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On Transformation of China’s TV Media in Omn i-media EraNing YAN1, *, Ke SU 2Keywords: Omni-media, Media convergence, Industry transformation.Abstract. The advert of omni-media era poses unprecedented challenges to traditional TV media. Transformation and integration become imperative for its susta inable development. The paper tries to discuss successful transformation of TV media in terms of thinking pattern change, program editing system, and Human Resource Integration: how to enhance internet awareness and reconstruct media-user relationship; how to establish the editing system of "one source, multiple channels, various forms", and how to update human resource structure, management system and integration mechanism. IntroductionOmni-media is the integral combination of communication technology and media product services. The interactive and individualized features of omni-media transmission are changing TV audience's role as passive recipients. TV media is entering the "internet +" age, in which "+" can be followed by any conventional media. So what can "internet + TV media" bring us? How do we redefine TV media and its relationship with the audience? These are questions facing current China's TV media transformation, to which we are trying to find the answers.Enhance Internet Awareness and Reconstruct Media-user Relationship Relationship between TV media and its audience is bearing the brunt of omni-media impact. Independence and options granted by internet-era new media are transforming the TV - audience relationship to a TV - users one. The entirety of the media, market, production, consumption and transmission, evolve around users. New media regards users' information as valuable resources. It collects information about users' reading habits and life styles before analyzing their needs and improving user-friendliness. Understanding of users' basic needs guarantees shared values, brand resonance and better individualized products.In the further reform of China's TV media, a significant standard of its successful transformation is the capability of self-renewal, which centers on user experience. Aware of the significance of integration with internet new media, some TV media enterprises have opened their own websites and micro-blogs. However, absence of "user-centric, open and sharing" concepts combined with lack of market, user and services awareness account for failure of the transformation to achieve fruitful results.How to center media convergence around users? First, we must adopt a new thinking mode: to make plans and carry them out, with internet in mind. New media is about equal communication and interactive transmission. Users are no longer the passive recipients of TV programs they used to be. Importance should be attached to user experience, so that various individual needs for information can be fulfilled. An analogy of cooking and dining may help here. The public used to consume whatever the TV media served, Now the TV media has to prepare what the public orders. It even has to anticipate their appetite and favorites to prepare in advance. For example, the personal list of news topics can be based on each individual user's reading habits. To expand its influence, TV media has to tap into and make the best of users' internet habits.Establish the Editing System of " One Source, Multiple Channels, Various Forms" With new technology, conventional TV media and new medias (internet and smart-phones are equipped to go out of their ways to engage in close interaction and cooperation with each other. Further integration of them and upgrade in management system maximize social influence and social profits. At present, flaws in TV media system are detrimental to its transformation. To promote integrated development of TV media and new medias, we have to observe their respective rules. Various routes lead to the same destination: convergence or omni-media: one source processed and conveyed with multiple medias.The concept of omni-media has emerged after notions of new media, trans-media and multi-media. In a narrow sense, omni-media is the integration of conventional media with information-age media using new technology to upgrade their production, channels, transmission, marketing and management. In a broad sense, it is integrated utilization of media forms in brand-new ways of information production and transmission.Instead of partial and biased dependence on any single one of them, omni-media is the balanced and harmonious integration of content, channels, technology, management and production. To that end, editing process needs to be reconstructed and updated to establish a unified collecting and editing multimedia platform and to achieve the objective of "one source, multiple channels, various forms". Many TV media enterprises are making addition by setting up relevant new media departments. Compared with transformation, making addition is more convenient and involves less risk, for it does not change the status quo and vested interests, while increasing employment. However, simply adding an apartment does not give substantial boost to the convergence or coordination among different medias. We should go beyond the experimental phase of addition and go for transformation to real convergence by establishing omni-mediaplatforms.Omni-media presentations of the same information source can be various and vivid. For instance, a 5-minute video clip "How are Leads Made" went viral online, which presented in the form of cartoon how a politician in China climbs up the ladder to become a leader. Its success proves how the comprehensive application of scripts, pictures, graphs, cartoons, videos and audios can fulfill varied user experience with its dynamic and multidimensional demonstration.In light of Omni-Media Concept, update Human Resource Structure, Management System and Integration MechanismAnother breakthrough point in pushing TV media convergence is reform of talent system. Talent is a catalyst to accelerate media convergence and serves as a bridge between theory and technology. All relevant personnel are integrated into one department on the omni-media digital platform, so that the barriers between newspapers, radio, television and internet are broken by the convergence on human resource level. To adjust to the transformation, TV media needs all-around media talents, who are knowledgeable in arts, science, economy, finance, and management, as well as skillful in technology.An army of specialized and versatile talents not just helps media convergence, but effectively reduces the cost. Converting the same source into products for different medias saves a huge amount of labor, resources and funds, thus big profits gained. According to American psychologist Frederick Irving Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene theory, motivational factors can be responsible for increasing motivation. These factors could involve job recognition, potential for promotion or even the work in itself. On the other hand, lack of hygiene factors can lower motivation. These factors could be anything from clean toilets and comfortable chairs, to a reasonable level of pay and job security. To build a competent omni-media team integrating journalists, screenwriters and directors, we have to supplement training with new recruitment, try to motivate and guarantee talents' development, and create favorable environment for them to give full play to their potentials.Establishment of medical care system is a reflection of humanized management to extend the enterprise's concern from its personnel's performance in work to their mental and psychological well-being. Harmonious environment in media enterprises help tap into their most precious resources—talents.References[1] Hu Yong, Fan Haiyan, Internet: the King Who Rules, Hainan Publishing House, Haikou,1997.[2] Mark Levy, Journalism and Communication: Towards Cyberspace Era, Journalism&Communication, No. 1 (1997).[3] Wilbur Schramm, William E. Porter, (translated by Li Qi), Men, Women, Messages,and Media: Understanding Human Communication, Xin Hua Press, Beijin, 1984.[4] Cheng Zhongliang, Change of Journalist Profession in Omni-media Era, Youth Journalist, No. 18 (2010).全媒体时代中国电视媒体的转型Ning YAN1, *, Ke SU 2关键词:全媒体,媒体融合,产业转型摘要:全媒体时代背景下的广告业对传统电视媒体提出了前所未有的挑战。



产业结构和经济稳定外文翻译本科毕业论文外文翻译外文题目: Industrial structure and economic stability出处: Applied economic letters作者: Sherrill Shaffer原文:Motivated by prior results predicting contrasting linkages between industrial structure and economic stability, we present exploratory empirical evidence on this important issue. Consistent with the turnover hypothesis, we find that employment grew more steadily where business establishments in all sectors were larger, suggesting an offsetting benefit to the first-moment costs of establishment size identified by previous research. Consistent with the job-matching hypothesis, we find that employment grew more steadily where more establishments per capita operated in all sectors. Similar but less consistent results were also found regarding the stability of income growth.Introduction and BackgroundThe fundamental importance of economic performance has spawned an extensive literature on the empirical determinants of economic growth see Rajan and Zingales, 1998; Levine et al., 2000 for prominent examples. One recent discovery is that communities or local regions tend to experience more rapid growth of income or employment where businesses are smaller Shaffer, 2002, 2006a, b. A separate strand of research, meanwhile, has demonstrated the importance of studying the volatility of growth rates rather than merely their means Ramey and Ramey, 1995; Kurz, 2004; Ismihan, 2005; Bekaert et al., 2006. It is relevant in this regard that several studies Davis and Haltiwanger, 1992; Rob, 1995; Davis et al., 1996 have found that jobs at smaller firms tend to be less permanent than at larger firms; while Ilmakunnas et al. 2005 have suggested that such turnover may actually be one reason for faster productivity growth, an unexplored implication is that the volatility of employment and income may be higher where businesses are smaller the ‘turnover hypothesis’.Conversely, heterogeneity among decision-makers due to human fallibility can result in greater variability of economic performance in more centralized decision processes Sah, 1991; Sah and Stiglitz, 1991; Almeida and Ferreira, 2002, possibly suggesting that a local economy may exhibit greater stability where the average firms are smaller or more numerous. A similar outcome is predicted to the extent that a centralized decision processes are less successful at managing conflict and bdistributional conflicts impair efficient adjustments to exogenous shocks Rodrik, 1999; Almeida and Ferreira, 2002.In view of these contrasting considerations, an important empirical question is whether establishment size and other measures of industrial structure may be systematically associated with second moment measures of economic performance.This article accordingly presents preliminary evidence of linkages between selected measures of industrial structure and the volatility of local income and employment growth rates. We use three measures of industrial structure, each distinguished by broad sector. As in Shaffer 2002, we measure average establishment size by number of employees and, alternatively, by dollars of value added, shipments or receipts. We also look at establishments per capita, motivated by two opposing considerations. Finding a new job should be easier in a market with more employers in a given sector, leading to more stable levels or growth rates of income and employment the ‘job-matching hypothesis’. But, ceteris paribus, smaller firms will tend to permit the coexistence of larger numbers of firms, in which case the documented employment turnover at smaller firms discussed above will tend to offset the stabilizing benefit of more numerous firms. Each of our measures of industrial structure is compiled separately for the manufacturing, wholesale, retail and service sectors.We relate these measures of structure to two second-moment measures of economic performance, the SD of annual real per capita income growth rates and the SD of the annual growth rate of total establishment employment. The results contribute to two separate strands of the literature, on empirical covariates with growth volatility and on macroeconomic effects of establishment size and other measures of industrial structure. We find for all sectors that larger establishments and more establishments per capita are associated with more stable employment growth rates, consistent with the turnover and job-matching hypotheses. The same linkages are found for some but not all of the sectors with regard to the volatility of growth rates in real per capita income.The next section introduces the empirical model and the sample. Section III presents the results, while Section IV concludes.The Model and SampleWe embed our key variables in a standard linear empirical growth equation,1Where Y is a measure of economic performance as discussed above, is an estimated intercept term, s is a measure of industrial structure as discussed above, x is a vector of control variables discussedbelow,andare estimated coefficients and is a stochastic error term. As in Bekaert et al. 2006, our SDs of economic growth rates are measured over a 5-year period. As in prior studies of economic growth, the control vector includes the natural logarithm of population, the density of population per square mile of land area, a measure of education and initial median household income.Population is a measure of market size as in Cetorelli and Gambera 2001. It is also similar to the total labor force variable used in O’huallachain and Satterthwaite 1992 a nd can be interpreted as measuring urbanization economies. If job-matching occurs more quickly or efficiently in more populous areas, then the estimated coefficient on this variable should be negative another implication of the job-matching hypothesis introduced above.Population density has been found significantly related to several first-moment measures of economic performance, possibly due to scale effects or to superior matching between firms and workers in denser markets Ciccone and Hall, 1996; Andersson et al., 2004; Carlino et al., 2007; Strumsky et al., 2005. If these benefits influence economic stability, as one might expect, then the estimated coefficient on population density should be negative in our model.Education is measured as the percentage of population aged 25 and over who have completed high school, and reflects the accumulated levelof human capital. It is similar to measures used in previous studies of economic growth such as Rajan and Zingales 1998, Levine et al. 2000 and Cetorelli and Gambera 2001, with theoretical linkages to average growth rates explored by Teles 2005.A related measure of education has been used in at least one study of growth volatility Bekaert et al., 2006. In addition, education was found to be positively associated with sectoral employment growth in US metropolitan areas by O huallachain and Satterthwaite 1992. If education contributes to economic stability as well, its estimated coefficient in our regressions should be negative.Initial median household income can reflect a convergence effect in first-moment measures of economic performance, as noted by Barro and Sala-i-Martin 1992. The same logic would not apply to second-moment measures of economic performance, rendering the sign and significance of the estimated coefficient on this variable an open empirical question. However, a similar variable initial per capita GDP has been used in at least one prior study of growth volatility Bekaert et al., 2006.Table 1 summarizes the data. Our sample comprises more than 2000 US nonmetropolitan counties, measuring economic performance during 1991?1995 and structure measures as of 1987. Metropolitan areas are excluded because their borders are generally not coterminous with individual counties, confounding measurement problems for variablesdrawn from county-level data. Though not reported in the table, the pairwise correlation coefficients between average establishment size and establishments per capita ranged between -0.21 and 0.18, and were just -0.07 in the wholesale sector and 0.07 in the manufacturing sector. These small and highly variable correlations indicate that the two categories of structure variables reflect statistically separate dimensions of industrial structure in our sample.The selection of performance data as of several years following the structure data helps to reduce the likelihood of reverse causality although, common to all empirical growth studies, causality cannot be definitively established. This lag structure also minimizes the potential for endogeneity bias, as the regressors are predetermined.ResultsTable 2 reports the regression estimates for the SD of real per capita income growth rates, while Table 3 reports estimates for the SD of employment growth rates. As industrial structure is measured in three ways for each of four sectors, each table reports 12 regressions. Due to missing or zero establishment data for a few counties in each sector, the various regressions utilize slightly differing numbers of observations, as reported in the tables. The significance levels are computed from SEscorrected for heteroscedasticity.In Table 2, the various structure measures are statistically significant in eight of the 12 regressions. Per capita income is found to grow more steadily where manufacturing, retail and wholesale establishments employ more workers, or where wholesale establishments are larger as measured by value of annual shipments. These findings are consistent with the turnover hypothesis discussed above.Conversely, steadier growth is seen where wholesale establishments employ fewer workers or in counties with fewer wholesale establishments per capita or more manufacturing establishments per capita. The contrasting estimates for the wholesale sector may reflect nonlinearities in the underlying relationships, an issue beyond the scope of this study. These findings indicate that industrial structure is systematically related to the volatility of income growth rates, in ways that are largely consistent but that do vary somewhat across major sectors.The fit of the equations in Table 2 is modest, with adjusted R2 ranging from 0.3 to nearly 0.5. The control variables are mostly significant at the 0.01 level. Initial median household income is never significant, in contrast to the significance of initial per capita GDP found in several cross-country regressions on consumption growth volatility by Bekaert et al. 2006. Income is found to grow more steadilyin more populous counties. Population density and education are found to contribute to higher volatility of per capita income growth rates, though education loses its significance when controlling for wholesale establishments per capita. The sign of the education variable contrasts with that found in cross-country specifications by Bekaert et al.2006.In Table 3, the various structure measures are again statistically significant in eight of the 12 regressions. Employment is seen to grow more steadily where there are more establishments per capita in any of the four sectors, consistent with the job-matching hypothesis. In addition, steadier employment growth occurred where wholesale or service establishments employ more workers, or where retail or service establishments have a larger average dollar volume of business, consistent with the turnover hypothesis. These latter findings indicate that the benefits of job longevity at larger firms more than offset the volatility theoretically predicted by more centralized decision-making, as discussed above.The fit of these equations is less tight than in Table 2, with adjusted R2 around 0.1. Population density is never significant but the other control variables are consistently significant. Employment grows more steadily in more populous counties, where education is higher, or where initial median household income is lower. The population result is consistent with the job-matching hypothesis discussed above, and theeducation and initial income results match those found in cross-country regressions for consumption growth volatility by Bekaert et al. 2006. As in Table 2, education loses its significance when controlling for wholesale establishments per capita.ConclusionMotivated by prior results suggesting contrasting and important predictions relating industrial structure to economic stability, we have explored empirical linkages between multiple sector-specific structure measures and the volatility of subsequent growth rates in real per capita income and employment. Significant associations were found in two-thirds of the specifications, controlling for a standard set of environmental variables. Overall, the turnover hypothesis was found to dominate the contrasting predictions of inefficient centralized decision-making, as employment and income both tended to grow more steadily where establishments were larger. These findings suggest an offsetting benefit to the first-moment costs of establishment size identified by Shaffer 2002, 2006a, b.The job-matching hypothesis is consistent with steadier growth where more establishments per capita operate, as found for all sectors in the employment regressions and for the manufacturing sector in theincome regressions. Contrasting results were found in the income regressions for wholesale establishments measured by employment size and for wholesale establishments per capita Although our multi-year lag structure reduces the likelihood of reverse causality between industrial structure and growth volatility, causality cannot be definitively established, a shortcoming common to all empirical growth studies. Consequently, policy inferences should be drawn with caution, pending additional research on the precise mechanisms underlying the observed patterns.译文:产业结构和经济稳定谢里尔谢弗经济及金融系电子邮箱:shaffer@通过预测产业结构和经济稳定之间的联系,在事先对比结果的启发下,我们提出探索这一重要问题的证据。






关键词:国际产业转移跨国公司产业结构升级跨国经营Abstract:So far structural problem has become a serious obstacle to the economic development of China. It is of great urgency to adjust the industrial structure and promote the industry upgrading. With the rapid development of scientific and technical revolution guided by information technology, it is now an irresistible tendency of world economy that the international industrial structure is bEing upgraded, adjusted and transferred. According to the upgrading theory of industrial structure, in order to promote the adjustment and upgrading of its industrial structure, and improve its international competitiveness, China should sEIze this good opportunity, make full use of foreign investment and develop transnational management.Key words:international industry transfer Multinational Corporation industrial structure upgrading transnational Management国际产业转移,主要指发达国家或地区通过国际贸易和国际投资等多种方式,将产业(主要是制造业或劳动密集型产业)转移到次发达国家或地区以及发展中国家或地区,带动移人国产业结构的调整和优化升级。



新闻专业考研英语词汇传播学考研英文常见词汇传播Communication 内向/自我传播Intrapersonal Communication 人际传播 Interpersonal Communication 群体传播Group Communication组织传播Organization Communication 大众传播Mass Communication单向传播One-Sided Communication 双向传播Two-Sided Communication互动传播 Interactive Communication 媒介 Media大众传播媒介 Mass Media 新媒介 New Media新闻洞 News Hold 新闻价值 News Value传播者 Communicator 主动传播者 Active Communicator受传者/受众/阅听大众 Audience 受众兴趣 Audience Interest受众行为 Audience Activity 信息 Information信号 Signal 讯息 Message信息熵 Entropy 冗余/冗余信息 Redundancy传播单位 Communication Unit 奥斯古德模式 Osgood Model 编码 Encode 解码 Decode信源Source 传播的数学理论Mathematical Theory of Communication 传播渠道Communication Channel 有效传播Effective Communication传播效果communication Effects 知识沟 Knowledge-Gap使用与满足模式 Uses and Gratifications Model使用与依从模式Uses and Dependencys Model 口传系统System of Oral Communication 地球村 Global Village内爆 Implosion 全球化 Globalization本土化 Localization 电子空间 Cyber Space数字化 Digitalization 文化帝国主义 Culture Imperialism跨文化传播 Intercultural Communication 守门人 Gatekeeper 新闻采集者 News Gatherers 新闻加工者 News Processors模式 Model 有线效果模式 Limited Effects Model适度效果模式 Moderate Effects Model 强大效果模式 Powerful Effects Model子弹论 Bullet Theory 两级传播模式 Two-Step Flow Model多级传播模式 Multi-Step Flow Model 沉默的螺旋模式 Spiral of Silence Model劝服传播Persuasive Communication 议程设置模式the Agenda-Setting Model时滞 Time Lag 最合适效果跨度 Optimal Effects Pan时间跨度 Time Span 公众舆论 Public Opinion选择性接触 Selective Exposure 选择性注意 Selective Attention 选择性理解Selective Perception 选择性记忆Selective Retention可信性提示 Credibility Heuristic 喜爱提示 Liking Heuristic共识提示Consensus Heuristic 市场驱动新闻学the Market-Driven Journalism 意识形态 Ideology 霸权 Hegemony 权力话语 Power Discourse 视觉文本 Visual Text文本 Text 超级文本 Hypertext结构主义 Constructionism 解构主义 Deconstructionism文化工业 Culture Industry 大众文化 Mass Culture文化研究 Cultural Studies 批判学派/批判理论 Critical Theory 法兰克福学派 Frankfurt School 女权主义/女性主义 Feminism 符号学 Semiotics/Semiology 符号 Sign能指与所指 Signified/Signifier 非语言符号 Nonverbal Sign非语言传播 Nonverbal Communication 意指 Signification话语理论 Theories of Discourse 文化期待 Culture Expectations 文化批判 Culture Criticizing 范式 Paradigm叙事范式 Narrative Paradigm 强语境 High Context弱语境 Low Context 功能理论 Functionalism话语分析 Discourse Analysis 传播的商品形式 the Commodity Forms of Communication 受众商品 Audience Commodity 商品化Commodification空间化 Spatialization 结构化 Structuration媒介集中化 Media Conglomeration 传媒产业 Media Industry 注意力经济 Attention Economy 媒介竞争 Media Competition 受众分割 Audience Segmentation 媒介资本 Media Capital传播政治经济学 Political Economy of Communication传播研究 Communication Research 抽样 Sampling调查研究方法 Survey Research 内容分析法 Content Analysis 实验分析法Experimental Research 定性研究法Qualitative Research Methods个案研究法 Case Study 效度与信度 Validity/Reliability变量 V ariables 实地观察法 Field Observation虚拟社群 Virtual Community 扩散研究 Diffusion Research媒介事件 Media Events 民族志 Ethnography传播生态 Ecology of Communication 真实/虚构 Reality/Fiction 拟态环境 Pseudo-Environment 刻板成见 Stereotyping晕轮效应 Halo Effects 二元价值评判 Two-Valued Evaluation公共关系 Public Relation 阐释理论 Interpretive Theory大众传媒 mass media 传播者 communicator传播 communication 传播模式 models of communication受众 audience 受众逆反心理audience’s reversal psychology 意见领袖 leader of opinion 社会守望 social observation 魔弹论 bullet theory 报刊的四种理论 theory of four presses社会责任理论social resposibility theory 大众传播mass communication传播学 theory of communication 讯息 message拉斯韦尔模式 Lasswell model 劝服 persuation把关人 gatekeeper 人际传播 interpersonal communication组织传播organizational communication 小群体传播small group communication从众 conformity 传播的功能 functions of communication卫星传播satellite propagation 世界电视网global television network广播电视学study of broadcasting and television 绝对收视率absolute rate of reception相对收视率 relative rate of reception 有线电视 cable television 传播心理学 propaganda psychologyIII. 批判学派10.非语言符号/非语言传播nonverbal sign/ nonverbal communication11.所指与能指signified/ signifier12.意指 siginification13.隐喻与换喻/转喻 metaphor14.元语言metalanguage15.话语 discourse 批评理论critical theory16.话语理论discourse theory17.文化期待 culture expectations18.范式 paradigm19.叙事范式narrative paradigm20.叙事 narrative21.强语境与弱语境high context/ low context22.跨文化传播 intercultural communication23.功能理论functionalism24.话语分析 discourse analysisIV. 传媒产业1.市场驱动的报纸 market-driven newspaper2.传播的商品形式 commodity form of communication3.受众商品 audience commodity4.媒介集中化 media conglomeration5.内在的商品化internal commodity6.传媒产业 media industry7.受众分割 audience segmentation8.注意力经济attention economy9.媒介竞争 competition of media10.媒介资本 media capital11.媒介战略管理 media strategic management12.媒介集团 media conglomeracy13.传播政治经济学 political economy of communicationV. 传媒研究与方法1.传播研究 communication research2.抽样 sampling3.调查研究法 survey research4.内容分析法 content analysis5.实验研究法 experiment research6.效度与信度 validity/ reliability7.定性研究法 qualitative research 8.变量 variables9.实地观察法field observation 10.个案研究法 case study11.新媒介 new media 12.数字化 digitalization13.互联网internet 14.虚拟社群virtual community 博客 blog 15.扩散研究 diffusion study 16.短信 short message17.数字语言 digital language 18.超文本 hypertext19.媒介事件 media event 20.媒介仪式 media ritual21.传播生态 ecology of communication22.对真实的社会建构social construction of reality 23.真实/虚构reality / fiction24.拟态环境 pseudo-environment 25.刻板成见stereotyping26.二元价值观评判two-valued uation 27.媒介非中心化decenter the media 28.信息社会information society 29.媒介功能media function30.公共关系public relation 31.阐释理论 interpretive theory VI.人物1.哈罗德?D?拉斯韦尔Harold Dwight Lasswell2.保罗?F?拉扎斯菲尔德 Paul F Lazasfeld3.卡尔?I?霍夫兰 Carl Iver Hovland4.库尔特?卢因 Kurt Lewin5.韦尔伯?L?施拉姆 Wilbur Lang Schramm6.马歇尔?麦克卢汉 Marshall Mcluhan新闻学I. 著名英文报刊选摘一、美国报纸1、The New York Times 纽约时报2、The Washington Post 华盛顿邮报3、Los Angles Times 洛杉矶时报4、USA T oday 今日美国5、The Wall Street Journal 华尔街日报6 The Christian Science Monitor 基督教科学箴言报7、International Herald Tribute 国际先驱论坛报二、美国期刊1.Time 时代2.Newsweek 新闻周刊3.U.S. News and World Report 美国新闻及世界报道4.Reader’s Digest 读者文摘5.Fortune 财富6.Far Eastern Economic Review 远东经济评论三、英国报刊1.The Times 泰晤士报2.Financial Times 金融时报3.The Guardian 卫报4.The Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报5.The Economist 经济学家6.The Spectator 观察家7.New Stateman 新政治家四、其它1、Japan Times 日本时报2、South China Morning Post (HK ) 南华早报(香港)3、China Post (TW) 中国邮报(台湾)4、China Daily (PRC)中国日报(大陆)II. 报纸版面各部分名称 1.报耳(ear)2.报头(flag/masterhead/nameplate)3.标题(headline)4.版口(head margin)5.当日新闻提要(index)6.插图(cut)7.图片说明(cutline)8.标题之一行(deck)9.署名(by-line)10.新闻导言(lead)11.引题(kicker)12.头版(frontpage)III 报纸常见栏目名称一、常见新闻栏目1.City / Local / City Edition/ City Page/ Region 城市2.National/ Around The Nation/ Domestic/ Home News 国内新闻3.International / Global 国际新闻4.Brief / In Brief / Briefing / Bulletin 摘要5.Recap 简明新闻6.Pony Report 每日新闻摘要7.Newsline 新闻经纬8.Events And Trends 事件 / 动向9.Exclusive 独家报道10.Expose 新闻曝光11.Issue In The News/ Focus/ Hot News 新闻热点12.Update / Latest News 最新报道13.Feature / News Features / General Features 特写可囊括除新闻以外的一切报道)/doc/e910778414.html,mentary / Editorial / Opinion / Column / Letters To The Editors 评论15.Advertisement: Display Advertising / Classified Advertising--- (Jobs/Auto/Real E state/ For Sale/ Help Wanted) 广告二、常见其他栏目名称1.agony column 答读者问专栏2.anecdote 趣闻轶事3.candid camera 抓拍镜头4.caricature漫画、讽刺画5.cartoon漫画6.chitchat column 闲话栏/doc/e910778414.html,ic strip 连环漫画8.continued story 连载故事9.correspondence column 读者来信栏 10.critique 评论11.crossword 猜字游戏/纵横填字字谜 12.digest 文摘13.document 文件摘要14.editor’s note 编者按15.essay杂文、随笔、小品文16.going out guide 旅游指南17.gossip 社会新闻 18.how-to-stories 常识指导19.interview 访谈录 20.leader社论21.light literature 通俗文学 22.mini-torial 短评23.note 随笔 24.notice 启事25.obit 讣告 26.pegging 新闻背景27.personal / personal column 私人广告/ 人事要闻 28.profile 人物专访29.readers’ forum 读者论坛30.review 评论31.round-up综合报道/综述32.running story/ serials 连载故事 33.shirttail 社论栏/ 附注34.side story / sidebar / sidelight 花絮新闻/趣闻35.situations vacant / situations wanted 招聘广告36.sponsored section特约专版37.squib小品文/随笔38.strip cartoon / strip 连环漫画/连环画 39.Supplement 增刊40.Think piece 时事短评 41.Titbit 花絮42.Travelogue/ travels游记43.What’s on 影视指南44.Wise saying 至理名言IV. 常见报纸类型1.daily 日报2.morning edition 晨报3.evening edition 晚报4.quality paper 高级报纸5.popular paper 大众报纸6.evening paper 晚报/doc/e910778414.html,ernment organ 官报8.part organ 党报9.trade paper 商界报纸10.Chinese paper 中文报纸11.English newspaper 英文报纸 12.vernacular paper 本国文报纸13.political news 政治报纸 14.Newspaper Week 新闻周刊V. 各类记者名称accredited journalist n. 特派记者 publisher 发行人proprieter 社长bureau chief, copy chief 总编辑editor-in-chief 总主笔 editor 编辑, 主笔newsman, newspaperman, journalist 新闻记者cub reporter 初任记者 reporter 采访记者war correspondent, campaign badge 随军记者 columnist 专栏记者star reporter 一流通讯员 correspondent 通讯员special correspondent 特派员contributor 投稿家VI 其他bulldog edition 晨版 article 记事banner headline 头号大标题 big news 头条新闻hot news 最新新闻 feature 特写,花絮criticism 评论 editorial 社论review, comment 时评book review 书评topicality 时事问题city news 社会新闻general news column 一般消息栏 public notice 公告 calssified ad 分类广告 flash-news 大新闻 extra 号外the sports page 运动栏literary criticism 文艺评论Sunday features 周日特刊 newsbeat 记者采访地区 news blackout 新闻管制press ban 禁止刊行yellow sheet 低俗新闻tabloid 图片版新闻"Braille" edition 点字版 newspaper office 报社 news source 新闻来源informed sources 消息来源attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 newspaper campaign 新闻战 free-lancer writer 自由招待会 press box 记者席news conference,press conference 记者招待会8International Press Association 国际新闻协会 distribution 发行circulation 发行份数 newsstand, kiosk 报摊newspaper agency 报纸代售处 newsboy 报童subscription (rate) 报费 newsprint 新闻用纸 Fleet Street 舰队街advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻assignment n.采写任务 back alley news n. 小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。

传媒英语词汇解释、课文及课后翻译Unit 6(中传研究生用)

传媒英语词汇解释、课文及课后翻译Unit 6(中传研究生用)

传媒英语词汇解释、课文及课后翻译Unit 6(中传研究生用)Unite 6 FILMPassage A If You Want to be a Screenwriter如何成为一名剧作家我自己在电影这个领域的跋涉从高中阶段开始,那时我遇见了两位优秀的英文教师。
























Unit 5 Televi‎s ionConten‎t s:Key to the exerci‎s esTransl‎a tionSupple‎mentar‎y Readin‎gPart One Key to the exerci‎s esPassag‎e AI. Lead-in Questi‎o ns:1. It depend‎s.2. Big Brothe‎r, The Appren‎ti ce, Americ‎a n Idol or any other famous‎realit‎y TV shows.3. Most probab‎l y yes, becaus‎e TV shows always‎i ndica‎t e kinds of values‎, which influe‎n ceaudien‎ces’behavi‎o rs and though‎t s. That is why parent‎s al ways‎ concer‎n childr‎e n become‎more violen‎t after watchi‎n g violen‎c e on TV. And anothe‎r obviou‎s exampl‎e is advert‎i semen‎t s, which are direct‎e d to influe‎n ce buying‎habits‎of audien‎ces.4. This is quite a big topic. TV guys, whose ultima‎t e purpos‎e is to make most profit‎s out of leastcost, theref‎o re, may resort‎ to some sensat‎i onal manner‎s to attrac‎t the attent‎i on of audien‎ce.Compar‎i ng with intern‎e t, which featur‎e s timely‎news and free intera‎ctions‎, TV broadc‎a sters‎may seek cooper‎a tion or integr‎a tion with intern‎e t giants‎, r ealiz‎i ng win-win outcom‎e s.II. Words StudyPost-readin‎g Activi‎t iesI. Unders‎t andin‎g the textAnswer‎the follow‎i ng questi‎o n s.1.Becaus‎e of the pressu‎re for profit‎s. Quick-fix and low-qualit‎y produc‎ti on doesn’t need experi‎e n ced staff, who will ask for a higher‎paymen‎t necess‎a rily. Anothe‎r reason‎i s that bosses‎believ‎e new comers‎al ways‎bring with them new ideas.2.The employ‎e r believ‎e s so. But the author‎ doesn’t think so.3.Indepe‎n dent produc‎ti on compan‎i es are produc‎i ng progra‎m s for broadc‎a sters‎.4.With digita‎l media, everyo‎n e can become‎an inform‎a tion source‎. We can produc‎e, edit and even show our own works, which is gifted‎ with more freedo‎m than tradit‎i onal TV media.Differ‎e nt studen‎t s may have differ‎e nt answer‎s toward‎s this questi‎o n.5.Defini‎t ely yes, becaus‎e seriou‎s factua‎l progra‎m produc‎ti on and editin‎g are far more demand‎i ng than the work of realit‎y shows, which stress‎more on entert‎a inmen‎t elemen‎t s.6.No, they need to enrich‎their knowle‎d ge and develo‎p a more seriou‎s and all-round thinki‎n g habits‎. In a word, they should‎study hard to be qualif‎i ed.7.Answer‎phone calls and contac‎t sponso‎rs. Actual‎l y, progra‎m resear‎c hers should‎be respon‎si ble for studyi‎n g the market‎of the progra‎m.II. T ransl‎a tion:A.Transl‎a te the follow‎i ng paragr‎a ph into Chines‎e.1. 独立电视台执‎行主席麦克尔‎·格雷德(Michea‎l Grade)(英国广播公司‎前任主席)面对受众指责‎独立电视台时‎,反戈一击,他批评了英国‎广播公司二台‎(B BC2)的节目。



传媒变化英文作文素材高中"英文,"The transformation of media in recent years has been nothing short of remarkable. From traditional print newspapers to online news portals, and from radiobroadcasts to podcasts, the landscape of media has evolved significantly. This shift has been fueled by advancementsin technology, changes in consumer behavior, and the riseof digital platforms.One of the most noticeable changes in media is the way information is disseminated. In the past, people relied heavily on newspapers and television broadcasts for news updates. However, with the advent of social media and news websites, information now spreads at an unprecedented speed. For example, a breaking news story can go viral on Twitter within minutes, reaching millions of people worldwide.Another aspect of media transformation is thedemocratization of content creation. In the past, only established media organizations had the resources to produce and distribute news. Now, anyone with a smartphone and internet access can become a content creator. This has led to the rise of citizen journalism, where ordinary people report on events happening in their communities. For instance, during natural disasters or political protests, eyewitnesses often share real-time updates and footage on social media platforms, providing valuable insights that traditional media may overlook.Furthermore, the rise of streaming services has revolutionized the way we consume entertainment. Gone are the days of waiting for a specific time slot to watch our favorite TV shows. With platforms like Netflix and Hulu, we have access to a vast library of content that we can watch anytime, anywhere. Binge-watching has become a common phenomenon, where people spend hours engrossed in their favorite series.Despite these advancements, there are also concerns about the impact of media transformation. The rise of fakenews and misinformation has become a pressing issue, as it can spread rapidly through social media networks. Additionally, the decline of traditional media outlets has raised questions about the future of journalism and therole of the press in society.In conclusion, the media landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, driven by technology and changing consumer habits. While these transformations have brought about many benefits, such as increased accessto information and entertainment, they also pose challenges that need to be addressed. As we continue to navigate this evolving media landscape, it's important to critically evaluate the impact of these changes on society."中文,"近年来传媒的变革可谓是引人注目的。



产业结构高级化的概念-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述产业结构高级化是指在经济发展过程中,经济各部门之间的相互关系不断优化,经济结构逐渐向高附加值、高技术含量、高创新能力和高效益方向发展的过程。















1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将按照如下结构进行分析和探讨产业结构高级化的概念和相关问题:第一部分,引言部分,将对产业结构高级化进行概述,说明本文的研究目的和重要性。



s to b to c的产业结构

s to b to c的产业结构

S to B to C的产业结构一、产业结构的定义和意义产业结构是指一个国家或地区各个产业在整体经济中的比重和关系。

S to B to C的产业结构是指从供应端(Supplier)到商业端(Business)再到消费端(Consumer)的产业链结构。




二、从供应端到商业端的产业结构2.1 供应端的结构供应端是指各个供应商,其包括原材料供应商、生产设备供应商、技术支持供应商等。


2.1.1 原材料供应商•通过先进的技术手段和设备,提高原材料的生产效率和质量;•优化供应链管理,提高物流运输效率;•开展合作研发,推动原材料的创新和升级。

2.1.2 生产设备供应商•不断研发和改进生产设备,提高生产效率和质量;•推动自动化和智能化生产,降低人力成本;•提供售后服务和技术支持,增加客户满意度。

2.1.3 技术支持供应商•开展技术咨询和培训,提升供应商的技术水平;•提供技术解决方案,提高生产效率和产品质量;•推动技术创新和转化,促进供应端的持续发展。

2.2 商业端的结构商业端是指供应商和消费者之间的中间环节,包括批发商、零售商、经销商等。


2.2.1 批发商•与供应商建立稳定的合作关系,确保货源的稳定供应;•提供仓储和物流服务,降低供应链成本;•开展市场调研和营销活动,了解市场需求并推动产品销售。

2.2.2 零售商•与批发商合作,获取产品货源;•建立自己的销售渠道,提供便捷的购物环境;•提供售前售后服务,增加消费者满意度。

2.2.3 经销商•与供应商合作,代理并销售其产品;•开展市场推广活动,提升产品知名度和销量;•为消费者提供产品咨询和服务,增加用户体验。



The Evolution and Impact of IndustrialDevelopment: A Chinese PerspectiveIn the realm of economic growth and development, the role of industry cannot be overstated. It is the backbone of any nation's economic strength, driving innovation, employment, and overall well-being. This essay delves into the significance of industrial development in China, its transformational journey, and the profound impact it has had on the country's economic landscape.China's industrial journey has been nothing short of remarkable. From being a primarily agricultural economy at the turn of the 20th century, China has transformed into a global manufacturing hub, powering the world with its goods and services. This transformation can be attributed to several factors, including the government's focus on industrialization, massive infrastructure development, technological advancements, and a strong work ethic ingrained in its people.The government's role in industrialization cannot be ignored. Through policies like the "Made in China 2025" initiative, the state has actively encouraged thedevelopment of high-tech industries, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and renewable energy. This has not only helped China to leapfrog into the future of manufacturing but has also created millions of jobs and lifted millions out of poverty.Infrastructure development has been another crucial aspect of China's industrialization. The country has invested heavily in building ports, railways, highways, and airports, connecting its vast territory and facilitating the movement of goods and services. This has not only made China more accessible but has also lowered the cost of logistics, making it a more attractive destination for manufacturers.Technological advancements have played a pivotal role in China's industrial revolution. The country has made significant investments in research and development, resulting in cutting-edge technologies that are now being exported to the world. China's leadership in areas like 5G technology, high-speed rail, and electric vehicles is a testament to its technological prowess.The strong work ethic ingrained in the Chinese peopleis another factor that has contributed to the country's industrial success. Chinese workers are known for their dedication, hard work, and willingness to learn new skills. This has enabled China to build a skilled workforce that is capable of meeting the demands of a rapidly changing industrial landscape.The impact of industrial development in China is far-reaching. It has not only transformed the country's economy but has also had a profound impact on its society and culture. The rise of the middle class, the improvement in living standards, and the increased purchasing power of consumers are all direct results of industrialization. Additionally, the influx of foreign investment and technology has helped to integrate China into the global economy, making it an important player in international trade and finance.In conclusion, industrial development has been the driving force behind China's economic rise. The country's remarkable transformation from an agricultural economy to a global manufacturing hub is a testament to the power ofindustrialization. As China continues to invest in technology, infrastructure, and education, its industrial sector is poised to continue growing and driving economic prosperity for both its people and the world at large.**中国工业发展的演变与影响**在工业增长和发展的领域,产业的作用不容忽视。



传媒视野下的中国英语美国“全球语言监测机构(Global Language Monitor,简称GLM)”最近的研究报告指出,随着中国国力的提升,中国式英语正在对国际英语形成强烈的冲击。

报道称,自1994年以来加入国际英语行列的新词汇中,“中式英语(Chinese English or Chinglish)”贡献了5%到20%。


对于“中式英语”,国内外学者看法不一,国内学者更是提出了以规范英语为核心的具有中国特色的“中国英语(China English)”概念,以此来区别颇受争议的“中式英语”。


一中式英语与中国英语的概念1 中式英语的源起德国语言学家、哲学家洪堡特认为,语言是“一个民族进行思维和感知的工具”,每一种语言都包含了一种独特的世界观。











INDUSTRIAL ECONOMY 产业经济中国经济报告2020年第6期文 /汪海波*中国产业结构演变史略(下篇)【提 要】本文是《中国产业结构演变史略》一文的下篇。


【关键词】产业结构;经济史;产业经济学;基本经济制度;社会生产力;政治因素* 汪海波,中国社会科学院荣誉学部委员、工业经济研究所研究员。

1 产业结构优化可以有多重解释。



2 详见《邓小平文选》第二卷,第141-143页,人民出版社,1993年。

3 详见《中国共产党第十四次全国代表大会文件汇编》,第5页,人民出版社,1992年。

























教师用书mass media传媒英语词汇解释、课文及课后翻译(中传研究生用)Unit_2

教师用书mass media传媒英语词汇解释、课文及课后翻译(中传研究生用)Unit_2

Unit 2N ewspaperContents:➢Keys for Exercises➢Translation➢Supplementary ReadingPart One Keys for ExercisesI.Please answer the following questions based on the article:1. Not paid subscription,but profit from ad.2. If the newspaper gives a satisfactory account of that which we think we know,our business,our church,our party,it is fairly certain to be immune from violent criticism by us.3. Beyond experience: international and national news; within experience: local news.4. Weekly ,alternative paper,,religious paper,general newspaper,specialized paper etc.5. A variety of features.6. Through news agencies.7. Go outside the field of general news and to the dazzling levels of society,to scandal ,and crime,to sports,pictures,actresses, advice to the lovelorn, highschool notes, women’s pages, buyer’s pages, cooking receipts, chess, whist, gardening comic strips, thundering partisanships. 8. Triangle relationship: newspaper depend upon indirect taxation levied by his advertisers upon his readers, the patronage of the advertisers depends upon the editor’s skill in holding together an effective group pf customers.9. Signed correspondents,executives,men with a knack and flavor of their own.II. TranslationA.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.1. 对于期刊的出版发行来说,最接近协议的做法便是在一定时间内的预定,但我相信,这对一家大都市的日报来说并非重要的经济因素。



危机· 危机·广告产业链整合传播
四、整合传播——广告产业链的出路 整合传播 广告产业链的出路
1. 整合传播的内涵
(1)顾客:广告直接面向受众,因而更应该考虑受众的 )顾客:广告直接面向受众, 需要和欲望,建立以受众为中心的传播观念, 需要和欲望,建立以受众为中心的传播观念,将“以顾客 为中心”注重对顾客提供优质的广告信息。 为中心”注重对顾客提供优质的广告信息。 (2)成本:受众在消费电视节目这一特殊商品时,除耗 )成本:受众在消费电视节目这一特殊商品时, 费一定的资金外,还要耗费一定的时间、精力和体力, 费一定的资金外,还要耗费一定的时间、精力和体力,这 些构成了受众总成本
1 . 整合传播的内涵
整合传播是研究如何向别人有效并高效的传递信息, 整合传播是研究如何向别人有效并高效的传递信息, 以至最终改变人的认识和行为的理论。具体来说, 以至最终改变人的认识和行为的理论。具体来说,整合传 播就是解决对谁传播,传播什么,怎么传播,在何时、 播就是解决对谁传播,传播什么,怎么传播,在何时、何 处传播以及如何使传播更为有效等一系列问题的。 处传播以及如何使传播更为有效等一系列问题的。
危机· 危机·广告产业链整合传播
四、整合传播——广告产业链的出路 整合传播 广告产业链的出路
1. 整合传播的内涵
(3)方便:最大程度地便利消费者,是目前处于过度竞争 )方便:最大程度地便利消费者, 状况的广告企业应该认真思考的问题。 状况的广告企业应该认真思考的问题。广告商在制作广告 时应尽量设身处地的为顾客考虑。 时应尽量设身处地的为顾客考虑。 (4)沟通:广告企业为了创立竞争优势,必须不断地与消 )沟通:广告企业为了创立竞争优势, 费者沟通,加强与受众的沟通, 费者沟通,加强与受众的沟通,这种沟通更多的是一种互 动活动,包括提供产品信息,在受众的心目中树立良好的 动活动,包括提供产品信息, 形象,等等。 形象,等等。



《中国传媒产业结构高级化研究》英文摘要AbstractAbstractDuring the worldwide economic structure adjustment, culture industry focusing on media is now becoming a more and more important part of world economy. In some developed countries, it is even the leading industry in their foreign trade and the pillar industry of their national economy. In United States and England typically, culture industry has already occupied a larger portion than the traditional manufacturing. And the core industry of culture industry today is media industry.Media product is a kind of spiritual product with ideological, that’s why a nation’s media industry demonstrates its soft power. Competition in media industry is not only an economic phenomenon, but also a cultural one. In the context of media globalization and fierce international media competition, how to promote media industry development?The growth of modern economy is structure upgrading. After the World War II, history has shown that industrial adjustment and upgrading is a must for economic development. Industrial upgrading is the choice of industrial evolution in globalization context. As a sector in national economy, media industry’s development must also follow the historical trace. That is to say, industrial upgrading is the practical choice for media industry’s development.Hi-tech is the core media of knowledge economy, the industrialization ofhi-tech will promote industrial upgrading. Media industry is a knowledge-intensive industry, therefore, its survival and development rely on the utilization of hi-tech, so do its social and economic benefits.As a newly developed pillar industry, upgrading is media industry’s first choice to strengthen its status in the national economy. From the perspective of industrial structure, pillar industries usually have higher productivity than average industries, and their productivity also grow faster. Resourcesare scared. In order to maximize the social benefit, the industries that have faster growing productivity or larger portion in outputI中国传媒产业结构高级化研究will attract more economic resources. In another word, higher productivity could only be achieved by upgrading industrial structure.Industry convergence is an effective way to promote industrial structure to upgrade. Along with the fast development of technology and science, information technology and network technology bring revolutionary changes to media industry’s forms and development tendency. Combination of information industry and media industry is now becoming a new worldwide fashion. The wide use of hi-tech in media industry makes the combination much more practical and powerful. The rise of digital technology has provided a uniformed platform for all information-technology-related industries, therefore, mass mediaindustries (New ,Publishing ,Broadcasting, Film, TV andVideo),telecommunicationindustries(TelephoneandRadio)andinformationindustries(Computer and Network) converge together to offer service to their common market.China’s media industry devel opment also shows problems of structure, as you can find in the growth of Chinese economy. If China’s media industry wants to take part in the world structure adjustment, developing its technology competitiveness and structure is the only way out.Study of media economy only has a short history in China, where its establishment as a subject has just been couple of years. On the basis of examining the theories of industrial structure upgrading, this dissertation carries out a research on media industry structure upgrading. Firstly the dissertation tries to define the series of concepts of media product, media industry, media industry structure, optimization and rationalization of mediaindustry. Then the research framework is established: a) mechanism of how industrial upgrading works on media industry’s development andcompetitiveness improvement; b) driving mechanism of media industry upgrading. The key points of the dissertation are as follows:At first, this dissertation explores the relationship between industrial structure upgrading and industry development. The process of upgrading ofmedia industry contains a set of tasks that promote the development of media industry in different ways. From the perspective of industrial structure evolution, change of leading industries is anIIAbstractendogenous variable. From the perspective of industry development theories, the upgrading of industrial structure is embodied as the change of leading and pillar industries. That’s why to study how media industry upgrading promotesits development is to study the change of its leading industry. What’s more, the newly born media and the change of the leading media industry are alwaysthe focus of the society, which should also be the focus of academic research. The dissertation concludes that it is inevitable for the new media to replace the traditional ones and become the leading industry. But at the meantime, the traditional ones would not disappear; instead, they will be integrated intothe new media. This is the law of the change of leading industry in media industry.Then the next task of this dissertation is to prove that the international competitiveness is the direct result of the development of media industry.After the competitiveness is defined, the mechanism of how media industry upgrading improves its competitiveness is explored: a) high-value-addedproduct and the use of hi-tech and the competitiveness of media industry; b) highly-intensive development and the competitiveness of media industry; c) highly-processed production and the competitiveness of media industry. Basedon the above-mentioned mechanism, development strategy is proposed, which is that the high-value-added products, highly-intensive development and highly-processed production are the answers to improve the competitiveness of media industry.After the first two tasks are accomplished, the dissertation turns to work on the driving mechanism of media industry upgrading. This task involvesfinding out the functions of technology innovation, capital market innovation, optimization of industrial organization and media industry policy in media industry upgrading.Technology innovation creates new media and leads to the expansion ofmedia industries. It also encourages more hi-tech and the change of leading industries. That’s why technology i nnovation is a factor that promotes the upgrading.The capital market also has a bond with the industrial structure evolution. Theoretically, the huge capital flow in industrial structure could come from both of the government and the market. Experience of developed countries shows that the former isIII中国传媒产业结构高级化研究inefficient and of high cost, while the latter costs less because of its efficiency. Therefore, capital accumulation through capital market innovation could help the media industry to attract more resources. Financial tools like securities are the important part in capital market and listed companies is a good choice for the industry to make use of the capital market. The issues in China are that for one thing, the size of the media firms is small; foranother they go public blindly. This dissertation focuses on how to useventure capital to introduce hi-tech into the industry when examining the mechanism between China’s capital market and media industry upgrading.Study ing the current situation of the organization paradigm of China’s media industry is something needs to be done before exploring the mechanism of its industrial organization and upgrading. In the SCP framework, market structure is the external environment t hat has direction impacts on a firm’s conduct and performance. At the meanwhile, from the perspective of industrial organization theories, the rationalization of market structure should come first. Therefore, according to the empirical study of the market structure in China’s media industry carried out in the dissertation, two conclusions about China’s media industry are made: a) China’s media industry is less concentrated and small, which means structure optimization is needed; b)China’s media industry sp ecialization and social association system is inefficient. Based on the empirical study, the dissertation suggests that encouraging the development of sizable firms is the common bath for both organization optimization and structure upgrading in this industry.Although a lot of factors may have impact on the making and implementation of industry policies, industry policies important forces to promote industrial structure upgrading. To make the policies work and to promote industrial structure upgrading, work could be started with adjusting the variables (such as economic development strategy, economic institution modes, economic environment and industry development situation) that may change the media industry policies. This work also includes stipulating and amending policies. All in all, the cooperation of both industrial structure policies and industrial organization policies is the guarantee to achieve the objective of structure upgrading.IVAbstractKey words: media industry ; industry development; technology innovation; capitalmarket innovation; optimization of industrial organization; industry policy; industrial upgradingV感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。












china daily中英对照英语新闻 时尚娱乐板块

china daily中英对照英语新闻 时尚娱乐板块
>British author Howard Jacobson was the surprise winner of the Man Booker Prize Tuesday for "The Finkler Question", the first comic novel to scoop one of the English-speaking world's most coveted literary awards, Reuters reported.
【Cover Story】
>Chen, Zhao win film awards
Chen Kun was named best actor for his performance in "Painted Skin" while best actress honors went to Zhao Wei in "Mulan" in the 19th China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival inJiangyin,JiangsuSaturday night. "The Founding of a Republic" won the best picture. Feng Xiaogang was honored for best director for "If You Are the One".
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AbstractDuring the worldwide economic structure adjustment, culture industry focusing on media is now becoming a more and more important part of world economy. In some developed countries, it is even the leading industry in their foreign trade and the p illar industry of their national economy. In United States and England typically, culture industry has already occupied a larger portion than the traditional manufacturing. And the core industry of culture industry today is media industry.Media product is a kind of spiritual product with ideological, that’s why a nation’s media industry demonstrates its soft power. Competition in media industry is not only an economic phenomenon, but also a cultural one. In the context of media globalization and fierce international media competition, how to promote media industry development?The growth of modern economy is structure upgrading. After the World War II, history has shown that industrial adjustment and upgrading is a must for economic development. Industrial upgrading is the choice of industrial evolution in globalization context. As a sector in national economy, media industry’s development must also follow the historical trace. That is to say, industrial upgrading is the practical choice for media industry’s development.Hi-tech is the core media of knowledge economy, the industrialization of hi-tech will promote industrial upgrading. Media industry is a knowledge-intensive industry, therefore, its survival and development rely on the utilization of hi-tech, so do its social and economic benefits.As a newly developed pillar industry, upgrading is media industry’s first choice to strengthen its status in the national economy. From the perspective of industrial structure, pillar industries usually have higher productivity than average industries, and their productivity also grow faster. Resources are scared. In order to maximize the social benefit, the industries that have faster growing productivity or larger portion in outputwill attract more economic resources. In another word, higher productivity could only be achieved by upgrading industrial structure.Industry convergence is an effective way to promote industrial structure to upgrade. Along with the fast development of technology and science, information technology and network technology bring revolutionary changes to media industry’s forms and development tendency. Combination of information industry and media industry is now becoming a new worldwide fashion. The wide use of hi-tech in media industry makes the combination much more practical and powerful. The rise of digital technology has provided a uniformed platform for all information-technology-related industries, therefore, mass media industries (New ,Publishing ,Broadcasting, Film, TV and Video),telecommunication industries (Telephone and Radio)and information industries(Computer and Network) converge together to offer service to their common market.China’s media industry development also shows problems of structure, as you can find in the growth of Chinese economy. If China’s media industry wants to take part in the world structure adjustment, developing its technology competitiveness and structure is the only way out.Study of media economy only has a short history in China, where its establishment as a subject has just been couple of years. On the basis of examining the theories of industrial structure upgrading, this dissertation carries out a research on media industry structure upgrading. Firstly the dissertation tries to define the series of co ncepts of media product, media industry, media industry structure, optimization and rationalization of media industry. Then the research framework is established: a) mechanism of how industrial upgrading works on media industry’s development and competitiveness improvement; b) driving mechanism of media industry upgrading. The key points of the dissertation are as follows:At first, this dissertation explores the relationship between industrial structure upgrading and industry development. The process of upgrading of media industry contains a set of tasks that promote the development of media industry in different ways. From the perspective of industrial structure evolution, change of leading industries is anendogenous variable. From the perspective of industry development theories, the upgrading of industrial structure is embodied as the change of leading and pillar industries. That’s why to study how media industry upgrading promotes its development is to study the change of its leading industry. What’s mo re, the newly born media and the change of the leading media industry are always the focus of the society, which should also be the focus of academic research. The dissertation concludes that it is inevitable for the new media to replace the traditional ones and become the leading industry. But at the meantime, the traditional ones would not disappear; instead, they will be integrated into the new media. This is the law of the change of leading industry in media industry.Then the next task of this dissertation is to prove that the international competitiveness is the direct result of the development of media industry. After the competitiveness is defined, the mechanism of how media industry upgrading improves its competitiveness is explored: a) high-value-added product and the use of hi-tech and the competitiveness of media industry; b) highly-intensive development and the competitiveness of media industry; c) highly-processed production and the competitiveness of media industry. Based on the above-mentioned mechanism, development strategy is proposed, which is that the high-value-added products, highly-intensive development and highly-processed production are the answers to improve the competitiveness of media industry.After the first two tasks are accomplished, the dissertation turns to work on the driving mechanism of media industry upgrading. This task involves finding out the functions of technology innovation, capital market innovation, optimization of industrial organization and media industry policy in media industry upgrading.Technology innovation creates new media and leads to the expansion of media industries. It also encourages more hi-tech and the change of leading industries. That’s why technology innovation is a factor that promotes the upgrading.The capital market also has a bond with the industrial structure evolution. Theoretically, the huge capital flow in industrial structure could come from both of the government and the market. Experience of developed countries shows that the former isinefficient and of high cost, while the latter costs less because of its efficiency. Therefore, capital accumulation through capital market innovation could help the media industry to attract more resources. Financial tools like securities are the important part in capital market and listed companies is a good choice for the industry to make use of the capital market. The issues in China are that for one thing, the size of the media firms is small; for another they go public blindly. This dissertation focuses on how to use venture capital to introduce hi-tech into the industry when examining the mechanism between China’s capital market and media industry upgrading.Studying the current situation of the organization paradigm of China’s media industry is something needs to be done before exploring the mechanism of its industrial organization and upgrading. In the SCP framework, market structure is the external environment that has direction impacts on a firm’s conduct and performance. At the meanwhile, from the perspective of industrial organization theories, the rationalization of market structure should come first. Therefore, according to the empirical study of the market structure in China’s media industry carried out in the dissertation, two conclusions abou t China’s media industry are made: a) China’s media industry is less concentrated and small, which means structure optimization is needed; b) China’s media industry specialization and social association system is inefficient. Based on the empirical study, the dissertation suggests that encouraging the development of sizable firms is the common bath for both organization optimization and structure upgrading in this industry.Although a lot of factors may have impact on the making and implementation of industry policies, industry policies important forces to promote industrial structure upgrading. To make the policies work and to promote industrial structure upgrading, work could be started with adjusting the variables (such as economic development strategy, economic institution modes, economic environment and industry development situation) that may change the media industry policies. This work also includes stipulating and amending policies. All in all, the cooperation of both industrial structure policies and industrial organization policies is the guarantee to achieve the objective of structure upgrading.Key words: media industry ; industry development; technology innovation; capital market innovation; optimization of industrial organization; industry policy;industrial upgrading。
