2005 Preparation of microstructured hydroxyapatite microspheres using oil in water emulsions
Microreactor Microfluidic Systems with Human Microsomes and Hepatocytes for use
Biomedical Microdevices7:2,117–125,2005C 2005Springer Science+Business Media,Inc.Manufactured in TheNetherlands.Microreactor Microfluidic Systems with Human Microsomes and Hepatocytes for use in Metabolite StudiesJeanna C.Zguris,1Laura J.Itle,2Daniel Hayes,3andMichael V.Pishko4,∗1Department of Chemical Engineering,2Department of Chemical Engineering and The Huck Institute for theLife Sciences,3Department of Material Science,and4Departments of Chemical Engineering,Chemistry,and MaterialsScience&Engineering,The Pennsylvania State University,UniversityPark,PA16802-4420,USAE-mail:mpishko@Abstract.In the area of drug discovery,high-speed synthesis has increased the number of drug candidates produced.These poten-tial drugs need to be evaluated for their adsorption,distribution, metabolism,elimination,and toxicology(ADMET)properties as early in the drug development stage as possible.Previously,a poten-tial drug’s ADMET properties have been found out by using mono-layer cell cultures and live animals.These methods can be costly, time-intensive,and impractical for screening the large amount of potential drugs created by combinatorial chemistry.A quick,small, inexpensive,and highly parallel device would be desirable to deter-mine a drug candidate’s properties(i.e.,metabolism of the drug). Here we fabricate a microfluidic device entrapping human micro-somes within poly(ethylene)glycol hydrogels thereby generating an in situ microreactor to assess a drug candidate’s metabolic proper-ties that can be coupled to analysis equipment.We show that mi-crosomes can be entrapped without the loss of enzymatic activity during photopolymerization.Additionally,a microreactor utilizing hepatocytes was also created for comparison with the microsome microreactor.Key Words.microsomes,hydrogels,microreactor,cytochrome P450IntroductionAdsorption,distribution,metabolism,elimination,and toxicology(ADMET)studies are a key area of drug development in which potential drugs are evaluated in an attempt to determine adverse in vivo reactions prior to human trials.Despite rigorous testing,approximately 75,000–135,000deaths due to adverse drug reactions oc-cur annually in the United States,making it the sixth lead-ing cause of death(Hodgson,2001).In addition to limit-ing the number of deaths due to adverse drug reactions, a distinct economic advantage exists for pharmaceutical companies that determine ADMET properties early in the development process(Myers and Baker,2001).An esti-mated90%of drugs are dropped from development in the late clinical stage;eliminating any number of these dead-end drug candidates earlier in the process would allow for the reinvestment of research moneys into more productive avenues(Contag,2002).We have devised a microreactor with microsomes en-trapped in a polymer matrix of poly(ethylene)glycol that can be used to determine the metabolic products of potential drug candidates.Derived from the ultrasonic homogenization of human liver,microsomes retain the metabolic properties of the liver,the organ largely re-sponsible for drug metabolism(Pearce,et al.,1996). Microsomes contain a high percentage of cytochrome P450,group of hemeproteins(Khan,2003)that com-pose an enzyme superfamily subdivided by enzyme struc-ture(Chauret et al.,1999).The cytochrome P450family plays a major role in the oxidative metabolism of xeno-biotics,including toxins,exogenous chemicals,and drugs (Pearce et al.,1996;Chauret et al.,1999;V ondracek et al., 2001).Cytochrome P450metabolism of potential drug can-didates is becoming a routine aspect of high through-put drug screening.For example,the inhibition of Cy-tochrome P450activity can indicate an adverse drug-drug interaction(Crespi et al.,1997).In vitro drug metabolism and cytochrome P450activity related to drug exposure is measured in a variety of biological systems with in-creasing orders of structure and organization.These sys-tems include microsomes,supersomes,hepatocytes,and liver slices(Brandon et al.,2003).The production of drug metabolites can vary depending on the system used,with microsomes and supersomes producing Phase I metabo-lites due to Cytochrome P450,while hepatocytes and liver slices can produce Phase I(hydrolysis,oxidation, and reduction)and Phase II(conjugation)metabolites in in vitro environments(Brandon,2003;DeGraaf et al.,2003).Despite incomplete metabolism of some drug candidates,microsomes are an inexpensive,easy to use *Corresponding author.117118Zguris et al.alternative for initial testing of a drug’s metabolism.In this case human microsomes are used,which will pro-vide us with information regarding the metabolites that will be produced in humans(Sivapathasundaram et al., 2003).The immobilization of microsomes in a three-dimensional matrix provides several advantages over co-valent linkage or physical adsorption including increased storage stability,the ability to separate products from the incubation step,and the ability to reuse and recycle the microsomes for later tests(Sakai-Kato et al.,2002).It has been shown by Sakai-Kato and co-workers that micro-somes can be entrapped within a sol-gel matrix(Sakai-Kato et al.,2002).Microsomes can also be entrapped in a poly(ethylene)glycol matrix,which has several advan-tages over sol-gel technology.These advantages include biocompatibility of the matrix,non-toxic crosslinking so-lutions,faster polymerization time,and ease of patterning (Honiger et al.,1995;Cruise et al.,1998;Alcantar et al., 2000;Elisseeff et al.,2000;Revzin et al.,2001;Burdick and Anseth,2002;Koh et al.,2002,2003;Liu,2002;Liu et al.,2002;Revzin,2003).Previously,we have encap-sulated and patterned enzymes and whole cells for use in sensing applications(Revzin et al.,2001;Koh et al., 2002,2003).However,microsomes harness the advan-tages of both enzyme and whole cell encapsulation.Mi-crosomes contain multiple enzymes,leading to a variety of products,but without needing a tightly regulated external environment.Here we describe the fabrication of a poly(ethylene) glycol microreactor containing microsomes in microflu-idic channels for easy sample delivery.Because it is con-tained within a microfluidic device,this microreactor has the ability to be coupled with a variety of downstream de-tection devices for drug metabolites.However,this method relies on the ability of drug candidates to be transferred through the hydrogel matrix and for drug products to be returned to the process stream.To this end,we charac-terized the mass transfer by calculating the mesh size of PEG hydrogels.Additionally,we compare the activ-ity of encapsulated microsomes with microsomes in so-lution,hepatocytes in solution,and encapsulated hepa-tocytes by utilizing afluorescent substrate,EFC and its fluorescent product HFC(Roberts et al.,1995;Kent et al., 2004).Experimental SectionMicrosomesGLP human liver microsomes(CellzDirect,Austin TX) were used.For imaging,the microsome membrane was stained with3,3 -dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate (DiOC)(Molecular Probes,Eugene,OR)dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO)(VWR International,West Chester,PA).Cell cultureSV-40transformed murine hepatocytes were obtained from American Type Culture Collection(Manassas, V A).Cells were incubated at37◦C in5%CO2and 95%humidified air in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium(DMEM,Sigma,St.Louis,MO)with4.5g/L glucose,200nM dexamethasone,4%fetal bovine serum(FBS),and1%antibiotic/antimycotic solution (Sigma,St.Louis,MO).Hepatocytes were grown to confluence in75cm2polystyrene tissue cultureflasks and confluent cells were subcultured every2to3days by trypsinization with0.25%(w/v)trypsin and0.13%(w/v) EDTA.Forfluorescent whole cell imaging,cells were stained with Cell Tracker Orange CMTMR(5-(and-6)-(((4-chloromethyl)benzyl)amino)tetramethylrhodamine) (Molecular Probes,Eugene,OR).Preparation of PEG hydrogel spheresHydrogel spheres were prepared by following a pre-viously described procedure(Russell et al.,1999).A poly(ethylene)glycol diacrylate(PEG-DA,Sigma,St. Louis,MO)precursor solution was extruded through a21-gauge needle into a graduated cylinder of mineral oil.The precursor droplets were photopolymerized with a365nm, 300mW/cm2light source(EFOS Ultracure100ss Plus, UV spot lamp,Mississauga,Ontario).The spheres were collected and washed repeatedly with water.For mass transfer experiments,spheres containing 100nmfluorescently particles(Molecular Probes,Eu-gene,OR)and spheres that did not contain any particles with the composition of700µL of PEG-DA,300µL of phosphate buffer saline solution(0.1M,pH7.3)and 10µL of Darocur1173.For spheres that were created mi-crosome activity measurements,a precursor solution with 700µL of PEG-DA,200µL of phosphate buffered saline solution(0.1M,pH7.4),100µL of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase at0.07KU/mL,20µL of microsomes at 20mg protein/mL and10µL of2-Hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-1-propanone(Darocur1173,Ciba,Tarrytown, NY)was prepared.To entrap hepatocytes in PEG spheres, a cell suspension of1.0×106to1.5×106cells/mL in90%phosphate buffered saline,10%PEG-DA(MW 575),and1%2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-1-propanone (Darocur1173,Ciba,Tarrytown,NY)photoinitiator was used.Microreactor Microfluidic Systems with Human Microsomes and Hepatocytes119Cytochrome P450activity in microsomes and mammalian cellsFor the determination of cytochrome P450in microsomes, suspension or entrapped microsomes were used.For sus-pension studies,solutions were made with3000µL of phosphate buffer saline solution(0.1M,pH7.4),100µL of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase at0.07KU/mL, 20µL of microsomes at20mg protein/mL,100µL of glucose-6-phosphate(0.57M,Sigma,Sigma,St.Louis, MO),and100µL of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidized sodium salt(NADPH)(VWR Inter-national,West Chester,PA).The NADPH,glucose-6-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase were added for the NADPH regenerating system that is needed with the use of microsomes.Microsome containing spheres were generated as previously described and sus-pended in2mL PBS with100µL of glucose-6-phosphate (0.57M,Sigma,Sigma,St.Louis,MO)and100µL of NADPH.7-ethoxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin(1g/L, EFC)(Molecular Probes,Eugene,OR)were added to microsomes or sphere suspensions in varied amounts. Fluorescent emission spectra of the EFC or the prod-uct of the reaction,7-hydroxy-4-trifluoromethyl coumarin (HFC)(DeLuca et al.,1988;Buters et al.,1993)were ob-tained using afluorescence spectrometer(QM-1,Photon Technology International).For the determination of cytochrome P450activity in mammalian hepatocytes,cell suspensions or entrapped hepatocytes were used.For suspension studies,adherent cultures were detached via trypsinization,pelleted,and re-suspended at a density of1.0×106to1.5×106cells/mL in sterile0.1M phosphate buffer saline solution(PBS),pH 7.4.Cell containing spheres were generated as previously described and suspended in PBS.10µL of1g/L7-ethoxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin(EFC)(Molecular Probes,Eu-gene,OR)were added to cell or sphere suspensions.Flu-orescent emission spectra of the EFC or the HFC were obtained using afluorescence spectrometer(QM-1,Pho-ton Technology International).Preparation of PEG hydrogel microstructuresThe hydrogel microstructures were made using a simi-lar method as previously reported(Revzin et al.,2001).In short,the hydrogel arrays were patterned photolithograph-ically with poly(ethylene)glycol diacrylate(PEG-DA) (MW575,Sigma,Milwaukee,WI)on glass substrates.To prepare the substrates for the arrays,an oxidized surface was created by an acid wash(6N sulfuric acid,Aldrich Chemical Co.,Milwaukee,WI)followed by a base wash (0.1M sodium hydroxide,Sigma,St.Louis,MO)of the glass followed by treatment with3-(trichlorosilyl)propyl methacrylate(Sigma,St.Louis,MO)to form a self as-sembled monolayer(SAM)with pendant methacrylate groups.A solution containing PEG-DA(MW575,Sigma, St.Louis,MO),0.1M phosphate buffered saline, and a photoinitiator,2-Hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-1-propanone(Darocur1173,Ciba,Tarrytown,NY)was prepared.For microsome containing arrays,the con-centration of components was700µL of PEG-DA, 200µL of phosphate buffer saline solution(0.1M, pH7.3),100µL of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase at0.07KU/mL,20µL of microsomes at20mg pro-tein/mL that were previously exposed to DIOC and10µL of2-Hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-1-propanone.To gen-erate cell-containing hydrogel arrays,a cell suspension of1.0×106to1.5×106cells/mL in PBS was ing the cell suspension,a10%PEG-DA solution with1%photoinitiator,2-Hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-1-propanone(Darocur1173,Ciba,Tarrytown,NY),was prepared.The microsome or cell-containing precursor solution was subsequently placed onto the methacrylated substrate. The precursor solution was then covered with a photomask and exposed to ultraviolet light at365nm,300mW/cm2 (EFOS Ultracure100ss Plus,UV spot lamp,Mississauga, Ontario)region for1–2seconds.Areas exposed to light cross-linked via a free radical mechanism and the result-ing hydrogel network isfixed in place while the remaining unreacted monomer is washed away with water.Arrays were imaged on an Axiovert Zeiss200Mfluorescent mi-croscope with a mercury light source(Zeiss,Thornwood, NY).Preparation of microfluidic channelsThe masters had negative patterns that were prepared us-ing photolithography with SU-850negative photoresist (Microlithography Chemical Corp,Newton MA).The patterns were made on glass slides and silica wafers. The pattern was placed on the middle of the substrate utilizing a chrome sodalime photomask made by Ad-vanced Reproductions(Andover,MA).To create the poly(dimethylsiloxane)(PDMS)channels for the genera-tion of microreactors within microfluidic channels,mas-ters were placed in petri dishes and covered with a10:1 mixture of PDMS prepolymer to curing agent(Dow Corn-ing Sylgard184,Midland,MI).The resulting degassed mixture was poured into the Teflon mold with the master and cured at60◦C for at least2hours.After curing,the PDMS replica was removed from the master and the in-let and outlet ports were placed by piercing the replica with a blunted syringe needle through the backside of the network.PDMS channels and glass coverslips were treated with a115V high frequency generator model120Zguris et al.BD-10AS(Electro-Technic Products,Inc,Chicago,IL) to irreversibly seal the channel to the glass.To create microreactors within the microfluidic net-work,polymer precursor solution previously described containing either microsomes or hepatocytes were pumped into the microfluidic channels.A photomask was positioned over the microfluidic channel,and the polymer precursor solution was exposed to ultraviolet light as de-scribed above.Unreacted polymer precursor was rinsed from the channel using water.Arrays within microfluidic networks were imaged using an Axiovert Zeiss200Mflu-orescent microscope with a mercury light source(Zeiss, Thornwood,NY).Results and DiscussionFabrication of microsome containing hydrogel arrays The process of making hydrogel microstructures with mi-crosomes has been developed.The microsomes are bought with a20mg/mL protein,which includes a large amount of tissue debris.The large debris can be seen in Fig-ure1(a).The large tissue debris could block the microflu-idic channel and alter the mass transfer of the analyte to the microsomes in the hydrogel.Depending on the chan-nel width it could be critical that the larger tissue debris was removed.This was accomplished by centrifuging the solution,removing and keeping thefluid and throwing out the pellet.After thisfiltering technique most of the large debris is removed.This can be shown by Figure1(b), there is sufficiently less debris after thisfiltering technique.Thefiltered or unfiltered solution of microsomes can be entrapped in hydrogel microstructures.We have shown that the microsomes in the unfiltered state can be en-trapped with a polymer matrix and stay intact.This is shown in Figure2,where the lipid membranes are stained with DiOC remainingfluorescently active.The hydrogels contain a7:3ratio of PEG:PBS precursor solution.Mass transfer to microsomes in PEG hydrogels Microsomes must be permanentlyfixed within the hy-drogel or free microsomes could disrupt any analysis of products.PEG hydrogels containingfluorescently tagged nanoparticles the same size as microsomes were moni-tored for2.5hours to insure that no particles leached into the surroundingfluid.In Figure3,thefluorescent inten-sity of the hydrogels is shown as a function of time.No substantial decrease influorescent intensity was shown, indicating that no particles leached from the hydrogels.To substantiate this result and to verify that drug candidates could reach microsomes entrapped in a hydrogel matrix, the mesh size of the gels was calculated.Additionally,the mesh size of the gel can be used to find the effective diffusivity(Peppas et al.,2000)of the potential drug;the effective diffusivity would allow the incubation time of the microsomes with the drug candi-date to be calculated.Mesh size was estimated by using the Peppas-Merrill equation.Though the Peppas-Merrill equation corrected the Flory-Rehner model(Peppas et al., 2000)for solvated systems,it still contains some limita-tions(Wu et al.,2004).A key limitation precludes the cal-culation of mesh size for polymer networks formed with dilute precursor solutions;in this case,the mesh size can-not be calculated mathematically for hydrogels entrapping hepatocytes.The determination of the mesh size has been deter-mined for other polymer systems(Mellott et al.,2001; Russell et al.,2001;Kim and Peppas,2002;Berger et al., 2003;Wang et al.,2003)by using the Peppas-Merrill equation(Peppas and Merrill,1976)(equation(1)).In the equation,v denotes the volume of the polymer af-ter crosslinking in either the relaxed state(subscript r) and in the swollen state(subscript s).V is the molar vol-ume of the medium,M N is the molecular weight of lin-ear polymer chains polymerized in the same conditions without crosslinks,andχis the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter.1c=2N−(v/V1)ln(1−v2,s)+v2,s+χ1v22,sv2,s(v2,s/v2,r)1/3−12(v2,s/v2,r)(1) N is the number of links between crosslinks,which is calculated by equation(2).In this equation,M r is the average molecular weight of the repeating unit.n=2M cM r(2)Equation(3)is used to determine r,the root mean squared end to end distance in the freely jointed state.In this equa-tion,l is the carbon-carbon bond length(1.54angstroms) and n is obtained from equation(2).(r2)1/2=l√n(3) Equation(4)is used to calculate the root mean square end to end distance of the polymer chain in the unperturbed state,where C n is the Flory characteristic ratio or rigidity factor of polymer.r o1/2=C n(r)1/2(4)The above value can be used to calculate the mesh size (ξ)in equation(5).ξ=υ−1/32,sr2o1/2(5)Microreactor Microfluidic Systems with Human Microsomes and Hepatocytes121Fig.1.Microsomes with lipids stained with DiOC(a)unfiltered microsome mixture originally purchased from CellzDirect at10×(b) Filtered microsome mixture at10×(c)Filtered microsome mixture at 40×magnification.Fig.2.Microsomes entrapped in PEG hydrogel microstructures(2.5×magnification).To calculate mesh size,hydrogel spheres were fabri-cated with and without nanoparticles.They are investi-gated in the relaxed,hydrated,and dry states.The av-erage mesh size was found to be11.4±1.6Angstroms (standard deviation,n=22)for a precursor solution of 700µL of PEG,300µL of water,10µL of Darocur 1173,and nanoparticles.The average mesh size of hy-drogels without nanoparticles was10.0±2.5(standard deviation,n=71)for a precursor solution of700µL of PEG,300µL of water,and10µL of Darocur1173. There is no significant difference between these two val-ues,indicating that100nm microsomes will notleach Fig.3.Leaching of the100nmfluorescently tagged particles from a hydrogel over time.122Zguris etal.Fig.4.Investigation of activity of microsomes of the average values between the wavelengths of 468.5±2.5nm (A)product emission of microsomes in solution over time and (B)product emission of microsomes in PEG sphere microstructures over time.from the gel and that the inclusion of nanoparticles in the hydrogels does not significantly alter hydrogel mesh size.Cytochrome P450activityThe cytochrome P450activity of microsomes in solu-tion was compared to the activity of the microsomes entrapped in the hydrogel microstructures,to ensure that encapsulation did not disrupt enzymatic activity.As shown in Figures 4(A)and (B),microsomes en-trapped in PEG maintained cytochrome P450activity de-spite undergoing the gelation process.The EFC emission peak increased over time in both microsomes in solution and in hydrogel spheres;no such increase was notice-able in a control sample containing only PEG spheres (Figure 4(C)).Similar experiments were conducted to determine the cytochrome P450activity of hepatocytes both in solution and in spheres (Figures 5(A)and (B)).These graphs show that for the same activity a larger amount ofcellsFig.5.Cytochrome P450activity of hepatocytes in free solution (A)and in PEG hydrogels (B)expressed in counts/second.or total protein are needed.This is due to the concen-trated nature of cytochrome P450present in microsomes and the lack of competitive pathways (Brandon,Raap et al.,2003).This indicates that the microreactor can be tai-lored to the needs of the user whether they want phase I metabolites (microsomes)or a combination of Phase I &II (hepatocytes).Fabrication of microreactors within PDMS microchannelsTo illustrate the feasibility of placing microsome or hep-atocyte microreactors within microfluidic channels for easy sample delivery,we generated arrays microsome and hepatocyte microreactors in microfluidic networks.Poly-mer precursor solutions containing either microsomes or hepatocytes were placed in the microfluidic networks.A chrome mask was positioned over the reactor chamber to generate patterns of hydrogels within the microfluidic channel.Arrays of microsomes are shown in Figure 6,while hepatocytes are shown in Figure 7.Microreactor Microfluidic Systems with Human Microsomes and Hepatocytes123(A)Fig.6.Images of microsomes in microfluidic channels.(A)Schematic drawing of hydrogel structures within in the microfluidic chamber.(B)2.5×Fluorescent image of the channel with hydrogel structures with microsomes stained with DIOC lipid stain.(C)20×Fluorescent image of one hydrogel structure in the channel with microsomes stained with DIOClipid.(A)(C)Fig.7.Array of hydrogels containing hepatocytes:(A)schematic drawing,(B)fluorescent,and (C)an enlarged image of one array element.124Zguris et al.ConclusionWe have demonstrated the ability to entrap microsomes in a poly(ethylene)glycol hydrogel microstructures without loss of activity during the gelation process.The activ-ity of cytochrome P450in microsomes in PEG structures was compared with the activity of hepatocytes in simi-lar microstructures.It was shown that fewer microsomes are needed than hepatocytes to generate the same level of activity in this system.Hydrogel arrays containing mi-crosomes and hepatocytes were created in microfluidic channels for easy sample delivery.Additionally,these de-vices can be coupled to mass spectrometers to create a device that requires little of the operator.Previously it has been shown that microfluidic devices have been cou-pled to MALDI-TOF MS(Brivio et al.,2002;Gustafsson et al.,2004)and electrospray ionization-mass spectrome-try(Kim and Knapp,2001;Chiou et al.,2002;Benetton et al.,2003;LeGac et al.,2004),which are both used to detect metabolite products currently. 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ConSurf 2005 the projection of evolutionary conservation scores of residues on protein stru
ConSurf 2005:the projection of evolutionaryconservation scores of residues on protein structuresMeytal Landau,Itay Mayrose 1,Yossi Rosenberg,Fabian Glaser 2,Eric Martz 3,Tal Pupko 1and Nir Ben-Tal*Department of Biochemistry,George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,Tel Aviv University,Ramat Aviv 69978,Israel,1Department of Cell Research and Immunology,George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,Tel Aviv University,Ramat Aviv 69978,Israel,2European Bioinformatics Institute,Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,Cambridge,CB101SD,UK and 3Department of Microbiology,University of Massachusetts,Amherst,MA 01003,USAReceived February 5,2005;Accepted March 3,2005ABSTRACTKey amino acid positions that are important for main-taining the 3D structure of a protein and/or its func-tion(s),e.g.catalytic activity,binding to ligand,DNA or other proteins,are often under strong evolutionary constraints.Thus,the biological importance of a residue often correlates with its level of evolution-ary conservation within the protein family.ConSurf (http://consurf.tau.ac.il/)is a web-based tool that automatically calculates evolutionary conservation scores and maps them on protein structures via a user-friendly interface.Structurally and functionally important regions in the protein typically appear as patches of evolutionarily conserved residues that are spatially close to each other.We present here version 3.0of ConSurf.This new version includes an empirical Bayesian method for scoring conservation,which is more accurate than the maximum-likelihood method that was used in the earlier release.Various additional steps in the calculation can now be controlled by a number of advanced options,thus further improving the accuracy of the calculation.Moreover,ConSurf version 3.0also includes a measure of confidence for the inferred amino acid conservation scores.INTRODUCTIONThe degree to which an amino acid position is recessive to substitutions is strongly dependent on its structural and func-tional importance.An amino acid that plays an essential role,e.g.in enzymatic catalysis,is likely to remain unaltered in spite of the random evolutionary drift.Hence,the level of evolution-ary conservation is often indicative of the importance of the position in maintaining the protein’s structure and/or function.ConSurf is a web server for mapping the level of evolution-ary conservation of each of the amino acid positions of a protein onto its 3D structure (1).The conservation scores are calculated based on the evolutionary relations among the protein and its homologs and the probability of residue replacement as reflected in amino acid substitution matrices (2,3).The scores are subsequently translated into a discrete coloring scale that is used to project them on a known 3D structure of one of the homologous proteins.The server is implemented in a user-friendly interface that enables scientists from the experimental biology as well as the bioinformatics communities to explore the evolutionary history of a protein of known 3D structure and to identify structurally and functionally important positions.We provide here a brief review of ConSurf with emphasis on the new features that were added recently.METHODSA short description of the methodology is provided here and a more detailed description is available at http://consurf.tau.ac.il/,under ‘OVERVIEW’,‘QUICK HELP’and ‘FAQ’.ConSurf protocolA flow chart,describing the ConSurf protocol,is presented in Figure 1.The minimal input requirement for ConSurf is a four-letter PDB (4)code and the relevant chain identifier of the query protein.Alternatively,a user-provided protein struc-ture in the form of a PDB file can be ing the 3D structure of the query protein as an input,the following steps are automatically carried out by ConSurf:(i)The amino acid sequence is extracted from the PDB file.(ii)Homologous sequences in the SWISS-PROT database (5)are searched and collected using PSI-BLAST (6).(iii)A multiple sequence alignment (MSA)of these sequencesis computed using CLUSTAL W (7).*To whom correspondence should be addressed.Tel:+97236406709;Fax:+97236406834;Email:bental@ashtoret.tau.ac.il ªThe Author 2005.Published by Oxford University Press.All rights reserved.The online version of this article has been published under an open access ers are entitled to use,reproduce,disseminate,or display the open access version of this article for non-commercial purposes provided that:the original authorship is properly and fully attributed;the Journal and Oxford University Press are attributed as the original place of publication with the correct citation details given;if an article is subsequently reproduced or disseminated not in its entirety but only in part or as a derivative work this must be clearly indicated.For commercial re-use,please contact journals.permissions@Nucleic Acids Research,2005,Vol.33,Web Server issue W299–W302doi:10.1093/nar/gki370(iv)A phylogenetic tree is reconstructed based on the MSA, using the neighbor-joining algorithm(8)as implemented in the Rate4Site program(3).(v)Position-specific conservation scores are computed using the empirical Bayesian(2)or maximum-likelihood(3) algorithms.(vi)The continuous conservation scores are divided into a dis-crete scale of9grades for visualization purpose.Grade1 contains the most variable positions and is colored tur-quoise;grade5contains intermediately conserved posi-tions and is colored white;and grade9contains the most conserved positions and is colored maroon.(vii)The nine-color conservation grades are projected onto the 3D structure of the query protein.The sensitivity and selectivity of the search for homologous proteins[step(ii)above]can be controlled by adjusting the number of PSI-BLAST iterations,the PSI-BLAST E-value cut-off and the maximum number of sequences extracted from PSI-BLAST(6).As an alternative to this automatic search,the server accepts a user-provided MSA.In such a case,steps(ii)and(iii)in the outline protocol are skipped. ConSurf outputsAfter the calculation begins,ConSurf produces a status page indicating the computation parameters along with the different stages of the server activity.The main result of a ConSurf calculation is under the link‘View ConSurf Results with Pro-tein Explorer’,which leads to the graphic visualization of the query protein,color coded by conservation scores,through the Protein Explorer interface(9).The continuous conservation scores of each of the amino acid positions are available under the link‘Amino Acid Conservation Scores’,along with the color grades and additional data.The script command for viewing the3D structure of the query protein,color coded by conservation scores,is available under the link‘RasMol coloring script source’.Thisfile can be downloaded and used locally with the RasMol program(10),thus producing the same color-coded scheme generated by the server.A PDB file,in which the conservation scores are specified in the temperature(B)factorfield,can be downloaded through the link:‘The PDBfile updated with the conservation scores in the tempFactorfield’.Thus,any3D protein viewer,such as the RasMol program(10),which is capable of presenting the B factors,is suitable for mapping the conservation scores on the structure.The ConSurf output also includes links to the PSI-BLAST results,the homologous sequences along with a link to their SWISS-PROT entry page,the MSA and the phylogenetic tree used in the calculation.As an example,we provide in Figure2the main output of a ConSurf run of the Kcsa potassium-channel(11),a transmem-brane protein from Streptomyces Lividans.Kcsa is a homotet-ramer with a4-fold symmetry axis about its pore.The ConSurf calculations demonstrate the high level of conservation of the pore region as compared with the rest of the protein.The pore architecture provides the unique stereochemistry which is required for efficient and selective conduction of potassium ions(11).The biological importance of this stereochemistry is reflected by a strong evolutionary pressure to resist amino acid replacements in the pore.In contrast,the regions that surround the pore and face the extracellular matrix are highlyvariable.Figure2.A ConSurf analysis of the Kcsa potassium channel.The tetramericchannel,which is viewed along the pore from the extracellular end,is presentedusing a space-filled model.The amino acids are colored by their conservationgrades using the color-coding bar,with turquoise-through-maroon indicatingvariable-through-conserved.Amino acid positions,for which the inferredconservation level was assigned with low confidence,are marked with lightyellow.The potassium ion at the channel pore is colored green.Conservationscores,which were calculated for one of the channel’s subunits,were projectedon the homotetrameric structure.The run was carried out using PDB code1bl8(11)and default ConSurf parameters.The picture was generated usingMOLSCRIPT(21)and Raster3D(26).W300Nucleic Acids Research,2005,Vol.33,Web Server issueNEW ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTSIN ConSurfAn empirical Bayesian method to score conservation The heart of the ConSurf server is the calculation of the con-servation scores of each amino acid position.In the previous version of the server,the maximum-likelihood method(3)was used as the default option to this end.Recently,we showed that an empirical Bayesian method can significantly improve the accuracy of the estimated conservation scores(2).The empirical Bayesian method is particularly superior to the maximum-likelihood method when the number of homo-logous sequences analyzed is small(2).The new method is now integrated in ConSurf as the default option.The usage of the maximum-likelihood method is still available under the ‘Method’pull-down menu.Estimation of the reliability of the inferred conservation scoresAn amino acid position that is conserved across all homo-logous sequences will always be assigned with the highest conservation grade.Yet,there is a difference if the conserva-tion score is inferred based on a small MSA of,for example, 4sequences,or based on a larger set of30sequences.Addi-tionally,since the conservation calculation for positions with a lot of gaps is based on a fewer number of sequences,the conservation score for these positions will be less reliable than positions that have no gaps.The reliability of the con-servation computation is not only determined by the number of sequences in each position but also by the evolutionary distances between the sequences,the phylogenetic tree topology and the evolutionary process.One of the most important new features in ConSurf version 3.0is the inclusion of a measure of the confidence of each of the inferred position-specific conservation scores.The measure is calculated using the empirical Bayesian method, as explained in(12)and at http://consurf.tau.ac.il/under ‘OVERVIEW’.In short,it is based on a confidence interval that is defined by the lower and upper quartiles:the25th and 75th percentiles of the inferred distribution of conservation scores,respectively.It gives the50%confidence interval and also indicates the dispersion of each of the estimated scores. The confidence interval is usually large in positions with a small number of sequences,thus indicating a low level of support in the inferred conservation scores for these positions. When the number of sequences is large,the confidence inter-val is small,and the point score estimates are more assured. Amino acid positions,associated with confidence intervals that are too large to be trustworthy,are marked in the output files of the server and highlighted(in pale yellow)on the3D structure of the protein(Figure2).Models of amino acid substitutionsThe inference of the evolutionary conservation scores relies on a specified probabilistic model of amino acid replace-ments(3).The JTT matrix(13)was used to this end in the previous version of ConSurf.In version3.0,we expanded the utility of ConSurf to support additional models of sub-stitution for nuclear DNA-encoded as well as non-nuclear DNA-encoded proteins.The model of substitution can be chosen from the‘Model of substitution for proteins’pull-down menu,which is available in the‘Advance Options’section of the ConSurf main interface.The JTT(13), Dayhoff(14)and WAG(15)matrices are suitable for nuclear DNA-encoded proteins.The WAG matrix has been inferred from a large database of sequences comprising a broad range of protein families,and is thus suitable for distantly related amino acid sequences(15).The mtREV(16)and cpREV(17) matrices are suitable for mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA-encoded proteins,respectively.Examples that demonstrate the influence of using the different matrices on the calcula-tions are available at http://consurf.tau.ac.il/under‘OVER-VIEW’.The differences between ConSurf calculations using different matrices tend to be small but not negligible. User-provided phylogenetic treeA user-provided phylogenetic-tree(that should be consistent with the MSA)may be supplied as an additional input.In this case,steps(ii–iv)in the‘ConSurf protocol’(specified above) are skipped.We note that the accuracy of the conservation scores calculations relies on the correct reconstruction of the phylogeny(18).Default ConSurf runs are carried out using phylogenetic trees that are constructed with the neighbor-joining algorithm.The new feature enables the users to supply more accurate trees.WORK UNDER DEVELOPMENTWe are currently integrating a few more enhancements to ConSurf.At present,ConSurf uses the neighbor-joining algorithm as a fast heuristic method to construct phylogenetic trees.Notwithstanding,the more exhaustive maximum-likelihood tree-reconstruction method is known to produce more accurate phylogenetic trees(19),which should increase the accuracy of the calculated conservation scores(18).We will integrate the maximum-likelihood-based SEMPHY pro-gram(20)into ConSurf.This program reconstructs phylogen-etic trees dramatically faster than other maximum-likelihood tree-reconstruction methods(20),and can thus be used with little additional computational cost.A computational tool will be developed,which will enable a simultaneous online view of the phylogenetic tree while analyzing the evolutionary profile of the protein.This inter-active tool will allow the user to mark specific branches,which will be used for in-depth ConSurf analyses.For example,the selection of specific clades(sub-trees)may be used to define sub-families.The examination of ConSurf analysis of sub-families may reveal specific characters that are unique to each of them.The main output of ConSurf is the projection of the con-servation scores on the3D structure of the query protein.In order to easily generate high-resolution colorfigures,we will provide a script command for the MOLSCRIPT program(21) as an additional output.A planned enhancement to ConSurf will be the inclusion of all the visualization results in the header of the PDBfile. The format that will be used to this end will allow an inter-active offline view of the results using Protein Explorer on the user machine,exactly as they appear online.Nucleic Acids Research,2005,Vol.33,Web Server issue W301CONCLUSIONSConSurf(1)is a web server that automatically calculates evolutionary conservation scores for each amino acid position and projects them onto the3D structure of the protein.Evolu-tionary trace(ET)(22,23)is a related web server that may also be used to map conservation scores on the3D structure. However,the ET method(23),which was developed for the identification of class-specific residues,is less accurate than ConSurf for scoring conservation(3).This may explain why biologically important regions that were detected using Con-Surf were overlooked by the ET web server(1).(See http:// consurf.tau.ac.il/,under‘OVERVIEW’for details).Other related web servers,such as MSA3D(9),ProtSkin(24)and COLORADO3D(25),may also be used to present conserva-tion scores on protein structures.These web servers use a consensus approach to infer conservation,which is inferior to methods,such as the ET and ConSurf’s maximum-likelihood and empirical Bayesian that explicitly take into account the phylogeny of the homologous sequences under study(2,3).Moreover,all the above servers are not fully automated as ConSurf and require a user-provided MSA. The new version of ConSurf includes an improved algo-rithm for scoring evolutionary conservation and provides an index of confidence in the estimated scores.In addition,while ConSurf is still easy to use with default options,expert users can benefit from several advanced options that were added in order to provide more control over the calculations and so to increase the accuracy of the results.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors are grateful to the Bioinformatics Unit and the George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences at Tel Aviv University for providing technical assistance and computation facilities.This study was supported by a Research Career Development Award from the Israel Cancer Research Fund. T.P.was supported by a grant in Complexity Science from the Yeshaia Horvitz Association and from an ISF grant no.1208/04. 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Microstructure and electrical properties of niobium doped Bi4Ti3O12 layer-structured piezoelectric
Materials Science and Engineering B116(2005)99–103Short communicationMicrostructure and electrical properties of niobium dopedBi4Ti3O12layer-structured piezoelectric ceramicsLina Zhang,Ruiqing Chu,Suchuan Zhao,Guorong Li∗,Qingrui YinThe State Key Lab of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructures,Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Chinese Academy of Science,Shanghai200050,PR ChinaReceived14July2004;accepted12September2004AbstractLayer-structured Bi4Ti3−x Nb x O12+x/2(BiTN)ceramics,where x=0.02–0.20,have been prepared by the conventional sintering technique. XRD results reveal the existence of an orthorhombic structure.The grain size decreases gradually and grain growth anisotropy is limited when x increases.The domain structures of BiTN ceramics differ on x.Nb5+donor doping decreases markedly electrical conductivity of the materials and T c shifts gradually to lower temperatures.In addition,low dielectric losses and good temperature stability of dielectric constant are obtained in a wide temperature range.Ferroelectric hysteresis loops of the materials are also determined on x.The best properties can be found in x=0.08and0.11,indicating lower electrical conductivity,good temperature stability of dielectric properties and adequate piezoelectric properties.©2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Domain structure;Electrical conductivity;Temperature coefficient of dielectric constant;Piezoelectric properties;Nb5+-doped;Bi4Ti3O12ceramics1.IntroductionLead zirconate titanate(PZT)based piezoelectric de-vices are employed widely in the range of0–200◦C.Re-cently,there was a need for sensors that can operate at higher temperatures(>400◦C)without significant changes in sensing properties.The compounds of Aurivillius bis-muth layer-structure ferroelectric(BLSF)are suitable can-didate materials due to their high Curie temperatures,strong anisotropic characters,low dielectric losses and low aging rates[1].Bismuth titanate(Bi4Ti3O12)belongs to the family of BLSF with a general formula(Bi2O2)2+(A m−1B m O3m+1)2−. It undergoes a ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition at the Curie temperature(T c=675◦C).At room temper-ature the symmetry of Bi4Ti3O12is monoclinic structure (C1h=m)[2],while it can be considered as orthorhom-bic structure with a=0.5448,b=0.5411and c=3.283nm ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862152412034;fax:+862152413122.E-mail address:siccraln@(G.Li).from X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns[3].The crys-tal structure is characterized by three perovskite-like unit cells sandwiched between(Bi2O2)2+layers along the c-axis. Bi4Ti3O12single crystal has two independent spontaneous polarizations with a major component of50C/cm2in the a–b plane[2].The piezoelectric coefficient is also very high in this plane.These characteristics suggest that Bi4Ti3O12 is a good material for high-temperature ferroelectric and piezoelectric applications.Moreover,it is considered to be a promising,environmentally friendly material alternative to PZT.Effort has been devoted to Bi4Ti3O12ceramics and thin films fabricated by various methods[4–7].The applications have been limited because of its high electrical conductiv-ity,which is maximum in the a–b plane.It is difficult to polarize Bi4Ti3O12to obtain high piezoelectric activity.It is well known that donor dopants decrease the conductiv-ity of Bi4Ti3O12material with a p-type mechanism.There have been correlative investigations about modifying elec-trical conductivity of Bi4Ti3O12by Nb5+,W6+substituting Ti4+[8–12].0921-5107/$–see front matter©2004Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.mseb.2004.09.007100L.Zhang et al./Materials Science and Engineering B116(2005)99–103According to the theory of Fousek and Janovec[13],there were18possibilities of domain-wall structures in Bi4Ti3O12. These complex domain-wall structures may lead to a consid-erable contribution to the piezoelectric properties.Cummins [2,14]studied the domain walls in Bi4Ti3O12single crys-tal by optical method and electron microscopy,respectively, and many kinds of domain-wall structures had been verified. But there is no report on the domain structures of Bi4Ti3O12 ceramics.Excellent temperature stability of piezoelectric materi-als is one of important factors for high temperature appli-cations.Ogawa et al.[15]has investigated the temperature dependence of resonance frequency of the grain-oriented CaBi4Ti4O15ceramics.In generally,if dielectric properties change remarkably with elevated temperature,the poled ce-ramics would be depolarized and the piezoelectric properties will be worse.Therefore,analyzing the dependence of di-electric constant versus temperature is an important subject.In the present study,microstructure,electrical conduc-tivity,dielectric and piezoelectric properties of Nb5+-doped Bi4Ti3O12prepared by the conventional sintering behavior have been studied,in particular ferroelectric domain struc-tures and temperature stability of dielectric properties were discussed.2.ExperimentalBi4Ti3−x Nb x O12+x/2(x=0.02,0.05,0.08,0.11and0.20) (BiTN)ceramics were prepared by the conventional sinter-ing technique.Bi2O3,TiO2and Nb2O5reagents were thor-oughly ball-milled and calcined at850◦C for2h in alumina crucibles.Then the powders were ground again to gainfine granularity.The dried powders were sieved and added with about8wt.%of a5%PV A binder.After that,compacted disks of12mm diameter and1.5mm thickness were obtained by uniaxially pressed at150MPa.These disks were sintered with a heating rate of2.5◦C min−1at1000–1150◦C for1h in air. The sintered disks were ground to0.5mm in thickness.Sil-ver electrodes were pasted on both sides of the samples and fired at740◦C for20min.The samples were polarized in a silicon oil bath at140◦C in afield of60–100kV/cm for 20min.The bulk density was measured using the Archimedes method.X-ray diffraction(RAX-10,Rigaku,Japan)using Cu K␣radiation was conducted to determine the phase of sintered samples.The microstructures and ferroelectric do-main structures were examined on polished and thermally etched surfaces by a commercial scanning force microscopy (SFM)instrument(Seiko SPA300/SPI3800).A high re-sistance meter(KEITHLEY6517A)was used to measure electrical conductivity in a direct current circuit.The di-electric and piezoelectric properties were measured with an impedance analyzer(HP4294A).A high-voltage test system (Radiant Technologies RT66A unit)was used to obtain the ferroelectric hysteresis loops.3.Results and discussionAll samples achieved about95%of theoretical density at their corresponding sintering temperature,which was nec-essary to obtain high resistance and withstand high electric field to pole the materials.Fig.1shows the X-ray diffraction diagram of the studied BiTN ceramics.All diffraction data showed the existence of a single orthorhombic phase,with-out a secondary phase detectable.It is in accordance with the view that Bi4Ti3O12is usually considered to have a polar orthorhombic structure[3].Fig.2shows the typical surface morphology and domain structures of the polished and thermally etched surfaces of BiTN samples.As Fig.2(a)–(c)are shown,it is evident that Nb5+addition leads to a significant change in the av-erage size and homogeneity of the grains.Nb5+-doping de-creased gradually the grain size in a–b plane and limited the anisotropy of grain growth.The shape of grains changed from needle-like to rod-like structure as the doped content x in-creased.More homogeneous grains were observed especially for x=0.20.The porosity was mainly located on grain bound-aries.It is thought that the random orientation and anisotropic growth of the grains contribute to the pores at a large extent.Fig.2(d)and(e)show the domain structures obtained under the piezoresponse mode of SFM,where the domain structures in BiTN ceramics were greatly different.In BiTN (x=0.02)ceramics,most of domain walls were mainly90◦and paralleled to the c axis(see Fig.2(d)).However,for the dopant content x=0.08ceramics,the domain walls mainly perpendiculared to the c axis and paralleled to a–b plane (see Fig.2(e)).Cummins’s investigation[14]and other sim-ilar studies for Bi4Ti3O12single crystal gave evidence that a number of different types of domain walls existed.Their studies indicated that90◦walls and walls parallel to the a–b plane are stable in the virgin crystal.In our studies,it was found that the domain walls in BiTN(x=0.02)weremainly Fig.1.XRD patterns of BiTN ceramic samples.L.Zhang et al./Materials Science and Engineering B116(2005)99–103101Fig.2.SFM micrographs of polished and thermally etched surfaces of BiTN ceramics:microstructures for(a)x=0.02,(b)x=0.08,(c)x=0.20and the corresponding domain structures for(d)x=0.02,(e)x=0.08.90◦and the domain walls in BiTN(x=0.08)ceramics mainlyparalleled to a–b plane.This change of domain structures wasprobably due to the modifying of Nb5+.The temperature dependence of electrical conductivitymeasured in a direct current circuit with BiTN ceramics wasstudied in the temperature rang from160to600◦C(seeFig.3).Here,we gave the conductivity of pure Bi4Ti3O12forcomparison.It could be found that the conductivity of BiTNwas obviously lower than that of the undoped Bi4Ti3O12,which was accord with donor dopants decreasing the con-ductivity of a material with a p-type mechanism.The con-ductivity decreased two orders of magnitude with a smallcontent of Nb5+-doping(x=0.02).When x≥0.05,BiTNce-Fig.3.The log of the electrical conductivityσas a function of the temper-ature for BiTN ceramics.ramics obtained lower electrical conductivity and could be poled to develop piezoelectricity.In Bi4Ti3O12,hole compensation of bismuth vacancies (V Bi+3h·)promotes p-type electronic conductivity.When Nb5+substitutes Ti4+in BiTN ceramics,a positive charge centers in Nb site and an electron will be created under charge neutrality restriction,which can be described as Nb·Ti+e . These electrons neutralize the influence of the holes.Ac-cording to the electronic conductivity relationshipσ=nqµ(1)where n is the number of the carriers,q the charge andµthe mobility,it was thought that the number of the hole carriers,n, was decreased.That resulted in the low conductivity in BiTN ceramics.The conductivity will decrease with donor doping to a minimum value until the concentration of the electrons equals to the hole concentration.The dielectric constants measured at room temperature at 1kHz increased gradually from160to216with Nb5+mod-ifying.It indicates the influence of the bismuth vacancies. Similar to Nb5+-doping into PZT-based piezoelectric ceram-ics,Nb2O5can be considered as a kind of soft additive in Bi4Ti3O12ceramics.It will soften piezoelectric ceramics,e.g. increasing dielectric constant,dielectric loss and decreasing electrical conductivity(listed in Table1).Fig.4(a)shows the variation of dielectric constant as a function of the temperature at100kHz for various Nb5+-doped Bi4Ti3O12ceramics.T c of BiTN ceramics shifted to lower temperatures with increasing Nb5+concentration.The reason was the result of Nb ions occupying the Ti site of102L.Zhang et al./Materials Science and Engineering B116(2005)99–103Table1The resistivity,dielectric and piezoelectric properties of BiTN ceramicsxρ(400◦C)( cm)T c(◦C)ε/ε0tan␦(%)Q m K p(%)d33(pC/N) 0.02 2.0×107669160 1.3–––0.05 1.3×109660170 1.51861 3.7170.08 3.0×109652181 2.32348 3.6190.11 1.4×109646199 2.22492 3.5180.207.5×108625216 2.32071 3.517Fig.4.(a)Dielectric constant and(b)dielectric loss tangent of BiTN ceramics as a function of the temperature at100kHz. the perovskite cell in the bismuth layer-structured ceramics.From Fig.4(b),the loss tangent of x≥0.05increased veryslowly and was below0.04up to400◦C,which enabled thematerial to polarize at higher electricfields and higher tem-peratures.As for a small content x of0.02,its dielectric lossincreased sharply with elevated temperature due to higherconductivity.To better illustrate the temperature dependence of dielec-tric properties,we defined the temperature coefficient of di-electric constant as follows:Tkε=(εT−εT0)/(εT×(T−T0))(2)whereεT andεT0are the dielectric constant of the samples attemperature T and room temperature T0,respectively.Fig.5 shows that the steady temperature coefficients of dielectric constant were very small up to500◦C with x=0.08and0.11, due to the suitable Nb modification.The values of Tkεwere 1.71×10−3and1.62×10−3/◦C at500◦C,respectively.For other composition materials,the temperature coefficients of dielectric constant change markedly when the temperature increased.Fig.6shows the ferroelectric hysteresis loops measured at around140kV/cm electricalfields in a silicon oil bath at 140◦C.The remnant polarization and the coercivefield were increased after Nb5+doping into the Bi4Ti3O12ceramics, which was similar to the investigations of some researchers [16,17].Nb5+substituting for Ti4+in BiTN ceramics effi-ciently decreased the concentration of V··O,which weakened the influence of domain pinning on the polarization.The de-crease of space charge density(V¨o)led to the large remnant polarization[18].In addition,the decreasing of grain size and the changing of domain structures may be the factors causing lager coercivefield(see Fig.2).Table1summarizes the electrical resistivity at400◦C, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of BiTN ceramics. Piezoelectric properties for x=0.02ceramics were not obtained because its conductivity was too high to po-larize.Other composition materials were polarized and showed relatively high piezoelectric response d33values of17–19pC/N.Fig.5.Temperature coefficient of dielectric constant as a function of the temperature at100kHz for BiTN ceramics.L.Zhang et al./Materials Science and Engineering B116(2005)99–103103Fig.6.Ferroelectric hysteresis loops of BiTN ceramics at140◦C.4.ConclusionsDonor dopant Nb2O5was incorporated to Bi4Ti3O12 layered compound and BiTN ceramics were synthe-sized and characterized on their electrical properties.The needle-like grains size became smaller and more homoge-neous grains were observed with increasing Nb2O5con-centration.Furthermore,it was found that Nb5+dop-ing could change the domain structures of BiTN ce-ramics.The conductivity of BiTN was decreased obvi-ously by Nb5+donor doping and T c shifted to lower temperatures.Nb doping played a soft additive role in BiTN ceramics.The remnant polarization of BiTN en-hanced due to Nb5+-doping reducing the concentration of oxygen vacancies.It is difficult to improve the electri-cal properties of BiTN ceramics for a small Nb concen-tration(x=0.02)due to its high electrical conductivity. The excellent properties were obtained for the composi-tion x=0.08and0.11.They show lower resistivity,good temperature stability of dielectric properties at elevated temperature.AcknowledgementThe author gratefully acknowledges the support of the Na-tional“973”Project(no.2002CB613307)of China.References[1]B.Aurivillius,Ark.Kem.1(1949)463–480.[2]S.E.Cummins,L.E.Cross,J.Appl.Phys.39(1968)2268–2274.[3]J.F.Dorrian,R.E.Newnham,D.K.Smith,M.I.Kay,Ferroelectrics3(1971)17–27.[4]M.Villegas,C.Moure,J.F.Fernandez,P.Duran,Ceram.Int.22(1996)15–22.[5]H.Watanabe,T.Kimura,T.Yamaguchi,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.74(1991)139–147.[6]Y.Lu,D.T.Hoelzer,W.A.Schulze,B.Tuttle,B.G.Potter,Mater.Sci.Eng.B39(1996)41–47.[7]M.Yamaguchi,K.Kawanabe,T.Nagatomo,O.Omoto,Mater.Sci.Eng.B41(1996)138–142.[8]M.Villegas,A.C.Caballero,C.Moure,P.Dur´a n,J.F.Fern´a ndez,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.82(1999)2411–2416.[9]H.S.Shulman,M.Testorf,D.Damjanovic,N.Setter,J.Am.Ceram.Soc.79(1996)3124–3128.[10]M.Villegas,A.C.Caballero,C.Moure,P.Dur´a n,J.F.Fern´a ndez,J.Eur.Ceram.Soc.19(1999)1183–1186.[11]M.Villegas,A.C.Caballero,J.F.Fern´a ndez,Ferroelectrics(2002)267.[12]A.Megriche,L.Lebrum,M.Troccaz,Sens.Actuators78(1999)88–91.[13]J.Fousek,V.Janovec,Bull.Am.Phys.Soc.12(1967)902.[14]S.E.Cummins,J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.28(1970)396–398.[15]H.Ogawa,M.Kimura,A.Ando,Y.Sakabe,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.40(2000)5715–5718.[16]Y.Noguchi,M.Miyayama,Appl.Phys.Lett.78(2001)1903–1905.[17]Z.H.Bao,Y.Y.Yao,J.S.Zhu,Y.N.Wang,Mater.Lett.56(2002)861–866.[18]L.Baudry,J.Appl.Phys.86(1999)1096–1105.。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:KAWAMURA MICHIO,OKAMOTOHIROSHI,SHIMADA TAISUKE,SATOUTATSUO,DOI YUKIO,AWANO MAMORU 申请号:JP9462984申请日:19840514公开号:JPS60238140A公开日:19851127专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To enhance the strength and compactness of a wall film, by emulsifying and dispersing a hydrophobic core substance into an acidic aqueous solution of specific anionic high-molecular electrolyte to form a capsule wherein a wall film of an amino resin is formed around the core substance. CONSTITUTION:A hydrophobic core substance is emulsified and dispersed into an acidic aqueous solution of a water-soluble polymer comprising an anionic ternary copolymer consisting of 9-92mol% of acrylic acids, 3-87mol% of acrylamide and 4-26mol% of acrylonitrile. Next, a film comprising an amino resin is formed around the hydrophobic core substance to obtain a microcapsule. The use amount of the aformentioned ternary copolymer is usually 1-80pts.wt. to 100pts. wt. of the hydrophobic substance. As the aforementioned hydrophobic core substance, animal oils such as fish oil or lard, vegetable oils such as soybean oil or linseed oil and mineral oils such as petroleum or kerosine are designated.申请人:DAIOU SEISHI KK,SHOWA KOBUNSHI KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:OOBUCHI KAORU,KOBAYASHIHARUMI,SUZUKI HIDEO,KAMIBAYASHIAKIRA申请号:JP2689578申请日:19780309公开号:JPS588292B2公开日:19830215专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To prepare microcapsules with shells high in mechanical strength in which enveloped core material is fixed excellently, by impregnating microcapsule base material, which is formed from a photocrosslinkable high molecular cpd. as shell and does not envelope core material, with core material soln., then irradiating the base material with light. CONSTITUTION:A photocrosslinkable high molecular cpd. is made by introducing a hydrophobic photosensible group (e.g., cinnamoyl group) to a hydrophilic high molecular cpd. such as PVA. The high molecular cpd. is then dissolved into an org. solvent (e.g., CHCl3) to form 0.01-10 wt.% soln. To the soln. is added water or aq. solvent and is stirred violently so as to be emulsified. Microcapsules diposited at the interface between the dispersion medium and the liq. drops, and enveloping solvent inside are separated. The microcapsules are impregnated with a core material (e.g., enzime, pharmaceuticals) soln. in order to make the core material infiltrate through shells into inside. The microcapsules enveloping the core material is irradiated with light in order to photo crosslink the high molecular cpd., which constitutes the shells through the photo-crosslinkable group.申请人:KOGYO GIJUTSUIN 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:OOBUCHI KAORU,KOBAYASHIHARUMI,SUZUKI HIDEO,KAMIBAYASHIAKIRA申请号:JP2689478申请日:19780309公开号:JPS54119372A公开日:19790917专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To prepare microcapsules excellent in mechamical strength without impairing the physiological and chemical activity of a core material, by introducing a photosensitive hydrophobic group into a hydrophilic high molecular cpd. used as a capsule-forming polymer in order to photo-crosslink without using a crosslinking agent. CONSTITUTION:A photo-crosslinkable high molecular cpd. made by introducing a hydrophobic photosensitive group 9 (e.g., cinnamoyl group) into a hydrophilic high molecular base material such as PVA etc. is dissolved in a nonaqueous org. solvent (e.g., CHCl3). The conc. of the high molecular cpd. lies in the range 0.1- 3 wt.%, pref., 0.15-1.5 wt.%. To the soln. of the high molecular cpd. is added core material which is to be coated with capsules (e.g., pharmaceuticals, agricultural chemicals, chemicals), then the soln. is added to water or aq. soln. of emulsifying agent, and is stirred violently in order to emulsity it. The emulsion is irradiated with light in order to crosslink the high molecular cpd. through the photosensitive group so as to produce core-material-enveloping microcapsule which has been formed from high molecular cpd. with photocrosslinked shell.申请人:KOGYO GIJUTSUIN 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:FUKUO HIDETOSHI,ONOGUCHI TOMIO 申请号:JP13782585申请日:19850626公开号:JPS621451A公开日:19870107专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To shorten the working time in spray drying, by forming a film comprising an urea/formaldehyde copolymer or a melamine/formaldehyde copolymer around a hydrophobic hardly volatile org. compound. CONSTITUTION:An acrylicacid/itaconic acid copolymer is used in an amount of 1-40pts.wt. of 100pts. of a hydrophobic hardly volatile org. compound to be microencapsulated to prepare a 3-20% aqueous solution as an A-solution. Separately, a solute is dissolved in the hydrophobic hardly volatile org. compound under heating corresponding to the purpose of a capsule to form an involving substance. The involving substance is added to the A-solution while said solution is heated to about 50 deg.C and the resulting mixture is stirred by a homomixer to emulsify the involving substance in the A-solution. Next, an aqueous caustic soda solution is added to the formed emulsion to adjust the pH thereof to 2.5-6.0 and, thereafter, urea or melamine is added thereto and formalin is further added under stirring and encapsulation is completed at about 55 deg.C under slow stirring.申请人:SAKURA COLOR PROD CORP,NIPPON PURIZUMU KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE发明人:SHIOI SHIYUNSUKE,MATOBAMOTOSUKE,IRII SHINSUKE,MIYAKE AKIRA 申请号:JP7710083申请日:19830428公开号:JPS59203634A公开日:19841117专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To obtain a microcapsule with good quality having a uniform particle size, by emulsifying or dispersing a hydrophobic core substance into a medium containing a water soluble high-molecular substance having a hydroxyl group while adding a liquid mixture consisting of an anionic high-molecular compound having no hydroxyl group and an aldehyde resin precondensate to the resulting emulsion or dispersion. CONSTITUTION:A hydrophilic aldehyde resin precondensate is subjected to polycondensation in water or a hydrophilic medium and a hydrophobic core substance is encapsulated to prepare a microcapsule. In this micro-encapsulating method, the hydrophobic core substance is emulsified or dispersed in a medium containing a water soluble high-molecular substance having a hydroxyl group and a liquid mixture consisting of an anionic high-molecular substance having no hydroxyl group and an aldehyde resin precondensate is added to the obtained emulsion or dispersion.申请人:KANZAKI SEISHI KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:MATOBA GENSUKE,SHIOISHUNSUKE,MYAKE AKIRA申请号:JP3774383申请日:19830307公开号:JPS6246211B2公开日:19871001专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To easily obtain a microcapsule excellent in the holdability of a core substance, by a method wherein an oil soluble aromatic monoamine compound is contained in a hydrophobic core substance and the resulting mixture is encapsulated with an aldehyde polycondensed resin. CONSTITUTION:Water or a hydrophilic medium containing an emulsifier such as anion modified polyvinyl alcohol is prepared. A hydrophobic core substance comprising diethyl adipate in which an oil soluble aromatic amino compound such as anilin is emulsified and dispersed in the above mentined medium. An aqueous solution of a prepolymer comprising formaldehyde and melamine or urea is dripped in this system and an aldehyde polycondensed resin is formed to enclose the hydrophobic core substance to obtain a dispersion for a microcapsule. The microcapsule prepared by using said dispersion is excellent in the holdability of the core substance and can be used in various fields such as pressure sensitive copy paper.申请人:KANZAKI PAPER MFG CO LTD更多信息请下载全文后查看。
SHINSUKE,MIYAKE AKIRA 申请号:J P 7384 782 申请日:198204 28 公开号:JPS58189030A 公开日:19831104
摘要:PURPOSE:To obtain a capsule extremely narrow in particle size distribution, by a method wherein a hydrophobic liquid containing polyvalent isocyanate is emulsified and dispersed in a hydrophilic solution of an unsaturated monocarboxylic acid type copolymer and a coating film is formed to each formed liquid particle to coat the same. CONSTITUTION:Unsaturated monocarboxylic acid type monomers such as acrylic acid, metharylic acid or the like are subjected to copolymerization in a combined form to prepare 20-98mol% copolymer which is in turn contained in a hydrophilic medium used in producing a capsule to prepare a hydrophilic solution. On the other hand, polyvalent isocyanate such as m-phenylene dissocyanate is added to a hydrophobic liquid such as cotton seed oil or hydrogenated terphenyl in a ratio of 0.02-60:1. In the next step, the aforementioned hydrophobic liquid is emulsified and dispersed in the unsaturated monocarboxylic copolymer-containing hydrophilic solution and polyvalent isocyanate is polymerized at the interface of a liquid droplet to form a synthetic high molecular film which is in turn applied to the surface of the hydrophobic liquid.
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:IRII SHINSUKE,SHIOZAKI TOMOHARU 申请号:JP8703582申请日:19820520公开号:JPS58202034A公开日:19831125专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To obtain a microcapsule having resistance, especially, to rub staining, by a method wherein a hydrophobic liquid containing a polyisocyanate is emulsified and dispersed in a hydrophilic liquid containing a (co)polymer comprising a specific monomer unit and formed liquid droplet is coated with a polymer film at the interface thereof. CONSTITUTION:A (co)polymer comprising a monomer unit of the formula preferably 2-acrylamido-2-propanesulfonic acid or a salt thereof, is dissolved in a hydrophilic medium in an amount of 0.1wt% or more. In the next step, an oily liquid containing a polyisocyanate (e.g., polymethylenepolyphenyl isocyanate) is emulsified and dispersed in the hydrophilic medium containing the aforementioned (co)polymer and a synthetic polymer film is formed on the surface of each liquid droplet to coat the same. The resulting microcapsule is excellent also in solvent resistance and suitable for use in pressure-sensitive copy paper.申请人:KANZAKI SEISHI KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:OOBUCHI KAORU,KOBAYASHIHARUMI,SUZUKI HIDEO,KAMIBAYASHIAKIRA申请号:JP2689578申请日:19780309公开号:JPS54119373A公开日:19790917专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To prepare microcapsules with shells high in mechanical strength in which enveloped core material is fixed excellently, by impregnating microcapsule base material, which is formed from a photocrosslinkable high molecular cpd. as shell and does not envelope core material, with core material soln., then irradiating the base material with light. CONSTITUTION:A photocrosslinkable high molecular cpd. is made by introducing a hydrophobic photosensible group (e.g., cinnamoyl group) to a hydrophilic high molecular cpd. such as PVA. The high molecular cpd. is then dissolved into an org. solvent (e.g., CHCl3) to form 0.01-10 wt.% soln. To the soln. is added water or aq. solvent and is stirred violently so as to be emulsified. Microcapsules diposited at the interface between the dispersion medium and the liq. drops, and enveloping solvent inside are separated. The microcapsules are impregnated with a core material (e.g., enzime, pharmaceuticals) soln. in order to make the core material infiltrate through shells into inside. The microcapsules enveloping the core material is irradiated with light in order to photo crosslink the high molecular cpd., which constitutes the shells through the photo-crosslinkable group.申请人:KOGYO GIJUTSUIN 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:PREPARATION OF MICROCAPSULE 发明人:IGARASHI YURIKO,OKADA YOSHIROU 申请号:JP3279981申请日:19810306公开号:JPS57147430A公开日:19820911专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To remove residual formaldehyde in a microcapsule dispersion, by adding monosaccharides to the microcapsule dispersion after micro-encapsulation while adjusting the pH thereof by an alkaline earth metal hydroxide. CONSTITUTION:To an aqueous mixed liquid containing a urea-formaldehyde resin prepolymer, a water-soluble urea resin and an anionic surfactant as a starting material, a core substance and an acid catalyst are added, and encapsulaion is carried out to obtain the microcapsule dispersion. The obtained dispersion is subjected to pH adjustment by an alkaline earth metal hydroxide such as calcium hydroxide or the like and a reaction is carried out by adding thereto monosaccharides such as fructose, glucose or the like. By this method, residual formaldehyde in the dispersion is removed and a microcapsule of which formaldehyde content is extremely reduced is obtained.申请人:KUREHA KAGAKU KOGYO KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。
亚硝酸盐在水生动物体内的吸收机制及蓄积的影响因素第4卷第4期2008年8月南方水产SouthChinaFisheriesScienceV o1.4.No.4Aug.,2008综述?亚硝酸盐在水生动物体内的吸收机制及蓄积的影响因素高明辉,马立保,葛立安,梅春生,徐海涛,陈伟(华中农业大学动物科技学院动物营养学与饲料科学系,湖北武汉430070)摘要:亚硝酸盐是水产养殖系统中一种潜在的污染物,淡水鱼类通过鳃主动吸收亚硝酸盐,导致体内亚硝酸盐的浓度过高.海水鱼类对亚硝酸盐的敏感性较低,但仍可以通过肠和鳃吸收亚硝酸盐.影响亚硝酸盐在体内蓄积的因素很多,文章就亚硝酸盐在水生动物体内的吸收及蓄积的影响因素这2个方面进行了论述.关键词:亚硝酸盐;吸收机制;毒性作用;蓄积中图分类号:X503.225文献标识码:A文章编号:1673—2227一(2008)04—0073—07 Nitriteuptakemechanismandtheinfluencingfactorsof accumulationinaquaticanimalsGA0Minghui,MALibao,GELian,MEIChunsheng,XUHaitao,CHENWei (DepartmentofAnimalNutritionandFeedScience,CollegeofAnimalScienceandTechnolo gy,HuazhongAgricultureUniversity,Wuhan430070,China)Abstract:Nitriteisapotentialpollutantinaquaticculturesystems.Freshwaterfishesactivelyt akeupnitriteacrossthegills,leadingtohi【ghconcentrationsaccumulatedwithinbody.Marinefishesarelesssusceptiblebutdotakeu pnitriteacrossintestineandgills.Many factorscaninfluencenitriteaccumulation.Thispapergaveadiscussionaboutnitriteuptakem echanismandtheinfluencingfactorsofac—cumulationinaquaticanimals.Keywords:nitrite;uptakemechanism;toxicity;accumulation亚硝酸盐是生态系统中氮循环的一个天然组成部分,也是水产养殖系统中一个潜在性问题J.近年来,高密度高投饵的集约化养殖方式造成的高蛋白残饵和高含氮排泄物超越养殖水体自然菌群的代谢能力而不断沉积于池底,是养殖水体中亚硝酸盐等有害物质不断增加的最主要原因.亚硝酸盐浓度的升高已成为影响水产养殖业发展的主要问题.,也是诱发鱼病的主要环境因子-91,甚至可能造成大量的水生动物死亡',给水产养殖业带来巨大的经济损失.关于这方面的研究主要集中在亚硝酸盐对水生动物的生长及毒性作用[10,1314],而此文就亚硝酸盐是通过何种途径进入水生动物体内以及亚硝酸盐在体内蓄积的影响因素展开论述,以期为采取相应的措施降低亚硝酸盐的毒性作用提供理论依据.1水环境中亚硝酸盐的产生亚硝酸盐是细菌硝化作用和生态系统中脱氮作用过程的中间产物(图1),也是水产养殖系统中最常见的污染物".亚硝酸盐是由氨转变而来的,这是由亚硝化细菌完成的,而亚硝化细菌的生长繁殖速度为18min一个世代,因此,其转化的时间较短;另一类细菌,称为硝化杆菌,它可以把亚硝酸盐转变为硝酸盐.硝化细菌的生长速度相对较慢,其繁殖速度为18h一个世代,因此,由亚硝酸盐收稿日期:2008~1474;修回日期:2008~4-25作者简介:高明辉(1982一),女,硕士研究生,从事鱼类营养与饲料研究.E—mail:***********************74南方水产第4卷N2,NO,N2O鱼类+饲料fish+feed化单胞菌Nitrosomassp硝酸盐nitrate亚硝酸盐nitriteNO:~oxygenNOz::/硝化杆菌Nitrobactersp.图1水环境中亚硝酸盐的产生Fig.1Formationofnitriteinthewateren~rironment转化到硝酸盐的时间就长很多.而脱氮作用是通过许多兼性厌氧菌来实现的,它还原硝酸盐为N与NO/,NO和N,0等这样的中问产物.天然水环境中亚硝酸盐的浓度是非常低的,在微摩范围内,而在商业化鱼类和观赏鱼类的集约化养殖过程中,由于硝化细菌(Nitrosomassp.和M—trobactersp.)活性失调和脱氮作用过程的不平衡'.都可能引起亚硝酸盐的过量产生,水中亚硝酸盐的浓度甚至可达1mM(50mg?L)或更高J.根据对武汉一带的水质调查结果,某些池塘中亚硝酸盐的含量在夏季竟高达15mg?L~,甚至在冬季也可以达到0.5mg?L~.影响细菌硝化作用过程的因素,如pH,水温,溶解氧,硝化细菌的数量,一些化肥,农药及抗生素的使用,甚至生活污水和工业废物排放进入河流或池塘中都可能影响水中亚硝酸盐的产生.一般认为,养殖水体中亚硝酸盐含量(以氮计)低于0.1mg?L~,对鱼类不会造成损害;含量达到0.1~0.5mg?L..时,就会产生中毒症状(鱼类摄食降低,鳃呈暗紫红色,呼吸困难,游动缓慢,骚动不安);含量高于0.5mg?L..时,中毒症状明显加重,某些器官功能会出现衰竭,严重时导致死亡.因此,在实际生产过程中,要定时对水中亚硝酸盐的含量进行检测,必要时要采取适当的措施来缓解亚硝酸盐的毒性作用,如加开增氧机, 降低养殖密度,使用微生态制剂或过氧化钙等化学增氧剂.2水生动物亚硝酸盐的吸收机制2.1淡水动物对亚硝酸盐的吸收淡水硬骨鱼类对亚硝酸盐的吸收主要是通过NO;与cl一有效地竞争鳃上氯化物的主动吸收机制.因为淡水鱼类和甲壳类动物相对于环境是高渗的,因此,它们需要通过鳃主动地吸收离子来补偿尿中损失的离子及通过鳃被动外流的离子J.研究认为,淡水鱼类和淡水甲壳类动物鳃离子吸收机制是位于上皮细胞基顶膜上的H. ATPase排出H,并经过钠离子通道促使Na进入细胞.排出的H主要是通过二氧化碳水合作用产生的,这一过程由上皮细胞内的碳酸酐酶催化进行的,而形成的HCOj则通过顶端C1一/HCO~的交换机制从而作为cl一吸收的平衡离子….因此,H.ATPase为r~co;的排出提供有利的浓度梯度,也为cl一的吸收创造条件,27I2(图2).由于NOff对鳃上Cl一的吸收具有亲和力,因此,亚硝酸盐通过与氯化物竞争,占据氯化物的吸收位点,从而跨过鳃的屏障作用,在血浆中蓄积,血浆中亚硝酸盐的浓度通常高于环境中亚硝酸盐的浓度,而进入血浆的亚硝酸盐又可以进入红细胞中.研究认为,NO;进入脊椎动物的红细胞是通过阴离子交换机制(AE1或Band3蛋白)E13,且亚硝酸盐在淡水鱼类鳃中的转运也是通过相似的阴离子交换机制,然而,JENSEN研究发现,阴离子交换抑制剂对亚硝酸盐进入鲤(Cyprinuscarpio)红细胞没有影响,MAY等在人类红细胞的研究中也得出相似的结论.亚硝酸盐进入鲤的红细胞,说明亚硝酸盐对氧合作用存在特别大的依赖性,在生理pH条件下,亚硝酸盐被广泛地转运到去氧的红细胞中,而亚硝酸盐却很难进入氧合的红细胞.-323.亚硝酸盐进入去氧红细胞和氧合红细胞的不同表明红细胞可能存在氧合依赖性渗透性变化,即氧合红细胞具有较低的渗透性.因此,亚硝酸盐可能是通过传导性转运进入红细胞内,且亚硝酸盐最初的进入速度确实与跨膜电位有关.在红细胞内,亚硝酸盐把血红蛋白中的Fe氧化为Fe"产生高铁血红蛋白,而高铁血红蛋白缺乏运输氧气的第4期高明辉等:亚硝酸盐在水生动物体内的吸收机制及蓄积的影响因素75 图2淡水鱼类对亚硝酸盐的吸收机制Fig.2Themechanismsofnitriteuptakeinfreshwaterfish能力,从而导致组织缺氧.亚硝酸盐的吸收对于亚硝酸盐毒性的发挥起着重要的作用,而亚硝酸盐的吸收又涉及到cl的流入速度.研究发现具有较高氯离子流入速度的鱼类似乎具有较高的亚硝酸盐吸收速度.欧洲鳗鲡(Anguillaanguilla),鲤和丁(Tincatinca),这些鱼类具有较低的cl流入速度,因此,对N0中毒的敏感性较低.事实上,鳃中cl一吸收速率高的鱼类[如虹鳟(Oncorhynchusmykiss),鲈(Lateo—labraxjaponieus),日本妤(Sphyraenajaponica)]与鳃中cl一吸收速率低的鱼类[如海鳗(Muraenesoxcinereus),鲤]相比,前者对亚硝酸盐的敏感性更高,这一事实也支持了亚硝酸盐和氯化物的共同吸收机制,即鳃cl流人速度较高的鱼类伴随着较高的亚硝酸盐吸收速度.淡水硬骨鱼类对亚硝酸盐的吸收可能还存在另一种机制即HNO的扩散.一些亚硝酸盐可能通过HNO的扩散进入鱼体,但是这一途径在很多情况下并不是主要的J.因为在天然pH值条件下(亚硝酸的PKa=3.35),只有很少一部分亚硝酸盐以HNO,的形式存在,而大多数池塘水中pH范围在6~8左右,这意味着在pH大于5的条件下, NOz的量远远高于HNO的量,而且,HNO的扩散也不能很好地解释水中氯化物对亚硝酸盐的保护效应,3,但在水中pH较低的情况下,也不能排除亚硝酸盐通过HNO, 扩散方式进入.0.72mM的亚硝酸盐在pH为6.8时,HNO的百分率比pH为8.2时HNO的百分率高出25倍, 比pH为9.2时HNO的百分率高出1167倍,且CHEN等的研究也表明,亚硝酸盐进入斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)血淋巴中主要是通过HNO的被动扩散,说明在低pH条件下,HNO的被动扩散不容忽视,但这种观点还blood需要进一步验证.目前对硬骨鱼类和非硬骨鱼类的组群比较也进一步证实了硬骨鱼类对亚硝酸盐的吸收是通过鳃上氯化物的吸收机制,且它也是硬骨鱼类的一种祖传特性. 2.2海水动物对亚硝酸盐的吸收海水硬骨鱼类生活在高渗环境中,因此,面临着与淡水鱼类不同的需求,它们需要不断地吞饮海水,且通过肠上皮吸收离子和水分来补偿水的损失,因此,吞饮海水也揭示了亚硝酸盐跨肠上皮吸收的可能性.海水鱼类肠道前段亚硝酸盐的浓度与环境水中亚硝酸盐的浓度相似,但是后肠部分亚硝酸盐的浓度下降,直肠液中亚硝酸盐的浓度最低,这意味着NO2-可以横过肠上皮被吸收.亚硝酸盐可能通过Na/K/2C1一协同转运体参与肠基顶膜上NO2-的吸收(NO2替代c1),但其它的途径也可能发生,即通过Na/C1一协同转运蛋白和通过传导性转运. GROSELL和JENSENl15J通过原位灌注对川鲽Platichthys一SUS肠道亚硝酸盐的吸收进行研究,发现吸收的亚硝酸盐2/ 3是通过肠道途径得到的.剩余吸收的亚硝酸盐主要是通过鳃,而通过鳃吸收的亚硝酸盐可能是通过扩散方式或置换鳃转运体上的氯化物而被吸收的.由于海水鱼类鳃上皮细胞中离子的渗透性相对较高,因此,NO2-的向内扩散(传导性转运)可能是海水鱼类鳃上一个最重要的转运途径,且这种转运依赖于NO2-浓度的差异以及鳃上皮细胞的电位(经上皮电位).3亚硝酸盐蓄积的影响因素水生动物可以在血液,肝脏,肾脏和鳃中蓄积亚硝酸盐,最终对动物产生一定的毒性作用.亚硝酸盐的蓄积受很多外在因素和内在因素的影响,如氯化物,暴露浓度和76南方水产第4卷时间,温度,pH,种属差异,种内差异等.3.1氯化物由于NO;与cl一都需要通过鳃小板上的氯细胞才能进入鱼体,水中的cl一可以与NO;竞争氯细胞的吸收位点而增加了NO;进入鱼体的难度,从而可以抑制亚硝酸盐的吸收和蓄积,且这种蓄积的严重性与水中氯化物与亚硝酸盐的比率有关.MARGIOCCO等研究表明,虹鳟暴露在周围亚硝酸盐浓度为微摩尔浓度范围内,如果水中氯化物也在微摩尔范围内,那么亚硝酸盐可以在血浆浓缩到毫摩尔浓度,当暴露在亚硝酸盐浓度为毫摩尔范围内,如果水中cl一水平足够高,那么仍可以耐受很长的时间.CHEN和LEEl3副研究认为,当环境中cl一浓度从15mg?L增加到33mg?L能够使罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachiumrosenbergii)(暴露在0.71mM亚硝酸盐中24h)血淋巴中亚硝酸盐的浓度从2.16mM减少到0.67mM.而BOUDP~AUX等研究发现,眼斑雀鳝(Lepisosteusoculatus),纺锤骨雀鳝(Atractos—teusspatula)和匙吻鲟(Polyodonspathula)暴露在只有亚硝酸盐的水中,其血浆亚硝酸盐的浓度高于鱼类暴露在氯化物与亚硝酸盐比率为20:1时其血浆亚硝酸盐浓度的30 倍,这说明氯化物可以抑制亚硝酸盐对鱼类的毒性作用H.但是TOMASSOl4研究发现,氯化物不能降低亚硝酸盐对大口黑鲈(Micropterussalmoides)的毒性作用,且ATWOOD等报道,环境中以盐的形式存在的氯化物对亚硝酸盐引起的漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthyslethostigma)的存活率或亚硝酸盐的吸收没有影响.ATWOOD等研究表明,在水中添加氯化物后,尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromisniloticus)血浆中亚硝酸盐的浓度低于环境中亚硝酸盐的浓度,且不论氯化物以氯化钙或氯化钠的形式添加都没有差别,然而,MAZIK等研究表明,与氯化钠相比,氯化钙是一种更有效的亚硝酸盐毒性抑制剂. 添加氯化钙可以更有效地抑制幼短吻鲟(Acipenserbrevir- ostrum)对水中亚硝酸盐的吸收l4.SIPAUBA和BOYDl46 对美国阿拉巴马州鲴鱼养殖的调查发现,大多数养殖户通常使用氯化钠以维持水中氯化物的浓度为50~100mg?L 以预防斑点叉尾鲴(Ictaluruspunctatus)的高铁血红蛋白血症.以上研究结论表明,水中氯化物对亚硝酸盐的蓄积及毒性作用的影响还存在争议,这可能与鱼的种类和环境条件的不同有关,但氯化物的添加形式及氯化物与亚硝酸盐的比率也是影响亚硝酸盐蓄积及毒性的因素之一.因此, 在养殖过程中对cl一/No;比率的检测是很重要的,当水中亚硝酸盐的浓度较高时,要根据池塘中的养殖品种和水体环境,选择适当形式的氯化物投入水中以增加cl一浓度, 从而降低亚硝酸盐在水生动物体内的蓄积,但要控制好cl一和NO;的比率,一般情况下cl和NO;的比率在6:1以上较好,但过多的添加容易造成水质盐化.3.2暴露浓度和时间鱼类可以把环境中的亚硝酸盐聚集在它们的血浆中,这是由于亚硝酸盐通过鳃氯化物的吸收机制(鳃上皮细胞C1一/HCO3同向转运交换系统).一些鱼类血浆和虾类血淋巴中亚硝酸盐的浓度随着亚硝酸盐暴露时间和暴露剂量而增加.CHEN等研究发现,斑节对虾暴露在pH为6.8,8.2,9.8,浓度为0.72mM的亚硝酸盐中,随着暴露时间的延长,其血淋巴中的亚硝酸盐显着地增加. YILDIZ等将土耳其螯虾(Astacusleptoclactylus)暴露在9,14,25mg?L的亚硝酸盐中48h,其血淋巴中蓄积的亚硝酸盐分另4高达46.0,311,860.5mg?L,并随着亚硝酸盐暴露浓度的增加而增加,而TEADUFERREIRADA COSTA等在大盖巨脂鲤(Colossomamacropomum)的研究中也得出相似的结论.一般来说,对亚硝酸盐敏感的动物具有更快的亚硝酸盐蓄积速度,且亚硝酸盐在鱼体内的最大蓄积需要24~48h的暴露.3.3温度温度也可以影响亚硝酸盐的蓄积.JEBERG等研究发现,低温可以显着地降低亚硝酸盐在欧洲螯虾(Astacus astacus)体内的蓄积.近年来关于温度对亚硝酸盐蓄积的影响报道较少,但不可否认的是,高温可以在一定程度上增强亚硝酸盐的毒性作用,至于它对亚硝酸盐蓄积的影响还需要进一步研究.3.4pH除了外界环境中氯化物,温度,暴露浓度和时问等影响因素外,pH也可以影响亚硝酸盐的蓄积.CHEN等在亚硝酸盐的暴露试验中发现,在pH为6.8时,随着暴露时问的增加,斑节对虾血淋巴中蓄积的亚硝酸盐明显地高于pH为8.2和9.8时血淋巴中蓄积的亚硝酸盐,且血淋巴中蓄积的亚硝酸盐与pH和暴露时间呈显着地相关.关于pH对亚硝酸盐蓄积影响的研究报道较少,而pH的变化往往会影响水中其它成分的变化,尤其是离子氨和非离子氨,所以很难对实验结果进行判定.但不可否认的是pH可以影响亚硝酸盐在体内的蓄积,且关于pH对亚硝酸盐在不同动物体内的蓄积规律还有待进一步研究.3.5种属差异亚硝酸盐的蓄积除了外界因素的影响外,还表现出较大的种属变异.鳃中cl的吸收速率低的鱼类对亚硝酸盐的敏感性也低,因此,不利于亚硝酸盐的吸收和在组织中的蓄积.海鳗,大口黑鲈,条纹狼鲈(Moronesaxatilis)鳃中cl一的吸收速率特别低,对亚硝酸盐的敏感性也低.而欧洲螯虾和土尔其螯虾与虹鳟相比,前两者具有较高的亚硝酸盐吸收速度.,因此,在相同的水质条件下,欧洲第4期高明辉等:亚硝酸盐在水生动物体内的吸收机制及蓄积的影响因素77 螯虾和土尔其螯虾比虹鳟更能蓄积相当高浓度的亚硝酸盐.事实上并不是所有的硬骨鱼类都能够把环境中的亚硝酸盐聚集在它们的血液中,例如鲽形目(Pleuronectiformes),鲈形目(Perciformes)…,鳝形目(Cyprinodon—tiformes)[533和鳗形目(Anguilliformes)[331等动物不能把亚硝酸盐聚集在它们的血浆中,因为亚硝酸盐和氯化物吸收的关系.根据以往的研究结论,亚硝酸盐蓄积的种属差异可能是由于鳃中cl一吸收速率的种属差异以及在吸收机制中对亚硝酸盐相对亲和力的不同引起的.亚硝酸盐的蓄积与水生动物血液的氧合状况有关,而氧合状况与动物的种类有关,活动性较强的水生动物需氧量较高,因此,在供氧相同的条件下,亚硝酸盐进入去氧红细胞中的速度明显地高于氧合的红细胞,因为去氧的红细胞对亚硝酸盐的亲和力似乎高于氧合的红细胞.3.6种内差异除了种属差异外,亚硝酸盐的蓄积也呈现出种内差异性.虹鳟个体之间对亚硝酸盐的敏感性也存在差异一".对亚硝酸盐敏感的虹鳟,表现出更快速的亚硝酸盐蓄积,更显着的生理学紊乱和更早的死亡率.因为对亚硝酸盐敏感的虹鳟比耐受的虹鳟具有更显着高的鳃亚硝酸盐流入速度.研究发现,富含线粒体的氯细胞是氯化物(亚硝酸盐)跨鳃吸收的最可能部位,所以亚硝酸盐蓄积的差异, 一种可能的原因是氯细胞数量的变化和鳃氯细胞的表面积. 在亚硝酸盐暴露过程中,氯细胞数量增加并出现氯细胞的肥大现象,因此,推测亚硝酸盐蓄积的差异可能是由于个体之间氯细胞增殖不相同,从而导致对亚硝酸盐的差别性选择.种内亚硝酸盐蓄积的差异,另一种解释是由于亚硝酸盐解毒作用的变化和消除机制[551.HUERTAS等研究报道,幼西伯利亚鲟(A.baeri)的肝细胞似乎具有一种亚硝酸盐的解毒机制,它可以从血液中移除这一有毒物质. 鱼类的肝细胞可以有效地氧化亚硝酸盐为硝酸盐,通过2 种可能的机制即过氧化氢酶和细胞色素氧化酶途径.亚硝酸盐解毒的另一种机制是通过高铁血红蛋白还原酶系统. 4结论目前,随着高密度集约化养殖水平的提高,亚硝酸盐引起的水质恶化越来越受到养殖界和相关学者的重视,其对水生动物的毒害作用也严重制约着水产养殖业的发展.淡水鱼类亚硝酸盐的吸收途径与海水鱼类存在差异,海水鱼类主要是通过肠上皮,而淡水鱼类主要是通过鳃吸收.亚硝酸盐在水生动物体内的蓄积依赖于很多外界和内在因素,因此,任何因素的改变都能够影响体内亚硝酸盐的蓄积.未来的研究还需要进一步理解氯细胞的变化对亚硝酸盐蓄积的影响.参考文献:[1]JENSENFB.Nitritedisruptsmultiplephysiologicalfunctionsina—quatieanimals[J].CompBiochemPhysiol,2003,135A(1):9—24.[2]YILDIZHY,BENLIACK.Nitritetoxicitytocrayfish,Astacus leptodactylltS,theeffectsofsublethalnitriteexposureonhemolymph nitrite,totalhemoeytecounts,andhemolymphglucose[J].Eco—toxicolEnvironSaf,2004,59(3):370—375.[3]TEADUFERREIRADACOSTAO,DOSSANTOSFERREIRAD J,LOPRESTIMENDONCAF,eta1.SusceptibilityoftheAmazo—nianfish,Colossomamacropomum(Serrasalminae),toshort—term exposuretonitrite[J].Aquac,2004,232(1/4):627—636.[4]余瑞兰,聂湘平,魏泰莉,等.分子氦和亚硝酸盐对鱼类的危害及其对策的研究[J].中国水产科学,1999,6(3):73—77.[5]谭树华,罗少安,梁芳,等.亚硝酸钠对鲫鱼肝脏过氧化氢酶活性的影响[J].淡水渔业,2005,35(5):16—18.[6]DVORAKP.Selectedspecificityofaquariumfishdisease(in Czech)[J].BullVURHV odnany,2004,40(3):101—108.[7]SVOBODOV AZ,MACHOVAJ,POLESZCZUKG,eta1.Nitrite poisoningoffishinaquaculturefacilitieswithwater—-reeirculatingsys—- tems:threecasestudies[J].AetaV etBrno,2005,74(1):129—137.[8]赵玉宝,袁宝山.生态管理与暴发性鱼病[J].淡水渔业, 1994,24(1):23—25.[9]蒋艾青,杨四秀,郑陶生,等.池塘鱼类暴发性疾病与主要水化因子关系研究[J].水利渔业,2005,25(5):104—105.[1O]MARTINEZCBR,SOUZAMM.Acuteeffectsofnitriteonion regulationintwoneotropiealfishspecies[J].CompBiochem Physiol,2002,133(1):151—160.[11]WANGWeina,W ANGAnli,ZHANGY ajuan,eta1.Effectsofni—triteonlethalandimmuneresponseofMacrobrachiumn却onense [J].Aquac,2004,232(1/4):679—686.[12]SVOBODOV AZ,KOLAROVAJ.Areviewofthediseasesand contaminantrelatedmortalitiesofteneh(T/ncatincaL.)[J].V etMed—Czech,2004,49(1):19—34.[13]SIIKAVUOPIOASI,DALEAT,CHRISTIANSENJS,eta1. 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T型微通道内丙酸倍氯米松纳米颗粒的制备张乾霞;崔改静;周月;娄金婷;王洁欣【摘要】@@ 引言rn干粉吸入剂是将一种或多种药物制成一定范围的微小颗粒,经特殊的给药装置使药物以粉雾状进入呼吸道和肺部,发挥局部或全身的作用.影响吸人的因素主要有粒径大小、形态、分散性和吸湿性等特性,其中药物的粒径大小和分布是影响DPI肺部沉积率的重要因素[1-2].因此,药物纳米化是干粉吸入剂取得成功的一大关键.目前,多采用的药物纳米化技术为机械粉碎(如球磨、气流粉碎),制备的产品粒度分布宽、能耗大、效率低、易使热不稳定药物的结构破坏或降解等[3].而相对于传统的机械纳米化过程,液相沉淀法显示了更好的可控性,并且由于其操作简单、弹性大、设备投资小,而成为制备纳米药物颗粒的主要方法之一[4].%As model drug, beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) nanoparticles were prepared by using the rnantisolvent precipitation method in a T-junction microchannel. The influence of surfactant on particle rnmorphology, as well as the influences of surfactant concentration, BDP solution flow rate, antisolvent rnflow rate, BDP solution concentration and precipitation temperature on particle size were explored. The rnresults indicated that the morphology of BDP was spherical with the addition of surfactant (HPMC).rnBesides, the particle size decreased with decreasing BDP solution flow rate, increasing antisolvent flow rnrate and decreasing precipitation temperature. However, with the increase of BDP concentration, particle rnsize reached a minimum. BDP nanoparticles with an average size of 200-260 nm and narrow size rndistribution could be prepared under the following conditions: BDP solution flow rate of 4ml· min-1,rnantisolvent flow rate of 80 ml · min-1 , solution concentration o f 0.03 g · ml-1. Furthermore, crude BDP rnand nanosized BDP were characterized by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction rn(XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry (FTIR), and surface area analyzer. The results rnshowed that the precipitated BDP without HPMC was crystalline while the precipitated BDP with HPMC rnwas completely amorphous. In addition, the as-prepared BDP had the same molecular structure as raw rndrug, and had a specific surface area 2 times as high as that of raw drug. T-junction microchannel would rnbecome a high-efficiency, low-cost technology platform of preparing nanodrugs.【期刊名称】《化工学报》【年(卷),期】2011(062)007【总页数】6页(P2080-2085)【关键词】纳米药物;T型微通道;反溶剂重结晶法;丙酸倍氯米松;吸入型药物【作者】张乾霞;崔改静;周月;娄金婷;王洁欣【作者单位】北京化工大学纳米材料先进制备技术与应用科学教育部重点实验室,北京,100029;北京化工大学纳米材料先进制备技术与应用科学教育部重点实验室,北京,100029;北京化工大学纳米材料先进制备技术与应用科学教育部重点实验室,北京,100029;北京化工大学纳米材料先进制备技术与应用科学教育部重点实验室,北京,100029;北京化工大学纳米材料先进制备技术与应用科学教育部重点实验室,北京,100029【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ021.4;TQ460.6干粉吸入剂是将一种或多种药物制成一定范围的微小颗粒,经特殊的给药装置使药物以粉雾状进入呼吸道和肺部,发挥局部或全身的作用。
激光治疗种植体周围炎的研究现状覃奋;傅远飞;张修银【摘要】种植体周围炎是指发生在已形成骨结合并行使功能的种植体周围组织的炎症,是类似于慢性成人牙周炎的特异性感染.激光具有较强的杀菌能力,能有效杀灭牙周致病菌,其在牙周炎中应用较多,使得部分学者尝试将其引入治疗种植体周围炎,本文将对激光治疗种植体周围炎作一综述.【期刊名称】《口腔颌面修复学杂志》【年(卷),期】2014(015)006【总页数】4页(P364-367)【关键词】种植体周围炎;激光治疗;Er∶ YAG激光;CO2激光;Diode激光【作者】覃奋;傅远飞;张修银【作者单位】上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔修复科上海口腔医学重点实验室上海200011;上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔修复科上海口腔医学重点实验室上海200011;上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院口腔修复科上海口腔医学重点实验室上海200011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R783.4随着口腔种植技术的广泛应用,种植体周围炎作为引起种植失败最主要的原因也得到越来越多的关注,它与慢性成人牙周炎在病因学,临床表现,治疗原则等方面存在许多相似之处。
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Bull. Mater. Sci., Vol. 28, No. 5, August 2005, pp. 383–390. © Indian Academy of Sciences.383Preparation of microstructured hydroxyapatite microspheres using oil in water emulsionsT S PRADEESH, M C SUNNY, H K VARMA and P RAMESH*Biomedical Technology Wing, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram 695 012, IndiaMS received 31 July 2004; revised 30 April 2005Abstract. Hydroxyapatite (HAP) microspheres with peculiar spheres-in-sphere morphology were prepared by using oil-in-water emulsions and solvent evaporation technique. Ethylene vinyl acetate co-polymer (EVA) was used as the binder material. Preparation of HAP/EVA microspheres was followed by the thermal de-binding and sintering at 1150°C for 3 h to obtain HAP microspheres. Each microsphere of 100–1000 µm was in turn composed of spherical hydroxyapatite granules of 2–15 µm size which were obtained by spray drying the precipitated HAP. The parameters such as percentage of initial HAP loading, type of stabilizer, concentration of stabilizer, stirring speed and temperature of microsphere preparation were varied to study their effect on the particle size and geometry of the microspheres obtained. It was observed that these parameters do have an effect on the size and shape of the microspheres obtained, which in turn will affect the sintered HAP micro-structure. Of the three stabilizers used viz. polyoxyethylene(20) sorbitan monopalmitate (Tween-40), sodium laurate and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), only PVA with a concentration not less than 0⋅1 wt% showed controlled stabilization of HAP granules resulting in spherical microspheres of required size. Morphologically better spherical microspheres were obtained at 20°C. Increasing the stirring speed produced smaller microspheres. Smaller microspheres having size < 50 µm were obtained at a stirring speed of 1500 ± 50 rpm. A gradual de-crease in pore size was observed in the sintered microspheres with increase in HAP loading.Keywords. Ethylene vinyl acetate co-polymer; hydroxyapatite; microstructured microspheres; sintering.1. IntroductionSynthetic hydroxyapatite (HAP), having the chemical formula, Ca 10(PO 4)6(OH)2, is emerging as the most pro-mising bioceramic material for orthopaedic applications because of its similarity in chemical structure to that of the inorganic matrix of the living bone and teeth (Jarcho et al 1976; Shigeru et al 1989). Hydroxyapatite, having excellent bonding ability to the host bone does not show any foreign body reactions (Bonfield et al 1981; Klein et al 1989). The present biomedical scenario sees the increased use of HAP, in different forms, for various applications. Of these, particulate forms have received much attention due to their specific applications. Matsumoto et al (2004) suggested that HAP particles synthesized at different temperatures are useful as controlled release carriers of protein. Kunieda et al (1993) used HAP spheres, withdiameter 1000 µm, for sustained release of doxorubicin by direct implantation into hepatic tumours in mice and rab-bits. Hydroxyapatite particles have also been utilized forpurification of nucleic acid (Kumazawa et al 1992).Various studies have been conducted using different polymers such as gelatin, collagen, chitosan etc as matri-ces for the preparation of HAP microspheres (Hsu et al 1999; Paul and Sharma 1999; Sivakumar and Rao 2002;Sunny et al 2002; Wang et al 2003; Wu et al 2004). Velayudhan et al (2000) tried ethylene vinyl acetate co-polymer (EVA) as a binder material to prepare intricate shapes of HAP for various bone substitute applications. In the present study we report the preparation and cha-racterization of porous HAP microspheres using EVA as the binder. The aim of this work is to prepare hydroxy-apatite microspheres of definite size with sphere in sphere morphology by optimizing the stirring speed, sta-bilizer concentration, sintering temperature and sintering time for specific applications such as bone filling, drug delivery etc. 2. Materials and methodsEthylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer having weightaverage molecular weight, 84066, 28 wt% vinyl acetatecontent and melt flow index value of 25 was procured from M/s NOCIL, Chennai. Tween-40, sodium laurate and cold water soluble PVA (weight average molecular weight, 14000) was obtained from SD fine chemicals,*Author for correspondence (rameshp@sctimst.ker.nic.in;rameshsct@)T S Pradeesh et al 384Mumbai. The other chemicals used in the present study were of analytical grade and used as received.2.1 Preparation and characterization of spherical HAP granulesSpherical HAP granules of 2–15 µm were synthesized by the precipitation reaction between ammoniated calcium nitrate and dihydrogen phosphate solution according to the procedure described elsewhere (Varma and Sivakumar 1996). The precipitated HAP was aged in the mother liquor for 24 h. Then it was washed and filtered to remove the soluble by-products. The filter cake was then dispersed in distilled water to get a slurry containing 15 wt% HAP and spray dried using BUCHI B191 Spray Dryer, Swit-zerland, with a maximum throughput of dry air 35 m3/h, and at a chamber temperature of 90–92°C. The morpho-logy of the HAP granules prepared was examined using a scanning electron microscope (Hitachi Model S-2400, Japan) and the particle size analysis of the granules was carried out using a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyser (Malvern Instruments, UK).2.2 Preparation of microspheresInitially, a solution of 5 wt% EVA in dichloromethane (DCM) was prepared. The requisite amount (50–80 wt%), of spray dried HAP granules was mixed with 10 ml EVA solution by using a magnetic stirrer in a 25 ml stoppered conical flask. The mixture was then dispersed into 200 ml of distilled water containing different concentra-tions of PVA ranging from 0–5 wt% as the stabilizer. The system was kept stirred at different revolutions (ranging from 200–1500 rpm) with a motor driven half moon pad-dle stainless steel stirrer (diameter, 5 cm) at different temperatures (20, 30 and 40°C). The stirring was conti-nued for 3–4 h to facilitate the evaporation of DCM. The microspheres obtained were filtered, washed several times with distilled water and finally the microspheres were dried in an air oven at 60°C to constant weight.The effect of different stabilizers (Tween-40, sodium laurate and polyvinyl alcohol), stabilizer concentration, stirring speed and temperature on the particle size and particle geometry of HAP/EVA microspheres was studied.2.3 Thermogravimetric analysisThe thermogravimetric analysis was conducted using SDT-2960 simultaneous DTA–TGA analyser to study the thermal degradation behaviour of EVA in the micro-spheres and to determine the actual incorporation of HAP in the microspheres. Here the weight loss of the micro-spheres with 50 and 70 weight percentage filler (HAP) were measured continuously by heating the sample from 25–800°C at a rate of 10°C/min.2.4 Thermal debinding and sintering process ofHAP/EVA microspheresThe thermal debinding and sintering of HAP/EVA micro-spheres were carried out in a high temperature furnace (OKAY Raising Hearth High Temperature Furnace, Kol-kata, India). The heating of the green microspheres was programmed in such a manner that the rate of heating was kept at 2°C/min up to a temperature of 700°C and held at this temperature for 2 h. The microspheres were then heated rapidly to 1150°C and sintering was continued at this temperature for 3 h. Then they were cooled to room temperature by keeping the sample in the furnace itself.2.5 Morphological studiesMorphological investigation of HAP/EVA microspheres with different HAP contents prepared at 20°C was carried out before and after sintering, using scanning electron microscope (Hitachi Model S-2400, Japan). The micro-spheres were sputter-coated with gold before examination under the scanning electron microscope (SEM).3. Results and discussion3.1 Preparation of HAP granulesThe size of the spherical HAP granules obtained by the precipitation method followed by spray drying was in the range between 2 and 15 µm as shown in figure 1a. The particle size distribution of the spray dried HAP granules showed d0⋅1, d0⋅5 and d0⋅9 values to be 2⋅21 µm, 5⋅84 µm and 14⋅02 µm, respectively. d0⋅1, d0⋅5 and d0⋅9 denote the diameter of the granules at share% 10, 50 and 90, respec-tively. It has further been observed from the SEM picture of spray dried HAP granules that each spherical granule is a cluster of many basic crystallites of HAP having the grain size between 80 and 100 nm (figure 1b).3.2 Preparation of microspheresMicrospheres were prepared by oil-in-water emulsion followed by solvent evaporation technique. Oil-in-water emulsion was obtained by dispersing the organic phase (dichloromethane solution containing 5 wt% of EVA and appropriate amount of HAP) in the aqueous medium of the surfactant. While dispersing in aqueous phase, the organic phase was transformed into tiny droplets and each droplet was surrounded by surfactant molecules. The protective layer thus formed on the surface prevented the droplets from coalescing and helped to stay indivi-dual droplets. While stirring, DCM was slowly evapo-rated from the droplets and after the complete removal ofPreparation of microstructured hydroxyapatite microspheres385DCM, the droplets solidified to become individual micro-spheres. The size of the droplets formed depends on many factors like type and concentration of the stabiliz-ing agents, on the type and speed of stirring employed etc, which in turn affects the size of the final micro-spheres formed.3.3 Effect of different stabilizersThe effect of three stabilizers viz. Tween-40, sodium laurate and PVA, on the size and geometry of the micro-spheres was studied by keeping the other parameters likethe stirring speed (500 ± 50 rpm), stabilizer concentration (0⋅1 wt%), HAP content (50 wt%) and temperature (20°C) constant. The results summarized in table 1 show that only PVA gave spherical spheres without agglomeration. Further it has been seen that in the case of Tween-40 and sodium laurate, the increase of stabilizer concentration up to 1 wt% has no effect on the microsphere formation.3.4 Effect of stabilizer concentrationsThe effect of different concentrations of PVA, from 0–5 wt% as mentioned in table 2, on the size and nature of the microspheres was studied by keeping the stirring speed at 500 ± 50 rpm and temperature, 20°C at a HAP content of 50 wt%. The results indicate that the variation in the concentration of PVA in the dispersion medium affects the size of the microspheres. It was observed that the minimum concentration of PVA required for the sta-bilization of organic droplets in the aqueous medium was 0⋅1 wt%. Below this value, the droplets were not stabi-lized and finally adhered on the stirrer. The results in table 2 indicate that as the percentage of PVA increases, the size of the microspheres decreases. At 0⋅1 wt% PVA, most of the microspheres were in the range 200–500 µm. However, at 0⋅5 wt% PVA, microspheres in the range 100–200 µm were obtained. Microspheres with size < 100 µm could be obtained with 1–2 wt% stabilizer. It should be mentioned that at 5 wt% of PVA, there was a drastic reduction in the size of the microspheres (~ 20 µm). 3.5 Effect of stirring speedThe effect of various stirring speeds on the particle size of the microspheres was studied using 0⋅1 wt% PVA sta-bilizer at a temperature of 20°C and 50 wt% HAP con-tent. The results summarized in table 3 show that the increase in the stirring speed causes a decrease in the size of the microspheres. This is because of the breaking down of the larger droplets of the dispersed phase into smaller droplets with increase in stirring speed. 3.6 Effect of temperatureExperiments were conducted at three different tempera-tures, 20°C, 30°C and 40°C, keeping the PVA concentration at 0⋅1 wt%, stirring speed of 500 ±50 rpm and 50 wt%Figure 1. SEM micrographs of spray dried HAP powder at (a ) × 3 k and (b ) × 15 k.Table 1. Effect of different stabilizers on the particle geometry.Stabilizer Quantity of the stabilizer (wt%) Stirring speed (rpm) Temperature (°C) HAP content(%)Shape of the microspheresTween-40 Sodium laurate PVA 0⋅10 0⋅10 0⋅10 500 ± 50 500 ± 50 500 ± 50 20 20 20 50 50 50Irregular Irregular SphericalT S Pradeesh et al 386HAP content. Only the microspheres produced at 20°C showed perfect spherical shape compared to that pro-duced at 30 or 40°C. This is mainly due to the slow evaporation of DCM from the droplets and hence better stabilization which in turn retains the shape of the micro-spheres intact. At elevated temperature like 30 and 40°C, the geometry of the microspheres was affected due to the higher evaporation rate of DCM. Due to the higher evaporation rate, the dispersed phase does not get enough time to become spherical droplets before solidification. 3.7 Morphological evaluation of HAP/EVA micro-spheresThe SEM micrographs of HAP/EVA microspheres con-taining 70 wt% of HAP at different magnifications are shown in figures 2(a)–(c). The higher magnification pic-tures show that each microsphere is composed of tiny HAP granules of size 2–15 µm embedded in the EVA matrix. The uniform distribution of HAP granules in the EVA matrix is clearly evident from the micrographs of figures 2(b)–(c).3.8 Thermogravimetric analysisThermograms of 50 and 70 wt% HAP/EVA microspheres are shown in figure 3. The thermograms show a two-step binder burn out schedule. As indicated by many research groups, EVA upon heating undergoes a side group elimi-nation reaction which generates acetic acid and a co-polymer, polyethylene co-polyacetylene having double bond in the chain (Jellinek 1955; Hrdina et al 1998; Trunec and Cihlar 2002). The weight loss in the first stage of EVA copolymer degradation (at around 250–350°C) was due to the elimination of side acetate groups in vinyl acetate unit. The second stage degradation pattern in the thermogram at elevated temperature (400–500°C) was due to the degradation of polyethylene co-polyacetylene copolymer by chain scission. It can further be seen that the degradation behaviour does not change as the filler content is increased. But the percentage loss mainly de-pends upon the amount of binder.The actual incorporation efficiency of HAP in the mi-crospheres could also be determined from the thermogra-vimetric analysis. The thermograms of 50 and 70 wt% HAP/ EVA microspheres indicate that only 44⋅5 and 61⋅6 wt% of the total weight of the microspheres, respectively re-main after the removal of the polymer. The incorporation efficiency of HAP was thus found to be 89% and 88% in the case of 50 and 70 wt% HAP incorporated micro-spheres, respectively.3.9 Thermal de-binding and sinteringThermal de-binding removes the polymer from the micro-spheres gradually. At around 500°C the polymeric binder will be degraded and burned out from the microspheres. By increasing the temperature rapidly to 1150°C, sinter-ing of individual HAP granules present within the spheres will be taking place, while retaining the shape of the mi-crospheres intact. This can be evidenced from the SEM photograph. Figures 4(a)–(d) show the SEM micrographsTable 2. Effect of PVA concentration on particle size of microspheres.PVA concentration (wt%) Stirring speed(rpm)Temperature(°C)HAP content(wt%)Microsphere sizerange (µm)0⋅05 0⋅1 0⋅5 1⋅0 2⋅0 3⋅0 4⋅0 5⋅0 500 ± 50500 ± 50500 ± 50500 ± 50500 ± 50500 ± 50500 ± 50500 ± 50500 ± 50202020202020202020505050505050505050––100–500< 200< 100< 10060–4050–20~ 20Table 3. Effect of stirring speed on the particle size of microspheres.Stirring speed (rpm) PVA concentration(wt%)Temperature(°C)HAP content(wt%)Microsphere sizerange (µm)1500 ± 50 750 ± 50 500 ± 50 200 ± 50 0⋅10⋅10⋅10⋅12020202050505050<50< 100100–500200–1000Preparation of microstructured hydroxyapatite microspheres387of HAP microspheres obtained after sintering HAP/EVA microspheres with 50–80 wt% of HAP. These micro-graphs indicate that microspheres with 50% HAP are perfectly spherical in shape with size ranging between200 and 500 µm and as the wt% of HAP was increased to 60 and 70%, most of the spheres retained the spherical shape but the size of the microspheres increased to 500–1000 µm. This increase in size with increase in HAP con-tent is mainly due to the higher viscosity of the dispersed phase. Due to the higher viscosity, the breakdown of the larger droplets into smaller ones is difficult at a slower stirring speed of 500 ± 50 rpm. It should be mentioned that there was no control over the size and shape of the microspheres beyond 70 wt% HAP loading. And it was mainly due to the very high viscosity of the dispersed phase as well as the low concentration of the binder (EVA) to hold the HAP granules intact as a droplet in the dispersing medium. 3.10 PorosityThe SEM micrographs in figures 5(a)–(d) show the high magnification surface characteristic of HAP micro-spheres obtained by sintering HAP/EVA microspheres with different HAP contents. It can be seen that each sphere is about 200–800 µm in size consisting of smaller spherical HAP granules of 2–15 µm. Therefore, these HAP microspheres having spheres-in-sphere morphology can be designated as ‘microstructured microspheres’. This microstructured spheres-in-sphere morphology is attained at a low sintering temperature of 1150°C for about 3 h. From figures 5(a)–(d), it can be seen that the porosity of microspheres decreases when the percentage of HAP in HAP/EVA microspheres increases from 50–80 wt%. The decrease in porosity of the higher HAP loaded mi-crospheres is mainly due to the increase in the HAP/ polymer ratio in the dispersed phase. As the HAP loading increases, the packing of HAP granules increases in a microsphere which in turn improves the sintering andpore size/volume reduction.Figure 2. SEM micrographs of green HAP/EVA microspheres prepared at 500 ± 50 rpm, 20°C and 0⋅1 wt% PVA concen-tration containing 70 wt% of HAP at different magnifications: (a ) × 20, (b ) × 200 and (c ) × 1⋅5 k.Figure 3. Thermograms of 50 and 70 wt% HAP/EVA micro-spheres prepared at 500 ± 50 rpm, 20°C and 0⋅1 wt% PVA concentration.T S Pradeesh et al388Figure 5. SEM micrographs of sintered HAP/EVA microspheres prepared at 500 ± 50 rpm, 20°C and 0⋅1 wt% PVA concentration containing (a ) 50 wt% of HAP (× 3⋅0 k), (b ) 60 wt% of HAP (× 3⋅0 k),(c ) 70 wt% of HAP (× 3⋅0 k) and (d ) 80 wt% of HAP (× 3⋅0 k).Figure 4. SEM micrographs of sintered HAP/EVA microspheres prepared at 500 ± 50 rpm, 20°C and 0⋅1 wt% PVA concentration containing (a ) 50 wt% of HAP, (b ) 60 wt% of HAP, (c ) 70 wt% of HAP and (d ) 80 wt% of HAP.Preparation of microstructured hydroxyapatite microspheres3893.11 Fracture morphologyFigures 6(a) and (b) show the fracture morphology of 50 and 70 wt% HAP loaded microspheres, respectively. Fracture morphology studies reveal that 50 wt% loaded HAP contains both dense and hollow spheres, whereas only dense spheres were obtained with 70 wt% HAP loading. It has been observed that in the case of micro-spheres prepared with HAP loading up to 50 wt%, most of the larger spheres (above 500 µm) are hollow whereas the smaller microspheres are dense. The formation of hollow spheres is mainly due to the fact that in the case of larger spheres the hydrophylic HAP granules in the dispersed droplet have a tendency to move towards the surface of the droplet, whereas the hydrophobic polymer moves away from the surface of the droplet to the centre part of the droplet. This in turn, makes the centre of the droplet having relatively higher concentration of the polymer. After the removal of DCM from the droplets, each droplet becomes hard with an outer shell containing relatively higher concentration of HAP. During thermal de-binding, the polymer is burnt out from the micro-spheres and the inner core where the polymer concentra-tion is more becomes a void. But in the case of small spheres, the solidification is faster. The shorter evapora-tion time restricts the migration of HAP towards the sur-face thereby giving a uniform distribution of HAP granules in the polymer matrix. The polymer removed during sintering leaves only HAP granules uniformly spread in the spheres which reduces the chances of for-mation of hollow microspheres. 4. ConclusionsHydroxyapatite microspheres with peculiar spheres-in-sphere morphology could be prepared using EVA as the binder material. It was observed that by varying the polymer content, the morphology of the sintered hy-droxyapatite microspheres could be altered. An initial polymer loading of 30 wt% was found to be ideal for getting highly spherical microspheres. Of the three di-fferent stabilizers used viz. Tween-40, sodium laurate and PVA, only PVA gave regular spherical spheres while others gave irregular shaped agglomerates. The stabilizer concentration did affect the size of the microspheres. As the percentage of PVA increases, the size of the micro-spheres decreases. The minimum concentration of PVA required for the stabilization of droplets in the aqueous medium was found to be 0⋅1 wt%. Below this concentra-tion, the droplets were not stabilized and finally agglo-merated. The increase in the stirring speed causes a decrease in the size of the microspheres. The micro-spheres produced at 20°C gave better spherical geometry compared to that produced at 30°C. But at an elevated temperature, say, 40°C, larger irregular shaped agglo-merates were produced. The porosity of sintered HAP microspheres decreases with decrease in the binder con-tent. SEM micrographs of HAP/EVA microsphere show that each sphere is, in turn, composed of hydroxyapatite granules of 2–15 µm embedded in EVA matrix. It is hoped that this class of HAP microstructured micro-spheres could be of potential use in bone filling, bone regeneration, drug delivery etc. ReferencesBonfield W, Grynpas M D, Tully A E, Bowman J and Abram J 1981 Biomaterials 2 185Hrdina K E, Halloran J W, Oliveira A and Kaviany M 1998 J . Mater. 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