Trends in Suicide by Poisoning in China 2000-2006: Age, Gender, Method, and Geography
说文解字标题:One man’s meat is another man’s poisonPoison n.毒药 vt.毒害, 败坏, 使中毒┏ poison sb. 毒死某人├poisonous有毒的,含有毒素的= toxic├venom毒液├toxic含有毒成分的├polluted污染的└gas毒气,汽油〔美〕复习season, reason, person, Jackson⑴One man’s meat is another man’s poison萝卜青菜。
各有所爱(Used to that sth one person likes may not be liked by someone else)One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.One man’s breath is another man’s death.One man’s heaven is another man’s helldifferent folks, different strokes青菜萝卜各有所爱one woman’s trash is another’s treasure 一个女人的宝是另外一个女人的草All things fit not all persons 一物难称万人心。
There is no accounting for tastes.人各有所好。
There is no accounting for taste.萝卜青菜,各有所好。
There is no disputing about tastes.人各有所好。
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼里出西施。
Beauty is in the eye of the gazer.情人眼里出西施。
She seems very plain but he dotes on her, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.她看上去相貌平平,但他非常爱她,情人眼中出西施。
文化差异 中日 哈姆雷特1
— On Feb 1, a Chinese newspaper writing primarily for Chinesenationals residing in Japan published an article titled “Some of the Things that SurprisedMe when Coming to Japan.” Written by Chinese men and women who haveexperienced the Japanese lifestyle, the publication gives accounts of some quitestartling differences between Chinese and Japanese customs and what is taken for granted as common sense.东京-2月1日一家主要面向居住在日本的中国公民的中国报纸刊登了一篇题为《来到日本后一些事让我感到惊讶》的文章。
On first coming toJapan, some of the things that shocked the Chinese that took part in this poll include:第一次来到日本,让中国人震惊的一些事列于以下调查结果:- The notion that ramen and dumplings are often seen as aside dish to rice.日本人视拉面和饺子为米饭的配菜。
- Upon entering a public lavatory, toilet paper is always provided,去公共厕所总有提供厕所纸。
- Pedestrians in Japan obey crossingsignals and wait to cross even if there is no traffic.在日本,行人遵从马路灯信号而且即便禁止通行时没有车辆也会等待。
外刊每日精读 Up in smoke
外刊每日精读 | Up in smoke文章脉络【1】在欧洲,大麻是最受欢迎的非法毒品。
经济学人原文Drug policy:Up in smokeThe European legalisation of cannabis moves into the slow-dopey lane【1】cannabis is easily the most popular illicit drug in Europe. About 28% of adult Europeans have taken a toke during their lifetime; the French top the league of stoners, at almost 45%. Moreover, att itudes towards the drug’s use arechanging rapidly. In Germany, for example, support for legalisation has moved from 30% in favour in 2014 to 61% last year.【2】Yet Germany’s plans to move to full legalisation of consumption and sales came to an abrupt halt last month. Until recently, Germany’s health minister, Karl Lauterbach, had been upbeat about the prospects for radical change. But following talks with the European commission the plan has gone up in a cloud of smoke, like the comedians Cheech and Chong’s famous van made of weed. Shorn of a German impetus, Europe-wide cannabis reform now looks unlikely any time soon. 【3】Under Germany’s revised strategy, adults will be allowed to grow cannabis in their own home and to form “cannabis social clubs”. These are non-profit associations within which the growth and distribution of cannabis is permitted, though the productthe product cannot be sold to anyone else. Ratherthan blazing a trail in Europe, then, the Germans are following ahighly limited strategy that even strict countries such as Spain and Malta have already adopted.【4】Nobody is entirely clear why the Germans watered down their plans, says Dorien Rookmaker, a Dutch mep who is involved in a cross-party European Parliament group on the legalisation of cannabis for personal use. But Martin Jelsma of the Transnational Institute, a Dutch-founded think-tank, thinks the reason is thatthe proposals are not in compliance with an eu Council framework decision on drugs in 2004, nor with three relevant un treaties. The eu’s framework agreement harmonised minimum sentences for drug-trafficking offences in the bloc, but it left the eu’s member states some legal discretion when it comes to personal use, social clubs and the possession of weed.【5】Germany is also now planning for a second phase that involves pilot projects in which local sales will be allowed. Details of these schemes have not yet been announced. Will they actually happen? Possibly. The Netherlands is planning to launch just such a scheme, known a s the wietexperiment, or “weed experiment”, by the end of 2023 in ten municipalities(Amsterdam’s “coffee shops” arean exemption carved out before the 2004framework came into effect). The Czech Republic, also gung-ho on the liberalisation of cannabis laws, seems likely to follow.【6】The legal status of these pilot schemes for sales is grey. Mr Jelsma says it would be helpful if the commission were to give some indication as to what its position is on the question. On the face of it the schemes do breach eu laws. But as they are not on a national scale, and are time-limited, the commission may not want to start an infringement procedure.【7】The shift in German policy represents a kicking of the can on the full European legalisation of cannabis. One factor may well be that no one hasthe appetite for such regulatory aggravation right now, with a war in Ukraine and high inflation to contend with. Still, Ms Rookmaker thinks further shifts are still possible if enough countries keep pushing.长难句:原文:But Martin Jelsma of the Transnational Institute, a Dutch-founded think-tank, thinks the reason is that the proposals are not in compliance with an eu Council framework decision on drugs in 2004, nor with three relevant un treaties.分析:本句包含一个宾语从句和一个表语从句。
㊃论著㊃通信作者:苏媛,E m a i l :d o c t o r s u yu a n @126.c o m 秋水仙碱中毒患者30例临床荟萃分析杜忠彩1,刘 玉2,周欣蓓2,赵婉君2,苏 媛2(1.青岛大学医学部青岛山东266071;2.青岛大学附属医院重症医学科,青岛山东266003) 摘 要:目的 探讨秋水仙碱药物中毒的临床特征㊁治疗和预后,提高临床对该药物中毒的认识和重视㊂方法 结合我院近期收治的1例大剂量秋水仙碱中毒患者,检索近年来有关秋水仙碱中毒的文献资料(2003-2019年)共21篇,秋水仙碱中毒患者29例,共30例㊂结果 秋水仙碱中毒男性16例(53.3%),女性14例(46.7%);中毒原因为自杀19例(63.3%),长期服药治疗痛风11例(36.7%)㊂26例(86.7%)患者临床第一阶段表现为消化道症状;21例(70%)患者第二阶段表现为骨髓抑制及多器官功能障碍;19例(63.3%)患者度过危险期最终好转㊂检查结果示26例(86.7%)患者血常规㊁血凝常规㊁肝功能㊁肾功能指标异常㊂经过积极对症支持治疗,最终完全康复19例(63.3%),死亡11例(36.7%)㊂结论 如果药物剂量不适宜将会出现严重的中毒反应甚至死亡,也有一些人口服该药物自杀㊂关键词:秋水仙碱;中毒;临床表现;治疗与转归中图分类号:R 971.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1004-583X (2020)04-0362-04d o i :10.3969/j.i s s n .1004-583X.2020.04.016A m e t a -a n a l y s i s o f 30c a s e s o f c o l c h i c i n e p o i s o n i n gD uZ h o n g c a i 1,L i uY u 2,Z h o uX i n b e i 2,Z h a o W a n ju n 2,S uY u a n 21.F a c u l t y o f M e d i c i n e ,Q i n g d a oU n i v e r s i t y ,Q i n g d a o 266071,C h i n a ;2.D e p a r t m e n t o f In t e n s i v eC a r eU n i t ,t h eA f f i l i a t e d H o s p i t a l o f Q i n g d a oU n i v e r s i t y M e d i c a lC o l l e g e ,Q i n gd a o 266003,C h i n a C o r re s p o n d i n g a u t h o r :S uY u a n ,E m a i l :d o c t o r s u yu a n @126.c o m A B S T R A C T :O b je c t i v e T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e c l i n i c a lc h a r a c t e r i s t i c s ,t r e a t m e n t a n d p r o g n o s i s of c o l c h i c i n e p o i s o n i ng ,a n d t or a i s e th ec li n i c a l l y a w a r e n e s sa n da t t e n t i o no f c o l c h i c i n e p o i s o n i n g .M e t h o d s T o t a l l y 21l i t e r a t u r e a b o u t c o l c h i c i n e p o i s o n i n g i n r e c e n t y e a r s (2003-2019)w e r er e v i e w e d ,a n d29c a s e so f c o l c h i c i n e p o i s o n i n g c o m b i n e d w i t ho n e c a s ea d m i t t e dt ot h eh o s p i t a l r e c e n t l y w e r ee n r o l l e d .R e s u l t s C o l c h i c i n e p o i s o n i n g w a s f o u n di n16m a l e s (53.3%)a n d14f e m a l e s (46.7%).At o t a lo f19s u i c i d e s (63.3%)w e r ec a u s e db y c o l c h i c i n e p o i s o n i n g,a n d11p a t i e n t sw i t h p o i s o n i n g (36.7%)w e r et r e a t e d w i t hl o n g -t e r m m e d i c a t i o nf o r g o u t .T o t a l l y 26p a t i e n t s (86.7%)s h o w e d g a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l s y m p t o m s i n t h e f i r s t s t a g e ;21p a t i e n t s (70%)s h o w e dm y e l o s u p p r e s s i o na n dm u l t i p l eo r g a n d y s f u n c t i o n s i n t h e s e c o n d s t a g e ;19p a t i e n t s (63.3%)g o t b e t t e r a f t e r d a n g e r o u s p e r i o d .T h e c h e c k i n g re s u l t s s h o w e d t h a t t h eb l o o dr o u t i n e ,b l o o dc o a g u l a t i o nr o u t i n e ,l i v e rf u n c t i o na n dk i d n e y f u n c t i o n w e r ea b n o r m a l i n26p a t i e n t s (86.7%).A f t e ra c t i v es y m p t o m a t i cs u p p o r t i v et r e a t m e n t ,19c a s e s (63.3%)r e c o v e r e dc o m p l e t e l y an d11c a s e s (36.7%)d i e d .C o n c l u s i o n I f t h e d r u g d o s a g e i sn o t s u i t a b l e ,s e r i o u s p o i s o n i n g r e a c t i o no r e v e nd e a t hw i l l o c c u r ,a n d s o m e p e o pl e a l s o c h o o s e o r a l c o l c h i c i n e t o c o mm i t s u i c i d e .K E Y W O R D S :c o l c h i c i n e ;p o i s o n i n g;c l i n i c a lm a n i f e s t a t i o n s ;t r e a t m e n t a n do u t c o m e 秋水仙碱(又称秋水仙素),是从百合植物秋水仙的球茎和种子中提取的植物生物碱亲脂性药物,临床上主要用于治疗痛风㊂长期小剂量或单次大剂量服用均可导致中毒甚至死亡,具有诸多不良反应㊂本研究通过对我国2003-2019年期间秋水仙碱不良反应的文献报道进行整理分析,总结秋水仙碱中毒的临床特征,为临床合理用药及救治此药中毒患者提供参考㊂1 资料与方法1.1 研究对象 以 秋水仙碱 和 中毒 为关键词检索中国期刊全文数据库2003-2019年的相关文献报道21篇[1-21],患者29例,加本院1例,共30例㊂1.2 研究方法 采用回顾性分析方法,对30例秋水仙碱中毒患者病历资料进行分析,包括性别㊁年龄㊁既往史㊁服药原因㊁服药量㊁开始出现症状时间㊁就诊时间㊁临床表现㊁实验室检查㊁治疗措施及转归等资料㊂1.3 统计分析方法 采用描述性方法进行分析㊂2 结 果2.1 一般资料 男16例(53.3%),女14例㊃263㊃‘临床荟萃“ 2020年4月20日第35卷第4期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s ,A pr i l 20,2020,V o l 35,N o .4Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.(46.7%);19例(63.3%)患者中毒原因为自杀,11例(36.7%)患者中毒原因为长期服用药物治疗痛风;19例自杀患者年龄19~56岁,平均年龄30岁, 11例药物治疗痛风患者年龄34~75岁,平均年龄58岁㊂有口服秋水仙碱5m g致死者,也有服用90m g 救治成功者㊂本文统计秋水仙碱中毒患者30例中男女比例约为1.14ʒ1,无明显性别相关性㊂2.2临床表现秋水仙碱中毒后26例(86.7%)患者第一阶段表现为消化道症状,恶心㊁呕吐㊁腹痛㊁腹泻等,其中分别有2名患者伴发热,2名患者伴肺部感染,2名患者伴四肢麻木;1例患者首发表现为低血糖症状;3例患者首发表现为四肢肌肉酸痛并乏力㊂21例(70%)患者第二阶段表现为骨髓抑制及多器官功能障碍,出现低血压休克及呼吸心跳骤停㊂19例(63.3%)患者度过危险期坚持到第3阶段,表现为骨髓抑制好转伴或不伴脱发,最终好转康复㊂2.3实验室检查26例(86.7%)患者血常规㊁血凝常规㊁肝功能㊁肾功能检测指标异常,其中4例患者伴心肌酶升高;2例(6.7%)患者肌酸激酶㊁肌红蛋白升高,其中1例患者肌电图示肌源性损害;1例(3.3%)患者血糖降低为2.6mm o l/L;1例(3.3%)患者血液检测指标基本正常㊂2.4治疗及预后治疗方案首先为停止毒物进一步接触,其次对症治疗,包括催吐㊁洗胃㊁导泻㊁抑酸护胃㊁保肝㊁营养心肌㊁抗感染㊁输注血制品㊁纠正血糖㊁纠正电解质紊乱㊁血液透析㊁接受连续肾脏替代治疗(C R R T)㊁重症监护等一系列抢救措施㊂最终完全康复19例(63.3%),死亡11例(36.7%)㊂3我院诊治病例患者男,24岁,体重75k g,既往体健㊂因欲自杀口服秋水仙碱180片(0.5m g/片),2小时后开始出现恶心㊁呕吐,7h后出现腹痛,伴腹泻,立即于外院行洗胃㊁导泻治疗,于服药后34h于2019-01-08转至我院重症医学科㊂查体:体温36.7ħ,脉搏80次/ m i n,呼吸20次/m i n,血压135/80mmH g(1mmH g =0.133k P a),全腹压痛㊁反跳痛,余无异常㊂异常检验结果:血气分析:乳酸3.40mm o l/L,氧分压115.00 mmH g,二氧化碳分压34.70mmH g,p H7.31;天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(A S T)383.00U/L;肌酐135.00μm o l/L㊂立即行血液滤过㊁补液㊁抗感染㊁抑酸护胃㊁保肝㊁营养心肌等对症支持治疗㊂入院第2天出现发热,最高体温37.8ħ,血压最低至90/42mmH g,给予去甲肾上腺素升血压㊂第3天出现嗜睡,体温39.4ħ,伴有鼻衄㊁皮下出血,血性胃液㊁血尿㊁血便㊂血凝常规:D-二聚体4630.00n g/m l,纤维蛋白原4.85g/L,凝血酶时间>240.00s;肌红蛋白18914.00n g/m L,肌钙蛋白I(T N I)0.215μg/m L,B 型利钠肽(B N P)3459.80n g/L;A S T682.00U/L,丙氨酸氨基转移酶(A L T)127.00U/L;肌酐88.15μm o l/L;降钙素原(P C T)1.710n g/m l,白细胞计数1.68ˑ109/L,中性粒细胞计数1.40ˑ109/L,血红蛋白99g/L,血小板15ˑ109/L,C反应蛋白(C R P) 209.82m g/L,血氧饱和度下降,考虑进入骨髓抑制期并多器官功能障碍㊂给予气管插管辅助通气㊁止血㊁刺激骨髓造血㊁输注血制品㊁血浆置换㊁C R R T治疗,加强抗感染㊂第7天颅脑C T提示脑出血,加强止血治疗并输注血小板,血常规示血小板33ˑ109/L㊂第8天骨髓抑制好转,体温基本正常,开始出现脱发㊂后患者意识恢复,逐渐脱机拔管,过度到正常饮食㊂双下肢肌力2级,考虑存在周围神经损伤,给予营养神经并促进四肢功能恢复㊂住院26天后好转出院㊂4讨论4.1临床特征秋水仙碱在临床上主要用来治疗痛风㊁风湿病和某些肿瘤,目前也有用于治疗肝炎㊁肝硬化㊁S w e e t综合征及白塞病[22]㊂其作用机制[23]: (1)与中性粒细胞微管蛋白的亚单位黏合,抑制有丝分裂,改变细胞膜功能,破坏细胞,抑制中性粒细胞的趋化㊁黏附㊁吞噬作用;(2)抑制磷脂酶A2,减少单核细胞和中性粒细胞释放前列腺素和白三烯;(3)抑制局部细胞产生白细胞介素6等㊂秋水仙碱是细胞有丝分裂毒素,本身毒性较小,口服后可经胃肠道快速吸收入体,经过肝脏的脱乙酰基反应,生成具有极强毒性二秋水仙碱[1],二者共同对人体产生毒害作用㊂它引起微管的解聚和清除,因此最容易影响细胞分解代谢快的器官,如胃肠道㊁肝脏㊁骨髓和毛囊[1]㊂秋水仙碱及其代谢产物主要经胆汁和粪便排出体内,经肝肠循环可造成其与胃肠道黏膜反复接触,故中毒早期可表现为明显的胃肠道症状如恶心㊁呕吐㊁腹痛㊁腹泻等㊂其后引起骨髓抑制㊁肝肾功能损害甚至衰竭,还可能出现代谢性酸中毒㊁水电解质紊乱㊁意识改变㊁肌肉㊁周围神经病变㊁呼吸㊁循环衰竭等㊂秋水仙碱还有明显的心脏毒性,重度中毒患者多于短时间内死于循环衰竭和致命性心律失常[24]㊂综合文献报道分析,秋水仙碱中毒的临床过程大致分为3个阶段:第一阶段(10~24h)主要表现为恶心㊁呕吐㊁腹痛㊁腹泻等消化系统症状;第二阶段㊃363㊃‘临床荟萃“2020年4月20日第35卷第4期 C l i n i c a l F o c u s,A p r i l20,2020,V o l35,N o.4Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.(48~72h)表现为骨髓抑制,血小板进行性下降,出血症状以及多器官功能障碍;第三阶段仅出现在度过危险期逐渐恢复的患者,表现为骨髓抑制好转,白细胞升高,伴或不伴脱发[25]㊂4.2治疗和预后秋水仙碱吸收入体后在体内分布广泛,尤其胃肠道㊁肾㊁肝㊁脾内浓度较高,停药后药物完全排泄需要大约10天左右[6]㊂目前对于秋水仙碱大剂量中毒,尚无特效解毒药物㊂基本治疗方案为积极对症支持治疗,包括催吐㊁洗胃㊁导泻㊁抑酸护胃㊁保肝㊁营养心肌㊁营养神经㊁抗感染㊁输注血制品㊁药物刺激骨髓造血㊁激素冲击㊁纠正血糖㊁纠正电解质紊乱㊁血液透析㊁C R R T㊁重症监护等一系列措施㊂有文献报道称,秋水仙碱在人体内分布广泛,蛋白结合率仅为10%~34%[26],故血液净化对于清除体内的秋水仙碱及其代谢产物的作用仍存在争议[27]㊂但我院收治的该例大剂量秋水仙碱中毒患者入院后给予持续使用C R R T结合血浆置换治疗,替代肾脏工作,减轻肾脏负担,有效促进了肾功能的恢复,对患者最后康复起了显著作用㊂秋水仙碱的中毒量与其体内毒物蓄积量有关,当肾脏排泄功能下降㊁肝脏解毒能力下降时容易造成积蓄中毒,促使毒性加重㊂所以,通过持续的血液滤过,结合血浆置换治疗,替代肾脏工作减轻肾脏负担,降低体内毒物蓄积量㊂血液净化应该尽早应用,早期维持肾脏功能,加快毒物排泄㊂国外有研究显示,秋水仙碱特异性抗原结合片段(f r a g m e n to f a n t i g e nb i n d i n g,F a b)可连接秋水仙碱分子使其在血液系统重新分布,有利于血液净化在周围循环系统中清除毒物[28],利于秋水仙碱中毒患者的治疗,但国内尚未应用㊂总结好转康复的19例患者最终能够救治成功的原因:患者早期恶心㊁呕吐㊁腹泻,可排出部分代谢毒物;中毒史明确,入院后及时有效行积极的抑酸护胃㊁保肝㊁抗感染㊁营养心肌㊁止血㊁纠正电解质紊乱㊁维持血压㊁营养神经等一系列对症支持治疗㊂一般认为,秋水仙碱的致死剂量大约为0.8m g/k g[29],但也有报道显示服用低于致死剂量的秋水仙碱也可能出现多脏器衰竭甚至死亡[23,30]㊂根据分析近年来秋水仙碱中毒文献得出结论:秋水仙碱中毒并没有明确固定的致死剂量,有摄入高于致死剂量仍然能够救治成功患者,但也有摄入低于致死剂量死亡患者,个体差异较大,所以无论摄入高于或低于致死剂量秋水仙碱,最终结局也是由患者身体状况㊁服药量㊁服药时间㊁开始治疗时间㊁治疗方案等多种因素共同决定的㊂早期识别秋水仙碱中毒,积极给予对症及体外生命支持治疗,是救治成功的关键㊂同时,临床上要严格用药指征,并嘱患者严格按照医嘱用药,切不可私自调整用药剂量,减少可控因素导致的药物中毒,确保用药安全㊁有效㊁合理,降低药源性疾病死亡率㊂参考文献:[1]肖章武,马莉.急性重症秋水仙碱中毒治疗分析[J].临床急诊杂志,2018,19(4):258-260.[2]原丽欣.秋水仙碱片过量服用致中毒死亡1例[J].中国药物警戒,2014,11(2):122.[3]张飞,韩国鑫,沈洪等.急性秋水仙碱中毒救治一例[J].中华急诊医学杂志,2017,26(4):369.[4]赵敏,王玉芝.急性秋水仙碱中毒与多器官功能衰竭(附1例报道)[J].中国急救医学,2003,23(8):590-591. 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5月北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试试题及答案(A)Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. F or each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the c orresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1本文属于社会问题议论文。
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:The multi-billion-dollar Western pop music industry is under fire.It is being blamed by the United Nations for the dramat ic rise in drug abuse worldwide. “The most worrying development is a culture of drug-friendliness,”says the UN's International Narcotics Control Board in a report released last year.The 74-page study says that pop music, as a global industry, is by far the most influential trend-setter for young people of most cultures.“Some songs encourage people to take drugs. (76) Certain pop stars make statements and set examples as if th e use of drugs for non-medicinal purposes were a normal and acceptable part of a person's lifestyle,”the study says.Surprisingly, says the Board, the effect of drug-friendly pop music seems to survive despite the occasional shock of death by overdose (过量用药). “Such incidents tend to be seen as an occasion to mourn (哀悼) the loss of a role model, and not an opportunity to face the deadly effect of drug use,”it notes. Since the 1970s, several internationally famous singers and movie s tars--including Elvis Presley, Janice Joplin, John Belushi, Jimi Hendrix, Jonathan Melvin and Andy Gibbs--have died of eitherdru g abuse or drugrelated illnesses. With the globalization of popular music, messages promoting, drug abuse are now reaching bey ond their countries of origin. “In most countries, the names of certain POP stars have become familiar to the members of every household,”the study says.The UN study also blames the media for its description of certain drug incidents, which encourages rather than prevents dr ag abuse. “Over the past years, we have seen how drug abuse is increasingly regarded as being acceptable or even attractive,”s ays Hamid Ghodse, president of the Board. “Powerful pressure groups mn political campaigns aimed at legalizing controlled dru gs,”he says. Ghodse also points out that all thee developments have created an environment which is tolerant(容忍) of or even favorable to drug abuse and spoils international drug prevention effortscurrently under way.The study focuses on demand reduction and prevention within an environment that has become tolerant of drug abuse. The Board calls on governments to do their legal and moral duties, and to act against the pro-drug (赞成吸毒) messages of the yo uth culture to which young people increasingly are be'rug exposed.1. Which of the following statements does the author tend to agree with?A. The use of drags for non-medicinal purposes is, an acceptable part of a person's lifestyle.B. The spreading ofpop music may cause drag abuse to go beyond country boundaries.C. No efforts have been made to prevent the spreading of drag abuse.D. Governments have no ability to act against the pro-drag messages of the youth culture.【答案】B。
禁毒警示语英语A taste of drugs, Hades beckons.你们听说禁毒警示语英语有哪些吗?那么店铺为大家整理了禁毒警示语英语,欢迎阅览!禁毒警示语英语 (热门)1 you were born, life is all conquering, bully the world -- dead!2 more than one day3 anti drug work to implement the unified leadership of the government, the relevant departments, the working mechanism of community wide participation "4 toxic destruction5 crack down on illegal drug trafficking activities;6 opium smoke, eat "flour", who can destroy it? The impossible, impossible to capitalism. In fact, the Communist Party can destroy the ugly things.-------- Deng Xiaoping7 when all the children of the Yellow Emperor self-improvement, Judu for the drug8 recognize the harm of drugs, improve the ability to resistThe 9 drugs were abandoned by people to poison rebirth;10 close to a better life11 to carry out anti drug struggle12 refuse drugs, healthy entertainmentThe 13 National Narcotics Control, national support, fight against drug traffickers, responsibility.14 anti-virus drug, to eliminate poison, the country;15 anti-virus drugs, is everyone's responsibility.禁毒宣传标语英语 (集锦)1 drug abuse and family harm others!2 good reading, good poison lose money3 anti drug anti drug untiring, alarm bells ringing.4 action to participate in the anti drug people's War5 no drug trafficking efforts to achieve no no no toxic drug targets.6 resolutely eradicate the illegal cultivation of opium poppy and other medicinal plants7 a lifetime of regret drugs, Mo take life bet tomorrow;8 vigorously promote the comprehensive management9 resolutely resist drugs10 away from new drugs, health achievements in the future11 resolutely fight for a period of three years of the people's war against drugs12 households commitment13 to carry out activities to create non-toxic entertainment, to ensure that a pure land;Four the prohibition of simultaneous closure of the 14 sources of law enforcement and strict closure of the law15 participate in the fight against drugs and create a harmonious life16 "drug law > sword of Damocles, drug destruction17 drug trafficking, regardless of the number of criminal responsibility shall be investigated18 mass action, and actively report drug-related crimes!19 refuse drugs, in the contemporary era, will benefit future generations.20 dig your own grave禁毒温馨警示语英语 (最新)1 resistance to drugs, away from poisonIs the 2 drug addiction is killed for his money, Dutch act3 concentric away from drugs, sharing a better life4 to eliminate the harm of drugs, to create peace inFenggang5 people were hurt. (beverages, absorbing drugs on the human body has serious harm to the brain, causing serious drug taste, Hades beckons6 create a non-toxic community,7 protect people's physical and mental health8 cherish life, away from drugs, to become civilized youth9 with love hope, resist evil intentions.10 actively participate in anti drug work11 "drug control is the common responsibility of the whole society. State organs, social organizations, enterprises, institutions and other organizations and citizens shall, in accordance with the provisions of this Law and relevant laws and regulations, perform their duties or obligations"12 to carry out comprehensive treatment to eradicate the harm of drugs!13 away from drugs, close to a better life14 drugs are a nuisance to human society15 drugs are not commodities, prohibit the sale of drugs is not food, avoid tasting!。
编码 V01-V99
W20-W49 W50-W64 W65-W74 W75-W84 W85-W99 X00-X09 X10-X19 X20-X29 X30-X39 X40-X49 X50-X57 X60-X84 X85-Y09 Y10-Y34 Y35-Y36 Y40-Y84 Y85-Y89 Y90-Y98
• 1、家庭伤害 • 2、工作或劳动场所伤害 • 3、公共场所伤害 • 4、旅游伤害 • 5、道路伤害等
• 1、青少年或幼儿伤害 • 2、老人伤害 • 3、妇女伤害 • 4、残疾人士伤害 • 5、职业人群伤害等。
• 1、国际疾病分类(ICD-10): • 目前国际上比较公认的和客观的伤害分
180万人因跌落、溺水、烧烫伤和其他伤害致死,另外 至少有350万人死于家庭、工作场所或城乡暴力。
• 4、伤害所造成的直接和间接损失巨大。1996年伤害是美
国75岁以下人群的PYLL首要原因,伤害总花费约为2600亿美元。 在我国1990-1995年的资料显示,伤害的疾病负担占总疾病负担的 17%。
45.9% N oncom m unicable c o n d itio n s
Com m unicable diseases, m aternal and perinatal
conditions and nutritional d e fic ie n c ie s
外刊及中国日报精选(2024.5.1期)文章改编:语法填空(答案+译文)第一篇热搜第一!多地高校禁止学生挂床帘,网友吵翻……CHINADAILYThere is a debate 1._______ whether students should be allowed to hang curtains around lofted beds in dormitories. Critics argue that these curtains hinder communication and pose fire safety risks.2.________, supporters see them as essential for maintaining privacy in shared living spaces. Netizens have flooded social media with comments, with the hashtag "many colleges forbid the use of dorm curtains" becoming a 3._______(trend) topic as people have many different opinions on it.“Dorm curtains, when tightly 4._______(surround) the bed, can lead to poor air circulation, creating conditions conducive to the growth of bacteria, dust mites, and other harmful substances. This poses a threat to 5._______(student) respiratory systems and skin health.“Dormitories are not only a place to rest, but also a place for students 6.______(build) friendship.”"The presence of bed curtains inadvertently creates 'invisible walls' within dormitories, hindering communication and interaction among students. Some students have noted that the presence of bed curtains 7._______(reduce) communication between roommates, leading to a 8._______(impersonal)atmosphere in the dormitory. Over time, this sense of isolation may contribute to strained interpersonal relationships and even conflicts within the dormitory."Some people dismiss aforementioned explanation as nonsense, arguing that dorm curtains are simply accessories for blocking out light.Some netizens pointed out that 9._______ matters with dorm curtains is privacy. They believe that privacy reflects 10._______ need for well-being in narrow, shared dorms.第二篇家庭:后悔生孩子的父母【时代周刊】The Parents Who Regret Having ChildrenNo one regrets 1.________(have) a child, or so it’s said. I’ve heard this logic often, usually after I’m asked if I have children, then, when I say I don’t, if I plan to. I tend to evade the question, as I find that the truth—I have no plans to be a parent—is likely to invite swift dissent. I’ll be told I’ll change my mind 2.______ I’m wrong, and that while I’ll regret not having a child, people don’t regret the obverse. Close family, acquaintances, and total strangers have said this for years; I let it slide, knowing that, at the very least, the last part is a fiction.It is, 3.________(surprising), a challenge to get solid data on the number of parents who regret having children. In 1975, the popular advice columnist Ann Landers asked her readers if, 4._______(give) the chance to do it all over again, they’d have children. Seventy percent said they wouldn’t; this result, though, 5.________(come) from a group of self-selecting respondents. “The hurt, angry and disenchanted” are more inclined to write back than contented people, as Landers observed in a follow-up 1976 column. But in 2013,a Gallup poll asked Americans 45 and older how many kids they’d have if they could go back in time. Seven percent of the respondents with children said zero. And in 2023,a study estimated that up to 5% to 14% of parents in so-called 6._________(develop) countries, including the United States, regret their decision to have children.These studies align with 7._______ I've found in my personal life: While most parents don’t regret having kids, some do. Perhaps in part because I’ve written publicly about choosing not to have children, I’ve had people, especially mothers, confide in me about parental regret, and frequently enough I’ve lost count.Most of the time— 8._______ I hear it in passing, quickly, from a stranger at a literary event, or late at night from a beloved friend—this kind of revelation arises from a place of anguish. Some of these parents talk about feeling utterly alone, like villains past all imagining. Several have noted that, afraid of 9._______(judge), they decline to be candid with their own therapists. If10._______(ask) what I think, I reply that, from what I’m hearing, they’re not alone. Not at all. I hope it helps; I’m told, at times, it does. It’s a physic to which I’ve devoted my life: asked why I write, I often respond that books, words have provided vital fellowship during spells of harsh isolation, when I thought that solitude and its attendant, life-torquing evils—shame, guilt, the pain of exile—might kill me.第三篇本篇原文出自:《The Economist 经济学人》The AI doctor will see you...eventuallyArtificial intelligence holds huge promise in health care. But it also faces1.______(mass)barriersBetter Diagnoses. Personalised support for patients. Faster drug discovery. Greater efficiency. Artificial intelligence (AI) is generating excitement and hyperbole everywhere, 2.______ in the field of health care it has the potential to be transformational. In Europe analysts predict that deploying AI could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year.3._______ smart stethoscopes and robot surgeons to the analysis of large data sets or the ability to chat to a medical AI with a human face, opportunities abound.There is already evidence that AI systems can enhance diagnostic accuracy and disease tracking, improve the prediction of patients’ outcomes and suggest better treatments. It can also boost 4._________(efficient) in hospitals and surgeries by taking on tasks such as medical transcription and monitoring patients, and by streamlining administration. It may already be speeding the time it takes for new drugs to reach clinical trials. New tools, including generative AI, could supercharge these abilities. Yet as our Technology Quarterly this week shows, although AI 5._________(use) in health care for many years,integration has been slow and the results have often been mediocre.There are good and bad reasons for this. The good reasons are that health care demands high evidentiary barriers when introducing new tools, to protect patients’ safety. The badreasons involve data,regulation and incentives.6.________(overcome)them could hold lessons for AI in other fields.AI systems learn by processing huge volumes of data, something health-care providers have in abundance. But health data is highly fragmented; strict rules control its ernments recognise that patients want their medical privacy protected. But patients also want better and more personalised care. Each year 7._______(rough)800,000Americans suffer from poor medical decision-making.Improving accuracy and reducing bias in AI tools requires them to be trained on large data sets 8.______reflect patients’ full diversity. Finding secure ways to allow health data to move more freely would help. But it could benefit patients, too: they should be given the right to access their own records in a portable, digital format. Consumer-health firms are already making use of data from wearables, with varying success.portable patients’ records would let people make 9.________(full) use of their data and take more responsibility for their health.Another problem is managing and regulating these innovations. In many countries the governance of AI in health, as in other areas, is struggling to keep up with the rapid pace of innovation. Regulatory authorities may be slow to approve new AI tools or may lack capacity and ernments need to equip regulators to assess new AI tools. They also need to fill regulatory gaps in the surveillance of adverse events, and in the continuous monitoring of algorithms10._______(ensure) they remain accurate, safe, effective and transparent.答案第一篇:on However trending surrounding students' to build reducesmore impersonal what a第二篇:having that unsurprisingly given came developed what whether being judged asked第三篇:massive but From efficiency has been used overcoming roughly that fuller to ensure译文第一篇:关于是否应该允许学生在宿舍的高高的床周围挂窗帘,存在一场争论。
用木炭闷死自己致死案例英文回答:There have been cases where individuals have used charcoal to commit suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. This method involves burning charcoal in a confined space, such as a car or a small room, and then inhaling the toxic fumes produced. The carbon monoxide released by the burning charcoal can quickly lead to unconsciousness and death if inhaled in high enough concentrations.One such case occurred in a small apartment where a person lit several charcoal briquettes in a closed room and then succumbed to the carbon monoxide poisoning. The individual was found unresponsive and pronounced dead at the scene. The use of charcoal for suicide is a tragic and devastating outcome, and it highlights the importance of mental health awareness and support for those struggling with thoughts of self-harm.It is important to note that there are resources available for individuals experiencing mental health challenges, and reaching out for help can make a difference. Suicide prevention hotlines, counseling services, and support groups are just a few of the many options for those in need of assistance. It is crucial for friends, family members, and communities to be vigilant and supportive of individuals who may be at risk of self-harm.If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughtsof self-harm or suicide, please seek help immediately. You are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to support you through difficult times.中文回答:有些案例显示,个人曾经使用木炭来实施自杀行为,通过一氧化碳中毒致死。
越来越多的青少年开始吸电子烟英语作文The alarming rise in the number of young people taking up vaping is a growing public health concern that warrants immediate attention. Electronic cigarettes, often marketed as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, have become increasingly popular among the youth, with a staggering number of adolescents and young adults succumbing to this dangerous trend. The allure of vaping lies in its perceived harmlessness, the wide array of flavors, and the social aspect of the activity, but the reality is far more sinister.Vaping, or the act of using electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), has been touted as a means to help smokers quit traditional cigarettes. However, the data paints a different picture, with studies showing that many young people who start vaping often transitionto conventional cigarettes. The addictive nature of nicotine, the primary active ingredient in both traditional and electronic cigarettes, is the driving force behind this alarming trend.The youth of today are particularly vulnerable to the lure of vaping, as they are often exposed to aggressive marketing campaigns thatdownplay the risks and highlight the perceived benefits. Flavored e-cigarettes, in particular, have become a gateway for many young people, as the appealing tastes and aromas mask the true dangers of these products. The ease of access and the perception of vaping as a "cool" or "trendy" activity further compound the issue, leading to a normalization of this harmful behavior.The consequences of this growing epidemic are far-reaching and deeply concerning. Numerous studies have shown that vaping can have detrimental effects on the developing brain, as the nicotine present in e-cigarettes can disrupt the normal cognitive and emotional development of adolescents. This can lead to a range of issues, including impaired memory, decreased attention span, and an increased risk of addiction to other substances.Moreover, the long-term health effects of vaping remain largely unknown, as these products have not been subjected to the same level of scrutiny and regulation as traditional cigarettes. The presence of various chemicals, including volatile organic compounds and heavy metals, in e-cigarette aerosols raises serious concerns about the potential for respiratory and cardiovascular complications.In response to this growing crisis, policymakers, healthcare professionals, and educators must work together to implement comprehensive strategies to address the issue. This includes stricterregulations on the marketing and sale of e-cigarettes, as well as robust educational campaigns that highlight the dangers of vaping and dispel the myths surrounding its perceived safety.Schools and communities must also play a vital role in this effort, by providing students with accurate information about the risks of vaping and offering support and resources for those who may be struggling with nicotine addiction. Parents, too, have a crucial part to play, as they must be vigilant in monitoring their children's behavior and engaging in open dialogues about the dangers of vaping.In conclusion, the rise of vaping among the youth is a pressing public health concern that demands immediate and concerted action. By addressing the root causes of this issue and implementing evidence-based solutions, we can work to protect the well-being of our young people and prevent the devastating consequences of this growing epidemic. The time to act is now, as the future of our youth hangs in the balance.。
为了自己远离毒品英文作文Title: Keeping Away from Drugs。
In today's society, the issue of drug abuse has become increasingly prevalent, posing significant threats to individuals' health, relationships, and overall well-being. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals to take proactive measures to distance themselves from the allure of drugs. This essay aims to explore the importance of steering clear of drugs and discuss strategies for maintaining a drug-free lifestyle.First and foremost, the consequences of drug abuse can be devastating on both personal and societal levels. Physically, drugs can cause severe health problems, ranging from addiction and overdose to long-term organ damage. Mentally, they can impair cognitive function, leading to diminished decision-making abilities and increased susceptibility to mental illnesses. Moreover, drug abuse often fuels criminal activities, disrupts families, andburdens healthcare systems, thereby destabilizing communities.To safeguard oneself from the dangers of drugs, it is crucial to cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness and resilience. This involves understanding the risks associated with drug use, recognizing triggers that may lead to substance abuse, and developing coping mechanisms to deal with stressors in healthier ways. Additionally, surrounding oneself with positive influences, such as supportive friends and family members, can provide invaluable encouragement and reinforcement in maintaining a drug-free lifestyle.Furthermore, engaging in constructive activities and pursuing meaningful goals can serve as effective deterrents against drug involvement. Whether it be through sports, hobbies, academic pursuits, or volunteer work, investing time and energy into productive endeavors not only fosters personal growth and fulfillment but also reduces the likelihood of succumbing to peer pressure or boredom-induced experimentation with drugs.Education also plays a pivotal role in preventing drug abuse. By raising awareness about the dangers of drugs through school programs, community initiatives, and media campaigns, individuals can make informed decisions and resist the temptations of substance misuse. Moreover, providing access to comprehensive resources and support services for those struggling with addiction facilitates early intervention and rehabilitation efforts, promoting recovery and reducing relapse rates.In addition to personal efforts, collective action is essential in addressing the root causes of drug abuse and fostering a culture of prevention. This entails advocating for policies that prioritize drug prevention, treatment, and harm reduction strategies, as well as supporting initiatives aimed at reducing the societal inequalities and systemic factors that contribute to substance abuse. By working together, communities can create supportive environments that empower individuals to lead healthy,drug-free lives.In conclusion, staying away from drugs is not only a matter of individual responsibility but also a collective endeavor that requires concerted efforts from various stakeholders. By equipping oneself with knowledge, resilience, and support, one can navigate the challenges posed by drugs and embrace a lifestyle characterized by health, happiness, and fulfillment. Together, we can build a society where the allure of drugs holds no sway, and every individual has the opportunity to thrive free from the shackles of addiction.。
远离毒品初中英语作文Staying Away from DrugsDrugs have become a growing concern in our society, particularly among the youth. The easy accessibility and the perceived allure of these substances have led many young people down a dangerous path, with far-reaching consequences. As an adolescent, it is crucial to recognize the importance of staying away from drugs and the profound impact it can have on one's life.Firstly, the physical and mental health risks associated with drug use are well-documented. Substances such as marijuana, cocaine, and heroin can have devastating effects on the body, leading to a range of health problems, from addiction and overdose to long-term organ damage. The impact on mental health can be equally severe, with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and even psychosis. These conditions can significantly impair an individual's ability to function and thrive, both academically and socially.Moreover, the legal consequences of drug use can be severe andlong-lasting. In many countries, the possession, use, or distribution of illegal drugs is a criminal offense, with penalties ranging from fines to incarceration. A drug-related conviction can have a profound impact on one's future, limiting educational and employment opportunities, and making it challenging to rebuild one's life.Beyond the personal risks, the societal impact of drug use cannot be ignored. Drug addiction and trafficking fuel organized crime, violence, and the exploitation of vulnerable populations. The resources required to combat the drug trade and provide treatment and support for those affected can be a significant drain on a community's resources, diverting funds from other important social services.Furthermore, the influence of drugs can have a detrimental effect on one's relationships and support systems. As individuals become consumed by their addiction, they may distance themselves from family and friends, damaging important connections and support networks. This isolation can further exacerbate the mental and emotional challenges associated with drug use, making it even more difficult to break the cycle of addiction.In contrast, the benefits of staying away from drugs are numerous and far-reaching. By maintaining a drug-free lifestyle, individuals can focus on their personal growth, academic or professionaldevelopment, and the cultivation of healthy relationships. They can engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as sports, hobbies, and community service, without the interference of substance abuse.Moreover, the sense of clarity and control that comes with a drug-free life can be empowering. Individuals can make informed decisions, set and achieve their goals, and take responsibility for their actions, all of which can contribute to a greater sense of self-worth and confidence.To effectively stay away from drugs, it is crucial to develop a strong support network and engage in proactive strategies. This may include surrounding oneself with positive influences, such as family, friends, and mentors who share a commitment to a drug-free lifestyle. It may also involve seeking out educational resources, counseling, or participation in community-based programs that promote healthy alternatives and coping mechanisms.Additionally, it is important to cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning in one's life. This can be achieved through the pursuit of meaningful hobbies, volunteering, or the development of a strong academic or career focus. By channeling one's energy and passion into constructive activities, individuals can find a sense of fulfillment and purpose that can serve as a powerful deterrent to drug use.In conclusion, the decision to stay away from drugs is a critical one, with far-reaching implications for an individual's physical, mental, and social well-being. By recognizing the risks and embracing the benefits of a drug-free lifestyle, young people can pave the way for a future filled with promise and possibility. Through the support of family, friends, and community resources, as well as a strong sense of purpose and personal growth, it is possible to navigate the challenges of adolescence and emerge as resilient, healthy, and successful individuals.。
关于禁毒英语作文In today's world, the issue of drug abuse has become acritical concern for societies across the globe. The fight against drugs is not just a battle for the health and well-being of individuals but also a struggle for the safety and stability of communities. This essay aims to discuss the importance of drug prohibition and the role it plays in preserving the fabric of society.Firstly, drug prohibition is essential for maintaining public health. Drugs can have devastating effects on an individual's physical and mental health. Prohibition efforts work to prevent the spread of substance abuse, thereby reducing the number of people who suffer from drug-related health issues. By limiting access to drugs, we can protect our citizens from the life-altering and often irreversible damage that drugs can cause.Secondly, the prohibition of drugs plays a vital role in ensuring social stability. Drug addiction often leads to a cycle of crime and violence as addicts resort to illegal activities to fund their habits. By enforcing strict drug laws, we can deter such behaviors and maintain a safer environment for all members of society. This not only reduces the crime rate but also helps in preserving the social order and the rule of law.Moreover, drug prohibition is a key component in the fightagainst organized crime. Drug trafficking is a lucrative business for criminal organizations, and the profits fromthis trade often fund other illicit activities. By cracking down on drug distribution, we can disrupt the financial underpinnings of these criminal networks and weaken their power.Additionally, drug prohibition helps in the economic development of a nation. The resources that are spent on drug enforcement can be redirected towards education, healthcare, and other social services. Investing in these areas can leadto a more productive and prosperous society, which in turncan reduce the appeal of drugs by addressing some of the root causes of drug use, such as poverty and lack of opportunities.However, it is important to recognize that drug prohibitionis not without its challenges. There are concerns about the infringement of personal freedoms and the potential forracial profiling in enforcement. It is crucial for governments to balance the need for strict drug laws with the protection of civil liberties.In conclusion, drug prohibition is a multifaceted approach to a complex problem. It is about safeguarding the health of individuals, ensuring the safety of communities, andfostering a stable and prosperous society. While challenges exist, the benefits of drug prohibition are significant and warrant the continued effort to combat the global drug problem.。
电子烟民低龄化英语作文The Alarming Trend of E-Cigarette Use Among Younger GenerationsThe rise of e-cigarettes, or vaping, has become a growing concern in recent years, particularly among the younger generation. Once touted as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes have now emerged as a significant public health issue, with a concerning trend of increasing usage among adolescents and even children.One of the most alarming aspects of this phenomenon is the low age at which individuals are starting to use e-cigarettes. Recent studies have shown that the average age of e-cigarette initiation has been steadily decreasing, with some users as young as middle school age. This trend is particularly troubling, as the long-term health effects of e-cigarette use on the developing bodies and minds of young people are not yet fully understood.The appeal of e-cigarettes to younger users is multi-faceted. The sleek and discreet design of many e-cigarette devices, coupled with the wide variety of flavored vaping liquids, has made them seem like an attractive and "cool" alternative to traditional tobacco products.Additionally, the perceived notion that e-cigarettes are a safer option compared to traditional cigarettes has led many young people to believe that they are a harmless choice.However, this perception is far from the truth. While e-cigarettes may not contain the same harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes, they still pose significant health risks, particularly for the developing bodies and brains of young people. The nicotine present in e-cigarettes is highly addictive, and exposure to nicotine during adolescence can have lasting consequences on brain development and cognitive function.Furthermore, the long-term effects of the various chemicals and compounds found in e-cigarette vapor are still largely unknown. Studies have shown that these substances can have detrimental effects on the respiratory system, cardiovascular health, and overall well-being. The potential for long-term harm is a significant concern, especially for those who start using e-cigarettes at a young age.The alarming trend of e-cigarette use among younger generations has prompted a global response from public health authorities and policymakers. Many countries have implemented stricter regulations and age restrictions on the sale and marketing of e-cigarettes, with the goal of curbing the epidemic of youth vaping. However, the challenge remains to effectively educate and inform young peopleabout the dangers of e-cigarette use and to provide them with the necessary support and resources to make informed and responsible decisions.In conclusion, the low-age trend of e-cigarette use is a pressing public health issue that requires immediate attention and action. The potential long-term consequences of e-cigarette use on the health and well-being of young people are too significant to ignore. It is crucial that parents, educators, and policymakers work together to address this problem and protect the future of our youth.。
第七讲 生命与死亡
何为生,何为死 死亡可怕吗? 死亡恐惧的是什么? 脑洞大开,如果人不会死会怎样? 苦难的意义 为什么会有自杀? 自杀背后 危机干预
生命 生机勃勃 一线生机 ……
• 如果医生开药,应按医嘱坚持服用。 • 避免使用酒精或毒品麻痹你的痛苦。 • 不要冲动行事。强烈的痛苦会使你更难做出
面对危机 保证安全 给予支持 寻求外界帮助
面对危机后的同学 真诚表达关心 给予支持
死亡 衰败 枯萎 死得其所 轻如鸿毛 ……
生死之间 以时间为轴,我们的生活怕吗?
从小到大你经历的葬礼。 我们恐惧的是什么?
In the last 45 years, the global suicide mortality rate went up 60 %. In 2009, the global suicide rate is 16/100,000, costing one million lives a year.
毒品买卖英文作文1. Buying drugs online has become increasingly popular in recent years. With just a few clicks, you can have drugs delivered right to your doorstep. It's like ordering a pizza, but with much more dangerous consequences.2. The dark web is where most drug transactions take place. It's a hidden part of the internet that requires special software to access. Here, you can find all kinds of drugs, from marijuana to cocaine to heroin. It's a virtual black market that operates under the radar of law enforcement.3. The convenience of buying drugs online is tempting for many. You don't have to deal with shady dealers on street corners or risk getting caught in a police raid.It's a discreet way to satisfy your cravings without anyone knowing.4. However, the dangers of buying drugs online cannotbe ignored. You have no way of knowing the quality orpurity of what you're buying. It could be laced with other substances or much stronger than you anticipated. Taking unknown substances can have serious health consequences and even be fatal.5. The anonymity of online drug transactions also makes it difficult to hold anyone accountable. If you have a problem with your order or get scammed, there's no one to turn to for help. You're on your own, left to deal with the consequences of your actions.6. Another concern is the potential for addiction. With drugs readily available at your fingertips, it's easy to fall into a cycle of dependency. What may have started as a recreational activity can quickly spiral out of control, ruining your life and the lives of those around you.7. The illegal drug trade also fuels violence and organized crime. Behind every drug transaction, there are criminal organizations profiting from the misery of others. By buying drugs online, you may unknowingly be supportingthese dangerous networks.8. It's important to remember that there are legal and safer alternatives to drugs. If you're struggling with addiction or mental health issues, seek help from professionals who can provide guidance and support. Taking drugs may seem like a quick fix, but it only masks the underlying problems and creates more harm in the long run.9. In conclusion, buying drugs online may seem convenient and tempting, but it comes with a host of dangers and risks. From the unknown quality of the drugs to the potential for addiction and supporting criminal organizations, the consequences far outweigh any short-term benefits. It's crucial to prioritize your health and well-being and seek help when needed, rather than turning to drugs as a solution.。
不要被新潮流迷惑作文英语Don't Be Fooled by the New Trend。
In today's society, people are constantly bombarded by new trends. From fashion to technology, there seems to be a new fad every other day. While it may be tempting to jump on the bandwagon and follow the crowd, it's important to remember that not all trends are worth following. In fact, some can be downright dangerous.One of the most popular trends in recent years is the use of e-cigarettes. Many people see them as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes, but the truth isthat they can be just as harmful. In fact, e-cigarettes have been linked to lung damage and other health problems. Despite this, many young people continue to use them because they are seen as cool or trendy.Another trend that is gaining popularity is the use of social media. While social media can be a great way to stayconnected with friends and family, it can also be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and other negative behavior. Many young people are so obsessed with social media that they spend hours on it every day, often at the expense of other important activities like exercise or homework.It's not just young people who are susceptible to the lure of new trends. Adults can also be swayed by the latest fads, whether it's a new diet or a new exercise routine. While trying new things can be a good thing, it's important to do your research and make sure that the trend you're following is safe and effective.So how can you avoid being fooled by new trends? The key is to stay informed and to think critically. Don't just blindly follow what everyone else is doing. Instead, take the time to research the trend and weigh the pros and cons. Ask yourself if it's really worth it, and if it aligns with your values and goals.In conclusion, it's important to remember that not alltrends are worth following. Some can be harmful or even dangerous. By staying informed and thinking critically, you can avoid being fooled by the latest fads and make choices that are truly in your best interest.。