Antari DarkFX Spot 510 IP用户手册说明书
For surface mounting
For truss mounting
Service and Maintenance
Important! Smoke fluid residue, dust and any excessive particle residue will degrade product performance, cause overheating and damage fixture. Damages
DarkFX Spot 510 IP is wired to output terminal of DarkFX Drive 4. Each output terminal can connect one DarkFX Spot 510 IP fixture.
Physical Installation Important
weight of fixture. ․ Make sure fixture installed in a well ventilated area. ․ Consider lamp replacement and routine maintenance access when selecting installation
caused by inadequate cleaning or maintenance are not covered by product warranty.
Cleaning ․ Unplug fixture from DarkFX Drive 4 before starting. ․ Use vacuum or air compressor and soft brush to remove dust on components
3D InSPIre Solder Paste Inspection Systems三维在线焊膏检测设备Operation Manual使用说明书(Sinic-Tek InSPIre-510a Series)Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd.思泰克光电科技有限公司Email: sales@Web-Site:Page 1Copyright by Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd.Page 2 Copyright by Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd. 在使用设备之前请详细阅读本说明书,并且充分理解说明书的内容后再操作。
目 录一. 安全注意事项...............................1 二. 机器开关及指示灯...........................6 三. 机器开机操作...............................7 四. JOB 程序制作及检测操作. (8)4.1如何使用ZYSPI 软件转换Gerber 文件.......9 4.2如何编制检测Job 程序....................28 4.3如何使用检测Job 程序进行检测............29 五. 机器关机操作...............................30 六. 软件主界面的介绍 (31)6.1 用户主界面...........................31 6.2 编程软件Peditor......................32 6.3 过程控制软件SPC......................38 七. 本产品使用时的承诺事项 (45)一.安全注意事项二.设备开关及指示灯器件名称工作状态紧急停止开关按下此开关,机器的工作会停止安全锁Page 7 Copyright by Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd. 三. 机器开机操作1. 打开机器电源开关(按顺时针方向90度旋转),白色电源指示灯变亮。
二POS使用过程:1)检查接线没问题后通电,开机,观察PCS灯的状态,第一排有System, IMU,GPS,PPS,LAN指示灯,等待一段时间,外观上看,全绿为正常,任意显示红灯则表示POS系统不正常,根据灯的指示表查找问题。
2)利用LAN网线接通电脑,将电脑IP地址设置为:(129,100.0.X)最后一位X是1-255之间任意数,除去POS自身IP号码,子网掩码:(255,255,255,0)然后打开电脑的Pos Controller软件,左边会自动出现POS的IP地址,右边的插头图片处选择Connect,如上图所示,完成电脑与POS的连接。
三POS的设置:1)座架偏流COM口设置,如下图一所示:图1如图1操作:Setting→Input/Output Port→Serial/Analog,打开COM口设置窗口,界面如图 2 所示:图2㈠COM 1口默认,不需要设置㈡COM 2 口设置:①座架为PA V30时,如上截图中所示设置,Baud Rate(波特率)38400.,Update Rate(采样更新率)10HZ,Message Select(信息接收器)选择PA V30,如图2所示。
②座架为PA V80时,其他设置不变,只修改采样更新率,改为25HZ㈢COM 3 口设置,如图三所示图3PA V30与PA V80的设置一样,Baud Rate(波特率)38400.,Update Rate(采样更新率)1HZ,Message Select(信息接收器)选择P30_GM Encoder Input㈣Analog设置,打开,其他默认即可如图4:图42)Yaw Drift correction(偏流纠正设置):Setting→Y aw Drift correction,打开设置界面,界面如图五所示:图5图五所示为PA V30的设置参数,PA V80 的设置参数如下图六所示:图63)POS状态指示:如图:,飞行过程中保持Navigate(导航)状态4)IMU偏心分量设置(座架自动修偏流状态时设置):Setting→Installation→Lever Arm/Mounting,打开设置界面,如下图七所示:图7长株潭项目现场设置情况:PA V80(飞机B-8764)的设置如下图九所示:图9需要说明的是,此设置由IMU在相机上的安装位置所决定,因此,每次飞行都要根据实际情况设定,与POS解算人员沟通确定。
输入信号 输入阻抗 输入电流
电流 ≤250Ω ≤30mA
电压 ≥500KΩ
输入电压 最大限制
输出负载能力 ≤500Ω
≥250 KΩ (注:需要更高负载
AC220V/0.6(小) DC24V/0.6A(小) AC220V/3A(大)
★ 返回工作状态 1 手动返回:在仪表参数设定模式下,按压 键4秒后,仪表即自动回到实时测量状态。 2 自动返回:在仪表参数设定模式下,不按任何按键,30秒后,仪表将自动回到实时测量状态。 六、参数设置
在工作状态下,按压 键PV显示LOC,SV显示参数数值:按 或 键来进行设置,长按 键2秒可返回上 一级参数,Loc等于任意参数可进入一级参数
五、通电设置 仪表接通电源后,即进入自检状态(见右图),自检完毕后,仪表自动转入工作状态, 在工作状态下,按压 键显示LOC,LOC参数设置有如下: 1、1) Loc等于任意参数可进入一级菜单(LOC=00;132时无禁锁);
2) Loc=132,按压 键4秒可进入二级菜单; 3) Loc=130,按压 键4秒可进入时间设置菜单;对于带打印功能的表. 4) Loc等于其他值,按压 键4秒退出到测量画面。 2、如果Loc=577,在Loc菜单下,同时按住 键和 键达4秒,可以将仪表的 所有参数恢复到出厂默认设置。 3、在其它任何菜单下,按压 键4秒即可退出到测量画面。 4、在测量画面下同时按压 键和 键4秒,可修改一级参数的报警值。 5、采用热电偶信号输入时,通道小数点dP=0时,温度显示分辨率为1℃;dP=1 时,温度显示分辨率为0.1℃,(1000℃以上自动转为1℃分辨率)。 6、时间设定 在仪表PV显示测量值的状态下,按压 键进入参数,设定LOC=130,在PV显示LOC,SV显示130的状态下,按压 键4秒,即进入时间参数设定,仪表PV显示"dATE",SV显示当前日期(如:100120-2010年1月20日),在此状态下 ,可参照仪表参数设定方法,设定当前日期。在仪表当前日期显示状态下,按压 键,仪表PV显示"TlnE",仪表 SV将显示当前时间(如183047 -18点30分47秒),在此状态下,可参照仪表参数设定方法,设定当前时间。在仪 表当前时间显示状态下,再次按压 键,则退出时间设定,回至PV测量值显示状态。
华为AR系列路由器01-01 AMI配置(AR502EG-L)(开始)
1.2.2 数据采集
设备可以通过实时抄表、定时抄表、补抄三种方式采集电表的数据。可采集的电表数 据包括实时数据、历史数据和事件数据。其中,历史数据包括负荷曲线数据、小时数 据冻结数据、日冻结数据、月冻结数据。
1.2.3 数据存储
设备数据存储的主要作用就是把通过数据采集获取的电表数据存储到设备中,储存的 数据主要包括冻结数据和事件数据。
l 存储机制 数据记录采用循环存储机制。数据存储满后,会把最早的数据覆盖。
l 存储容量设计 最大支持电表数1024个。 数据存储中存储的数据包括事件数据和冻结数据两类: – 事件数据 事件数据分为一般和重要两类事件,来源分为终端事件和电表事件等。 一般事件,是指对客户影响不大的事件。重要事件,是指对客户影响较大的 异常事件。用户可自行配置事件的等级以区分一般事件和重要事件。
抄读任务并抄读电表存储的冻结数据。定时抄表由设ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ内部定时器触发。
– Step2:电表返回结果给设备。 如表1-1所示,定时任务采集的数据种类具体分为以下几种:
文档版本 01 (2018-05-18)
版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司
Huawei AR500&AR510&AR531&AR550&AR1500&AR2500 系 列工业路由交换一体机 配置指南-AMI(命令行)
l 补抄
补抄是针对所有定时抄表任务在执行过程中未成功抄读的数据量进行补充性抄 读。
当采集通道空闲时,允许设备对电表进行空闲补抄。设备可以轮循对每一个电表 当日需要采集但未采集成功的数据量进行补抄,这些数据量包括曲线数据冻结、 小时数据冻结、日数据冻结、月数据冻结及电表事件采集任务中未采集成功的数 据量。
得力 AA510条码扫描器 用户手册 说明书
AA510 用户配置手册12声明请您在使用本手册描述的产品前仔细阅读本手册的所有内容,以保障产品安全有效地使用。
版本记录目录声明 (I)版本记录 (II)目录 (III)第一部分串口指令配置说明 (1)第1章串口命令 (2)1.1读标志位操作 (2)1.2写标志位操作 (4)1.3标志位保存到内部Flash指令 (6)1.4标志位恢复到出厂设置 (7)第2章标志位 (8)第二部分设置码配置说明 (32)第1章操作设置 (33)1.1使用设置码 (33)1.2恢复出厂默认 (34)1.3用户默认设置 (34)第2章通讯接口 (35)2.1通讯模式选择 (35)2.1.1通讯端口输出模式 (35)2.1.2HID释放时间间隔 (36)2.1.3CapsLock状态设定 (37)第3章不离不读 (38)3.1不离不读 (38)3.1.1不离不读模式 (38)3.1.2不离不读识读间隔 (38)第4章补光灯 (39)4.1补光 (39)第5章提示输出 (40)5.1声音总开关 (40)5.2音量设置 (40)5.3设置码提示音开关 (40)5.4开机提示音开关 (41)5.5识读成功LED提示开关 (41)5.6识读成功提示音开关 (41)5.7数据输出编码格式 (42)5.8各国键盘设置 (42)5.9虚拟键盘使能 (43)5.10输出中文屏蔽 (46)5.11图像镜像模式 (46)5.12反相识读模式 (47)5.13开票模式 (47)5.14读取设备版本信息 (48)5.15写入/读取设备ID (48)第6章数据编辑 (50)6.1前缀(Prefix) (50)6.2后缀(Suffix) (51)6.3Code ID (51)6.3.1添加Code ID (51)6.3.2修改Code ID (52)6.4结束符(Tail) (55)6.5Data段 (55)6.5.1Date段截取 (55)6.5.2Data段长度修改 (56)6.6网址码识读 (56)第7章码制设置 (57)7.1全局快捷操作 (57)7.1.1一维码操作 (57)7.1.2二维码操作 (57)7.1.3全局操作 (57)7.1.4商品条码校验位输出使能 (58)7.1.5识读能力强化 (58)7.2一维条码操作 (58)7.2.1EAN13 (58)7.2.2EAN8 (59)7.2.3UPC-A (61)7.2.4UPC-E0 (62)7.2.5UPC-E1 (64)7.2.6Code128 (65)7.2.7Code39 (66)7.2.8Code93 (69)7.2.9CodaBar (69)7.2.10Interleaved2of5 (71)7.2.11Industrial25 (73)7.2.12Matrix2of5 (74)7.2.13Code11 (75)7.2.14MSI Plessey (77)7.2.15RSS-14 (78)7.2.16限定式RSS (79)7.2.17扩展式RSS (80)7.2.18Standard2of5 (81)7.2.19Plessey (82)7.2.20ChinaPost25 (84)7.3二维条码操作 (85)7.3.1QR Code (85)7.3.2Data Matrix(DM) (86)7.3.3PDF417 (86)7.3.4Micro QR (87)7.3.5汉信码 (87)7.3.6Micro PDF417 (87)7.3.7Code16K (87)7.3.8Code49 (88)7.3.9Maxi Code (89)7.3.10Aztec (89)7.3.11GS1Composite (89)第8章保存与取消 (91)8.1保存 (91)8.2取消 (91)第9章批处理设置 (92)附录 (93)附录A:数据码 (93)0~9 (93)A~F (94)附录B:参数设置示例 (95)附录C:默认设置表 (97)附录D:常用串口指令 (103)附录E:Code ID列表 (104)附录F:ASCII码表 (106)附录G:批量设置码参数列表 (111)第一部分串口指令配置说明1用户可通过主机发送串口指令对本产品进行配置。
1 介绍 ............................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 简介................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 主机介绍......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2.1 前面板 ................................................................................................................................ 1-1 1.2.2 右侧面板 ............................................................................................................................ 1-3 1.2.3 左侧面板 ............................................................................................................................ 1-4 1.2.4 后面板 ................................................................................................................................ 1-4 1.3 特点................................................................................................................................................. 1-5 1.3.1 整机可靠性高 .................................................................................................................... 1-5 1.3.2 监测参数多 ........................................................................................................................ 1-5 1.3.3 完善的报警功能 ................................................................................................................ 1-5 1.4 禁忌症............................................................................................................................................. 1-5
绪 言承蒙惠顾,购得AR-510打印机。
在软件方面,AR-510秉承了得实系列打印机的高性能、高兼容性,可兼容所有STAR、EPSON和OKI 打印机,方便的自动撕纸功能及参数设置功能是得实打印机的特色。
目录第1章安装打印机.....................................1-11.1开箱和检查......................................1-11.2放置打印机......................................1-21.3打印机部件......................................1-31.4安装和更换色带盒................................1-51.5打印机和主机连接................................1-81.6连接电源........................................1-91.7安装打印驱动程序...............................1-10第2章纸的安装和使用.................................2-12.1选纸............................................2-12.2调校打印头间隙..................................2-12.3装入单页纸......................................2-22.4装入链式纸......................................2-4第3章控制面板.......................................3-13.1按钮及其指示灯..................................3-13.2开机功能........................................3-43.3组合功能........................................3-7第4章参数设置.......................................4-14.1如何选择打印机参数设置..........................4-14.2如何进行参数设置................................4-24.3如何进行双向测试及纵向校正.....................4-184.4如何进行打印针自动调整设置.....................4-224.5如何进行打印针补偿设置.........................4-244.6票据通设置和使用...............................4-264.7如何进行用户调整设置...........................4-294.8如何恢复出厂参数设置...........................4-32第5章故障和保养.....................................5-15.1故障处理........................................5-15.2保养与维护......................................5-6第6章规格...........................................6-16.1打印机规格......................................6-16.2接口接头引脚....................................6-46.3字符集..........................................6-86.4控制码摘要表...................................6-146.4.1ESC/P和LQ仿真控制码摘要表..................6-146.4.2OKI仿真控制码摘要表........................6-18安全规范企业公开信息:1.售后服务请致电全国各地得实服务网点电话,或拨打:400-810-9998(手机)800-810-9998(免费)2.产品工作、待机、休眠及关闭状态的最大及最小能耗如下:产品使用状态最大能耗最小能耗工作时78W 10W待机8W 7W休眠7W 7W关闭小于0.1W 0注:只有当产品无任何外接输入电源时,才能实现零能耗。
Plantronics VOYAGER 510-USB 蓝牙耳机系统 说明书
用户指南Plantronics VoY aGEr™ 510-UsB目录包装内的物品包装内的物品3耳机(正面与侧面视图) PerSono Suite 软件 CD部件充电横向麦克风杆调整呼叫控制按钮充电连接采用 WindSmart®技术的去除噪音麦克风交流电源充电USB 充电状态指示灯配对开启/关闭耳机将耳机与蓝牙手机配对启或关闭耳机。
配对注:耳机与 USB 蓝牙适配器在出厂时已相互配对。
但是如果您是单独购买的 USB 蓝牙适配器,或者希望将另一部耳机用于现有的适配器,则必须对它们进行配对。
安装 PerSono SUite 软件Plantronics PerSono Suite 软件在您的蓝牙耳机与电脑上的兼容网络电话应用程序之间提供了链接。
PerSono Suite 软件使您可以通过耳机通话控制按钮,远程检测并应答/结束来自网络电话应用程序的呼叫。
此外,PerSono Suite 还提供了一些基本配置以及关于系统的状态信息。
有关详情,请参阅第 12 页。
在 /SoftphoneCompatibility 上查看 PerSono Suite 兼容性列表,了解关于网络电话兼容性的最新信息。
如果 PerSono Suite 目前不支持您的网络电话,请参阅第 12 页。
1. 插入 CD 之后,进入 PerSono Suite 主屏幕,然后单击“安装 PerSono Suite 软件”。
2. 您的网络电话可能需要您选择希望使用哪种音频设备。
在使用 PerSono Suite 时,耳机与 USB 蓝牙适配器之间的收音机链接只有在通话期间才会激活。
深圳市锐尔威视科技有限公司 REVB-A50 产品使用手册说明书
A50方案板产品使用手册深圳市锐尔威视科技有限公司2019.9.5 Ver.A目录目录硬件资源描述 (4)核心硬件资源 (4)接口资源 (4)显示驱动能力 (5)视频编解码能力 (5)底板接口资源 (5)软件资源描述 (6)提供JA VA层API源码 (6)底板硬件设计说明 (6)接口说明 (7)接口定义描述 (8)扩展模块连接说明 (11)MIPI屏 (11)LVDS屏 (12)RGB屏 (12)MIPI摄像头 (13)4G通讯模块 (13)更新固件方法 (14)USB更新 (14)TF卡更新 (16)固件修改工具使用说明 (18)安装D RAGON F ACE (18)修改开机信息 (19)第一张开机L OGO (19)第二张开机L OGO (20)开机动画和开机音乐 (20)修改系统配置 (20)修改系统属性BUILD.PROP (21)修改INIT.RC (21)修改LCD配置 (22)修改触摸配置 (22)修改屏幕旋转方向 (22)修改自启动应用 (22)串口使用说明 (23)GPIO说明 (24)硬件资源描述核心硬件资源CPU:全志A50四核主频1.5GHzGPU:Mali-400MP2PMU:AXP2231DRAM:1GB LPDDR3FLASH:8GB eMMCWIFI+BT:XR829集成Audio Codec接口资源1路USB OTG 2.0,可做HOST1路USB HOST 2.0 高速ECHI协议480Mbps1路SDIO,可接SD卡1组RGB/LVDS复用的显示屏接口1组MIPI-DSI显示屏接口1组MIPI-CSI摄像头接口1路音频Headphone2路音频Microphone1路LRADC,可做按键检测1路SPI接口1路I2S接口,用于接声卡芯片2路IIC接口,用于接CTP、G-Sensor等3路UART接口5个GPIO口复位信号输入开关机按键,支持休眠唤醒提供5组外设电源,给LCD、CTP、Camera等外设供电支持外部DC、锂电池、USB三种供电方式,自动检测支持由DC-5V和USB给电池充电PCBA尺寸:59mm*46mm引脚数量:132显示驱动能力RGB:18bit 1920*1080 5/7寸转接双8LVDSLVDS:单8 1366*760 7~15寸MIPI:4-lane 1920*1200 5~10寸视频编解码能力编码能力:1080P@60fps H.264/MJPEG解码能力:1080P@60fps H.264/MJPEG多种格式解码:Mpeg1/2, Mpeg4 SP/ASP GMC, H.263, H.264 BP/MP/HP, VP8, WMV9/VC-1等底板接口资源4个USB2.0口,2个A母座,其中一个可用于Device,2个4P-2.0插座3组TTL串口(其中1组可复用为一个SPI)1个TF卡座,支持最大64G容量TF卡1个耳机插座1个麦克风接口1个MIPI-CSI摄像头接口1个百兆以太网RJ45接口1个RGB屏接口,带电容触摸接口1个LVDS屏接口,带电容触摸接口1个MIPI屏接口,带电容触摸接口1组SPI接口(可复用为串口)1组IIC接口1组按键接口:POWER RESET LRADC5个GPIO全网通4G模块MiniPCI-E插座标准SIM卡座RTC电池座CR1220锂电池接口,支持3.7~4.2V电池DC5.5电源座,12V电源输入4P-2.54插座,12V电源输入4P-2.54插座,5V和3.3V电源输出(WIFI+BT集成在核心板上)PCBA尺寸:135mm*85mm软件资源描述搭载Android8.1系统(内核版本:Linux-4.9),系统经过锐尔威视科技深度优化定制,启动快,运行流畅不死机,已ROOT,可做带Google GMS认证的系统;支持WIFI、蓝牙、以太网、4G网络;支持RGB、LVDS、MIPI接口的屏幕;用户可由PC端的固件修改工具定制个性化固件,如修改开机图片、开机动画、开机声音、安装/卸载应用、自启动应用、更改LCD屏配置、设置屏幕旋转方向、修改机器信息等,不开放系统源码,仅提供固件,用户可直接开发APP,节省开发周期,可为项目用户定制系统。
InSPIre-510a 操作手册
3D InSPIre Solder Paste Inspection Systems三维在线焊膏检测设备Operation Manual操作手册(Sinic-Tek InSPIre-510a Series)Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd.思泰克光电科技有限公司Email: info@Web-Site:Page 1Copyright by Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd.在使用设备之前请详细阅读本说明书,并且充分理解说明书的内容后再操作。
目录一.安全注意事项........... .. (3)二.机器开关及指示灯 (6)三.机器开机操作..... .. (7)四.程序的制作 (8)4.1如何导入Gerber文件并转换 (8)4.2如何编辑检测Job程序 (8)4.3如何使用检测Job程序进行检测 (9)五.机器关机操作... . (10)六.软件主界面的介绍 (11)6.1 用户主界面 (11)6.2Gerber转换软件 (12)6.3 编程软件Peditor (14)6.4 过程控制软件SPC (21)七.本产品使用时的承诺事项 (26)Page 2Copyright by Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd.三.机器开机操作1.打开机器电源开关(按顺时针方向90度旋转),白色电源指示灯变亮。
4.点击主界面上的Home ,机器将自动做初始化处理。
(如气压不正常,SMEMA信号错误,安全门未锁好等原因,机器将停止初始化) Page 7Copyright by Sinic-Tek Vision Technology Co., Ltd.四.程序的制作4.1 如何导入Gerber文件并转换成*.mdb文件4.1.1 在主界面上点击菜单下的PEdit 。
第 1 章 安装打印机 ..................................... 1-1
1.1 开箱和检查 ...................................... 1-1 1.2 放置打印机 ...................................... 1-2 1.3 打印机部件 ...................................... 1-3 1.4 安装和更换色带盒 ................................ 1-5 1.5 打印机和主机连接 ................................ 1-8 1.6 连接电源 ........................................ 1-9 1.7 安装打印驱动程序 ............................... 1-10
打印机。 4、 如果该打印机直接与计算机相连,请单击“本地打印机”;如
果它与其他计算机相连,请单击“网络打印机”。 单击“下 一步”按钮。 5、 单击“从磁盘安装”按钮;把安装盘插入到选择好的驱动器, 在“从磁盘安装”对话框输入安装的打印机驱动程序的名称。 (包括驱动器号和目录)并单击“确定”按钮。出现“AR-500” 打印机。单击“下一步”按钮。 6、 选择打印机端口;单击“下一步”按钮。 7、 确定所安装的打印机是否为默认打印机后,单击“下一步” 按钮。 8、 确定是否打印测试页后,单击“完成”按钮。 9、 安装打印机驱动程序结束。 安装完成后,所安装的打印机的图标将出现在打印机文件窗口。
6.4.1 ESC/P和LQ仿真控制码摘要表 .................. 6-14 6.4.2 OKI仿真控制码摘要表 ........................ 6-18
Plantronics Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth 头戴式耳机用户指南说明书
Plantronics VoYaGEr ™ 510-UsBBLUETOOTH ® HEADSET SySTEmUSER GUIDEPACKAGE CONTENTSHeadset (front and side view) PerSonoCall® software CD WELCOMEThis User Guide provides instructions on the setup and usage of the Plantronics Voyager 510 USB Bluetooth headset system. Before getting started, please review the safety booklet included in your package. For additional help, service or support information, refer to the product warranty card or visit .FEATURES CHARGINGHorizontal boom adjustmentCall control buttonCharge connectionNoise-cancelling microphone with WindSmart® technology USB chargingStatus indicator lightPAIRINGPowering headsetPairing headset with Bluetooth phoneon or off.The indicator light flashes blue when the headset is on. The indicator light will flash red when PAIRINGPairing headsetNOTE: The headset and USB Bluetooth adapter are paired to each other at the factory. However, if you have purchased a USB Bluetooth adapter separately, or if you wish to use a replacement headset with your existing adapter, the units must be paired.INSTALLING PERSONOCALL ® SOFTWAREPlantronics PerSonoCall ® software provides the link between your Bluetooth headset and compatible softphone applications on your computer. PerSonoCall software provides the ability to remotely detect and answer/end a call from your softphone application via the headset call control button.In addition, PerSonoCall provides some basic configuration and status information about the system. See page 10 for more details.Check the PerSonoCall compatibility list at /personocall for the most current information on softphone compatibility. If your softphone is not currently supported by PerSonoCall, please refer to page 14.1. With the CD inserted, go to the PerSonoCall main screen and click on “Install the PerSonoCall Software”.: No headset detected : Headset detected, no radio link to USB Bluetooth adapter : Headset detected and radio link to USB Bluetooth adapter active : Headset detected and radio link to USB Bluetooth adapter is locked onCurrent Status screen INSTALLING PERSONOCALL SOFTWARERight-click on the headset system tray icon and choose “Options”. This will bring up the PerSonoCall Basic Options and Current Status screens.Basic Options screenReplacing the ear tipRotate the microphone horizontally and vertically as illustrated, to select for left or right ear wearing. The illustration shows conversion from right to left ear wearing. Reverse the procedure to convert from left to right ear wearing.Slide the headset over and behind your ear. Press gently towards your ear for a snug fit. Adjust the microphone position so that it is directed towards your mouth.Inserting a new ear tipADJUSTING FITWearing the headsetTo make a call , press the call control button to take the softphone off the hook. You should hear a dial tone.To answer or end a call , press the call control button.When using PerSonoCall, the radio link between the headset and the USB Bluetooth adapter will only be active during a call. This is the default setting intended to preserve the battery life of the headset. However, you may wish to have the radio link active when not on a call so you can listen to other audio sources, such as streaming audio on your PC. You can lock the radio link on in two ways:• Basic Options screen—check the box for "Lock headset radio link on"—see page 10.• Right click on system tray icon—and choose "Lock radio link on".NOTE: Locking the radio link on for extended periods of time will significantly reduce the USING YOUR HEADSETAdditional featuresOnly with mobile phoneAnswering/ending/making calls with PerSonoCall on softphoneRedialling last numberTo activate last number redial, double-click the call control button. You will Switching a call from phone to headset To switch an active call from your phone to your headset, briefly press the call The Voyager 510-USB headset has multipoint technology which allows you to switch seamlessly between two audio devices. You can answer a call from either your PC-based softphone or your mobile phone by pressing the call control button. The headset must be paired to both devices and then to enable this functionality, see "Allow call control button to toggle the headset’s radio link" on the Basic Options screen on page 10.Multipoint versatilityINDICATOR LIGHTSBluetooth device Connected to headset Flashes blue USING YOUR HEADSETTo adjust the listen or speak volume of the softphone, please refer to the softphone user documentation.TROUBLESHOOTING FOR VOYAGER 510-USB• Lower the listen volume on your softphone until the distortion disappears.• If the distortion is still present, lower the listen volume control on the computer.• Adjust volume on headset. See page 16.• Speak volume is too high. Lower the speak volume on your softphone until the noise disappears. If the noise is still present, lower the microphone volume control on the computer.Sound in headset is distorted. I can hear echo in headset.I can hear too much background conversation or noise.• Check compatibility list on / personocall to ensure your softphone is compatible for remote answer and disconnect.• Headset battery needs to be charged. See page 5.• Headset is not paired to the USB Bluetooth adapter. See page 8.• When a PC goes into standby or hibernation, the USB Bluetooth adapter is no longer powered on. Ensure your PC is in an active state.• Ensure PerSonoCall software is installed My Voyager headset does not work with the softphone I am using on my PC (I cannot answer or disconnect from the headset call button).ProblemSolutionProblemSolutionTECHNICAL ASSISTANCEVisit our web site at /support for technical support including frequently asked questions, compatibility and accessibility information. The Plantronics Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is also ready to assist you on 0800 410 014.Plantronics Ltd Wootton Bassett, UK Tel: 0800 410 014Plantronics B.V. Hoofddorp, Nederland Tel: 0800 752 6876 (NL) 00800 752 687 66 (BE/LUX)Plantronics Sarl Noisy-le-Grand, France Plantronics Acoustics Italia Srl Milano, Italia Numero Verde: 800 950 934Plantronics Iberia, S.L. Madrid, España Tel: 902 415 191 +34 91 640 47 44 (ES) Tel: 800 844 517 (PT)。
• 电脑验光仪 • 综合验光仪
ARK-510A 简易操作手册
STEP1. 准备 1 开启操作者右边的电源
2 下颌接触下颌托,额头轻松地接触前额托
STEP2. 设定
1 选择测量模式(验光/角膜曲率)
CS:角膜尺寸,PS:瞳孔尺寸 PD:瞳孔距离
三、配镜用途 了解顾客对视力的要求
四、戴镜史 了解顾客的消费水平,戴镜的时间长短。为了将来处方的 决定。
•(1) 前面是什么 •(2) 是用来做什么 •(3) 请您(如何配合)
STEP3. 操作 1 操作控制杆,将被测眼调至画面中心 2 指导受检者凝视设备中的固视灯 3 调焦
4 开始测定 5 取得必需的测定次数之后,将设备拉离受检者 6 将设备移至另一只眼,开始测定
STEP4. 打印 1 按打印键打印测定结果
STEP5. 关机 1 关闭操作者右侧的电源
话术: 现在在您面前
的是一台电脑验光仪。 是用来粗略测量你的度 数的,请您坐好,睁开 双眼放松向前看。
一、电脑操作要领:(他觉式 )
• 1、客坐椅移至正确位置.高低合适 • 2、消毒:请问你对酒精过敏吗? • 2、受测者挺胸并将双脚置于踏板上. • 3、下颌与前额自然贴紧,两眼自然平视. • 4、眼位调整,并提示受测者转动现象(控制眨眼).
510 Series NVR Surveillance Recorder Web Interface Quick StartGuide2For maximum control and convenience, your system should be connected to the Internet via a local network router. For installation, you must be able to access this network through a personal computer.Internet connectivity allows you to use OvrC, a powerful remote maintenance service. See for details.If your surveillance system is isolated from the Internet, go to SnapAV .com and download the technical reference manual for this product, which has a chapter that steps you through installation without using the web interface.Required Equipment }The NVR and all cameras to be installed }Network connection for the NVR}Admin rights to a network computer that can access the surveillance system }Phillips screwdriver}T wo AAA batteries for the remote controlYou can acquire a PDF of the full NVR technical reference manual, hard drive installation guide, and other materials from SnapAV .com: visit the product page and click on the support tab.If you are going to install extra hard drives in the recorder, do so now before beginning installation.WARNING: This product can expose you to chemicals including cadmium, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer, and phthalates, which are known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .Safety Tips (4)Set Up the Hardware (5)Install and Run the Luma Utility (6)Edit the Network Settings (7)Optional: Prep for Plugin-Free Browsers (8)Complete Port Forwarding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Start the Web Interface .................10Luma Link (10)Check the Cameras (11)Set Up Dynamic DNS (12)Camera Passwords (13)Create Users and Set Passwords (14)Calibrate the System Time (15)You’re Done! (16)What’s in the BoxAside from this guide, your package includes:}The Luma NVR}Extra screws for mounting an additional internal hard drive into your NVR }SATA cables for connecting an additional internal hard drive in your NVR }Rack ears for installing your NVR into a rack}Screws for attaching the rack ears to the NVR}USB mouse}Remote control}Power cord}Stick-on rubber feet for the unit if you will not be installing it in a rack4510 Series NVR Quick Start Guide}Handle this device with care}Do not strike or shake this device.}Do not operate this device beyond its specifiedpower source ratings.}Protect the power cord from being stepped on orpinched, particularly where it connects to thedevice and to the power outlet.}Do not drop items through the ventilation slots.f something falls inside the device, turn offthe power immediately and contact qualifiedpersonnel for service.}Do not expose this device to water or moisture.Moisture may damage the device and causeelectric shock.}T ake immediate action if the device becomeswet: turn the power off and contact qualifiedpersonnel for service.}Do not use this device in humidity above 85%.}Do not use this device near any heat sourcessuch as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or othersuch heat-generating equipment.}If mounting in a closed space, include adequateventilation. Do not block ventilation openings.}The performance and lifespan of the hard driveis affected by temperature. Use this device intemperatures ranging from 14–131 °F.}Handle the hard drive with care.}You can damage the hard drive if this deviceis moved while the hard drive is still spinning.I f you must move the device, even just toreposition it, follow the shutdown procedure inthe technical reference manual (available online)and wait at least 30 seconds before moving it.}If servicing or exchanging the hard drive, protectit from static electricity. Use a grounded staticwrist guard and mat to properly ground yourselfand the hard drive.}Do not use an electric screwdriver to remove orinstall a hard drive.}Clean this device with a dry cloth. Do not usestrong or abrasive detergents when cleaning thedevice chassis. I f dirt is hard to remove, use amild detergent and wipe gently.}Make a note of the system settings and savethem. This helps when changing the systemconfiguration or with recovery if unexpectedfailure or trouble occurs.5510 Series NVR Quick Start GuideCaution: Do not power up the NVR until these steps are complete.1. If desired, install the NVR in the rack. If not, attach the rubber feet to the bottom corners of the unit.2. Connect the mouse to the USB port on the rear panel. We suggest that you leave the front USB unused andaccessible for later use.3. If desired, connect a local monitor to the VGA or HDMI port.4. Connect your IP surveillance cameras to the camera ports. T o connect your cameras through your local network, consult the technical reference manual (available online) for additional setup.5. Connect your network cable to the Ethernet port.6. Connect the power cord and turn on the power switch.Camera(s)Optional AC Power6510 Series NVR Quick Start GuideUse the Luma Utility to locate your surveillance hardware and set up communications. This is a PC-only utility.Visit your product page at and download the Luma Utility installer from the Supporttab. Y ou must use v3.0.0.54 build 20180202 or later! Earlier versions of the utility will not work!Run the installer. You can click through and accept the defaults.Connect your PC to the network and run the Luma Utility. It searches the local network for all LumaSurveillance devices. If your NVR does not appear, ensure that the network connections are secureand that the unit is powered up, then click the Refresh button.Click on the entry for your NVR to view its details. If the NVR is inactive, use the text boxes at the lower right of the Luma utility window to activate the NVR by creating a new secure password.}Passwords cannot be longer than 16 characters. T o ensure compatibility with the local interface, passwords can only contain numbers, letters, spaces, and the following special characters: . , : - / }Use a password that is long and easy to remember. A password like parisinthespring is much more secure and easier to remember than a password like D3x^7b.7510 Series NVR Quick Start GuideT o change the network settings at a later date, consult the NVR manual.Suggested Best PracticesEnsure the Enable DHCP box is activated. In your router, reserve an IP address and assign it to the NVR’s MAC address (found on the recorder’s box, or under System Settings > System Information ). See your router’s documentation for details.Change the Server and HTTP PortsThe HTTP port defaults to 80. This port enables you to access your recorder through a web browser.The server port defaults to 8000. This port enables the Luma mobile application to access your system.For security reasons, we suggest you change your ports and record the new numbers on the back page of this guide. Consult your server or router manual for common and reserved port numbers to avoid.T o confirm changes, enter the password that you just created and then click Save.8510 Series NVR Quick Start GuideWith the update to firmware v3.4.95 build 191127, Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft Edge can view your system remotely. Port forwarding setup allows you to access the NVR from the internet for remote viewing and other operations. These settings are entered in your network router, typically in a menu called Port Forwarding or Applications and Gaming. Refer to your router manual for help.T o remotely access your recorder from a browser other than Internet Explorer, forward port 7681 on your router. This port allows you to use browsers that no longer allow plugins (Chrome, Firefox, etc.).As you cannot perform port translation, both your internal and external port must be 7681. You do not need to append this port at the end of your URL as it does not replace your HTTP port. It is simply a special port that needs to be forwarded on your router and that is the sole place the port is used. Thus, if your HTTP port is (forexample) 8042, your web address stays the same: e.g., :8042 .Find the NVR settings you need, then log in to the router and enter the new port forwarding rules.9510 Series NVR Quick Start GuideOnce you’ve finished, your device’s URL (e.g., ) gets you to the login page of your NVR, no matter where you are. If you changed your HTTP port from the default location (80), add a colon and thenew port number to the URL (e.g., :8042).Port Forward Attached CamerasIf your cameras are attached directly to your NVR and you want to access individual cameras remotely, you’ll also need to set up port forwarding for them.The cameras are accessed with the IP address of the NVR, modified by port numbers 65001 (for camera 1) through 65016 (for camera 16). Forward these ports on your router. This can also be referenced through the camera management links shown on page 11.10510 Series NVR Quick Start GuideGet the Luma Plug-InOpen your browser, type the IP address of the recorder (from page 7) into the address bar, and hit Return.Below the login window, there may be a link that reads, “Please click here to download and install the plug-in. Close the browser when installing the plug-in.” If so, download the plug-in and close all instances of your browser, including any running in the background.Install the LumaWebComponents plug-in.Restart your browser and return to your recorder’s login window.Enter admin for the user name, and the password you just created on page 6.You might get a pop-up message that asks you whether you want to run the Luma WebComponents plug-in. You must allow the plug-in to access your system.Be sure to save your recorder’s page as a favorite in your browser.LumaLinkLumaLink is our free remote access service that makes it easier than ever to set up your customer’s Luma app for remote viewing.Using point-to-point (P2P) technology to replace traditional DDNS/port forwarding, LumaLink provides you witha robust setup solution that’s efficient and convenient, while offering increased security to clients.T o use LumaLink simply add the device to your OvrC account, log in to LumaLink on your Luma mobileapplication, and refresh your device list.After log-in, your screen shows the live page, which should look similar to the illustration below. If a camera is out, check its connection to your NVR, and ensure that it is powered up.Edit Camera Settings (Optional)T o adjust camera settings, click on thesettings icon ( ). In the configurationscreen, click on Camera Management.This displays a table of all I P camerasconfigured for the NVR. In the rightmostcolumn is a link to each such IP camera.This link opens a new tab in yourbrowser for your camera’s web interfacemenu (see your camera manual fordetails). It can only be used from withinthe network.T o modify a camera, clicking on its entry to highlight the row. Click the Modify button to edit the camera. Luma cameras use the LUMA protocol; third-party cameras may require the ONVIF protocol.Reinstalling Network CamerasIf you are taking cameras that were previously attached to anetwork and plugging them directly into your NVR, you mustdo a hardware reset on the cameras. See your camera’s manualor the technical reference manual for details.This allows you to connect to yoursurveillance system from anywhere, via theInternet, using a web address that’s easy toremember.Click on Basic Network Settings > DDNS.Click the box labeled Enable DDNS,then choose a type from the DDNS Typemenu. Next, choose a server address. Werecommend WirepathDDNS. This serviceis hosted specifically for use with Lumaequipment and requires no additional setupafter following these steps.Enter your desired domain in the Domainbox. This creates a personalized serveraddress, which is shown under Device URL.If someone has already registered your desired domain, the system adds a unique ID (typically two to four digits) to your domain. If you do not like these digits, try another domain or server address.Example: If you choose the domain myhome, your system’s URL is . If someone has already claimed the myhome URL, then your system’s URL would be something like . Click Save to finalize the settings here.Note: When your ports have also been forwarded properly on your router, the Status entry changes to indicate that the DDNS status is normal (as shown in the illustration).When the Luma NVR is activated, it sets the password for all the connected camerasto match the NVR password that you created on page 6.f you add a camera manually, you must enter the camera’s password. Default passwords represent a security risk after installation. We strongly recommend that you change the password on any camera that has a default password like admin.T o add a camera manually, click on Camera Management > IP Camera.At the top of the window, click on the Modify button. This opens a dialog box that lets you enter the camera information, including:}IP address}protocol}the camera’s management port} a custom name (e.g. Front Porch)}the camera’s username and password}set Adding Method to Manual.Camera passwords cannot be longer than 31 characters. The camera password can only contain numbers and letters; no spaces or special characters.For added security, use a password that is long and easy to remember.Click on User Management.Click the Add button. Enter the new account’s user name and password. Account names can be up to 32 characters long, and can contain numbers and letters only. We recommend that you add accounts by individual users’ names, so that if someone reboots the system or erases a log, you know which user did it.Choose the account’s level. There are two levels for users: operator and user. The only difference is the default permissions they are given. You can customize permissions for each account individually. See the technical reference manual (available online) for more details.Important! T o protect your security and privacy, your device must be activated with a valid password for you to be able to view them when using LumaLink.Click on System Settings and select the Time Settings tab.Synchronize the TimeChoose your time zone. North American time zones range from GMT-10:00 (Hawaii) to GMT-03:30 (Newfoundland).By default, the system uses network time protocol (NTP) to synchronize your system to Coordinated Universal Time. We strongly recommend using NTP to keep your system well calibrated.If you want to use manual time sync, or if your system is isolated from the Internet, see the technical reference manual (available online).Disable DST if NecessaryIf you are in a location that does not observe daylight saving time, click the Enable DST checkbox to deselect it.Click Save to confirm changes.Your system is now operational. Next, you’ll want to customize your system for your customer’s needs. Using the simple web interface, you can:}Set protocols for remote computers for when they log in to the surveillance system.}Change the cameras’ frame rates to manage hard disk space.}Set a custom recording schedule.… and more!T o learn more, go to the product page at and download the technical reference manual.If you need further clarification, please email support@. For more information, instructional videos, support documentation, or ideas, visit our website and view your item’s product page at .3-Year Limited WarrantyThis Luma Surveillance™ product has a 3-Y ear Limited Warranty. This warranty includes parts and labor repairs on all components found to be defective in material or workmanship under normal conditions of use. This warranty shall not apply to products that have been abused, modified or disassembled. Products to be repaired under this warranty must be returned to SnapAV or a designated service center with prior notification and an assigned return authorization (RA) number.Copyright ©2016–2018 by SnapAV. All rights reserved. SnapAV, Luma Surveillance, Wirepath Surveillance, and all related marks and images are trademarks or registered trademarks of SnapAV. Distributing, copying, disassembling, reverse compiling, reverse engineering, or exporting the software provided for this product is expressly prohibited and in violation of international copyright law.Version 200323-0948。
Zeiss Confocal META 510 使用步骤1.先打开台面上黑色大按钮至“on”。
4.双击桌面上“MET A”图标,进入程序,在“Scan New Images”处于激活状态的情况下选择最下面一个选项“专家模式(Expert Mode)”。
LSM 510程序正式启动,界面如下:5.如果在程序启动的过程中,显示屏左下角出现报错滚动对话框的话,请检查显微镜镜身右侧的绿色按钮是否处于开启状态。
Reflected Light为荧光开关;Transmitted Light为明场开关。
选择相应的滤光片:观察绿光,就选择绿色的:FSet09 wf;观察红光,就选择红色的:FSet15 wf。
几个RNS510的秘籍几个RNS510的秘籍秘籍一,关闭系统:按住魔语键 + 左/右箭头RNS510的设计是无论你怎么按电源钮还是干脆拔钥匙,都无法真正得关闭系统。
秘籍二,进工程模式:关闭系统(用“秘籍一”的方法)» 按住SETUP键 + 电源钮开机查看系统信息和参数,升级地图都会用到工程模式。
秘籍三,行驶中显示视频画面:开始播放视频» 当汽车保持在静止状态时按魔语键» 听到提示音» 按TONE键» 车辆恢复行驶状态,视频画面继续显示RNS510自带了DVD播放功能,但它非常“人性化”的一个设计是当车辆在行驶时视屏画面会被强制关闭,但音频信号会继续输出,只有当汽车保持静止状态时时视频画面才会恢复显示。
科普一下“魔语”按钮:知道的同学请直接无视,抛砖引玉期待其他秘籍补充…RNS510 怎样往硬盘里拷贝数据?送图片谢谢大家sd卡或者光盘内,机器可支持文件,在“选择”菜单中将需要拷入的文件后面的菜单按钮点开,选择“复制”即可!RNS510 系统与导航升级作业!高六的RNS510 系统与导航升级其实非常简单,特别是升级导航地图,简直是傻瓜操作!其实升级系统也是比较简单的。
升级系统的官方方法:打开导航同时按下如图2的3个按钮同时松手屏幕会黑屏此时放入系统升级的光盘需要按2次OK 升级开始大概30多分钟之后升级系统完成!系统升级过程我用魅族M8拍了部分图片!(清晰度一般,请谅解)1、3、4、6、然后再升级地图直接放入地图的光盘系统提示是否装入硬盘点“是”则开始安装如想看进度可按一下出仓键(比较简单就不上图了)大概20分钟完成地图容量1.5G左右信息点增加很多如升级完地图为白屏不要惊慌你可以开车出去逛逛我那天装完地图白屏(因为车库里封闭好搜星定不了位)开车才开出10多米 GPS开始搜星定位地图重新出现超级详实的地图定位精准!而且不会再出现地图白屏啦哈哈哈!关于mfd3高尔夫6原装rns510导航版本升级的指导写给diy原装导航DVD和需要自行安装的车主高尔夫6顶配版的原装dvd导航时RNS510(也称作MFD3),以下知识只提供给安装好并且已经解码了用户。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
第1章 安装打印机
1.1 开箱和检查
打开纸箱,对照下图检查箱内部件和附件是否齐全。如果有任何 部件遗失,请与卖方联系。 注意:使用之前,请先取出打印头固定板,保留原包装箱及缓冲材料, 以备以后使用。
*机器出厂时,送纸旋钮未安装于机器上,请从缓冲材料上取出并安 装。
1.2 放置打印机
本产品信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。 本资料仅供参考。除中国现行法律法规规定,得实集团 不承担任何由于使用本资料而造成的直接或间接损失的责 任。 得实集团保留最终解释权。
第 1 章 安装打印机 ..................................... 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 开箱和检查 ...................................... 1-1 放置打印机 ...................................... 1-2 打印机部件 ...................................... 1-3 安装和拆卸色带盒 ................................ 1-5 打印机和主机连接 ................................ 1-8 连接电源 ....................................... 1-10 安装打印驱动程序 ............................... 1-11
注:只有当产品无任何外接输入电源时,才能实现零能耗。 3. 如果用户需对产品性能升级或更换模块, 请来电咨询, 我们将给您 详细解答。 4. 当您弃置达到使用寿命年限的针式打印机产品时, 我们建议您将废 弃产品返还给本公司或全国各地的得实服务网点, 由得实集团作统 一处理,以保护生态环境。 5. 本产品能使用含 50%回收纤维的打印纸进行打印。
绪 言
承蒙惠顾,购得 AR-510 打印机。在使用本机前,请细阅 操作手册,以便正确使用。操作过程中有不明白的地方,或 出现故障时,此手册会带给您很大的帮助。 AR-510 打印机是得实集团与日本西铁城公司合作开发、 生产的超高速 24 针平推式票据打印机。 AR-510 采用高速打印头设计, 打印速度高达 188 汉字/秒, 打印针寿命 3 亿次,前后两种平推式进纸,1000 万字符长寿 命耐用大色带, GB18030 中文大字符集硬字库及多款防改写数 字、半角英数字及八款条形码打印,使 AR-510 在硬件方面别 具特色。 在软件方面,AR-510 秉承了得实系列打印机的高性能、 高兼容性,可兼容所有 STAR、EPSON 和 OKI 打印机,方便的 自动撕纸功能及参数设置功能是得实打印机的特色。 打印机针调整和断针自动补偿功能是得实打印机的专利 技术。 AR-510 设计精美、外形精巧、功能齐全、用途广泛,是 税务、银行、运输、医院、商业、POS 系统等票据用户的极佳 选择。
在安装打印机之前,首先要确定一个合适的地方放置打印机。 这里“合适的地方”是指: 请将打印机平放在工作台上。 避免将打印机置于过热、过度潮湿和灰尘过多的地方。 接上稳定电源,避免与电冰箱之类大功率或有干扰的电器同 一电源。 关闭打印机电源开关后,才能拔插电源线,打印机应尽可能 放置在接近插座的地方,便于使用。 打印机必须放置在走纸空间足够的地方。 如果用打印机并行接口连接,必须确保电缆长度在 2 米范围 内。用 RS-232C 连接,可选 SPC-32K 转换器,连接距离可在 15 米以内。
第 6 章 用户调整设置 ................................... 6-1 6.1 链式装纸页首调整 ................................. 6-1 6.2 摩擦装纸页首调整 ................................. 6-2 6.3 撕纸位置调整 ..................................... 6-3 第 7 章 故障和保养 ..................................... 7-1 7.1 7.2 故障处理 ......................................... 7-1 保养与维护 ....................................... 7-6
第 3 章 控制面板 ....................................... 3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 按钮及其指示灯 .................................. 3-1 开机功能 ........................................ 3-4 组合功能 ........................................ 3-8
送纸旋钮: 手动送纸(仅在断电情况下使用) 。
1.4 安装和拆卸色带盒
先将打印机放在将要使用的地方,清除打印机所有包装物件(这 些包装物件用于保证打印机运输时不受损坏) , 并妥善保存包装物件及 纸箱,以备后用。
1、关闭打印机电源。 2、先把面盖揭起,如下图所示。
3、将间隙调杆拨至最大位置,以便打印头和打印辊之间的间隙处于最 大值,即“换色带”的位置,如下图所示。
1. 售后服务请致电全国各地得实服务网点电话,或拨打: 400-810-9998(手机) 800-810-9998(免费) 2. 产品工作、待机、休眠及关闭状态的最大及最小能耗如下: 产品使用状态 工作时 待机 休眠 关闭 最大能耗 78W 8W 7W 小于 0.1W 最小能耗 10W 7W 7W 0
4.10 恢复出厂参数设置 ................................ 4-24 第 5 章 票据通设置和使用 ............................... 5-1 5.1 5.2 票据通设置 ...................................... 5-2 票据通的使用 .................................... 5-3
1.3 打印机部件
间隙调杆: 控制打印色度,调校打印头间隙,以配合纸张厚度。 导 纸 板: 调整前摩擦式进纸(单页纸)的边缘位置,导向纸张正 确送入。 入 纸 槽: 前摩擦式进纸(单页纸)的通道。 打 印 头: 24 根打印针及其驱动部分组成。 面 盖: 保护打印头及其它内部部件并降低噪音。 控制面板: 表示打印机状态,可对打印机功能进行多种简易操作。 送纸调杆: 该调杆有两个位置, 电源开关: 电源接通或断开。 色 带 盒: 内装打印色带。 链 接 轮: 控制链式纸的传动、左右调整位置、锁定。 口: 连接计算机与打印机,标准配置为并行接口,可选配置 为 USB 接口。 电 源 线: 连接打印机和电源插座。 为链式纸, 为单页纸。
使 用 注 意 事 项
为了避免受到电击和伤害及防止损坏打印机, 在接上电源之前, 务请注意以下重要事项: 仔细阅读操作手册等说明文件。 打印机必须平放在固定的台面上。 避免震动、碰撞、高温和阳光直射、灰尘等。 请勿将打印机置于潮湿的环境中,请勿让雨水等任何液体沾湿打 印机。 打印机应安放在接近插座的地方,方便操作者进行电源插头的拔 插操作。 确保电源的电压值与打印机所规定的电压值一致,避免与电冰箱 等大功率或有干扰的电器同一电源。 为保证安全操作,三脚插头必须插进三孔交流电源插座中,其中 地线必须有效接地。 电源延长线必须为三芯并正确连接,以提供接地。 若交流电源插座与打印机插头不匹配,请更换合适的交流电源插 座,以保证人员、设备的安全使用。 连接打印机通讯电缆时,请先关闭打印机和计算机的电源,选用 适合的联机电缆将打印机和计算机连接起来, 并锁定卡口和旋紧 螺丝。 请勿接触打印头外壳,以防止高温伤害。 清洁打印机前,先关闭电源开关,从电源插座拔掉电源插头。用 软棉绒布沾少量中性清洁剂或酒精,轻抺打印机外部。 如遇打印机发生故障,除认可的合格技术员外,不可擅自进行维 修工作。
8、左右移动打印头数次,确认动作顺畅。 安装打印机 1-6
9、将间隙调杆拨至原来的位置,以便打印头和打印辊的间隙恢复到初 始状态。 10、把面盖小心盖好。打印机正常工作时,盖上面盖可以隔离灰尘, 同时减低打印时产生的噪音,打开面盖仅是为了更换色带及进行 调整。
第 8 章 规格 ........................................... 8-1 8.1 打印机规格 ....................................... 8-1 8.2 接口接头引脚 ..................................... 8-4 8.3 字符集 ........................................... 8-8 8.4 控制码摘要表 .................................... 8-14 8.4.1 ESC/P 和 LQ 仿真控制码摘要表.................... 8-14 8.4.2 OKI 仿真控制码摘要表 .......................... 8-18 附录 1:电子信息产品污染控制的说明..................... 9-1
பைடு நூலகம்
第 4 章 参数设置 ....................................... 4-1 4.1 如何进行参数设置 ................................ 4-2 4.2 系统设置 ........................................ 4-3 4.3 纸张设置 ........................................ 4-7 4.4 接口设置 ....................................... 4-12 4.5 ESC/P 和 LQ 仿真参数设置......................... 4-13 4.6 OKI 仿真参数设置 ............................... 4-16 4.7 双向测试及纵向校正 .............................. 4-17 4.8 打印针自动调整设置 .............................. 4-21 4.9 打印针补偿设置 .................................. 4-22 1