 点击控制器(Controller)标签,确认 FANTUTM 被选中,然后点击OK退出机床对话框。
在树上右击毛坯管理器(Stock manager),
在快捷菜单上,选择编辑定义(Edit Definition)。
5. 在毛坯定义(Define Stock)对话框上,点击延伸草
图(Extruded Sketch)按钮。
3-2 版权所有·南京东大软件工程有 Nhomakorabea公司东大软件
插入三轴特征的对话框允许您产生和修改一个多面的特征。 在这个例子中,您将加工所有的 面。 2. 在被加工面(Faces To Cut)区域 的下面,点击全部选择(Select All) 按钮。 被加工面(Faces To Cut)编辑框 显示出有 30 个面。 3. 把属性(Attribute)设置为凸模 (Core)。 这个属性在工艺技术数据库中定 义,用来产生粗加工和精加工操 作。 4. 点击OK。 三轴特征被列表在特征树上。
5. 在树上右击粗铣(Rough Mill 1),选择参数(Parameters)。
6. 点击转塔(Turret)标签。 7. 点击过滤器左边的检查按钮,然
第7章 三维曲面加工
7.3 .2 挖槽粗加工
选择菜单命令【刀具路径】/【曲面粗加工】/【粗加工挖 槽加工】,即可打开【曲面粗加工挖槽】设置对话框,如图719、图7-20所示,其选项卡中的参数与第3章中的平面挖槽的 相似,这里就不再重复介绍。
图7-19 挖槽【粗加工参数】选项卡
图7-20 【挖槽参数】选项卡
【实例7-1】下面以如图7-1所示实例介绍平行铣削粗加工的一 般过程,帮助读者系统理解和掌握这种最基础的三维铣削方 法,为以后的深入学习打下基础。 1.基本设置。 (1)打开附盘文件“\mcx\第7章\风机壳.mcx” 。 (2)选择菜单命令【机床类型】/【铣床】/【系统默认】,进 入铣削加工环境。 (3)设置工件,结果如图7-2所示的虚线框。
第7章 三维曲面加工
• • •
掌握三维刀具路径的加工方法 熟悉三维刀具路径的加工过程 了解对刀具路径的常用编辑操作
7.1 泵盖零件的粗精加工 7.2 草莓状零件的加工 7.3 7.4 7.5 凹模的加工 投影加工 修剪路径
7.6 刀具路径合并 7.7 变换刀具路径 7.8 典型综合实例1——综合铣削
其中刀具路径的变换分 为三种类型: 一、平移 二、旋转 三、镜像
图7-27 【转换操作之参数设定】对话框
7.8 典型综合实例1——综合铣削
下面的实例是对一凹模进行综合加工,具体的加工方法, 请参考书中的详细内容。 1 .打开附盘文件 2 .机床类型设置。 3.毛坯设置。 4.刀具设置。 5.新建其他刀具。 6.挖槽(标准挖槽)。 7.曲面粗加工挖槽。 8.曲面精加工等高外形。 9.曲面精加工浅平面。 10.曲面残料粗加工。 11.曲面精加工环绕等距。 12.曲面精加工交线清角。
2. 曲面粗加工的加工操作步骤 1)选择主菜单“机床类型” →“铣削”→“默认”命令,进
入铣削系统; 2)选择主菜单“刀具路径”→“曲面粗加工”命令,启动相
应的粗加工方法; 3)选择加工曲面,进入相应的粗加工环境; 4)根据弹出的参数对话框进行刀具、曲面加工参数两种公共
参数的设置和每种粗加工特有的加工参数的设置; 5)设置完后单击对话框中确定按钮 结束参数设置,生成刀具
9.1.2 曲面粗加工平行铣削
“粗加工平行铣削加工”能产生平行的切削刀具路径,主要用于对单 一凸起或凹状的简单造型工件的粗加工。
2.操作步骤 粗加工平行铣削加工的操作过程如下: (1)进入铣削系统
选择菜单栏中的“机床类型”→“铣削”→“默认”命令,进入 到铣削加工模块。
6)生成刀具路径 参数设置完后单击对话框中的 按钮生成刀具路径。 7)加工工件设置 选择加工操作管理器中的工件设置命令“材料设置”,
系统将弹出工件参数设置对话框,进行视角、毛坯形状、 毛坯尺寸、工件原点等参数的设置。 8)刀具路径模拟 为了验证刀具路径是否正确,选用刀具路径模拟功能来 对已生成的刀具路径进行校验。有二维路径模拟和三维 路径模拟。 9)执行后处理生成NC代码 通过模拟验证确定刀具路径正确后,单击加工操作管理 器中的 按钮就可利用系统提供的后处理模块形成数控加 工NC代码。
由于曲面的每一点的法线方向是变化的,为了简化 刀具运动的复杂性一般选择不同直径的圆鼻铣刀或 球刀加工。
曲面加工的高度设置与二维加工的高度设置基本相 同也包括“安全高度”、“参考高度”、“下刀位 置”及“工件表面”,只是少了最后“切削深度” 选项,因为曲面加工的最后切削深度由曲面外形自 动决定,不需要设置。
3-5 Axis加工模拟.................................................................................................................................. 22
所有仿真在同一界面............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。 毛胚切削更清晰, 自动检查过切和碰撞............................................................................................. 23
粗加工选项 ................................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
改善粗加工质量、提高效率 ............................................................................................................... 1 最少毛胚宽度.......................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。 缩短空连接距离 ...................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。 空连接允许指定Z轴相对高度...............................................................................错误!未定义书签。 高速加工 (HSM)选项 – 允许控制摆线半径 ........................................................................................ 5 粗加工功能扩展到二粗,用粗加工来代替原有的二粗 .........................................错误!未定义书签。
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 26
3-坐标加工操作 : 概述
1 2 1
提示 定义操作参数
• 策略 • 几何元素 • 刀具 • 进给和转速 • 宏指令
Copyright DASSAULT SYSTEMES 2002 27
徘序 建立MO并演示
Renfort: Presentation
140 min.
In this exercise you will learn 3-Axis Surface Machining fundamentals concepts by machining a part from the 3D. This process includes the creation of the Part Operation and all necessary machining operations and auxiliary operations. You will also generate the NC code and manage associativity when the design part is modified.
加工操作步 :
加工操作步(或 MO)包括用单一刀具加工零件的所有必要信息。(例如钻削,槽廓,粗 加工,清根…)
辅助操作 :
控制功能例如换刀或机床工作台 / 主轴转速,这些命令可被后置处理器详细而精确的解释。
PowerMILL 3axis编程
英国 Delcam 中国总部 成都办公室
电话: (028) 6155 8670
4、平面精加工 a在主工具栏上按下刀具路径策略图标 ,然后在策略选取器中选择三维区域
清除菜单栏下的等高切面区域清除,并点击接受。 b刀具路径名称更名为:D10R0-J3 c基本加工参数设定: 用户坐标系:2 刀具:D10R0 等高切面区域清除:等高切面----平坦面----平行; 切削方向----任意;径向余量 0.7,轴向余量0.5;行距5。 平坦面加工:平坦面公差0.01 刀轴:垂直 切入切出和连接: 切入---无;切出---无;连接:短---在曲面上,长---掠过,缺省---相对。 开始点:第一点安全高 点击计算按钮,即可得到如图1-20所示平面精加工路径。
英国 Delcam 中国总部 成都办公室 电话: (028) 6155 8670
1、设置快进高度 在PowerMILL综合工具栏中单击快进高度按钮 ,打开快进高度表格,单击
计算按钮得出快进高度参数,完成后单击接受按钮退出。如图1-6所示。 2、底面开粗刀具路径的计算 a在主工具栏上按下刀具路径策略图标 ,然后在策略选取器中选择三维区域
图 1-1 所示零件具有以下特点: a 零件总体尺寸为 80mm70mm48mm,毛坯为方坯。 b 该零件主要由平面、型腔、孔、曲面等结构特征构成。拟由流程图 1-2 工艺路 线计算此零件的加工刀具路径。
【3】G代码圆弧指令的语法与参数G代码圆弧指令的语法如下:G2/G3 X_axis_coordinate Y_axis_coordinate I_axis_coordinateJ_axis_coordinate其中,X_axis_coordinate和Y_axis_coordinate分别为圆弧的终点坐标,I_axis_coordinate和J_axis_coordinate分别为圆弧圆心坐标。
可以使用以下G代码指令来实现:G2 X200 Y100 I0 J0【5】总结与实用建议G代码圆弧指令在数控加工中具有广泛的应用,掌握各种圆弧指令的用法和参数设置对于提高加工效率和质量至关重要。
9:00 a.m. – 12: 00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
NX后置处理培训 -TCL语言介绍 - 车铣加工中心后置处理器创建 后处理器建构练习
Monday Jan. 21th
如果要加工的曲面满足“驱动曲面”的条件(无缝隙地排列在有序栅格中), 它 将更适用于直接在“驱动曲面”上生成“刀轨”, 而不用选择任何“部件”几何 体。因为“驱动点”没有投影到“部件表面”上, 因此“投影矢量”定义是不相 关的。“材料侧”矢量方向确定直接在“驱动曲面”上切削时刀具要接触的那一 侧。“材料侧矢量”应该指向要移除的材料。
Saturday Jan. 19th 9:00 a.m. – 12: 00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
常用刀轴控制方法 - 案例学习 - 最佳练习
常用刀轴控制方法 - 案例学习 - 最佳练习
Sunday Jan. 20th
“曲面区域驱动方法”提供对“刀轴”的最大控制。可变刀轴选项变成可用的, 这允许 您根据“驱动曲面”定义“刀轴”。加工非常轮廓化的“部件表面”时, 有时需要利用“附 加的刀轴”控制以防止过大的刀具波动, 如下所示。
“曲面区域驱动方法”还提供对“投影矢量”的最大控制。“垂直于驱动体”是可用的, 它是一个附加的“投影矢量”选项。此选项使您能够将“驱动点”均匀分布到凸起程度 较大的部件表面(相关法线超出 180 度的“部件表面”)上。与边界不同, “驱动曲 面”可以用来缠绕部件表面, 以将“驱动点”均匀地投影到部件的所有侧, 如下所示。
IntroductionThis document introduces the basic processes and techniques used to 1) Createa manufacturing model in Pro/NC 2) Define the setup required to efficientlycreate toolpaths. Although this document is intended for use by new users of Pro/NC, the information contained within could prove helpful for mature users also.The intent of this document is to provide users with a clear understanding of the various configuration and setup options available within Pro/NC. Not everything mentioned in this document is required to make toolpaths. However, to determine the optimal use of Pro/NC within one’s company, an understanding of the various functionalities mentioned in this document is key.The topics within this document are applicable for both Milling and Turningmodels.Note: Pro/ENGINEER Release 2001 will be used to demonstrate thefunctionalities listed below.· Model Definition/Creation· Operation Setup· Machine Tool Setup· Fixture Setup· Tool Definition/Setup· Site File Creation – “Tool Path Defaults”· PPRINT Setup – “Operator Messages”Estimated time to complete technique: 3 HoursSetupFor this technique, a previously created milling reference model is used in addition to a previously created fixture. Below are images of the above-mentioned models respectively.An NC-Assembly Model was used for this technique. The model contains a reference model, workpiece, and fixture assembly.Figure 1 - Reference Model: GEAR_HOUSINGFigure 2 - Fixture Assembly: VICEExample FilesThe example models used in this document can be downloaded at the following location:Example Part FilesFundamentalsThe Manufacturing ModelThe strategy used to machine a part within Pro/NC is to first define themanufacturing model. The manufacturing model is an assembly consisting of at least one reference part, and may include a workpiece (stock model) as well as fixtures used to hold the part while being machined. The Reference Modelrepresents the completely machined end product. The Workpiece represents the raw stock geometry from which the part will be machined. In some instances, the workpiece may be a casting and resemble the reference model. In otherinstances, the workpiece will be a billet or bar of material.Two types of manufacturing models can be defined in Pro/NC. The default model type is NC Assembly. The NC Assembly sub-type is used for machining more than one reference part or a reference model consisting of an assembly of parts.One, or many workpieces may be used in the manufacturing model or noworkpieces at all. The NC Assembly sub-type also allows for the use of both regular assemblies and manufacturing assemblies that have been previously created. Components of these previously defined assemblies can be classified as reference models, workpieces or fixtures. In an NC Assembly model, all of the features created in manufacturing mode are saved to the assembly (.asm) file.The second type of manufacturing model is NC Part. Multiple reference models can be used but there must be one and only one workpiece. The workpiece does not have to have solid geometry but does need to be present in themanufacturing assembly. Manufacturing features created during tool pathdevelopment will be placed into the workpiece model.Note: The ability to create an NC Part type of manufacturing model has been removed from Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire.Four different file types will be associated with the manufacturing model. The file types include the .prt (for the reference model and workpiece), .asm (theassembly containing the reference part and workpiece as components), the .mfg (contains the manufacturing specific information) and the .tph file (an encrypted file containing the computed toolpath geometry for the sequences within the*.mfg file.). These four file types are typically stored in the working directorywhere the manufacturing model is created.Sometimes, the complexity of a model can make feature and tool path creation difficult. Simplified representations enable the user to capture different states of the reference model during the machining process. Simplified representations can be used to 1.) Simplify the model, eliminating geometry not required for the current operation, 2.) Capture in-process geometry using the reference model.Refer to the online help for additional information regarding the creation and use of simplified representations.See the Additional Information section of this document for links regarding Simplified Representations.OperationsOperations are a series of NC sequences performed at a particular workcell and using a particular coordinate system for cutter location (CL) data output. The coordinate system used by an operation in Pro/NC is called Machine Zero and is synonymous with Program Zero, Part Zero or Zero Datum. Some parts will require more than one setup on the NC machine to reach all the surfaces where material is to be removed. These setups will typically require a new operation in Pro/NC because the part orientation changes in reference to the coordinate system used to generate the CL data.For instance, consider a square block with holes to be drilled on both the top face and one of the side faces. If the NC machine being used only has 3-axis capability, the machine operator would need to reposition the block, i.e. change the setup, in order to drill the holes on the second face. In Pro/NC, one operation would be defined for machining on the top face and another operation for the machining on the side face. Sometimes additional operations will be desirable even though the part setup has not changed.See the Additional Information section of this document for links regarding Operation setup.The NC MachineDuring the operation definition, the NC Machine is specified. The NC machine is often referred to as a Workcell in Pro/NC and in the Help documentation. The NC Machine is a feature that defines the machine tool attributes such as, the machine name, machine type, number of axes, associated tools, parameters, etc.The NC Machine types that can be defined are Mill, Lathe, Mill/Turn, and WEDM (Wire Electronic Discharge Machine). During the NC Machine definition, the user can also designate default values for settings related to the tool path creation. These default settings are stored in the form of a site file. Additional information regarding the machine tool is also defined such as spindle limitations, feed units, axis travel limits, workcell related comments, etc. Workcells can be saved to disk to be used in other operations or other manufacturing models.See the Additional Information section of this document for links regarding setup of the NC Machine setup.FixturesFixtures are defined in the Operation Setup dialog window. Fixtures are parts or assemblies that help orient and hold the workpiece during a manufacturing operation. In Pro/NC, Fixtures help to define tool paths such that the tool will not collide with positioning or fixturing equipment on the NC machine. Fixtures can be created and saved in Part or Assembly mode, prior to the manufacturing model creation, and then retrieved into manufacturing mode during fixture setup. They are assembled into the manufacturing model using standard component assembly procedures. Creating the fixture in Assembly mode is advantageous because fixtures can be created as needed, during the intermediate process steps, by referencing the workpiece. ,Fixtures can also be created from scratch within the Fixture Setup dialog or they can be retrieved from a library of existing models. The Pro/ENGINEER Tooling Library is an example of a library containing fixture and tooling models.See the Additional Information section of this document for links regarding Fixtures and Fixture Setup.ToolingTooling refers to the cutting tools used to remove material. Cutting tools consist of three different types, Parameter, Sketched, and Solid.Parameter tools are typically defined within the manufacturing model in the Tools Setup dialog window. Parameter tools are created by entering values for predefined parameters that describe the tool type and the tool shape. Parameter tools can be saved to disk to be later used in other manufacturing models or other workcells.Sketched tools are also defined in the Tools Setup dialog but instead of defining the tool shape by entering numerical values, a sketch of the tool is created. Sketched tools are only used in Trajectory type sequences.Solid tools are created outside of the manufacturing module. Solid tools can be either a single part or consist of multiple components in an assembly. Solid tool models must include user-defined parameters that will be used by Pro/NC for correct tool path generation. Once a solid tool is created, it can be retrieved into the Tools Setup dialog.See the Additional Information section of this document for links regarding tooling setup.DefaultsWithin Pro/NC, a Site file is created to specify the default parameters to be used in NC Sequences and tool paths. Sites can be created for the different NC sequence types such as Mill, Turn, Holemaking, WEDM, etc. Parameters are modifiable values, which control the tool motions during NC sequences. Some parameters are common to all or the majority of sequences. For these commonly used parameters, the Sites enable the user to automatically define these values for newly created sequences. In addition, relations can be used in Sites to drive NC sequence parameter values.See the Additional Information section of this document for links regarding Site setup.PPRINTS “Operator Messages”PPRINTS are used to output information about the manufacturing model to the CL files. When Post Processing a CL file, the PPRINTS are passed to the G-code file for the operator to view on the machine controller display (if applicable). Information output to the CL file from PPRINTS is typically used by the machine operator for tasks such as part and fixture setup and tool setup. In addition, PPRINTS can be used to pass special instructions, and general tool path information to the CL file.See the Additional Information section of this document for links regarding PPRINT usage.Procedure1.1 Creation of the Manufacturing ModelThe first step in creating any new Pro/NC Model is to select File, New fromthe drop down menus along the top of the main model window. The Newdialog window (in Figure 3 below) opens and selecting Manufacturingpopulates the Sub-type section with the various manufacturing options. Thevalid options for Pro/NC are NC Assembly and NC Part, which are defined in the Fundamentals section above and in the Glossary. Select NC Assemblyand enter an appropriate name for the new manufacturing model and pick the OK button. In this example, the manufacturing model is namedGEAR_HOUSING.Figure 3 - New Model Creation DialogNext, from the Menu Manager, select MFG Model, Assemble, Ref Model.When the Open dialog window appears, highlight the Pro/ENGINEER model that is to be used as the reference part and pick the Open button. If aworkpiece has been previously created, select Assemble from the menumanager. Otherwise, select Create to define a new model to be used as the workpiece. For this example, the Assemble option is used. After theworkpiece has been assembled, using standard assembly procedures, themodel will look like Figure 4 below.Figure 4 - Manufacturing ModelQuick TipTwo methods can be used to better view manufacturing models when using a workpiece. The two methods include: 1.) creating a component display 2.) assigning color and appearance to a component.For the model in this example (Figure 4 above), a component display was created to show the workpiece in wireframe while the reference model is shown as solid. To do this, select View from the main drop down menus and then select Model Setup, Component Display. From the Comp Display menu select Create, enter a descriptive name, Wireframe, Pick Mdl, and then pick the workpiece from the model window. Select Done from the Edit Display menu and Done/Return from the Comp Display menu. To change back to the original display with a solid workpiece, select View, Model Setup, Component Display, Set Current, Master Rep, Ok,Done/Return.To assign color and appearance to a component, first select View, Model Setup, Color and Appearance… In the Appearances dialog select Modify From Model and then pick any of the green surfaces of the workpiece. Select the Advanced tab and set the Transparency as desired (typically between 50 and 85). Click OK, Close. In shaded mode the manufacturing model appears as shown in Figure 5 below.Figure 5 - Workpiece Appearance Set to Be TranslucentAnother method used to clear up the model display is to Right Mouse clickon the workpiece in the Model Tree and select Hide. This will completelyblank the workpiece. To show the workpiece after it has been hidden, RightMouse click on it again in the model Tree and select Unhide.1.2 Creation of an OperationAfter the manufacturing model is created, the next step is to define anoperation. From the Manufacture menu, select Mfg Setup to open theOperation Setup dialog window as seen in Figure 6 below. The default name for the operation is OP010 but can be modified to be more descriptive. In the Operation Setup dialog window, red arrows appear next to the items that are required.Figure 6 - Operation Setup Dialog1.3 Creation of an NC MachineThe first required option in the Operation Setup dialog window is the NCMachine. Define the NC Machine or Workcell to be used for the operation by selecting the button. The Machine Tool Setup dialog opens as seen in Figure 7 below. In this dialog window, users can define the type of workcell, number of axes, post processor used to generate g-code files, tooling, axes limits, etc. For this example, the machine name has been changed from the default of MACH01to FADAL. A 3-axis Mill is defined. All other options in this dialog are optional.Figure 7 - Machine Tool Setup DialogSelect on the various tabs in the Machine Tool Setup dialog window to further define the NC Machine. Near the bottom of the dialog window is the section containing the Cutter Compensation options. To expand this section, pick on the blue right facing arrow next to the words “Cutter Compensation”.After all of the desired options have been defined, the workcell can be saved for future use in a different manufacturing model. When a workcell is saved, a .gph file, with the name of the workcell, is written to the directory specified by the configuration option pro_mf_workcell_dir. If this config option has not been set, the workcell file (fadal.gph in this example) will be saved to the current working directory. When a workcell is saved, any tools and parameter defaults (site) defined in the workcell are also saved in the .gph file. In contrast, PPRINTS defined in the workcell are not saved with the .gph file but can be retrieved into new workcells.Workcells, that have been saved, can be retrieved by selecting File, Open, in the Machine Tool Setup dialog or by picking the associated button. Since the tools and defaults are saved within the .gph file and the PPRINTS can be read into new workcells, users save a great deal of time (and in turn, money) when retrieving workcells into new operations. Once the NC Machine has been completely defined, pick OK to return to the Operation Setup dialog.For a reference with descriptions of the options in the Machine Tool Setupdialog, see the Additional Information section of this document.1.3.1 Tooling SetupThe cutting tools used in NC sequences can be defined using severaldifferent methods in Pro/NC. The first method is to select the Cutting Tools tab in the Machine Tool Setup dialog box when the NC machine is specified.The Machine Tool Setup dialog box can also be accessed by selecting, Mfg Setup, Workcell. In addition, selecting Mfg Setup, Tooling from the MenuManager, will cause the Tools Setup dialog to open. If the icon alongthe top of the main Pro/ENGINEER model window is selected, tools can bedefined for the active workcell. The final method is to define the tool to beused during the NC sequence creation. The Tools Setup dialog box is shown in Figure 8 below.Figure 8 - Tools Setup DialogWith the File menu option and associated buttons at the top of the Tools Setup dialog, new tools can be created from scratch, solid tools can be imported, tool parameters can be retrieved, and tools can be saved. When a tool is saved, the tool parameters are written to a text file called<name>.tpm, where <name> is the tool Name or toolid. This text file is saved in the directory defined by the pro_mf_tprm_dir configuration option. If the cutting data has been supplied, that is, the speeds and feeds for thetool, this data is stored in a <name>.tpm file in the appropriate Materialssubdirectory. If the pro_mf_tprm_dir configuration option has not been set,the .tpm files will be saved to the current working directory.The Edit menu option enables the user to delete tools from the tool list, editthe tool comments in the tool list, or create a new, sketched tool.Note: When defining a tool during the creation of an NC sequence, theSketch option will only be available for Trajectory type sequences.The View menu provides access to the information specific to each toolsuch as the tool parameters and sequences in which the tool is used.The tool Name, Type, Material, and Units can be defined for each tool. Thetool Type is important because the tool type is specific to the sequencetype. For example, a turning tool cannot be used in a milling sequence. TheMaterial option is used to define the material the tool is made of, such asCobalt or Carbide, and is only for information purposes. In other words,theCL output is not affected by the Material option value. The tool Units valuewill default to the manufacturing model units but the Units value is notrequired to be the same as the units for the model.Tab1.3.1.1 GeometryThe parameters on the Geometry tab are used to determine thedimensional shape of the tool. Parameters that are required arepopulated with default values. These dimension values are used incalculating the tool path and material removed, and should accuratelyreflect the actual tool dimensions and length units. The actualparameter names in this category depend on the tool type.Tab1.3.1.2 SettingsThe Settings tab contains the text boxes for specifying the tool tableelements and various optional parameters that define tool propertiesother than geometry. The options include, the tool number or pocketnumber, tool offsets, gauge lengths (for turning tools only), toolcomments and the Long Tool option.The Long Tool option is used if the tool is too long to retract to theRotation Clearance level during 4-axis machining. If the tool is markedas long, the tip of the tool moves to the Safe Rotary Point (specified inthe Operation Setup dialog box) during table rotations. Speeds & Feeds TabThe Speeds & Feeds tabbed page lets the user supply cutting data(feed, speed, axial and radial depths) for roughing and finishing withthis tool, based on the stock material type and condition.Note: In order to be able to specify the cutting data for a tool, youhave to first set up the Material directory structure. See Setting UpA Materials Directory Structure below in section 1.3.2.Tab1.3.1.4 BOMThe BOM tabbed page provides information about the Bill ofMaterials for the tool. When you retrieve a solid tool model, thesystem automatically includes all the parts and assemblies used inthe tool model into the Bill of Materials (BOM) for the tool.If the tool model is used By Reference, the tool BOM information isread-only. If you are using the tool model By Copy, you can edit thepart names, if needed, or change the type; you can also add orremove the BOM components.For all other types of tools, you can provide the BOM information bytyping the names of the components and specifying their type andquantity.1.3.2 Setting Up A Materials Directory StructureIn order to be able to specify the Stock Material for an Operation, import tools, retrieve tool parameters, or specify the cutting data for a tool, a Materialsdirectory structure must be defined.Pro/NC stores all the cutting tool data in a Tooling directory, which is specified by using the pro_mf_tprm_dir configuration option. The user determines thename of this directory. In the GEAR_HOUSING example, this configurationoption was set as follows:pro_mf_tprm_dir D:\ptc\toolingPro/NC then places all the tool parameter files (.tpm files) in theD:\ptc\tooing directory.The directory structure can further be defined to differentiate between inchtools and metric tools. When inch tools are being used, the config option isset to the corresponding directory. The config option is modified for the useof metric tools as in the example below.For inch tools pro_mf_tprm_dir D:\ptc\tooling\inch_toolsFor metric tools pro_mf_tprm_dir D:\ptc\tooling\metric_toolsTo set up the material directory structure, create a subdirectory called materials in your Tooling directory. The directory name must be spelled exactly as shown.Under the materials directory, create subdirectories corresponding to commonly used stock materials and conditions. For example, subdirectories such as aluminum, copper, stainless-hard, etc can be created. The directory structure created under D:\ptc for this example is shown below in Figure 9.Figure 9 - Materials Directory StructureWhen defining the Stock Material in an operation, the system lists the available material subdirectories from which the user can choose. See Figure 10.Figure 10 - Operation Setup Dialog with Materials DefinedIn addition, when a cutting tool is defined the Stock Material option on the Settings tab will also list the available material subdirectories from which the user can choose. See Figure 11.Figure 11 - Tools Setup Dialog with Materials DefinedAfter the materials directory structure has been set up, tools that include cutting data can be created and stored in an organized way. When you save the cutting tool data, the system stores two files. The tool geometry parameters are stored in a .tpm file, with the same name as the tool, in the Tooling directory. The system also creates another .tpm file, with the same file name, containing the feeds and speeds data, in the appropriate materialsubdirectory. This feeds and speeds data can be referenced to specify the manufacturing parameter values using relations.Note: If you do not use the pro_mf_tprm_dir configuration option, the system uses the current working directory as the Tooling directory.To retrieve saved tool parameters, use the File, Open Parameter File option and select the .tpm file associated with the tool to be used. Once the parameter values have been imported, the cutting data can be determined. To do this, go to the Settings tab and specify the Application (Roughing or Finishing) and the Stock Material. If a tool with the current name has been previously stored, the Read DB button can be picked to populate the Cutting Data values.If the tools name is not in the tooling directory structure for the Application and Stock Material defined, the cutting data can be entered and the tool saved. Saving the tool will add .tpm files to the corresponding locations in the tooling directory.For Example, to create a 2.25 inch High Speed Steel (HSS) flat end mill for machining aluminum and stainless steel, the following steps should be taken.Note: The tool does not currently exist in the Tooling directory.1. Open the Tooling Setup dialog box using one of the methods describedin section 3.1 (Tooling Setup) above.2. In the Tooling Setup dialog, select the button to create a new tool orFile, New.3. Type in the Name of the tool, FLT2250 in this example, keep thedefault Type as Milling and enter HSS for the Material.4. Fill in the values on the Geometry tab as shown Figure 12 below andApply the changes.Figure 12 - Tools Setup Dialog with Tool Parameters Defined 5. Next, enter the values for Rouging in Aluminum on theSpeeds_Feeds tab as shown in Figure 13 below.Figure 13 - Cutting Data for Roughing Aluminum6. Change the Application to Finishing and enter values for Finishing inAluminum.7. Now change the Stock Material to Stainless-Hard and enter thevalues for Roughing and Finishing as shown in Figures 14 and 15.Figure 14 - Cutting Data for Roughing Stainless SteelFigure 15 - Cutting Data for Finishing Stainless Steel8. Save the tool by highlighting the tool in the tool list and selecting File,Save Tool or the associated Save button.One .tpm file for this new tool is stored in the directory specified by thepro_mf_tprm_dir config option (i.e. D:\ptc\tooling\inch_tools). Two additional .tpm files are saved in the corresponding material directories(D:\ptc\tooling\inch_tools\materials\ALUMINUM andD:\ptc\tooling\inch_tools\materials\STAINLESS-HARD).The resulting .tpm files are shown in Figures 16 thru 18 below.Figure 16 - Parameters As Listed in the .tpm FileFigure 17 - Cutting Data for Aluminum As Listed in the .tpm FileFigure 18 - Cutting Data for Stainless Steel As Listed in the .tpm FileNote: The .tpm files are text files that can be modified in any text editor.1.3.3 PPRINT “Operator Comments”On the right side of the Output tab is the PPRINT button. Selecting this button allows the user to: 1.) Create a new set of PPRINTs 2.) Modify any PPRINTs currently assigned to the workcell 3.) Retrieve previously saved PPRINTsfrom disk 4.) Save currently assigned PPRINTs to disk or 5.) Show, in aninformation window, the current workcell PPRINTs.Selecting either the Create or Modify options opens the Acitvate PPRINTdialog as seen in Figure 19 below. If Save is selected, a .ppr text file will bewritten to the current working directory. Retrieve allows the user to read inPPRINT options from a previously saved .ppr file.Note: The directory specified by the pro_mf_param_dir config option does not affect where the .ppr file is saved. The .ppr is always saved to the current working directory. On the other hand, the system will retrieve .ppr files from the pro_mf_param_dir directory if this option is set.Figure 19 - Activate PPRINT Dialog for PPRINT DefinitionTo include a PPRINT item in the CL file, highlight the item in the table and pick the Yes button.Note: Multiple items can be highlighted before picking the Yes button.Comments can be entered for each PPRINT item/option to provide additional information, instruction, or clarification. PPRINT comments cannot consist of more than 69 characters. Users need to be aware that comments entered for PPRINT items are separate from the comments defined for operations, sequences, tools, workcells, etc.An example of a CL file before PPRINTs have been defined is shown below in Figure 20.Figure 20 CL File Prior to PPRINT DefinitionIn the GEAR_HOUSING example, the PPRINT options are set for the part name, operation, tool table, and sequence as shown in Figure 21 below.。
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
8.1.2 加工面选择 在进行曲面加工面 指定时,除了选择加工表 面外,往往还需要指定一 些相关的图形要素,作为 加工的参考,如干涉曲面 和切削边界。
待加工曲面 手动选择 从 STL 文件中读取 高量已选择的图素 干涉曲面
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
3. 下刀方式 下刀方式决定了刀具在下刀和退刀时在Z 方向的运动方式。 4. 切削间距 在最大切削编辑框中可以设定同一层相 邻两条刀具路径之间的最大距离。
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
5. 切削深度
绝对坐标 增量坐标
最小深度 最大深度
顶部切削预留 其他边界预留
检测平面 选择平面 清除深度 怒 调整工件 预留量 临界深度 清除深度
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
6. 间隙设定 当曲面上存在一些断点,如缺口等,便 会产生间隙。用户可以在需要时,对刀具路 径如何跨越这些间隙进行设定。 7. 高级设定 所谓高级设定主要是设定刀具在曲面边 界的运动方式。 8. 其他设定
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
• 实例
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
8.2.1 平行铣削粗加工
总公差 切削方式 Z 轴最大进给量 下刀方式 允许连续下刀及提刀 从一侧切削 从两侧切削 定义下刀点 允许沿面下降(-Z)切削 允许沿面下降(+Z)切削 最大切削间距 加工角度
明德 砺志 博学 笃行
1. 切削误差 总公差按钮后的编辑框可以设定刀具路径的精 度误差。公差值越小,加工得到曲面就越接近真实 曲面,当然加工时间也就越长。在粗加工阶段,可 以设定较大的公差值以提高加工效率。 2. 切削方式 在切削方式下拉菜单中,有Zigzag和One way 两种方式可选。Zigzag,双向切削,刀具在完成一 行切削后随即转向下一行进行切削。One way,单 向切削,加工时刀具仅沿一个方向进给,完成一行 后,需要抬刀返回到起始点再进行下一行的加工。
第十一章三轴连续曲面加工(Fixed Contour)第一节功能说明(使用范围及其限制)第二节零件几何图形及刀具(Part Geometry and Tool)第三节导向方式(Drive Method)第四节刀轴(Tool Axis)第五节检查几何图形(Check Geometry)第六节切削参数(Machining Parameters)第七节刀具路径(Tool Path)第八节三轴连续曲面加工范例第一节 功能说明(操作选项>三轴连续曲面加工)说明:本章内容为三轴连续曲面加工,其功能主要为建立精加工的操作项目。
其刀具路径是经由投影导向点(Drive Point )到零件表面而产生。
导向的基本原则适用于三轴连续曲面加工(Fixed Contour )及多轴曲面加工(Variable Contour )。
導向曲面零件表面導向曲面刀軸垂直於導向曲面三轴连续曲面加工之主要控制要素为导向图形(Drive Geometry ),系统在图形及边界上建立一系列的导向点,并将这些导向几何图形上的点,沿着指定向量的方向投影至零件表面。
3轴加工实例JDSoft SurfMill7.0软件的3轴加工组提供了多种曲面加工策略,例如:曲面分层区域粗加工、曲面残料补加工、曲面精加工、曲面清根加工等一系列的加工方法,用户可以根据需要,方便灵活的安排加工工艺。
图4-1 曲面加工方法本章以“开关凸模”工件为例,来讲解如何利用JDSoft SurfMill7.0软件快速生成三轴加工路径。
图4-2 三角开关凸模4.1 JDSoft SurfMill7.0编程前的准备工作在使用JDSoft SurfMill7.0编程之前,我们需要进行下面的准备工作:曲面模型分析,制定加工工艺加工前的项目设置第四章3轴加工实例4.1.1 曲面模型分析,制定加工工艺4.1.1.1 曲面模型分析1、曲面模型坐标、尺寸信息使用鼠标左键框选全部曲面模型,在软件窗口右侧的“对象属性”对话框(系统默认在软件窗口右侧显示)可以了解曲面模型的坐标范围、模型尺寸、模型中心点等信息。
图4-3 三角开关凸模2、曲面曲率信息点击菜单栏中的【分析】项,在下拉菜单中点击“曲面曲率图”,启动命令,选中全部曲面模型,如图4-4所示,经过曲面曲率图分析,“开关凸模”的大部分曲面曲率都在1.5mm以上,可以使用球头刀D3.0R1.5进行精加工,然后使用球头刀D2.0R1.0进行局部清根精加工即可加工到位。
北京精雕科技集团有限公司版权所有翻印必究图4-4 曲面曲率信息4.1.1.2 模型加工工艺经分析曲面模型后,结合模具的加工要求(底平面与型芯相交处位置只需加工到R1.5mm即可),该模具的加工思路如下(该工件的材料是45钢):表4-1 开关凸模加工程序单4.1.2 加工项目设置制定加工工艺后,在正式编程前,我们还需要进行机床、刀具、工件、毛坯和输出等设置。
第四章3轴加工实例图4-5 导航工作条4.1.2.1 机床设置正确配置机床类型是路径进行机床模拟的关键,同时合理配置机床控制参数也是估算路径加工时间的前提。
PowerMILL 3axis编程
4、侧边精加工 a在主工具栏上按下刀具路径策略图标 栏下的 SWARF精加工,并点击接受。 b刀具路径名称更名为:D10R0-J2
英国 Delcam 中国总部 成都办公室 电话: (028) 6155 8670
, 然后在策略选取器中选择精加工菜单
c基本参数设定: 用户坐标系:1 刀具:D10R0 剪裁:毛坯---允许刀具中心在毛坯之外。 SWARF精加工:曲面侧----外 位置:底部 多重切削:方式----关。 刀轴:垂直 切入切出和连接: 切入---水平圆弧; 距离0; 角度90°; 半径10。 切出---水平圆弧; 距离0; 角度90°; 半径10。连接:短---在曲面上,长---掠过,缺省---相对 按住Shift键选择如图1-11箭头所示侧面,点击计算按钮,即可得到如图1-12所示 侧都办公室
电话: (028) 6155 8670
4、平面精加工 a在主工具栏上按下刀具路径策略图标 ,然后在策略选取器中选择三维区域
清除菜单栏下的等高切面区域清除,并点击接受。 b刀具路径名称更名为:D10R0-J3 c基本加工参数设定: 用户坐标系:2 刀具:D10R0 等高切面区域清除:等高切面----平坦面----平行; 切削方向----任意;径向余量 0.7,轴向余量0.5;行距5。 平坦面加工:平坦面公差0.01 刀轴:垂直 切入切出和连接: 切入---无;切出---无;连接:短---在曲面上,长---掠过,缺省---相对。 开始点:第一点安全高 点击计算按钮,即可得到如图1-20所示平面精加工路径。
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长春明威科技有限公司 明威科技
深度加工轮廓子类型属于精加工应用范畴, 深度加工轮廓子类型属于精加工应用范畴, 不需要指定毛坯几何体。 不需要指定毛坯几何体。
长春明威科技有限公司 明威科技
轮廓加工的切削参数— 轮廓加工的切削参数—延伸边界
长春明威科技有限公司 明威科技
仅陡峭的:此功能在【深度加工轮廓】 仅陡峭的:此功能在【深度加工轮廓】操作里是一个重要 的选项,主要是用来区分陡峭与非陡峭区域。 的选项,主要是用来区分陡峭与非陡峭区域。若选用此功 能时, 角度 选项此时也会出来; 角度”选项此时也会出来 能时,“角度 选项此时也会出来;只有陡峭度大于指定 “角度 的区域才执行深度轮廓铣 角度”的区域才执行深度轮廓铣 角度 合并距离:将小于指定分隔距离的切削移动的结束点连 合并距离: 接起来以消除不必要的刀具退刀。 接起来以消除不必要的刀具退刀。指定的距离仍模型的 空间距离,主要是连接同一切削层两段刀轨。 空间距离,主要是连接同一切削层两段刀轨。
CAM培训 培训
李烨 长春明威科技有限公司 liy@
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第四章 轮廓加工
轮廓加工与平面加工相类似, 产生的刀轨也是以层状方式切 除材料的,每一个切削层的刀 轨都位于垂直于刀轴的平面内, 从上到下,完成一个切削层后 再进入下一个切削层切削,直 至到达最大深度。轮廓加工大 多数用于粗加工。可加工平面 铣无法加工的曲面。 型腔铣(Cavity_mill)和深度 加工轮廓(Zlevel_profile)是最 轮廓( 轮廓 是最 常应用的子类型。 常应用的子类型。
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切削参数— 切削参数—在边缘滚动刀具
在边缘滚动刀具: 在边缘滚动刀具:在【深度铣】操作 深度铣】 的切削参数对话框中的“策略 选项卡 的切削参数对话框中的 策略”选项卡 策略 →在延伸刀轨区中的选项允许用户控 在延伸刀轨区中的选项允许用户控 制是否允许在切削区域的边缘出现刀 具绕边缘滚动的刀路。 具绕边缘滚动的刀路。
延伸边界: 延伸边界:沿切线方向延伸开 放腔体的刀轨。 放腔体的刀轨。前提条件一定 要定义了切削区域面才会起到 作用。 作用。
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轮廓加工的切削参数— 轮廓加工的切削参数—余量
余量:在型腔铣操作里, 余量:在型腔铣操作里,切削 参数选项中的“余量 选项卡 参数选项中的 余量”选项卡, 余量 选项卡, 跟平面铣加工有所不同, 跟平面铣加工有所不同,其中 多“使用底部面与侧壁余量一 使用底部面与侧壁余量一 的选项。 致”的选项。当这选项打勾时, 的选项 当这选项打勾时, 将不会有“部件底部面余量 选 将不会有 部件底部面余量”选 部件底部面余量 项,如不打勾将可以分别设置 “侧壁和底部面 余量。 侧壁和底部面”余量 侧壁和底部面 余量。
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Байду номын сангаас
切削层用来控制您所加工模型的深度; 切削层用来控制您所加工模型的深度;当在 型腔铣】操作里,只有定义了“部件几何 【型腔铣】操作里,只有定义了 部件几何 的时候, 体”的时候,切削层才会启用,否则此选项 的时候 切削层才会启用, 将不起作用,用灰色状态显示。 将不起作用,用灰色状态显示。
相邻的两个大三角形表示一个切 削范围, 削范围,而在一个切削范围内的 每一个切削层则用虚线小三角形 表示。 表示。一个刀轨必须至少有一个 切削范围, 切削范围,而每一个切削范围可 以均分成多个切削层,每个切削 以均分成多个切削层, 范围的切削层深度可以不同。 范围的切削层深度可以不同。
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刀具从一个切削 层进入下一个切 削层的运动是一 个斜式运动 , 且 所有斜式运动首 尾相接, 尾相接,消除了 不必要的内部退 刀,特别适合于 沿部件斜进刀 沿部件交叉斜进刀 高速加工。 高速加工。 长春明威科技有限公司 明威科技
用来控制是否在切削层之 间附加额外的切削刀路, 间附加额外的切削刀路, 以确保不会在平坦区域留 下过多的残余材料, 下过多的残余材料,它提 供了4种方法:恒定、 供了 种方法:恒定、残 种方法 余高度、 刀具平直和使 余高度、%刀具平直和使 用切削深度来确定附加刀 路的步进距离。 路的步进距离。 不使用“在层间进行切削” 不使用“在层间进行切削” 使用“在层间进行切削” 使用“在层间进行切削”
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•1、掌握轮廓加工的分层切削 •2、熟悉轮廓加工特有的切削参数 •3、学会型腔铣的操作过程 •4、学会深度加工轮廓的操作过程
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• 本章结束
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深度加工轮廓铣深度加工轮廓铣- Zlevel_profile
“Z level”可以对多个切削层中的部件进行轮 ” 廓铣。消除了不必要的内部退刀, 廓铣。消除了不必要的内部退刀,对于高速加 工特别有效。 工特别有效。 • 可以保持陡峭壁上的残余高度。 可以保持陡峭壁上的残余高度。 • 可以在一个操作中切削多个层。 可以在一个操作中切削多个层。 • 可以在一个操作中切削多个特征(区域)。 可以在一个操作中切削多个特征(区域)。 • 可以对薄壁工件按层进行切削。 可以对薄壁工件按层进行切削。 • 在各个层中可以广泛使用线形、圆形和螺旋 在各个层中可以广泛使用线形、 形进刀方式。 形进刀方式。 • 可以使刀具与材料保持恒定接触。 可以使刀具与材料保持恒定接触。 • 可以对陡峭壁进行精加工。 可以对陡峭壁进行精加工。
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轮廓加工的切削参数— 轮廓加工的切削参数—毛坯
修剪由是根据所选“部件几何体 的外边缘 轮廓线) 修剪由是根据所选 部件几何体”的外边缘(轮廓线)来 部件几何体 的外边缘( 创建“毛坯几何体 当没有明确指定“毛坯几何体 毛坯几何体”; 毛坯几何体”的情 创建 毛坯几何体 ;当没有明确指定 毛坯几何体 的情 况下识别出型心部件的“毛坯几何体 毛坯几何体”。 况下识别出型心部件的 毛坯几何体 。(同时打开容错 加工) 加工) 处理中的工件用于指定经过一次操作后余下的材料( 处理中的工件用于指定经过一次操作后余下的材料(剩 余材料)。可避免在已切削的区域中进行空切浪费时间。 )。可避免在已切削的区域中进行空切浪费时间 余材料)。可避免在已切削的区域中进行空切浪费时间。 小面积避让允许您指定如何处理模型的腔体或孔之类的 小特征。在小封闭区域选项里分为“剪切 剪切”和 忽略 忽略”两个 小特征。在小封闭区域选项里分为 剪切 和“忽略 两个 选项
通过定义每个新的范围的底平面创建范围。 通过定义每个新的范围的底平面创建范围。 通过选择面定义的范围将保持与部件的关联性。 通过选择面定义的范围将保持与部件的关联性。 但不会检测新的水平表面。 但不会检测新的水平表面。
将根据部件和毛坯几何体两者之间的最高和 将根据部件和毛坯几何体两者之间的最高和 最低位置定义一个切削范围 一个切削范围, 最低位置定义一个切削范围,并均分为若干 个切削层。几何体高度发生变化, 个切削层。几何体高度发生变化,切削范围 也随着变化。 也随着变化。
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深度加工轮廓铣的切削参数— 深度加工轮廓铣的切削参数—层到层
刀具完成每一个 切削层的切削后, 切削层的切削后, 都做退刀运动脱 离部件几何体, 离部件几何体, 并抬刀到指定高 度,然后横向运 动到下一个切削 层起始位置上方。 层起始位置上方。 使用传递方法 刀具从一个切削 层进入下一个切 削层的运动是一 个斜式运动。 个斜式运动。消 除了不必要的内 部退刀, 部退刀,特别适 合于高速加工。 合于高速加工。 直接对部件进刀 刀具从一个切削 层进入下一个切 削层的运动像一 个普通的步距 (stepover)一 ) 样,消除了不必 要的内部退刀。 要的内部退刀。 特别适合与高速 加工。 加工。
自动生成 自动侦测部件几何体中的水平面, 自动侦测部件几何体中的水平面,并把上下相 邻的两个平面之间定义为一个切削范围, 邻的两个平面之间定义为一个切削范围,然后 在每个切削范围内均分为若干个切削层。 在每个切削范围内均分为若干个切削层。切削 范围与模型相关联,当水平面高度位置改变时, 范围与模型相关联,当水平面高度位置改变时, 切削范围自动做相应的改变。水平面增加或减 切削范围自动做相应的改变。 少时,切削范围也自动增加或减少。 少时,切削范围也自动增加或减少。
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深度加工轮廓铣的切削参数— 深度加工轮廓铣的切削参数—层到层
层到层: 层到层:是一个专用于深度铣的 切削参数。 切削参数。层到层包括有四种类 当使用“直接对部件进刀 直接对部件进刀”类 型,当使用 直接对部件进刀 类 型时, 型时,从一层到下一层加工而无 需抬刀至安全平面。 需抬刀至安全平面。特别适合于 深度加工。 深度加工。注:如果加工的是开 放区域, 放区域,并将切削方向设置为 “混合的 ,则在 层到层 下拉菜 混合的”,则在“层到层 层到层”下拉菜 混合的 单中的最后两个选项( 沿部件 单中的最后两个选项(“沿部件 斜进刀”和 交叉沿部件斜进刀 交叉沿部件斜进刀”) 斜进刀 和“交叉沿部件斜进刀 ) 都将变灰。 都将变灰。 切削方向‘混合的 :使用“混合切 切削方向 混合的’:使用 混合切 混合的 削方向”在各切削层中交替改变切 削方向 在各切削层中交替改变切 削方向。 深度加工轮廓】 削方向。在【深度加工轮廓】操 作里,切削方向增加了“混合的 混合的” 作里,切削方向增加了 混合的 重要的功能选项; 重要的功能选项;可使加工开放 区域面的时候, 区域面的时候,作往复式加工从 而不用抬刀, 而不用抬刀,可大大减少加工中 的抬刀时间