I/O端口口 对讲功能 图像接口口协议 功耗 特殊功能
94º 有
MAX 2.2W
30帧 无无 支支持 64GB 75º 有 有 支支持 私有协议 MAX 5W —————
彩色模式 黑白模式
> AXIS M3024-LVE 通过红外IR可以工作在完全 黑暗的环境下
高效、长寿的 850 nm IR LED灯 根据不同的应用环境,最大补光距离可达10米
针对于室外应用的型号: AXIS M30-E
> 适中的价格 > I/O报警接口 > 室外防护能力
30帧 无无 支支持 64GB 70º 有 无无 支支持 私有协议 MAX 6W —————
AXIS M10 摄像机系列– 适用于任何应用环境
• 世界一一流产室内品标准型质号 量品质
• 无无与伦比比的图像质量 SVGA
HDTV 720p / 1MP
AXIS M1013
HDTV 720p / 1MP AXIS M3204
AXIS M3203-V
AXIS M3204-V
exacqVision 视频监控产品手册说明书
exacqVision视频监控产品手册从单个摄像机到企业级视频监控解决方案视频监控exacqVision:直观、强大、高效便捷的视频监控系统exacqVision 视频管理系统提供视频管理软件(VMS)、网络视频录像机(NVR)和存储服务器,以可靠性和易用性以及低维护成本而著称。
功能强大的 exacqVision VMS 可预装于混合式服务器和网络服务器上,并且可与市面上多种型号商用服务器组合使用。
从小型单摄像机系统到大型的、拥有数千台摄像机的可扩展部署方案,exacqVision 为几乎所有应用提供了理想的安防解决方案,尤其是那些要求安装简便、操作直观的应用。
简化视频监控管理exacqVision VMS 是一个易于使用、功能丰富的系统,可以让客户轻松管理实时视频和录制视频,无论是小型独立系统还是庞大的企业级系统。
为了获得独特的前端视频监控体验,exacqVision Edge VMS 无需使用独立的服务器,可直接安装和运行在任何兼容的网络摄像机上,并提供完整的使用体验。
exacqVision VMS 兼容数千种网络摄像机型号以及大量的门禁控制系统、POS系统以及零售和视频监控分析系统,是业界最灵活的解决方案之一。
混合式和网络视频录像机,为客户提供多样化选择exacqVision 系列混合式和网络视频录像机可提供完整的、创新型视频解决方案。
用户可使用 exacqVision 网络视频录像机搭建网络解决方案,或通过混合式视频录像机集成模拟摄像机和网络摄像机,帮助客户将现有的模拟监控系统升级为最新的网络监控系统。
混合式和网络视频录像机都可以通过免费分发的 exacqVision 客户端软件进行扩展、兼容和整合,并且每台 exacqVision 录像机都预装 exacqVision VMS 软件,其附带的软件订购协议中包含了 3 年保修服务。
安讯士产品数据表快速指南认证、证书和协议五月2022目录1引言3 2认证32.1EMC(电磁兼容性)32.2安全42.3环境52.4其他认证83证书8 4电源94.1以太网供电(PoE)类别95网络95.1保护和安防控制95.2支持的协议10 21引言安讯士公司面向市场推出的产品均谨遵相关行业标准和合规性标准。
•EN55032A类:辐射标准(商业、工业、企业),与国际标准协调一致•EN55032B类:辐射标准(住宅),与国际标准协调一致•EN55035:抗扰性标准,与国际标准协调一致2.1.2按国家/地区划分的协调标准•EN61000-6-1和EN61000-6-2:通用合规性标准(欧洲)•FCC第15部分B子部分A和B类:FCC规定了电信设备应遵循的规则和条例,请参阅辐射部分而不是抗扰度部分(美国)•ICES-3(A和B)/NMB-3(A和B)(加拿大)•VCCI A类和B类(日本)•KS C9832A类和B类、KS C9835、KS C9547、KS C9815(韩国)•RCM AS/NZS CISPR32A类和B类(澳大利亚和新西兰)2.1.3按应用/产品划分的附加标准•EN50121-4、IEC62236-4:针对可能干扰铁路环境中其他设备的信号发射和电信设备提供性能标准•EN50130-4:适用于报警系统的部件,包括:门禁系统、CCTV系统、火灾侦测和火警系统、紧急报警系统、入侵报警系统、社会报警系统2.2安全•低压指令(2014/35/EU):为电气设备安全提供范围广泛的目标。
伟思信安安全隔离与信息交换系统 ViGap V6.5 用户手册说明书
伟思信安安全隔离与信息交换系统ViGap V6.5用户手册目录第一章系统概述 (1)1.1.系统简介 (1)1.2.名词解释 (2)第二章运行环境 (2)2.1.硬件运行环境 (2)第三章安装部署 (3)3.1.前置工作 (3)3.1.1.设备清单检查 (3)3.1.2.安装环境要求 (3)3.1.3.温度及湿度要求 (3)3.1.4.环境洁净度要求 (3)3.1.5.静电要求 (4)3.1.6.雷电/电磁要求 (4)3.1.7.安装台面检查 (5)3.1.8.安全注意事项 (5)3.1.9.安装工具准备 (6)3.2.设备上架 (6)3.2.1.安装到水平台面 (6)3.2.2.安装到标准机架 (7)3.3.系统部署检查 (7)第四章业务操作指南 (8)4.1.登录管理 (8)4.1.1.准备工作 (8)4.1.2.管理方式 (8)4.1.3.Web页面管理 (8)第五章运维操作 (9)5.1.常见故障 (9)5.1.1.CPU高 (9)5.1.2.内存高 (9)5.1.3.网络异常 (9)5.1.4.SYLOG日志失效 (10)5.2.运维指南 (10)5.2.1.日常运维 (10)5.2.2.应急处理 (11)5.3.注意事项 (12)第六章功能介绍 (12)6.1.初始化配置 (12)6.2.系统状态 (13)6.2.1.系统状态 (13)6.2.2.统计分析 (14)6.3.设备管理 (15)6.3.1.设备管理 (15)6.3.4.时间设置 (21)6.3.5.系统规则 (22)6.3.6.API管理 (23)6.3.7.授权验证 (24)6.4.网络工具 (25)6.4.1.网络接口 (25)6.4.2.域名解析 (30)6.4.3.诊断工具 (31)6.5.高可用性 (34)6.5.1.多机热备 (34)6.5.2.虚拟IP (35)6.5.3.双击热备状态 (36)6.6.策略配置 (37)6.6.1.对象 (37)6.6.2.隔离映射 (39)6.6.3.访问控制 (41)6.6.4.本地服务 (43)6.6.5.数据交换 (45)6.6.6.业务代理 (54)6.6.7.工业控制 (57)6.6.8.攻击防御 (66)第七章用户管理 (68)7.1.初始化配置 (68)7.2.用户管理 (69)7.3.证书认证 (71)7.4.安全配置 (73)第八章用户使用安全说明 (74)8.1.使用限制 (74)8.2.安全环境 (76)8.3.用户职责 (77)第九章日记审计 (78)9.1.初始化配置 (78)9.2.日志与审计 (79)9.2.1.管理日志 (79)9.2.2.访问日志 (79)9.2.3.文件交换日志 (80)9.2.4.数据库交换日志 (81)9.2.5.应用日志 (82)9.2.6.告警日志 (82)9.2.7.文件同步状态日志 (83)9.2.8.工业代理日志 (83)9.2.9.攻击防护日志 (84)9.2.10.关键字过滤日志 (84)第十章典型案例 (87)10.1.本地文件同步(本地FTP) (87)10.2.远程文件同步(远程FTP为例) (89)10.3.数据库同步(MySQL为例) (91)10.4.隔离映射(FTP映射为例) (97)10.5.视频代理 (99)10.6.Modbus工业代理 (102)第一章系统概述1.1.系统简介伟思信安安全隔离与信息交换系统ViGap V6.5(以下简称ViGap V6.5)是珠海伟思有限公司采用先进GAP技术独立研制生产的新一代网络安全产品。
门禁控制器 (N-1000-III)
门禁控制器 (N-1000-IV)
门禁控制器 (N-1000-IV)
门禁电脑 串口 通信转换器
(Winpak Pro)
RVVP0.5 x 2
L 顶视图
如何选择探测器? 我们通常所述的探测范围 L x W,就如上图中的描述,如:
DT7225: 7.6x9米 DT7235: 11x11米 DT7450: 15x18米
AVBPCKND:无显示 AVBPCK:无操纵杆 AVBPCKZ:内置操纵杆 AVBPCKC:内置操纵杆、16功能键 AVBPCKA :内置操纵杆、16功能键、喇叭
不4并 超接 过2 8
1 9个
前 面
0 多
0距9 米离 7
AXIS M2026-LE网络摄像头用户手册说明书
AXIS M2026-LE Network Camera 用户手册目录解决方案概述 (3)安装 (4)产品概述 (5)在网络上查找设备 (6)访问设备 (6)安全密码 (6)其他设置 (8)需要更多帮助? (8)图像质量 (8)码流传输和存储 (10)设置规则和警报 (12)故障排查 (14)重置为出厂默认设置 (14)检查当前固件 (14)升级固件 (14)技术问题、线索和解决方案 (15)性能考虑 (17)规格 (18)LED指示灯 (18)SD卡插槽 (18)按钮 (18)连接器 (18)解决方案概述解决方案概述安装安装要观看此视频,请转到本文档的网页版本。
在网络上查找设备在网络上查找设备若要在网络中查找Axis设备并为它们分配Windows®中的IP地址,请使用AXIS IP Utility或AXIS设备管理器。
如果您不知道IP地址,请使用AXIS IP Utility或AXIS Device Manager在网络上查找设备。
AXIS M1011(a) AXIS M1011-W(b) AXIS M1031-W AXIS M1054 AXIS M1103 AXIS M1104 AXIS M1113 AXIS M1114 AXIS P1311
1/2.5” 逐行扫描 RGB CMOS 变焦镜头 3.5-10 mm /F1.6, P-Iris; 还支持 DC-iris 镜头; CS 接口;远程后焦点 77° - 28° 自动 0.5 (彩色) 0.08(黑白) H.264 Motion JPEG 2560x1920 (5 MP) HDTV 1080p 12 (2560x1920) 30 (HDTV 1080p) 30 (1600x1200) 双向 内置麦克风 1/1 移动侦测 音频侦测 拆卸报警 多级口令 IP 地址过滤 HTTPS 加密 IEEE 802.1X IPv4/v6, QoS DC PoE IEEE 802.3af Class 3 High PoE(b)
0.3 (彩色) 0.05 (黑白) H.264 Motion JPEG 800 x 600
30 (800x600) 双向 内置麦克风(a) 1/1 移动侦测 音频侦测 拆卸报警 多级口令 IP 地址过滤 HTTPS 加密 IEEE 802.1X IPv4/v6, QoS DC PoE IEEE 802.3af Class 2 High PoE(b)
1/4” 逐行扫描 CMOS 4 mm/F1.2 固定光圈, 接口 CS 42°
水平视角 日夜转换功能 最低照度/光敏感度 (lux) 视频压缩 最大视频分辨率 (像素) 帧速/秒 音频支持 报警输入/输出
1 - 10,000 H.264 Motion JPEG MPEG-4 640 x 480 30 (640x480)
Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsSmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileConfiguration GuideJanuary 25, 2019Configuration GuideSmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileJanuary 25, 2019Copyright © 2014 – 2019 Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors.WarrantyThe only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors (“Micro Focus”) are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Restricted Rights LegendConfidential computer software. Except as specifically indicated otherwise, a valid license from Micro Focus is required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.Trademark NoticesAdobe™ is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Microsoft® and Windows® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX® is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Revision HistoryDate Description01/25/2019 First edition of this Configuration Guide.Configuration Guide SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileThis guide provides information for installing the SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File and configuring the device for event collection. Microsoft's Domain Name Service (DNS) included with Microsoft Windows 2008, Microsoft Windows 2012, Microsoft Windows 2016 and Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 are supported.Product OverviewThe Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed database and an associated set of protocols that define a:⏹Mechanism for querying and updating the database⏹Mechanism for replicating the information in the database among servers⏹Schema of the databaseWith DNS, the host names reside in a database that can be distributed among multiple servers, decreasing the load on any one server and providing the ability to administer this naming system on a per-partition basis. DNS supports hierarchical names and allows registration of various data types in addition to host name to IP address mapping used in HOSTS files.This ArcSight SmartConnector lets you import events generated by the Microsoft DNS Trace Log Multiple Server File device into the ArcSight System . See the section "Device Event Mapping to ArcSight Data Fields" later in this document for the specific events mapped to fields in the ArcSight database.The new feature enables users to apply a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) and:⏹Whitelist filters on real time⏹Filter and drop events prior a license check⏹Use the Connector immediately after installation. Required files are pre-configured.⏹Populate a dga_whitelist.txt locally or remotely (via ArcMC) to avoid getting events from trusted domains⏹ Add Map files to /user/agent/map/ to extend connector functionalitiesSee the section "Map Files" later in this document for more information.ConfigurationDetailed information regarding DNS Monitoring can be found at: /en-us/library/cc783975(WS.10).aspx.The primary tool used to manage DNS servers is the DNS console, which can be found in the Administrative Tools folder in the Start menu's Programs folder.Micro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 3SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server FileDNS server event messages are separated and kept in their own system event log, the DNS server log. The DNS server log contains events logged by the DNS server service. Most critical DNS server service events are logged here, such as when the server starts but cannot locate initializing data.You can change the event types logged by DNS servers using the DNS console. You also can use the DNS console to selectively enable additional debug logging options for temporary trace logging to a text-based file of DNS server activity. Using Server Debug Logging OptionsBy default, all debug logging options are disabled. When selectively enabled, the DNS Server service can perform additional trace-level logging of selected types of events or messages for general troubleshooting and debugging of the server.Dns.log contains debug logging activity. By default, it is located in the windir\System32\Dns folder.The following DNS debug logging options are available:Packet DirectionOutgoingPackets sent by the DNS server are logged in the DNS server log file.IncomingPackets received by the DNS server are logged in the log file.Packet ContentQueries/TransfersSpecifies that packets containing standard queries (per RFC 1034) are logged in the DNS server log file.UpdatesSpecifies that packets containing dynamic updates (per RFC 2136) are logged in the DNS server log file.NotificationsSpecifies that packets containing notifications (per RFC 1996) are logged in the DNS server log file.Transport ProtocolUDPSpecifies that packets sent and received over UDP are logged in the DNS server log file.TCPSpecifies that packets sent and received over TCP are logged in the DNS server log file.Packet TypeRequestSpecifies that request packets are logged in the DNS server log file (a request packet is characterized by a QR bitset to 0 in the DNS message header).ResponseSpecifies that response packets are logged in the DNS server log file (a response packet is characterized by a QRbit set to 1 in the DNS message header).4Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsConfiguration Guide Other OptionsFilter packets by IP addressProvides additional filtering of packets logged in the DNS server log file.DetailsSpecifies that all event details be logged in the DNS server log file.Log FileFile path and name lets you specify the name and location of the DNS server log file. Log file maximum size limit lets you set the maximum file size for the DNS server log file.To select and enable debug logging options on the DNS server:1Open DNS. (Click Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools. Double-click DNS.)2In the console tree, right-click the applicable DNS server, then click Properties.3Click the Debug Logging tab.4To set the debug logging options, first select Log packets for debugging. To ensure collecting the appropriate information for processing by ArcSight, select the options shown in the following figure.In addition to selecting events for the DNS debug log file, select the default values or specify the file name, location, and maximum file size for the file.Micro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 5SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File6 Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsInstall the SmartConnectorThe following sections provide instructions for installing and configuring your selected SmartConnector.Connector Appliance/ArcSight Management Center supports mounting for Network File System(NFS) and CIFS (Windows) shares. When you install this connector on one of these devices,establish a CIFS mount on the device before adding the connector. Provide this share nameduring connector configuration. For more information, see Remote File Systems in the Connector Appliance or ArcSight Management Center Administrator's Guide.Prepare to Install ConnectorBefore you install any SmartConnectors, make sure that the ArcSight products with which the connectors will communicate have already been installed correctly (such as ArcSight ESM or ArcSight Logger).For complete product information, read the Administrator's Guide as well as the Installation and Configuration guide for your ArcSight product before installing a new SmartConnector. If you are adding a connector to the ArcSight Management Center, see the ArcSight Management Center Administrator's Guide for instructions, and start the installation procedure at "Set Global Parameters (optional)" or "Select Connector and Add Parameter Information."Before installing the SmartConnector, be sure the following are available:⏹ Local access to the machine where the SmartConnector is to be installed⏹ Administrator passwordsInstall Core SoftwareUnless specified otherwise at the beginning of this guide, this SmartConnector can be installed on all ArcSight supported platforms; for the complete list, see the SmartConnector Product and Platform Support document, available from the Micro Focus SSO and Protect 724 sites.1 Download the SmartConnector executable for your operating system from the Micro Focus SSO site.2 Start the SmartConnector installation and configuration wizard by running the executable.Follow the wizard through the following folder selection tasks and installation of the core connector software: IntroductionChoose Install FolderChoose Shortcut FolderPre-Installation SummaryInstalling...3 When the installation of SmartConnector core component software is finished, the following window is displayed:Configuration GuideMicro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 7Set Global Parameters (optional)If you choose to perform any of the operations shown in the following table, do so before adding your connector. You can set the following parameters:Parameter Setting FIPS modeSelect 'Enabled' to enable FIPS compliant mode. To enable FIPS Suite B Mode, see the SmartConnector User Guide under "Modifying Connector Parameters" for instructions. Initially, this value is set to 'Disabled'. Remote Management Select 'Enabled' to enable remote management from ArcSight Management Center. When queried by the remote managementdevice, the values you specify here for enabling remote management and the port number will be used. Initially, this value is set to'Disabled'.Remote Management Listener Port The remote management device will listen to the port specified in this field. The default port number is 9001.Preferred IP VersionWhen both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses are available for the local host (the machine on which the connector is installed), you can choose which version is preferred. Otherwise, you will see only one selection. The initial setting is IPv4.The following parameters should be configured only if you are using Micro Focus SecureData solutions to provide encryption. See the Micro Focus SecureData Architecture Guide for more information.Parameter Setting Format PreservingEncryptionData leaving the connector machine to a specified destination can be encrypted by selecting ‘Enabled’ to encrypt the fields identified in ‘Event Fields to Encrypt' before forwarding events. If encryption is enabled, it cannot be disabled. Changing any of the encryption parameters again will require a fresh installation of the connector. Format Preserving PolicyURLEnter the URL where the Micro Focus SecureData Server is installed. Proxy Server (https)Enter the proxy host for https connection if any proxy is enabled for this machine. Proxy PortEnter the proxy port for https connection if any proxy is enabled for this machine. Format Preserving IdentityThe Micro Focus SecureData client software allows client applications to protect and access data based on key names. This key name is referred to as the identity. Enter the user identity configured for Micro Focus SecureData. Format Preserving Secret Enter the secret configured for Micro Focus SecureData to use for encryption.SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File8 Micro Focus Security ArcSight ConnectorsParameter Setting Event Fields to Encrypt Recommended fields for encryption are listed; delete any fields you do not want encrypted and add any string or numeric fields you wantencrypted. Encrypting more fields can affect performance, with 20 fields being the maximum recommended. Also, because encryption changes the value, rules or categorization could also be affected. Once encryption is enabled, the list of event fields cannot be edited.After making your selections, click Next . A summary screen is displayed. Review the summary of your selections and click Next . Click Continue to return to proceed with "Add a Connector" window. Continue the installation procedure with "Select Connector and Add Parameter Information."Select Connector and Add Parameter Information1 Select Add a Connector and click Next . If applicable, you can enable FIPS mode and enable remote management later inthe wizard after SmartConnector configuration.2 Select Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File and click Next .3 Enter the required SmartConnector parameters to configure the SmartConnector, then click Next.Parameter Description FolderThe absolute path to the location of the log files.- For Windows platform, use: 'c:\Program Files\DNS_Multi_File\logs\'- For Linux platform, use: '/var/log/dnsmultifile/'For multiple servers, click Add and enter information about the additional server.- For Windows platform, use: \\<servername>\folder\folder. WildcardThe log file name ('*.log') has two parts:- Part 1: ('*') is the file name - Part 2: ('.log') is the file typeConfiguration GuideMicro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 9Parameter Description- For example: 'dnsmulti.log' Log File Type Accept the default "tracelog".Select a Destination1 The next window asks for the destination type; select a destination and click Next . For information about thedestinations listed, see the ArcSight SmartConnector User Guide .2 Enter values for the destination. For the ArcSight Manager destination, the values you enter for User and Passwordshould be the same ArcSight user name and password you created during the ArcSight Manager installation. Click Next .3 Enter a name for the SmartConnector and provide other information identifying the connector's use in yourenvironment. Click Next . The connector starts the registration process.4 If you have selected ArcSight Manager as the destination, the certificate import window for the ArcSight Manager isdisplayed. Select Import the certificate to the connector from destination and click Next . (If you select Do not import the certificate to connector from destination , the connector installation will end.) The certificate is imported and the Add connector Summary window is displayed.Complete Installation and Configuration1 Review the Add Connector Summary and click Next . If the summary is incorrect, click Previous to make changes.2 The wizard now prompts you to choose whether you want to run the SmartConnector as a stand-alone process or as aservice. If you choose to run the connector as a stand-alone process, select Leave as a standalone application , click Next , and continue with step 5.3 If you chose to run the connector as a service, with Install as a service selected, click Next . The wizard prompts you todefine service parameters. Enter values for Service Internal Name and Service Display Name and select Yes or No for Start the service automatically . The Install Service Summary window is displayed when you click Next .4 Click Next on the summary window.5 To complete the installation, choose Exit and Click Next .For instructions about upgrading the connector or modifying parameters, see the SmartConnector User Guide . Map FilesBy adding map files, users can increment the functionalities of the Connector.FileDescription Sample Content dga_whitelist.txt White list file. Includes all domains that are notscanned by the DGA detection. , , , , , , , google.co.in, , , , SmartConnector for Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File10 Micro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors FileDescription Sample Content map.2.properties Numbered connector map file. It callsthe_domainWhitelist operation. This operation isa lookup for whitelisted domains in each eventand marks them as WHITELISTED, so they can bedropped by the filter later.!Flags,Overwrite+set.expr(destinationHostName).event.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label __ domainWhitelist(destinationHostName) map.3.properties Numbered connector map file. It calls thedgaForbiddenTrigrams operation. This operationapplies the forbiddenTrigrams DGA classifier inevery event and returns 1 or 0 for each.!Flags,Overwrite+set.expr(destinationHostName).event.deviceCustomNumber1__dgaForbiddenTrigrams (destinationHostName) map.4.properties Numbered connector map file. It calls theForbiddenTrigramsHel per operation. This is ahelper function that adds a label to the dga fieldin CEF.!Flags,Overwrite+set.expr(deviceCustomNumber1).event.deviceCustomNumber1Label__dgaForbiddenTrigrams Helper(deviceCustomNumber1) map.5.properties Numbered connector map file. It sets theevent.dropEventFlag based on the value ofevent.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label. It is setto "true" when the value ofevent.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label isWHITELISTED. event.deviceCustomFloatingPoint2Label,set.event.dropEventFlag, WHITELISTED,trueNote: Adjust the sequence numbers of your new map files based on any existing map files. Forexample, if the last map file in the connector is number 3, the new DGA map file must be set to 4 and so on.Run the SmartConnectorSmartConnectors can be installed and run in stand-alone mode, on Windows platforms as a Windows service, or on UNIX platforms as a UNIX daemon, depending upon the platform supported. On Windows platforms, SmartConnectors also can be run using shortcuts and optional Start menu entries.If the connector is installed in stand-alone mode, it must be started manually and is not automatically active when a host is restarted. If installed as a service or daemon, the connector runs automatically when the host is restarted. For information about connectors running as services or daemons, see the ArcSight SmartConnector User Guide .To run all SmartConnectors installed in stand-alone mode on a particular host, open a command window, go to $ARCSIGHT_HOME\current\bin and run: arcsight connectorsTo view the SmartConnector log, read the file $ARCSIGHT_HOME\current\logs\agent.log ; to stop all SmartConnectors, enter Ctrl+C in the command window.Device Event Mapping to ArcSight FieldsThe following section lists the mappings of ArcSight data fields to the device's specific event definitions. See the ArcSight Console User's Guide for more information about the ArcSight data fields.Microsoft DNS DGA Trace Log Multiple Server File Mappings to ArcSight ESM FieldsArcSight ESM Field Device-Specific Field Agent (Connector)Severity High = 2, 3, 5, 16, SERVFAIL, NXDOMAIN, REFUSED, BADVERS, BADSIG; Medium = 1, 4, 6-10, 17-22, Error, Warning, FORMERR, NOTIMP, YXDOMAIN, YXRRSET, NXRRSET, NOTAUTH, NOTZONE, BADKEY, BADTIME, BADMODE, BADNAME, BADALG, BADTRUNC; Low = 0, 11-15,23-65535, Information, Success, NOERROR (based on Rcode values at: /enp/protocol/dns.htm#Rcode, Return code)Configuration GuideMicro Focus Security ArcSight Connectors 11 ArcSight ESM Field Device-Specific Field Application Protocolapplication protocol Bytes InSize, incoming bytes Destination Addressdestination address Destination DNSDomaindestination DNS domain Destination HostNamedestination host name Destination NTDomaindestination NT domain Device ActionAction taken by the device Device CustomFloating Point 2 LabelWHITELISTED Device Custom IPv6Address 2Source IPv6 address Device CustomNumber 11 Device CustomNumber 1 LabelDNS-Analytics Device Custom String1Thread Id Device Custom String2OpCode Device Custom String3Flags (character codes) Device Custom String4Reason or error code Device DirectionSnd=Outbound, Rcv=Inbound Device EventCategoryContext Device Event Class IDEvent Name Device Product'DNS Trace Log' Device Receipt TimeDateTime Device SeverityOne of (Information, Warning, Error, Success, NOERROR) Device Vendor'Microsoft' File Namefile name File Pathfile path MessageRcode description (based on Rcode descriptions at: /enp/protocol/dns.htm#Rcode, Return code NameRcode name (based on Rcode name at: /enp/protocol/dns.htm#Rcode, Return code Request URLQuestion Name Source AddressSource network address Source DNS DomainsourceDNSDomain Source Host NameSource host name Source PortSource port Source Service NamesourceServiceName Start TimestartTime Transport Protocol transport protocol (UDP)。
监控系统采购清单(含技术参数)一、项目概况1.项目名称: XXX实验小学安防监控系统2.项目预算: 本项目不接受超过70万元人民币(采购项目预算金额)的投标报价;报价包括全部费用, 采购人不再支付报价以外的任何费用。
3、项目背景:为确保XX路小学教师和学生安全, 现采购含监控系统、周界报警系统、计算机网络系统、综合布线系统和机房系统一套。
需具有20路取流路数能力, 以满足更多用户同时在线访问摄像机视频。
最低照度彩色: 0.0004 lx。
3.在1920x1080 @ 25fps下, 清晰度不小于1100TVL。
支持H.264.H.265.MJPEG视频编码格式, 其中H.264支持Baseline/Main/High Profile。
4. 同一静止场景相同图像质量下, 设备在H.265编码方式时, 开启智能编码功能和不开启智能编码相比, 码率节约1/2。
8. 设备工作状态时, 支持空气放电8kV, 接触放电6kV, 通讯端口支持6kV峰值电压。
8. 设备工作状态时,支持空气放电8kV,接触放电6kV,通讯端口支持6kV峰值电压。
Veritas部分产品目录和一些配置方案<1>(YC) 作者:squall_wb发表于:2004-01-0909:11:37昨天Veritas上海办事处的一个工程师到我公司来培训也让我有机会全面直观地和Veritas来了一个亲密接触,自己有了一些见识也想帖出来和大家一起分享。
solution:1.Data Protection2.High Availability3.Disaster Recovery4.Application Performance Management5.Server Automation6.Storage Managementcomponents:1.VERITAS Hardware Tier(根据硬件配置不同分为4、3、2、1、0几个类型)2.Standard License(依据产品类型和应用而定)3.Basic Support, 1 Yr Regional Business Hours(包括电话支持,不含现场安装调试费用)4.Extended Support, 1 Yr 24x7(3.4中选1即可)5.Media/Doc Kit(光盘介质)二、Veritas存储管理包括以下产品:VERITAS Volume ManagerVERITAS File SystemVERITAS Foundation Suite/HAVERITAS Database Edition/HAVERITAS Database Edition/Adv. ClusterVERITAS SANPoint Foundation Suite/HAVERITAS SANPoint Control一般而言fundation suite/HA和database suite/HA包括了:volume manager、cluster server、file system这样几个工具。
Visualint 威视林特-Maxx Mini 系列 快速设置手册说明书
美国Visualint威视林特-Maxx Mini系列快速设置手册1.设备介绍 (2)2.连接图 (2)3.设置向导 (3)4.网络配置 (9)5.添加摄像机 (10)6.设置录像规则 (13)6.1基础设置 (13)6.2高级设置 (13)7.录像空间设置 (14)8.录像存储位置 (14)9.录像状态查看 (15)10.回放查看 (16)1.设备介绍此文档以VIM-4-1000做示例,所有操作用鼠标完成。
接交换机的话,摄像机和NVR在同一网段内;接NVR自带网口时,摄像机设置成和POE Lan Card/NIC2地址在同一网段,因为摄像机需要接入ELAN系统,此功能可以不用更改。
点Yse,下一步右键呼出键盘,默认用户名admin 密码admin。
点击Confirm,继续设置完时间,点击继续设置NVR IP地址和POE口网关。
NIC 1:设备IP地址。
NIC 2:POE网关因为摄像机需要接入ELAN系统,此功能可以不用更改。
点击Main Menu 进入设置页。
菜单 显示设置 单一显示窗口 多显示窗口 上翻页 下翻页 切换 手机软件 通道设置 回放 备份 清楚警报关机回放备份录制向导摄像机设置 录像设置 系统设置 警报设置智能分析 用户管理 电源管理4.网络配置在系统设置内可以查看修改系统信息,设置IP地址、查看硬盘信息等。
Network Setup-NIC1-IP信息Network Setup-POE LAN Card-POE端口信息。
Bosch DCN 独立自动摄像机控制软件 DCN-SWSACC 技术参考手册说明书
3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4
DCN-SWSACC 应用程序 应用程序主屏幕 菜单 (1) 工作流程按钮 (2) 配置列表 (3) 内容面板 (4)
PC 通信设置
视频 URL
添加 / 删除摄像机
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Bosch Security Systems B.V.
4. 断开临时 PC 与 DCN 系统:和 Allegiant(A) 的连接。
1. 按照下图进行连接:
DCN-SWSACC_V4.0 | V1.0 | 2011.10
Bosch Security Systems B.V.
Bosch DCN 独立自动摄像机控制软件
安装 | zh 7
安装 DCN-SWSACC 用户需要从 DCN 系统随附的 DVD 光盘安装 DCN-SWSACC (请浏览博世安防系统公司的外部网,获 得最新版本的软件): 1. 放入 DVD 光盘 (软件将自动启动)。
- 如果软件没有自动启动: - 单击 Windows 任务栏上的 “开始” 菜单,然后选择 “运行 ...” 。 - 输入 d:\setup.exe (其中 d 表示 DVD 驱动器)。 2. 浏览至 “software” 并选择 DCN-SWSACC。 3. 按照屏幕上显示的说明进
isP-CMS机房监控配置清单SToneU isP-CMS机房环境监控系统-配置及报价清单公司:公司:斯特纽科技客户:发件⼈:吴刚收件⼈:电话:传真:⼿机:189********,187********主题:机房监控⽇期:2017.9.13序号设备名称型号品牌产地单位数量单价⾦额说明监控中⼼配置⼀主软件1监控主软件isP-CMS-GW8.0斯特纽中国套16000.006000.00⼆软硬件环境1环境监控专⽤服务器STU-6895斯特纽中国台04500.000.00可⾃理219'液晶显⽰器、键⿏飞利浦飞利浦中国台01200.000.00可⾃理三报警1短信报警⼦系统(包含硬件)STU-M1206B 斯特纽中国个11600.001600.002电话报警⼦系统(包含硬件)STU-GX08A 斯特纽中国个01600.000.00可选3声光报警⼦系统(包含硬件)STU-SG 斯特纽中国个01500.000.00可选每个机房配置1嵌⼊式数据采集器器STU-SH000斯特纽中国台13400.003400.004个RS485和8个⼲接点输⼊2温湿度⼀体传感器STU-TH485斯特纽中国套1600.00600.00带数显3漏⽔报警主机LS-6201LeadSEN 美国台11250.001250.004漏⽔感应绳(5⽶)LS-6601-7.5LeadSEN 美国根1600.00600.005烟雾传感器STU-93II斯特纽中国个1150.00150.006串⼝转换器,RS-232转RS-485模块STU-7520斯特纽中国个1595.00595.00U PS监测7集中协议转换软件模块STU-ITRE斯特纽中国套11500.001500.00计算四辅助配件1采集箱-斯特纽中国个1200.00200.002电缆、电源、管线、端⼦、配件等等-斯特纽中国批10.000.00⾃理五造价计算⽅法1直接材料费15895.002安装、调试费2000.003税⾦1789.50增值税可抵扣4合计19684.505优惠价17000.001. 保修期:壹年;2. 服务:保修期内,提供7*24⼩时电话技术⽀持,深圳/上海/北京/⼴州/成都/重庆/武汉/南昌/长沙/西安/沈阳地区提供4⼩时上门服务;3.交货地与运费:,包含运费。
Axis 智能安全系统:全面的监控和保护解决方案说明书
Solutions de sécurité pour toutes les activités.Adaptées à vos besoins aujourd’hui et demain.Solutions complètes de surveillance AxisDes solutions de sécurité intelligentes qui protègent votre entreprise.Avec une solution de sécurité complète Axis, vous pouvez garderl’esprit tranquille. Quels que soient les besoins de votre activité,vous êtes efficacement protégé contre les intrus, les effractions, le vandalisme et les autres atteintes aux biens et aux personnes.En tant que propriétaire d’entreprise, vous gagnez en sérénité àplusieurs niveaux.Un système de sécurité complet Axis est spécialement adapté à vos besoins spécifiques. Il peut se composerde caméras et d’autres dispositifs de sécurité en réseau, qui assurent la garde de vos locaux jour et nuit. Le tout rigoureusement testé et validé par Axis pour fonctionner en toute fiabilité.Au cœur du système, le logiciel de gestion vidéo Axis coordonne et simplifie l’exploitation de tous les autres composants.Réputées, les caméras réseau de surveillance Axisse déclinent en une diversité de versions : camérasfixes d’extérieur, caméras dômes discrètes, caméras panoramiques, caméras de positionnement qui poursuivent les activités indésirables, et même caméras thermiques pour observer dans l’obscurité totale. Toutes surveillent ce qui doit l’être.Les haut-parleurs connectés au réseau contribuent à dissuader les intrus par diffusion d’annonces vocales en direct ou préenregistrées.Les visiophones sur IP installés aux entrées vous permettent d’identifier les visiteurs et d’engager une communication audiovisuelle, vous permettant ainsi de contrôler totalement l’accès à vos sites.Un enregistreur performant doté de logiciels évolués fait office de moteur de votre système. Il capture et conserve toute l’activité audio et vidéo qui vous intéresse, à des fins d’examen immédiat ou différé depuis un téléphone, une tablette ou un ordinateur portable.De plus, avec les applications d’analyse vidéo Axis, les caméras peuvent différencier les activités inoffensives des agissements hostiles autour de votre site, pourdéterminer s’il convient d’enregistrer la scène et de vous avertir. Elles peuvent même lire et interpréter les plaques d’immatriculation des véhicules.Pour conclure, une solution complète de surveillance Axis protège votre entreprise en toutes circonstances. Vous pouvez aussi associer librement les différents composants Axis en fonction de vos besoins actuels et futurs. Ainsi, votre système peut évoluer au rythme de votredéveloppement ou des circonstances.Installation, exploitation, maintenance et extension en toute simplicité. Naturellement.Le logiciel de gestion vidéo AXIS Companionest facile à configurer et encore plus facile àutiliser. Accessible partout et à tout moment,cette solution de surveillance réseau est le choixidéal, quelles que soient vos problématiques dumoment.Avec AXIS Companion, vous accédez à lavaste gamme de caméras, dispositifs audio etvisiophones réseau d’Axis. Vous pouvez ainsirépondre à la plupart des enjeux de surveillanceavec un système monosite ou multisites. Le cœur du système est le logiciel de gestion vidéo AXIS Companion, conçu pour prendre en charge jusqu’à 16 caméras/dispositifs par site. Le téléchargement et l’utilisation du logiciel sont gratuits et sans frais de licence. Dans un système AXIS Companion, la configuration du stockage est simple et flexible. Le logiciel de gestion vidéo AXIS Companion assure une intégration étroite des caméras, dispositifs audio et visiophones en réseau pour que vous puissiez tirer le maximum devotre système de surveillance. Nos solutionss’adaptent facilement à votre activité et audéveloppement de vos besoins.AXIS CompanionAXIS Camera Station est une solution unifiée de contrôle d’accès et de surveillance réseau.Conçue pour une variété d’installations, elle protège par exemple les magasins, les hôtels, les écoles et les usines.Elle vous apporte exactement le niveau desécurité que vous recherchez sous la forme d’un système complet, flexible et évolutif.Si vous décidez plus tard de la compléter par d’autres dispositifs de sécurité IP (visiophones, dispositifs audio, détecteurs radar, etc.) ou d’en étendre la portée, c’est extrêmement simple. Vous pouvez également y ajouter des fonctions sophistiquées d’analyse Axis, qui simplifient considérablement la tâche des opérateurs.Le logiciel AXIS Camera Station peut accueillir une multitude de caméras et d’autres dispositifs de sécurité IP. Son utilisation est aussi simpleet intuitive qu’AXIS Companion. Toutes les personnes habilitées peuvent utiliser le système, afficher des flux vidéo, gérer l’accès à vos locaux, traiter les incidents et exporter rapidement des séquences vidéo probantes en haute définition. Le modèle de licence est simple et les fonctions importantes toujours incluses.AXIS Camera StationUne solution complète Axis est facilement adaptable audéveloppement de votre activité et à l’évolution de vosbesoins. Vous pouvez donc commencer avec un système simplecomposé du logiciel AXIS Companion et de quelques caméras etdispositifs, puis le compléter progressivement en ajoutant descomposants en fonction des besoins.Lorsque votre système s’étend jusqu’à atteindre une certainecomplexité, vous effectuez simplement la transition vers lelogiciel AXIS Camera Station, plus puissant. Pas besoin dechanger de camé décision d’opter pour AXIS Companion ou AXIS Camera Station pour votre solution de sécurité complète n’est pas qu’une question de taille. Vous devez avant tout tenir compte des problématiques de sécurité que vous rencontrez et déployer les moyens les plus efficaces pour y faire face.Une seule caméra suffit-elle à protéger votre activité, ou en faut-il plusieurs ? Devez-vous protéger un seul ou plusieurs sites ? Avez-vous besoin de caméras uniquement ou plutôt d’un ensemble de caméras et d’autres dispositifs de sécurité ? Prévoyez-vous la gestion des accès pour renforcer encore la sécurité Qu’en est-il si les circonstances évoluent Avec Axis, les réponses à ces enjeux sont simples.AXIS Camera Station est soumis à des droits de licence. En échange, vous disposez de la plus grande latitude pour poursuivre le développement de votre système. Vous pouvez connecter et gérer une multitude d’autres caméras et dispositifs IP, comme des détecteurs radar, des visiophones pour communiquer avec les visiteurs et gérer les accès, ou des haut-parleurs pour dissuader les intrus.Lorsque vous installez une solution de surveillance complète Axis, vous savez qu’elle est prévue pour durer, s’étendre et se développer au rythme de votre activité pendant de nombreusesannées.Une solution de surveillance toujours en phase avec votre activité.Choix exhaustif de produits de sécurité réseau AxisCaméras réseauCaméras renforcées pour extérieur, caméras de positionnement, caméras dômes discrètes pour les environnements sensibles, caméras thermiques, caméras panoramiques... Quels que soient les besoins de sécurité de votre entreprise, il existe une caméra réseau Axis correspondante.Visiophones réseauLes visiophones réseau Axis conjuguent vidéosurveillance, communication bidirectionnelle et contrôle des entrées à distance dans un même appareil. Placés au niveau des entrées et sorties de vos locaux ou positionnés stratégiquement sur un site étendu, ils vous aident à renforcer la sécurité globale et à gagner en efficacité. Contrôle d’accèsAXIS Camera Station Secure Entry regroupe sur une interface unifiée ergonomique la vidéosurveillance et la gestion des accès, avec à la clé de nouvelles possibilités pour renforcer la sécurité. Les opérateurs disposent d’un panorama complet de l’ensemble de l’activité aux entrées, qui leur permet d’identifier visuellement les visiteurs ou de recevoir des alertes automatiques en cas d’incident.AudioEn ajoutant des haut-parleurs réseau à votre système de surveillance, vous pouvez encore renforcer la sécurité. Une solution audio distante vous permet de diffuser des messages publics et de dissuader les activités indésirables autour de vos locaux, au moyen d’annonces en direct ou préenregistrées. Vous pouvez également diffuser de la musique d’ambiance.EnregistreursLes enregistrements vidéo sur IP Axis sont compatibles avec toute la gamme de produits de sécurité réseau Axis. Fiables et simples à installer, ils sont proposésen plusieurs formats et capacités de stockage. Tous les logiciels nécessaires sontpréchargés dans les enregistreurs.Fonctions d’analyseLes applications d’analyse vidéo Axis apportent de la proactivité à votre solution de surveillance. Elles aident votre équipe de sécurité à protéger vos biens. Elles peuvent par exemple détecter un intrus ou un rôdeur et prévenir automatiquement un vigile ou diffuser un message par haut-parleur. Elles contribuent également à réduirela consommation de bande passante et d’espace de stockage en envoyant et en enregistrant uniquement les vidéos qui font sens.AXIS Site DesignerAvec AXIS Site Designer sur votre ordinateur portable ou tablette, vous pouvezgérer tout le processus de conception avec efficacité. Vous pouvez apporter instantanément des modifications, utiliser des exemples de résolution vidéo poursélectionner les caméras correctes, donner des noms descriptifs aux caméras et leur associer des durées de rétention, rechercher les accessoires compatibles etdéterminer les solutions d’enregistrement adaptées. L’outil est accompagné de procédures d’installation et de documentations commerciales pratiques, et vous pouvez exporter toutes les configurations vers AXIS Camera Station pour éviter les erreurs d’installation.Partout dans le monde, les entreprises font confiance à Axis pour leurs besoins en sécurité.Cette période marque le début de l’utilisation des technologies réseau pour connecter des dispositifs et les rendre plus intelligents. C’est ce qu’on appelle aujourd’hui l’Internet des objets (IoT).Appliqué à la surveillance et à la sécurité, ce concept arévolutionné le marché.Les entreprises disposant d’une connexion Internet pouvaient visualiser leurs locaux même à distance. Pour celles qui exploitaient déjà un système CCTV analogique, Axis a créé des encodeurs réseau pour qu’elles puissent elles aussi exploiter les dernières technologies IP.Aujourd’hui, Axis s’est imposé comme le plus grand fournisseur mondial de solutions de surveillance réseau pour les entreprises de tous types et de toutes tailles.Les caméras forment une composante essentielle de la surveillance. Axis propose de nombreux modèles : caméras pour extérieur, caméras de positionnement, caméras panoramiques, caméras à dôme fixe, caméras thermiques et bien plus encore.Toutefois, une sécurité vraiment efficace exige davantageque des caméras. Ces dernières années, Axis a donc diversifié sa gamme de produits en la complétant par des logiciels de gestion des flux vidéo, des solutions audio pour dissuader les intrus et des visiophones pour le contrôle d’accès.Toutes les solutions Axis reposent sur des normes IP ouvertes. Ainsi, si la complexité de vos besoins de surveillance nécessite un système de gestion vidéo encore plus évolué et personnalisé, l’un de nos partenaires spécialisés peut vous le fournir. Inutile de remplacer le réseau existant de caméras et autres dispositifs.Une solution de surveillance complète Axis est tout simplement l’un des investissements les plus sûrs et pérennes. Beaucoup d’entreprises en sont déjà convaincues.« Un monde plus sûr et plus intelligent ».Cette devise guide Axis depuis sa création en 1984.Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur/fr/end-to-end-solutions/for-surveillanceEn concevant des solutions réseau qui améliorent la sécurité et permettent le développement de nouvelles façons de travailler, Axis contribue à un monde plus sûr et plus clairvoyant. Leader technologique de la vidéo sur IP, Axis propose des produits et services axés sur la vidéosurveillance,l’analyse vidéo, le contrôle d’accès, l’interphonie et les systèmes audio. L’entreprise emploie plusde 3800 personnes dans plus de 50 pays et collabore avec des partenaires du monde entier pour fournir des solutions clients adaptées. Axis a été fondée en 1984, son siège est situé à Lund enSuède.Pour en savoir plus, visitez notre site web ©2021 Axis Communications AB. AXIS COMMUNICATIONS, AXIS, ARTPEC et VAPIX sont des marques déposées d’Axis AB dans différentes juridictions. Toutes les autres marques sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs.。
NuttX OS意识型监控手册说明书
OS Awareness Manual NuttX Release 09.2023TRACE32 Online HelpTRACE32 DirectoryTRACE32 IndexTRACE32 Documents ......................................................................................................................OS Awareness Manuals ................................................................................................................OS Awareness Manual NuttX (1)Overview (3)Brief Overview of Documents for New Users3 Supported Versions4Configuration (5)Quick Configuration Guide6 Hooks & Internals in NuttX6Features (7)Display of Kernel Resources7 Task Stack Coverage7 Task-Related Breakpoints8 Task Context Display9 Dynamic Task Performance Measurement9 Task Runtime Statistics10 Function Runtime Statistics11 NuttX specific Menu12NuttX Commands (13)TASK.Task Display tasks13 TASK.BuiLTinAPP Display built-in applications13NuttX PRACTICE Functions (14)TASK.CONFIG()OS Awareness configuration information14Version 09-Oct-2023 OverviewThe OS Awareness for NuttX contains special extensions to the TRACE32 Debugger. This manualdescribes the additional features, such as additional commands and statistic evaluations.Brief Overview of Documents for New UsersArchitecture-independent information:•“Training Basic Debugging” (training_debugger.pdf): Get familiar with the basic features of a TRACE32 debugger.•“T32Start” (app_t32start.pdf): T32Start assists you in starting TRACE32 PowerView instances for different configurations of the debugger. T32Start is only available for Windows.•“General Commands” (general_ref_<x>.pdf): Alphabetic list of debug commands.Architecture-specific information:•“Processor Architecture Manuals”: These manuals describe commands that are specific for the processor architecture supported by your Debug Cable. T o access the manual for your processorarchitecture, proceed as follows:-Choose Help menu > Processor Architecture Manual.•“OS Awareness Manuals” (rtos_<os>.pdf): TRACE32 PowerView can be extended for operating system-aware debugging. The appropriate OS Awareness manual informs you how to enable theOS-aware debugging.Supported VersionsCurrently NuttX is supported for the following versions:•All NuttX versions on ARM/Cortex.ConfigurationThe TASK.CONFIG command loads an extension definition file called “nuttx.t32” (directory“~~/demo/<processor>/kernel/nuttx”). It contains all necessary extensions.Automatic configuration tries to locate the NuttX internals automatically. For this purpose all symbol tables must be loaded and accessible at any time the OS Awareness is used.If you want to have dual port access for the display functions (display “On The Fly”), you have to mapemulation or shadow memory to the address space of all used system tables.For system resource display and trace functionality, you can do an automatic configuration of the OSAwareness. For this purpose it is necessary that all system internal symbols are loaded and accessible at any time, the OS Awareness is used. Each of the TASK.CONFIG arguments can be substituted by '0', which means that this argument will be searched and configured automatically. For a fully automatic configuration omit all arguments:TASK.CONFIG nuttx.t32Quick Configuration GuideTo get a quick access to the features of the OS Awareness for NuttX with your application, follow this roadmap:1.Copy the files “nuttx.t32” and “nuttx.men” to your project directory.(from TRACE32 directory “~~/demo/<processor>/kernel/nuttx”).2.Start the TRACE32 Debugger.3.Load your application as usual.4.Execute the command:TASK.CONFIG nuttx.t32See “Configuration”.5.Execute the command:MENU.ReProgram nuttx.menSee “NuttX Specific Menu”.6.Start your application.Now you can access the NuttX extensions through the menu.In case of any problems, please carefully read the previous Configuration chapter.Hooks & Internals in NuttXNo hooks are used in the kernel.For detecting the current running task, the kernel symbol “g_readytorun” is used.For retrieving the kernel data structures, the OS Awareness uses the global kernel symbols and structure definitions. Ensure that access to those structures is possible every time when features of the OSAwareness are used.FeaturesThe OS Awareness for NuttX supports the following features.Display of Kernel ResourcesThe extension defines new commands to display various kernel resources. Information on the following NuttX components can be displayed:TASK.Task Display tasksTASK.BuiLTinApp Display the built-in application within NuttX imageFor a detailed description of each command, refer to chapter “NuttX Commands”.When working with emulation memory or shadow memory, these resources can be displayed “On The Fly”,i.e. while the target application is running, without any intrusion to the application. If using this dual portmemory feature, be sure that emulation memory is mapped to all places where NuttX holds its tables.When working only with target memory, the information will only be displayed if the target application is stopped.Task Stack CoverageFor stack usage coverage of tasks, you can use the TASK.STacK command. Without any parameter, this command will open a window displaying with all active tasks. If you specify only a task magic number as parameter, the stack area of this task will be automatically calculated.T o use the calculation of the maximum stack usage, a stack pattern must be defined with the command TASK.STacK.PATtern (default value is zero).T o add/remove one task to/from the task stack coverage, you can either call the TASK.STacK.ADD or TASK.STacK.ReMove commands with the task magic number as the parameter, or omit the parameter and select the task from the TASK.STacK.* window.It is recommended to display only the tasks you are interested in because the evaluation of the used stack space is very time consuming and slows down the debugger display.Task-Related BreakpointsAny breakpoint set in the debugger can be restricted to fire only if a specific task hits that breakpoint. This is especially useful when debugging code which is shared between several tasks. T o set a task-relatedbreakpoint, use the command:Break.Set<address>|<range>[/<option>] /TASK <task>Set task-related breakpoint.•Use a magic number, task ID, or task name for <task>. For information about the parameters, see “What to know about the Task Parameters” (general_ref_t.pdf).•For a general description of the Break.Set command, please see its documentation.By default, the task-related breakpoint will be implemented by a conditional breakpoint inside the debugger.This means that the target will always halt at that breakpoint, but the debugger immediately resumesexecution if the current running task is not equal to the specified task.NOTE:T ask-related breakpoints impact the real-time behavior of the application.On some architectures, however, it is possible to set a task-related breakpoint with on-chip debug logic that is less intrusive. T o do this, include the option /Onchip in the Break.Set command. The debugger then uses the on-chip resources to reduce the number of breaks to the minimum by pre-filtering the tasks.For example, on ARM architectures: If the RTOS serves the Context ID register at task switches, and if the debug logic provides the Context ID comparison, you may use Context ID register for less intrusive task-related breakpoints:eContextID ON Enables the comparison to the whole Context ID register.Break.CONFIG.MatchASID ON Enables the comparison to the ASID part only.TASK.List.tasks If TASK.List.tasks provides a trace ID (traceid column), thedebugger will use this ID for comparison. Without the trace ID,it uses the magic number (magic column) for comparison.When single stepping, the debugger halts at the next instruction, regardless of which task hits thisbreakpoint. When debugging shared code, stepping over an OS function may cause a task switch and coming back to the same place - but with a different task. If you want to restrict debugging to the current task, you can set up the debugger with SETUP.StepWithinTask ON to use task-related breakpoints for single stepping. In this case, single stepping will always stay within the current task. Other tasks using the same code will not be halted on these breakpoints.If you want to halt program execution as soon as a specific task is scheduled to run by the OS, you can use the Break.SetTask command.Task Context DisplayY ou can switch the whole viewing context to a task that is currently not being executed. This means that all register and stack-related information displayed, e.g. in Register, Data.List, Frame etc. windows, will refer to this task. Be aware that this is only for displaying information. When you continue debugging theapplication (Step or Go), the debugger will switch back to the current context.T o display a specific task context, use the command:Frame.TASK[<task>]Display task context.•Use a magic number, task ID, or task name for <task>. For information about the parameters, see “What to know about the Task Parameters” (general_ref_t.pdf).•To switch back to the current context, omit all parameters.T o display the call stack of a specific task, use the following command:Frame /Task <task>Display call stack of a task.If you’d like to see the application code where the task was preempted, then take these steps:1.Open the Frame /Caller /Task<task> window.2.Double-click the line showing the OS service call.Dynamic Task Performance MeasurementThe debugger can execute a dynamic performance measurement by evaluating the current running task in changing time intervals. Start the measurement with the commands PERF.Mode TASK and PERF.Arm, and view the contents with PERF.ListTASK. The evaluation is done by reading the ‘magic’ location (= current running task) in memory. This memory read may be non-intrusive or intrusive, depending on the PERF.METHOD used.If PERF collects the PC for function profiling of processes in MMU-based operating systems(SYStem.Option.MMUSPACES ON), then you need to set PERF.MMUSPACES, too.For a general description of the PERF command group, refer to “General Commands Reference Guide P” (general_ref_p.pdf).Task Runtime StatisticsNOTE:This feature is only available, if your debug environment is able to trace taskswitches (program flow trace is not sufficient). It requires either an on-chip tracelogic that is able to generate task information (eg. data trace), or a softwareinstrumentation feeding one of TRACE32 software based traces (e.g. FDX orLogger). For details, refer to “OS-aware Tracing” (glossary.pdf).Based on the recordings made by the Trace (if available), the debugger is able to evaluate the time spent ina task and display it statistically and graphically.T o evaluate the contents of the trace buffer, use these commands:Trace.List List.TASK DEFault Display trace buffer and task switchesTrace.STATistic.TASK Display task runtime statistic evaluationTrace.Chart.TASK Display task runtime timechartTrace.PROfileSTATistic.TASK Display task runtime within fixed time intervalsstatisticallyTrace.PROfileChart.TASK Display task runtime within fixed time intervals ascolored graphTrace.FindAll Address TASK.CONFIG(magic) Display all data access records to the “magic”locationTrace.FindAll CYcle owner OR CYcle context Display all context ID records The start of the recording time, when the calculation doesn’t know which task is running, is calculated as “(unknown)”.All kernel activities up to the task switch are added to the calling task.Function Runtime StatisticsNOTE:This feature is only available, if your debug environment is able to trace taskswitches (program flow trace is not sufficient). It requires either an on-chip tracelogic that is able to generate task information (eg. data trace), or a softwareinstrumentation feeding one of TRACE32 software based traces (e.g. FDX orLogger). For details, refer to “OS-aware Tracing” (glossary.pdf).All function-related statistic and time chart evaluations can be used with task-specific information. The function timings will be calculated dependent on the task that called this function. T o do this, in addition to the function entries and exits, the task switches must be recorded.T o do a selective recording on task-related function runtimes based on the data accesses, use the following command:; Enable flow trace and accesses to the magic locationBreak.Set TASK.CONFIG(magic) /TraceDataT o do a selective recording on task-related function runtimes, based on the Arm Context ID, use the following command:; Enable flow trace with Arm Context ID (e.g. 32bit)ETM.ContextID 32T o evaluate the contents of the trace buffer, use these commands:Trace.ListNesting Display function nestingTrace.STATistic.Func Display function runtime statisticTrace.STATistic.TREE Display functions as call treeTrace.STATistic.sYmbol /SplitTASK Display flat runtime analysisTrace.Chart.Func Display function timechartTrace.Chart.sYmbol /SplitTASK Display flat runtime timechartThe start of the recording time, when the calculation doesn’t know which task is running, is calculated as “(unknown)”.All kernel activities up to the task switch are added to the calling task.NuttX specific MenuThe menu file “nuttx.men” contains a menu with NuttX specific menu items. Load this menu with theMENU.ReProgram command.Y ou will find a new menu called NuttX.•The Display menu items launch the kernel resource display windows.•The Stack Coverage submenu starts and resets the NuttX specific stack coverage and provides an easy way to add or remove tasks from the stack coverage window.In addition, the menu file (*.men) modifies these menus on the TRACE32 main menu bar:•The Trace menu is extended. In the List submenu, you can choose if you want a trace list window to show only task switches (if any) or task switches together with default display.•The Perf menu contains additional submenus for task runtime statistics, task-related function runtime statistics or statistics on task states.NuttX CommandsTASK.TaskDisplay tasksDisplays detailed information about the tasks.“magic” is a unique ID, used by the OS Awareness to identify the task.TASK.BuiLTinAPPDisplay built-in applicationsDisplays the built-in applications within the NuttX image with detailed information.Format:TASK.Task Format:TASK.BuiLTinAPPNuttX PRACTICE FunctionsThere are special definitions for NuttX specific PRACTICE functions.TASK.CONFIG()OS Awareness configuration information Syntax:TASK.CONFIG(magic | magicsize)Parameter and Description:magic Parameter Type: String (without quotation marks).Returns the magic address, which is the location that contains thecurrently running task (i.e. its task magic number).magicsize Parameter Type: String (without quotation marks).Returns the size of the task magic number (1, 2 or 4).Return Value Type: Hex value.。
AXIS Q1615 Mk III 智能网络摄像头手册说明书
DatasheetAXIS Q1615Mk III Network CameraFor analytics with deep learningAXIS Q1615Mk III combines exceptional imaging and video performance with outstanding hardware and processing capabilities to provide the perfect platform for analytics based on artificial intelligence(AI)with deep learning.A fixed box camera with Q-line functionality,it features an innovative dual chipset that is the basis for nuanced and remarkably granular object classification.This advanced hardware offers a unique opportunity to take advantage of tailor-made third-party applications based on deep learning.The dual chipset also makes it possible for preinstalled AXIS Object Analytics to distinguish between bikes,cars,buses,trucks,and so on.>Powerful AI with deep learning>Granular object classification>Support for3rd-party AI applications>Edge-based processing for scalability>Premium Axis Q-line camera featuresAXIS Q1615Mk III Network Camera CameraImage sensor1/2.8"Progressive scan RGB CMOSLens Varifocal,IR corrected,CS-mount2MP(16:9):2.8–8.5mm,F1.2Horizontal field of view:116°–40°Vertical field of view:61°–22°i-CS lensDay and night Automatically removable infrared-cut filterMinimum illumination HDTV1080p25/30fps with Forensic WDR and Lightfinder: Color:0.05lux,B/W:0.01lux at50IRE,F1.2HDTV1080p50/60fps with Forensic WDR and Lightfinder: Color:0.1lux,B/W:0.02lux at50IRE,F1.2HDTV1080p100/120fps:Color:0.2lux,B/W:0.04lux at50IRE,F1.2Shutter speed1/125000to2sSystem on chip(SoC)Model ARTPEC-7Memory2048MB RAM,1024MB Flash ComputecapabilitiesDeep learning processing unit(DLPU) VideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC),Main,Baseline and High Profile H.265(MPEG-H Part2/HEVC)Main ProfileMotion JPEGResolution HDTV1080p100/120fps(no WDR):1920x1080to160x90HDTV1080p50/60fps(WDR):1920x1080to160x90HDTV1080p25/30fps(WDR):1920x1080to160x90 Frame rate Up to100/120fps(50/60Hz)in1080p(no WDR)Video streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264,H.265and Motion JPEGAxis Zipstream technology in H.264and H.265Controllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/ABR/MBR H.264/H.265Low latency modeVideo streaming indicatorImage settings Saturation,contrast,brightness,sharpness,Forensic WDR:Up to 120dB depending on scene,white balance,day/night threshold,tone mapping,local contrast,exposure mode,exposure zones,defogging,electronic image stabilization,barrel distortioncorrection,compression,rotation:auto,0°,90°,180°,270°including Corridor Format,dynamic text and image overlay,polygon privacy mask,mirroring of imagesScene profiles:forensic,vivid,traffic overviewPan/Tilt/Zoom Digital PTZ,uploadable PTZ driver(Pelco D pre-installed) AudioAudio streaming Two-way,full duplexAudio encoding24bit LPCM,AAC-LC8/16/32/44.1/48kHz,G.711PCM8kHz,G.726ADPCM8kHz,Opus8/16/48kHzConfigurable bit rateAudio input/output External microphone input,line input,digital input withring power,built-in microphone(can be disabled),balanced microphone,balanced input,automatic gain control,line output 24bit AD/DA-conversionNetworkSecurity IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1x(EAP-TLS)a network access control,user access log,centralized certificatemanagementNetwork protocols IPv4,IPv6USGv6,ICMPv4/ICMPv6,HTTP,HTTP/2,HTTPS a,TLS a,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,mDNS(Bonjour),UPnP TM,SNMPv1/v2c/v3(MIB-II),DNS/DNSv6,DDNS,NTP,NTS,RTSP,RTP,SFTP,SRTP/RTSPS,TCP,UDP,IGMPv1/v2/v3,RTCP,ICMP,DHCPv4/v6,ARP,SSH,LLDP,CDP,MQTT v3.1.1,Secure syslog(RFC3164/5424,UDP/TCP/TLS),Link-Local address(ZeroConf)System integrationApplicationProgrammingInterfaceOpen API for software integration,including VAPIX®,metadata,and AXIS Camera Application Platform(ACAP);specifications at/developer-community.ACAP includes Native SDK andComputer Vision SDK.One-click cloud connectionONVIF®Profile G,ONVIF®Profile M,ONVIF®Profile S andONVIF®Profile T,specifications at OnscreencontrolsElectronic image stabilizationDay/night shiftDefoggingWide dynamic rangeVideo streaming indicatorEvent conditions Analytics,external input,supervised external input,edge storageevents,virtual inputs through APIAudio:audio detectionDevice status:above operating temperature,above or belowoperating temperature,below operating temperature,IP addressremoved,network lost,new IP address,shock detection,ringpower overcurrent protection,storage failure,system ready,within operating temperatureEdge storage:recording ongoing,storage disruptionI/O:digital input,manual trigger,virtual inputMQTT subscribePTZ:PTZ malfunctioning,PTZ movement,PTZ preset positionreached,PTZ readyScheduled and recurring:scheduled eventVideo:live stream openEvent actions MQTT publishRecord video:SD card and network shareUpload of images or video clips:FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,networkshare and emailPre-and post-alarm video or image buffering for recording oruploadNotification:email,HTTP,HTTPS,TCP and SNMP trapPTZ:PTZ preset,start/stop guard tourOverlay text,external output activation,play audio clip,zoompreset,defog mode,PTZ controlBuilt-ininstallation aidsFocus assistant,pixel counter,leveling assistant,cameraorientation aid,traffic wizardi-CS:Remote zoom and focusOther lens:Remote back focusAnalyticsAXIS ObjectAnalyticsObject classes:humans,vehicles(types:cars,buses,trucks,bikes)Trigger conditions:line crossing,object in area,time in area BETAUp to10scenariosMetadata visualized with trajectories and color-coded boundingboxesPolygon include/exclude areasPerspective configurationONVIF Motion Alarm eventMetadata Object data:Classes:humans,faces,vehicles(types:cars,buses,trucks,bikes),license platesConfidence,positionEvent data:Producer reference,scenarios,trigger conditionsApplications IncludedAXIS Object AnalyticsAXIS Video Motion Detection,active tampering alarm,audiodetectionSupport for additional applications if the device is used withcompatible accessories.For more information,contact your Axispartner.Support for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acapCybersecurityEdge security Software:Signed firmware,brute force delay protection,digestauthentication,password protection,AES-XTS-Plain64256bitSD card encryptionHardware:Secure boot,Axis Edge Vault with secure keystore(CC EAL4+,FIPS140-2level2certified hardware protection ofcryptographic operations and keys)Network security IEEE802.1X(EAP-TLS),HTTPS/HSTS,TLS v1.2/v1.3,Network Time Security(NTS),X.509Certificate PKI,IP address filtering Documentation AXIS OS Hardening GuideAxis Vulnerability Management PolicyAxis Security Development ModelAXIS OS Software Bill of Material(SBOM)To download documents,go to /support/cybersecu-rity/resourcesTo read more about Axis cybersecurity support,go to/cybersecurityGeneralCasing Casing:Metal(zinc)Color lid:Silver RAL9006Color chassi:Black-NCS S9000-NMounting¼”-20tripod screw threadCamera stand includedSustainability PVC free,BFR/CFR freePower Power over Ethernet(PoE)IEEE802.3af/802.3at Type1Class3,max12.95W,typical8.2W10-28V DC,max12.1W,typical8.3WPower redundancyConnectors Shielded RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T PoEDC inputI/O:6-pin2.5mm terminal block for four configurableinputs/outputs(12V DC output,max load50mA).Two of theports can be supervised.RS485/RS422,2pcs,2pos,full duplex,terminal block3.5mm mic/line in,3.5mm line outi-CS connector(compatible with P-Iris and DC-iris)AXIS T92G20connectorStorage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardSupport for SD card encryption(AES-XTS-Plain64256bit)Recording to network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operating conditions -10°C to55°C(14°F to131°F) Humidity10-85%RH(non-condensing)Storage conditions -40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F) Humidity5-95%RH(non-condensing)Approvals EMCEN55032Class A,EN61000-3-2,EN61000-3-3,EN55024,EN55035,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),VCCI Class A,RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class A,EAC,KCC KN32Class A,KN35SafetyIEC/EN/UL62368-1,IS13252EnvironmentIEC60068-2-1,IEC60068-2-2,IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-14,IEC60068-2-27,IEC60068-2-78NetworkNIST SP500-267Dimensions82x58x195mm(3.2x2.3x7.7in)Weight1120g(2.5lb)IncludedaccessoriesStandConnector kit,Resistorx®T20tool,Installation Guide,Windows®decoder1-user licenseOptional lenses Lens CS4-10mm F0.9P-IrisRicom2MP Lens DC-iris8-26mm F0.9Fujinon Varifocal Lens8-80mm,DC-irisLens i-CS9-50mm F1.58MPLens CS12-50mm F1.4P-Iris8MPOptionalaccessoriesAxis mounts,Axis lenses,Axis midspans,Axis microphonesAXIS TQ1809-LE Housing T92GAXIS T92E20Outdoor HousingAXIS T8355Digital MicrophoneFor more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,video managementsoftware from Axis Application Development Partners availableat /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Traditional Chinese Warranty5-year warranty,see /warrantyExport control The product contains U.S.-origin controlled technology/compo-nent,the US Export Administration Regulations(EAR)are alwaysapplicable to the product.You should comply at all times withall applicable national and international(re-)export controlregulations.a.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit(/),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young (*****************).©2020-2023Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks ofAxis AB in various jurisdictions.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.We reserve the right tointroduce modifications without notice.T10147592/EN/M22.2/2304。
2·术语定义2·1 监控系统:一种用于监视和记录环境、设备或活动的工具。
2·2 采购方:指需要购买监控系统的组织或个人。
2·3 供应商:指提供监控系统产品的公司或个体。
2·4 规格:监控系统的具体要求和功能特性。
3·监控系统采购需求分析3·1 需求背景:介绍为何需要采购监控系统,包括目标、需求和预期效果。
3·2 功能需求:详细描述监控系统需要具备的功能,如实时监控、录像存储、报警功能等。
3·3 技术需求:介绍监控系统的技术要求,如摄像头分辨率、视频压缩标准、网络连接方式等。
3·4 安全需求:提出有关数据安全、系统防护等方面的需求。
3·5 可拓展性需求:考虑到未来业务发展的可能性,提出监控系统需要具备的可拓展性要求。
4·监控系统采购规格4·1 型号和参数:列出所需监控系统的具体型号和参数。
4·2 数量:确定采购的监控系统数量。
4·3 供应商要求:确定对供应商的要求,包括信誉度、售后服务等。
4·4 采购预算:规定采购监控系统的预算限制。
5·供应商选择与评估5·1 供应商调研:对可能的供应商进行调查和评估,了解其产品、服务以及客户反馈。
5·2 供应商评估:根据不同评价标准,对供应商进行评估,包括质量、价格、交货时间等。
5·3 供应商选择:根据评估结果选择合适的供应商。
6·采购合同6·1 合同内容:明确采购方和供应商之间的权益责任和协作关系。
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SPD40KA 台4核心交换机H3C S7503E(以太网交换机主机)
LS-7503E 台5H3C S7500E 交流电源模块,1400W
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LSQMISRPB0块7H3C S7500E 48端口千兆/百兆以太网光接口模块(SFP,LC)
SFP-GE-LX-SM1310-A 台9六类非屏蔽跳线1米
1071004ESL 箱2单模六芯光纤及附件
5200-006A-WPYL 米1光缆熔接
低烟无卤耐火电源线NH-BY-4.0米N 2
低烟无卤耐火接地线NH-BY-4.0米N 3
低烟无卤耐火电源线NH-BY-2.5米N 4
低烟无卤耐火电源电缆DWZR-RYY3X2.0mm 米N 5
同轴电缆SYV75-9米N 6
内外热镀锌钢管RC20米N 7
内外热镀锌钢管RC25米N 8
金属软管米N 9
金属吊杆、吊架、角钢(40*4/30*3)等套N 10防火封堵防火泥立方米N
11防火涂料(标准桶装型)桶N 12金属防火线槽200×100米N 13金属防火线槽400×100米N