Black American Literature
探讨读者反应批评理论,及其 对文学批评的影响。
分析后殖民主义批评理论如何 审视美国文学中的种族、文化
探讨女性主义批评理论如何关 注女性在文学作品中的形象与
02 American Literature简 介
主要反映殖民地时期和独 立战争时期的美国社会和 文化背景。
华盛顿·欧文、纳撒尼尔·霍 桑等。
描绘美国自然风光、人文 景观以及殖民地居民和独 立战争英雄的故事。
反映工业革命和西部开拓时期的美国 社会变革。
将更加关注学生的个性化需求,针对不同学生的需求和兴 趣,提供更加定制化的教学服务,以帮助学生更好地发展 自己的学术兴趣和专长。
现实主义、浪漫主义和自然主义等多 种风格并存,关注社会问题、道德和 人性的探讨。
马克·吐温、亨利·詹姆斯、斯蒂芬·克 莱恩等。
反映两次世界大战、民权运动和 科技发展的影响。
厄内斯特·海明威、约翰·斯坦贝克 、理查德·耶茨等。
多元化和创新性,涵盖现实主义、 魔幻现实主义、垮掉的一代等多种 流派,关注个体和社会的关系。
05 课程评估与反馈
教师需观察学生在课堂上的表现, 包括提问、讨论、回答问题等, 以评估学生对课程内容的理解和
美国文学主要作家作品表american literature
Moby Dick/The White Whale莫比·迪克/白鲸;Typee泰比;Omoo奥穆;Mardi玛地;Redburn雷得本;White Jacket白外衣;Pierre皮尔埃;Piazza广场故事;Billy Budd比利·巴德
Walt Whitman 1819-1892
The Bostonians波士顿人;The Real Thing and Other Tales真货色及其他故事;The Wings of the Dove鸽翼;The Ambassadors大使;
The Golden Bowl金碗评论集:
French Poets and Novelists法国诗人和小说家;
Through the Eye of the Needle透过针眼----乌托邦小说;
Criticism and Fiction;Novel-Writing and Novel-Reading小说创作与小说阅读
Henry James 1843-1916
小说:Daisy Miller苔瑟·米乐;The Portrait of a Lady贵妇人画像;
HenryWadsworthLongfellow 1807-1882
The Song of Hiawatha;Voices of the Night夜吟;Ballads and Other Poens;Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems;Tales of a Wayside Inn:An April Day /A Psalm of Life /Paul Revere’s Ride;Evangeline;The Courtship of Miles Standish;Poems on Slavery
Images of African Americans in change——Study of Three American novelsChapter ⅠIntroductionImages of African Americans is one of the constant theme of Black American literature, numerous novelists are dedicated to it, for example,Harriet Beecher Stowe (Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly),Richard Wright( Native Son),Ralph Ellison(Invisible Man),James Baldwin(Go Tell It on the Mountain),Alice walker(The color purple),and the Noble Prize winner Toni Morrison(The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song of Solomon and Beloved). All these great novelists and their great works profoundly helped the blacks to act for themselves, to automatically recognize for their world, their own history, their own reality, and most importantly, to fulfill their own destiny to make the whole world know they are equal and beautiful.From time to time, images of African Americans in literary works appear to be invariably different, especially in the eyes of Anglo-Saxons and African Americans. This kind of difference shows in the works of early anti-slavery novels and later novels written by black writers. For instance, images of African Americans in the anti-slavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin,by Harriet Beecher Stowe, which is called the novel "helped lay the groundwork for the Civil War", according to Will Kaufman is so different with Toni Morrison’s novels.In this essay, I plan to study the images of African Americans in change in three literary works. They are Uncle Tom's Cabin,Invisible Man, and Song of Solomon.Previous studies on those three books are solely concentrating on some aspects. For example, Uncle Tom was illustrate as some representative of God. But in my point of view, he is more like a XXXX than Gog.Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe.Stowe, a Connecticut-born teacher at the Hartford Female Academy and an active abolitionist, featured the character of Uncle Tom, a long-suffering black slave around whom the stories of other characters revolve. The sentimental novel depicts the reality of slavery while also asserting that Christian love can overcome something as destructive as enslavement of fellow human beings.Uncle Tom's Cabin was the best-selling novel of the 19th century and the second best-selling book of that century, following the Bible. It is credited with helping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s.In 1855, three years after it was published, it was called "the most popular novel of our day." The impact attributed to the book is great, reinforced by a story that when Abraham Lincoln met Stowe at the start of the Civil War, Lincoln declared, "So this is the little lady who started this Great War."The book and the plays it inspired helped popularize a number of stereotypes about black people. These include the affectionate, dark-skinned "mammy"; the "pick ninny" stereotype of black children; and the "Uncle Tom", or dutiful, long-suffering servant faithful to his white master or mistress. In recent years, the negative associations with Uncle Tom's Cabin have, to an extent, overshadowed the historical impact of the book as a "vital antislavery tool."Invisible Man is a 1952 novel written by Ralph Ellison. It addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans early in the twentieth century, including black nationalism, the relationship between black identity and Marxism, and the reformist racial policies of Booker T. Washington, as well as issues of individuality and personal identity. Invisible Man won the U.S. National Book A ward for Fiction in 1953.In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Invisible Man nineteenth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.Time magazine included the novel in its TIME 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005.Song of Solomon is a 1977 novel by American author Toni Morrison. It follows the life of Macon "Milkman" Dead III, an African-American male living in Michigan, from birth to adulthood. This book won the National Books Critics A ward, was chosen for Oprah Winfrey's popular book club, and was cited by the Swedish Academy in awarding Morrison the 1993 Nobel Prize in literature.The novel has faced several challenges and bans in schools throughout the U.S. since 1993. As recently as 2010, the novel was challenged and later reinstated at Franklin Central High School in Indianapolis, IN.Although all those novels cannot contain all the categories of African American images, but at least can show the gradual change of the images of African Americans.Chapter ⅡHarriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom's Cabin2.1 How Blacks should behave---according to the whiteHarriet Beecher Stowe's best known novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852), changed forever how Americans viewed slavery, the system that treated people as property. It demanded that the United States deliver on the promise of freedom and equality, galvanized the abolition movement and contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War. The book calls on us to confront the legacy of race relations in the U.S. as the title itself became a racial slur.Uncle Tom's Cabin opens on the Shelby plantation in Kentucky as two enslaved people, Tom and 4-year old Harry, are sold to pay Shelby family debts. Developing two plot lines, the story focuses on Tom, a strong, religious man living with his wife and 3 young children, and Eliza, Harry's mother.When the novel begins, Eliza's husband George Harris, unaware of Harry's danger, has already escaped, planning to later purchase his family's freedom. To protect her son, Eliza runs away, making a dramatic escape over the frozen Ohio River with Harry in her arms. Eventually the Harris family is reunited and journeys north to Canada.Tom protects his family by choosing not to run away so the others may stay together. Sold south, he meets Topsy, a young, black girl whose mischievous behavior hides her pain; Eva, the angelic, young, white girl whose death moved Victorians to tears; charming, elegant but passive St. Clare; and finally, cruel, violent Simon Legree. Tom's deep faith gives him an inner strength that frustrates his enemies as he moves toward his fate in Louisiana.The novel ends when both Tom and Eliza escape slavery: Eliza and her family reach Canada; but Tom's freedom comes with death. Simon Legree, Tom's third and final master, has Tom whipped to death for refusing to deny his faith or betray the hiding place of two fugitive women.2.2Jesus or Uncle TomUncle Tom is one of this kind of people, he is loyalty to his master, sincere to God, and entirely an honesty and kind-hearted slave. ⅢRalph Ellison and Invisible Man ⅣToni Morrison and Song of Solomon Ⅴ Conclusion。
美国文学部分(American Literature)一.独立革命前后的文学(The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence)1.本章考核知识点和考核要求:1).殖民地时期的文学的特点2).主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品2.独立革命前后时期的主要作家本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林,散文家、科学家、社会活动家,曾参与起草“独立宣言”。
《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanack《致富之道》The Way to Wealth《自传》The Autobiography托马斯·潘恩Thomas Paine托马斯·潘恩,散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人。
《税务员问题》The Case of the Officers of Excise《常识》Common Sense《美国危机》American Crisis《人的权利》Rights of Man《专制体制的崩溃》Downfall of Despotism《理性时代》The Age of Reason菲利普·弗伦诺Philip Freneau菲利普·弗伦诺,著名的“革命诗人”。
《蒸蒸日上的美洲》“The Rising Glory of America”《英国囚船》“The British Prison Ship”《纪念美国勇士》同类诗中最佳“To the Memory of the Brave Americans”《野生的金银花》“The Wild Honeysuckle”《印第安人殡葬地》“The Indian Burying Ground”二.美国浪漫主义文学(American Romanticism)1.本章考核知识点和考核要求:1).美国浪漫主义文学产生的社会历史及文化背景2).主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构、人物刻画和语言风格3).清教主义、超验主义、象征主义、自由诗等名词的解释2.美国浪漫主义时期的主要作家华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving华盛顿·欧文,美国著名小说家,被称为“美国文学之父”.《瑞普·凡·温可尔》Rip Van Winkle《纽约外史》A History of New York《见闻札记》The Sketch Book《睡谷的传说》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀开创了以《皮裹腿故事集》为代表的边疆传奇小说,其中最为重要的一部是《最后的莫西干人》。
它引入了性别、种族、阶级等共时性话语,并借鉴其它当代文学批评理论,建构了自己独特的文学特色,丰富了女性主义的内涵,不仅推动了当代女性主义文学批评、美国黑人文学批评的发展, 也是美国文学批评中不可或缺的一部分。
1729年,英国的克雷弗特(Mary Wollstone Craft)发表了题为《女性权利》的论著。
以弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫的《一间自己的屋子》(1929)为先声,西蒙.德.波伏娃(Simone de Beauvoir)1949年出版了《第二性》,大大深化了女性主义思想,这对以后的西方女性主义思潮产生了重要的引导作用。
A special history Emancipation after the Civil War The Black is presented in a distorted
manner Gone with the Wind Take the biblical terms as a better medium A long process of evolution
The Division
The Vernacular/Oral Tradition The Literature of Slavery and
Freedom Literature of the Reconstruction to
the New Negro Renaissance Harlem Renaissance Realism, Naturalism, and
Modernism The Black Arts Movement Literature since 1970
Oral Tradition
songs and ballads and Work Songs spirituals (黑人圣歌) : sorrow of the singers*
Africans, who were
transported across the
Atlantic as slaves; the slaves
were then sold or traded for
raw materials, which would
be transported back to
Europe to complete the
高级英语unit_7-Invisible man讲解
Battle Royal
Take the ‘Battle Royal’ passage in my novel, where the boys are blindfolded and forced to fight each other for the amusement of the white observers. This is a vital part of behavior pattern in the South, which both Negroes and whites thoughtlessly accept…The patterns were already there in society, so that all I had to do was present them in a broader context of meaning.
d. Toni Morrison: The Bluest Eye, Sula, Song Of Solomon, Beloved
e. Alice Walker: The Color Purple
艾里森:《看不见的人》(Invisible Man, 1952)。
着重探讨的是“寻找自我”这样一个具有普 遍意义的命题。
Text analysis
paragraph 1
Words like “I was looking for myself” and “I am
nobody but myself” point out the central theme of the novel---searching for self-identity.
“我一直在寻找自我,曾有过许多只有我自 己才能够回答的问题。我不问自己,却老是 去问别人。只是在经过漫长的时间,体验过 种种期望遭到毁灭的痛苦以后,我才获得别 人与生俱有的认识:我就是我自己。”
第三,对于作品的选取不拘一格,题材与体式多样化,全面展示了黑人文学的独特性。 在传统的文学史教材中,往往只“精选”所谓的名家名篇供学生阅读、分析,而《美国黑人文 学》选取的作家多达150余位、作品236篇,这还不包括作者在“延伸阅读(Further Read—
Technology(Wuhan 430070,China).Her
British and
国黑人文学最为全面和系统的一部教材。由吉尔亚德与沃迪合著的这部高校文科教材《美 国黑人文学》,囊括了美国历史上几乎所有知名与不知名的黑人作家的不同体裁作品,包括 小说、诗歌、戏剧、演讲、歌词等等,以及关于这些作家的介绍和名篇的选读章节。此书已经 成为美国高校黑人文学教学的“百科全书”,为进一步研究美国黑人文学提供了详实的背景
族的黑人在美国社会中的生活和地位。所以,美国黑人文学史其实就是一部关于美国黑人 争取民族自由与平等的政治史。 第四,“百科全书”式的附录。本书的三个附录尤其值得推崇,内容丰富、信息量大,便 于读者迅速查到相关信息。第一个附录“美国黑人文学年表”非常具有参考价值:凡是关于 黑人文学史或政治史上的“第一”,无论是人物还是政治、历史事件,读者都可以在这里找到 线索。第二个附录列出了本书的所有参考书目,详细介绍了教材中引用的所有作品的出处, 以方便读者追查进一步的信息。第三个附录是“索引”,简要注明了作品引用的页码,也能
GRE考试长篇阅读错误干扰项如何找在许多人看来,GRE long reading是一种在最终处理过程中可能需要放弃的问题,由于花费的时间和性价比不高,下面我就和大家共享GRE考试长篇阅读错误干扰项如何找,盼望能够关心到大家,来观赏一下吧。
GRE考试长篇阅读错误干扰项如何找GRE long reading中有几种类型的错误干扰选项:一。
Written Literature (from 1760s)(2)
(4)1940s: Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison (5)50s~60s: a lot of black writers emerged in the civil rights movement: James Baldwin, Brooks, Jones (6)70s~80s: publishing of Root (Alex Haley), Alice Walker The Colour Purple, Toni Morrison (the only black who won Nobel Prize)
in Africa The Middle Passage The Slavery The Emancipation The Migration to the Cities The Integration to the Mainstream The Black Power Movement The Civil Rights Movement
The Middle Passage中间通道
the stage of the triangular trade in which millions of people from African were shipped to the New World as part of the Atlantic slave trade. Ships departed Europe for African markets with manufactured goods, which were traded for purchased or kidnapped Africans, who were transported across the Atlantic as slaves; the slaves were then sold or traded for raw materials, which would be transported back to Europe to complete the voyage.
5. 二十世纪黑人文学
The Twentieth-Century Black American Literature二十世纪黑人文学I. The Rise of Black American LiteratureThe literary achievement of African-Americans was one of the most striking literary developments of the post-Civil War era. In the writing of Booker T. Washington, Charles Waddell Chesnutt, Paul Laurence Dunbar, and others, the roots of black American writing took hold, notably in the forms of autobiography, protest literature, sermons, poetry, and song.1. 华盛顿B.T. WashingtonProfile(1856.4.5,美国弗吉尼亚州富兰克林县~1915.11.14,亚拉巴马州塔斯基吉)born April 5, 1856, Franklin county, Va., U.S.died Nov. 14, 1915, Tuskegee, Ala.U.S. educator and reformer.美国教育家和黑人领袖。
他成功地使该校成为著名的学院(参阅塔斯基吉大学[Tuskegee University])。
•Anne Bradstreet ————American Puritanism•Edward Taylor————American Puritanism•Philip Freneau————American Puritanism•Benjamin Franklin——Poor Richard’s Almanac; The Autobiography——American Puritanism, The Enlightenment and Revolution Period•Jonathan Edwards ————The Enlightenment and Revolution Period•Thomas Paine——Common Sense——The Enlightenment and Revolution Period•Thomas Jefferson——Declaration of Independence——The Enlightenment and Revolution Period •Washington Irving——The Sketch Book:The Legend of Sleepy Hollow;Rip Van Winkle——American Romanticism•James Fenimore Cooper——The Leather-Stocking Tales——American Romanticism•William Cullen Bryant——To a Waterfowl;The Yellow Violet——American Romanticism•Ralph Waldo Emerson——Nature;Self-Reliance——New England Transcendentalism;American Romanticism•Henry David Thoreau——Walden;On the Duty of Civil Disobedience——New England Transcendentalism;American Romanticism●Henry Wadsworth Longfellow——The Song of Hiawatha——American Romanticism●Walt Whitman——Leaves of Grass——American Romanticism●Nathaniel Hawthorne——The Scarlet Letter;The House of the Seven Gables; Young Goodman Brown——American Romanticism•Herman Melville——Moby Dick——American Romanticism•Edgar Allan Poe——The Raven;Ligeia;The Fall of the House of Usher;The Poetic Principal——American Romanticism•Emily Dickinson————American Romanticism●William Dean Howells——The Rise of Silas Lapman ;Criticism and Fiction——The Age of Realism ●Mark Twain——The Gilded Age;The Adventures of Tom Sawyer;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn——humor and local colorism;The Age of Realism●Henry James——The Portrait of a Lady;Daisy Miller——Psychological Realism ;The Age ofRealism●Stephen Crane——A Girl of the Streets;The Red Badge of Courage——The Age of Realism;AmericanNaturalism●Theodore Dreiser——Sister Carrie;An American Tragedy——social Darwinism;The Age ofRealism;American Naturalism●Upton Sinclair——The Jungle●Ernest Hemingway——The Sun Also Rises;A Farewell to Arms;For Whom the Bell Tolls; The OldMan and the Sea——The Lost Generation,Modernism and Post-Modernism●F. Scott Fitzgerald——The Great Gatsby——The Lost Generation,Modernism and Post-Modernism ●John Dos Passos——Three Soldiers——The Lost Generation,Modernism and Post-Modernism●William Faulkner ——The Sound and the Fury ——南方文艺复兴时期;Modernism andPost-Modernism●Ezra Pound ——The Cantos;Hugh Selwyn Mauberley ——imagism;Modernism and Post-Modernism●Langston Hughes——The Weary Blues——Harlem Renaissance;Modernism and Post-Modernism⏹Frederick Douglass——My Bondage and My Freedom——Black American Literature⏹Richard Wright——Native Son——Black American Literature⏹Ralph Ellison:——Invisible Man——Black American Literature⏹James Baldwin:——Go Tell It on the Mountain——Black American Literature ⏹Alex Haley:——Roots——Black American Literature⏹Toni Morrison:——The Bluest Eye——Black American Literature●Jack Kerouac——On the Road——The Beat Generation,当代文学●Allen Ginsberg——Howl——The Beat Generation●William S. Burroughs——Naked Lunch——The Beat Generation●Joseph Heller——Catch-22——Black Humor●J.D. Salinger——Catcher in the Rye。
4. Harlem Renaissance哈莱姆文艺复 兴(1920 -- 1940 )
• novelist Zora Neale Hurston佐拉· 尼尔· 赫斯顿, Their Eyes Were Watching God《他们眼望上苍》(1937) 是黑人文学中第一部充分展示黑人女子内心女性意识觉醒的作品. 她 让一位黑人妇女而不是男人独领风骚,使被遮蔽的女性自信与自强重 新成为社会的关注点,一改美国黑人文学的性别模式,塑造出一个寻 找自我、表现自我、肯定自我的黑人女性.
• Booker T. Washington布克· 华盛顿 (1856–1915) • In contrast to Du Bois, Washington believed that Blacks should first lift themselves up and prove themselves the equal of whites before asking for an end to racism.种族偏
Black American Novels 美国黑人小说
1. Early African American novelists
• William Wells Brown (1814–84) and Victor Séjour (1817– 74) produced the earliest works of fiction小说. • Séjour published his short story "Le Mulâtre" ("The Mulatto") in 1837. • It is the first known fiction by an African American, but as it was written in French and published in a French journal, it had apparently no influence on later American literature. Séjour never returned to African-American themes in his subsequent works.
《美国文学史》各章节知识点指南时间:2011年2月使用教材:《美国文学史》(第二版)常耀信著Chapter 1 Colonial America★1607 Jamestown, Virginia:the first permanent English settlement in America★1620 Plymouth, Massachusetts: the second permanent English settlement in America★Captain John Smith: the first American writer writing in English★Anne Bradstreet: the first American woman poetMajor work: The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America (1650)Contemplations (9) on P. 17 (熟悉这首诗歌)To My Dear and Loving Husband《致我亲爱的丈夫》★Philis Wheatley: the first black woman poet in American literature★Edward Taylor: the most famous poet in the colonial periodHuswifery on P. 19 (熟悉这首诗歌)★Roger Williams: The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience (1644)Translated the Bible into the Indian tongue★John Winthrop: ―Model of Christian Charity‖(〈基督慈善之典范〉)The History of New England (two volumes, 1825, 1826)(〈新英格兰史〉) 1630 --- 1649 in diary★Thomas Paine: Common Sense, The American Crisis, The Rights of Man, The Age of Reason ★Philip Freneau: Poet of the American RevolutionThe Wild Honeysuckle, The Indian Burying Ground, The Dying Indian: TomoChequi★Charles Brockden Brown: the first important American novelistWieland, Edgar Huntly, Ormond, Aurthur MervynChapter 2 Edwards, Franklin, Crevecoeur★the 18th century: Age of Reason and Enlightenment★Jonathan Edwards: America’s first systematic philosopherThe Freedom of the Will, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God★Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac熟悉37页的引文★Hector St. John de Crevecoeur: Letters from an American FarmerChapter 3 American Romanticism, Irving, Cooper★Washington Irving: the first American writer to win international acclaimThe Sketch Book: Rip V an Winkle, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow★James Fenimore Cooper: Leatherstocking Tales (五个故事的题目)Natty Bumpo (人物形象)Chapter 4 New England Transcendentalism, Emerson, Thoreau★Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature (the Bible and manifesto of New England Transcendentalism)The American Scholar (America’s Declaration of IntellectualIndependence)★Henry David Thoreau: Walden, or Life in the WoodsChapter 5 Hawthorne, Melville★Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter, Twice-Told Tales, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, The Marble Faun, Young Goodman Brown★Herman Melville: Moby Dick, Omoo, Mardi, Redburn, White Jacket, PierreChapter 6 Whitman, Dickinson★Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass; free verse; Song of Myself★Emily Dickinson: Of the 1775 poems, only 7 poems were published in her lifetime.熟悉教材中98至102页所选的诗歌Chapter 7 Edgar Allan Poe★Edgar Allan Poe: The Fall of the House of Usher, The Philosophy of Composition, The Poetic Principle, The Raven,To Helen熟悉教材中107页所选的The Raven中的部分诗行Chapter 8 The Age of Realism, Howells, James★William Dean Howells: The Rise of Silas Lapham, Criticism and Fiction★Henry James: important writings listed on P. 125the international themeChapter 9 Local Colorism, Mark Twain★Hamlin Garland: Crumbling Idols, Veritism (真实主义)★Bret Harte: The Luck of Roaring Camp★Mark Twain: 主要作品, vernacular literature, colloquial style★Harriet Beecher Stowe 斯托夫人& her Uncle Tom’s Cabin《汤姆叔叔的小屋》★Louisa May Alcott 路易莎·梅·奥尔科特& her Little Women 《小妇人》★Kate Chopin 凯特·肖班& her The Awakening 《觉醒》Chapter 10 American Naturalism, Crane, Norris, Dreiser, Robinson★Stephen Crane: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (the first naturalistic novel in American literature), The Red Badge of Courage (the first anti-war novel in American literature),Famous short stories: The Open Boat, The Bride Comes to the Yellow Sky★Frank Norris: The Octopus, McTeague★Theodore Dreiser: Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt, the Desire Trilogy, The Genius★Edwin Arlington Robinson: Richard Cory★Jack London: The Call of the Wild, White Fang, The Sea Wolf, Martin Eden★O. Henry (William Sidney Porter): famous for his short stories such as The Gift of the Magi★Upton Sinclair: The Jungle, the Muckraking MovementChapter 11 The 1920s, Imagism, Pound★The first American Renaissance: the first half of the 19th century★The second Renaissance: the 1920s★The three principles of the Imagist Poetry★熟悉四首意象派诗歌:In a Station of the Metro, Oread, The Red Wheelbarrow, Fog, 并会分析其中的第一和第四首★Ezra Pound: The Cantos, Hugh Selwyn MauberleyChapter 12 T. S. Eliot, Stevens, Williams★T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land (五个部分的题目), The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 其他主要作品founder of New Criticism: depersonalization, objective correlative★William Carlos Williams: PatersonChapter 13 Frost, Sandburg, Cummings, Hart Crane, Moore★Robert Frost: New England poet, lyrical poet, the unofficial poet laureate, won the Pulitzer Prize four timesThe Road Not Taken (熟悉此诗), Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,Mending Wall, Apple-picking <<摘苹果>>★Carl Sandburg: Fog, The Harbor (two famous Imagist poems)★ E. E. Cummings: the most interesting experimentalist in modern American poetry★Hart Crane: The BridgeChapter 14 Fitzgerald, Hemingway★F. Scott Fitzgerald: the spokesman of the Jazz AgeThe Great Gatsby★Ernest Hemingway: Hemingway hero with ―grace under pressure‖, the iceberg principle“I always try to write on the principle of the iceberg. There is seven-eights of it under water for every part that shows. Anything you know you can eliminate and it only strengthens your iceberg. It is the part that doesn’t show. ”冰山运动之雄伟壮观,是因为它只有八分之一在水面上。
a knife in his back. Another black writer
dismissed Ellison because Ellison
demanded that writing skills must be
learned before political ideas can be
Ralph Ellison His life story:
Ralph Ellison ( 1914-1994 ) ,Ralph Waldo Ellison was born on March 1, 1914, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. From his birth, Ellison’s parents knew he was bound for prosperity. His father even named him for the great writer Ralph Waldo Emerson in an effort to ensure such success. As Ellison himself says in reference to his parents, “no matter what their lives had been, their children's lives would be lives of possibility.”
James Baldwin was the oldest child in a family of nine. He never knew his biological father. When he was three years old, his mother married a factory worker. James grew up with a severe step-father. He writes about a similar difficult relationship between father and son in Go Tell it on the Mountain (《向苍天呼吁》).
Black American Literature(美国黑人文学)
Black American LiteratureThe Black American Literature can also called African-American literature, is the body of literature produced in the United States by writers of African descent. It begins with the works of such late 18th-century writers as Phillis Wheatley(菲莉斯·惠特莉)and Olaudah Equiano(阿罗德·爱克伊诺), reaching early high points with slave narratives of the nineteenth century. The Harlem Renaissance(哈莱姆文艺复兴)of the 1920s was a time of flowering of literature and the arts. Writers of African-American literature have been recognized by the highest awards, including the Nobel Prize to Toni Morrison(托尼·莫里森). Among the themes and issues explored in this literature are the role of African Americans within the larger American society, African-American culture, racism, slavery, and equality. African-American writing has tended to incorporate oral forms, such as spirituals, sermons, gospel music, blues and rap.As African Americans' place in American society has changed over the centuries, so, has the focus of African-American literature. Before the American Civil War, the literature primarily consisted of memoirs by people who had escaped from slavery; the genre of slave narratives included accounts of life under slavery and the path of justice and redemption(救赎)to freedom. At the turn of the 20th century, non-fiction works by authors such as W. E. B. Du Bois(杜波依斯William Edward Burghardt Du Bois)and Booker T. Washington(布克·华盛顿)debated whether to confront or appease racist attitudes in the United States. During the American Civil Rights movement, authors such as Richard Wright(理查德·怀特)and Gwendolyn Brooks(格温多琳·布鲁克斯)wrote about issues of racial segregation and black nationalism. Today, African-American literature has become accepted as an integral part of American literature, with books such as Roots: The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley(亚历克斯·哈利), The Color Purple (1982) by Alice Walker(艾丽斯· 沃克), which won the Pulitzer Prize(普利策奖); and Beloved by Toni Morrison achieving both best-selling and award-winning status.In broad terms, African-American literature can be defined as writings by people of African descent living in the United States. It is highly varied. African-American literature has generally focused on the role of African Americans within the larger American society and what it means to be an American. As Princeton University(普林斯顿大学)professor Albert J. Raboteau has said, all African-American study "speaks to the deeper meaning of the African-American presence in this nation. This presence has always been a test case of the nation's claims to freedom, democracy, equality, the inclusiveness of all." African-American literature explores the issues of freedom and equality long denied to Blacks in the United States, along with further themes such as African-American culture, racism, religion, slavery, a sense of home,and more.Characteristics and themesAfrican-American literature has been created within the larger realm(领域) of post-colonial literature (后殖民文学), although scholars distinguish between the two, saying that "African American literature differs from most post-colonial literature in that it is written by members of a minority community who reside within a nation of vast wealth and economic power."African-American oral culture is rich in poetry, including spirituals, gospel music(福音音乐), blues and rap. This oral poetry also appears in the African-American tradition of Christian sermons, which make use of deliberate repetition, cadence(节奏)and alliteration. African-American literature—especially written poetry, but also prose—has a strong tradition of incorporating all of these forms of oral poetry. These characteristics do not occur in all works by African-American writers.Some scholars resist using Western literary theory to analyze African-American literature. As the Harvard literary scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr.(小亨利‧路易斯‧盖茨)said, "My desire has been to allow the black tradition to speak for itself about its nature and various functions, rather than to read it, or analyze it, in terms of literary theories borrowed whole from other traditions, appropriated from without." One trope common to African-American literature is Signification. Gates claims that signifying ―is a trope in which are subsumed several other rhetorical tropes(修辞比喻), including metaphor, metonymy(转喻), synecdoche (提喻), and irony, and also hyperbole(夸张法)an litotes(曲言法), and metalepsis(进一步转喻法).‖ Signification also refers to the way in which African-American ―authors read and critique other African American texts in an act of rhetorical self-definition‖HistoryEarly African American literatureAfrican American history predates the emergence of the United States as an independent country, and African-American literature has similarly deep roots.Lucy Terry(路西特里)is the author of the oldest known piece of African-American literature: "Bars Fight". Although written in 1746, the poem was not published until 1855, when it was included in Josiah Holland's History of Western Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州).The poet Phillis Wheatley(菲莉斯·惠特莉) (1753–84) published her book Poems on Various Subjects in 1773, three years before American independence. Born in Senegal(塞内加尔), Wheatley was captured and sold into slavery at the age of seven. Brought to America, she was owned by a Boston merchant. By the time she was sixteen, she had mastered her new language of English. Her poetry was praised by many of the leading figures of the American Revolution, including George Washington, who thanked her for a poem written in his honor. Some whites found it hard to believe that a Black woman could write such refinedpoetry. Wheatley had to defend herself in court to prove that she had written her work. Some critics cite Wheatley's successful defense as the first recognition of African-American literature.Phillis Wheatley William Wells Brow Our NigAnother early African-American author was Jupiter Hammon (1711–1806). Hammon, considered the first published Black writer in America, published his poem "An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ with Penitential Cries" as a broadside in early 1761. In 1778 he wrote an ode to Phillis Wheatley, in which he discussed their shared humanity and common bonds. In 1786, Hammon gave his "Address to the Negroes of the State of New York". Writing at the age of 76 after a lifetime of slavery, Hammon said, "If we should ever get to Heaven, we shall find nobody to reproach us for being black, or for being slaves." He also promoted the idea of a gradual emancipation(释放)as a way to end slavery. Hammon is thought to have been a slave until his death. His speech was later reprinted by several abolitionist groups(废奴组织).William Wells Brown (1814–84) and Victor Séjour (1817–74) produced the earliest works of fiction by African-American writers. Séjour was born free in New Orleans(新奥尔良)and moved to France at the age of 19. There he published his short story "Le Mulâtre" ("The Mulatto"黑白混血儿) in 1837. It is the first known fiction by an African American, but as it was written in French and published in a French journal, it had apparently no influence on later American literature. Séjour never returned to African-American themes in his subsequent works. Brown, on the other hand, was a prominent abolitionist, lecturer, novelist, playwright, and historian in the United States. Born into slavery in the South, Brown escaped to the North, where he worked for abolitionist causes and was a prolific writer. Brown wrote Clotel; or, The President's Daughter (1853), considered to be the first novel written by an African American. It was based on the persistent rumor that president Thomas Jefferson had fathered a daughter with his slave Sally Hemings(塞利·海明斯). The novel was first published in England.The first African-American novel published in the United States was Harriet Wilson's Our Nig (1859). It expressed the difficulties of lives of northern free Blacks.。
在创办于1900年的《美国有色人种杂志》上,保琳·霍普金斯(Pauline Hopkins)专门开设了一个论坛来宣扬黑人文学价值观。
她认为真正优秀的小说应该是“一代代人成长和发展的历史记录”(注:Winston Napier,ed.African American Literary Theory,New York University Press,2000,p.1,p.5,p.11.)。
杜波依斯(W.E.B.Du Bois)进一步发展了霍普金斯的功能主义美学观,他认为“黑人艺术家一定要去创造美、歌颂美和实现美”,但同时他又强调“在创造美的过程中,黑人艺术家必须认识到美不可能孤立地存在,它与真理、美德和公正是联系在一起的”。
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Black American LiteratureThe Black American Literature can also called African-American literature, is the body of literature produced in the United States by writers of African descent.1.Characteristics and themesIn broad terms, African-American literature can be defined as writings by people of African descent living in the United States. It is highly varied. African-American literature has generally focused on the role of African Americans within the larger American society and what it means to be an American. All African-American study "speaks to the deeper meaning of the African-American presence in this nation. This presence has always been a test case of the nation's claims tofreedom, democracy, equality, the inclusiveness of all." African-Americanliterature explores the issues of freedom and equality long denied to Blacks in the United States, along with further themes such as African American culture, racism, religion, slavery, a sense of home and more.2.History1)Early African American literatureAfrican American history predates早于the emergence of the United States as an independent country, and African-American literature has similarly类似的deep roots.Lucy Terry is the author of the oldest known piece of African-American literature: "Bars Fight". Although written in 1746, the poem was notpublished until 1855, when it was included in Josiah Holland's History ofWestern Massachusetts. The poet Phillis Wheatley (1753–84) published herbook Poems on Various Subjects in 1773, three years before Americanindependence. Born in Senegal, Wheatley was captured and sold into slaveryat the age of seven. Brought to America, she was owned by a Bostonmerchant. By the time she was sixteen, she had mastered her new languageof English. Her poetry was praised by many of the leading figures of theAmerican Revolution, including George Washington, who thanked her for apoem written in his honor. Some whites found it hard to believe that a Blackwoman could write such refined poetry. Wheatley had to defend herself incourt to prove that she had written her work. Some critics cite Wheatley'ssuccessful defense as the first recognition of African-American literature.Another early African-American author was Jupiter Hammon (1711–1806?). Hammon, considered the first published Black writer inAmerica, published his poem "An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ withPenitential Cries" as a broadside in early 1761. In 1778 he wrote an ode toPhillis Wheatley, in which he discussed their shared humanity and commonbonds.In 1786, Hammon gave his "Address to the Negroes of the State of NewYork". Writing at the age of 76 after a lifetime of slavery, Hammon said, "If weshould ever get to Heaven, we shall find nobody to reproach us for beingblack, or for being slaves." He also promoted the idea of a gradualemancipation as a way to end slavery.[10] Hammon is thought to have been aslave until his death. His speech was later reprinted by several abolitionistgroups.William Wells Brown (1814–84) and Victor Séjour (1817–74) producedthe earliest works of fiction小说by African-American writers. Séjour wasborn free in New Orleans and moved to France at the age of 19. There hepublished his short story "Le Mulâtre" ("The Mulatto") in 1837. It is the firstknown fiction by an African American, but as it was written in French andpublished in a French journal, it had apparently no influence on laterAmerican literature. Séjour never returned to African-American themes in hissubsequent works.Brown, on the other hand, was a prominent abolitionist废除死刑者, lecturer, novelist, playwright, and historian in the United States. Born intoslavery in the South, Brown escaped to the North, where he worked forabolitionist causes and was a prolific多产的writer. Brown wrote Clotel; or,The President's Daughter (1853), considered to be the first novel written byan African American. It was based on the persistent rumor that presidentThomas Jefferson had fathered a daughter with his slave Sally Hemings. Thenovel was first published in England.The first African-American novel published in the United States wasHarriet Wilson's Our Nig (1859). It expressed the difficulties of lives ofnorthern free Blacks.2)Slave narratives奴隶叙事(19世纪中期)A genre [ˈʒɔnrə]n.(文学、艺术等的)类型,体裁,风格of African-American literature that developed in the middle of the 19th century is the slave narrative, accounts writtenby fugitive slaves逃亡奴隶about their lives in the South. At the time, thecontroversy争论over slavery led to impassioned literature on both sides of the issue, with novels such as Uncle Tom's Cabin(1852) (written by 斯托夫人)representing the abolitionist view of the evils of slavery. The "Anti-Tom" novels were written by southern writers in support of slavery and southern society, and inopposition to the northern portrayals描绘. An example is William Gilmore Simms, but women were prominently represented among the bestselling novelists: for instance, Mary Eastman and xxx.The slave narratives became integral [ˈintigrəl]a.构成整体所必需的,基本的toAfrican-American literature. Some 6,000 former slaves from North America and the Caribbean wrote accounts of their lives, with about 150 of these published as separate books or pamphlets. Slave narratives can be broadly categorized into threedistinct forms: tales of religious redemption[riˈdempʃən]n.赎罪, tales to inspire theabolitionist struggle, and tales of progress. The tales written to inspire the abolitionist struggle are the most famous because they tend to have a strong autobiographical motif自传序. Many of them are now recognized as the most literary of all 19th-century writings by African Americans, with two of the best-known being Frederick Douglass's autobiography and Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs (1861).3)Post-slavery era后奴隶制时代After the end of slavery and the American Civil War, a number of African American authors continued to write nonfiction纪实works about thecondition of African Americans in the country.Among the most prominent of these writers is W. E. B. Du Bois 杜波依斯(1868–1963), one of the original founders of the NAACP有色人种协进会. At the turn of the century, Du Bois published a highly influential collection ofessays titled The Souls of Black Folk《黑人的灵魂》. The book's essays on racewere groundbreaking and drew from Du Bois's personal experiences todescribe how African Americans lived in American society. The bookcontains Du Bois's famous quote: "The problem of the twentieth century isthe problem of the color-line." Du Bois believed that African Americansshould, because of their common interests, work together to battle prejudice 偏见and inequity不公正.Another prominent author of this time period is Booker T. Washington布克·华盛顿(1856–1915), who in many ways represented opposite views from Du Bois. Washington was an educator and the founder of the Tuskegee Institute塔斯基吉学院, a Black college in Alabama. Among his published works are Up From Slavery (1901), The Future of the American Negro (1899), Tuskegee and Its People(1905), and My Larger Education(1911). In contrast to Du Bois, who adopted a more confrontational 对抗性attitude toward ending racial strife冲突in America, Washington believed that Blacks should first lift themselves up and prove themselves the equal of whites before asking for an end to racism. While this viewpoint was popular among some Blacks (and many whites) at the time, Washington's political views would later fall out of fashion.A third writer who gained attention during this period in the US, though not a US citizen, was the Jamaican牙买加Marcus Garvey (1887–1940), a newspaper publisher, journalist, and crusader [kru:ˈseidə]n.十字军参加者for Pan Africanism through his organization the Universal Negro Improvement Association and AfricanCommunities League (UNIA). He encouraged people of African ancestry to look favorably upon their ancestral homeland. He wrote a number of essays published as editorials in the UNIA house organ the Negro World newspaper. Some of his lecture material and other writings were compiled and published as nonfiction books by his second wife Amy Jacques Garvey as the Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Or, Africa for the Africans (1924) and More Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey (1977).Paul Laurence Dunbar,保尔·劳伦斯·邓巴who often wrote in the rural, black dialect[ˈdaiəlekt]n.方言,土语of the day, was the first African American poet to gain national prominence突出. His first book of poetry, Oak and Ivy, was published in 1893. Much of Dunbar's work, such as When Malindy Sings (1906), which includes photographs taken by the Hampton Institute Camera Club, and Joggin' Erlong(1906) provide revealing glimpses into the lives of rural African-Americans of the day. Though Dunbar died young, he was a prolific poet, essayist, novelist(among them The Uncalled, 1898 and The Fanatics, 1901) and short story writer.Even though Du Bois, Washington, and Garvey were the leading African American intellectuals and authors of their time, other African Americanwriters also rose to prominence. Among these is Charles W. Chesnutt查尔斯·契斯纳特, a well-known short story writer and essayist.4)Harlem Renaissance哈莱姆文艺复兴The Harlem Renaissance from 1920 to 1940 brought new attention to African American literature. While the Harlem Renaissance, based in theAfrican American community in Harlem in New York City, existed as a largerflowering of social thought and culture—with numerous Black artists,musicians, and others producing classic works in fields from jazz totheater—the renaissance is perhaps best known for the literature that cameout of it.Among the most famous writers of the renaissance is poet Langston Hughes兰斯顿·休斯. Hughes first received attention in the 1922 poetrycollection, The Book of American Negro Poetry. This book, edited by JamesWeldon Johnson, featured the work of the period's most talented poets(including, among others, Claude McKay, who also published three novels,Home to Harlem, Banjo and Banana Bottom and a collection of short stories).In 1926, Hughes published a collection of poetry, The Weary Blues《萎靡的布鲁斯》, and in 1930 a novel, Not Without Laughter. Perhaps, Hughes' mostfamous poem is "The Negro Speaks of Rivers," 《黑人谈河流》which he wrote asa young teen. His single, most recognized character is Jesse B. Simple, aplainspoken, pragmatic Harlemite whose comedic observations appeared inHughes's columns for the Chicago Defender and the New York Post. SimpleSpeaks His Mind (1950) is, perhaps, the best-known collection of Simplestories published in book form. Until his death in 1967, Hughes publishednine volumes of poetry, eight books of short stories, two novels, and anumber of plays, children's books, and translations.黑人谈河流The Negro Speaks of RiversI've known rivers:I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.My soul has grown deep like the rivers.I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down toNew Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turned all golden in the sunset.I've known rivers:Ancient, dusky rivers.My soul has grown deep like the rivers.黑人谈河流我了解河流:我了解像世界一样的古老的河流,比人类血管中流动的血液更古老的河流。