文献信息:文献标题:Energy conservation through smart homes in a smart city: A lesson for Singapore households(智能城市的智能家居节能:新加坡家庭的一课)国外作者:Abhishek Bhati,Michael Hansen,Ching Man Chan文献出处:《Energy Policy》,2017,104:230-239字数统计:英文3346单词,18633字符;中文5741汉字外文文献:Energy conservation through smart homes in a smart city:A lesson for Singapore householdsAbstract Energy saving is a hot topic due to the proliferation of climate changes and energy challenges globally. However, people's perception about using smart technology for energy saving is still in the concept stage. This means that people talk about environmental awareness readily, yet in reality, they accept to pay the given energy bill. Due to the availability of electricity and itsintegral role,modulating consumers' attitudes towardsenergysavingscan be a challenge. Notably, the gap in today's smart technology design in smart homes is the understanding of consumers' behaviour and the integration of this understanding into the smart technology. As part of the Paris Climate change agreement (2015), it is paramount for Singapore to introduce smart technologies targeted to reduce energy consumption. This paper focused on the perception of Singapore households on smart technology and its usage to save energy. Areas of current research include: (1)energyconsumptioninSingaporehouseholds, (2) public programs and policies in energy savings, (3) use of technology in energy savings, and (4) household perception of energy savings in smart homes. Furthermore, three casestudiesarereviewedinrelation to smart homes and smart technology, whilediscussing the maturity of existing solutions.Keywords:Energy conservation, Household perception, Smart homes, Singapore1.IntroductionClimate change is a global challenge. The change in the global climate system is directly caused by human activities, which is giving rise to the highest greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in human history (Pachauri and Meyer, 2014). Studies have shown that GHG have attributed to extreme weather and changes to natural and human systems (Pachauri and Meyer, 2014). These climate changes include floods, droughts, and interrupted food production, which ultimately force people to migrate to safer areas. Extensive exposure to heat waves also affect people's health negatively, and may even spread diseases across multiple territories (Xu, 2015). According to Pachauri and Meyer (2014), electricity and heat production contributed to 25% of the highest proportion of total global GHG emission. This highlights the importance and urgency of sustainable energy consumption to reduce GHG emissions.In line with the Paris agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in December 2015 (National Climate Change Secretariat, 2016a), Singapore has pledged to reduce 36% of GHG emissions from year 2005 by 2030. Even as a relatively small country, Singapore is also affected by climate change. Statistics show that Singapore's average temperature has risen from 26.6°C to 27.7 °C from year 1972 to 2014, with the rise in annualsea levels at between 1.2 and 1.7 mm from year 1975 to 2009 (National Climate Change Secretariat, 2016b). Besides making international commitment, Singapore has made conscious efforts to change internally to deal with climate change.Given the global environmental issues, there is a global trend and demand for energy saving and smart technology to increase the efficiency of energy consumption. According to the Energy Market Authority (EMA; 2015), households account for approximately 15% of electricity consumption in Singapore. Under the Energy Conservation Act (2012), the Mandatory Energy Labelling was introduced for registered goods in Singapore. This means that all electrical appliances (refrigerators,air conditioners, etc.) sold in Singapore must be energy labeled.The role of smart home technologies to increase energy efficiencies in households is becoming increasingly important. A survey has been conducted on the consumers' perception and awareness towards adapting new technologies, as wellas therole of thesetechnologiesin saving energy. According to Balta-Ozkan et al. (2014), a smart-home is a home equipped with connected devices, appliances and sensors that can communicate with each other, and can be controlled remotely. These functions provide consumers the flexibility of monitoring its electricity consumption and making lifestyle changes to save electricity. Moreover, Balta-Ozkan et al. (2013) noted that a smart home does not only provide benefits of efficient energy management, but also provides benefits such as improved lifestyle, security and safety. Smart metering, appliances and home automation devices are some of the many technologies that can be used to change electricity consumption patterns of households (Paetz, 2011).This article aims to find out the households' behaviors on energy consumptions; it also attempts to identify the benefits and obstacles on the implementation on smart home technologies, and how it should be done for it to be successful.2.Methods and aimsThere is a global trend and demand for smart technology to reduce energy consumption. According to Pachauri and Meyer (2014), electricity and heat production contributed to 25% of the highest proportion of total global GHG emission. This highlights the importance and urgency of sustainable energy consumption in order to reduce the emissions of GHG. Although the Singapore government has been promoting a lot of policies and programs about energy saving, there has been very few empirical studies on energy saving conducted in Singapore households. Many overseas studies have shown that households are very positive to the idea of saving energy through smart homes and are willing to invest in new technologies. However, those findings cannot be generalized to Singapore's context, as culture, infrastructure, eco-system, support from government and other factors might be different inSingapore. Therefore, there is a critical need to understand energy saving in Singapore households through smart homes.The current research will explore the perception of households on energy saving and give fair understanding about the acceptance of smart technologies in Singapore households. The research aims to achieve the following:A1: To evaluate success stories on saving energy in urban households through smart homesA2: To explore Singapore household perceptions on saving energy through smart homesA1 covers the research of three case studies that have implemented smart homes to save energy in urban cities. These success stories will provide better insights on how smart homes and how smart technologies can be used to save energy. The case studies have been selected based on their research with smart home technology and related energy savings. Moreover, they aligned with this papers sections covering policies, smart homes and consumer's perception of energy savings.A2 covers an online survey conducted to receive insights on energy consumption in Singapore households by looking at the effectiveness of government policies to save energy, usage of smart technologies in households, and households' perception about energy saving through smart homes Two hundred households were randomly selected for the study. A total of 131 valid responses were received via mail showing a 66% response rate. The questionnaire comprised of closed ended questions categorised under four sections: energy consumption in Singapore; public policy on energy saving in Singapore; use of technology in energy saving and household perceptions of energy saving.Since Singapore is one of the most developed countries in the world and its government is actively promoting policies and programs to save energy, it is predicted that Singapore households will have a positive perception towards energy saving and will see benefits of using smart technologies. This will directly address some of the environmental issues and reduce households' electricity bills.Case studies: Global success stories of energy savings in urban households.Case 1:Chinese consumer attitudes towards energy saving: The case of household electrical appliances in Chongqing.Key words: Government Policies, Energy efficiency, energy savingsMa et al. (2013) conducted a case-study which explored 246 consumer's attitudes towards energy savings through a questionnaire over a one-year period from 2009 to 2010. The survey was conducted in Chongqing, China and was conducted via face-to-face surveys due to previous experience of no or low feedback.The findings are based on a survey of questionnaires covering knowledge, awareness, and behavior patterns around saving energy. Results show a high level of knowledge among the respondents that energy is a challenge, but less knowledge about saving energy at home. Knowledge about government policies was clearer among the younger respondents and those with higher education level. Moreover, the results show a good level of awareness around energy pricing. This was matched up against the knowledge of which appliances consumed the most energy, and rightfully, the respondents consistently ranked airconditioners and refrigerators highest, whereas light bulbs and fans at the lowest. The study concluded that the willingness to save energy is high among the citizens, given that their comfort of living are not affected. It also show that general information about government policies and awareness about energy savings could be provided in a more informative manner with better results to build energy-saving behaviors among the citizens.In conclusion, the study showed that there was a general awareness about energy savings and government policies, though little understanding about energy savings. Nevertheless, participants were willing to save energy, yet they lacked the proper guidance and awareness about proper energy saving behavior.Case 2: Consumers' Perspective on Full-Scale Adoption of Smart Meters: A Case Study in Västerås, Sweden.Keywords: Smart meters, energy saving, electricity consumptionThis recent case study (Vassileva and Campillo, 2016) described a full-scale implementation of smart meters integrated with a smart grid in Västerås, Sweden. A survey was conducted to evaluate the consumer's perspective and feedbacks in regardsto energy savings and information given to the consumers around pricing and other information. Over the years, appliances have become more energy-efficient, but consumers tend to have more energy-consuming appliances than before, which results in a higher combined energy consumption.The survey was conducted online, which was considered to get the best feedback from the participants as they felt they had greater privacy. Questions included perceptions from consumers on smart meters and energy savings, but also covered their expectations of using smart meters, and if they find energy saving important. The survey is distinct between genders, age groups, and whether the consumers receive the energy bill by paper or electronic format. Findings show that consumers would have to learn how the usage of their appliances affect energy consumption, and therefore, learn to change their behavior patterns to use the appliances more efficiently. Higher energy efficiency was also indicated among consumers with smart meters over time.To sum up, this case study evaluated the energy consumers in a city with smart meters, and show that smart meters can provide detailed energy consumption information and possibility for consumers to choose between pricing plans. However, it was also revealed that in reality this has not been achieved yet, furthermore the higher level of energy savings through knowledge of smart meters and electricity price offerings has not been reached. Results show that there was not enough information provided by the smart meter data, thus consumers would not be able to understand or take action based on the data provided. This highlighted that consumers need to be better informed and educated in understanding appliance energy consumption. Concomitantly, energy providers must also provide adequate information around the energy consumption data.Case 3: Case Study of Smart Meter and In-home Display for Residential Behavior Change in Shanghai, China.Keywords: Smart meters, energy savings behaviorA case study conducted by Xu and colleagues (2015) has covered one of the national issues, which is the high energy consumption levels in Shanghai, one of the most densely populated urban cities in China. Energy saving behaviors in householdswere investigated through inhome displays and smart meters. The study claimed that one of the main contributors to high carbon emission is the building sector in China and there is a huge demand to reduce energy consumption in those buildings. Since households are part of the buildings, the case study has explored energy consumptions behavior of households through implementation of smart meters and in-home displays.In this case study, smart meters and in-home displays were installed in two newly-built apartment buildings. A total of 131 households participated in this study (76 without in-home display devices, 55 with the devices). There were additional sensors and devices installed to assist data gathering from smart meters and inhome displays. Data from smart meters were shown on in-home displays and transferred to back-end system via the internet. Raw energy data, statistical data, and background information data were stored in dedicated databases, so researchers could work on the respective data separately.In conclusion, this case study was successful as it showed that households' behavior towards saving energy positively changed due to installation of smart home technologies. This study is relevant to Singapore's context as it was conducted in a similar densely populated urban city.3.Survey findings and discussionIn the survey, 50% of the responses from households' have monthly energy bills ranging from SGD$100 to 200. While, 53% of the respondents believed that the price of their energy bill is “about right”, 31% believed that it is “too high”and 9% believed it is “far too high”. Respondents also indicated their awareness of which household appliances consume the most energy. Air-conditioners, washing-machines, and water heaters have scores that ranged from medium to high (in terms of energy consumption), with air-conditioners scoring the highest among all choices. It should be noted that Singapore is situated on the equator and experiences a hot and humid climate for most of the year. As a result, air conditioners may be used throughout the year. In addition, respondents mostly agreed on the fact that using energy efficientappliances would help them to save energy. This finding is consistent to Case Study 1, whereby households also recognized the particular appliances that consume most energy.With regards to the perceptions on using smart home meters, inhome displays, and relevant smart home devices, respondents indicated that they were less convinced that the technology was capable of helping them to save energy, in comparison to using energy efficient appliances directly. This might be due to the fact that the respondents have not 'visualized' the actual effect on the devices and technologies before. As in Case Study 3, households became more aware of their energy usage and saved their consumption when they had in-home smart meters and devices installed, as they allowed them to easily control their energy consumption patterns and behaviors to save energy.Next, respondents mostly agreed that the reduction of energy consumption could be encouraged by educating the public on environmental issues. Therefore, educating individuals earlier on would result in successful knowledge on environmental issues as well as linking it to how it could affect their lives, thereby resulting in appropriate energy consumption. As we could also observe in the Chongqing case study, lack of proper education and guidance could have a negative impact on households' energy savings visions.Government legislation on available market products is another aspect that survey respondents tend to accept and agree on its effectiveness. The ideas behind the legislations of Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme and Minimum Energy Performance Standard do not only apply to Singapore's context. As observed in Case Study 1, the Chinese government have these policies implemented to raise energy efficiencies in households too.On the other hand, respondents in general were either not familiar or did not pay enough attention on relevant government policies. The Energy Efficiency Programme office provides a holistic energy efficiency plan across all sectors, which also include households. The office has a dedicated website that provides information and tips to households on easy-to-follow procedures for consumers. Nevertheless, it seemed thatthe respondents were not aware of this. The descriptive statistics indicated the Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme draws the most familiarity as compared to other policies, and it maybe because whenever households are choosing which appliances to purchase, they could see the corresponding labels on each of the appliance. This legislation does not only exist in Singapore, but also in other major cities, like Chongqing that was mentioned in the case study.In conclusion, with the pledge of the government to the Paris agreement, its vision to tackle global warming and other climate issues are evident. As a result, they would further contemplate strategies and policies across all sectors including households to achieve its vision. Energy saving and efficiency certainly is one big aspect that they would research and tackle. They would continue to build on the existing National Policy Energy Framework. Smart home technologies could play a crucial role to have an impact on households' behaviors in energy consumptions, and to be taken into considerations by the government while they contemplate the relevant strategies and policies.In regards to the usage of technology in energy savings, responses from the survey indicated that smart technology in appliances could help saving electricity. This highlighted the awareness about energy savings, and the purchase decision may often reveal the consumer's plan for long term energy savings.The majority of the participants would invest in smart technology to save energy in their household. Smart technology and smart home devices will eventually be interconnected with health-sector platforms as well as to power plants and other utility providers. Such integration will host the risk of privacy and confidentiality over personal data (e.g., patient records in hospitals). Therefore, there is a big concern about security on smart technology (Popescul and Radu, 2016), and how to manage security risks to secure the privacy of personal data (Bugeja et al. 2016). This is considered a critical risk, as a hacker could take control over the smart home controller or appliances, like surveillance cameras. In the survey, this security risk was reflected from the concern of the participant.The survey also shows a focus on energy savings using smart technology,followed by an increase of security. (Note that security is part of comfort and safety in the home.) This is where surveillance comes in, in the forms of cameras and motion detectors. In the survey, energy savings and comfort are voted more favorably, followed by security as the least important among the three options.Finally, survey results show that 67 Singapore households either agree or strongly agree that “smart home”concept is associated with energy efficiency. Moreover, these households also perceived “convenience”as one of the important aspects of a smart home. Survey findings have highlighted that close to 52% of households are concerned about environmental issues, which was their main reason to save energy. On the other hand, close to 44% of respondents have associated energy saving with reduction of electricity bills.In summary, the findings are very much aligned with other studies in terms of household perceptions on saving energy through smart homes. Households (in particular, aspiring energy savers and monitor enthusiasts) in Singapore have shown concerns on environmental issues, and are willing to invest in smart home technologies to address them.4.Conclusion and policy implicationsMost people perceive electricity as a normal commodity which is readily available. Smart technology and smart homes will require the consumers to take action in order to control appliances and to save energy. Findings from the case studies show that the behavioral patterns of consumers may not change just to save energy. Even though an individual claimed to be concerned about the environment and energy-saving, it is evident that comfort and security play a bigger role in people's life. The present research showed a gap on the maturity and design of the technology as it does not take people's behaviors and perceptions as part of the smart home design functionality. Therefore, smart home technologies would not be efficient if it is not designed with artificial intelligence modules that allow the technology to seamlessly interact with consumers. Also, to achieve a successful smart home solution in Singapore, smart technology must be integrated into public services and utility sectors,such as smart grids and health sectors. For example, smart meters should detect behavioral patterns and proactively take action, so that consumers no longer have to actively turn on light if needed. Likewise, notifications through mobile gadgets or house consoles can provide advice for the best time to turn on certain appliances (e.g., washing machines). Lastly, the findings in this research showed that the maturity of the smart meters are still at its early phase, but projects like Singapore Smart Nation might be one of the leading projects to improve the technology and smart homes in the near future.中文译文:智能城市的智能家居节能:新加坡家庭的一课摘要由于全球气候变化和能源挑战的激增,节能成为了一个热门话题。
智能家居技能英文作文Embracing the Future: The Rise of Smart Home TechnologyIn the ever-evolving landscape of modern living, the concept of smart home technology has gained unprecedented prominence, transforming the way we interact with our domestic environments. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and technology-driven, the integration of intelligent systems into our homes has become more than just a luxury – it has become a necessity. From seamless automation to enhanced energy efficiency, the benefits of smart home technology are far-reaching, and its impact on our daily lives is undeniable.At the heart of this technological revolution lies the convergence of various innovative components, including sensors, artificial intelligence, and wireless connectivity. These elements work in tandem to create a seamless and intuitive user experience, empowering homeowners to effortlessly control and monitor their living spaces. From adjusting the temperature and lighting to securing the perimeter and managing home appliances, smart home technology has revolutionized the way we interact with our domestic environments.One of the most significant advantages of smart home technology is its ability to enhance energy efficiency. By integrating sensors and intelligent algorithms, smart home systems can optimize energy consumption, reducing both environmental impact and utility costs. Automated climate control, for instance, can adjust the temperature and humidity levels based on occupancy patterns and weather conditions, ensuring that energy is utilized only when and where it is needed. Similarly, smart lighting systems can automatically adjust brightness and turn off lights in unoccupied rooms, further contributing to energy savings.Beyond energy efficiency, smart home technology also offers unparalleled convenience and accessibility. With the touch of a button or the sound of a voice command, homeowners can control a wide range of household functions, from locking doors and arming security systems to scheduling appliances and managing entertainment systems. This level of integration not only streamlines daily tasks but also provides a sense of security and peace of mind, as homeowners can monitor and manage their homes remotely, even when away.The integration of smart home technology has also revolutionized the way we approach home safety and security. Advanced sensors and surveillance systems can detect intruders, monitor for fire andcarbon monoxide hazards, and even alert emergency services in the event of an emergency. Furthermore, homeowners can receive real-time notifications and access live video feeds from their smartphones, allowing them to stay connected and in control of their home's security, even when they are not physically present.The benefits of smart home technology extend beyond the confines of the home, as it also has the potential to improve overall quality of life. For individuals with disabilities or the elderly, smart home systems can provide increased independence and accessibility, enabling them to control their environments with ease and maintain a higher level of autonomy. Additionally, the data collected by smart home systems can be leveraged to provide personalized recommendations and insights, helping homeowners optimize their living experiences and make more informed decisions.As the adoption of smart home technology continues to grow, the industry is also evolving to address emerging concerns and challenges. Issues surrounding data privacy and cybersecurity have become increasingly important, as homeowners seek to protect their personal information and ensure the integrity of their smart home systems. Manufacturers and developers are responding to these concerns by implementing robust security measures and providing transparent data management policies, ensuring that the benefits of smart home technology are balanced with the necessary safeguards.In conclusion, the rise of smart home technology has ushered in a new era of domestic living, where convenience, efficiency, and security converge to create a seamless and intuitive user experience. From energy-saving automation to enhanced safety and accessibility, the advantages of this transformative technology are undeniable. As we continue to embrace the future, the integration of intelligent systems into our homes will only become more prevalent, paving the way for a more connected, sustainable, and empowered way of life.。
家居科技英语作文带翻译标题,The Impact of Smart Home Technology on Daily Life。
With the rapid development of technology, smart home technology has become increasingly prevalent in modern society. Smart home technology refers to the integration of various devices and appliances within a household, allowing for automated control and monitoring through the use of the internet. This essay explores the benefits and challenges associated with smart home technology and its impact ondaily life.智能家居科技对日常生活的影响。
In recent years, the adoption of smart home technologyhas grown significantly, driven by the increasingavailability of affordable devices and the desire for convenience and efficiency in daily life. One of the key benefits of smart home technology is its ability to enhance home security. With smart security cameras, motion sensors, and door locks, homeowners can remotely monitor their property and receive instant alerts in case of any suspicious activity. This not only provides peace of mind but also serves as a deterrent to potential intruders.近年来,智能家居技术的应用已经显著增加,这得益于价格逐渐变得实惠的设备的增加,以及人们对日常生活便利和效率的渴望。
Automatic fire alarm system based on MCUZhang Kun,Hu Shunbin College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Agricultural UniversityofHebeiBaoding,071001,ChinaE-mailaddress:********************** om Li Jinfang Baoding Baoling Transformer Co. Ltd. Tianwei Group Baoding, 071056,ChinaE-mailaddress:****************Abstract:The paper introduced an automatic warehouse fire a1arm system based on MCU. The system was mainly made up of ATmega16, temperature sensors, smoke sensors, and EX-1 auto dialed alarm module. In the system, temperature signals were transformed to serial data, and smoke signals were transformed to voltage signals. All the data were processed by MCU. When the surveillance system checked fire in warehouse, alarm signal was turn on, meanwhile the messages were transmitted to managers through EX-1. Application of the system was convenient to deal with fire in-time, efficiently by warehouse manager.Keywords: fire alarm transducer;smoke sensor system;ATmega16;temperature transducer;smoke sensorI. INTRODUCTIONAutomatic fire alarm control system has experienced a process from the simple to the complex and intelligence system increasingly in China. The characteristic is automatic fire detection and alarm technology has a great progress along with computing and detection technology development. At present, automatic fire alarm control system was used in bulk storage plant, shopping malls, high-level office buildings, hotels and other places. They were used in a number of collections focused on one area of intelligent alarm control method with higher levels of bus-type alarm control system, and in some residential areas and commercial buildings were installed by a single automatic fire alarm detection device. These alarm detection devices fail to report sometimes, or misinformation. Its reliability is not high because of using single sensor. Therefore, it is needed to develop a simple structure, low cost, high reliability, fast responding, automatic fire detection system.II. GENERAL PROJECT OF THE SYSTEMThe hardware block diagram shown in Figure 1, hardware by temperature sensors,smoke sensors, signal processing module, MCU modules and automatic alarm module. Non electrical quantity that is through the sensing element sensors (smoke sensors and temperature sensors) will be on-site temperature, smoke and other non-electrical signal into an electrical signal, as well as signals for signal processing to convert analog quantity to digital quantity. Finally, the sampled data were processed and compared with the limits by MCU system. This system can produce local and remote auto-alarm signals.Figure 1. Automatic fire alarm system structureⅢ. THE HARDWARE COMPONENTSA. ATmega16The system used by the U.S. Atmel’s micro controller ATmega16 micro controller. ATmega16 is based on the AVR RISC architecture to enhance low-power 8-bit CMOS micro controller. Because of its advanced instruction set and a single clock cycle instruction execution time, ATmega16 data throughput of up to 1 MIPS / MHz. Thereby mitigate the system in the power and the contradiction between the processing rate. ATmega16 has the following characteristics: 16K bytes in-system programmable Flash (with the ability to read and write at the same time, that is, RWW), 512 bytes EEPROM, 1K bytes SRAM, 32 general-purpose I / O port lines, 32 general-purpose working registers, for the JTAG boundary scan interface, support the on-chip debugging andprogramming, 3 has a more flexible mode of timer / counter (T / C), chip internal / external interrupts, programmable serial USART, there are initial conditions detector universal serial interface, 8-channel 10-bit with optional differential input stage programmable gain (TQFP package) of the ADC, with on-chip oscillator of programmable watchdog timer, an SPI serial port, as well as six can be selected by software power-saving mode.The chip is based on Atmel high-density nonvolatile memory technology production on-chip ISP Flash allows the program memory through the ISP serial interface or a general-purpose programmer for programming; you can also run on the AVR core among the bootstrap to program. Boot program can use any interface to download the application to the Flash memory area (Application Flash Memory). Application of Flash storage area is updated when the boot Flash area (Boot Flash Memory) program continues to run, RWW operation achieved. ATmega16 to become a powerful micro controller by 8-bit RISC CPU and the system programmable flash in a single chip, for many embedded control applications provides a flexible and cost-effective solution. ATmega16 has a set of programming and system development tools, including: C language compiler, macro assembler, program debugger / software emulator, emulators and evaluation boards.B. Temperature SensorTemperature sensor manufactured by DALLAS Semiconductor DS18B20-type single intelligence temperature sensor, its performance features include:1)This sensor have single-bus-specific technology, either through the serial port cable also through other I / O port lines and computer interfaces,without going through other conversion circuits Direct output measured temperature value (9-bit binary number, with sign bit).2) Temperature range is -55 ℃ ~ +125 ℃, measurement resolution of 0. 0625 ℃.3) Containing 64 as amended through the laser-read-only memory ROM.4) Fit a variety of SCM or system machine.5) Users can set separate ways each temperature upper and lower limit.6) Includes parasitic power.DS18B20 and the main chip connection diagram shown in Figure 2: DS18B20 number one pin grounded, then on the 3rd pin high and the 2nd pin then a 5. 1K of the pull-up resistor, at the same time received a single output signal of the PD0 pin. Pull-up is to pull the uncertainty signal through a resistor embedded in the high places, resistanceat the same time current-limited . Program from the DQ pin in high impedance state to ensure that the beginning, so that you can pull on the pull-up resistor to the high DQ. At the same time the main chip also can be an external site alarm buzzer.Figure 2. ds18b20 and the main chip connection diagram.C. Smoke Monitoring ModuleSmoke sensors choose HIS-07 ion smoke detectors when the flow through the inside and outside the ionization chamber ionization electron flow is unbalanced, collector charges current until the ionization balance. In a smoke-free or non-combustion, the collector being subject to the impact ionization current statistical fluctuation, the potential to maintain a balance. Ionization current have impact when the smoke into the ionization chamber, easily into the ionization chamber smoke outside than inside the ionization chamber of the affected, ionization current decline in and collector to re-charge until the new equilibrium potential, this potential change can be used to trigger the alarm circuit. Technical parameters such as Table 1.TABLE I.HIS-07 ION SMOKE SENSOR THCHNICAL DATASmoke signals are processed on the chip of choice is the Motorola company’s MC14468, MC14468 for DIP 16-pin package, contain oscillator, timer, latch, alarm control logic circuit, high input impedance comparator etc. When not detected smoke, MC14468 internal oscillator that oscillation cycle 1.67s. Each 1.67s cycle the internal power supply is provided to the work of the entire chip. It’s all kept det ect any smoke in addition to LED flashes, battery voltage alarm and smoke alarm. The oscillator oscillation period becomes 40ms when the MC14448 Once detection smoke, this time piezoelectric buzzer driving circuit to start oscillation, start to be able to output to maintain the high 160 ms after the cessation of 80ms.Continued during the detection of smoke cessation of changes, at this time if not detected smoke beeper will not be issued a warning sound.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high micro controller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.In figure 3, the MC14468 1 pin joint PD1 pin of SCM when the ion chamber of the ion current as the scene of smoke detection and change, voltage change generation a weak side-spread seized 15, by the MC14468 internal logic processing circuit processing, the smoke is detected by 1 pin-out high micro controller for processing. 13-pin then slide rheostat is set to facilitate detection sensitivity when the led flashes and the buzzer sounded a piercing sound of an audio alarm when the department has a fire alarm signal-based.Figure 3.Smoke detection circuitD. Auto-dial alarm moduleDial-up alarm module choices are the EX-1 dial-up module is a DTMF signal receiving, storing, and sending as integration communications circuits. Module built-in micro controller and dial-up management process can provide users with a variety of signal input and output ports, in security alarm, signal acquisition, automatic control, remote communication and information transmission areas such as flexible application. 5 groups can have cell phone or group of seven local telephone numbers are stored, power-down is not lost; Telephone line status detection, automatic fault signal output ;Telephone / external switching two kinds of dial-up state control; Trigger time, nine times loop dial preset numbers; To work independently, independent dial-up, do not rely on telephone and other external devices.EX-1 wiring diagram shown in figure 4, The PD4 pin to connect the main chip HTO , the module began to dial alarm when PD4 output high level signal, PD5 connection ON / OFF pin input is high level signal to open the dial-up settings, the inputdoes not work when this pin become low, ERR pin connected to PD6 pin of MCU, PD6 output 1 begun to test whether the telephone line failure, READY pin connect MCU PD7 pin detection and alarm is completed, the alarm is end when PD7 pin is high .Figure 4. EX-1 wiring diagramIV. SOFIW AREDESIGNFigure 5. The main program flow chartBecause in the early stages of fires and the smoldering phase will produce a large number of aerosol particles and smoke particles .In the stage of incipient fire substances in the combustion process produces a lot of heat, so should make the smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction, first with the smoke sensor detects whether there is smoke generation, then the temperature sensor detects the temperature, temperature sensor alarm value is set to 50 degrees. When the smoke is detected R0 is 1, not smoke R0 is 0. Then test the temperature when the temperature reaches the value of seasonal early warning R1 is 1, the value of seasonal temperature not to reach an early warning R1 to 0, at this time compared to the R0 and R1 is equal to the main chip when the dial-up alarm, if not equal is not to alarm re-tested. This smoke sensor and temperature sensor used in conjunction with greatly improved the reliability of detection to prevent the omission of false positives, program flow diagram shown in Figure 5.V. CONCLUSIONBy the cooperation of using of temperature and smoke sensors, through detecting the temperature and smoke on-site, the automatic alarm system could find any fire in warehouse and send the message to managers of warehouse in the early time by the form of short messages. So its application could greatly reduce fire losses and enhanced the safe reliability of warehouse more than the former single equipment of fire alarm, and prevent failing of reporting and misinformation. The system has a high reliability, low price and high sensitivity.REFERENCES[1] Shunning Miao,Guangming Xiong,Yongping Li etc.Automatic Fire Alarm System Design and Research, Equipment Manufacturing Technology, 2006(2), P909.[2] Liang Ge, Qi Cong. Intelligent Analysis of office building fire.[3] Ti Zhou. Building Fire System Design, Yunnan Construction,2008(6).[4] Honeywell (Honeywel1)'s construction equipment Monitoring System, Intelligent Building and City Information, 2008(4).[5] Derek Clements-Croome, Intelligent buildings: design, management and operation, Thomas Telford Publishing, 2004.[6] Zhang Huazhong, Commanding System of Fire Automatic Alarm and Fire Control Linkage based on Internet, Computer Engineering, 2001.[7] ANSI, Radiant Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm Signaling, US: ANSI/FMRC FM3260-2004.基于单片机的火灾自动报警系统张坤,胡顺滨机电工程学院河北农业大学,保定,071001,中国的电子邮件地址:************************李锦芳保定宝灵变压器有限公司保定天威集团,071056,中国的电子邮件地址:****************摘要:本文介绍了基于单片机的自动仓库火灾自动报警系统。
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The smart home control system solutionsPart 1Intelligent home network with the network technology and communication technology continues to evolve and requirements of people living continuously improve and achieve family intelligent remote control has become an inevitable trend. Ministry of Construction and Housing Industrialization Promotion Center proposed residential area to achieve the six intelligence requirements, including safety precautions implemented automated monitoring and management: on residential fires, toxic gas leak to implement automatic alarm; anti-theft alarm system should be installed such as infrared or microwave various types of alarm detector; system should be integrated with the computer security management system network; computer system burglar alarm system can be centrally managed and controlled. However, as wireless technology immature, operating expenses of higher malpractice, intelligent home controller and the external network of wireless communications technology as leading to a low degree of market acceptance of the important factors, the characteristics of GPRS system can be a good solution to the problem. GPRS network communication business Communication Company launched a data communication service, the GPRS network coverage area, unlimited transmission distance, communication cost is relatively low transfer rate faster. This article related to intelligent systems and GPRS technology family background, analysis of its basic characteristics and their basic functions to be achieved, and on this basis was proposed the overall intelligent control system solutions based on GPRS wireless communication service. At last, the core GPRS chip system software and hardware realization.Overall system architecture The popularity of network applications and the production of a variety of information appliances are made within the family visit on the Internet, no longer limited to a single PC, each family will be faced with how to transfer Internet data within the family and how the various appliances problems connecting, based on this, intelligent home networks come into being. Intelligent home network is the basic unit of information society. The future of the family, all kinds of appliances will form a home LAN and Internet access through the smart home controller. Intelligent home network market potential is considerable, several large manufacturers Intel, IBM, Microsoft and Sony are already involved in them.Intelligent home network that is in a home in a communications network, the various appliances connected together, to achieve all the intelligent home network appliances for remote access and control, and any request for information exchange, such as music, television or data. Intelligent home network architecture, including within the family network system, intelligent home controller and the intelligent home network and external Internet networks of data communications. Among them, the smart home smart home network controller is an integral part of the core to play the management, control and communications role with the external network. It is the management platform and home through the family life of the combination of the various subsystems of a system is to connect the family intelligence network inside and outside the physical interfaces, complete with external communication networks within the family, the data exchange between functions, but also for families equipment management and control.Smart home controller on the one hand the need for cabling to provide communication interface within the family, to collect information on household equipment, and processing, automatic control and regulation; other smart home controller as a home gateway, to provide for external network interfaces, connectivity within the family network and external Internet networks, so users can access the home network, internal network, to achieve monitoring and control. In addition, smart home controller should also be equipped with automatic alarm and other functions, that is, when found, such as alarm signal: it was a malicious intrusion, high temperature, etc., the controller can be dealt with immediately send alarm signals to the user.ARM embedded system design can be used to automatically run, processing of data, management and control through the RS485 bus, the control terminal. And the controller through the GPRS module to achieve the family system and the external network communications, so users can SMS and the Internet, etc. to achieve the family system, remote control, while the controller through the keyboard and display for the user interface, easy users to achieve local control. Control terminal for the SCM control system composed of a number of small control various home appliances, and by controlling the bus, the control system composed of these small networks, connected to the smart home controller, by the smart home controller.Specific smart home controller features include: Household equipment data collection: Collection of household equipment, including indoor temperature, lighting appliances, security doors and other equipment of the state data, processed by the controller feedback to the user.Local control: the user through the controller keyboard and display, for home monitoring equipment.Remote Control: Remote users can send text messages or via the Internet on the family system to control and query.Automatic alarm: when the controller detects high temperature, such as illegal intrusion or alarm signal, triggering indoor alarm in time and send alert messages by means of promptly notify the user.Temperature check: the user can check the room temperature by the controller. Security door password settings: local or remote user can modify the password security door; enter the correct password at the door before they can open the door.Infrared Appliance Control: receiving user commands via infrared transmitter control TV, air conditioning and other infrared controlled appliances.Other lamps and so on-off control: receiving user commands control the amount of lighting and other switching equipment.Smart home controller through GPRS module, to achieve the family system and the external network communication as a central part of the smart home system to solve the bottleneck before the key technology. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is short, the existing GSM system is to add a new GGSN (Gateway Support Node) and SGSN (Service Support Node) node developed a new packet data bearer services. GPRS with the existing GSM system the most fundamental difference is, GPRS is a packet switching system, particularly suitable for intermittent, sudden or frequent, small amounts of data transfer, but also to the occasional large data transfers. The main advantage of GPRS network transmissions are: always online, according to traffic accounting, quick log on, high-speed transmission, within a restricted range (transmission distance, terrain, weather, etc.), and data transmission reliability.Part 21. IntroductionThe booming Internet has broadened the traditional concept of smart consumer appliances. Originally, smart consumer appliances are just stand-alone devices that have the control program running by themselves. Due to hardware limitations, these appliances can only implement somesimple control algorithms that can at most achieve local optimal control effects. Nowadays more and more consumer appliances have the capabilities to benter connected by many kinds of communication media such as phone lines, utility lines, and wireless technology, and even can be connected to the Internet. This trend of development brings promising prospects to future home appliances that will not only let users maintain, monitor, and control appliances more easily and conveniently, but also will make the long-time expected remote-controlled home appliances feasible.A remote-controllable home appliance can be considered as a slave device to the remote controller that resides in far end and has powerful mainframe running advanced control algorithms. The appliance runs its own control program while at the same time can receive control commands, configuration parameters or even updated control algorithms from there mote controller to achieve optimal control effect in the global level. In order to meet this challenge, a new architecture for smart consumer appliances systems needs to be proposed.On the other hand, Hardware implementation of control systems will be one of important issues in the development of smart consumer electronics. For simple applications, such as smart toys, microwaves, and washing machines, simple control algorithms can be used and implemented on a single chip that may cost very little. However, for more complex problems, such as smart heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (WAC) for individual houses or office buildings, advanced control methods must be utilized and implemented with sophisticated hardware that would cost significantly more than the conventional controllers. For example, an intelligent PLC (programmable logic controller) for energy efficient and waving temperature control may cost several times more than a household air conditioning unit. This might be justified for some industrial applications but obviously not acceptable for average individual customers. Therefore, to make smart consumer electronics marketable for this type of applications, innovative approach for implementation must be established to reduce the cost to a level acceptable to average customers.In the following sections, the architecture of intelligent control systems for consumer appliances via Internet is briefly presented, and then a network-based memos-fuzzy implementation is described. 2. Architecture of Networked AppliancesFigure shows two versions of architecture for networked appliances. Both architectures can be seen composed of two different types of functional devices: home-based appliances, and remote controllers. The remote controllers in both architectures play the same role as: a) running advanced control algorithms and issue control commands; b) monitoring the running status of appliances.The difference between these two architectures is on the home side. In architecture (I), home appliances must first connect to Home Control System, which functions in part as a common gateway to the Internet for all appliances. This architecture is suitable for current implementation because networked appliance is still in its early stage of development; they are still lack of standard software and hardware interfaces to the Internet. Besides, the data exchange between home appliances and remote controller at current stage are limited, therefore the utility lines and phone lines are enough for transmitting simple control signals. Architecture (II) is the choice for future development while all home appliances have direct access to the Internet. In this case, large amounts of real-time data from home appliances can be fed back to remote controller as the control input through Internet, and control output, which could vary from simple control parameters or set values to updated algorithms, can also be downloaded to the corresponding appliances.The architectures proposed here have their origins in Distributed Control Systems (DCS), which is widely used in industrial automation and proved to be mature and reliable. From topologypoint of view, the networked appliances systems and DCS are similar, and those functional devices in networked appliances systems can also find their counterpart in DCS. But a significant difference lies in the fact that DCS uses proprietary communication protocols in a local area network for data exchange, thus it is not an open architecture that makes devices from different vendors very difficult, if it’s not impossible to be interconnected, while networked appliances systems rely on the Internet that uses TCP/IP, the de facto protocol for network communication, so any appliances that is TCP/IP compatible can be easily interconnected and communicate with other appliances that are already on the net.3. ConclusionThis paper presents architecture of the intelligent control systems for consumer appliances by applying the idea of Distributed Control Systems (DCS) to the home environment, and a network-based neuron-fuzzy implementation of this architecture. The basic idea of this implementation is to use simple and reliable in-system programmable devices for on-line field control execution with fuzzy logic, and communication networks and computers for off-line learning and optimization through neural networks. An ongoing research project in consumer electronics is to implement this architecture to the network- based intelligent control of smart heating and air-conditioning systems, which could lead to significant saving in energy and reduction in pollution.家庭智能控制系统解决方案第一部分随着网络技术和通信技术的智能家庭网络的不断发展和生活水平不断提高,实现家庭智能远程控制已成为必然趋势人的要求。
智能家居室内感应定位系统中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)A Pyroelectric Infrared Sensor-based Indoor Location-AwareSystem for the Smart HomeSuk Lee, Member, IEEE, Kyoung Nam Ha, Kyung Chang Lee, Member, IEEE Abstract —Smart home is expected to offer various intelligent services by recognizing residents along with their life style and feelings. One of the key issues for realizing the smart home is how to detect the locations of residents. Currently, the research effort is focused on two approaches: terminal-based and non-terminal-based methods. The terminal -based method employs a type of device that should be carried by the resident while the non-terminal-based method requires no such device. This paper presents a novel non-terminal-based approach usingan array of pyroelectric infrared sensors (PIR sensors) that can detect residents. The feasibility of the system is evaluated experimentally on a test bedIndex Terms— smart home, location-based service, pyroelectric infrared sensor (PIR sensor), location-recognition algorithmI. INTRODUCTIONThere is a growing interest in smart home as a way to offer a convenient, comfortable, and safe residential environment [1], [2]. In general, the smart home aims to offer appropriate intelligent services to actively assist i n the resident’s life such as housework, amusement, rest, and sleep. Hence, in order to enhance the resident’s convenience and safety, devices such as home appliances, multimedia appliances, and internet appliances should be connected via a home network system, as shown in Fig. 1, and they should be controlled or monitored remotely using a television (TV) or personal digital assistant (PDA) [3], [4].Fig. 1. Architecture of the home network system for smart home Especially, attention has been focused on location-based services as a way to offer high-quality intelligent services, while considering human factors such as pattern of living, health, and feelings of a resident [5]-[7]. That is, if the smart home can recognize the resident’s pattern of living o r health, then home appliances should be able to anticipate the resident’s needs and offer appropriate intelligent service more actively. For example, in a passive service environment, the resident controls the operation of the HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) system, while the smart home would control the temperature and humidity of a room according to the resident’s condition. Various indoor location-aware systems have beendeveloped to recognize the resident’s location in the smart home or smart office. In general, indoor location-aware systems have been classified into three types according to the measurement technology: triangulation, scene analysis, and proximity methods [8]. The triangulation method uses multiple distances from multiple known points. Examples include Active Badges [9], Active Bats [10], and Easy Living [11], which use infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and vision sensors, respectively. The scene analysis method examines a view from a particular vantage point. Representative examples of the scene analysis method are MotionStar [12], which uses a DC magnetic tracker, and RADAR [13], which uses IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (LAN). Finally, the proximity method measures nearness to a known set of points. An example of the proximity method is Smart Floor [14], which uses pressure sensors. Alternatively, indoor location-aware systems can be classified according to the need for a terminal that should be carried by the resident. Terminal-based methods, such as Active Bats, do not recognize the resident’s location directly, but perceive the location of a device carried by the resident, such as an infrared transceiver or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag. Therefore, it is impossible to recognize the resident’s location if he or she is not carrying the device. In contrast, non-terminal methods such as Easy Living and Smart Floor can find the resident’s location without such devices. However, Easy Living can be regarded to invade the resident’s privacy while the Smart Floor has difficulty with extendibility and maintenance. This paper presents a non-terminal based location-aware system that uses an array of pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensors [15], [16]. The PIR sensors on the ceiling detect the presence of a resident and are laid out so that detection areas of adjacent sensors overlap. By combining the outputs of multiple PIR sensors, the system is able to locate a resident with a reasonable degree of accuracy. This system has inherent advantage of non-terminal based methods while avoiding privacy and extendibility, maintenance issues. In order to demonstrate its efficacy, an experimental test bed has been constructed, and the proposed system has been evaluated experimentally under various experimental conditions. This paper is organized into four sections, including this introduction. Section II presents the architecture of the PIR sensor-based indoor location-aware system (PILAS), and the location-recognition algorithm. Section III describes a resident-detection method using PIR sensors, and evaluates the performance of the system under various conditions using an experimental test bed. Finally, a summary and the conclusions are presented in Section IV.II. ARCHITECTURE OF THE PIR SENSOR-BASED INDOORLOCATION-AWARE SYSTEMA. Framework of the smart homeGiven the indoor environment of the smart home, an indoor location-aware system must satisfy the following requirements. First, the location-aware system should be implemented at a relatively low cost because many sensors have to be installed in rooms of different sizes to detect the resident in the smart home. Second, sensor installation must be flexible because the shape of each room is different and there are obstacles such as home appliances and furniture, which prevent the normal operation of sensors. The third requirement is that the sensors for the location-aware system have to be robust to noise, and should not be affected by their surroundings. This is because the smart home can make use of various wireless communication methods such as wireless LAN or radio-frequency (RF) systems, which produce electromagnetic noise, or there may be significant changes in light or temperature that can affect sensor performance. Finally, it is desirable that the system’s accuracy is adjustable according to room types.Among many systems that satisfy the requirement, the PIR sensor-based system has not attracted much attention even though the system has several advantages. The PIR sensors,which have been used to turn on a light when it detects human movement, are less expensive than many other sensors. In addition, because PIR sensors detect the infrared wavelengthemitted from humans between 9.4~10.4 μm, they are reasonably robust to their surroundings, in terms of temperature, humidity, and electromagnetic noise. Moreover, it ispossible to control the location accuracy of the system by adjusting the sensing radius of a PIR sensor, and PIR sensors are easily installed on the ceiling, where they are not affected by the structure of a room or any obstacles.Figure 2 shows the framework for the PILAS in a smart home that offers location-based intelligent services to a resident. Within this framework, various devices are connected via a home network system, including PIR sensors, room terminals, a smart home server, and home appliances. Here, each room is regarded as a cell, and the appropriate number of PIR sensors is installed on the ceiling of each cell to provide sufficient location accuracy for the location-based services. Each PIR sensor attempts to detect the resident at a constant period, and transmits its sensing information to a room terminal via the home network system.Fig. 2. Framework of smart home for the PILAS.Consequently, the room terminal recognizes the resident’s l ocation by integrating the sensor information received from all of the sensors belonging to one cell, and transmits the resident’s location to the smart home server that controls the home appliances to offer location-based intelligent services to the resident.Within this framework, the smart home server has the following functions. 1) The virtual map generator makes a virtual map of the smart home (generating a virtual map), and writes the location information of the resident, which is received from a room terminal, on the virtual map (writing the resident’s location). Then, it makes a moving trajectory of the resident by connecting the successive locations of the resident (tracking the resident’s movement). 2) The home appliance controller transmits control commands to home appliances via the home network system to provide intelligent services to the resident. 3) The moving pattern predictor saves the current movement trajectory of the resident, the current action of home appliances, and parameters reflecting the current home environment such as the time, temperature, humidity, and illumination. After storing sufficient information, it may be possible to offer human-oriented intelligent services in which the home appliances spontaneously provide services to satisfy human needs. For example, if the smart home server “knows” that the resident normally wakes up at 7:00 A.M. and takes a shower, it may be possible to turn on the lamps and some music. In addition, the temperature of the shower water can be set automatically for the resident.B. Location-recognition algorithmIn order to determine the location of a resident within a room, an array of PIR sensors are used as shown in Fig. 3. In the figure, the sensing area of each PIR sensor is shown as a circle, and the sensing areas of two or more sensors overlap. Consequently, when a resident enters one of the sensing areas, the system decides whether he/she belongs to any sensing area by integrating the sensing information collected from all of the PIR sensors in the room. For example, when a resident enters the sensing area B, sensors a and b output ‘ON’ signals, while sensor c outputs ‘OFF’ signal. After collecting outputs, the algorithm can infer that the resident belongs to the sensing area B. According to the number of sensors and the arrangement of the sensors signaling ‘ON’, the resident’s location is deter-mined in the following manner. First, if only one sensor outputs ‘ON’ signal, the resident is regarded to be at the center of the sensing area of the corre sponding sensor. If the outputs of two adjacent sensors are ‘ON’, the resident’s location is assumed to be at the point midway between the two sensors. Finally, if three or more sensors signal ‘ON’, the resident is located at the centroid of the centers of the corresponding sensors. For example, it is assumed that the resident is located at point 1 in the figure when only sensor a signals ‘ON’, while the resident is located at point 2 when sensors a and b both output ‘ON’ signals.The location accuracy of this system can be defined the maximum distance between the estimated points and the resident. For example, when a resident enters sensing area A, the resident is assumed to be at point 1. On the assumption that a resident can be represented by a point and the radius of the sensing area of a PIR sensor is 1 m, we know that the location accuracy is 1 m because the maximum error occurs when the resident is on the boundary of sensing area A. Alternatively, when the resident is in sensing area B, the resident is assumed to be at point 2, and the maximum location error occurs when the resident is actually at point 3. In this case, the error is 3 / 2 m which is the distance between points 2 and 3. Therefore, the location accuracy of the total system shown in Fig. 3 can be regarded as 1 m, which is the maximum value of the location accuracy of each area. Since the number of sensors and the size of their sensing areas determine the location accuracy of the PILAS, it is necessary to arrange the PIR sensors properly to guarantee the specified system accuracy.Fig. 3. The location-recognition algorithm for PIR sensors.In order to determine the resident’s location precisely and increase the accuracy of the system, it is desirable to have more sensing areas with given number of sensors and to have sensing areas of similar size. Fig. 4 shows some examples of sensor arrangements and sensing areas. Fig. 4(a) and 4(b) show the arrangements with nine sensors that produce 40 and 21 sensing areas, respectively. The arrangement in Fig. 4(a) is better than Fig. 4(b) in terms if the number of sensing areas. However, the arrangement in Fig. 4(a) has some areas where a resident can not be detected and lower location accuracy than that in Fig. 4(b). Fig. 4(c) shows an arrangement with twelve sensors that five 28 sensing areas without any blind spots.Fig. 4. Location accuracy according to the sensor arrangement of PIRsensors. (a) 40 sensing areas. (b) 21 sensing areas. (c) 28 sensing areaswith twelve sensors.When PIR sensors are installed around the edge of a room, as shown in Fig. 4(c), it sometimes may give awkward results. One example is shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5(a) shows the path of a resident. If we mark the estimated points by using the sensor location or the midpoint of adjacent sensors, it will be a zigzagging patterns as shown in Fig. 5(b). In order to alleviate this, we may regard the sensors on the edges to be located a little inwards, which give the result shown in Fig. 5(c).Fig. 5. The effect of compensating for the center point of the outer sensors.(a) Resident’s movement. (b) Before compensating for the outer sensors. (c)After compensating for the outer sensors.III. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE PILASA. Resident-detection method using PIR sensorsSince the PILAS recognizes the resident’s location by combining outputs from all the sensors belonging to one cell, determining whether a single sensor is ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ directly influences location accuracy. In general, because the ‘ON/OFF’ values can be determined by co mparing a predefined threshold and the digitized sensor output acquired by sampling the analog signal from a PIR sensor, it is necessary to choose an appropriate signal level for the threshold. For example, Smart Floor, which is another non-terminal method, can recognize a resident’s location exactly by comparing the appropriate threshold and a sensor value, because a pressure sensor outputs a constant voltage based on the resident’s weight when he remains at a specific point. However, because a PIR sensor measures the variation in the infrared signal produced by a moving human body, its output is in analog form, as shown in Fig. 6. That is, as the variation in the infraredradiation from a resident increases when a resident enters a sensing area, the PIR sensor outputs an increasing voltage. Conversely, the voltage decreases as the resident leave the sensing area. If the resident does not move within the sensing area, the variation in the infrared radiation does not exist and the PIR sensor outputs zero voltage. Therefore, it is very difficult to deter-mine when a resident is staying resident within a specific sensing area using only the voltage or current threshold of a PIR sensor.Fig. 6. Signal output of PIR sensor.In order to guarantee the location accuracy of the system, the resident-detection method must meet several requirements. First, if no resident is present within a sensing area, the PIR sensor should not output ‘ON’ signal. That is, the PIR sensor must not malfunction by other disturbances such as a moving pet, temperature change and sunlight. Second, it should be possible to precisely determine the point in time when a resident enters and leaves a sensing area. That is, in spite of variations in sensor characteristics, resident’s speed and heig ht, it should be possible to determine the time point exactly. Finally, because the output voltage of a PIR sensor does not exceed the threshold voltage when the resident does not move within a sensing area, it is necessary to know if a resident stays within the sensing area.In order to satisfy these requirements, this paper introduces the following implementation method for the resident detection method for PIR sensors. First, in order to eliminate PIR sensor malfunctioning due to pets or temperature changes, a Fresnel lens, which allows human infrared waveforms to pass through it while rejecting other waveforms, is installed in front of the PIR sensors. Second, when the output of a PIR sensor exceeds the positive threshold voltage, and this state is maintained for several predefined sampling intervals, that the resident has entered a sensing area. Here, the threshold must be sufficient for the method to distinguish variation in the resident’s infrared from an environmental infrared signal caused by pets o r temperature change. Moreover, when the sensor’s output falls below a negative threshold voltage and this status is maintained for several sampling intervals, it is assumed that the resident has left the sensing area. Finally, when the output voltage remains between the two threshold voltages, for example when the resident is not moving inside the sensing area, the output of the corresponding PIR sensor is changed from ‘ON’ to ‘OFF’. At this time, if other sensors installed near this sensor do notoutput ‘ON’ signal, the method regards the resident as remaining within the corresponding sensing area.B. Performance evaluation using an experimental test bedIn order to verify the feasibility of the PILAS, an experimental test bed was implemented. Since the intelligent location-based service in the smart home does not require very high location accuracy, we designed the system to have a location accuracy of 0.5 m. Figure 7 shows the experimental test bed in a room measuring 4 ×4 ×2.5 m (width ×length ×height). In the experiment, twelve PIR sensors were fixed on the ceiling, using the arrangement shown in Fig. 4(c). An Atmel AT89C51CC001 microcontroller [17] was used for signal processing and judging ‘ON/OFF’, and a Nippon Ceramic RE431B PIR sensor [18] and N L-11 Fresnel lens were used. Especially, a horn was installed on each PIR sensor to limit the sensing area to the circle with 2 m diameter. Fig. 8 shows the experimental results with the horn. In the figure, the RE431B sensor outputs the signal shown in (a) when a resident passes through the sensing circle, while it outputs the irregular signal shown in (b) when the resident moves within the circle. Finally, no signal is detected when the resident moves outside the circle, as shown in (c). From these experimental results, we verified that the PIR sensor detects residents within the sensing area only. In addition, in order to judge whether the signal is ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’, it is necessary to choose a threshold for the RE431B sensor that considers external environmental disturbance. Initially, several experiments were performed to determine the threshold with respect to the internal temperature change caused by a air conditioner or heater and other disturbances, such as wind or sunshine. Based on these experimental results, when the threshold of the RE431B sensor was ±0.4 V, external environmental temperature change did not affect its performance at detecting the resident. In addition, we verified that pets did not affect the sensing performance with the same threshold.Fig. 7. Experimental test bed for the PILAS.Fig. 8. Ensuring the exact sensing range with a horn.Next, in order to determine the resident’s location using the information received from PIR sensors, a PC-based locationrecognition algorithm was implemented, as shown in Fig. 9. Here, a PC collects data from the PIR sensors every 10 msec using an NI 6025E data acquisition (DAQ) board [19]. In the figure, the line in the left window was drawn using a mouse to show the path of the resident graphically, while that in the window on the right is the estimated movement trajectory of the resident drawn by connecting the resident’s locations acquired using the DAQ board.Finally, in order to verify the efficacy of the system, three experiments were performed with residents between 160 and 180 cm tall, moving at speeds between 1.5 and 2.5 km/h. Figure 9 shows the trajectory of a resident moving along a Tshaped path. The trajectory made by connecting the resi-dent’s locations recognized by the PILAS, shown on th e right, was similar to the target path shown on the left. We know that the maximum location error is about 30 cm without compensating for the outer sensors. Fig. 10 shows the trajectory when the resident follows an H-shaped path. In this experiment, the location accuracy was similar to that in Fig. 9. We verified that the system could locate a resident with accuracy of 0.5 m, even if three or more sensors were activated. Figure 11 shows the trajectory of a resident moving along a square path. In this case, the location error is the largest, and the trajectory is not a straight line. We note that serious location errors occurred at each point marked by A due to the inaccurate judgment of the outer sensors. Nevertheless, the location error is still smaller than 0.5 m when moving in the square path. Here, the compensation method for outer sensors, which was explained in Fig. 5, reduces the location error at each point A. When the resident moves in a straight line, as shown in Fig. 12(a), the location error is relatively large without using the compensation method, as shown in Fig. 12(b). However, after applying the compensation method, we verified that the detection results for the areas in the small circles are enhanced by roughly about 30%.IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONSThis paper presents a PIR sensor-based indoor location aware system that estimates the resident’s location for location-based intelligent services in the smart home. This paper introduces the framework of smart home for the location-aware system, and a location-recognition algorithm that integrates the information collected from PIR sensors. In addition, this paper presents a resident-detection method. Finally, an experiment is implemented to evaluate the efficacy of the PILAS.Based on several experiments conducted under various conditions, we verified that the PILAS can estimates resident’s location sufficiently well. Moreover, because the location accuracy of the system is less than 0.5 m without any terminal for location recognition, the system can be very practical. Furthermore, it should be possible to enhance the location accuracy of the system by increasing the number of sensing areas, by equalizing the sensing areas based on the sensor arrangement, or by compensating for the centers of outer sensors.Since the location accuracy of this system differs according to the sensor arrangement, it is necessary to determine the optimal sensor arrangement that offers the greatest location accuracy. In order to enhance the location accuracy, it is also necessary to enhance the method of processing the PIR sensors using more advanced techniques such as probabilistic theories and soft computing. Finally, the proposed PILA system should be extended to deal with a room occupied by more than one residents.基于热释电红外传感器的智能家居室内感应定位系统Suk Lee,电机及电子学工程师联合会会员Kyoung Nam Ha, Kyung Chang Lee,电机及电子学工程师联合会会员摘要——智能家居,是一种可以通过识别具有不同生活习惯和感觉的住户来提供各种不同的智能服务。
智能家居英文作文英文:Smart home is a concept that has gained popularity in recent years. It refers to the use of technology to make homes more convenient, comfortable, and efficient. There are many different types of smart home devices that can be used to achieve this goal.One of the most common types of smart home devices is the smart thermostat. This device can be programmed to adjust the temperature in your home based on your schedule and preferences. For example, you can set it to turn down the heat when you leave for work in the morning and turn it back up when you return home in the evening.Another popular smart home device is the smart lighting system. This system allows you to control the lights in your home from your smartphone or other device. You can turn lights on and off, dim them, and even change theircolor. This can be especially useful for creating different moods in different rooms of your home.Smart home security systems are also becoming more popular. These systems can include things like smart locks, security cameras, and motion sensors. You can monitor your home from your smartphone and receive alerts if anything unusual happens.Finally, smart appliances are another type of smart home device that can be very useful. These appliances can include things like smart refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines. They can be programmed to adjust their settings based on your preferences and can even be controlled from your smartphone.Overall, smart home technology can make our lives easier and more convenient. By automating certain tasks and allowing us to control our homes from our smartphones, we can save time and energy and enjoy a more comfortable and efficient living space.中文:智能家居是近年来越来越流行的概念。
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智能家居外文翻译外文文献英文文献Increasing an individual’s quality of life via their intelligent homeThe hypothesis of this project is: can an individual?s quality oflife be increased by integrating “intelligent technology” into their home environment. This hypothesis is very broad, and hence the researchers will investigate it with regard to various, potentiallyover-lapping, sub-sections of the population. In particular, the project will focus on sub-sections with health-care needs, because it is believed that these sub-sections will receive the greatest benefit from this enhanced approach to housing. Two research questions flow from this hypothesis: what are the health-care issues that could be improved via “intelligent housing”, and what are the technological iss ues needing to be solved to allow “intelligent housing” to be constructed? While a small number of initiatives exist, outside Canada, which claim to investigate this area, none has the global vision of this area. Work tends to be in small areas with only a limited idea of how theindividual pieces contribute towards a greater goal. This project has a very strong sense of what it is trying to attempt, and believes that without this global direction the other initiatives will fail to address the large important issues described within various parts of this proposal, and that with the correct global direction the sum of the parts will produce much greater rewards than the individual components.This new field has many parallels with the field of business process engineering, where many products fail due to only considering a sub-set of the issues, typically the technology subset. Successful projects and implementations only started flow when people started to realize that a holistic approach was essential. This holistic requirement also applies to the field of “smart housing”; if we genuinely want it to have benefit to the community rather than just technological interest. Having said this, much of the work outlined below is extremely important and contains a great deal of novelty within their individual topics.Health-Care and Supportive housing:To date, there has been little coordinated research on how “smart house” technologies can assist frail seniors in remaining at home,and/or reduce the costs experienced by their informal caregivers. Thus, the purpose of the proposed research is to determine the usefulness of a variety of residential technologies in helping seniors maintain their independence and in helping caregivers sustain their caring activities.The overall design of the research is to focus on two groups of seniors. The first is seniors who are being discharged from an acute care setting with the potential for reduced ability to remain independent. An example is seniors who have had hip replacement surgery. This group may benefit from technologies that would help them become adapted to their reduced mobility. The second is seniors who have a chronic health problem such as dementia and who are receiving assistancefrom an informal caregiver living at a distance. Informal caregivers living at a distance from the cared-for senior are at high risk of caregiver burnout. Monitoring the cared-for senior for health and safety is one of the important tasks done by such caregivers. Devices such as floor sensors (to determine whether the senior has fallen) and access controls to ensure safety from intruders or to indicate elopement by a senior with dementia could reduce caregiver time spent commuting to monitor the senior.For both samples, trials would consist of extended periods of residence within the …smart house?. Samples of seniors being discharged from acute care would be recruited from acute care hospitals. Samples of seniors being cared for by informal caregivers at a distance could be recruited through dementia diagnosis clinics or through request from caregivers for respite.Limited amounts of clinical and health service research has been conducted upon seniors (with complex health problems) in controlled environments such as that represented by the “smart house”. For example, it is known that night vision of theaged is poor but there is very little information regarding the optimum level of lighting after wakening or for night activities.Falling is a major issue for older persons; and it results in injuries, disabilities and additional health care costs. For those with dementing illnesses, safety is the key issue during performance of the activities of daily living (ADL). It is vital for us to be able to monitor wherepatients would fall during ADL. Patients and caregivers activities would be monitored and data will be collected in the following conditions.Projects would concentrate on sub-populations, with a view to collecting scientific data about their conditions and the impact of technology upon their life styles. For example:Persons with stable chronic disability following a stroke and their caregivers: to research optimum models, types and location of various sensors for such patients (these patients may have neglect, hemiplegia, aphasia and judgment problems); to research pattern of movements during the ambulation, use of wheel chairs or canes on various type of floor material; to research caregivers support through e-health technology; to monitor frequencies and location of the falls; to evaluate the value of smart appliances for stroke patients and caregivers; to evaluate information and communication technology set up for Tele-homecare; to evaluate technology interface for Tele-homecare staff and clients; to evaluate the most effective way of lighting the various part of the house; to modify or develop new technology to enhance comfort and convenience of stroke patients and caregivers; to evaluate the value of surveillance systems in assisting caregivers.Persons with Alzheimer?s disease and their caregivers: to evaluate the effect ofsmart house (unfamiliar environment) on their ability to conductself-care with and without prompting; to evaluate their ability to useunfamiliar equipment in the smart house; to evaluate and monitor persons with Alzheimer?s disease movement pattern;to evaluate and monitor falls or wandering; to evaluate the type and model of sensors to monitor patients; to evaluate the effect of wall color for patients and care givers; to evaluate the value of proper lighting.Technology - Ubiquitous Computing:The ubiquitous computing infrastructure is viewed as the backbone of the “intelligence” within the house. In common with all ubiquitous computing systems, the primary components with this system will be: the array of sensors, the communication infrastructure and the software control (based upon software agents) infrastructure. Again, it is considered essential that this topic is investigated holistically.Sensor design: The focus of research here will be development of(micro)-sensors and sensor arrays using smart materials, e.g. piezoelectric materials, magneto strictive materials and shape memory alloys (SMAs). In particular, SMAs are a class of smart materials that are attractive candidates for sensing and actuating applicationsprimarily because of their extraordinarily high work output/volume ratio compared to other smart materials. SMAs undergo a solid-solid phase transformation when subjected to an appropriate regime of mechanical and thermal load, resulting in a macroscopic change in dimensions and shape; this change is recoverable by reversing the thermo mechanical loadingand is known as a one-way shape memory effect. Due to this materialfeature, SMAs can be used as both a sensor and an actuator. A very recent development is an effort to incorporate SMAs inmicro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) so that these materials canbe used as integral parts of micro-sensors and actuators.MEMS are an area of activity where some of the technology is mature enough for possible commercial applications to emerge. Some examples are micro-chemical analyzers, humidity and pressure sensors, MEMS for flow control, synthetic jet actuators and optical MEMS (for the next generation internet). Incorporating SMAs in MEMS is a relatively new effort in the research community; to the best of our knowledge, only one group (Prof. Greg Carman, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles) has successfully demonstrated the dynamic properties of SMA-based MEMS. Here, the focus will be to harness the sensing and actuation capabilities of smart materials to design and fabricate useful and economically viable micro-sensors and actuators.Communications: Construction and use of an “intelligent house” offers extensive opportunities to analyze and verify the operation of wireless and wired home-based communication services. While some of these are already widely explored, many of the issues have receivedlittle or no attention. It is proposed to investigate the following issues:Measurement of channel statistics in a residential environment: knowledge of the indoor wireless channel statistics is critical for enabling the design of efficient transmitters and receivers, as well asdetermining appropriate levels of signal power, data transfer rates, modulation techniques, and error control codes for the wireless links. Interference, channel distortion, and spectral limitations that arises as a result of equipment for the disabled (wheelchairs, IV stands, monitoring equipment, etc.) is of particular interest.Design, analysis, and verification of enhanced antennas for indoor wirelesscommunications. Indoor wireless communications present the need for compact and rugged antennas. New antenna designs, optimized for desired data rates, frequency of operation, and spatial requirements, could be considered.Verification and analysis of operation of indoor wireless networks: wireless networking standards for home automation have recently been commercialized. Integration of one or more of these systems into the smart house would provide the opportunity to verify the operation of these systems, examine their limitations, and determine whether the standards are over-designed to meet typical requirements.Determination of effective communi cations wiring plans for “smart homes.”: there exist performance/cost tradeoffs regarding wired and wireless infrastructure. Measurement and analysis of various wireless network configurations will allow for determination of appropriate network designs.Consideration of coordinating indoor communication systems with larger-scale communication systems: indoor wireless networks are localto the vicinity of the residence. There exist broader-scale networks, such as the cellular telephone network, fixed wireless networks, and satellite-based communication networks. The viability and usefulness of compatibility between these services for the purposes of health-care monitoring, the tracking of dementia patients, etc needs to be considered.Software Agents and their Engineering: An embedded-agent can be considered the equivalent of supplying a friendly expert with a product. Embedded-agents for Intelligent Buildings pose a number of challenges both at the level of the design methodology as well as the resulting detailed implementation. Projects in this area will include: Architectures for large-scale agent systems for human inhabited environment: successful deployment of agent technology inresidential/extended care environments requires the design of new architectures for these systems. A suitable architecture should be simple and flexible to provide efficient agent operation in real time. At the same time, it should be hierarchical and rigid to allow enforcement of rules and restrictions ensuring safety of the inhabitants of the building system. These contradictory requirements have to be resolved by designing a new architecture that will be shared by all agents in the system.Robust Decision and Control Structures for Learning Agents: to achieve life-long learning abilities, the agents need to be equipped with powerful mechanisms for learning and adaptation. Isolated use ofsome traditional learning systems is not possible due to high-expected lifespan of these agents. We intend to develop hybrid learning systems combining several learning and representation techniques in an emergent fashion. Such systems will apply different approaches based on their own maturity and on the amount of change necessary to adapt to a newsituation or learn new behaviors. To cope with high levels of non-determinism (from such sources as interaction with unpredictable human users), robust behaviors will be designed and implemented capable of dealing with different types of uncertainty (e.g. probabilistic andfuzzy uncertainty) using advanced techniques for sensory and data fusion, and inference mechanisms based on techniques of computational intelligence.Automatic modeling of real-world objects, including individual householders: The problems here are: “the locating and extracting” of information essential forrepresentation of personality and habits of an individual; development of systems that “follow and adopt to” individual?s moodand behavior. The solutions, based on data mining and evolutionary techniques, will utilize: (1) clustering methods, classification tress and association discovery techniques for the classification andpartition of important relationships among different attributes for various features belonging to an individual, this is an essential element in finding behavioral patterns of an individual; and (2) neuro-fuzzy and rule-based systems with learning and adaptation capabilitiesused to develop models of an individual?s characteristics, this is essential for estimation and prediction of potential activities and forward planning.Investigation of framework characteristics for ubiquitous computing: Consider distributed and internet-based systems, which perhaps have the most in common with ubiquitous computing, here again, the largest impact is not from specific software engineering processes, but is fromavailable software frameworks or …toolkits?, which allow the rapid construction and deployment of many of the systems in these areas. Hence, it is proposed that the construction of the ubiquitous computinginfrastr ucture for the “smart house” should also be utilized as a software engineering study. Researchers would start by visiting the few genuine ubiquitous computing systems inexistence today, to try to build up an initial picture of the functionality of the framework. (This approach has obviously parallels with the approach of Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides deployed fortheir groundbreaking work on “design patterns”. Unfortunately, in comparison to their work, the sample size here will be extremely small, and hence, additional work will be required to produce reliable answers.) This initial framework will subsequently be used as the basis of the smart house?s software system. Undoubtedly, this initial framework will substantially evolve during the construction of the system, as the requirements of ubiquitous computing environment unfold. It is believed that such close involvement in the construction of a system is anecessary component in producing a truly useful and reliable artifact. By the end of the construction phase, it is expected to produce a stable framework, which can demonstrate that a large number of essential characteristics (or patterns) have been found for ubiquitous computing.Validation and Verification (V&V) issues for ubiquitous computing:it is hoped that the house will provide a test-bed for investigating validation and verification (V&V) issues for ubiquitous computing. The house will be used as an assessment vehicle to determine which, if any, V&V techniques, tools or approaches are useful within this environment. Further, it is planned to make this trial facility available to researchers worldwide to increase the use of this vehicle. In the long-term, it is expected that the facilities offered by this infrastructure will evolve into an i nternationally recognized “benchmarking” site for V&V activities in ubiquitous computing.Other technological areas:The project also plans to investigate a number of additional areas, such as lighting systems, security systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, etc. For example, with regard to energy efficiency, the project currently anticipates undertaking two studies:The Determination of the effectiveness of insulating shutters: Exterior insulating shutters over time are not effective because of sealing problems. Interior shutters are superior and could be used to help reduce heat losses. However, their movement and positioning needs appropriate control to prevent window breakage due to thermalshock. The initiation of an opening or closing cycle would be based on measured exterior light levels; current internal heating levels; current and expected use of the house by the current inhabitants, etc.A comparison of energy generation alternatives: The energy use patterns can easily be monitored by instrumenting each appliance. Natural gas and electricity are natural choices for the main energy supply. The conversion of the chemical energy in the fuel to heat space and warm water can be done by conventional means or by use of a total energy system such as a Volvo Penta system. With this system, the fuelis used to power a small internal combustion engine, which in turn drives a generator for electrical energy production. Waste heat from the coolant and the exhaust are used to heat water for domestic use and space heating. Excess electricity is fed back into the power grid or stored in batteries. At a future date, it is planned to substitute afuel cell for the total energy system allowing for a direct comparison of the performance of two advanced systems.Intelligent architecture: user interface design to elicit knowledge modelsMuch of the difficulty in architectural design is in integrating and making explicit the knowledge of the many converging disciplines (engineering, sociology, ergonomic sand psychology, to name a few), the building requirements from many view points, and to model the complex system interactions. The many roles of the architect simply compound this. This paper describes a system currently under development—a3Ddesign medium and intelligent analysis tool, to help elicit and make explicit these requirements. The building model is used to encapsulate information throughout the building lifecycle, from inception and master planning to construction and …lived-in? use. From the tight relationship between materialbehaviour of the model, function analysis and visual feedback, the aim is to help in the resolution of functional needs, so that the building meets not only the aims of the architect, but the needs of the inhabitants, users and environment.The Problem of Designing the Built Environment:It is often said that architecture is the mother of the arts sinceit embodies all the techniques of painting: line, colour, texture and tone, as well as those of sculpture: shape, volume, light and shadow, and the changing relative position of the viewer, andadds to these the way that people inhabit and move through its space to produce—at its best—a spectacle reminiscent of choreography or theatre. As with all the arts, architecture is subject to personal critical taste and yet architecture is also a public art, in that people are constrained to use it. In this it goes beyond the other arts and is called on to function, to modify the climate, provide shelter, and to subdivide and structure space into a pattern that somehow fits the needs of social groups or organizations and cultures. Whilst architecture may be commissioned in part as a cultural or aesthetic expression, it isalmost always required to fulfill a comprehensive programme of social and environmental needs.This requirement to function gives rise to three related problems that characterize the design and use of the built environment. The first depends on the difference between explicit knowledge—that of which we are at least conscious and may evenhave a scientific or principled understanding—and implicit knowledge, which, likeknowing your mother tongue, can be applied without thinking. The functional programmes buildings are required to fulfill are largely social, and are based on implicit rather than explicit bodies of knowledge. The knowledge we exploit when we use the built environment is almost entirely applied unconsciously. We don?t have to think about buildings or cities to use them; in fact, when we become aware of it the built environment is often held to have failed. Think of the need for yellow lines to help people find their way around the Barbican complexin the City of London, or the calls from tenants to …string up the architects? when housing estates turn out to be social disasters.The second is a problem of complexity. The problem is that buildings need to function in so many different ways. They are spatial and social, they function in terms of thermal environment, light and acoustics, they use energy and affect people?s health, they need to be constructed and are made of physical components that can degrade and need to be maintained. On top of all this they have an aesthetic and cultural role,as well as being financial investments and playing an important role in the economy. Almost all of these factors are interactive—decisions taken for structural reasons have impacts onenvironment or cost—but are often relatively independent in terms of the domains ofknowledge that need to be applied. This gives rise to a complex design problem in which everything knocks on to everything else, and in which no single person has a grasp of all the domains of knowledge required for its resolution. Even when the knowledge that needs to be applied is relatively explicit—as for instancein structural calculations, or thoseconcerning thermal performance—the complex interactive nature of buildings creates a situation in which it is only through a team approach that design can be carried out, with all that this entails for problems of information transfer and breakdowns in understanding.The third is the problem of …briefing?. It is a characteristic of building projects that buildings tend not to be something that people buy…off-the-shelf?. Often the functional programme is not even explicit at the outset. One might characterise the process that actually takes place by saying that the design and the brief …co-evolve?. As a project moves from inception to full specificationboth the requirements and the design become more and more concrete through an iterative process in which design of the physical form andthe requirements that it is expected to fulfill both develop at once. Feasible designs are evaluated according to what they provide, and designers try to develop a design that matches the client?s requirements. Eventually, it is to be hoped, the two meet with the textual description of what is required and the physical description of the building thatwill provide it more or less tying together as the brief becomes a part of the contractual documentation that theclient signs up to.These three problems compound themselves in a number of ways. Since many of the core objectives of a client organization rest on implicit knowledge—the need for abuilding to foster communication and innovation amongst its workersfor instance—it is all too easy for them to be lost to sight againstthe more explicitly stated requirements such as those concerned with cost, environmental performance or statutory regulations. The result is that some of the more important aspects of the functional programme can lose out to less important but better understood issues. This can be compounded by the approach that designers take in order to control them complexity of projects. All too often the temptation is to waituntil the general layoutof a building is …fixed? before calling in the domain experts. The result is that functional design has to resort to retrofitting toresolve problems caused by the strategic plan.The Intelligent Architecture project is investigating the use of a single unified digital model of the building to help resolve these problems by bringing greater intelligence to bear at the earliest …form generating? phase of the design process when the client?s requirements are still being specified and when both physical design and client expectations are most easily modified. The aim is to help narrow the gap between what clients hope to obtain and what they eventually receive from a building project.The strategy is simple. By capturing representations of the building as a physical and spatial system, and using these to bring domain knowledge to bear on a design at its earliest stages, it is hoped that some of the main conflicts that lead to sub- optimal designs can be avoided. By linking between textual schedules of requirements and the physical/spatial model it is intended to ease the reconciliation of the brief and the design, and help the two to co-evolve. By making available some of the latest …intelligent? techniques for model ling spatial systems in the built environment, it is hoped to help put more of the implicit knowledge on an equal footing with explicit knowledge, and by using graphical feedback about functional outcomes where explicit knowledge exists, to bring these within the realm of intuitive application by designers.The Workbench:In order to do this, Intelligent Architecture has developed Pangea. Pangea has been designed as a general-purpose environment forintelligent 3D modelling—it doesnot pre-suppose a particular way of working, a particular design solution, or even a particular application domain. Several features make this possible.Worlds can be constructed from 3D and 2D primitives (including blocks, spheres, irregular prisms and deformable surfaces), which can represent real-world physical objects, or encapsulate some kind of abstract behaviour. The 3D editor provides a direct and simple interface for manipulating objects—to position, reshape, rotate and rework. All objects, both physical and abstract, have an internal state (defined by attributes), and behaviour, rules and constraints (in terms of a high-level-language …script?). Attributes can be added dynamically, making it possible for objects to change in nature, in response to new knowledge about them, or to a changing environment. Scripts are triggered by events, so that objects can respond and interact, as in the built environment, molecular systems, or fabric falling into folds on an irregular surface.Dynamic linking allows Pangea?s functionality to be extended to include standard …off-the-peg? software tools — spreadsheets,statisticalanalysis applications, graphing packages and domain-specificanalysis software, such as finite element analysis for air- flow modelling. The …intelligent toolk it?includes neural networks [Koho89] [Wass89], genetic algorithms [Gold89] [Holl75] and other stochastic search techniques [KiDe95], together with a rule- based and fuzzy logic system [Zade84]. The intelligent tools are objects, just like the normal 3D primitives: they have 3D presence and can interact with other 3D objects. A natural consequence of this design is easy …hybridisability? of techniques, widely considered as vital to the success of intelligent techniques in solving realistically complex problems [GoKh95]. This infrastructure of primitive forms, intelligent techniques and high-level language makes it possible to build applications to deal with a broad range of problems, from the generation of architectural form, spatial optimisation, object recognition and clustering, and inducing rules and patterns from raw data.Embedding Intelligence:Many consider that there is an inevitable trade-off between computers as a pure design medium, and computers with intelligence, …as a thinking machine? [Rich94]. We propose here that it is possible to provide both these types of support, and allow the user to choose how best to use each, or not, according to the situation.It is essential that the creative role of the architect is preserved as he or she uses the work bench, that the architect as artist may draw。
智能家居英语作文80词带翻译Smart home is a residential platform, which uses generic cabling technology, network communication technology, security technology, automatic control technology, and audio and video technology to integrate facilities related to home life, build an efficient management system for residential facilities and family agenda, improve the safety, convenience, comfort, and artistry of the home, and achieve an environment-friendly and energy-saving living environment.智能家居是以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术将家居生活有关的设施集成,构建高效的住宅设施与家庭日程事务的管理系统,提升家居安全性、便利性、舒适性、艺术性,并实现环保节能的居住环境。
Smart home is a residential facility management system that can be centrally managed and intelligently controlled based on the integrated wiring technology, network communication technology, security protection technology, automatic control technology, and audio and video technology, so as to improve the safety, convenience, comfort, and artistry of the home and realize an environment-friendly and energy-saving living environment In other words, smart home is not a single product. Instead, it connects all products in the home into an organic system through technical means, and the owner can control the system anytime and anywhere智能家居是以住宅为平台,利用综合布线技术、网络通信技术、安全防范技术、自动控制技术、音视频技术,将家居生活相关的设备集成起来,构建可集中管理、智能控制的住宅设施管理系统,从而提升家居的安全性、便利性、舒适性、艺术性,并实现环保节能的居住环境.换句话说,智能家居并不是一个单一的产品,而是通过技术手段将家中所有的产品连接成一个有机的系统,主人可随时随地控制该系统.Smart home is the embodiment of IoT under the influence of the Internet. Smart home connects all kinds of equipment in the home (such as audio and video equipment, lighting system, curtain control, air conditioning control, security system, digital cinema system, video server, shadow cabinet system, network appliances, etc.) through the Internet of Things technology to provide home appliance control, lighting control, telephone remote control, indoor and outdoor remote control, anti-theft alarm, environmental monitoring, HV AC control Infrared forwarding, programmable timing control and other functions and means. Compared with ordinary homes, smart homes not only have traditional residential functions, but also have the functions of building, network communication, information appliances, and equipment automation, providing all-round information interaction functions, and even saving money for various energy costs智能家居是在互联网影响之下物联化的体现。
写一份关于智能家居的英语作文英文回答:Smart Homes: Enhancing Modern Living.Smart homes are the wave of the future, offering unparalleled convenience, efficiency, and security. By integrating cutting-edge technology into the home environment, smart homes enable homeowners to automate tasks, monitor their property remotely, and create personalized experiences that enhance their daily lives.Benefits of Smart Homes:Convenience and Automation: Smart homes allow users to control devices and appliances remotely via voice commands, mobile apps, or smart home hubs. This eliminates the needfor manual operation, saving time and effort.Energy Efficiency: Smart thermostats, lighting systems,and appliances optimize energy consumption by adjusting settings based on occupancy, schedules, and environmental conditions.Enhanced Security: Smart security systems equippedwith motion sensors, cameras, and door locks provide real-time monitoring and alerts to deter intruders and protect residents.Personalized Experiences: Smart homes can adapt to individual preferences and routines. For example, they can create personalized lighting scenes, play favorite music,or adjust the temperature to suit each user's comfort level.Improved Health and Well-being: Smart devices cantrack sleep patterns, provide fitness updates, and monitor indoor air quality, promoting a healthier and more comfortable living environment.Components of a Smart Home:A smart home typically comprises various interconnectedcomponents:Smart Hub: A central controller that connects all other devices and allows remote access.Smart Devices: Includes smart lights, thermostats, appliances, sensors, and security systems.Voice Assistants: Enables voice control of devices and access to information.Mobile App: Provides a centralized interface for managing devices and settings.Cloud Services: Stores data, provides remote access, and enables integration with other smart home platforms.Future of Smart Homes:The smart home market is projected to continue expanding rapidly in the coming years. Advancements in artificial intelligence, IoT technology, and wirelessconnectivity will further enhance the capabilities of smart homes, leading to even greater convenience, efficiency, and personalization for homeowners.中文回答:智能家居,提升现代生活。
智能家居外文参考文献参考文献:1. Chen, C., & Zhang, C. (2017). Artificial intelligence for smart home control: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of electronic science and technology, 15(1), 1-11.这篇文章综述了人工智能在智能家居控制方面的机会和挑战。
2. Li, X., Xu, Y., & Xu, L. D. (2018). A review of intelligent home energy management systems: Issues and challenges from the perspectives of stakeholders. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 1123-1136.这篇综述文章从利益相关方的角度,对智能家居能源管理系统的问题和挑战进行了回顾。
3. Lu, C. T., & Liu, M. (2019). A survey on Internet of Things: Architecture, enabling technologies, security andprivacy, and applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 7(5), 3612-3622.这篇综述文章回顾了物联网的架构、关键技术、安全和隐私以及应用领域。
作者:John Doe
作者:Jane Smith
作者:David Johnson
智慧家居英语作文English:Smart homes, also known as intelligent or automated homes, are becoming increasingly popular due to the advancements in technology. These homes are equipped with devices and systems that can be controlled remotely and automate tasks such as lighting, temperature regulation, security, and entertainment. For instance, smart thermostats can learn your behaviors and adjust the temperature in your home accordingly, while smart security cameras allow you to monitor your home from anywhere in the world. Additionally, voice-controlled virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa or Google Home can help you manage your smart home devices with simple commands. With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart homes are able to communicate with each other and adapt to your preferences seamlessly. Overall, smart homes offer convenience, energy efficiency, and increased security for homeowners, making them a popular choice for modern living.中文翻译:智能家居,也被称为智能或自动化家居,由于技术的进步而变得越来越流行。
智能家具介绍英文作文英文:Smart furniture, as the name suggests, is furniturethat is equipped with technology to make our lives easier and more convenient. These pieces of furniture are designed to integrate with our smart homes and provide us with a seamless experience.One example of smart furniture is a smart bed. This bed can adjust its temperature and firmness according to our preferences. It can also track our sleep patterns and provide us with insights on how to improve our sleep quality. Another example is a smart sofa. This sofa can be controlled through an app and can adjust its position and massage settings to provide us with maximum comfort.Smart furniture can also be used for entertainment purposes. For instance, a smart TV stand can be used to mount a TV and provide us with a cinematic experience. Itcan also have built-in speakers and charging ports for our devices.In addition to that, smart furniture can help us save energy. For example, a smart thermostat can adjust the temperature of our home according to our schedule and preferences, helping us save on our energy bills.Overall, smart furniture is a great addition to any smart home. It can make our lives easier, more comfortable, and more efficient.中文:智能家具,顾名思义,是装备有技术的家具,使我们的生活更加方便。
智能家居结论范文(中英文版)英文文档内容:Intelligent home technology has revolutionized the way we live, offering unparalleled convenience and comfort.With the integration of smart devices and automation, homeowners can now control various aspects of their living space from anywhere at any time.From adjusting the thermostat to locking the doors and monitoring security cameras, the possibilities are endless.The convenience offered by smart home technology is undeniable.With the ability to control appliances, lighting, and temperature remotely, homeowners can create the perfect environment for their needs.For example, one can adjust the temperature before arriving home or turn on the lights while away to give the illusion of being present.This not only adds a layer of security but also enhances energy efficiency.Moreover, smart home devices can be integrated to work together seamlessly, creating a cohesive ecosystem.For instance, a smart speaker can be linked to smart lights and thermostats, allowing for voice control and automation.This integration not only adds convenience but also promotes energy savings and sustainability.However, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks of smarthome technology.Privacy concerns arise as homeowners must share personal data with smart device manufacturers.Additionally, the reliance on internet connectivity means that smart homes are vulnerable to cyber threats.Despite these concerns, the benefits of smart home technology outweigh the drawbacks.The convenience, energy efficiency, and security it offers are transformative.As technology continues to advance, it is likely that smart homes will become even more sophisticated, making our lives easier and more comfortable.中文文档内容:智能家居技术已经改变了我们的生活方式,提供了前所未有的便利和舒适。
The smart home of the Internet of things1.AbstractSmart home is a house as a platform, the use of integrated wiring technology, network communication technology, smart home system design scheme of safety technology, automatic control technology, audio and video technology to integrate the household life related facilities, schedule to build efficient residential facilities and family affairs management system, improve home security, convenience, comfort, artistry, and realize environmental protection and energy saving living environment. Smart home is under the influence of the Internet content embodiment. Smart home in the home through the Internet of things technology with the equipment (such as audio and video equipment, lighting, curtain control, air-conditioning control, security systems, digital cinema system area, network household appliance and etc.) together, to provide household appliances, lighting, curtain control, telephone remote control, indoor and outdoor remote control, anti-theft alarm, environmental monitoring, hvac control, infrared forward and programmable timing control and other functions and means. Compared with ordinary household, smart home not only has the traditional residential function, both architecture, network communication, information appliances, automation equipment, system, structure, service, management as one of the efficient, comfortable, safe, convenient, environmental protection living environment, to provide a full range of information interaction function. To help families keep smooth communication with external, optimize people's life style, help people to arrange time effectively, enhance the security of home life, even for a variety of energy cost savings.2.KeywordsFurniture, intelligent and humanization.3.Intelligent household originThe origin of the concept of smart home very early, but has no concrete construction cases, until 1984, when the United technology company (United Techno1ogies Building System) construction equipment informatization, integration concept was applied to Connecticut (Conneticut) hart CityPlaceBuilding Buddha city (Hartford), only the first Building of intelligent buildings.4.The smart home development and related domestic film and television(1)The 1999 Chinese cartoon "the bluecat three thousand asked," is China's first intelligent residence to smart home, and because the anime made smart home for the first time into the public view.(2)Asia 2003 "cyclone" look of the smart home is built, to become one of the earliest a batch of people enjoy intelligent life in China, he in the variety show "happy camp" in the show makes people left a deep impression on smart home, countless young people are so interested in smart home, on the Internet of things to learn.(3) the haier company established in 1997, U - the home team and the world first-class laboratory, in the 2010 Shanghai world expo started accidentally draw attention of the world, and haier has taken "smart home to enjoy science and technology" ads in the domestic storm created intelligent boom.(4) Domestic smart home after 1995-1999, the bud of domestic product cognition, created in 2000-2005 period, 2006-2010, wandering foreign intelligence lives in active phase (due to create China's smart home too exaggeration and vicious competition domestic smart home is notorious), into the fusion evolution period, the next three to five years, intelligent household entered the stage of a relatively rapid growth on the one hand, on the other hand deal with technical standards began active exchange and fusion, industry merger and acquisition phenomenon began to come out and even become the mainstream. Over the next five to ten years will be a smart home industry development is extremely rapid, but also the most considerable period, due to the housing families become the focus of various industries for the market, smart home as a platform to undertake to become parties to force first for the goal.5.The working principle of Smart homeHow smart home work? To coordinate, coordinate each subsystem, it has to have a very strong compatibility of household processing platform, accept and process control facilities message, and then transmit signal to control electrical appliances and other household subsystem. The image processing platform can be understood as an information center, its function is in the intelligent household system, guide and plan to live in a subsystem of various signals. With it, you can through the phone, or wireless remote control for rapid communication and household subsystem.Present household processing platform general points three categories, one kind is a set-top box, color TV set-top boxes and combination, and home security system and home automation system, and the Internet into a whole, home appliance control, entertainment, intelligent communication and information sharing, etc. Second, is to use home computer to control all kinds of home appliances, home computer based intelligent household system. Use a computer to run the smart home management software, can provide more advanced control features, realize the combination and condition control. Third, wireless remote control module, module type, ordinary switch can use this module, do not need to the original ordinary switch, socket depth of reform, can quickly become a multi-functional intelligent wireless remote control switch and outlet. By using the module production of wireless remote control switch, socket, use convenient, simple, powerful, users in the 60 meters can be wireless remote control lighting, socket, televisions, air conditioning and other household electrical appliances. With the advent of the 21st century, the modern family is the pursuit of residential intelligent brings the diversification of information sharing and safe, comfortable and convenient living environment. As you can imagine, because the smart home system provide people with more relaxed, more orderly and more efficient modern way of life, therefore, the present and future in the 21st century, there is no network, intelligent household system, like a house without Internet unfashionable.6.The main products6.1 Universal remote control You can use the remote control to control the lighting in the home, water heater, electric curtain, water dispensers, air conditioning equipment such as opening and closing; Through the display of the remote control can query in the sitting room and show or bedroom lighting appliances open closed; At the same time, the remote control can control the infrared electric appliance in the home such as TV, DVD, audio infrared electric equipment, etc.6.2 Network remote control system in the office on a business trip outside, as long as there isa network of place, you can through the Internet to log in to your home, in the network world through a fixed smart home control interface to control your home appliances, provide a free dynamic DNS. You are on a business trip in abroad, for example, using the nonlocal network computer, log in the IP address of the relevant, in far away you can control your own lighting, electrical appliances to choose a suitable text book.6.3 timer You can set certain products automatically open shutoff time ahead of time, such as: electric water heater every night 20:30 points automatically open heating, power 30 points automatically shut down, to ensure you enjoy the hot water bath at the same time, also save electricity, comfortable and fashion.6.4 scene setter As long as gently touch a button, lighting, electric ring automatically perform in your "mind", make every room in the beautiful music is also true of aesthetic feeling, make you feel and enjoy the fashion life of science and technology perfect and simple, efficient.6.5 security alarm system When a case of, can automatically dial the telephone, and gang related appliances do alarm processing.6.6 integrated wiring system Through a general management box will telephone lines, cable, broadband network attentive, audio line called the weak current, such as a variety of line unified planning in an orderly state, in a unified management inside the bedroom of telephone, fax, computer, TV, VCD, security monitoring equipment, and other network information home appliances, make the function more powerful, use more convenient, easier maintenance, are more likely to expand new USES. Realize the telephone extension, LAN construction, the sharing of the cable.6.7 the fingerprint lock Embarrassing: you must have had for some reason forgot to bring the key to the door of the home, or to visit relatives in the home or guest, you just can't get back to immediately, and so on, if the time can in the unit or distant remotely by phone or the phone will open the door, how convenient it is. And, fingerprint lock can also in the unit or distant remotely by phone or phone home "query," refers to a digital fingerprint lock state of "open, close", let you feel more secure.6.8 pet nanny dial the telephone of home, you can give your beloved pet feeding, can hear its voice, this is a how fun and fashion life! And high-tech level, easy to operate telephone remotecontrol, automatic timing control, remote control of pet feeding machine...7. The current situation of the development of intelligent buildings7.1 theoretical research development relative lag, intelligent building development without scientific theory to guide the intelligent architecture is a advanced technology of emerging discipline, although our country's construction investment and a striking number of growth, but theory far couldn't keep up with the actual development of intelligent buildings, the intelligent theory and related technology research also are mostly based on the research results of developed countries abroad. While in the late eighty s by the ministry of establishment of the civil construction electrical design specification, and has put forward the concept of building automation and office automation, but our country's "intelligent building design standard" (GB/T50314-2000) was enacted in 2000. Before that, a batch of according to designer understand the "intelligent building" in the absence of standard and advanced under the guidance of the scientific theory appeared a lot of problems.7.2 intelligent building products market monopoly by foreign enterprises, domestic product is hard to stand up In the intelligent building market, our country has not yet developed a set of intelligent building system integration products, foreign system of intelligent building products such as Johnson controls, companies such as IBM, lucent technologies from the sensor, actuator, valves, transmitters, field control station, station, the network server and supply of complete sets of all software, both in product quality and after-sales service than our domestic supplier a class is higher than that of intelligent buildings. In intelligent building, for example, fire control system adopts the Cerberus, Edward, Japan to the United States and Japan agent, building automation products mainly by the United States honeywell, Johnson controls, andover, etc., in the field of domestic suppliers without a brand can compete with foreign enterprises.7.3 intelligent building engineering technical personnel lack of management level is low At present, the intelligent building is an important problem facing some engaged in intelligent building design, construction, management, maintenance and technical personnel is not professional, but it has to do with theoretical research lag behind in our country, but the main reason is we are in the early development of the intelligent building, driven by interests, domestic at that time the emergence of the intelligent building engineering contracting construction units and individuals. Good and evil people mixed up the units and individuals, some never even professional level, unable to guarantee the construction quality, so that the malignant competition power. Because of the lack of technical personnel at all levels, low management level, combined with the maintenance cost is too high, part of the equipment aging, lack of necessary maintenance, make the design of some equipment operation to reach a predetermined target, causing the waste of resources and equipment.7.4 overall development imbalance of intelligent building in our country Intelligent construction industry in China after nearly 20 years of development, such as economic development, also with different degree of regional social and economic development imbalance. Beijing is the political and cultural center of China, is a comprehensive industrial city, so in the "capital economy", theconcept of intelligent building industry by leaps and bounds. Shanghai is the financial city, economic development led to more foreign enterprises, followed by the foreign concept of intelligent building and the requirement of intelligent building and so on all contributed to the Shanghai and the surrounding cities of the development of intelligent building industry. As a coastal city of guangzhou, have long become a foreign trade port, the prosperity of foreign trade promoted the cultural exchange of guangzhou and overseas, the development of intelligent building level is high. Therefore, led by the three cities, the intelligent construction level in north China, east China, south China leading in the country. In north China, according to a survey of the intelligent building (33.7%), in east China (28.3%), south China accounted for 20.6%, and intelligent buildings are mainly distributed in the eastern coastal developed areas of the south, also rarely involved in the construction field of intelligence in the Midwest. This gap even if related to economic and social development, but the uneven development in promoting our country whole intelligent building is unfavorable.8. development and outlook of smart home8.1 smart home marketWith the popularity of domestic broadband business, make families possess the basic condition to the deployment of intelligent systems, made a very good bedding for smart home industry. In recent years the rapid development of smart phones, makes the intelligent application acceptance also greatly improved. The whole intelligent household industry is increasingly mature, the market is growing. At the same time, the system design, installation, maintenance, personal development, system upgrade smart home service needs of the business is growing, gradually highlights its market value. According to relevant data show that from January to July, 2011, keyword searches about the smart home and turned over 5 times more than the same period in 2010, and during the same period rose 33.3% in July. In the search for intelligent lighting, intelligent home control system, intelligent home appliances and other key words gradually replaced the traditional intelligent household, such as intelligent security, building intercom keywords. From which we see in these two years intelligent household market is developing rapidly, user awareness is also increasing.8.2 the development direction of smart homeAs the market gradually opening and the development of The Times, the development direction of smart home gradually from partial technology to the user. Home energy management, user experience, open family information platform and personalized value-added services has gradually become the direction of manufacturers focus on investment.8.2.1 simple wireless deploymentIntelligent household system, integrated wiring ever make smart home products have been suspended in the high-end of the market. Before decorating needs professional design and wiring is also a major factor restricting the development of smart home. To solve the problem of cable, and the large scale development of digital wireless technology in the world its characteristics such as convenience, flexibility, no blind spots. Maybe a few years later, integrated wiring will becomethe memory of the past.8.2.2 home energy managementAs the global energy problem increasingly prominent, is the inevitable trend of the development of energy saving and emission reduction. The smart home system can realize real-time statistics the electricity consumption of home appliance, can guide of standby electrical power will be shut off according to the situation, so convenient we control home appliances and energy conservation and environmental protection. According to statistics, if everyone close standby electrical power supply in time, saves the electricity, all the family in the northeast of China can supply electricity. In an ordinary 3 rooms households, for example, if close standby electrical power supply in time, can save about 33% less for their electricity. Visible smart home system in home energy management can give no small contribution to the energy conservation and emissions reduction.8.2.3 user experienceWith the birth of the iPhone, people's experience of the mobile phone have a new understanding and experience. Users began gradually to the appearance of the product, use put forward higher requirements, make the user experience more and occupies the important position of smart home products. More efficient control mode and a simplified operating interface, more platform terminal control, a more natural human-computer interaction process put forward higher request to the smart home the manufacturer. A good intelligent household products must be a good user experience to support. According to different situation have many users will need to consider more details. Application software of the control process is as simple as possible, for example, the structure is as simple as possible, let the old person or child can be very convenient to operate. At the same time, in the interface design, button to clear as far as possible, as far as possible big, and according to the daily habits that accords with people to distinguish between colors such as red warning, gray on behalf of the cancellation, etc. Also, according to the different layout of different terminal equipment design. Touching mobile phone is usually one-handed operation, for example, consider when layout so one-handed operation convenience, and tablet interface is different. Language is the most fundamental and most direct way to communicate. So the development of smart home system will inevitably in the direction of the speech recognition technology and sensor technology development. Eventually reach can be more and more natural interaction between people and system, so as to truly achieve the "smart", make smart home into the family, into their lives.9. ConclusionWith the improvement of people's living standard, people more and more high demand for smart home, and as China's real estate supporting industries, China's smart home after years of development, has become a set of control, computer, household appliances and other new technologies for the integration of emerging industries. But, as the market is not perfect, industry standards, market development is not very mature, now still in highlighting the "warring states period". Have a great market potential. Intelligence changes household is inevitable trend in thedevelopment of human habitation office environment, the future development prospect. Intelligence changes household to greatly Narrows the interactions with the construction, building better service for people's life. Hope that smart home system will soon into everyone's families.参考文献:[1] 李启明土木工程合同管理[M].第二版.南京:东南大学出版社,2008.[2] 于惠中建设工程监理概论[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2008.[3] 沈杰工程估价[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2005.[4] 张凌云工程造价控制[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004.[5] 李启明,朱树英,黄文杰工程建设合同与索赔管理[M].北京:科学技术出版社,2001.[6] 陈绍科建设项目施工阶段的合同管理与造价控制[J].城市建设,2010(2):213-214.[7] 郑钢建设单位对工程项目投资的造价控制[J].中国科技纵横,2010(4):274-275.References:(参考文献)[1] by Mr. Civil engineering contract management [M]. Second edition. Nanjing: southeast university press, 2008.Overview of construction project supervision in [2] by wuxi [M]. Beijing: mechanical industry publishing house, 2008.[3] shen jie engineering evaluation [M]. Nanjing: southeast university press, 2005.[4] zhang ly engineering cost control [M]. Beijing: China building industry press, 2004.[5] li qiming, Zhu Shuying, wong man kit project construction contract and claim management [M]. 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原文题目:Detecting Individual Activities from Video in a SmartHome译文题目:在智能家居中从视频中检测个人活动摘要——论文阐述了在智能家居环境中个人活动的检测。
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