
关键词:语义预设;语用预设;区别和联系中图分类号:g648 文献标识码:b 文章编号:1672-1578(2013)08-0005-011.语义学领域的预设1.1 语义预设的理论基础。
语义学领域的预设研究句子本身固有的意义,不考虑说话人或者作者以及听众对语言的背景知识的理解,也就是说它与语境无关,它是建立在真值条件语义理论的基础之上的,例如:a. peter’s grandma bought him a new bike.b. peter has a grandma.上面的例子在语义学领域下根据我们学过的”真值条件”应该这样进行描述:如果a 是真实的,b则是真实的;如果a 是虚假的,则b还是真是的;如果b是真实的,则a 或者是真实的或者是虚假的。
1.2 语义预设的特点。

浅析语⽤预设2019-03-17摘要: 预设是语⾔哲学的⼀个重要课题,是⼀种普遍的语⾔现象。
关键词: 语⽤预设语⽤学基本特征⾔语交际功能⼀、引⾔预设,也叫“前提”、“先设”,由德国哲学家Frege于1892年最早提出。
(1a)John’s brother has just got back from Nigeria.(1b)John has a brother.(1c)John’s brother hasn’t got back from Nigeria.句(1a)的意思是“约翰的哥哥从尼⽇利亚回来了”。

(2)我没意识到我犯了一个大错。》我已经犯了一个大错。 (3)我后悔我没有上那所大学。》我没有上那所大学 (4)Jack regretted beating his wife 》Jack beat his wife
又称含蓄动词。语义内容由某暗含意义和实际动作行为两 部分构成。其中动作发生前的暗含意义作为背景存在,不 因否定而消失,这暗含就构成预设。比如“忘记”暗含
预设跟某些特定的词相联系,我们把这些 产生预设的词语叫做预设触发语。
定指描写。意味着特定实体的存在,一般触发存在预设。 例如:(下划线代表预设触发语,》表示预设的内容) ( 1)浙江师范大学在金华市。》存在浙江师范大学这个学 也称特指描写,即“发话人使用某个名词性成分时,如果 校,存在金华这个城市 预料受话人能够将所指对象与语境中某个特定的事物等同 起来,能够把它与同一语境中可能存在的其他同类实体区 ( 2)那位工人的意见很有道理。》存在特定的一位工人。 分开来,我们称该名词性成分为定指成分”(陈平1987) (3)张大夫的车很贵。》张大夫有车
施特劳森认为,应该区分句子和句子的使 用。 句子没有真假,只有句子作出的陈述才有 真假。 例,小王是大学一年级的学生。 施特劳森把预设认为是一种特殊的语用推 理,但它跟逻辑含义和蕴涵不同,它是从 指别词语的使用规约得出的一种推理。
(1)My sister flew to London last week.
》someone flew to London last week. (2)My sister flew to London last week. 》My sister went to London last week. (3)My sister flew to London last week.

1、什么是蕴涵 蕴涵(entailment)或译“推涵” (entailment)或译 衍推” 蕴涵(entailment)或译“推涵”、“衍推” 教材第128 )。是指两个句子之间的这 128页 (教材第128页)。是指两个句子之间的这 样一种逻辑关系: 样一种逻辑关系:第二个句子的真必定取决 于第一个句子的真实, 于第一个句子的真实,即如果第一个句子为 真时,第二个句子必真; 真时,第二个句子必真;第一个句子的假必 定取决于第二个句子的虚假, 定取决于第二个句子的虚假,即如果第二个 句子为假时,第一个句子必假。 句子为假时,第一个句子必假。
④有人开了房间里的灯。 有人开了房间里的灯。 存在性预设:房间里有灯; 存在性预设:房间里有灯; 事态性预设:房间里的灯原是不亮的。 事态性预设:房间里的灯原是不亮的。 陈莉忘了将手上的信交给赵林。 ⑤陈莉忘了将手上的信交给赵林。 存在性预设:存在一个陈莉和一个赵林; 存在性预设:存在一个陈莉和一个赵林; 陈莉手上有信; 陈莉手上有信; 事态性预设:陈莉本来要将手上的信交给赵林。 事态性预设:陈莉本来要将手上的信交给赵林。 小李的朋友曾经到过外国。 ⑥小李的朋友曾经到过外国。 存在性预设:存在一个小李; 存在性预设:存在一个小李; 小李至少有一个朋友; 小李至少有一个朋友; 事态性预设:小李的朋友生活在国内。 事态性预设:小李的朋友生活在国内。
• 区别预设和蕴涵的否定测试法: 区别预设和蕴涵的否定测试法: 把句子加“ 否定之后, 把句子加“不”或“未(能)”否定之后, 未必真(可真亦可假) 未必真(可真亦可假)的推断是该句子的蕴 把句子否定之后, 涵;把句子否定之后,仍然真的推断是该句 子的预设。例如: 子的预设。例如: 约翰设法及时停住车。 ①约翰设法及时停住车。 可推导出: 从①可推导出: 约翰及时停住了车。 ②约翰及时停住了车。 约翰试图及时停住车。 ③约翰试图及时停住车。 现在取①的否定式: 现在取①的否定式: 约翰未能及时停住车。 ④约翰未能及时停住车。
第六章 语用学(预设和

第四节 语言的接触
三、多语共用 (一)社团双语和个人双语 (二)自然双语和 认为双语 四、语言接触 (一)语言融合的成因 (二)语言融合的方式:1、自愿融合 2、被迫 融合 五、语言混合:1、皮钦语 2、克里奥尔语
(一)地域方言的成因 1、交际的阻隔 2、异族语言的影响 (二)地域方言的差异 (三)地域方言的发展
地域方言的论述《颜氏家训 音辞篇》
“自兹厥后,音韵铎出,各有土风,递相非笑,指马之喻,未知孰是。 共以帝王都邑,参校方俗,考核古今,为之折衷。榷而量之,独金 陵与洛下耳。南方水土和柔,其音清举而切旨,失在浮浅,其辞多 鄙俗。北方山川深厚,其音沈浊而讹钝,得其质直,其辞多古语, 然冠冕君子,南方为优;闾里小人,北方为愈。易服而与之谈,南 方士庶,数言可辩;隔垣而听其语,北方朝野,终日难分。而南染 吴越,北杂夷虏,皆有深弊,不可具论。其谬失轻微者,则南人以 钱为涎,以石为射,以贱为羡,以是为舐。北人以庶为戍,以紫为 姊,以洽为狎,如此之例,两失甚多。“
b. Assertion:drink(Akiu,red wine)
指示语一般分为:人称指示、时间指示、空间指 示、社交指示、语篇指示。 人称代词的人称指示用法: 谁去呢? 我去——你去——您去 我们去——咱们去 我们去,你留下。
(1)荔枝原产我国,是我国的特产。(我=我 们) (2)我们要介绍的祥子,不是“骆驼”,因为 “骆驼”……(我们=我) (3)他这个人很内向,你问他十句,他才回答 你一句。(不定指:你、他)

语义预设和语用预设是语言学中两个重要的概念。语义预设指的是语言交流中 隐含的语义关系,而语用预设则是指言语表达中隐含的语用关系。理解这两个 概念对于理解语言交流和言语表达的实质有着重要的意义。
语义预设是指语言单位之间的语义关系,这种关系往往在字面意义之外,需要 结合具体语境进行理解。例如,“他打开了电脑”这个句子中,就隐含着“他 拥有电脑”的语义预设。这种语义预设在语言交流中发挥着重要的作用,它可 以帮助人们更好地理解语言的深层含义,减少误解的发生。
1、语用预设不是一种逻辑、语义或语用问题,而是一种语言现象。 2、语用预设与语境密切相关,是语境的一部分。
1、预设句子的真值:语用预设可以是句子意义的基础,帮助听话人理解说话 人所要表达的意图。
语用预设,作为语言交际中的一种重要现象,一直以来都受到语言学家和哲学 家的。这种预设现象不仅涉及到语言使用的语境敏感性,还反映了人们对于世 界知识的理解和认知过程。本次演示将探讨语用预设的特征及其认知阐释。
1、语境依赖性:语用预设与特定的语境密切相关,只有在特定的语境中,才 能正确理解和解读预设的含义。例如,“他是个独子”这句话,如果没有特定 的语境,我们无法确定这是陈述了一个事实,还是预设了某个人的家庭情况。
4、案例分析:通过一些具体的案例分析,来阐述自己的观点。例如,我们可 以运用一些实际例子来说明关键词在日常生活和工作中的应用。通过案例分析, 读者可以更好地理解作者的观点,同时也可以引发读者的共鸣和思考。
5、总结结论:对文章进行总结,并给出一些启示或建议。在总结时,我们应 该简要概括文章的主题和观点,同时也要指出这些观点对读者有什么启示或建 议。此外,我们还可以提出一些开放性的问题或思考,以鼓励读者进一步思考 和讨论。

() 实 预 设 2事
事 实 预 设 是 指 交 际 双 方 在 交 流 过 程 中预 先 肯 定
或 否 定 的 一 些 事 实 情 况 , 无 需 语 境 的 加 入 。 这 类 它 在
预 设 中 , 们 比较 关 注 由预 设 触 发 语 引 发 的现 象 。 人 例 如 :真 正 的 去 过 兵 马 俑 之 后 , 她 就 觉 得 观 景 真 不 如 “ 听 景 。 这 句 话 预 设 “ 去 过 兵 马俑 ” 个 事 实 。 外 , ” 她 这 另
存 在 预 设 是 指 交 际 双 方 对 世 界 上 的 事 物 和 人 的 存 在 的 认 识 , 种 预 设 的 推 知 不 需 要 语 境 。F e e认 这 r g
为 关 于 指 称 对 象 的 存 在 预 设 与 语 句 的 真 假 无 关 。 例
1语 义 预 设 的 理 论 基 础 .
如 : i a e w s e d 预 设 “ 有 其 人 ”这 个 预 B nL dn a d a . 确 , 设 是 和 这 个 语 句 的 真 假 ( 本 拉 登 是 否 死 亡 ) 无 即 是
关 的 。
我们之 前 已经提到 语义 学领 域 的预设 研 究句子
本身 固有 的意义 ,不考 虑说 话人 或作 者及 听众 的对
() 在 预 设 1存
关 系 , 双 方 交 谈 时 , 们 有 着 各 方 面 共 同 的 背 景 知 在 他
识 , 仅 对 所 交 谈 的某 一 特 定 场 合 有 共 同 的 知 识 , 不 而 且 对 整 个 世 界 有 共 同 的 认 识 。本 文 将 会 对 “ 设 现 预 象 ” 语义 学及语 用学 领域 做一 些简单 的探 讨 。 在

2021语义预设和语用预设范文 预设是说话者在说出一个句子时所包含的假设,也就是说话者为保证话语的合适性而必须满足的前提。
预设这一概念最早是德国著名逻辑学和数学家Frege 于 1892 年提出的,它是当代语言学家和哲学家共同研究和关注的焦点之一。
一、语义预设和语用预设 预设在语义和语用这两个不同范围内有不同的意义。
(一)语义预设观 在逻辑语义学中,语言学家将预设看作是句子及命题之间的关系,他们从值条件的角度分析预设,将预设看作是一个命题是否成立的必要条件,目的是为了展示句子之间的逻辑关系来判断命题真假。
“一个命题S 预设 P,而且仅当 P 是 S 有真值或价值的必要条件。
语义学 蕴含与预设

句子语义学词和词之间有各种各样的意义关系,我们称之为sense relation。
Please open the door.这句话的意思很清楚,就是“请把们打开”,但是说这句话必须有一个前提,那就是“现在要开的门再说话时是关着的”。
John is married.John exists.John is not married.◆Semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition语义预设是对语句之间关系所做的逻辑分析,他面对的是一种不变的关系:即如果P在语义上预设Q, 则P总是在语义上预设Q。
例如:Sue cried before she finished her thesis.Sue died before she finished her thesis.◆What is Semantic Presupposition?In many discussions of the concept, presupposition is treated as a relationship between two propositions by the linguists. If we say the sentence in (1a.) contains the proposition p and the sentence in (1b.) contains the proposition q, then, using>>to mean …presupposes‟, we can represent the relationship as in (1c.).(1) a. Mary‟s dog is cute. (=p)b. Mary has a dog. (= q)c. p >>qInterestingly, when we produce the opposite of the sentence in (1a.) by negating it (= NOT p), as in (2a.), we find that the relationship of presupposition does not change. That is, the same proposition q, repeated as (2b.), continues to be presupposedby NOT p, as shown in (2c.).(2) a. Mary‟s dog isn‟t cute. (=NOT p)b. Mary has a dog. (= q)c. NOT p >>qPresupposition is an inference(推论)to the proposition of the sentence. Take the following sentences for example again:e.g. (3) John is married.(4) John exists.(5) John is not married.Comment: if (3) is true, (4) is true; if (3) is not true, (4) is still true. In this case, we can say both (3) and (5) presuppose (4). A presupposition is something the speaker assumes to be the case prior to making an utterance. Speakers, not sentences, have presuppositions. An entailment is something that logically follows from what is asserted in the utterance. Sentences, not speakers, have entailments.◆Semantic presupposition would be based on the following definition:Sentence A semantically presupposes another sentence B iff:if and only if, iff是充分必要条件(a) in all situations where A is true, B is true(b) in all situations where A is false, B is true◆Types of presuppositionPotential presupposition: in the analysis of how speakers‟ assumptions are typically expressed, presupposition has been associated with the use of a large number of words, phrases, and structures. These linguistic forms shall be considered as indicators of potential presuppositions, which can only become actual presuppositions in contexts with speakers. The following kinds of presuppositions are all potential presuppositions. Now we‟ll look at the major presupposition types marked by different linguistic features.◆Existential presupposition: presuppose the existence of something.(my). It is not only assumed to be present in possessive constructions, but more generally in any definite descriptions such as definite noun phrase with determines …the‟, …this‟, …that‟, …these‟, …those‟, etc. By using any of the expressions in (16), the speaker is assumed to be committed to the existence of the entities named.(16) e.g. The king of Sweden, the cat, the girl next door (Yule, 2004: 27)◆Factive presupposition: presuppose something as a fact.(know). A number of factive verbs, such as …realize‟in (17a) and …regret‟in (17b), as well as phrases involving …be‟ with …aware‟ in (17c), …odd‟ in (17d), and …glad‟ in (17e) have factive presuppositions.(17) a. She didn‟t realize he was ill.(>>He was ill)b. We regret telling him.(>>We told him)c. I wasn‟t aware that she was married.(>>She was married)d. It isn‟t odd that he left early.(>>He left early)e. I‟m glad that it‟s over.(>>It‟s over)The presupposed information following the verb …know‟ can be treated as a fac t, and is described as a factive presupposition. Words like know, realize, regret as well as phrases involving …be‟ with …aware‟, …odd‟, and …glad‟ have factive presuppositions. (Yule, 2004: 27-28)◆Lexical presupposition: when a specific word triggers a presupposition. It is featured by implicative verbs like …manage‟, …start‟, …stop‟, …forget‟, etc. Generally speaking, in lexical presupposition, the use of one form with its asserted meaning is conventionally interpreted with the presupposition that another (non-asserted) meaning is understood.Each time you say that someone …managed‟to do something, the asserted meaning is that the person succeeded in some way. When you say that someone …didn‟t manage‟, the asserted meaning is that the person did not succeed. In both cases, however, there is a presupposition (non-asserted) that the person …tried‟to do that something. So, …managed‟ is conventionally interpreted as asserting …succeeded‟ and presupposing …tried‟.(18) a. He stopped smoking.(>>He used to smoke)b. They started complaining.(>>They weren‟t complaining before)c. You‟re late again.(>>You were late before)Lexical presupposition: in lexical presupposition, the use of one form with its asserted meaning is conventionally interpreted with the presupposition that another(non-asserted) meaning is understood. For example, someone …managed‟ to do something, the asserted meaning is that the person succeeded in some way. Someone …didn‟t manage‟; the asserted meaning is that the person did not succeed. In both cases, there is a presupposition (non-asserted) that the person …tried‟ to do that something. So …managed‟is conventionally interpreted as asserting …succeeded‟ and presupposing …tried‟. Other examples, involving the lexical items, are …stop‟, …start‟, and …again‟. (Yule, 2004: 28)◆Structural presupposition: certain sentence structures presuppose something to be true.(wh-questions). We might say that speakers can use such structures to treat information as presupposed (i.e. assumed to be true) and hence to be accepted as true by the listener.For example, the wh-question construction in English, as shown in (19a) and (19b), is conventionally interpreted with the presupposition that the information after the wh-form is already known to be the case.a. When did he leave?(>>He left)b. Where did you buy the bike?(>>You bought the bike)Certain sentence structures have been analyzed as conventionally and regularly presupposing that part of the structure is already assumed to be true. We might say that speakers can use such structures to treat information as presupposed (i.e. assumed to be true) and hence to be accepted as true by listener. For example, the wh-question construction in English is conventionally interpreted as that the information after the wh-form is already known to be the case. Such structurally-based presuppositions may represent subtle ways of making information that the speaker believes appear to be what the listener should believe.(wh-questions)◆Non-factive presupposition: It is one that is assumed not to be true. Verbs like …dream‟, …imagine‟, and …pretend‟, as shown in (20), are used with the presupposition that what follows is not true.(20). a. I dreamed that I was rich.(>>I was not rich)b. We imagined we were in New York.(>>we were not in New York)He pretends to be ill.(>>He is not ill)◆Counter-factural presupposition: What is presupposed is not only not true, but is the opposite of what is true, or …contrary to facts‟. (Conditional structure)A conditional structure of the type shown in (21), generally called a counterfactual conditional, presupposes that the information in the if-clause is not true at the time of utterance.(21). If you were my friend, you would have helped me.(>>you are not my friend)Summary:◆The properties of presuppositions★Cancel ability / Defeasibility:Levinson(1983:186) states that they can be cancelled out by either the immediate linguistic context or by some wider context or mode of discourse. If we say …The committee failed to reach a decision‟, it presupposes that they tried, but we can cancel out that presupposition if we add …because they didn‟t even get round to discussing it‟. Similarly, we can argue presupposition out of the way by a variant on the reductio ad absurdum (the disproof of a proposition by showing that its conclusion can only be absurd) mode of discourse: …He didn‟t do it, and she didn‟t do it…In fact, nobody did it ‟. They are defensible in (a) certain discourse contexts, (b) certain intra-sentential context. This property will prove to be the undoing(doing away with) of any possible semantic theory of presupposition. They are defeasible in certain intra-sentential contexts and certain discourse context, for example,(1) Sue cried before she finished her thesis.(2) Sue finished her thesis.(3)Sue died before she finished her thesis.In Sentence(3) the presupposition seems to drop out, since we generally hold that people do not do things after they die, it follows that she could not have finished her thesis. They are liable to evaporate in certain contexts, either immediate linguistic context or the less immediate discourse context, or on circumstances where contrary assumptions are made.(Levinson,2001, p187)Another kind of contextual defeasibility arises in certain kinds of discourse contexts. For example, the cleft sentence 1 is supposed to presuppose 2:1. It isn‟t Luke who will betray you.2. Someone will betray you.You say that someon e in this room will betray you. Well maybe so. But it won‟t be Luke who will betray you, it won‟t be Paul, it won‟t be Matthew, and it certainly won‟t be John. Therefore no one in this room is actually going to betray youHere each of the cleft sentence(It won‟t be Luke, etc.)should presuppose that there will be someone who will betray the addressee. But the whole purpose of the utterance 1 is, of course, to persuade the addressee that no one will betray him, as stated in the conclusion. So the presupposition is again defeated; it was adopted as a counterfactual assumption to argue to the untenability (站不住脚) of such an assumption.So far we have shown that some of the core examples of presuppositional phenomena are subject to presupposition cancellation in certain kinds of context, namely:(i)Where it is common knowledge that the presupposition is false, the speaker is not assumed to be committedto the truth of the presupposition(ii) Where what is said, taken together with background assumptions, is inconsistent with what is presupposed, the presuppositions are cancelled, and are not assumed to be held by the speaker(iii) In certain kinds of discourse contexts, presuppositions can systematically fail to survive.3.4.2 Presuppositions are apparently tied to particular aspects of surface structure. This property may serve to distinguish presupposition from conversational implicatures (which are tied to the context rather than the surface structure.), the other major form of pragmatic inference.( Levinson, S. C. 2001)There are no doubt many other kinds of contextual defeasibility as well, but these examples are sufficient to establish that presuppositions are defeasible by virtue of contrary beliefs held in a context. There are also many kinds of intra-sentential cancellation of suspension of presuppositions.(Levinson, 190)3.4.3 Projection in presupposition There is a basic expectation that the presupposition of a simple sentence will continue to be true when that simple sentence becomes part of a more complex sentence. This is one version of the general idea that the meaning of the whole sentence is a combination of the meaning of its parts. However, the meaning of some presuppositions (as …parts‟) does not survive to become the meaning of some complex sentences (as …wholes‟). This is known as the projection problem. (Yule, 2004: P30-33) Another explanation given by Levinson (Levinson, 1983: 191) is that Frege held that meanings of sentences are compositional, i.e. that the meaning of the whole expression is a function of the meaning of the parts. It was originally suggested by Langendoen & Savin (1971) that this was true of presuppositions too, and moreover that the set of presupposition of the complex whole is the simple sum of the presuppositions of the parts, i.e. if S0 is a complex sentence containing sentences S1, S2…S n as constituents, then the presuppositions of S0 = the presuppositions of S1 + the presuppositions of S2 …+ the presuppositions of S n .But such a simple solution to the presuppositions of complex sentences is far from correct, and it has proved in fact extremely difficult to formulate a theory that will predict correctly which presuppositions of component clauses will in fact be inherited/maintained by the complex whole. This compositional problem is known as the projection problem for presuppositions, and the particular behaviour of presuppositions in complex sentences turns out to be the really distinctive characteristic of presuppositions. (The Chinese version may be a little easier to understand:详见索振羽,《语用学教程》2000.北京大学出版社P136-140)◆Presupposition triggers: Some of the kinds of words and structures that seem to trigger presuppositions. Definite noun phrase/definite descriptions: words like the, this, that, these, those and possessives like my, Mary’s, your, prepositional phrase like with(two heads), in, etc. trigger the basic kind of presupposition. The possessives lead to a particularly strong presupposition about the existence of something; this is sometimes called existential presupposition. (Peccei, p20)John saw/didn‟t see the man with two heads.》there exists a man with two headsWH-words like when, why, how, etc. used either to ask questions or to introduce a subordinate clause to trigger the presupposition that the speaker has assumed “the person in question did something” is true. (Peccei, p 21)Mr. Givens, why is it important for people to understand body language---that is, communication by means of movements and gestures?Where do we get mannerisms such as these?Verbs that can trigger presuppositions: implicative verbs, factive verbs, change of state verbs and verbs of judging.1) Implicative verbs(含蓄动词): manage, forget, happen, avoid etc. triggers the presupposition that some actions were conducted(manage), not expected(happen), or should have been conducted(forget).John managed/didn‟t manage to open the door》John tried to open the doorJohn forg ot /didn‟t forget to lock the door》John ought to have locked, or intended to lock, the doorsome further implicative predicates: X happened to V 》X didn‟t plan or intend to V; X avoid Ving 》X was expected to, or usually did, or ought to V2) factive verbs(述实动词/事实动词a verb followed by a clause which the speaker or writer considers to expressa fact:know, realize, regret, deplore(谴责), I am aware, it is strange, it is odd that, be sorry that, be proud that, be indifferent that, be glad that, be sad that, etc. triggers the presupposition that what follows is a fact。

一方面, 预设类似于蕴涵能脱离语境而存在, 而另一方面, 预设似乎对语境, 例如句内语境又具有敏感性传统上, 语义学理论将预设看作是基于语句间真值条件的一种语义关系。
2.语用预设的概念预设也称“前设”、“先设”、“前提”, 同时它也是一种推理, 是从另外一个角度进行的推理即在语言结构的基础上, 依靠逻辑概念、语义、语境等推断出话语意义的先决条件。
预设一般可分为语义预设(Semantic presupposition)和语用预设(Pragmatic presupposition)两种。
语义预设建立在真值条件基础上, 绝大部分是由语言本身所引起的。
如John’s brother is ill.无论这话真实与否, 前提“John has a brother”一直存在, 此预设由属格“’s”而来。
可见语义预设是语句命题本身所拥有的一种意义, 是静态的、抽象的。
但在具体的话语交际中, 语句总是与具体使用相联系, 处于一定的语境中, 因此从单纯的语义角度来研究预设显然是不够的, 有必要从语言使用的角度来研究预设, 这就构成了预设的语用研究。
语用预设是指“那些对语境敏感的, 与说话人(有时包括说话对象)的信念、态度、意图有关的前提关系”(何自然, 1997:68)。
语用预设把预设和说话人联系在一起, 与语境密切相关, 是动态的、具体的。
说话人对自然语言环境有他自己的理解, 有一些设想, 并基于这些设想展开话语交际, 语用预设是话语产生的背景信息。
说话人想通过自己的话语表明自己的观点态度, 并希望听话者理解他的话中语, 以达到说话人想要的效果。

12 解较狭窄,归结起来主要有以下三种说法:“第一种从言语行为角度出发,把预设定义为:有效言语行为的条件,即实施某一言语行为所需要满足的恰当条件,或是使一句话语具有必要的社会实效性所必须满足的条件。
例如:‘请开门! 这个祈使句可用来实施一项表示‘请求’的言语行为,而这项言语行为必须具备下述条件时才是有效的,即交谈者之间的关系允许其中一个人去麻烦另一个人,受话者有能力完成‘开门’这个动作,并知道发话者指哪一扇门,而且门是关着的,等等。

080214218 潘丽语用预设及其应用1.语用预设的含义及主要特征预设(presupposition),又译为“前提”,“前设”,“先设”,它是一种推理,是从另外一个角度进行的推理:在语言结构的基础上,依据逻辑概念、语义、语境等推断出话语意义的先决条件。
预设一般分为语义预设(Semantic presupposition)和语用预设(Pragmatic presupposition)两种。

• 本句要表达的意思是“具体是要一个 还两个鸡蛋”。
预设,从字面上讲就是“预先设定”, 指的是一句话,一个言语行为,除了字面 直接表达的意思外,还 包含了有关说出这 句话的一系列前提。这些推理中认定的前 提,是理解使用语言的重要依据,靠逻辑 概念、语义、语境等推断出来的话语的先 决条件,是交际有效性的保证。
西安杨森制药厂推出的治疗脚气病的“达克宁”抗真 菌药膏,它的预设是“治疗脚气,达克宁疗效最好”。
预设的种类 观念预设
家用电器广告:好空调,格力造。 馒头作坊广告:大老张手工馒头。
此广告的预设为:由于目前国内各家电厂商生产的空 调其主要零部件都依赖进口,纯国产的空调质量难以 保障,而格力集团推出了国产化的高端产品,质量过 硬,堪与国际品牌竞争,就此而言,只有格力,才能 造出质量优良的空调;同时还希望消费者能以民族工 业为骄傲,多多支持民族工业的发展。
—-- 曹禺《雷雨》第一幕 提问:周朴园三次问话的预设是什么?有什么作用?
在这一段,周朴园三次发话都有一个共同的预设:繁漪是有病的, 而且病得不轻。尽管这个预设是周朴园主观设想的,但他要求听话人 (繁漪、周冲等)接受并相信。因为在周家造成“繁漪有病”的共识,那 么繁漪一切争扎反抗的言行都可以视为病态的表现,以一个自由灵魂 被扼杀为代价来维护周朴园作为封建家长的权威。这个预设可以说充 分暴露了人物专制、残忍、冷酷的性格。然而,作为听话人的繁漪和 周冲对这个预设是不愿意承认的。繁漪说:“病原来不重”,就是对其 预设的一种较为委婉的否定,表现了人物在长期的压抑之下,有反抗 的欲望,同时又带着一份无奈和畏惧的心态;而周冲的回答却很干脆: 母亲原来就没什么病。完全否定了周朴园的预设,其单纯、率直的性 格展现无遗,因而也引起了周朴园的不满而发生了冲突。

2、下列句子是什么类型的句子?伴随其后的推 理正确吗? (a)Where has Faye looked for the keys? “Faye has looked for the keys.” (b)Did you buy this awful wine? “This wine is awful.” (c)Don’t sit on the Annie’s sofa. “Annie has a sofa.” (d)Stop being lazy. “You are being lazy.” (e)Lucy knows that George is a crook. “George is a crook.”
6、写出下列每句话可能包含的预设,并说明 是什么触发了它。 (a)Steve regrets buying a dog. (b)Meridyth pretends she’s a rock star. (c)Ed should stop eating raw oysters.
7、在以下每个例子中,假设某位法官已经支持了 对该问题的疑议,则已经对此问题持反对意见的预 设是什么? (a)How did you know that the defendant had bought a knife? (b)How long have you been selling cocaine? (c)When was your bracelet cstolen? (d)Did you see the murdered woman before she left the office? (e)How fast was the car going when the ndriver ran the red light? (f)At what time did you telephone your lover? (g)Have you stopped being an active gang member? (h)Why did you leave the scene of the crime?

Kempson总结过蕴涵与预设的别: A蕴涵B,则当且仅当:A真B必真,A假B可真可假,B假A必假;A预设B,则当且仅当:A真B必真,A假B亦真,B假A可真可假。
Levinson则直接利用“蕴涵”概念给出了这样一个定义: A预设了B,则当且仅当:A蕴涵了B,并且非A也蕴涵了B。
试以Russell给出的一个着名例子为例: “The King of France is wise.”(A)蕴涵了“There is a present king of France.”(B),前者矛盾命题“The King of France is not wise.”(非A)同样蕴含了“There is a pre sent king of France.” (B)。
2、语义预设2.1 语义预设的基础理论预设的语义研究始于英国着名哲学家斯特劳逊,他在《逻辑理论导论》(1952)一书中对预设进行了如下定义:“一个命题S预设S’,而且仅当S’是S有真值或假值的必要条件。
”语义学领域的预设是建立在真值条件语义理论(truth -conditional semantics)的基础上的。
如:(1a) Mark’s father bought him a book.(1b) Mark has a father.在真值条件语义逻辑下,这两句话的真实性关系可以描述为:如果(1a)是真实(true)的,则(1b)是真实(true)的;如果(1a)是虚假(false)的,则(1b)还是真实(true)的;如果(1b)是真实(true)的, 则(1a)是真实(true)或虚假(false)的。

㈡预设 1)定义:就话语本⾝表达的意义⽽⾔,通过背景知识断⾔有句义甲就必然有句义⼄就是说甲以⼄为预设。
2)预设和蕴含区别: ①蕴含在句⼦的断⾔范围之内,是句⼦的基本信息; ②预设不在句⼦的断⾔范围之内,是句⼦的背景信息。
6.歧义 1)定义:指同⼀形式的语⾔符号序列可能表达不同意义的现象。
3)歧义与模糊的区别: ①模糊指语⾔形式所反映的对象只有⼀个⼤致的范围,⽽没有明确的界限,意义之间难以绝对划分清楚。
4)歧义与笼统性区别: ①统来源于语义的概括性特点是指对同类对象的不同成员进⾏抽象概括⽽产⽣的。
5)影响歧义难度的因素: ①与各种解释的相对频率有关系 ②与歧义形式本⾝的特点有关系。
6)歧义的类型:①词汇歧义②组合歧义 备注:㈠词汇歧义:指由词汇上的原因造成的歧义。
㈡组合歧义: 1)定义:指由词语组合关系上的原因造成的歧义。
2)分类:①语法结构歧义②语义结构歧义 (三)如果相同的词语之间可以有不同的句法结构关系,就有可能造成歧义。
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6、写出下列每句话可能包含的预设,并说明 是什么触发了它。 (a)Steve regrets buying a’s a rock star. (c)Ed should stop eating raw oysters.
7、在以下每个例子中,假设某位法官已经支持了 对该问题的疑议,则已经对此问题持反对意见的预 设是什么? (a)How did you know that the defendant had bought a knife? (b)How long have you been selling cocaine? (c)When was your bracelet cstolen? (d)Did you see the murdered woman before she left the office? (e)How fast was the car going when the ndriver ran the red light? (f)At what time did you telephone your lover? (g)Have you stopped being an active gang member? (h)Why did you leave the scene of the crime?
10、假设你是一位聪明的广告人。以下是关于各种 商品的完全没有根据的表述。针对每个例子,请你 写下一句广告词,通过预设来涵包各表述的意思。 你可以用完整的句子,可以使用各种句子句子类型, 特别是祈使句和疑问句。 ZINKO cures insomnia(失眠症). Happy Havens Inn has beautiful. KISSGOOD eliminates bad breath. NO-ANT kills ants. Crook & Sons Ltd employ skilled workers. BLASTEX is not poisonous. SHINO nourishes wood. Dogs love YAPPY dog food. Dentists use GRIN toothpast.
第3讲 预设
Did you get a good look at my face when I took your purse?
1、如果可能的话,请判断以下每个句子是真是假 (注意:“真、假”不同于“是、否”)。有没有 这样一些句子:你如果不考虑英语单词的意思或牵 涉到的人物、地点、事件的知识,你就不可能对其 真假值作出判断? (a)Abraham Lincoln is the current president of the USA. (b)The Eiffel Tower is in Paris. (c)A car is an automobile. (d)Have a cookie. (e)Be careful of the crumbs (f)Where was Abraham Lincoln born? (g)How much did the car cost?
9、想象你是一位机警的律师。写下某些问题可能 是通过预设隐藏在下列事实的问题。例如针对 “The defendant drove his car into a shop window” 的问题“Did you brake before you drove your car into the shop window?”注意:只要被告按要求回答 问题,不论答案是“Yes”或“No”,他都等于接受 了预设的真实性,承认他曾开车撞坏了商店窗户。 (a)The defendant had a fight with his brotherin-law. (b)The defendant has three previous convictions. (c)The defendant belongs to a terrorist organization. (d)The defendant was speeding.
8、以下各个广告选粹里,什么样的说明是通过预 设说出来而不是直接说出来的?(名字已被改换, 以便无罪) (a)The secret to Blasee’s effectiveness is Calming Fluid. (b)Look out for the distinctive packs in your local Bippo stockists and choose the one that’s just right for nyou. (c)Watch all the puffiness and wrinkles disappear. (d)Increased protection against water spots. (e)Now you can get a really crisp professional finish. (f)It combines three potent skin perfecting discoveries in one gentle formula.
5、考虑一下各个语句哪些包含预设“Mike smashed the television”。换句话说,哪些语句表述了说话人认 为该预设是真的但没有直接说出来。这些语句的共同 点是什么? (a)Did Mike smash the television? (b)When did Mike smash the television? (c)I was eating popcorn(爆米花) when Mike smashed the television. (d)Why did Mike smash the television? (e)I don’t understand why Mike smash the television. (f)I wonder if Mike smashed the television. (g)I wonder how Mike smashed the television.
2、下列句子是什么类型的句子?伴随其后的推 理正确吗? (a)Where has Faye looked for the keys? “Faye has looked for the keys.” (b)Did you buy this awful wine? “This wine is awful.” (c)Don’t sit on the Annie’s sofa. “Annie has a sofa.” (d)Stop being lazy. “You are being lazy.” (e)Lucy knows that George is a crook. “George is a crook.”
3、将以上四个句子全转换成否定句,看看后面的推理 是否依然正确。
4、以下每个语句都提到chocolate cake。考虑以下 在说话时哪一个语句包含预设“There was a chocolate cake”。这些语句有什么共同点? 1(a)Mike might find the chocolate cake in the kitchen. 1(b)Mike might find a chocolate cake in the kitchen. 2(a)Is Mike giving Annie that chocolate cake? 2(b)Is Mike giving Annie a chocolate cake? 3(a)Did Mike hide a chocolate cake? 3(b)Did Mike hide Annie’s chocolate cake?