SOM算法研究与应用SOM算法,也称为自组织映射算法(Self-Organizing Maps),是一种无监督学习算法,用于将高维数据映射到低维空间中。
SOM算法由芬兰科学家Teuvo Kohonen于1982年所提出,并且在计算机科学和机器学习领域中具有广泛的应用。
关键词:空间句法;商业街区;定量分析;集成度;可理解度中图分类号:TU986 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-9944(2020)04-0143-031 引言商业街区作为人们社会活动和社交场所,它良好的空间结构和优美的空间环境可以间接性满足人们的精神需求,达到促进沟通和交流的作用。
2 研究对象与方法2.1 研究背景在全球的目光聚集在经济的时代,随着社会主义市场经济的繁荣,商业区已经成为城市中不可缺少的组成部分,其中商业区中街区的空间构建逐渐进入人们的视野,并占据重要位置。
2.2 研究对象哈西商圈位于黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区。
疗保险、专业技术职务评定、授予荣誉称号等方式,提 高传承人保护传承的积极性和主动性。
街巷空间的重要影响因素,在很大程度上直接决定了 街巷空间的布局,同时影响着街巷空间的形态。三河 古镇老街区的路网布局较为自由,街巷线条一般呈直 线型。古街巷多沿河布局或者两者保持近似平行的关 系,这样能够更好地满足城镇各方面用水的需要[1]。
在三河古镇地区,水路交通是当地较为重要的一 种交通方式。在此基础之上,受到地形限制,形成了与 河流垂直的街道,之后又在主街道路上衍生了其他次 级街道,逐步丰富,形成了现有的较为完善的路网。三 河古镇夏季炎热,因此街巷通风降温很重要。三河古 镇主要街道与河流呈平行布置,为街巷带来河面的凉 气,从而降低整个气温。三河古镇内部狭小的小巷与 河岸垂直,也可达到同样的效果。
. All Rights Reserved.
线基本一致。如果增强这部分轴线的活力,可以提高 三河古镇内部活力,帮助三河古镇向更加有利的方向 发展。
随着旅游开发,传统村落商业服务设施布置乱而 有序,主要集中分布在可达性较高的街道或者方便游 客的地方,这说明商业服务设施的布局受到空间可达 性的影响。可达性高的街道区域,其商业服务设施的 布局更受欢迎。 3.3 商业服务设施布局与凸空间视域的关系
2 三河古镇空间分析
通过 DepthMapX 软件生成全局空间可理解度轴 线图。可理解度是指描述局部变量与整体变量之间相 关度的变量,表示人们在一定的空间内对整体空间结 构的预测程度,即通过对局部空间的相关认识,达到 对整体空间的感知程度。
空间句法中,可理解度可以用回归系数 R2 表示, 数值越低表示可理解性越差,反之则可理解性较高[2]。 其具体规范为:R 2 在 0~0.5 之间表示系统可理解度 较差,R2 在 0.5~0.7 之间表示系统可理解度较好,R2 在 0.7 以上表示系统可理解度强。
第11 章 深度图(Depth Map)
南京航空航天大学 自动化学院
立体成象的最一般情况:一个运动摄像机连续获取场 景图像,形成立体图像序列,或间隔一定距离的两个 摄像机同时获取场景图像,形成立体图像对。
南京航空航天大学 自动化学院
2. 立体匹配的基本方法
立体成象系统的一个不言而喻的假设是 能够找到立体图像对中的共轭对,即求解对 应问题.然而,对于实际的立体图像对,求 解对应问题极富有挑战性,可以说是立体视 觉最困难的一步.为了求解对应,人们已经 建立了许多约束来减少对应点搜索范围,并 最终确定正确的对应.
南京航空航天大学 自动化学院
考虑两幅图像 f1和 f2.设待匹配的候选特征点对的视差 为 (d x , d y ),则以特征点为中心的区域之间相似性测度可 由相关系数 r (d x , d y ) 定义为:
r (d x , d y )
( x , y )S
[ f1 ( x, y ) f1 ][ f 2 ( x d x , y d y ) f 2 ]
南京航空航天大学 自动化学院
• 在某一行上计算各边缘的位置.
• 通过比较边缘的方向和强度粗略地进行边缘匹 配.
• 通过在精细尺度上进行匹配,可以得到视差估
南京航空航天大学 自动化学院
• 在立体图像对中识别兴趣点(interesting point),而后使 用区域相关法来匹配两幅图像中相对应的点.
南京航空航天大学 自动化学院 5
BF z xr xl
提高精度的措施是增大基线距离。产生的问题: 随着基线距离的增加,两个摄象机的共同的可视 范围减小;场景点对应的视差值增大,则搜索对 应点的范围增大,出现多义性的机会就增大;由 于透视投影引起的变形导致两个摄象机获取的两 幅图像中不完全相同,这就给确定共轭对带来了 i, j 0 ) / 0
31.131Abstract Here we present Depthmap, a program designed to perform visibility graph analysis of spatial environments. The program allows a user to import a 2D layout in drawing exchange format (DXF), and to fill the open spaces of this layout with a grid of points. The user may then use the program to make a visibility graph representing the visible connections between those point locations. Once the graph has been constructed the user may perform various analyses of the graph, concentrating on those which have previously been found to be useful for spatial description and movement forecasting within the Space Syntax literature. Some measures which have not received so much mainstream attention have also been imple-mented. In addition to graph analysis, a few sundry tools are also enabled so that the user may make minor adjustments to the graph. Depthmap has been implemented for the Windows 95/98/NT and 2000 platforms.1 IntroductionThe application of visibility graph analysis (VGA) to building environments was first intro-duced by Braaksma and Cook (1980). Braaksma and Cook calculate the co-visibility of vari-ous units within an airport layout, and produce an adjaceny matrix to represent these relation-ships, placing a 1 in the matrix where two locations are mutually visible, and a 0 where they are not. From this matrix they propose a metric to compare the number of existing visibility relationships with the number which could possibly exist, in order to quantify how usefully a plan of an airport satisfies a goal of total mutual visibility of locations. This type of analysis was recently rediscovered by Turner et al. (Turner and Penn, 1999; Turner et al., 2001), through considering recent developments in Space Syntax of various isovist approaches (see Hanson,1998, for further background). They recast the adjaceny matrix as a visibility graph of loca-tions, where a graph edge connects vertices representing mutually visible locations. Turner et al. then use several graph metrics as a few representative measures which could be performed on such graphs. The metrics they apply are taken from a combination of techniques used in Space Syntax and those employed in the analysis of small-worlds networks by Watts and Strogatz (1998).Here we present a tool which enables a user to perform VGA on both building and urban environments, allowing the user to perform the kind of analysis proposed by Turner et al..We call this tool Depthmap . Depthmap first allows the user to import layouts in 2D DXF format and to fill the layout with a rectilinear grid of points. These points may then be used to construct a visibility graph, and we describe this procedure in section 2. After the graph hasDepthmap A program to perform visibility graph analysisAlasdair Turner University College London, UK Keywords:visibility graph,spatial analysis,software develop-ment Alasdair Turner Center for Advanced Spatial Analysis,Torrington Place Site, University College London,Gower Street,London WC1E 6BT ,UK alasdair .turner@31.2been constructed, Depthmap gives the user several options to perform analysis on the graph,which we describe in detail in section 3. The methods include those employed by Turner et al.,but also some, such as control (Hillier and Hanson, 1984) or point depth entropy (following a formula proposed by Hiller et al., 1987), which have not been previously applied to visibility graph analysis. We supply algorithmic and mathematical details of each measure, as well as samples of results, and short explanations of why we believe these may be of interest to other researchers. In section 4 we include a brief description of extra facilities included in Depthmap to adjust the edge connections in the visibility graph, and give guidance for their use in spatial analysis. Finally, we present a summary in section 5.2 Making a visibility graph from a DXF fileIn this section we describe how the user may get from a layout to a visibility graph using Depthmap. When the user first enters Depthmap, she or he may create a new graph file from the File menu. This graph file initially appears blank, and the first thing the user must do is to import a layout to be analysed. The import format used is AutoDesk s drawing exchangeformat (DXF), and only two dimensional layouts maybe imported. Once loaded, the user is shown the lay-out on the screen, and she or he may move it andzoom in and out as desired. Figure 1 shows the pro-gram at this stage. After the DXF file has been im-ported, the user is ready to add a set of locations to beused as a basis for the visibility graph.2.1 Making a grid of locations To make a set of locations, the user selects the Fill tool from the toolbar, and then clicks on a seed point in open space to make a grid of points, as shown in figure 2. When the user clicks for the first time, she or he is given the option of choosing a grid spacing,based on the units used in the original DXF, and may use for example, a 1m grid. The grid is filled from the seed point using a simple flood fill algorithm. Points may be deleted by selecting either individual points or ranges of points. Once the user is happy with the grid,she or he may then go on to make the visibility graph.The user is restricted to a rectilinear grid of points at present. We realise that this is a problem for anyone attempting a methodological investigation of VGA,rather than simply using it to analyse environments.This is due to using a grid assumption when we calculate point intervisibility, and unfortu-nately a constraint. However, various themes on the basic grid are still available, for example by using different resolutions or by rotating the DXF prior to import, or by only partiallyfilling grids.Figure 1: Theapplication as itappears after the DXFfile has beenimportedFigure 2: The userfills a section of openspace using the filltool31.32.2 Making the graphThe graph is made by Depthmap by selecting the Make Graph option from the Tools menu. The program attempts to find all the visible locations from each grid location in the layout one by one, and uses a simple point visibility test radiating from the current location to achieve this. As each location is considered, a vertex is added to the graph for this point,and the set of visible vertices is stored. Note that this is only one way that the visibility graph could be stored. It is actually more space efficient only to store the edges, but this would lead to slower algorithms later when analysing the graph. We can write a simplified form of the algorithm in pseudocode as follows. In the algorithm we use graph set notation: V(G) is the set of all locations or vertices that exist, and v i an individual location or vertex in the graph we are making. Each vertex v i will have a set of vertices connected to it, which will labelled the set V (G i ), otherwise known as the vertex s neighbourhood.The number of vertices in the neighbourhood is obviouslyeasily calculable, and Depthmap records these neighbourhoodsizes as it makes the graph. In graph theory, the neighbourhoodsize for a vertex is commonly written ki, and may be expressed as in equation 1..(1)where E(G) is the set of all edges (i.e., visibility connections) inthe graph. Note that the set E(G) is not actually stored byDepthmap, and so k i is actually calculated using the first formof this equation. Figure 3 shows a simple layout after the vis-ibility graph has been made using Depthmap. As the actual number of connections is huge for each vertex, only k i values are shown for each location rather than the mess of actual connections. Depthmap colours k i values using a spectral range from indigo for low values through blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, red to magenta for high values. The user may change the bounds for this range, or choose to use a greyscale instead, using a menu option from the View menu. Since this paper is reproduced in greyscale, all the figures shown have used the greyscale option, where black represents low values and white represents high values.Once the graph has been constructed, the user has various options, including graph analysis,which we describe in the next section, and modification of the graph, which we describe insection 4.Figure 3:Neighbourhood size calculated for a sample layout31.4 3 Measurement of the graph In this section we describe the graph measures available to a user of Depthmap. Analysis of the graph is split into two types: global measures (which are constructed using information from all the vertices in the graph) and local measures (which are constructed using informa-tion from the immediate neighbourhood of each vertex in the graph). The user may elect to perform either or both of these types of measure by selecting from the Tools menu. She or he is presented with a dialog box, as shown in figure 4. The radius box allows the user to restrict global measures to only include vertices up to n-edge steps from each vertex. When the user clicks OK, the program calculates the measures for the whole system. The key global measures are mean depth and point depth entropy, while the key local measures are clustering coefficient and control. Once the measures have been calculated, these and derived measures are given as options on the View menu, and may be exported as plain text for use in GIS and statistical packages from File menu. We now turn to a discussion of the algorithmic imple-mentation of each measure, and explore possibilities for their use within Space Syntax re-search.3.1 Clustering Coefficient Clustering coefficient, g i , is described in detail by Watts (1999) and has its origin in theanalysis of small-world networks. Turner et al. found it useful for the detection of junction points in environments. Clustering coefficient is defined as the proportion of vertices which are actually connected within the neighbourhood of the current vertex, compared to thenumber that could possibly be connected, as shown in equation 2.(2)where E(G i ) is the set of edges in the neighbourhood of v i and k i is the as previously calculated. This is implemented in Depthmap by the following algorithm for each vertex inthe graph*Figure 4: The optionsdialog box for graphanalysis * Again note that as the set of edges E(G i ) is not recorded, the information must be recovered from the vertices in the neighbourhood, V(G i )31.5Figure 5 shows the clustering coefficient calculated for a sample spatial configuration. As noted by Turner et al. junctions in the configuration are picked out. However, as they suggest,and looking at the figure, it actually seems to pick out better the changes in visual information as the system is navigated, so low clustering coefficients occur where a new area of the system may be discovered. Examining g i , seems a promising line of investigation when looking at how visual information varies within an environment - for example, as suggested by Conroy (2000) for finding pause points on journeys.3.2 ControlControl for a location, which we will labelci, is defined by Hillier and Hanson (1984), andis calculated by summing the reciprocals of theneighbourhood sizes adjoining the vertex, asshown in equation 3.(3)A simple algorithm can be used to calculate thisvalue as follows:It should be noted that in VGA many of theimmediately adjoining neighbourhoods willoverlap, so that perhaps a better definition ofVGA control would be the area of the currentneighbourhood with respect to the total areaof the immediately adjoining neighbourhood- that is, rather than use the sum the size of allthe adjoining neighbourhoods, use the size ofthe union of those adjoining neighbourhoodsas shown in equation 4. The results of applyingthis method are shown in figure 6, althoughDepthmap is also capable of calculating controlas defined by Hillier and Hanson.(4)Figure 5: Clusteringcoefficient calculatedfor a sample layoutFigure 6: Controlcalculated for asample layout31.63.3 Mean DepthThe mean path length L i from a vertex is the average number of edge steps to reach any other vertex in the graph using the shortest number of steps possible in each case. This sort of graph measure has a long history stretching back as far as Wiener (1947), and is pertinent to visibility graph analysis due to the parallels with the use of integration in space syntax theory (Hillier et al., 1993), showing how visually connected a vertex is to all other vertices in the system. We calculate L i by constructing the set of point depths, as follows. The algorithm we use is not the most time efficient, as shortest paths are recalculated for each vertex, rather than being stored in a cache. However, the memory constraints on current personal computers mean that storing all the shortest paths in the system would rapidly use up the available memory. Hence, the algorithm that follows works in O(n 2) time. It obtains point depths for all the vertices in the system from the current vertex, by adding ordered pairs of vertices and depths to the set P.An asterisk, such as in the set pair {v 1, *}, represents a wild card matching operation. For example, {v 1, *} matches any of {v 1,1}, {v 1, 2} or {v 1, 4}.Once the point depth set has been constructed, it is facile to calculate measures such as mean depth and integration. Figure 7 shows mean depth for our sample system. As has been shown, this measure would seem to be useful understanding movement of people within building environments, where it isdifficult to apply traditional Space Syntax methods such as axial analyses at high resolutions.However, in urban environments, since we are measuring numbers of turns from location to location, VGA integration quickly approximates to axial integration (albeit with each line weighted by the street area), and due to speed considerations, it may not be as beneficial to useVGA integration in these situations.Figure 7: Mean depthcalculated for asample layout31.73.4 Point Depth EntropyIn addition to calculating measures such as mean depth, the point depth set P i allows us to explore measures based on the frequency distribution of the depths. One such measure is the point depth entropy of a location, s i , which we can express using Shannon s formula of uncertainty, as shown in equation 5. Entropy occurs in many fields, including informatics,and is proposed for use in Space Syntax by Hiller et al. (1987).(5)where d max is the maximum depth from vertex v i and p d is the frequency of point depth *d*from the vertex. This is implemented algorithmically in Depthmap as follows:.Calculating point depth entropy can give an insight into how ordered the system is from a location. For example, if a doorway is connected to a main street then there is a marked disorder in the point depths from the point of view of the doorway: at depth 1 there are only a few locations visible from the doorway, then at depth 2 there are many locations from the street, and then order contained within further depths will depend on how the street is integrated within its environment. Figure 8 shows the point depth entropy as calculated by Depthmap. Other entropy-like measures are also calculated. The information from a point is calculated using the frequency with respect to the expected frequency of locations at each depth, as shown in equation 6. Obviously, what is meant by expected is debatable, but as the frequency is based on the probability of events occurring (that is, of the j graph splitting), it seems appropriate to use a Poisson distribution (see Turner, 2001, for a more detailed discussion), which has the advantage of depending only on a single variable, the mean depth of the j graph. The resulting formula is shown in equation 6 and is similar to that used by Hiller et al. for relativised entropy. So, why calculate the entropy or information from a point?The answer is threefold: firstly, it was found to be useful by Hiller et al.; secondly, it appeals intuitively to a tentative model of people occupation of a system, in that the entropy corre-sponds to how easy it is to traverse to a certain depth within the system (low disorder is easy,31.8high disorder is hard); and thirdly, it remedies the problem that VGA integration is heavily biased towards large open areas. In axial integration, because the system is dimensionless,large open areas do not unduly weight the values of the lines; that is, the large areas only weight the values by their increased connections, not through their area. By contrast, in VGA integration the measure approximates a mean of distance times area, as discussed in the previous section. Hence, by using a topological measure such as point depth entropy we eliminate the area dependence of the measure, and instead concentrate on the visual accessi-bility of a point from all other points.(6)4 Further tools available in Depthmap As well as allowing the user to make and analyse graphs, Depthmap includes the facility to modify the graph connections. We believe this will be useful when the user wishes to model something other than a two dimensional plan - for example, when modelling a building with more than one storey, or trying to include one way entrances or exit, escalators and so on. The method to modify connections in Depthmap is as follows. Once the graph has been made, the user first selects an area by dragging a select box across the desired portion of the graph, as she or he would in many computer applications. She or he may also select other areas by holding down the Shift key and then selecting again. The user then pins this selection, using a toolbar button. Now the user may select another area in the same way.Once these two areas have been selected, the user can alter the connections between them by selecting the Edit Connections dia-log box from the Edit menu. An example is shown in figure 9.The dialog box gives several options but essentially these reduce to set operations on the neighbourhoods of the selected points. The Add option simply adds the selected points in the other set to the neighbourhood, and is useful for turning points, for example a stairwell landing. The Merge option allows the user to union the neighbourhoods of the two selected sets, and is usefulfor adding seamless merges, for example, descending an incline. Finally the Remove option can be used to take away any connections from the selected set, and for example, might be useful to convert a two way entrance to a one way entrance.5 ConclusionIn this paper, we have presented a description of the Depthmap program, designed to perform visibility graph analysis (VGA). Depthmap can be used to analyse a layout to obtain various graph measures, including integration, which has been shown to correlate well with observed movement patterns when used with axial maps (see Hillier et al., 1993, for ex-ample), and also shown to correlate with movement patterns when used with VGA (see Turner and Penn, 1999). Although we have talked only about the overall application ofDepthmap to a system to make and analyse graphs, Depthmap also has many other features Figure 8: Point depthcalculated for asample layout31.9which a user would expect from a program, such as printing, summarising graph data and so on, which we have restricted to a user manual. What we do hope to have given here is a flavour of what is achievable with the program, an insight into how the graph is analysed,and our reasons for choosing the graph measures we have included.Finally, it is worth noting that Depthmap is designed to be a tool for Space Syntax researchers. This means that we have chosen DXF as the input medium, and that the pro-gram runs interactively, allowing the graph to be modified and the analysis to be reapplied. It also means that sometimes we have not used the fastest algorithm to achieve a task, but have instead designed the program to work with the memory available on most personal comput-ers today. On a 333 MHz machine running Windows 98, Depthmap takes around an hour to process a graph with 10 000 point locations, from start to finish, and the program has been tested on graphs with up to 30 000 point locations. We hope that the Space Syntax commu-nity will enjoy using our tool and we look forward to improving it with the input and insight of future researchers.References Braaksma, J P and Cook, W J, 1980, Human orientation in transportation terminals Transportation Engineering Journal 106(TE2) 189-203Conroy, R, 2000 Spatial Navigation in Immersive Vir-tual Environments PhD thesis, Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, UCL Hanson, J, 1998 Decoding Houses and Homes (Cam-bridge University Press, Cambridge, UK)Hiller, B, Hanson, J and Peponis, J, 1987, The syntactic analysis of settlements Architecture and Behaviour 3(3) 217-231Hillier, B and Hanson, J, 1984 The Social Logic of Space (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,UK)Hillier, B, Penn, A, Hanson, J, Grajewski, T and Xu, J, 1993, Natural movement: or configura-tion and attraction in urban pedestrian move-ment Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 20 29-66Turner, A, 2001, Angular analysis Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Space Syntax Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Geor-gia.Turner, A, Doxa, M, O Sullivan, D and Penn, A,2001, From isovists to visibility graphs: a methodology for the analysis of architectural space Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 28(1) Forthcoming Turner, A and Penn, A, 1999, Making isovists syntatic: Isovist integration analysis Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Space Syntax Vol. 3, Universidad de Brasil, Brasilia, Brazil Watts, D J, 1999 Small Worlds (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ)Watts, D J and Strogatz, S H, 1998, Collective dynamics of small-world networks Nature 393440-442Wiener, H, 1947, Structural determination of paraffin boiling points Journal of the American Chemistry Society 6917-20Figure 9: Editing connections。
3s技术在风景园林中的应用现状与发展趋势3S技术是指遥感(Remote Sensing)、地理信息系统(Geographic Information System)和全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)的综合应用。
目前,3S技术在风景园林中的应用主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 风景园林设计与规划:利用遥感数据和地理信息系统,可以获取空间数据,快速获取地形、土壤、水体等信息,并进行数字化建模和分析,从而辅助设计师进行风景园林的设计和规划。
2. 绿化监测与管理:借助3S技术,可以对植被覆盖状态进行实时监测和评估,包括植被种类、数量、分布等信息,帮助管理者更好地掌握绿化资源的动态变化情况,以及进行科学的绿化管理。
3. 景观生态评价:通过遥感影像、地理信息系统和全球定位系统,可以获取大量的环境数据,对风景园林景观进行生态评价,包括景观景色、生态状况等,帮助评估园林景观的生态效益。
4. 灾害监测与应急响应:利用3S技术,可以实时监测风景园林中的灾害情况,如火灾、洪水等,及时预警并采取相应的应急措施。
未来的发展趋势可能包括以下几点:1. 数据高精度化:随着遥感技术的进步,数据的精度将得到进一步提升,从而更精确地获取和分析风景园林的相关信息。
2. 集成应用:将不同的传感器和技术结合起来,形成一个综合的应用平台,实现对风景园林的全面监测和管理。
3. 智能化管理:通过人工智能和大数据分析等技术,实现对风景园林的智能化管理,包括景观设计、绿化监测和维护等方面。
4. 空间分析与决策支持:借助地理信息系统和遥感技术,进行空间分析和可视化呈现,为风景园林的规划和决策提供科学依据。
krpano depthmap 原理
krpano depthmap 原理
krpano depthmap(深度图)的原理是通过使用不同深度值来控制生成的3D场景中不同物体的显示顺序和遮挡关系,从而实
1. 首先,需要通过一些专业的3D建模软件,如Blender或Maya,创建一个包含深度信息的3D场景模型。
2. 将深度图导入到krpano引擎中,引擎会将图像解析为二维
3. 引擎根据深度图中的深度信息,将场景中的物体按照距离相机的远近关系重新排序,生成一个新的渲染顺序。
4. 当渲染3D场景时,引擎会根据深度图中的信息,进行透明
5. 最后,引擎会根据深度图和新的渲染顺序,将场景中的物体依次渲染到屏幕上,生成具有真实3D效果的图像。
总之,krpano depthmap的原理是通过深度图控制3D场景物体
江南大学 设计学院 由 申 朱 蓉
摘要:为了采集寄畅园路径空间的艺术特征。基于Java语言并采用Processing 开发环境搭建了实验性的园林信息标注平台,并根据景观设计原理实现了寄畅 园路径空间的数据建模,结合空间艺术理论对其路径空间进行了特征分析。在 实验反馈中,将艺术特征的可视图形作为样本的验证介质,通过样本比较,将 寄畅园的路径空间提炼为模板化的路径线形,以此线形可以扩展出具备类似空 间特征的景观空间设计。并依据空间艺术特征和线形模块的对应关系,提出了 基于数据储备的园林设计需求反馈方案。 关键词:空间艺术 空间数据模型 数字化设计来自中图分类号:TP311.1
Abstract:To collect artistic characteristics of the path space of Jichang garden. An experimental platform for annotation of garden information is established based on Java language and Processing development environment. Data modeling of path space of Jichang garden is realized according to the landscape design principle. With the combination of spatial art theory,characteristics analysis of its path space is carried out. From the experimental feedback,visual graphics of artistic characteristics are taken as the medium for verification of samples. Through comparison of samples, the path space of Jichang garden is extracted into the templated path line,with which a landscape space design with similar spatial characteristics can be extended out. According to the corresponding relationship between spatial art characteristics and linear modules,a feedback scheme on requirements of garden design based on data reserve is put forwarded. Keywords:Space Arts T-GIS Digital Design
Depthmap空间句法是由托马斯克莱因教授(Tomas Karlsson)于1997年发明的。
Depthmap空间句法建立在一个称为网络局部度(Network Local Depth)的概念之上。
场景中各点相对于摄象机的距离可以用深度图(Depth Map)来表示,即深度图中的每一个像素值表示场景中某一点与摄像机之间的距离。
isomap原理Isomap(Isometric Feature Mapping)是一种非线性降维算法,用于将高维数据映射到低维空间,在该空间中保持原始数据之间的等距关系。
2. 最短路径计算:接下来,使用最短路径算法(如Dijkstra算法)计算每对数据点之间的最短路径距离。
Before we begin: Download crucial Depthmap resources for the advanced user:
1. Topomet plug-in (usage described later in this presentation) 2. The Scripting manual 3. Join the Mailbase
Angular = the shortest path is the one that minimises the angle between you and your destination
Segment = the shortest path is the one that uses the least number of streets (actually the least number of “interjunction” stretches of street) to get to your destination
Getting Serious with Depthmap
Segment Analysis and Scripting
Alasdair Turner, January 2008
● Before we begin: some essential resources ● Segment analysis: analysis types and radii ● Angular segment analysis
Topological = the shortest path is the one that uses the fewest number of turns (note that topological is the analysis as axial, but with a finer resolution)
基于投影寻踪分类模型的暗管优化布局近年来,随着云计算、大数据分析等领域的快速发展,网络数据中心(Data Center)规模不断扩大,能耗问题成为制约其发展的重要因素之一。
基于投影寻踪分类模型的暗管优化布局方法与传统的暗管布局方法相比,具有以下优点:1. 网络数据中心的规模不断扩大,数据量的增加和复杂性的提高为优化带来了极大的挑战。
2. 传统的暗管布局方法需要经过多轮试验和调整,效率较低。
1.ETABS软件在异形柱结构分析中的应用 [J], 周玉生
2.ANSYS软件在机械结构分析中的应用 [J], 王亚利
3.PRO/E软件装配式建模在钢结构分析中的应用 [J], 匡文珑;张秀华
4.有限元软件ABAQUS在家具结构分析中的应用 [J], 张磊;钟世禄;裴文刚;张胜欢
5.当前通用结构分析软件在建筑结构分析中的应用 [J], 张锡治;刘文彬
【摘要】以地铁为中心的综合一体化换乘中心日渐普遍,地铁站换乘空间导向性是影响换乘高效程度的重要因素.Depthmap作为空间句法分析软件,对空间具有独特的分析视角.首先,介绍空间句法相关知识及北京地铁白石桥南站的运行现状;其次,利用空间句法软件depthmap建立模型,对平面中的流线组织、平面布局与节点设计采用空间句法参数分析,将难以用语言进行描述分析的地铁站换乘空间用空间句法的不同参数进行表达与评价;最后,以白石桥南站为例,基于空间句法软件depthmap 分析结果,针对发现的问题提出相邻空间的有机整体连接、采用大尺度融通空间、重要节点设计吸引人流等优化设计策略.
1.基于空间句法的地铁站换乘空间可达性初探——以北京西直门地铁2号线换乘空间为例 [J], 董玉香;李禧婧;刘刚
——以青岛市地铁站为例 [J], 安家成
3.基于BIM技术的地铁站域商业空间优化设计 [J], 甘露;唐修国
4.基于换乘优先的地铁车站换乘空间优化设计 [J], 周阳
5.基于IPA法的哈尔滨地铁站厅空间环境优化设计策略研究 [J], 陈泽隆;陈剑飞因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
这篇能不能听懂,就决定是否⼊门...所以,加油吧博客园/B站/知乎/CSDN @秋意正寒转载请在⽂头注明本⽂地址本篇讲空间句法的⼏个核⼼概念,有⼀些也是重要的分析结果(在DepthMapX中,作为某个分析图层的属性返回,具体见后⾯的博客,有介绍如何操作、导出结果)本系列⽬录:以下所有的属性,除了VGA,都是某⼀个轴线/线段/凸多边形的⼀个属性值,如整合度是1.34是对于某个轴线⽽⾔的。
1. 连通性(Conectivity属性)连通性代表这个元素与⼏个元素相连接。
2. 拓扑深度(Topological Depth属性)——描述深度拓扑深度在概念上⽐较拗⼝,个⼈总结为:。
⽐如,你家有地下五层,第五层还有⼀个秘密隧道,隧道尽头有个秘密房间,⾥⾯放满了很多箱⼦,你的满⽉照⽚就放在最⾥头的⼀个箱⼦⾥⾯的⼀本字典中的某⼀页夹层——这个“深度”够不够真实?总之,拓扑深度(有时⼜叫全局拓扑深度,简写 Total Depth即TD)是⼀个负向指标,,说明这个元素。
3. 整合度(Integration属性)——描述通达能⼒整合度是根据上⾯拓扑深度TD值经过⼀系列标准化计算后,得到的⼀个正向指标。
4. 选择度(Choice属性)——描述路过的概率选择度是⼀个正向指标,它代表的含义是当前元素的“被路过”的可能性,也就是穿越能⼒。
1.城市规划区河流廊道水陆交错带整体规划研究——以成都市非建设用地规划为例[J], 汤西子;
2.城市规划区河流廊道水陆交错带整体规划研究——以成都市非建设用地规划为例[J], 汤西子
3.基于GIS和RS技术的城市河流廊道对景观格局的影响 [J], 张健;申浩
4.基于Depthmap的校园绿地空间可达性影响因素研究——以南华大学红湘校区为例 [J], 李绅; 廖建军
5.基于生境特征的生态廊道与城市发展共生探索——以成都市东部区域陆域生态廊道构建为例 [J], 游添茸;吴桐嘉;李翠;高菲;王玲
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2018年第11期现代园艺Depthmap 在寄畅园空间分析中的应用崔婷婷(江西农业大学,江西南昌330045)寄畅园是江南著名的私家园林,也是重要的山麓别墅园林。
本文以寄畅园为例,利用Depthmap 软件建立模型,对空间的可行和可视2个层面分别进行连接度、整合度的空间结构分析,并进一步对它的空间特征、向心性和欲扬先抑3个方面做了定性与定量相结合的分析。
风景园林;Depthmap ;寄畅园;连接度;整合度余脉[3]。
1Depthmap 理论概述Depthmap 作为空间句法的专用分析软件,在空间结构分析领域中有重要作用,主要通过对空间结构中连接度、整合度等指标的具体分析,直观地判断空间不同层面之间的关系。
园内清幽旷古,质朴自然,以水面为中心,西、北为假山接惠山2.1乡村旅游的SWOT 分析乡村旅游的优势:城市居民客源充足;旅游资源丰富,特色鲜明。
(收稿:2018-08-22)[1]张述林,李源,刘佳瑜,等.乡村旅游发展规划研究:理论与实践[M].北京:科学出版社,2014,11.[2]杨阿莉,叶洋洋.“美丽中国”愿景下绿道旅游发展的使命与战略[J].旅游学刊,2016(10):9-11.[3]陈永生,李莹莹.基于旅游功能导向的绿道资源评价指标体系构建及应用[J].中国农业大学学报,2014,19(6):265-271.[4]郭焕成,韩非.中国乡村旅游发展综述[J].地理科学进展,2010(12):44-45.[5]谢花林著.区域生态用地的演变机制与调控研究[M].北京:中国环境科学出版社,2011,10145〇现代园艺2018年第11期2.3研究方法利用Depthmap软件对寄畅园从可视、可行2个层面进行VGA(Visibility Graph Analysis)分析,以连接度、整合度等指标来分析该园的空间结构。
(收稿:2018-06-19)[1]段进.空间句法与城市规划[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2007.[2]郭佳希.Depth map软件在网师园空间分析中的应用[J].中国园林,2014,30(08):120-124.[3]周维权.中国古典园林史[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2008.[4]潘谷西.江南理景艺术[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2001.[5]林辉,肖旋.拙政园空间结构的演变与空间句法分析[J].园林,2012(1):60-63.崔婷婷(1993-),女,汉族,山西晋中人,硕士研究生。
项目可行层连接度可视层平均值1884.80231.71最大值3763.00775.00最小值 3.00 2.00整合度平均值11.90 1.51最大值21.40 2.00最小值 2.200.45整合度均高于可行层,说明园林空间在可视层上是连续的,而假山、水面、植物等的介入使得园林可行层连接度和整合度降低,却增加了园林空间移步异景的效果,丰富了视觉变化和游览体验的乐趣,营造了意境。