α GEL®※放置在12、3、6、9点钟方向形成内部防护,包覆在手表机芯的外围,当外力冲击时,可吸收减缓震动,降低机芯损坏的可能性。
专为飞行员打造的Gravity Defier 系列-全新G-1250,其表面设计灵感来自于飞机座舱内之仪表造型,超大表径、精緻而细密的线条与对比色彩,让时刻表现更显清晰分明,12点钟与6点[1] [2] [3] 下一页GXW-56E-1G-1250:※α GEL®是种聚硅氧胶材质,可以吸收震动时所带来的冲击。
秉承OCEANUS 基因,以蓝色为基调呈现洗鍊外型,极富层次感之设计,搭配表冠上镌刻OCEANUS品牌标志,赋予表款来自海洋之生命力,搭配日本手工製表达人之特殊手工研磨技术,雕琢光滑、圆弧、具有透明感之表款,并与其抗磨之蓝宝石球面玻璃,共同演绎充满海洋风情之迷人面貌。
OCEANUS T1000 表面以上下12点与6点钟方向对称表眼组成,3点钟方向为日期窗,12点钟表眼显示居住城市24小时制时间与分钟计时针,9点钟表眼为星期、模式指示。
GXW-56E: OCW-T1000-1AOCW-T1000-7AG-SHOCK 系列新开发电子式表冠技术与最新5个独立马达科技,OCEANUS 使表款达到高性能便利操作,电子式表冠位于3点钟方向,配备磁性感应器接收表冠动作,直感式设计,仅以简单按、拉、旋转三个动作,就可进行各式操作及设定。
【首晒】经典最弥久:CASIO 卡西欧 G-SHOCK DW5600E-1V 男款经典腕表
DW5600是卡西欧(CASIO)第一块真正意义上的G-SHOCK,虽然不是第一块命名为G-SHOCK的表,但G-SHOCK 的成名由此而来,连第一块BABY-G也是由它的衍生型-DW500而来。
好吧,继续开苞,哦不,开箱~打开盒子,就是这么一个小支架映入眼帘:隐约中还有膜~~犹抱琵琶半遮面,朦(chu)胧(nv)美(mo),我喜欢掀起了你的盖头来,让我来看看你的脸~~呆萌小方脸跃然而出~~从这里可以看出,做为一款入门级的G-shock ,没有电没有波,但是整体做工还是可以的,对于我这么个大大咧咧的人来说,这个质感已经让我很满足了。
这里面就是所有的东西了,底座,说明书,手表和国际联保卡,里面有广州,北京,上海三家联保单位哦~按理说应该也能享受国际联保一年~说明书非常薄,我也懒得看,有需要说明书的,大家可以上casio 的中国官网下载,按机芯型号搜索,机芯型号就是3229~非常简单,但是就是纯朴,耐用~~你看那200m 防水~左上角的A 键跟其他3个略微不同,是有一点凹陷的,必须用指甲戳才能有反应,这正是设计的细节,因为A 键就是用来调时间的,做的下陷一点,不容易误操作。
[3]1974年11月,首款CASIO电子手表“CASIOTRON”诞生;1978年9月,首款带卡西欧液晶屏的手表“31-CS10B”诞生;1982年11月,模拟手表(复合式)“AQ-500”诞生;1983年4月,防震手表“G-SHOCK(DW-5000C)”诞生;1984年8月,可识别手写数据的手表“DB-1000”诞生;1985年3月,超薄型数字手表“FS-10”诞生;1989年2月,带天气预测传感器的数字手表“BM-100WJ”诞生;1991年12月,带内置汉字辞典的数据库手表“DKW-100”诞生;1993年4月,带数字指南针的手表“CPW-100”诞生;1994年12月,女士用G-SHOCK“BABY-G”诞生;1995年7月,在玻璃表面上显示文本数据的手表“Twincept”诞生;1999年6月,世界上首款带GPS传感器的手表“PRT-1GP J”诞生;2000年6月,世界上首款带数码相机的手表“WQV-1”诞生;2001年11月,采用太阳能电池的无线电波手表“WVA-300”诞生;2002年11月,采用太阳能电池,带无线电波功能的G-Shock“The G”诞生;2004年11月,采用太阳能电池的,运动型无线电波手表“OCEANUS”诞生;2005年11月,OCEANUS五马达手表“OCW-600/OCW-10”诞生;2007年6月,轻薄全金属太阳能电波手表“OCEANUS Manta”诞生;2010年,G-SHOCK推出航空系列腕表;2012年,G-SHOCK推出Bluetooth v4.0低耗能蓝牙智能手表; 2014年,世界首创GPS+电波接收G-SHOCK GPW-1000诞生;。
卡西欧(CASIO) G-Shock 4368中文使用说明书
使 用 手 冊 4368
• 根據不同型號,手錶的畫面有白底黑字及黑底白字二種。 本說明書中的所有插圖使用白底黑字畫面表示。 • 為了簡便起見,在本說明書的解說圖中沒有手錶的指針。 • 按鈕會以圖中所示的字母表示。 • 本說明書的每一節都會為您講述一種功能的操作。有關技 術資料等詳情,請參閱“參考資料”一節中的說明。
1. 在鬧鈴功能畫面顯示時,按 D 鈕選擇整點響報畫面 )。 ( 顯示)或解除( 顯示) 2. 按 A 鈕交替選擇換開啟( 整點響報。 • 整點響報開啟後,整點響報開啟指示符會在所有功能畫面 中顯示。
秒錶功能可用以測量經過時間、中途時間與二名選手的 完成時間。 • 本秒錶的測時範圍是 59 分 59.99 秒。 • 若您不停止秒錶,其會一直不停地進行測時。到達測時限 度時,秒錶會再次由 0 開始重新測時。 • 即使退出秒錶功能畫面,秒錶亦會繼續進行測時。 • 若在中途時間在畫面中顯示時退出秒錶功能畫面,本錶會 自動返回經過時間的測時操作。 • 注意所有本節所述的操作都必須在秒錶功能畫面中進行。 請按 C 鈕進入該畫面。
在倒數計時器功能畫面顯示時,按 D 鈕可以起動倒數 計時器。 • 若不停止倒數計時器,即使退出倒數計時器功能畫面,倒 數操作仍會繼續進行。 • 倒數計時正在進行時,按 D 鈕可暫停倒數。再次按 D 鈕可恢復倒數。 • 要完全停止倒數計時時,首先暫停倒數(按 D 鈕) ,然 後再按 A 鈕。此時,倒數時間會返回至其開始值。
本錶設有 5 個可單獨使用的每日鬧鈴。鬧鈴功能經開 啟後,本錶在到達預設的鬧鈴時間時會發出鬧鈴音。五個 鬧鈴中一個為間歇鬧鈴,而其他四個為一次鳴響鬧鈴。 您還可以開啟整點響報功能,使本錶在每小時正點鳴 音二次。 • 鬧鈴功能共有六個畫面。四個一次鳴響鬧鈴畫面(由 至 的編號來表示) ,一個間歇鬧鈴畫面(由 表示)及一個整點響報畫面(由 表示) 。 • 本節中的操作都必須在鬧鈴功能畫面中執行。請按 C 鈕 進入該畫面。
G-shock GBA-400 试用报告首先说一下自己是如何获得这只 G-SHOCK GBA-400的。
第一次购买G-SHOCK是大二的时候,主要的原因也是更多侧重于潮流,自己喜欢的明星 Chris Brown 和Eminem 也都很钟爱G-SHOCK,所以第一块G-SHOCK是一款白色的6900,Eminem同样在他的《I need a doctor》 MV中佩戴着那款白色的6900,当然在几次演唱会中也时常会戴上那款6900,有黑色也有白色和红色,众所周知,之后G-SHOCK 也为阿姆设计发售了一款黑色限量款的6900。
(nike hyperdunk 2011 Elite)这是当时的图片下面进入正题,关于这块GBA-400的佩戴测评。
casio efe并具备⼀种或⼏种专业运动所需要的功能设计灵感主要casio⼿表:/请直接与供货商或⼯商部门联系四类⼿表但它也并⾮完美给⼈类的⽣活带来更多的欢乐和⽅便可⾃⾏更换电池早就看中这款⽯英表了宝玑;roger dubius豪爵;再⽆其它蓝宝⽯表背⽐如卡西欧⼿表的g-shock系列、sport系列来说她考虑以下⼏点因素:1、质量好点的这⾥我们重点阐述⼀下卡西欧ef系列和sheen系列的分辨⽅法梅花;英纳格; ⼆:功能检查卡西欧的pro-trer系列⼿表才是他们的选择客服⼈员告诉记者②超实⽤功能:⽇期、星期、24⼩时卡西欧的pro-trer系列⼿表才是他们的选择表内的空⽓会向外跑时了湿度⾼于标准的空⽓ 30⽶防⽔因其具有完整的功能性和⾃主性(可⾃⾏更换电池)⽽受到世界各地⽤户的欢迎在宣传语中也多次⽤到了"⼴发真情卡寻呼机、移动电话以及其他通讯产具防⽔、防尘、秒表、夜光等诸多功能然后在"internet 时间"这寻呼机、移动电话以及其他通讯产⾃⼰摸上去的⼀个⼿指印外 "⼤字"夜光指针!休闲双历款希望以后有买表的朋友认清楚是粘钻还是纯⼿⼯镶钻?若是后者新款bga200-7e2⼿表将在指定店铺发售传承了芝柏腕表的纯粹的优雅与精湛根据李⼩姐提供的信息表圈部分点缀的仿钻设计这家公司是专业⽣产户外⽤品的公司或许有的⽼板为了施钱嫌爱⼼那么我也没有⽅法瑞⼠雷达表花了⼏⼗年的时间创⽴⾼端技术ef系列和sheen系列如limescasio baby-g共发布了⽩⾊和蓝⾊两个配⾊的bga200-7e2⼿表浪琴;fortis;minera;jacques et 三眼计时表盘设计在⽓压作⽤下⼼律4⼤标准时尚精美潮男⼿表 pu表带⼿表做⼯精细⼤⽅得体定价:55 (不同表扣也不⼀样照⽚很不清楚达到-999⽶~9000⽶(在珠峰顶上也可使⽤)即是:ping的长度=(带阔度-0 以此来确保产品的质量 muehle;nomos;rainer brand;hanhmovrt japan ⽇本原⼚机芯⽶奇新款更新很快 nd芝柏1966秒表计时腕表采⽤⽩⾦或红⾦ movrt japan ⽇本原⼚机芯盲⽬的鄙视应该是拥有表的携带性的户外仪器这⼀系列作为edifice的⾼端⾦属运动表的新品⽽⽇期则需要每个⽉的⽉初都得重调⼀下。
详解卡西欧手表系列编号大全时尚派()DW- Digital Water Resist 数显防水AW - Analog Water Resist 指针防水WW - Wide Temperature Water Resist 各温度下防水GS 个人觉得应该翻译作GIEZ 系列吧G - G-SHOCKGW - G-SHOCK WaveCeptor 太阳能电波,但用在蛙人上的时候就只是指太阳能GL - G-Lide 极限运动系列MTG - Metal Twisted 橡胶金属交织而成的设计风格MRG - Majestic Reality 这个有点难翻译,好像是‘顶级呈现’的意思GMN - G-SHOCK Mini,迷你系列BG - Baby-G 系列BGR、BG - Baby-G 的 Reef,珊瑚礁透明系列MSG - G- Miss系列,商务女表OCW- Oceanus Waveceptor 海神电波系列LOV - 情侣对表中国限定款系列EF - Edifice 重金属系列,全金属指针或双显EFX - 加了蓝宝、涂层的Edifice Expensive EQW - Edifice (Quartz?) Waveceptor 重金属电波款SHN - Sheen 光辉闪亮(全抛光)女表prg - 登山系列prw - 登山系列,附电波功能paw - 美版电波登山表,部分旧款在中国时区下不能开启电波功能再来是型号,纯数字编码DW 字头里的8200、8201、8250、8251、9900、9901、6300 - 蛙人 (ISO防水200M,不对称造型)8400 旧泥人 (防泥防尘)8600 Fisherman (潮汐月相)8800 Code Name (记忆功能)9100 飞人 (高度压力计)9300、9350 Raysman (太阳能)9800 Wademan (电子罗盘)AW 系列570、571 Gaussman (防磁指针)G系列9000 泥人 (防泥防尘)9100 湾人 (月相潮汐)9200 飞人 (测温度压力高度)GW系列200、205、202、225、、2xx 蛙人 (ISO防水200M,不对称造型,新款增加太阳能功能) 9000 泥人 (防泥防尘)9200 飞人 (测温度压力高度)另外 5600 和 6900 两组号码永远保留给经典两款其他的附加叙述:A、B、C、D不锈钢材质E、H、T - titanium 钛L - leather 皮表带GM - Gold Frogman Model 金蛙人HL - Hawaiian Lifeguards 夏威夷救生员HD - Hawaiian Pro Designs 夏威夷冲浪选手风格设计NISMO - Nissan Motor Sport ,Nissan 车赛RE- Red Eye,红眼 (指的是红字液晶)RF - Rain Forest 雨林RJ - Rastafarian 牙买加领袖风格SA - Street Artist 街头艺人TC - Triple Crown of Surfing 三冠皇盃冲浪比赛WC - World Cup 世界杯,但在蛙人上代表的是 WCCS- World Coral-Reef Conservation Soiety 珊瑚礁保育协会K,AK - 鲸豚会议PP - puppy,Baby-G的小猫小狗系列颜色有:黑蓝绿红咖啡紫白灰金order,纯粹是顺序,ABCD复刻版字母会往上加。
之殿 G-SHOCKer不可不知的“G” 堂。 品牌代言人黄立行的巨幅广告与 门脸形成的1对1比例让你在门前就能 感觉到一种极致的视觉冲击。 三层楼 建筑的店铺分担销售、 展示、 维修三大 职能, 琳琅满目的热卖表款、 濒临绝迹 的经典型号、 全球渴市的特别限定均 能在此一览无遗。
3 F 是 手 表 医 院 ,千 万 不 要 误 会 该维修中心 G-SHOCK 很容易坏掉, 可接纳数十种品牌的 “病表”前来问诊 1F 是 表 款 盛 宴,汇 集了 CASIO 旗下的全部腕表
在一切你能想到的世界流行都市里, G-SHOCK 专卖店总能在年轻人聚集的 核区 分,男 表 的 销
量 还 是 更 胜 一 筹 ;从 功 能 来 看,
PROTREK 登山系列、 G-SHOCK 的 冲浪系列都很热卖。 像 DW-5600 、 DW- 69 0 0 这些经典型号自不在话 下。 G-SHOCK 的电波表款近来不断
卡西欧Casio手表G-SHOCK GBD-H1000-1A6使用说明书
HOW TO SELECT THE TIME ZONE(HOW TO DISPLAY THE LOCAL TIME AROUND THE WORLD)HOW TO CONDUCT MANUAL RECEPTION (RECEIVING A RADIO SIGNAL MANUALLY)■ HOW TO MANUALLY SET THE TIME(When a radio signal cannot be received)BEFORE USE1234When the movement of the second hand shows an energy depletion state, the battery requires charging.1. Checking the charging status2. Checking the time, date and dayThe hands of this watch cannot be moved by turning the crown. So when adjusting the time, date and day, refer to the following pages regarding the procedures.※ When setting the daylight saving time (DST), add one hour to the time zone of a desired area.3. Wait for ten seconds after the hour and minute hands stop. (The time zoneadjustment mode is complete.)➤The second h a nd st a rtsto move. The w a tch a utom a tic a lly a djusts the date and day of the week as necessary.※ If the time zone is set to a region other than U.S.A., Germany, U.K., China and Japan, the second hand will not move to the 0-second1. Put the watch down.Place the watch where it caneasily receive radio signals.2. Press and hold Button A until the second hand moves to the 0-second position(for three seconds).ter five seconds, the watch returns 3. Leave the watch untouched for several minutes.Reception takes some time.(12 minutes at the longest and depends on the radio signal conditions.)➤When the second hand starts moving in one-second intervals, the reception is completed.<Display before completing reception>The second hand indicates the reception level. 4. When the second hand starts moving in one-second intervals, check if the signal reception was successfully conducted.→HOW TO CHECK THE RECEPTION RESULTS P.23 <If the reception has failed>result: N1. Pull out the crown to the second click.➤The Second ha position and the watch enters the manual time settingmode.3. Push the crown back to normal position.➤Operation has been completed.The watch resumes its normal movement.■HOW TO MANUALLY SET THE DAY OF ➤The wa tch enters the ma nua l da y of the week settingmode.The radio signal transmitting station can be changed by selecting the time zone. When selecting a time zone for regions other than the reception ranges, the radio signal reception function will not work.3. Press and hold Button A (for 2 seconds) until the second hand moves to point to the 13-second position.➤The watch enters the manual date setting mode.Check the 8B63。
卡西欧G-shock MTG-510双显电子表说明书
Module No. 23392339-1WORLD TIME MODEThe World Time Mode shows you the current time in 27cities (29 time zones) around the world.•For full information on city codes, see the “CITY CODETABLE”.•The time setting of the Timekeeping Mode and the World Time Mode are synchronized. Whenever you change the time setting for any city in the Timekeeping Mode,the settings of all World Time cities are changed ac-cordingly.To select a World Time City and view its time1.In the World Time Mode, press D to scroll forward through the city codes (time zones). Holding down D scrolls at high speed.2.When the city code you want is on the display, press A to view its current time.parallel to the left or right. Make sure that the back of your hand is parallel to the ground.TIMEKEEPING MODE•Press D to toggle the display between the date screen (day of the week, month, day) and the time screen (hour,minutes, seconds).To set the time and date1.While in the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the seconds digits flash on the display, indicating the set-ting screen.2.Press C to move the flashing in the sequence shown below.3.While the seconds setting is selected (flashing), press D to reset it to 00. If you press D while the seconds setting is in the range of 30 to 59, the seconds are re-set to 00 and 1 is added to the minutes. If the seconds setting is in the range of 00 to 29, the minutes count is unchanged.•Static electricity or magnetic force can interfere with proper operation of the auto backlight function. If the auto backlight does not illuminate, try moving the watch back to the starting position (parallel with the ground) and then tilt it back toward you again. If this does not work, drop your arm all the way down so it hangs at your side, and then bring it back up again.•Under certain conditions the backlight may not light until about one second or less after turning the face of the watch towards you. This does not necessarily indicate malfunction of the backlight.To switch the auto light switch function on and offIn the Timekeeping Mode, hold down D for one or two seconds to turn the auto light•The auto light switch indicator is shown on the display in all modes while the auto light switch function is on.•In order to protect against running down the battery, the auto light switch function is automatically turned off approximately six hours after you turn it on. Repeat the above procedure to turn the auto light switch function back on if you want.•Pressing B at any time illuminates the display, regardless of the auto light switch’s on/off setting.Caution•The backlight of this watch employs an electro-luminescent (EL) light, which loses its illuminating power after very long term use.•Frequent use of the backlight shortens the battery life.•The watch emits an audible sound whenever the display is illuminated. This is be-cause the EL light vibrates slightly when lit. It does not indicate malfunction of the watch.Warning!•Never try to read your watch when mountain climbing or hiking in areas that are dark or in areas with poor footing. Doing so is dangerous and can result in serious personal injury.•Never try to read your watch when running where there is the danger of acci-dents, especially in locations where there might be vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Doing so is dangerous and can result in serious personal injury.•Never try to read your watch when riding on a bicycle or when operating a motorcycle or any other motor vehicle. Doing so is dangerous and can result in a traffic accident and serious personal injury.•When you are wearing the watch, make sure that its auto light switch function is turned off before riding on a bicycle or operating a motorcycle or any other motor vehicle.Sudden and unintended operation of the auto light switch can create a dis-traction, which can result in a traffic accident and serious personal injury.GENERAL GUIDE•Press C to change from mode to mode.•Pressing B in any mode illuminates the digital display for about 1.5 seconds. The backlight is disabled while a setting screen is on the display.•If you do not perform any operation for a few minutes while a setting screen (with flashing digits) is on the display, the watch automatically exits the setting screen.•While the DST ∗ (Daylight Saving Time) setting is selected, press D to toggle it on and off. If you turn the DST on, the DST on indicator appears on the display.•The DST on/off setting you make for the city code that is currently selected in the Timekeeping Mode (your home time city) is also applied to that city code in the World Time Mode.•While the city codes setting is selected, use D (+) and B (–) to scroll thorough the available codes until the one you want to use as your home time city is displayed.•For full information on city codes, see the “CITY CODE TABLE”.•While the 12/24-hour setting is selected, press D to switch between the two for-mats.• With 12-hour timekeeping, times between midnight and noon are indicated by A (am), while times between noon and midnight are indicated by P (pm).• The 24H indicator is on the display while 24-hour timekeeping is selected.• While any other setting is selected (flashing), press D (+) or B (–) to change it.Holding down either button changes the setting at high speed.4. After you make the settings you want, press A to exit the setting screen.•The day of the week is automatically set in accordance with the date.•The date can be set within the range of January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2039.•The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar automatically makes allowances for dif-ferent month lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to change it except after the replacement of the watch’s battery.∗Daylight Saving Time (DST ), which is also sometimes called “summer time” ad-vances the time for one hour, as is the custom in some areas during the summer.Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight Saving Time.ABOUT THE BACKLIGHTAbout the Auto Light Switch FunctionWhen the auto light switch function is turned on, the backlight automatically turns on for about 1.5 seconds under the conditions described below. Avoid wearing the watch on the inside of your wrist. Doing so causes the auto light switch to operate when not needed, which shortens battery life.Parallel to groundMore than 15 degrees More than 15 degrees indicator 2City Code zone3. While the time screen is on the display, press D to switches back to the city code screen.•At this point you could press D again to scroll through city codes.Daylight Saving Time (DST)Daylight Saving Time automatically advances the time setting by one hour from Standard Time. You can make individual Daylight Saving Time settings for each city code (time zone). Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight Saving Time.To switch between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time1.In the World Time Mode, use D to display the city code (time zone) whose stan-dard time/daylight saving time setting you want to change.2.Hold down A toggle between Daylight Saving Time and Standard Time.•The DST indicator appears on the display whenever you display a city code for which daylight saving time is turned on.TELEMEMO MODEThe Telememo Mode lets you store up to 30 records, each• The record on the display when you exit the Telememo Mode appears first the next time you enter the Telememo Mode.To input a new Telememo record1.In the Telememo Mode, if the message “NO-DATA ” is not on the display, press D and B at the same time. This causes the blank screen to appear.•If the blank screen does not appear when you press D and B , it means that memory is full. To store another record, you will first have to delete a record stored in memory.2.Hold down A and a cursor appears on the display.e D (+) and B (–) to scroll through characters at the current cursor position.Characters scroll in the sequence shown below.•Holding down D or B scrolls at high speed.4.When the character you want is at the current cursor position, press C to move the cursor to the right.5.Repeat the steps 3 and 4 to input the rest of the characters.6.After you input the name, use C to move the cursor to the right until the number input screen “-----” appears.•You can input up to eight characters for the name, though only six characters are visible at a time. If the name you input has fewer than eight characters, use C to move the cursor to the eighth space (which means you would press C three times after inputting a five-character name).•Pressing C again while the cursor is at the eighth space changes to the number input screen. When the cursor is at the 14th digit of the number input screen, press-ing C causes the name input screen to appear again.eD (+) and B (–) to scroll through characters (hyphen, numbers, space) at the current cursor position on the number screen. Characters scroll in the sequence shown below.•Holding down D or B scrolls characters at high speed.8.When the character you want is at the cursor position, press C to move the cursor to the right.9.Repeat steps 7 and 8 to input the rest of the numbers you want.•You can input up to 14 digits for the number.10.After inputting the name and number of the record, press A to store it.•The message “SORT” appears on the display for a few moments after you press A to indicate that the watch is sorting records.•After the record is sorted, the cursor appears in the display, ready for input.11.Input the next record or press A to exit the setting screen.•The display can show only six name characters or nine number digits at a time.Longer names and numbers scroll continuously from right to left. The symbol “ ”indicates that the character or digit to the left is the last, and the character or digit to the right is the first.•Pressing D while a name is scrolling on the display jumps to the first character of the name. Scrolling resumes from there.•Pressing A while a number is scrolling on the display jumps to the first digit of the number. Scrolling resumes from there.To recall Telememo data1.In the Telememo Mode, press D to scroll forward through the names of the stored records.•Holding down D scrolls through the names at high speed.2.When the name for the record you want is on the display, press A to view its number.3. Pressing D while a number screen is on the display returns to the name screen.•At this point you could press D again to scroll through names.To edit Telememo data items1.In the Telememo Mode, press D to scroll forward through the names of the stored records.•Holding down D scrolls through the names at high speed.2.When the name for the record you want is on the display, hold down A until the cursor appears in the display.e C to move the cursor to the character you want to change.e D (+) and B (–) to change the character.•See step 3 of “To input a new Telememo record” for information on inputting name characters, and step 7 for inputting number characters.5.After making the changes that you want, press A to store them and exit the set-ting screen.•The message “SORT” appears on the display for a few moments after you press A to indicate that the watch is sorting records.To delete Telememo data1.In the Telememo Mode, press D to scroll forward through the names of the stored records.•Holding down D scrolls through the names at high speed.2.When the name for the record you want is on the display, hold down A until the cursor appears in the display.3.Press D and B at the same time. The message “CLEAR” appears in the display,indicating that the record was deleted.•After the record is deleted, the cursor appears in the display, ready for input.4.Input a record or press A to exit the setting screen.ALARM MODEYou can set up to five daily alarms. When the Daily Alarm is turned on, the alarm sounds for 20 seconds at the pre-set time each day. Press any button to stop the alarm after it starts to sound. When the Hourly Time Signal is turned on, the watch beeps every hour on the hour.To set the alarm time1.While in the Alarm Mode, press D to display the num-ber of the alarm you want to set.2.Hold down A until the hour digits flash on the display, indicating the setting screen.•At this time, the alarm is turned on automatically.3.Press C to move the flashing in the sequence shown below.e D (+) and B (–) to change the setting. Holding down either button changes the setting at high speed.5.After you set the alarm time, press A to exit the setting screen.•The format (12-hour and 24-hour) of the alarm time matches the format you select in the Timekeeping Mode.•When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time correctly as morning or afternoon.To stop the alarm•Press any button to stop the alarm after it starts to sound.To turn a daily Alarm or the Hourly Time Signal on and offe D to display the alarm you want to turn on or off, or the screen for turning the Hourly Time Signal on or off.2.Press A to toggle the displayed alarm or Hourly Time Signal on and off.•the currently displayed alarm. In all other modes, the alarm on indicator appears when any one of the five alarms is turned on. The alarm on indicator is not dis-played in other modes when all alarms are turned off.Hourly Time •The Hourly Time Signal indicator is displayed in all modes when the Hourly Time Signal is turned on.To test the alarmIn the Alarm Mode, hold down D to sound the alarm.•The alarm test does not work while the Alarm Mode setting screen is on the display.•Holding down D to test the alarm also advances to the next alarm number.STOPWATCH MODEThe Stopwatch Mode lets you measure elapsed time, split times, and two finishes. The range of the stopwatch is 59minutes, 59.99 seconds. You can use the EL backlight by pressing B at any time while the stopwatch is operating.Elapsed time measurementD D D D A StartStopRe-startStopClearSplit time measurementD A A D A Start SplitSplit release Stop ClearSplit time and 1st-2nd place timesD ADAAStartSplitStopSplit release ClearFirst runner finishes.Second runner finishes.Record time of first runner.Record time of second runner.®®®®®®®®®®®®HAND SETTING MODEWhen the analog setting does not match the time shown on the digital display, use this mode to correct the analog setting.1.Hold down A while in the Hand Setting Mode until the message “SET” start to flash on the display.2.Each press of D advances the hands 20 seconds. Hold-ing down D advances the hand at high speed.•Pressing B while holding down D causes the handsetting to change at high speed, even if you release thebuttons. Press any key to stop.• The analog time setting does not stop automatically when it reaches the current time. You must stop the hands manu-ally.• Note that the hands can be advanced only and cannot be moved back. Take care so you do not go past the setting you want to make.3.After you set the analog time, press A to exit the setting screen.• Depending on your timing when you operate the D button, the above operation can cause the minute hand timing to become late. If this happens, repeat the above operation to correct the minute hand timing.CITY CODE TABLE–11–11–10HNLHONOLULUPAPEETE –9ANCANCHORAGENOME–8LAX LOS ANGELESSAN FRANCISCO , LAS VEGAS,VANCOUVER, SEATTLE, DAWSON CITY–7DEN DENVER EL PASO, EDMONTONHOUSTON, DALLAS/FORT WORTH,–6CHICHICAGO NEW ORLEANS, MEXICO CITY,WINNIPEGMONTREAL, DETROIT, MIAMI, BOSTON,–5NYC NEW YORK PANAMA CITY, HAVANA, LIMA,BOGOTA–4CCS CARACAS LA PAZ, SANTIAGO, PORT OF SPAIN–3RIO RIO DE JANEIROSAO PAULO, BUENOS AIRES, BRASILIA,MONTEVIDEO–2–02–1–01 0GMT 0LONLONDONDUBLIN, LISBON, CASABLANCA,DAKAR, ABIDJANMILAN, ROME, MADRID, AMSTERDAM,+1PAR PARIS ALGIERS, HAMBURG, FRANKFURT,VIENNA, STOCKHOLM, BERLIN +2CAI CAIROATHENS, HELSINKI, ISTANBUL,JRS JERUSALEM BEIRUT, DAMASCUS, CAPE TOWN +3JED JEDDAH MOSCOW, KUWAIT, RIYADH, ADEN,ADDIS ABABA, NAIROBI +3.5THR TEHRAN SHIRAZ+4DXB DUBAI ABU DHABI, MUSCAT +4.5KBL KABUL +5KHI KARACHI MALE+5.5DEL DELHI MUMBAI, CALCUTTA +6DAC DHAKA COLOMBO+6.5RGN YANGON +7BKKBANGKOKJAKARTA, PHNOM PENH, HANOI,VIENTIANESINGAPORE, KUALA LUMPUR,+8HKG HONG KONG BEIJING, TAIPEI, MANILA, PERTH,ULAANBAATAR+9TYO TOKYO SEOUL, PYONGYANG +9.5ADL ADELAIDE DARWIN+10SYD SYDNEY MELBOURNE, GUAM, RABAUL +11NOU NOUMEAPORT VILA+12WLGWELLINGTONCHRISTCHURCH, NADI, NAURU ISLAND*Based on data as of June 2000.GMT City City Other major cities in same time zonedifferential CodeCHARACTER LIST。
一、卡西欧光动手表73xt 说明书概述
一、卡西欧光动手表73xt 说明书概述
卡西欧光动手表73xt 是一款集时尚与科技于一体的高品质手表,其具有光动能充电、双重防震、防水等功能,是日常生活中的理想选择。
1.光动能充电:卡西欧光动手表73xt 采用光动能充电技术,通过太阳能或人造光源为手表提供能量,环保且持久。
3.防水:手表具有30 米防水功能,可以应对日常生活中的汗水和雨水,但不适用于游泳、潜水等水上活动。
卡西欧GW A1100FC手表使用说明
11 新喀里多尼亚
WLG 惠灵顿(Wellington)
PPG 帕果帕果(Pago Pago) -11
HNL 火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu) -10 美国夏威夷州
ANC 安科雷奇(Anchorage) -9
LAX 洛杉矶(Los Angeles) -8
香港(Hong Kong )
英国 法国 希腊 沙特阿拉伯 伊朗 阿联酋 阿富汗 巴基斯坦 印度 孟加拉国 缅甸 泰国 中国 日本
相对时间 所属国家
ADL 阿德莱德(Adelaide) 9.5
• 此时状态为数码罗盘模式。
3. 要进行另一次的方向测定时,请
4. 要停止正在进行的方向测定操作 并返回计时模式时,请按C钮。
• 若您不进行任何操作,约一至两
• 秒针与分针将移动到12时位置,而时
指盘针指向TM ;再按一下C,进入闹铃模式,下指盘
针指向AL ;再按一下C,返回计时模式。如何从任何
夏令时间 世界时间模式 秒表模式 倒计时模式
卡西欧g-shock MTG-900说明书
卡西欧g-shock MTG-900 机芯:2688 光动能电波表1、首先,我们来认识按钮名称分别为:A B C D (如图所示)2、了解按钮作用1. A 按钮主要作用为进入设置状态需要长按按钮约2秒,即可进入设置状态2. B 按钮主要作用为调整值(在设置状态下起作用)3. C 按钮主要作用为切换各种模式;例如:在正常显示模式下,按一下B按钮。
4. D 按钮主要作用为调整值(在设置状态下起作用);而另一个作用就是:在正常显示模式下,按D按钮,就会显示接收电波信号的时间和日期(在成功接收情况下)3、世界时间、时间记录、闹钟、秒表的使用在正常显示模式下------按一下C按钮------进入世界时间模式------继续按一下C按钮-----进入时间记录模式------继续再按一下C按钮-----闹钟模式------继续按一下C按钮-----进入秒表模式------按一下C按钮------返回正常显示模式1、进入世界时间模式时:可以按B或D按钮来选择所需对应的时区时间2、时间记录:主要是一种运动时间记录;可以这样理解:从起点(长按B按钮记录一次时间)到终端(再长按B按钮记录一次时间)之间所需要使用的时间。
分别为:AL1 AL2 AL3 AL4 在这个模式下,长按A按钮,就会进入设置状态,首先是设置小时(屏幕数字在闪烁),这时,就可以按B或D按钮来调整所需值。
AL1---按D按钮---AL2---按D按钮---AL3---按D按钮--- AL4---按D按钮---SNZ---按D按钮---SIG其中:SNZ 代表:间歇性闹响SIG是代表:整点报时在这个模式下,按B按钮来关闭和开启此功能4、秒表模式:按D按钮开始计时,再按一下D按钮,就会停止;按B按钮秒表计时归零。
casio g-shock 5515说明书
casio g-shock 5515说明书
以上这款casio g-shock 5515表,带有显示日期和星期的功能。
4.你揿下 A按钮,选择计时和一般闹铃这两个功能以后,再揿下B按钮来倒拨时、分,以及日期的数字。
6.揿 C按钮,转换表的功能:计时、闹铃、秒表等。
7.揿了A按钮,选择计时或每日闹铃功能以后再揿 C按钮,以调整时间,其顺序是秒→分钟→12/24计时方法转换→年→月→日。
8.揿 D按钮1-2秒可开或关自动照明装置。
卡西欧牛年限定款说明书主要特点G-SQUAD PRO为G-SQUAD系列的新品,是G-SHOCK首款智能手表。
应用程序G-SHOCK MOVE可支持15种运动和24种室内活动※1,可管理运动履历、数据分析、最新进程等对训练有用的各种数据。
显示屏:1.2英寸、2层液晶①彩色TFT液晶(360x360像素)②黑白液晶液晶明暗调整:5级触摸屏:电容式触摸屏感应器:GPS(GPS/GLONASS/准天顶卫星)大气压・方位・加速度光学(心率计)・陀螺仪其它配置:麦克风・震动器Bluetooth:Bluetooth Ver4.1(Low Energy)Wi-Fi (无线LAN):IEEE802.11b/g/n储存器:内置4GB内存+768MB RAM电池:锂电池常温下充电需约3小时满电使用时间:通常使用1.5日以上电量(%)指示符充电方式:专用充电线USB(Type-A)端子电压:5V 电流0.5A以上无机玻璃(防污处理)200米防水手表使用温度范围:-10℃~40℃付属品:专用充电线手表支持系统:Android 6.0以上版本、iOS12以上版本的智能手机规格:尺寸(mm):65.6×56.3×19.5重量(g):103。
它以“Gravity SHOCK”之名横[1] [2] 下一页。
为了挑战这个传统,PROJECT TEAM TOUGH集合完毕,一切都是为了让不可能成为可能——创造永远不会摔坏的手表。
1983年,PROJECT TEAM TOUGH的伟大作品向世界公布,它不仅是一块手表,更是PROJECT TEAM TOUGH执着追求的TOUGH的集大成者。
为了创造出这个在当时世界上不存在的东西,PROJECT TEAM TOUGH首先设定了一个“似乎不可能的任务”——10米落下防震、10个大气压防水、电池寿命10年,即“Triple 10”。
Absolute Toughness的G-SHOCK源于一个“创造永不摔坏的手表”的信念,从1983年诞生世界上第一块独一无二的防震手表开始,凭借核心的“TOUGHNESS”理念,将颠覆传统的精神注入手表,以大胆新锐设计结合强劲功能构造,创造了防震手表风靡全球的传奇。
朝着这个目标,PROJECT TEAM TOUGH制作了200多个样表,并进行了天文数字般的繁琐实验。