Ribosomally synthesized peptides with antimicrobial properties
林彦君,刘杨静,曲肖凤,等. 酶解大豆乳清蛋白制备抗氧化肽及其体外抗氧化活性评价[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(20):230−238. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022120012LIN Yanjun, LIU Yangjing, QU Xiaofeng, et al. Antioxidant Peptides Prepared by Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Whey Soy Proteins and Their Antioxidative Activities in Vitro [J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(20): 230−238. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022120012· 工艺技术 ·酶解大豆乳清蛋白制备抗氧化肽及其体外抗氧化活性评价林彦君,刘杨静,曲肖凤,杜媛媛,房文硕,尹艺童,李 瑞*(济宁医学院生物科学学院,山东日照 276826)摘 要:为了提高大豆乳清废水中大豆乳清蛋白的应用价值,以大豆乳清蛋白为原料采用酶解法在自制的超声-恒温反应体系中制备抗氧化肽。
以总还原力、DPPH 自由基清除率和羟基自由基清除率为指标,结合单因素实验和响应面法优化大豆乳清蛋白的酶解工艺。
随后,利用超滤法(截留分子量30 kDa )回收水解液中的抗氧化肽,并以抗坏血酸为参照,评价其体外抗氧化活性。
结果表明:中性蛋白酶和胃蛋白酶组合最适于大豆乳清蛋白的水解;在此基础上,确定的最佳工艺条件为酶-底物比5000 U/g 大豆乳清蛋白、酶解时间6 h 和大豆乳清蛋白浓度9.0 mg/mL ,所得大豆乳清蛋白水解液的DPPH 自由基清除率为62.3%±1.1%。
学报 2011 , 42 ( 2 ) : 107 - 111
杨加宾 , 陈 莉 , 苏国强
1 1* 2 **
,化学教研室, 南京 210009 ; 南京中瑞药业有限公司, 南京 210003 )
Abstract A series of novel osthole stilbene derivatives were synthesized,and their structures were determined by MS and 1 H NMR. The tubulin polymerization inhibitory activity of the synthesized compounds was evaluated using antihuman umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro. Preliminary results showed that compound Ⅵ7 was the most potent inhibitor,but was less potent than combretastatin A4. Compound Ⅵ7 is a promising compound worthy of further studies. Key words osthol; derivatives; synthesis; tubulin; antitumor activity 4 中的三甲 为先导化合物, 以香豆素母核代替 CA氧苯基, 在 8位引入苯乙烯基片段, 合成了一系列 通过对所有目标化合 蛇床子素二苯乙烯类衍生物, 物进行初步的抗人脐静脉内皮细胞 ( HUVEC ) 体外 增殖研究, 以寻找抑制微管蛋白聚合活性更高的化 合物。 1 CA4 类似物的构效关系研究表明, A 环的三 甲氧苯基是其保持抗细胞增殖活性所必需的结构 , 而不 是 保 持 抑 制 微 管 蛋 白 聚 合 活 性 的 必 需 结构
拉帕替尼结构式拉帕替尼结构式(Lapatinib structure)是一种用于治疗乳腺癌和胃癌的药物。
它属于一类叫做酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(tyrosine kinase inhibitors)的药物,通过抑制肿瘤细胞中的酪氨酸激酶的活性,从而阻断肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。
tests and Plackett~ Burman tests. Based on the results of the steepest grade test and response surface methodology,the optim al medium com position was followed as glucose 2.08% , yeast extract 0.5 1% , tr y ptone 1.02% , beef extract 1% , Tween 一 80 1.02 mL/L, K2 HPO4 3 g/L , NaAc 0.5% , MgSO4 0.2 g/L, MnSO4 0.3 g/L,tri—amm onium citrate 2 g/L ,and ddH 2 O 1 L. Under the optim al conditions, the inhibitory activity reached up to 752.1 1 AU/mL which was increased by 1.62 tim es. Finally, the research provided insight into the potential use of bacteriocin as a food preservative in the food industry. Key w ords: Lactobacillus plantarum LPL 一 1; plantaricin LPL 一 1; fermentation m edium ; response
湘南学院学报(医学版)2009年9月第11卷第3期 将面临着不断出现的、大量的、对传统抗生素药物具有耐药性
的微生物的严峻挑战以及对新型抗菌药物的迫切需要。因 此,如何更好地保护两栖类动物,以及有效地利用其皮肤抗菌 多肽还须要做许多工作:首先,要加强两栖类动物的资源调查 与资源保护。特别是加强对中国特有两栖类资源的调查与保 护(中国有近300种两栖类动物,其中2/3为中国特有种)。在 此基础上,分离纯化两栖类皮肤中的抗菌多肽,建立区域性乃 至全国性的两栖类抗菌多肽分子资源库,保护我国的知识产 权。在利用两栖类资源时,尽可能做到非损伤性和重复利用。 研究发现了一种非损伤性利用两柄类皮肤分泌物的方法,即 通过化学刺激让两栖动物分泌包括抗菌多肽在内的皮肤分泌 液,其效果很好㈤J。第三,提高基因工程生产两栖类抗菌肽 的产率,探索高效实用的分离纯化工艺,降低生产成本。第 四,抗菌肽除了具有抗微生物活性外,还具有抗精子、抗肿瘤、 促进伤口愈合等作用,这些功能使抗菌肽可能成为除抗微生 物药物以外的其他I临床用药。因此,系统开展两栖动物皮肤 结构及蛙皮抗菌肽的分离纯化、分子结构、作用机理、基因结 构及生物工程等方面的研究工作,将为研制肽类新药提供理 想分子设计骨架和模板,为发展新的抗感染药物奠定重要基 础,不仅具有重要理论意义,也有广阔的应用前景。 a[J].Int J
尽管关于两栖类动物抗菌肽的作用机理研究比较多,但 目前真正的抗菌作用机理还不完全清楚。普遍认为,其可能 的抗菌机理与目标微生物的细胞膜有关。Oren等【l 2|总结出 了两种作用机理:①栅桶模型(Barrelstavemodel):肽分子在膜上 形成通道,导致病原微生物氧化磷酸化解偶联而死亡;②毯式 模型(Carpetlikemodel):肽分子聚集在膜外面,与膜脂作用,改 变其曲率,逐步包裹膜,使之成碎片脱离,最后导致膜崩解。 多篇有关抗菌肽的综述对此已有详细阐述【13-16J。两种模型 究竟哪种正确。还是二者兼有,目前尚无定论。无论哪种机 理,正电荷对于蛙皮抗菌肽的抗菌作用都非常重要。研究表 明溶血作用与疏水残基含量有关,肽分子中疏水残基含量越 高则往往溶血作用也变强¨7I。至于蛙皮抗菌肽是否还有另 外的分子类型及另外的作用机理还有待进一步研究。 4两栖类抗菌肽的功能
基础研究 ・
B环 溴取 代 的 白杨 素 衍 生物 合成 及 其 抗 癌 活 性
郑 兴 许雪梅 郭 , 。 玉 刘 运美 罗 星 王小 平 尹 , , 。 , ,湖南 衡 阳 4 10 ; . 1南 2 0 1 2 南华大 学 科 研兴趣 小组 )
白杨 素 ( hyi) C r n 广泛存 在于植 物界 , s 生理 活性 多种 多样 , 包括抗 肿瘤 u J抗 炎 ]抗 焦 虑 - 等 , 、 、 4 其 中抗肿 瘤 活性 引起 国 内外 科 研 工 作 者 的极 大兴 趣
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到 的 8一 白杨素 衍生物 ( 溴 化合 物 1 图 1 具 有 较好 , ) 的抗癌 活性 【 。为 了获得高 效 、 毒 的新 型抗肿 瘤 6 J 低
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Appl. Environ. Microbiol.-2001-Magnusson-1-5
10.1128/AEM.67.1.1-5.2001.2001, 67(1):1. DOI:Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Jesper Magnusson and Johan SchnürerCompoundBroad-Spectrum Proteinaceous Antifungal Strain Si3 Produces acoryniformis ctobacillus coryniformis /content/67/1/1Updated information and services can be found at: These include:REFERENCES/content/67/1/1#ref-list-1This article cites 16 articles, 3 of which can be accessed free at:CONTENT ALERTSmore»articles cite this article), Receive: RSS Feeds, eTOCs, free email alerts (when new /site/misc/reprints.xhtml Information about commercial reprint orders: /site/subscriptions/To subscribe to to another ASM Journal go to: on April 12, 2014 by TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/Downloaded fromA PPLIED AND E NVIRONMENTAL M ICROBIOLOGY ,0099-2240/01/$04.00ϩ0DOI:10.1128/AEM.67.1.1–5.2001Jan.2001,p.1–5Vol.67,No.1Copyright ©2001,American Society for Microbiology.All Rights Reserved.Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Strain Si3Produces aBroad-Spectrum Proteinaceous Antifungal CompoundJESPER MAGNUSSON*ANDJOHAN SCHNU¨RER Department of Microbiology,Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,SE-75007Uppsala,SwedenReceived 5June 2000/Accepted 5October 2000The antifungal activity spectrum of Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp.coryniformis strain Si3was investigated.The strain had strong inhibitory activity in dual-culture agar plate assays against the molds Aspergillus fumigatus ,A.nidulans ,Penicillium roqueforti ,Mucor hiemalis ,Talaromyces flavus ,Fusarium poae ,F.graminearum ,F.culmorum ,and F.sporotrichoides .A weaker activity was observed against the yeasts Debaryomyces hansenii ,Kluyveromyces marxianus ,and Saccharomyces cerevisiae .The yeasts Rhodotorula glutinis ,Sporobolomyces roseus ,and Pichia anomala were not inhibited.In liquid culture the antifungal activity paralleled growth,with maximum mold inhibition early in the stationary growth phase,but with a rapid decline in antifungal activity after 48h.The addition of ethanol to the growth medium prevented the decline and gave an increased antifungal activity.The activity was stable during heat treatment and was retained even after autoclaving at 121°C for 15min.Maximum activity was observed at pH values of between 3.0and 4.5,but it decreased rapidly when pH was adjusted to a level between 4.5and 6.0and was lost at higher pH values.The antifungal activity was fully regained after readjustment of the pH to the initial value (pH 3.6).The activity was irreversibly lost after treatment with proteolytic enzymes (proteinase K,trypsin,and pepsin).The antifungal activity was partially purified using ion-exchange chromatography and (NH 4)2SO 4precipitation,followed by gel filtration chromatog-raphy.The active compound(s)was estimated to have a molecular mass of approximately 3kDa.This is the first report of the production of a proteinaceous antifungal compound(s)from L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis .Molds and yeasts are important spoilage organisms in dif-ferent food and feed systems.During the last few years there has been a growing interest in biopreservation,i.e.,the use of microorganisms and/or their metabolites to prevent spoilage and to extend the shelf-life of foods (20).Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)are of particular interest as biopreservation organisms.Their preserving effect mainly relates to the formation of lactic acid,acetic acid,and hydrogen peroxide;competition for nu-trients;and the production of bacteriocins (13,20).The bac-teriocins from LAB are bioactive peptides,derived from ribo-somally synthesized precursors and with a bacteriocidal effect on a number of different gram-positive bacteria (11,17).While many studies have assessed their antibacterial effects (6),there are very few reports on specific antifungal compounds from LAB.Early research suggested antifungal activities from a Lactobacillus casei strain that inhibited both the growth and the aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus (7).Pro-duction of fungal inhibitory compounds from L.casei subsp.rhamnosus ,all with molecular masses of Ͻ1,000Da,was de-scribed elsewhere (22).The antifungal activity of a Leuconos-toc mesenteroides strain from cheese has been reported,but no antifungal substance could be isolated (21).A mixture of Lac-tobacillus spp.from a commercial silage inoculum was found to reduce both mold growth and spore germination,as well as aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus subsp.parasiticus (9).An antifungal Lactobacillus sanfrancisco CBI,isolated from sour dough inhibited bread spoilage molds from the generaFusarium ,Penicillium ,Aspergillus ,and Monilia .The antifungal activity was caused by formation of several short-chained fatty acids,among which caproic acid was the most important mol-ecule (4).Niku-Paavola et al.(15)reported the production of antimicrobial low-molecular-weight compounds other than or-ganic acids from Lactobacillus plantarum .The active fraction containing,for example,benzoic acid,methylhydantoin,me-valonolactone,and cyclo-(glycyl-L -leucyl)and acting synergis-tically with lactic acid,was active against both Fusarium ave-nacum and the gram-negative bacterium Pantoea agglomerans .Lavermicocca et al.(12)found that phenyl-lactic acid and 4-hydroxy-phenyl-lactic acid from a sourdough isolate of L.plantarum had broad spectrum fungicidal activity.Recently,Okkers et al.(18)characterized the peptide pentocin TV35b from Lactobacillus pentosus ,with a fungistatic effect on Can-dida albicans and with inhibitory effect against a number of gram-positive bacteria.We have identified strain Si3,an antifungal LAB strain,as Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp.coryniformis .The antifungal isolate Si3,previously isolated from grass silage in our labora-tory,has been found to inhibit yeast growth in grass silage (I.Thylin and S.Lindgren,submitted for publication).There are no other literature reports on antifungal effects,nor of any bacteriocin-like activity,for this species.The aims of the present study were to describe the antifun-gal spectrum,the basal biochemical characteristics,and the production conditions for the fungal inhibitory compound(s)from L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3.MATERIALS AND METHODSCultures and media.The strain Si3,originally isolated from grass silage (Thy-lin and Lindgren,submitted),was grown on MRS agar (Oxoid Ltd.,Basingstoke,England)at 30°C in anaerobic jars under a CO 2ϩN 2atmosphere (GasPak*Corresponding author.Mailing address:Department of Microbi-ology,Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,Genetik centrum,Box 7025,SE-75651Uppsala,Sweden.Phone:46-18-673382.Fax:46-18-673392.E-mail:jesper.magnusson@mikrob.slu.se.1on April 12, 2014 by TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/Downloaded fromSystem;BBL,Cockeysville,Md.).Working cultures were kept on MRS agar plates at5°C,while long-term storage was done either atϪ70°C in15%glycerol or as lyophilized cultures in skimmed milk powder.MRS broth(Oxoid)was used as liquid growth medium,unless otherwise stated.Identification of strain Si3.The strain Si3,isolated from grass silage,was identified from fermentation patterns,confirmed by sequence analysis of16S ribosomal DNA(rDNA).The fermentation pattern was determined using the API50CH system(BioMe´rieux),with additional confirmation tests for fermen-tation of raffinose and rhamnose.Results from the API test were compared with the API database,and the fermentation pattern was further evaluated according to the method of Kandler and Weiss(10).Bacterial DNA was isolated according to the method of Axelsson and Lindgren(1).The almost complete16S rRNA gene was amplified by PCR using slightly modified domain Bacteria-specific primers(23).The primer sequences used were5Ј-AGAGTTTGATYMTGGC-3Ј(E.coli numbering8to23)and5Ј-AGAAAGGAGGTGATCC-3Ј(E.coli num-bering1544to1529).PCR reactions were performed under the following con-ditions:94°C for30s,54°C for30s,and72°C for80s,for35cycles.The resulting PCR product was purified from an agarose gel.Both strands of the purified fragment were partially sequenced using the Thermo Sequenase dye terminator cycle sequencing pre-mix(Amersham)and the automated sequence analyzer ABI PRISM377XL(Perkin-Elmer).The same primers that were used for the amplification were used for sequencing of the PCR product,together with ad-ditional customised internal primers.Preparation of concentrated culturefiltrate.L.coryniformis subsp.corynifor-mis Si3was inoculated to a concentration of105cells/ml of800ml of MRS broth in1,000-ml Erlenmeyerflasks,plugged with cotton to allow air access,and incubated as a still culture at30°C for48h.The culture was then centrifuged (15,000ϫg,10min),followed byfilter sterilization(0.45-m pore size;Milli-pore).The sterile cell-free supernatant was freeze-dried and resuspended(to a 15-fold concentration)in either10mM acetic acid(HAc)or20mM citrate-phosphate buffer(pH3.4).Culturefiltrate from the type strain of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis(ATCC25602)was used as a control and prepared in the same manner as that from strain Si3.Fungal inocula.The molds Aspergillus fumigatus J9,Aspergillus nidulans J10, Penicillium commune J238,Penicillium roqueforti J229,Mucor hiemalis J42,Ta-laromycesflavus J37,Fusarium poae J24,Fusarium graminearum J114,Fusarium culmorum J300,and Fusarium sporotrichoides J319and the yeasts Debaryomyces hansenii J136and J187,Kluyveromyces marxianus J186,Pichia anomala J121, Rhodotorula glutinis J195,Saccharomyces cerevisiae J122,Sporobolomyces roseus J104,and Zygosaccharomyces rouxii J107came from our own culture collection. They were grown on malt extract agar(MEA)slants(Oxoid)at25°C for7days and then stored at5°C.Inocula containing spores or conidia were prepared by growing the molds on MEA slants for7to10days(or until sporulation)and then collecting spores or conidia after vigorously shaking the slants with sterile pep-tone water(0.2%[wt/vol]).Yeast cell inocula were prepared from washed cul-tures grown in malt extract broth(Oxoid)as still cultures at30°C for24h.Mold (spores or conidia)and yeast concentrations were determined using a Buerkner hemocytometer,and adjusted to105per ml of sterile peptone water(0.2%). Antifungal activity assays.Three different assays,the overlay method,the agar-well diffusion method,and the microtiter plate well assay,were used to detect antifungal activity.All experiments assaying inhibitory activity were,un-less stated otherwise,performed in duplicate.The overlay method was per-formed using MRS agar plates on which LAB were inoculated as two2-cm-long lines and incubated at30°C for48h in anaerobic jars.The plates were then overlaid with10ml of malt extract soft agar(2%malt extract,0.7%agar;Oxoid) containing104yeast cells or fungal spores(conidia)per ml.The plates were then incubated aerobically at30°C for48h.The plates were examined for clear zones of inhibition around the bacterial streaks,and the area of the zones was scored as follows:Ϫ,no suppression;ϩ,no fungal growth on0.1to3%of the plate area per bacterial streak;ϩϩ,no fungal growth on3to8%of plate area per bacterial streak;orϩϩϩ,no fungal growth onϾ8%of plate area per bacterial streak. For the agar well diffusion assay,MRS agar plates containing104A.fumigatus conidia per ml agar were prepared.Wells,with a diameter of either3or5mm, were then cut in the agar using a sterile cork-borer.A droplet of agar was added to each well in order to seal it to avoid leakage.Then,either40-or70-l samples were added to the wells and allowed to diffuse into the agar during a5-h preincubation period at room temperature,followed by aerobic incubation at 30°C for48h.The antifungal effects recorded were graded as follows:Ϫ,no suppression;ϩ,weak suppression around the wells;ϩϩ,strong suppression,with detectable clear zones around the wells;orϩϩϩ,very strong suppression,with large,clear zones around the wells.For the microtiter plate well assay,a30-l sample and50l of MRS broth containing104A.fumigatus spores per ml were added to each well.The plate was incubated in a humid chamber at30°C for48h.The degree of inhibition was either measured as the optical density at550nm in a Microplate Autoreader EL 309(Biotek Instruments),measured by using an inverted microscope for esti-mating the growth of the indicator fungi,or measured by using the naked eye. The antifungal effects were given numerical values as follows:no mold growthϭan inhibition factor of1.0;one or a few mold colonies/wellϭan inhibition factor of0.6;mycelium monolayer in the wellsϭan inhibition factor of0.3;or complete mycelium coverage of the wellsϭan inhibition factor of0.Scaled antifungal units were calculated as follows:antifungal unitϭ(the inhibition valueϫthe reciprocal of the highest dilution at which inhibitory activity could be detected). Spectrum of antifungal activity.The overlay method described above was used to determine the ability of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3to inhibit growth of various species of molds and yeasts at temperatures between25and30°C. Effects of temperature,pH,and proteolytic enzymes on antifungal activity. The antifungal activity remaining after exposure to high temperatures,different pH values,or proteolytic enzymes was determined using either the agar well diffusion assay or the microtiter plate assay.Aliquots(10ml)of15-fold-concen-trated culturefiltrate,prepared as described above,were heated to either50,70, 96,or121°C for10min.The samples were allowed to cool and then tested for antifungal activity.The pH effect was investigated with15-fold-concentrated culturefiltrate,in10-ml aliquots,adjusted to pH values of2.5,3.0,4.0,4.5,5.0, 6.0,7.0,and9.0with1M HCl and2M NaOH before evaluating the antifungal activity.MRS broth,concentrated15-fold and adjusted to the same pH values, served as a control.The effect of proteolytic enzymes on antifungal activity was investigated with10-ml aliquots of15-fold-concentrated culturefiltrate treated with one of the following proteolytic enzymes:proteinase K(Sigma),trypsin (Sigma),or pepsin(Sigma).Samples were adjusted with1M HCl and2M NaOH to the optimum pH value for each enzyme,i.e.,7.6,7.6,and2.0for proteinase K, trypsin,and pepsin,respectively.After adjustment of the pH,the supernatants were treated with100g of the respective enzyme per ml and incubated at37°C for1h.Before evaluating the antifungal activity the pH of the supernatants was readjusted to the initial pH value3.6.Both15-fold-concentrated MRS broth treated with enzymes and pH-adjusted15-fold-concentrated samples served as controls. Influence of temperature and aeration on production of antifungal activity. Growth,antifungal activity,and pH were monitored over time with200-ml cultures of MRS broth inoculated with105bacteria per ml.Theflasks were incubated at25or30°C,either as still cultures in250-ml anaerobicflasks sealed with butyl rubber membranes or in250-ml Erlenmeyerflasks plugged with cotton (to allow air access)on a rotary shaker(100rpm).Every second hour,a sample was collected for the determination of pH,the numbers of cells(Buerkner hemocytometer),and the antifungal activity(microtiter plate assay).The influence of ethanol on the recovery of antifungal activity was evaluated using batches of200ml of MRS broth,inoculated with5ϫ105bacteria per ml in250-ml Erlenmeyerflasks,plugged with cotton,and incubated as still cultures at30°C.Ethanol was added to reach a maximum(theoretical)value of2mg/ml at7h,3mg/ml at12h,and5mg/ml at15h to afinal concentration of7mg/ml (early stationary phase).The actual ethanol concentration was not measured,but evaporation was assumed to be minor during the experimental conditions.Sam-ples were collected every second hour for determination of the numbers of cells, the pH,and the antifungal activity.The growth and antifungal activity of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3 was evaluated at different pH values under controlled fermentor conditions. Here,105bacteria per ml was inoculated in MRS broth at pH4.5,5.5,and6.5 and was grown as800-ml cultures at30°C without aeration in a1.0-liter fermen-tor(Bioreactor BR0.4;Belach Bioteknik).The pH was controlled and adjusted with2M KOH.After48h of growth the bacterial cells were removed by centrifugation(15,000ϫg,10min),followed byfilter sterilization.The cell-free culturefiltrate was freeze-dried and dissolved in53ml of10mM HAc,resulting in a15-fold concentration.The antifungal activity was tested with the microtiter plate assay at pH4.0.The15-fold-concentrated culturefiltrate was also evaluated for stability after storage in1-ml aliquots in Eppendorf tubes at25,4,andϪ28°C. The antifungal activity against A.fumigatus remaining after1to15days storage was determined using the microtiter plate assay.The stability of a precipitate resulting from100%(NH4)2SO4saturation was also evaluated.Primary purification.To obtain a larger amount of material,800ml of MRS broth in a cotton-plugged1,000-ml Erlenmeyerflask was inoculated with105cells of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3per ml and grown as a still culture at 30°C for48h.After incubation the broth was centrifuged(15,000ϫg,10min), sterilefiltered(0.45-m pore size;Millipore),and thefiltrate was freeze-dried and adjusted to15times the original concentration in20mM citrate-phosphate buffer(pH5.0).The antifungal substance(s)from the15-fold-concentrated culturefiltrate of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3was partially purified.Thefirst purification2MAGNUSSON AND SCHNU¨RER A PPL.E NVIRON.M ICROBIOL.on April 12, 2014 by TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY /Downloaded fromstep was ion-exchange chromatography using Q-Sepharose(Pharmacia,Uppsala, Sweden)with20mM citrate-phosphate buffer(pH5.0).Samples were eluted in three steps with0.2,0.5,or1.0M NaCl in20mM citrate-phosphate buffer(pH 5.0).The fractions were evaluated with the microtiter plate assay.The second step was precipitation at60,80,and100%(NH4)2SO4saturations.The precip-itates were pelleted(15,000ϫg,10min)and dissolved in5ml of10mM HAc each.Then,1ml of each fraction was dialyzed in a Spectra/Pore1000Da Membrane(Spectrum Medical Industries,Inc.)against20mM citrate-phosphate buffer(pH5.0)and was evaluated with the microtiter plate assay.The dissolved pellets from the80and100%(NH4)2SO4saturations were pooled and run on a gelfiltration column(Superdex Peptide PC3.2/30)using the SMART chroma-tography system(Pharmacia,Uppsala,Sweden)with10mM HAc as buffer. Fractions from the gelfiltration were evaluated with the microtiter plate assay.RESULTSIdentification of strain Si3.The fermentation pattern iden-tified Si3as L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis(results not shown);the positive fermentation of rhamnose differentiated our isolate from L.coryniformis subsp.torquens.This identifi-cation was confirmed by the16S ribosomal DNA(rDNA) sequence data,where588nucleotides corresponding to posi-tions86to674of the L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis ATCC 25602(GenBank accession no.M58813)sequence were deter-mined for strain Si3(GenBank accession no.AF228698).The 16S rDNA sequences of strains Si3and ATCC25602were found to be identical at all positions,except for11ambiguous nucleotides in the published sequence M58813from strain ATCC25602.Spectrum of antifungal activity.L.coryniformis subsp. coryniformis Si3had a broad antifungal inhibitory spectrum, with activity against several taxonomic groups of mold and yeast(Table1).Generally,molds seemed to be more sensitive than yeasts.However,the fast-growing zygomycete M.hiemalis was only marginally affected.The antifungal activity differed only slightly between dual cultures incubated at25or30°C. After2days of bacterial growth the pH values in the inhibitory zone between and outside the bacterial streaks were4.5and 4.7,respectively.Outside the inhibition zone the pH in the A. fumigatus-containing MRS plates was5.6.Effects of temperature,pH,and proteolytic enzymes on an-tifungal activity.The antifungal activity was found to be heat stable.Freeze-dried supernatant autoclaved for15min at 121°C retained full inhibitory activity against yeast and mold growth.The activity was stable at pH values that were between 3.0and4.5but rapidly decreased between pH4.5and6.0(data not shown).No inhibitory activity was detected at a pH above 6.0.The activity was fully regained after readjustment of the pH to the starting value.The inhibitory activity of the freeze-dried supernatant was totally lost after treatment with protein-ase K(Fig.1)and trypsin and was radically decreased after treatment with pepsin.Influence of temperature and aeration on production of antifungal activity.The maximum antifungal activity was ob-served as a distinct peak after about40h growth at30°C,i.e., early in the stationary phase(Fig.2).Only minor differences in antifungal activity were observed between cultures incubated as still cultures in cappedflasks(data not shown)and those incubated with air access on a rotary shaker(Fig.2).The addition of ethanol during growth doubled the recovered an-tifungal activity,and no decline was observed during the sta-tionary phase(Fig.3).The influence of substrate pH on activity under controlled fermentor conditions was evaluated using the microtiter plate assay at pH4.0.Cells grown for48h at pH6.5gave a substan-tially higher antifungal activity,i.e.,3,000antifungalunitsFIG.1.Effect of proteinase K on antifungal activity against A. fumigatus of a15-fold-concentrated(freeze-dried)culturefiltrate of L. coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3.The control sample(left well)was pH adjusted in the same manner as the proteinase K-treated sample (right well).TABLE1.Inhibition of molds and yeasts by L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3in a dual-culture overlay systemMold or yeast strainActivity a at:25°C30°C MoldsAspergillus fumigatus J9ϩϩϩϩϩϩAspergillus nidulans J10ϩϩϩϩϩPenicillium commune J238ϩϩϩϩPenicillium roqueforti J229ϩϩMucor hiemalis J42ϪϩϩTalaromycesflavus J37ϩϩϩϩϩFusarium poae J24ϩϩϩϩϩϩFusarium graminearum J114ϩϩϩϩϩϩFusarium culmorum J300ϩϩϩϩϩϩFusarium sporotrichoides J319ϩϩϩϩϩϩYeastsRhodotorula glutinis J195ϪND Sporobolomyces roseus J104ϪND Pichia anomala J121ϪϪDebaryomyces hansenii var.hansenii J136ϩϩϩDebaryomyces hansenii var.hansenii J187ϩϩZygosaccharomyces rouxii J107ϪϪSaccharomyces cerevisiae J122ϪϩKluyveromyces marxianus var.marxianus J186ϩϩa Activity was scored as follows:Ϫ,no suppression;ϩ,weak suppression around the streaks;ϩϩ,strong suppression,with detectable clear zones around the streaks;ϩϩϩ,very strong suppression,with large,clear zones around the streaks.ND,not determined.V OL.67,2001ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY OF L.CORYNIFORMIS3on April 12, 2014 by TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY /Downloaded from(AU)ml Ϫ1,than cells cultivated at pH 4.5or 5.5,which gave 267and 433AU ml Ϫ1,respectively.Stability.The antifungal activity of freeze-dried culture fil-trate was lost during prolonged storage.The activity was stable during storage for 7days at either 4or 25°C,but it rapidly decreased after 7days at both temperatures.No activity could be recovered after storage for 2days at Ϫ28°C.However,the activity remained during 14days of storage in 100%saturated (NH 4)2SO 4at 4°C.Primary purification.It was possible to follow the activity during several purification steps.After ion-exchange chroma-tography,the antifungal activity was detected in the fraction containing 20mM citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 5.0)and 0.5M NaCl.Ammonium sulfate precipitation of this fraction gave antifungal activities with dialyzed precipitates of both 80and 100%(NH 4)2SO 4saturations.When dissolved pellets wereapplied to a gel filtration column,the peak in antifungal activ-ity was consistently found to be between elution volumes of 1.3and 1.4ml,indicating a molecular mass of about 3kDa (Fig.4).DISCUSSIONBoth molds and yeasts are important spoilage organisms in different food and feed systems.The molds evaluated in this study,such as P.roqueforti and mune ,commonly spoil hard cheese,while different Fusarium species can produce my-cotoxins in cereal grains (8).The yeasts Candida parapsilosis and D.hansenii are common spoilage organisms of yogurt and other fermented dairy products (19).There is thus a need for efficient and safe procedures to prevent fungal growth in var-ious raw materials and food B are known to produce antimicrobial substances,but these mainly in the form of organic acids and bacteriocins.Very few reports have been published about the production of specific antifungal substances from LAB.The present study and a recent publication by Okkers et al.(18)clearly document the production of proteinaceous an-tifungal substances by LAB.However,Okkers et al.(18)only reported the fungistatic effect against the yeast C.albicans and not against filamentous fungi.Our study shows that L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3is inhibitory against a broad range of fila-mentous fungi (molds)and,to a lesser extent,against spoilage yeasts.We have not found any previous literature reports on the antimicrobial activity of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis .The production of the antifungal substance from L.coryni-formis subsp.coryniformis Si3starts during the exponential growth phase and reaches a maximum early in the stationary phase,after which the activity rapidly decreases.This kinetic is similar to that found for the bacteriocins amylovorin L471from Lactobacillus amylovorous (5)and Lactocin S from Lac-tobacillus sake (14).The observed decrease in activity could be caused by proteolytic degradation.Alternatively,the antifungal substance might be a highly hydrophobic molecule that rapidly adsorbs to the producer cells or forms spontaneous aggregates,as has been suggested for the bacteriocins amylovorin L471and Lactocin S.The addition of ethanol to the growingcultureFIG.2.Changes in cell numbers (F ),antifungal activity (s ),andpH (E )over time.Erlenmeyer flasks (250ml),plugged with cotton (to allow air access),with 200ml of MRS broth were inoculated with 105L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3per ml and incubated at 30°C on a rotaryshaker.FIG.3.Effect of gradual addition of ethanol on antifungal activity of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3.Erlenmeyer flasks (250ml),plugged with cotton (to allow air access),with 200ml of MRS broth were inoculated with 5ϫ105cells per ml and incubated as still cultures at 30°C.Ethanol was added to reach a theoretical concentration of 2mg/ml at 7h,3mg/ml at 12h,and 5mg/ml at 15h and a final concentration of 7mg/ml at the early stationary phase.Cell numbers (F ),antifungal activity (s ),and pH (E )results areshown.FIG.4.Antifungal activity against A.fumigatus of fractions from gel filtration on Superdex Peptide PC 3.2/30,after ion-exchange chro-matography and (NH 4)2SO 4precipitation.The activity was evaluated with the microtiter plate assay (shaded area),and the protein concen-tration was determined as the absorbance at 280nm (line).4MAGNUSSON AND SCHNU¨RER A PPL .E NVIRON .M ICROBIOL .on April 12, 2014 by TIANJIN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY/Downloaded fromincreased the recovery of antifungal activity and prevented the decline during the stationary phase.Similar results have been found with bacteriocins from L.amylovorus and L.sake(5,14), while Nilsen et al.(16)found that the presence of ethanol was inhibitory to bacteriocin production from Enterococcus fae-cium.We also observed that the recovery of antifungal activity was increased by addition of formic or acetic acid to the fer-mentation medium after cessation of growth(data not shown). Similarly,De Vuyst et al.(5)found that bacteriocin inactiva-tion,ascribed to protein aggregation and adsorption,could be overcome by switching the pH to2.0after it had reached the activity peak during a fermentation run.Initially,we used a dual-culture agar system to evaluate the antifungal effects.The pH value in the inhibition zone was ca.4.6to4.7,suggesting a limited contribution of undissociated lactic acid to the inhibitory effect.However,the observed re-duction in antifungal activity of the culturefiltrates at pH values exceeding4.5indicates synergistic effects between lactic acid and other antifungal compounds.On the other hand,the production of antifungals in liquid culture was10times higher at pH6.5than at pH4.5.The possibility of increased desorp-tion of antifungal compounds from bacterial cells at very low pH values suggested above further indicates a very complex interaction between the antifungal effects of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis Si3and the pH.Gelfiltration chromatography indicates that the inhibitory substance(s)has a molecular mass of about3kDa.The active antifungal substance(s)was thus found to be small,heat stable, sensitive to proteolytic enzymes,and active within a narrow pH range.The same characteristic can be found among bacterio-cins of subclass II(11).A substantial proportion of the anti-fungal activity was lost during each individual purification step. The activity was consistently detectable after two purification steps,regardless of the combination used.However,after a third purification step the activity was often below the detec-tion level.We also observed a splitting of the activity into at least two different active fractions during several of the puri-fication procedures.The poor stability of the antifungal activity at reduced tem-peratures further complicates the purification process.The loss of activity after storage atϪ28°C for only2days might be due to an irreversible precipitation-denaturation process.We have also observed a loss of antifungal activity during unintentional thawing of culturefiltrate during the freeze-drying procedure. This is thefirst report of the production of proteinaceous antifungal compound(s),or indeed of any antimicrobial activ-ity,from a L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis strain.The type strain L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis ATCC25602had virtually no inhibitory activity against A.fumigatus compared with our strain Si3.We are presently investigating a number of L.coryniformis subsp.coryniformis strains to establish the oc-currence of antifungal properties within this species.The pos-sibility of using LAB with GRAS(generally regarded as safe) status as a biotechnological solution to fungal spoilage and mycotoxin formation is a promising option for both the food industry and the agricultural sector.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis study has beenfinanced by MISTRA(The Swedish foundation for Strategic Environmental Research).We thank Bo Ek for advice on protein purification and Lars Axels-son and Hans Jonsson for helpful comments on the manuscript.Stefan Roos assisted in the species identification and gave valuable sugges-tions for manuscript improvements.REFERENCES1.Axelsson,L.,and S.Lindgren.1987.Characterization and DNA homology ofLactobacillus strains isolated from pig intestine.J.Appl.Bacteriol.62:433–438.2.Batish,V.K.,U.Roy,l,and S.Grover.1997.Antifungal attributes oflactic acid bacteria.Crit.Rev.Biotechnol.17:209–225.3.Callewaert R.,H.Holo,B.Devreese,J.Van Beeumen,I.F.Nes,and L.DeVuyst.1999.Characterization and production of amylovorin L471,a bacte-riocin purified from Lactobacillus amylovorus DCE471by a novel three-step method.Microbiology145:2559–2568.4.Corsetti,A.,M.Gobbetti,J.Rossi,and P.Damiani.1998.Antimould activityof sourdough lactic acid bacteria:identification of a mixture of organic acids produced by Lactobacillus sanfrancisco CB1.Appl.Microb.Biotechnol.50: 253–256.5.De Vuyst,L.,R.Callewaert and K.Crabbe´.1996.Primary metabolite kineticsof bacteriocin biosynthesis by Lactobacillus amylovorus and evidence for stimulation of bacteriocin production under unfavourable 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中国生物工程杂志 China Biotechnology ,2021 ,41 (1 ) : 103-113DOI : 10. 13523/j. cb. 2009004毗咯瞳咻醞生物合成研究进展* * **收稿日期:2020-094)3 修回日期:2020-12-01*国家自然科学基金(U1904101),河南省科技攻关重点研发与推广专项(202102310021 ,182102310607)资助项目**通讯作者,电子信箱:yangxuepeng@ zzuli. edu. cn王光路王梦园周忆菲马科张帆杨雪鹏*”(郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院食品生产与安全河南省协同创新中心郑州450001)摘要 u 比咯•牀醍(pyrroloquinoline quinone, PQQ)是一种多肽修饰类天然产物,是继烟酰胺和核黄素之后第三类辅酶,具有抗氧化、抗衰老、提高免疫力等重要生理功能,在医药、保健等领域具 有重要价值。
目前,PQQ 的大规模制备仍然存在诸多问题,限制了 PQQ 的广泛应用。
当前迫切需 求低成本的合成方式,以充分实现其广阔的应用潜力。
综述了近年来PQQ 生物合成途径的解析、关键酶的催化反应机理以及高产菌株选育等方面的研究动态及发展趋势,并针对PQQ 生物合成微生物细胞工厂构建研究策略提出了建议及展望。
关键词"比咯喳咻醍生物合成途径调控机制关键酶中图分类号Q56[1比咯座咻pyrroloquinoline quinone , PQQ ),化学式为4,5-二拨基-1-毗咯-2,3-f-«咻-2,7,9 -三竣酸(图1),是继烟酰胺和核黄素之后第三类辅酶,可以从底物接受2个电子和2个质子,发挥辅酶的作用2〕。
2003 年,Rucker 等⑶认定PQQ 为水溶性B 族维生素。
图1 PQQ 的化学结构Fig. 1 Chemical structure of PQQPQQ 具有独特的理化性质和生理作用。
RiPPs合成酶是一类能够合成Ribosomally Synthesized and Post-translationally modified Peptides的酶,其中RiPPs是一类包含多种不同结构的寡肽。
这些酶主要包括Thiopeptide合成酶,Lasso Peptide合成酶和Bacteriocins等。
Chapter 6 Ribosome.d
In human, the ribosomal RNA genes are highly amplified (total of ~400 copies in human cells) at the p-arms (Nucleolar Organizer Regions) of these 5 human NORchromosomes
Rat cytoplasm
* S = sedimentation coefficient. The ribosomal subunits and the rRNA molecules are commonly designated in Svedberg units (S), a measure of the sedimentation rate of suspended particles centrifuged under standard conditions.
• Both the synthesis and processing of pre-rRNA occurs in the nucleolus. • The Nucleolus („tiny nucleus”) is specialized for transcription of ribosomal RNA and its packaging into pre-ribosomal subunits. • The massive level of rRNA transcription is illustrated by the “Christmas tree” structures composed of repeating nascent rRNP strands that grow in assembly line fashion along the rDNA transcription units.
活石斑表皮、鰓、鼻腔及腸道的黏液,在循環過濾的過程被濃縮收集,除了表皮黏液中的抗菌胜肽,腸道的黏液具有免疫球蛋白、補體(Complement)及c-reaction protein(Biology2015,4,525-539) 。
內涵25種以上胺基酸、多種胜肽、成長因子石斑魚黏液含有小分子抗菌胜肽:(EPINECIDIN-1)利用正電原理瞬間崩解細菌、真菌、原蟲、病毒、癌細胞的細胞壁(帶負電荷) ,正常細胞膜屬中性,不受影響。
石斑魚黏液產生的抗菌胜肽可同時抑制:【HMGR】及【HDAC】等二種酵素的STATIN類抑制劑(如阿斯匹靈的作用) ,可降低肥胖、血脂異常血壓及血糖偏高等代謝症候群患者,因體內長期發炎造成的大腸癌及大腸息肉復發風險。
虫生真菌的非核糖体肽类毒素陈秀润;胡琼波【期刊名称】《中国生物防治学报》【年(卷),期】2013(000)001【摘要】非核糖体肽(non-ribosomal peptides, NRPs)是一类主要由氨基酸(包括特殊的或修饰过的氨基酸)及羟基酸组成的小分子化合物,它不在核糖体上合成,而是通过所谓的硫模板多聚酶机制(thiotemplate multienzyme mechanism)的多酶复合系统合成的一类肽类次级代谢产物。
虫生真菌产生的非核糖体肽毒素目前主要发现8种,即efrapeptin、环孢菌素(cyclosporin)、绿僵菌素(destruxin)、白僵菌素(beauvericin)、恩镰菌素(enniatin)、球孢交酯(bassianolide)、白僵交酯(beauverolide)和 serinocyclin,本文介绍上述毒素的种类、结构、活性与作用机理,为相关研究者提供参考。
%Non-ribosomal peptides are small molecular compounds mainly composed of specific or modified amino acids and oxyacids. They are synthesized via thiotemplate multienzyme mechanism of multifunctional enzyme complex system other than on ribosome. NRPs show a broad range of biological activities, functions of non-ribosomal peptides mainly include antibiotics, immunity inhibitor, cell proliferation inhibitor, siderophore or ionophore, etc. There are eight primary kinds of non-ribosomal peptides produced by entomogenous fungi, inculding efrapeptin, cyclosporin, destruxin, beauvericin, enniatin, bassianolide, beauverolide and serinocyclin. Thetypes, structures, activity, mechanism of these NRPs were reviewed to provide a reference for researchers interested in NPRs.【总页数】11页(P142-152)【作者】陈秀润;胡琼波【作者单位】华南农业大学资源环境学院,广州510642;华南农业大学资源环境学院,广州510642【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S476.12【相关文献】1.泛肽、核糖体蛋白及泛肽-核糖体蛋白S27a与肿瘤的关系 [J], 叶嘉良;张耀洲2.虫生真菌的非核糖体肽类毒素 [J], 陈秀润;胡琼波;3.TurboFlow在线净化-液相色谱-串联质谱法快速检测人尿中鹅膏肽类毒素 [J], 方为;邱凤梅;余新威4.超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法快速测定毒蕈中6种鹅膏毒肽类和鬼笔毒肽类毒素[J], 薛康;胡江涛;俞凌云;刘菲;马丽;龚婷婷;华燚;陈佳玥5.虫生真菌非核糖体多肽活性产物生物合成潜力预测 [J], 张礼文;István MOLNáR;徐玉泉因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
收稿日期:2013-07-22接受日期:2013-12-31基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31100688);甘肃省教育厅硕导基金项目(1101ZTC103)*通讯作者E-mail :yangyunshang@tom.com天然产物研究与开发Nat Prod Res Dev 2014,26:1402-1406文章编号:1001-6880(2014)9-1402-05芹菜素镧配合物的结构表征及生物活性研究杨云裳1,陶莲春1,张应鹏1,孙世琪2,郭慧琛2*1兰州理工大学石油化工学院,兰州730050;2中国农业科学院兰州兽医研究所家畜疫病病原生物学国家重点实验室国家口蹄疫参考实验室,兰州730046摘要:以芹菜素和硝酸镧为原料首次合成芹菜素镧配合物,通过元素分析、摩尔电导、红外光谱、热差分析、核磁共振氢谱来分析测定配合物的组成和结构,并对配合物进行了清除超氧自由基(O -·2)和羟自由基(·OH )的研究以及对宫颈癌细胞Hela 的抗肿瘤活性的研究。
结果表明,配合物组成为:La (C 15H 9O 5)2NO 3·1.5H 2O ,其具有较强的抗氧化活性和抗宫颈癌细胞Hela 活性。
关键词:芹菜素;稀土配合物;抗氧化活性;抗肿瘤活性中图分类号:R91文献标识码:AStructure and Biological Activity of the La (Ⅲ)Complex with ApigeninYANG Yun-shang 1*,TAO Lian-chun 1,ZHANG Ying-peng 1,SUN Shi-qi 2,GUO Hui-chen 2*1School of Petrochemical Technology ,Lanzhou University of Technology ,Lanzhou 730050,China ;2State Key Laboratoryof Veterinary Etiological Biology ,National Foot and Mouth Disease Reference Laboratory ,Lanzhou VeterinaryResearch Institute ,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences ,730046,ChinaAbstract :The La (III )complex with apigenin was first synthesized through lanthanum nitrate with apigenin ,the complexwas characterized by elemental analysis ,molar conductance ,IR,1H NMR,TG-DSC.The scavenging effect on the super-oxide radical (O-·2),hydroxyl radical (·OH )and the antitumor activity on cervical cancer cells with complex werealso studied.The results showed that the molecular formula of the complex is La (C 15H 9O 5)2NO 3·1.5H 2O and it has stronger antioxidant activity and antitumor activity.Key words :apigenin ;La (III )complex ;antioxidative activity ;antitumor activity黄酮类化合物,是有共同母核(C 6-C 3-C 6)苯丙吡喃酮的多酚类化合物,他们具备较强的自由基清除活性、抗氧化、抗菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤活性,以及抗炎、镇痛活性[1]。
动词解释: 1、硫氧还蛋白2、碳素还原蛋白1。
硫氧还蛋白:是一类由S-(1-脱氧核糖)-P(1, 5-二磷酸)链为主链的蛋白质。
(1)酰胺酶催化柠檬酸分子中一个酰胺基团与一个醛基之间的缩合反应;(2)肽链延伸酶催化醛或酮连接到某个肽键上,此反应也可能存在于某些分子中;(3) α-酮酸酶催化α-酮酸的水解;(4) α-羟基异构酶催化1, 4-酮式-α-羟基丁酸-乙酰乳酸之间的反应;(5)磷酸化酶催化柠檬酸和草酰乙酸之间的反应。
6、磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PE CP)是一种能催化草酰乙酸转化为琥珀酰辅酶A(ZnS)和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸(PE),后者再参与二羧酸循环,从而生成三羧酸循环的酶。
6 脂肽抗生素的研究概况之阿布丰王创作脂肽(Lipopeptide)又名脂酰肽(Acylpeptide),是一类重要的抗菌肽,主要来源于一些由细菌、酵母菌、真菌分泌的代谢产物,其种类繁多、结构复杂,是一类由脂肪链和肽链组成的具有两亲结构的微生物次级代谢产物(Kosaric,1987).脂肽一般来源于植物、植物和微生物,但年夜大都脂肽来源于微生物,而其中又以来源于细菌的脂肽居多.在细菌中,脂肽一般是革兰氏阳性芽孢杆菌发生的代谢产物.1968年,Arima等首次从枯草芽孢杆菌株发现脂肽类概况活性剂,呈晶状,商品名为概况活性素(surfactin)(Arima,1968).目前发现的抗菌脂肽主要有概况活性素(surfactin)、芬荠素(Fengycin)、伊枯草菌素(iturin)、和杆菌霉素(Bacillomycin),抗霉枯草菌素(mycosubtilin)、制磷脂菌素(plipstatin)等.脂肽分子由亲水的肽键和亲油的脂肪烃链两部份组成,脂肽分子中多个氨基酸组成的肽链形成亲水基,脂肪烃链形成亲油基.由于其特殊的化学组成和两亲型分子结构,脂肽除具有抗菌活性之外还具有生物概况活性剂的特性(Stein,2005).脂肽在环境治理,医药、微生物采油等领域有重要的应用前景(Jitemdra,1997;Banat,2003).6.1 脂肽抗生素的种类及结构特性芽孢杆菌发生的抗菌脂脂肽的分子结构由脂肪酸链和肽链两部份组成,分子中的多个氨基酸组成的肽链形成亲水基,β-羟基或者氨基脂肪酸的烃链形成亲油基,即是具两亲性的生物概况活性剂.其中亲水的氨基酸通过肽键相互连接,再与脂肪烃链上的羧基和β-羟基或者氨基结合形成环状,因此,抗菌脂肽一般是以内脂或者酰胺键结合而成的环脂肽(刘向阳,2005;吕应年,2005;Wang,2004).芽孢杆菌脂肽抗生素主要包括概况活性素(Surfactin),伊枯草菌素(Iturin),芬荠素(Fengycin)三年夜类.6概况活性素(Surfactin)Surfactin类群的脂肪酸的碳链长度在13~16个,具有LLDLLDL的手性七肽通过一内酯键与脂肪酸链碳原子的β-羟基基相连,其在水溶液中分子成“马鞍状”构像,该家族成员包括枯草芽孢杆菌发生的概况活性素(Surfactin),地衣芽孢杆菌发生的地衣芽孢杆菌素(Llichenyishin),短小芽孢杆菌的概况活性剂(Pumilacidin)、埃斯波素(Esperin),其中Liehenyishin、Pumilacidin、Esperin主要应用于工业和环境治理(Meiji et al.,1969.;Yakimo et al.,1995;Naruse et al.,1990).而Surfactin是一种脂肽类抗菌物质,它是由β-羟基脂肪酸和7个氨基酸残基的小肽组成,肽链的第7位氨基酸上的羧基和脂肪酸的β-羟基缩合形成环状结构(如图1-1).Surfactin主要存在两种类型,即7位上的氨基酸是Leu和Val.肽链中典范的氨基酸组成顺序为(L-)Glu-(L-)Leu-(D-)Leu-(L-)Val-(L-)Asp-(D-)Leu-(L-)Leu(Kowall et al.,1998;杨世忠等,2004).可是由于其2位(Leu/Ile/Val)、4位(Val/Leu/Ile/Ala)、7位(Leu/Val/Ile)氨基酸的分歧及脂肪酸链长短(C13~C15)的分歧其类似物也较多(刘向阳等,2005).1991年Baumgart用二维H-NMR证明Bacillus subtilis ATCC21332和Bacillus subtilis OKB105培养液中提取的Surfactin具有三种结构类似物(Baumgart et al.,1991),分别命名为Surfactin A、Surfactin B、Surfactin C、其中surfaetin A是主要成份,它的环状肽链上第七个氨基酸为Leu,Surfactin B的七位氨基酸为Val,Surfactin C的七位氨基酸为Ile.1992年Oka等采纳优化后的高效液相色谱(HPLC),首次对枯草芽孢杆菌发生的六种概况活性素分离胜利,并发现了两种具有分歧脂肪酸取代物的新概况活性素.1995年俄罗斯科学家研究从发酵液中获得5个Surfactin的结构类似物,通过质谱技术、化学修饰和二维核磁共振技术确定了它们的结构.随后的研究更精确地测定了十余种Surfactin的同系物(Kowall et al.,1998),如表1-1 (Vater et al.,2002).Surfactin暗示出抗病毒、抗肿瘤和支原体以及一定水平的抗细菌活性,它自己其实不具备抗真菌活性,但可增强其它脂肽特别是伊枯草菌素的抗真菌活性(Kim et al.,2004).图1-1Surfactin的结构示意图Fig.1-1 Structure of surfactin表l-1 surfactin同系物的种类Table1-1 Sorts of surfactin isoforms6 芬荠素(Fengycin)Fengycins类群包括芬荠素(Fengycin)和制磷脂素(plipastatinAl、A2、B1、B2)脂肪酸链碳链长度一般在14~18个,8个氨基酸成环,线状部份包括2个氨基酸和脂肪酸链(Nongnuch et al.,1986).肽链中氨基酸组成顺序为(L-) Glu- (D-) Orn- (L-) Tyr- (D-)Thr-(L-)Glu-(D-)Ala(Val)-(L-)pro-(L-)Gln-(D-)Tyr-(L-)Ile,肽链的第10位Ile上的羧基和第3位的Tyr上羟基缩合形成环状结构(Vanittanakom et al.,1986;Ongena,2005;Sehneider,1999),如图1-2.Fengycin 能够抑制丝状真菌生长,对酵母和细菌无作用(Vanittanakom et al.,1986).它和Surfactin一样有许多同系物,往往同时共存于发酵液中.它们被分成Fengycin A和Fengycin B两种类型,当肽链的6位上是Ala时,属于fengyein A;而当肽链的6位上是Val 时,属于FengyeinB(Wang J,2004;Steller S,1999;Deleu,2005).2008年Das还发现了苏云金芽孢杆菌cMB26( CMB26)发生的结构类似于Fengycin的脂肽抗生素(Kim et al.,2004).罕见的fengycin同系物如表1-2(Stinson,2003;高学文,2003).图1-2 Fengycin A的结构示意图Fig.1-2 Structure of Fengycin A表l-2 Fengycin同系物的种类Table1-2 Sorts of fengycin isoforms6 伊枯草菌素(Iturin)Iturin家族包括伊枯草菌素(Iturin)A、B,杆菌抗霉素(Bacillomycin)D、F、L,抗霉枯草菌素(Mycosubtilin)以及杆菌肽素(Bacillopeptin)A、B、C(陈华等,2008;Franeoise et al.,1984;Aicha et al.,1982;Yoshio et al.,1995),其脂肪酸链碳链长度一般在14~17个,具有LDDLLDL手性7个强极性氨基酸短肽的N端氨基通过形成肽键脂肪酸链羧基相连(图1-3).其中最有代表性的Iturin A是由一个含有C14~C17的β-氨基脂肪酸和7个氨基酸残基的环状结构组成,7位上的Ser的羧基基和β-氨基脂肪酸的氨基缩合形成环状结构(Hiradate et al.,2002;Besson et al.,1978).伊枯草菌素具有较强的抗真菌活性(Besson et al.,1978),也有部份抑制细菌的作用.Iturin 的种类及其分子量见表l-3.Iturin能强烈抑制植物病原真菌还有部份细菌甚至还有杀虫作用.图1-3Iturin的结构示意图Fig.1-3Structure of Iturin表l-3 Iturin同系物的种类Table1-3 Sorts of Iturin isoforms6.2 脂肽抗生素的合成机理Lipmann在20世纪70年代首次开展了对肽生物合成的非核糖体机制分析,随后越来越多抗菌脂肽合成的相关基因被克隆、分析,结合全基因组测序的开展,获得了年夜量脂肽抗生素合成和调控的遗传信息(chen et al.,2009).总之,芽孢杆菌的脂肽类抗生素的合成受一个由合成基因、调控基因共同组成年夜的基因簇控制,这些基因簇含有一个或多个转录单位,而且他们的表达是协同调控的,相似主链结构的脂肽抗生素产物是由相似的合成基因合成的.酶的活性或者存在于一个年夜的功能卵白的分歧结构域中,或者组织于一个多酶复合体中,脂肽抗生素的合成相关基因见表1-4.与核糖体合成的卵白分歧,非核糖体合成的脂肽抗生素的生物合成不以mRNA作为模板,也不需要携带工具tRNA,而是由多个肽合成酶组成的巨年夜复合物NRPS(non-ribosomal peptide synthetases),通过一种称为“多载体硫模板机制(Multiple Carrier Thiotemplate Mechani-sm)”的方式来合成的(Mohamed,1997;Saseha et al.,2001).NRPS是目前已知分子量最年夜的酶,它的运作是不依赖于核酸模板的非核糖体机制,它们在一种模板的指导下,能够识别特定的氨基酸并将其直接连接形成多肽链.每个肽合成酶都有一个或几个模块(module),每个模块都是一个自力的功能单位,年夜约由1000个氨基酸残基组成,负责将特定的氨基酸掺入肽链中.肽合成酶的模块排列顺序决定了产物中氨基酸的排列顺序,因此肽合成酶既是肽链合成的催化剂,也是肽链合成的模板.每一块模板负责一个反应循环,主要包括识别选择性底物并将其活化为相应的腺苷酸化合物,固定共价中间物和形成肽键.每一块模板在结构上又可以分为3个结构域:腺苷酸化结构域A、疏基化结构域T和缩合结构域C.腺苷酸化结构A域负责识别特定底物并通过ATP对底物进行活化;疏基化结构域T也被称为肽酰基载体卵白(PCP),它负责固定反应中间物硫酯;缩合结构域C可以催化第一个模块的氨基酸脱离其载体,进而与第二个模块上的氨基酸形成肽键,如此新合成的肽链便向前移动了一个模块,不竭延伸直到形成脂肽化合物.芽孢杆菌以分歧的模块为模板,结构域有机结合发挥作用,形成多种多样的非核糖体肽.表1-4 脂肽抗生素合成相关基因Table l-5 Lipopeptides synthesase-related genes 6.3 脂肽抗生素的应用抗菌肽的应用研究主要集中在农业生物防治、食品工业、畜牧生财富、医药行业、环境呵护等领域.农业生物防治主要是是指脂肽应用于植物病原菌的生物防治(高芬等,2003;Vollenbroich,1997).这是由于脂肽抗生素具有广谱的抗霉菌作用和一定的抗细菌作用,而其抗菌机理又分歧于一般的抗生素,它可以使微生物的细胞膜上形成孔洞而使细胞内容物流出而死亡或鳌合一、二价阳离子从而抑制了多种酶类活性,不容易发生耐药性(Steller,1999;Deleu,2005).另外,肽类物质在自然界中易分解,属于环境友好类制剂,所以,在医药、植物病原菌的控制等方面具有广阔的应用前景.一些学者已经将抗菌脂肽的研究应用于植物病原真菌的抑制.黄现青研究了枯草芽孢杆菌fmbJ 发生的脂肽对点青霉AS3.4356的抑制活性,测定了其抗菌谱,并进行了桃防腐试验.桃防腐试验标明其防腐效率可以到达76.5%,具有良好的桃防腐应用前景.Yu等将Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 发生的iturinA用来防治西红柿的丝核病菌(Yu et al.,2002).在食品行业中的应用主要是把脂肽作为食品防腐剂,并对此进行了年夜量的应用研究.食品平安和植物食品平安有赖于生产过程的各个环节,解决问题的一个关键就是使用无污染、无残留、无毒副作用的食品添加剂.抗菌脂肽是小分子短肽,介入生命过程,具有平安无毒副作用的生物学特性(Zasloff,2002).脂肽还可以用于环境呵护方面.脂肽作为概况活性剂,由于他们带有负电荷,可以结合带正电荷的金属阳离子,所以可以选择性去除土壤中的Pb、Zn、Cu等金属离子,其中Cu是最易去除的.有文献报道地衣芽孢杆菌发生的脂肽地衣素是比概况活性素更稳定的阳离子鳌合剂(Catherine et al.,2001).脂肽抗生素也可以用于医药行业.医药行业上脂肽的研究主要集中在植物疾病防治及人类抗真菌药物、抗病毒药物、抗肿瘤药物、抗原虫药物的研制上(Hino et al.,2001.;Rowley et al.,2004;Boulanger et al.,2004;汪以真等,2004).脂肽类概况活性剂也可用于微生物采油方向.由地衣芽孢杆菌NK-X3发生一种脂肽类生物概况活性剂,在pH为4~12和钙离子质量浓度为4000 mg/L的条件下,于120 ℃高温下不失活,这些特点有利于该产物在原油的增采和输送中使用(范立梅,2000;梅建凤,2001).Bacillus subtilis ZW-3是王年夜威等人从年夜庆油田分离到一株枯草芽孢杆菌,其代谢发生的脂肽概况活性剂具有优良的乳化和降低油水界面张力的能力,可以提高采油率9.2%,在微生物采油中具有良好的应用前景(王年夜威等,2008).6.4 脂肽抗生素的分离和鉴定6脂肽抗生素的分离纯化脂肽抗生素的分离纯化方法主要有沉淀法、萃取法、色谱法、超滤法、吸附法、泡沫分离法、液膜分离法(黄翔峰等,2009).沉淀方法有多种,如硫酸盐(80%)沉淀、MnCl2(10 mM)沉淀、浓盐酸(6 N)沉淀等.酸沉淀是调节样品溶液的pH值,使其到达酸性条件(一般pH=2),4 ℃静置过夜使溶液中的物质完全沉淀或经轻微搅动加速其沉降,最后离心获得粗产物.酸沉淀是使用最普遍的,原因是脂肽抗生素绝年夜大都都具有耐强酸的性质,且把持简单,效果显著.但酸沉淀法获得的产物往往纯度不是很高.有文献报道,酸沉淀获得Surfactin产物的回收率可达97%,但纯度只有55%(Chen,2008).萃取法主要是去除脂肽抗生素粗产物中的亲水性杂质.经常使用的萃取剂有甲醇、二氯甲烷、氯仿、乙酸乙酯、己烷等,这些溶剂既可以独自使用,也可以混合使用.使用最普遍的是甲醇,能够溶解绝年夜大都脂肽抗生素.色谱法可以提高样品的纯度,这是沉淀法和萃取法很难做到的.色谱法主要有高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)、凝胶渗透色谱(gel permeation chromatography,GPC)、吸附色谱(adsorption chromatography,AC)、硅胶柱层析(silica gel column chromatography)以及薄层层析(thin layer chromatography,TLC)等.高效液相色谱分离获得的产物纯度高,是分离纯化脂肽抗生素应用较多的一种色谱技术.别小妹用高效液相法标明了Bacillus subtilis fmbR抗菌物质含有保管时间与Surfactin相似的成份(别小妹等,2006).Kowall等以100RP 18-TS为色谱柱分离出Surfactin的13种分歧结构体(Kowall et al.,1998).6质谱在物质鉴定中的应用1918年,丹姆斯德(A. J. Dempster)制成了半圆形磁场的第一台单聚焦质谱仪,1958年克劳斯·比曼(Klaus Biemann)教授首先用质谱仪分析氨基酸.质谱有多种电离方法,包括场解吸、等离子体解吸、激光解吸、快速粒子轰击、电喷雾电离和年夜气压电离等(李承雷,2007).1987年由于在生物分子中引入了基质辅助激光解吸电离(Matrix-Asisted Laser Desorption Ionization,MALDI)以及电喷雾电离(Electrospray Ionization,ESI),质谱技术有了跃进.这两种电离技术也给肽和卵白质分析带来了极年夜飞跃.目前生物质谱的质量分析器主要有四类:离子阱(ion trap,IT)、飞行时间(TOF)、四极杆(Q)、和付立叶变换离子回旋共振(Fourier transform ion cyclotroresonance,FTICR).他们在设计和构造上各有分歧,因而各有优缺点,既可以独自使用,也可以互相组合形胜利能更强年夜的仪器.ESI-MS是美国耶路年夜学Fenn教授和他的同事在80年代后期提出的.ESI是现今有机质谱中最软的电离技术,它是将卵白质的弱酸性水或水溶剂溶液通过毛细管导入年夜气压电离源内(Atmosphere Pressure Ionization,API),在气化气的帮手下和源内毛细管终端和反电极之间的强电场作用下,样品溶液形成带电荷的雾,即电喷雾.这些雾滴在热氮气流下蒸发,半径逐渐缩小,雾滴概况的电场不竭增强到某一临界点时发生离子的场发射,或溶剂完全蒸发.生成的样品气相离子经质量分析器分析,测出它们的质/荷比.ESI-MS既可分析年夜分子也可分析小分子.对分子量在1000Da以下的小分子,会发生[M+H]+ 或[M-H]﹣离子,选择相应的正离子或负离子形式进行检测,就可获得分子量(杨松成,2000).而高达20000Da年夜分子在ESI-MS中生成一系列多电荷离子,通过数据处置系统能够获得样品的分子量,准确度高于0.01%.ESI-MS 不单可与四级质谱相连,它还能与离子阱、飞行时间质谱及付立叶变换离子回旋共振.研究标明,ESI-MS技术是分析脂肽化合物复合体中各组分的相对分子质量及分子结构的有效工具(陈华等,2008).基体辅助激光解析电离(MALDI)是由德国科学家Karas和Hillenkamp所发现的.MALDI通常与无质量检测上限飞行时间质谱(TOF-MS)联用,称MALDI-TOF-MS,广泛用于对卵白质的分析、鉴定(Muller etal.,2006;Howard etal.,2007).MALDI-TOF-MS 具有灵敏度高、准确度高及分辨率高等特点,为生命科学领域的研究提供了一种强有力的分析手段(王晔茹,2007).它的工作原理是:将微量样品与过量小分子基体的混合溶液点加在样品的靶盘上,溶剂挥发后样品与基体在靶上形成共结晶.将靶盘装入质谱仪的离子源内,当脉冲激光照射到靶点上时,基体吸收了激光的能量跃迁到激发态,招致了样品分子的电离和气化.电离通常是基体上的质子转移到样品分子上或者从样品分子上获得质子.然后由高电压将电离的样品分子从离子源转送到质量分析器内,将检测到的离子峰为纵坐标,离子质荷比(m/z)为横坐标,形成质量图谱(杨松成,2000).MALDI-TOF-MS分析时样品制备是分析成败的关键.MALDI-TOF-MS分析时能耐受一定量的小分子像盐、去污剂等,且信息直观、把持简单、快速准确(吴多加,2005),是在微生物检测和鉴定中应用的一种质谱新技术.表1-5是部份脂肽抗生素物质分子单同位素理论分子量及相应离子质荷比值.表1-5 脂肽抗生素理论分子量及相应离子质荷比值Tablel-5 Theoreticalmolecularmassoflipopeptidesandcorrespondingm/zvalue脂肽M[M+H]+[M+Na] +[M+K] +C13C14C15C16C17C18C13C14C15C17 C18 C14 C15 C16 C17 C14 C15 C16 C17 C14 C15 C16 C17 C14 C15 C16 C17 C13 C14 C15 C16 C13 C14 C15 C16 C13 C14 C15 C16 C14 C15 C16C18 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18。
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Research review paperRibosomally synthesized peptides with antimicrobialproperties:biosynthesis,structure,function,and applicationsMaria Papagianni *Department of Hygiene and Technology of Food of Animal Origin,School of Veterinary Medicine,Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,Thessaloniki 54006,GreeceReceived 3June 2003;accepted 7June 2003AbstractRibosomally synthesized peptides with antimicrobial properties (antimicrobial peptides—AMPs)are produced by eukaryotes and prokaryotes and represent crucial components of their defense systems against microorganisms.Although they differ in structure,they are nearly all cationic and very often amphiphilic,which reflects the fact that many of them attack their target cells by permeabilizing the cell membrane.They can be roughly categorized into those that have a high content of a certain amino acid,most often proline,those that contain intramolecular disulfide bridges,and those with an amphiphilic region in their molecule if they assume an a -helical structure.Most of the known ribosomally synthesized peptides with antimicrobial functions have been identified and studied during the last 20years.As a result of these studies,new knowledge has been acquired into biology and biochemistry.It has become evident that these peptides may be developed into useful antimicrobial additives and drugs.The use of two-peptide antimicrobial peptides as replacement for clinical antibiotics is promising,though their applications in preservation of foods (safe and effective for use in meat,vegetables,and dairy products),in veterinary medicine,and in dentistry are more immediate.This review focuses on the current status of some of the main types of ribosomally synthesized AMPs produced by eucaryotes and procaryotes and discusses the novel antimicrobial functions,new developments,e.g.heterologous production of bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria,or construction of multibacteriocinogenic strains,novel applications related to these peptides,and future research paradigms.D 2003Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Antimicrobial peptides;Bacteriocins;Defensins;Peptide antibiotics0734-9750/03/$-see front matter D 2003Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/S0734-9750(03)00077-6*Fax:+30-2310-999829.E-mail address:mp2000@vet.auth.gr (M.Papagianni)./locate/biotechadvBiotechnology Advances 21(2003)465–4991.IntroductionGene-encoded,ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides (AMPs)are widely distributed in nature,being produced by mammals,birds,amphibians,insects,plants,and microorganisms (Cammue et al.,1994;Sahl,1994;Boman,1995).Although they form a diverse group of peptides as judged by their primary structures,they are often cationic and amphiphilic,and most of them kill bacteria by permeabilizing their cell membranes.Their positive charge presumably facilitates interactions with the negatively charged bacterial phospholipid-containing membranes and or acidic bacterial cell walls,whereas their amphiphilic character enables membrane permeabilization.They can be roughly categorized into those that have a high content of a certain amino acid,most often proline,those that contain intramolecular disulfide bridges,and those with an amphiphilic region in their molecule if they assume an a -helical structure (Table 1).In mammals,AMPs are expressed in phagocytes and mucosal epithelial cells (Lehler et al.,1993;Boman,1995;Martin et al.,1995)and represent crucial components of the innate immune system.Their broad-spectrum antibacterial activity,allied to their strategic location in phagocytes or epithelial surfaces,makes them central effector molecules of innate immunity (Zasloff,2002).In insects,bacterial infection induces the release of antibacterial peptides into the haemolymph (Boman,1995).Amphibian skin is an extraordinary rich source of AMPs.Amphibian AMPs display a remarkable range of microbicidal activity versus both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria,yeast and fungal strains,protozoa and viruses (Zasloff,1987;Kreil,1994;Barra and Simmaco,1995;Rinaldi,2002).Thus,antimicrobial peptides in animals are thought to be key effector molecules in the innate immunity that are particularly important in early defense against invading microorganisms.As pointed out by Boman (1995,1996),antimicrobial peptides are an ideal first line of defense since peptides are made much more rapidly than proteins:antibacterial peptides may be made more than 100times faster than IgM,assuming a constant rate of peptide bond formation.Moreover,small peptides diffuse more rapidly than large protein molecules and immune cells.The production of ribosomally synthesized antimicrobial peptides by bacteria as a defense mechanism Table 1Examples of AMPs grouped according to structural characteristicsHigh content of a certain amino acidIntramolecular disulfide bridges Amphiphilic a -helical structure PeptideAmino acid Source Peptide Source Peptide Source Abaecin Pro Insects a -Defensins Humans,rabbits,miceMagainins Frogs Apidaecins Pro,Arg Insects h -defensins CattleDermaseptins Frogs Bac-5Pro,Arg Sheep,goat Insect defensins InsectsBombinin Frogs Bac-7Pro,Arg Cattle,sheep Plant defensins PlantsCecropin Insects Drosocin Pro Insects Protegrins PigsEsculentins-1Frogs Prophenin Pro,Phe Pigs Drosomycin Insects Esculentins-2FrogsM.Papagianni /Biotechnology Advances 21(2003)465–499466M.Papagianni/Biotechnology Advances21(2003)465–499467 against other organisms is well documented and represents an intensive area of research (Garneau et al.,2002;Riley and Wertz,2002).Most ribosomally synthesized AMPs presently known have been identified during the past20years,the insect cecropins and the defensins isolated in the early1980s being the first animal AMPs thouroughly characterized(Steiner et al.,1981;Selsted et al.,1983). Since then,there has been an increasing interest in ribosomally synthesized AMPs and several novel molecules,often with unprecedented structural features,have been discov-ered.A ribosomally synthesized AMP,the lantibiotic bacteriocin nisin produced by some strains of lactococci,is being presently widely used as a food preservative(Delves-Broughton et al.,1996;Riley and Wertz,2002;Ross Paul et al.,2002).Several novel peptides are identified each year from frog species that exhibit antiparasitic and anticancer properties(Rinaldi,2002).Peptide-based antibiotics are widely considered a potential answer to the growing problem of resistance to conventional antibiotics.The interest in AMPs is also due to their general biological and biochemical importance.By studying these peptides,insight has been gained into host defense systems,membrane-protein interactions,and protein modification and secretion.Some AMPs contain D-amino acids (Mignogna et al.,1993;Skaugen et al.,1994;Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997),and they consequently represent an excellent model system for studying how D-amino acids may be formed in ribosomally synthesized polypeptides.This paper presents an overview of some of the main types of ribosomally synthesized AMPs produced by eucaryotes and procaryotes and discusses the novel antimicrobial functions,new developments,e.g.heterologous production of bacteriocins by lactic acid bacteria,construction of multibacteriocinogenic strains,and novel applications related to these peptides.2.AMPs in mammals2.1.DefensinsThe defensins belong to the largest group of AMPs,the cationic peptides,which are widely distributed in animals and plants.They are characterized by complex structural motifs and form a huge group of4-kDa open-ended cysteine-and arginine-rich,amphiphilic peptides.Defensins are arranged in families,based on their structural differences.Invertebrate(Bulet et al.,1999;Andreu and Rivas,1998;Dimarcq et al., 1998)and plant(Garcia-Olmedo et al.,1998)defensins are characterized by three and four disulfide bridges,respectively,and show a common structure comprising an a-helix linked to a h-sheet by two disulfide bridges(CS a h-motif).Their predominant h-sheet structure stabilized by the disulfide bonds is a unifying feature that distinguishes them from other antimicrobial peptides,many of which form amphiphilic a-helixes. NMR and crystallographic studies revealed that defensins may exist as noncovalently linked dimers shaped baskets that have a hydrophobic bottom and a polar top(White et al.,1995).Mammalian defensins are quite different from the arthropod and plant defensins in their sequence and structure and they represent themselves an important group of ribosomallysynthesized AMPs.They have been divided into a -defensins (or classical defensins)and the h -defensins (White et al.,1995),which are characterized by an antiparallel h -sheet structure,stabilized by three disulfide bridges (Zasloff,2002).They differ in number of residues,location and connectivities of their cysteine residues,as well as in their unique consensus sequences.The a -defensins are 29–35residues long,while the h -defensins 38–42residues long.Upon optimal alignment,the a -defensins and h -defensins have identical residues at eight positions,including the six cysteines.The defensins are synthesized as preproteins containing approximately 95residues including a typical 19-residue signal sequense at the N-terminus followed by a 40–45-residue anionic prosequense (Lehler et al.,1993;Ganz,1994;Martin et al.,1995;Selsted and Quellette,1995).The signal sequense functions to target the prepro-protein to the endoplasmic reticulum,whereas the biological role of the prosequense is not known.It may function to mask the membrane-permeabilizing activity during intracellular process-ing and transport,assist in proper folding,and/or help target the proprotein to the appropriate organelle (Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997).The a -defensins have been found in azurophil granules of neutrophils and of some macrophages in humans,monkeys,and several rodent species and may account for more than 5%of the total cellular protein (Selsted and Quellette,1995).These defensins presumably kill phagocytized microorganisms when the defensin containing granules fuse with phagocytic vacuoles containing the ingested microorganisms.In humans and mice,a -defensins are also expressed and secreted into the intestine by Paneth cells,secretory epithelial cells of the small intestinal crypts with a presumed host defense function (Selsted and Quellette,1995;Quellette and Selsted,1996).Every mammalian species explored so far has h -defensins.They have been found in neutrophiles and the respiratory track and tongue of cattle (Bevins,1994;Schonwetter et al.,1995;Diamond et al.,1996),and in the leucocytes of chickens (Harwig et al.,1994).However,in other species,h -defensins are more often produced by epithelial cells lining various organs (e.g.the epidermis,bronchial tree and genitourinary tract)and they play an important role in host defense of the respiratory track.The genes encoding the neutrophil defensins from human,guinea pigs,and rabbits all span about 3kb and contain three exons.The last exon encodes the mature defensin peptide,and the second-to-last encodes the prepro-domain (Ganz,1994;Martin et al.,1995;Selsted and Quellette,1995).The human and mouse enteric defensin genes contain only two exons that correspond to the last two exons of the neutrophil defensin genes (Ganz,1994).Defensins are produced constitutively and/or in response to microbial products,e.g.bacterial lipolysaccharides (LPS)or proinflammatory cytokines (Ganz and Lehler,1998;Lehler and Ganz,1999;Schro ¨der,1999).The defensins in phagocytic cells and mucosal tissues are effector molecules in innate immunity.At micromolar concentrations,the defensins show antimicrobial activity against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria,fungi,and some enveloped viruses (Lehler et al.,1993;Martin et al.,1995;Selsted and Quellette,1995;Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997).Defensins exhibit remarkable antiviral activity against recombinant adeno-associated virus and Herpes simplex virus.Direct binding of defensins appears to prevent envelope virus infectivity (Ganz,1999;Virella-Lowell et al.,2000).The initial step in the permeabilization of theM.Papagianni /Biotechnology Advances 21(2003)465–499468M.Papagianni/Biotechnology Advances21(2003)465–499469 target-cell membrane involves electrostatic interactions between the positively charged arginine residues and the negatively charged moieties on the target-cell surface.The hydrophobic part of the peptide is then probably pulled into the membrane by the trans-membrane potential,after which several dimers or monomers form a membrane-spanning pore estimated to have a diameter of25A˚(Selsted and Quellette,1995;White et al., 1995).Human natural killer(NK),B and g y T cells have recently been shown to produce neutrophil-derived a-defensins(HNP1-3,human neutrophil-derived a-defensins),partic-ularly when stimulated with cytokines(Agerberth et al.,2000),raising the possibility that defensins,in addition to functioning as effectors of innate immunity,might also be a component of the effector arsenal of cell-mediated adaptive immunity.The earliest clues that defensins might play a role in adaptive immunity were the observations that HNP1 and HNP2are chemotactic for human monocytes(Territo et al.,1989)and T cells(Chertov et al.,1996).Subsequent studies have revealed that human a-defensins are selectively chemotactic for resting CD4/CD45RA+and CD8+T cells(Yang et al.,2000),whereas hBD2is chemotactic for resting CD45R0+memory T cells(Yang et al.,1999).h-defensin gene expression in vertebrate epithelia,including that of humans,and their up-regulation in the presence of bacterial LPS and TNF-a(tumor necrosis factor)emphasize that these molecules might function to protect the host against microbial pathogenesis at the critical confrontation sites.These studies provide convincing evidence that defensins play a key role in directing and augmenting an adaptive immune response.The role of defensins in innate and adaptive immunity is discussed in detail in the recent reviews by Yang et al. (2002)and Raj and Dentino(2002).Additional important biological functions establish that defensins are multifunctional cell-effector molecules in addition to their role in integrating the innate and adaptive immune responses.Human a-defensins inhibit fibrinolysis by modulating tissue-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen binding to fibrin and endothelial cells,which could have significant implications in thrombotic pathology(Risso,2000).In vitro studies have shown that neutrophil defensins interact with ACTH receptors,inhibiting ACTH-induced steroidogenesis.They also induce histamine secretion from mast cells mediated by G-protein-dependent response,which is disctinctly different from antigen-IgE-mediated activation(Risso,2000).a-Defensins have been found to induce proteoglycan-dependent catabolism of low-density lipoprotein(LDL)by vascular cells, leading to a new class of inflammatory apolipoprotein,suggesting that they could possibly contribute to atherogenesis(Raj and Dentino,2002).They also play a role in the dynamic regulation of the antiprotease secretion in the lung at the site of inflammation by regulating the secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor and elafin release from bronchial epithelial cells(Risso,2000).Defensins have been found to be involved in wound healing by increasing proliferation of epithelial cells(Van Wetering et al., 1999).2.2.Cathelin-associated AMPsThe cathelin-associated peptides share a common N-terminal prepro-sequense (Zanetti et al.,1995),but otherwise constitute a very diverse group of AMPs differinggreatly in sequense,structure,and number of residues.The conserved proregion consists of about 100amino acid residues,and it is homologous to the cysteine protease inhibitor,cathelin.Proteins with this proregion and a highly variable C-terminal cationic antimicrobial domain are consequently termed cathelicidins (Zanetti et al.,1995).The C-terminal antimicrobial domain is cleaved off upon formation of the mature antimicrobial peptide,which is referred to as a cathelin-associated antimicrobial peptide.The cathelin-associated antimicrobial peptides that will be discussed below may be categorized into three groups:(1)those that have a high content of one or two amino acids,often proline;(2)those that contain intramolecular disulfide bonds;and (3)those with amphiphilic regions if they assume an a -helical structure.The group of cathelin-associated peptides that are rich in one or two amino acids includes Bac-5(bactenecin,MW 5kDa,42residues),Bac-7(bactenecin,MW 7kDa,59residues),PR-39(Pro-Arg-rich peptide,39residues),and prophenin (Pro-Phe-rich peptide,79residues),which all have a high content of proline (>45%)(Frank et al.,1990;Agerberth et al.,1991;Harwig et al.,1995;Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997).Moreover,Bac-5,Bac-7,and PR-39are also rich in arginine,whereas prophenin is rich in phenylalanine.It is suggested that the amphiphilic structure of these peptides is responsible for their interaction with membranes,which is consistent with the observa-tion that the peptides permealize the Escherichia coli membrane (Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997).A polyproline helical type-II structure that may interact with cell membranes has been suggested for PR-39(Cabiaux et al.,1994).Indolicidin,a cationic peptide with a high content of tryptophan,also forms a polyproline type-II helix that disrupts the cytoplasmic membrane by channel formation (Falla et al.,1996).PR-39and prophenin are found in the intestine and/or leucocytes of pigs,whereas Bac-5and Bac-7are found in the large cytoplasmic granules present in neutrophils of cattle,goat,and sheep,but not in neutrophils of most other animals (Agerberth et al.,1991;Harwig et al.,1995).In contrast to defensins,Bac-5and Bac-7are stored in the granules as inactive precusors with MWs of 20and 16kDa,respectively,and they become activated by proteases in the azurophil granules when these granules fuse with the probactenecin-containing granules.The group of cathelin-associated antimicrobial peptides that contain two or more cysteines joined by intramolecular disulfide bonds includes cyclic dodecapeptide (found in bovine neutrophil granules)and the protegrins (found in porcine leuco-cytes).Cyclic dodecapeptide contains only 12residues,four of which are arginines,linked with two cysteines by an intramolecular disulfide bond,while the remaining residues are the hydrophobic amino acids Val,Ile and Leu (Romeo et al.,1988).Its mode of action is not known.The protegrins contain 16–18amino acid residues,four of which are cysteines joined by two intramolecular disulfide bonds (Kokryakov et al.,1993).The protegrins have hydrophobic and hydrophilic clusters that are of importance in their interaction with target-cell membranes (Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997).The third group of cathelin-associated AMPs mentioned above are those that will become amphiphilic if they assume an a -helical structure.This group of peptidesM.Papagianni /Biotechnology Advances 21(2003)465–499470M.Papagianni/Biotechnology Advances21(2003)465–499471 includes:C18,a21-residue sequense derived from the C-terminal region of CAP18,a cathelicidin expressed in rabbit neutrophils(Tossi et al.,1994);PMAP-36and PMAP-37 (porcine myeloid antibacterial peptide with36and37residues,respectively)expressed in pig myeloid cells(Mahoney et al.,1995);and LL-37(N-terminal residues are L-L, contains37residues),present in human granulocytes(Gudmundsson et al.,1996). Although these peptides differ in primary structures,they all have a high content of the basic amino acids arginine and lysine(25–35%)and apparently kill cells by permea-bilizing cell membranes.The genes encoding prophenin,PR-39,the protegrins,and LL-37are organized in a similar way and this may possibly be the case for all genes coding for cathelicidins (Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997).They all contain four exons,the first three of which code for the conserved signal peptide and the cathelin proregion,whereas the fourth exon codes for processing sites and the variable C-terminal antimicrobial domain that is cleaved off upon formation of the mature antimicrobial peptide(Zhao et al.,1995a,b; Gudmudsson et al.,1995,1996).The promoter regions of these genes contain recognition sites that are also found in the promoter regions of genes that participate in immune responses,and this suggests that the expression of cathelicidin-encoding genes responds to cytokines,such as IL-6,that are produced early during infection(Zhao et al.,1995a,b;Gudmudsson et al.,1995,1996).Cathelin-associated AMPs are bactericidal at micromolar concentrations and are,with few exceptions,active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.3.AMPs in amphibiansAmphibian AMPs are synthesized in the skin of a single species as structurally related members of a family,usually named after the source frog and toad species.This probably provides the producing organism with maximum coverage against a wider range of invading microbes at a minimum metabolic cost.The AMPs from amphibian skin isolated so far(about500)share some main characteristics,as that of bearing a net cationic charge at physiological pH,due to the presence of Lys and/or Arg residues.On the other hand,there are large differences in features such as the size and sequence. Structurally,amphibian AMPs belong to two distinct classes:linear a-helical peptides without cysteines;and peptides with one disulfide bridge forming a C-terminal loop. In any case,peptides can adopt an amphiphilic a-helical structure in hydrophobic environments.The skin of Anurans(frogs and toads)amphibians is an extraordinarily rich source of AMPs,to the extent that a large part of all reported molecules has this origin. The first AMP was found in the skin of the European frog Bombina variegata some 30years ago.The subsequent discovery of the potent magainins(from the Hebrew ‘‘magain’’,shield)in skin secretions of the African clawd frog Xenopus laevis was a new,decisive spur to further research.Acting as wide-spectrum microbicides against a variety of bacteria,protozoa and fungi,amphibian peptides have stimulated increasing interest because of their unique characteristics and potential therapeutic usefulness.3.1.MagaininsThe discovery of magainins was triggered by the observation that frogs with wounds thrive in waters dense with bacteria (Zasloff,1987).Initially the magainins were isolated from the frog skin,but have since also been found in the stomach (Moore et al.,1991).They contain 21–27residues,none of which are cysteines,and are synthesized as polyprotein precursors consisting of several magainin segments that are cleaved off to yield the mature peptides (Zasloff,1987).Upon binding to membranes,the magainins form an amphiphilic a -helix of which one side going down the helix is hydrophobic and the other side is hydrophilic (Zasloff,1987).In this respect the magainins are similar to some of the cathelin-associated AMPs and to other AMPs found in the skin secretions of frogs,the cecropins produced by insects,and a number of bacterial AMPs.Although the detailed mechanism by which AMPs with a -helical structures permealize cell membranes is not completely elucidated,there is a general agreement that upon interacting with membranes,amphiphilic a -helical peptides may initially lie parallel to the plane of the membrane with the hydrophobic side of the helix facing towards and shallowly penetrating the membrane.Biophysical studies conducted by Matsuzaki et al.(1995)on the interaction of magainins with phosphlipid bilayers suggest that membrane pores may transiently form through a ‘‘barrel-stave’’mechanism in which several magainin peptides form a bundle of membrane-spanning helices.The a -helical peptides are oriented perpendicularly to the plane of the membrane,with the hydrophilic side of the helices facing into the transmembrane channel and the hydrophobic side facing the hydrophobic lipids surrounding the channel.Consistent with the view that membrane lipids are the main target is the observation that chemically synthesized all-D magainin 2has the same antimicrobial activity as natural all-L magainin 2(Wade et al.,1990).Thus,the magainins do not need to interact with chiral centers such as enzymes,classical receptors,or other membrane proteins in order to exert their antimicrobial activity.However,evidence exists that selected amphibian AMPs might work by hitting multiple targets in bacteria, e.g.cytoplasmic membrane and intracellular locations.Experimental evidence is indeed accumulating that peptides from various sources might actually act by binding to intracellular targets,such as the DNA and RNA,presumably interfering with their metabolic functions.As for amphibian AMPs,the intracellular localization of immu-nolabelled magainin 2in E.coli was recently demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy (Haukland et al.,2001).3.2.Other amphibian AMPsDermaceptins (28–34residues),a large family of AMPs expressed in the skin of Phillomedusa tree frogs (Mor and Nicolas,1994),are widely used in structural require-ments studies.Bombinins (25–27residues)from Bombina species (Gibson et al.,1991;Simmaco et al.,1991;Rinaldi,2002),form another group that have sequence similarities neither with dermaceptins nor with the magainins.However,like the magainins,they are linear cationic peptides that can assume an amphiphilic a -helical conformation uponM.Papagianni /Biotechnology Advances 21(2003)465–499472M.Papagianni/Biotechnology Advances21(2003)465–499473 interaction with cell membranes.A detailed investigation of the structure,membrane-binding properties and cytotoxic activity of seven analogues of the haemolytic and antimicrobial dermaseptin S4,revealed that active derivatives had a common amphiphilic structure with a clear separation of two lobes of positive and negative electrostatic potential surfaces(Kustanovich et al.,2002).Brevinins-2,esculentins-1,and esculentins-2(up to46residues),all isolated from Rana species,also have a sequence in their N-terminal region that can form an amphiphilic a-helix presumably involved in membrane permeabilization(Kreil,1994).Temporin-1Od and temporin-1Ja,isolated from Rana ornativentris and R.japonica,respectively,are structurally atypical in the sense that they lack basic residue in the sequence,and therefore bear only the positive charge associated with the a-amino group(Isaacson et al.,2002; Kim et al.,2001).Brevinins-1(24residues)and ranalexin(20residues),both isolated from Rana species(Clark et al.,1994;Barra and Simmaco,1995;Rinaldi,2002),seem to permealize cell membranes by a mechanism different from that used by the amphiphilic helical peptides.Although their C-terminal region contains two cysteine residues that are separated by five residues and joined by a disulfide bridge,forming a motif(the‘‘Rana box’’)common to many other AMPs isolated from Rana species,their N-terminal region is predominantly hydrophobic and cannot form an amphiphilic a-helix.This must also be the case for the predominantly hydrophobic bombinins H isolated from Bombina species (Nissen-Meyer and Nes,1997).As is the case for protegrins,tachyplesins,and indolicidin, the C-terminal residues of bombinins H,bombinins and dermaceptins are amidated(Kreil, 1994;Shalev et al.,2002),thereby increasing their possitive charge.In the work of Shalev et al.(2002),carboxyamidation of dermaseptin S4was found to have significant structural consequences on the solution NMR structure of the peptide,causing the amidated peptide to be more rigid and more extended than its non-amidated analogue.Because amidating the C-terminal carboxyl is one of the means of enchancing antimicrobial activity of a given peptide,and this is usually attributed to the increased overall positive charge,this study revealed that the effects of amidation may be more diversified and less predictable that previously thought.More recently described amphibian AMPs include japonicin-1and japonicin-2 isolated from R.japonica(Isaacson et al.,2002);nigrocin1and2,from R. nigromaculata(Park et al.,2001);brevinin-20a,from R.ornaventris(Kim et al., 2001);tigerinin1,from R.tigerina(Sai et al.,2001);pseudin-2,from Pseudis paradoxa (Olson et al.,2001);maximim1,from Bombina maxima(Lai et al.,2002);XT-1,from Xenopus tropicalis(Ali et al.,2002),and distinctin,isolated from Phylomedusa distincta (Batista et al.,2001).Regulation of the synthesis of AMPs in frog skin has not been studied extensively. However,recent research demonstrates the induction of the synthesis of AMPs in ranid frogs in responce to a range of stimuli.The level of an AMP in skin extracts of Rana sylvatica increases when the animal is in an environment that promotes the growth of microorganisms(Mattute et al.,2002).This work,the first in vivo demonstration of the induction of defence peptides in a vertebrate,also indicated that frogs regulate their peptide antibiotic synthesis by an NF-n B/I n B a-like mechanism.The regulation of the expression of a gene coding a bombinin-like peptide in Bombina orientalis was studied by assesing the functionality of its promoter in the tumourous blood cell line mbn-2from。