American history
American History
美国全称美利坚合众国(英语:United States of America),原为英国殖民地,后因种种因素逐渐兴起而成为一个强大的国家。
American History 英美概况美国历史
American History➢I. America in the colonial era➢II. The War of Independence➢III. The Civil War➢IV. America during the two World WarsI. America in the colonial era➢Who were the very first Americans?➢Who was the first one discovering the new continent?➢After whom was the new continent named?I. America in the colonial era➢1.The very first Americans were Indians.●They created their civilization, known as Maya civilization, dominating Mexico and Central America from 4th to the 10th centuries.●They were the descendants of the Mongoloid (蒙古人种的) people in Asia.●About 20,000 years ago, they traveled to the North American continent across the Bering Strait (白令海峡).➢2. Christopher Columbus is believed to have discovered America.●In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America. However, he believed he had reached India and called the natives Indians.➢In 1500, Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian navigator, also under the Spanish flag, drew the conclusion that what he found was a new continent.3. The establishment of colonies➢Since the America was found, the Spanish established many colonies: Florida, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.➢In 1588, the Spanish Armada was defeated by the English navy,which put England in a better position to provide support for its New World colonies.3. The establishment of colonies➢Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North America.➢These 13 colonies were established in different patterns:●crown colonies ( 直辖殖民地),●proprietary colonies ( 业主殖民地),●charter colonies ( 特许公司殖民地),●self-governing or compact colonies ( 自治殖民地或契约殖民地).➢1) The first successful English colony in North America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia , in 1607.➢2) In 1620, a group of Pilgrims sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. They arrived at Plymouth, and built the New Plymouth colony in New England. These Pilgrims drew up the epoch-making Mayflower Compact (五月花契约), which was signed by all adult males on the ship.3. The establishment of colonies➢3) From 1630 to 1643, some 200 ships transported over 20,000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay colony. ➢Plymouth remained a separate colony until 1691 when it was combined with Massachusetts Bay colony. Puritans➢People who criticized or wished to "purify" the Church of England.➢"Puritan" refers to two distinct groups:➢"separating" Puritans, radical Protestants, such as the Plymouth colonists, the pilgrims, who believed that the Church of England was corrupt and that true Christians must separate themselves from it; and➢“non-separating” Puritans, such as the colonists who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony, who believed inreform but not separation.Puritans➢(1) Puritans believed that God had set special duties for everyone to carry out.➢(2) These puritans were well known for their spirit of enterprise and high standard of morality.➢(3) Puritans advocated thriftiness in doing things and rejected all church rituals. They demanded equality and opposed all priestly hierarchy.Puritans➢(4) They believed it was noble to protect human rights in their pursuit of wealth.➢(5) Puritans placed great importance on education and founded Harvard College in 1636. Most of the Puritans were well-educated and wealthy.Puritans3. The establishment of colonies➢4) The Rhode Island Colony was founded by dissenters pushed out of Massachusetts.➢5) The other four colonies: the Connecticut Colony, the New Hampshire colony, Maine, Vermont comprises the region, known as New England.3. The establishment of colonies➢The New Englanders, despite their differences, mostly belong to the Puritan group in religion. Their values include the belief in hard work, thriftiness, accumulation of wealth, self-government, acquisitiveness, and Puritanic morality. Their culture laid the foundation of American values and became the American mainstream culture. And New England has been regarded as the cradle of American democracy.3. The establishment of colonies➢6) New York and New Jersey were first colonized by the Dutch while Delaware was founded by the Swedish. These three colonies were later taken over by the English Crown as crown colonies.3. The establishment of colonies➢7) Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn. Pen n set up a colony, Pennsylvania, meaning “Penn’s wood”. He adopted a tolerant policy which welcomed any settlers who read the Bible and believed in God. Pennsylvania later played an active role in fighting for America’s independence and against the slave s ystem in the South.3. The establishment of colonies➢8) The other colonies were Maryland, South and North Carolinas, and Georgia.➢So, by 1773, English settlers had occupied 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.4. Features of American culture:➢1) a blending of European cultures under new circumstances in the New World➢2) less formal but more pragmatic, less conservative and more outspoken;➢3) hard-work, diligence, religious tolerance, respect of individual rights●(people of different national origi ns required social life to show toleration; not interfering in others’ privacy; problems concerning belief became a private affair)➢4) attaching great importance to education●founding Harvard College in Massachusetts 1636 by the Puritans with the original idea of enabling people to read Bible and communicate with God.➢Who were the very first Americans?➢Who is believed to have discovered America?➢After whom America was named?➢Which was the first successful English colony in North America?➢Which was New England comprised of?➢Which were the first 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast?II. The War of Independence➢1. Background➢1) The French and Indian War (The Seven Years’ War, 1756-1763)●The war first broke out in America between French and England, both of which claimed the Ohio River valley.●In 1754, the English colonists started to attack the French troops in this region and this touched off the French and Indian War.●The War, officially declared in Europe in 1756, was also known in Europe as the Seven Years’ War. Many countries in Europe were involved in the war.●Finally, France failed. The French had to sign the 1763 Treaty of Paris and ceded Canada to Britain.➢2) Conflict between England and its colonies:●England imposed new taxes partly in order to defray the cost of fighting the Seven Years’ War, and expected Americans to lodge British soldiers in their homes. The colonists resented the taxes and resisted the quartering of soldiers.●In 1765, the Stamp Act was passed by the English Parliament.●The Act was aiming to collect more taxes from the colonists, which made many colonists unhappy because they were not given a single seat to voice their feelings in the English Parliament at that time, so they raised the slogan of “no taxation without representation”.➢The direct cause: The Boston Tea Party●Because of import duties on tea, many merchants smuggled tea from Holland, instead of importing from England.●In order to deal with the rotting tea in the London warehouses and make more profits, the East India Company,a vital source of British wealth, was allowed by the British Government to sell its tea to the colonies free of import duty.●Colonial merchants were enraged and protested against the unequal treatment. On December 16, 1773, a band of50 men disguised as Indians and led by Samuel Adams dumped 90,000 pounds tea of three British tea-bearing ships lying at anchor in Boston Harbor, worth 90,000 pounds.➢3) the First Continental Congress●In September 1774●held in Philadelphia which encouraged Americans to refuse to buy British goods➢2. process➢1) the first shots●On April 19, 1775, 700 British soldiers were sent to Concord to search for weapons and “rebellious” colonists. When the troops reached Lexington at dawn, they encountered militiamen.●Fighting broke out and the first shots in the American War of Independence were fired.➢2) the Second Continental Congress➢In May, 1775➢held in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.➢It founded the Continental Army and Navy under the command of George Washington.➢Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence, which the Congress adopted on July 4, 1776.➢The Declaration of Independence➢presenting a public defense of the American War of Independence➢a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke:●men have a natural right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”; government can rule only with “theconsent of the governed”; any government may be dissolved when it fails to protect the rights of the people.●This theory is central to the western political tradition.➢3. Results●At first, the war went badly for the Americans.●After endless hard fighting, in October 1777, the Americans defeated the British troops at Saratoga 萨拉托加in Northern New York.●This was the turning point of the War, leading directly to an alliance between the U.S and France. (statue of liberty, 1886)●Finally, in 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, with which, the America won its independence.➢4. After the War of Independence➢1) problem➢How to convert the Confederation into Federation became a big problem for Americans.➢Because of different backgrounds and economic conditions, the 13 states were not closely united.●There were conflicts between radicals and moderates.●Moderates advocated a political economy based on a strong national government that would actively advance commerce and protect private property.●Radicals favoured a different political economy, based on a weaker central government, a more localized democracy, and a hand-off economic policy.➢2) the Constitutional Convention●On May 25, 1787●held in Philadelphia●Fifty-five delegates from all the states except Rhode Island attended the Convention.●These delegates were advocates of a united nation and had been active in the Revolution.●George Washington was elected chairman of the Convention.●James Madison from Virginia took the lead in the work to write a new constitution and he became known as “Father of the U. S. Constitution.”➢3) Federalist Papers 联邦文集●Prominent Federalists such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote 85 letters to the newspapers of New York, which were known as the Federalist Papers.●the best explanation of the constitution as well as one of the most important works on political theory➢4) the Bill of Rights人权法案➢The first ten amendments to the U.S Constitution, which was called the Bill of Rights, adopted in 1791 which promise to protect individuals' rights.●Freedom of religion, speech and the press;●The right to keep and bear arms;●The right against unreasonable searches and seizures;●The right against self-incrimination ( 自证其罪).。
– 事实表明初期印第安人并非“大多敌视外人”
• 如独立派教士罗杰·威廉斯因教派分歧被逐出海湾殖民地,友好的印 第安人允其在纳拉甘西特湾建立殖民区,1644年组成罗得艾兰和 Providence殖民地。
• “美洲印第安人是一个伟大高尚的种族,我们这些欧洲裔或非洲裔 的人是以认他们为祖先而自豪的。他们并不是野蛮人,我们曾将他 们当做野蛮人来对待,我们为此而感到羞愧。” -- 《美利坚共和 国的成长》
–新型“美洲人” -“The New Man”
• 居民多样性;从各地带来了旧的风 俗、习惯和传统。
• 美洲“环境”的作用,改变了原来 的生活方式
• 个人主义、自力更生和独立自主的 精神;对未来的信念。
• 白人种族主义者的自我“辩解”不足为据
– 历史上,北美印第安人遭到欧洲殖民者的杀戮和驱赶。
– 白人学者提出各种解释
• 17世纪末,习惯法(成文法)确保的个人权利包括:
– 生命、自由和财产不受无理剥夺; – 若被捕,享有人身保护和陪审团审判的权利; – 若无法院搜查令个人住处免受搜查等等。
• 返回
• Bill of Rights (1689)
– 未经议会同意,国王不得制定或者暂时 停止法律、征税或者维持军队;
– 国王不得干涉议会选举和辩论; – 人民有权向议会请愿; – 有权要求公正、迅速的陪审团审判; – 有权反对过分的罚款和保释金、反对残
• 殖民地人享有作为英国人的“权利”
– 特许状 – 大宪章;议会制度;英国的习惯法;权利法案。
• 殖民地的政治体制 ——民主体制 – 不够“民主”,但比旧世界好 – 较早建立 民选立法机构 – 按“契约”原则制定 “五月花号公约” – 新英格兰地区: 市镇会议制度 – 康涅狄格: 《根本法规》
谈美国历史作文英语Title: Exploring American History Through the Ages。
The history of the United States is a tapestry woven with diverse threads, spanning centuries of triumphs, struggles, and transformations. From its humble beginnings as a collection of colonies to its rise as a global superpower, American history is a testament to the resilience, innovation, and spirit of its people.One of the pivotal chapters in American history is the colonial period, which began in the early 17th century with the arrival of European settlers seeking religious freedom, economic opportunities, and adventure. The establishment of the Jamestown colony in 1607 marked the beginning of permanent English settlement in North America. Over the following decades, more colonies were founded along the eastern seaboard, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges.The colonial era was characterized by conflicts between the colonists and indigenous peoples, as well as tensions with the colonial powers in Europe. The French and Indian War, fought between 1754 and 1763, was a pivotal momentthat reshaped the geopolitical landscape of North America.It also laid the groundwork for the American Revolution, as the colonists chafed under British rule and sought greater autonomy.The American Revolution, which began in 1775 and culminated in the Declaration of Independence in 1776, wasa watershed moment in world history. It was a boldassertion of the principles of liberty, democracy, andself-determination, and it inspired similar movements for independence around the globe. The Revolutionary War,fought between the American colonies and the British Empire, tested the resolve and resilience of the fledgling nation but ultimately resulted in victory for the patriots.The period following the American Revolution was one of nation-building and exploration. The Constitutional Convention of 1787 laid the foundation for the Americanpolitical system, establishing a framework of government based on democratic principles and the separation of powers. The ratification of the Constitution in 1789 ushered in a new era of governance and set the stage for the expansion and growth of the United States.The 19th century was a time of rapid expansion and transformation for the United States. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 doubled the size of the young nation, opening up vast new territories for settlement and exploration. The westward expansion fueled by the promiseof manifest destiny brought Americans into conflict with indigenous peoples and other nations, leading to the annexation of Texas, the Mexican-American War, and the acquisition of territories such as California and Oregon.The Civil War, fought between 1861 and 1865, was a defining moment in American history, pitting the northern states against the southern states in a bloody struggleover the issue of slavery. The war resulted in theabolition of slavery and the preservation of the Union, but it also left deep scars on the nation and laid bare thedivisions between North and South.The latter half of the 19th century saw the United States emerge as an industrial powerhouse, fueled by technological innovation, immigration, and westward expansion. The completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869 connected the east and west coasts of the country, facilitating trade and commerce and opening up new markets for American goods.The turn of the 20th century brought new challenges and opportunities for the United States. The Progressive Era, marked by social and political reform, saw the rise of movements for women's suffrage, labor rights, and environmental conservation. The United States also emerged as a global power, flexing its muscles in conflicts such as the Spanish-American War and exerting its influence in regions such as Latin America and the Pacific.The 20th century was a century of highs and lows for the United States, marked by triumphs such as victory in World War II and the Civil Rights Movement, as well astragedies such as the Great Depression and the Vietnam War. Despite these challenges, the United States emerged as a beacon of freedom and democracy, inspiring people around the world with its ideals of liberty, equality, and opportunity.In conclusion, the history of the United States is a rich tapestry of triumphs, struggles, and transformations. From its colonial beginnings to its emergence as a global superpower, American history reflects the resilience, innovation, and spirit of its people. By studying the past, we can gain insights into the forces that have shaped the nation and chart a course for the future.。
《英语国家概况》Unit 2 American History课件
乔治·华盛顿(George Washington, 1732年2月22日 --- 1799年12月14日) 美国第一任总统,被尊称为美国国父, 1793年连任,在两届任期结束后, 他自愿放弃权力不再续任,隐退于弗 农山庄园。华盛顿学者们则将他和 亚伯拉罕·林肯并列为美国历史上 最伟大的总统。
be distributed, several dozen Boston residents boarded the ship at night and threw $75,000 worth of tea into the harbor. This came to be known as the “Boston Tea Party”. • The start of the war • In 1775, about 1,000 British soldiers were sent from Boston to seize the military supplies of the American militia. When they arrived at Lexington they were met by the armed militiamen. Suddenly a shot was fired and the War of Independence began.
and Grievances
The second Continental Congress 1775
Date: May, 1775
Place: Philadelphia
Result: The Congress founded a Continental Army under the command of George Washington. The Declaration of
American history 美国历史
英美国家概况:Geography, history, political system,national economy(Prosperity!real estate,financial services,healthcare,internet industry,IT industry(especially the silicon valley near san Francisco,it is the center of world s IT industry.Many world-famous high technology companies assemble there.)/ problems facing the US economy: unemployment, inflation, financial deficit不足, and trade deficit依赖进口.)Boston Tea PartyIn 1773, a group of patriots responded to the tea tax by staging the “Boston Tea Party”: di sguised as Indians, they boarded British Merchant ships and tossed 342 crates of tea into Boston harbor.Parliament then passed the “Intolerable Acts”(more British soldiers were sent to the port of Boston)the American War of Independence1. The outburst:The Battle of Lexington, 17752. Founding the Continental Army and Navy :appoint the General George Washington, 17753. Founding the U.S.A:Declaration of Independence, 17764. Victory:General George Cornwallis surrounded at Yorktown, 17815. The Treaty of Paris:Britain recognize the independence of the United States, 1783On July 2, 1776, the Congress finally resolved "That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states.”Thomas Jefferson of Virginia drafted a Declaration of Independence.Plantation owners insisted that the slavery system should be kept because they considered slaves to constitute cheap labor, while the industrial capitalists of the North free labor was more economical and therefore more profitable for their industry. The Civil War was an epoch-making event in American history. It was a bourgeois revolution in nature. The war resolved two fundamental questions that had divided the United States since 1776.It put an end to slavery, which was completely abolished by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865. It also decided, once and for all, that America was not a collection of semi-dependent states, but a single indivisible nation.( Christianity,as enshrined in the Institutions of the United States and U.S. Founding Fathers,embraces the principles of equality,freedom and justice,and equal opportunities in the pursuit of happiness, This belief has long been held by many generations of Americans, both black and white. Unfair treatment of blacks before the civil rights movement was activated before Montgomery became ground zero for the civil rights struggle. This paper is an attempt to analyze the positive effects Christianity has actually exerted upon the civil rights movement.)从宗教对美国民权运动运动的作用可以看出,宗教对美国社会有积极的完善功能并在其政治社会生活中也一再显现,这种积极作用和自我更新值得我们重视和借鉴。
英语国家概况之American History
History Of America
The Naming of America.--Many other explorers also visited the new-found lands. Among these was an Italian named Americus Vespucius. He wrote accounts of his voyages in 1507, which were printed and read by many persons. In these accounts he said that what we call South America was not a part of Asia. So he named it the New World.
On Aug. 3rd, 1492, Columbus started sailing from Spain with 87 sailors in three ships. “Columbus sailed the ocean blue In fourteen hundred, ninety-two.” On Oct. 12, 1492, Columbus landed on America. Columbus Day
The Mayflower Compact
The 13 Original Colonies
II. The Revolutionary Period
Conflicts Between the Colonies and England
Stamp Act (1765) The Boston Massacre (1770) The Boston Tea Party (1770)
American History1(1600-1900)
American History了解美国从1600年至1900年的历史,其中包括对美洲大陆的“发现”、殖民时期、独立战争、新国家的形成、1812年第二次反英战争、领土扩张和西进、南北战争以及南北战争后资本主义的发展。
1.The “discovery”of the New World2.Causes for the colonization of the New World3.The original 13 colonies4.The American War of Independence and its significance5.The establishment of a federal form of government6.The War of 1812 and its impact on the development of the U.S.7.The consequences of territorial expansion and westward movement8.The American Civil War and its impact on the development of the U.S.9.Rapid growth of capitalism after the Civil WarDiscovery of the New WorldThe “first Americans”The “first Americans” were theIndians,who, according to the scientists, crossed from Asia on land that once connected Siberia [sai'biəriə] and Alaska and first arrived in what is now the United States about 30,000 or 40,000 years ago.The Indians made a living on the land by hunting, gathering,fishing and farming.Christopher Columbus andAmerigo Vespucci亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇In1492,ChristopherColumbus, an Italian navigator, sailed across the vast ocean and discovered an unknown new continent, but he mistook it for India.From 1405to 1433 Zhenghe in Chinese Ming Dynasty sailed westward for 7 times ;the farthest places he reached were Red Sea and some African countries.The Colonial PeriodThe original 13 coloniesThe first English colony in theContinent was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.From 1607 to 1733 the Britishestablished 13 colonies along the east coast of North America. They were Virginia, Delaware, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Georgia.Causes for the Colonization of the New WorldOpportunity in the New World was appealing to people from all walksof life, which offered them a chance to live a better life than they could hope for in the Old World.To get religious freedom was the other reason for many settlers.They went to the New Continent to avoid religious persecution and get the right to worship God in their own way in their ownchurches.The Pilgrims and the Puritans: the earliestEngland colonizers of the ContinentTo escape religious persecution, the Pilgrims leftEngland and went to live in Leyden, Holland at first.Thereafter in 1620, 201 of them sailed to the New Worldin a ship called Mayflower and arrived at Plymouth.The Puritans were dissatisfied with the political corruption inEngland and threatened with religious persecution, the Puritans wished to establish what they considered the one true church. From 1630 to 1643, some 200 ships transported over 20,000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay.Features of the new coloniesThe colonists built a new way of life in the New World, which wouldplay a role in forming the American character.The features were: representative form of government, rule of law,respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise事业心,进取心.The War of Independence1775-1783Causes of the War: conflicts between the British government and the American peopleQuestion: State the War of IndependenceThe British government wanted tobring the development of the colonies under control and to collect more taxes. It practiced unfair price policies and put into effect many taxes for example the Stamp Tax.(印花税)在1756-1763年的“七年战争”(Seven Year's War)中,为争夺对北美殖民地的控制,英国与法国进行了长期的战争。
美国历史英文American History
Introduction:The United States is a country of the western hemisphere, comprising fifty states and several territories.It is a “super”country in the world and has more than 200 years history, a quite short history than other ancient countries. Within the paper, we are going to talk about the history of America in ten parts. It is the Pre-colonial Era, the Colonial Era, the war for independence, Westward Expansion, the Industrial Revolution, the Civil War, Industrial Expansion, the World War I and II, and the modern times.Body:Pre-colonial Era: In 1492, Columbus landed at one of the Caribbean islands and he called the local people Indians.More than 20,000 years ago, a group of so called Indians wandered into North America from Asia.Amerigo Vespucci first confirmed the fact that a new continent had been discovered.The New World was named America to honor Amerigo Vespucci.The Colonial Era:In 1607, three ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean and landed by the side of a river--the James River. Then the first English colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia.In 1620, a tiny ship called the “May flower” sailed from England for the New world, with 102 passengers. 50% were Pilgrims. Landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.During the first 150 years, the British colonies in North America became a “melting pot”.By the early 1760s, English settlers had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic coast.The War for Independence:there are several reasons that lead to the war.Economy: The economy in the 13 colonies developed very fast. However, the British government was to make every effort to press the development. Politics: The British government passed many laws, such as the Quartering Act and the Stamp Act, to impose new taxes from the colonies on sugar coffee and textiles. On the contrary, the colonies kept the belief “No taxation without representation”. Culture: In the long term of communication, they formed the common culture. The national consciousness of thecolonies woke up. In1775, the Continental Congress established a Continental Army under the command of George Washington.On July 4th,1776, the Congress adopted the declaration of independence. That date is now celebrated annually as America’s Independence Day.In 1787, a constitutional convention was organized.The United States Constitution was ratified in1788.Westward Expansion:Beginning in nineteenth Century, thousands of people, over the Appalachian Mountains, move to the west. Some pioneer emigrated to the United States border, even deepened in Mexico territory as well as Alaska,California and Oregon. By 1796, a few more states have been created.In 1803, America buys Louisiana from France.The Industrial Revolution: The Industrial Revolution began in Britain during the 18th century. This movement rapidly spread to America, and by the first half of the 19th century, American inventors were designing a variety of practical machines.The period also witnessed a rapid development in transportation. Such as the National Road, the Oregon, etc. Meanwhile, Americans built many canals. Such as the ErieCanal, this important canal made it possible for boats to carry goods to the West.The Civil War: In the early 1860, 11 Southern states seceded from the union. The other group of government, the North, said that they would pay any price to unity. In 1861, the Fort Sumter made the civil war break out. Americans were face to face with each other in this bloody war. The South has been severely damaged,and left deep scars. The four years of bloody fighting between the North and South had staggering effects on the nation. About 360,000 Union troops and perhaps 260,000 Confederate troops died; no other war in American history has taken so many American lives. It caused enormous property damage, especially in the South where many Southern cities, towns plantations, factories and railroads lay in ruins.Industrial Expansion:America’s industrial expansion was the most important post-war development. Prior to the Civil War, typical American industry was small. Hand labor was widespread, which limited the production capacity of industry. During the postwar period, American industry changed dramatically. Hand labor was replaced by machines, and the productive capacity of industry increased tremendously. Many interrelated developments contributed to the industrial growth of the United States.The USA in World War I: US claimed its neutrality.they stayed out of the war unless their rights and interests were violated.German acts of aggression brought the USA closer to joining the Allies, and the US declared war on Germany on April, 1917. The American Expeditionary force of nearly 2,000,000 soldiers played an important part in the war. The German Army retreated to its homeland, and the war ended inNovember 1918.The World WarⅡ:At first, the US kept the attitude of isolation and neutrality.After the Pearl Harbor, the America entered into the war. Once the war was declared, it quickly mobilized its manpower and industries. It controlled prices and allocated war supplies to the nation's armed forces and allies.Dropped the deadly atomic bomb on two Japanese cities, the US won and World War Ⅱ ended.Modern Times: there are three famous presidents:Bill Clinton(1992-2000),George W. Bush(2001-2009), Barack Hussein Obama(2009-now)Conclusion:Since the founding of more than 200 years, the United States have experienced crucibles, but still stick to liberal democracy political system and become a typical country of constitutional democracy and civil liberties. America's huge economic, culture, science and technology, and military influence throughout the whole of the 20th century. In the first World War and the second World War, the United States and its Allies won together. After decades of the Cold War, Americafinally brought down the Soviet Union and then become the only superpower in the world. We believe that it will continue to play a leading role in the world's economy, politics, technology and popular culture.That’sa conclusion of what we just talked about.Thank you!Reference:“The Society and Culture of Britain and America” (Chapter 1-Origin and History)。
American History 美国历史汇总
Mayflower II
The original Pilgrim village
2.0 The American Revolution
• The American Revolution was a political upheaval that took place between 1765 and 1783 during which rebel colonists in the Thirteen American Colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy, overthrew the authority of Great Britain, and founded the United States of America.
Question for Discussion
• What actually led to the conflict between Britain and the American colonies?
The Seven Years’ War between Britain and France consumed a lot of money, so the British government put forward the mercantilist policy, for example: The Navigation Acts, The Sugar Act, The Currency Act, The Quartering Act, The Stamp Act, The Tea Act, to impose taxes and lodge British soldiers in colonial homes.
第十七章 美国历史(三) American History(III)
12. In February 1972,President Nixon visited China and met Mao Zedong and the two countries issued the Shanhai Communique.This visit ended twenty-three years of hostility and led to the establishment of diplomatic relations in January 1979.1972年2月尼克松与毛泽东东会晤,双方签署了《上海联合公报》。
4. The North Atlantic Treaty, which was signed on April 4,1949,marked the beginning of U.S.efforts in setting up a military alliance around the Soviet Union and its allies.美国于1949年4月4日签订的北大西洋公约标志着美国开始致力于在苏联及其盟国周围建立军事同盟。
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1. The Truman Doctrime 杜鲁门主义
2. The Marshal Plan(马歇尔计划)
3. McCarthyism(麦卡锡主义)
4. Montgomery bus boycott(蒙哥马利抵制公共汽车公司运动)
7. Since 1945 the United States had entered a twenty-five-year economic boom.The cornerstones were the automobile,housing,and defense industries.自1945年以来,美国经济进入了长达25年的繁荣期,经济繁荣的基本为汽车,住房和国防工业。
美国历史american history
The federal government only has the power to do what it says in the Constitution. All other powers are given to the states and to the people.
Federal (National) & State Government
This belief was used to justify wars against native Mexicans and Indians, as the whites moved westward.
“Manifest Destiny”
Over the next century, thousands of families traveled west to build new settlements. This was the beginning of the
The U.S. U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. The Constitution organizes the American government, and organizes relationships between the national government, the state’s governments, and the people.
Federal (National) & State Government
This kind of government is known as federalism(联邦主义). In a federal government, right to rule is divided between a central authority (the nation) and smaller political units (the states).
Chapter 1 American History (1)1.The "first American "were the Indians. The first English colony in the Americas was founded at Jamestown, Virginaia, in 1607.Between 1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North American.“最早的美国人”是印地安人,英国于1607年在美国建立了第一块殖民地,即在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯,1607-1733年间,英国在北美洲的东海岸建立了十三个殖民地。
2.In 1620,201 of Pilgrims sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. They arrived at Plymouth and built the Plymouth colony.1620年,有201名英国清教徒乘坐一名为”五月花号“的船到达了普利茅斯并建立了殖民地。
3.From 1630 to 1643,some 200 ships transported over 20000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay colony.从1630-1643年,约有200艘船把2万英国人抵马萨者萨弯殖民地。
4.The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World. There were a number of features, which would play a role in forming the American character. They were :representative from of government, rule of law, respect of individual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.殖民主义者新生活方式的这些特点在美国人性格形成中发挥了重要作用:建立代义制政府,法治,对个人权利的尊重,宗教上的宽容及强烈的个人进取心。
Inspired by the success of Spanish explorers who had found gold in South America, these adventurers hoped to get rich. The English merchants who organized the Jamestown colonists expected prosperity or wealth from the venture. They were particularly interested in sources of gold.
pilgrim father
❖ The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World. There were a number of features which would play a role in forming the American character.
Immigration has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout much of American history.
The economic, social, and political aspects of immigration have caused controversy regarding ethnicity, religion, economic benefits, job growth, settlement patterns, environmental impact, impact on upward social mobility (上进心,向上倾向) , levels of criminality, nationalities, political loyalties, moral values, and work habits.
美国历史简介 american history
America as a Superpower
Native Americans
Before colonization, there were about 10 million people, in over 200 tribes.
By 1865, only 300,000 remained.
– forced off their land – many died from diseases brought by the colonists
Willing to take risks and try new things
– immigration to the “New World” – travelling West to start a new life
In 1788, 13 colonies become the United States of America.
American History
(A few points)
Put these events in order:
World War I
War of Independence
Great Depression
American Civil War
The start of expansion to the West
1843: One thousand people travel to Oregon
英美概况American History
Gone with the Wind
The Win of the North
Richmond April-June,1865
1865, the south declared to defeat
Lincoln’s assassination
John Wilkes Booth, the murderer
Civil War (1861-1865)
Causes Process Significance
Economic Confrontation
The North The South
Provide raw materials for British factories
Import British industrial goods Planters own many slaves as their manpower
Union vs. Confederacy
The North
Population 2234万
The South
Nearly zero
Not well equipped
Fully armed
Process of Civil War
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1861--1896)
So this is the lady who started the Civil War.
-- Abraham Lincoln
Sold 300,000 copies in the first year. 2 million in a decade!
rewriting american history课后翻译
rewriting american history课后翻译我们这些成长于50年代的人总以为美国的历史教科书是亘古不变的。
美国文学第一章课件 American_History.ppt 2
▲ late:
1. The literature of colonial America (1607 mid-18th)
◆American Puritanism: Puritanism is the practices and beliefs
of the puritans. Quite a few of the early British settlers were Puritans. They were members of the Church of England, who aimed at reforms in its doctrines and strictness in religious disciplines and were persecuted. To avoid the religious Persecution, some of them managed to escape to the New world and became known as Puritan Fathers.
• Pilgrim Fathers
In 1620, a tiny ship called the “May flower” sailed from England for the New world, with 102 passengers. 50% were Pilgrims. Landed in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.
亚美瑞格. 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇号是意大利海军的一 艘高桅横帆船, 艘高桅横帆船,她的名字来源于探险家 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇(伟大的航海家 航海家, 亚美瑞格.韦斯普奇(伟大的航海家, 1497年到1504年 年到1504 从1497年到1504年 Amerigo Vespucci 曾四次到南美洲进行探险航行。 曾四次到南美洲进行探险航行。他对于 所到达的国家做了非常细致的描述。 所到达的国家做了非常细致的描述。这 些文字在欧洲流传甚广并给他带来极大 的声誉: 的声誉:人们认为他是真实的美洲的发现者
american history美国历史简介(总结自托福词以类记)
美国历史American History -1Stage 1. Discovery of North America 北美的发现西班牙国王资助Columbus的远征(expedition),发现了美洲大陆。
很多人错误地认为哥伦布是西班牙人(Spanish),其实他是意大利人(Italian),这位仁兄最终发现了美洲,却以为自己到了印度(India),于是称美洲土著(Native Americans)为印第安人(Indians),(可怜的北美土著英文冠名权就这样被剥夺了。
美国历史American History -2Stage 2. English Settlement 英国后裔的定居Early colonization was under individual control. Two historical events:1.1607年一个英国商业性公司(company) 在Massachusetts 建立了第一个成功的殖民定居地Jamestown,可以推断此前建立的定居地均以失败告终;2.1620年五月花(May Flower)号载着一船被排挤的清教徒(Puritans)来到美洲大陆,他们算是美国人的祖先(ancestors/ predecessors),正是这些人当年的境遇使得后来的美国以追求“自由、民主、平等”为己任。
美国历史American History -3Stage 3. Colonial Era 殖民地时期当时的美洲大陆无异于一块肥肉,西班牙、法国都曾为了瓜分这片土地与大英帝国展开激励的竞争,其中最著名的就是英法百年战争,最终英国获得了对北美大陆的控制权。
美国历史American History -4Stage4.American Revolution美国革命(1775~1783)美国革命就是美国独立战争(War of Independence/ Independence War),战争的导火索是中国学生熟知的Boston Tea Event,随着Lexington 的枪声打响,战争宣告开始。
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• They formed a unified language, and they all were influenced by the Enlightenment Thoughts, while their national awareness enhanced
In 1773, a group of patriots responded to the tea tax by staging the “Boston Tea Party”
A turning point was made in the Battle of Saratoga in 1777.
The war was ended with the victory of Yorkshire town Campaign in 1781. And the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783 and Britain had to recognize the independence of the US, thus a new American nation was born.
After the world war two
The new government
The civil war
American beginnings
The American continents were peopled as a result of two longcontinuing immigration movements:
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The Footprints……
American beginnings The break between the world war one and two The second world war
Independence war
The first world war
Political parties
Legislative Branch:
Executive branch: the chief formulator of public policy was the president.
Judicial Branch: it is headed by the Supreme Court.
The second movement: it began with the expansion of Europe at the start of modern period from the 16th century. The first English permanent settlement was founded in 1607 in Virginia, and this movement was influenced mostly by the Religious Reformation.
The first movement: began probably 25 000 years ago when Siberian tribes,
in search of new hunting grounds or refuge from pursuing enemies, crossed over the Bering Strait to Alaska.
In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president,
In 1862, Lincoln issued the Homestead Act and the Emancipation Proclamation.
In 1865, the North won the Gettysburg victory
The New Government
The political system
The constitution of the united states set up a federal system with a strong central government
Checks and Balances
1791, the constitution adopted the Bill of Rights, which guarantee freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by the government.
American beginnings
Religion Economy Politics
• Most of the early American continents were founded by English puritans who separated from the church of England.
American Industry( free industry )
American Agriculture
Formed the emergency of the businesshe firearms industry and the technology
American beginnings
The important events:
1492, Columbus landed on one of the Bahama Islands in the Caribbean sea and “discovered” the New World.
1497, John cabot arrived in today’s Canada and the English king claimed that the whole of the territory of North America belong to England. 1607, the first English permanent settlement was founded in Virginia. 1649, Lord Baltimore’s Maryland Toleration Act was passed, which assured freedom of worship to all who believed in Jesus Christ.
• The economy were controlled by the English which was preventing it from advancing.
• The lord Baltimore declared many feudal systems to encourage people to expand the West continent of the American.
In 1865, the South surrendered after the North’s occupation in Richmond.
It was the fuse of the civil war
The American civil war in the history of the United States is the second bourgeois revolution, it maintained the national unity, the abolition of the slave system, further eliminate the capitalist obstacle to the development of American capitalism for economic take-off and paving the way. But, civil war did not completely eliminate racial discrimination, blacks are still not equal treatment
The Civil War
The cause of the civil war:
Economy Politics thought
• The North American’s free capitalist economy was get in the way by the South’s selfdom economy. • There was a contradiction between the North’s free labor system and the South’s slavery system.
It assumes a richness and variety unmatched in most parts of the world
The important events
The meeting, later known as the Constitutional Convention, began in May of 1787, and George Washington was chosen the president
Democratic Party— liberal party
Republican party--more conservation
The House of Representatives
The senate
Federal Courts
The Supreme Court
State Courts
Economy : driven by the Industrial Revolution
The Independence War
On April 19, 1775, the first shot was fired when 700 British soldiers went to capture a colonial arms depot in a small town of Concord near Boston, thus began the American War of Independence In May 1775, a second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the function of a national government. July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence which was drafted by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia was adopted. And it proclaimed the independence of 13 North American colonies