Automatic ultrasound-MRI registration for neurosurgery using the 2D and 3D LC(2) Metric.
《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》 2023年第15卷第1期·专家笔谈· 胎儿MRI在先心病诊断中的应用董素贞 (上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心放射科,上海200127)【摘要】 先天性心脏病目前是全球范围内最前见的出生缺陷,在胎儿期和新生儿期的发病率和死亡率非常高,因此,产前准确诊断非常重要。
【关键词】 胎儿;磁共振成像;先天性心脏病;产前诊断【中图分类号】 R445.2;R714.53 【文献标识码】 A犇犗犐:10.13470/j.cnki.cjpd.2023.01.003 通信作者:董素贞,Email:dongsuzhen@126.com基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(81971582,81571628);上海市浦江人才计划资助(2019PJD030) 先天性心脏病(先心病)目前是全球范围内最常见的出生缺陷[1],根据中国卫生部2012年中国出生缺陷防治报告的统计,先心病占中国所有出生缺陷的40.95%[2]。
Medical image Registration 医学图像配准
Mutual Information as Similarity Measure
• Monomodality: A series of same modality images (CT/CT, MR/MR, Mammogram pairs,…). Images may be acquired weeks or months apart; taken from different viewpoints. Aligning images in order to detect subtle changes in intensity or shape
• Multimodality: Complementary anatomic and functional information from multiple modalities can be obtained for the precise diagnosis and treatment. Examples:PET and SPECT (low resolution, functional information) need MR or CT (high resolution, anatomical information) to get structure information.
Registration Problem Definition
p = (825,856) q = T(p;a)
q = (912,632)
Pixel location in first image
Homologous pixel locamapping function
Philips EPIQ 系列超声设备用户指南说明书
UltrasoundAuto Registration in less than one minuteThe Philips EPIQ ultrasound system features our most powerful Philips architecture ever applied to ultrasound imaging – touching all aspects of acoustic acquisition and processing, allowing ultrasound to evolve to a more definitive modality. Anatomical Intelligence Ultrasound (AIUS) allows EPIQ Fusion and Navigation Auto Registration to provide successfulalignment of CT volumes to ultrasound in under one minute for the effective characterization of lesions. Performing automated fusion in less than one minute allows for more time to focus on the procedure ahead and less time on performing the registration necessary for accurate fusion.Fusion combines the strengths of multiple modalitiesUltrasound is a fast, high-resolution, and dynamictool but can often lack the anatomical context provided by CT and MRI. Fusion allows specific regions of interest to be targeted for highly detailed analysis while benefiting from the anatomical detail provided by CT or MRI. This can be ideal for contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) examinations of indeterminate abdominallesions, especially if there are multiple lesions that require interrogation, or if a lesion is unidentifiable on standard B-mode ultrasound.Fusion imaging benefits are based on the ability to bring together innate advantages of various imaging modalities that helps to provide the best possible outcome for the patient, but registration of two imaging modalities can be time-consuming and technically challenging, often taking up to 10 minutes to achieve successful fusion with conventional registration techniques. Now with Evolution 1.0 the EPIQ platform has fully integrated fusion and navigation capabilities that helps clinicians achieve fast fusion of different modalities and high levels of clinical confidence .Auto Registration on EPIQ Evolution 1.0A 1.5 cm recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma in the left lobe of the liver in a 79-year-old patient with a history of liver cirrhosis was examined under ultrasound using Auto Registration. This occult mass demonstrated well under contrast enhanced CT, but was previously undetected under ultrasound. Upon re-examination, this time using the Philips EPIQ ultrasound system, the occult mass was seen as a hypervascular region relative to the surrounding parenchyma with contrast ultrasound.A previously acquired CT scan was imported into the Philips EPIQ system for fusion with contrast-enhanced ultrasound. The patient was positioned supine with the Philips patient tracker on the xiphisternum to maintain fusion accuracy despite patient motion throughout the procedure.Traditional fusion techniques would have required the use of at least one internal landmark such as a vessel confluence as an anchor point for the fusion between the two modalities. Due to advanced cirrhosis, much of the portal tree in the liver had become very narrow and was poorly visualized in ultrasound. The lack of identifiable anatomy on ultrasound made traditional fusion methods impossible.Prof. Imai performed Auto Registration between a priorcontrast CT and ultrasound using the vessel-based technique. An ultrasound sweep volume was acquired to include optimal display of the portal vasculature.The Auto Registration tool performed segmentation of vessels from the hepatic cell phase (although portal venous phase is also commonly used by other centers) image series from the CT scan, as well as the portal vessels that were included in the ultrasound volume acquisition. Despite a narrowing of the portal vasculature in this patient, Prof. Imai succeeded in assuring adequate vessels in this ultrasound volume.Alignment of vessel maps took less than one minute to provide a clear demonstration of the mass on CT/ultrasound fusion.Correct alignment between the CT and ultrasound was validated by scanning in multiple planes over the liver and by reviewing the corresponding fused image.Of note: when Prof. Imai can visualize sufficient vessels on the ultrasound image – as in this case – he performs vessel-based registration. In cases where visualization of vessels present a challenge, Prof. Imai starts with surface-based registration and focuses the sweep volume on the posterior surface of the liver.Once the images are fused, Prof. Imai typically checks from both the left and right lobes, consistently finding Auto Registration to be accurate. Prof. Imai states, “There are significant advantagesProf. Yasuharu Imai, MD, FACP, FACGDirector, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Tokyo Medical University Hachioji Medical Center Tokyo, JapanAuto Registration case study 1Two methods for Auto Registration in the liverRegistration using the liver surfaceAutomatic CT/ultrasound liver surface registration first extracts the 3D surface of the liver from the non-contrast CT scan. Then an ultrasound sweep of the liver is acquired such that part of the diaphragm touching the liver surface is captured in the sweep. The 3D shape of the diaphragm is automatically extracted from the ultrasound sweep. This 3D contour from the ultrasound can be considered as the partial 3D surface of the liver because they are adjacent to each other. The registration algorithm then finds the best way to align the 3D liver surface from the CT volume with the partial 3D liver surface from the ultrasound sweep volume. This is analogous to facial recognition, where one is trying to match a full picture with a portion of another picture of the same individual using thecontour of the face.Registration using the liver vesselsAutomatic CT/ultrasound liver vessel registration first extracts the 3D vessel trees of the entire liver from the contrast CT. Then an ultrasound sweep of the liver is acquired such that some vessels are captured in the sweep and automatically extracted. The registration algorithm then finds the best fit to align the 3D vessel trees within the liver CT volume and the 3D vessel trees acquired within the ultrasound sweep volume. This is analogous to matching fingerprints, where one is trying to match a complete fingerprint to a portion of another fingerprint of the same individual.To meet the demands of different clinical scenarios, Philips Auto Registration on EPIQEvolution 1.0 uses either vessel-based or surface-based techniques to perform automated fusion in less than one minute.2to using other modalities with ultrasound. Lesion detection issimplified for further evaluation, and an opportunity exists for subsequent monitoring. The added clinical benefit of fusion imaging does not have to add additional time to the procedure.”Follow-up careIn the case of this patient in which traditional approacheswere not feasible, Auto Registration allowed the team to localize the lesion and further characterize it using CEUS with the goal to continue monitoring this lesion using ultrasound with CEUS.Case 1. Contrast enhanced CT demonstrates lipiodol deposition after chemoembolization.Deposition of LipiodolRecurrent lesionCase 1. Fusion imaging assists in lesion localization underultrasound, where clearly defined on contrast CT. The recurrent lesion was unclear on B-mode ultrasound.Case 1. Sonazoid distribution on ultrasound fused with contrast enhanced CT for an anatomical reference.Fusion imaging of CT and CEUS demonstrates HCC RFA post-treatment in reference to the CT of the pre-treated area, confirming successful treatment.3Dr. MAF McNeill, MBBS FRCRDr. Ben Stenberg, PhDRadiology Department, Freeman Hospital NHS Newcastle upon Tyne, UKAuto Registration case study 2A 77-year-old patient with a history of previous Hartmann’s procedure for pT3 N1 Dukes C adenocarcinoma of the distal sigmoid colon had a routine follow-up CT at one year which demonstrated no evidence of disease recurrence. However,a repeat CT six months later performed for increasing weight loss demonstrated a small nodule adjacent to the rectalstump and a new 1.5 cm segment 5 liver lesion in keepingwith solitary metastasisThe patient’s past medical history includes cardiovascular disease, previous ischemic stroke, and severe chronic renal impairment. In combination with marked spinal degenerative disease, the patient is wheelchair-bound and has mobility only with assistance. As a result he was unable to tolerate MRI for further evaluation of the surgical resection site, and the decision was that treatment of the solitary liver metastasis with liver resection carried too great a risk given these co-morbidities.With surgery ruled out, percutaneous ablation of the liver metastasis was considered the best treatment option.The radiology team felt that microwave ablation was technically feasible, using ultrasound guidance as the preferred imaging modality due to pre-existing renal disease, with an effort to avoid additional iodinated contrast injections that would be required with CT guidance.An initial ultrasound was performed at pre-assessment,but the lesion could not be identified. The patient was promptly referred for fusion-guided CEUS to further localize the lesion andassess suitability for ultrasound-guided percutaneous access.A fused ultrasound and CT image confirms that the metastasis is truly invisible onB mode imaging, based on diagnosis; hence the need for contrast ultrasound assessment under fusion guidance.This patient exhibited some discomfort while being positioned on the bed, and was unable to lie supine for an extended period due to discomfort in his lower back. Furthermore, he was unable to lie flat due to neck discomfort, and deliberate efforts were made to keep the scanning time minimal.Fusion imaging using Auto Registration was performed usingthe C9-2 transducer under the general abdominal setting.A manual sweep of the liver was acquired, with the focus onthe liver surface. The diaphragmatic surface from the sweep acquisition was automatically aligned to that on the pre-acquired CT volume. Image fusion was achieved in less than a minute.Fusion of the CT and ultrasound volumes provided the clinician with an immediate multi-planar reconstruction of the CT volume, offering a dynamic CT display that aligned to the real-time ultrasound image. Dr. McNeill scanned to locate the lesion on the reformatted CT display, to assist in finding the area to focus on the real-time ultrasound image for further evaluation with contrast.45Progressive peripheral washout confirms the malignant nature of the lesion.Subtle central vascularity seen in a predominantly hypo-enhancinglesion, appreciated on the initial arterial phase.A single bolus of 2.4 ml ultrasound contrast agent was injected via a peripheral cannula. The lesion demonstrated initial hypo-enhancement in the arterial phase, with peripheral wash out through the portal venous and late phase. This confirmed the lesion to be metastatic in nature, and as suspectedon CT, appropriately sited for percutaneous access, and deep enough to the liver capsule to allow for microwave ablation.Dr. McNeill states, “Fusion imaging with Philips Auto Registration proved to be clinically relevant without shifting focus and time away from the patient’s needs. The clinical value of fusion in this case is self-evident, as it eliminated the need for additional iodinated contrast as used in CT, as well as offering a viable alternative for treatment planning.”Follow-up careThe general preference at this facility is to perform procedures under ultrasound guidance where possible. Furthermore,ultrasound-guided treatment is ideal for this patient because the iodinated contrast used in CT increases the chance of contrast-induced nephropathy in an already high-riskpatient with chronic kidney disease. Percutaneous microwave ablation will be performed under general anaesthetic using fusion-guided CEUS to guide needle placement. Dr. McNeill states, “Percutaneous treatment is possible in this patient as fusion-guided CEUS allows a lesion not visible on B-mode ultrasound to be confidently targeted for microwave ablation. Co-morbidities make CT guided ablation or surgical resection unsuitable. Therefore with limited treatment options we are able to offer a potentially curative procedure rather than other higher-risk procedures, or possibly palliation/best supportive care.”6Auto Registration using a vessel based segmentation of theportal vasculature.Auto Registration using a vessel based segmentation of theportal vasculature.Fusion imaging – surface based Auto Registration. Visible target areas on CT and ultrasound confirm accurate alignment.Auto Registration using a vessel based segmentation of theportal vasculature.The Freeman Hospital clinicians offer tips for making the mostof fusion imaging, based on their own experiences.While there are several methods of fusion registration, including point matching and plane matching, they have found Auto Registration to be quick and easy because it allows accurate registration with a simple sweep through the liver. The data auto-aligns with precision, without the need to perform additional fine manual adjustments. Fusion is performed in three planes, rather than in two dimensions (as with plane matching), which reduces error margins and makes registration more robust, particularly within the liver and kidneys. As might be expected, small error margins are unavoidable due to factors such as differing patient incline, position, and respiration, compounded by distance. They would routinely use Auto Registration for a study of the liver or kidneys, and reserve plane matching for examinations of EVAR grafts, which lends itself nicely to plane matching given the static graft material being readily identified on both CT and ultrasound.Auto Registration typically reduces the registration processto less than one minute. A difficult point match registrationcan take between seven to ten minutes to adequately perform.Clinical tips1. There are several steps that can be taken to increase thechances of success with Auto Registration. Because the Auto Registration function works by detecting and matching specific anatomical landmarks (for example, vessels or diaphragm),it only works if those structures are available on the 3Dultrasound sweep acquired during the registration process.Therefore a high-quality image is important, and a goodacoustic window to access the liver is key, preferably atpaused, neutral respiration. This is likely to be an intercostal view of the liver hilum for a vascular match, and a subcostalor intercostal view with as much diaphragm visible as possible for the surface match. The greater the volume and the better optimized the image, the greater the success rates.2. It is also important to realize that the success of AutoRegistration is patient-dependent, in much the same waya standard B-mode ultrasound is affected by patient factors.A patient who is unable to breath-hold or cooperate for areasonable period of time may significantly reduce the chance of successful Auto Registration.3. Quality of the cross-sectional study to be fused should alsobe high, as imaging degraded by artifacts will make the process more challenging. Similarly, if there has been a significantchange in the internal abdominopelvic structures, fusion may not be possible (for example, reduction or increase in volume of ascites).4. Ultrasound fusion is a dynamic study performed with patientswho are moving and breathing, which means that motiondiscrepancies occur between the two fused images at various phases during the respiratory cycle. As long as the practitioner is aware of this, it does not greatly affect contrast studieswhere a close fusion (<10 mm discrepancy) is sufficient.The team initially spent time attempting to achieve perfectfusion, before realizing that this was unnecessary in the majority of cases because close fusion was sufficient to provide them with the clinical benefits of the examination.5. Of course, great importance should be given to more accuratefusion during interventional procedures, and initial care should be taken to register the ultrasound and cross-sectional dataset at the point of respiration at which the procedure is likely to be performed, allowing the greatest accuracy of registration at the required point.Keys to finding successwith Auto Registration7©2016 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights are reserved.Philips reserves the right to make changes in specifications and/or to discontinue any product at any time without notice or obligation and will not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of this Printed in The Netherlands. 4522 991 19381 * MAY 2016Applications for fusion imaging at Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne Additional benefits of thePhilips approach to fusionPhilips fusion imaging has the capability of free handAuto Registration with C5-1, C9-2, S5-1, and electronicAuto Registration with X6-1 to provide clinicians accessto quick and easy fusion.The Philips system features a separate patient tracker, which allows the magnetic field generator to be moved during an examination without having to reset the whole procedure or perform a new registration process. In the view of Dr. McNeill “This is particularly useful in the theatre setting in our practice where the registration is performed before the patient is prepped and the field generator can be moved and reinstated during the sterilization process without interfering with the accuracy of the registration.There are other instances where this is useful, such as movingthe field generator for access for cannulation during a contrast study, or during percutaneous biopsies where the field generator may not be optimally positioned having started the procedure.The other standout feature with the Philips system is the depthof functionality. Not only are there multiple ways to register, adjust, and display the fusion imaging, but there are multiple applications such as ultrasound-ultrasound fusion, multiple target planning, and needle tracking functions. This allows the system to grow with the needs of your service instead of limiting it.”Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) graft assessment Microbubble studies of EVAR grafts have been dramatically improved with the addition of fusion technology, allowing clinicians to combine the high sensitivity of CEUS withthe anatomical data provided by CT for greater overall detection and evaluation of endoleaks, where CT findingsare often equivocal.Percutaneous ablation of liver lesionsThe team is now able to treat lesions in the liver that are difficult to identify and target with any single imaging modality. Fusion-guided CEUS provides far greater confidence in the ability to perform percutaneous therapy, and allows for treatment that may otherwise not be possible. They feel this impact is one of the greatest strengths of the system for them.Focal liver biopsiesTargeting active tumors, particularly in previously ablatedliver lesions, is becoming increasingly important in the context of developing percutaneous treatment of primary or secondary liver tumors. Lesions that develop recurrence often have active tumor in their periphery. This can be difficult to appreciateon B-mode ultrasound, and may be subtle or indeterminate on CT. Combining CEUS with CT allows accurate definitionof potential sites of recurrence and enables accurate targeting for tissue sampling.Head and neck applicationsTargeting lesions and PET hotspots in the head and neck using linear transducer fusion is a direction the clinicians at Freeman Hospital would like to explore in the future as this has the potential to be of great benefit, ensuring PET-positive nodules or nodes are targeted for biopsy and not adjacent reactive lymphadenopathy.。
公共场所双语标识英文译法(医疗卫生部分)1 范围DB11/T 334本部分规定了北京市医疗卫生双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本部分的引用而成为本部分的条款。
GB/T 16159 汉语拼音正词法基本规则3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本部分。
3.1 医疗卫生health and medicine医疗卫生是指以医疗、预防、保健、医疗教育和科研工作为功能,由不同层次的医疗卫生机构组成。
4 分类4.1 医疗卫生的英语标识按内容可分为:警示提示信息、功能设施信息。
4.2 其中功能设施信息分为:通用信息、医院系统信息、疾病预防控制中心系统信息、急救中心系统信息、血液中心系统信息。
4.3 警示提示信息见附录A.1。
4.4 通用信息见附录A.2.1,医院系统信息见附录A.2.2,血液中心系统信息见附录A.2.3,疾病预防控制中心系统信息见附录A.2.4。
5 要求5.1 警示提示信息译法原则按照本标准第0部分的规定。
5.2 功能设施信息5.2.1 国际通用功能设施采用相应的英文词语,如医院Hospital、疾病预防控制中心Center for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC)、诊室Consulting Room、血液中心Blood Center、卫生监督所Health Inspection Institute。
5.2.2 医疗卫生标志上的地名通常采用汉语拼音标注,汉语拼音用法应符合GB/T 16159的要求,如宣武医院Xuanwu Hospital;已经被社会普遍接受的单位名称,如协和医院Peking Union Medical College Hospital,可延续此用法。
基于血管内超声图像自动识别易损斑块张麒;汪源源;马剑英;钱菊英;施俊;严壮志【摘要】为克服手工判别动脉粥样硬化易损斑块耗时耗力、主观性强、重复性差等缺点,研究了基于血管内超声自动识别易损斑块的方法.首先将Contourlet变换与Snake模型相结合进行斑块的图像分割,提取内腔轮廓与外弹力膜.接着实现经典形态特征的计算机自动提取,并提取纹理、弹性两类新特征以量化斑块属性,其中纹理特征包括一阶统计量和灰度共生矩阵特征,弹性特征的提取则基于非刚性图像配准.最后设计Fisher线性判别、支撑向量机、广义相关学习矢量量化3种分类器进行分类判决.对124例斑块(36例易损,88例非易损)的实验结果表明:20个形态特征、24个纹理特征和6个弹性特征在两类斑块间存在显著性差异(P<0.05);采用三类特征由支撑向量机进行分类时效果最好,在测试集上敏感性、特异性、准确率和约登指数分别达到91.7%、97.7%、96.7%和89.4%,表明利用血管内超声图像中斑块的三类特征能自动、准确地识别易损斑块.%In order to overcome drawbacks in manual identification of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, a methodfor automatic identification of vulnerable plaques is proposed based on computerized analysis of intravascular ultrasound images. First, the Contourlet transform is combined with the Snake model to segment images and detect lumen borders and external elastic membranes. Two categories of new features representing texture and elasticity of plaques are then automatically extracted to quantitate the features of plaques . The texture features consist of first - order statistics and features from the gray-level coocurrence matrix, and the elastic features are extracted from strain tensors estimated by nonrigid image registration. Finally, three typesof features are used to design classifiers including Fisher linear discrimination, support vector machines, and generalized relevance learning vector quantization. The experimental results on 124 plaques, consisting of 36 vulnerable and 88 nonvul-nerable ones, reveals that 20 morphological features, 24 texture features and 6 elastic features has significant difference (P<0. 05) between the two types of plaques. The Support Vector Machine(SVM) outperformes the other two classifiers with the sensitivity, specificity, correct rate, and Youden's index of 91. 7% , 97. 7% , 96. 7% , and 89. 4% , respectively. Therefore, the proposed method can automatically and accurately identify vulnerable plaques.【期刊名称】《光学精密工程》【年(卷),期】2011(019)010【总页数】13页(P2507-2519)【关键词】血管内超声;动脉粥样硬化易损斑块;特征提取;模式识别;图像分割【作者】张麒;汪源源;马剑英;钱菊英;施俊;严壮志【作者单位】上海大学通信与信息工程学院,上海200072;复旦大学电子工程系,上海200433;复旦大学附属中山医院心内科,上海200032;复旦大学附属中山医院心内科,上海200032;上海大学通信与信息工程学院,上海200072;上海大学通信与信息工程学院,上海200072【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB559;TP391.41 引言全球每年有近2000万人经历急性心血管病事件,大多数人事先并无症状[1],导致急性心血管病事件的主要原因是动脉粥样硬化斑块破裂从而引发血栓。
《中国产前诊断杂志(电子版)》 2013年第5卷第3期·优秀论文点评· “磁共振与超声(MRI US)融合成像在产前诊断中的应用研究”的点评陈坤兰 周(中山大学附属第一医院妇产科胎儿医学中心,广东广州 510080)1 原文题目及摘要MRIandultrasoundfusionimagingforprena taldiagnosis犗犫犼犲犮狋犻狏犲 Acombinationofmagneticreso nanceimaging(MRI)imageswithrealtimehigh resolutionultrasoundknownasfusionimagingmayimproveprenatalexamination.Thisstudywasun dertakentoevaluatethefeasibilityofusingfusionofMRIandultrasound(US)inprenatalimaging.犛狋狌犱狔犱犲狊犻犵狀 Thisstudywasconductedinatertiaryreferralcenter.AllpatientsreferredforprenatalMRIwereofferedtoundergofusionofMRIandUSexamination.Allcasesunderwent1.5TeslaMRIprotocolincludingatleast3T2 weightedplanes.TheDigitalImagingandCommu nicationsinMedicinevolumedatasetwasthenloadedintotheUSsystemformanualregistrationoftheliveUSimageandfusionimagingexamina tion.犚犲狊狌犾狋狊 Overthestudyperiod,24patientsunderwentfusionimagingatamediangestationalageof31(range,24 35)weeks.Dataregistration,matchingandthenvolumenavigationwasfeasibleinallcases.FusionimagingallowedsuperimposingMRIandUSimagesthereforeprovidingwithrealtimeimagingcapabilitiesandhightissuecontrast.ItalsoallowedaddingarealtimeDopplersignalonMRIimages.Significantfetalmovementrequiredrepeat registrationin15(60%)cases.Theaveragedurationoftheoveralladditionalscanwithfusionimagingwas10±5minutes.犆狅狀犮犾狌狊犻狅狀 ThecombinationoffetalrealtimeMRIandUSimagefusionandnavigationisfeasi ble.Multimodalityfusionimagingmayenableeasi erandmoreextensiveprenataldiagnosis2 论文核心内容及点评该文发表于2013年5月的《AmJObstetGy necol》杂志上,巴黎内克尔儿童医院的YvesVille首次对磁共振与实时超声(MRI US)融合成像技术应用于产前诊断这一崭新领域进行了初步的探索和分析。
Medical devices refer to instruments, accessories, implements, materials, or other articles that are used alone or in combination with other devices, for human beings for one or more of the specific objectives of diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or allocation of disease, injury, or disability
Current situation and trends of domestic and
international markets
Domestic market
The domestic market for medical devices is growing rapidly, driven by factors such as increasing healthcare expenditure, aging population, and rising incidence of chronic diseases
Policies and Regulations in English • International trade and exchange of medical
Overview of Medical Devices
Definition and classification of medical devices
通络,生米仁、茯苓健脾以扶正,少佐红花、川芎辛温 [2] 谢幸,文丽援妇产科学[M].第 8 版援北京:人民卫生出版社,
行气使湿、血动而不滞。诸药合用起到清热利湿、化 瘀止痛、扶助正气的功效。配合针刺疗法刺激腹部穴
例数 45
2.93依0.24 2.86依0.50
2.90依0.23 2.95依0.43
0.51依0.09 0.49依0.15
0.49依0.06 0.58依0.16
879.55(619.98-1345.33) 693.80(466.00-991.08)*吟
头,频率 4耀9MHz。内置剪切波弹性成像和造影软件, 秩和检验;P<0.05 为差异有统计学意义。
造影时机械指数调整为 0.08,增益设为 50豫耀75豫。 3 结 果
患者平卧位,颈部放松,充分暴露颈部。根据斑块内 3.1 两组颈动脉粥样斑块患者一般资料比较 观察
部回声特性把斑块分为软斑、硬斑、混合斑。本资料 组 48 例,男 30 例,女 18 例,年龄(64.33依8.94)岁,其
2.2 仪器及检测方法 Siemens Acuson HELX3000 较采用两独立样本 t 检验;偏态分布资料以中位数和
超声诊断仪,具有超声造影软件,选择 L9-4 线阵探 四分位数间距表示,组间比较采用非参数 Wilcoxon
作者单位:1 浙江省长兴县人民医院 (浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 长兴院区)超声科(长兴 313100);2 浙江大学医学院附属 第二医院超声科(杭州 310009)
但可能很少有人知道我国发布过GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》,这个国标于2017年5月22日发布,2017年12月1日实施,其中第7部分是关于医疗卫生领域的。
医疗卫生机构(health care and medical institution)是指具有医疗、预防、保健、医学教育和科研功能的单位或机构。
附属医院和分院如何翻译?大学附属医院需要翻译出隶属关系时,“附属”译作affiliated,“附属医院”翻译方式有Affiliated Hospital of …或者Hospital Affiliated with/to;也可以省去不译,将大学名称置于医院名称之后,中间用“,”隔开。
医院的分院译作Branch Hospital,用of连接所隶属的总院名称,也可以采用“总院名称,专名+Branch”的译写方法。
但可能很少有人知道我国发布过GB/T 30240《公共服务领域英文译写规范》,这个国标于2017年5月22日发布,2017年12月1日实施,其中第7部分是关于医疗卫生领域的。
医疗卫生机构(health care and medical institution)是指具有医疗、预防、保健、医学教育和科研功能的单位或机构。
附属医院和分院如何翻译?大学附属医院需要翻译出隶属关系时,“附属”译作affiliated, “附属医院”翻译方式有Affiliated Hospital of …或者Hospital Affiliated with/to;也可以省去不译,将大学名称置于医院名称之后,中间用“,”隔开。
医院的分院译作Branch Hospital,用of连接所隶属的总院名称,也可以采用“总院名称,专名+Branch”的译写方法。
Registration of a medical ultrasound image with an
专利名称:Registration of a medical ultrasound imagewith an image data from a 3D-scan, e.g. fromComputed Tomography (CT) or MagneticResonance Imaging (MR)发明人:Grimm, Marcus,Sakas, Georgios申请号:EP04023437.9申请日:20041001公开号:EP1643444A1公开日:20060405专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The invention relates to the registration of ultrasound image data of an objectand of three-dimensional second image data, e.g. from Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MR) of the object. It is proposed to support a manual registration by an automatic process. Reference information defining a reference location (36b) in the ultrasound image (33) are used, wherein the reference location (36b) is located on a surface of the object or is located at a defined distance to the surface of the object when the ultrasound detector generates the ultrasound image data. At least one surface point (36a) on the surface (34) of the object or at a defined distance to the surface (34) is identified in the second image (31). The ultrasound image data and the second image data are aligned with respect to one registration direction using the reference information and using information concerning a location of the surface point (36a) in the second image (31).申请人:MedCom Gesellschaft für medizinische Bildverarbeitung mbH,Esaote S.p.A.地址:Rundeturmstrasse 12 64283 Darmstadt DE,Via Manfredo Camperio, 9 20123 Milano IT国籍:DE,IT代理机构:Brunotte, Joachim Wilhelm Eberhard更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Registration of ultrasound data with pre-acquired
专利名称:Registration of ultrasound data with pre-acquired image发明人:Altmann, Andres Claudio,Govari, Assaf申请号:EP06252207.3申请日:20060425公开号:EP1720038A2公开日:20061108专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A system and method for imaging a target in a patient's body uses a pre-acquired image (100) of the target and a catheter (28) having a position sensor (32) and an ultrasonic imaging sensor (40). The catheter is placed in the patient's body and positionalinformation of a portion of the catheter in the patient's body is determined using the position sensor. The catheter is used to generate an ultrasonic image of the target using the ultrasonic imaging sensor. An image processor is used for determining positional information for any pixel of the ultrasonic image of the target and registering the pre-acquired image with the ultrasonic image; and a display is used for displaying the registered pre-acquired image (100) and ultrasonic image (102).申请人:Biosense Webster, Inc.地址:3333 Diamond Canyon Road Diamond Bar, California 91765 US国籍:US代理机构:Mercer, Christopher Paul更多信息请下载全文后查看。
b超排队流程合理化Queueing for a B-ultrasound can be an overwhelming experience for many people, as the process can often be long and tedious. Therefore, it is important to streamline the queuing process to make it more efficient and less stressful for patients.排队做B超可以是一种令许多人感到不堪重负的经历,因为这个过程往往会很漫长和繁琐。
One way to rationalize the queuing process for B-ultrasound is to implement an appointment system. This would allow patients to schedule a specific time for their ultrasound, reducing the need for long waits in crowded waiting rooms. By having a scheduled appointment, patients can arrive at the clinic at a designated time, thus minimizing the time spent waiting and improving overall efficiency.合理排队的一个方法是实行预约系统。
第二类医疗器械销售备案凭证办理流程The topic I will be discussing is the process for obtaining the registration certificate for the sale of Class II medical devices.我将要讨论的主题是:第二类医疗器械销售备案凭证的办理流程。
To start with, it is important to understand that Class II medical devices are those that have a moderate to highlevel of risk associated with their use. These devices include medical equipment such as X-ray machines, ultrasound machines, and anesthesia apparatus.重要的是要了解第二类医疗器械是指使用过程中存在中高风险的器械。
The first step in the process is to gather all necessary documentation. This includes the application form, product information, technical specifications, and proof of quality control measures taken during manufacturing.办理流程的第一步是收集所有必要的文件。
Once all the required documents are gathered, they need to be submitted to the National Medical ProductsAdministration (NMPA) along with the application fee. The NMPA is responsible for evaluating and approving the registration of medical devices in China.一旦收集到所有必需的文件,还需要将其连同申请费用一起提交给国家药品监督管理局(NMPA)。
Outpatient Ultrasound Room Appointment Process Report.1. Appointment Scheduling.Appointments can be scheduled by phone, online, or in person.Patients should provide their name, birth date, and contact information.The scheduler will confirm the patient's insurance coverage and collect any necessary co-payments.2. Appointment Confirmation.Patients will receive an appointment confirmation via phone call or email.Confirmation will include the appointment date, time, and location.3. Arrival at the Ultrasound Room.Patients should arrive at the ultrasound room on time for their scheduled appointment.They should bring their insurance card, photo ID, and any relevant medical records.4. Registration.Patients will be asked to register at the front desk.They will be asked to provide their name, birth date, and contact information.They will also be asked to sign a consent form for the ultrasound.5. Ultrasound Procedure.The ultrasound technician will escort the patient to the ultrasound room.The patient will be asked to lie down on the examination table.The technician will apply gel to the patient's skin and use a transducer to create images of the internal organs.6. Results.The ultrasound technician will review the images with the patient.The technician will provide a verbal report of the findings.If necessary, the technician will print out copies of the images for the patient.7. Follow-up.The ultrasound technician will provide the patient with instructions on how to follow up with their doctor.If any further testing or treatment is needed, the technician will make the necessary arrangements.中文回答:门诊B超室预约流程报告。
同时,独立射频通道还可以用于某些特殊成像技术,如并行成像(parallel imaging)和磁共振波束成像(multi-channel imaging),这些技术可以加快成像速度,提高时间分辨率,并在动态成像和功能成像等方面提供更丰富的信息。
Medical Equipment(医疗器械)ambulance 救护车ampoule 安瓿bandage 绷带cannula 套管,插管defibrillator 除颤器dressing 敷料forceps 钳子gauze 纱布mask 口罩needle 针scissors 剪刀syringe 注射器thermometer 体温计wipes 棉球beside rails 床栏hemostatic forceps 止血钳ice bag 冰袋laryngoscope 喉镜sand bag 沙袋sphygmomanometer 血压计stethoscope 听诊器pacemaker 起搏器Medicine(常用药物)Department of a hospital(医院科室) alcohol酒精ascorbic acid 维生素c aspirin 阿司匹林capsule胶囊dextrose 右旋糖,葡萄糖diazepam安定dopamine 多巴胺fursemide呋塞米penicillin青霉素blood bank血库cardiology心内科cardiovascular surgery心血管外科in-patient department住院部laboratory department化验科nursing department护理部out-patient department(OPD)门诊registration挂号处operating-room手术室waiting-room 候诊室test tube试管NURSING 护理first/second/third class attendance 一级/二级/三级护理continual oxygen uptake 持续吸氧interrupted oxygen uptake间断吸氧take/check/test blood pressure 测血压take temperature 测体温hypoglycemia 低血糖症hyperglycemia 高血糖hyperlipemia 高血脂heart rate 心率pulse 脉搏temperature 体温respiration 呼吸dry rale 干啰音moist rale 湿啰音heart beat 心跳heart sound 心音heart murmur 心脏杂音coma 昏迷shock 休克vital signs 生命体征state of health 健康状况artery 动脉wrist 手腕brachial 臀部的auscultation 听诊percussion 叩诊palpation 触诊inquiry 问诊inspection 望诊general checking-up 全身检查follow-up examination 随访检查consultation 会诊diagnosis 诊断recovery 康复relapse 复发focus(复foci) 病灶X-ray examination X线检查Acidosis酸中毒Administration n.给药Admission n.入院Allergic 过敏的,患过敏症的Anesthesia n.麻醉Antibiotic n.抗生素Anus 肛门Asthma 哮喘Bedpan 便盆Bedsore 压疮Blood transfusion 输血Bowel 肠Cuff 袖带Diabetes metabolism 糖尿病Neurosis 神经官能症Viral myocarditis病毒性心肌炎闭式引流-closed drainage肥皂水灌肠-soapsuds enema湿热敷-applying hot socks冷敷-applying cold compresses酒精擦浴-giving an alcohol sponge bath 皮内注射-endermic injection皮下注射-hypertonic injection肌内注射-intramuscular injection输血-blood transfusion输血浆-plasma transfusion禁食-absolute diet (fasting)普食-full diet流质饮食-liquid diet低蛋白饮食-low-protein diet备皮-shaving the patient’s skin (shin prep) 麻醉-anesthesia术前准备-preparing the patient for the surgery 术后护理-postoperative care用弹性绷带-apply elastic bandages心肺复苏-cardiopulmonary resuscitation实验室检查complete blood count (CBC) 全血细胞计数(血常规)Red blood cell count (RBC) 红细胞计数White blood cell count (WBC)白细胞计数Hematocrit (HCT)红细胞压积/比容Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 血尿素氮liver function test (LFTs) 肝功能测试[ˈlivə] [ˈfʌŋkʃən] [test]Kidney function 肾功能[ˈkidni]activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 部分活性凝血时间[ˈæktiveit] [ˈpɑ:ʃəl][ˌθrɔmb ə'plæs tin]Prothrombin time (PT)凝血酶原时间international normalized ratio (INR) 国际标准比率[ˌintəˈnæʃənəl][ˌnɔ:məlaiˈzeiʃən] [ˈreiʃəu]high density lipoprotein (HDL)高密度脂蛋白low density lipoprotein e (LDL)低密度脂蛋白arterial blood gas (ABG) 动脉血气[gæs]ultrasound 超声echocardiography心脏彩超 [ekəukɑ:di'ɔgrəfi]abdominal ultrasound 腹部超声holter monitor (Holter) 24小时动态心电图[ˈmɔnitə]cardiac stress test 心脏运动试验[stres]X-ray X线检查Chest x-ray (CXR)胸片magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 核磁共振影像[mægˈnetik] [ˈrezənəns]angiogram 血管造影computed tomography (CT) 计算机断层扫描术chest CT 胸部CThead CT 脑部CT[hed]Increase CT scan 增强CT扫描micro pump 微量泵blood gas analysis 血气分析opening snap: 开瓣音 | 二尖瓣开放拍击音 | 开放拍节音murmur ['mə:mə]杂音CK-MB 肌酸激酶同工酶(creatine kinase-MB)troponin ['trɔpənin, 'trəu-]n. 肌钙蛋白blood culture 血培养radiograph ['reidiəuɡrɑ:f, -ɡræf]n. 射线照片;X光照片chest radiograph: 胸片 | 线检查Holter ECG monitoring: 动态心电图cardiac catheterization: 心导管检查coronary angiography: 冠状血管造影术percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: 经皮腔内冠脉成形术Radiofrequency catheter ablation: 经导管射频消融Percutaneous intracoronary stent implantation: 经皮穿刺冠状动脉内支架安置术cardioversion: 心脏电复律defibrillation:除颤ejection fraction (EF)射血分数科室心血管外科门诊Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic门诊Outpatient Dept.挂号处Registration门诊治疗室Outpatient Treatment Room诊室 1 Consultation Room 1急诊科Emergency Dept.急诊抢救室Emergency Room药房Pharmacy灌肠室Enema Room换药室Dressing Room采血室Blood collection room客服中心Customer Service内科诊区Internal Medicine Consulting Area 内科病房Internal Medicine Ward内科Internal Medicine Dept./ Internal Medicine心脏内科cardiology心脏外科cardiac surgery外科Surgery Dept./ Surgery手术室operating room (OR)第一手术室Operating Room (1)麻醉恢复室Anesthesia Recovery Room麻醉准备室Anesthesia Preparation Room外科病房Surgery Ward小儿心脏科Pediatric Cardiology Dept.放射科Radiology Dept./ Radiology CT室CT RoomCT检查室CT Examination Room数字减影Digital Subtraction (DSA)磁共振室Magnetic Resonance(MR) Room DR摄片室Digital Radiography (DR)Room 导管室Catheter Room登记处Registration化验室Laboratory/Lab血液常规化验室Routine Test Lab of Blood Sample血生化Biochemical Test of Blood超声科Ultrasonography Dept.心电图室ECG Room病案科Medical Records Dept.供应室Supply Room病理Pathology病房Ward病区Inpatient Area输血科Blood Transfusion Dept.血库Blood Bank护理部Nursing Dept./ Nursing医务部(处)Medical Administration Division 护理部Nursing Dept.计算机中心Computer Center信息科/信息办公室Information Center / Information Office病案室Medical Records Room图书馆Library心电图Electrocardiogram (ECG) 心电图[iˌlektrəuˈkɑ:diəgræm]Normal ECG 正常心电图[ˈnɔ:məl]Abnormal ECG 不正常心电图[æb'nɔ:məl]Sinus rhythm (SR)窦性心律['sainəs] [ˈriðəm]Sinus tachycardia 窦性心动过速['sainəs][ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Sinus bradycardia 窦性心动过缓['sainəs] [brædi'kɑ:diə]Sinus arrhythmia 窦性心律不齐['sainəs] [ə'riθmiə]Sinus arrest 窦性停搏['sainəs] [ə'rest]Sinus rhythm with short PR 窦性心律PR间期缩短['sainəs] [ˈriðəm] [wið] [ʃɔ:t]Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) 病态窦房结综合征 [sik] ['sainəs] ['sindrəum]Atrial flutter (AF) 心房扑动['eitriəl] ['flʌtə]Atrial fibrillation (Af) 心房颤动['eitriəl] [ˌfaibri'leiʃən]Ventricular flutter 心室扑动[ven'trikjulə] ['flʌtə]Ventricular fibrillation (VF)心室颤动[ven'trikjulə] [ˌfaibri'leiʃən]Right bundle branch block (RBBB)右束支阻滞[rait] ['bʌndl] [brɑ:ntʃ] [blɔk] Complete right bundle branch block (CRBBB)完全右束支阻滞[kəm'pli:t] [rait] [ˈbʌndl] [brɑ:ntʃ] [blɔk]Incomplete right bundle branch block 不完全右束支传导阻滞[ˌinkəm'pli:t] [rait] [ˈbʌndl] [brɑ:ntʃ] [blɔk]First degree atrioventricular block (AVB) 一度房室阻滞[fə:st][di'gri:] [ˌeitriəuven'trikjulə][blɔk]Second degree atrioventricular block 二度房室阻滞['sekənd] [di'gri:] [ˌeitriəuven'trikjulə] [blɔk]Third degree atrioventricular block三度房室阻滞[θə:d] [di'gri:] [ˌeitriəuven'trikjulə][bl ɔk]Second degree type Ⅰ/Ⅱatrioventricular block 二度Ⅰ/Ⅱ型房室阻滞['sekənd] [di'gri:] [taip] [ˌeitriəuven'trikjələ] [blɔk]Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) 左室肥厚[left] [ven'trikjulə] [hai'pə:trəfi]right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH)右室肥厚[rait] [ven'trikjulə] [hai'pə:trəfi] Biventricular hypertrophy 双室肥厚[ˌbaiven'trikjulə] [hai'pə:trəfi]Wide QRS rhythm QRS波增宽[waid] [ˈriðəm]Prolonged QT QT间期延长[prə'lɔŋd]Inverted T waves T波倒置[in'və:tid] [weiv]Pathological Q wave病理性Q波[ˌpæθə'lɔdʒikəl] [weiv]Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)急性心肌梗死[ə'kju:t] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən] Old inferior myocardial infarction 陈旧性下壁心梗[əuld] [in'fiəriə] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'f ɑ:kʃən]Acute anterior myocardial infarction 急性前壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t][æn'tiəriə] [ˌmaiə'k ɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute inferior myocardial infarction 急性下壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [in'fiəriə] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:di əl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute posterior myocardial infarction 急性后壁心肌梗死[əˈkju:t] [pɔs'tiəriə] [ˌmaiə'k ɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]ST elevation ST段抬高[ˌeliˈveiʃən]Acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) 急性ST段抬高型心梗[əˈkju:t][ˌeli'veiʃən] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]Acute Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) 急性非ST段抬高型心梗[əˈkju:t] [nɔn] [ˌeli'veiʃən] [ˌmaiə'kɑ:diəl] [in'fɑ:kʃən]ST-T changing ST-T改变['tʃeindʒiŋ]Escape beat逸搏[is'keip] [bi:t]Escape rhythm逸搏节律[is'keip] ['riðəm]Atrial escape beat 房性逸搏 ['eitriəl] [is'keip] [bi:t]Junctional escape beat交界性逸搏['dʒʌŋkʃənl] [is'keip] [bi:t]Ventricular escape beat室性逸搏[ven'trikjulə] [is'keip] [bi:t]Ventricular Tachycardia (VT)室性心动过速[ven'trikjulə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia 阵发性室性心动过速[ˌpærək'sizməl][ven'trikjulə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular Tachycardia(PSVT)阵发性室上性心动过速[ˌpærək'sizməl] ['su:prə] [ven'trikjulə] [ˌtæki'kɑ:diə]Low voltage 低电压[ləu][ˈvəultidʒ]Left axis deviation 电轴左偏[left] [ˈæksis] [ˌdi:viˈeiʃən]Right axis deviation 电轴右偏[rait] [ˈæksis] [ˌdi:viˈeiʃən]Pacemaker signal 起搏脉冲信号 ['peisˌmeikə] ['signəl]Borderline ECG 边缘心电图(介于正常与不正常之间) ['bɔ:dəˌlain]Last ECG 临终心电图[lɑ:st]Wolf-Parkinson-White (WPW) WPW (预激)综合症[wulf] ['pɑ:kinsən] [wait] Early repolarization (ER)过早复极[ˈə:li] ['ri:pəulərai'zeiʃən]Premature atrial contraction (PAC)房性期前收缩[ˌpreməˈtʃuə]['eitriəl][kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Premature ventricular contraction (PVC) 室性期前收缩[ˌpreməˈtʃuə] [ven'trikjulə] [kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Junctional premature contraction交界性期前收缩['dʒʌŋkʃənl][ˌpreməˈtʃuə][kənˈtrækʃ(ə)n]Bigeminy 二联律[baiˈdʒemini]Trigeminy 三联律[trai'dʒimini]high degree AV block高度房室传导阻滞[hai] [diˈgri:] [ei] [vi:] [blɔk]AV dissociation房室分离[ei] [vi:] [diˌsəusi'eiʃən]常见临床表现1、pain疼痛[pein]2、chest pain 胸痛[tʃest] [pein]3、abdominal pain 腹痛 [æb'dɔminəl]4、nausea 恶心[ˈnɔ:ziə, ˈnɔ:siə]5、dry retching 干呕[drai] ['retʃiŋ]6、vomit 呕吐[ˈvɔmit]7、vomitus 呕吐物 ['vɔmitəs]8、tachypnea 呼吸过速 [tækip'ni:ə]9、dyspnea 呼吸困难[dispˈni:ə]10、orthopnoea 端坐呼吸[,ɔ:θəup'ni:ə]11、apnea呼吸暂停、窒息[æp'ni:ə]12、shortness of breath 呼吸短促 ['ʃɔ:tnis][breθ]13、cough咳嗽[kɔf]14、dry cough 干咳15、sputum痰 ['spju:təm]16、frothy sputum泡沫样痰['frɔθi] ['spju:təm]17、nosebleed 鼻出血['nəuzbli:d]18、headache 头疼['hedeik]19、dizziness 头晕[ˈdizini:s]20、syncope 晕厥[ˈsiŋkəpi]21、coma昏迷 ['kəumə]22、hypertension高血压[ˌhaipəˈtenʃən]23、high blood pressure 高血压24、hypotension 低血压[ˌhaipəuˈtenʃən]25、low blood pressure低血压[ləu]26、thirst 口渴[θə:st]27、fever发烧[ˈfi:və]28、palpitation 心悸[ˌpælpi'teiʃən]29、angina 心绞痛[ænˈgainə]30、insomnia 失眠[inˈsɔmniə]31、constipation便秘[ˌkɔnsti'peiʃən]32、diarrhea腹泻[ˌdaiə'riə]33、polyuria多尿 ['pɔli'jəriə]34、oliguria 少尿 [ɔli'gjuəriə]35、anuria 无尿[əˈnjuəriə]36、edema 浮肿、水肿[i:'di:mə]37、pitting edema凹陷性水肿 ['pitiŋ] [i:'di:mə]38、allergy过敏[ˈælədʒi]39、cyanosis 紫绀,发绀 [ˌsaiə'nəusis]40、fatigued 疲乏无力的[fə'ti:gd]Surgical care 外科护理Preoperative care 术前护理1. preoperative guidance 术前指导2. take blood pressure 测血压3. preoperative skin preparation 术前备皮4. enema 灌肠5. cross matching 交叉配血试验6. skin sensitivity test 皮试7. catheterization 导尿8. administration before surgery 手术前给药9. echocardiography 超声心动图10. ECG 心电图11. chest X-ray 胸片12. laboratory tests 实验室检查Postoperative care 术后护理1. cheek vital signs 测量生命体征Pulse 脉搏Temperature 体温Respiratory 呼吸BP-blood pressure 血压2. administration / give drugs 给药3. give IV fluids 静脉补液4. ECG monitoring 心电监测5. nutrition / diet care 饮食护理6. personal and oral hygiene 个人及口腔卫生7. oxygen inhalation 吸氧8. sputum aspirator 吸痰9. atomization 雾化10. catheter care 尿管护理11. skin care – prevent bed sore 皮肤护理-预防褥疮12. prevention of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) 预防深静脉血栓13. input-output charting 计出入量14. documentation 护理记录15. physical therapy 体疗16. ventilator care 呼吸机护理17. pacemaker care 起搏器护理常用药肾上腺素-adrenaline [ə'drɪːnlaɪn]去甲肾上腺素-noradrenaline [‚nɔːrə'dren əlɪn]异丙肾上腺素-isoprenaline [‚aɪsəʊ'prenəlɪn]多巴胺-dopamine ['dəʊpəmɪːn]阿托品-atropine ['ætrəpɪn]硝酸甘油-nitroglycerin [‚naɪtrəʊ'glɪsərɪːn]罂粟碱-papaverine [pə'pævərɪːn ,-rɪn /-'peɪv-]胃复安(甲氧氯普胺)-metoclopramide dihydrochloride西地兰-deslanoside胺碘酮(可达龙)-amiodarone硝普钠-sodium nitroprusside ['səʊdɪəm]维拉帕米-verapamil [,vɪrə'pæmɪl]地西泮-diazepam [daɪ'æzipæm]吗啡-morphine['mɔrfɪːn /'mɔː-]哌替啶-pethidine ['peθɪdɪn]芬太尼-fentanyl 异丙嗪-promethazine [prəʊ'meθəzɪːn]尼可刹米-nikethamide洛贝林-lobeline['ləʊbəlɪːn]可待因-kodeine/codeine['kəʊdɪːn]氨茶碱-aminophylline [ə,mɪːnəʊ'fɪlɪːn]呋塞米-furosemide甘露醇-mannitol ['mænɪtɔl]肝素-heparin ['hepərɪn]鱼精蛋白-protamine ['prəʊtəmɪːn ,-m ːn]氢化可的松-hydrocortisone [‚haɪdrəʊ'kɔːt ɪzəʊn]地塞米松-dexamethasone [,deksə'meθəsəʊn]强地松-prednisone ['prednɪsəʊn]甲强龙-solu-medrol胰岛素-insulin ['ɪnsəlɪn /-sjʊl-]西咪替丁-cimetidine[saɪ'metɪdɪːn]利多卡因-lidocaine['laɪdəkeɪn]普鲁卡因-procaine['prəʊkeɪn]氯胺酮-ketamine ['kɪːtəmɪːn]依托咪酯-etomidate琥珀胆碱-suxamethonium艾司洛尔-esmolol佩尔地平-Nicardipine碘帕醇-Iopamidol葡萄糖-glucose ['gluːkəʊs]5%糖盐水-5% glucose in normal saline (GNS)5%葡萄糖-5% glucose solution (GS) [sə'lu ːʃn]生理盐水-normal saline (NS)['nɔːml] ['seɪlaɪn]5%碳酸氢钠-5% sodium bicarbonate ['səʊdɪəm] [baɪ'kɑːbənɪt]氯化钾-potassium chloride[pə'tæsɪəm] ['klɔːraɪd]氯化钙-calcium chloride['kælsɪəm]葡萄糖酸钙-calcium gluconate ['gluːkəneit]复方氯化钠(林格液)-compound sodium chloride injection['kɒmpaʊnd]乳酸林格液-lactated Ringer’s solution (LR) ['lækteɪt] ['rɪŋə(r)] [sə'luːʃn]碳酸氢钠-sodium bicarbonate ['səʊdɪəm][baɪ'kɑːbənɪt]右旋糖酐-dextran ['dekstrən]乌司他丁-ulinastatin (UTI)口服药拜阿司匹林-bayaspirin美托洛尔-metoprolol氯吡格雷(波立维)-clopidogrel外用、吸入药物乙醇-alcohol ['ælkəhɒl]碘-iodine [aɪədaɪn /-dɪːn]液状石蜡-liquid paraffin ['lɪkwɪd] ['pærəf ɪn]甲醛(福尔马林)-formaldehyde [fɔr'mældɪhaɪd /fɔː'm-]戊二醛-glutaral过氧乙酸-peracetic acid七氟醚-sevoflurane异氟烷-forane心外常用单词aorta(Ao)主动脉ascending aorta(AAo)升主动脉descending aorta(DAo)降主动脉arch of aorta 主动脉弓aortic valve(A V)主动脉瓣mitral valve(MV)二尖瓣tricuspid valve(TV)三尖瓣pulmonary valve(PV)肺动脉瓣inferior vena cava(IVC)下腔静脉superior vena cava(SVC)上腔静脉coronary sinus(CS)冠状窦atrium 心房ventricle 心室coronary artery(CA)冠状动脉circumflex artery(CIRC)回旋支anterior descending(AD)前降支pulmonary artery(PA)肺动脉azygos(Az)奇静脉subclavian artery(SA)锁骨下动脉external jugular vein 颈外静脉descending vein (dv) 垂直静脉arterial dorsalis pedis 足背动脉left bundle branch(LBB)左束支diaphragm (D) 横膈common atrio-ventricular valve orifice(CA VO)共同房室瓣口cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB)体外循环deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA)深低温停循环extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO体外膜肺氧合fraction of inspired oxygen(FiO2)吸入氧浓度intermittent positive pressure ventilation(IPPV)间断正压通气CPAP 持续正压通气positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)呼气末正压通气IMV 间歇指令通气SIMV 同步间歇指令通气CMV 容量控制BE 剩余碱intensive care unit(ICU)重症监护病房central venous pressure(CVP)中心静脉压systolic blood pressure(SBP 收缩压diastolic blood pressure(DBP)舒张压MAP 平均动脉压PCWP 肺动脉楔压LVEDP 左室舒张末压oxygen tension in arterial blood (PaO2)动脉血氧分压carbon dioxide tension in arterialblood(PaCO2)动脉二氧化碳分压SvO2 混合静脉血氧饱和度cardiac output(CO)心排出量cardian index(CI)心排血指数patch 补片valve replacement 瓣膜置换mechanical valve 机械瓣biological valve 生物瓣anticoagulant therapy 抗凝治疗thrombolytic therapy 溶栓治疗pulmonary artery banding(PAB)肺动脉环缩术arterial switch operation(ASO)动脉调转术double switch procedure 双调转术Glenn双上腔静脉—肺动脉吻合术Fontan双侧双向腔静脉—肺动脉吻合术TCPC 全腔静脉—肺动脉连接intra-aortic balloonspump(IABP)主动脉内球囊反搏percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty(PTCA)经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术Coronary arery bypass grafting (CABG)冠状动脉旁路移intubation 气管插管tracheotomy 气管切开digitalis toxicity 洋地黄中毒paradoxical pulse 奇脉low cardiac output(LCO)低心输出量low output syndrome(LOS)低心排综合征systemic vascular resistance(SVR)体循环阻力(外周)systemic blood flow(Qs)体循环血量pulmonary vascular resistance(PVR)肺循环阻力pulmonary blood flow(Qp)肺循环血量ventricular assist device(V AD)心室辅助装置permanent pacemaker永久起搏器heart monitor 心电监护仪ventilator 呼吸机ambulatory electrocardiography (AECG)动态心电图transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE)经食道超声心动图magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)磁共振成像pneumothorax 气胸hydrothorax 胸腔积液thoracenthesis 胸腔穿刺术pericardial effusion(pe)心包积液subcutaneous emphysema 皮下气肿hemoglobinuria 血红蛋白尿hematuria 血尿bloody stool 血便ventricular dilatation 心室扩大cardiac tamponade 心脏压塞angiotensin-coverting enzyme inhibitor(ACEI)血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂vasodilator 血管扩张剂beta-blockers β-受体阻滞剂calcium channel blocker钙通道阻滞剂blood culture 血培养blood gas 血气PTT 凝血酶原时间PTA 凝血酶原活动度INR 国际标准化值cardiac enzymes 心肌酶ischemic heart disease缺血性心脏病rheumatic heart disease(RHD)风心病heart failure(HF)心力衰竭congestive heart failure(CHF)充血性心力衰竭pulmonary edema 肺水肿atelactasis 肺不张paroxysmal noctural dyspnea夜间阵发性呼吸困难hemorrhage 出血sudden death 猝死medical order 医嘱general anesthesia 全麻diuretic 利尿剂cardiotonic 强心药antihypertensive 降压药dessecting aneurysm夹层动脉瘤cerebral embolism脑栓塞cerebral anoxia 脑缺氧Down syndrome唐氏综合症femoral artery 股动脉radial artery 桡动脉心外科常见病CHD congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病[kən'dʒenɪtl] [hɑːt][dɪ'zɪːz] VSD ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损[ven'trɪkjʊlə] ['septel] ['diːfekt]ASD atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损['ɑːtrɪəl]atrial septal defect-ostium secundum(secundum ASD)继发孔房缺['ɒstiəm] [s ɪ'kʌndəm]atrial septal defect-ostium primum(primum ASD)原发孔房缺['praɪmʊm] atrial septal defect-sinus venosus defect(sinus venosus ASD)静脉窦型房缺['sa ɪnəs] ['vɪːnəs]PFO patent foramen ovale 卵圆孔未闭['pætnt /'peɪtnt] [fə'reimən]PAVD atrioventricular canal defect-partial 部分房室间隔缺损[,eitrɪəʊven'trikjʊlə] [kə'næl] ['pɑrʃl /'pɑː-]CAVD atrioventricular canal detect-complete 完全房室间隔缺损[kəm'pliːt] PH pulmonary hypertension 肺动脉高压['pʌlmənrɪ] [‚haɪpə'tenʃən]TGA transposition of the great arteries 大动脉转位[‚trænspə'zɪʃn] ['ɑːtərɪ] cTGA corrected transposition of the great arteries 矫正型大动脉转位[kə'rekt] SV single ventricle 单心室['sɪŋgl]['ventrɪkl]TOF tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四联症[te'trælədʒi]overriding aorta 主动脉骑跨[‚əʊvə'raɪd][eɪ'ɔːtə]right ventricular hypertrophy 右心室肥厚[ven'trɪkjʊlə][haɪ'pɜrtrəʊfɪ/-'pɜːt-] PDA patent ductus arteriosus 动脉导管未闭['pætn t /'peɪtnt]['dʌktəs][ɑː'tɪrɪːəʊsəs]TAPVD total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage 全肺静脉异位引流['təʊtl] [ə'nɒmələs] ['pʌlmənrɪ] ['vɪːnəs] ['dreɪnɪdʒ]PAPVD partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage 部分肺静脉异位引流['pɑrʃl /'pɑː-]DORV double outlet right ventricle 右室双出口['dʌbl] ['aʊtlet] ['ventrɪkl] DCRV double chambered right ventricle 右室双腔心['tʃeɪmbə]right ventricular anomalous muscle bundle右室异常肌束['bʌndl]LVOTO right ventricular outflow obstruction 右室流出道梗阻['aʊtfləʊ][əb'strʌk ʃn]Eisenmenger’s syndrome艾森曼格综合症['aɪsən,meŋəez] ['sɪndrəʊm] Ebstein’s anomaly 三尖瓣下移畸形[ə'nɒməlɪ]Cor triatriatum 三房心['kɒː]aneurysm 动脉瘤['ænjuːrizəm]left atrial myxomas 左房粘液瘤[mɪk'səʊmə]dissecting aneurysm 夹层动脉瘤[dɪ'sekt]rupture of aortic sinusal aneurysm 主动脉窦瘤破裂['rʌptʃə(r)] [eɪ'ɔːtik] ['saɪn əsl]PTA permanent truncus arteriosus 永存动脉干['pɜrmənət /'pɜːm-] rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病[ruː'mætɪk]valvular heart disease 心脏瓣膜病['vælvjʊlə]AI aortic insufficiency 主动脉瓣关闭不全[‚ɪnsə'fɪʃnsɪ]AS aortic stenosis(valve)主动脉瓣狭窄[stə'nəʊsis]aortic stenosis-subvalvular 主动脉瓣狭窄-瓣下型[sʌb'vælvjʊlə] aortic stenosis-supravalvular 主动脉瓣狭窄-瓣上型[,suːprə'vælvjʊlə] CoA coarctation of the aorta 主动脉缩窄[kəʊ'aːkteiʃn] [eɪ'ɔːtə] MI mitral insufficiency 二尖瓣关闭不全['maɪtrəl] [‚ɪnsə'fɪʃnsɪ]MS mitral stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄MVP mitral valve prolapse 二尖瓣脱垂[vælv] [prəʊ'læps /'prəʊlæps] TI tricuspid insufficiency 三尖瓣关闭不全[traɪ'kʌspɪd]TS tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄TA tricuspid atresia 三尖瓣闭锁[ə'trɪːʒiə]PS pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉瓣狭窄PA pulmonary atresia 肺动脉闭锁absent pulmonary valve 肺动脉瓣缺如['æbsənt]coronary artery fistula 冠状静脉瘘['kɒrənərɪ] ['ɑːtərɪ] ['fɪstʃələ] anomalous coronary artery 冠状动脉起源异常[ə'nɒmələs]APW aortopulmonary window 肺动脉窗[eɪɔːtəʊ'pʌlmənrɪ] coronary artery disease 冠心病endocarditis 心内膜炎[‚endəʊkɑː'daɪtɪs]dextrocardia 右位心[‚dekstrə‘kɑː'də]心外科常见手术Atrial septal defect repair 房缺修补Ventricular septal defect repair 室缺修补Total repair of tetralogy of Fallot 法四根治Right ventricular outflow tract augmentation 右室流出道加宽Pulmonary artery band removal 肺动脉交界切开Right ventricular infundibulectomy 右室漏斗部切除Repair of double outlet right ventricle 右室双出口修复Repair of total anomalous pulmonary veins 全肺静脉异位引流修复Repair of transposition 大动脉转位修复Coarctation repair 主动脉缩窄修复Aortic valvuloplasty 主动脉瓣成形Aortic valve replacement 主动脉瓣置换Subaortic stenosis resection 主动脉瓣下狭窄切除Mitral valvuloplasty 二尖瓣成形Mitral valve replacement 二尖瓣置换Tricuspid valvuloplasty 三尖瓣成形Tricuspid valve replacement 三尖瓣置换Tricuspid valve repositioning for Ebstein anomaly Ebstein畸形三尖瓣折叠Ross procedure Ross手术Repair of aorto-pulmonary window 主肺动脉窗修补Repair of cor triatriatum 三房心修复术Systemic to pulmonary artery shunt 体肺动脉分流术Arterial switch operation 心房调转手术Arterial switch operation 动脉调转手术心血管内科常用英文Symptoms 症状chest distress胸闷breathlessness 气促precordial chest pain心前区胸痛retrosternally chest pain 胸骨后胸痛occasionally epigastric or interscapular 上腹部的/肩胛间的sense of impending death 濒死感Signs 体征Vital signs 生命体征pulse rate 脉律dropped beat脉搏短绌temperature: fever /clammy peripheries 四肢湿冷loss of consciousness,unconsciousness意识丧失tic of limbs四肢抽搐gatism,urinary and fecal incontinence大小便失禁cardiac apex (4/5th ICS-MCL or displaced laterally) 心尖thrill 震颤cardiac dilatation心脏扩大large right atrium 右房大dilated left ventricle 左室大heart sounds: S1,S2,S3,S4gallop奔马律, systolic click收缩期卡嗒音, opening snap(二尖瓣)开瓣音, pericardial knock 心包叩击音heart murmur 心脏杂音systolic/diastolic/continouscrescendo/decrescendo 递增/递减pitch音调quality 性质pericardial friction rub,pericardial rub心包摩擦音inspiratory crepitations over the lung bases, basal crackles 肺底湿啰音wheezing rale 哮鸣音cardiomegaly 心脏肥大elevated venous pressuredistention of jugular vein,jugular filling,jugular varicosity颈静脉怒张/充盈hepatojugular reflux sign肝颈静脉回流征ascites 腹水edema of lower extremity下肢水肿Hypertensive disease高血压病sphygmomanometer;blood pressure gauge,BPG血压计stethoscope听诊器hypertension :primary hypertension;secondary hypertension;chronic kidney disease, CKDdrugs: non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug,NSAID非甾体类抗炎药glucocorticosteroids糖皮质激素mineral corticoid ,MCH盐皮质激素hyperthyrea, hyperthyroidism, hyperthyrosis甲状腺功能亢进sleep apnea syndrome睡眠呼吸暂停综合征diabetes mellitus糖尿病coarctation of aorta,COA主动脉缩窄isolated systolic hypertension 单纯收缩期高血压hypertensive emergencies 高血压急症hypertensive urgencies 高血压亚急症hypertensive crisis 高血压危象hypertensive encephalopathy 高血压性脑病The coronary circulationleft anterior descending artery,LADleft circumflex coronary artery, LCXright coronary artery, RCACoronary artery disease;coronary heart disease,CAD,CHD冠心病atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化atheromatous plaques 动脉粥样斑块plaque rupture 斑块破裂angina pectoris 心绞痛stable angina pectoris 稳定性心绞痛variant angina pectoris 变异性心绞痛silent myocardial ischemia 无症状心肌缺血(latent coronary heart disease 隐匿性冠心病)myocardial bridging 心肌桥post-infarction angina pectoris 梗死后心绞痛acute coronary syndrome,ACS 急性冠脉综合征unstable angina pectoris ,UAP 不稳定心绞痛rest 静息型, new/initial初发型,accelerated 恶化型acute myocardial infarction ,AMI 急性心肌梗死non-ST segment elevation MI, NSTEMIST segment elevation MI,STEMIsudden cardiac death, SCD 心脏性猝死dysfunction/rupture of papillary muscle 乳头肌功能不全/断裂rupture of chordae tendineae腱索断裂rupture of the heart ,cardiac rupture心脏破裂embolism 栓塞(systemic体循环的)cardiac aneurysm 心脏室壁瘤postinfarction syndrome 心肌梗死后综合征Four chambers: left/right atrium/ventricle 心房/心室(atrial 心房的,ventricular 心室的)atrial septum房间隔interventricular septum 室间隔Cardiac insufficiency心功能不全,heart failure 心衰compensated/overt heart failure 代偿性/显性心衰congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭acute/chronic left-sided heart failure 急/慢性左心衰竭intractable heart failure难治性心衰systolic/diastolic insufficiency heart failure收缩/舒张功能不全的心衰The electrical conduction systemsinoatrial node 窦房结His bundle 房室束right and left bundles 左右束支Purkinje network 浦肯野纤维triggered activity 触发活动re-entry 折返sinoatrial block (Wenckebach 文氏,Mobitz莫氏)sick sinus syndrome(SSS) 病态窦房结综合征:bradycardia-tachycardia syndromeatrial flutter, AFLatrial fibrillation ,AFpremature atrioventricular junctional beats 房室交界性期前收缩AV junctional escape beats 逸搏atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia, AVNRTatrioventricular reentrant tachycardia, AVRTpreexcitation syndrome (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome)ventricular tachycardia,VT (multiforme多形性,multifocal 多源性) accelerated idioventricular rhythm 加速性室性自主节律torsades de pointes ,TDP尖端扭转ventricular flutter 室扑ventricular fibrillation室颤atrioventricular block, AVB 房室传导阻滞Adame-Strokes syndrome 阿-斯综合征intraventricular block 室内阻滞left bundle branch block, LBBB 左束支阻滞left anterior fascicular block, LAFB 左前分支阻滞left posterior fascicular block, LPFB 左后分支阻滞Valvular disease of the heart,VDH, valvular heart disease心脏瓣膜病mitral/tricuspid/aortic/pulmonary valve disease 二尖瓣/三尖瓣/主动脉瓣/肺动脉瓣疾病acute/chronic mitral stenosis/incompetence/ insufficiency 狭窄/关闭不全rheumatic fever 风湿热rheumatic carditis 风湿性心脏炎Infective endocarditis ,IE 感染性心内膜炎acute/ subacute, native/prothetic/right heart IE 自体瓣膜/人工瓣膜Cardiomyopathy 心肌病dilated cardiomyopathy, DCM 扩张型心肌病hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, HCM (asymmetric septal 非对称性室间隔肥厚) restrictive cardiomyopathy, RCMarrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ,ARVC 致心律失常性右室心肌病speciflc cardiomyopathy 特异性心肌病ischemic cardiomyopathy 缺血性心肌病diabetic cardiomyopathy 糖尿病性心肌病alcoholic cardiomyopathy 酒精性心肌病peripartum cardiomyopathy 围生期心肌病cardiac amyloidosis 心脏淀粉样变性drug-induced cardiomyopathy 药物性心肌病Keshan disease 克山病,endemic cardiomyopathy 地方性心肌病pericardium心包cardiopericarditis,cardipericarditis,pericarditis心包炎hydropericardium,pericardial effusion,pericardial fluid心包积液constrictive pericarditis缩窄性心包炎Congenital heart/cardiovascular disease先天性心脏病/心血管病,CHDatrial septal defect ASD 房缺ventricular septal defect,VSD 室缺patent ductus ateriosus, PDA 导管未闭tetralogy of fallot, TOF 法四Eisenmenger’s syndrome艾森曼格综合征coarctation of the aorta 主动脉缩窄pulmonic stenosis 肺动脉狭窄primary pulmonary hypertension 原发肺动脉高压dextrocardia右位心complete transposition of the great vessels 完全性大血管错位Disease of blood vessel,vascular disease,angiopathy血管疾病aortic dissection主动脉夹层primary arteritis or the aorta and its main branches 多发性大动脉炎peripheral arteriosclerosis obliterans 闭塞性周围动脉硬化thromboangitis obliterans (Buerger disease) 闭塞性血栓性脉管炎(Buerger病)thrombophlebitis血栓性静脉炎。
放射科规章制度英文回答:As a radiologist, I must adhere to stringent regulations to ensure patient safety and the accuracy of medical imaging procedures. These regulations serve as a framework for ethical and professional conduct, guiding me to deliver exceptional healthcare services.Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are fundamental to our daily operations. They provide step-by-stepinstructions for every aspect of our workflow, from patient registration to image interpretation. By following SOPs meticulously, I can maintain consistency and minimize the risk of errors. For instance, the SOP for Computed Tomography (CT) scanning mandates specific patient preparation, scan parameters, and image reconstruction techniques. This standardization ensures that every CT scan is performed and analyzed in a uniform manner, allowing for reliable image interpretation and accurate diagnosis.Radiation Protection is paramount in my field. I am responsible for understanding and implementing radiation safety principles to protect both myself and my patients from unnecessary exposure. The ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle guides my practice, encouraging the use of the lowest possible radiation doses while maintaining image quality. I utilize various shielding techniques, such as lead aprons and thyroid collars, to minimize radiation scatter and protect vital organs. Moreover, I frequently monitor my radiation exposure levels using dosimeters, ensuring I remain within safe limits.Quality Assurance (QA) is essential to guarantee the accuracy and reliability of imaging equipment. Regularly scheduled QA tests assess the performance of my imaging systems, including CT scanners, MRI machines, and ultrasound equipment. By promptly addressing any deviations from established standards, I can ensure that my images meet the highest quality criteria. An example of a QA test is the daily calibration of the CT scanner, which verifies the accuracy of the X-ray beam and image reconstructionalgorithms.Ethical Considerations also play a crucial role in my practice. I am bound by patient confidentiality regulations, safeguarding the privacy of patient information. I actively seek informed consent before performing procedures and provide clear explanations of the risks and benefits involved. Moreover, I respect patient autonomy and collaborate with them in making informed decisionsregarding their healthcare.Continuing Education is a constant endeavor for me. The field of radiology is rapidly evolving, and I must remainup-to-date with the latest advances in imaging techniques and disease management. I attend conferences, readscientific journals, and participate in online educational webinars to expand my knowledge and skills. This ongoing learning allows me to deliver cutting-edge services and provide the most appropriate care for my patients.Professionalism is the cornerstone of my work. I maintain a professional demeanor at all times, treating mycolleagues, patients, and their families with respect and empathy. I participate in peer review sessions to evaluate and improve our practices, fostering a culture of continuous improvement within our department. Moreover, I actively engage in community outreach initiatives, sharing my knowledge and expertise to promote a greater understanding of radiology and its role in patient care.中文回答:作为一名放射科医生,我必须遵守严格的规章制度,以确保患者安全和医学影像检查的准确性。
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Automatic ultrasound–MRI registration for neurosurgery using the 2D and 3D LC 2MetricBernhard Fuerst a ,b ,⇑,Wolfgang Wein c ,Markus Müller a ,c ,Nassir Navab a ,baComputer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP),Technische Universität München,Boltzmannstraße 3,85748Garching b.München,Germany bComputer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP),Johns Hopkins University,3400North Charles Street,Baltimore,Maryland 21218,USA cImFusion GmbH,Agnes-Pockels-Bogen 1,80992München,Germanya r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 12January 2014Received in revised form 17March 2014Accepted 10April 2014Available online 2May 2014Keywords:Image registration Similarity measureLinear correlation of linear combinationa b s t r a c tTo enable image guided neurosurgery,the alignment of pre-interventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)and intra-operative ultrasound (US)is commonly required.We present two automatic image reg-istration algorithms using the similarity measure Linear Correlation of Linear Combination (LC 2)to align either freehand US slices or US volumes with MRI images.Both approaches allow an automatic and robust registration,while the three dimensional method yields a significantly improved percentage of optimally aligned registrations for randomly chosen clinically relevant initializations.This study presents a detailed description of the methodology and an extensive evaluation showing an accuracy of 2.51mm,precision of 0.85mm and capture range of 15mm (>95%convergence)using 14clinical neurosurgical cases.Ó2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMedical image registration is the process of spatially aligning images in a common coordinate space and aligning related features which exist in all images.It has been a widely investigated area in the past few decades,however remains challenging in particular for multi-modal registration.Often,different modalities comple-ment each other well,which is relevant to a vast range of clinical applications for improving diagnosis,treatment planning,inter-ventions,procedure follow-up,and screening.In a neurosurgical scenario which mainly motivates this work,MRI provides a good visualization of the anatomy and tumors,while US is inexpensive and allows for intra-operative use to detect and correct for brain shift after opening the skull.However,registering US and MRI images is a complex and difficult process,largely because repre-sented information originates from very different physical proper-ties.MRI intensities correlate with the relaxation times of the 1H nuclei,while the US intensity values represent the changes in acoustic impedance,overlaid by a significant speckle noise and various direction-dependent artifacts.In this article,we present a new powerful set of methods based on the previously proposed LC 2similarity measure (Wein et al.,2008),which allows for globally convergent,automatic registration of MRI and US data with clinically acceptable computation times. 2.Related workDuring MRI and US registration a transformation is searched for which the alignment of the images is optimal.This requires a mea-sure to evaluate the current alignment of the images,which is referred to as cost functions or similarity measure .Ideally,this func-tion exhibits one distinctive extremum when the images are aligned optimally,and a nearly monotonous shape to provide optimal support in finding this extremum.In this section we will discuss several similarity measures which have been utilized for MR and US registration.The MRI and US registration approaches using similarity measures based on sum of squared distances,Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC),Mutual Information (MI)and normalized Mutual Information (nMI)tend to fail (Huang et al.,2005).This is caused by the very different nature of the intensity values and by structures that are not visible in one or the other imaging modality.For instance,details in MRI may lay in US shadow regions or cer-tain materials can not be visualized by MRI (e.g.calcifications,air).Therefore,we focus on similarity measures specific to the application during MRI and US registration,which are not organ-specific and do not introduce a significant effort due to pre-processing,such as for liver vasculature presented by Penney et al.(2004).Higher-dimensional Mutual Information (a -MI)is theoretically suited to assess US–MRI alignment based on both intensity and gradient information (in fact,an arbitrary number of features may be used).However,current approaches are neither practical/10.1016/Ó2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+49(89)28917058.E-mail (B.Fuerst), (W.Wein), (M.Müller), (N.Navab).in terms of implementation effort nor computation time(Rivaz and Collins,2012;Heinrich et al.,2013).De Nigris et al.(2012)presented an interesting approach utiliz-ing the alignment of high confidence gradient orientations.Ana-tomical boundaries characterized by the gradient orientations from the MRI and US images are used,while small regions with a high confidence for identifying anatomical boundaries were only selected from one image.However,the lack of the use of intensity values suggests that this method requires either nearly optimal data or a close initialization.Also the appearance of dominant gra-dients in one but not the other image,such as the skull in MRI but not in US,may lead to a poor alignment.A different powerful method is the modality independent neighborhood descriptor(MIND)(Heinrich et al.,2012)and its extension self-similarity context(SSC)(Heinrich et al.,2013; Cifor et al.,2013),which utilize the differences of pre-defined neighborhood descriptors.They are based on a self similarity mea-sure initially presented by Buades et al.(2005),and do not rely on the assumption of a global intensity relation.However,modality specific artifacts can not be considered and the computational effort for pre-processing is high due to the generation of voxel-wise neighborhood descriptors.Also,such self-similarity approaches tend to strongly abstract the image data,which might impact its accuracy as opposed to methods using the original image information.Instead of comparing images from different modalities,pseudo-US images may be generated using segmented structures from MRI (Comeau et al.,2000;Coupéet al.,2012;King et al.,2010; Kuklisova-Murgasova et al.,2012).In light of the modality-specific considerations,the most promising general strategy for robust US–MRI registration,without relying on application-specific pre-processing or segmentation,is to compare US to both the MRI intensity and its gradient,as pioneered by Roche et al.(2001), where a global polynomial intensity relationship isfitted during registration.The alternating optimization of the rigid pose and the polynomial coefficients,as well as the fact that it is a global mapping,limit the convergence range though(the requirement for a local intensity mapping is explained in detail in Wein et al. (2008)).Powerful tools for image registration are similarity mea-sures which are invariant to local changes,such as local normalized cross-correlation(invariant wrt.local brightness and contrast). Wein et al.(2008)introduced the similarity measure Linear Corre-lation of Linear Combination(LC2),which exhibits local invariance to how much two channels of information contribute to an ultra-sound image.The entire method has been specially designed for US–CT registration,where a strong correlation between X-ray attenuation coefficients and acoustic impedance is known,which allows a simulation of ultrasound effects from CT.These incorpo-rate estimates of the acoustic attenuation,multiple reflections, and shadowing,which can not directly be estimated from MRI.In this work,we adapt the LC2formulation to the case of MRI–US registration in neurosurgery,and evaluate it on a publicly avail-able database of14patients.We had presented initial results of this method in Wein et al.(2013).Here,we provide a more thor-ough description and evaluation,and also add two novel alterna-tive implementations of the LC2similarity,namely a2D GPU version and a novel natively three-dimensional approach.3.Method3.1.Similarity measureThe similarity measure Linear Correlation of Linear Combina-tion(LC2)is used to search for a transformation T which aligns two images I and J.Due to the different nature of the images,a relationship function f is required to allow a mapping of the inten-sity values.As afirst step towards LC2a general cost function is defined,which applies the relationship function f to one of the images:minTX~x2UIð~xÞÀfðJðTð~xÞÞÞðÞ2;ð1Þwhere~x is a pixel or voxel position in the image domain U.If f is the identity function it can be seen that(1)represents sum of squared differences(SSD).In case of LC2,the relationship function f isdefined to be a linear combination such as fðJð~yÞÞ¼Pi¼ i giðJð~yÞÞ,where c i are coefficients,and~y an arbitrary positionin image J.The functions gidescribe an arbitrary pre-processing of the transformed image J,for instance the computation of gradients or simulation of pseudo-ultrasound images.The choice of relation-ship function and pre-processing strongly depends on the nature of the underlying images.For mono-modal image registration,one could assume that a simple linear function,such as fðJð~yÞÞ¼a Jð~yÞþb,would be sufficient,which basically represents a windowing function.In case of a multi-modal image registration the relationship is more complex.As shown by Wein et al.(2008),the relationship between X-ray computed tomography(CT)and ultrasound images can be motivated from a physics standpoint,which results in f being a linear combination of ultrasound reflection and ultrasound echogeneity simulated from CT.However,in case of MRI and US registration such a simulation can not be obtained as the physical properties that are responsible for the intensity values have little in common.Therefore,the relationship function f is based on plausi-ble observations.We assume that the US intensity value u i for pixel/voxel i is either correlated with the MRI intensity valuepi¼JðTð~x iÞÞor with the MRI image gradient magnitudegi¼j r p i j.The resulting relationship function is therefore fðJð~xÞÞ¼a p iþb g iþc.This caters to the fact that ultrasound inten-sity values on one hand may depict different soft tissue properties (due to the varying tissue inhomogeneities and echogeneity),and on the other hand represent tissue interfaces or gradients,as illus-trated in Fig.1.Of course LC2is not limited to linear combinations of only two components,but for MRI/US registration we currently do not see the need for additional components.The coefficients c¼f a;b;c g of the linear combination in the relationship function are computed during every similarity mea-sure evaluation,as shown by Wein et al.(2007,2008).Under the assumption that the relationship function fðJðT~xÞÞshall be an opti-malfit to the image Ið~xÞ,its coefficients can be implicitly estimated based on an ordinary least squares formulation:^c¼ðM T MÞÀ1M T U;where M¼p1g11.........pmgm1B B@1C CA;U¼u1...u mB B@1C CA;ð2Þwhere m is the number of pixels/voxels in the domain,for instance m¼j U j.It is now possible to compute a residual between the US and MRI images,but this proves to be problematic in regions in which the images do not overlap or in which the ultrasound image does not contain any structural information(e.g.shadow regions). Therefore,the cost function(1)is modified to penalize such regions by introducing the variance of the ultrasound image,as done by Roche et al.(1998,2000,2001),and is formulated as a similarity measure:LC2ðI;J;TÞ¼1ÀP~x2UIð~xÞÀfðJðTð~xÞÞÞðÞ2:ð3ÞB.Fuerst et al./Medical Image Analysis18(2014)1312–13191313When plugging simple relationship functions in (3),it can be shown that other cost functions,such as correlation ratio (g )or Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC),can be derived.3.1.1.Locally normalized LC 2The similarity measure (3)implies an image-wide constant relationship between US and MRI intensity values and MRI image gradient magnitudes.This,however,is not true in most cases,as visualized in Fig.1.Therefore,we compute (3)for every pixel posi-tion ~x 2U using a neighborhood X ð~x ;s Þ&U of size s ,and conse-quently replace the domain on which the coefficients ^y are estimated (Eq.2)with X ð~x ;s Þ.The size s of the neighborhood around an image position ~x defines a patch of ð2s þ1Þ2pixels or a volume ð2s þ1Þ3voxels in 2D or 3D respectively.This results in local similarity measuresLC 2l ðI ;J ;T ;~x ;s Þ¼1ÀP~y 2X ð~x ;s ÞI ð~y ÞÀf ðJ ðT ð~y ÞÞÞðÞ2j ð~x ;s ÞÞj Var ðI ð~y j ~y 2X ð~x ;s ÞÞÞ;ð4Þwhere the weighted average is computed in order to obtainthe image similarity measure.The weights are the local standard deviation of the image I in the neighborhood r ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiVar ðI ðy j y 2X ð~x ;s ÞÞÞp .3.2.Similarity measure computation3.2.1.Two-dimensional LC 2This approach is computed on the original tracked freehand ultrasound slices,for which a 3D transformation is given.The extraction of the corresponding MRI intensity values and MRI gra-dient magnitudes from the given 3D volume is efficiently per-formed on the GPU using its hardware tri-linear interpolation capability.The accumulation of all the neighborhood intensities required for Eq.4is performed using a sliding-window approachon the CPU,parallelized over rows and columns of the images on all threads of the multi-core processor.The computation time is therefore independent of the chosen LC 2neighborhood size.While this method has been initially used in Wein et al.(2013),we have investigated an alternative full GPU implementation,where each shader accumulates the neighborhood information independently.The latter approach results in a computation dependency with respect to the neighborhood size of O ðs 2Þ,and therefore offers superior performance for small neighborhood sizes.3.2.2.Three dimensional LC 2In order to investigate advantages of slice versus volume-based LC 2computation,we have also implemented the similarity mea-sure with three-dimensional neighborhood blocks on the GPU.Here,the intensity accumulation is implemented in a separable fashion for every dimension,such that the computation time scales linearly O ðs Þwith the neighborhood size s .Before the registration,the 3D freehand ultrasound data is reconstructed into a volume grid in a similar fashion as in Karamalis et al.(2009),using a quad-rilateral interpolation for a good trade-off of performance and image quality.3.3.Optimization of rigid transformationAn analytic derivation of LC 2is difficult due to the least-squares fitting in (2)which is computed for every position in the US image.Therefore we use Bound Optimization BY Quadratic Approximation (BOBYQA)(Powell,2009),which internally creates own derivative approximations.This results in fewer evaluations than most other search methods,and is therefore used throughout this paper.How-ever,clinical requirements on capture range may ask for other techniques.In particular,global optimization techniques may be useful to perform a more excessive search within the specified bounds.the US image need to be expressed by a locally varying relationship function.This is indicated by the intensity values as MRI intensity values (a and b ),and the yellow ellipse,which marks regions of high correspondance and c ).The locally estimated coefficients (for neighborhood X ð~x ;s Þ)of the linear combination in the relationship references to color in this figure legend,the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)1314 B.Fuerst et al./Medical Image Analysis 18(2014)1312–13193.3.1.Deformable registrationAfter rigid registration,a free-from deformation(FFD)model using cubic splines can befitted,where the deformation is applied on the MRI data J within the same GPU kernel which extracts MRI intensity and gradient magnitude.For that purpose,we place a configuration of2Â2Â4control points within the bounding box of the registered ultrasound sweep.Then the same BOBYQA algo-rithm is used to optimize the displacement vectors for all control points.4.Experiments4.1.Clinical data and experimental setupTo evaluate our method and compare the results to other pub-lications,we used a publicly available database containing Brain Images with Tumors for Evaluation from Montreal Neurological Institute(Mercier et al.,2012),with pre-operative T1-weighted MRI and pre-reSection3D freehand US from14patients.The pre-resection ultrasound has been acquired before opening the dura, and therefore only little deformation has occurred.Initial transfor-mations and corresponding landmarks for each US–MRI pair are included(Table1,lines1and2).Therefore,we can provide ground truth evaluations,and denote the average Euclidean distance of the landmarks as Fiducial Registration Error(FRE).4.1.1.Two dimensional LC2The MRI volumes were used as provided,while the higher-res-olution US images were down-sampled such that their pixel sizes is smaller than twice the size of an MRI voxel.This guarantees that information provided by MRI voxels is never discarded when the tri-linear interpolation is used.Furthermore,US slices were skipped to avoid overlapping planes,resulting in an average dis-tance between the slices of<1.5mm or less due to slower scanning in the areas of interest.4.1.2.Three dimensional LC2For the3D experiments the freehand ultrasound data wasfirst reconstructed into a cartesian volume grid with an isometric reso-lution of0.3mm,and afterwards further re-sampled as needed.We found that down-sampling the US volumes by the factor of three provides a good trade-off between fast computation times,a total load of<2GB memory on GPU,a high capture range and good accu-racy.In addition,speckle noise is removed due to the smoothing effect.The used US volumes yield an isometric resolution of 0.9mm.The MRI volumes were used as provided.4.1.3.System specificationsAll registration attempts were performed utilizing the parallel processing capabilities of the Graphics Processing Unit(GPU)of a workstation with an Intel i7-3770CPU with8threads and a Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan GPU with2688cores and6GB memory.4.2.Numerical analysis of LC2configurationAll convergence analyses were performed by carrying out100 randomly initialized transformations(±10mm/°in all6parame-ters)for each choice of a parameter.4.2.1.Convergence analysis in terms of US slice spacingConsistently good results are obtained when performing a reg-istration using the2D approach with an slice spacing of<5mm, where slice spacing refers to the average euclidean distance between the centers of tracked ultrasound slices.For deformable registration,we chose<1.5mm to make sure we are not missing even smallest structures.4.2.2.Convergence analysis in terms of neighborhood sizeThe sensitivity of the2D method has been investigated using both CPU and GPU implementation of the similarity measure.For neighborhood sizes2–24the accuracy is similar,while the per-centage of successful registration attempts peak around8and9, as depicted in Fig.2(a)and(b).Furthermore,it can be seen that the two implementations yield nearly the same results.Therefore, we used neighborhood s¼9(hence m¼ð2Á9þ1Þ2¼361pixels) as a fair trade-off between convergence and accuracy for all further experiments.Reported results are computed using the CPU implementation.The3D method requires an independent convergence analysis, as the neighborhood size describes a volume rather than a2D patch.The accuracy is nearly constant for neighborhood sizes 2–7,which also exhibits the highest percentage of successful reg-istrations(Fig.2c).To balance computation time,which scales lin-early with the neighborhood size,and the performance,a neighborhood size s¼3(hence m¼ð2Á3þ1Þ3¼343voxels)isTable1Overview of clinical data(Mercier et al.,2012),previous published results(De Nigris et al.,2012;Rivaz and Collins,2012),and results using our method for rigid and deformable registration including computation times.The presented registration results using2D and3D LC2are based on100randomly initialized registration attempts for each patient and method.Patient1234567891011121314MeanDataset overview and related methods1#of Tags3735403231371923212525212323–2Initial FRE(mm) 4.93 6.309.38 3.93 2.62 2.30 3.04 3.75 5.09 2.99 1.52 3.70 5.15 3.77 4.18Æ5.20 3US spacing(mm)0.240.420.Æ0.20 4FRE in(De Nigris et al.,2012)(mm) 4.89 1.79 2.73 1.68 2.12 1.81 2.51 2.63 2.7 1.95 1.56 2.64 3.47 2.94 2.53Æ0.87 5FRE in(Rivaz and Collins,2012)(mm)– 2.05 2.76 1.92 2.71 1.89 2.05 2.89 2.93 2.75 1.28 2.67 2.82 2.34 2.57Æ0.82Registration results using2D LC26FRE(mm) 4.82 1.73 2.76 1.96 2.14 1.94 2.33 2.87 2.81 2.06 2.18 2.67 3.58 2.48 2.52Æ0.87 7SD(mm)Æ0.08 8Duration(sec) 5.98.311.1 6.023.417.325.Æ6.8 9Convergence(%)546644607538511954768294534457.9Æ19.6 10FRE def.(mm) 4.95 1.64 2.43 1.91 2.26 2.2 2.52 3.64 2.65 2.09 1.76 2.45 3.71 2.76 2.64Æ0.9 11Time def.(sec)158141279921331665633127667559793106282262Æ204Registration Results using3D LC212FRE(mm) 4.86 1.70 2.55 1.73 1.96 1.83 2.32 2.68 2.74 2.09 1.81 2.71 3.44 2.45 2.49Æ0.84 13SD(mm)Æ0.01 14Duration(sec) 2.61 2.91 2.89 1.30 2.15 2.08 2.87 2.68 1.49 2.58 2.23 2.64 1.24 2.79 2.32Æ0.59 15Convergence(%)9685888990808176809110094869287.7Æ6.8B.Fuerst et al./Medical Image Analysis18(2014)1312–13191315used for all further experiments.Overly large patches result in a global mapping of MRI intensity and gradient,removing the main advantage of LC2over other methods(robustness wrt.local changes of intensity-gradient relationship).4.2.3.Gradient magnitudes vs.directed gradientsFinally,we have investigated the effect of using the dot product of the MRI gradient g with the US beam direction,instead of g directly.This reduces the influence of vertical gradients,similar to the US simulation presented by Wein et al.(2008).Interestingly, this results in10–25%more outliers(the cost function becomes more non-linear due to the added directional dependance).4.3.Registration resultsThe resulting errors for all14patient data sets are nearly the same for registrations using gradient orientation alignment(De Nigris et al.,2012),2D LC2,or3D LC2,as depicted in Table1,lines 4,6,12respectively.Rivaz and Collins(2012)report slightly higher errors when applying a costly deformable registration which requires several hours(line5).The increased FRE coincides with ourfindings when using the faster2D LC2during deformable reg-istrations(line10).This indicates that performing deformable reg-istration does not provide any significant benefit when applied to mostly rigid data sets.However,we are convinced that the change of landmark errors induced by deformable registration or the dif-ference between the2D and3D approach of LC2lay within the range of thefiducial localization error(FLE)of the data.Examples of initially aligned and registered images are shown in Fig.3.4.4.Accuracy,precision and capture rangeSome initial alignments yield significant errors(e.g.patients2, 3,9,13),which are reduced by all algorithms listed in Table1. Therefore,an analysis of the capability of our algorithm to reach the optimum under all conditions is necessary.Trials with each100randomly initialized transformations (±10mm/°in all6parameters)were performed for all14patients using the2D and3D LC2approach,resulting in a total of2800reg-istration paring the LC2similarity measure with the final FRE shows in all cases that the best transformation corre-sponds to the highest similarity and that the misalignments are cleary separated yielding a significantly lower similarity.This dem-onstrates that both LC2algorithms allow for global registration in a realistic clinical setup.Fig.4shows the results,including the percentages of the converged optimizations.The average errors (accuracy)and standard deviation(SD;precision)are listed in Table1.The capture range describes the range of initial FRE values for which>95%of the registration approaches are successful.When using the2D approach,it can be observed that95%of the experi-ments converge within an initial FRE of9mm.This capture range is significantly increased to15mm when using the3D approach. Both sets of experiments are based on the aforementioned ran-domly initialized studies using BOBYQA.Fig.5(a)and(b)depict the capture range for selected patients,while(c)shows the total percentage of outliers vs.initial FRE for both algorithms.Since the gradient orientation alignment(GOA)method(De Nigris et al.,2012)yields similar FRE values,we implemented it to the best of our knowledge and re-ran the aforementioned ran-domized trials with it.We obtain>90%outliers and further inves-tigation into the cost function properties revealed that only a minor local optimum is present.A possible explanation is,that without further heuristics the GOA method would line up strong gradients from e.g.dura mater or skull;besides,using only gradi-ents larger than a threshold limits the image content considered. While we believe these to be general issues,it has to be acknowl-edged that better results would probably be obtained by the origi-nal authors, changing implementation details such as resolution,smoothing and interpolation.Precision and capture range were not reported in their work though,as unfortunately too often the case.The randomized experiments with the2D and3D LC2versions have been compared using the Mann–Whitney U-test.Generally, a p-value of60:01is considered very significant(Nuzzo,2014). In fact,the3D approach shows such a very significant increased convergence in all but one patients(patient12unchanged at 94%).With the exception for patient12,all computed p-values are below6Â10À3,indicating that the chance of the improvement being coincidentally observed is less than0.6%.putation timeTo compare the performance of the2D CPU,2D GPU and3D GPU approaches,we have measured the average computation times.All randomly initialized registrations have been run on the same hardware.The reported times do not include thefile loading, ultrasound volume reconstruction and down-sampling.Thefirst,original2D implementation uses the GPU merely to perform the MRI slice extraction,while the similarity iscomputed 1316 B.Fuerst et al./Medical Image Analysis18(2014)1312–1319。